il I M II I P'M lilt; A It M i i iii'-. . I ! I I i .t i ' ii. I lio hi I il"n lull i 1 Ml !! i li'i l " ' I I 1 ' 'l I " ' I 'l 'll . . I , 't ' i I I ; 1 1 i ' i o m h ii' . ! i 'nl I I." I n "i i . .i i it c . ' l"l I 1 , II I ll" I I I, H old " lll'l I ' .III 'III III I 'I 1 1. lit I III III I , III Illlll II I'll III I II 1 1 II 1 1 I. 1 II- t O'tfitlh liijililiuii. M I . 1 1 i . i 1 1 V l i , I, I ,i I I ','1, II 1 1 ,, , I I. I I I . t .1 I J S : J" I :i r r ...... . I I Alii ' Wtdnmlny Moj nine !' A it 0, 1802 ih:m(K ii v l u m aii: in ki.i I" : Al I'l Hilt t.l.M II I. IS,.C SJ.K.NK I'M, il' l'ni.ii . ". I CI! .-I ll Molt i.KN PH Al,, ,1AM l!S ' IJAKI!, ..I!l.ylit'".v .... GRAND PROMOT.ON. An i mi .rl nn I. honor h ii I hh'ii thrust IIJ'011 .1 I'Stil'l's of I III! I'l'.ll'O Illlll 1'ostmns- tors during the pi.t week. 'I'l.n proola. tn :ii ion makei s nt Washington Lave iiicl ;m older IVom 1 1 o Ww Popart,, lent, trans forming nil sileh olfieprs into bruind Mar shall, lor dm purpose of arresting and re turning Ciijf itivo oHioer mid ulili orp,li ir which it fee of tivn dollar and opoiies are ollercd, a- a rvt nrd lor the return of ovcrv Mien nlliciir mm sonncr 10 mo near , I.i'., . i . . ., i , i i i, . i 1 1 , ,i i t,. , i, , ,, i ,. 1 M I. .:',,, .1. h , H I.. 1 I , I M ,, , i,l i !,! ell i ll I ' , I l' Mo "lfl, flll'..l,;li, I v I I I , l,e it l'i I II I I) . ' i ' . I III- III II i . M i 4 li'.I'M i I i (I,, I I ill., in , , lii'l, 1! n"l'l I of tin' Wiir I ' ni Inn lil . I'd. I V ni., lily Ii "l'i wiilid-' 1 1 , ived in -i Mi, i- ; I l''Mil., fi 'in 'Ii-' , mi !i l i ,l 1 1 M'li I I In' ii ' n III lillil I, T tlillll o V I M I y . All 1'olllnl ni t W llliollt I ll'IH', .illi l I III' I "I II II' -I , "ill ,"' 1 1 "I' 'I "4 '"' lltel-. 'I III' I'lliti'd Mill' Mil-hi,!-, M,llol, ilinl I hi' I poll, o I I III" k Vi'l -;, , ,lll - Ilinl lo II-, I'll, I llll Slll'lills, p"-t- iiiii-t.1 1 iiiol ju-Ui i-i of tin' 1'iM'v, iif'" mi' 'ihoiied tl lil t ll-Vpl'l iill IT V".-l lllll, -hills, 10 iii n '( miv olliciT or priva'o v'ml. nih I i I i.l I i H I :i 'I , III I I oil l.ll In, I n i ,(,' in I v c I , II,.- I , 1 1 il n . ii t ,! I Kill I I III II, ! Il ill, I Illlll l'i' I ' llll III!,, II It;. III O) l . M it,' I " I I . HI,. I t linl i i I lir 1 1' i v. ill It'll "i lion ll'v , ,,, , 1, , M . i i on, .,n I'll I of on i I i 1 1', I on i I f r ' 1 1 1 1 1 li : , in ,Tf i K , '"iir il i - I In I i! I '., t ,u i , (., i :i- "liii on ii' 1. I : i "ii, , in 1 1 n mi iir I t" I In' in iilrl III"' 1 1 : i I li.u I fi lull hill; ,i r-i i'i 'I In' M npir i ni ill nil n in ii n 1 1 mil imk i il Ii i . . i . . i 1 1 1 1 ,.i n i', iiioi imi'it' h lull T,nv i -if ij ,, o m.i'l,' it ,v iTiimiii'' 1,1-1 iniiiv dull i'iiv up hor fii'u", li'nv 1 iii I ' i . i .i I, -I i.i I 1 I I ' ii 1 1,,' , i ml. I " I ' 'I I i I'M. ;"l I "" l "" I nl IT .'. " I fi.if-l ,. It i oil l ,t ,.. , , , " i- I 'k, , : i .'.'in ii I it i i 'li!;uiv It, ' ' niin'i., Mo ii' il l! I t'l I'Ml .I 'II I ' I'i'l. I illl- , r i' Till; WAV v 1 1: At i "i ii i ii I l Ml Ml I I ll" I "t ., ' 'I I Ml III I'll III ill . I I h liii I ! "l I i t v i u:n Hi" i -'i " ti . If llii,i I ill lllto II MMIKl ll:- Il IH llllirn UllTO III (llll. Mio M II 111 Ml J),, i ntli' III ll i1iti ilnit lio I'oiil.l not ri'i. liii hoNli'i-: cciitiirv llii i iili i, :in.l ionic)' linn to mi' iirmi'-i ,lUo ,st t ,111(lti 0 H A !M' i . 'inililnrv t'osl-tliis i'X"'ii-" f tiiiii'oitii i fsli cavalry hoix; tuul nioiinti',1 it arul .,,, ',llM 4U('.(.Krii!U . 1 li t Ml I .v , 1 ... 1 .. I . . i' ' 1 . ih'l t I , I':" "ll'll : II l,.'l II ll I' I ' 1 1 I' ll I'll Illlll IH ill" illlll', 111'' lillll'lll l III' 'I' i ..tiiiiii ii' in it" rnonlliii ,'iiM, f"f ' ll'llli III '""liii llll'l I .iii' n- i'l" I In' 1 1 ' 1 1 v 1 1 t I Mini ,,'tl l IIIIIO 'I tui'lvr, ir IH H tin' l.k'liloii lin'l In coin- .lll! it, I '1,1 llllKu'll", , T'l 1,1' I'' II-I.I"! oil tin ir mi ii Mul. It ni I'V .'ii t tlml I n l.unl i m Mil ju : ili"l lo Knjjl iii'l. I'" I- L'llllll htllll'l-t I lll'l I' "illl lll'l' lil'O 1 1 1 i 1 1 It 1 1 -J, iii. no 1'iipiiloiif, iiiol lin'io in 1 1 1 . ni i-vi-r I ( liii i' - tlmii -i i-ln inot liiinoim liiiUl," 1 1 lUil' I'rllllll'V. llilrl' ii i i 1 1 ii ii h of I'l'.i i' I'm n . I n l ili'l Imiiiilily I n o i.l I mill V, "I I 'll " ". ii I lii'l ti It I rt llh 'li l" I- I': I l'i,' Ii "I ' I I I , 'I . i i 1 1 i ' M i i ', t" h . i i, -ni . i i it ii i' 1 1 1 ", i , 1 1 1, lllll I 'M' l' ' I , ll , ,: ', III " III" I' I I'l H' II I ll' til ,1,,, HM "I, ll l'i' l il ll llll III ll ft ,n, till '., . "', I . , ,., I i! " lli, l' i I-. i II ll lll'l Ili'l' IlllV llll ! 'i'o I" 'urn l"'i i ni! ! i 'I U lin l , fi' i.t i ' 1 1 "int. ,r",V i' I, II, null,, i'i ntlm .t. I I'm A i ln r nidi full I ' I V I ll,.. I'T O' '"V n, i , ' "HI I 'ilN I , l nil I 11,., . N' ,1111 l',;l,r; ..,: , i;iiiiMi',i t . .: . . . .i i;.... . I. ,llv I,,.',. i I. U1" 111 I'""' "t;"" ' " tluy ,, ,., or g-t itoursrlv,'... olliri'l' Of I'livnio nil uiirii'i. ,1,.!. mi,, i, i.iIh. ',t lutvo lici-n V.iki ii I'l '.Moni-i liV tin- I'lK iny on vlii'il pal iiml I'l'leiiseil , ;n mi'l t it lio I'oulil linj tlii-ni. Hut I"'- il.l i ,.,,l loll' llO L'llt (Hit (if ML'llt IVO hUlV lllOOIIl.'- ii in ll, it Inn i, I Iii 'I' I Kill' 'I' l" I' "'III lol'i' l, ,;.. i, , " '"r;"1' i; i ;'" iii ' l'i-.! i ii-1 i, ll .1 I I 111 L II I I 1 1 11 I l T T 'ill '.' I , I ,ivli l'i ,( r ll.'l III" II l'" f-' I '11' Ii '. "I,: l.'lliilit'' I'iilHiK I'lillil ll'l Ili'l" ? Solll" IM to Iii tun inln iil-'l i il ... ,. I 1 . I mill Mull li in I nli'i 'I j'li'l I ino ,, r i.f . . . . , .... I : I I i I .... In n -mull- ioi i iiiiti tiii" ' i iiu iii !". Iiit. ll it ki ll lilli'l, I'li'l Hliollirl i'l llu lil ll ;it ih iicll ll illl liii In-Ill. In 111 tin' lil I "lio 1. 1 iTicliiti l. It li n I'i'i'ii i hiri',J, iiU.i, (lull till' Uolll In-Ill I :t V till, i toil Illi' (Ulllf i li i-, mi l tin- lin 1'i't'ii Inkon iii ii pi'iunl I'cii'li'iit. j. unit tlml iliuy a ni no Ioiij;iT lil lo ri'ij:n III"- I'I'Oll (lll'l' lilt 'II . 1 1 011 ry V 1 1, of lliij-liui'l nui i n ip kitif!. .. .i I mm ii tliiin any nllior tlml ovor ial on tlio llinmo ol Kir. filoni, lo "Iron, iri In n ilie in) nl I'oiM'i' (ivir tlio l'i liii. Ilniv ili'l lie In-lit (lie I'oivci lul Mai 1 ot Kil'l.ii". ill iiwuini, ivui.'ii 1 1 it i.ii 1 1 r, u ii n, ami .,1'iiinis iii'iiiL'lii'ii .huh ivi'ioitn, ,i i-.i i r v. ..i "iiupr' H.iiioimii ii uni iniii'i-i'i i 1-1 ii". .i- i.,,,,,,, I, ii,,. 1.1 1 ,., .,1 ,.,,.i. 1 . , ... I - , ...... v ..Lli tj I I , I ill,. i I'll 0 li. lo.'.'iin-l llin lev fi', nii'l niakiti; li.-r lrrmt.) In, in stem l i m, in, ,ni niiKia.y hui,,' lining nimc injuiy limn 1 1 1 oil Tin- nlil iirif.uiil ul I li ir. nil,,,, I'liiitm fnf ii i niill li li Mi liiiy, un, n m vi'iiil ol our voio-rU. Tlio IcIioIkiiih I'Viili iilly jjionntj. ,nor() iioni in I i'inii'.-.'1'o. ivoiilno iv in., I u j .-I of huh in ii i nui j, mi .ii1. 'it in i i' hoi in i '"" ii.'..-- - , in hum l nut I lie Ii i loml i mm iitL' tin; Attt'inptH of Sinii 1 1 , in llin pi tin . I- onlf, 1ml (ivioo, joinoil tlio Hlainiard ol' . .. o-t ,I.,vn of tlio liittor, to nlisoil. Iior, l,y i.n'io.i.loi-i ti (ho tlirmio? Even ivIk-ii , c l,) ' v ,MMt! xUyi 'iviun. ivoulj Wo do not t'xacllv un- ', t'l t' laovvinunt ift imlilai'v iloi'-lmi'l luov tliis . ' r luis I'Orii inatiiiraiotl. No mioIi I'oivors or ilutios lmviii'j; boon oonii'mi'lalcil wlion tlio-,o otll"-cr wore ulei. lo'l, or :'' ointoil, rnul li itli having liton ilonioil tlio a.tllioii'.y to an'oit fiif iiivo.", wo cannot oo hoiv llioy can l'i' coini'oll"il to H'ii'l their liuiu in ai resting io',' l'iigltivi'-, without (Inn lUOviMoni un do dy law, W'c inc licit aware thai t.'uii- rtmi has iii'iiriiprialtil any nioLi'y to pay Mioli ollit-or, ami ihi iol'.irr' do not know huw they can nhtain jay lo:- i-iu h t-o!'v;ooi r ,tolt,.. t ho i"Munill V .. . , i i . ..i ,. i-i , 1 1, ii, ,i i -ii inn urn i .,i,.,i .. ,.. i . in i,t ; ....: .. ,- i : i ., t Mill, llll'l ill I "I lll'l I 'OatOlllllUl! I un ' '-i " I" - . t . no ,.. i..i. llll-lS OI .1 ll.t 1 1 1.1, Ol I.l U illlll', I ll 1 'III fOI nui , "" i oi iiu'i run i iiiiii n i iii'u - niiii'i- iiiiiii'.u. ill i oms mail oall 0,... iiiillioni, ll-i nlwav.i Mii.'i-i'oilo'l in in in. 1'iit comtKiiiv Is. " a-. It Hill to'ivoil thai sol'liori who t tu.w.. The. Ailiutant nui h. woiihl I I 1.1!...... 1". ,. I .... I I 1 .1 . hoi-ii"poiiiiialm powor. Ituceini to tltu I', ul win ntl.i.nlo'l ny 1'ai'iiiiriioni., iur i " l'"' ' ' " " .uluh'iih on nl(, Im one of tlio axioms ol HiinajiMl to wliioli tiviic'in, ho piililiuii-'l him, not lii'i:aili-c lie uiliinu, that toll iion ohul stoaim-is ,ftlj piritomiilly iruo, thai, I In uii t t hern was jnM iee, or t Illlll, in his ( url.jVt,l llt Jloliilo, Imvinu h,.,, I,,,;!,'' "A imople to he IVo't of another, hai Iml. ' eau-e, hut boeauie ho was i jHiirer III the i .. , , i 11 1,1 to will it !" If ll.o Unituil States an) to n lui. Tlio lull history of lh iilliiir ile , l';l-rol,u "" llir"'u I "iifoiitnim j'l'oio this an i.iisoiuhI axiom, il must ho servos a tioveloj'inoiil not liosiihlo hero. I'ov el ninoiit. This rejioit is inj i conlinn, hy a ha' iliU'iront ilicjilay of power from , The inuial of il i iv hat all preal htalo o'l, ami in not h' lieveil. anytlnti;f yet exliibitinl. olunteerii! jmliey, in every iijjo ol t lio ivorlil, Inn ex i it i ml 1 1( ill i:i tnl: in "i I :i tii 1 1 1 1'iif i ll it l'i-ti.t I m 1 1 1 i I ,, I ,,, I 1 1 in I 1 1 i,t iv no nt' tint i.lnul oin n 1 1 to. It is uo tl,i".'j h illl. I i'o.l thou -anil men. oir ami stieiiL-th is onlv l.v omm-vima ir'.th " 'li 'l li:i'H v -j in roililriii" Itie torts but ii .;"' that llin instant ti i-i.hhi-i l i i -, t-x.'.. iso. i'iiU lor. 11, thei to toe t i:ir 1 1- ill.- tint Ol i;:iliii!i''l this Jie-.til'i-l'nll- qilill'. lol -flotu the Wuilos, an 1 Chases, aiei Sow, ii'1 Is, mil lii'l I :u s, a I i.l 'i;r. lu'i s, : t. r 1 1 1 I Inv c iinin ' in tli vvn.nU fill tiik, to lake ui a-ins aj-iiinst iho i'oiil'i."h.riito.-, .u vvilh ,!.,. '( i,,,,, (mr ,aU.r-M .. n'aiii are not exempt IVmi) the iv.ju;ro-! jilayin on them, ami wo were ordered incuts of this order, t'nti! iiito leoeiits j lo hold our liro till they eiimo olose enough. , , ,-, ..,,.. ,, , Thorn was a stviuni) l.otiveoi! t Iioni and lis, . i,.,.i Afnv,' hi ni. ii nt .Hiinoi ,s e.x 1 . . 1 ' It, J ' ' r I . SO till')' llil'l Imt OI10 JllllOO lo cross llt, llll- iMed, and ninny I'liion (.nhliois who I''" ,.SJ t.y wonl ii. to our l ight- They had into Iho hands of llm enemy, pivo their to eni's in single lile. i hoy eanio iij on i ..,,i ,1,. .,,! ",- M-nt hiinio. Ma' a eharoe tliinlviiu to t.iko our battery. i" " i ny of iIhm), it is now understood, claim oxoinjitioii iiiiiiimu'h ii.s to re,eiiti.T the soi'vieo would bo in violation ol then" pa role. ThUisonoof the uinbun'aisiiicnU resulting IVom the rel'ii-nl of our tiovern melit to oiiUT llj'011 a juojier system tor U o iliil imt Illi.' a stint ti.l lliey eiimo up i(Jj' .viilini o.i y .inn ot us. I lion no fiave! thrill what t Ii o Major lold us to "ivi; theill. We I'ilod them up bv the hundreds, niak-' lln ni' a porli.-rl brnio ai'i'ns Ni il .vent on till ten did in t "ol hurt, e.i shell thai hit a tree tlio CNchniigu ol I'lisoiieiii in ino com- , me J'll nil me neross ino loos, fina-lun;.' m meiieeinoiit of llm war. o letuseil, lie, or.o oi mom. ll il nan mi a muo itn-m-i j y cause wo H ould thus bo reeo' the rebels us a belioorent 1'ower. I low inueh advantage have lie pnined by dofoi rini; 1 that iceofliltinn to tins lime . p ' .Tin; next time the. editoi of tin- i , It'll in n ' , ,, , , , . , 1 . I iialMiel's, Hi i.(ii;:i'i.'-s (ij- m.t 1 ', --j J n u o elm K at ni L'ht, 1 .,,,.! i .,,: ..,,,, ... , i, ,,i ' ''I'1 'Vo"1 11 I ."lVrs"t,i'N,",v l', in the pulpit, down m.l t; lancing ihiwn 1,1 1 ,,. ,, .,.,,, ., , ,, ,i,,. .... m.,.,,,, . ,-- " .. Miid, who reAds nothiiiL; hut I ireolijv's I. v 7',;',.,. llilOO ,,,,,'r,,.- 1..CI i'l," ii.n-li it wuul'l have !u nin' l n,y im'l , Then Iho Ad.iiit'int itu- h'--i. and i ; ivoiiiidi'il in tin' li.-.-il . i. . . ; .ii- in morii't'C our !i".-p -.. n-tn nl. V hat i IVil-t I.-!! nl oil'- ...llo.-lt IV IIS 'll'lloi'l'll to h !d '.!,,' i' - iii i r i-: t lii-i- In cover the reli'i'al. I'..; , a a. -I thousand ol them Coiiiniiiiliiro l'm'tor's rnortiir fb-ot ivliii". 1 1'lHilJc- iriU. - n " i';i.yof,'t.. j-rcfmrits ,furntt'. inn iis-i.t.iippi, aii'l opening tin, way to The Abolitionism of Wm. II. Seward !N,W 0,1,M,1S u, "ott ' u .,rM'1"" ns wan supposed, ol unl'iio in iho roiluj. The i lpu hftR beeotne of lale years (piilo , tion ol I'oi I I larling, and llius openini;t8 pniviilont, I miirhsay iilui"at ' univer.iil, (,, IJirlnnninl bv wnioi- 1 1 il,.,''.,!.. ,'.., V ... U ..t...n.l lo .. lilt.t 'I ill. ll I I Itlll'l Ifl H , t I 1 I 11- , , , ., , live imui. We now hoar it repealed and " ipoit inevailed t For.r, ritiieiiiled, dny after day from j'uper to 1 Monroe on 'I in-sday laH I h:tt Iho n,.w i.i'i r, ihundnird forth Irom iho Wo j Morrimae built by iho rebels nt Kii huia;;,! (,!, , and eelini .liii the smallest HepuLli. lvil)1 niovinir down tho liver, as if to ii,i,t : . . t l . .. . ) I . r . .. .1 t l i .. cum ir hi ni it w in I h a ii in nl iv 1 in SitU'tir. I i".u i.i.u ...ii i-i, hi ii; i. ni-ii u.ui.y 1 .in win,, movement iilii ml lienoml M. V ni.'ii at the .Mirtli who have ,1,., , "i an io-iiiniii'nii.s. is uie iimn KJimerva- i I I .... I .I,.. i" l ii..,;. .. i .i. ...i l ivo : that he is not nn Abo itir.inat. but 1 1 u Hun. mi i ' t ' i 'i i n n i iiii. ii n ii ivvu ...... Iii n. l'ojie x Ai in y has advanced brynml Warrentou, Oil the wr y to Uiehmond. The rebels are at I lordonsville, but in i !i nui,,.. ll lu,.ni'ii; 1 in lint .nil mm llll inn . 1,1 It'llllltH lO 1,'IilV to US, WO llOIH' of INjIilMifill fur the mn h'.V,'vm.. he will not iabbiij:e his slaie slaiidrr iip,n It may bo that thiol's another clinpter tin I leinocratie party from iho lireensbu!;.' in iho programme of the "1 rreiiivssil,.,! , , but srt uhout manfully ami write ('.... III., I "l.. ...l,, lit' il'll r.i.,1,,.,. r.i, ,1, I.,.,,-, ...t'lilllt., lJ .t.(',tvtJO... m . t . ... . .... ., i.i'... ,, -1 1 . . , , I , , . ., ii i , I 'i: ux.-i ni i. iii.soriboil upon it also, the road (odosiiotism. Itsceins also to Alter delue.ii;: theeountry in blood, ami ouo j,,.,,,,,,,, t(f ,.01,M,linv J)( ;m, ,om. o- be (inother attempt to "mix lip" the N.n sju'eaiiiii' desolaiion and ruin throughout 1 ,.,1,1, mombors h;f. of eomjiaiiy K, lo tional and Stale f.itlhorities, and evenlu the land, Ihese tw o politie il phai isoen, I -it : William Henry, William Williams, 1i.. i';i.,t wboii lie had ! " illiani 1 1 11 in 1 1I1 re vs .'im 1 I nomas (,011k- l'lE!lt l'. H:.u' I ho orib'i' t the Mi-anil' lined e,.:i!p.'Hiv 1 together vti; h ! " I ii.ix 1 1.11." 'i-i)ii- li.ihia b'oM'rie. Tho f our icii.a-iil did not hear retieat, n.i,d the rebels eru-tsoil li-'Vc and i-.imo in and eaptur- I-. t'lo eoloiir company, that beautiful lla,' with Ul'.' V! II "-.ill I t.'.)i.jiii:ii-it'.s. I', ut ihi.s iiuirt euil, if the ! 1 iv.'ir is to be hi pi 1111. The innocent have, : vt'i'y thus ( ir. Milltired lor tho ''iwltv, hut the 1 ft 1 i 1 1 ' 'aill lini'e to i-nir,.,- in tliiii- ,m-n ni-i'ion-. th horrors ot war. il' tho bruin. ' m;' -l I"' . force pi ineijilo m lo bo ciiiriiid cut. lli Wo will now uttexpt to hIioiv tho read iniiii boa warm which enou-h of iu,;, orn of Tuu C.u.c.isi an Smvard'H poiiiicn on t'tl, t cannot bo found. the slavery ipn-stioii, by a lew extinct' r . . . . i im 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 r..... 1 i t 11 1 1 un pjn'f i; t uiuii.ii iiiiit 1 in- ' Ditly in liivor ol exi'liulin slu lotu lln loi'ritoiics. Il'iio 'H ihc no-1 nn('i vjitu 11 ol lo iariy, what n iii'lii';il comUhution ot iici'uulir.ui pur t y i il.. 1. . I . . 1 1 r .v , ;i:: i. u i ti i':iihmi ni i " ' I It I" ll' 11 Ll 1 1 1 . . "j.oiioj" Hero filled "seeifii-imiisls,-' "liai-l mi' '' -eviiirii. i.y neor;.- 1. ja- tors," etc. 77..-I, tho jih-a was that the k,'r." ft ,n"' disi'ijdo of tho "lusher law " .(...,-vii.H lo sc. free tho fV-.i-loviiij,' "., doetrine, a d ii'lriuo winch, 111 baker's o. of tho South, from the "ripe of a S,.,vsion I !''""'. will be remenibered mid .juoted u.s ftioi .111. '". ; ii i-iii i'i or t.iMiVnn l ii I'"U ;'s ' o'-1"- . , t nt Illi 1 lib- lo iL'iioreState Kii:l.t.saUivell,er, and like their ancester, 1'ilate, when ho l.a.l 1 V nii.-.m 11 uinpln oys ami 1 nomas l.onk. VL, ly .oum.I that (her e was still at the ' .Ur. .V.v.ra 1 Mian Miitm ... J . . . . . 1 Illl l:i It i-n or .1 i'i . I li w li'f. lull 1' nl 11 I . . . . , ... 1 : . -.. I.. . f I. .. i ll it. "l'i ill f.i I I 1 1 1 1 A- OOOll 1 1 V . iii I'.t (,.' . . i.. ... .1 I ..(....,.. .1- 1 1... ' ....ii- '....,........ i... , l... !,. i f,.,ij,.. mi " sn. i ci i soniuioni. anu a oiiiy r . " ' . ' omiu'Liiis uiu uiumt-uMi vn.t. wo mi. .mii.....i'..i., ' ' - ' "'tofieht our wav throUL'h. to wit : Willi.iti, I i , . .1 !,.,. :, vn ,.l..",,l.. i I .,. di (m; t.h-',.',(., .s'-i::n m Am.r,. what strength is riot known. I.ATKU. in the niodit of the;! 1st duly, tho rebels opened with a mako.l battery from the opposite hide of tho .fames river, on Mel ''s (piarlers at 1!uit;koii' bunding, killing five or nix and wouiiiiin about n many, together with several hor o, and iloing foilie diinae? to the ship, ping. The bati,.ry t;M M,0II bi:c,u.,,,i ,y ii-' iounder wlrioh nuou ojiened ujion it State to nssiimo duties (levolvinj; uj. an tl.e murdet Ct Uirist, very magiiaiiiinoiisij i .ddleman, il. ntiiiiL; I iimu, Corte. Hhjutn j ,)..., (ieneral liovcnmnMit. J went and cashed his liiinds, c.xclaimin and niysell. Brother Naiah was taken I ,,,;, j The policy of fiieh interme Idl'rng we do 1 tint "I am innocent of tho blood of this. with tho rest ol the boys. Tell mother not jia.t. i-i to il'ivolop il. We p ,; must d("l i',iy il thai only L'ivo it opjmrtunity. That is a H'e savyet, that, nearer or more r ute i "' " '" '." " "' , "t I ino iK'Xi uiiy u lorec ol noiim mx Ihiih k,I t i 'Ol 1 1 li ill ill .u'i l. mill nu u i nut-, hi i'l i'j Hj the eoiisl imti'tieil Ao.tion of all the public iwiii sent neiess tint river, who cm not understand. : to ret lor linn lor lie is sae. ami leooi:t; . ,i.. ..I..; r. .... ,i. liut-n mi1 m.l ....r-Aii " . ... . . I - nun;, un: null 'i 'i'l iwi i,--utiiini, uti uic Juno no ,uit person. ho will noon bo naroleii. when he can no . ,.i.i J,i i.i f...,P f,',.i'.,,i doubt that. Bomo of our 'S-jmres will run-' The ediUirs of the,il,iw the ll,rau(l ,, llh,j you c.m ft(, j, i (11 im, hear what I 0IUsl dato'tiio Wviuiiiii of Hi work for' sidor themselves lnghly honored in bem0' usmtuo to be ns tlini ital'le as ll.e.r proto l:o luis lo s.iy. i l c.lj,,;iiion, in tho establishuu nt of an How ever, wo ii way aiilhoiities."- Vol. Ill, j ii'e 'J74. i no l luiiior, and lium I the bu;l Im- that Un the tiii'.lj ol I ictoher, IS, while m!i ironeeiled the i.oveiinnts of tin) cncniv. dri ssiiiK mi in I'loveland, Hiio, - i;,.!,,,t u f , , , n,,,.0 iroii'clad finiil,' nti immciiiatiily bi-hav l'i. Mr. Seward said: "Tho first, principal oi our duty ni Ainorinaii citienn i to pros- ithoul (rannmoernfied into u l'lovoet Mnrshnl, typo, ret, betrav the same moral dejiiavi-' Well, I must pi on utid toll you about I honorable peace. As the ir.illant Tom. I i''v, lno ninni) i- '""'' u nnoui j "' - " - -'v,,,-,,. w, titer which they arc et.tilled fx. hive, a j (y ,,osesscd by'l'ilale, ..mUou.ile with it, t day's light. We marched till j Soy mo... .ex.Governor ol Ccrineol,eu t.said , ' ho I . n.on th- re wonhl be ,K-t only a want , gutihoats, includn, tho Mo.ii.or, hn 1 ..iter iMiicnini) . i 1 , . , , .i.Jiioon.haltinanM'reltygoodiilaeiMiheie in his litter ijuotod by ui last week, it is )V ; ot hsnnony of m'l.on, but coll, uoni and pas.od uj. bi-yond llurruon'ii I.i.nih,,- pervanti. b Lieutenant, i !c;k, und in exei tho treachery oi Judas licariril, with this, , P. . ... ... ' ... , .... I in ' '. ,..i " ,..n,l lets im u iituii-i- iv m- nro Uv n i 1 .. 11 ' ,, , . , , ,. I .... . , , , , , . II i o jnu inuiu ti i.isio i nu hit , lui'iibiniui im.iioi hi iu'iiu io.oii,i , - ; , ' iilce t I lie ill, (iiid !i pav v li nn' un heart iii eii'.io.irr allwhioh may brooiuemdisi'eii.iliflere.iee, Judas refused to hull ay 1 hl(Kd. Tli.y came up in awful foroe uu::!.t ' measure.," and trust to 'sJ.',;j,,uwi the ; dosjioti-ni. ... A ,.., wust U a vui,tnt ...... ... .' " 1 ( M'i'l M,i!'(i( I il'li"-llon III J in ircr.l JllMII'tK! 011 UiU I .. I we tiopi en to L'ivo t Mom a laste ol vaiiKee , "monstrous nliiK!v to ignore poaivrul iiiiii.-iviii.i-, uuuiw it',.".. j uiuou, i ney came up in nwiin loree iip-aim,! nicasiires, ana trust, to -ifi)i,iunj l lie Master until thirt pieeo9 of silver wore , our httlo fquml. Wo fought till almost South" by the Sword, as a means of ro-.ii-iil ieed in liii hands ho demanded ad dark, liohifo. cements did uot reach tis '. n ion. Tho I'nion that soeurod our libel'- 1 . ti , i i', r.u i by two hours as soon ns they Hiould have ties as Irceiucn, was a union of tr, , my nl, States' Kn, .its."-Tho doctrino of o nay ment ; wl, , la 111 esc editors, pos- e . m, ,0 fninh troojis to boU'.n the States. The v iobit ion of I... in. a . I., All-.tllilJ l,lll,llt .1,1 IllAlt' . . ..... ... .... ... ;ren.-iiiu if" nu ",,,, " " i pUl III every liOUl1. mil Wo li:ii I IliillO air il . 1 II llii.i lllot tal li Ion ot i'.iii I, !. am I Ot tv.-er- table.if the Napoleonic .ysteni is continu ed. " 1,. f tltSj'tlMll. A.U-r. States' liights haw Leoomo to miserably perverted by the Abolitionisis mul the S'eceeionists, that this leading feature of our solote these assisUni-n of the National and Stile Ad' minisUatioiis, has cantriltuted obliterate li'ieii. from tho niimls ot the people. country first, and are now filijiving to ob-, had (o 8(iek lo it till wo wwrn done out ' ved riu'hts, not only rallie to lie; lebol I'-'ud. .hut mm Kin sn.-r in: aiioi.isiii.ii. iisiurb,inort still cintimios in Missouri wi. ii i I..,. ...,m ,,,.i, i ... ' ' - . . . Aifvii'tw f i ,-im I (,., ,,,,t Iii.,i l.'.......i: - . , , . , . i, ,rt i,iii',ii falling back bo ,li no froeitoiii bociiiise llin niiblti: eiiiisoionco in inert r Yes, much can be i ,l!l(o l,l;a on r trooj.s wt.l L. tain their thirty pieces of diver Irom : '""J .oi'erpoiverod l y the enemy. They .-tainlard thousand'i att.iclie.i to iho old i dope-ey.-rything can Lo done. Slavery lo Hudson's Crossing of ll,o Neosho river, .eioiiiMit, lion i.i.3 leaning leaiure oi . , , ., : nud tne woods ami we lunl tlio open liold. i iovctn menl, Im t lias so in i'.e led our liber-,' " "" ' """ "-"' 1""'" nonnoi ii;u, uny miles Irom 1 m t Soolt -vitliont "iv, joveriiliient hai heconio well t.i"liob-i,m'0!'g , ,! 1 ,. ; They drove us buck, mid hero came vervltios heroin tho loyal Mute., that wo write '-' 'am. VI st hk aiioi.ish ki.. am. l m; am. ; ,K. ,.fttIse of t his l.'.ekivtrl movement e The raids ... ule imon .hem l,v ! n,lll":- V' 0 l"',,?u"l, "10 l"l,lor 01 the near being a panic ainoi,L-our teams ami ser lone.-, such ns the-e-domailo,l liV!" am, m .-i hi n .' ( ol. 1 1, pugo L".C , " V. mo .aids m ute upon tli. m In . ( rM . ...j l,0 h-,us l.c-c n 1 1 roo, s. liud it not Wti lor tf.o 1 rish lit i--' our c on. U-iio( tho more reiteration tlf.-) '-' a cordial ivel.-oiuo to the I 1 "m r.e.Mngton, Ivy., we Ion. that MW0(ia-se,ol do,tiucti,e', iM.ti tlu, oinU. . 4mu , t, A,,,.,s01,s lm,ic,,. tll0 ado coming uj. just th.n tin-re would have the hciiiimcnts of the men ho for.nod fi'-"ve who lays his weary lmibs at your I M,i..r Ihacket had overlakon a I...:.! of imilod, il en bo amelioialed, it fifty ,i,,3 ',otll .'n.t Soon w ithout -iv. ijijioinnii' new Tax oill, and will be entitled lo ecu an awful slaughter. Hut thov gave . the Constitution not knon inir but that rent I v to! ' ',, thren cheen lor the Inion, and went in for publishiiiL' Hum, ionio clerk in the noniii'K n u.iy, in o .iuigj;e..4 ..o... i"i o'nirge, and drove tliem back at the j Kxeeutiie lio,!iriiiient may order sub, or pockets of the people, n a coiii eiiHal ion point, of I lie bayonet. We lo-t our bnive v ient agents, by llm hands of violenec, to f,,r iulvooiilino I ho" 1 rrei.i os-ible I 'onllicl ." i tieiieriil He Holds hue. who Wits ivoumli -d 1 convoy us ayain to iho din -v walls of in I it is constantly assumed by llie imrty .. ,,, , ., i:,, ,. , r ,i, ;,.. and taUon prisoner, lie imis r I'ravo and' L.tlayeile. ni power, that tins doctrine, lis Uught by Washington, Jollerson, Madisiin and .lack loor, find ilolcnd him ns you would pater- 121 rebels, under Ccrhin, at Mt. Si.eilin" mil L-ot s. ,-av lo slavery, uherc . ; ,. ,.. , , . ,. ... , i i i i .i , Ki lling J.l, nnd tak nj: 'J, iirisnnerJ. il fhows its hiind ami ilciiliiiiils the pound ! ,. , , 1 ,,flb,.l, llml if ii iltM.vs nn.. .Iron of bluoil ! ' "'IU .laekscil, 1'elll)., IhaM'apt. I),ili its lit'., kloill my Ihg foi-f.-it." -( V'ol. 1 1 1. ' lins' c Va'ry attacked MJ 1 1 In I near ton ii the very 'original pin'of nil our troiu bles. We scarcely knoiv wliether lo call it tnijihlity or cowardice in or Jemo cratic statesmen and journals, in failing to expose this hallueinnlion, I'd.i.l ,llii-,.r I lur lrw.; ivit limn't- I.. it I In. ire 1 TI..-. 1 ' i.I,. 1. . ...r.1. , ., , . , , . , . . - - i i ..v. i,t:i,i,,i.; ,j, i ,tu ."tooe . tuMor his service in the case, c have not,, vftji .,, 1(,avu.r, i , four of ns of com-- d,"i States :" Who ,,ro I lv ' l!e,i.l tl,o vet ascertained. I puny lv wore all sale ; wa came out ol that ; corresi.m.ilei.ou of the n;.' . 7'i, ,-.v :ni,l oilier-, on in paeo .In I. In a leli.'i' im iltt ii lo Salmon 7. I'hn'-e Ilrownsvillo, and ca lured l l prisoners.. The lebels weto .iiti rw.ii 'Is rom.vr' O'. aii'l 1 light without a (-crutch. Wo nil fell 1 nek IiRirT.Mi.- The y.tem of drafting to , , ,,., sui, p!v the call for troops, has, we believe, ,b,y. Here old Simmons, Colonel of tho 7r.'ii,, 1 hose organs of the black Ko piiblica.t reg'.ine. The 'J'tihun. enrri'Mion dciioo tolls us, h ino as u-ua!.i hat thei' are been fully delerminetl upon in Ohio, I-'Hh hegnnent, look command as iiriga j ihe negro slave-. 'I ho . raKl atnl 7'i,.t 1 New York to v nolh-1 V '"r1" rn...-.-, ni'(.'i.i corie-pomii'iiis ten us, . mas too truly, tliat ', , I orders to march. The little si pi ad of Muck . tin re is i... such ehinonl lel'i. In Now hue to take Ihe Hrleans, in Memphis, in Virginia, in North treated the Buhioct very linhlly while dor . uiess me lauieu mi lean, n e niarcne-uin nay iigin. lue roau Carolina, m Ilioso v,.,y i ities and State- -- . t t I tt . Il.I 1 ........: 1 ! I liiiiiewliiil ni, u-ilti lo'iinu un.l in. ... 1. . ' 1 . I ! il..' I . i . i U' V- (n u-iili liivU Tnnmlm Is UirnieiiCU uv win i .-ui, u :u unj; in do i r-. ,.r .... .,n 'K-r,i nnnu i- uii-iii uiu-ny it i .('cu'l, Hit' ' ... ' lli'it wn pun i M ifil v Met inn r v , . .., i . ... l.., I tut i'l l'i ll i i" i I "I iii i ' iii i i ( anil i i (iiin I . i it i ' l . ( I . ..( il hi KI i . Cm.. ! I " ' "" " 1 -' ..'.. .."' ' I IciKtmI w:ii si v wiiiii Iii. '.nil Im.' i-i-1h ! n't " l I tint ii ii nlui u i'nii.1 " 'i iit) 1 ni )ilout tin1 fiuuc. rti:ijy Ivanm . . . 1W- . , I . .. I . Jlr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward have both mg m ii...... ....-.- . - lt(US lVere rfUe.l up m ler Stales. 1 files the mimlic-r callen for lead. We marched till d d 1 eliOli of tliO i i esoi ted to. So m tier, A Co., h'lvo totally ignored Tt. , . .. . ..... i i i ... i. t t . t : ii i, eoimaiu.y reueraveii i.y u.u a. -on. Thk Nkw p0sr mis Stami-.univrr.-To (ion press, (hat Mr. Lincoln was legally (.iy til0 ,u,t ,,K'ngross making jtostage elected, and that by a majority. This i and other I'. S. Stamps a legal currency, also true; but by what kind of a majority' reee.vablo in paym-nl in dins to theliov. . . .. r .. ,., , ,, . e'linier.t in all sums under live dollars, ..y,byat.ia,Oi ityofllioStal.e:OthenM-c ta,os t.tll.ct. The btamps, lmvcvor, huve he could never have been President, as hc mn yet been engraved, but will be ready received but about onctih.lot tho popular tor delivery during the next two weeks, vote, and now- holds his position alone l'1'1'0-1' 10 Jnomiiilioiig,viz : . . ' . ihe, !'.), twenty-live and hlty cents- All through tho organism of V...- :r.:,:,n'.'l. wi 1)f ,,,;,,! on ,ak.noto paper, and If, thereforo tlio doetrine of States' liighla ! (1C jv,.s nr.. I lens wi'l be two and live is uiikomid and fallacious. Mr. Lincoln is ch;hths nielies in length, an. I all in e one . i i i i ii i nui. iu: i-ouni ii. iniii p-i i . u-nft. ii i' l'iii pi'oiongi-n ooi-iii 'iii ion i, v I n ion arms in o o eiiKiam, wneii we niareiion uu noon; iltieos onlr nu cxtinuin-limont ol any then stopped till night, when -re went on glimmer of rnion feeling that ha I before . . i . i ... i i . .. , . , . . . . n ploKei nuiy nnn reuiaineii an nigni: tiien t,t.en tiiouglit, to e.i-t. j"' we wont ton liold and lav there till about U'lmi . nr'o no ili.n in l.v.l. r..r,v n . I i,. v to 11 o'clock, when the enemy appeared and 1 1 is a p.-rnwuieiit separation '.' I here nn i'" ku iv e had to get our little h.iii.i.! ready for onnononls of iho Lincoln Adiniirntrai ion . i AN ' ' "" action. Our cannon poor, eorniuonood nrole-v ihl- to be knowiii" ones who h ieo (.'online.. t is iiunueessary. aid Siivs : - "I I I cm, Id at all at t em i a con - Wlll.ll L.t ,l,al,,,,t I ullfill',1 tlfll bill. I.l I.,. quire ol w hum it w as eotiiposed. ilmnii .,' . , i ll. ll.'l' l'.' ,,..T ;l " !? t) Jill lli'ti- tin' ill ,',', ! ii' r.,-, ir, iilijii't a 't'l.'i' irnfiiiiiim;: is j'liiijirinrl Ii liii! nl' i.e. r t'tifr nm'i I'nijipi s ' or am ,,i..i' ,7, ,',t,m ' Icr.ititm ni th,' Aincfcuhi i',-.,."' l il III. I'ae.' tin. I i ll i ho s the I 11 1 lei ewai'l says : '.nit ii njni; ,i Until m fa in Ijmi.l i:r ni .en' ")' 'i I'it uny circa msltn I '.: i liilNk it r am. JisT.'lllFHtioi:.;, l,.linw..s follows. "We look in il,o ll.ula n...i-ii si.iii.KV iiiit.s iir.HAVK Tiir. ;,,' Seven I'ines t.-n 1,'ieoos c.f in til lory, six IT IVV llll., AT All. TIMt.S. t'M.KK 1 11( s.l lid lllUskcts, 0110 gHII isoll lll.g, lllld riKsriMK.s."-ol. I, I'agoll.. tf,,,,,. r,;imon,ni e,ns besides a Iii,-.) ,i...,l lu .. ., ,i....n,i I-,' t In.-., ll.i.. . .-. . . . . " " ,n l ( i tin ll l ll v til fin u mn I'lintti ,., , n : t ,,i ,., (Ion. Johnslon's nllir battle of Seven I'inos appears un !i'r date of June :M. lie exca-es liim-i II I'm tho imperfections in Ins report by n-u-oii of his jet weak condition from liis ivniin Is. 1 1 it i-li i r 1 1 1 . i ii ( :..ti 1 1 n .,.! ll,.. I' i.. I ool. d.'livered i.i Iho S, iiateof ,.,Jllir.,onilo j,.,,, (l) ,io";t,.ov t;a. .tiro Males on Sept. llll., IS. .11, Mr. ,.(,r.,9 0f (ion. Keles. was not, Ye ahed. ill coiiseipience of lluger's delay in yetting into position and ready for action, llu ,s am. la laeious ir. ...neo n is ; - !, ' ; ivhen a biigade ,-l the enemy came up out hi..,-r Unit U'.lli, . Sew ard pr; - a miserable impostor, and has no right to W)U ., ,,, ol the won,!.-, u,,.'.vpo,'todiy and poured , ,,, lil0 , ',(1,.et in (iiu, , rt tiiceiisc tho oihoo of, Kir ho riy ',,,, (),, tho uppr corneri vollrv lll,el' vo ' until we were onlorod vol, I tho odium of tho a.'kn.nvloibo.iu., i holds that office through the eovereign ot 1C f:l(,v,ll 'bo tho dconiina, inn in : A lli'aVlff l" ' " nill of ft ...;. o Mt- .Vi-uiv, . io',"v ..white iigures on a dark groini.l. 1 lie lives ,iir w.)s ,'iu(l -wj,h j Navv o (r our Ko. ,,,. mrU 1I1:(MHt ,.,.,,.,1!,,,, js 1- "iiff.if of two thirdsol the American pco pie. as expressed al the ballot-box L11 No vember, iHi'ii'. Which "horn of the tli lemma" will the opposition choose ? will have in the (entro the live cent post tvnil nn i-iuili iiiiti' J he tens will li ill) cent Hump "In" 011 each kide. Tho plajiiigoii tliem. 1 ne reial regiment publicly said that this a ready loiked to 1 f''"" i" ill" wnue ciii.ens 01 1110 lann, Ma i.r le.n.ral l.on-lreet reports tlm los c.mieup, when our rilth was onloied to us a spoodv result. There are professed : im" 1,10,11 viii'liene their superiority , j,, his command as being about ,';,iMil, and charge, which they did, and took nearly I omoo.ratsvlio consider 11 hum happen. OVr1' '"'t-'10 ,:,,'H ''' burling hitch 111011 Major-lieneral (i.W. Smith rep.cls hi.i one regiment prisoners. We were then but who .gainst it, in order t hat j 11S U'"1- II-S.'WHrd from tho high places (s nt 03 'lio loss of iho em rnv is ordered to go over and assist, which wo ihe odium of ils ael'omplidimont may res'. : 111 the govei nmeiit ; lot them arme 111 their in their neii spn)i. r- to h.ivo ex- did. Wo thought tho reon,h were all (Jtllv 01, the grave ol I'.laok I;,pulihear.i-ni. '"'bl awl r.-eonl their delcsliition of such ceded lniHH), an climate ahich in no one, nn.l were lymit ilowr. on a Ktnali hill Noedloss sohcitudo ! There are those who sentiments,,-:! Sewmil entertiutm I.y t heir , doubl short of truth. Votes next lull . 1 ivciiiiii. : , "" ' I'liF.i'.i nr. to 1)ha.i. Hov. Todd. of ' 'hio, Jiie Cask of (..I,. M I.iMU'.ii 11. has issued his order tol'ountv Audilors tn ;louioi .no -nice 0 eoinliiiuoei wan 101 nien s0, Ulv .ssi-..,,,,-. .,... .,.,.,,1. ,iin in lie. Unii.M- of l;o.,c..,laiiv..s. to inve.s-' nuuicfl 0 llll those sulji.1.. .J - i . '. ligalti ceitam chargiii brought ngiiinst iuiry service. Hon. I '. L. Vallandigha.n, by iho liotori 1 The old idea was, that ll e militia coulil ous iiboliiionist, John C. II ickinaii, imioiig only bo drafted to defend the State, lit which, was one lucuniig him with being 0 invade foniign countiies, much less to ir. eoi icni('iiiltneo wilh I lio rebel govern- invade sister S'.ates. What the idea is inenl. 1 '11 tho stroiigdi ol the accusation, ow ,vo kow ,10t . Hineo the i,i:'"or hd . . . 1 . 1 .. .: 1 1 . . . ' . . f- boys fall there in levs than a minute. I an idea which wn cannot rueimoih' . . . . . 11.1 ig0 8tnmp.-Aiii. il j geome.n. a. ii.uie- s, , .,, ,ehind the lirst tree I came to, minds - for it is the knell of civil iiborlv. neat... ,. . , i ,:..i,, .. i;,,i. 1 ..r ..11 ...1 1:1 . 1 una tliougiit 1 ivouin ngni a nine on my ami ot all oilier liberties, nu tins conti ow n hook. I filed 1 rounds at them iient. i t i- the harbiii''or of liinre stand- twe.ny lives win i.uio o . 1 "i""1 ," when they were not more than Kilt yards ,,, armies, oi enormous lax-atom, ol in . Will III 'Uriniiii'iii. liuiu iv i" iii." " iv. . 1 I 1 I .,1.1 1 I1.1 Ji-jf rheCoiihtitulion as His, iho L n.on ,he ,itlio i;vo p, stiiniiis, siniihirly ! , , ', :. .1 - 1 !:.:.. . , (lll-l. 1 n il. tiin -ii a win- crv li:at ll.o Abolition ,lii.,....,l 1 ; , . , ,11 (prisoner. Rontiblienn lmt littlo like lr hoar. l iver the tlesilttis AS 10V0 'iesci lbet Will 1 When another flank is added to ttio''0 thevAorcI-, "1'o.lago M.mps furnished ' : by (he Assisdint 1 rensui er in.'l ileyigna- ylntjrm, thus : 1 t0lJ j)C.j,osit.,riC!, oftho I'nited .tales," "The Constitution s il is, the I'nion m'ntid niuier them, "Ueceivable lor postage 'it wan, and the myrou where tiny arr," ' stamps nt any i'ostollice." In the middle ', , , . ' . i , , 1 of the lower part ol Iho notes will bo "I' those shoddy patriots nro ready logo mto,,,". ,'t.U(.r9i . i . . i , i i r . i i i , uv.. I - - - - I'luniiu Miiitu tu ui i nil hi mi im ii rkt is i V , ' ' '" , " "" ' ' '-". "i 'I ' css.-i , ..mi o. ,,e. 'P'Oscrusneii. fj n ,K ( thev termed Val" "1,,,,,,! tender " wool hem si'irn-d to InKo mo A pprehcn-u.r. o. this ,s already freight. lim,,i' m,,,,'s traito.oiis cour endine with ........ ,,....r, i. I .in i no; -co iiieui until in ey mg ninny -liiis with Amei lean cili.on, t, ,,.,,1,.,, i,rt,.ul,l be (ivnolleil Iho i .t r"i " '" iut" - i ...t i.i...... i .i ii... " i... .....i ...... .a lioiDtlial no woiini in. oxpeiit.ii mo (0 thai our i.atriotie A bo iiioinsts will I n"" ' ' ',, TV "").'"' 1 wu i llIlU1S0- Wd, , I'oiiimiltce, utter weeks hire substitutes 1 et ns bav no nitriot- I lered t- ... up and throw , they can save ol the.,- clloets. It h :f ,,, ,,v. ,..... unrnnulous a, I ' " .!. t8,L,,lH T "n lu,rl0t I gun. Lit l put a tarlri'lgeuown an una that wo ste.i,ltastly reluse t o nc ' , ,-. . i . ,,,.i l ,,i V it i.., I ' ' ' "-V' 1 " 'i'"i'.''. couvt.lsicin. Lnrco lieures (in lathe work) denoting the denomination will be in the centre of . . .i.i, "iiiuiii .,1; Uie (leMOiiiiiiauuii in nc in ino i eiiire ui Sy-It is ?Ulod that over .; '.; ppl - ,0 bnok ta,h ..btnin.,.. 0r "note," mi.-s c:.on liavo neeu ma0 io i..o .. u. rounded liv the words Kxehangeable lor :.siiQicnt. 1,10 a';i1Tl", il-nited States nole by nn Assistant T.eas- of .Uaixuri ami uoneetois " : or (iesiKiiate.l I'nited Smtea lei came in olh".' or tlowi: un it, when he di"W up In shoot lint tosh-iot, I ivouiil civo up was coming up I put a cup on my gun and iti ni tl th ed about two foot hii:h and hollowed "My liod. I'm shot." and foil to the lrround 1 loin linn cepl lut lo counteract it. to tetnenv K. and as ho our first need is in-.tre. V hat is II been obliged to report back tlio t'Otitions BMX.TT.o New Bedford Mimm eitooim wilh the rccoiiiiiieii'lation that thoy Im 1 it fortunate (hut I hum is n vn.l dillerenca as coming up . put a ep on my gun am. v nal ,s i,( .., ' ,.(, table. No evidenci being aub- between being k lied by ightninp -ml ,11 held ,t to my hn. .vhe.i 1 lot the am- ho way o pea,,.', aniong peoples ,s u A wh lie1J. T)iu Vallandighnni ' killed b kV(" n, T l e f m or i.Ul : ,er fall to the ground; he was no ,. I h.iro .snoot he, way. W hen 0(t0 llloro u,mui, a',K)Iiliop cntmic. tl 1, f ter leaved t e vie im a W.anoe for ,an Ino steps io n me; I dm not s g ht N, ,,mn died, the len I ribes of -r.icl wh(, ,,vo Sm,g',t his .1 .atruetiot,.-Am- t hoi r li v i Coloc rl l' l it t Oovo. Van to cuti, but pulled the tucker: he pimp- gathered to ,-itnp linn to his son Koboaui , ,.,, .... inuir iuik ioiocris nan, . 1 about two font hid. and hollowed "My that tho yoke of his father' oovernnir nl ""'":""" , Uyek nud Mtuado were i Inllef I'J discomforted them. government Tho wise old men (iRKiT 11 in. Stork. Tho St. Iiuig Xm-s I lepnai-1 ionium u1..t,v.-. .:iiii.i.-iii-i i,....o.iiu i.j sit- :ik soiuy loino Bav that during ii liuil-itonu in. Van Uu- .ii'. the hill nnd hail to skedaddle. It was rebels and to nciiuicci in their rtemnnds. r,., ,f,,,r,tv l,im, l,i in,.L ,),,. ,.r i.-.i . .... ii i,r. .1 r. i l I'..,.., i .1... .1 .. .i .. i-.. .i . -j ,( , gmpli. Sorao. wo hopo ull of theio, are good for further service. i'.i.t t.v-iti M,-i.i vnni. Caplai" ""'"' ,' " '""'-i-r iiii.ioie.i Mftnslicld, late l'rovest Marshall al r re . to the raid.. hole holds of corn nnd rricUsbnr-, haa been suspended a'Aogi-lli-oals were destroyed ; fowls wore killed rr from duly, nnd fen', mck to lien. King cry for "small cliiinge," tut it . u mueli Keemnu or l.v-r iitiTi in Kemicky. 1 urn cook at the hospital. 1 like it. We Ho took (lie advice ot tho fools, and Israel ... . 1 . ,,i lorn U'"'i- greater chungo that thocouijiry neeus ino pltJ iswurity ol properly in Kentucky is havo plenty (o eat. Nolhir.g more at pre., loiu -lunan io loon on ins own House, and .iiapmivs. I ho principle- being recog- .. . ) ' most. shown bv the reception nt one of the aent. I don't know ahelheryou can read tl'"V wparate forever. ni.ed that chaplains should not be held as J'J"" VMk The number of disabled aoldio.a banks in Nea' York city, Ut week, of no this letter, for 1 inn o tired, mid il is writ' ! , History in full of the like instructions, priaonnis of war, it i ordered by the Win- W"H'.i.-L H-uini " .1 ." Tin iiowiti thn hoH-itaU t Wasbiocton, ie lost than ?1,5iki,0ik) in specie c nt from tin in a hurry. Tell sister Margery that Not long smoo we cited the undm't of liepurtmeiit that all chaplains an held by is the name given by tho nol ii.-rs in Oen much hrsrer 'linn ever before- ami u mLn- banking iiibtilutions in Kentucky foi bJlu I w ill wtite lo her aoon. I wrote to you Ixmis XI. of France, who by a coin, the I nitod lale shall be irainedialoly and MiOllmra army, t j tho.,o w ho sell and Jjr 0M) ' kcepii'jt 'lo tend senno poitag slampa. I'id TiJWiiu with his poweilul jtbel vksbhIs, uni.ondilioiiKlly disch.Trod, : putroni.e the X. V.' 7r.'"'i, . Tux bill. , - . !lry, in uin not less than hve dollart.-- ln" ,,7rK ''r 1 V'nrV, il ... . T, "' ' Whodareav that "Mioddy patriot-. RoivKUo in ,e,ym(.nt of all dues lo tho '?1t;ll,n ,,ft,k ,m'1 ' f'ft -"""z nd tliitt tliu they cleave to Ins throne ism Udei'unct in this country T ! ruited SUU) lea thnn five dollar. Act J loo,,n ,v0lln(l'1l J" ,l10 foot 80 tucu , forever. Ihe ignnrnl men, or a neiTi.r -- i . j uy 7th lNt)-' " was but three ol us ,cfl. geneiut.on, advised him to reiuiKf "to (road fi'-yAn Ohio paper ?uy there ia a great Bl'l" 1 ' .."'. .. . It is very lonesome, und I was nt home, with rebel with ai mi in their hands,"