Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 13, 1862, Image 1

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TP. RMS CI 5 cr Annum, if m .(!) mo e
m:vskiH vol. hi. no l
?u Mil
i.ini.i; nititin.
I.ut mighty ilr.ilj miikc up.tlii' turn
"f Impi uih lulnw ;
Tut I ill Id net' or kindtus-,
Wtiitli any itiild inny sliuw.
A inerry coiiinl to i liter the tmlt',
AnJ (ell a friend la near ;
A word of rcn ly in u thy.
l u thy (he luur.
A glasa of water kindly lirmiKlit ,
An uttered e.jr chair,
A turning of the win. lew Hind,
That nil may feel tlio nir.
Auoarlv flower, umikcd, lu-ntow fl ,
A light nr.'l (.milium tri'ml ;
A loiftf to gvntli'nt Hlii.-i'or liu-licl,
To rjiure tlio itching head.
U ! deeds like these thnnU little tiling.-,
Yet iliri'Ft I'lVC (liljclllSe,
At fragrant pel fume ou the air
Hevtiilt) the hiilili'ii runo,
Y'ur Ho.ivi'iily Knthnr loves to ce
Thi'.-9 I'rei'inuH truits of love ;
Anl if we only serve Hint here,
We'll dwell with him ahove.
duly SJ, Hl'.l'. J
jifir X,jii.-io : I received yoiirn of th
ii'lii to day, and , but I w .is elm I to read
a loiter Ir un you. It lotind mo just middlin
. . . " i
well, but J hopo this tdiort lino may hud
vuuall enjoying the best of health. You
'.live no Idea how glad it nialies a Bolilier
i i gut iuvs li-om homo. I nni lml
i hat you received tho letter that had the
money. I lost ;.iy revolver, for which 1
j.iiid $1 in Hie hatilo in front of Kich
liioiul. 'Micro wet? two Captains of the
Filth regiment paroled a lew days bine,
i'hey say that company K, is nil safo in
Ihehmond that they were burrounded
ami hid themselves, ntnl had no way of
eM-ape lor three U.iys ko hunger compel
led them to come, out and give up to the
lehcls. J think this is true, ami that the
hoys are all safe.
Well, I have soon na nmeli of wnr ns I
w ntittosee. I f I he iteeoupit of company
K, is line it is a lint thing they were cap
tured, otherwise tho most of t rutin would
have been killed. Win. Ilaney and J
were all ol company K that escaped from
picket duty, together with two drummers
of company l and three pioneers. I wis
mi foot in front of tho rebel's camp when
iho Adjutant of the 5th regiment came
along. 1 was stew ing- hoido preen apples.
Says ho, ''hoys, rally lor Mechimiosville."
I turned out my Mew n:nl cut stick.
Thi ce companies r.f rebels made their np
poaraiico up the Virginia Central railioad,
Soon after that tho baitlij commenced.
The rebels came by thousands. Tho roar
ol' cannon continued until the battle was
over ; tho etieiey followed us nnd shelled
us with guns that did not mako any re
port ; the shells came in'.d our camp, but
a lew shols fiom the gunboats routed
them. We then sent a toiee out and sur
rounded ihem and raptured fotirguns anil
nil pi iseners, and di o e t hem away buck
I'.nai'N lin l nu nd. Two Invasions of
Jre-di lio .pc I.i have taken the whole
.! i e n i el a i n v at l his time. Hut you
I.i. ..v .M -C'.:,ni wanted more troops but
, . ' iot net them. So ho done well iu
, 4 to the chance ho had. Tho Worst
i we had to leave our sick und wound
i at S'lvnjio Station, I haw two acres
i a. ri d with tho wounded, and the Sur
geiun busy .ul ting; oil' legs nnd anm.
Many a poor I'-Ilo'V died who might have
been saved. Wm. lliiueywas killed at
initios Hill. There are eight ol company
K bete Hubert MeCiMckcn, T. J.cmon,!'.
I". William0, I iios r.loom, M. S. Itunn,
Win, Addh inaii, A. Sunders nnd myself.
I i.m pome narrow chancci, for rn life,
you widi me home. Well, I want home
l inl enough. The timo is uncertain, tho.'
I expect to get home soino timo. When
I do 1 will stay. ! t takes a t tout man to
sland the latigi:cH of wnr. 'J'ho Clearlie'.d
boys have been lined up in all cases. Four
of tho Woods boy 3 of Chest Creek were
killed nt the battle of Kftir oukf. 1 saw
I'avid Tisher, llo camoto neo me the
day befuio tho butt lo. Jlo is in tho ML
Illinois cavalry. Thoso w ho call MiOlol
hin a coward nro liars. Why don't sme
of tho Abolitionists coiuo out and light?
It they bad given more men, Kichuiond
would riow bo ours. Uut ns it was il we
had not retreated under die cover of the
gunboats the whole army would have been
captured, (Jen. McClelljin done his work
nobly. McCall's OivUiou fought three
day s.
Tell me who talks rbout commanders
or. the Potomac Tell them now that
.'iOOjitiO more men nro called for they must
come nnd nssiet us to put down tho rebel
lion, and not keep us lighting until there
ure none of us left ; and not to Uy around
and hluckguard tho comniandor, who
wants to hbvo his men nnd co on ; tell
them to Uiin out nnd help us through,
that we may ?oon enjoy h homo life
When they live on what I hnvo fori
Letter than n year, Ihey will know what it
is to ben soldier. I liavo sat down besido
a dead horso, and cnt toy hard crackers
and drank my coll'to, and have, picked up
crackers out of tho mud nnd cat them,
stiil was glad to get them. 1 never knew
"Imtitwas lobo hungry untrl I enmo to
die srmy. I wish they would draft nnd
'halt tliooo Abolitionists, and let them seo
what war is, and whaf'rushing on" means.
I am glad tho people DM my little boy
Well, I thank thorn for their kindness,
an J Jheir good wishes forma I highly np
prociate. I hojo this unhappy war will
vm be over. If it is my lot to dio licre ,
' can mo ns linppv 3 tliousnnUs ol others "'",""s' ""uw u nuioqtiy a-
liivo (lone in this'unhnppy war. I must 1 fininst .the slaveholder Meatned out from
dose for this time, am) hopo to hoar fronil'otiie pulpits in the North, where the vi.
von soon again. My best reopocU Rr.d rus of Abolitionism had been infused. He-
ell wishes to all. taliatory epithets were indulged in l.ypul-
SoLrimnormBroToiiic. I p'18 in ll'e South against llio Abolition-
- jists. Clmrch organizations in the I'nion
vlicad the paper attentively. I wcr split up into organizations Norlh nnd
Democratic State Central Committee
'J'ttlie lt iKicrati, anil ii't thcutlu r I'r'uiuh o
tic 1 tiitsitttt'.u'H ami I 'nion, in J'nh;hi
ii i.i :
'I'll n Icinocradc State Central Commit
tee address you upon subjects ol thogrii
vest moment- 'J'ho III.) of our beloved
country i in danger. The nation writhes
i.... Ti... 1 1 . ,r ...j ..;;i ,.,. Hl.l IIIIU. VI linninj.tin will .'HI.
All our patriotism, nil our wealth; all our
..l.f;.'l of U'l..' virlu..
..xi'stH in thi! ;i..ullic w invoked. ,,,,,1':
hhonlil he promptly allorded to savo Urn
National Constiiulion and tlio Union of
the stales from uller ovo: throw.
U theie u l'ennsy lvamau ivlm values the
titlo of American citizen who reveres
tho memory of tho men ol'ilio Kovclulion
who values civil, and religious liberty
w ho abhors anarchy or despotism or, who
! claims to possess a manly, patriotic heart,
that is not prepared to pleilyo hie, lorluno
and Miered honor for his country, in this,
her hour of greatest need and peril. None
lean withhold such assurances of a just ci
timiile of tho importance of pr ;-ei ving tho
('.xisleneo ol our Kopiiblican institutions.
I We iippioach yui wiih t lie full conviction
l that the mnU ol tho great body ol llio
. i . .alt 1 i. 1 1. .: ..
1 1 ...v. ......
oiilllllt'l' Itl IN tl'i!Il I'VKKl 111 tliir ilo.l till'
that all that is needed, is to be salbliedof
a lea-iiblo'mode of relief and extrication,
one of the most ell'eetive organization to
combine all die loices that can be applied
lo speedily and cll'ectaally yield the hap
py truils of rt'luriicii puauo and pio.-ipcri-'
'1 o clearly indicate the mode ofrcliol il
would appear to be proper to first deter
mine the cause or causes of our present
dillicnllies. I' nilerstunding Cue causes, it
would seem to be in tho order ol nature,
that restoration should tall upon their re
moval. It is not compatible with the
praetici 1 ell'eieney of an addiess, such us
this, to engago in any elaborate exposi
tion, or historical account of llio gradual
progress of nnteeedaut causes, that have
nt blot culminated in the dreadful results
we now behold. We shall therefore nee-,
essarily bo brief, and bo-t diseh.'ir( e our
purpose by a statement of faels, n hieli youj
will nil reeo"iiizo nseorieel. and bv the i
.luoi-lhui il' i.iniin-ilioiw mi, I rolioliisions i
which wo iiiiiint.un, cannot lie suecesslully !
contiovrrted. I he troubles that fire now
upon us are those that the fathers if this
country foresaw might arise upon the de
cay of patriot!.-in, ami against winch they
undertook to guard by the Constitution
of the United States, and tho establish
ment thereby of w hut w as deemed by thorn
and has, until leeently, proved to be the
harmonious action of tho States and the
1'e.leral Government in their delined
Tind, just relations to each other. Wash,
ington, in tho farewell Address, poin
ted out these dangers; and above all, in
dicated ns Iho evidence of a waning at
tiiehmeiit for the Union and as the pre
cursor of its fall, the creation ol sirtiinit
mitit-s. It was in view of prolublo eliorls
in this direction that he appealed to his
countrymen "to indignantly frown upon
the first dawning of every ntlt nipt to al
ieinito any portion or our country from
the rest. or to enleehlethe. sviered lies which
link together the various parts." Had
the countrymen of Washington Btillicients
ly appreciated his patriotic warning, the
wide-spread civil war that now iillhcts us
would never had existed ; but, on tho con
trary, we t-houhl, at this time, under the
support which n most bountitul Provi
dence is extending; to us, be in dm enjoy
ment ol a degree ol prosperity and happi
ness we venture to assert) unequalled in
the history of nations. Most uniortun-
ately, sectional parlies In vo grown up,
b(sgelling sectional bitterness ; and al
ready tlio title of American citizen be
gins to palo belore the invasion progress
of such tides as .Northerner anil Smitlier-i
Years ngo men in the North, then a ve
ry idgnilieant combination, began tons,
nail our Constitution find our Union. 'This
faction basing its operations upon a mis
guided sentimentality in regard to the ser
vitude of tho negro race in the Southern
States, and u'.lowing that sonlinicnUlity
to f wallow up nil true feelings of patriot
ism, and ull duty us citizens, boldly pro
claimed their hostility to tho Constitu
tion and tho Union, which they rightly
claimed recognized nnd was pledged not
lo invade tho control of tho States i-espec-1
ivoly over tlio institution of domestic sla
very. Uisloyal declarations such as "bets
ter no I nion nt nil than a linon with
slaveholders, l ecamo llio nxiomatic (tela weio vimiUished ; their loi ts, towns, and
of this faction, then as now (in is its for-: oilier strongholds were inpidly laken. and.
midiible proportions) best know n ns Abo- Inmid tho shouts of tho exultant nnd tri
litionists. Without du elling upon the uniphant soldiery who had t tjlistcd lor
progross and growth ol this taction, it is
iiiinotitably true and well known that pro-
claiming tnrougii us leaders ineir cuiei
, . . . l I . . I .... I .... . . - l -
object to bo "tho ultimato extinction of
slavery it att uned to such consequence j
that the people of the slaveholding States
became alarmed, nnd begun to form coun-'
ter cotnbinal ions to tesist the threatened '
overthrow of what they claimed lo bo
rights that wero intended to be sacredly
gunmen tiy l he ( oust ilulion ol the Unitcil
States. At the sumo time there has exis- 1
iou an mtignineaci, iinu ot themselves
powerless, band of diminionists In one or
two ofthe slaveholding States, who sei,.
ru oiioii iu oi'poriunny urns Hllonleil l.y their Usurping government, nni that the
the ngfircbsive action of the AbolitioniMs Union men of tho South, amt tho return
to stimulate these counter movrments. : ing sense of the inasdmable value of ihn
These efforts were unsuccessful ; nml ma Union to all divi.dcns of the population
KTials too, for mich eflorts, Were beinr? tbpri- uonl.l rnmnlete the lest ion nt
continually supplied ty the succcbbos td
ovitli. Nominations f"f llio Presidency
wore made upon i-Mirv, in fainter or l'N
ilt-r tfrinn, involviiif? llm 'luotion in" the
cxisti'tn-o or 1 1 1 it 1 1 ;i 1 1 n cf tin1 urea, ol il
tiif.ilic .-.lavi'iy. Tlw ilri'i.-inns of I ho
pietiH) Court of tlm I'liitcl Stall's wcio rt
kistt'il, its inloiri ilv n ji i I 1 aii'l its r-''."i.
ilii.ij iivowoil. 'l'lii'o wi'io I'nllinvi'il .y
oiiiIjIi'mUh, as illustrati'il l.y llio mill ol
John r.rcnvn inti) ii'ini;i. M.iuntinii"
tlni r"liiIiiitory itinl iliMiiiimi movements
'm thy .olltli. vr stalueil unit in'ociainiiM
monstrous heresy that tiio I. nion was
I'll t an alliaiu:'.- ut ovt'lelj'it Mates, ami
that any one of iis tneinlieis mi-ht, in lh.
exerci.-o ol an iiiiiiuiuci s . e: iigiu y,
which was cliiiuii.'d lor it, withdiaw from
such union. This herc-y was deigii'itivl,
and as we all know, is familial ly, called
secessiotiisin, and, under its bannei, ;i
great nnd formidable party in the slave
Mates was rallied.
Thus wo confronted two great section:. 1
partfos tho Abolitionists North, and the
Sceessioni-.ts South tho very antipodes
of each other in their sentiments ; they
met on the common platform ol I imiiou.
Kach alike, tended to overthrow the Con
stitution and. tho I'nion. Kach alike are,
the enemies of the h'epublie. The Seccs -
loiusls, claiming
to act Ironi the niii.t e.
heiisiun lliiit the threat for "the ultimate
extinction of fclavcty" would bo put in
execution, ftieceeiled by bare majeiiiie
in some cases, and bv t he nun e i-.iie,...:
organi..ition of probable ininoi it ie in : !, .
ei, in procuring, the adoption m iP .. n
ces of .secession, or fir the ivni .a , .
such Staies from the Annr i I i -are
now hmded under the .i. t. :; a
the Colil'eileinte Slali'.s. !.,: i . -. - ...
the fol liuil o'ganu. t ii'ii o! a g-..-! nil. i,i.
thev set at diliaiiee tho I 'on '. Ml
laws of the I'. States, and ur 1, r; ,. ; i i
resist 1 heir execution Widi.u '.;.' pielen
ded jurisdiction of tins lcvolu:iou;t:y .,v
CMiinent. The liovel'iitiu ii t ol die l ulled
Slate-, i:i sliiet iiccoi'datiie with its pow
eis, undeitook to ciiIuho lhe.-o laws and
to demand obcbielieo to theiu nrincu re
sistance was at once inati.'iir itcd t n tie;
pai t of Seees.-iiu.isls, and llius la gan a re-
iiellion nnd civil w ar that has bei oiao one
ofgiL'iinlie piopui'tious and for inaiiv ol
Us chaiaelcricicis one ol llio most im nii-j
dable that ever exi ted aniong a civilied
People. At iu outset, tho appeal was
lUlliio tO the lo ill llltn OltllO -North, to
nj to a ni-, in 01
er to upliol I Hie i. on.
slitutioii ami liiWi", ami lo main'.aie, tla.
Union, With tho rapidity of m.igij this
appeal was i e-pohded to with unbounded
ciilhusUm, and an ai mod loico of over Vi1'1,
UOil men stood ready to obey the sum
mons to meet the fncsoltliu Unioi . Press
ideiit Lincoln, in his inaugural address
had said :
"I have no pinpo.-e, directly, or indi
rectly, to interior..' with the institution of
slavery iu the St.iti-i where if exists.
be'.ievo 1 have no lawful riant t do so,
and I have no inclination to do -i."
Tho Congress of the United States, im.
mediately alter the battle of Hull linn, in
July, lsCl -
'''jirso'ir I, That the present deplorable.
civil war has been force 1 upon the coun
try by tho 1 lisunioiii -I- of t im Southern
Males, now in iiriiis a :aiii-t tho Constitu
tional (iovernmeiit, mid iu arms aii'tind
tho Capital : that in this national c.ner.
::. nev. Congress, banishing all feeling of
morn pasliion or resentment, will r.eol -
lee', only its duty to tho w hole country ;
that this war is not waged on their part
in any spirit ol opprosnioii, or lor anv
imrposeof conquest o" subjugntion, or
purpose of overthrowing or intei fering
villi f h. rb.l.ta ill- est ibl i, I led inM ilu '. ions
of those Slate, but to defend and main -
tain the supremacy of the- Constitution,
and to preserve th Union, with all the
dignity, equality and ligh's of tho sevi lal
States uiiiiiipared ; and that as soon its
these objects mo accomplished tho war
ought to cease."
T hus the faith of llio President and
Congre.-s was jdedged to every loyal man ' had the. prejeilot Mr. Sumner 111 too ,-en
in tho North that the waswus lobo carried 1 ate, to blot out the State (lovctnnu nts ol
on for tho Constitution as it is and the I the rebel States, reduce them to a ten :l -Union
ns it was. Under tho inspiration mo condition and govern them as uich.
.if lliio lihrti tiulninl io. mi, 1 bnlv i,uri,rwi i I her I,, Moie l various mi.llici pal 1011
our gnllant countrymen have niarchid to
the battlo-Iield, keeping step to the mus
ic of the Union, enduring privations and
sullorings that would have utterly appall
ed less patriotic and devoted soldiers.
The enemy, although massed in formida
bel bodies, and suppoitcd by an energy,
skill nnd munitions of war that evinced
an increased concentration of sentiment
in behalf of tho rebellion, j et before the
iniglily shock of our anus inflicted by
the soldiers cf the Union they for aliine
the mere purpose ol rc-establishina devo
tiou to, and the protection of, our proud
' . I ... . I . L'. . - I II.
national! oiar imngied jjaunei
theie again spread out ils f olds, At the
beginning of these successes much nt Inch .
uicnt for tho Union was devclepul a,
inong thepecplo where uch f-ucecs-es
cured. It was hoped nml beiievc! ii.e
wilh a few more similarly important ' .,
inllicleJ upon the rebcliiop, that i:
would have been spent, i.p.l (hot -.1 .
pie of the rebellious States, b,
mg a- ."
that the pledges ol the fresnloiu aoo t
cress would bo faithfully observed, e .
huvo relaxed their cthuts in bchul! , . i
resj.eot and pbedii nco to dm Constitution
And laws of the f ederal liovernmfiit.
These hopes have not been rraliitej, nnd
tho explanation cTthis disappointment, in
a great degree at least, is found in the cv
idence aQord-jd of thotcirible fact that the
Abolitionists in die North iwm determined
that the white population of the South
th.ill be e.terminatodxr held in submga-
lion, and dial our iovert'tnen t shall ho
nverlimwh.and tho I " ri ion of lliee Slates
linally imd forover hroken up, Vr.i!
U-nii'imil' 1 1 k whiU-H of the Si. nil), or f. i -ern
tliem as a Mihiih.-ated people ; and t ' .
(Ai.i' tho ( iovet tinient tiiil ,vi'.i, tho
I'nion, is Ihrir iurp.T(, And )o ali
your t .indl. I eonsidcriil ion for a nioinent,
unlil wi pt'i'-enl to von a f.i'.v points, from
wliiell you tt'ill ceo that t!iO ilil-'l-enio i
imM lihlitliat th'u is I ho de-ifcil ol this
Inoi-t disloyal LiMiid.
'The t'otliluti'.n tind tho Tni'.m were
tally re.'arded 1 V the Abolitionist- as l!.el
biuiH is that stoi'.d in tho way of nei.'i o .
i'ir,i . I : cj 1 J ati.'l). J lelice. such I 'on- t it II I e II
iva-' t v tin ill deiiouii 1 as "a eo vt nan I '
with death and an iii'i'eeinonl with h
So lat
of tin
ns tin- lath ef .lime last, a
oi't ion
members ol this Land at a meeting
in Massaehiisclls, pa-rsid :t loriiiid re.-oli.
lion, vi :
"I'r.'e '.'.., That r.S Abolitionists, devoted
to the "real n ui U ol overt h ruwiii" .-laverv,
we now ion at our old !.leil"e' '.No I ' 1 1 ii in
ith Slaveholder.-. ' -No sujiliorl to any t he. Cms! ito 1 ion, and seen in. asa a'ter
Administration or duvci mucin that per- j nie.-i-ure founded in mi'u tam e oa llin-e
nut.-, sl.iiery on liny ol Us soil- and we "loetrtnes ropy-od and c.irried thr uiidi,
v.iltie tiiis w :ir only a-' we believe il inn t J n'liieli can have no allier elleet than to de
lea 1 to e:n u.. ip.i! by' 01 del oi the i ci- ido and lii-'.iiii l loyal men, and e;isper-
i i ,u initio ,ri! ii-, i
I :.. i. i..- i',i
I" a 1 1. -so onion ol li.e
lice lie:
! sail,., i a. .-:i .! .
! U is lil.e. e. -
pi oauiu ii i . ,
Iiiy pi
) oil
;i'y the
tiillo lo
. Lioli
lo? vies,
lew ol
, in it, Iro.a
a i.-.i l mil lie
ie.eive.1 upon
loveriiiuenl. A
. .. .. i.i : .iiMil III li.e ulieon.illlUll.Jhill,
, , e i ' I'm - ":.;'. h.iiei'ly lliils" of sev-i-iiii
'' : I i.e I ' pea'.i d declai'alioii.s ol
I i. hiiii-i'i j ,i ty leadel.-, v.Vvll lu llo: !at
i u .. . ir .i.o i'.'oi.:..i'gii, l.-ee the speech do-
, .:v,.-. i ; y 1 1 '...I. i'. i .lint', iii ri'..iii.iiu
. Tail in tl..: c:'v ot riiii.idelphia, on the
! L 1 ol 1 1 '.ol T, til one weeii helore the
1 ele. Hoi., i ill w hl( ii he, .jUOillig slul higher
. i autlo 'i U i , . ice hi red the ohcct ol liiu
1 1 to public in pai ly w as "tho Ultimate ex
. 1 tmetieii ol s iv i iy.'' In tlio avowed do-
leroii .at i n. . o i e.-is i me decision ol liie
.s-upi elue Coil! t ol Iho L 1 1 1 1 cil Mates, in
the i ' i vet ...I i in', and in such declara
tions a-in.ole by Si-ualor ' ado "a I un'n
w ilei e ail ho li are eipial, or no I nion ...
,.:i." Acting U"in t ins on
and Ui".n t he conviction l!
h. 'd pulpo-i',
t a return lo
3 i , Senators and J lop, oocn tali Vcs
from the ....hi t horn Mates would n-.-u.t in
llieir pol.i ii id ovel thro.v, the Aboill loni.-ts
in Ho.-. i;ilo Congress have pursued a pulley hii:i aiaiiocl every loyal in m in the
.N vu th, and tui ci d die con viclioii 1 ii.u oin
"all. ml aruiien in the liejd, nml the whole
nation Mere lo Le thwaitcd in their patii- I
otic j mj.ii.-c-, The resoUiliou above ijiio'
led, ndopte.l by Congress, in .July lsol,
imiiiidi'ticiy alter the bull Kun .iisa-ter.
it was sougul to leallhm Ly the iic-cnl
Congii,, ihi-o.igh a resolution flh ied by
Mr. lb lu. an, ot Indiana, m die lo.ioiving
"..',' That the un 'o.t.ii'.a'e civ.l
wat into l tin: ( ioy.-i l.lllelit el the
United M..:es l.a bet li lolecd by ti:e
lu ii.-onal leattelnpl ol Souil.ern ' c.-.-ioli-i.-ln
to de-Hoy the Union, should li"t 1 i-
utod lor any ollu r ! iirp'.se than l.u-
I cstoi iilion ol the euthoiily ol loo i. oieli
tution and we I fare of llio who!.; people oi
die U hitcd Si. iti s, w ho iilil pel'ulahelilly
iiiioloied in the preservation of our pies-
;cnt form of in vol nmeiit, wilhjut mo'..!!!'
cation or change.''
j This icsolutrjii was defeated by a mo
tion to lay ll upon the lai'ie, iii.iuo ey .'ir.
, J.ovcjoy, by tho liowin vole -yeas i
1 nays .js. Of those win vi'led to dele
i tho leso' u 1 1. .11 j.l WC1 0 1 i el 'tl ' '1 I s, will
' every exeeptin
me, ami ev er;
lioidei Stale representative, w ho-o vole is
recorded, voted in dm negative.
In co operation with this most signifo
cant dccl. nation, by dm fedcial Mouse m
Kepie-ent.itive.-, we had the iiulilaiy em
11110:!. a: ion iii ociaim'tiohi ofvieheriiU I re-
1 . , ...
moht and 1 1 un'.. r.
Along wilh thes.o we
SLCiue;, .nni aiiiong uieui it.v i'i ojei i. 01
Cei. ,'.-.ij.'i a cf si. ni' "' "''' .';.". "I f "'
bid lo v'.k..-.'.V them. W e cannot prol.-
ably better piove the operation of -ueh
measures upnii the Sotilhoi ii mind, than
lo quote tho J cply olTwruty out of twenty
eight representative front Iho l'orih r
Sh.vo Suites to Piv.-ideiit I.iucol.i, in ref
.... i i... ,1.:
ci ei'ce 10 his uppeai id i ncui iu u'"i'i u o
project, that llio 1'e.l.
should aid them with
al l.ovel nilii hi
money to pay
dm ma-tor for his m
upon his
emancip .lion, w. :
"The lebeliion d 'lives its stfoli
th hoin
the union i t all c
States : an d e, In'.i
ill III"
ln-ingi lit.
that union I t-l- die War
il tin y a " ut b 1 1 V ex
w t ii u tin- oieeplioli
ill IH'VfT end l. ill
We ki
M ',.. -; . . ' l. .i-i ie' .. was dl
... . ai. ) crimp- a
.- I i-sloll. Now
. ...ell. people ill 0 11 II i-
. .. t h.-y arc so w e must
u :.,, oy and liotlco liie
.... ii ,t mis been divided, and
gi.l-ii it. T iny arc iu
,i t I n- dm -aino object ; they
to ;t coiiimon cnu, but by dii
i iiicou.sislelit reasoiis. Tho
! v:
I m
! t'i
r '
lent, a"
unci s
which coiiipreheii'ls what was
urei muslv
know ii as the Male s
p.ll l V, illl'l IS lilUl'll UU- icssi.t i .i s, .-e. is
to break dow n national hid pendciieo and
t.v.1 up Sluto ihiiiiuiiilion. Will: them :t ii
a war against nationality. The othol class
is lighting ns i'. supposes, lo maintain and
pre-ei ve Us rights of property and domes
do safety, which it has been made to ho
lieve are assailed by ihis ( iovei nnieiit. -This
hitler class are not disunionisls y,r
nt ; thev aie so only beoauso they have
been made to believe that this Ad'iiinis'
tralion is iiiii.dcal t ) the r lights, and is
, I . 1 . . . ... ..!.. .. ....
mnkingwar on their domestic in.slitui ions
As long a.i these two classes act together,
penee. I lie
i." lil'VIOII. - -
I'hu lormer rhi-s will in
,'! i'e H i .il.i Ii'.'.l,
hut tlio litter Inn V he. lo III
ve tlieii' ap
pii In n -i. 'us. S.iti.-ly them that no !i ii in
J.i intended to them and tl.eii ii.'titulii't;.-;
tliat thi- ' i i . V e I 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 ii II. .t Inahlli War
i.i) 1 1 : 1 1 1 s t propel ly, hut la ."imply
dejeiiilii g us h'.'itiniaUi aulhoiity, and
thrv will hi. lie n turn to their a ! h'ia 1 1. a-
a- iooii a the pii'S-iiiee.! mihl.ny d unin- J
ion impo-ed hy the ( '.mfedei ale authority
IS VemoVi 't ll 'illl ) lieu).
"In. he months ':.' holll llolifeso,
Coup a ,-s, u i, ,pi nig I he spi nt o 1 oil r nu--
sage, llielt I III r celltly sent in, d. claii '.
w it ll si ng. 1 1 ir tl nan in i U I he ol .j.a t of I ii e
war, ami tl
e Mit.tiy ins.tantiv laiiiinteil I,
a--l-t vo.l in e ll I in:' ll ell.
VOIir si'le IO a-s-I vo.l III I II I I III: o III.
If die snil it of that n . olulioli had btcii
a. hen . I lo we .'lie e. m fi-. lent thai w e sin mil
belore n. w have -ee,. tin' eml of this dc b cm. 111. 'I. I'll! what have 'M seen !
In b ith lloii.-es ol Voiu;ie-s W" have uenid
1 doct ri lie- -uliVelsive of tho I iilu'i
e- ot
ami .H ive slol lillllier 1 1 om us uie i
I Il.i ;r tluly tho people Ol the reoei.ious
i Stales. Mil: I :ii v ollieer.i, follow ing these
b id u.'.i'.lilp'c:', have slopped beyond toe
just limits of their aulhoiity in the san e
direction, until in several instances eu
have felt the :.e. e-it" ci' jtitci icHhg, lo
ai re: t them. And even tho pas -ago i.i
the rc.'oluiion to which you icier has been
ostentatiously proclaimed as tho tiiuuiph
of pi ineipli s w iiich the people of the Sou
I hern St:.i. s re;; aid h ruinous to lb. 111.-
TliO Cih" t . !'l!le-e pl"se- was ioli'lohi,
and m, iv be seen in tho indurated stale of
SouU.e n !' cliiu:.
"I'd l!ic v I'l.u. i'--, Mi'. President, an I
not to on;' i .uii to v'te lor llio i "so in -lion
I..,., l;i;.io!, !,d l.y V"U, we solemn,;,
i.elicvo ivu are to iitliibiile die teii-hl,'
earne.-tne--, ol tucso in .nils ag.i;nt the
1 1 over ii men t aj i . 1 the continuance of the
.var. Nor if ivo (pern, tils to say, Mr.
I'le-ul'Mit, r-ith ..:1 I . s i " .1 l"v vm I a-'t
that th
o! do ii
that lh
1 1 1 : 1 1 '. 1 1 ; : . 1
pow or,' I n
ol -I
.vei l is
re of tl,
iio lever
0111: loll
' level ,
I In
;, die a;.
l rl'l'l'll.'ll
im. m and
pi Cill'll-l'.ll
MVei 111.'.. 11!, i leal'.- I pi'o! e, 'don to iho . n'.ore-1
bo Wii-i-L .1 against the inMitu'.i
Southern Stiuei.
Si -iied bv.
f all. will
.1 the
C. A. V. i
Cl.U l e'. t I '.IV is,
1,'. Wil-o-1,
I. .1. IT llti'lldell,
.1 no. S. ( 'aiTii",
K 1.1
1 '.
as. I'.
I.. I..
t 1,
II. .M .limy.
A a: ell 1 i ill '
.1. W.
, hum ,'
.1. S. J;:
11. dd.:
.I.ihn S,
In d:
cm. Mi ;
,lai,i"- S. l.V'hiis,
J. W. M. n. h'.s,
T iio.-. I.. IT i.'..',
(i. W. I 111iap,
II. .ii."
.,! a n ol i h " email -;o
Abolitioni-is u,,
to arin nnd ctilis'.
have III
pro) e-i: i'MI
I.e lie. oes as so. i o 1'. InieiM ut- are
;i:.. a cd, lioui s"U;vcr, linl ono
(iei.cial :n the army has aneady in ani.'.
ed a lull regiment i f negroes. Wo for
bear to di-cuss do-' ''i est a 'ii w hi t her such
SoldiCl S I ill 0 llol .1 bill Ic.-.j'iO; tl.,;
liauie, iMid A hclhcl' 1 1. 'thing mil .o,'inii
negtoe as such, i.csid.s liio wast.- ol
clothe.--, arms and ot her supplies, js m,t
cxpe-iug us to mhittle, lroni the
clearly e: tabli-hed I'm t, that die negro is
utteilv dis pialili. .1 by nature to .- land lh"
11111-1..'! i y and at t ; lie: y ! re - u .1 to speak
o! a ba;. onet charge of in h i n W ail'ai o.
Tho subject has mlinitely greater pi'i.p.ii
dens when reav.led in ils clleet lo l:,s
coiir.ige c..listuients by our own race ;
les'.illin i; from the coiuiu'-nd.ihle icpugs
nance "I the w hite man to bo pi ice.l iij.on
an equality ul in. litary rank w:lh tho ncs
Put not the leas', ol jcctiomibh) von-iii.
eratioii is iho fa' t, th it this inferior la.-e
having their iiiiuds and pai-ms inthiined
l.y the tales of leal or iinsgiiiary wrong's
w hich A bol i ; ; n i s i ii is too c u ufiil u im-,
j t t0 ui( ill, Will, wilii anus ;u II,, ir
bunds, i erp-trate the all Miics ol'-the
1 iiM.alo si nighter of; :.ll age-, .-... sCs,
i .i conditions" baibaiities in w.irl'aie
J ,,f w hich our ancestors complained against
. (,uat Pi i'.ain, vvho had employed against
j liiem the "incr. ile.--s I udiau s ivajes."
Tj,,. i,it rv ol negro wars .and msiirrec
1 . . . ,- , .i ,.
. t ions ill vt . i 'om mgo, am I oilier iii"i in
dia 1-1 mds, ii rei'leto with the b n baniics
of r.ipmo and slaiight. r of helpless uonicii
and ml. uit-, di U shock dm scns.hiiit ies ol
the low '-t development ol humanity in
l he w hue num. And yet, should the no
'.iocs in the Southern State be emp', ;,., 1
and alined 1 ,y I he Fidel al ioviTn men I
i.gain.-l die wl.lio popnlalion, t ln-n the
allOLi'.ics ol Iho West hull, I 1-i.iuds we
may 'in I u i i lly expect to be ia pealed heie
on a va-tiy more extended scale. A rain-t
such a liendi.-h policy tv ul I net only th"
moi al seiisibifities of all t!i; whites oldie
.Nolthelli SliiP.'a w ho have Hut Li-ce mo
In uta'.i.ed 1 y die .h-v iliilnufs ol ahi.'diou-'
i-ui, be nio.-t painfully shocked, but the
whole civilized .vojil iiuiild cotohiunu-,
and iol..,bly, iu the i ui-e of hiiinahily,
ris to stay airocilii'S so disgi.u . ful.
ill wnai sane in an can noaiit that ,i..
dor sir ii policy die l.i-t -i,uk of
c x t : 1 1 -
.",-. Ill I-
.-t-iil 1 1 ii nt in the :
gtlished, and the
I lo 11 beomo tltiiti
s Ulll V. Olll I be
entire S.oitlo-1 n
d a- one .1 in
ag i. n ,1
1 lei'"- t
.' tiien
it " i
'. i,l i ii ti i
t ho iovcriliuci.l ? 1 1 w i i o t ho
lolly to suppo-e ol!ii'ti-e! II,
Would Mli ii lolly luing l ad. tho i
Slules into the Union-.' Cant be
ef while penp'o- there Iv lo '1 under '
repiiblieanloi iiiol ( !,n ei nno'iit in -i
jeetioh .' Is il l .-licied that lhe."
the Norlh can be ina lcliod irto liie l!
1 t
for the e.M'iiiiiii.iMon ofoight niilli m .
people, w ith wl l w-i have bith. rt" bv
e.l in Union bo d Pv 'tlirr 1 f'-ut tn i
buim.., nnd ino-l ol v.heiu a:t iiewloun,
they U ill never n-.' cut l) a
pohey, llieli, to he. pillUi'd
el ..I '"it o', I) i
t lu
of ('ell- Mi . :: I
t" l.a:i I ' ' 1 1 hy- i.
all i.l.l' j . eul!' ;, il.
u old .1. aei . in ' i .1 . ' '-ui
mi n. I ! ion .' ('an ) e. or pi i ) !' .11
i.vei i h' . ii ii. ,r t 'on
I ' in. .ii ; wit limit , in !'.;i
e.ivi'i iiineiit I he nio-t. 10
We nee, hi it aio i r I
We U now what, t in' i
! pun
of I.
Iiuii'i not
ill' '.'!ll-ll
II :ve V.
l. !.i!.,n
lie! tl'to'.'
hat A I !
t .le'l,
:'i ,i I .
ir ' hi i :
l- are tie
Ml. .hi
I'eii.eo" . ,
III ileplili'. '.
lor us in this 1 1 mi ol V
e.l e .un! rv : We ail- v
e.f - . : ivmovo , I . . i -,
sioio-iii. put ilow: tl
ballot b.iN ; lint il own ti
by arms) I lo".'e o!':irn -.
t ion of iho 1 it ter, pi i-l to
in.-iit shall stand by it ).li
conduct llio wi r to uphold
lion aval t no Union, nm I
tionhts would have it, to
complete and to ov i il.i,
lion ! A i r.-nii -vlvan i. n-
sibly a greater stako in the . i
of the Union than the p' .iple i i
State, ,-sliould tin' eo-oj, o'r
some sense, hostile mo, mu-iM ;
lioniTin and Secessioii i-i -',.
1 1 ; - n ; i i-' n b come an ( labl i.''d
sv Ivani:;, ow im; lo hoi' pi eel'.ir
cal po:-i', ion, w oil! 1 h'.l e. po-e I
ol.iiii.ii uu 1 I., come die ball li
Mlirill U.-t!'-in-. Iliat would
the herbage i (
low i.
t'":i! i. !':; I.
di 't "dial li.
liuies ol Had'
1 we are
d w ho ;
ill' w 1 1
I ibl" dlspen-alliill 10
it: ih
Ull'VlliillJ b belii-vo tlja! die
lh.' five Stat ?s will ever b ' -orne -.. m
dolled in to ail tho ipilil of Abo'.;'... f.'i iio iiii'.v l-i brood over t" Y,
s. 1 mo ei il genius, dial w an 1 Id e on 1 1 ol u.
iiiil'ilcsli'ilelloii. It, e.uini.l i,; w,
In have a . i' 10111 w orso than boieil I'.il,-.-1
.11 al'ii r -h had --beeoino the habit .' .p
of devils am
ild of eve:- fml nj.'.r
is'n for its policy, is the j 1l.n1-i i ! ! .ll.:c;
that ".-l.n ei) i3 t ho c nise ol our tin i-al.'.i
. d . 1 is. : n 0 .p. ' ' To 1 In is c who look or, p.. to
iliimi' I. ate r.nd pi il lit" .-aiio lh', po .
sit r .11 is eaplM atilig ; ".M
liieinber that die 01 ii'u:
v. aj, d do; war :' ! 00
made up "f diirtci 11 s la .
:o i n o e, ,io ; es
1 Union wnicli
Iti'Volutioti. was
eol iing STl 's .
that the U
i.'.'e-cllt Co
iiiuti at U:e ah pt ion i I t 'it;
n-tiliit ion, cos. (,..'. r.f two I -.-'.
. lave !
.'le! li'M! lo one free Mate, il i-. i,-r,
ii. that ::i-.tead of -!.:V" . pi ol uciu"
n.-'.in: ' . tnat, nine.- It ! , "I boon -.(co,"-I,
... I mid the l.nlli ol (he whol" c . o
'Ic'ijcl f r his prot'e! inn, this Union
., on I 1 have novo:' e. i-b-d.
It w Mild I..' as lei's.'iiabh: to argue that
hnu-. s and lilol.ey should be aixi.-t .'ill '. -to
1, l.eeaii.-e .-; long s they ci t l.,,-,
will bo in. eiidiat ;. s and t.', . . ;., ,r
guo thai shivery slionld be de-';c, '.
can-'.' so lull;! as it vxi. there :: Tl . '. .
ohlioni.-t-. iIo.-.scs and money mo not
more, vic.uiy and decidedly ive i;;nii .1 ..
the Constitution and laws of the he1
Iovernmeiit. :i subject to the It.1., an
protection of die Sl.iti where . .i-:,
a- i, t ho i igl.l of lh'1 ma I. r . i u.; . . i v.:
ces of hi-i "gro . ! i o iu the Si.,; ; ,;. , .
ne". . . slave? y is I'.-c g:i :.:.' I . I i, . , . ,,.
in, I thieves no more vijlalo do. , ,,-
1 righ's of odio.-s when th -v l':: n P..
ei and conrnil r il.b "ly, than d
t.oiii-!-, who;i, by the iiiidergi'o.ind :
road or other device-, th d".rive .i,
s l.i ! ii iPicl- of the .South ol that prope-iv
t i which Iho I '..ii-, 1 1 1 ii i hi and l.uvsoi 1,
Slal", as Well as I lion' ol the United St ate
giiaranteo protection. If in the atletpp:
10 coniiiiit at .on or robbery. IM,. -. t .,.
11 is mil rd. T of the s,anie grade In lal.e life,
in the u nlan In! atleni.l to dej.rivo :
ow li , r id I.i.- lights in the M-rvims o'
ie::r.i. .'indhero, t m, v,- u i ! i re'n ..
that Ihw pios.'iit liar, if .' ' .h.i,, i.
should sec eed ii: divertin;' ,i i
ptoper jiiii o-o of iiploM, - ; ; . , ,
t ut ion ".n 1 the I ' n ion a i, i ...-t,.
to t h-ir ehei ,-lu d (.lj.-et ,, !', ,
gives by killing h::o mci,'.
an .'.ti ocioii- nun deroos ... . i
justly Sllbjeet all W ll ) L'' e
tiou to th" penalty ol tl,
against the higiu -t o1 ei i i
Tho policy of A ' ihli' mi
l.ot only un nt tc I
gr .un 1. men for il pa'!
ed bv its obje ts and P
high"-', degree criminal :
era. boat in g A ' ml il e uii nil
w I
oii'y Kretiolliitisil) f' 'om ' ii '
e Ul e of section. ili-iu ,1 i
Tlio fail of Abolrioni .
liev", would 111 ll i-hort loin
by tho fill of S, K.;.,iir ,
t iio im igili.'ii V apv .nil a ;'. s
Call fodcl e v, i li' e: t. lil;"d I"
revolt.- i St lie-, ll is sc '
dd;. nal s ippoiiois, v.
that ha- ah c'v .'Hlcii'ii
loi'is al s. pa;. itn I . the
"i i ii i f ai an-, iiiid I ie i '
I io: ,tig, of bo i Tii in.
tin ', .,! nf 1 1 . . i t'l i .'
isiu, rei i v ; t I.i ir si .il...
id, .
ti c I Pel".' Ih il U
. '.IlliellOII of .l'..lil
eel t.llllh o Mi bo o-t.l
.11 I...
I: . li.,
1. I '11
tn .,
II bo.
:l lie
i nt "''!
t '.( o-efol
i 1 1 ' i ( 11'
.opto a.
II It In 11 1 .
--el '.I d th
gies ol t lie , al men M ,
1. . i; 1 a. on t di :d " Itioli I ns I.'- i
I 'i Ion ik ,1 I- H"...i'et .-fre-sinii f,,,.? ..
l e in, mis i he i Im e only to iio pine m w Ipy
I s -- I ,"' . . I
to II!