iniMtniit I itt- ! in 1 1 1' 'II . Iiiilimi '. iirrtormi'i 'III 1 1, ' I 'll' ll . -I I I r. . Ill 1 1 t , ! in I ... , I I i; I Mi . II. : 1 1 n I 1 in- n ' mm, 'I ii ,i : .ii In ' -i. k I i I Utrhe l!!..ilh,s III: li'l III.' I'tImi'i. i ii. null tin ! ili-i . o. tin-, ii. c cry r im-dy pn-nnli ! tl... 1 1. i I' r 'l lo civ.' r.'li-f. I pivo " nil h' in nf l.i' r.'i nvi ty ; ill.l tin- l l.y-i. inii At ll.i ' ' I fri'vnili.l iipi.n t i t In hy a ln.itlr ..f l.'il i n H. I M 1 1 A N i:.l'K("l 'nit NT, I III,. I ll.o 1. 'll' KIM IIH'M lull. IV, II tin' II H I'M Ihr.'c li .ll!.'" i Mc. t. J il i .iTiin I..-ti l rini', und lie i iii. n luiirlv l."V. JAMKS I.WTn.N. lMrv 'I'm. n.lii , Indiana Co.. Til. Nil Family flnnil'l lie itluuit it: mil llnm' v liu Ii it v o 1 1 i I il, in' vr will. I kr.'p all f 1,0 1 liK.VS r T A . I A It I KAMI I. V M KI'K'LNKS ..r fiilo. Cull niiil mo tin' li't. A. Ii. SHAW, Miawfvill... Kit nile liy uIIilt .MiT'lunt in I'liarlii'lil county. April 2, ')'!. I'.in. T pur, i,i:iti ii.i.n acadi'.my m lie Htii ticl fur tlic rco'l'lin:; nf pupil ( iiiiiU k lin.l fcniiik.i.) mi Mniiday, May I'.Mh, I s'2. i'tiiim tier sosinii oi i;iri'n Weeks: (irtliufrrnpliy, ltcailiiij;, Writing, Primary Atitlinu'tii! anil liunrnpliy, $2 Ml Higher AritliiiHtic, Knli.-li lir.iinni ir, tJi'iiKinpliy nn. I llistnry, .1 Oil Algolim, liuiiiiictrv, Natural I'll i loi i j . hy , nnd It. ink Keeping, ! OH Latin ami (jre.k l.unjruajr.'.s tl till To rl intents tleniroiiH nl aritiiriiii; a tliurouyli Knylisli Kiliieatinti, and who wii-li tn ipial ;fy thi'ini" Ires for Teiiclivrn, tliid Iiiftitutinti oIIitp ile.ira'.lo inlvaiilaj,'i'K. No ) upil rcruivuil fur less than half a nwinn, and mi JeiliK'tiun u.iulo except for prutracted sickin -s. Tuititin to he paid at the rinse of the term. V, !. SANIH'OKD, rriitrintl, Clearfield, May 7, l.Sf.2. ly. vxnr.Mox coi i'i'.i:. A fresh nnd Coffee jtlt XJ liirn supply of this recci .cd und for tale hy celebrated 1). K. KTZWEILKR. March 20, 1SR2. l)IIMSTH.VTOIt. Xi rU I'.-.Notiee ! is hereby given that Letters of Adiniuistra - ! tion navo been granted to tlie suhseiilier on the estate of THOMAS W It 1 tl l,K V. late ol the llnriiugh ol Clearlield, ileeeased. All persnns imlcbted to said estate, tire requested t.i make ininieUiato payment, and those having ehiiuiH against the Hamo will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. J AMKS I.KAVV, ; Cleurfield, Juno M, 'li2. Adiu'r. : Ilf5 ii jf r 3 iFJ ir cs , TIAIIK subscribers have 11 medium sized F1HK J l'KOOF SAI'E, nearly now, which they will dispose of cry cheap. Ki;i:i), wkavkk .f co. ClearOelJ, Juno 25, IsfJl'. A' IIMINISTHATOirS VOnCl'. XoUce is ' eieby given that letters of Aduiinistni- ti"H have been grauted to the undersigned on the estate of O. 1. W 1I.HKK, late nf .Morris township deceased. All persons indebted to said estate arc n .;ue;teil to ntakc payment without de lay, and those liming claims against the same, :11 pre- nt them duly iiuthentimtod for settle ment to sue. K. M. WIMir.K. Adtnr'x. VM. CAMl'IIKLb, Adiu'r. Jr .c 11, lSl'iI.-J'd. Administrator's Notice. "VTOTU'K is hereby givon. that Letters of Ad J.! uiii.istrition mi the tstate of FKKHI'Ht 1CK .wHAlH;it. jr., Inte of llriuly township, Clearlield county, .."'e.'i-ed, have been granted tu the undersigned. Ail persons indebted to said C'lutc are reqin.. 1 t i make pnymctit without du lay, and tlin-e having claims against the tame will present them duly authenticated for fettle blent. MICHAEL SHAFFER, jr., Ailm'r. i.nly t . unship. June 4, 102. Goods! Goods!! REYA WEAVER l- CO. j VftE just now opening up lariro ninlsplen 1 did assortment nf SHAS0X A HUE HOODS wnieh tli.y offer nt exceedingly low prices First c ime first served. May 'ti2. X) pal A. M, Mil. I S desires to infnnn hi patients, and tlmse who may desire pro fes.-iiuinl fervices, that owing to the press ol bu-i noss in his office in Clenrliehl. he will be unable t visit his ii-ual places any more; but nny always be found at home in future. April 12. tf. N.I!. liadly-fittinp gold platot can be exchan ged for Vulcanite work. AMI T. I.KOXAim. WM, A, WAI.I ACK. Ii. A. A . 0 riSNKV Vrinhtnn 'nS i ft rffintV iffifT .nil.iliiM iitiv vuitiitivil v.' LEONARD, FIXNEY &Co. C L E AliFI L J), CLEARFIELD COl'XTV, I'A. ' " """""'""'" I) POMTSKIXEIM',), j CoiVc.Vn.n made aw, iravr.o? promptly remittal i:xcliane oil I lie Cities constantly on linnd. Office on Second St., nearly opposito the CO LIU HOUSE. j JLOUR, lUCON, TOBACCO, LIQUORS OF ALL KI.XDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, it i HOCEKI ES, Bay For Etilo very clump fur Cash, Ly O. H. MLKKl'.I.L, , . f r ... . , I in u.wmi-iii oi .ucrreu it &av s, ClearlicKl, Va. fcb-27. , K. MALONEY & CO. niiLirsnvna. cextheco., pexx. COITKIJ, TIN AND SHKKTJ HON WARE MANTKACTCKEi:. All orders for work nttended to with the utmost promptness, nnd all sales warranted to render en ire satisfaction. jnn-15-IH2-tfJ BI-Atll I IIING.The subscriber having located in tho borough of Lumber city, in tho shop formerly occupied by Mr. Crossly, res pectfully requests his old customers to give him a iall. Promptness and skill will bo executed in every im-iance, together with industry and atten tion to business, by whsch he hopes to receive a full l hare of public puronage. JAMES ANDERSON. Lumber city, June 25, 1M2. Dll. V. W. SHAW respootfuily offers his professional services to tho citizens of Shaws villo, and viduity. The stride attention will be given to all busi ness in his pni'ossion. Shansville, June 4,1862. pd H. W. SMITH & CO. JII'IICIHNT.'), and dealers In Dry Goods, Urocorios, Hardware. Qacenswnre, and everthin usunliy keyt by the trade. Store oa SECOND ir'ir" t, clow .ludge Leonari's, oppo site the 1'resi .torinn Church, Clearfield Ta. Dee. 4. Tsfli. L Villi WEAVER & CO. M r.ltt'il S l. and ntrnwlvr dealers in all kinds of Ll M HER. (Jit AlX.and country pro duce ,ce. "re . n 8EC0NU Street, ClearWed Pa. r v n mtii it r. noons. BENNEIl & BARRETT I.. , I. Ml i I' ' I.-1 i!,iM'. ii mi ..iiir.. i tl..- i ill in- tli il lli. y ll I. I,' I 111. I HI, ).'. ... HV II. f tin1 1 II" w ii" ,i i c i in hi ., I r .ri i n mi i' c MmKet t i .iii !t . ". i(i. tl"- .ii rl II. n-i in I in ik i'n; will 1. 1' i ii n i' I '.n in tin' up -i v . I ll.'- Mini.' Luil'liiii; in nil it. I' 1 1 I i;it I .N I' li I a M ii it I ii i n i t ti i o mill lie kci.t cut. tiititly I 1,111 1 . hil.. !I1 Mi'il 1 li.-lll' I . r t :i-ll tiiiiiy I r ... 1 1 1 . i' , or 1. t' pint the buri CHAIRS. l'AHl.ol;, i;(H'KIN'(i, AND Ali.M CIIAIUS, spkim; s:.'is. cain BOTTOMS, Sn:, LJ LLtD2J 32 I'M; i.i i: ,s ''. i, ( i: J Jii:, ( MiD, iixi;, i:.Ti:..SIOX .1' HKI'A h'I'A.ST 'J A ll h K S. SOFAS- i IF ALL KINDS, VAKIKTIKS ANI TAT'I F.UNS. lintKAl'S, SIUK-llOAltD-:, lidOlvrASKS WAItliltnltKS, iC U:i)STKA OS j:.y u., ii i a ii i' n s r cor r.K a k, J i;i:.('ll J'OMTS, Si: Hair, Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn Husk, of the best material. LOOK l.Midl, ASSES of nil sorts and sizes, Also I, lasses for old Frames. Also, Tea pnys, What-iints, Wash-stands, Work-stands, Hat lurks, t r, Made to order on short notice, nnd henrse lurni.-hcd. l'oplar. Cherry, and binivood Lumber, taken in exchange fur work. Clearlield, October 2:1, ISf.l. ly. .FLlXIR PROPYLAMINE. During the past year wo have introduced to ' he notice of tho medical profession of this coun- j try the 'lie. Crtvtitiittt Clilnride nj' J'nijiylitmiuc as a ; Itr.MI.DY VOU ltlir.iMATIM; ! and hating received from many sources, both physicians of the highest standing and Itoin natients. the i Most tlattel inj; Ti'stiiniiiiialsdl'itR real value n the treatment of this painful and ol.sti- i unto disease, we are induced to present it to tho , public in n form READY F .IK IMMEDIATE . I'SE, which wo hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with this alUicting complaint,1 and to tho medical practitioner w ho mny fee disposed to test tho powers of thin valuable rem- ctlv. j ELIXIR 1'1101'YLAMINE, in tho farm nbove spoken of, has recently been extensively experi- nunted with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL andwitn MARKED SlLVESS fas will anncar from tl e published accounts in tho medical Jour nals.) SirAl is carefully put up ready for immedi ate use, with full directions, and can be obtained from ml tho druggist at 75 cents per buttle, and nt whclwalo of RCLl.OCK A CRENSHAW, Druggist nnd Manufacturing Chemists, 1'UA' SALE RY C. D. WATSON. Second Strict Clearfield, Pa. JunsSO'filtf. Philadelphia VULCANITE BASE FOR Vttkvmo: is csptcia'l d to this nrticl V -v- X - f - I" 1 substitute fn C " y?- J f- (iold in insertin Artificial Teeth. Many persnns win have tried a!l kind of Metallic Rase PREFER this. Am thoso cases where i is nplicablo it will tin !i jotedly become n sub ftitiitv for (i.'I.l. -;.vcrnr I'latiua. I;s chief a ivantages are cheapness, lightnoat and perfect u. la. lability to the mouth, it having n soft and fleshy foci to tho parti with which it comes in cmilact. , ; ;, 'I .'. ,, ,, ........ ,. A. M. HILLS is prepared to put up teeth on tho uicaiiKe i.asc uu i,ooueiir o i iiu'iii Minn, hieh is the only r..ible preparation and which can onlv be had through their regular iig.ncies Dr. Hiils will always bo in his oilico on Fri days and Sutiinlays, unless notice to the contrary npj.enrs in tho public papers on the previous week. nov-20th lSlil-tf. A.M. HILLS. 0 HiUUit.t UliX. WUUiia ItttlUXIl. T" E SI'BSCRIBER rcspsctfi.lly infnr us his i customers nnd the public generally that ho intends cniitmuing the business nt the well I. .., I It 111 hill'ln lUT ...... u vi(li t i,:ilriu l.l county, 'where he intend? to manufacture all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS, commonly kept in a Factory. Such as Jihmkot, Minim-Is, Cloths, Satmetts, Ciissiiiifft's, Kt'iitucfcj- Jean, C'lir jicts, Lincy, Slocking V am, iVc, Ac, iVc Any of the foregoing articles will bo nmnufao iirm nn I .1. . inrii. fir tir liftv. (the Wool heiniT - i-' n f,,nd) or given in exchange lor wool, country produce, or cash. Auy person wishing to make LIXCY; the sub- scriiiL'r I. y having llm yarn or wool lounu, win J weave it on his own warp, cither wl.ite or color ed to suit customers. I Ho nln intends to continue the ROLL CAUD IXU, Fl'Ll.iyo, and COLORI.NO, on an exten l ive scale, h ii, 1 designates the follow ing places, I where wool will be received nnd returned every two weeks, beginning nn the 1st (lay of June.and to continue until the 1st of November next, vii : fathers' Mill. Jeff 'snn co.iUrist Mill, Lumber citv. A. R. Shuw's, Sbawsville A. Cross', Lumailnes. Jacob K un 17. 'a. Troutville. (! ni h n in 's M i 1 1 , 0 ra h 'lu t on D.Hoodiander's, Luthers burg, Vontgmnery's Store, J. Irwiu's, Wolf Run. W. Alberts', Crnin'dale. Mcpherson's Tannery, Clearfield. Jou'n Kepbart's, Ooss' New Snleiu. settlement. ?fVciol deposited nt either ofthe above pla ces will receive due attention. TUCTMAS HILL. Bridgeport, April lfi, 18fi2- CLEARFIELD STONE WARE TOTTERy.. Thankful for past favors and solicitioui of fu- ture pntronago. I would respectfully announce - rj - that I have on hand again, and will constantly ' l-l.Tlg L i r HITtXCL & keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the cor-' TIMIE subscriber respectfully informs the Farm ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, ( 1 er. of Clearfield county-iand all otherper- large .lock of Crockery, iuch as Cream crocks, son. iatcre.te.l, that he is now manufacturing nnlkpan., Churns, Jugs, Jars, .Store pipe casing UKEY LI M K of a surorior nualitv, which he it. f-o.; and also an extensive assortment of will sell on tho most reasonable term, for Cash, different .lie. and pattern, of bracket, and or exchanged for any kind of Country Produce. rosette, for cornice on bouses, and other nioul. dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to aider on short notice. Alto Cre brick made and kept for sale. ffjPA l(1rftl rAflnpfton on tirlrAl tnftda t. Thu,()w4 4l)al(,pf. F. LBIXZHWER. i 'I b 0 0 Y rice with Ilemtncr ami $35 00. Fuller THIS MACHINE HAS A POINT OF rents per fqunro for enrti ini-ertioii. Hesture tln v or Hisem-nl Unlr to Its SUPERIORITY PECULIARLY . limine" ntt!.c not ceding Rlines ro in- 0jl(i 1 N A L C 'N IITHN AND '(il,lt; ITS OWN. imrtcd for t2 ii year, Will prevent the Hair from Fullin; Oft", nnd pro s.ii.i: tt . i ... ..l ' t I..-: nr t mt-.d l with lac nuintier ol '.. . . ,,, .1.1.. i. ,ii..i oiucnmt,'. iiemmmg. ano iemnff wnn c;i ti j " a uii.aic iiiicau. . . , ! It form, i, 11.. t .....I .1 1- .. 1.I..I. is WAIiltAXTKl) not to rip in wear, even if the, seam is cut at frequent intervals, and also under nllcircuiuKtnticc. -to m-rvivk tub wash t. u " I 1 i. ...... .1 .1....: r ... i ' " . W,,M IK. eilirilC MU 1. I.IIILU prevents the possibility nf (i10 niaehino being run in the wring direction, or the balance wheel ; , U.V...VU in . ii i' li tnin iiiiiiiv ( ll nil I iivi wearing a lady s dress. ! Another feature which des tentinn is ro jiarticulnr at- ,'"'TiiK Wii.cnx Patkst Nkkih.k cannot bp. SKT WIIONO. i T o thousand jtitrhes, or two yards of work, , can bi done in ono minute without dropping a stitch. I These machine, no simple nnd nccurato in their construction, supersede the use of the shut tle ; and with one thread produce all the practi cal results of the two thread inachincii ; nnd mere, for thesn full without b:isting,aud hem the linest muslin without puckering. Although at about half the prieo of the other first class machines, they will accomplish doub le the sewing ill a given time 1 "It is emphatically the good, low-priced Fam ily Sweing Machine that the public have long been waiting for." Hostotl Transcript, j "It, is inilcul a wonderful production, nnd for family tuo especially, no other wil' iiear any) comparison witu it. v-rhtlade1 n.a K-euiiiL' ' ' I Journal. "A mechanical wonder ScientiGc Amori cnn. I "Among tho best and most serviceable Sewing ! Machines. Light und elegantly finished, nnd so simple in its construction thtlt it seems al ums: impossible for it to get out of repair." j l'ittsburg Chronicle. I "Has combined with i)s own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of tho high ! er priced ninchiues." l'ennsyh ntiinii. j "This machine, in tho opinion of the cominit- tee, nils more nearly the requirements of a pcr- tect family maehitiu than nny on exhibition." I franklin Institute Exhibition ltepnrt of 1 SS8. , "Taking into consideration simplicity, cheap ness, durability, nnd doing nil work, the voinmit tee were unanimously in favor of the Wilcox if- jliibbsiisn single threud machine." l'ennsylva nia State Agricultural Society's. Report. "We must, in justice, express our confidence in the merits of the Wilcox it (iihbs Sewing Ma- chine. Wo consider that a great desideratum Im ''een supplied by it, in proving, beyond doubt, that two threads are not, as was suppo- SL'J necessary to a good instru nent." Christian Advocate und Journal, Juno 21, ISM. "We have olio of these machines in use, nnd think more highly of it than of any of tho unm- ucr w ullvo tried." Richmond Whig. Tho undersigned, Missionary to Constantiua. pic, has examined more than twenty ditler six kinds of Sewing Machines, und after sonietcnt, 'weckt experience with Wilcox f- dibbs' l'adap- ' uu l,u"-lli'st-'J U1IC "I them, as the best aleast ted to tho wants of his family, and as the cnt liable to require repair. OLIVER CRANE. I Hoston, July 3, lStitl. ! Tho undersigned, daring eighteen months has had in nhiimt constunt uso, in his fuuiilyWil cox t (iihbs Sewing Machine, upon which has been made the clothes of his largo family, from muslin to pilot cloth including tho clothing re quired for, bis several boys; and in no case have the scams failed, although in hard (ervice. The machine now in uso in hie family has required nn repair, and is in ull respects, well appointed, efficient and durable. JACOI! CHICKERIXU, Boston. jWi-Send for n JAMIX II. (, Manufacturer. No. ftos ItioMlivay, New York, pOposito St. Nicholas Hotel. October 2:1, 1801. tf. $35 00 I) AYS the entire cost (or Tl'lTIOX in the must pnpular and successful C0MM EMCIAL SCHOOL in the country. I'pwiinls of Twki.vk HtMniKii young men, from twkstv-kiu iit differ ant States, have been educated for business hero ; . r i i Wlllllll II1U .i;.l llll.-u ,,i-lll , n - ... mi ,.t.w been employed as BOOK-KEEPERS nt salaries of $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the College, Minister's 8nn half price. Sit i, A i.n lo .it nnv lime nml rerletP u-tinn they please, without extra charge. For Calalngiies, Specimens of Pe: goes, rpeciincnii ol l eninansinp, nnd View of tho COLLEOE, enclose five letter stamps to JENKINS A SMITH. Mny IS, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Sc Summer Goods AT THE CII EAP CASH STOKE. I m just receiving and opening a carefully ...I....... I ...1. ..r HnJ pi-iriii-n riuiA ui .i.iiiiif niiu summer goods , .,-. rvorv ,IP(!rrint;m, Ol ailllOSl Lcry description, J li1 ' IP IL Hi A bvauiilul assortment of Prints, und l'res goods, of the newest nnd latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. DIlY-liOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Huts nnd Caps, Boots and Shoos, a large quantity, Hardware, Qi eensware, Drugs nnd Mtdicines, Oil and Pnints, Carpet A Oil Cloths. G It OCUHIES, Fish, Bacon nnd Flour, Mackerel in 1 nnd s barrels, of tho best quality, nil of which will be sold at the lowest ensh or ready pny prices. My old friendf nnd the auhlio gonerally, are respecttully invited t" call .-A,I kin f'-V-nd approved ""I exchange of COCXTlir rilODCCE taken tioods. Clearfield, Jane 26 1861. WM F. IRWIN. JUEI'lI UiW'lS. Lawrence township, May 21, 1862. IADY'S DRESS GOODS, .elected with much J care, just reoeired and now opening, and are otierad for (ale at .mall profit, by w v ,c, D- y KT2WEILER. Marob 2, 1502. Till HI-;11I1U.U.,.N.M Trim til ibrt M'""'1' I' i.l. In n " ,,',,n ",f l""n,'' " ll l ni. IH tl""' Oil!'!" I'" "'if. II i. m l ultt t till' r iinti.'ii M tl" ."if One Square, TwomiunrpK, t Three iiinrcs, Knur fininres, I 'Itilf a culuinn," It (Ml A nn 8 no in nn 12 nn 2d no One cciluinn, ilvnr I ireo wei'KS nn'l IS" inan uireo iu'in... u , , t rthluei until forbid rtortinns ileMred, ,i rli,.r..,l ,,econlir.i! to these terms. JQ B PRINTING. , ,, , , , ;,.. An extensive Mock ol ,Iolil. ns mat. 1 1. I.I. llm P 11 1 .1 i IPC f )f t ll ( " li lVliltC(l I, i-ii.iniw nn. , - - - , ti to the J ulkc tliat no is jirojia ..,i tr) jj0 njj Alv of I'ostkrs, rxpa:.irB, i;rocii.vmmf.s, Blanks, Pil lit Eoois, L'lltcil..Hts, Labels, j-all i icietk, jiamhhi-i.s, ar.dcvciy nni of j.rintiug UKiially clone in n eountry ob o!!ice. All onlers will be executed with neat, ness nnd (lesiin'.cli. O. H. 000DLANDER .( CO. COUxVl'Y DIRECTORY. Time of Holding Court. Second Monday nf January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of June, Fuurth .Monday o'.' September, In each year, and continue two weeks if ne cessary. County OHIcei-H. l'res't Juilge.IIou. Samuel Linn. Rellefonto. As 10 udges, Hon J. D. Thompson, Curw ensvillo. 11.... t Ill L'..,.,! JII'll. Uilllll'fl l,l.,l,l, ....v.l. Sheriflf, Kdwnrd l'erks, Clearfield l'rothtnotary,Jnhn L. Cuttle, " Reg. A Reo. James Wi igley, ' District Att'jt Israel Test, " Treumirer, Josiqih Shaw, " C. Surveynr, H, 11, Wright, fllcn Hopo C'ommiss'u'rs, Win. Merrell, Clearfield S. C, Thnmpson, Morrisdalo Jacob Kuntz Luthersburg Auditors, H. C. Hnwnian, Vhilipsburg J. H. Shaw, ClenrtieU ('. S. Worrell, N. AVufl.ington Coroner, J. W. Potior, Lccnnte,! Mills Co. Supl. Jesse liroiiiul, Cujwcnsvilie. 1.1st of TofctOlliccs. TuiCltnh !p$, Bl3C4ri.i, Ei'jll. . a nu t of I'. O. A'iikic (' '. J (ilen Hope, (). W. Culwell Bower, t'hoet, Cusb, Ostend, Clearfield BrU8, Williams' tjrove, Luthersburg, Troutville, Jefferson Lins, W. McCracken T. .A. M'tihce J. W, Cmr-pUl' ILL Henderson P. B. Miller J. E Watson. inggs, Iriidlo ord, Brady, R. H. Monro. C- J. Sloppy, John llebcrling .las- Bloom W'.u. Fe.itli. Jas McMurray J. Pntehin U. S. Toner M. A. Frank. P. A. Uaulin. F. W. Vchnarr T. II. Fleming. Centre county Miss Radobach Edin. Williams Bloom, Eurnside orcst, New ashinjton Burnside, Pntchinville, Herd, Clearfield, Frenchville, Karthuua. Chest, Clearfield, Covington Curwensvillo, curwcnsville, Dcentcr, Philip' burg, West Decatur, Marron, Helen Post Office, Lccnuntc a MUls, Bald Hills, Shaw sville, Oraha niton, Smiths Mills, Madeira, Tyler, Pennlield, Anson"il)e, Salt Lick, Kiirthaus, , Now Millport, Brockenridge, Kylertown, Morrisdalo, Lumber City.f (Irampian Hills, Curw -ensvillo, Bloomingvillo, Roekton, Jeffries, Ferguson, Fix, (iirard, (loshcn, (i rahaiu, (julich, Huston, Jordan, Kartliaus, K.irtlinus. Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Elk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Curr A. B. Shaw T. II. Forcco. A. (i. Fox. C. J. Pusey. Darid Tyler II. Woodward Kliza Chnso (!. Hockadorn F. W. Sclinarrs M. O. Stirk. J, W. Thomps'n Jas, Thompson J. C. Brenner, 11. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T. W. Fleming. B. F. Dale D. Brubiiker. Jos. Luskett. I'nion, Woodward j! This Post Ofiico will do for Chest township Will answer tor Ferguson township. New Hatch and JeMflry Store. S. 11. LAreill.lX. CllAltt.ES HoI.KS. T HIE undersigned, having located in tho bor ough of Clearfield, (in the shop formerly oc cupied by K. Welch, ilec'd, as a Jew elrv shop,) ure prepared to do all work in their lino of busi ness nn thrshortest notice, and on the most reas onable trims. We are confident that we cannot bo excelled by nny Workmen in tho town or coun ty. Jus' givi us n fair trial. Sign of tho ' HI(1 WATCH. N. B. The cssh will be positively expected when thu work is delivered. LAl'CHLIN .f HOLES. Clearfield, Pa. April !, 18(12. A T I . It It I :i. I, & nidl l .lt keep constantly Xii on hand tho most approved patterns of OIL JiAMI'S which they sell as cheap ns can be purchased elsewhere in the county. Persons purchasing of hem will have the advantage of having their nmps repaired without COST, as their sales nre w irrnnted. Jan. 15,'6 2. M. I C l l,I.()l (ill. Attoiiney at Law, Clearlield, Pn, Oflico with L. J. Crans, Esip, on Second street. March 20, 1(62, tf. L ia It lb. t& ir a lb rci ir rr 18i tj 4 a 1 , Ll'THGRSblRG, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. HENRY EVANS, Proprietor. March 19, 1SB.2 ly. A. J. I'ATTI'.H.-iON. Altorncv.t T.w f nr- nll at I OIBce entrusted to his care. oiposito the New Feb. 5, 'n2. Methodist Church. DR. J. W. POTTER. Physician and fcurRCon, has permanently locauu ni rrencnvuie, Covington tnwnnhip, off VZ ' 1 commui.lly .1. l KI1ATZER MF.KCIUXT, and dealer in Iloards and Fhingle.; rain and Produce. FRONT Stroet, vbove the Academy ClcarBeld Pa., DANIEL GOODLANDER, JUSTlCli of the peace Luthersburg, Clearfiold Co, Pa., will attend promptly to .11 busines. entrusted to re. t; siq March 3 St, I860. ly, pd. CVMENIl'S HOWE. Justice of the Peace. For Drcatir Township, will promptly attend to all busines. entrusted to bis earp. P. O. Addre, Philirtbunr Ta. Anp.'Jl.t ISM 6 i, m..,., . timw vi) Alvrrl-'iii ! l".rt. .1 Ml tic llepiil.lli-.iii H II ity.iJ- ?f-' 1 tncrtnn. 2d". .,". , ' Oo. .,. (H'llncf.) I Ml $ T It'll f ' . :Ai.lvi;i-v;V Ihree i,.re,, ( Hm'-.I 2 ", 2 V'' H4 n :i nmnilis limns. r At&jJ '..- V- ii: 11 HO fc! r" $1000. pii'M. 81000. ...... i , , nr.. i ,i em ' . Will uiotea New mid Healthy (irwlh : completely eradicate Diimlrull , will prevent ami cure Nervous Headache will K'v tu the Hair a Clean, (Hussy Ap pearance, und is ft Certain Curt) for till IiseaseB of the Head. .-..AAA i rnec, e tents; tlireo , ' Fur Sillt' fit Jf; It l'X WJCk 'S Hit I, (I i S TOth, Miirkit nl., (.Icttrjirltl, lt. i It is u perfect mid coinpleto dresning for the. ! Hair. Read the following lostiinnnials. . V. S. Mausiial's Okku'k, New York, Nov. fi, 1S1. ! WM. OR AY, Esq. Dear Sir Two mouths ago i my head was almost entirely lnl,l nnd tho littlo hair I had wns all irri nnd falling out very fast j until I feared I should loso nil, I commenced I using your llnir Umtorutire, and it immediately ! stopped the hair falling off, and soon restored the I color, and ufler using two bottles my head is com ) pletely covered with a healthy growth of hair, land of tho iimio color it was in early manhood. I I take great pleasure in recommending your ex cellent 7 i r Urnltfulht and you may also refer auy doubting person lo mo. I R0IIERT M I'RRA Y, U. S. Marshal, Southern District, New York. For sale by tho proprietor, (Wui.Urey) at tho ! Restorative Depot, :ttll liroadwny, New Y'ork, I Also fur sale by John S. Pierce, (ienernl Agent tlii Ilroadway, N. Y'., and by ull Druggists. JOHNS. l'lEUCK, Cieiietiil Agent, No. OS") Hronilway, N. Y. N. B. Druggists or others Bending rash orders for the Rentorutive, will bo supplied with circu- i lars containing certificates from people of the bight -t respectability, fioiuall parts of tho coun- try. March W, 1SI',2. 1 y K OLLOCK'S DANDKLKIN COFFEE This preparation, made from the best Java Cof fee, is reeomui. tided bv physicians ns a superior NUTRITIOUS BEYER AO E for General Debili ty, Dyspepsia and all billions disorders. Thous ands who have been compelled tu abandon the use of coffee will use this w ithout injurious effects Ono can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee PRICK 2J cents. The purest and best BAK I NO POWDER known for making light, sweet and nutritious Bread und Cakes. PRICE la cents. MANt FAI'Tt'UKtl 11V M. II. KOLLOCK, CHEMIST, Cor. (! iVoikM'' Ck'.s';i .V.V.-.-?,?, l'Hilwlt-lplna. ASI) SOI II tt AI L Hllt dOISTS AM) illlocflts. SOLD AT R. MtJSSt IP'S. Feb. 2(i lti2, 1 yr. Cabinet. Chair Making, I (JlIN (jl'LR'll, of the boroui;h of Clearlield, f) Pa., w ill be prepared at nil times to attend to to any business in tho abovo lino on short notice, and in a workniauliko manner. IIi. pl.icc of buiineMi is at tho old shop on tho north sidoof Market street, ltd door east of Third at., nearly opposito the old Jew storx ; whero ho will kct p constantly on hand a laro assortment of Ma-! ho;ony nnd Cano Uottotu Chairs, and Cabinet! Ware of every description, which ho will dispose I of on ns ren vim i, lit i, I., row fi llm Rum., nrlieli.4' can bo had elsewhere in tho county. His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con sists in part of Pressing and Common Rurcaus, Sofas, owinc; and Washine .Stands, I)eks, and Rook Cases, Fl ench and Field Post llcdstoad , Pinii.c, Rrcakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta bles, Ac. Cuflins manufactured nnd delivered, nt . any place desired. February V, I Sell. no. -I, vol. iv. GLORIOUS Ni:V8 ! TIIK iOI'TII KVACUATI Mi Til K IK STJWNC; 1IOLHS! 4 ND while thev arc doing so, I have dcleruiin 2 cd to FILL VV THE S1IKLVKS Aud try how it would feel to "Go it alone " My friends, and the jiublic generally, are there frill iomil llofcl, MAIM-. .Mlil.1,1. tl u..iUl.l.h, I'A., WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. rilIIS long established and well known 110 X TEL, situated in ths west end of the town, has been remoddled, enlarged and improved, nnd the proprietor respectfully announces to his nu merous friend", and to tho travelling public, that he is now prepared to acconiiuodato all who may favor him with a cull. Amplo, fm IVi and comfortable, stabling in nt tnched to the premises, nnd trusty attendants will always be on hand. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 1SU2. -tf. QIIAIKS !! CHAIRS! ! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! Tho undersigned Inn now on hand, at his Fur niture Rooms on Market tt., Clearfield, Pa., a short distnneo west of Litr.'a Foundry, n largo etook of CIIAMIS OK A 1,1, kIMIS, manufactured out of the bst mntorialr, finished in a very superior ninnner, and which ho will sell LOW 1011 CASH, His long experience in the business makes him feel confident that his chairs arc made in a substantial nnd workmanlike, man ner, and will stand tho test of trial. Persons wishing t purchase chairs should cail nt once and getthein while they can ho had at tho lowest rates. J I1IN TltOUT.M AN. Mar.2M81-tf. WATCH & JEWELRY TITHE undersigned respectfully J informs his customers and the public generally, that he has just received from the East, and 0 en, ZVl7 ST Clearfield, Pa., a fino assortment of Clocks, watciiki, and Jewklrv of diflerent qualities, from 't;le piece to a full sett, which he will "" nt lne ln0"1 mnsonablo price, for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the urn' reasonable price.. ALh kind. ofCloclu, Watcho. and Jewelry, carefully repaired and H' mi ,. A continuance of patronage i. solicited, Sept. IB, 1860. 1I.F.NAUGLK. D, a lll'SII. T. 1, l CI' 1,1.0 L' (ill. BUSH k M'CULLOUGir, Collection Office, Cl.EARKIKLD, T. IiIk Grahau's New Bdilmxo. Feb. 5, '02. MAVOIISOTTIU; Grout Cities. 1 . ... . . , . . we, inn iinnnrniprii"'! m rmrrny et, llf that Die nniRitiiH, Apnthe-arlea, m l'liynlotana of our amoral Pltlei hnv s.(i, a rlocumnni or anuraiuie lo us that AVKit'8 8.MSAl'AHlt,I.A bM rnou fjumt a 1 a rntrin ly of Rreat ecallnce, an1 wotth the coufl Jouon cf the community. HON. JAME3 COOK, Mayor r I-OWELL, nON. ALDIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA., N. n. nON. E. W. IIAIUm.OTON, Mayor of MANCHESTEn, N. H. TTMcr Trwiw "TlAmin UU11, O Villi tlUil, Mayor cf CCWOOHD, K. H. HON. A. II. BULLOCK, Mayor of WOUCHSTn, MA33. nON". NATII'L SILSIiE, Mayor of BAI.EM, MASS. nON. F. W. LINCOLN, Jr.. Mkyor of BOP.TON, UiJL'. HON. WM. M. ROOM A If, Mayor of PHOVIDrlAI.:, u x, nON. AM03 W. PRENTIC-, i Mayor of NORWICH, CC.S'A. 1 nON. J. N. IIARRIS, 1 Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. noN. cnAs. s. rodier, Mayor of MONTREAL, 0. E, HON. D. P. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YOIUC CITY. HON. n. M. KINSTREY, Muyor of HAMILTON, C. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, O. W. HON. R. M. BISIIQP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of DOWMANVILLE, C. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUOUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLOWELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FBEDERICTON, N. D. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor or NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, J'LZi. HON. W. n. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, Tl. I HON. FRED STAnL, Mayor of GALENA, nON. JOHN nODGEEN. Mayor of DU3UQVE, IOV.-i nON. TOOMAS CRUTCIIFIF1 '. Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, IT HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCAL003A, Ail. HON. R. D. BAUGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TEX .. . HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, T. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. '-. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor cf UTICA, N. 7. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBUEO, TA. HON. C. H. BUHL, t Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. LTEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WI3. HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Miyor of KACLNE, WIS. HON. A. PAKIi, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. IIAINES, Mayor of CniCAQO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. IIEATII, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTOOMEH7, ALA. HON. W. S. IIOLTBAD, Mayor Of COLUMBUS, OA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. Certify that the roeidont Druggist, havo aaaurod them Ayer's Sarsaparilla la an exoollent remedy, and worthy the ooa fldonoo of tho community. Per Spring Dlnraiei. For Purifying the Dlood. For Scrofula or King' Evil. Far Tumor., Ulcer., and Sorei, For F.ruptiona and Imples. For ltlotche., Blaine, and Botlf. For St. Anthony'. Fire, Hole, or Ery For Tetter or Salt Rheum. .Ipelai. For Scald Head and Ringworm. For Cancer and Cancerous Sorea. For Sore Eye., Sore Ear., and Humor.. For Female For Buppreialon and Irregularity. For Syphllli or Venereal Dl.ea.e.. For Liver Complaint., For Dlaeaiei of the Heart, Tho Mayor of the ohief cltiee of tM Uni ted State., Canadaa, and British Provincol, Chili, Peru, Braail, Mexico, and in faot al moat all the oitiea on thii oontinent, have signed thii document, to aaaure their people what remedies they may use with safety ana oonfldence. But our space will only edmit a portion of them. Ayor's Sarsaparilla, Aycr'8 Cherry Poctoral, Ayer's Pills, and Ayer's Afuo Cure, PUErAIlKD BT tr, J. C. Ay or t Ct LOWKIX, MASS., And sold by Draftrl.t ererf where. M .y ,Tth,Hi2 ly-