Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 27, 1862, Image 1
JJ H !i ft 1 4 1 ( j, W MOORE. Ip.i.tnrt. 0 B OOODLANDER. L(tlt01s PRINCIPLES, not MEN. prr r-trr if pfxiil iu vnt,c-. N'r.W.sKUIKs VOL. III. ISO (i VDI, XXXIII- WIIOLK NO. 1720 ci.KAimF.i.n, i'A vi:)m:si)v, auj. 27, r,ca. T1Nl Jtf V WOT V Select o:trn. '1 rUhhfv iidrt'1. in turn's HVo the- llnw miiiiv ihew lhiir froling Ami In?,, of fin n Irr in n ktml (if "t'.aol.v n'rr in rtculin !" Our n "ti (-oi t prating long ami turn! AI'Cil our "lilo-ding nuiiun ;" w ) i I o llti toliliora (rape urouii'l He hiIk then; of a riiti'm ! Ari', w'.lh lonp fiire lio a-ka A blt'.'.inK on our force ; He wnrita a olianra lo try hit hand In cum melius fr born ! lle'l lujal to the Stars iinil ri.rir. , tlo vmt'l, too, for JaMffon ;" t lnr,"a hi contrm't ta-ff h y, 'f)r! Abf,jiitUy tho tar, ou!" Anotlif r'e olduiit brother went T" hi'Ii'imI with Mm, Lincoln's ; T.o ahrw liia love fur country be W.iuM fiirnifh it witli tin cans ! He .1 l:ket'rtii obi I'nclc Satn, Anil try tlnu etylo of b'e ding ; And nil the uilu ho prates nbo ut " 'J hi diimnnblt -feeding !" Another nanta a milieu's hcrdi, 'To Ggnt ii i'u'l able:" A 1 . I o bo'J like to do hiinbaio I'.y furnishing tbo Ublo ! lie fives Ilia eioar old cuuiitrj a Hag, Anil Yankee doodle lianJy," A mI ro be bowit bia love for them I'.y imliinj; poisnn.'d braudy. fto whor yniii-hooae, lou' where you will, You'll find tbetc army Irecln'. ; In church, in t'oiifcsa, on tlio Hump, A niakiiiK I'niun upenchet. Hound bar room fires tbeno wintry night Tlmy drink their wli"kiy toddy ; Whiioebiver, sliivurin t'm cumpi Ihe inen tbey clothed in tboddy ! with all buuli men us these, ho rob our tbijt'a deleuiior'a ! lo Warren and to Lnyl'uyette With all uch bum' prctendora! And if at all our dear old flag Ii to be lent asunder, T.etit be done by rVW hands, And not by thue of plunder ! Al'l'EARANfE Cf TUeNeW CoMET.- Tlio bcconil comet of lt2, discov- crcii Httlic J)ti(iU1' Observatory ami at Cain bridge (iit::c niglit of the ltli nil., litis, within a iuw evi-niiigH, bu come quite u coiitiEicioiiH object. It is now about ci-rh t devices (litant lVom the iiolar star, ami on a lino with . ! . 1 a' the two rointcrs, jrom me nearer 01 which it is fully twice as lar distant .is the pole. It i.i kuown as Tuttle's comet. 'When tiit iliscovereil its mo tion appeared to bo very hlow ; but this was owing, doubtless, to its great distance from the earth. I:.'i,o:.m,0 tj miles. It then resembled a nebular body. Subsequent investigation'- show ed mat it was approaching our -;lobe at the rate of two and a half millions of miles daily. The embryo of a tail was first observed on the 13th inst., About tho'J:h inst., the comet is ex pected to attain its greatest brillian cy. Up to tli ii t date at least it will thino through the whole night. Jue Flaxseed Chop. In reference ifcf.he new crop of flaxseed, the Cin ema ti Frico Current says: A good deal f inquiry lias been made of us regarding lf.HX&eed. The crop is a largo one and lias been saved in good order. The yitbl is fully twenty per cent, greater thu n that of last year. The contract system controls the bulk of the crop, however, so that the price is an arbitrary one, and indi cstcs nothing, the crushers furnished the seel to the farmers on condition that they sell them the crop at one dollar per pusliel, and hence this is tho price the farmer now gets. A Resmive Coups. It is Btatcd that it is not tho intention of the gov ernment to put tho last 310,000 troops in tbo field immediately, but to keep them as ft reservo corps in tho different Mates. Tho various rendezvous will lie camps of instruct ion, in which tho men will have a fine timo for thereniainderof the summer, receiving- the sanio pay and bounty as thono in tho held. At Lynn, the other day, a Sunday school teacher abked a little girl who tho first man was. She answered that she didn't know. The question was then put to an Irinh girl, who answered : "Adam, sir, 'with nppa - rent satisfaction. La " Bnil the first bcholar, "you needn't foell so grand about it he wasn't an Irishman." - - - - Urtrlho last wordsofGen. McCook, who was murdered by the rebel bush- whackers were addressed to au old friend and companion in urran. Too gallant soldier said with his last breath: "The Ions often thousand such meuas you and I would bo nothing, if tho sacritioo would eavo a like ours." government " 1 fcirThe reason why two buttons are put on behind a coat is that thoy wore anciently ued to support tho sworri b.df nd th tuilora hare stuck to the practico ever nince. 'Bob is that dog a hunter ?, 'io ; nos naiinuntorana nauseuer. He hunts bones when ho is hungry, snd nets by trfc fire when ho's satisfied. ANGEL- bov Mt (low II Oil (be I A little pauper euib'lnne nnd tried lo think. Hi l'i'"t i wore ''R.-e, ml, rind rold ; but never tuind ;bat. The chill nir cnetrn!ed his rajiL'cd j jriirmrntii ; but never mind tlmt. lie wan-j (."I lolliink. Who at et host? people p:is9 I irip him, looking o warm and couitortiK ! bio'.' lint (lid it menn tliMt tby should j l hnpi'V nnil ehperful, nnd bs ro ihJ t Noun ol llioui had sueli benvy boHrtt-; ; that lie wns sure of. lie liokel up into j the cold blue sky. Whut won it, nntl who i lived up there '! Somebody said nnce that (ioil would take care of him. W'linto was I (ioil. Why didn't IIo laku cire of him 1 i Oil' ho could only jee (iod for one little minute, or the anjre.l that, tii i;nod man . tohl him of when Uis mother died ! I)id folks evet K'O'iod? l)id tliey ever see an- J?eU ? " ! An oriin ;n:ider near nnd took hi stand. I lie nulody lie playod lighl rned tho little boy's hoar'. ewiU'ivhnt ; but it didn't warm didn't make him le liutipi'v. He kept abirerinp in pito cf nui-ic ; nnd he tell so nil uloiie, no tie spait n:'. Then tli orun grinder paod unity he never hwded I lie little nbild sit ting on the etirbtnnf ; hn bad su ninny things to tljinli of. The rari iafes pa-Hed by, and tho carts, nnd a company of sol diers ; but it wa all dumb show to him he wax Irving lo think, wit Ii sueli a dull pain at hi heart. lVeseiuly three or four course1 looking hrtyn eatlierett liplimcl him, and winkt'd and huglicd at each oilier. In another moment tlie youngest rave a thrust, and over wont th" jinor little homo U-s cb i U into tho (.'.utter. Hue scream, ono sob of an , as he guthereil nnn sMf up and l inked alter the boyw, no v lly.. ing nway withshouts o mirth, i) how etu t! it seemed i.i them bow cruel ! The lit tie hungry boy talked slowly nn xobbing and hhivpring to himself. Ho didn't kuoiv what be km walking lor, or w hy lie was living. He f"lt out of place a poorlittlo foilom spirit that had lost hi way a biuised reed lint uny one might break 9 little beait so t.nidrtr that n look was an guish, bow much more a blow ! The I tile boy siood nt last neaf the cor ner tt a street. An applo Ptand, at which h' ptz.'d with loninjr eyes, i;ot fer oil", was tended by a cross looking old man. There were cakes on the stand, and the poor little mouth of the homeless child watered as he saw one boy after an iilioi' deposit his penny and take his c.ike. lie ha I ll) penny, and llmuli t here w,i hun ger in his eyes, the croas. looking old never oil. 'red bitu n morsel. Tbo tempter came. The old mini's back was turned. A vile boy at bij.sido at the side el the bouultr-s child milled Irs elle.-.v. 'You tike one he whispu'ed; 'I'll pi o ynu half,' Tb little ci.i!. Mm s-t caddy, lie s i w H.jiuci h:ug lo the IiUmi'o 1 e es that made him shrink f-omothing sel his Ik-ui t t" ben i ing. ' I I you. book ono, w hiipei i 1 tbo hf,y ; 'I wuiil u!l, and we'll g away and eat it.' T don't want to steal,' sai l thr bouio less child. 'O you lo; '.' muttered ibe brutal temp ter, and ri'iiole biniin tliseyes, bis heavy hand dealing a blow that bent tho poor little cl.ild against the wall, his whole frame (juiverinj! with arguiah. The ter rible Mow bad almost biuideil him for n moment. A great sob cuin up in bis tbrna', O w hat have I done to be i routed so?' There never, never was a God, or Ho would not let him Buffer so, and that bo cuuse he rcfuied to bu wicked. 1 don't helievo that ever a man in his deadliest beieaveineuls sotfeied morn than that end little child. His heart was literally rwell ing grief, and though he could not reason about it, he felt ui if there wore great and sore injustice botnewbrre. lie stai ted to cross iho street. A d irk blinding pain nmdehie poor temples ring. li.ick ! back ! Good heavens ! tho child U under bia fuel. Back ! back ! '0 mamma, it is our horses ran ovor a poor little boy ! O mamma, mamma!' 'Is he butt much coachman !' The wo man's face is pule, as n-lios. Ye he is butt b.idly. Take him right in, don't wait ; carry him I ight in and up stairs. It was your carelessness. The child shall bo attended to. There in no anguish now. rerbapi God saw ho had borno ail bo could, and so look the poor bttlo broken heart there to heal. How very white and quiet ! '0 a seet face, aswtet faeo !' murui ired tho woman bending over tbo boy ; and tear fell tip oa his forehead, but bodid not fee! them. 'O the poor little boy !' Sobs Xidly ; 'the poor htlla boy ! I wish be had kept on . the bidewivll; ; I wish bo bad stayed homo ; w,tl! , , , j tXrhim" " l0T,lt,,0,0,1o; carn(,, ,i(J bo was not dead, ! but would very likelv die. There was a hospital near. The poor thing had better j be sent there. But the good woman would not allow that. She would care lor him j herielf, she said, Ha had beon injured 'by one of her houen, and she felt it was her duty to attend to him- Be-i les, it was likely that tb child had no mother. Such a buy as he, with bis face so sweet and I girlisb, bo pure nnd lovablo would never he sent ou the meets like that if he bael a mother. Kfsidoa (and here tear.lell) there ws a little mound not vetereen over such a child. No, no, u was not in her j heart to put the poor wounded boy away i ui'" my wneiiiet tie uvea or died. The weary, weary daya passed on. Ono morning the little boy opened bis dim h'uo eyes, but he did not know hitnseir. "',' fell wearily on hia hands. There wer white bands around his wristg with r nines on them. The lied was snowy j while, too, and a crimson white fell over I Ii t n . .n.,arGod! I am in heaven.' murmur. ej the child. 'Yes, Ood will take caro of ujo now,' AN WTnt vision of loveliness plancn I forth from th' shndow behind the bid. The rich cutis fell around a face of jciiiiite beauty. The beaming eves looked love and gladness upon him. '( ) yes ! there is an angel !' he anid soft ly. '1 am glad. They won't knock ine veriiL'nin. they won't make tne steal ap- pleH here, und pel haps I shall never die Again. Now, I want lo see my mother. 'My dear boy, are you better this morn ing?' asked ft low soft voice, lie turned slowly and wearily. 'la it mother ?' he murmured. '() yes !' and there were qui' k sobs nnd tears; 'yes tnv little child, I will be your mother, and von shall bo my son. Will tove nie dearly ?' 'Yes, I do love vou mother, isithea von?' 'Heaven ! no, darling it, is earth ; but God sent you here to our hearts, and you shall bo loved nnd cired for. See, here is a little siste nnd ynu will be very happy with her. Kiss Mm, Kelly.' Her rosy lips t"tii'hfd his pale ones, and a heavenly smile lighted up in his face. 'The past was not forgotten, but it was gone. Xo more mouldy crusts, onths, harsh word and blows. No mot e begi ging at basement doors and looking half fnniisheu to envy a dog knawinga bone iu the street?. No more fear of rude chil dren who never kuntv where their own hearts lav, no more sleeping mi doorsteps, nnd listening in terror to the drunken quarrels of the vicious and depraved. Yes. the past was gone, and in the rosy future were love, home.fven God mil the angel". Certainly, sweet ph its bad guard ed that child, and guided hi.n nut of se curing evil into positive good. Sorely, henceforth he would put bis hand tiuit fully in theirs, and turn bis face Heaven ward. Yes. it was fo to be. The dear, tenehftblo child ajewel picked from the luire, n brand snatched from the buiniiv' was y tit to illuniino the dark pathos of Ibis world with bis holy, lleavendike. teaching. Like a dove bo was to go forth over the waters, and find ih olive branch with which to garland bis glad tidings. Bless ing, then, on ad who hold their arms out towards needy little ehildi on making their homes arks of lel'ugc. Kuautiful stars shall thoy have in their c.'.'own' of rejoicing, for surely there is no jewel brighter iu ull the world, and perhaps in all eternity, than tho soul of a little child. Swi: yit Tttr.M. The New York ll rald. referring to the rcfti-oil of the clergy of Nasln il; , Tenn , to ttike tho oat h ot al legiance, says : i A' a eompanion piece lo this refusal of clerical see'ey-ioni-tK to lak- tha oath, wo siioidd vary inn 'Ti like to sco tho el-noal ', iiboli tionists here r-.t Ihe North obliged to swear tosni port (bo Constilution. Gov ei nnr Morgan or Gen. Morris, the military eommand.iiil of New Y.nk city and vicin ity should attend to this matter at nnce, and haul up Cheevet, I'.cet h( a an i other abolition clergymen immediately. Tlu-.-e no 'ii ii.ive denounced, ridiculed, hated, iim sailed and trampled upon the Constitution, and have bhcq !i" m"d it by calling it "a covenant with death ami a league with bell," Let us ieo if they will swear to support and defend such an in-lrunien t. Who believes that they will ? And yet if, they will not, in what are tlmy better than the rebel par-ions? Cotno here is Gio i touchstone of loyally. Let it bo applied, l'he. o Abolitionists have s?rvel the Devil in God's livery, nnd preached treason from (rod's pulpits long enough. They should now he obliged to change either their o- i pinions or their calling. j "Wuv don't You tlo? The following which wo take from the Cincinnati Cum-I wn-ci'it, is too good to bo lost. It is not only witty, but slight ly sarcastic : The Jlciort CourrLU,,s. A Fourth street' merchant gttid to bis hired man tho other ( day : .. t r ti 1.. l: r. .. .1 ..H .. - go and enlist in jqidb good regiment,, ri;;hl HIVHV J PIIIISI 111 BOIIIO I egl llltriil, 1 UUII I care what one it is." "I'm obliged to you, but I fdiould rath er bo excused," paid Patrick : "Here's n hundred dollara," pollitig tho roll out of Ins pocket, "hero's a hundred dollars, if you ll enlist in aomo good regiment.'' SlNlifl.Alt AND Nl'DUEN DEATH. GeOl'gO Bell, a well known butcher in this city, died suddenly this morning under the following singular circumstances-; .'Some lima during ycnteid.iy afternoon he was engaged in skinning a cow, which had died of borne unknown disease. While thus engaged bo was billon on the arm by a fly winch bad been feeding ou the car cass. The bite excited no utlentioiini the time, but soon Jlr. Boll's arm bvgm to fivell and inflame, ami becamo very l-ninful. The swelling rapidly extended to all pans of tho body, and at un early hour this morning Mr. Hell died in teat agony. Xco A'Lwiv Lul.)Leiijcr. ASofii-Ess Max, An lown orator wish ing to describe his opponent as a soulless man, said: "I have fieard that some peri sons hold the opinion that, just nt the pre- ciso moment after ono human being dies, another is bom, and tho soul enters and animates the new born babe. Now 1 have made particular and extensive inepiiries concerning my opponent Mji-, and I lind that, for some hours before bo drew breath, nobody did. Fellow-citizens, I will leave you to draw ycur own inferences." A Neoro Proi'ositiov to Guard raisov r.RR Gov. Tod, of Ohio, having refused the service of colored volunteois, the col ored men of Cleveland nnd Cuyahoga eountie have made him an offer to raise some regiments lo guard the Confederate prisoners at Camp Chase and Sandusky, and thus relievo two regiments of well drilled sildiers for service in the field The Governor, however, derlined the proposition. ADDRESS OF THE STATE CENTRA!, t'OMMITTEL. At Ihe Uieediiig of the I lemorrn! tc tale f'einlrftl t omioittee, held the 'J'.'th ult ,ibe following lesoluiion was adopted : Vad.W, That the (. hairtnnii cud upon the loyal men of reiimylvaula, M. rough the Democratic Standing Committees of the several counties, to meet in the iever al citicf iiml towns of the State, at Mich places ns sbali be designated by the ssid Standing Commitlccs respectively, on the I7lh of September next, to eeij'jrntt that day us the anniversarv of the day of the I adoption of ihe Constitution of tho L tilled States. Pursuant to this resolution, I cull up' on the Democratic .Mandirg Commiltois respectfully in Ihe sev rid cilb-s and erun ties cf l'ennsj Ivunia toreipiesl. tiio Demo crats and all iho other boat citi..;in to' convene in mii-s meetings at buiIi places nnd at such hours us I hey respectively muy (bsiguate, on the 17th of September, next, to eoiiinieiiuuato the adoption, ol the Conadiiuliun id Ihe United Siatej .f America. j Since the 17th of September, 177, there ' baa been no pel iod iu the histoiy of A j i mei ica when it H u so eminently lilluigi and important as the present to bring to j Ihe attention of the American people, great fundamental principles, which mut j iiiideiho any Government where civil and ; religious liberty e.vist, and especially tbo.-e . . that underlie the Government of this C-i rdon a Ciiiou which icts for its founda tion upon that Constitution which allinm .and proposes to make sacred and pet pet. ' ual those principles. That Constitution and that Uuiou "one ami inseparable" j are now assailed by foej throughout tln i whole land: by Secessionists in I li South nnd by Aboliiioni-ts iu the Notth. The I former by a bold, organized, ar.ued movp. ment, s!;:ki'- directly and avowedly at the j w hole sovei eignly and existence of our I (' Government. The latter by orally direct efforts but from under the doak of recelilly eclated friendship i mid paltiuti-ni, aro seeking to tbrust their Hat oft itoions ,'tilei tos into the lu-art blood ll , lu'll The, 1'Ci.liie of tl.i- late! .11,' ibc nance j of ad porter. The, niadu b'oli-t ll lit ions, jandtiiey can, and, i unless Ihe.V would be i eoiiie t h" v ic. itns rif d".-pritisiu or iiiaf'hy ) j must iipliold ibeui. The gtcat fundattn n t.d prini-iides ofeivil and religious liberty 'as-crted in the American Constitution are essential to secure ust in the enjoy ment of ' life and property, and in 1 lift pur-nd of ; bippine,.-. Atiiii the.-e a: e "the free dom o! speech end ol the Pros-.," ''the right id' ill" ; oople peac able to as-rnble." i "iho right of tho i oople to bL seeure in 1 t In ir persons, hon-e-, papers and ell'ecl. ' agaimt unreas'itniblo scuvbes and sei.-uie-," that "no 'larranl shall i-.-ue but upon prol'iible c.iiis,. suppi'i led by oath or ailino.ition ;" "that no pi r-jii shall be held to anv.vcr lor a or otlier irfa- ::. i". s ci iiiit' on a present .n. tit or indictment id' a Grand .Hiiy, except in e i si .s at ising in the land a; d n ival force.-, ot in the' inilitia ii hen in actual .service iu time of war or public danger:" that no citizen shah '-'tie h prive.l of life, liberty, or property without duo process of law ," that "in ill crituimil prosecutions, the ae cased shall enjoy the right to u ;pecdy and public trial, by an impartial jury ol the Stale or 1 ij-trict where the etitne .-hall have been committed, which District shall have been prcviuu.slv by law, and to be inhumed of the nature and ci' so of the acijosat ion, to be eo.'.fi'onted willi the witnesses itg-tin-l bun, to have eompui-'oiy pruee.-s lor obi lining witms es in hi- I i','i, an 1 to have do a-si-.t.ine of counsel lot bis d.'l'ense." 'I tin: powers liol dclcgVod to the I'nited S'ate:;, by the Coii-ti'uuon. lisU' prohibited by i' to t be States, ;;i e re-efved lo die State?, respectively, or to tin: peoplo '' Among "ihe powers ,.oi delegated to the Cnited Suit' s" but "reserved to the !v or to tho ild elections and 1 lix the oiialif ! i;lP jifc.,t i0 h op;c, is to deter u , 1 f i e Ulion at at. ons of voters. Willi the people ol Pennsylvania this great right is lixe.l by Ihe Constitution of the State, and no power but tbiil Consti tution, and laws enacted in pursuance t bereof.ean pi o hi bit t be exercise ol.oi limit, or restrain that right a right must inesti inaole lo our j cople, nnd ' f n uiidab'.e to tyrants only," Fellow countrymen, en tho coming in- niversary of tho day of Ihe adoption ol tho American Constitution, in the I'Xur- cisn of "the right of the people pence - Lllenven wuiils the Cotlott S.ali'S, or uny ''b,. ,V. ". Tr-: Ins the follmv'tti"; ably to a.-einb!e," let ii-nil solemnly and j olb.e; Stale this ride ol porjuini, to ro- .m, Aug. !.-. )ne of tln spt;o. lev,. re inly, in the face of all men and be-J main in the Union, if shivery is to con-1 j rorioMioiident, of the 'limes lias just lore Heaven, declare our firm dotermina- ( tmue ! arrived here from Culpepj.'.,. Hore.rts tiou "lo p ledge our livc.our fortunes, nod ; .Notaworell ev rvthini n-a ly a.r tbo ndvanee ol tin; our sacred honors," "to preserve, protect Jim it had a word lo say hgainst Thai- ,1!ri,v -,,j,.rini,-nws js a-.ticititited in a and dttetid the Constitution of the Cniled deus Stevens, who recently said in Con. ,1V "01. tw fh0 wlmle iiimv, with tho States." Lol iis al't'ord lo President Lin gress that he "was not for the i cstornttoii v;,(, ...j,,,, 0f ( Bank , jrii's, .veto en coin the meal indubitable e vidence that, of Ge Union, ifaluvery 's preserved .'" j f..,,,,,,,.', along t ,e liapidun. Hie men nre in the observance of his oath of otlice to Net a word 1 ' in the b....-t spit it.- ami impatient for the do tho mine thing, we wdl uphold mid Has it had a word to say against any of . nill1m., support him, just as readily as wo have ul- the families who declared "the Cunstim-j A contraband, who formerly belonged ready shown bun that in tilling up from ; tion a league with hell," and tho "Union j . ,,(1;,.,,,. ,, J.,,.kson'K si ill ciuuc VMth our rnnks tho gient bulk of the army, now U covenant with tho devil ?" i j ollr ye-Biei'd.iv He repre-'-ni- tho arid heretofore in tho flel.1. we bavo al- Not a word ! rebel loss ir the l.,ic''engig "m'nt ,u (..lar ways been ready ut whatever sacntico to! Had it a word to say against any ol Us Mountnin nt .l.tion. Some of iho rebel of- Ririke down open and armed dclianco to friends who bavo plundertd the trea'ury j-,,PrJ le .(VJ '..-'.iin.ite it. at oven a bi'di- the e.veciiGon of Ihe laws nnd to the sovs I in one year of a greater sum than the you - j cr" i,,, " .vj., (.on firms thecal omen t ereignty of the Government. As Demo' j ly euri ent expenses of Mr. Buchanan's ' t( ,(1,,, , ,.'H.', (U'-0 ,onrin" tr'oop ' oi- crats, and ns therefore loy al men, we can ndmmibtratioii. ! Cord in-vilie Vie --.t'im itetne number know no other principle ol political ac- ; Not a worell- Lebanon AcoUx.-r, ! there nt I'm do Th".v h ivothe.r be-f lion, but to uphold tho Government and ,, ,, li.,.,l.,i n ,i i'ii..i conies-, that if . , , i . . i i , t li'cosK ii io ui f D ikk rrs 1 ia foil. ,w. t r ons a l tnal t-o it. i in v on 1 1 i niu 1 1 obey Ihe laws ; and that the best evidence. . ' " iosmho iiik i ikkii, i noioiiow-, i i ph liuiond J ... ihr, ni-iM-uiniTi in 1m i.uu. tnnuiiM I f.. lleV 10. I ll.' lO.illllz o.lllie nuilillJUi; nl our nrni purpos'i id iiu hi ih, mat ns a . r.i ' i in i , ., pari oi mo peopie, .vo win uoinnnn ine ;r,lnun,.n ,ril.n (Vnli!i,li.. ir, oil il. parts nnd ihe preservation of ihe Union in its perfect integritv, and tint we will . . , . v .i ' , . . . hold an turn, conn ns wen as :ouili, wlio :i r- : i.-i. assuu uui i.uiniiniu.iii, in tYiwia nt in . ... ,., ...i .i jini i-, 4,n,,j.,, un u, uii.i mo triiciuius Ol tho Union of these States. President Lincoln, in bis inaugural add.ess, ep.oting the entire provision in the ConHtiluiion of . . tho i mieu Mates, relative lo the return of fugitives (tour labor from suy .Main, nn!) said that be f. nn 1 1 1 . lit O Is , '11 ,1 1 laudv u nt ten in ll I',.., .m n' her ;" and in Ihe sirn" ad b . h" t -ly deelared. 'I have no pi.-i-e directly or to inn rico th;- in tim- I ion ol -laVery in t lie 'tali a whe! '. It ex ists. I believe.' I buve no biwfi.l ribt 1" do to," Yet the alio! it ion i-ts n t'ue N'orlh a-e In. day bringing to bear upon ' 1'rciidciit Lincoln u leatlul pM-ssure to induce liitn to exert ali tbo v. hiili 1 his ollicial position in pre.-ciit rireuui ' ttanees idtords, to act counter to Ibis 1; in ' piovisiou in tho t.'onuilution and to his 1 "l ilge to Iho American people. I Ins pfessuie has ln.-cn so gical luat the l rc-si-drnt, in bis high position, ive- lo appeal to tho Union loving Congre-smen li om the liorder Slave States for rrlief. Let the whole loyal people of I be State of lYniisyh aula eomc lurward in mil: .s nieet ing , find Aith one all iot ii' and determin ed voice give assurn.i.'c to I'te-ident Lin coln of that relief winch be seeks. us as.-ure Inm that the only relief he cm ev- : er obtain is from the loyal nias-e-, tMir.1-1 belin it least .' men in lV-ivi-;! ma alone, who .lie nriuiy resoivcu unu as they are the source ol ull pov-ei , nnd nr.' the supreme power in Ihe lar.d, they im tend to preserve, protect and defend the Const itu' ion of tho United StHtcs,'',igaini ull its foes, whether Abolitionists or Se cessionists. ; Come fellow. eountrj men, us you value the'tp-ent principles of the f'on-liiution us you love tho Colon of these Stales as you would uveil ilespotisin or anarchy n; il is your right to defend the Constitution against till ils foes, and as you have tl.e power to do so, devote the 17th of Sep tember ne.t lo mucIi demonstrations if the pop'i'.ar heart as will give mon.l sup port to all the friends of I he counliy nnd seive to guide th" policy of the oll'r cor.-of the government in opposition lo deadly utni fatal counsels. I need n if add tho c-joii.-el- wiiich the hbop.lion: n ; seek to give. Nvxt to tbo posse--.iou r l our eonstitutimiul rights, we should stnve to secure the most thorough obsii vance of order, ar.d the nghCs ol i very citirn. I.iur eneiuits seek lo iir.puto t ' us n w illingness to ju'oibice a collision o.r If, by thi-, is nieaiit merely a 'b' t'.i iiitiiatio'i to have our lights uu ier the. I 'on-t itul ion, ut w halevei sacri lice, b.l us i-.sure them that while wo feel that to -urrender these rights would degrade o;u maiiliood, and. thotvlere, no sin ii surien dcr ever will be made, yet us good citizens we will yield ever) thing bul our jionor and these right . to avert such colli. ion. -We wiil appeal lo, we 1. ivo the I :,'iit t i e.pei t, and 1 Irusland leij.c;, y l.eic, we shall Ion u the help of the 1 1 o v e r.:meiit to ai 1 its tenting cur i ights an I a wr collision. Let us sh-c.v li.e-i. that wi' well Ulidctstaud ihe la ,'tl.( ci s 01 in pi. ting such ( IC ti, ie, i-en'-.-s of ll e hearts ill it, 'bv.e-niiin"d ui m tnoii- .-lious wrong. W'i'jl 1 in'isi.-t iu mi.-L wrong, and impute" eliietul ciitastrophie- who h they in. iv thus occasion l" tho 'i lend- ( ibe Coiiatiintion of the laws, and tle rc Coieol'the preservation of pel feci order. Standing up as we do, only to le.-i-t ;:g iiression upon our rights, upon ihe h aids of the aggressors must bo tho re-pousi'itl-ily of any cnnscijuences of evil. Hut, whii b uiav you, my countrymen, and tho otlicei's of the Government co-opeia- ling, guided by kind Iieivf n F. W. I1C ( Von,,! ui ,' lK-,r.-ral'.c avert. Gil KS, LSCl (y',ia..''-J. lhiladeinhia, AuuKt 1 I Not a Word- the Lepublicaii ple-s had a wold to s i.y Wendell Phillips, who pub liely boasted that be bad been engaged fir nineteen years iu the work of de-troy-iii'i the I'ni'in '.' Not a word ', 11. is it bad a word to f.iy nguinst Vice Picsi'b'ni 1 1 em lin.iv It i kin vniL' 1'hilliin' trea-onal'l-.' sen'.iiuenis, l"J"liciy leti ine Sneaker's chair, in the Ciiiu.d States Sen- Has it had a word to say against Ilepre- setilative Bingham, who sa'.d in tiiu HoiisC; onlv u ninnLh u-'o. "Who in tho iiau.o ol ,,r , , , . , , , 11 inois have been ndonted hv a lrcp inn - : . ' ' jOritV: ; N, ",,-:r1. or rauUt to sbnil migtate torn - fcUle , tlls Male (of Ilbnots) afler tit-; fiilrii.lirMi n I iw I niulilnliitn .' , Non'210 or inn atto sha . . . , , , ... ., ritrht of suflratre. or bold any eiflioo in this , '- ' - j ' !!.l'e' ,, , . , , , ,,: , "eneval .,embly shall pas nil . hiu necesary lo ry y into e.led the, ,..,.-i.nflhi, nr ii'ii. 1 yz::. .rctnirp edit yV -fH l'!:M CliN'. DOCK'S A THE r) VT'i'i.E of CEDAR I' 01 I nt ti i- id tb Si I ioi'tii 'Hewing e. tracts of u jn i ..' i ed Ji h i;i.-t..iit J iio.n a !i: ; "lid Mj-aehnsetts liej ia; c'.'l i'.s bri.t.ide, ui', e e.- in . eif the battle at Cedar Mountain. -'e ' tiie in in tim New York 7V:. ;' . .v, Vioi. sM-MlitE I'lCiH TiMI. Cinwl'ord'a luigade, in out clivi' Ion, i tinned i.l the cenlro, I ought I. e ti; til er and were dreudti.liy used up. 'l is ey lid- varced tl rough n wood, cneii.n.i Iro n il . and c.-o-'.ed nn immense fb-id i.nder :i very heitw lire from force fur nine or in ti umbels Alt on;- htitrade w1- iliey woi cut lo !):-., 01 dt. it 1 nil. V-.'e r. or tin o' the smr.e wo-'-,bul mot e (o .ho l i'i. t, nnd cainn out ic t i ibe sirne broad field. I he ti:.-d thing I notice I on coming out of the woo. i yea., the immense hum1 ;-r ol bo li' s lying nbout the field, and Ihen 1 s- i v n long line of lebei bal lid'-m s, i!.:i vj: up opjios'te, almost concealed by ll -. lii j 'rem tboir piece;.. ThoSee-omJ Miis-'tchu-sjlts, the Third Wise msin and Tv-Tiii seyenth Indiana were placed in too cdjjn of the wood, bt bind a snake fence, i could not see what went on in the o.l. ': regiments Our men were ordered to i.,. down until the enemy c.itne tu-arcr; nb most all iho though. ol'iioeis kept on their loci SEVEilE l.Os.SLi. After aw bile the re bebs got us under a .t -js tne, uuel our brig-.Kie had to retreat. The rebel ' iidvanced so cb-e to !'.: end Mis-achusctts before Ihe )att -r way that it xa e.isy to lislinui-l their let i; a-s. Wc lost oust at tbi g'lV'- i all I nil0. but also iiiihcted a heavy on l.r- i ppj.-ei lo us. 1-" i 1 1 ! hundred ti..d seventy lour enlisted men were taken into iK.tiioi if. I ho Second- 'M' these one bun dled ..ii 1 t.-.etity were billed ami -voundoJ nnd thirty s.-v.-n niis-in.t- We wmo not under fir' more than '. airly ii::ur .e: - 1 u'en!y-tv came out oilic'is ivo were .ft m, nnd .'ilit d, five won:; b.v .-I' of wiiom re It is ;tr,e,i(.-. d a:cl I'u ui' capi Ul'ed, t liomtlit to he wont t hat, Onptnin Ivi'---' Major S ivtig , wii i II i'l i.SO'O.'l-. : nd lo take eu: o '! ,.s wc tiided nnd tai.- aa.-e.l nobly. Tbosa 1 ti'.id away wouldn ate and Soodien " iil, but ii ould not All our ofllecr who ought l li ti Go idivin, i ' -"y, kins were nil qui i away Irom toe lig it- ' b ate is tho - 'V one ol ih'j tour n ii i.ille I. Good in cc. .J not keep up with the regiment, but- I t.nv biiM toiling up the hill, some distance be hind, n-ith the n -; - nice of bi.s seivunt.--He h i 1 b.i.dlv re. I -ed the front when ho v - I. !t w... p'.-idid t i -co tl... , leiiows walk rig 1 1 -. lip it! ! o t hit lio -i v of bullets i.- if it -.ver.j -o much lain. s' l-JN i; i II K DAT It, 1'. Hid .It.'Jd iv went over lb" battle field villi I be General. I'lie lir-d man I 'ee , I ii. l.'-iiy. He was lying on his ha. L uilh h;- be.i I on a t'iei . of wood. Ii iooki '! f dm and p"aeei il a.' if he ly.ts inerely asleep. His face wa. beautiful, nnd I could iiavo stoo I and looked ut il b'r a long while. Next we f mud Captain Wiibains, tlien Goodwin, Abb il and Tor-kin-. They had probably been killed nl-mo.-t insianily, w hile Caty livcl until '1 p. m. of the dy after the light. His lir-t sci ::c nit was shot in Ihe leg, and lay by . nan ail ll.o tine lie sflv-i bo was voi v (pi id sutler spoki Wo little, and elid'nl seem to found a dippei ot yvater which d Per ha J btoiigh'. They ; r.'l et k ei cry! r.O'll'.ie in !r nt rt him rtic! ho oieil, arc' locket- with bia -.v l ! - m in iii! 1 n e lo ih , 1 . tie se ti . e Wei ' i'i i."-ant. a-'i'ir inen. L ;.n ' i i t il f" v;i- 1 'id d iv i iirnt w as ifceir friend, to us u hen they were It bn Pit 1 1 nli in dea I nnd they cannot be r.i D. is bald lo believe that we shall them ug.i'.n, alter having been llv tog"tbi t for more than nvear. never.' eontin I don't i einembe r a biii q-iiarrel of tt ;i v inipotian e niuoiig i,ur olli '"!'; during ail that iim". Gordon's brie. id" was kent to. get o.- it.' I 1 reinaliie i in no-,, tin all mi it nnd the next (1 iv, fior. eointae in ret Iv fast .-inc;.- have bun e fight, md fhere is a tl we have .i strong position, gnovicg cull lid" o.'e ill I'ope. Vni. 7V w'- Vwl TU ( '.,n .'V.tVr id ;..-.'lO",7 1 i'm G' .r.'.n.ov' ...;n f.f - " i.i ia. into t' in 1- of Pope. Desperi t 1 1 i.j wdl ih 'tefore be m-lde t'j licit position at t lord miviile. t inoro of the de.'id rdn ,s wum onaodi near lii Hi dan yes. w ere imrie I bv our o-. o ' neon .an. A"1'' ion no i n I iv trooi ,r'J"l is Duxa. .a Hj, . . , - I'liu Cuniberlnnd i'l, t'p-i. .' i.-i ' y on S it in-. I iy d uate 'i.ielv in IV a liiMU'ton J r tc tt'i'l woundeil ' 1 viii. i "iiel ot mi , i!d,er