Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 23, 1862, Image 3

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,,, llf ,nl M mnlnli'lalr, to I'l'il Mill
i -i it.i-in i.tinr In I lie Mlmirr !(-
;j(l i" ' i
Tl.ii .)riniiro lias t cen I -ri I 1 inn
I . f 1...... I..,,-., ,- ftt.,1 In
ii r live i '
jr licil I ) n.kncss, unable to move oi1 bo
I, unlil win, in it tvw dnys.
(.-l.-Ht li.-M, Inly '2, 'h2 -I. -I. Class.
U'e nie authorized lo withdraw the
djjiin uI n 1 1 1 lit ill .-. iiiunii'v, i .-"I , iii'iii
i- it-Mi: .... o Iu.ll I...
i-l of riiti'li'l itos for Ihoolhrt o( He.
, ,-r nnd Herprder.
a unn
'"" ,, " ., . ,, r ocnilic Stalulinc Cuniinillofl of ( 'lent li.'l.l
KlTl liNKl.TO IIIK I"(.M.-( M.l.(,l 'llV,ofu ..Ksp-nl.l.Mli,, the Ketislrr'K Office
i ..... .. . , i
() i.ijiliiy-i'ourui, iiiior unci sojourn
ih hii fmiiilv iiml fiicnilH
etiinied to
ii ii-iiiiiu'iil on Saluril.ty last, much re
ciu:ted in health.
fiiyWt! lenrn from n private letter, thut
J,i!ii. Hoy, a member of tho ('inlets, who
mis wo'tnded fli the buttle before Hieh-
Miiond, has since died. The writer
,4 llmt. unvernl olliprs bnve died.
I, lit
i'iics no nnmes.
BfJ'-iodey'ii I.adys' Hook for Auii-t, is
on tur ti.V,le, and has been read and uni- commended as ;i f uperb number.
iinr lady friends shoul l not forget (iui.KV,
then they select their Magazine, for he
,) tho very best friend they have.
.Witir.xr. As Mr. Samuel Shaw
Iriviiisi throuuh our town on Sunday evet
ii mi: last, Iiii buggy struck a post in front
ut l-'lweiler'n store, badly breaking the
I iiiji'y, and throwing out tho lady who nc
, .ltnpiinied li im. Korufittv'y, tw e
MniiK Tali. Tnioriiv. John J. Head, of
I., wienee towiifhip, peeing comelhin in
tli papers about till limothy. sends us u
nock cut from his farm that measures
II. ,1 inch'", llent tliie, who can?
Vtii.i. Anotiirk. Mr. Joseph M. Spen
-''I' of l'iko towtir-hip sends us a Tinnithii
iifud, ivhich in its present dry and shriv.
t-lled condition, nieii.-nes full inches.
B0. U appears that the State nuthori
lies are getting ready for ft draft, of the
Militia of the State. Thn Adjutant Gem
erul has called upon our County Commis.
i-ioners for a copy of tho Militia Koll as
iclurned by the Astes-sors. The list cons
tains about 00 names, all of which are
by tl is time filed in the Adjutant Gcner
al's office.
JjrThe Hellefonte M'ttciman after an
unexplained absence of several weeks is
ayain on our table, enlarged to its former
size, nnd under the control of Messrs. J.
W. 1'intvand P. Giiay Mkek. Tho M'at-!,-nan
is a lire paper, and from the tone of
this number, wo should think tho I'em
ticracy of Mother Centro are bound lo
tnako (ri"(,';..Abclitioiiism and
alriot;bm ''go under" in that county.
Jc3" i'h) body of Jackson Potter of Bra
dy township, a member of Copt. Kiiby's
company, was sent homo by his company
on Friday last Mr. Potter wa one ol
tho halest men belonging to tho Slth, aU
alw ays ready for duty, until tho arrival ol
the licgiment near Alexandria, when he
Mas suddenly attacked by the fovor, which
ended his earthly career in a few days.
Hiiwjt foil owed to his grave near Luth
iTsburby a large concourse of people.
Akotiikb Ac iufxt. As 0. L, Head of
this place was retuiidiigliomeon Mond.'y
last on the Krie turn.ikc in tho neighbor'
hood of Hobisonr, one of hi.-i horses be.
(Ktiiu fuctious, occahioned by some do
riitigement of the harness, and after ft fetv
jumps and fearful kicks tho front wheels
of tho enrriago began "melting" away,
throwing Mr. Keed out. By good man
agement, however, nnd the traciability of
the other horse, he succeeded in stopping
them without further injury, excepting
a pretty considerable frightening of his
lady companions.
Swine. Under the Jewish dispensation,
the flesh of these animals wns considered
unelean, but our Clcarfieldites, in these
modern time, entertain a different opin
ion. This fact is more strongly impressed
upon u by observiug daily some gentle
men hogs and their "duleienas" perambu
lating our streets, (contrary to tho statutb
piien case mauo nna jircivimvi.j .ur ,
'orjiiilert friend, who was almost unani. i
mously seleeted by our citizens to super
intend tho "Hog Bureau," should iiilch
into these rtoreine rebels in such manner
into nrdtetlura squeal. Do your duty,
Co'.onnl, your re-eleetion is at stake,
bxiiti.E Ei.cction. -According to j.rovi
ctis lit. tie.., the subscribers to the Stock of
tic m.'.v l!ridt'o across Clearfield creek,
tivo m le east of this place, held a meet
irg on Saturday last, for the purpose of
'V'ling officers, when the following peri
'i i were chosen :
James B. Graham, President.
James Wrigley, Treasurer.
Vm. W. JietU, Secretary.
Y X. Wright, Wm, A. Wallace, A. II.
jt, J. T. Leonard andWm. W. Belts,
The company was immediately organi-i
reference to our advertising col
utnos wjll show that proposals are already
r !
wked for for building said bridge.
n I IV ii Ii I'i.' Illio 1. 1 I .
. nlll I V ' 1 1 I III "M'l ll
.1.1 I.
Ill Ml.
', .,'
I . i. hil l
hi it.
t I!
I I P'l ll- ItlMI I'l'll i ll II I ' I
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I .. ,'..( K I , I ' I. I ... '. (,,....,. '
'I. II 'lit ,''.. ,1 ' ' ll' . It til f I I i t t"'"''
tlnK ihirn liilf in.Vil trpinrn, rhi'iim rt'nl . '.
fl. d nifir'n j . rmm ; wi llmt, iTIiin 1 -y idea
nl employ ntg i hundred I lioii":in. inarms
in the nrmy (d Oncri I Mc'b llun rould
he. run i.'il out, theie would In n half a
million in the Iiiiih of fnmilic lo he fed,
m 1 1 -1 clothed mid educated nl government
CX'l'tl.0. IO UK! itlO lilllgllll.' (ll Mr.
i ' n 1 1 i .1 . 11 , (it lYniiavlvnnin, "Vhiitilo
ho (liiim w ith ihi'in V
Democratic Committees of Vigilance.
A.'coulint' to iirevious notice llm Ieni-
on Tuesday evening tho 17th of June.
J n
Tho number of meinbuis present exceed,
ed that ol anv similar mectuif.' ever held
in the county. It was a perfect "Wido
Awuko" deinonstration--excepting the
nbsence of enpes, buiips.iiiid Aholitionist.-i,
Afier disjioBinp ol tome pielimmiiry Ihim
nens, the t'ommillee seleetedHm following
named iiersonn to act us a Committee of
igilancc in tho neveinl I'.oroughs nnd'
Tnu.nul,l,.B ii, ll.a m,,,l 1, Ul.l I
""""'I'" "' " "
tii-,,-,- n !, tn I. a n ilm .! I n t
I ,' . . 1 . . l '
ot August next, aii.t to supennieni tno
alli'iis of the partv in the several districts
Cleat field I. V, Shugart, F Short,
Israel Test.
! Iieecaria John SiioiI,V. li. li'ickcnson,
J. W. Lull.
' Hell James Savage, Thos. Sunderlin,
j V'm. T. Gilbert.
I Jiog-js Jacob Finding, Andrew Cross,
I J. W. Kyler.
nra.lford :avid t'fon, .1. .'. Kyler,
A, lam G.-at hart. Daniel Hishel,lavid Heberling,
Levev Megal.
bloom Krastus I.ulher, Gainer Bloom, Irwin.
Hui nside Ianiel Gorman. Jno. Hrown.
Jos. I.. Nefl.
Curwensville--A. J. Gates, J. A. Faust,
James Thompson.
Chest Geo. Holes, John Wood, 0. S.
Covington Arnold Sclmarrs, F. F. Cou
dviet, jr., Solomon Maury.
Decatur Cyrene Howe, II. Iltiglins,
Joint Thompson.
Ferguson Win. McYacken,J. P. Hoy I
J. D. Miller
Vn -.1 nnics McClellan. N M. Hrock
wav, John r.utler.
Goshen Abram Kyler. J. A. L. Flegal. !
A. II, Mian .
Girard Justin J. Pep,
AVm T McCor
' ' "
kb, James McClcllnn.
Graham Patrick Curley, ls:iac Kyler,
Samuel Spitlor.
Gulieh Joseph Fry, P.enjamir. Slovens,
John Jordan.
Huston Philip Hevener, Andrew Ap.
ker, David Tyler.
Jordan Uobt. Petlerson, Jas. McGhec
ban, Peter Hloom.
Karlhaus ii. D. Hall, II. J. Haines,
Win. Holler.
Knox P. A. Howies, Phillip l'rhart,
Geo. Mays.
Inwrence J.J, Head, Andrew Addle
man, K. Shaw, jr.
I. umber City Anthony 1 1 tic, John Mc-
Divett, A. I . Kobison.
Morris J. N. Fulmer, J. II Jones,
W. L. Merrell.
N. S'nsliington Jos. H. Pieth, Jno.
Faith, David Logan. j
Penn J. II. Kowle. J. P. Kairerty,
Win. P. Johnson.
Pike D. D. Pittc, John J. Ptoom,
Hugh Mullen.
Union II. Whitehead, H. A. Cortney,
J. P. Dale.
Woodwiir.I T. Henderson, I. Turner,
John Mathers.
P. Y. WII.SON.I'res't.
O. H. Gooiu.ANi'KR, Sec'y.
The Democratic Primary Election to
be held the First Saturday, beiDg the
2d day of Avtgust, 1862.
TV. aro nuthorized to announce L. Jackson
Chans, Ks.i., as n enndidnte for tho Ptnto
Semite ir. the district composed of the counties of
lihiir, Cambria nud tlearlield, subj ect to the rules
of the Democratic party.
AI7"F are nuthorized to
announco Wii.i.iam A.
s a candidate for the
I AI.I.At R, l.sq.,
State Senate, in tho district composed of the
countiei of Illair, Cambria nnd Clearfield, subject
to the rules of the Democratic party.
K are authorised to announco Dr. T. J
IIotfii, of township, ns a rnndidate
fur Iho l egislature in tho district composed of the
counties ol Clearfield, Flk, JcfTersnn and McKean,
subject t j the rules of the Democratic party.
K are authorized to announce Dr. Chahi.f.s
K. F.utl.v, of Klk county, as a candidnta
for the Le-inhi'.ure, in tho district composed of
tho counties of Clearfield, Klk, JelTorson nnd
McKenn, subject to the rules of the Dmocrutie
tlE aro authorized to nnnouneg Hun. Jon P.
y IliiYT, of Ferguf'.n township, ns a cantli-
lute fur tho Leiilature in Iho district coinito.ied
! 'f. 'j!0 cuuni f Clearfield, Elk Jefferson and
'McKenn, subject to the rules of tho Democratic
K are authorized to announco CiipL Jawhs
H. LAiintxKR now of Fifth regiment V-.i.
Resotves l a candidate, for the Legislature, in
tho district couponed of tho countiei of Clearfield,
Klk, Jefferson ani McKeun, subject to tho rules
of tho Deinocraetic party.
AX J"E nro authoriiod to announce Joiim L. Ci t
1 T tlt, of tho horoiurh ct'Cloarfield, as a ran
diddle for tho office of Prothonotary, ifc, subject
to the rules of th Democratic party.
"llTEnro Kuthorired to announce Ki t Ilt.ooM
of Pike towuehin. a a candidate fur the
office of Prothonouirv. Ac., subioet to the ruin of
j tho Domocratio party.
! W' re "u,uorile,l to announce Wii. P. Cuam-
y? urn of the borough of Curwen villo, as a
, candidate for Prothnnotary, Ac, subject to tho
1 rules of the Democratic nuriv.
' V Tar 0",JoruoJ t0 ounounce Aaiuin C.
Titb, of Lawrence township, rs a cundi-
dat.fortho ofEc. of Prothonotary, Ac, subject to
the rules of the Domocratio party.
i .
,"11r r4 "tnorizod to announce David F.
" f"sarR, ot Lleurneia, ai a candidate'
forth offcee of Prothonatorv. Ac. n,k,..t
to the rule of the Domocratio parly. .
nn i.
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H.l.jl'l t
in llm till, f i.
lli- I'
III' riuhr I itlV.
nf I', nro iiiilli"iicl In nniiiiiini-.' t' l
II vm it at ill ti Ml. "( I'i intiir I iin-li
n cmi'l'-liiti' I .r r.iiini v I'.'iiinii-.. I. M.-r, iil .i'
i'.rti!f nf llm Ii.-inii. iiiii.' ..itiy
I'- rrt' nnlli'Ti "''I iinti"ii'' Tn on"
1 a i MiKinv, i, I 1'i-nii t uin-liip. n n .nii'li
ilntd ..f rmmiy I ' .nitui ni.iiii Mil.j. i't tc
tli,. lull." nl Ihc li. iii.i. rnilo nitv.
I i.' .ii,. .,,, .. Vn I, llisn.
ri.. nf l.iir. i.i-t towni-liip, ii " niii.liil .il'
f.,r I'miiily r.iiiiiiii.'.-iim. r, ml.j.-.'l t- ll '
nf the 1 i.'ni.irriilic mi ly.
1 III.'!
TV. nr.- iiiilli.irio.l tu nnniiuiio ' ummii in-
Kt:li.'ol Kui.x I.iwii."1ii.,iih a i-iii'li'lui" '"'
C.ninly Cuiiiiiii.iiini'r, fiiliji-.'l tu the nil.'.-'
nl tliv Hi'iiiiHTulii- 1'iirly.
. TE aro (iiiihorif.i'il to .iiinoiinic I-'. F. t.'ct'T -
mi.T, of Ciivint'lon tmvni-liip, a" n riiniliiliiio
the r,omurulU. irty.
nif i nuniy nuiiiinr, runjii i ... n.i- imr "i
nro to sniiminco IImiam
u aiih. nl llutnn toivii.-lup. ii" n enn-
i.liilntii t'ur Ciutii'v Aiiiiitur. yubioi't
tu tho nil
s "'
.1 - .. ll... r,.il.- , "..-..
' -
TV. nro niitlioriC'l to nnnounrv T,
ri.KM. nf Lawrence towns hip, i. a
.l:ii for County Auilitnr,'t
to tin
ru'.cs of tho Democratic party.
O'l'NTY Sl uYi.Yo;:.
W'V. aro iiulliori0,1 to aiinoiiiiio lli vnv
WliKiitT, of lteecnrhi Inivn-hip, ns a
ni'ltihito for
County Surveyor, suhj
ncrntic party.
t to the rule nf tho Doin-
IMI'.D In l'iko township, on Fri.Uy the ISih
inst., of (lipthorin, Mary, ilaiiKhter of J. Rush
anil (Iho lute) Nancy 1!. Dlonm, ngeil V years.
Hclu SUbniisnncnfs.
Administrator's Notice.
"VyOTICF. is, lierchy (jiveii, that Letters r Ail
W iiiinistrnlion on tho estate of Hon. Honjaiiiiii
ilonsall, Into of Hrinly township, Cleurliel'l coun
I y, docoasi'.l, have been grunted to tho uiulorsigu-1
I e ti. All person to mill estate nro ro- I
.iiestoilto nntko imiuoiliato payment, nti'l th..-o
bavin:: claims iininst tho .-.Hue ill present the in
(duly iiuthct.ticjitcil for settlement.
1 lir .dy township, July I'i!, lSCl. fit. pd.
Clearfield Creek Bridge.
c-iKALK'J PKOPuSALS will be received
Sl-.Al.K'J rilOI'USAl.S will lie received hv 1
tbo I're.iilenl ninl liireelors of Iho Clearfield I
J Crick Ilridgo Coinpany, at the office of .Limes II.
Uiriihnin, in Cleurlioid, up to and Including Aiil'-
uM 2d, 1S2, nt i o'cloek. p. in., f..r the building
of r COYKHKD lilt IDG K across CUnrfiehl creek
at the point w hero the Snowfhoo and Pucker-
villo bridge crosses stud c.-cck.
The -aid l!ri,l..i. to be buill of tin brioht h. mid
after the innn.-er of Iho I'ridgo ucross the riverut
tioodfolloivs' two Abutments, and a Pier in the
centre, with two Arched Spans each of about the
length of One Hundred foot. Tho contractor to
bo entitled to the use of the stone now upon the
ground, and lo be required to till up the endiol
the liride in u good nn. I minuter,
w ith wing-walls to protect (he filling. The work
to be commenced immediately after tho Lotting
is declared, and the iiridgo completed at as curly
a day as practicable.
JAS. II. tillAIIAM, Pmt.
V. V. Urrts, Secy. July 2.1, Y,2.
I ItOHFUr MACK LEM, Pitoi'iiiKroit. j
j Hesptclfully announces to tho travelling public
that he has now taken charge of this lar;o and t
I well known house, and will c. induct it in such a1
j manner ns will render excellent comfort and s
i isfiietioii to nil who 1 1 1 a v favor him with a cull.
' July 111, 1SH2.
l)ll'.ni !-H. W, SMITH J- CO. are rceoi
ing their srniM, (;oons. You nre respectful i
Iv tnvit.'d lo call and examine their assorluiint
" ai.-o tho other ,-e.. Aprit :;o '2.
Going it Alone! j
i:oit(;i: Xr.USON having eonimcncedi
1 tho nianufaeture of HOOTS nnd SHOES
would respectfully Solicit a share of public pat
ronage. Without making a great fuss, or any
rash promises, it shall and w ill, bo his steady en
deavor to select
The very best of Stock,
Mko ihe very hen of work,
And (nt least hope for)
Tho very best of custom.
(If this aint ;,rrry it looks xcry like it but it is
the lc iift, which Is better.
So, "wade in" snd get 'i'. Shaw's How,
door next h'rjuttitii'iin oflie.o lip.o. Nkwshn.
ClonrfioliL July 'J, lKu.2. y
Ho, for llic Circus.
THE GOLDEN OprOin'!! -
Purrliasc all your (lootls nt
JI. V Smilli Aj Cos.
so doing, you will save enough 'to pay all
vx jicngi'c inrurrtMi wiiih1 in iuwii, una
home well sntislied, with moans enougli
nnolher trip.
eft for
Wo arc soiling goods at prices that defy all
I i .
competition, and remember our mot.o is, "Live TH E HISTORY OF A M EH 1 CAN MAN
nixl let Live." I CFACTCliES, FI! M 1808 TO I860-
Wo will sell tho very best articles at tho lowest ' 1!-v I,r' J; ''f'""'-''' Hisliop. 2 vols., 8vo. Yol.
c . . ...... 1 ' I. now ready, ol. II. nearly ready.
figures and warrant entuo intisfuction to tl,.. This i. probably tho largest and most Important
purchaser. 1 wrrk now in tho American press.
Our advantages for purchasing in tho Last,' Wo bane also just published new editions (f
being ,0 superior, is tho only reason why we can
,,.l....ll il ..-:....:..;
Doh't fail to call before purchasing eliowhere.
ftSfTha Driok Storo, orpindio tho Prosbvterinn
Church on your road to tho Circus with tho
STARS and STRIPKS flonting proudly above iL j
Clearticld, July 9. H. W. S. A CO.
llli: CLKAItl li;l,I) ACADI'.MV will
be ipened for tho reception of pupil (males
and females) on Monday, May I'.Uh, lst',2.
lernuper M'ssl.ui nl l.lnen teeks:
i Orthoeninhv. Itendinir. Writinir. Primary
Arithmetic and Geography,
Higher Arithmetic, English (tratumar,
I Uoography and History,
I Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy,
i and Hook Keeping,
Ir tin n.i i:.ul i ...
f2 50
3 00,
! To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, nnd who wish to qual fy
themelvei for Teacbir, this Institution offers
' desirable advantage.
I N0 pupil received for less than half a session,
:and no deduction nade except for protruetod
Tuition to be paid at the dose of the term.
A n c.v-T.,-n.. ..-...,
Clearfield, May 7, 18C2.-ly.
W n: ,
IN i III i
Curim; Toothucli nnd Ncurn1i;in.
pi, yi.ii i-'li I'' 1 1 1'"' ' 1 Willi iiii 1 ii.lnilrii.l
r.-r IViirlv Wliid' un.l Hi, mil Ti l III ? 1 ...
IIII. l H III III)'!. I Ml I ' A Mill
TOil'I'll I'OUIU.II, wiiirnnii .1 I,.,. ,,,i
oriil, ullmli, r nny iiijiir'nmi. Hiluliiui'.-. I'rii i-,
'Ji ri M per l-i'X.
; ,-i-Ili-wiin nf liir- nnliiinry iln-np Timtli
, I'nwili'rii, wliii li whiten l.til .li-Mn y.
i ln vim ili tu Ii rcrtiiiii tlnil yniir I!i.'ulli m
'pirn', iwi'ct, iiml ik rtuntjt o to IiiiIimihI t,r nilo,
liurr .,r liini-lH ? I'm' lilt, ill llirs CMI.K
! l;lt.Ti:ii .M'll Tll WASH, p,;,.,., ;;t (vnU
' ftrr In, 111.'.
'I'l.U ii.-tringrnt wash U ul.-m thr Wtl remi'ily '
in tluiH.irl'l lor Cimkkii, JIah IIkkatii, IIi.kkh'-
1 1 nii Ui -nit, Hunt M'.t'Tn, oli-. It It ji s i-iircil hun-
!dri,. I
j p y, or ynur chilili en mfiVr fruii, TOOT 1 1
' '; il.-t" I It. lll'KII'S .MAUIC TOOTll-
Ai'iih tiiinii.i. ri n o, I -i i c ii u per lu'lllr,
An- y 1 1 1 alllli'li'il with Niiir.ili-iii ? Cut DH.
W. II. III I'.D'S NKnt.M.iilA i'l.ASTKHS. ;
Tim iiiniil clli'i-iive noil il.-lijrhtlu! ri-moily luiou n. !
Thi'v ilo nut lulhcri nnr I 1 1 1 r . hut snnili ninl
I'linnii iiitin uwnv. Try thoin. I'r'u-o, IS ;u .1
r.i.i I'
lOi'iiM. Miiild.l on rm-oipl nl' prii'i'.
j llu yuu . i.-h n coin ploto mi nf I'll XT A j YV. M -Ii.
l'i:o-1 KIIKS ami a Tn-uti.-c on rrvvrvin J'-.-t!i ?-
(let I) . y. H. Iluril's Dental 'rreiiMiu-y, thf
noil tost ami iimt-t aluahlo prj.H'nl Hint mm rrimi-l
can mako to, 1'rioo $1. Sent l.y Mx.
K'... mi l oco'.pt of pi i.-..
Fur silo at nil Ihc hctt ,-lmcs throuj;hiiut tin'
Cai ii..s. A llicro arc .luilcrj nho t.iko iul
v.nitngc of niir ai'l vi-rt i iiilti t.- to iinpo.o upon
tlicir ciislouii'i j iiili'imr prcpinaiioity, it if iiccca
sary to iiifi.-t upon haviti'' iilinl vnti call for. mill
i .
you will ii: r i ii i:, llnnnuhly U'SlcJ. ninl
pritptircil hv an cxporiwurcil ami scicntiliu llcn
tit, Tmiisurcr of Hit; Ncv York Slulc 1 1 e 1 1 1 i .-1 '
AsMiciation, ini'l Vi: 1" rsi l on t of tho Now Vnik
lU'iitnl nciolv. AJ lrc.-
VM.' ll. 1H1KD.I CO. N.York.
31-0'Ur. Jlur.l'it Iioiitul ricuii'Jii'9 nr.' for slo
, ill t lua Jiloco by J. (i. II A liTri'.V 1C K.
Till-: llol'SKKKKl'KU'S
1 I repnreil troin an imp'-uve I recipe l.y llio pro
uielor of t he " linoTii v.n Ji.riun I'oi.isii," .i
! crrtilieil by alt the lendiLff New Vi.k Fuinituro
j Dealers mid i'iiino.l''orlo Makers to bo the best
I in Ihe world for roinovidn Scratches, Marks, nnd
I 1 1 .....:... . 1. : ..I. 1 1.. .. : .. ..I . .. ..11
'" '""" '"n " '"o" "' himhi (.'toss 10 an
kinds fl Viiriiisheil Furniluro lo I.eath-
I It is chcii er and hi tter than Varnish, .Irion
nninediatoly, and is asi!y iiipliod. W ith n piece
ul t-"nU " lauiiel unit ft imllle or two ot tins
, 'i'w Furniture I'olish, ft Ihoinokoopor can work
i '" f"r"tre ot ' 11 house nud keep it
I looking like no.. iow is the timo tu 'shine up"
yur Tables, Chuirs, Desks, Pianos Picture
Frames, Carriiiirof , olc, nnd inuko thcin look ;iU
per cent better. This is line economy. For
by Furniture Dealers and Storekeepers generally.
Price 2 j and ill cents a bottle. Depot No. 1
Spruce Strool. Now York. Srixui. Aiiknth
W.isieh. Addrcs.-, llo lit;.', -New York P. O.
The llotsKKi:i:i'Uiis N'mv l i ismii in: Polish is
for sale hero by J. ti. 11 A K'i'SW K'K.
(j Ji i: a r it oo ks .y p j: j: ,s .s
Tin:ii.r,!Nc inciim:nts
u Great Rebellion
' olt,
Tr r ,. , a ,
The Heroism of our Soldiers and Sauors.
1 LLC .S T K A T E I'.
1 (.., .ir.,- I'Jmi). V.'.v, Si
The critics and the public are ri'ht in predict
j ing that t'i's will surpass, in graphic narrative,
i exciting iulere.-t. and extensive p. piilarily. all
other histories of the War for the I nioii. lis
theme will bo the heroic during, patient siill'oring,
'and hair-breailtb escapes ,, our soldiers and ail-
ors, and its incidents will form the Iheine cf con
I vcrsation nt innumerable lire. ides for years to
'come. It w ill ciiii'ain, in nddilioti lo its stirring
details, tho philosophical Analysis of the Causes
of the War, by John LoTiiuor Moti.i:v. LL. P.,
Author of "Tho P.iso of tho Dutch llepul lie," etc..
Ihe dates of ali the important events from tie
John llrowu raid, nud nn iiccuralo and revised
account of tho principal battle, with engravings.
One-third of tho proceed of all subscriptions
sent direct to us will bo given for the Relief of
1 r' " persons lio wish a
copy ot tno wors, nnu nisu 10 uruciii me suiiiuts,
shuuld send their nunui nnd aildress it once. Also,
nny officer or private, or p'r-ton in any section of
tho countiy, having know ledge of a turuic net or
stirring incident, will oblige us by sending us an
ace. .mil of it.
Ilo.ikseller.-i Pos Im.vlers, and Canvassing A-
gents will bo furnished with n Subscription Pro-
pocius. .,., nM,iicatH, to tno cui, isiicrs
viimmiKnntn titi'in In oin
r.'ny tu oel Ajniln
t tnkiwj $ulii riitinin.
p-TrVvpiVi'tt' T'l'.vt r A n
I 1 1 1 " OMIS MANS L Ll 1 A L AO-
font TI . C l l n I
ISLll or, How tu Suvo Money, by Con. hiding
1 i, . , , - iii .i
. , Husines nceor.linz to Law, nscxpn untied by tho
, ,, , i i , . ., ... , ,
i Rest and La vt Authorities. 4 111pp., sWeep.
V f SKR : or.llnw In Vi t-A Mnnev bv P, mil lie I ill ir
l l ico, c 1 .
n Thousand Chances to Make Money.
Cloth, $1. This has boon republished in
Kvery business man nn.l clerk should have
theso bonks. They will pnv tho buyer n hundred
fold. Everyparent should" get them for their
., , . .,
All Iheso book, nre mailed, postpaid, on ro-
ceipt of pnre. io rB particular Rttiintum to
I mmiing uookh, wmpping u.vm varviuuy, uuif win (
procure mm wnu, jHifiiriin, mij iutn ihj w 11 trtj(
i !.. ..r -..,1 .
, uu ri;t vi'i. ui I'uonriH'io juitw uiiu mx Piiiifljio,.
i Trihnne 'Rnilrlino-s nr Vnrb
I iriDUne iJUlldingS, JleW York.
11 A MM. Persons who wish to buy a Piano
of tho hot makers will be shown how they enn
'save a handioino sum in the purcbaso if they ed-
; dre Piako, care Jov, Cor. A Co., Publisher'
v.. v.l n n
) ncrT.2J-'61-ly. chd. 2ndl july 61.
,10.11 III t
'll- ll
Villi I " I 1 ,
(0, ((H) I'mit I ii ru 1 1
ll. "I
!l II.M I t. ,.
I.'. .1 ('... II I
:i tin It1. I
I I . I. i'l, . I l ii.
Ill I II 1 I'll
.; I'M- I . . I,
i I I ;y III,
.i Hie . i,i.-.i
Ii . il n! 1 1
Ii. ii nl in. i.
mi ,-.,h! ''in
i i U iltnu l.n
1 ;-..ll:
1 1 1 1 1 :i I in i
illilll II- i: I iliil.i.. I
V.rlli In "nil i. nl i
I Hi, (
'l : i.
,ir rti
II, 1. 1 I', 11 1 llf I lit I'l
ttlll fcllHl-- ! Till 1. 1 nil-
ii . I .--itnlv li r. 1 i- n
I liANK .-'ll'ill I' - I ir
iMi. ii,,- p.-. (.:.. .-i i . ir
. I. iit.-l ll.Kl i-. Iiml
Iiml i .il i .l . ,'.-,( .. - i .
rililttr Hunts iV lllK'K
In-:, l.- Mil i. l!n I
nl i. .Il l I1 i-l i i' 1,
mini ill tin' nullity : ntnl il ; ml
jtt-t ii Iiim ii ( nil i.ii i i hi I im t-'
I line, iiml-ic f,.r yi"H"rli '.'. 1
mill. I Ih.' iitlili- tint l.if tln.p I
-t !.-i-l , in Slum 'j I!. nv ii Iii-i o v
i r,il tiny i. Ho r
. niilil in-i i "
ii., iv ..ii .Minl.rl
i n ill Iiml him
.jll-l II.. ,Vf n.i lMl:ili nut
lillli- .'i. - (..---..(
I'A.iil 1: ti li I o winil'l like to In-.
All kiiiilnol Knrk on 1 1 1 f i I ni"l intuli' t I I . ' f
oli t-hnrt liolicc, iiml an well ii:;, ami a-. );.'il lit..
iiii can ho ",-ki-ri cil" op liorc or cl-c'vliui i.'.
..I'on'l for;," t the fliiip--on Mttiki-I flrri.t,
in hlunv'ii How, iliroclly .ippn.-ili.i lliv. II, li.
Mvoiipc',. ..nice. I'. MIOltT.
('Ical-lieM, .Inn.- 11, IM'iL'.
IH IC mi!,, -nil. or i-' mi I in ri.i-l to make
ale nf
.' Hill
the fi.lloii in 'i'iniher I. imils, nl.iih
M-!l i n rcii.nltal.le 1. I in-. 1 :
Iiii; Tra'-I I'l.i.i.iinii;,' lint acres, i
tur tnii'ii -n.. '.nun ti tlf , "j'in 't'i"''i
,1 I,t:i
iilniiii t in miles from Ck-urli. 1,1 crci ii.
One True 1 in Cli".-1 i.- hip. conlniiiliii: a'
((l(f acres, known us the Tin .', '
, loc,lc,l
inn tu. 'I a r .iirlli miles If in l.hest ( reek.
Aim, i. ue un.liviiied hull' p:n of (lie 11
Hiirii'l Truil ill I'lie.-I l.lWIirilip'
Al-o, the i. no innliviileil Ibiirlli part nl' tin. A.t'i
i'ii, 'iiii.ti it- I'd. Tniil, in llraillnnl town.-ihip,
together Willi Ihree or four oilier t.r;t'-ts.
'iho iihnvo Lam'..- are nil in ClcurlloM county,
ami nro reprcM-nlcil to l,o well tiinheri"! ninl of
ett-y aeci"-.', niul cnitvcnietit tc gonil Davi'nlile
:'; l'cisniH wi-liitiln purchase such latnls
winil'l do well to npply soon, ciihcr persnnully or
bv letter to the suh
-r in ('It-nrlicld i.oiuuh.
VM. poliTKi:, .l..,i:.
May 21, l r,2. If.
Market Mreet, tlfarlield, Fa.
"tONSTAM'l.Y on land a larj;e mid well so
j leeted flock of
Peints, Oils, 'm r.i-hos nnd Dye-Sniffs,
Paint Lrushes, and Drushei of all kinds,
PurfutiH'iy ninl Fancy Articles, 4
Tobacco and Segnra,
I.liiiiirs Inr .llediriuul Purposes, (ineludin
lliandy, whiskey, (Jin, Port, Sherry and Madeira
i in.-.--, Ac., Ac, k .
CJ? 'Jr UU SL3 iJ 32 i3 j
A largo stock eonsijiiily on hntid. of the most
approved tntiKo tur durability ninl cotillon
v.-C:..The Doctor will iiersonally nine
1 this department of the business.
Clearlicld, Alay I I.-
I-. f VUM I I l i lt
is .lust now reeeiv
I ti ir ami opening nt I
ins oiu stain i in t icar-
held one of the most carel'ullv selected
in en Is of
Summer Goods
F.ver brought lo the mnaliy, and which he will
sell at I rices so c.vlrcntelv hnv as to a-tnnisli . v- ';
. cry
. d'i; ess
i mi:.
His stock embraces
Goo is, Di;i;ss TK1MMINGS '
TIC til Mi,
D E I. A! NS,
r.PoWN A P.!. EACH- ,
Together 1 ilh everv arlieb, in the DRY HuODS. '
line. Also. FltKSli FAMILY (i IH K Ll! 1 KS of
the host .piality. i
His friend and he public generally are Ih.'ie
fore inl'irmed tlnil. if Ihev nro i 11 want ol li Jtlll
LOODS nl low rales Inr Ca-h or Country Pro-'
din e, thev must not fail to call at '
At lli y ( III Mnml it( Moort) A Iltut ilcr, '.nS.H'oii'l
Strocl. ( 1c:ii li-'l'l.l'n. .hint' IS, 'V
v-n K A 1 THIS!
f ?( iV SIMM'S!
CI.F.ARI ll'.l.l), l'A.
R. JOHNSON returns bis sincere thank to
ill nil customers for their fortier patioiuigc.
vud will nt all times be pleased to see them nnd
will wnit upon thoui with pleasure.
His slock embraces as complete and general
assortment ns can bo found in any counlrv Shoe
Store, embracing all tho various .-lylcs of
Ladies', Gentlcmens'. Misses'. Boys' &
, childrens' Boots & Shoos of all k lids.
Loth of his own iiiauulacturo nnd ot his si le. -lions
in the city. All of w.ich bo cllers to sell for
As the sniiio articles run be sold ni.yw hero this
side of the eastern cities.
,7" Ladies are particularly invited lo call and
exnniine hi stock. May 2S, lsi'C :in.
A't'i hj tin: J'hiiI nj Irtxlittm's limn.
The quction has often been asked
u'k.i.... .....1..
so clean ?
ii III 1 l.r.AS.VS I 7, Cllll I.IIII1C fOflCtll
, ' . , . -,, ,
Thai customer who shnvo with lui.i
, , ... , .
i A benefit must reap, I woen.
no suave inr a "rii", nnu 11 yon nre wn ling,
Will take off your hair in atice fora "siiii.i.imj."
So come along, ye jolly boys so slick,
l 'r Pleasants is the man to do it cheap and quick.
,Tho reason may readily be seen
' W,'' "V" c"n",a " '"K0 :
II'-" towc nil are elejii his razors all are keen,
And you 11 always Iiml him V.o.o,. in-a charge,
Just go to Pleasant' mi l jiui'll bo
Liko Sheba's t,'uoon of old'
n,.,,, and deliglitcl. m,a exelnim
tu n.,if .. ,,( i., inhi
A-tl-Don't forpet the place in's Row.
aboro H. Stumph's shoe shop.
Clenrfield, June IS, IKI',2. tf.
riHK undcrsigne 1, having tnkeu chaige ol ih
X well known Morrisdale Houso, at Morriidale
, Clcnrfiold county, respectfully solicit a shurii ol
public patronage. No pain or expense w ill be
spared to render guest coinloilnble. (Turges
lo suit the tunes.
April, Isti.'.-y. i.EO. KlCllAHDo.
,. l
.; n
ii c
ii v
Ii -I ll-'it-n I. i-i Hi ,. S i. ! .
i' l tn . I. I'll, !n Ii l Inn.
i-. I i , -- ,-t: -ill v -,,,ti i -r t1 ; '
"I I'll nil. I,l' I 1. 1, til l , ll,: I I
I1, ,1 tin V I 1,1 I- I...-'. .1 ''.
N n!i 'I
UK in 1. I ::
llilill. .1 -OtH
-, ,! ill
, . fill . ' 111..
'..- i'i.- m " -r rvi i. i i: -
I 1 h I "I K i'l
I M l.l.i
Hi: ADV MA 1)11
i i,o iiiin(i,
An. I li, ill! in, i.'- I i'i i i hit
, ; li,i.,il, lli;,: I-.
lii'l.iilli, u:. 1 i'. In :
-r I.e. -II exhibited in
i'i. v w !! .. . II
20 per cent chrnprr than Clothinr; has
ever been sold in this part of thn
Our slmk mil'ini n toll nnd rmnpletr nsroit
ir.ent nf nil llaiiiietil" ;; 'tieinlly Morn, made up nf
gi.nd n.aleii.ils, and in the hist btyle and uoik,
A i'.F.XI.I! 1. ASSidlTMK.VT i'F
I'lii'iiisl.iiio; (irxxl, I luts & Caps,
TiiiuHiiiir 15irs, Trimmed Flan
nel iiml W hite Shirts.
In hhurt, everythii,;; K'-nc rally fount in n well hs
sorled of this kind. Wo ulso keep a line as
sortment nf
Fancy Goods and Notious,
iieh as I'm In. I !!'n 'ks. i'liriurnini... Pocket knivci
Cotul... a. id llru he s. Win. Ii Chains nnd (iuards,
V i.. Iiii i:i i lii itr ."'trin;;.', I'i.-! .Is, It jx leers,
I lips, ;-1. lii.'li .., and u i;r:t .n.iiiy other fuiii'.v
and u. i In! n if i.'l " s too '.niuier ui:; I menti. -l ; Y
,;'u!;: !i w" will ii.i'.I iv.- well ii-; the f'loliiine
AT Tli!', I.oWKsr CASH i'Kk'l' '
i'c invito every p"iMin in need of .'! 1 ' 1 -nf
nny ol Ihe all, ve in. 'nli lie 1 article ' : . :
u.i w il'n a call ninl x iew our doods mi l : . . :
wo aio eouliiieiit that w- c ft rive - .;. : . t
tl.tit i vciy person shall v. I ni. .i...'i , i
I I ien. Is where good and cln'i1 p cli. tiling mi: Lo gut.
! We nre cniistaiitly receiving ace.'., -in:n to our
Slock fro in our own Manufacturing Fslnbuiiiueiit
in l'hiladeli hia.nml .-hall iilwnysbo suppliod w ith
I a L'.io.l variety of ali articles in our line, which
shall surpass in style, cut, and workinanship, nad
cheapness, those of nny oilier similar I.sttildish-
i moil t in this part of the Siuto ; nnd by fair and
hone-t dealings wo bopo to ujeril u liberal sluvo
', nf l'ublie patronage.
j Cltiirfie'id, Tn., April 1M".2.
I .'V kit 'j ( t m )Uf ri'il7.llv-
N. K co'.ir nf'll, , CI,,:;t,id,S'.s.
V II 1 L A J I'l L P II A , V A
rplllS INSTITITIO, which wai esttib
J. li.-h.-d in 1 1 1, null is now cntisoiiaenlly in
Ihe ci;;hlei'iilh year nf its ('xisleiico, numbers
ninong it-' fraduale", hundred.-' nl' tho i.mst suo
'I'ssl'til .Merchants; ami I'.iisincs-t Men nfour couu
uy. Till'. Ol'.mri ot iho Institution is solely to nflord
young men l.iciliticn lor tlioruiign preparation lor
Tin: Hit (Si iiks Tii tiiiT nre flu "h ; 1117, m
, applicable tj the various department:; of trs lie ;
' 1 1: N v ns ii 1 1', both jilnin and 01 ; Com
iitoti iii. Law, MiTin ifATirs, N ivitiAiios, Civil
I F.MiiNiirniMi, DitAti inu, 1'iitjSnt.nAriiv, snd Mm..
Tur. SvsTf.M or Intk mr.'Ti.'N is 1 ciulitir; no
classes or set lesions nre inii'lo uso of, but oneli
I student is taught individually, so that ho may
j eoniuii m e al any time, and attend a', whatever
jliinu.-' are tno.-t cii!
I Cai Al. nt; i t's are i.-sue l aiin.ially fttiei the 1.1th
' of April, coiiaiuiiig liniiii-s of tho .-Indents lor the
'year, and lull parti, iilnrs nf terms, tc., und niiiy
I bi, obtained at m.v time by addresiiug the Princi
' pal.
I I- Kxti'n'sivk Ai'i't'M itoi' v ion's, wide spread
j reputation, and the lengthy experience of the
I Principal, this inslitiilii 11 oilers l'.n iitioi superior
t" any other in Ihe country, fnryoucK men wish
ii g In H epiire for hu-ine -s, and to obtain at the
sumo time .1 pirtnMA, which will prove a reconi
nii'iiil.tlion for them to any Merenulile House.
;. Ci:ir ri:si,i:N'sSeries of Tr'ati n't on lionK
Ki:i:i'lMi. now more widely circulated than any
other wcrk on tho mbject. aro for sale nt tho Col
Alt irney -at Law,
Philadelphin , jan., 22 lSi'.J ly. Puyii'irAi..
tit H.,nt of GV.t.-'.,.v A'...v."
There i.- a Store in Mmkel Street.
Where nil the men and ladies meet,
To help their ''solos" and sivo thoir feel
itiht close to "Urnhnm's Store ;
(You'vi, surely been in there heforn.)
Liies Stum ih up to ears in lenthor,
And op 'ii in all soi ls ol ne.ititcr ;
lie 'soles' 'awl' Hunts with 'wax' and 'cud.'
And while "no 'last-,' will e'er defend
And cherish all who ("mi" demanding.
That ho should help their undertandinj;.
Do make.--nil kinds nf bonis an I -ilmei.
And none mod barefoot go,
While Stiimih nnd his leather
Are milking such a sin w.
And .Im I: and llmt are a I '.'"ays here,
.And ready al a call
To neatly tako your mca-uro
And show you through Ihe hall.
Then come along and bring your dust
The I'n 'iili) A7ii'io down.
And w .''ll warrant you ns goml a fit
As you can get in low n.
1!. blT Ml'll.
Juno I, 'i'l! Market St. ("cnrlie'nl, Pn.
Slcfun Engine ntul P.iirc S;i w-il ill
nil coinplole, for s;ili
L'N'.ilNE, full, wing dimensions :-
kJ cy
III inch. " in diiinn'ter ol bore, with
2J feet stroke : slide valves with cal. iron bod
platen, or shear, with force pun,,, Ooi oritur nud
ly wheel. ,1 o niiplel., : copper and olhor
pipes: T WO p.nlLKKS ill inches in ili um l -r,
double lined, Mi feet .,iig, of good material Ju
niala Iron.) II v wheel 12 feel in dimneler, about
Itiiln I'.s weight, with oil globes, and nil necessary
cock and wrenches: with extra sh ilt In attach
to (Jrisl llill Tho Engiue has bojii used for
inniiiiig both drift and Saw-mill su.'cessl'tilly,
PAUL'S REST PATENT con.plete with
Riitihot Head lllinks, Two Circular Saws, Strap,
and nil necessary machinery for smving Luinhor.
Tiio nhovo Engine and Snw-mill rati be s.en at
lirahamlon, Cleatlield couiity.
.Jr'For particulars, please apply to tho pro
prietor, at Clenrfield, Pa.
Juno 2.'., lsr,2.
n A It DWARF., such ns STOVES, Cook
Coal and Wood Stoves of various pal terns
.1 c, Ac., can be purchased of tho subscriber on
the inot rea.-oi;ao!e terms.
Jan.l5.V,2. ME It It ELL A HI'iLER
Shaving anil llair Drrssiup.
TLIILMIAIIN0RR1S respo.-tlully nnaouncc
t:i hi friends cf Clenrlicld and viriuHy that
hj h i relumed to his old aland, ami is well pro
pared In render Iho most perfect satisfaction touP
who may deire hi prolession.-il service.
Clenrfield. Apiil 'J, V,J.
1 ,,.'n I I .Zm
jlt. . :i y 11. jis .. -.:i(j.-,
LtOi: L'lT of lie ne .ni'lly iclobuilc
NAILfnr silo thenp for Kili b
D. I'. I.I7.WL1LEII.