Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 16, 1862, Image 1

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I Ml
(.u:i'i ir.u vi:dm'M)ay, jplv , lomr.j.
TERMS-$l 29 per Annum, if paid in odranc
.1". NO 171V
, , ii mm i ii i rirr T"
, If V
WV Aru vi-lv 'V-'X' Aj If- i
. I A I I 11 V V I II I M I - 1
' H Q ( .ft i I
Jtl.lMC pOllll I'
man is ("iivciui
which, l hi v 1 1 1 1 '
hi will, In' n f -l 1
. MM ! I
tiie ;.t
, is thai
rs.aii'ln g and
tho i!iiiu i i
human life :oi I cLai'iiel
vine Inv ( .-iii'l i ru t lis I
r, in. 'I I ln
It i's
are to I ,
the poiir.i
form hit;
has give
nnd to Mi
"1 !'
lie Ii:
: tMi
l; i 1 1 to i 1 1 1
rn (ii. il 'uri- f
!, i. build,
ling to (in.1'
I I.
mom, !.l
to tin '!i .!
is e
in' .;ft I- lil
t r.l l.t fen lull!
In C
an ! uii(-l,oiils ii,cri ,
an i- ;oii oiii;! 1 1 : 1 1 i i (la y-j ;ii
. II I IK: . I . ! J ' i
! lhoiitli- ;iici
Mil ' '
a, ( i
t , Vcili'S ol .i.-CIV
.("I I il Ml illi.i 'II !. I i.i
on. An!
ft yrc:a .1
nurture an-
'. in .rn'!, i,iii--!in!ii-
fill;.' 1 1 ! in !(..
i;ii-n!i'.i. .;'ti I. c I :"
they ar" I 'n c v
thry &"o I-1 i t : r I'
tij:ii rf ha'-. :.- in '
ci.. I i'ii:-. ll-.
;;fO..I WJ'V t..-
1 '';ii .,.
I 1., I.,
I Vli
y 1:
Cii. i-li .HI! '
ilicy aic not
tht1' ii'i ;i
t hi.n
1.1 :
iuYf It is ( I'n
PPP -I of ft jiei'li
to he felt. i'l.
f '1.
C to
.in r, wiih
ing, cuinot make hi
noujrli trot Ioiilt n '
li to
him. PIhco it aid u :i ii
may, it loaves nme j 1.1 i t i.:;o
the more it is drawn njnui nic
the inoro iKilidl others arc ma
o 1 I i
may not yet think it a "lilihy" r.
hut ho nainiot help h elio that it i
only a "ra;r," h"t!i in it; ih-v-mii-'ti:
and Htrcngt1: ; for it tears win 11 it .-treU-lK'3,
and tails oil win n hi a! w
This in not tiioi-i' q iainily (.)'rt-ci
than it is literally true We try Ii
otahiish our oh ii ri,i;!:tooii.--iie unii
we weary or 'lo-jiair d it ; and tin n
did not the Spirit oi'c'od, turn mir ;t!
tention to l'l:rift, wo t.
m Id
IV.! 1'!'
rvliirion altociher, as a
.less tin
derhikine;, in our own case. It is on
ly hy seeing somrlhin uitahle n- t ii
touragin it tho Savi ur that this i
prevontfd. Icli-;ion would 1' al-an-dotioJ
hy every man who had Irii'd
hard and tailed utterly, did not tin
Spirit Mop iu at the taot.n nt of ex
Irciuity, ai.d show him so
the poMon and work of 01
1 1 1 11 Oi
UrNr.tliine; a iial i-r L"'" i i:i youi
Iirinoiplos or exj oi ieiicc wil! e-o v.-f
.y cc-nooittratii: r c";il'i.iin.f your
Cfiro, for a time, to th;' ae.piiivineti!
theono gracoyui lack ino-t. No otii
er fruit of tho spirit will fall off from
tho hranches of your profession, oi
ce.iRO to ripen, whilst you aro o,iv.r.a.a!l
your dilliKvnco tu add to t'.icni a limit
they have never homo yet. i id w ill
tft'p p.aro thai tho h iOO votl derive
from the cross, ar. tho poiu-o you oh
tain from the promises, and tho help
you got from ordii.titicoli.-ll not -top
r.or diminish, wh,i:-t you in your -I ar
tictor, which yo;; kr.ow to ho
and which he ias otlen eniiteialod a
gftins.t. Nay ; he w ill add Oi his care
of tho genor',.1 inter' s! t your soul,
whilst you are si.hiiu t vo ir faith
that fruit, the waul ol' which injures
you, and di.shor. jvs huu. Kc!iie:o..T ;
you wer no i..i-r. wher. jm !ioan to
follow Chris '. y the i mis you O" 1; tn
rotnedy wht.t was v, r.-1 in your case
tiion ; and (K; end on i'., you will he
ncthinp; hy t --tkit.-r tho same c mtv.
with what is wui'M' now No one ever
went ii ii'k iu I'.ii i.-.tiar. exH-riciico or
comfort, hy a Ft! cll'nrt to get I', -ward
in a ncglctlod lino of Christian t har
actor or toir.p?r.
'The prihoij io or fountain of all his
actings for : nrcoiisolat ion. in his own
great lovo and ioiiuuto ("indecontion.
Ho willir.gcth, or nics I'orlh from
tho Father, to Lo our comforter, lie
know what
, '-. aie
it wo
could do a.vl . L
inga with thorn,
gnevo him, ) :
enactions, d-
and yd ho v. .:
fortcr !
'ii i
1 ,1,11 1 o , ,,
!e knew v i ould
" oll'l. ijlli lifll his
dwell!.;; p'm e ',
fill to j.o ,,ul- eom-
"Want ot a duo cons
rati-ni of
thlS grout love ol the ilo , 'i
weakens ail tho principles of our obe
dience. We l'i-o both the j o. r :,i,.
pUiisnre of our ohodioiioo lor want of
tLis consideration. Jet tho muI lay
duo weight on : 'The Holy (iho-t, in
tis infinite love and kindness inwards
mo, haa condescended to ho my com
forter. Ho doth it willingly, 'freely,
powerfully ! What have i received
from ,im I" In the multitude of my
perplexities, how hath ho refreshed
my soul? Can I livo ono day without
his consolation '. And shali I grieve
him hy negligence, sin, or lolly ? shall
Dot his love constrain mo to walk he-.
Tot him in all well pleaning? '
t M
rr.MuuJlATIC 3 IXli. COX riMIOS
lii -loiint : niiii ', In- i i. 1 1 !U" 'I lo
I l.c 1 i.uii- Mull- ( 'el. 1 1 ,il O iii ii.. 1 1' -,
the tl legates tlolll tht scV 1. 1 1 OI I 1. 1 1
me l In -ioc ii (ii in c 1 1 ll lets tui;l i.) lii" ;
liiilt "I lh' I! HUM' ill ii - u-M'iit. tiv-. ul I'1 '
tl'l-lm k nil the 1 1 1 1 lit ,1 II ly, II IK 1 Wol C cull
.1 to unlcr .y llic lion. V. II. Wci-li
On nil ( i1 mi ol M r Si .n ilit, ( i en. i koiiok
V . ol' Aluv'licii) county, li 1 1 il 1 1 1 ' i
iiiou.sly cho-i'ii l!'iiij'U'My l hiiMtnu:i. !
( 'II
ni" i ion , l he luh. uv in ti iii'oi.tiy
SciTci.ine.i Kelt' t'icclcil ; l.n
Ii Zcijk'lcr, oi
I -ii ' ii I' ; I I 1 oi ly , ol .n in 1 n n
I o o .'. !'. I h I , ol . nolo:, ; A . .)
I :,-i'll ol llr.llri,.ll.ll.i, mi i T. V.
ol I'l' ll.ti', !
''ll 1 1 II. . Ml, I lit' i i'l li'-",l
C tllcl i i.lj I. i' i I c !y, iiolii V. hi
!' ol i .i : .;.-(,:.. l.iinl ;
. in i .
1 1 , i-
.Il U.c
ATliii Al..
I.ii'lni'l Y,
1. Al'll"
MM , III. 1 Li !', J o
I, it
1 i,'i,i.
'. I .-((.' I' iillil i ciilW
i . , 1 1 1 l.'Ii.i 1 y - r.. I
ImicIw- -S. lVlll.ll.
.I,.-,loIiii II.
. AckKI .
1 1,
itnj I;
.M iil.-t
1,'ol.ut Mi.
1 1 1 in
L " J III .
J. a.
.11 :.ii,l
1 .
01 iiiiiii
.', i,i, 1.
: i.i. hoi
i'-j 1 11,11
..11 ii Le
loiitoor una i
mid M i
'm. K W iii .
J '.!
-Oil .
I.f II .
A 1
-'V. v.
S. !':. a
ill v 11,
. I'm i n-i-.lMiti
ll 11 1
l a''..
i. i. d t'i'.aifnld
i i. s t ; .i i-r' - . A .
ai l I ',i ei I
iniii-i A.
ir.itoti an
1 (in,
Will. I n! lei
-i n.
. iicjjii t.y-
I'.i a ti i l.d
'1 V
Ii .
ei r.
I , It
I.a'A re:.' e, .m l cer an 1 v
oiin .M'Mlii.jht.
line mid 'i.e. fold Vi-r
a. c
mi a.
l-ak -K.
i I n ioii, Fo.e.-t
i il'eisoii and
nrrai -kniativi:.
A 1 . U'i il iii'l ,1 1 le.lslev.
A ili-uli. m J.nnes 1". Kiehards
.his. Jr.
-la:.; in 1
m, I r. Penny
I i.,i ;,i r.
ia.n, i- - Win.
I.' '.!'.- I 1 1
- V. m. !
: ,d- .'ni
, ,!e.-- f
. Hock well.
I'.dwar I T.
111 R-.
Puller - lame
oh Zp:
Catnt.ria.Iohn Feid'Ui-
Cent ic Ira ''. Mitchell.
( Tin-'.i': - -.)... u 1. Jones. .John I. I.av-
el ly. Jo-. 1'. V- ilitoll.
( i.,ri in, i'ove-: and 'flier-, n C, C.
i i-uiield, M'il'Mii an.! Fik-C T. M'
t;,, , ,1, 'I I n. ml.
(' inn n-.l. II. Otvis.
Coinii.Lia, Montour, Wyoming and Sul
vim Peter lint, f0". I. Jackson.
Ctimi o.l.tinl -Thomas oT'.ryan.
I'liuphin-Oeii. A. L. Koumfort, J. C.
1 lel.iw are William V outis.
;,!,,.. Wm Pillion, W. A. ( iiiil railh.
F.i e-tte T. H. Senright.
F uukiiii a',d Fulton Hiram Ke -cr.
H. (i. Smith,
i 0 ,v;i - .los. 11. icrrard
liuiitn. -toi, .1. S. Allien.
I iKii-iua- i ti.- . lai-K.
I.'iiiea-'ei --ainuel I-. K liel'. liV). I.,
hi ki l l, .' icie- I'. Andrews, Ci. J. Hurn.-l.J
1 invi elK i. I . S. Mol l l-.
Pel, in mi- -S. I'. M' Aii.iui-.
I.ehiL'h .Hal Calb,,li Ihrman iJupp, S.
L Site-.
I.u.'.i mi (. S. I i.i Isoii, Stanley Wood
w ard. and Homy Wiibur
IneoiniiiL' I Ij ii Piatt,
M.Mecr-J. M. Aithur.
M iillili-- (ioorgo li: tes.
M.,iiioe mid l'lko J line- H. Walton.
ilni'lV- (ii'Ofg,' Lower, iieoige
W. U .0,1, y,
N 1 1 hum!
At. !n-v
bold, S.I lull'
11 -leunler.
I L.
11. D.ivi-.
. A. Stout, John A .
- I i irniiii II 1'urily.
A. M-lg.-f.
n-.l F i-'er, Je
,l'. I P'De any,
I in. 1 1 1 1 - - m, i
l.diii 11 1 latt.
--c Jolmston,
F !; lieitll-
I'lCtiini', H'nt
An Ihony .1
I Snyder, J I'
Huberts, li 1
III"!'. A D, Will (
Sutton. V J Sheibio, I J
ii'M .- .,:. ,( .,i 1( ,,,,. Arnold.
S. ,kiil -J J Conner, Jonathan John
son and J Ilov cr.
Soineisel -A II Collroih.
Sii-,Ueh;u,n i A J Gen it -on.
I log. i and 1',. tier 11 A toicinsev.
I nion, .'uiii.iiii ami Snvder las
, i , . . .
l oiiog, a Ji iuiniiiKcr. l'lumer.
Win ieii J. i . .Li i.i -.
Wii-hiiigion li W Mi.i.t, A II Ktker
Wavne bunes K Daik-oii. Arm-trom: Jacob
Turin1', Jiiuies C Clarke, .1 A Fulton.
VorkAd.iiii tl-itugli, S N P.aihy.
Hon A Gilruore, of Kette, rlh?i.d a
I II C .111111, llc'C ol IVl t
lO I -. .1 I ( rill lll' Ill
oi i r o i 1 1 ' i i . . k I M .1 i ' . "
1: n 10 ,,i Clin cmiiillli i .''iiiiii ic-io-
'i'hc fn -t nvohilion w hi itwI hy l!
I r-t :il v.
.Mr. I iiint'Cilnn. of i.'liiiion,
(lll'cll'll to
nnii'ii 1, " Mini the ('i nvention do i,ot ,rn
(..,, 1 to licet II ) it'l llllltielit I'ltMll, 1.1."
AI'CI' Millio liel'.'ltl', the KM'lliUOII of
Ml- l.lllll'il'l loll W l.-l lio'tei. 'II I' follow-
iii in 1:111 iiht ion- wi-if tin 11 1 inn 1 1' :
Mr I. n ,11 1, ci t mi iiiiniii.iu-il !' V lluhcM.
M i' I ' i l.h r ,, ivu liiuil Vhux.
I 1 o .1 V .Jnliiej ,, (J, 11 li '.'us 1,
1 11 '' lu ll ,, ,lill-ll-' V .illtl fl i
A 1 1 1 ' -in oi U ,, k uhh 1 lcj.liiii ir.
(oil .l.-ili,i -i 'v'l , e.S hl- lllillll'.
(I111 u-n w 1 1 in i 1 ev lie inline,
lliii ,. 11. ii.-'. llei l'iiin wiMch-cw hi-i
M 1 -"' ii' '.n ii inoM tin-iioininit
t i. 11 of Mr 1 1 11;. Ik s le loiido un.iiilinoil-.
)lici In i:.s heini: made, Mr Mitchei
witliereiv Ims lnolion, wlien the lunveii-
(ion )i''oi','d to vo
l'l o -:i. nt, u ilh ll.e I j
il'o.- a per imineni ;
owiiiL' re-nil : I
M011 I lla-lHii I'.i
Hon K Vaux 21
S Hcli hunt 1 1
Ai odd riiiiiier
.I.'ioo'. .,,;, r
Mi II Hell--- ,jn iuj! ii ninj'M'ii y
ee- u ,ir d"cl.i c 1 eloel?d
1 ,, ,
1 ,, I
fall (he I
o o i t.i n ol M' Kiehiird
v. i ,ie !,.: i'.im; i mi ol' Mr
ol AUcelie
11 ni:!iC'S Viis
:..! una,. li.i-i-.
lie l'-..-;i,elil I !' ('!' ll H .is l feorlcd (
t!. I y
! hi. tl: u.
: -i Van x an
i.iir. Mr 11
il il li-W Hp
. led a fes. i
1 Hephiil n.
: : In - retnr
M-ojirilile re
nri..ii' ( la n il a resolution in re-
io Mil -1 il iiO-s. intended to meet the
c isp oi' I w ) s 1 in! itu'.e- fro ul I'l nl id,' 1 ph i 1 .
Tiie r -o.ulioa jr ive lo c m iderahl 2
n, of Su- ',ieli:nn.i, innvo I
ion t lint a e miuiit tee of live
in each e i-e, which was in
a modi
j Tlio ('li, iir a ip oiiiled M'"'-rs (ienitson,
' -:i i-i 1 1 . Iimherlon. laddie and I ca'.
j ()n liioiion i ''ill Hij2 nil oliieel' lot' pel',
man' nl oi niiiiia-ii. the l're-ident deci
ded that i-i.i tin- 1 1 ol '4 1 1 1 i mi ire's rcsnlu
! ;. i s a conn ;np,iti-d the :i,pointment of
1 1, ii l -1 1 1 1 , e di legates hy tlio moulder of
the ( 'onvenlion, heini' one Irom each Sen
.ivi'i. t!
. ; ,i.c
i - vl llic
11 10 ., i
. toviii! ii-tiicl, to -rdcel pi iiniuier t olli- as Secretary, the husiiipbs ol tliH Coto'en
i ov, and a committee to draft resolutions lion.
had carried . Which, on motion, was passed unani-
After loini- dedale, on motion of Mr moudy.
Vaux, the Coiivcntii n Ok k a l ivess for At uqunrtor after ,r) o'clock I lie commit
ten tniin.le,, io pmihlelho ilck-pite to lee on KeKolutions, through tlmir Chair,
poleel their .vnitr-it to men. man, Arnold Plumcr, madu tho lol-
lnrii" (he rec-ss. I ij President nn- lowing report :
s, t, hi- dcsision tiial th- resoln. WiimiKv, The Ameiican Con.litnlioii
tion contemphiled the appointiiient of Iwo was oi damed and eslahli.-hed l.y our hit li
committer s one to select otneers.inni inp
i.tii.-r to iliid'l resolution
( In 1 1 1 :e a-sen hiiii,
tiie .- nd i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 . ct
u he:;, on i, mi inn, t he (
I n an et at .'! o'e'ot
A F IT'!; N't ii 'X
of the ( ' ti vent ion
weie iinr.oiiiiced,
eineiili' n adjourn
in l!u .iftei i, c on.
'i i,H Cm veil ! Mil wa- culled to order , -it
;'. o'clock by the I're.-i lent.
John Ilodg-on wit- -'ih-'. it nod for one of
the deh i!;iti -i from Clie-ter muniv. w ho
all ''.I to an iv e, ow ii. to i:idi-p' -:! ii n.
(i'li'I'd A. h- !;!i:nfat. eluiinu-m ol
the com ui it tee to -e ,.-t i erauineiit (I'.ieei
i: ted tho lollo'.ving :
v, t: v..!..-1 ioa; '.
. I'lr.ladeli'iii i Jc-.-e .loiinsor
i I
A. J.
Ceeiiler, Dr. Win.
II. Chester and 1 1
III. Montgomery -:
I X. l'llicks .le e
Smoel'. 31. Arnold,
'a.v.n e J . P. In an.-.
- Dr. K. I,. Acker.
W. Kniiiht.
V. Lehigh sind Northampton Kobcrt
VI. Perks -Philip K. Miller.
VII. S-huylki!l i rank 1'. Dewoes.
VIII. Cai hon, Monroe, 1 ike and Wayne
John Smith.
IX. Iiradl'ird, Siisqtie!i.inna, Wyoming
atnt Stiiiiviin (icoigj t. .iiicKson.
X I.tUeine -tieoigeS nderson.
XI. Potter, McKtan and War
ren Thouia M . I'lddlo.
XII. ('Iiotoii, Lycoming, Centre and
V nion J. II. Young.
XIII. Snyder. Northiimbpil mil, M(in
tour and Columbia .1 aim (i. Freeze.
M. Cmibei Ian 1, Perry, Juniata and
Mil!lni--.'ohn Ko-s.
XV. Dauphin and Lebanon J. 0. Me
A liu ni y.
X V I . Lam a-lt I tl. fi. llu-h, (ioot L'pL.
XVII. Vo:k-S. X. liailev.
XVill. Adam-, Fninklin'and Fultor
Jo'ni 0:r.
XIX. Somerset, liedford and Hunting"
don Jacob Peed.
XX. Pliir, Cambria nnd Clearfield
William Forbes,
X XI. Indiana and Armstrong -Jo. eph
M. Tie, :,;-,.. '
XXII. We.-'morc'liin 1 nn 1 Fnvet! 5
Jiicol) Tin nev.
X X 1 1 1. Wa-hingtt n and Greene Wm.
3'iit ier-"n.
XXiV. Alloghenv-Dr. D. A. Ten nev,
S. P. h'e-s.
XXV. 1',1'avcrand llnller Wm. Lmf.
XXVI. Liiwieneo, Mercer anti Venan
go .) J. MnArthur.
A V 1 1 Erie and Crawford 1'. Church.
. III. U.rion. JehVrsnn, Forest and
Llk Kennedy L. D'.oud.
sEi idTAUiEs.
Jacob Zii?cler Puller; '1'. II. Purdv,
Northumberland ; J. II. (V-vis, Clinton
A A.
J. Gerntisoti, Susquehanna: T. W.
Sutton I'hiiadel'phi.i ; T. T. McA.latn,
Lebanon: Jame-livm, Allegheny: John
P. Deljney, Phllinlolphiii ; .laooh Bush,
Adams; in. Mchiuglil, Mercer: lewis
11. Diivi-. Montgomery; James M. I'.rp
din. I'.ntler; Samuel Lhrrah, liuck;De
, ,-- li.x-kwell, Prndford.
, Thy report of the.eommittte was adop
tf l.
It. Ai lu r if!eici i i-o'oluli'iii (h it I'ic fill urnt of ( iti.crM titnl the suspi'iiMon ol
f'piivi'iitioii tioiv proi il 10 f!i iici nl n.iiii' Iho writ of , il .- rris in violation of (ho
iii'iliotii lot-riiliiluliiti tn he siiifii'li-( ,y ( 'oust it nl ir ti in S'ati'.s when' tlio civil hu,
(he lKinocrm-v t f thin I'ointiiotuM'nlili nt tlioritics 111 ( iinimprilci. is most limber
tin. ( let ili.-r I'leetioti, ami 1 hut (hoy ho vo ouh (o civil lihcrty, and shouhl he lOHisicJ
led lot liit for Survivor (it-ncrnl, nnd "t tlio !nillol-Lox y cvciy ficcmun in the
next for Aii'litor (!eti(M..I. jhniil.
Mr. Miller nio ,il I) an. , 'ii.l hy reel jiiig 1 i'l li- f!rsJcrJ, 'I'linl thit In a (iovermnont
the oi'iler ol'votitif?, rtlm h wns nrccd to. 'ol white men, utiil wus i-htuhlMieil exi lu-
l'etiilini! Iho motion, 11 motion to 11 -,(- lively lor t ho while tine ; that tin1 ne.mrn
1 111 t
il the committee mi 1 ei,lii tion
wie iciiily torpjiovl, prr-vailed.
( in inoi ion, it wns rmolvt'd llmt an an
se -nieiit of ttvciity li e cel. Is I c 11,, eie nil
Oiieli nienil'Ci' to meet nocesSMl v evpeiise-i.
Mr !oH'iotli oH'eifil tho I'ollD'vioi; :
k'.-.Yk'Y, '' hill the Convention now pro-
reeil to tiie election 01 a 1 li. ill 111:111 01 tin
Central Committee, tux) that the !
iit..K ino'i. iiM.r ,. mi.iol.or fi-,.1,1 !
i-mli Si'oat-it inl I'ljlriel
Mnill hp solcL'ted !
hy the delcL'.'ites.
Some olijeetion hoitij mado to the pns.
no of the resolution, Mr. Coll'roth wiih
I rew it lor the present.
(hi motion ot Mr. CnHVotli Col.,leoh
aefiler read t he 1 'cclarat ion ol liidepei,i
di nee, at the conclusion of which u vote
Jol thankd ti I'Midored toliim liy thel.on.
' vent ion.
I tin motion of Mr. M iller, (iener:il lionm-
fori was t'leo'fd TiTiisnrer of (ho Conven
In (he uhsetico of any other,
the President su'o-ted the propi iely of
nietiihcts j iuj; in their assessments,
which suiceslinn was itniiiediaioly acted
U 1 1:.
( hi nio'.ion of III. Snyder, the Convom
lion look n lece-s of lifteeii minutes.
Alter the elapM of an hour, A. II. Cotl'
lolh moved lliat a eommitteo of three he
11pp. iinted to wait upon (lie Committee on
U"-o'iiii' in to ascertain how t-oon they
won Id he likely to report. Aftaed 10.
The (.'hair ap.oiiiled A. II. (.'otlro'.li, K.
M. Kerr, and M r. liicln ids said commit
tee. In their nha.'tice, the Committee on Suh
stitiiUMi I)eleiiles li'ported that evcryi
tiling laid heeii amioahly arr: ngeil, and
advcd to he d:.scliaie'l, which was iij:reed
lecnmmit'pp returned, and icporled
that the Committee on Resolutions would
reiioit in ten minutes.
i; II Kcir nih.i-e.l il, fnlinuim-
li,:Jv,d. That the thanks of this Co:,,
volition ho tendered to V. M. Hutchinson
f,,r i, ,s ,...,.,.,,s .,., -lim,. o, fi.iliir,M
, -, . ,, , m . iv
p -1 al .1 i-l i j ti-1 ice, ensure dome-tic t rnnrjiiil
ity. iin i e fm- the common defence, (f)
ionic the genenil welfare, and .secure tin;
l!es-ii-gs of liiiei ty to posterity ; tiit-refoio,
1-t. e.i'.'i t.r. That the only object I' the
I ii'ili, ,,M a' ic p ii'lV N lilt! Tt i of the
l i. ion as il was, t ho ;i:r..v) i-n.'ieii of the
( '....-','. ;,, ii.- if ti.
2d iV.i.Vn, That to tho end that the
I'iii iii he lestored, arol the Cons.ilution
ti ti 1 1 laws enl'urred thmughout their whole
t-xtenl. wo pledge our hearlv and tinitial
ilied support tn the Federal (iovcrmnc ttt
in the cnergeiio pi oseotit ion of the exist.
ing war.
i.' .mm i, Unit Hip true inn) only
ob'eet of the war is to re-loio (he U nion ; j;,.-t nu uihor of votes, was deolarod noun
and enforce the laws. Such a p: rpo-e ,i:l J uinid (he most vociferutis npplaiiso.
alone is worlhy the awlul siicriliee '.. h ieii j Cn too. ion ol K. II. Kerr too nomina
il ousts ii-of lihi and of trcisure ; will) ti,,n w;w made iinaniiiious.
such a purpn-o uLnc can wo hopn for tu,--(P--.
And lho-e w ho I. em Si-ctinnal feel
ing or I'.irty cr private motives would give
any other diieotion to lb? ptlorts of our
armies are unjust and nnw ot ihy to ho
entrusted with pi urr, and would cau-e nil
our exertion-, cxti.ioid.naiy n ml uiiimra
lelod as they are, to prove fulilo in (ho
4th. Ji.solccil, '1 Tint we justly viev with
ahum the reckless extravagance which
pervade .omo of the depiirUnelils ol the
Federal lioveipuiont, ami tint a return to
rigid economy and accountability is indis-
pen-ahle to arre-t the sysiomatic plunder
of tho ptiblie treasury by favored purlisniis,
and thai in view ot Die recent alurlling (I
velopeiiients of frauds and corruptions nt
tho Fedeiiil metropolis and throughout
tho counttv that wo holdan cntirechange
of adniinistratioii to he imperatively co-
nth. i.Viiii-ftl, That the parly fnnal ioi.-m
or ctinio, whiehever it may bo culled, that
seeks to turn tho slavt sol Southern Stales
' loose to overrun tho North ami enter into
' competition with thn w Idle laboring mass-1
es, thus degrading and insulting their man-j
i hood, by placing them on an equality with
' negroes in their occupation, is in-tilling to
'on- race, ni.d merits our mo.l omphalio,
! ami unqunliiied cmdemnation. '
(,th. Ji'Mrrrd, That we denouncP W7e
rrn A'- !liii and Sit'thcrn S-win as tho
oo epoi aiing sources of our pre-enl caiam-j
iii,.- alike troisinalle to the Contitution
and i'iii"'i to the I nion. i no only wny
to n mlorni L'nion and a resp'cfri Consti
tution with returning peace ami prosperi
ty is through the overthrow of bo'.h.
rd, l.-b.rnf. 1 hut, ihe I leinocrnev Ctt
j jrrinviVaiiia is equally opposed to all
I SOct ional legislation ami geographical par-
j i,.s, n hich base their ho o tor continued
' partisan success on tlio agrnriiiiiism of
1 emancipation and hypercritical philan-
i thiopy -nnonuon : oecuuso nenner
! known to the Constitution, and both sre
I intomlod to aid disunion ami fuhvert the
Constitution nnd to orevent the restora-
lion, unity, of peace nnd concoro among county.
Stales nnd people. 'J A J Gerrittson, Montrose Susquchan.
l-th. Jlcsulvcd, T hat the Constitution and na eounty.
the laws aro Mjfficiont for any emergency, 10 Stanley Woodward, Wilkeshnrre.Lu
and lhat tiie suppression of the freedom county county.
0f speech and of the pres, and the unlair- U Y Jme. Warren, W arr en county.
'ram 111 0 lit t cli tilled to iiml ouelit to
ho admit ti'il lo political or Kociul p'iia!iiy
with tlio w hilA mee, hut 1 tint it our du
ly t ) treul (liein wiih kindnosH and con
uderation, tin an inleiior and dependent
lace ; that tin I'iehl of tlio sovcriil Stales
to dotcrniirp (he position and dntie. nl
the 1 ace is n sov!rpij.'n ril't. n rid the
lilediio" ol tin.- I onstitiiiion reipnre lis, n;
loval ciMeiis, 110; In iiilcrlbre lliei tuvi'.h.
It it li . Jii-xi'U i l. llial Ciaigress Iuh no
power to depi ivo iui permu of hii pio(i
t-rty lor any oi imimd ollenon. unless Ihut
person ha , Lcen fust duly convicted of
the olleiiee hy the verd it I ol a jury ; and
(hat nil acts ol t'oiigro.-s like thosu Intel v
pas, cd hy the Ilnuse of 1 1 1-1 I p-senUtiveH,
which assume tn loi felt or conliscato the
esdites ol men lor ylleiices of w hich they
have not heen convictud upon due trial hy
jury, aro unconstitutional, and lead to op-,
pression and tyranny. It is no justifica
tion for such uctH that tho crimes enmi
milled in the prosecution of tho rehellion
aro of unexampled atrocity ; nor Is there
,iny such jusliti.' itioli us State necessity
known to our lioyef nment or laws.
11th. lcscrr,l, Tina (ho ConslituUon
and I'nion and the laws must ho preser
ved ami taainlaiiii'd in nil their nrooor
am) rightful supremacy, and that the re
bellion now in arms against them luuetho
suppressed and put down, and that it is
our duly (o una all constitutional meas
ures necessary and propel to that end.
l'Jth. JicM'h'cl, That the soldiers com
posing our tn in it st merit tho warmest
thank, of the nation. Their country cul
led, and nobly did l hey respond. Living,
they shall know n nation's gratitude;
wounded, a nation's tare, and dying, Ihoy
shail live in our memories, and monu
ments shall he raised to teach posterity to
honor tlio patriots and heroes wlioolloiod
I Ul,ui' live hi ineir cun ry s uitar. i tiiur
' widows and orphans shall bo adopted by
' tho mil ion, to bo walclieil over, and cared
! f'o as objects truly worthy a nation's guar-
i diatishi p.
I Th o losol u I ion s were u n a n i mnu-ly au op
leo, uiuiii iwuii imu eniiiusitisiiu appiuur.
(in motion ol Mr. l.nmbcrton,
L'l-iuhvd, 'I'linl this Convention do now
.,neu..,l m -tin nninio'iiinn and election
of candidate, lor Auditor C.jnurul nod
Surveyor icneral, w hich was agreed to.
Mr. Coll roth nominated W. P. Schell,
of I',ed!oi-.l county, for Auditor 'lunoial.
Mr. Shoemaker nominated Isaac SIcnk
or, of Unian county.
Mr. Knight nominated F. Vauzant.
Mr. Picking nominated Col. J, Zieglor.
(iciieritl K'liiiiifort nominate 1 Ktch'o-di
son L. Wright
The Convent inn then proceeded to hid -
lot, with tha following result
6th. !
72 '
1 !
1-t. 2d. 3d. -nil. 5th.
W. r. Sehcll, 2-1 2.i HO 2 2'J
Isaac Slotiker, IS 2d 32 S?. 43
F. Vitnz int, 20 15 IS 12 G
J. Ziogler, 21 17 1 00 00
R. h. Wright, 3tf -12 40 50 40
J. M. Weiheroll, 4 4 2 2 1
On tho third ballot tho name of Colonel
Zioglor was withdrawn
On the sixth ballot, Hon, Isaac Slenker, 1
(,f U nioti eouiitv. Imvini' received tho hir-
I'hn l'nnn.litl.,11 im.t ,.r,,n.,n.l,l In vr,l
for a can li.lnto for Surveyor General, with
the foilowliig if suit .-
StiltVI.VOIt okm.ral
1st. bal.
J. P. lhirr, 47
W. T. 11. 1'iiuley, 25
Dr. Chas. 11,11, 15
2d Li.
M. P. Rhoailes, 0
.Ioel K. James, 2
Col. L. L. Tate, 17 7
'W.O.Snyder, A
S. A. UaokV.s, 7
Col. J. F. Hartranlt, 2 1
Wilhdiaw ti alter tho firsl ballot.
On tho second ballot J. P. P,.i:r, having
) received a majority of.nll tho votes oast,
was do. hired noniitritod, amid loud ami
enthusiastic appiiittso
tin motion ol . K. tlson tlio nonu-
niiinni iii. ,'it vi ii.iii i iii,.,...
, Mr. Kerr culled up Mr. CofTroth's roso-
lotion, and ollored a moditiciition making
the Idinii inati ol Hie i.onvenlion unair'
man of the Stale Central Commit! co.w hich
was agreed to.
On motion, the Convention adjourned
until tJ o'clock.
Th(J Ck.n veil t ion reassPinhlod at 8J
o'clock in nnrsiianeo of ndioiirnmnnt whi-n
I the following persons woro apjioinled
mombers of the State Contra! Committee:
I". W. IIcuiiKs, Schuylkill, Chairman.
1. Thomas 11. Gaskill, Philndolphia.
Joseph Lipponcoit, "
Simon W. Arnold, "
Isaac S. CHssin, "
0 1 1 W,,. 'iM,ri. r'liAclAt rtntDnrni.
ft. I Illl AVU1, vnvibi i ii iiiniin
3. Jesse Ii. Davis, Xorristown, Mont-
goniery county.
4. Dr. J. D. Mendenhall, Doylestown,
Bucks county.
5. Hobert M'Dowell, Slatington, Lehigh
ti it in i morigiii, iveniiiux, i n.
7 fleo De 1! Keim, l'oltoviile, l'n.
8 Fphraim W Hamlin, Bethany, ayne
12 I'hr.on Jarrelt, hock Haven, Clinton
count v.
lit Thomas Chalfnnt, Danvillo, Mob.
lour county,
M .lohn II. Criswcll, Shipponihurg,
pumherlHtid eounty.
15 li A I aniherton.lliirrishurg, Dauphin
l'i ,lnni"n I'a' t M i. n, P .
on -i r Co a ii : y , i ugh M 2
I. a tn. ,i.;, : i'. maty
-'Virl , Lftn1
S '.i Cj, Columbia,
Y ::-k county.
1 ' .' ,:.o ',-.!. -e ::, V.ak,
IS ( , I V ' II .u l.t'llI'M 11,
r r ii It 1 1 1 cjaaiv.
ly A 11 CotJrolh, S(.-iiiorsot, Pomoraal
W John Fotilon, Eheiiil utg, Caniiirla-.
couiily .
1 H l ! as M. Chirk,
Indiana, Indiana.
22 James C (,'lnrko, (roonshurg, West
i hoi eland county.
21i Wm Tatterson, Patterson's Mills
Wa.-hinglon county.
24 tieotgo W Cass, I'itteburg.
John C. lHiun, do
25 Churlos Carter, lluavor, Boaver Co.
20 L IS Morris, Now Cantlo, Lawrcnoq
27 iienjaniin Whitman, Krio, Erlo
countv. 28 W W I5urr, Clarion, Clarion county.
Mr Fulton oll'ored tlio following which
wan adopted unanimously.
Ilrxolved, That ihe thanks of this Con
volition bo and aro hereby tendered to the
President for the dignified, impartial and.
ttlieiont manner in which he has dischar
ged the onorous and responsible duties of
his delicate position, anu also to the otni
er otlip.era for their prompt, courteous and
valuable assistance.
A motion was then Riibmitted that tho
Convention adjourn sine die, Bnd resolro
itself into a mass meeting.
ltoforo putting tho quostion tho Presi
dent addressed the Convention in a fow
niritod und ehxiucnt remarks which elio
itod the greatest applause, after which the
Convention adjourned finally.
The Question of the Times.
Under this head the Washington Slur,
discusses in an elaborate article the slaTQ
ry question ; urges upon the Border Statoa
gradual emancipation with colonization ;
and says how certain it is ihat "no white
inun iu the Hoi dor slave-holding States,
i ioh or poor, io high position or in humble
life, can fail to be immensely Advantaged
in the end hy the displacement of slave
with while labor arouud him." The Star
thus ban ih-. the policy of the Abolition'
! fat : Lancaster Intel.
'What the policy ot tlio Abolitionist
means, is being realized in the rapid in
crease of demands nn the National Treas
ury to support and extend the sohomeof
gathering the negroes of the South into
huge and numerous boarding schools,
there to be foil, clothed and educated at
the cost ol the loyal white tax payers, ah
ready burdened almost past endurance to
meet tho iegilimalo expenses of the war.
; Although in its infancy, it will ho safe to
say tlml tin- policy lias already addoq
millions on millions lo the taxes necessai
ry lo ho paid by Northern white labor
nominally on account of the war.
Every man of ohseivation must now
comprehend that, if it is to have longer
sway, it promises to make the white peo
plo of the land merely the providers of
,t ba
or rd, clothing and education fur the ne-
j groes of 'he South, free of cort a result
thai fow al present over-zealous anti slai
voiy sympathizers will ondorse nn hour
alt?r tluir very firft spltleniont wiih the
tux gatherer, soon to pay tliprn his first
visit on account of the war. It is also the
policy of lilling tho North, as well as tho
. ' U 11, Willi lOUrmUIIOnS 01 IJIO UHCOn
! 'olln,,le. nc c""PumorR and non-pro
flucotv, iii place of keeping in the South,
j as formerly, four millions ot luhorers, on
I every dollar of whose productions North
ern w hite hil'iir and capital annually drew
j as largo an nggrega'.e divt In., 1 -is was
drawn by tho capital iteiually working it
It iu own profit. Il is f'ii, ; er the poli
cy of foicing while and bl iek social ami
industrial equality upon all, t nit must in
evitably end in Lnn!hd isui niiiiiug to a
war of races that will xiorinit,nio the race
for whose benefit it is unwisely sought to
he entailed on the ."
Tho following nro the nanios of thnOov
ernnts of the loyal .Statin whoso signatures
do r.ot nppear in the petition lo the Pres
ident to immediately oil out, addilional
troops to put down tho rebellion :
Delawaro Wm. Burton, secession proC'
Iowa Sauiuol J. Kirk wood, republi
can. Kansas Charles Bohison, abolition,
Haisachusetts John A. Andrew, a boh
Kentucky Berinh Magoffin, seccsion.
Bond Island William Spraguo, Union
Tho Governors of Cul'foruia and Oriv
gon, were too far off for tho putition to
reach in time.
Cost of Voluntecrs: Tho Mil
waukeo News says ;
At the close of the report of tho investi.
gating oimmitteo is the following state
ment, comparing the cost of raising sol
diers in Wisconsin with the cost in other
States , "hi Michigan 1,000 men cost $21,
000 ; In Iowa 1,000 men cost ;.22,5O0 ; in
New York 1,000 men cost $27,3.'i; in 111
inois 1,000 men cost 12,005, and in Wii.
cousin 1,000 umn oo.-t near! $100,000,"
Wisdom is better than riches; wisdom
guards thee, but thou hast to guard tht
riches. Bichos diminish in the using ;
hut wisdom increases in Iho use of it.
A scholar of had liio is lik a Wind man
holding a torch, by which he give other
light, but cannot see himsilf.
The beginning of angor is foolishnrn,
an I itrnri repentant.