Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 23, 1862, Image 2

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    i?jf iJrufiflb ilf'uHinn.
lien 1 ni l"ii i if 1 iiii n arty l".Mi.'.r rin.. mui
I I'll rl"' II t "1 llntr'liv Int.
.1 t 1 if Knt mi I .'fim. lom-y, urir-
i ig ttM, HII'I llfl'l til"1 iolin , WO
1,1 Ill Vf. of hlKtl lmtf lllotl" fl" III" IHlIv t II
(lio' w.uM haw been debated.
them iu nii'wr to tin abu-cd ' in'"'
I Mi
Imtii. uie l iy I" n': i
ll,i..Mlii t. i l' ' 11 IM-H.t. IffW t fUi!- li'ill
i. II i.l l.i. vote I on l'ie 'I lit '"'"I
i.. an, I not ilh n tili"'i;il'1fl lm tmii of boll.
t I... 1. 1 ,,.r. 1 1 ii i tut m tln motion .l IflV "II
Lit ri!i'li' iH'in Hi'' ri,iu"in"',piv. fii"i
. . . t , i . .. . . f 1 1 . .
W,1 mltrK'H n' l H'M-l'-Ill Ml l II I- ' mil' I"-
Till! WAlt NEWS.
t , i, i,
(in. mil I
1 1 .1,1.1. it i . t
,,,'. It
I t 'M m
' . ...,r f
I i 1
I , I I "i
In I ,1 i. tl.- !'
) .1.1! If!' M IK''.''
I,,.. , ntlW 'II I' l'"l ""'
1 ,.,t, Mil..' 111 It'l. "
,.v I i k i.n Hi"
nu n ., III i ' '! I
n.lvill III,' nil ' il"1
Wednesday Morniuc July
111 Mot H VI K XTU i: TICKKT
I I I; Atl'Ilt'It IJ I.N KH A I.
ISAAC SI.ENti I'll, dlT'iiion n.
M lit M'llVI Vdlt tiK.N I.H.M.,
JAMJ-S I'. HA Kit, of'Alk-heny u.
Why is it that tho people urn bo blow it.
resnondini: to tho cull of t he President lor
Three Hundred ThvusunJ mltllionul volun-1
leer? to till tho ranks of our decimated ro- i
ginients, in this struggle, to put down re
bellion? Why is it that extraordinary I
hounticn - ranging from Jill to J 140 is
found necessary to !o offered in onler to
induce men to volunteer their services in
tho further prosecution of this war? !
These aro questions which have no doubt i
( p. t o'.slltll'lli V.
Bt .f ongr.'"' , before adjourning, paie I
Mi art making Mamps a ten-
"" l. r furuiuoun! und. r live dollms. I lie
Btamf ftre to tm J'rinte I ni thick
1802 will'nt uuu'ihipj on (lie Imi k.and lo
hcof the value ofthree, t"ii, twenty (our,
nxty and ninety cent. I he net nlo pio
hihilH Hanks tioin ihsuing iioIch oft .
(Icnoinir.ation than one dollar.
Wo would like to know if the people of
lVniih.vlvui.ia will elect a I.rgislf.turo this
fall mean enough or men of tho samo
calibre ol'our congressmen and they pa.s
N..,!,',, .-.'y I'!. - I li" ' i' v '
mill i union al. out li;ht at Miiilr
. i ... i i
!,) Ic-iliiV. I lie lilnm i't i'ii 'i' i
t. l .i-
" il
h" I I
,.i . ! hi
I lit in t
i. Iff
.. . . ..i i',. .i.i i,
lillil the ftiaieiiit ii" n"1"" "
.. l tl, C, .1 li.w 1 1. , l ,iill irnl lil
Oi'l'liriMi. " i.n . " i
Mid iv
Tho '.Uli Michigan
an act yllowirg the bank ol mis Mine io . ,.....,..,, .;,. Mm,m clrm,n
issue notes of a less denomination lIian ' Wilmot has performed Hie paitofnn
one, dollar, how will 'ingress; prevent it. I At.olitionit, vlthmtt the liMU-m thment ;
Congress may legislate for the benefit of (iig ony distinction Utween
the negro, but it cannot also usurp tho them, nnd aw Wilmot is eulogized, nnd
duties of a Stato Legislature. ( Cowan insulted, this conventioneould not
Tiik "twin relics of baibarinn, jiolyga- jmssildy have proclaimed It Abolitionibin
my and Slavery," ns styled by the Muck 1 m0I0 dibtinctly.
Iiepubliean IMatform of lsVl, havo been j 0reat Migtake; "
w iped out by tho present tongress. u( N(t Jmny (veokg no Wo asked a dislin
now remains to be seen whether these giHlHi (icneral in the army his eanuid
ill be banished from OUT .minimi ns to the uroMiect ofi'Uttingdown
lie replieu wun g'rai to-
... . .. .i x' i ii'ialion l iai s:nco iuuiu n
mind. And when the rresont letharay, ilM" v,uu "a'", . ' I maud of the armies had been tfken out
and p.dpable hesitancy, on behalf of the iM V1"1 for tho I"',st m0"U'S; of tho hands of tl.o imliiary, and the ;vW
, . . , ., ,i , i for tho benefit of . I ell'. Davis A Lo., nnd ower hud new a-shumed tho it-sponsiuiii-
people, is contrasted with the unexampled M , ? 1 , . , wa, ialpos.
m... ine ncato, v. - m- n.o f...
I UU I H 1 1. 1 1 ' " ' 1 '" iw
lion, nnd I'orney hi ' i atur of the day,"
mid of emir.-f eveiyll ing a d'Mie to their
eid. r. Tho". K. CocliMine, the j. ovriil
;.,.,,,. I i.i.l nni iiotninali'd fi.r re-i lertioll
a, Auditor C.onen.l and Win. S. of force td r. '-cl cava.ry, unner conima ,
, . , ,, , , Colonel oiresl. composed principally ol, also ft renegnde len.orrat, lor , J ..i,, .,,, ,,,.' oll(.r' rivi.i of
Surveyor (ieneial. l,... mmlrv. drovo in our rickets and
.... ' . . . i"fe"T" 7 . ci...
1 he rtsolutious prctenti to lie without UB.s:iultei mo ionn
faitisRii charaelt
brace one highly
. .. ..7. ...... r .i.-i..:....:.... ; ! 0111, 0. . - . p,iiufir,
awl tne ingii j'riesv ui niioiiiioui.'.iii ,vl0 recently arnven 10 iik cuiiiiiiiui'i j irom AiKaiisn " '
Pennsylvania nthit r.n namimi his col-0r iUq Tweuty-thiid Hi igade, were also , ( . (, ju j;i vjrl ;,,,,.., ,1 Mv 14.
1,,,,.,,., in tho C. S. Senate-lldgar'made prisoners, Willi -lem. ,,,,5.
Cow ni theie i no mistaking their real
meaninc. Cowun has performed the part
of a, iritlfi the AMtin clniiinA ijt.witi's First Kentucky battery made a
'allaiil resistance, mm mini ui iitij ;
ler ; hut when thev em- !.eguncn, Colonel Fa. kl.uist.wa surroun,
rl 1 ii-; 'ded nnd captured. Con. I. A. Cutten
eulog.stieof Hav.dU,'- " , di ,, ci.Mwil Dutlield,
. .:....: ... in "' ' . ' 1. 1
11. i. , ',,.., I mid l.'il VI .11 11 ft
rn ivHiiied.hut tb" "l"'. '" ,U K":'-
H o'clock this niorniiig n large sit'" has not been rccMtrn.-t.'-l.
,.. , V. .hii'i IT. lio I' ll. nit' iu-ii.'i-i
prevail f 11 ligiit 1 1 1 .M'tbi un Ihi'i aftt r
noon. No paitu iil.u I"" riven lu-ecv
Cyiithinnn is en the Kciitucl y Ci-ntial
Kaiiwiiv. lit'' inile-s " nth"! Cviin-t.'-.i. iilid
.i 1101 lb of I. iti-'tor. . It is the capital
of Man i.m count , and a lluiving town-
". I t ' .11 1 1
I i 1 C , 11 1 , I . '
1. 1 I j ', ,1
I I ..., n
ll I h Mil. I f I.
k . I ." ' C'
ti ' ' Id .11. ' I 1 1
I I.' 11 ll M li , d li '
1 idv r . 1 1 . t 1
Ik I '
I but
) l ' t
mi'. I bat ,1 I
uui'l b" I I I '( I
v. e h 11 1 led l.f r bi
' I.
'.I 1 1
I ! , I
I I It
. I I ' '
1. 1 .
1 ll , I,
1 1
I . I
I M .
1 'nr 1
tl,.. l. . ,1 nil,
I bit I i lo ts fli bill .
...I 4 (nivn tnid ntid our
.' HvlrbiT "I"
, t ' i 1 ' .1 1 1 '' t t be
0 ! 1 Hi1 , . ,1 i...;i,
1 ulith hl.ntil't si 1 tile,
tin ut lii r ; nt d tbm ,
. k. ,t woold ( idi l,e tbn
job ( f bull II lii 10 tl ls l,r III 1 1)
lni'-.l')li llml ll.o holl Wdll J, fh.Piikl.
Is l.ngl in I 'Uid 1'nir t.e, would itnnifdiMo.
Iy tnk" "ide .til (lift .N'wrth. All tniitjilul
luneh loin" o! llic mini' poll, 1 ui b'ni'rrH
tub I tn inc.
Th'is I iv,, s lii nivi'l, nnd led linn fjim
'el I ihle iiiiMiik" lo M'.Otbcr. Al") (ill
time, and upon cm h and nil tliesrt nmt.
teis, the I t titoi i".ey b id ine the troth It
Cl .... 1 .1..: 1.. ,i!,,ic r.r 1 1. a lii .Incn.'the rebellion. He replied
presen eit themselves to every reiiocung v liberal ion that "since the supremo com-
.1 " . II...I l.,i..rt ... , lM'l 11 111 I IN'
., ' I t. .. .. , t. ...1. I ..IIa. I
il.riiriUUtlOn illU (K'L'II MM'HWMl llli j . . 4l r I 1 I , tl- , ,
uiHV j - - - - . . ( ; 1 ur t uiiim ) 11 1, .tit', t ihi 11 in, iut4
uiissary.und I.iout. II. I r Mil, acting as- 1 l,0iul. uartor of the an lval of den. Curtis )fin d ,,.,,. ;;lt,. ,;, tn.) h ttt,
sislant iiuarlerniastcr. , I army ut Clarendon oil tho 10th, utter aK.
l'ho Third Minneeoia, loi. i.ene, anu . mosl () ilily P!urmilui:g, 111 which tno ieo Jvij-I be contract'ir 10 build It bel i-uu
els were wor.-ted. Six thousand ol them j)0.llK t New 1 irleans whm driven from
miido ft utantl on the 7th, ut Cook river, t)lixt , iiy beefuise be failed to complete,
near Uouik'. Hill. . . thcni in time, and was hung on a holt-l pi.
Col. Harvey, of tho .'d J.'linoH 1 egi- a.x ttt Nntt-liP. He is rt poi led to have
nvint, commanding llto udvanco of Ceil, d.rnnded tho Confederates of come j'Omi,
Steele's division, and afteiward-f reinforo- (nini ,vhi li bo investeil in Fiifli'li and
ed bv two eoiiip.'iiiies, attacked theul find i.-,.,,), fmnis.
oomiilo'.elv routed tho rebels, .scattering 1 1 1
them in it'll direclioni. Mosl of tho eno-;
mv He I towards Little Kock. Thoy ul.o :
evacuated Uiinal s IV. jll.
.. .. . , in nniirn.
"rush to arms mut was wunessea ono 1 , , . ' -1 ( (t,1..ic witls ci
year ago, we think there is but one ration. 1 inonauso. v,unSi. w.., n". f(,aml lhllt, a f;lU m;stako had
al an-tver to be given to them. hesl recruiting stations the Southern Con. (Ml
year ago, tho "purpose" of this war literacy nan in e.xiMe.icc, ,... 0 o nni oouoi, : i '
t lmt. thf. mliourninont trjotism. ana tins mausiry 01 11t.11- fttt.l niiini tin Ibn tlllilTilil tin 111 s - .( -
tu ut;iiiiu uiii.1 iiutiu trim tuv 4"uiii wn , k
acy of tho Constitution, and
tho L't'ion," anil when that
ocurcd, "tho war ought to cease
vus the deliberate nnd almost unanimous
declaration of Concrcss just one year hko. "" ,UH u,u """o , .,, ' ,. mUu.rv Ui,M t0 the entire
The peoplo took Congress at thcii word, ! tin,ls 1,1 "1ixm- larmy: a tieneral-in-Chiel who is respon-
I'luusdav ,sible lor the ha-.t, and n eat, ana .ouui :
. .. tvlinKiii.ll rnnnrl In the Secretary of Wnr
1. .. 1. 1 , ,i.... (i.iv ii. inn .
i,ii, 11 m nife i.iifu uoui.iiiiu -j '..,iii. 1 . .111. lo w dm liie
... ! , .1 ...rx. uni.un.ivj f ll it...., - ,, , . . ,n
. . 1 vvi 1 iialUt llUV UllllUllSIl llio raiuin iiciii i , , . , .. " ,. . , . ...i. .. ..... .!;. . Ol ine "O v ei iiiiicni 10 in un i i i ui; i.
" 1"'' P. I.r.1. The ci'ticse the action ;oi uio,euU ? ..csl01.0 ,r:mm,ilitv in tho neii-ii
Pr,c was: 6 - ""ilheir best to save U.eeoui.iry. o 1 , j,, ;M ia.Uul,w,., hav
." Such 1 " "s"lnKlon "" "IU'" , ' luvorne g euenu tu ""i " " " . cd here that Moixan's L-ucrill
0 it , r...:i....i t.rt 1,1., 1 ,n ,,n, i,.,i 1,1 nil 1 iv i , . i u. in
ilior j 1.0., mis auiiiMiru iiiuicuh.1 iu. v.... stroll'' 10 two
and put their faith in this declaration,
They believed that Congress meant just
what they said, and that this war had no
fc .... .i .1 1
yonii praise, nicy savcw .110 i.n'..
Hack and bridges, losing but ft few men.
The relxds destroyed tho railroad depot
and other property including tho tele
graph. . ,
The town was being shelled by Hewitt s
balterry lit tho that report at three o'
clock 1'. M. loulay.
Forrest is not expectod to make an at.
tempt upon Nnshville, as he will find work
enough for hiinsalf to attend to before ap
proaching the city. I'.y reliable accounts
he has li.t.W cavalry, but no artillery or
A c oiiHullation has just been held be'
tween Governor Johnson, Col. John F.
Miller, commanding: the post : Col. Lewis
1. Campbell. Frovost Marshall ; Capt. 11.
I). Greene, ol'Goii. Udell's stall'; dpt. Mo
Freeley, U.S. Commissary ; Capt. l'.iing
ham, C. S. ijuarterniiister ; Capt. l'rodaii,
of Con. liumont's st?ll', and Col. (jillam,
of tho Governor's stall'.
Contidence is maintained in tho ability
ity and
e roach-
.is, 'J.SUO
Miuails, are al Ji.uro.isourg
und IXinville, destroyin,: property and
stealing horses.
Considerable excitement exists in I.ou
iiville 011 account of the proximity of the
euerillas. Ltl'octive measures have been
.Spring OiH'iiuiu
W. SMITH 8c CO'S !
(try aiHIiontl s, reeeiven to-ii.iv, s.iy uiai, r 1111.
Gi'imral C.irlis' coiiimand, about H.U'iO , Latest ami Must . rauiiaulc '! ! 1
strong, has reached Helena, Ark., where;
they nro testing at rresnt. I "?i"t Qmiliiy of rri' ..o.l d..ih
J I I1 mill 1 if I'l.luu l',.r milt! at uur (..ruter iri-
Invasion of Indiana. j"!?'.... 1 ty,.,.
The NeV oik UcrM Saturday hist : tH, uiuterinls fur trvtllin; uuHluinri
eontaiin thennnexed dispatch. We have! uml iiruni 'ineli.. ilrcinM. A (oiniilcte
met with it nowhere else, and tiro dispos- of hmlio' ITuhs Triumiiiifrs, ftuttim,-. '1'ih.wIk.
ed to doubt its authenticity. N'ewburg is! funis. t;i,t l',n.i,l, . Iterlin ...pliyr worMol Sufl
1 , 1 I 1 ...,7.nvilU " I limit V. imi, Kiiihn.i.lfiy silliS, uliv, Pto
a short .Lsumco below Lui.., lUo . . a . ,.t rXrfllllnillKH r,.r Zl(lmV( t B.
CixciSN.tTi, July IS, 1M.C j nisiiK f (iiin,. tilk, While Iliilo, ."'tool
Iniiianapoli.s ilisj.atches lo the Fxecll., buirle, .s'olt Zumtro, lilnok Zou-
tivo lli imrlfiient sav that I lellilo'ison . . ve, Ac, Ac, Ac, is.
Kentucky, mid ew!.prg, Indiana, have
been taken by the rebels. At the latter!
. 1 i'i, ;.,;..i ..... i ;ii..,i ...,,1 t.vni il
IlliU'l' "lilt I, UMi. ii in n. ...n.
hundred and filly sick soldiers taken pri
. , , . , v ... ,,' I who Bhall report to the Secretary
ast. hsviiii been detained one day at the' , 1 1.,,, ...,
iiiiti tnu 1 rniuuii i uuv i ......... ...
request of tho President, who, it seems c&un.rv can look with confidence us tho la k.L n'0',,' V. ' ' I' uoii
.... ,, . ,. . i ...... .... t mi 1 .1. . 1 'it 1 : .... i ( l n 1 . 1 ' ( . " tu. ifl.i".v.i',"i'''
otnor "purpose tiian to restore uie L nion, was not gsilislii'd witlt tho eonhseat:on mil military man wnose siuu uuu e.pei ojih u (j,., ,,,., an(j Texas guerillas, under
enforce the laws, .te., and so bdieving they 1 us presented to him. It seems that he ; ill he equal to the now emergencies oi (;ol (..Vho Eleventh Mith
rallied to (he, call of the President u-illi nn 1 1....1 . ...I ,, nl' 1 1, 1 j I. ill lliii(Vin'!l'",.'",ul'' .- iifim iiml :td Minnesota Kei'iinellts, in
alacrity perhaps unequalled in the history ',s seems to have had an
of tho world. Tho ttrifo vas not who w hat was coming and modifie
should he lelt ta enjoy the comforts of su,i the Pies dent, when he
. ft Jiowovcr wise ami :auuiui cm ii.-n i.i... xt ,.rr,.,.i,n..r, ,.,.!.. ti,;, morniii"
intimation of bli( lhoy ol , gui le andc
,ed their act to i govern military I he gieat mw- n,eriH.onfc ,i,w .Michigan troops had
n.,nrovr..l the tuke w i made when MeClelliiu was r!uc , .... ... .,,t
--J-J --.uinui;mMii.iii..iii.ii 1, .. - . .. . , t,u- I,,,,, dull Ull1 Hit -u . . nvi i.. ...... . b
home and civil life ; but who should have , ,, . hut in doing so also transmitted the victon- yet hie 7iwTmb!
the high honor of enrolling his name for ; v,l0 nmv. !was the result of 'McClellin's plans and .SuisWuIem"!
so holy a "purpose j' and 111 the space of a As the law now stands tho properly of arrangements, and every deviation from ter in tliioe ohnrces. Flaw of truce hue
. 1 . ........ 1 . 1
oners, ilie reiien also iook two nunureu
ami tiftv slantl of arms.
Escape of Prisoners from Fort Dela
I'nii.Mii.i .1111 1, July IT. A
I'll lllbl it s,
I't'liiiiit Sliw'ls
Stolla tin.
C li 11 11. 1. r ny t,
Ginlir. in:,
Ln will-',
letter from ! ?.I,'uu,rr'
.. .... .1. 1 ...1 .1 ... t. .!!.,.:., ,.!.. .1..., . "',
.e t uMif, i'ei., in in" Miiiiuii ." "...i 1 l';,in.y ( inrf
Ct liuiuiiU's,
1 e ui 111s.
J'urn. t'liccks,
Jliikory tri"t
t'unl lirills,
t..i lit' 1. nines
baoe Mitt",
I.uwa ruin's,
11' 11 Ikorcairfi
Iri.-h binon,
Nfck tiitf,
Illni-k rilk
U.i.ip tkiits.
lavs that early yeMerdny iiioriiing eight j ,)OX-.,p , n1.-i ip I n I'TU IT Y '
rebel prisoners arrived there, having I . ' l!r i t f. .
made their escape from Fort Delaware on I 1 0 econouiise-Go to 11. . S. & Co 1.
low weeKs the 1 resident of Die I nitdl rlcls in otil
Stales found himself at the head of an ar-j time of the per mil attainted.
my of SWr Hundred Thjusand of the brav
est soldier! in the world. This declara-
confiseated during the life- his designs has resulted disastrously
Generalship in cluet should
, .'1 . ..... 1
Itl1 , . . , , i',,.... , 1. .... .,,,.!;, ,,,., our
. . I tieUll BV... ... "1 iv.i.-. ., D
have been , ... i ,,,i;,i ,i,t . ..,,,i
tier. v-vi jj(.3 iiu ii j'11-.n -
nifiintainetl. ll llio nnsiane is 1101 a ihi.u , , , ,. . ,. u.0,.k
IH'IU 1113 j...v-. -
l'h i -s in in
. 1 111. 1 . I . 4 till Vbll'OJ I . . , . ( I
aecor.iaiice .u. u,m.5U,ui,u,.. ' 'one. the country may t.lesst.on, who cer- , TJo vr(yjLlX tratk WM toru UI,,l,ut h;id
01 leliei masiers are iu ut mjv ure, .n.u . lan iy lanes onta i .ic m m i...... ..u , 1 ...,,..1
is not improua
ported as jailing
tion, our readers will remember, wits made ! r0V.H 0r color aro lo bo used in such i take ot ourselves. Give us back, or nUa'ck on Xashville is
on the -d July la-t, at the extra session j ,anncr , the President any direct. j S men f ) is
oft'oni'iess. ... - ..;,.. . :.. 1. r i ,11:.. ...i back on .Nasiiviue.
Cougresa eoon nflcrwanls adjourned, and
fter mingling with their constitucnls, the
members agnin ttssemblod in December,
re 1
Hindu their escape
a raft made bv lashing boards together.
They were kindly received by rebel sym- 1
p ithi.ers, mid sent on their road to lii.l
The Wellington Kepublicin of vealen :
day publishes the I'jilowing .lisp .tch.
Wii.i.uisomN, July Pi. Moie than two!
hundred rebel prisoners effected their es
cape last n'uht fioin I'm t Pela vai e, and ;
. . 1 ': 1 . . 1 ' . 1
ina le. irat'Ks 101 cuin. 1 poii niu uiiii.u
of ibe m:iil train al. Peirvville t his fore
noon live of them were found on board, As Tillies are Easing so arc our Prices.
and were iirrested and placed under guard, j 'M'"1 ' "','-'-
It is not known ns vsl how they maiiagi d ! - - - -
where you will reci-ive a superior
ai title nt ft email ad
ranco on cost '.
mkn awaki::!
lo.i't throw away your
nivalis when by goin:; to 1!.
W. ,S, A. Co's. you can get it real
"ood 111 tide of a KIP Hoot for S
Call ami ec :tl-o our iih u'-j rxira hem v
ingii vhoe.
the guaids cf the fort.
v. .... . ,, . . it'i. I,,,,,, nr,.,. tiia.itn.i., nt rpiio i nn. ami .... . , 1 1
C'X-e learn iiy llio Jiarrisuurg jeic-. -r"" 7, - .,,,, I Cnnnonatling has iieen repeatedly nearti ,
1. .1..1 ll r,.r p., si, .111 c.u.Mt ii, iu ti.u t... . . - ,..... Co . loono has arrived with seven
after mingling with their constitucnls, the, 'r7'''','". ,", . ... on earth cannot do it. Js tliere not ,11 cap- f0ir ,llieH u.e i.iiq.f.u. v ......... ,. I)0n, ,or eu,. u llmo ima. -...-. Mul.,,.e0!!5JOro lus v,L,on 1:lken by the
of our Minister, Mr. C'nmeion, at St. I I t,rk OKier -er. , , (.on,istinL' mostly of Texan ' Pan-
when they were asked to repeat their dec
laration of July, that tho purjw of tho
tcrsburg, ho at orco had an audience with I The Observer is the leading Church pa- jjt.,s UI1(l,.r Poirest, but was slit
per of the Presbyterian denomination, and our batteries. The Miehii.Mii regiment
I.-. ., l;i... ...nil nf ll.A vnlii.inns t.leSR ! W as CilptUretl, but tllO .A Mill llOrOUl With
U'eieone over to Abolitionism. The editor ' ,' battery was still holding out at the
" :i-t ac
warvH9to"rroservotliornion,".ic.,lhey ! p10 TJe,r,nd. heralds th'n forth for
.ii:i......i.. ...1,.... . ........ ...I. '. . ... ... ... it.i i'. 1 .111 M . iv :i . i rl, . . . I...... ,, ..,,,1 .i...t .1. . .. . ....
. . " " -..jiuiiMiin Kiiuitius inn i.. '" eone over to Abolitionism. 1 he en
71 l.i I..' . ... . . . r
,; ' ! ,vorl" ,,,,s '""''" t Hcoumiiiii., s RComs Q Ulink ,nolc of vvllito men DuflieM and Crittenden, of! of Maio. Geo. D.ue, Captain 11. C. I'llii.i.n
i ins relusrti Ii.lnl the country w ith the well as good men. li,im (f KVlieiou and law : 1 iwlii.Tii, w. i iinliii ed. I and Cant. A . 1). Collins, to draft resolii
X . f : . "... ,r ,u nrxint iti u i i - . . . . - . mm . i . i .
.o .uiuiMtei t ..I u-ii ...i i (ban Abolitionism, lie :s in lavorolthc,
to pa-
Tribute of Respect.
nn ti'vi AKTEiis 5tii IvKi.T., P. R.
ClMT NKAR 11 AUIIlOS'll I '.A It.
Jam its Kiveh, July 7 1 ''-,
i ,.. : r 1 1, , ii; u r.e 1 1... r.i I,
y I 11 lllLl l v.. ..i,. .. . a ui .... ..,..
liegiiuenl, P. K-, held at their oamp Ju'.yLJ
.j, Im'.-J.'it. Col . J . W. Fisher, wiwcl-
ecteil Piesident and Adjutant A. O. Ma-j
son, Secietaiy.
A committee was appointed con-i-liiii
NEW goods!!
At the Old Prices.
KltATZI'R l5 n-nivoii unoilu-r
n r:i 1 "j-.irlmcrit nf .itn'ii, .
most fearful misgivings and vague suspi-
eions, if not with actunl alarm.
There' is great excitement in Nashville,! lions expressive of the feeling of (he olli
such an emphatic condemnation of Ynion as it was and the' Constitution as , n ntt.jek is expeeti-tl The troop. ce. e at the ur . ' 1 " lUl-;-' '.-W'5'
I'ut lliose who rotuiulcil to nnvheni comUict a Simon Cnmoion nil ol wliurh
I Im. U' ill nun 1 I in l.nwt t'l -tl. ( iwvll.l. nnl 1 m,m ;i m I In i itli'T mil' lit! !L t t li'l t 1'OIH
i! i nnd ilpK;pi vrs tin lUltmiiniZC Of OVCTV I :r 11.. l A ..:. i i .. -iT . i. 1 1 i. . ! . i. : ! x l r
the people in our did ; was piiU-nt to the Kussmn Fmperor, ami profMsing diristian in li country, who battery is in position for that emergen- The Committee oiiered the I'ollo-ving
not slop here. A (short time subsequently he no doubt wanted him vrhcic he could tll0 Union" to the present V-y. ! report, which was adopted :
a resolution was oflirctl to the etl'eet that : watch him. - i.s ' ' Xasfirill.; did;, 11. It was tho Ninth j S'iikiikas, It has pleasetl an All wie
"ibe wnr ih nnl i.iv,.,,l.,l f.,r ,,, ,, ,"' , incipiei: despo. is i . ' ir.Btoatl of the Kleventh Michigan regi i providence to permit Col. S. C Simmons,
the r,h not pioocculed f.r any olInA .. Anotlirr ttlta-k upoI1 , 1C (,ove, nment Sen(l for a specimen copy to Sidney K. lnpn( ,vhich Eurrentleied at Mui I'rcesboro. 'of the oth Kegt., P. U., to be takenfiom
purpose than the restoralion of tho aulh- ftll0iher cflo. t in aid of Kebellion." jp lt v Ncw York. I The Kleventh arrived at the camp near u-, in tho niidu of tho Hi-oat stru jlo lor
ii:.. r 1 1. . . i ii .,1 . . . . . . i i . 1 .
uiuj-ui mo tonsiiiuuon, ana tiuii me i Thswolfscry is raised I V tho Jlarris-: ,., the Louisville lair ('rounds yeslenlay at-; the protection and
ton .-.Alio ai. i i.A.-...r..-. - .. ; tornoon, utter an unsuccesslul t luce day s liepuiilican insiitution
"welfare of the people is involved in main-1 i.urt, Tck,,riph, anil every other Abolition 1
ii. 1 1 .1 .a a I '
uuninj inc pnsentjorm j yoeemiuent, under bheet in the country, whenever the "free
mend the following extract from the New 'chase after Morgan.
; was ill the very height of his usefiilni b-,
York HWW-one of the rankest Fepub-1 Antied'e, J 1. M. Members ol Hewitts lhereloie,
1 I i, . . i i. . ...i r t .. -r i ! ....;.. i V! . .. . ... . t .1 ..... t. ,.r f..
1 . 1 1. a " I'm iii I " Pa 11 cry vno escnp"i.i iruin .u ui 11 ccmi m u, i .nuiotifii, niiii 111 1111: uvain yi . ui. ,-iiu-
'..ho Constitution, wmioi'Ti iia.vhi-: ok moh- ! t..,e " 9Mlmi, tn n-iiieise the nets of tho
"iricTiON." This resolution, so clear nnd ' .. .., m n,l Xaiinnal Ad,i.,iMra- can sheets of that city
distinct, bo loyal. ami so well calculated to'
allay tho reanonublc doubts nnd fears of n.' f,.iows havo became so neifectlv ,'nol,t'1' to deinoiitliate that our National , thai (ion. Rillield was mortally wounded. , this Hegimeir.the I'enna. Pc-eivo Corps, IS i:i Alt
tho People, shared the same fain of . I...1 .. , finances are in "better condition'' now ;tien. T. A. Crittenden, of Indina, was (a- a:.d the se.yice a. la.-e has su-taM.ed a , K K
, ' ' ... . ,111111.1,11)- initnig tot,- mem " j . ii !,... ken prisoner. , loss that iil !e loim and deeply loll.
I..-11MM Cloths
Poplin- Salinetl.s
S!i;i!lies ( '.'i--iiiiei
CM-lnn(rrs Tiveeds 1 ott'iiui'les
I'ucals Ihillings
Silki Jeans
Prints Muslins
Yalohcias I'laliiiels
('hint. Linens
(iinnhams Tickings
L ;t dies I'roiiicniule Jac kct?,
(jnnet, Sun-Umbrella'-,
perpetuation ... our ; C ,1 r I) C t , F 1 O O r O i IV, I 0 t ll
011s, nnd while he 1 '
Hill.", Vyilj), IIUUl."-, CllUVf.
I. ,fK IK l. II
i' imu I s
li.i -iei y
Head- Net's
Press trimming
l"iid.r-ler its
Shan Is.
r..,.,M,i t i.n I I lio Imi tm v nml 1 1 10 Tli iii I mmw. i 11 I lit. m rn i'i'I.. , if t In. .'.l It b of
editor of the Journal. II he IS smart ; ,am!, ,,;,,.,, 1 1,.,',1 .nrrenilere,). ant! while lea. lii' his T.i i-nile to the char ec. 1 Tl
I fit , 1 rii . v. r . it rpfr
line n'l r r.r,'. ..i.At.ivi.u i.t
former, ,:nd tra hid vjkh the. t!de by a vote ihtnlin,' before their eyes, that they can
than they were two years ago, nil wo have 1
w i n i;s
of 00 to
An escaped prisoner reports that the lirsidee.l. That in Colonol Simmons vas
Here, then, wo have our National Lo- tie (,
ll,II.UIIJ. UIII'H 111, I, Vj,- . j - , . . . . j y ...ii;., I'. ..-v.... . Wl J 1 III V . ..v. . - .-, . .., . ....V ......... ..V. ..... ...v
never di.tingnish the diflVrcnce between to say is that he is a good deal sinu.-tcr, Kist ,cona ,, Koul., (ieorgia regi-; a complete blending of the brave soldier,
l.nn ll.t iiAAiiln nrillAfnllf LMIilinBll llint ri t - 1' .1. f ' A... - ! t - . 1 -..C..,-. 1 ...nil...,..,.,
,r . 1 i.0 i.resen imhorilO I,,ur' J"1T 1V , IlieniS, UUl rcuirill IvtMUUUlAV uimnnuiu 11 utr I'tiu mi, itii-i iniiiyti innirmm.,
1 , .. . . . I MV..,., P.,.. .,,T I (HI 111 in 1 tut in I ft 1., a Kit I Ii n nrtmo'i f inn J-.1 tin
cisl.lture delltieratelv retusinn to dee. are ' .i : i,;..i. i. ..I. , tuu i i a..h . ' "", ."" "r -': V" '. '!
" IlliU LUILUia l'(H'IH'-VfU(lfl U.l 11 "I- . . .
that this war has "so other rtm'osi! than ! ..,.. ,,, : ,..:. nr ,1,,, onnln ;. 1,0 injury to comnicrco ft 0111 this act
" 1 ' (the net nifiL:n nos iii?p stimrs a iolm
------ c ( cr 1 c
"",v-" v" must snon d e a constitutiona dea h. ,,iri 1 ;..,.l.:,,l,.l.l,. Tl,0 r
10 nnul iu rn irnvif hitli' rttnl lirMirlif
BKScator Simmons of Khodo T.-hmd, .' ',.,,,.,,,, T., i.rillsi, ' ft,i1PP fnr:
" Constitution ;" or in other words, that,
ii. their opinion, this wnr "has some otiiku
rctro.-E." 1 who hns realized S.iO.iHW out ol the Ijcv oigners gain this jiereemage of PJ per
is there any wonder, then, that the call ernment, hesi.les his salary and mileage cent on all they buy from us and we lose
for more volunteers is so .lowly respond- i I"curi..g n Gun contmct for one of his -J J o Iper system o i Mr. . U.a,. sap-
edlo? Is it Rtrance that this cull isun constituents, lias leon honorably (?) ac- cnl in nntionnlbankiuptcv wnJ ruin un-! (eiu,t of Muifioosborough.) about 2((MH in will sustain thorn in this dark
heecicd, nnd that large additional bounties 'luittcd. uecausc no conieshon tne roi.oery ,.s9 jlr (jhase is stopped very oon in liiS . '"I'"""" '"b ' ueti j;.it;..
Clotliinir- Notions.
Jointed Hoop Skirts, Sliaker?.
Musical Ti!o(m!s.
N'iolins, I'ifes, Strinps, I'ridjeR, Pows, Vp.
Preceptors, Music-Paper, I'osin.
men, under the command ol Cols. Fop j hfd won the confidence ami esteem of ev-
rest and arner, (i,tH 111 ull, were ad I ery other r mid private ol his command
vnneinj: on Nashville. ami in his death we feel that we have his
Tho Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry and tained .111 irreparable less.
the Seventy-fourth Ohio arrived from j JiesnleeJ, That wo tender our sincere
Lebanon last nieht. Four regiments are! condolence, to the bereaved family ol the;
comipg from Iluntsville. .deceased, and trust that although thet 'pjnVare (ila-s-Vnie, Drills, Limps,
Xasltvllk, July lti. The rebel guerillas heavy haini of allliciion has been laid up-! jj,,,.,,. pronnis, TiiIij, Clairns. Wall l'lisr,
havo fallen back towards McMinnville. on (hem. that an all merciful Providence iti:.i i-,i,rnu' Srlnml Hunk.', nr-
hourol nisi,, MoFf. Curlfil llnir. Coiu'li Irminnn
, Sniril . Turiit'iiliiic. Linn.fil Oil, Kinh-Oil, C'ol
A'.Wrc., That a copy of these resolutions 1 Oil, (llnss, Ac. in fart a litCouf evorytbn.g u-n-
mfist ri'innnt-
cl cmintry fro-
are found necessary to bo offered bv Stales 1 in "open court." 1 litre is r.o doubt but Headlong career lo destruction. I he poor 1 ' . ' ' , f . , . ' V '7.
... . . . , a, ill 1. i, io wir,, ..n.l ll.o i i. i i. hor nui iwob' mmure
cities and towns, as an additional induce- majority ot the .-.cntio.s .ouna nrli ; ed and 02 wounded
uie.ilfor men to respond to the call, where- themselves in the ?amo situation, though , , ,t' ,;n;' nn,' l,.lU. in,-1 killed and 1(10 wcunt
asono year ago tho ranks were filled by perhaps less in amount. classes will be sacrificed to those of (h,. taking good care of the woundetl, and have coming, Hiadford, Lanca ter and North-
.i ,. . ......... r.. . nr. c;..w. i.- r.. i :n n.: n,n.i..r ,;v ,.,i r..,m.i f. buried the dead lelt by tho rohels. ' umbcrland Counties.
uie yuuiii oi our coun irv at, uie nrst can ... i . -....inuni. i..i vi m . ...o ....... . w . .v.. ....v. .... . -. . . ,. . . , , . . . . , , ,,. , , , . , .
y;v.u mull wuniij iiinitii, ... , Citizens are actively enlisting in the! Lieut, Col. J. W. ! IsIIhK
is ii nirtuigo mai mo cny oi uosion siitiuiii T xhe total Loss at the Eichmond Battles
esborough was ."..1 kill- be sent to Mrs. Simmons, and published ; .8.U0""!7 ""'.r?' ,.
, a r ii . i , , ' . , I, ii i All of whifh will lie nolil nn Hi
I he rebels lost AO in the papersof Dauphin, chux lkill, Ct-n-!,,,,, trms ,r Cafhi r ,,,,,,.,
tied. 1 he citizens are tre, Cleai lield, Huntingdon, I nion, Ly-,(C(,0
add f 100 per nun to the large bounty al-, though "caught in tho very act," there The roowing Mntenu.nt( vhirh conios
ready ollorcd by the government ? that, aro none found willing to "cast the first from an ollicial souree.snys tho New York
Connectienl hhould offer f.'iO by act of her stone," but all sneak aay and let him nt Time, may be relied upon as a perfectly
legislature? that tho Governor of New lor' correct enumeration cf tho Union losses
York should Authorize- the military auth-j Br 1'ho mc class of em-papes and Jur 11,0 six la-v'8 ,'nUlpR 'cfore itlch"
oritios ot that State to pay 5jt.0, trusting politicians that used to call Democrats Corps. Killed. Wotin'd. Miss'g. Total
tne next legislature to legalize tne act 7 "uougniaoes and "L nion avers," now Franklin,
that the Governor of Pennsylvania khould call them "Coustitutional t ticklers" and , Sumner,
seriously contemplate tho convening of pn . "traitors."
1,3 13
I.l 7 !
Totals, l,5f5 7,701 5,'J58 15,224
Jsjjflt is truly hughablo tc see the State
t'li.nrfilil, May 2S, ISH2.
4 I100N ravor tlrenmeil of ltv tAv.iior nfii
pwretl liv Amrki.d. Discovoroil aei leiital!y-
Had there been a majority of j.0?'09' , '
oxtraession of the legislature to devise "doughfaces" and "Union Savers" in tho ' pIJe ' -3
means for raising the quota shy 50,000 country in le'GO.our neighbors and friends 1 Cavalry, 19
fro'u tjiij State? Is it strange that the would not now be wreathed in the habili. j Engineers,
young men of tho State of Maine, (accord munl 01 lamentation and woe, and could
ing lo nowspnper report,) are Docking to'CftUnJ dri,,k their without an enor
Canada lo escnne beinc drafted? Is i. mous tax Uon them to support "shoddy"
ktrange, in fine, that drafting u threatened P'triotism anil enrich Government con- jorg!in of tho A-joinion pnr,y ,Unouncc
tt be resorted tt in all the lny.d SUilei .' ji.acior. j the democratic party as traitors, and at
Wo think it is not strango at all. No' Ws-Tho Kankrupt hill was passed over the same timo defend and shield such
other rosull could have deon reasonably by Congress until next Decciuber. This nhoddy-chip hat-linen pantaloon-pntriots
autieiputed. Tho late test-ion of Congrefs' was rather thoughtful, as by that timo as Alexander Curamings and Simon ('am
is alono responsible. Every member who, bankruptcy may overtake the country eron, who entered the very sick chamber
either directly or indirectly, refused to without further aid of Congress if the of the nation and robbed tho Boldier of
declare that this war has no other rta. engineers continue to "run tho machine" his clothing i.nd tho country of its uouey.
ro lhu the RKSTOIUTION OF TU F, as they have started it. "0 ! coneitteocy, thou rt a Jewel.'"
Home Uunrd, and reinforcements are ar. 1 Presitlent.
riving No danger is nov apprehended , Attest A. (!. Mason, Lt., and Adit., Sect, i
of an attack on this citv. ' , ,. 1
t .'....'. i..'.. 1: ti.. ii. .u.: uoniession 01 a xvcnuoiiuau-
il.. 1 i'i.. ,i. . . 1: I for l.inrnlti. That's BO. I car- 1 Kvry owner nf a horfd must turn it. Soinfthinf .'iviluii o . miiv. .urn, iiirui, ut.Mluit;i .... . ..... .l.n.t .
the lone bridge on the Kentucky Central l ied a lamp sixteen nights, and wore out -loi.n.ler ... Lorsos m m ho't i
1, 1 11 . 1. . 1 1. ..,.... ii.n ,.,. A'nn kt. I nm n. "" nr"-' f0 ratiifally ns to only ho fur ihsm)" "
Hailrond between (yiit.ana and lV.s as many as t 0 t apes. ou see I am a ! ibor.TUKh1y rmdicstes tl.o ofTer!.
A gentleman residing near Cynthiana bout toconf. ss all and makea clean breast. from lio lem , fmnl.2 Q 24 hours, fo that
savs Morg.ui's move on Frankfort nnd I voted for Lincoln because 1 was told that i your horse, so stiff to-tlay thnt you cnni rt
Lexington were feints, tho re il object be - 1 his election would put nn end to the sla- him out of the stable, ly' to-morrow is red.y W
ing to strike tho railrontl at Paris, nnd des- veiy agitation, and quiet the country tnkc hia nliiro in (he (onm. The l",'tI'VJjr
troy the Townscnd viaduct, which it would Tho 7Viioi ail so ; a largo committee of never tlreiimeil of it, and it
take weeks to reconstruct, and then des Republican leadeis confirmed it. 1 don't' 11 -T '.,n!ra' n."r ,tn -Imp-troy
property in Hourbon county, nml re pretend to know much myself: but I sup y!" '"n"'ur,!n '
tire to Ilarrod.-burg or Mount Sterling. posed our leaders know, and 1 believed ,,co' drci"cuUjn" The reuniy if tUcntm-
Advices (rem Lexington last night, to them. ils'retinn, and ennnot prmluee W I''a
Mai. Hutch, of Cincinnati, renders a nart I voted for Lincoln to nmke times cood. f"t. Co.t nnthinff. Kxists everywhere
of the above theory improbable. 1 1 is re- Tho leaders told us that limes would be ! fill care to tho end of time. Tliero is no
ported this evening that tho railroad track bettor than ever, if Lincoln was electod: humbug imiT, nor catch-penny bimincs? n 0
between Lexington and Frankfort was That six dollars was only a Locofoco price ;ut tho simple truth hoheitily etnted. j
torn up to-tlay by guerillas. for pork, and that 1 .night better have T 1 ne nnd" o, s. I promptly info .
Later. lAmsulte, July lb. I he rebel the Lincoln price, which would be eichl. 1 ,ih nr,.i,,. hi the remedy if. )Wi"
Morgan was at Midway yesterday'at nocn, i 1 am not a rich man, I was not able to mm, nut of money returned in case if fi'm
where he cut the telegraph wires, tore up give any land to my sonR ; .but I wanted (which U iuipoMiblo.) All',r0Kfl'.pTTr,r
the railroad and took everything convort- each of them to hare a farm! Thelenders J. F. FR'j 1 J0':io
ible to his use. lio had lour Impound told me Hint my boys should each havo April , n.'.
howiUors, but it is said only six toundsof 100 acres when Lincoln was elected. Poor r -VA('ON of the Intert mid n"1 l"J',,,'
ammunition. Ho left lor fJeorgetown last lads? One of them uleep in a trench nt Z i mi pattern new, and in complete order-"
ovening nnd encamped thereon Gono's Fort Donelson, and the other in tho hos slererjhenp fonmh. nTraEJ
farm, lio said that he mcaut to visit pilal at Mound City. : Msj7, 'M. M ERR 11,1. i' "-