Hu.ip. (' ( ' . v i: ! . ' 't . ', VV . ki '::'. ' "'V'v! vi . v- - - i,.'. . ' i y J -v. ' . . ';... ' i i:Ai;riKi.i. v WtNlnrs.lny MoniitiK A tip. 27, I8C2 PI. MIX irvi ir HT TU TICK I 'T i a i Mimi .r.M it .v i. ISAAC,' SI, F.N K FR, nf Union . ("ii MitVKViut f ; i n r it a r., . IV liAJ,'ii.v .. rn t "M".in kh, I I.I.I A M l'ATTOX of'Krii'connty. mil AM.-KMl'I.Y, hi!. T. .1 KI T. HOYF.U. C..firlit'!i . I'l; V. I!. i:AI!LY, Kll imntv. M'MOf 11 AT If COUNTY TICkl'.T. Hill rwiTHONOi'AHV, 4C, I'. V. ETZWKII.EH, fl' Clearfield. t'Oll (.'OM.MISSKl.VKIt 7 MOM. DAVlillKUTY, ofl'eim tp. niiiiTLit a iux'oiiulk IWUIIC. IU KC'l'K, of BrudlurJ ij.. Fun A I TO II liiriAM WOODWAIl),ofJlHi.tonti. FOIl SL'RVKTOa. IIKNJUM!. AVJICHT,ofcpcanat OUR ASSEMBLY TICKET. Captain Lakiuukr having received llio i omination of lho Iieinocrats of this coun. ty for Aisctnljly, '.he nomimiliou ol I'r. TiovKB in his stead, will nn doubt be sun prising to nianv. Without preteitiling to ! f 1 " ' know all lho fai ls r.i tlie case, we can only ..,,., ........ ...., i... ,i ' " " ..i .'... ..,.,.rv.. .v ... failure of Cupt. Lahrhihk to satisfy '.he Conferees ol the certainty of his ability to servo us in tho legislatu'o, in the event of lm election, in pursuance of the tenor of the resolution of tho Convention of Re turn Judges of this county. The nomination of Pr. r'viu.v was ellect eii without ojiposit ion, and was universal ly anticipated. Col. WILLIAM PATTON. The Congrensional (VuifereiiMo which iiK t nt l.ii.lgwny on Friday last, nominated, .is tho lieniocratic candid itn iu this dis Irict, Col. W.ti. Patton, of Krin ou:ity. .' e ceueve iiih an .no counues (ie.i m number) in the district, were represented, ami that the host .rV.iilod thiooghout Iheir delibtrations. . Col. Patton was formerly a cilitn, ol 111-1 Luiuiiy, mm ii-siijeu in uoiumi f n ....... .1 .. ...! :.i, .i. i I i . ,. ... . i . i.i, wi.crc ue iormeu me ol luany of our lumberman. He is a geii tli'i.ian of excellent i upacitv, an. 1 of un (u.passed energy, and n I'euiocrnt of the f.iiir.ilest faith. With such a nominuf the i'cmccracy can go into the contest, if r.ot , .,.(',, .i , , u. ,1... .1. : l: 1 . . ' "' . . m" t",u'uiU,: :l true ami loyal son ol Pc.r.syh ....i.,, perfectly , nati. .mil in nil his no ilea oninions. free , i1 i n! ill 'nil , .... r.,u.i, i, ji.,ccs, l..ut't.,.n.rrt. state of New Jersey. IVnnsyiva- this is a ii,,. man's gove:nn;eiit,iiiid ready j nia, Kew York, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. to sacrifice fortune and life itself in the ! I ill add. too, that I believe there is no work of preserving the Constitution as it ' other million of men in the whole coun- , . , i,,;. ,ii l- . : try of more drvoted patriotism and Icvaliv. is, ii nu restoring tho L mon ns it vas. ,, , , , , ,i , i.r . ,i-" I will add, too, Ilia'. 1 believe Ibis mil, t-Tlio ;!h American, l,iU,tin and ' lion of n,cn wil!' umi'1 I,t,lili''l changes,! ;i..,,. ,.i oi :,i, I, i ; , i ,, i remain patriotic and loyal. If vou will .ns, ol 1 Iiiliidi'lphia, have been urging, , 1 . . ... - . 't . ' ' k h 1 rend one or not h of the enclosed ti.liii esses, the arrest off. W. II ughes.cha.rman.aiid , i f in ouniicction with Iho facts I hate all the members of the IVinoeratic Siato stated in regard to their supporters, it Committee, i ml of course t heir ! stimulate ou or serve you iu any dei imprisonment until after the O, tober' ll!,,,,l0t u H ' l'rt of . . the Administration of President Lincoln i lccliou. they have not made lp , ,iown the demon of Abolitionism, iin'h deiiiaiid iu form ; but sin h is the im . ! my sole object in addressing you this port of their almost dnHy i lhuts to spur 1 ' I"'1 '"M'3 presumptuous) note, shall be up, what Ihrv evidently consider, tlip; moro than abundantly obtained At all . . ... "... events, rest assured that I address you lagging ello.ts of the Administration.- j .;,, the profound lespect due your high I o. -innately for the public pence, tht ir , pertonal and official character, counsels are nnhewled, and m t el free ' W. IIUGHF.S, , , . . . . , . discussion of politVal topicMnrJ the nght i ,i ..ue pucpiy io peace nn iv asscmtiie, me .inimie II ,nlil,,li,,."',U, . ... :l . ., n . i , i 1 1 I , . ) I ) ;l l l ,1, Put could H.iything bo nunc ri'voluiion-'tif than such ntiiieals? Su.mose the ar- ii.-ts ul.iitc indicated were made would m.t the of each member of lae into . Democratic State Convention, by whom Ibis committee wan appointed, lucetMirily follow? Nor would it- stop here. The proceedings of that ( 'onventioii, as also all the steps so far takm, and lho proceed in g-M. nu mane piiiuic, nave inet with a henrlv endorfinenl u ith nn u nt x mi ij.K d iinaniinilv, bv the Democratic ,css ol ,,,.,' f",ilftfv.. , . lho .tat... If the .oiitcnl.on, cr lts .,,,. mittee, or even only its Chairman, should be R.rcsled. every Denici rat'.c edit..r in the Slate should also share tho same fate ir,r ihev ,.p. nnllv eniifv lor H.')H.e lunlly gmd, ; . r i .i-i ., i A.NOiiuii ( Ai-Tivr Sir fn.c Uenoril ; i .... ... . , 1 . .. i . . . . l- . .'U l', 11 U l.n .lilt-.- let, i.l.U SCIll, IU foil . 1 1 '. . . I . . I . . i. , v- A 1 . 1.1 ' . to d'-h nd it, at whatever peril, against the tir.N. Stone. A New lo.k letter, dated V anon poon after the battle of Lulls JUull, insidious and treasonable teaching of Ab. Tuesday, August 19, says : has been set at liberty, as ignorant of the iolitiniiisttv" General Stone was exchanging congrat- .-hum' of hi relise as he is of the c.use; You lell me that some influential jour ulalions with his friendj ?l the St. Nicho r,'. . . ,-, , , ,, , j ,lu , 1 ' nals, conducted by some political friends la Hotel this morning, lie takes his in .Tlixiiitst. J',0,,1 the many hints nnd o, niin,t (.(lmjl.0 OMe (ifieso ,:),M,e.g as t.eralion vcry ,mlcll ?Q harlt yet n.t bo thronn out at the lime ol his, treasonable, and that the others nre con- much as he does the suspicion which has arret, I y those assuming to be in the se reived in lho siime spirit with tho one been cast upon him of being unfaithful to . nUf tl. Adiiiiristration the ublicitero which is so harshly judged. You desire his flag and a traitor to his coui.try. He ., , ,'.., , r me lo read :hem and weigh them for my- says all that he or Ihegovern- led to bcheve thatl.en.Sione was one of Yl)U fur.jH.r intimate a hope that ..lent, no, first, an opportunity to ;he black, st Unitors that over disgraced, ,np ,frmu of the papers will have the efs prove before the proper trilunnl his en- :he fttiih compniod to whom Arnold whs feet of producing exvrtions on my part to lire innocence of the charges against him : ..ii ant l. (ien. Stone's reputation has induce the President lo favor a policy to and, second, tbat opportunity to atl'orded i I...L . . ur i it. a ...... ... r put down the demon of Abolitionism. himofagtin serving, and, if need be, Hv bit-,, U-ckenoJ, and the petty of.l j ,UVI, ,e (locl,monts thus r-ebmit. ing for his country on the field of battle, sumo leading or perhapa Sena- le( lo mJi witl, n high respect for tho au General Stone looks tmloand careworn, lor, grat.heii, and Idif, fur the I, me being,! ii th end of it. AllON Mi! U i I i I ' t p 'i mi-, i-ii i. . ..n. i) (I,. I'i'tiiil. will MVt'i I in tlm ITl'i ' ) tlm tl"l'i l-iltliui i, I 'it' .i"if. I Mti'N cl il ni'Miiv, m ilri IN , ill Ii. !iiuni.,..i,tc. IK.' ...dint Mill i In ti 1 1' '.i " 'i ii (.ii in . t 'U..-..I. .till, tho i i , i ii , i ., '"l'l"l""l"ll.v in Ium i lil , i', i',i,l.i ftl' Mi'iiiiv. m ili' i lily mi mi us llic Iipm-h cl fciinrr i-li'i' liin.ii mo cnnci'i in .1. In till cllioi' i'o-'C( U I ho I ell in 1 1 1 it vi i v nun li l lio mil aniiigi . I lio fi, ' , i,r, l-v liH t ii I ft ill I ciii.Ti s. Iiiih I'lown liiiiiM il ,in ii I ( 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 -1 cl llio liliirk ("t tyf.o (iiio urtlintf win) .vimlil not ons ly c fir iv "li llio ivnrlo rosloto the I'niun . . u ,ii, I, nl ii,'u Aiirj. This iliiti ict.tliniipli Kirongly l!i'iiililiciin in it , i nut Almli ll'lliiio i n. foiiitnutiily nnyi HlllTt" llllll (IcsilCS !l ITllol'.'lliTll of (ho I'liion iik it wim, il ii that nl Kiio ruiuity, I ho niLii r m in ih 'cr finiU an liltlo sy in. -!ilhj on tho .liort's of tho I.iiko, us he ilocf ninon' tho Mountiiins of tho Siisqiii'. lianmi : ami in the ju'iMir of ( W,i7 rutton tliey have jiiesfiiled a man .vhoie nation, nl m tiii'iilhies me in ii.i-jpfi. innni.l uiil, tl,ci:- own, and whoi-e etlorls will he ociio- cially d as local olcd to tin' great national as well iiiteicsln ofilial hitherto much 'neglected pot lion of J' nm-ylvanii. Wo ii 1 1 ii i r that very much depend upon Kiio an. 1 Warren counties. In tho halimco of tho district we are innto ftire. that change t uuugii win mane to swaiioiv up . . i . 1 1 i t tho .urge nepuuncan majonty ol JMiO, ,f a ,,,, . jl i .i i (Oiu-spunding rfiange ismndfin theabove two If it ts possible lo do this, ,. i t- ... .. (lo it . i.i. i a m iattonu tl.c very man to IMPOETANT CORRESPONDENCE L,-!, r fr,m. F. U.ujhcs, Ch ilnn i'l nf tin! ! ii-'Hi'i-ru'n' Mutt? (ei'tnd 'i.mmiUrt; In titc. ,V, ii' iril, iinj tht Stiri tiiry'i ,Y.y,,ri.i. vi,i ,r.,n, , , , I e lay Lsilme our rcinters the lollow. nn ' i.,n,ni im,i nml inim-.-i ..,... ' r,.i ., . . . ... ......a ........... - ."...o ui. ui 1 li''vo t.ino calmly to read and :rom any comments until we until nave lunl tiuio calmly to read and couly lo consider it : J'ulrnt if- Uahn. I.KTTKKOF MU. Ill'GIIKS. Ilendipiarleis nf the Iletnocralio Slate Central Committed of Pa. ; Ptiti..tii.-..r.iiA, Aug. 11. bf2. Hon. W loir ,S.y H. kwakii Secrelnrv of late A Itli Kinin h j . ... l take ,laKe; the iibeiiiy of enclosing to you three i mciils, v:.: 1 he luldreis of tho Pemocritt- icS.t.e Central Coinmi.teeof this State ; an Ad'lrem issued this dav l.y myself, as iChairmaii, and tho form oi'a call for a -.iit Mass .Meeting about to bo held in ibis city. Allow me to fhv that the address of the Committe has been much assailed by load ing una intluential journu s, conducted by 0W(, .,10 (.,uhn to ,jp you ,,olili(.ul rriond-. The denunciation has'been so decided ns to pronounce tt trcanmMe. Whether or . treasonable, you can best deur: : , mine if vou read it. it i i i i7 i.-uiuiv nuu 1 . . . inn) . .im- uji urn i.ucn oi you time. Mil ; the h(, tress isiiied hv mvse If t i s i nu u , , - . . I comparauveiy snort ami as it states posi- ! lll'll.i S',,lll.ill,l,, iw . . in , i nt- 111,11 tir cfthe former, it w;ll relieve you of la bor it if you will read the hitter. As the iidd.ess of tho Committee, ns that bv mvsclf. ns chairman, are both from my own pen, I should bear the great- '' I'"'. i-" I'linti'.i ii' eiiiin u ill- . . H , ..I .. !...,...... ..1. .1 1 , Kirn lo men pu'inc.u ion. Nt! . ft OW nil. '. . . I to assure you that u.ev eonta.n the sent.- , nients rl not less than three hundred , :u", l.' tucuieii uiiuiuis,, .,, hh,i 1 IIL'IK'lt.' Ul llll l I'm: HMIIliiil 111 IIIUII: i i ,i: r .. ... in:.... ,.r j, ,;s,,()NSK ,jF S:CI; KTAKY SEWARD. Drl'AKTMEtlT Of StaTF. Wasm.noton, Aug. P.lth.'lSi I'o K W . Ill on.'.. Luc. Hemlnua! tors the D .mocratie State Central Commit- Ice of Penn"yivnnia, Philailelphia. Dear Sir : l have had t he bono, of receiving Ir',''!. llTtl """ r i two ot thorn neing appeals written liy yourself, and addressed by the Democrat ir State tVnttal Committee "lo the Demo- n.i4 all other friends of the Comtitu- tion in Pennsylvania," nnd the other be- illg a call for a muss meeting of till) citi- zms o. l niianeipiiia, uie onjoi is o. which nu'( ""s1 vvi11 '"' ' lo 'xpr(s a fu n. deler- mi,1:ltio" " stand by tho National Coi.Mi. jt'Hion wnh devotion to the American ,;, ltmt (lHlPI, ..(0 (I1,;1V0 i()htllity to the poliry nnd moiisures of all who seek : to l'O'-titute th country to the purposes lf AholitioinMn .'.'. formally to express 1 1. e i n . 1 1 nn of 1 1 ie I emocra tic party to ,, ns it , h.t herto done, namely. ,. r. i -1 i i i I- . r ... to nupport the rearai tiovernment in the exercise of its Constitutional pD'ver, and thorilv bv it Inch they wore Usubti, and ; witii a full confide'ice iu the iincriry of ATK N II. I- I "' icll v . t n l I I I , '. i 1 .. t. i c, i , In- . I I- I -hi I I i. ':. iridl if in 1 1 1 III n il-. i, nii httr. I N i i l iii'in i'ii i im tint iIp tin , i i i-k ..., i - -I i. i .-hi,, (, i mi 1 " '" " "I I I '"" "Hi "' ' ,f '',nl l,'l",ll1"'""" ''. I'lH ill ft fit i It nl , i nl I d en I t ( t . .. , hi illicit 'Ml fit .Min nf liuliniml lilt" CI Idllll 1 1' lln ic nliiijon licv ml Hi,,.. 11,11 ,t- II I lie ti't i'liii.'ii pii'Miil 1 1 1 i will I if I"' 'i'i"li"ii" "I it'liinniMiRiiiiii .l (o fn't. "" '! it Mil ili.'i.' .till .(. imie rhcngh ' "Hit' nil fie!; iin st ion I urn mil in .Ii. into ,i ron mo for olh. n In I'liiuo In I Inn ii i:. Hut I inul Mty I'm inysi'll, llmi ni'iilior n a puMic ( Hici-r, not hi n ci'.icn, fun I ktnt.v nidi fuvor r ilisliivnr it ,ii, i, i, ii. tl,, i b ..I il,,,r ........ .i'.. i i' !' iij.n I i lli" I'h i tt Mil, h, it .... . in,.-,, mi..., .,,- kiln II t I in hi i ne i fin i ii i iifiiion oi uihuuion, lo fur- BUl in iiiiorior tUMun, wliollior ronl or iiiiiiginaiy. 1 think tho wrangles which oet'jt" roil anions the Crusailoi'd about their re. j.cTtivo cieetl.-i, when they mitiloivn to the hicge of Jerusalem, wore just iu rat iouul anj just as ivi.-e a.i dinjuUof, ahout AWili lioni.-lH woulil now ho iu tho Annv of the Poloniue in front of Kichmoml What J" uuwisu in tha cnuip at sji'Ii it mometit "aunot ho uisp in the Cabinet or in the li.icliihlic of the peoiile. 1 am occupied hero in mediating be tween ihllcring parUea unit jeulous seelb, or else in watching and counteracting tho intrigue of traitors in lOurone. l'ut I Boinclimes think that if, instead of being charged with those duties, 1 were lit Ida tv, its you seem to be, to servo tho coun try iu my own w;iy, 1 could make an api !.""' ,0 I't-'uiofritH and Kepublienns, Abo- 1 - " I ' litio.ii.sts and slaveholders In behall ol'our ,,;,,;, .,;.: ... , I ,. ..,.;., 1 1,,. I inuko a dilli toiii'c iii liioiiins w hith unito i i itl T'li u i ilii y nmrni Hid ncnr I 'I ' in iiMing the ii'liullioii. (cliick vc tvrrn all lonod nwiiy in lour A nn I ion like an iiuliviiluul, i mi do on- IrciolM vm w liifli lml l"'cn tHingiui in ily ly duo ihirg cllffluully r.l ono time. IiImmUmI fur lliu (lurpo-tu uf tr;iii.".orting c:'.i.ct uim'I; inrn uiilo Ironi lln iiur.iuit ! uooiih to the kfiit il gov riiiiioiit, irt h vuu..j ...... ............ .... mutual ieu ami iiunisncii at cokui.l'I v whole peuplu at onco under artm, nnd!,uttho man who mceives tho Couir send treason reeling Impk into tl.o den of ,i,i ... ... I . , ;. o I .1. ! , , f1 " T'... . , not Know how th.s would bo, but 1 do know if 1 tveroin yourr,laco, 1 should try. 1 am, very respectfully, Vourobediont servant, W. II. SKWAlil). FHO.U (JHN. i'Ol'K'S AK.MV. Position of the Confederate Forces. I'lio northern papers contain numerous,c P,,'nl,i,n tnu 1 'ei.. rojies column, tut they ; cotitnin little news. Tho Washington ' C0Te ,pom,elu pf the Xow york Comnier- " ...r ... 1 . .... j cial writes on the 'JHth Tho correct information which reaches us today from the army of Virginia des not confirm the unticipatious made ic. tho niocuing journals of nr. advanco and con. "equenl batt e l etween J.Ackson and Pope - i,;.. i.. ...... ' ..-... ia,.l-.-, l. i,.l,..n .. o'.i .,n,l ulH Phio J"i "'an "' . 111 "k i. .... . - " ' as is geueiai.y noi.e.vcu. no : : :. I. I : . . i . is now nig n un ins reinioicemeiiis ,i i r ,i u-...! i uu iiui inci ii ci: il ui me ouuiin est ll.ouil tains, commanding the luvel country be tween that and the Hapidan and Urango Court Ilouso to Chesmit II ill, on tho north- earl of that villiago tho railroad tunning , between these two points. For a position .l0 1,0 t'lendud by artillery, it is iid by 'il.rwn .i, i. . i " i , i" imwc uu n.n .- i.-ncu im- t'oim" ' ' -' . ... ... . . 1,1... l . 1..: , i. i.,.t. i , ,;.' .;..,.V , " . C J ' ii-uiuncrsuiii.iiimgmnicui-isviiiiiniii.tei. A H,,n nn , ,.i i.. i , ,., .... . " ; ' ' , .'1 ' : ' .V. . - - . to (ioi donsi ille, for if foicod to abam i... ,u" ' il he can full back to his entrenchment. at that place, and in cither instance res ceive reinforcements and supplies fi-jin ! two railroads. At the hitler he has no ' mountain ranges on either side, and ui.. i.f i'ui.fcv w m.ui . a. ..... would be obliged to make an artillery fight .:,l,, ,,l,.,M.m..l It i ...-..,. I H...I ' ::xi::.:::::Z:"Z ! "V "l " v..,.. v..i. t..: : bune, writing Cedar Mountain on I the 17th says : Yesterday morning while at breakfast with several ullicers, at the mansion of Mr. Hill, brother of the rebel Major General Hill, of Jackson's nrmv. nn orilcrlv l,nrl I into the loom, uud exclaimed : "the re I bels are unon us: thev have ohased run-i pickets five miles, and are now on the hill I :xl"'' trool's Kvra ""JfrstooU to bo caused in full view of tho house." Of course there 1 1,' ,l,e knowledge on I he part ol tho niili wa1uick rising from the table, and rapid nut,l0nllfs tllut ,hu "uu armies progress made in tho direction of our hor ",'ro "b)ul ooncentrating for another ses." Tho residence of Mr. lliil is upon a ''""ipaigii ngamst tho rebel ci;pilal fiom slight elevation just over Crooked lun,jtlic rthward. It was not known thai and within a quarter of a mile of Gen. Sis un.v -ons.dorabIe body of troops woro left gel's heiid.UMiters. Tho nut Separates ,on ,lie l''"-'" to watch McClillan's the twoiimnsioiis. The only force wo j '"ovetpents or to ntla. k his renr. had between the Uanidan and Crooked I ii aim crooned as four compa-jral01, Cavalry, undr Kun nt the same lime was nies of the First iiL'inia command of Maior Kretms. and .i sen ion of artillery .Major Krepps had good rea-1 son to bo alarmed, but when he roso from tho table to lake command of his Ixiltal ion, ho seemed as cool as if ho wns simply going out to attend a morning drill. The moment we reached tho lawn in front of i, il, ...... t,..,l ..I ..;l... Muring us'in the face If thev had t.os. sen-ed sufliricnL i.hii lc thev Urn Unshod down upon us, and taken us all V!IT' "IT h? inner muu ui ine river couki nave arriveo . Hut after having rode most into the jaws 0f our nrmv, and taken a good look at our encampments, thev turned thf-ir horses' heads towards the "lhipidun, taking with them, as a icward for audacity, Lieut. HI nek tiro criiinriik nnd lma .rli.uini r.f compnr.y A, Second Virginia Volunteers, who had been out upon picket duly. Ma- jnr, with his mounted batlallion and two regiment of infantry from tien Mi, w anJ (r(mi them across the Kapidan. Once snfely a- cross the river, they assumed theoUen- f-Wff aniJ brought a fection of artillery to bear upon u, fired throe rounds, none of wl,ich took effect, and then rested for the . ! remainder cfthe day. hiid tts Ir.ends say he has lost thirty pouuds of tiebh biuee h incarceraijou. limn ipom t AMr tvmm I ' i I' I I Hit", II I!' in - M , I AtU'iiM 1 V Ikl '.' i ', ,1 , ; i. , r, lli I in k I ml ! II home, iik ton nf H ft '.'.hi r, en ill. . iliiy l"t tl ili(J, AhgU't '.'I 'lli, mi, I mi II 1. 1 nl I v 1 1 ' 1 1 miiiio 1 1 fiiinir itiilii'iil ii 1 1 1 i ii it ,. hi i mg 'Ini in our ly j hi in y ni Iiy of ..iiip ti'iii'il. 'I Im liv' being gvn. 1 .rally full i.f lift-yn.l in i:.m.l m.,mu, r ,,,. , , , I inj! bihI 1. aw -Inking of thru 1 l,,.ili. i.ikI ! u -ml had imhii ll a lull.'. ho two i iiiiiiii iik oro iiint In oil I n i dip t.iglil nl Mr.i. Wanl's .Niiimniil 1 1 l l . win if tin I'cy.t ilctio llii ini lvc i-; t 1 1.. I.., 1I..11.. ..mi, l..i.iii.!., I , tt I ...... , l . i .1 4 1... I, i llllll lll'H ll.iin K imi l.'l . COht ft J.,J,I I'Cf licail, IVllll ll Ot COlllhO I'm lu Sam pat s. When tl.o iron hoio hegitu to Miort lortli the .mo ol starting t ,o .pecuton tiroKO .or... i. u unitf , w M1I1UI, llllll I III liuy I . nt,,v, y liti.ri m.T tily tvht u, amid hhoiiting ar.d waving of whito haiidkeichieu by iho fair k-x, wt moved otf as I hti hoy's Ming 'J nt u to Dixie." Wearrited iilOiinp L'urlin a- hout ;i o'tloikin the uflernoj:! hungiv and oppressed l.y heat, whet, t it- hoys l o- gun to roaluo v.i.ic o tho uard.ships inci- ilent to u soldier's life; but they b'ire it all like veteran's without a murmur, and (or the want ol'tenti slept in the open air lor the first night, but the next morning tents were finui.ihod us ami we iir o net- , . i tini! alonu well. Our men were examined c..i i i i . . . ..: . i .... uii n.uui uii uini n iiuuincr 1 1 j , su that by deserting and injection we hav now not i jn it o GU men rank and file in our 'company. The man who is sworn into ,,,i i. ,i i . i i in, 1 1 niiu ii o u.ll 11JLLI lho se. vice and deserts should be court-! .... .. i. i i i -! . . , . , Bounty ami dese.ts should bo court ma s , . , .,7b , M money IZ J Itence, and dealt tvitli accordingly I ! think we will leave here iu a few days, ,'p.obably for Anapolis, or at leabt iiioiiil further south '." 'o l.y a Jury lor pejus (',. i r.i',.n m im l apt. McCullougli, l.ieuts.Uoiv n id Mays I ,,,..-;,,. ,, -r , . , u. . tin ng m Iheir exertions to make t ur :,,,,,,,..,,,, ,i i i ,i men comlortublo and happy, atu 111 they i,...; , ,i . n i ' 1 " , ,, V, continue their well U'nuii reitL ihev w i 1 unquestionably make popular oHice.8. ' 1 i, .r (.-jv,. LUCK TAIL. - - Krum the Sew York Jloral.l VTT t. . H, n wt v w . WHAT STONEWALL JACKSON IS ABOUT. I I'ooi.srit.i.i. Montgomnrv County. MJ. August lllth, lfio. 1 have pome inporliint news for you. A lew (lavs intercourse tviin uie iieoessionisis , ... ., . of this neighborhood has enabled mo to clUrovoi thuL far xlonsive coiitruharid nnni riiim.nnt rin w i 11 int I'J'i ip nn w van . I a I . . Ill' 1 , uuar.or. Sco, es of Ma, vland,. , li..i, I liro a I IV IiassilllI llll mi 11 ( H ivuir cm ;cn . . . . mond to escape the dralt . ami occasional - .' .... ly a return trip is inado by citizens who hive been in Jeff. Ivis' dominions since tho beginning ol lho war. t t.ndeistii ml they cress the rirer tomewhere between Fdwaid's Fe.ry and Point of Hocks, and from thenco are smuggled through lo I -tt - r:tv, wl.e.ico llio rou.o is open lo the Hi einia Central Hailroad, via the south frk of tl.o .Shenandoah. are no Unit,: (...,. . ii tins route, the nearest forcfs . lieini. at lliuiiei's Ferrv and Wine hr-stf i- ' ,,- .... f -. lur iiiiiinuiL iiuuniiuii tI.Wl! II I C bv vi civilian who arrived frm Kichmond on the night of Sunday the 17th insiHnt . t II -l i-. 1. l i , 'c .... . I ... .. lie ion jiiciiiiioiui on i tiuut'f i;iy,uio lotu instant, travelling to Sexton's Junction, twenlysscyen miles north of the city, by a'. private conveyance; thence by lailroad tc ' tiordonsville," and thence 'n foot to the : Potomac. At the time he left troons were 1 . .... . ..... . ., ... llOUi llltt Jill l OI Ue CUV On UIO , ITliill W Central RailroHiJ in such numbers .hat it! was impossible for civilians to procure fnssnge. All of Hie troons around l;i,., I Uii", . , 1 - rtfrt ! ,. . ft . . , . .u n . 1 . . 1 . . V ... L on it sonif by rail and some .unrobing while oltiois were passing thiougl. in cars from the i-'outh, fupposed to be that iiirt of the niinv between Petersburg and the citv It was known at that time MeClelbm hud began the evacuation of lDin'MonV "Illi!"'t? ! llJ the heavy inovemer. ts of s,,w '"';1V.V fieampmeiils of troops jextending from tho south side of the Pa- Arriving nl .-c.toii s .Junction the nan jtnunkey river to several miles north of 1,10 ''""ftion in a ive.-terly tlirectinn up the valley of the North Anna river. Small camps were visible at several localities along lho railroad from the Junction to the crossing of tho common mad froft. Fredericksburg and Spot Isylvania, where another largo body was encamped, and tbenco lo (iordonsvill several regi ments n ere st rung along the road in camps at intervals of every two or three miles. Fioir., where thero were not more than six or seven regiments, a heavy force could be seen ramping and biyoiinc ing (in the hills stretching to tho north east in tho direction of Orango Court House. The narrator stopped Ion hours at Gordonsville, und during that time saw not less than ten trains arrive over the Central Poilroad from tho south and tho Charlottesville Railroad from Lynchburg i those from Kichmond bringing troons, ! and those from Lynchburg both troops! and s'.pplies. Lynchburg has boon llic . .. . .:. i,i,.., i u .- ,- .. pn icipid depot for collecting supp ,es lor Iwehmond lor some time, and thev I can now be forwardod to it ty these two J routes. My informant, judging from w hat he , saw, fays that Ihe whole Confede.ato ar my in Viiginm is by this time in po sitions cn the Virginia Central Railroad, and that it numbers near two hundred and fifty thousand men. He paw no fortifications at any of the above mentioned places, but artillery ap peared to be plenty in proportion lo the pun. hers ol the inlantry 7 Of cavalry he Enw liil li.lh, mnwt nfil i,vr.l, t.,.in.tir.: frnnL of the tinea nn ur none lint nnciKi ueutral groun.l between the two opposine armies. 1 Wagon train, were not numerous, and there is ev.dontly a nek of transportation Hi. friend, and ihe public generMly are thee facilities. It Ift understood that this is foro informed that if they are in wm.tofQ'JOD the ruftson Jackson fell Lack after the CiOOMS at low rates for t'anh or Country Tro bat tlo of Slaughter's Mountain. Ue could (,ur,i ,DT ust nut fail to call at not feid a large army away from his rail- ETZWFII l'W sTniiF road communication. ci...-..ll T..-I, . ,-:.i i . , . .ivi-u.. ,vv.. '0 oam to uaro ieu 1 1,, I int ill,', I hi in. no k In i hit nliiun. , I . In I -t n,.,i,l , I, i ,.ii'ti SI.1IH III lOlll , fill I 't't ,'lllf It I, I'll) r II , Hi III"! "till I I'l'tf tt OIC li, III. min I. nu I i ( l ull- I fit ll t' ( nn l I t unit i'. M "i 1 1"' ' t it r"f fil I to Im iimi i'h ilij! I i I lilt tnlliP I'liml 1 1'" til I htl h'tli't illu nil, I t'i il .illt ll'i". Illil'"k it'll 1 1 if V riitili'ini'lftlf I Ibiik lit'ivi ini'iil ne,niifi l'(i.f' light, an l if it "ill 1 i 1 I I I ' liil l y in li'U. Evnciidtion of Hurrisoti'i Lnulin(j; ., , illl cm-iiii'lriit nf tin Ni' Vmk Tiil'iHH'. H tKIIM.' I.tMUSi,, S.ltUlihiy, AlMUlt ii, 1SI.L'. -llairiMUi'n l.iiliiling If cviirun tel. Without a uniggh-, without n Mow, ttilhou'. even the lots of u tingle mini, llm iiiiiucuhi! army of tin' I'oli-mi'c, oUicrii ninl men, a and 1'iiggnge, floir, lent", hoihon, iitiiimitlilion hd I fotitlahiitiilH ill ti now far wnv I'rom Harrison Liiniliiit', having it a ilcnei led nuJ ilffolatu ilaiu. At V o'clock on Monday nighl th wholii division arrived lit tlm tt Jwit f.nml emlmi k , .(,k, oj -u,ftnlri . left I.ulnig jm- du,.jM(, (l0 lor A'tlii Creek, an win. supposed, via Furf.'OM Mon roe. An oni it was next ihmiru . . : l lll'.l no lliore veiseli lnadei will. -supplies , hhoi'l Ill- UH'CII llll Hill 111,111 imm i.i,i.i 1 ,l...n ..,, K,..,. mid on Wednes lay ten day'ft rations tvoro n . ... I t I I. ,1 nmnii U liti.ll IVMI rntltltW.ll t iT ,(, jn wl,lini.(lH to movent nn hour'nnolice. .. k ,,..,,, ofthosn who tve:H 01- x ' vi' i i tnu ni uji i n i a it uiil ii 1411U hm dored to march by land tve.o placed on Af ll 'lr.; ru p , ,. i i r .i i Arc y.ui h ulicteu min itiiimlu H ' tint liK. boaid barge aiuUclioonvr.-, for tho hu- w. . Ili;nt'5 M-UIUALOU ri.ASUu inane purposo of relieving the men ot T, , ,,nuetVB UJ1j auliKhiu remflv Lnon. I heir woi L Hml inctiinliriircs diirin, the 'I'l..... .1 .n...- l.i:,..- 1. , -vi"- n - - hot and weary march. n t ho name, day and weary marcl ien MfClellan and Col. Inalls lelt liar- riaou'p Landing for the nearest tolcgr.-tpli station, and communicated with the War I'cp.irtment ils to future movemonts, re . r , i 1 tliu llo"1''g ! On Thursday, the nrmv commenced I . . .n.i 1 "Vi":"""ig in euiliest. All tho sk ge guns !" 7 !wvt'" r', " 'l"' i omlir.i kei on I huisilav anil vesteruav on 1"? . . IW' er? l,!l ,l,u Vtt" of ",'c overland por , on ' " iinday night. I n ln - Jy """? every tout was struck, iimi , then, lor the first time, was it geuerally , , , , , . '.,lnilt ' ,,. known that tho whole army was uboul . , t- -c evacua ung llan -.son i Landing. On I nirs- , -, t ,r,..i i ,r dav night hf'.y sail o vessels ft tho dill - , , i i i ,i . i tvhiirves, loaded with stores, uud , . , ., ' . , ,., ' "'-''' i m.i ... er ot me Mores wee , placed on boats and steamers by the con , , Aiin. i... i ;.,,!' belorothn final departaro of the land for- j l.n ,11 llll ,1. I'll IM I -, ,11,1, it PI IN I II 111 lwd of ifjir, and artillery was pla-e,d to lirotoct the baggage trains. Tho sick and founded who remained at the d:!Vei- cnt honpitals were placed on board the regular steamboats l elonging to the Sam ....... .... i. . i ...... i' i i i "" y w""""t"J"i i,'iiK nm i,.nni were among the fust to move out into the Micum. Coinrahandrt wore shn.pi-l i i.'iiIii iikii'j K.Kin.u mt.l l,.,.li: I liil ct.iiiii'in:i. t ' m. i u. a iiiiva laiiioou ut'iii.., i ii'i it was an ...nusmg .iahi to see the long lino of hunts with their ebon pas i . , . ; (- ,. ,...,,,.. u,,,i .i "" - Ul"( 111 steium-rs ami viia.tcs, ", .- thedille'enl steamers and v hal ves, to lake their places among lho others an chored in the stream, or hear the (juesi lion, answers and jokes which passed be tween the two parlies, nniid the "ha ! h.'s !" ol the tvhittf nu n and lho ''y,i ! ya's" of lho blpek. tie. i. McClellan and 'no-t of his slull' went by la. ml, and vc-tcnliv after ni.on Col. InU and dpt. liankin started ... ...... i i.. i i ,, . ac; o.-s uie j eniiisuia on ikh'm'Iukk. nn. S.t V le) lc If mi.ii.ed 10 tlllect I he one rat lulls ....!... i f ' n ' I 'rent ::rasi is due to him f'T bis energetic and imlel'ntig e) exertions and excellent mamigt'iuenl Il l,,,a ' " .".,', Al " o'clock last nigh!, I went on ihure ''"r tllL- last time, fioji the mail dock. On I ami '.l.c bank above, bit a few barrels and boxes remained In bo shipped ; "'id, with the excection of the Provost's ! 1 .1.; ...II. I , ,.A I "'' "' vi.i.llli. .iu null.' of the army of the Potomac Far ns H,e , 'TO uld reach nothing could be neon hut : a mighty olam ol O.olat ion and ruin. I 'I'l , O ,.',.,l ,1,1 ll'-l, .ll'.lll',! ( I , IV I , , , 1 I 1 1 . f fl - I , ' .... ............ v. ..... ... 1 vt'ith ni'i'o rub bish, for heie, there, and , ft erywiicrc, large liret burned, and auy- 'ihing that could assist the rebels ever so !lightlv w as fast becoming a ho.iii of cliar- red and lilackened ruins, or lay useless by upon the Old tents and l ags t iii. or fed the. Il.imus, or lay about, lorn into shreds; boxo and bar relswcrc. broken; in hint, nothing remain-i fd that could be of Use to the enemy, e.i cepi uiousauiis oi eo.l aim Miitny o, liters, huill by our soldiers I mm limbs and boughs of trees, in lieu of tents, w hich were kindly left standing to woo the reb - ol.- on tlicironward ....nch to Washington. i. , t ! i :, ' audrcst llie.r weary limbs and cool their heiy spints down. All being now safely embarked on board the different. vessels, Colonel Puller, of Ihe depot gimrd, called in his sentinels, who were on dut v nl ll. ,l,n..,c. ivl. ...... .i his regiment on biatntd tho North America.! And new they, too are all embarked, nod the last itiMincr has steamed to the centre of the stream, tho mighty fleet quietly resting at anchor on llio bosom of the placid James, wailing for iho chan ging of the tid' w Inch is the signal of departti re. We did not leave until near 7 o'clock a. m., when all being in readiness, at Ihe change of the tide, the whole fleet moved blowly down Iho liver. The number of persons liable to millito ry duty in Chicago is 'J.'!,71.'?. I? w mm 1 1 j PHfifiC lo U ItJ. IfJ. Iii It V L IJ . f) 1'. I:T.VI;II,:K is just now rcceiv- il. J a. mc ua uTienmc in ins oiu simm in c ear- j j onu of thoinoH crefully elected sssort- ,.,. ..f a.,.,..,... Goods -j(ii(ii(i v,'r broiiRlit to the country, nnd which ho will ell at price fo extremely low us to atoiii(U tv cry body. His Mock embraces pities t.oODS, l)(i;ss TRIMMINGS, MUSLIN' DKLAINFS, FKLNCIl GINGHAMS DOMES TIC GING, HAMS, DEL A i NS. BROWN k RLKACH- ED MUSLINS, PRINTS OF ALL PATTERNS. SUMMER CAS SIMK,ES' CLOTHS AND YESTINGS, . ToBMllp' ''t,1' very article in the DRY (iOODS Z L.?n,,:,n. IAMlLX UKOCEKlESof ' - - ' l , . MS At tho rid stand of Moors A Etiweilcr. unSoeond Ptreet, Cleartleld.ra. Juns IS, '82 jit. WILLIAM II. Ill lllvi, dental wmwm AMI Till: HI M' IN III IViHi,i( l" I III Mi TINE TIETII & A 6WILT BREATH, AMI Cuiintf Toothache and Neuralgia. I). i jr..ii Mi In UMi in,.) Kilh m,. .,,. , r..r IVni-ly M,I'.. unj Hui.iul U.Hll i l)lt. 1 H III HII'M I Mil I W i,!'" ''Illflll IHIII'lll.'U . . . "'"I llllll! 11111 1,11 H tear... 1 IruMi uriii, iiikiiii, it niiy injiiriuuii lulntiinuc, 5 II ! I'll l I'l T I I X, I'rav, vr-f llmiiro of tlm unllimrj. thvnn xou,k l''r.', w Ii ir Ii whiltii but ilniiuj-. l'.iti.n ifh Iv l' rrrUin thai viuir llrnaii. i. r"'". i'i'l, nn.l Hrrrnlno u liii.lun r if - '''' ' J! "nw CtLK- - J .Jh;f B.;r, , wnrh , , . .. ...... i.. ' nun ',' .. ... , 111 11) B W, Till l,M' l.tMITKl. I All llllll AT II 11 ,t Oi . .vnr. lui rii, t. It b. vur.:.t 'tun I ,1 r,,.l 1 I J V", r tnr -hUUcn n,,tr,,' f,,,--. TOtVj it 't'll Ji? . Ja. JI'JUMH MAHiC ToyTll. un ...... t ..,n,, ,., , u, ui Btiu 1 clinria in in awuy. Try fiii'tn. i'rK'o. IS mil :r ci'.il-'. .,.iili.,l uii rscniiit ul' mice. bu tuii Hi.iliu uoiiijili.tu irntuf iitM'Ah RK.M- KU1KS ninl a on 1'rfer vi n;' Twil. '' (iit l . V. It. llurclM Dental Treasury, ti, ni'iitcst unci iiioil vuluablo irjfi'iit tlmt imr. Iriiuil can him ko to aiiotlicr, Price il. Sunt l,v lev ! ,,., . , - : i-or hile at all the leM stores tl.rouKhot the I ('a - ri , v-ai. iiu.i.- -As tlicro arc ili'iilcrs ho Inko aJ- I lZZ Z IX' L"'Vl! fu , t8V.!K i h" Z ci I U ,m lliu (;r 1)nj Wrr ht,ro,,,y ,.,,; ,HJ ,,rq,ur..,l l,y nn cMi,ri...,',,l ui.,1 .cie.itilio Dei- , tnt, 1 i-uu.,ur.. of tlic Noiv York Statu 1) entin,' v.,..t,iKU of aur a.rrti.inentS f , Assoeiainui, anj i?e I'rviiii out ol t Im Now ork ' lioniui ,.i,.iv a.i i,, """ ,"' ' Address 1 M H 1 1 1' l: 1) ,t-( 'i i v '., i i . " -u- ".iiv.Ul'd ti.. .A. lo:k. W.-i-hr. Jlm-.r liiutnl l!,-in,.,in.. ,.r,. f. ui . f. , viuuu i.vim.i.a.a urn fnrsnle ' m tlm iilnco bv J. n. it a Hrnu'iri.' TJIK IIOl'.SEKKKl'Kir.s: NF,W HUJNITUUIv POLISH. IVi'inno'l frmii an imi, roved rio'.s hy the j ro irii'tnr of t bo "1!iii.iiu;ii Ji.-.thau Toiasii," ii certified by ml the limiting Nuiv Vork Furaitiiru Dealers mid l'iiino-l'or'.t) .'.lul;ir to b tho bti"t in the wurM for reinnviilg Scr.itclics, Murkn, uml Jiirt, und ri'sriii a liifli .awid luntinj; j;u.9 l0 Kinds ot Vrna-:H, I nutk.fruin Kuruitum t,. 1......I.. i it. It is cbeuper and better. Ibau VurLi.ii, diiuj lunnedisitol v, iwul is .ttril)- ajipliej. Willi a itco Of Cunli n 1-'Ihuii-.-1 and u bottlo or tiro of lliis , New Furniture Polish, lSju.'kieiK'r can work iuuic in tlie rur'iiturc of a houtie und keep i t I looking liko new. So"w in tlio time to "thine up" your Titbl.'s,, I.cAi.. Pimm,, 1'ieture I Ii'mmcs, I'nrrin;,,., et.- , mid mnkilliein look it) I per cent better. This is true ecin'my. I" r ,Hle by 1'ui nihil o l)euit-r nnd .sinrt lie.....r iTL.-rulli . ll'lifellj nml 59 ceuls it 'i,-.,l'Ji,. Jlupui S t, I 'lirueu street, New York. Hn:rni. AiiWis I Waxtfii. Addru.-.., liox 1 'J 7 li, .Neiv ,ik I'. v. I Tlie Ihu sKKKKi'tiis Xi;iv l'tus.irin. J.,i.i r u it I fur tale bore by J. 0. llAU'it W .(. K 1 ' ; n eat n o ' j k ,v jx ' i i: ,s s I I THUILMNf IXOlTFjXTs ti f nn: Great Rebellion? ou, The Heroism of our roldiers and Sailcra.. 1 L L U S T K A T K D. 1 hr,;e IH,,. P,c, l.'J-j. Tho critirs nn.l llic j.nblin nro rijdit in prclii-t- I" thill I'l'. will :- 1.:. - ' . . .... .. . i . pui i.". in imii imr r..-i rriiii i-t". rxi'itmg in.ereft, uud extensive i.i.i.ulari!v, all other histories of the Win fur the L'i,ioii. Its ' theme will be the heroic during, paiieiat miHering, i"'"' tr-lren.lili escnpes of our roldiers nnd uil- VArlu wi,", '"" t.1' of .-m. ! ternition nt iin.uinerable lire, , ,..s forvcrrs to ,.,,.. It will con'ni,., i,, ,,d liiion to it A(ir" n .letiii's', tho pbilosopbiei.l AiialjMsof thoCnu of the War, by Jon honiu.i.. .Motlkt, I.L. I), j Author of "The Kise of the Lhiteh llepuliic," etc., I J"l"!' "r "'' t'11-' bnpoitunt events from im ! J"hn '"''V nn,1,"' ,,"'rurHtB ! ri-viso. . --"' onmes. ,!, engravint One-third of tlie t.rocecil, f ull aubsci ii,ii,,n sent direct to us will bo ;;ivcn fr tho lielief of Miisubluil .-M.ld.ois, unit nil persons who nidi n j fi'f.v ff tlie work, und hIm, to beuelit the s-.I.ticrs, 1 should fend their iiniiieand aildri-ss .it uiui... Alto, nn." uflicer or privnto, or lltr'ln in any ue, tioi. of ' the eountty, buinr kn.nvlclo , i n h.'roie m l or stirring; incident, will oMir-i. u? l.y Fendinj; ur nn , uceount of it. liooksellers, Toiitinii'ters, nnd Canvassing Ar gciil.t will be furnished with n Hubi'r,pliun Tru specius, on nrpiication (o tbo rublirhcrs. J A itrrnl coii.,rwc.'on yit tn lu o,,'.ri ini - rlmj tn act tit A'jcnti in titkimj nubtrviptiutt: . ! II. :TJIK HISTORY OF AMKRICAN MAN ! UF.ACTURKS, FRoM 1808 TO I860. Hy Ir. .). hcnn ler lii.-hop, 2 vols., Svo. Vol. , I. now ready. Vol. II. nearly ready, i This i probably tho largest and most Important wtrk now in the American ;res. W e have, also just published new editions of the following useful and popular bonk; THE P.UsiNhSS MAN'S LEGAL AD- IfsKlt ;or,llow to Save Money, bv Cnmlactinj,' Hutinces according to Law, as expounded by llio Ilcut nnd I.stlst Authorities. 40lipi'.f slicep. I'rico, fl. " OPPoRTUNITIFis FOR INDUSJKV, or a Thousand Chances to Make Money. t'loth, i. This ! Kns'"ud- bus been r-1 ulilislied in Every basinets man snd clerk ihould ritirs these books. They will psv the buyer a hundred, fold. Every patent should' get thuiu for their song. All these booki are mailed, poMpnld, on r 'eoiptof price. We pny particular attention to mailing books, tvrHipi.i( them carefully, and will rroemo and send,, any book auywher., Ali?Cf 'Pt P,,l'l"hr, P''"0 t", " lamP,- FKEEDLEV A CO., Tribune Buildinjji, Kew York. I'l VrV'OS. Poreons who wish to buy a Tisno of the best m!T!(or will b shows bow tlicy eta are a bndsoina i-uin lo llio purchase if they el dros Tiaso, ear Jor, Cok A Co., Publiahert' AKnl, New York P. 0, ' nov-24. 61-ly. chd. iadt july Cl.