Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 20, 1862, Image 1

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    U . iit ii It
D. W. NOOilE.
V. d m- ;
TERMS -$1 25 per A r, mini, if pnicT in i'dvnnr
nkvsi:hii:svo!,. hi. no :
VOL. WMIl. WHOM". (). !7I!
" 1 ;, V, '.'- ' fv x
u ?
O. 'I.O . ,11 i.l ill' -Ml!!!,
-, '' w, ii M " ' !' ,i
'.! !.- ili'V ; ill' Irv iii. u I f I
Wl in ivim-- i.l I',,. !,, (" in ;
N'. nir '! uii' 'ii 'l.n !.i y,
he I.c lent I.,. .!,-.,
V.'iir J ..- niu.j.i l.y cK' i iiii!..-t ,
Ai; 1. ft .;; , d" i. v.c
I'li'ii.i s Ii' A In
n H'tii -y, Ac
V,i , !,., wiU i:,li ! v
;M n; !;cV .-f. I;- ll
An' (.'it. him i' .) hit I 'i 1 - r ,
III' li,i' -Mi," Hi:. I ! li'tllL'.
i-i.iv v.v.'i;.; :i i.i.:i -
V l.'.i Ti-;u-:: '
0': :'.:: ill'. 1 U"
. a.' m:i
ii.ji.i .- - h A!
a. hi -
J nil 1 v. ,ir i;. ii i r-.i.i
but iliii.r ..;,J l:i:i I ii.-.r.r,
A iii' ij ; !. II 'vnTiii (" it, ,ti,
A. 11, "Ii;; i'.,' .-II., ir-r.. I," :
I'i'ii 1 1' j Vi. si'. .r.....-'s....
I;. ii.' 'S-.i.' j.' l.i.r-1,
A n' ell. .ii:' in, '. fill: -liV )."!
I''l I..-. :: !,;... v ii i"'ur J!
Clin in .-- W .U.
: . A '.'
Ayev,'i.': r :' A-, rl-j .1',: iU.s-,r. :r 1 :
jci ...', i i i i. i I '.. .'. . .1 (.v.-
't'X I'' '"' ti ;'' '! ri ,'''. a . .,
in i .;.';, ).:. i ' .1 ' i 7" y i
I. S '"Mm;-."ivi.iV ( 'i.n. i,t. --W. 'hi".-
duy li!'m't? t. Mi l win.
U. S. li F. S. o;iloi) , t a!, rl iiir'.(l rtitli
U'iii .--rros.-ioiii-l.'., nith ivi ii; ui'l nii'l
CO lii f. ui to tko l'!U lllirs i'l ti,'' I'lli'.i i
'-ta'.rs. Thii ra. e f.'. fin tlirr r 'iitiii'.K ..
I. K. l.'lllllOj: ll,l' tl,o (' ,S, ( : o. S:ll."..l
lu.'l ll. M. l'ltikcr lor iu !t,i!,ii:i-.
U II. ilin.L, jr.. t!,.i iM-inr: A
l..r:irc 1 an 1 iu: l in u 1 s : , t , ii
'."ih y.
I ll"! '
vv.i-. no' .if tin.) l'ii r, Stj-tiH a : a
niiu:h I in ' iv:-.i.i:is c i.! I I . ! ., .:
''tt r.'J'r,-ioti ill hiy. I.iity t i ti a ::'. j ifl.T u. ;v:t.ii iiitri!;..' i j iimii
t.'.' Suutii ; - ll'il tillll.:-. '.; ' .1 ! .:
tujiljr t; r.i on, I i.r. i: Ik nri no ... on ;i. .
I'l OVcil. lil.U til" iilii' Mill t l',' 'I. A li ...'iii
ali.'lr, ai,.l L.'n.t .i;:u,"a'li the i " -1
tl.C L.;i"loll, Was I'li'lly t in-.' tl to 11, I,"
iv.uit t l.lcr a i'... ; n i -1 in tkr a,.
Ii. M. I'-t k.-r, li-'j., 'iril.( ii : iiat r
Mliatli.'.S In lis. iii l.y tin; A '.;..,. lay, it
Has his duty l ,1 j.:oti.-t :i..'ii:is: nv ,iiM,
utiati of tin' Ca.-r iiiuv r.'r;l ly . li '.'.ii'i :
lilid ill I i'l lilina! iiili l.y ill'.! ln,Ui-'.i '. . li
r..ill tii.ll HO 01. 0 of tin: five liol.i - I..; I
I rrti sl'.O'.vn tr t'U liilty ot cvrli i i
talk, cxcoj.l Hairy tin; younn -t, ; i lli'..::
under thr ii. t" notice ci' lui u'.r. ila ai
"iiriifd ll.r, :ii mII' run.-ti! Hied (,,11 ii , i
that tliii C'HMaiKiity ,',ould im'. : ,
Uch inti t Irii'iiru iu llir liad kian - a..: ,
.). Ilethoualit the n mi.-rl lor in,. ,: '
IrudantM oiu'iit to have an oj 'oi t ii i, n v t . the-rliaract.'.-of thcr iii-t.. li,'
lui'l nut kuii-clf i'iiiaii'i'd to i ru.'tiii
mo, having I'rum tko !!; Irfi iiMt
ta Mr. .otci-itt, :r. juui.ji' ocuu-. I. lAuiii stutrd mi iiruiiH it in
tlu. cai.o altrr ilio ii.ivri nim iit ha I a , ii,-
liincd ltui'iil l l.o u.-c!v. JUit i: a :'
i liiiiu ronld he taiil in viiniii'.u i .mi vi
(inriiuna it vou!J ;o lair to ullow it.
Mr. S'unot whs c.Ll.Lro.i to the J.-t
Attniiii'y lor lliut ile.-ai) llm: a
what til (ioriiol.h kail hulii'ltd, it
l,r ol l.o i.dviilitiir I i tl i;i to an ,
r.lse. What I hoy "aiiUtJ tkrtr (ouo-.
lo win to viiidir itr tlicir rhai in ".rr,
xj oso tho lui' ircr- id' ibe .j'.'cii:.. '
i ins lie jiruj'-i.! to do now. Hi
..Ulrc-cil thr Coiut'iiiViioner as fo!!c.v
Llinr.ts r.ioid'i. l sixty yrats ol.i i
ins lour sons, 'I hry inu nil imtii
mv Kimland, und silver blimlis hy I
i hoy rrsidu in tho pubiu!.t, und do
i. en iit-ro on V;i,,ill(.lim stra,;t. in
'..,:;! 1; ;ir of dr.fou f.diiirr. 'I'luy
i.irn nl li'Marti'M,. t Unnlii,;., i.i.d' ..
yolitira! fi'iitiinunis lli,.v vou.d lo; J ...
.in. '1 la y mo tin- ;.aita., j.t-, .-.l-n't--i .
Mr. fdiT .loUitisu iimi-,. hnil iiT,
and isilraioii o! J'mU mm i'.,,,,, i , '
liMirmi Siijiriinti ndiiiil o llu. 1 1, aiinl
i i-ni'le, a,i; was a innnliri' ,. cj.,,.1,
i ! Mr. Kuiiock. Mr. Thia.-a. r i- i,a ...
.auintunro niul nn a-.-oriatt! ol tiuai K. -i.ii'.
l'uliucr is draron, in'i,,.,
Ui liiing n cnniiiiitU'o iiKltotrv t. . low
it of thrsosusiH'i ti d I'i'iMiiis Mr. ii i
' : Wiislitiuru in an nrrlii'ir.'t ; in.'i i v
'ne City Council. 1'ho rrsan- ,i,. ..i'
f '.'I'l'iililioau politics, ai, d arc ; .. i.-a!
. "' '-"ClltOI.
-' r. '1 lirasUcr ciitni'Liiiicl to iir. 1 1 a,
': tliBt tLc (iordolia Wrrr .l:-ali"i 1. !
' i'lt-'. " ho M iiljiiilliisiii Willi the N.uiij.
''" llol'iirt nrtiuc upon that iiit u ii) lion,
r' - them a li ttrr, which wiili it-ans-""r
froin tho Cordons, is in tho c x i l.o
!"";' : Ja'. !'' Ibo invitation 1 1 I'ih.ii
' "'"icr, Hie a hove nntned jt i,iis fi.t-t ly
' ''' 'l 'n ! hnoii)ci.', Willi n nuni '!' f
""m, elcotvil Woaton l'ulinor cIihj tin.n
-ie U'wii,.g find tl.rn ill ,1 thr (Irr
' s iKfnrr them.
i i,. i .
A! hl-t 'lii ;. .. : '.
Il.T'vr Hi,1.. ! I' i li II ,! i i -.
li i' HI V I . ' I I
lL n'. i i r.-,'. , i . i... , ,
A ii" i l,i r . ' ' : :..
p,:iv ! I.i'i. -1. .!! V.
A I.-t.I t,.r .!.- ii
Clti.lll I'.' Vi,,:i."i i ;. ,
J - - i::,i in .
ili.V I'll i I U" I., Ii nil l,r ' !
I l.cinl-l ,l'i, n,'.:. :
! 'i y tiu luc I laltoi
1 1 :i 11' u.y r i. in u ir Mti'.
';-t .-;.!. '-. hi. ' if-isi!..
.- i 'n i " ; :i lv ...ii ! ;
I I lin'l U' , nr; n ir via: ' i :i'
)',.: u ,,!, : .-.! I . r . ,
.1:,' I.ii wnl .in fuiil, t,
V.'i I ii. ii tiuii-.' ii li":i.i.' !
"II. . '! ' !.., r-k.-.l ) Mr. II...
1 ' ' ' i i'. , ' I il !, r. i,::i I ,.i' i-l V
t. ' I '. .': i'.v ; nil "i't n i! .',
i' ; . i .ii n" . i! i "I j 'I'-x.ii tint I,.'
V I ' ',' ., i , !. ,..f ; iliy I
i I t 1 1 ": . M :'. V. 'i ii ! .'.ii ii iiM"iii-t;i..'
ii.t.M : m- int.-iiiijiiol l.v 1 1.. -' r ; 1 1 ,
I" uli"-:' : I n -ii'tnn i.'.i-i'ii or mIht, Mr.
'..,l'i;ili I - rrllliilt !y i 'i 1 1 ll, ;iiii 1 in I', 'I'll r
I liiin t.' I : m liii'i llnil ,'i,'.li
I ' ii'iift. I ;. la I1,. ii'liiit M'i'iii' llir
i- - i v.:,. ! Hi II ;n iiy l lln' l.lllnl'. Ill'ni
' ''' -' , ' i ' ' 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ii:.-i i i'il ,'ilnl i
''I ) '.'.! i"i ll.l'.'ll.'!! Pi'lU'l II 1 1 1 II H: I V I'.ii k
ii" r. 'II,.- t listjiL'l Alton,.''
:" t!.''li inl'ol'liii'il t'la! tin' iiil''!ons liml
r'i.''n ui-i inn! roll. fort t. tin- riirmy. Thin
Hi'' ;":':ilinn I ! s , noon hi- . ,it!i, iir lie.
I'll' . Ill '":-.'., U ' 1 1 c I i i ' OIC ill'tV-
!'!. ii".: ulii'lo lil'c iiml i I'liwii .-Hi I 1:
'! Mi' V .-.'! ; 1 ii'i- I" l !l .-.I'l o. .'Ili'l J I l.'.i
: ii .ii.. I in :. Iririi.U nml in -inii l"n - imvc
' I'l'i'll :- vi hi I iii I In i. i-t ily limit lln'iii.
A I 'I on tin: tr.-tiliinny, s ) i.litniiH'ii, wo
1 ' ll'ii'l III" III, ll It llll'IS I'l'.lllll'ill.'
' ' . -u , ii..,., il '
j Ai'l i.i'li, limv s : 1 1 1 1 I - li (j IV t' i.i- i.. '.Ill'
i '.!; " ' ii'' . -1 rio liini'i'iir the i ii 1 1 1' run-.
j nii-.-;i'in r ! Jiul. il 1 ri'.inl .-in-ii -.. i,mi
I ii,.-, i v it' Vim i;,i, ii li tin- i ; ' o! ii mrrr
lav.,! i I', I ,-li."i!'i iii -; i.-r luy-rll', alii, :-ir, I
v.'Hii i I ,i a.-1 iiii.-liii I i.l n'.i 1 What UuiiUI
I"- t li" u -i , Mi', o I u klii'i a! ml ura lion i.ut,.
,"iv ' I I!11 Jli'li .' .- i 1.1 1 1 , 111 V, ('il 11- lf.l-1'-
v.'ir !:'..;, in- mtfi it " thr l-.-iiri;:
I'l'ai'tiH' r.rili..u li: thf .iitir:.l ailU.l il
j in:: C'i'.ii,;:; : i , n i; i i.a lor i arh ui !.- Inn
(i '"i r r ''ui: !il U!.:it liio I'uii'iin
lii ! t m'. i :-.' i 1 : y l , i . : I , i y ai',i I'li'i r
I !.:.!. :'.,:: .. j I n ,i Ml . i ,vii,r'.i .i.iiili.'
i "''' i.. us ' . . ,i- ' tin- inij'i i i ll
I Ii. ; ' ',. 1 -, I -'i. '. im it ! t. . j. ! :.: ,
." -ll. . ). - '-. i ,' - rl.iv at a ''a-i' '.v l.lrli ,
;' - i ::v :;.;.'., ii. , , , vi - t !,,. J.: i v . i
!.. i,i ,n
t I., i'l.',.
aii'l . ..:,' I :
aii i.ii..: '.y r
j ,.t ,ni .!:' -,
.-i.:.,, i, a'.'i- ti
i, li in :
, it t' ,ay ;.i. tiiin;:
t i'. .i.i a '. '.:;! an il. :-.:
ii, I ,i:.iil i'l'i'll l:-.' til.'
.ii;, u 111'.- -Iiiiililio yl'ir-
. i a,ii li "I aiunii'iit 1
. J ai ! !..-Ii: ll .-li nii'l )
I ti; ra-r 1 A in a
i . : :
; i:. !!; i.i.-: m n ! tl.c
ii r.
i N'r-'ttil,;: tin' t. -i'lia l' , t ki ll, d,.c . it
; -I.o-v ;.;. . :!v ii. .. ruin, inlli. I, c.r..p: i'V
IU' i "Ir j 11 a l II .- - tho . li'j - t no 111 !i 'I ;n-
ii:: :!r(!i. r I n i'il,.!. on ; who have bole
l.d-o w it i.r.-.s a'nii -t ;i .rir iiri'h i or lo de
stiny, .' Mij o,-i. tin in to have iirU'l
,i.iii:.:t their I, al in ', mid hav; told the
tiuili i,:,'U I' oath. I i.r:. llir lioidons in
laiioiis i'.a.-. l avr f,,ui,d fault wiih III'.1
i i )'.'. i ii iiii-iii .' That is tin; osi'tier, the
-J'li'i:. anil m 'ai iliu iC'.i".' of the Icstaiio'
1 1 v .
'l- ;' ,! ' ,? I- i: lira-oil ,',. '.' . Lis
i , l .',. i.. .... ol ! , . , , i i cli ui: d all liir
'". , i : of !. , i , i . 1 1 , a 1 1 1 -! 1 1 1'r, an I .a. v to
j ,ir .1 -r. ... i ! -; ( i i'il ; i'"a i I 'or
I ti CO. Ti: iiiie; l i i-oii w.. v I iv -nt :" i 1 1 ry
I !'.";. I , , i ;..: th . mill 1-, !V ..l:r
', ::"V I'l'! ,,,', i In) I ...'III I'i ll'.'l' ,1 i irli -
I . .i I i t.i, I y I ,,a; A ' mi ,,ty I i. i i who 'va
; ,i '-ra ', . i-i . ii Ir n.r a I : , Iran, a r:iil
ii:o n, .!, ;' and .I :'. :..! -r ui ;.'l my oi In r
, 1 i',.'.'' a . dil , i I : i : I ii l In' n i o i r iin ) o;
i '. r.i . li.ri ; i.o v ; , -: . i 1 1 i , ti , tin; i '.in-
-1 . ; ii ! i' ,ii w.i- in via; : id naiilylo iini it
iai.'i, i.ii i: am! it i not ivniih th pa
j I i :' it I. ai k . ii . u ii ii'-, it iloc.s a,, oi t il and
I : l ill :' li.
j 1 ..'.. !: ;.' ki :', ir,' lioil, that as I tin, lor
i il ,inl li'ii.t l '::!.t I aii.r i! n.oii' than I do
j ll, v 1,' . : A I.l I ,'iU tl,:- ulioi.. ''--I'lil'lv
I - - vo-, iiii- :', I r nn try to iwt'lr-sifl
i.i',' li 'I it!,,!' 1 1 I ! i v, -.1 1 iir ,11, ri I i ly
o. ti.;- ' i , t i 1 1 . i ; , , , 1 1 i n , , nr i ,. ai - A n, 1
i i, ; i ji,: : 1 viii, la . Hi d at tin; I i,k
' : ;:. .: i"'.'.i a vtr ina ii 'I j ia: t , 1
". ,il iml . 'Vi. ii;. f.-r tin- ,.iko !' l:iy i'li-i'
I:,"-, t i a Y'lliiuc Miriik. Nutlitr .-:i;ill
i ! i: ' I i II d .'ll-l !
Tl.c:' i' a-e n: s. Wr arc Iri.'l w ith
l!iii:' A i I 111 .'-I' la i ill:: ! la-lil wo i!i iV'll-I
, . 1 ii -1 I i' ; , I i air .iintiy I row a nt
anil v. In li:
, ,ll,:l l.ea,
I ti l',
', ia' i: a,: ; i r, i, kiui: me, and i .( n. !' lovd
ll.r 1 1, i, ', i ' v, - j u ,y a!i,". Mr. Sill..lirr was '
our" i !,., a lv r iV r. li er : en h. Iir
rl iin ' I l i I .' aim. -I our of its martyrs. j
And :n lien I.,-,' of il. or in rniw. j'lrnrr of
,'. !ir r. rt wa- tin- v e! iin of :i nr.vij
' Iiy i -' ll. i'. ii.ila :.' 1 n i: !i a frl ity and
i 111 1 w :' ii a in i ek 1 s n tn-v am I 'lei 1 in
." aiaiii- i ',' '''ii'':' ell ir ! Hoiiotv clrui .' i
i'!n;!!. i.r ;.' Iiv-t, Ids Iiinii.i.'r. With i
ii f'-krii y id a'ihii:n w ki.'h l.rl ni.'s a-
: the j nlilio wri'eis r f A 1 1 1 el i r:' , to!
a and to I loYrrnor A ndi rw aloiir he nd
- Irs Iriinnl, :a put tlr'ir "hoels'' upon .
,, who d.i!,'i' w;i!i ilii'in, and who daro '
' ; .'i;k ol.l. Tim advirr is j;i Vt ti in a'
i.r lot :.'r a I !ii'-,.' 1 to lli,- 1'ito war
i in.' at Now Yi.rk. Is hi., ppveru-j
, m an o. j"'i ii:;.-nt n.ii'ir ii on poor mr-i
. naiii:'- l.y a ft"-v stn.'ill i"iii,piiatms in pur- i
-iiain'i. of an nivouioiit iinioii llir piin-j
i ip!r Thnys al W a h , u;o mi, in order. ;f it ,
woikvc!l, to vi'-ritir" moro inipnr'.ant i
v iel mi, I I i.r , i,nii; ;d;i Kiilro? I do no!
ivin w. I','i ! know :hiJ. 1 know tint tin-'
pm: leii.i ii of tl,r Kipii'.lii'.'in paity do rot !
e(ii,iii..,an ii. and tint ii will l,n! hero,
i i , .ai ! aii.on ' ,,'. her i ',':u h thrir
I i ki'i-d i. pp. a. i i thev i:n:-l kei nt il ivii
I' ''.'' il .'.u i personal friend,. 1'
' 1 ' ' "I" ' ' 1 i-"ii. oar i'xi'i'' Inn t 1 1 o v i
ellm, woi,.i .edily I ,. kn,,,in a, the late
'i'lii-onl" I .loin, A. Andrew, .r hi-.
ei'i'll ! eee,ivi ! !;, ,,,! l' '
Ii'iv.mii'..'. t,, -, I .,, , , hl, ,t,;r t0 M.
A 1,11 1 '" him ti inivo. ute und !
i l: :i ' : .1, M . I troason it- cxl eiit.
Then w l:a; oil I l-,".n,o of M r. 1 l.ilm,,'' I
Po, " he -p'-ik in lavirol the ( iovel ti torn :'.'
l!.i- he n.r sa.d atiy I Itin in favor of anv
( loi ei i.iin nt eeept that of II -i li ?
I .id he not latelv a lvi,e a lar-,-and l a
i : ir:ic a-,emi,iy not to j'lvo n mati nr a
dollar to the (ioveriiinetit yi' the I'liitcd
Nates? And did not that put t iot ie viriety
n'j liuid tho jul'i Minn ? Shall wo prose
r'jtf Mr. riullipn thri'i'To:' ? Not vith n: v
!..,! ii ill, not itliniit my net i i -islani c.
! -Inn. Id vi, late ! In- f i r-t principle of l'e
!,:,,, i:.' V. i iealrr to me than iiti thin l.nt
i!.o u ,:, id i d him-rlf, il 1 did not liht
lor Mr. Phillip' rihl lo talk treiison to
ny fool w I (MMitits to In ar him ! In n
letter the I'loveiiior lelines to Flip.)'
troops ti the I'M s ii lli t . In fart lie Mip"
1 lie- Ji.iili) aild tlle.s lnoitf to u. lo we
pi o: , , nte li iin for his htli r '.' No; hut a
ti inpi'.-t of ileri,i'.in lueiiks ovt'i' what lie
'all- Iiii head Ii om all I'lirts of the Tinted
S: ate, and evf n from k'nland. tin. I to that
Ao lean him. When the f'iuieiit of tho
late Col. Cuss r ent oil' without an escort
even ol the Second 1 alallioii, was it not
actually li;'-ed in Stale street, as was the
M ii,,aelill,el I s liiinelit on iutctum lictii
Mexico ; hut the ainuMe remark was
i in de that '.l.o lit pal lure of the Irish
' im old he of mat ;:i ltd to our poor lieuso s
i.iidjails! The (leviiiinr or 1 1 is fiinids
! may talk so aU.ut Col. Ca-s' crunti nu n,
Ith" i risli, without commit tin trcii,cm.
I We me i.ot charcd wilh saying any thing
I half so had uhout Mr. Andrew's counti y-
ltt,,..i tin, o".io.' find vet Wl ll I o I il'fil ecu
j Much Iia3 Loon sa:,l i:!.ct:t finding latilt
' willi the l lev eminent, as if ihcro was some
p.'i uliar sunctity aluuit it. Have fvo ai
j i i vi d at such a sh'.tr tkut no r up must
I find fault with any action nr oini-sion of
the (iovei iimeiit or any mrnilief of it.
' wiihi'iit bavin ticnsoii imputed to liiin?
''an eii in 't . r '.' Can not I, for cMimple,
have the mi-foi tune to think t'nilMl.
Si-w'.ii'l. our pit . ent Secret rry '.' St itr. i
not til, a, ,i Male, man, to index the pa
' pcr ol the lair iln.- W'l'iht. li'Vever
little m t Ir iil: '., tuny t : on 1 ! " him, I do
Hot tliiiik I.i- wai.t oi i-i live .sober M'lise
-lii's im. ' !e him I l.e laur I.ii " ,tut k of Ku.
, r w i . I t! inli I." i- a Mn.,,1 ward and
'colli,'' politician, Mites like :i so
' pi, amir, ai. dials 1 ke a stork jobber. liliie he .-peak-i lib. nit n hat will
laH pi i, i;i si.'.'y days in niii. ty days he
pu:-n.e in I'.oiil ol a ( nib .,tone broker
i iiatu i in ovi I the :' ii'iieiiin maturity
' i f a dtibinii.- Hole. I ll,:id; Mleh men have
I.i en advaira d to im orlaiit places in this
ri t.ntry al aut :.s oltt u a., tin y will be, ami
1 ealil.ot help li.j'iiclli to think that Mr.
Sewai'l wiil jiobal iy l.e tho kiit of the
'Lilliputian--. M: y I i.ot say so? lias Mr.
1 Philkj - :.ik. n out a j ati nt for the nppli
cation f lii si n.te abuse to second rale
im u '.' and tuns'. J 1 e trji d for tiea-on il I
how cv c i ii i: s iieeei , fully a I iciiij t to in ft iny
i A.iin, I ilo not worship Mr. Sumner, tin
Ckiiiiii'-iii of the Senate Committee on
l'oreiii lb latioiis. I cannot fti'miic a
person who is so simple as to think it a
litter thin' to pretend to be a fanatic,
than lo be a dull Lnt li'oiicM man. There
'in a fk.e olil (lei man .-lory called l lie 'Ad
. v n'.urr of Key inn d t In; Fox,' in tin; il
liistiatioii olwlueh, animals if dili'.Tt nt
f'.iiliii ie.- i.'.r li pi e.,i nti'd iii the ait it 1.(1 s
w it ii llm i ; i i.',ioi,s of i. i.-ii. 'J i." lilu--t,
a '. . ins iii e v i ry -1, ,1 Kxpo.'K a clip of
i li iir watei t'i the lio.-t ; observe it, ami
even w b.-n the e ld hci-ii.s to lill its trans
parent sul Manre with a beautilt.l spine!!. i
o! ice, if ymi ailate the ma-s it wiil not
immediate! lteer. l'.ul jiive il in thai
c iinlil ion. a shot t J ( I iod of rest, and .t
becomes a rock, hardly y ii 1dm to the cm
i i it , of uni ow del and lire. So have we
I'min I the South. Tlmy were once unde
cided. Time and tho stupidity of tin;
1 1" tin UK nt has con so! i'l a ted a hcitat in
into : hostile ropli;. Yet Mr. fiordou is
u tiai'or il he call, a fool a fnnk
No, i-ir, Iieedolil lit' pi'i cli ii not '
nl.e. It '.-t il live,' in I'.,. Mon I his
ti,. in ; io,ei'lit."ii is imi to atlect it. Those
that I happen to know of them aie . ii.
lien, en. l'hey ill 1 not aree with nie iti
niitie, when pi ,k t irs e i.-t ed, but the
a:ee w ilh me now in Je,pii m that potty
,el',i i u! loll el kiln1, el r: and meehan ics for
ti.e.r opinion.-' whirh w is the reproach of
the old Wine pai ly, und w hieh was one of
the chum s of it, tall, as reat and resp. e-,
lal'.e as that al ty a-'. Thfy say willii
peilert lieed.m. that the whole (licet of
our unanimity depend, upon its notorinu"
fi itd'.m from roii.-li unit and that it would j
not oidv be In.-t lo us, but would be Used
iiiin-t us w ilh ticnit ciloiis power, if it
should bo shown tor one mjmeiit ia be!
produced by four or by force. If wj can-
tint help our aainst one or two So. j
e. ,-,ai, i, Is in a w hole Stale without force, !
what lire we to do with the armies oi l
Mi newail .lack, on. j
Iflcadiii Kepul iicatis, however aba n- i
don their en n princi le- lo take vcneiince !
f ir opinion s sake, I ran ti ll you t hat the
will not leave so rent a mutter in the
hand.-, of any such per-ons us the pin, edi
tors in lhi,c:i,o. They will not rondet
serin! to tdniiik from the Court of ,lude
Lynch ii. order tn whine over us, in tho
cellars of lieacou Palmer! l'hey will not
attempt m watch u, m entry ways, like,
i'bincas Stone, or inhci ti,e in in the Sun-,
(1 iy ii pi-is us were tin; (lord'uii'. Nor if,
we happen to be ki ntua'cd, will they
.-neak lound to ma-tor buildiTs orolhcr
emplovers an 1 thiralcn them with loss of,
h'lMiic, if we are not (li.-uii,,i'd, as is iho
h i'h-ioncd und nii'naii iinous praetico of
Mr. Win. Washbur...
The petty business never sprung from
them. They are a rent party, and,
I belive. nn honest one. . They lire not to
bo nv'siiied with th" mei-iiio of Mr.
Sumner or of Telcr Ilol arl. If they ut'
tor Minor in temper, they empty their
j in kel,in em -rosily, ihoy euro for the
w; I mi and the orphan. And when th"V
do that, sir, they never ask what party
the hii-l and cr hither bcloned to. No,
sir! The bulk of the beputdit am love
their cmnli' in d help their counti vinon.
I hey lo.ivp the mean business of Kpy and
i nfoi iner, of nl irtnist an i ruptionisi, to
i oneado J einonat of the Wa-hbutn
st:i:ii wim reiiiain nt homo to abuso their
tormor parly instead ot following its 'ni'in
I'crs to the liht f,,r our count ly. They
loavo it tothenl and the of tlios.)
meddlesome natures, tho torment and ru-
roach of Miismk htisot Is, who infest its
reliions societies, und who nro the sor
lo'.v of its inott I'lnistiiin ehuiiicters. Tlio
man wlio nttends to every oilier tmin'n iif
faiis wliellier Ids own are attended to or
not, is almost exclusively a Massachusetts
nuisance. He in commonly, thouli not
always, ntlaihod to some unhappy church
oriiiii.'.lion, 'IV, Massachusetts society
incddhn is indeed a scoureo so irrcat that
it may be doubted whether it does not
i fully counterbalance every comloit and
.bh sain coticeiitrali d in this tavoied
country. I'uritanism, whicli oxalted the
I manly Kr.lish spirit by laniiticisiu on tlie
one blind, ilemdo.l it on the other hntnl
by ( spionii(je. I is el, tin lies w ere mutual
ns.-urance secietins in euch oilier for the
: morality of their membeis. Its doctrines
i are foiotten.
j Lut the evils which the Puritans mis
eoiiseioup'.y did, lives alter thoin, und
j churches w hich detest their memory ar.d
; deny their tciiciiin.are manaed on their
principles, Mas-achusctlii to'ilay is cov
, ercd with soeicii.'s, in which the best nioti
and wointii lOiiscU-iitiously, but reluct
Jantly, ;iinl the waist of men and women
oiieiiv, mid w itli a ilenlish delilit, per
, !' i in the work ol'si ies und informers upi
Ion euch other. To say thai such n inn-
tic system of inu iiiil espionae does not character is simply to toy that
caves-dr.ippin and tule-lieiiiiii nio not
low and mean occupations. I'nilor its
inlhieiice notion is kown of a man's real
character or disposition. Habitual watch
fu'tiess v.pon t he one side arouses liiibitii
hy pool i; y upon I lie ol her, nrd il is only
when the petty -uinl of l'mslon expands
in lo t he ian! ic villain nf New ( )i lenns or
San I'i anci.-eo. that vou cun tell how vast
a l i nelit you derive from his einiia'.ion.
The li it kednoss looked little here It''
can-ewe saw Uit little of it. The enor
mous pi i -,ui e el nn iv el Mil listeiiin and
I ' i pin had 'il iveli it deep into the in.
iH'tmosl lil'i'.-, ofour si eiety. So pressed
it 'l odlli'i'S : melliliL.' 1 oillin it I cos, it elects
1 1 i-s lei-'altirrs. 1 1 brins such mon as
1 le icoii J'alnier lo associate, ( tit of lenr,
.villi Mich men as Washburn, whom they
1 reive in their Cellars and disllii-s thl"jull
i heir back doors. Nobody will deny Iho
fact or i'.s application bcie, who is not ue
piui'l t'ideiiy the exbtetioe of the Xev.'
Mr. l'allcch, or bis church member Mr
I laves, i ho peeped after him and black
miiih d hii.1, and then exposed him. It
is Mr. Ilio e's turn lo-di.y, il may be Mr.
Kidii ch's tut n to do thai dirty work for
Mr. llavi s to-inoirow . It is Mr. Wash
burn's tin ii now , it may be the Gordon's
turn by and by. Hut be the Urn who8
it may, the system of a bin barons neami
people applied lo the control of civilized
mankind awakens the lieiresl resentment.
Men have put up with tho fuvaekt task
111 : i -1 o i ;. They have endured the blood
iest tynints without resistance for mary
; e.u -'.
TI ey have snbuit led to llie Kins of
I'ri:--it- -to the Czars- to the House of
A r' i in and even lo the 'links. lint a
Government o! meddling philanthropists
tin y i.timot bear. It resembles the Gov
ernment of vermin moie than any human
lespi li-in. Individually vile and odious,
hut unite insiuilicant ; when collected
ihoy ate all pel vailing, all devouring, ap
I al'in lout hsome to every sense, and
n.ti l!erable to the slronest body mid
lirniost mind. This is the Government of
the l,'i.liC,.iorcs--the Maiats the Wash
burn, -the llobarts the Hayeses is tho
oppie-sion which makes tho wi.e mini
m id! It und" i he iorduns mad when il
was lir-t applii d to them, and what ihoy
uttered undi r its influence was temper
not tie. ri n. Yel .vns thoio son-o a, well
as temper, if they preferred .left'. J'.ivis'to
an Abolition Government. As 1 undeis
stand nu Abolition Government a liiar,
miht oiidiji e it. A man mihl endurs
the iicvi i ii incut ol Mr. Phillips, for he is
a ciillomaii or ol Mr. Gairlson, lot-whatever
n-uv have been thoulit ol his similv,
his lione.-ty was never iiuestinnod. J'.ul
thr Abolilioii Govel ninent which they
understood was the In'piisitorial the cel
lar tin' ftitl; ci',My""7 cotnti'ittCL' which
stoo l before then) oiderin them to put
out iilla! and I think there is no man of
spirit with in his mind, who would
not prefer the woltishness of a l'avis to
the pi'diculousness of a Washburn!
'I i,e Gordons have i'oiki no wrong, --j
They do not hate their native countiy,
thouli they cannot like its imbecile
Government a Government which has
everything given to it l.y a, gonoious peo
pie, and which docs nothing but waste,
lime, make speeches and feed eoiifraotors, j
cannot bo liked or trusted until il alters its j
ionise '1 lice sentiments. I understand
theu) lo oxpiiss. I agree with tin in in i
that : so do hundreds and thousands more.
They have a l ight moral as well as legal
to express such sentiments, liny
oujld to express tliem : and woo to the
W ashburn w bo shull meddle with them,
or with anv one else in this way heieal
Tho complaint in this caso charges the
defendants with "giving uid and comfort
to the United Stales " an informal mode
of describing the offense of "mihcrlnj tu th;
enemies eifthe United States, giving then)
aid and comloit. ' In nihil' words, tho
accusation against the defendants is trea
son for under the Constitution and laws
of the United States treason consists in
levying war against the United States, or
in adhei ing to Us cneuiiCH, tiving '.hem
aid and comfort." And the punishment
of this (11. use is deulli.
To constitute this ollonso, some overt art,
cither in lev ing war or giving aid a .d
comfort lo the enemy, must be proved.
It is well sMtled that no words, or int-n-tim,s
even, however hostilo or disloyal
they may bo, are sufficient, il they have
not ripened into acts.
The laws of the United States have thus
far failed to make opinions, sympatliieg or
mli ntions, o: Ihcexpicsniou of
ever ditdoynl, base or hostile to tho exist- the 1 est blood of the land pome 1 out liko
ing Government, an offense e-ognizablo by water, in the hallowed work of comcem
the Com ts. Such conduct is loft fur its , ting a temple ; aen d foiever to 1'rer doui,
ritinishinont to the just and indignant Cotild not I eholl ill fai" pi opot I ions mnr
judmeut ol mankind. j red w ithout iiltnmptin to slay the desn-
('ur sole duty hero is lo administer the erntinz hands w hich imniou'lv souhi. its
law as we f; ml it
!n rnloienee to tho two younger Gor
dons, it is but just to Mate that so far in I
perceive, no testimony whatever has been
intioiluccd falfcctinit them : and tho ledti
mony, so far as it relates to Mr.Goidon,
Sr., is mainly to the effect that lie roceiv-
ed !e tiers from n e'ustonier in Pnltiniore
giving him rebel atcounts ot tho mtive,
J me't-.ts of the in niies sooner than theyvne
published in the papers hero.
In reference to the lemaininL' defon(! -
ants, George and Henry Gordon, although
the testimony is much more full us to their
Cxpressions of sympathy with the rebel
lion, yet 1 fully concur with the views
, stated so fairly by the learned District
Attorney, that it is entire insuflicienl to
I prove nn overt aid of treason. '
My only duty, therefore is to order that
this complaint be elismissud, and the de -
I fondants bo elincharged.
! The crowd in the court room burst in.
! to applause which nobody cheeked, and
lliany peoj le event up
with tho Gordons.
and shook hands
JEFFERSON 1X 1797801
from tho ('tiitriiii'mi.
The Yicosl'resident stood alone. With
it m.,. ,;,ii ,i i,..,;i
,V III." V" J'll.Uil,MU ,1111, (., lUIIIIIIUl Hill,'
Will' l were L'i'li. ua V hcin.. mon .
dod into the distinctive., features of ties ,"ai'1'1' hand of ruthle-s error ; thrioo
administration, the more liberal spirit und ' llils 11 ll!',s,'M ,vl!l' "'M-wal energy, i.nJ as
en lightened views of the great U-publiciin ' Sl'1""1 right to ..irect the do. times o a
could form no a.,sociatio,i. Through all pro.-rressive people and it tho signs of iho
1 tin
tkeik storms of federal hate and mul-
i, L, ,;.i.,, in-.. n i .
' l,lb,Hc Frun.-r. whose noblest and richest
blood, but sixteen ears before, had boon ,' .vre. J ho same lamitieii n fi wuicu
so copiously shed in the work of baptising ' 'vi.rrcd aainsi its birth, will bo arrayed
a new nation in the smoking trenches of to May its iurth-r progress ; ihesame Mux
. YoiktO'Mi ; through all the hurricanes of devotion to conccntralo. and centiHlizod
fanuticism, engendered bv a thirst for ar P"wor beneath tho of winch iho
istoeratical power, and whicli were final- " f:l,r m nl A'I:l"11 10 "tpl
ly assuming sliure and form in those Al.en ,,,s,,1" IK"'' ha tecome lht policy ol dear,
and Sedition uot, which were subseUcnl- '. y Ahra."'"- Lmcln, and if De.
lv destined lo dig the politieial gr.eves of ! ni'H-riicjr exhibits bul a tilho . t4,o vi t; li
their Minded authors; he alone, unawed ' ; ",1,,,,ed 'n it mcoj.ti .n, 'ii the history
by the then almost crushing ir.lli.ence of . of l,le ? uUni, .he six eonUi
of the gove. oniei.t, imnained truo lo the lnn' hl .wn: "Sl0''inwu'1',i ' ? .
:.,i.,o. ,,f il. ,.r,ln. .1... ..,..ii. f ats desire to bo known as the political
an of tho common weal, in that dark hour
of the young republic, win' n liberty luul
well nigh fallen stillborn Hio was "weigh
e l in the ballance and not found waiitiu.'
JX-pisiiig from Iho depths ol his iioblo
soul, the petty tendencii'S to aristocmcy
w hich chaincteii.eil the administration of
Adams, ha took no pains to conceal hii
righteous contempt of tho tiliselcd ad
juncts i f monaichial pow er, now seeking,
t) gain by insidious approaches a foothold
on tho floor of the Presidential mansion ;
but viih the matchless power of his sais
oa.-in, atluekeii A'ithout mercy those vani
ties n r.i emblems of concentrated power,
which ho conceived but illy comported
with that simplicity whicli should ever
characterize the dispensation of authority,
in a government deriving its sovereign
powers immediately from tho body of tho
Whilst resisting those claims of France
which were manifested unjust, he as
promptly opposed ihe unnecessary haste
with which tho ilomiuuiil party wu- ens
ditavoi ing, wilh all Iho energy of domcni.
ae rage and fondi-h hate, to army in hos
tile opposition the tilliei? of a former cloris
i .
ous war, and lo cause the Joint conquerors
ol lordly burn Cornwallis to imbrue their
hands in each other' blood- The title !
snobs of haughty linglaiul, who for centu
ries bad rioted in security upon the sweets
which their iron heels had remorseleisly
wrung lioni the poor nun's blood and
sweat, had beheld with consternation the
the sudden downfall of the French nobili
".""' "'I" ' ' " -.""
ty in that terrible conflict, which a similar nn s' do it. We hear peop'e talking about
course of grinding an oppression at the "Union parly." The Abolitioni-ts in tin
hands of the blotted and haughty Hour North call themselves tho "Union parly,"
bons, had at length forced upon a trodden and lire, m reality, miuning tho. war.--.
people, hud at their bohe-st, their Tory sy m Unionism moans one thiri in Muss.ieliu
puthizers, who had survived our own rev- celts and another in Kntueky. Drnioc
olulicnary struggle, ami who formed so rney knows no North, no South , no Fust,
grout an element of the federal party, now no West, but keeping its eye steadily fised
combined w ith the udministiation, in do-- upon Ihe Constitution as it was written by
erooiiig eternal hatred and unflinching tlio Fathers of llie Kopubli , will give no
war against the land whicli deserved tho ground that ihcy can hold, to any can-i
reverence and sympathy of every truo A- teinptublo faction. AVi.f. ;.. "V..rr.
morican heart And now commenced those j ...
intoleiant proscriptions and relentless j C-iy-Tlio following "lovely" paragraph,
persecutions which, until our own day, appeared in two of the most prominent
hnvc never found their parallel. The press Republican presses in Ohio. Wo fear ii
was shackled, trial by jury denied, perso- is the sentiment of many moreif not all :
nu! liberty restricted, and all the most sa- j '!".' M'"ri"j " '"i ii-l.n h-nrs il r'J'i IP ) ?"ir
cred rigbtsof freemen scattered to ihe four "' '''-"i. C'"1 lrr,;ut himself at c. of m,r re
winds ot heaven by the arbitrary hand of
usurped power ; wlnlst in eveiy breeze flut
tered those black cockades the badge of
the peace party, which taken in connect o i
w ith the prevu lent excitement, only need
ed the udeliiinn of a death's head utid taw
bones, to hava convinced a disinterested
observer that America was about to en
gage in ascheino of uiidi.itir.giii.shed pirn
t it- I plunder.
Rut through all the Minded frenzy of
the warexeilemen, and all the heated
cbullutions of public feeling- consequent
upon the passage of the Alien and Sodj,
lion nets-which succeeded it. the Vioee
President unmindlul of the deep-mouth-i
ed buying of the hounds nf the Adminis.
tration, pursued that conservative course, i
which his conscience and a knowledge o
his Constitutional obligation, alike dicta.
ted, and iisumed that position, which
viewed at this distance of lime, appears as
the only green spot in the black desert f '
I'nnaticism w ith which ho was surrounded.
lie who, unterrified by the shadow of a
Rritish scall'old, dared calmly announce
the "inalienable rights" of man to an en-,
tire woild.wns not deterred from sound-
ing the alarm to hi own fellow-citizens,
when he beheld those ' rights" attacked
by the insidious hand of those vho had
sworn to support thcul ; he who Lad seen
overthrow j ho, w ho hud done sei much to
procure a separation from the mother
country, could not sil 'iii'v behold a poo.
lilo whom he loved, siiiliin.' beneath tho
social i.ofitinn fd the down trodden wl.ilo
slaves of Km ope ; lut it w as th-n that he,
together with those noble spirits w hom
1 is viiriiing woids und liut i ing eloijuoiicn
rallied round himself, I iid the foundation
of that oiptmiation, which in tlio year
! ISO 1 , swept away every ve.stigo of an ad-
! tninistr,ition, w hich too long hud cumber-
ed the fair earth with ils fell pro.-eiico.and
' and whicli to this day, is enjy remember
ed as the synonym of all that is desj,iea
, Me, and the couiilcrnui I of all that savors
' of blinded folly,
Sixtysone years have slowly rolled their
wonted c mise down Iho slope of time,
since Thomas JoU'ei'soil laid tho founda-
tion of that parly, which by its liberal
j policy .mude Amoricu :i happy and an hen
orod nation ; the snore;! hand which uliko
, inscribed the glorious 1 leeliiiiition of Inde-
; pondence, and laid tho corner stone ol
j 1 leiifocracy, ha lung since, blended w ith
its kindred dust; but the "tellsevidont
truths" which compose tho one, and tho
! hallowed principles which nro the prido
land lory of the other, are immortal as
I the soul which gave their birth. Four
' tunes since) its creation
ias the 3emo
. . .
(lane i.uiy ni'eu mi hi.'-.i m ui -...u n.-jr
II,UM "o "no,Tremuoi,, us un-
daunted crest will soon a.'aiti conlront us
! ,li.,,ural antagnnist as prou-Tly as in days
1 l. II I,.... f 'I'l, .,, T..0.-r,M I ,.... mniit
do as did t! e';r father. What he did is a
tuutter of history.
I TllF. ' G.W.I.VNTRV" or Nfukoks. Tho X,
Y. Tiilinnr. in its excessive) lovo lor the
negro, or intense halrod of white nun, wo
scarcely know which, says that "the Irow'sl
i,'.vyi',,iA' ;n ialhirl nfhirrnni'hts of the war
are tho,e of the negro who recaptured a
vessel taken by u Confederate ciuiser, kil
ling the pri.o crew ; and the runnitig of
tho steamboat Planter out of Charleston
harbor by tin negro Robert Smn'.l."
Wbito men stand a poor enrmee of getting
credit for any thing at the liiinds ed
the Tiilunc editor. Thegallantry oflheso
two nigger achievements w as simply us
follows; Tho nei o Jack-on liendi lily and
brutally murdered the pri.o crew while
asleep, ns no white man would have been
cowardly enough to do, (unless perhaps
ho had been an Abolitionist,) wl.ilo tho
negro Small simply ran nway with his
boat during ihe night. There may bo
gallantry in tho.-o two nets, as .illantry is
tindor.itoO'! in th" Tnlunc sanctum, hut
we "don't see it." White men who walk
coolly up to Iho cannon's mouth or face a
leadi-i: hail of Minnie bullets, it appear;
to us show more gallantry than they Mould
to butcher sleeping per.-t.iis. Rut Sambo
must bo praised up ju-t now, us ho is tho
stock in trade of tho.-e who desire to ovci
thron this While Man's Government.
I'umocr rv Mi sr no I r.- If the Union
l.lill'1111, HI I IIIHIIII-I 1,1 II' I . UII, ,,n I ...v.-..
is ever lestoreil, the i;eiiioor.ine pnri
rrmtiy ijkeri. ami hr an pru.-urc
If am, in i
-Cineinatti Guz-
I to.
A, vi
are morn
rh b, ll
lie -J XEdli'tKS il is their pr'ual .. l .-ye
employment elseirhw Tolodo I'la lo.
! C3?,.A queer looking customer inserted
his hea l into nn auction sloro and grave
ly inquired :
I "Can I bid ?"
J "Cei luinly," snid the nurtionocr.
' "Well, then," snid the wag, walking oil,
1 hiil you good right."
I IKA.TliA hullo niav not L'O much upon
t,a i,;liun , l oi thoe i o comt'
f y thedr husb'r lie's n Icing very much ad
dieted to buv-ways.
.. . . i , i : ,,i,!i,.
MfMt overy young h . Iv
"V t0'1 """ tn ,,avu hu f'
USP'1 03 tt com 1 ,,ou.
itn..It has boon iir.ertiiiii"l thai tb
wl0held on to tho lust," wns a shoein a
fi-gK'ur.od be the ground that tho man
trends who says the Magna Charta ol Am
oiicmi liberty ;i "h covenant, with deal ,
and an ngieemeni wiil. hell." When th
downfall of that instromeiil taken plas
just oint tofireeley, Seward &, C'j , a. tl. .
Authors ut lint damning deed,.