Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 13, 1862, Image 2

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    T " ' TOTS' ' WW,f
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Wednesday Mon.iiitf A hi;. 13. ISC2
i i mi ( h in i n; Ticui.i
I'll ai i'i rcw i is a i.
ISAAC M.KNK Kit, ..(' I ' 1 1 1 1 1 in.
'( M !t ' t 1 nil i. r.s ! ,
.IAMKS !'. liAlilf, iifAlltipia co.
I (II I linTlliiNui Alt V, AC,
J' P. r. l .WKH.KK, M-ClinrCu l,!.
tun i-'i.mmissiiim:u
I'll' I'AIti.lI :Y-. ..I Ti mi l ii.
r i . i . i .. i; i:ci! i'i':
ma: h ri. r.Ai:;n:. (.nv.i.iii.rii tp
it M'l.lnP;
!II!,.M V,t)(iIV,'. ;i., ,fn,t,.i:!p
Hi: i i i iii:.
i i ' i: v r.. v,' l;i; ht..i jiippiina tp
A Voi d ro the Democracy of Clearfield
' J'pinoiTiny (T i '!i"i! li.'l'l (tiiintj
Ii;, i ri 'iv in ml,' choi en of t nmr ciiiididiii' -i'i:,
IIP . 1 1 1 i . ' i v 1 1 In ' 1 1 in c-1 . I IT. We
I'i ;.i Vi- tin- , !.., : i,,n-i Lu c hi rn !':iii l :.i,,i
)i 1 1 f 1 1 y iiphIp in cvpi'y i.i-tuip,'. V'in-n
1 In- hcvpi ,il iu-ia (..'i.-tiVcnt i in- .-! j n 1 1 m'I
tip n J, on i nil iv.iidi.l.i'.i's for I 'oniPr -i, . i n
:i' ir :;; Amnl !y, v.'n JW! :1m: ,i ,:.'!i..-,
of j.ii: j.o-p t ill ,ri .uli- tin l,!i-..,l, ii! .hp
coiisi'i riitivp .(.(iilc of thi-i county nlto-
pctliT iiiiPi ilcntp.l, und Mich m will
nll'nrd ci'i'iy u.-Mirancp. of vi..toty.
In jiu-1 yews, a jioliiicul ilcfont or cAu-
ry, Miii t-i t 1 1 . 1 y the taking fif oflico'lioiu 1
ONH ill Jl' 11111 Mllil I l-.l Mvl'i.t r ! II t il I, ,ii I
otlii i'. i Ipj incentive to m-t ion on lm.
hull oi jicini pnil.-i nt tliin : iino i of i h.i
li V'li- i' i.n
.1 i. older, and dump import. tut
i !ihi a .!. i
I ''11' I'lllllltl'V IS hl-si-l. ivit II ilil
ii. iii i 1. 1
ii i
strupplin j I. a life. A',.' i;i,,.( A,'
, ti,,.,
(.r at ehnrter of human hhi riy and I'ljual
juMitv, tin- O.iNSl ri'l'Tli.'N of tho I'tii
ted States iita?t be i'l;i:-t;u Kli as it canu
,i , , ... , . , ,
iiiuii im; iinHus m iia I'aiiioi louia it.TN ;
. i ...... . . r ii- v i - i
1111111.1 as n:ai on. .sow, ciuani is ill:
pieted tijion every conn leiiaiice. Hut tl,m
(V.Vi'A,;c: ; jrcit Ictrt tie ifort.i:
ti'jlit. If the wieul; onu hn mved tho Ie-
inociacy alone can save it, and restore tin
I ,i , . ox , , ii-oupsiu.-s w in ilii i urn 3 ncu oi uiu miihm , , o.m ..... iiui, u. iii.ijjuuuAxiiiv wwaaa jii - j-ifu'.,r i irv, iiii, Jii-Jiriv.. . I II 1 I
nml that po-erful, iiro-pcroim and hiinhY 1 , , , , , , t'le f it. I m r r. xr V i,;.,,,,,, n i ,,
l-vhiv ,- , , ' type m.n who never hat horod a thought 1 u'.mi,- t tlml iU mm,, m- ,f , , HON. Jl'iu. Am, re Hunter, J. II .Idup.
L . It I.N ol their creation must be hks-toi: , . , . , , i. mil,;im tlmt tlie miihp irot ei p.j ,,,; i ,
llint ,eu im) :, nrr , I, I rn w, n v iv I 1, I l n .. -..,1 .. ! i I , I I . .. H 1 .. I . ... ... ... 1 1 11 .'li (V.r .IIICP W 1 1 h ll t I U PS (if I I 0 I K.t - .. . " I, ) . ,U . I.. .1 II. Ul 1 1 W 1 ,l . K.
Iran Demociiit should feel that his whole:' ' : . . , ,. . . of t his .Sim,. N'o iimn in llivi,. c,,i,n il,ii. l.orough and lo.vnships hi (Mc irflel I , ? a, is. ' ! ' Kowlci.
lire and enemies are dedicated. ,V)liU( ,-1 ;n y asmnuion, ar . ,o I inon as ,t j J . - - - H(V)upt ngl.In,,1(.,, intlu! Cnut Hons,, on ' i"'1?! i V', !)-
i, .... was mid the Constitution as it is. ,i n;,,!.,. ,.. ..i, ., ,,.,.,;.. i i. I'lirsdav. tbc.'th ii:-t.. at 3 o'clock P. M.. ('"'. U. Pres.-ler,
""""UB"",IV,,,1", "' "-1 , " .. .'-c .. .i, . w.f. ;.,.! i: il......--,, Austin Klin.. T. If,n.
Klorinus old tihip of State to her former'' uici 1:1111; 01 u.e
,.,, ... .1 ' , . , 1 'plpctioii. Thev call (liPinsolrps the ' Sons
S' " '7 V ,l;;l,I"",,ip Liberty.- Who knous but ihatour
niiglit.0,1, among tho imtiom of the earth. , ,. . .
ddio crisis is a 1.10,1 feirful one. Put i''"' '''d'11'""-'"; l'n,J'i V1 u l'r
1 . .1 I I r 1
thero must l,e no -hi inkiiiji horn duty.
in 1 , ...
e have a I'ounlrv Iomvo its in-titiition
to hiel,l-its laws 10 obey and enforce.--
To arouss tho '.oval L-urt of the IVtuocra. '
i i- .-.f il, ;.,.,. ,i 1., ,.r .1. ..:..
- 3 ii, u ,."wiiij .. ,i,i-i ri:ii-ij in u
ilutv iu this t rv i in eineii'piicv ii.-eili in.
word, from ii." Thev r f,.'ll nw ul i.l'"
J - "-"" " I
duty. Thii i lilaiidv seen bv tho follow
I -
ing i-lonui nt extinct from a letter reecivi !
. .
Irom a valued Ineinl n:id o iuil Demo.
iTAt, residing inn distant part of th.
cnunlv Tho liMii-r u-'u ilii..,l il... lit,
ciiuuiy. mi. ii-uir was iiiiioii mo Hli
iiii-tiint, and tho extract is an follows
"I hope tho Domocnts of this county j
will, fnviitukrly nt this Cme, support the
nominees, u l.onrr thty vm,, I. , with cordial-'
ity'lve,. The deuioci ats in I ,njilu, y se wee of the Cited Sta.cs.
powor, they omy can restore tho I niou ; ...
mid its Constitution, which tho party in , 1 11 ls :'llf iV1,1'. w' '0'k ot two or
power at'-J destroying. Then should I Mm jlhrio thoughtless printer boys in the c-m-oerals
Lo prudent, wise, tolerating and, ploy ol Mes-is. J'. A Ml-., nml about which
gentle, one towards another ; asking ,ii,-ltll,,v ......... totnl'v icnoiant until mresteil
thing- giving all sellishness entirelv I ii
uside : mioritiei'ig ali minor dill'ei eno s.
and holding last only to pr'ncipie and in
Ii giitv, the tine chiiiacli-ri.tiip -. f 1 i. nii.e
tacy.'' That his advice ii!1 i e strictly followed,
iv o have ml the hvist doubt, p.
is lire
I'i-itly meh spiitiiiu'iils that
inspire hope
in ine dri-ait ol eeiy coiisei i ative man in
Iho land.
Tho late Primary Elections-
A full repoi t of the pi-fcedinj-i of the
lU'turu .Uidges of the I ite Priniiity Klee,
lions for Ilemociatic iiomiiiees, will bp
found in this is-ue. At tho c.vpei,-e of
i.iuch lalor, wo picsent the tables ut
lontii. shoi'.'.ng, lh-st, the result of the
popular vote at tho primary election, nml
also, tho vote as required lo sr. ure lo Hie
lioiiiinpus u I'n'hnli of the lemo:.'!as of
the county, a.s cxpresseil by the last (ioy
rrnor'u election, in pursuance of the p;i
ent Rystem of making nominations. An in.
tpection of theno tables a ill sliow that all ailesled, chargod with discouraging en.
the ucoessful candidates, (with tho excep- lislnienlf, and held in f.K'lli hnil for his ap
tion of Mr. I ai riuior) Jind a iluru'iti at pearaiice nt the next term of court.
Iho Primary Jvlectt.m, anil would have Wo do not w ish to bo misunderstood on
Leon nominated under tho "Ciuw ford" llii point wo want to stand fair upon
cysteui. Mr. I'over led Mr. Larriuier the record nnd theieforo rail upon every
tight i ta a the rrimaiv l-dection, but Black Republican Wide. aako in the
lacked M votes of having n majoi ily over county to enlist in response to the cull of
l.nt rimer and iloyt. A Connor under the Government, to Huppres.1 tho "lrre
stnnding of iIipso tables will .how Hint Iho pre-ssiblo conflict " they helped to inaiig
lesult has been attained in strict aeoor- urate. Wo would especially extend our
lance with tho rules; and if hlair.o is to call to tl.osn gentlemen who itssemblul at
be attiii'he l anywhete, it in to thu.i. Kidgwny in l.-lnl, to aid iu tho purpoae of
Dut we liu-t that no IienKntat w;ii feel winding up tliij "fa roc of a Gai erntuent. "
! In ip
. Ml I
I ! ! , IIP M I'- I P I I t , l
1 1 1 ! J . I In I . II.' PI ill I I I I II. hil'lt till'
i mint y ' i" in t ' 1 1 i i' I w il 'i n siede
III a i 'I Mill me II II eX n IP I 1 1 in 'lie h h tol
til' ri 1 ! 1 1 i -. 1 1 t-ii'i;-. I !i ir ii iii was t
,h,' I
mill. I, ii ii I t'i u t in iitt- '-ti -utii! In n
i I t I I I 1 .
ii, 1 ! i .oral :i rn I l. ca claims wild ill re
i )
g,itde I. This l.p't i. li'.nlv ! monvti mI.-. i
liy the ndiiiM of tho otu in uioi-i el the
(fkv-llur Republican I'lli'll'li, llli'li
1 1 1 lo of "i !io li ii'ipU and supporters n ilu-
, ip. nt N.uioiii.l AiliiiiiiiMniliiui," IipM i;
,i- ,
C IIVlMltlilll, or ClillPIl", PI' .Mlllll llllll;' ii
, , - , , ,
tliit M,it, m tin- i-Iiioc 1:1 ll.iirsiiy "t -
ti,iii.-ict l,ii.ini--n iii i-onMi'l la tin- ii in i-
ii.-ition nt c.iii.liil:ili:i I'pi-ctii.-c."
1 iliit.i! ivp Ii ji vc not Ijppii (.ill
i;ii!y inr.niip d, in: y t : l,ut ii'jioi t my
tlmt no iKniiinut ions f. i r c-,iiiiiy otlii-ci
(Wi-ro iniplt." ; lliiit t.'oii(;ri'S!-ioiiitl, Spin
'nturinl inul Lpgiliilivp ponl'cri;s viero :i.
I ,iiiitf,, inul th:.t t i t!i
otna.ii'.-u t!ic l.-i-tii.ici' ol'tl-.o '
, lil .ill i , !l ' v ol' I 'li'lll i'nM -nu nt v.
I!pj u!
it l.-ll-t
mi :..r us i Iii v in
i on i pr 1 1 " I in l in ir n "."v t
:"! i ."i'i, !:il i i'i'" in the Nation.'! in
P " I !.;':!-.
j Why no iioniinn' ion i ,vi i p iu:i.l fur ',;
pi.iiii: ii .'. i hipii.i v'i it stiMi.p. IVr- I ,. s 1 "P.v 1 Idtik to m'I n- a:) -x i: ii il,' ii i '.,
' lini ini: iilnl UI'P L'oilii: to Mlpjiiil-t till
, I 'ciii".'! ".t ip niiininpi i. Itivill net hint;
,'ilicm ii Ui I. i:' i do this. (. t.r cnidi-l
!iti" ru e pert ,': nly V, p. ,t ion.i! do I :j I) , ; ' ' '
and thi'iudy iilijcctio:; tin y cm .nv.ili!y ,"''
Ii.ivp to tiipni i- I pi au -c tl:i' me l'cir.
ci'iit i. I' ll if tips i-i ', h.i. thi-v thc
Vi ill .;' :i i P. 11 i'V O'J I I In! Sltlli: lui-' for till!
' mm p im;ioi If nt i o-i'i in.-i !' t..;;:res:'un
ad .'-t I. -pi 1 1 : i;n It will lo i-ithi
i r !,iit to can y onr enmity lii hct
, .Mlil'.'Ut l''MO-it i,Ul, ail iiu'.l.'ll the i'pp.iopi
l:i -y ai p soiiipwliat in iitli'ii nt v. hcilipr it
i ha io ,i..-iti(,:i or rot, -in ''.ir :ii tlm ri'iult
is luipctca ; tail toiiitilio oni' ! .' KPpnu-
li.-Hii fiknds, to lull ci edit for iiiddh. reiicu
to p'.n.'.', they inu-l ii't t-toji at the county
p'h'pi s. I f i hey are in cai i'o-t they must
Ihci'iite as in liil'picnl a to tie.' c indidati s
a' lim
niui c nnpoi (an t unices, alnl to
I which ! hey hav
p a I'I.
It1 chance
coliiii! tlcir Pii::-lid.i:i'4 inilppendent i.-f
. i. .. 1 1 ii :.. .. .....: i,.i
ijl illl'i. I. I nun I ! .- in ii, i,1 i i "
., i tli.iii i 'i milium!
for ihpin to I'itabli-di an ind:s
iUlntilo ciaini to piitiio'.isi.i. ililht IpL
thon'i .stand otP ddicy c'ciim only to w int
hoi'.c-ly, patriotism and loyalty in tho
ipaii'li'laieu. o win uaranipy nil iiioso
I :n i - r ii i ,.f.i. ii-'.pi.Is lino Siuii, ,,,1. I.. I...... : ' MMAM A TIP PrtTTWfV PrtWlfV. r .. .. . r. it. . . i ....
In m -iv secret o-ith bound political orpnni- tribute to tho loyal seniim-iit of this coiu
izili .n, sornPtiiin-after the I'a-dison of the "'-""cidth.-y,,,-. T,!.
Knownothii.-is. If they are not "rd-rep- 'M ic l,,is ,V,l,r" pf lLo l"'"1- CVm
ire-entid they are not to know vho thev , IS ei-ossary.
. -i. i i ,. .tv. i .-. i.t, , in ... . - ii .... v . iKiui i- iiu i im ir ,.i; , ii ii ii- ii i i il' 1 i n I
llll 111.- .111111" . I ne 01 ll -1 .I'lUlll lliil'
ithinj.'s look suspicious 11'. leaft, 1
, L 1
Tut Akhk-sT at 1 1 .Mii;i-mii,:. Me-trs.
l!l,!'ml -Ml',OB,,,l pr..piietors, and
Mer - srs.
loucs .t Foster, editois, of the i
Vair'r.l ami L'u
reancstcd ( tie day
',-ck and h ui 1 ied oil' to Washirj-lon ,
a pw.soncTd o . ale. unatr onitrs suimi i
1 '
. ,. . , , .
' c'('ll Ial' i',uo'1-
ti I i. : ..i. 1 1. :.. . - ... :
' "v 1 '""tu "I'"" " " r1"111"1""
I rests as near as we can ascertain the iaels
w as foundi'd upon o handbill hi inled ut
. . ,.
the 1'i.ion ollii.e, purporting to bo by auth- j
01 ''-v ol (-il'"' Imeol' Kansiw, calling upon
tho nwgroes of Iliirri.-burg to organize for j
the ptn pCMi of being musterid into the
They are how ijuai tered' iu the old cap
Pul building, iiAaiting I he pleaslil e of Mr.
Stantciii, hc will no doubt send tin in
home come d llie-oilays, lifter ndvising
t Jii-ui to keep ;i closer watch upon their
boys, mid not again j orniil them to play
such "irick upon trawlers-."
1'u I is it not -ti.uige that such papers
as Iho J.'. V. 7Vi7.iii,-, Harrisbuig 7'. ,'.;- . i, 1
and iiiiiunieiiihle sjietkers throiighout the
country, cni urge Ui" making of soldiers
out of lu-gioes. without giving oll'eiice, but
fur a lew pi inter boys to ilo so i.s ti ciison ?
The ci iiup of tlip-e boy s if any they om
initted (OMsistcl in di-cour:igiiig voluns
teer eidistmc nts I., ratiiy ;.(, pcjrvt
Are not (Irecley, ami ihe h hole Abolition
cre'.v who l.avo done the i-anio thing -eipially
guilty.' Then why not do I just
ly towards all oH'cndei j ?
fi-.-"We observe by the Pellefonte
Jl"i,f,7,'iiii that the diinior editor, has Loon
, till' ,'tl
j we I'm
'I. ,
A p.
llll Mi .
I 1 i I I I in i-h;lc '
ritui'tH ll
HI' duel's -
.- I'.i'i i.i ! Hiir i nt
cio inv I i I'll mir llni'
" ' " ' I i ' I I - , H 1 1 i I I 1 1 ! K 1 1 I I ' '
' : , , , . . ,, ,,, . ' , , , ,
, i in j mir tin "inn, A nl p : i,i i,c ; mi l m
i, name ol' ui; llml ih il( ;,r iin.l mi, icl.lel
not our li thai gy h ncp r l.hhi vmi In I !.' by vihiih j mi .i,,. m,.;.uhIu1.
It'll I I I' , :i fl I. I ftl V'lllll' I . . a I III... I . . i I . i
; i urn p, i i j phi noun's, j our w n i
I .mil y m I- children will do o,in,iiniiul mi l
slaughtered before j iir i y cs, m iln hcinji '
"ri,in'''1 VPiir i n n,-fkH, km, I u iniitnr:
iniiliiili.ini to linu I your Mml iiiidctpi nilv.
... . , 'Ul IMHl l.Il I Mill .
' ' u "",sl Hut iiiiitlir into oui'l
'iv I an'l-, in oui own iui,lM, ,.; NOV,:
i I Ills J Ns I A NT, ir nil n:xy . i, umi
il1 "'- in tin' li'-M limy' lin.i u liiii in j
; in- ii -mi inure u'lnnio innr; Hint iv.ilili 1
thi'.V him iniireliii to men i tli.i vim I
HoiuiMt i'(:y innii, ut to!
usi; luynl,i.'ii:inp.''
Thi i a t.-ol.l involution for imb law,!
inul itii-ulpr.tos on'.iiiipnts, cutrni'diH h(,
any ti:np. I.nt wmil,,', mi :U t(! i,i,'
Tl:o .(ii li r tlic.u! i I., , i in mind tint lim'
i "tr.l!tur-" l'pt'pl'l (-.1 In In' tin- 7',,', ;r,r,i inv '
1 1 !io I 'on ; r t . t of I'm n.-- 1 van
A. vi ,: ri lid
i f'l.u nu in i:i y.,', j,-
'lit ; uini iii' iKc avc-
i i'ip'I'.v.i r.'to.ii . 'J'iote u.o i'liiilifi
i ,''i ' l.l'i '.i
lUi bh-rlii ii
: im'. .'a-
i'i 'ip',(.if i t I
.'..''.'.'I til 'I il 'd'i
i'hi! ilnlii"' a: c ( an -;.
'Ilic doctn'niM advocaii'd hci i iitti of the
ih t .in: m, that "tho King can.
ivroiii," inul licnco
o ',vp lii'o in.
Tin-fc lmit I.p no
unwoi'thy (if tliv
Station f. I -lui t
ili'i.litv. with our iiii-ni;,'' , whpt!ii-r t i:i y
.-how I !n in.-plvp-i on th" f'.ii'.t" of Hani",.
Lnr ', ai.- M-cri .!( n, 1, ii ;; in the -iv, inn.s
leKimoiniiiy, oi pi e c:ui;:ht on fr.:r.
ion; the I.uikm t ; .;r. We reheat i
i! ii'tnin, tiieip is no liiih ri nee in ileaiine 1
'.villi tiailors, uheicicr they lue difcoier-'
P I, and llui- to the iiiiiiiruful pry of, I
"Wnti hiii'in, w lint of th n if 1. 1 iV an- :
S W PI', Ulrl'LiliJC lllhl tlO-lntl i,i!,', 'l 11:7 -.',.!."
j'hit is very PiiMiitipanl, wlu-n wo liiioi
the fact, that the editors and proprietors j
ut tin utri-t ip l.'mnn, wvro arrpsled l,y i
the niilit :ry ai.thoiities, tho next day and'
1 iched i:)i in ,ii-,in i,t Washington, Put
lo slid further iilmt .'nle thi'ili'iiiiaiiii,- no.
i -1
p ti'e of the Ihiiip -pieri ic editor of thc
I'luyiui A, we produce an article ptih!i-ln-d I
in lhat .-licet on the 7th im-t., iu the fol
low ir.p fi-ni(ic:iiit l.'inj.piai'i' :
A Jm ii.'T.h-te. Tho n.rti-;iit of i x Ci.vorn-ir
Fi'.viin.i.r, ui' (.,ai-tii.iit. lm,. bi'i-n tukon .liovn
fu.ui tliu tluti JIuumi ut Ilartfuril. 'J'liu Alhanv
picture an i ins person wou.ii tie u- litiniy
impoJiar.l urarr irom tlio War i)3-1 C11 tiuition w m. l'orter, l,-p, ami Win.
PErtmer.t. IT. lidhert were appointed tellers. Tli3
W.stnsov, Aug. 8. roll bein, eaded I ho fodo-.v i;. named ,,e, .
The following ord-r wus jgsucT tlii'""" ain' l their nauios, :
morninj Irom tho War lep.,rlme,,t : I y.Vv,ir.'.i, Jos. W. Lull, W. U. Die';, n,
IVi.inv.T, 1. P,,i. I 1 i ' 1
" siiim. ion t n , 1 . L., )
Aii "u-ts;li lsi-' f
... a ,. .'.?-:
Ordered, First, Thiil I'liited State
I Mm - hi-Is, mp( 1 in teli dent-- and Chiefs ol'
' Police ol an', tow 11. ciiv oi 1! t r :-i I 1,
thev are lieu by ant horizi d and .iirected !
!o arrest and impriion any pei
or per
'vho may ho ei.fcMjje,! by act of spec
) ' W 1 1 Llll! M (II .-(Mtiri:i''n" vu nnloi.r nu.
,. , , 1 " . . , .
N nil'hU til' in n ti v it-iv .tiiti.1,1 , , I . .1
,ci - mlort to the ineuiv.or any other di-doy-.!
.. i ; .... i . i - . i t. . . J
" J H'lll i.1 III LL il 111 11,11
I"-" lll ii-:'',"v' '" i unen .-.laies
.V.i-.P i. Unit immediate rei.ort 1 ip Tnnil.i
i ' , . ,i'' .' i ' '' r ! ',
!iu older that such pel sons may bo tried ,
to ai a or i., i. ,, .luiR'n Ailv(-ate.
ic ii niniiAi v commission.
Third, T
' '.'i, ;'1'1 J
flie exprines of mk Ii arre-t ai,d
oiinii nt will b.. c rtilic.l to tho
It of 1 1... V.. ii r .
I ....... ..... & -v j'.n iineii b io-
j M tlh iiHlil and jiaymeiit. (Signed.) IN AI. iSf.WTON,
Secretary ol War.
li OrJcr lo Vrcvtnt the l'.:-tsln (
7 '. ti- l Jj-r the .Suiyim.uoit of
IK ih,',
Fn, Hy diiecdon of tho President of i
tin; United Slates it is hereby ordered, j T V. ltt'.W l :l I.IOK if juM nnw rrn-iv-t
lull until farther orders no citizen liable , ) in(T nml opming i.i Lis nhl t-tninl in t'irar
lo bo drafted into the militia shall bo ale : iichl our of the inut cnri-lully rek'ituJ O's-jrl-lowed
to go to a foreign country, and nil l'1"-'1''1 of
marshals ijeputy marshals and miiitary,1 $10)11110' GoOlls
othcers of the L'nilpd Slates, are directed, t-,,ir,,, ... , , .. , ,
. i ..ii .,i;,. .i -.- n ' l-.irr l.Tninl.t t'i tlie euBttiy, inul which lie will
and ail po hco .;:i hont:es especially, at I at liricl. VXT ly fow t0 a,tllIljilll
the poi isol I. lilte.1 stales on tho neii hoard, eiy t His i.t.,ck i-uilirniTS
ami on tlio Irontier aro leoueled to ee I
that this older
is fiithl'ully carried into
ellr ct. And they mo herel y authorised
nnd directed to arrest and detain any per
von or persons about to depart from the
I'nited States in violation oi this order,
and report to Major Turner, .Judge advo
cate, Washington city, for further instruc
tion respecting the pel sou or iei'ioni so
arresti i or (li'taineil. I
A',p,,.,., Any per-on liable to dm t, whoj
shiill absent himself from his County or
.-laie ueioro sucii ilriitt is maie, will tie
d by any Provost Marshal or other I
l'ii.l -iiL.u si,.i ,.n-. . .i h I.
ipnii-ii ipnin u' ,1,1 ri, - 1 '.nil- 11'
mny be .olind within the jiu isiliction of,,-, they must not fail to cull at
tho United States and conveyed to iho' 1 "P'Wl."! I ppv C'I,r!.,
nearest military pou and placed on mil- Lil AW i'A 1 jP.1v o IMUlUj
ilary tint v for the term of tho draft, and ' At 'l" ' 1,1 s'1""1 "I Mooro i Euweiler, nn Second
the expenses of his own arrest and wny.y'!:1'1''' Juno 'Ci
veynnca to such post, and also the .sum of V'f'N,lfjK! It ,ITiK.,?'i2
five dollars hi a rewiini to the otlicer mak- ."T'f'f' , . , , ,
ingsm h arrest, shall be deducted froui TVni- "--r-iKnI. hav,,,,? Iken cl,,,'Ke of tho
j well know n Mornsiliile House, nt Miirrifdale,
' s, P'1- lienrfii-ld county, respectfully fulivita a shnre of
land, Ihe writ of habeas corpUE where- r,jr putroimui.. No puim or expenae will bo
by Buspei.ded in respect to all persona ar- flinred to render guesti coinfortnhle. Charges
rested 11 iv 1 1 detained, .iipI in respect lo all lo unit the time a.
persons arrested fur disloyal practices. 1 April, 0, lHfi2. y. GKO. 1UCIIAHDS.
Signed! F.DvVIN M.STANTON. TVPfVl.' rVV V 1 frvi'l.-l
Secretary of War.
Wirt, hp Viini I- s!,.. 'I'l. ni,.iai
" . i -. i nu urn vniuvi
.!:.,..- i i .. . -i- ... . ., .
uirminru iij .nr. lUUiP.A. 1116 OKserva
torv of Harvard Collecf i. t-oi,idlv an-.
eir ruiowii 1
!,;,,eear,7'8"cl Viatble
in .ueiciier pari oi august.
r .
1 1 1 1 I f-'
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lut tin; primary elci tion on Sntuiday
The Convention hoinj: rail."! to order
by the ch liriusn of t In Stand'nu.' Commit-
1(1', at iilicu proceeded t ) bii-inpss.
llrU. W. T. (jilbcrt, Koht. Mehafly.
7i"-.'.. ( has. Slonn, lien. I tiiin linj.
Il,:a,ly,, l). Stcivart, V. P. Ilo't.'
y.V.ei., M. II. Luther, A. Pent., jr.
J:,irii'-. Peter Breth, lt.iniel iiorm.ui.
i'Vipm, Hon. .I. lllooni, .John Mclntyt'o
( .'.'. (i. S., Thos. (j:ir!ley.
Clair i lil. Win Porter, Fiauois Shon.
Curuviisii!,:. .Joshua 1'aker, J. A. Fiui-t,
( ii m Ai.., l)i'. .1. W. Potter,
iK-euiur, C. Howe, C. M Cadwa!l,id( r
"tri.i.,!, ,las. Straw, C. McCraclcrM.
(liraril, A. 1 1 ntnphi ey, W. T. MeKor-, A. II. Shaw, I. W. (iinhani.
druhiim, V. CmIi'v, .1. Wilhelm.
m(,i, D. Tvler.A. J. Aiiker.
..iiAni, TI:os. Smith II. F. .SclioeiiinK
A.-r'i,;i..f, li. 1. llal., Atarlin Jlertluio,
Jumr, P. A. Howies, Ceo. Li hardt.
Liiu-r.-nee, S. II. Shalliicr, It. .Shaw, jr.
sum3is:r goods.
I) F. L A INS,
1'dioWN fc PiLKACH
T.'gctlii't v itli every urtirlo in Iho MtY liouDS
lino. Also, KRK.Sli J-AMJLY (ilUJlKUIrJ.S of
n"- '; T"""f-
'"'0,'- J1 '!' VuWi' B'rntly sre thei-.-
lurt iiiiii n nicy nru in wain in ii jvu
. .( 11 1 1 . j . . ,
f:f w II ia ..1 ...tnu r... i'..,l. 11
KOI'.F.Rr MACKLLM, Pitrn'RitroR.
lteMitctfully bdDoubcoi to tho travellin nnbll.s
, - rj
that he has now taken chara-a f itii u... ..,,1
. , . ., " , "'b-
wol "n-a lioune, atij will conduclit lu mch a
manner aa wi I rtamlfir iiailtiii,i immi'.. J ...
w I
- u
i il
-- i; i
4- i ii it
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4- - I
i'lie districts wops all rtirM"ii!o.l o
CPht.'thii liiivn.liii.d i.C I !..l:..l.
Alter some prelin'iininy business, C, Co.,.
vontion proppp.lp.i to open and count tho
returns, as fnli), .-
(sr.i: t!.li;s aiiovr.
The noinmati uis hiiving boon nnmplai
teii, on m . tion of Mr. Iioo-llaniler, Jumes
T. Loonard, J. M. Cuiirnins, and .Juco!)
A. F.i'.ist.ho appoinlod Coni;resio nil Con
ler.'es, to meet .-iinilur Couierees from iho
e on nt i.'j of i'.vlii, Warieu, .1 ell'erson, For
est, Flk, Mclvean and (.'.im.j.-oii, lit Itidg
wiy, o:i Friil. iv thoid in st . to noniiu uy
a lipinopiiiti.' candidate for Coiijiic-n.
That Lilward l'eiks, pr. J.W.
rotter and P. II. Hail, be, a-id are hereby
appointed, Senatorial Conli-rpos to moot
tho-e o 1.1. nr mill Cambria e
iiiiii-i.iu iv
... : p..
tone, on i lie mil Inst., to noiiiinato a
ilic cim.liil.'ite lor Matt; Senator,
and llial Iho Confer es are hereby insti iif
ted to uso all hononiblo meaii-i to Heeure
tin iiuiiiiiiaiiiii of Wm. A. Wiolacp, L- p
That Wm. Porter, Siini'l Clyde-, and
Abraham Humphrey, bo (ppointod Kcp.
resentalivo Conlelnps, to meet thosii of
this iipprpsunt-itivo Distriol at St Mary's,
on Thursday the hut., to no'iiinato
tu-o Ueniopiatic e.indid.iies for ih'u Iii..
(net, and that said Conferees us9 all hoii .
orahlo means to stouro tho no.ninixtiim ol
Jas. II. Lairrimer.
i: i) t n i m
m T:i1' ni-APixr Cf
AT 13 01. 1) PTAXl) ON SFCON'I) gThniif,
i i.lhi iei.ii, r.
I It. JOJIX'ON rturni liis --inccre thnnki to
i." J all rit.'ini'r-i f ilioir f.irir.r t.Btniniiifp,
anil will nt nil times l, pli'iisiet to too tlicin inul
will unit upon them Willi i'encuri.
Iliii stock i-iiitiinrcj lis i 1 1 n j -1 . 1 o nicl gpiiriiil
nfmiitaieiil ns euu Im found in nny country Sime
toil', einbr.icinj.- nil tho variou styleti of
-r.v i p . . i i .. . , , e
iiRdlCS , ueriliemena , illlSSPS. Boys CC
Childreus' Boots & Shoes of all kinds,
Holh of his own iiinnntiictiire und i,f hi sch-ctimu
iu tho citv. AI! i,t wiich he ulh rn to null for
As the mi me nrtiil. nin he iM in,yhiir thla
pule nt tlio enst.-rn (itan.
,irl.ali.'a are pnrticularly invited to cull nnd
onui lie i i ituik. Mnv "s IsCI ,.,
.- - 1
l) ir-' l'j 33 a co ar csi
Market Mrccl, UcarOeld, Pa.
CONSTANTLY eu Land a large and well n
lected Block of
Fuintii, Oilf, Varnishea and I)ye-StutTs,
Puiut Ilrushci, and lirusheiof nil kiuda,
Purfumcry ami Kanrjr Articloa, ;
Tobacco and Segnre,
I.ltiuora for Medtrinal flnHndln-?
llrandy, whiakey, (Jin, I'urt, tsherry and Madeira
Wlnea, Ac, Ac., o.
t?"t-l rmrm r ro ri
. m a m a - il -
.....l. ...i j r .L .
" '" ivuriuiniT uiinana, "I in aiori.
approved niaka for durability and comfort
-,,. tl. -. n .' .... a
trL:;lSZr7 mVm
' n.nrdrld. M. 1 t-,n.
I i I
.-. i
i '
4 - I
- Msrijii-f
'A-!.t.Mtit:( J
1 x
"- cr
z; -i
'''.l-'Ii'J )
r I
; v.
'J. A J
) 2
i x
V J in- .'
.C.i,inJftiu( j
b 5f
pii.-.;, , -
ri 'pji:A'pOO. I 6
lA.i.5ino;) ) r
That iMtlier of tin? iif.reniij Cni:ft.-
shall hiv.-i p-i'.vei' ton liisiiiut ., di of
'.heir iinihility to attend.
Tlu Deniocracy of l(. p. Wiht, T.,.t
the iioniiiieij for C.mnly .Sinvevor, iuivinj
been impeached hy the dele-,Hte-i from u
tiilmbor of townships il wa on motion of
Mr. Short, m ide the dutv of tho Idmir
man of the County Commi'tpo, to iddrpj
" I'.u'r J Ml' riyht upon H,h nnhjeci
i :.. .1 r, 1 .
I in in..-ei en i oi nun noi -i'tuniiii) ,i
SHtisfaolory answer within Ion day-;, it mi
furihi-r move-1 by Mr. 1I,4!1, iimt H,,,
SUnilin-i Coniiiiittoe put in noiniiiiUioii
-omi. Ilemocrat of known I in n-tecedeiit.-,
fir thf otlic of Cniniy Suivn
or. On moliun of , Is,-,i0l Test, I-p,
win iiiiaiiiiiifiurly elected Chaii nuin ( i'tl.a
County C inifiiiitee.
I no Convention t hi ii procei l.-d to tip.
point il,,. Standin-,' Coaimil tee. lip)
.. ....i. . oi me inemta rs wtu appear in tin
1 1 w as
also moved that the present
( :.. ' J
v 1 1 1 1 ut 1 1 i ' icl until Me tost n . nnn-irif
....... 1 1 n .1 i ,
" ii. 'i. i. iimi i:in, it not .hi i-
re i-1
t' i Secii tary of i,(. Coiiiiiiiitoo.
On m tion of Mr Cdberf, the p'l.uir
n'.an ofthe l)cniocratic Sinnding Cuinniif
ten win iiKsiructed to inform .bis. II. I.e.
r: ;."r of his iioiiiin,ition, m,.) uk hu m
.' a n co i hereof; .nul in the event of li i
i ility lo aeoept tlie mm-, tho ''mifi-ri
, os instructed to vote lo: Jr. T. JvU.
I or.
1 n iiioiion, of Mr. -dimi, l!io C.iircU'
l .. .1 ndjourned, ,t.',- ,-.
It- V. WlLSjN.Ch'm.
ti i'., (!ooi.; ,im,i n, Sec'y.
f'JIil" ,'lihli-litiii- i,i nulhuli't.'.l t.i l:.,.
J. tlio i'.iU.nritu; Tii.ti.i-r I, nhii
lO Mil pf
LicLi haw ill
sell i,n reasonnble t'.-n.., vi :
One'lrart con tnitiin -f lot) Hi-ri-s. In Dfc
tar t'iwnnhi.11, litii.wn u tlie Ljoh Irait, located
iibuiit two mill's fr,im t'learlirl l crcelt.
One Tract iu t'lii-st tiovii-!iii, centainiit atwol
tK) arri'K, knnwn us tho 7'i.c.t Trwl, locUii
(mo eii l a liiurth mile in. in CIiit crock.
Also, nno imdiviili-d half part of th W'ooli i
Itarrttt Trnrt in Chest t-nvn-hi'i'
Also, the lino uniliviilc l fourth pnrt of ihe la
iVA, t'ulinn if- Co. Trait, in llrajfor.l tonnbip,
toiji'iliir with thro i r four other trac t".
The ahuvu I-nnilt run all in CloarfiuU county
...... ... n. i i'i tii.ii
nnd are re) riM-nteil to be well timbered and'
e.-y Hi-fi.., unl couvouienl to (rood navigab!
r trc-tnif.
-sTf-I'i-noii-i wiihing to mri-h.i-ie e-rich land'l
wi.iiiii no well to np'.ly mnti, either pcr.snnatl '
by letter to tho ubferiber in Clearfield bonmjb.
WM. PUR I LH. !.!.
Msy 21, If.
"en i-i vrrTvl ,7,T7n TuipfVH
.1,11. 11 . 1 ii-i'in-".
X)l hy the Bard" Graham 'l 7?c.
The quortioa linn often been u'ked
Vi hy Tlkaj Asm cm (have n rl"1
Thut cuotouiera who ahnve with biii
A benefit mutt renp, I ween.
Ho ahaveafi.ra "nr." and if vutt aro wiMoiii
Will take oil your huir In atiica fora"uiuis
o come along, yejolly boya ao alicK,
For Plciisanta is theuiau to do it cheop and'tmf1
The renin a inn; raadily be aeeti
W'liv Ii-m r.til, 1111 Ik an larcn -
Ilia tiiir-Ca nil urn clmn liirnt ira all ar k5l
And you'll alwny.-find hiin FUatut io-a cbar.1
Juat ro to rieimaul'i and you'll b
Lilif IsLeba'a Queen of old'
Tloasi'd and del ghtod, and exclaiui
ry I . i I . , , .
Tho l.olf hna ot hoen told.
, .
sjuT'oa t forget tha plnco -in n
n i.i,.. t'a aln.n
-Icai field, Tuna 1",
) V
'Jfni I i.
'u)r,.L ?
';.t-j.uit!f )