IV 0 D.W.MOORE. liMitAr, 0. B. GOODLANDER, J i!(,lt0r8- VOL. XXXIII. WHOM-. NO. 1 7 10 PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TERMS -$1 25 per Annum, if paid" innJvanco NKWSF.HIKS VOL. III. M) 2 CLKAUKIKLl), I'A WKDMvSDAY, JULY, DO ISC2. IK Mill IT t rati SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF TIIM SIT K l; I S T I . N I ) K X T t !' COM MON NUtml.s ol-' OLHAHFIKLD COI'NTV. Sclw"l Jlnii.sts, In the year for which this l'finrt is iii!uli ' new hotr-os weie built in Hoocuria, 1 in l'uggs, 1 in Coving ton, 2 in I (-1 1 1 1 r , I in (maid, 1 in litis-: Ion, 3 in Lawrence, mi l - in J'iko ; most of tliorn in desirable loc'itions. The Directors ot (urwentiville purchas ed ii second-hand Methodist iiioetmg Jioiiso, had it titled u, making two first class school rooms, but failed properly to Scat Until. Win llier this was a judicious investment of funds, inaMnucii us they owned ul tho limea lirst class building lot. is Very ilouht ful : milking u total ol 10 housed liuilt within the yuar. Those built in Covington, Decatur J I u - -ton, urid one in Piki , are first class. Must of the other new houses huilt thin year uro at best but second class. J I'uu additional 5l) or 100 dollars had been expended on pun: house, they would b(! lir.-t class for our con."! ! 1 ""'I as other things, the best nrtiole :., the1 end the cheapest, it would h.v.-e b. etl i oo:umy to do so. U'e have yet too nuuy enM, '.'tieonitortablo liou-es, thou : some Hoard's of j 'jr-etuis, i ... i.,.r...rtl'..iWiTl. oesc i c u 1 1 ' i .u iit j1" ttf . , i v - - they limn made. The average length of feet ; longest ;; f-.-t Average, v. i'ith Li! .77 Ii 11 7 houses is. 25.0 1 hoi-test IS feet. ; widest (' (Vet ; highest 1 I feet; 7'' houses ; eoal :-t narrowest I I h -I. .Ueragc li -it'll 1 .! feel : luwc i 7 feet. 1'" .-Wood is i. sod in '.i,t Mo-l of the new houses have lit arid cic-iral.le lurnituie. tlioiijrli u nisi n:,.t, l:;eet(.rs have faded in M-eit. Nearly all our old liou. es ; -.-il supi'liivl withfuri.ili.li.-. ..- nt ii I'-ii resj.erl is now beiti . J i-tnets. ' iunisw bavo no ajipuralius ;ind. In l-'J the blaelc-boaids arc of nn v entn ,-ly I'tin.'. si.- loo smiiil to rn.-'.'-er a valuable Th'j otiifji a have r.ulV.eiurd black p, 'iaec to aiisn'cr ail iie.i:i:ie t. iri-oso--. The tvv.j new !i-v.s,. in Inva'tur hnvo a Uack fiirfatv d.tl vei t froi i a-.y thing ol thu kind in tfic county : and fckotiU it not i:acK.tu;d scale oil, u ill an -wer the uir jioo i:iteudei' bei U r t.'ian any thitij! 1 have seen. In if veral schools I found rnajis o! the Culled States, and a lew o: -n U, u.id m two .i:l,oels a "lobe, each, a'l ot which, with one exception, belonged to the teach es. The fehools in ftoegs, Morris and ir.iii.'ini mo iiippliod with Owens' school -r.rds. .. , I ti-lvvh. c bavo no Fystom ol t'railed -ehools (Xcept in I'leailhld and ' 'ui-w(isville, and in them it is not very stri.t'.y adhered to. 'i a-oilicaticn i.:-trict-ly ol ! V-U w hen a : u!liciei:cy of books in (Hi hand. Tutclt ft s' I'liifc-mi'in mi I . I' '. -The w ho!: nu rubor of niilhiints for tlm t'.-.ichers' pro le.ssion examined during tho your was barely t-ulliuient including twetvo hold ing county ( rtificates, and excluding six to whom coun'y cei tilieates were denied tosuiij 'y the schools cif tho county. No leathers found (jualilied in uvery rep;'(.(u tonntitlo them to full jirofessii.nal stand ing. Tho average nge of Vl'i teachers orn lloj ctl during tho year is '2i.K!S years ; the youngest 17, tho tddest 07 of whom 54 "ere females, 71 males all, with six ex coitions, were born in Pennsylvania, but nut much above onchalf of thcin born in our own county. Citizens of Clearfield county, we ahould grow more teachers, and depend less upon a foreign market lor a supply. For advocating this meas ure I have by pome been called selfioh. Vixitntinni. With a tingle exception, I visited one e every school that was in scsi Hon in tho com, ty ; ".3 twice, and a few a third tinio ; average duration of visits 21 hours. Delivered a sdiort address in 10 I schools ; spent 2.T2day, and traveled '2''2 miles on olliciul business. In many Districts ono or more teachers dismissed heir schools, accompanied mo to the next, taking in some instances a potticn of their scholars with them. This had a salutary e fleet on all parties. In iiUtuerous instances one or uioro Directors accompanied me at visitation. Thee vis its bavo been made- a means to find out teachers' (iialificitions to impart instruc tion to others; examinations can do but little nioro than, ascertain tlieir literary aiuireiiients. Of the frequency of visits by Directors, Citizens or Teachers to tho schools, 1 can givo no reliable account, though 1 have tiotes ol numerous visits by theso personages. Kcrctari, j I do not know what compen sation Secretaries receive, either as recor der of minutes, or District Superinten dents; tho latter ollioe, u ith the duties properly porloinicd, is of lusting benefit to the schools. Jn.uitutr Never more than one organi ied Institute at a t i mo in tho same Dis trict ; holds two meetings per month, cith i or cent-iil or circular; in nlte.ided by all tho teachers of the District ; by some from ndjoinint! Districts when the distance is lint too gtc.it, and by County Superinten ilont when convenient, Tho good olhicts "Who Institute are felt by all ii attoud mcp Unit care any thing about tlnJtn. "( nKtrnctiii. Tho Scriptures arc "ad ii :ly in all our schools except 2"' : oilier devnlionnl p.vercise in .'!.'l ; moral instruction by exatiijde in 5(i. iirfn A-.?. Knglibh (irainmar and IntcU ' ' Arithmetic received mure attention vo.n than ever before, though in t .if schools they aro lamentably " c i i; excu-c, deficiency of liooks. 'fuclievn should have tho element within tluiuiH'lves and teach without books, in stfddof forever complaining of a want of taetu. I orio.'fi.o,. This very important branch " citn.-a.K.n is tnuih ngcted ; though a 'w teitcheis deserve credit for reijuii.tig ' of ticir more advanced pupila twico each week. Willi another few it is a meet farco ; they require something to be writ 1 ten, but give no further attention to it. '"V -.v.c. U ith I'J exceptions teachers , liavo given better satisfaction than I tho t they could do. Theie being so many bo ; ginncrs, ,1m not look for great things. lino hid however I discovered, that a lew now in their first term gave more-complete I satisfaction than a like number with con i -idol able experience. Tho latter clas will not, I presume, feel theuielves much llat- ti ied by this annoiinccmciit, F.smiinati'i. My ii actice is to combine the oral with the written, but ohiellv the forim r. After the oral exercise in Kng lisli (irainmar, I give a few correct and a few inco'tecl .sentences to each teacher, on a slip of paper, and reiuiio theiu to toil n:u and tho audience, all they know about them, or what they would iciiiic of tlieir pupils in like eases. mi ill written Arithmetic, 1 require a solution on paper, have the teacher repro duce the questions or problems to the au dience, together with the .solutions and the reasons therefor, I encjurage the timid; commence with easy questions, and generally havo about the same kind for tho wholo class. True, i I a teach er answer with great facility, i propound something of greater ditlictilty. ifa tench- I or iinsisers an cay question twin only the s;,:ue re:iiiiiie.- uii anotner unsweis a ni jro fii.'licult one, I do not give the for ui.r as high :i ligure as the latter. My teasons for adopting this course have been derived from experience. l''w''e--f'ieM. The average estimate of teachers' qualifications this year is not quite so good ns last year, though some uro decidedly letter. My reason is so many new and inexperienced candidates in the profession. he proportion ol Umiales em- p.oyeit, are! the result ot teaching, as com pared with last year, remain about th" simo; though 1" have greater scholar-hip and teach with gtvaio" succc-is than hist year. iSiiinti'-r ,S:h"j'x. Several flislriets had lO'.tntiier 'ehools, either by subscription or othe.wise. It is expedient and is desii.o ).!e th it suuimer schools, in Districts where tin y have thein, should commence a'trr harvest and bo continued through the st i ii t or under chArge of the same teach' er. I'he Irequent changing ot teachers is a great hindrance to the progress of our si hools. A medium teacher is better than frequent changes, Jhtir-li'p Around. The plan of "board ing around" h is a bad ell'eet upon teach ers and scholars. It is expected that teachers will converse in every family, and if they do to any gieit extent, their stu dies must bo neglected ; and if their stu. dies tiro neglected tho schools must stiller. I'.esidcs it is next to impossible in this county for lemalcs to board round, consn quoiitly their services niiit be dispensed with in winter. Five dollars per nunlh among farmers is nbout a f;.ir pi ice for board. Tr.,i.hh.vn 7V.-.?.--Tho troubles of the times have not eileeted injuriously public sentiment in respect to the importance of education, though the pa-'t year some thought wo could not possibly raise funds suflicient to pay teachers, and were willing to dipeiise w ith schools for the present. Directors however per-cvered and opened them in every District in the county with t vo exceptions ; the people acquiesced and all now appear to be .satisfied. 1'ru.yhcli- Lumber having bro't a good price, the growii g crops give evidence of an abundant harvest, and this gigantic, wicked and causeless rebellion having probably readied its culmination, pros pects have brightened and schools will bo open pel as heretofore throughout the county- Our JIW, Wo want more good teach ers, a gicatcr length of school tettn, more regular attendance of pupils, and a better co-opeiation of parents with teachers to secure and maintain good govci nment, lh hiullmj llstrirts. Ferguson mid Law rence had no schools within tho year; and Woodward only ono out of three in that District ; they of course forfeit their share of State munilieeiico .S'.wr,s(ii,),. 1 believe great good would result if teachers were lequircd to make monthly reports of the condition of their schools to tho County Superintendent, as that iillieer is now required to do to tho central ofliee. I believe it would bo a good plan in this county, where good teachers arc not plen tiful, to have the same teacher Uko charge of two schools on alternate days, in all h -calilies whern schools are not too remote from each other. About oncthird of our teaching foreo could be dispensed with tho best being retained Tho term being extended over a period of eight months ieachets could afford to take a little lo-s wages than where tho term is only four months. Thero need ha no exetiso for absence; children lwiving hjijf their time to labor and do whit was nec-dlul to k done at homo. future J'oi'in. Teachers having failed to respond to my invitation for normal ins s'ruciion, my plan now i- to unite two or three sonliguous Districts, when practical bio, and give instruction in some branches at the close of examinations ; and to en courago and insist upon teachets reading and studying more educational works they being now quite abundant. JIXSI- Hh'OOMALL, Cminhj S)criiitrmlcnt. Curw ensville, Gth tno., lKG'J. I rwA.-'iosi men worn lor tho pres ent, a few for tlio future. Too wiwo work fur both, for tho future in the 1 present, nnd for the present in the future. 1 tarMnkc choice of your wife by the cars, not by 1 he eyes. UofMiiko no enemies : he in insigni lkautindocdjthat can do thctno harm. ii. i i .. . . IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE. Presidents Appeal to the Bonier States, from v-ongTcsbiueu -".'c- .. ',, . , , , , (' Iho IJepresentat ivi s and Senators ot ; the Holder Slaveholdini; States having, by special invitation of tho President, been convened at the Kxecutive Mansion on Saturday morning last, Mr. Lincoln aib dressed Ihem as follows from a written pa per held in his hands : " !, ithiifn : After the adjournment of Congiuss, now near, I shall liavo no op portunity ol seeing you for several months. I'.elieving that you of tho I'.ordor States hold more power lor good than any other . . i equal number ol members, 1 leel ii a uuty which 1 cannot iustilicatlv waive to make this appeal to you. 4-1 Int. .ml ii, i rpnrnui'li Of cmmilai n L when 1 assure you that, in my opinion, if , representatives oi u.o ooruer siavejio.a you nil hud voted for tho resolution in tho ! ,n 'stl,les should publicly announce the gradual emancipation message of last ! motives under which they wero called to March the war would now bo substantial- i lict ttI"1 llie considerations ol public jioh Iv ondorf. And tho plan thcroin pmpo '-J' urtfod upon them and their culistitui e'd is yet ono of the most potent and iwift 1 ns by tho Prosidont. means of ending it. Let the States which j "ithavioiv to such a slatement of are i:i rebellion sec defir.ilelv and cen tholr position, the members thus address tainlv that in no event will the States you , et,1 ln council to deliberate on the re represciit ever join their proposed Con. ! l''.v my should make to the President, federaoy, and tliey cannot much longer ' "lul. as result of a comparison of opin- maintain tho contest. Jim you cunnct ; divest them of their hnpo to ultiiinttelv havo you with them so long as you show ucicrtjiuiiiiiuii i'j u:i pri unir ine nisiiiu tion within your own States. Lieut them at elections, as you have overwhelmingly done, and, nothing daunted, they still claim vou as their own. You and 1 know what the lever of tlieir power is. lireuk that lever before their faces, and they tin , shake you no more forever. ''Most of ou have treated hie with kindness and consideration, and I trust you will not now think I improperly touch what, is exclusively your own, w hen, , for tho sake of the whole country, I ask, . "can you, for your States, ilo better than to take the course that I urge?" Discard ing jmnrtiin ami maxims adapted to more nienageable times, and looking only to tho unproced 'ntedly stern facts o! our ease, i canyon do better in any possible event ? Vou prefer that the con.titutional rela tion of the Stales to tho nation shall bo practically restored without disturbance of tho institution : and, if this were done, ' my whole duty, in this respect, under the constitution and my oath of ollice, would l. . .- i l... ;i : i .t I uu oei lurn en. iuil ii. is nut uonu, unu ' . we are trying to accomplish it by war.- The incidents of the wnr'cannot bo avoid- e'l. JI ulU H.ll uilHlllin-s ion;, as n luusb if the object bo not sooner attained, the ,. . ... , .,1 institution in vour Slates will bo extin nuishedbv tnero friction and abrasion by the mere incidents ofihewar. It will be gone, and you w ill havo nothing valua ble in lieu ol it. Much ol its value is goi.e ! already. How much better for you and j for your people to take the slep which at oiu.o shortens the war, and secures sub statuiul compensation for that which is ( sure to be wholly lost in any other event ! Jlow much better to thus save the money which else wo sink forever in tho war! How much better to do it while wo can, ' lest the war ere long render us pecuniari ly unable to do it! How much better for ! you as seller, and the nation as buyer, to sell out ami buy out that without which the war could never havo been, than to '. . sink both tho thing to be sold ami the price ot it in cutting throats ! anoMlCf's 0,0 ' "I do not speak of emancipation at ono; but of a ih ri.slnn atoncn to emancipate yru' uui!'. lioom in South America lor colon ization can bo obtained cheaply, and in abundance, and when numbers shall bo largo enough to bo company and encour agement for one another, the freed people w ill not be so reluctant to go. "1 am pressed with a difiieulty not yet mentioned ono which threatens division among those who, united, are none too strong. An instatico of it is known to you. Gen Hunter is an honest man. Ho was, and I hope still is. my frie nd. I valued him norm tho loss for his agreeing with me in the general wish that ull men ev- erywherc could bo freed. .Ho proclaimed a'l men free within certain States, and I repudiato 1 tho proclamation. lie expo ted more good and less harm from the measuio than J could believe would fol low. Yet, in repudiating it, 1 gave dis satisfaction, if not offense, to tinny whoso 'uitui 1 l" s o'iioi iiiiuin iu iosu. , ilnt0i without reasonable time lor c.on- And this is not the end of it. Tho pres-1 eiei ation and debate, and with no time suro m this direction is still upon me and ftt (ln for consultation with our constitu is increasing, liy conceding what I now ent8, whose interests it deeply involved, ask, you can reliovo mo, and, much more, it seemed liko an interference bv this win relievo tho country in this important j jiovernment with a question which "poou-P01lj- lliarly and exclusively belongod to our "Lpon these considerations I have rpedive Slates, on which they had not again Legged your attention to tho mes, , soujt advice or solicited aid. Many of sago of march lust. P.eforo leaving tho us ,iubted the constitutional power of capital, consider and discuss it among tliis government to niako appropriations yourselves. You are patriots and states- 0f W(,ncy fr the object designated, r.nd all men, and as such I pray you to consider 0f U3 thought our finances wero in no con this proposition ; and at least commend it ' tijtj0n to boar tho immeiiso outlav which to tho consideration of your States and j jU adoption and faithful execution would neopie. as you woum perpeiuaio pojui-j lar government for tho best people in the world, I beseech you that you do in no tviso omit this. Our common country is in great peril, demanding tho loftiest views and boldest action to bring a speedy relief. Once relieved, its form of govern ment is saved to the world; its beloved history and cherished memories aro vin dicated, and its happy future fully assur red and rendered inconceivably grand. I eVl.n the law average of threo hundred To you, more than toany othors.tho priv-j dollars, the price lixed by tho omancipa ilego is given to assure that happiness mid ! flon d for the slaves of this District, and swell that grandeur, and to link your own names therewith forever." At tho conclusion of these remarks eotnoi hundred millions cf dollars ; and if to that conversation was had between tho rroii'l wo '.U,J l,ho of deportation and colon .., , . - . - , . hzation at ono hundred dollars each, which dent and several members of tho uologa. . but a fraction more than is actually tions from tho border States, In which it Laid by tho Maryland Colonization Socio- was represented that thc&o States could ty, we havo four hundred millions nioro, not be expected to move in so great a matter as that brought to their notice in ',10 -or0gning address while as yet tho ,, 1Rj(llken )0 slep ,,(yon(l tlC passage of n resolution, expressivo rather 1 r- 1 oi u M-uumeiu man presenting a sut.Ktan tial and reliable, basis of action Tho President aeknov lodged the force ol this view, and admitted that tho bor jder States were entitled to expect a sub stantial pledge of pecuniary aid as thi condition of taking into consideration a ' proposition so important in its relations to their social system. ) It was Itirther represented, in the Con' ference, that tho people of the border i States were interested in knowing the iri-,..l i ti -r.i'1 n n cf uliiol, ll,,-. 1 '...itj 1. 1.... I ., " .."--..- i l"clll,l to the policy in question, while it Mis equally duo to the country, to the President, and to themselves, that the ""ioi.g inemseives, nicy (loterniincii ' lit. f. II Ilia .. i I . I 1 .I. . f.f ,. . n.,,1 r. n.i ..j..... nib i,4tiiuu v. a lutijviiij uici a uii a."uri,y answer. Reply of the majority. Tho following paper wrs on Thursday tout to the President, signed by the ma' jority of the representatives from the bor der shtveholding States : Washington. July I, 102. V'u tte 1'i c.u li nt : The undersigned, rep reentatives of Kentucky, Virginia, Miss muri, and Maryland, in the two houses of Congress, have listened to your address with the profound sensibility naturally inspired by the high source from which it emanate)!, the earnestly w hich marked its ilelivety. and tho overwhelming impor tuned nt the subject on which it treats. vv e have given it a mo.t respectful con. sideralion, and now lay before you our response. We regret that want of time has not permitted us to make it more perfi ct. We havo not been wanting, Mr. Presis dtnt, in respect to you, and in devotion to tho constitution and tho Union. We have not been indifferent to the irreat dif- . i,- t .i luultlcs Mirrnctulinir vml. comtiariMl Willi wiiicu all lormer national trouhies have i.nr.i. 1.., .... -i... ,.i i i 1 i . uui i; ii oely given you our sympathy and support. 2 I Repudiating the dangerous heresies of the secessionists, wo believed, with you, that the isai on their part is aggressive and w icked, .md object for which it was to be prosecuted on outs, defined by your message at the o cuing of ti e present Congiess, to bo such as all good men slioul 1 approve, we have not hesitated to vote all necessary to carry it on vigorously. Wo have voted all tho men and money you have csked for, and even more ; we have imposed onerous tuxes on our Jieo plo.and they are paying t'neni with cheer fulness and alacrity ; wo havo encouraged enlistments and sent to the field many of our best, men ; ar.dsomo of that number have offered their person to the enemy as iib-ih'os of their sincerity mid devotion l.n , ... , . ... - counuy. " nan-- uuiio an mis un- der the most discouraging circumstances niu! iii tin. face of measures most distaste- ful to ,H lind injurious to the interests we represents, and in the hearing of doctrines avowed by thoso who claim to bo your friends most abhorent to us and our con stituents. Put, for ull this, wo havo nev er faltered, nor shall we as long as w e have n constitution to defend and a govern i menl which protects us. And we are ready for renewed efforts, and even groat er sacrifices, yea, any sacrifice, w hen we are satisfied it is required to preserve'our admirable form of government and the priceless blessing of constitutional lib' erty. A few of our number voted for tho ress olution recommended Ky your message o (i, ,,.r r,1P,.i, tst ti,,, cent nortion of us ,iid not. and we will briellv state the prominent reasons which influenced out action. In the first plhee, it proposed a radical change of our social system, ami was huri ried through both Houses with undue jm(,osc upon the rational treasury If wo puuso but a moment to think of tho debt the necaptanoo would liavo en tailed, we aro appalled by its magnitude. T he proposition was addiossed to all tho States, and embraced to tho whole num ber of slaves. According to the census of IMJO thero were then nearly four million slavps in tho country , from natural in- ci ease they exceed that number now. At greatly below tlieir real worth, their val ue runs up to me enor.Tioussum ol twelve wo were not willing to impose a tax on qur people sufficient to pay the interest on that sum, in addition to the vast and daily increasing debt already lixed upon them by tho exigencies of the war ; and, if wo hail been willing, the country could not bear it. Stated in this form tho pro position is nothing less than tliu deporta tion from the country of sixteen hundred million dollars' worth of producing labor and the substitution in its phiua ol an in terest bearing debt of tho saino amount. But, if we are told th.it it was expected that only the States wo represented would accept the proposition, we rosprrU fully submit that even then it involves a sum to great for tho financial ability of this government nt this time. According to the census of 1. Still. Kentucky had Maryland 225, -490 slaves. S7,iss " Virginia J'.'O.Ks'" " Delaware 1,7'JS " Missouri llljjj " Tennesseo 27o,7sd " . " Making in thr whole 1,1911,112 " At the sumo rate of valuation thesowould amount to Sii'iS, 830,51)0 Add for deportation and coloni zation S100 each. 1 19,21 1,5:'..'! And we have tho enormous sum of l7-,2l l,5;;:i We did not feel that wo should bo jus tified in voting for a measure which, if carried out, would add the vast amount to our public debt at u moment when the treasury was reeling under the enormous expenditure of the war. Again, it seemml to us thatthis resolu tion was but the annunciation of a settle ment which couid not or was not likely to be reduced to an actual, tangible proposi tion. No movement was then made to provide and appropriate the funds requi red to cany it into effect, and were not en couraged to believe that funds would be provided. And our belief has been fully justified by subsequent events. Not to mention other circumstances, it ii quite sutlicient for our purpose to bring to youi notice the luct that, while the resolution w.s under consideration in tho Senate, our colleague, the Senator from Kentucky moved an amendment appropriating fiOd, UOdtotho object therein designated, and it was voted down with great unanimity. v mil coiitnience, then, could we reasona bly feel that if we committed ourselves to tho policy it propo.-ed, our constituents would reap the fruits of the promise held out, and on what ground could wo as fair men, apjiioach tin in and challenge their support ? The right to hold slaves is a right apper taining to nil tho States of the I'nion. They have a right to cherish or abolish tin institution, as their tastes or their inter ests may prompt, and no one i.-. auth jiv zo 1 to question the right, or limit its en joynicnt. And no one has more clearly allirmcd that rubt than you have. Your inaugural address does you great honor in this respect, and inspired the country with conlidencc in your fairness and re spect for tho law. Our Statos are in the enjoyment of that right. Wo do not feel called on to defend tho institution, or to affirm it is one which ought to bo cherish od ; perhaps, if we worn to make tho at tempt, we might lir.d that we differ even among ourselves. It is enough for our purpose to know that it is a right ; and. so knowing, we did not seo w hy we should row bco.vpeeted to yield it. We had con tributed our full shaie to relievo the coun try at this terrible crisis ; we had dune as much as has been required of othors, in liko circumstances; and we did not seo why sacrifices should ho expected of us from which others, no more loyal, were exempt. Nor could we see what, tiood the nation would derive from it. Such a sacrifice submitted to by us would not h ive sticn gthened the arm of this government or weakened that of tho enemy It was not necessary as a pledge of our loyalty, for that had been manifested beyond a reas onable doubt, in every form, and at every place possible. There was not the remo test probability that the Stales we repre sent would join in tho rebellion, nor is there now ; or of tlieir elocting to go with the Southern section in the event of a rec ognition of the independence of any part of tho disaffected region. Our States un fixed unalterably in tlieir resolution toad, here to and support the Union ; they see no safety for themselves and no hope for constitutional liberty but by its preserva tion. They will under no circumstances consent to ils disolution, and wo do them no mors than justice when we assure you that whilo the war iJ'conduotod toptevent the deplorable catast rophy, thev will sus. tnin it as long as they can muster a man or command a dollar. Nor will they ()Vor consent, in any event, to unite with the Southern Confederacy. Tho bitter fruit of the peculiar doctrines of that region will forever prevent tlmm Loin plaein; their security and happiness in tho custo" dy of an association which has iocorpora led in its organic law tho seeds of ils own destruction, Wo cannot admit, Mr. President, that if we hud voted for the resolution in the emancipation message of March last the war would now bo substantially ended. We are unable lo see how our action is particular has given, or could give, encour agement to the rel ellion. The resolution has passed ; and if there bo virluo in it, it will be (Uitc ns efficacious as il we had vo ted for if. We have no power to bind our States in this respect by our votes here ; and whether wo had voted the ono way or the other, they aro in tho same condition of freedom to oeppt or reject its provisions. No, sir ; the war bus not been prolonged or hindered by our ction on this or any other monsure. Wc must look for other causes for that lamented fact. Wo think there is not much dilli cully, and much uncertainty in pointing out others far more probable, and potent in their agdicies to that end. ! The rebellion d'-rives Iho st length from tho union of all classes in the insurgent Sintes ; and while that unis.ii hist i the war : will never end until they aro ulti r!y o- jhausted. We know that at the inception of those troubles southern society was di l .,;.i.i i . i..:. .. i . . vi.i.-vi, uici intib a nu go portion, pci'iiais a majority, were opposed to secession. Now the groat mass ol southern people aro un ited, To discover why they arc so wo must glance at southei n-ociety, and notice the classes into which it has been divido 1, and which still distinguish it. Thev are in arms, but not for tho same objects ; they are moved to a common end, tint by diff erent and oven inconsistent reasons, I'he leaders, which comprehend w hat was pros viously known as the State Rights pu ty, ar.d is much the leaser cl.-rs, seek to break down national independence and sot up state denomination. With them it Ls a war against nationality. 'I'he other class is lighting, in it .supposes, to maintain and preservo its rights of property and domes-, tic safely, which it has been made to be lieve aro assailed by this government. I bis latter class aro not di unionists per .v;they are so only because they have 1 eon made to believe that the tho admin istration is inimical to their lights, and is making war on tlieir domestic institu tions. As long as these two classes act to. gether they will never assent to a peace. The pollic) , then, to be pursued is obvi ous. The former class will never be rcc tmciled, but the latter may be. Kemovo their apprehensions ; satisfy them that, no harm is intended to them and their lustii lotions; that this government is not ma king war on their rights of propciiy, but it is simply defending ils legit ima-,-. au thority, and they will gladly return lo their allegience as soon as the jiro-snvu . , military dominion imposed by tin- Vi fed ?rate authority is removed trom m,. Twelve months ago both Houses of i." :i gress, adopting the spirit of your nm..j, . then but recently sent in, declared v'. singular unanimity the object of the v. . and the country instantly bounde 1 t side to assist you in carry ing ii the spirit of that resolution ha.' 1 e noied to we me cinfidcot that i. before now have 'ecu tho e nd on i plorablo conflict. Put what. Imv w- In both houses of Cong re -s we ha u doctrines subversive of the priu. q, , s . the constitution, and seen measure measure founded in s -ibstance otid. . doctrines proposed and carried tb:oc which can have no other elle-ct than distract and divide loyal men, and . .. pernio and diivo still liu'tin-r inn i u- . their duty the po-j-lo of tho ,-,( -Lu.,.-Stato.s. Millitary otli-crs, following i!K.,., bad examples, have sloped beywid Me just limits of their ant hority in the s ttiio direction until in several instances you have felt the necessity of interfering to arrest them. And even tho passago of tho resolution to which ou refer has been ottcntatiously proclaimed as tho triunipli of a principle which tho people of tho Southern Slates regard as ruinous to them. The effect of these n-e..ui es was loreteld, and may now be seen in tho indurated stale of southern fecling- To these causes, Mr. Pr. sident, and m to our omission to veto for the ii so.'. t,o:. recommended by you, w solo: ,.,.y bo. lievo we are to attribute ti.o -rrii.'.s e;.r ne.lne;s of those in arms agi'-inf tho gov ernment and the continuance of the ivai . Nor do we (permit, us to say, Mr. Pre.ii deut, with all respect for you) agree thst llie institution ofslavery is "tho lover of their power," but, we aro of the opinion that "the lever of their pow'er is- the ap prehension that the powers of a common government, created for common and equal protection to the interests cf all, will be wield. d aguin-t tho institutions of tiio Southern States. There D ono oth"ridea in your address we feel called on to notice. Alter statin" tho act of your repudiation of f ten. Hun ter's proclamation, you add : "Yet, in repudiating it, I gave dissatis faction, if not offense, to many whoso sup port the country cannot afford to lose. And this i" not the end of it. Tho pres sure in this direction h still upon mo and is increasing. Uy concedim; what f now ask you can relievo mo, and much more. can relievo tho country in this important pOUH. o have anxiously looked into this pas sage to discover its true impoit, but wo ar in iii p uniui uncertainty, now can we, by conceding what yott now ask, re lievo you and the country from tho in. crea-ing pressure to which you refer? We tvill not allow ourselves to think that the proposition is, that wo consent to give up slavery, to tlio einl tliat. tlm Jlu;;ter proc lam tl ion may be let loose en tlio .South.' Cl-ll people, lor it is too well kt0""l ill,; wo would not be parries . jii n.e.vurri, and w havo too niucu ''i'-:n.i.i lot you to imagine j ou would i . ; : Can it in- .-i ii lua1 by ,e-c dic:i;. , ;;)t,.(.. est ill slavi i- we a - .-i jt . ;. ,t controls thai pre .m,; . ,. c-, ,-,).-drawn, an. I rid the c a t :, : ., .;. lent agitation o' ',n -.ni. , We aro foil,;. Ihu so io ,hi.,k. ... spirit wool 1 not ho sail-i i ...!. tn id,, eration of seven hoiidrci t.-ic, , ' 1 and cease its ugit liin. .s.iJe i. .. ,m lions remain in boiidm:-.. i i.. that by abandoning slav. -ly i-i .' i. wo are removing the pres ai:-' i and the co jnliy, by k op.ouig c - : nr ion on the I i 1 1 o' th j Co't u We are forbid-len so to think is known that wo me, and is you are, unalterably npp-i--ion nt all. We would pi e you dcairo this rioi.ee-sioii our support, and thus lo c , withstand a prr ssure w hich vs -on you and t he country. Mr. i'resident, no such ;.jf'. rc-sary to securo our suy. ort. yourself to your constilAtional i.i.. tonlino your subordinates within ttiosuai