Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 09, 1862, Image 1

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    1 fii ni p ill
1.4 I i
' i i
.A,, not mfn.
;u:aiuii:uk i-A. i:i)M:si)vt jui.v n:r,.
iifliriious lisfflLinn.
"rr : r r-T-r-r-
JO-But not only do proverbs nul fx-;
Tfrienre condemn our faults ; we oursol-
its tiiociiiii r.ium minm III t'l ll"l s,
., ,1 . t. . : i
itlu'iitvcf they aH'cet our own in tercet and
emu criionoo. Then wo in o (juiti) miii.,
that one might ho nuro courteous, mi l
mother moio reasonadlo, and n third
nioro amiable, nml a fourth far less talka
livi, if tliey would only try ! Thus wo sen
r,o dillieulty to prevent llicm from bi-ing
to i.i, nil they ought to In! ; nn i no oxetiso
I n them, w hen they olhmd us. ''Isit in. I i-.i-y t" J elite to one ! Wlmt good
(iii tiny gel to themselves, from their
;,-h iii rs, or from their snajijush humors,
or' fro tn their capricious conduct '.' I hae.
i.n patience w ith tui'li insolence, nor ilh
u'ri iniiicrtinences." Kveu thii is not
the woakrM nor tho worst si lo of our
hp.nts, in l'irai'l to our fuulu. We can
ooiHieinn liicui in ourselves, una yc-t con- WUA in tiK ,,,.,,,,1 jie ,V0UM ul,,,nil t
tinue them. Wo can lament them, and ! them from the law makers,
yet alio ir then to p on. We can even; jr. Johnson, of l'a., thought that the
give up excusing them, nnd yet oxpeet j,,-,,, o(- th,. eentleman was tnat the i.eo
ethers to forgive and tor't them; or rath- ,Xl,u, repudiate the laws, hut it the
rr to overlook them entiroly ; lor we do imjJ W(.,.( ,.ssti ,ie j.rt-.-u m.r i. j;i was
not like the idea of beiny.'.iiu! hy any thev would he enforced.
"'I he hnpo ?c-i hefore us" in tho pos-.
jt;, ;'f heck in ah of the divine jurs.
..,...: ;t,i,t heloic tho rhui'eh in the
. .-: ; , i , .. 1 of elouil lo tliu ,
-.1 :l I
Hi n !
. I t 0:
" 11 1. re ijv I'.iL'.jt ; so
iM iiMiiict, nor S'. hi iiil hi
!i;.: In the eve. It is, indeed, as
... 1 - 1 . ., -..
ill : !' iininnrtaiiiy as the sun is full ol"
.-. '. oi, a !l.o fun shines throiic'n .111
ulli.u.-iilii-ie winch hoflens his rays, mid
ciLcasi' iiaily bhinL-s them too, mi the hoj"!
nf eternal hie takes to uniny ol' the sweet-
e-t I'uriui of social life, and is so toil round-
c 1 Iiv the duties ar.'l trials of nuhlie. do -
lueslic, and moral life, that it never shinei
loo hi'.iditly to he looked at, r.or too dai k-
ly to he seen, ll is euij liaiieally a hope
fi-t hefore us ; not so far oil' as to strain ;
llio eye in lookinr; for it, nor bo ncr.r m to
j.ain the yo in looliinf at it. '
r v,"Ti.o much imnoi tanre rannnt he !
ti.i.'iclic t to a riciit eie
e.xer t wlu-n it
i- i".it in the room of a h
oiy eli irm I. r, or
i nn liumdle r pint, then, li-ovevei-,
. , . . . . . i - 1 . 1 . . i
mere is scuu-lliing eijuaoy iiwi ji sua e:u
iiiotia in orthodoxy. Not that a saen 1
i i e-eii itself is n danea-ious (hin.. I'"nr
from it Indeed, th'1!-' ran le no true
holiness nor humility, w il lo.ut snundni ss
in tho faith, upon ull cvii. .j oints. There
may he virtues of rhiiiaelor, .vhieh are in
tended for holiness ; and virtues of teni-
er, which are intended for humility : hut,
a hath holiness and humility have th-ir
chief reasons in ihe revealed rharai ter
M..I h ill of (hid, the conduct and sph'it
(n-iivpver flood ) which ure not chielly in
ll ieiiecd hy th-.'Bi! l casoiij, aro not those
v;: tile.-.
Ciif l liore arc momi'ti'j of to i't.i' ic-t.s
mid moods of ti-mjier, when one r-ald ai-iii-iit
lly into a jiussion, ts well as imi it-iii, w ith the 8trai-;hl m : v of I'-'ter's
net. 'J l'eler i, 5, 1 1. Thesi; tossin-s and
twisliiiL-s ,iro not made, indeed, in order
lo e-eapo from t'm fisherme n's not altos
g -tiier. Wo do not want the liherly of
thine ii.shej ihich !;ept out of the eospel
net, nor of tho.iu "had ' ones which are
tin; shores of eternity ; hot we aro, alas,
Jim:)-.' io tak? in re lih rty th m i id sanc
tions. BF5.-T1.H U thej-v,-, of our rt ltict.m;-e
to oine duties, mid of our lailure in sou, e
f;racM ; they require inoro (iil:--ncr than
we livu tn hestow upoti Iheni. Jf th"1
fruits of the npiril would only crow and
ri en as easily ns ilia weeds of naluio
epiiiV UP ntnl prevail, we should he quite
plis(.(l to hear a jdenliful harvest ol ood
fruit to the glory of ( iod ; hut, fiu-iiio'
Unit they me neither of spontaneous
priiwth, i or indojieiident vil diity : and
tlmt we nuisi ".r.iic unto tho ij-irit," if ho
noultl rrap of thesjiirit, weyit'ld tot-iod:,
or event excuses for harrenness
S-X-ln husinem, tho man that does not
fnl lint mere selfishness: tho man that is
willing to snerifieo a part or the whole "f
a hai'L'ain : the 1111111111.11 carrici I 'hrisl
With him behind tho counter that man on aeli wbein he is better than in n-
nv other tmlnit,. Tberois no nhiee. wheie
nien have more ojititunities to hear vit
lices for Christ than in their business. Kv-
rry fiiiKle 1 lace in which men do business j
is u Caivnrv. w hero is needed a cross. iuhI ,
nome one. to hang thereon- Wherever a-,
ny man, for Christ's sake, and for the!
nuke of tlio kingdom of (toil, Millers ho is '
criicifieil for his fellow men.
-,.,,..,. . 11 r 1 1
v o. uui u. -'. "
miv fall in'o error.
Without the 1-reast-
e ot nghtoonsness you may fall mto 1
U ,inout "'0 ?'; of the gos.
e' , , ;.o may fall esjion- !
. it a-i't Ihe shield of faith, vou
, , , , to . 1 ,. 1 1 Ll'llimiliril nuu 11.111 i-iwi.. .iv'j 111111.
' ,"l-Pl"'-y. Without the hel-.b Til k,IIowilip ri,solutionsweIelhen:i
: .a. '"i. on may fad into ties. ' J.,,, .
' r ' ";;." 8oi:.i of the s,.i,it, lj,' , t tt. - Ilt oftfur u.
: ; ' :i ' , 'IS1'!', n ililitv , .oombt-rs of Congress wo have
01: prayer an-t WHtelnng, you may fall in- ; . . .
to any thing, however bad or dangerous . 11,01 m ", V"r,t "r ,or "" 'ar,-v
fc ; jiurjiose, but lor the jiur; (if uehln i 1-
tySoniotimes it is said that tho lint ting ar.u consulting (ngeilier, how we may
strji in n mini' regeneralioii is tho con- best j,erfoiiu our C01 grr;sioniil dul ies in
viction of din. The lirt step in sjiirituid' tho jiresent great a:.d pn ilous i:nejof
lifii is the entrance into the toiil of the di-1 onr country's fate, and we have comu to
vine illuminating nni recreative Fpirit. ' the loll awing ciiu.-hisioi-i; namely :
Vor il. is tho touch of God in tho human 1 1. lit stilted, Thatihe Const itut ion mil
Biirul that first lifts up our thoughts to the Union and the laws in be preserved
'fird him, torvard Culy, toward newness' and in nil their rightful suji-
otlile. ; remaey, nnd that thn reht-llion now tn
WlLSo far from the earlier periods, of a Sn1' " "iM,P "W1 f
c!u.'8 life doing tinj-ropitioim for relig- T ' 1 e ' n r ' " PUr ih"y l VOtC,k"'
ioiiR experiences, it is exnctlv that r. rio,l J(l"-' nercssary and ,,ro,.rr lo that
wlueli tho child car. take hold of mich ex-; o,.,,,,..; Tll,t l!l0 lruo .
porience. are Letter then at any later Vo- C0lin,r wn M tho ,licl 0')(l,,
nod duk. hold orthem "ill. sufl.c.oi Hajiy rire Uu, n,y WJ
ligenee. 0r wgr (,0l,u ij0 prosecuted or ihmo than
Tiip. power of sympathy on children in nro neoosniry and juoper lor thn j.roinpt
wonderful. No one. can do any thing with ! ami complete Bujprssion of then-hell
t'lem, who does net know how to aaaken ion.
it. j 2. ficiiktii. That tho .Stnlw are compo-
Lluptiiu; cf Conservative Lremhcis of
Cotirrirss - resolutions Adouted A
platform for a New Tarty.
a medio of the i-ii'sorvntivo nu-uil'rra
of ( 'oir.;i , was li.-l. I in tin-hall of ihe
T I . 1 1 i.f hi-jin M.nlalivcs, lit Vii.-liin;:liiii,
on Sa i it r-1 . y hist, '-Vlli nit., lit iio-n. We
. i'V t ho u i -j i 1 1 i i'u)i t of tin- .rot 1
in's from tint Washington ( VocinVr :
lUll. .lolill .1. t'l ill'Mi'h'li was ( alli'ilto
tlio clmir, uiul lloli S. Cosio'tiil !i Sec
r.'lai )
At n previous tiii'ctiii4 of tlio .on-rrvii
livrs, Mi's'-ls. (.'litlt luh'il, Wickiill'o, Jiioh
ai .Ison, 1 ' i J 1 1 1 o n:nl Cox, w i ri iippniutcil 11
omnii'tpf" to pr part." resolutions, ami M r.
Wu'kl:!!o icportiil 11 sfi ies for roinulera
lien. Mr. M nios, of Ky., faij thnt he was
not ili-'poMM.I to iiM it ih;.t rvi"i if the
o;mli-i'a!iin ami ciniuir! pittion hills should
I 1 .oino hirt i, he had h'tlo hoj.i' of a spci.
II v t ' riu i 11 ni ii ii il the war. .No, tlii hope
at such laws !
Mr. Mende.s exiuained
ivould not ho r.pproveu hy 1 lie or
fufi'ei ed t) remain on t lie slat 111 e hooks.
Mr. A ih", of liiio, looked 0:1 thr emails
einalion nnd eon li-eai Ion icliciiv u.'tli
ai 1101 1 enee. in i.p.iuou 1.1c miun
Ire.- States had more to di :.! iV .intl.e
scheme ol ctnanci: ati'Ht than the l 1 der
ii.... 1 1 ; . . . : . ,i. . l ... ..
sinv e Sl".!es.
Mr. Steeii., of N. Y., said that I lie pn s
ont n.oetini! not hei n sullirinitly jm:'"-
Lslied, und as I he resolutions were
ly cliarae'.er, lie 'iv-'.
t further eoiuiiielathm he 1 "i-l "i:
.th - 'Uiht that ineiiihcrs i ln Jvui
ii a vf"
1 the r
1 1.-,
itli the ohloct of the iiiHirpi'ouM hnve
iri op o; tuniuy of ; artieii ai inr in thfir
i.c'.iocratioii - . ,
A fter .-omo r un oi'sat ioii the liK-,-;h';; 1 o , ;
fu-i 1 to j-os! p -nr the lonsiderati.'ii fl'the
Mr. U'cliui l. '.n -ai 1 k'.a! ii the anili'W,
i 1 v 01 Hie c c) e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 iiin 10 01 - 1 e. . 1 ii'., i
it mirl he l.y my inn to the ereat l;l:i-.-o
of tin- Soot h, "hay dow n your iirtr.s, and
ou shall net -i- touched.'' lie a ; ill la
yer of -Hying this drt.i.-ivrly.
Mr. J'.iddlo was i.f ojiini-n th;it ih-
should ii r.t i X n-i aiiy parih ular i i -'
of i rconeiiiaiion.
Mr. !;iehard-on n.ade an e. piaiaitlon,
in i hieh he "aid he iva in l.nor oi aj-ph. -il..'
the hi. Iti 1 to tho lea. 'el's of the niel
li Hi.
Mr. While, of O , v.aaii 1 ill- 1..;. :--ol
the ic-iiiuli-iis - ! ! on re e-iild I'll'-
M''. III .Imiin s.,,1 thai, ;.s n national
linn ol :i.e '( i: n 1 1 v. I- - u! ! : !a:.d on ,i.e
I 'litti n.l.-n 'e-oiutiot'.s h. : elolol -ly
Ihe Id... - -as t !.. "hjc.-t-p.-i
s ol the war Toiler than on
-r. The t'.ine for oli'.-ri:!- an
u r-
' v
h ni t.ot vet con,,-. When tin' iiuthiiny
of I he jrovernmeiit " a- e el ;, w lo : : l.d s
li-lied. il would h- time lo l"pt :i - r
in'.r.iii.oiis and lioeinl -1 cy to-vird Iho-e
whti weie l.-t leaders in the H 1" lli -u.
Mr. Aller, oi i ).:. wa-i-h and tiicd (-f
ho . r i : ht iil-iit ihe c.'idi-. aii-n oi i op-i ty
Vh--ii do siiu a luaj r tener..l i'- uhd: a a
in- Ir. ai his command h-cci-i ii - d:d nut
Hi cui-v a- til. ill a tio-i:i Hi as . e ui. u:i
he deserved, he e.uil'i
tie le-.e of '.he sot edv
d hr had very ht-lo-e
ol the war. -
Jl- was in lavoi' ( f tie- h id' rs of
I e'i'oon mi lie- in- ihe cxt:--m- j-en i
ihe - , -
to Ihe
his of M '--'tn '. :.fl-r a iv-r! rr-
en-', .ii-cin-uv-' that Mien
-il l hi- inlliei-d upon s'l-'h
adi t s as n -uld '.il is I'v pli : .
-u-ei -n d, a- an aii'.-nd-liovi"
uuient -! 1 1 ni 1-1 adopt
of ii,
t'ie-i! -!
:.-oiil I
he j l, I :,v, i ei
liieul , that I In
such i!
tend to
i- lo fa -u 1 1 s. of i li met i ev as Mould
dial ; -ih nil a cordial rocono.l'.a.
lion, and r
Mr. Hail,
iloie jH-aeo to tlie whole coim-
ol'Mi--'nni. l.'.ievrd Ilia! if
, - ....ili.iiil 1.. slleeli-lll'll 1 '
. . 1 1 -.!.'.
fiscal i-n and cniancipat ion Fchenie they
would l-induce a serious embarrassment in ,
I ho ot osecut ion of t he w nr. For himself . 1
he sl.otil 1 not cease In s'liii'-h- for tiie
maintciniuee of the vmt I it tition , and to!
jtrurt to eouservaiive ir.lhiences nnd ujio
the judicial v.
Mr. llolman said that if tin. so schemes'
ivo'C 1101 rebuked 1 hero would be bul lit - ,
tie hr-j e f-r the country. j
Mr. Kollins, of Missouri, was resdy to (
vote for and sign the re-olnl ions now . AI-
thouizli it yvas not .1 I'll tv nieetin-, ( hey !
were laving tho foundation of an org 1111-
zalion whieh was to exert a great moral
i nml jirditiral iniluence upon ti e country.
Ml1.. K(lU,ko 0r Illinois, regarded the
mcotin ,(S 0f)(, of i!k. I1)0iit iJ tut cv
fll. , rc;isos mvon v tR.
.. 1 1,,. 1 ,i;i 1,;,., "
t 1,11a
,f tho I'll! :i.
,y thr v Hfli
I l al r. ui' ol
m h, so l"ii'
, ii'iil th il it :
hound toi'i'thrr ini m aMo
tjtioii of th'.' I'niled Muli'.
ihi'in ran itiim' to 1 x 1st 111
as ihatroii-lilulion flltvix-
the r
li r n-ln-l ! uiul ilut ol In''!
loio, I
In onler iohI dh-rrt ihnr ov. n do-
lillans. Wiiih' Ihf rein llion, liiciO- ;
:i ma nimiiiii'd or l-.-t 1 t'"1
e.iiKliiiilioiiul n-hiti'ins of the m-'
"sereiled Sillies'' t" I hJ !'"del il eil'lll
nii lit, in ilher hm it ui V.od tin so (ales
ol any ri;;ht or powers tnutiiripa'i or nth,
erw i.-e, properly hrloiu'ilij.' to tliem lb
mend rs of the I'edeiul I'nion. '1 he tie
tlinl ( xerei.'O oftho.-e rihls 11ml owois
may lor a tiuio In.- in 1 H'l iipti ih'i' oh .lrui't'
yd hy lehelli ui, mid unmu illefiliiuale mis
thnniy limy in) mh-litukd 111 its place,
lul so t-oon us the rehi'llion is : Up'U .-ed,
those states rt ill he enl ii led, iw ol i i-ht,
to iTiiiiii'i the exele'e of all iheiidils
and poweiii, ili(-iiit:t s tmd iini.iinot e
n hieh prnpoi ly lielonj; lo I heio as M-iles
of Ihi- I'ninii.
4. j:,-s,;J, Th it j re- n e " a-
vowed l y the ITe? :d.i; and f.',U!; V ' I
understood I V the pi-ople. r. a : !. ..e l.
cod and pi -i ' eeut 1 ! ! 1 I ii 1 I ' ' '; tin- re I. el.: 1 v, a1,. I -, "U
nmt vii.dii-:it:.iL' llio onsu'iitioM. . 11
inn and li.e i.ov.', aim lor ;',,' -.. ,
It was a ureal nnd noi..c por o-e, h ;di
rtiiove any n:e: v section-: or p-ir'y ol.jeets
aii'.t al 0111 e It it. -nil , . 1 : i d i.nited in its
-11 J I o! I llll I'.Vlli II. ell el l ' " i'." '.' '
and seelioi:. At the c.dl ol the il.ivei 1, ;
a 1 1 1 1 I . . v r.rin'. . 1 ic uiom pan i". e , .y, i...
rt in
i' to
: in
i. and is
deli n-e
I le
of I
i 1JL4
s ll V,
1'i ii'ier lh"-e 1
our 'ip'.n ; .11. 1 e e
1 OiiS to "I. - Hl: 1
to Hie war ! r ih
i '.her tine i: f.r
I peeially f.- ll.-
l i. r
nitre'.y or :.-ci:
.'1. Y.v 'I
icioi ies m-li. - 1
vits, tln-y
w 01 1 I ol 1 l.o v . -t 1.
I 1.
1 1
r ij ei 11111101, j-.
- i-.;-.n
; i 1 1 w : 1 1 i
o -hi tin
id e,,ie '
r.illeei l. li ii::'.' in ) e -I
he .-.'-''.!it lo !i t-h'
i.i j. ri- of th'-wir.a
he kt.: - le . illy ill
d i.e., v. hi o -u
ilich d on - :ich oh ,1
n 1 1 1 :i -th
coii-pieii. it;
i r - a- n il i
l-r eriai- ;
of Ih- ivl-
1 1 1 in-
e . I
a - -
- a -i on
nres ot
l"lek - .1
ihe w!..
C. A'.
S Ci--J(f,
Hi- la'.l--WS,
lit si, !..
t-SM-l. V
: il re ' -io
e n, n : i .
' , Th'i
.- ,s ale; -air
' i t -m
::: n -..1 i- i
i 'li and ; e.iei
r. ! !
- ll!.
( 'oll-
; ni .a
hkc I 1--
d iri'i co.
-1 1 : i n y .
ill - 1 :
!. in i V iilli
th-: i th- is i ihe a1 -the
r-iw.tiy 1 ot li
le-torati ui of the
--hen, i'- ol en nli- o
;hcr nil, i-iistlttii
ii o. l-
ll i- n.
ia.iuc i
W li ten
mr ted
ores, io
nil ol
-' i'L' "
La y Ii.r,
lo car, y.
latives, si
laws, and
I !, a'
i i -i;.-"
.-led i'.t'i I "-
feiiia:!'. u;,:i i
or t . o. pi ivc ai- l --'
l-r :.r.y i riiiiitVil ' ,''r"'
Jon his hi en lir-t dul ,'
oi'.Vii-..- Ly ih- vcf in !
I L.ii a. is of ( li .:-
pa -ed hy the lh H e
i'. .V -it'll'- lo foi !'
e. tales ol men I-: o i-i
have not hoi n coin a :,
1 y jui y . :u e no on -! il i
oppres-ioii and I M ,,n',
cat i oi for .-an ! i:et- t h
"! v
i - In
it I
I f 11, -Mi -etitaliv-
i or c iiili-e.ile toe
is,.-, ol . hieh i In Y
ii j oti -I n- trad
I ioiial. and h-id I 'i
v. 1 i i- no iu-i ii .
ii the ei imiss eotn
.. . , ii
tailtrd in the it' i---ul
ill ol llio reoel-
, air -;,y, nor is
. I . . , .1 . , . . i , , . , , oe. 't
' ' s m , i ,nuii, -,.r ,,
rate n e-
ce.-sii known to our ti--'Vinim nt
law :.
S. Tin: for-r m-re-
lutlolis III',"' HI CV-
1 hm i'.i: n and 1
llini itiv e of the l e?" u.
i;,.us passed a! tin
extra se-sion -i 'i:e
t resent c'oti;'t'c,-. known r- 1I13 "Critien-ili-n
lesoluiion." nml which deo!"re,!.
"Th.'it this war is not waged on our j-.irt
111 anv si 1 1 it o or ore--1011, nor en- any
ji-.irj-itse of comjii-'-i- or n:-jtir 't ion . nor
f r t ho j.-trjio-of overthi o' i'H' or inter
lcr,i-;' with th- rifhls or eiiahli-he.l ;n-
siitut iocs of th"-e Mat' -. hut t
and maintain I in- u'- 1 1 1 ' f !h
slitiilion, and t" pte-. ivc il:- l'l.i o wilii
all the dignity, t , 1 1 1 1 1 1 and ; VM of the
seveial Stai's ni-ini-:.': ', --re! that
as so ni in th- o oij-e'A nro nea-olii-Jilished
the w nr ought t" cea-e."
TlIK Wood Tit Mi". There- is -i'eii'
0X'. i;--in.-.iL in th- wool m;, i i'let licre.a
1 units nt tliisi titno. The tihml't r oi
le.i.U')'s in the art iole li;i'c ini ica.-.eil in
projiort ii 'li to llic iiii i'in-e oi'llio oroi,
vvliioli i-i niiicli lai -ei' 1 1nn al ;'i y ' ! -vious
year. Wool Im versti, i -ii ni-rali
parts of tin' muni ry,. it. -I tho ot-titc-'
Ijt twcen tluiii i vi-iy wt.nn. J I i t
fore tlio ilcccc.s iinvo doen in ll.o o- - -inn
of it lew iiidivi'lu."!-' Imi r.,vy 1 vi ry
farmer Ikisj lieeonic o ! ; al- ;-. Tho
jii ioos f.inuc liv 111 1'i'i'ty M holy -live
ofiits per piHimi, ;;c ordiii;. to ipi.-iliiy
fint! lino ll'.'occs ooiniiiaiidiii:; a dittii'
price The nrticlt1 s-ocni1' (o do ruin
up. Whr.'lhi'J 1 ni rll o.vvr.
T.j-Cntn mini 1 -r Feol.o reached lii.s
homo in New Haven, 'oiin , ;i Tues
day. His health is improving.
r..AThe Com jiany of Syracuse, X.
V., has advanced the price of gait 13 cctiU
per tiunhel lo cover tho goveriJiucwit tax
milt Mini
Eailles P fore Rie!ir.ioiu! on ThursilAv
aad J'ridav 20'th and 27th June- Sc.
vcre r iiutin rj.
Ilulll llic Nl.H Vml; II,., . J,
II A 1 1 l.C-l"l I. I) M:ll M 1 CM a Mi ;l I., I
lune -', hi';'. )
The ri.uht win- of the rot'inac army Ion
del II lin! aeeno of a haltle to-d.iy o
I dan 1 ( I11111011 'hirati'iii and tiereenes:;.
'1'he le-ult has only heen I'm; e. iiym;' out
to fuller roiilirmation the remni k of tirn,
ei d Mil'le!l.ili--thiit the Army of ihe l'o
lii'.mic has never yet Mistaiurd a cheek,- -Wo
Ikoo heati 11 the enemy, and a f;loi ions
victory i.i oins. tur loss, rin- tne
time we iere i-i).L.'a,!.'cd, is sinall, ah.n.l t.'.o
llMl lied kiiled, wounded and In smii j h -in;
th" 1 e-elit 'I he e -ii
roe on tohelieic til. i' tlio 1 I-- ..1 t',.. . 1 !.- ,
is tuoie Mh 111 ih nhle oi.i.s, and th! in '
Wl i ii
11. .-,
'I .
lld.liL.' 1 ii- V 1 ..." I lie.oiv
1 .
ec a-
. ..-ii :i 1 li - oft i in.
1" enemy 111.1 ie tlio atl.e k. A deal
1 e.l 1. hi Icul i 1 1 1 10 1 1 . i 11 lor 1 1 o in I io- in
- eial days, and In i oai inen
Ill 1 cioilH 's , - .1 1 1 d 11 ml. a...! liny i."i..'
v. 1 e t' lepel ihe al t,.i i;. AImhiI Ih o
"Yioi k i hi . allerno in the u he I- h ei e sn 11
mlvai ' in;; in la: j;e 1 li e aeio.-s the t'liiek
! iih.'liiiiiarv. l.ear th-, close hi
.Mich.-i..ic',vii:.-. wher-i- ' "- ",-
I ,:i.,li,e.i sinec'.-.-ciiiu
oil our Ironl Inns, liantiiii; lh :r 1 at o--li-
sin I'nod po-ilion on our, ll -y
0 1 r.ed lire, tir.eliy the hatlei e s of ;h;s
nivi-dai were win. I'd into hi" , niid a
i- :'.:- re- p-m-e l-e.ui. I ', 10,11 o I ,ir
tdleiy ii. al'i n.l..'. le.; t'.o- clack ol'V'ih
i y ol mu.-kelry Lulled 111 s.Velli the
t 1 1 lo 'i . I Mi I- .". -,ir -I the oat ' ie.
I u r Men . re di awn Up in line of h.ul 0
dilc-liy f,icill the em-liiy. It wa- a hohl
p'e. e ol uoi k, seeiiiL' 1 11.1t the enemy wa;
ne.ii.f. stiy hugely su; ciior lo us in num
o 1-. Il v. ; s no delei :uii;at!o;l or wish ol
r: .
t Car
' to .,
1 n.e ni - 1 mis til uuu ; the J'i-n:i-vl-
a r-'-.s-.-l v es to n-'-k
wo- is or t:,a'.'.-hi
iiii-iii have siv'i
:,', - -ii ii.'lit. i'u
he ptolcel 111- oil
s, iihi r of w hieh
1 1, hut com- out, :n
. W.ll u so m wa.'.ed
i"i'-l a o'i-i'ositiot)
I j open i "in ! i!
-', ha-c. I, lion rvi r,
ir iMp: ei' v lo con
o:, t , , , e a. I.. . in t a
on ; Iii -t in -i in t'i-- !iht
The First Pciin- Kiln s v Ihiek
, laii.-j iY, r- on ,i kel duly us the enemy
ii -t niatched on us. tuaking u rapid ad
1 v nice t!iion-h the int' rveiung lowlands
1 and an-l forc-ls. The liist thinr; the Ian k'
'.i;;s k tiv tl"'V uere al,iin-t. co'iHih-r 1
' -err ,';nd" 1 Sei-in..' th- positi-ii th wi r '
j i:-, nnd h.ivin- no ili-po-il ion to -o t i
Hi. 'an i d in a-ivance ol the -r ind arm;',
lihvs t tii.-tiisel'. s ai utik vi.;oiou-iy io
- ; ,,i,t r.i ,'::-j o-ie niiy . It ua-uo-a-y
jn'i, l.-.:t lie , did more Uovai 1 ,u cnujipsti
in ; : i .r p i, ; n e th ii len n lu l re-in.i nt
si'.iiiilv si t na: id, e. mi id lin e done. 'I hey
,i: ti ., . ay fairly out, hut u. t ofroni-
I anv l. w In) ha)'pi.;.ed lo he the lir-l .-ur-,
r-' 1 1 1 i e-1 1 . ivcn' taken plisoiieis.
iii'i" - ".ii in ville pits, oid tln'V cjipered
tho enemy wilh a saiiiMiess eariyin-with
'l a leclnifr of ieviti-e. An-l they had
their revinfc. The redehs If 1 1 us iiir.ny
idceloti l ho ' tiel-l shot hy I'.ucklail i ill-s
I as n.i-Mileis of the iigiment they dore
, away i a'ptive with them.
I Ahont -i o'clock ihe haiti- ra;ed wilh
j ii- rcest fury. Adv.anoin down al thelcai
, oi' M i chan icsvillc. on a low, swampy j'i-co
of -round, whole our mi ll were draw n up
I I hind eat tli'i'oi k- and i dh- pits, the mn
' tii.'t I'lu.iaii' inde'crihahly teniti-. With
' d -per-te oo urn .-.. the nhe!- aliemputl
1 to s pnn- lot a . ird over the marshy ground,
' lait tiiey wore mowed down without mer
cy in their ludlowin-s in thr? mire.
l A chat-e of cavalry w: s attetnj'tcd ahout
' thi :ime, dnf the 'horc, like tho men,
he. fi ne mired. Sciuo of our cavahy fee
j ir.;; thi ir condition char-ed tho hill;
' th- ie! p'. nj'iestriain lot t their hoises and
1 took lo tln-ii heels
li,s.'.--oi.,tr.,l ie. these, nllemnts to will
! the dav the enemy tittemjited a think M1""- 'n.,, doubth-s, m.,.1V . f them,
I movement Now came the time of clos- ! rather .-ee our am y sc a hat t h-; han that
je-t contest ur men would not vielJ a j he should win it --to all. -go defeat as t-.o
' rial I'.'om th-ir position. " result ol the day 's ttiuggh-. (iiiing up
! Il'irln- ihe hri-ht of the eannnnadin. ?i'ouiid that we hnd hi'ld, and bu'iiiu
General Morell's division arrived on the , commissary and amiiiiinilion stores w hile
gicn.d. Tiiey reach-.!
on:.' v; 'i-m.I 10 '."it . '
nit.';'. Will. d,-:.. f,. :
dn-iiioc. in a eh -;'-
; i- ..
. .. .....
,:, ,;
. . ,. . .j ,-, ,
. . , . .--j
.ii,,. ;; mi,,
i,n on iioiii lo ouii k,
.' . . . . 1 . :
III- vi
iv i s r 1
I Mi 111
ll. '.li
ly 11"
T 111! I
c Mi!; e
I . ;'
. I Willi 1
to ioiei a del -1 11" ha:ul
to oer ti.ln th,. foi'lniie of I he
1 1 i-a-ie was Milci-ed to relieve the,''1" contest. Put their desperate valor
of loiieial Mel 'all's column. The' 'ld keen mi of ihe due of ":.-
Illla .! i
nt!.', ".M
M'l :d .
io;.'!:, Colonel omlhiii V, ami iry wort- nutn suiiicit-iii inaten lor 111"
i Nt w' York Yolutitecrs, Col. ' steady unlli-ehing eoolm-si .iml o.-irn.-e
firm-il in line of hatlle in front, of our li'm. Their lighting!.,' wil.l
l-ia.-of two of Cen. M-. Call's hi-iu'igs of tiie li-. f v. tin.,. ,o.iei- of fury
whih- 1 chind I i.ctii, likewi.-e is ileal ly ex p-nd-d. 1 Hir tigh in-w as the
,1 Hi..' I .'!'.-, were th" Sixty- 'hnv, (ietei'inined, cru-hiug hug of th Mi
1. . ;. Ivaniii, t o! ni l I'.laek. find neon-la ii' on tho iiiirn wi nh:n within
.-,.i'.'n;i , lis rcglmiMil, Col. Cass, jits folds.
ie a I aliaiioti of (.'ol. P.-rdiin's Our lo-s in di. day's li-hlint; 13 cstima-
t:i i
: I -
Si, a, p ' ' ' - w ho had nl-o been ordered
tnninh ice n-n. McCull's forces, nriiveil
on tho he'ei tiU't-r command of Lieut. Col,
1,'ipl-y, Mid w re formed in line cf buttle.
I'i-.o ei tnjiauic, -( ., i.:! oiioii.x, nun n,
Crpl. Ihrw. we: c 01. ih.lachi d set vico wilh
(icn. MiCaii'- ti.v, i-n, and had jireviously
lien on! as h-ket-- ui.d skinnisher.
'Th'"- cn:.'j anie 1 -id In en stationed hy
i'i 1. In 1 -an i.,o ti'.js jiuvioii.i in nr, lit 1-
j-ai on rl tho cr.-.iy cio -iii; at the I'oint
w here th-y did aciu, illy do so. '1 heir or-
ih rj w t ie not t 1 I'u -nntil Ihe enemy nc-
(H illy ci'ioscd in loree, and then to lelreat
fn ing, in order to dra-v them on until they
reached the rifio juts nnd iiitienchmenls
! which had been previously placed foT the
jiin po-r of In- the 1 ii-lny a v i"i
Cepl IOII. 'I'lle.-e -I'lcrs Wei o I "I? i. , I'll! t 1
the i-ller. lin lle r-l.-ls nop, -ii !
""''. '":"' y 'ie !.
II l.y lie
1 la: id''
'''t'eatmL' shaipslu oins .-. ho ii.
nii'i on i ina, uiiltl I tin i el Hi .i'u-o i''y
f.-niid tin iuh U 1 1 in . i, : ,,f the e 11 'h's
; works and nlle pa, m ui,'. h th-r (the
Ifl'Hil"-!'' o'- I-' led er.'e,i,e, , ihemieli i-.
I 1 l-'ln l!i" tune of the :.i i iva! of :1c i e
, illf'Tcoinelils the I'u in- tinned i.Him.ii
, in I el in i. s ion mi id I nil I j :ut n in o'el- , !: .
I Such volli s r f in .i-k e' n , s-1 v!...: j., , -ij. ',
j and inifssai.l, Imu, neei- h-eu - i, i j.'i - i-i I
in any h.iiileof the pi-.-ent w.i.-. Ard il ,
, l oar r-l a: I ilh-i y w as li emen-iou - , e-n-: ant
and dc.ifeiiin,;. liin, Uril'ni's r-..;iiiu nt
each Hied ahon twenty t hi m -and i mi nd s.
i ' leu . ( i i ii'hn, in the ho i : c.-t of th. - !i - , rode
along tin- 1 m-s liT.iicniiy, unoiin i.'ul of
jl!i-- - honor of - I-'il mid .slo 11. I'ei. is .n
' -i'-".-'ed t! itli ioo i!ne.-s : nd :!. I -ii I l.o
i' ; 'iiei-t.: . I li s hii;...i le In r- ni. lk
i d in Caj-t. A.i.-huic'ti', of l m-ii. .M..ieii'
;sl '!'', who ,i!-0 r-de luck an i f. r.iiv. i h
;, ' j i i.i : i v he- di--- o i ii., -lo-m i I i,,m
! Miii and 1. ;ei !) iia.l, ' i.inod ( ! hat
h V" I i v i d-U'O t . have si. eh a forlunaie
iiil.ei r. ,i no.-V" And Ih- men .lid li),lil
ril. 'Jln drove liarl: the en-l.iy in I'.ent
'! tkeiii. J'l" posi:;o. o -i.c'a ri'Miivnt
I was on Ih" l'!o. of a h.ll, ha j.j.ilv , . eur- d
I lin-: e- 'HI pa I air. e ."ale: V iVoiil ill.- Pi-i -k- I -1
1- in 1 1 . ... ' . . . ,
ee" i :oo in I la- iiitl raid-:- I o ,-.
nits :-r in- .sue t; : ,. e;.-j o-
e- 'I hy Ihe- iirli-.eie.
I ';n '.mi ihe i-i o-n of t'le r ii-;i
i-i .
I o n.
lin i e
the h:
oi - li w a - at '. i i ei y ii'.ian l- lo i-.- ai:-!
eperiii 'en-liuj t ,.. t'l'.p . :: inn o s el hi- fd v ie in i i,
'I II"
ei, t ;n .-:-;,' i : . i . i 1 1 i" jtiii- Oo j-- m ,
ted s, iviee.-.. !' i-.-ih it will I- under.
Mood that h'n. I'll.- h hn 1',,: !-v, u no is
ncVei' so iii il i nt heme as when superi i , .
in- an c . ci i i ii - battle, wr.s omnipn-ent
1 'ai in- tin- mo: ; j m t ol the hi in,; ti. n,
Mel led. in was cai (he (hid. Hi- ja ep-i.
dd much to iioj, re th- men, mid ihe
dou'-l.t-s Ion - i 1 1 with moie h-t eriui n ;
i illicit tl.u i, jo il nji.s, they would imve
-loi, ii o'Lerivi.-e, eoiis-lei in- tho odo'i
a;ail..-t ihelll. I.ietl. Me 'lelhit: f-xj-vi i
liilii-eil' pf rfect'.v -aiirlie 1 with the d,i . '
woi k, and i :i i j d i tnoii ; i ; i i.-uer d , M-i ali
aiel .'dor. 11 in i-r-on f if i'l- l.:;i.-'-; i
manner in which they ha 1 mana--d 'i.r
'l l.-' ho;, s hud won ibc d y .in 1 th-' pr.ii-e
of lh ii r io in 10 Hid ers, ,uid w ei e su' iniieh
Aceordii:;; t" the stalemeiits ! pn-oii'
er... tin- hill k of I he cin i.iy c a: i ' -ed I. I .
II ill's division, tnrt-'h I ieor "hi and S-iitli
'a. .lin i r--inn ni--. They had l went v
I. i- iisatio u 6u :n tile ael -::. j '. wa Ino
saniu Ji ii ty w hti ai. no;, . . i ( d n . Si-t.f mi.iii
in the inornin; in ihe 'ii eeli, n i. ;' ll.ii'o
i e r ' oiirt 1 1 on -i.
Ali our :i"i me 'It cpin- on t llf'r aims
i. -Ili-ht. It is exp, i led t.eit tin- en ,.. a .
II, -.nt Will he leneAcd !o li.e it n , ;i . -Meai.ti
,ie tho-o w ho m - i-.,( .sha-pin; ;r -attet
di'i- to Ihe wounded and h in- who
-iii'vive the day's slau-nier.
In the fieii) near hie i.'iiiek.tuowtw,
-Itjue 7 10 P. M.
Tho Potomac army is seein- active ser
vice enou;h now to make u: lor th- ma-,-teily
inactivity of months pat. Ali-M-ry
eal! to duly in I h-i lieid, and iaee to (ace
ou 1 1 1 e tid i n ti with llio enemy, ino-t nol ly
d i ihe nu n rally to the wotk. i'o-oav
aliolher h.illie has l eeii ho'i-ht dv our
-allant ITiion Iroo .inol'li-r idorio-i,
victory lo he ad, jed I.) the l,:i,l,anl ;o:
ords of Wedr.i s lay and Tliu: -d ly. l..iei
nc.v day's li.'hl only show s nmre ,-tt ikioes
ly t he stern anil jati ini ir stufl'our soldiers
ale nuideof; that they aro -ra hially lid-lillin-
Ihe dri-hlosl ripecia! ems cnti .--lained
ol th-'in, and liiat they m i..! he no
Vilieihic a-.-Jlist any force ihe i-neiny i m
send ayaitM Ms. I -'nil to-day 's hat'tle a
vic'oi V. for so il is Fet down I-,- Ih.-c
elailniii- lo under-;. in. I li.e purpose o!
the iiila enicnl. It is jios-ihlt. w,. mou
than we hni-itaimil lor: mil iheie h.
I I'loutid lor Ihe de'racioi.s of lien. McL'le
! !'. " ho in t!:e dopll s of liuir hatred of
tin.- s "f 1 e ei 1 in-! la'ctn-noiu n in "-inn - enemy, looks like
', !.,(!,- ,,.,', , ,, . i'leleat. Ihit it 11 in not defeat - il was
it ami parcel ol a strate.'-tio jlan. We
' ' -op ei-nund that it was d-emed ine-
1 ' !' n with the force at command, to
!. : 1 my lon-cr. Our letr.-i.tradiu- co-
1 : ' : 1 :i fell back 1 o a spee.iicd point, made
-i ;ti.nd Ihi-ie- lo li--.l the j.oint ps
'h-.V had boon tohl to d- fought lirmlv,
biavoly, f:n ioiislv, ;,. .1 w,,s known they
' would -held Ih- po-iiiou .i.iin.-t lircatly
: :. - - . . . . 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 . e
; M'J'ei aor niiiua'i s, ami in in 11 nni. 1 no
enemy fought do-1 eiaielr. h
Mas evr
i ilciil lacy appreciate, 1 ti.... impitriance of
; ted t twelve humired -killed, wounded,
and missing; t hat of (he enemy is deem
1 ed much grr-uter. There is tin trust ing
; estiinad s no v, however. Of to-day's eon-
1 ii'M uu neiiiui" resmis can no given.
Should all the flouting rumors be credited,
wlmlii regiments would be recorded i no
more, and entire brig;ides bo nvejit out ol
doing. It is certain that to day's battle
has been one 'd' the lirccst fought in front
of tlio rebel capital. Many ollicer.s lie
end in clay to-night, having heroic illy
fallen nt tho head of their commands. -
Soldiers unambitious of shoulder itras
nnd chevrons, liavo reaped tho riches', re-
ward of the ambitious patriot -death in
defence of their rotmiry
si;i;i!:s (i,. H.-Kd ;.
In'1"!' of i nli. ii i.i- ,' ( I'
ra-n pe ' i' lli ! r i.i.''-'' : I
' ' : ' pi I 1 , : . ' : 1 :. 1 , 1 o'L :.,.- ( ; 1 '
1-;. v . '.. y . ,- 1 ,(.. .,. r !h ei
! 1. IS, nml I In 1 1 , t 1 , 1 , :':.t.'
1'. i.e. ai lo.lii. : ' . .;.' , I .' )
vil ; u : !,:! ...!:: : . . d- v'l v. ...p.
NO Oil- eolll-l il .1 -I. ' a ' ':, I 1 I I,;-,!'
l l t-'.iit i,f the .;t!e!i ; ! .-v. ;i 1.. -( t ; 11. .
1 cs,.; v. be n 1 . -it i-'. : .1.' Iv .".. '.1 .!, 1 .. -o-
II .ill ' . 1 ... ,1! I. .. i ". 1 if ' 0'( a ': , 1
I I M- .H'Vlllill- hl;n ;,,.,.i. ((,) ... ,
I ("l 1-1' ... I ...Of . M :l all' p: .
-edit ace "i U ', to th" di' - " . :,: . . ' ' 1 .
" ad r !-, , 'O i , ' :
in ' '.-i'. 1 1 1- 1 1 1 :.'.-. -a. . y , ', - I . .
e' '.' re.. i -.ell' ' . I- ':'::. ;'
ilj '-' i: vr. - ,'.-:., -o that. ..:: !.
this co :" I ',1 i; . ih .1 i , , !ii re- :
, i- t 'i '.' O'.: -i" i . s. i.i I I'd. 1 llii
hi a '. : - ::; t; 1 o ie r I, "' c;1 in ' - ' -1 '
!'.. 1 1 " .' .' - ul !
-ih. ::.'y ...'i-.r iii- ch-- of Th. :-. hv 's
II. 'h; - .r. - en 1 id. r I- on C iii-ii.l.M.. ' -1-1
1: 1 .1 1 i ".,' ,. a I i i, .'-' n IV, i 1 1 ; , 1 1 i - - eg
t 'iC A I. h i' ,1 ,'. :: el ,1.. ei 11 ,,1 i) a - ' . -It
t '.- tll'.lAs s;iir (,, .,.i-,, ..' .'i'lli, t.;
-i.a.'ni'i IV- .e' '.V Oi .1 ; .'. ilite- ..V' '.
A. M. the ai-vii"; ,j ;. v
ll. d i-eell sh..-;.,! - t,;, , I,, ;,;'ti,, : ,.:.'Jt(
I.; . in, Goner. d 2C.C,u,, n, ,.e. : ei
wi: h liisp.-.l.-l I 'il , 1 p e 1 w... ill- il
li IV ti;..:.: ii- 1 e.eae. . ' ho lal t i' '.. ..i
li'.' V.l' 1. 1. -:il 'a' Ij, ("""'All'"'
1: ' "'I Ihe.- him; i.i,. i ... al ih '1
; n t a ,:"iiioi d;..'i':,i: s -.'i.o d : e'
I. .elm 'irau-i-.i;- Ce:i. i.l'i'.i:'sle us
v. i! lidi'iiv, v.h:e... ihu - n.;.' nalui.idy
io, ' .' I v a vji-t .ry on their M-io.eaiis-td
lut-rii t .' !''l-iv on lot haste', (,'f
c hi .-- o,ir 1,', 1 ivluni'i yielded I he - round
- e a', i y , '.:n ii. , a n io 1. . 1 , ,, in :ny I o
I'-.-Ve tint ti- wi 1 ,. 1 - in - I" a;- 11. .n't-, ui .
t;...c ' -'lo 'l ' ''.s' iiol-,'. r, le i the r-t.'-iit-;lig
(oluuili, lullowtd l-v ( it :i. .M.oivil !:-i.-iiii'
Aion; ihe ai.,.11'-.- Uric
but loin- iri';.,..,t ioii, o - ri.-'eni. i'h
hii :: :.'. .n d s! Iv, ...1 ail, igii'.rant of
l h is I aei, ',r 1: d Mm em i -n t, w or-.- ati .'.i -a lo
l.nnw ill" I i. t it.
1 1 - aro n-i bo ,0. 11, a ro we ?'' . a,,'' il.-ik-kwu
a r'i i;ri!i M. I.tgan h y.
"l aiiii, n ! hin'i niii i' h i .ve y:;': fii-
' I :; ; '.;! you aie v. hi; ', yeo'," re. -;
ti'. la fill ml. sou "f Tip, .-.:;',. ' '
v ;h ; i ug "mini' oi tl.i Ninth .'1.1
.. a 1-el is ro;, imeht. "Ah' Mire v, c :.l-,i
ti.oi o ily d. a-'. a n 1 iliiil .-.ii,
A nd so il was ; a': -1 ' ' - " I -Is c ml i uue I
a c.vti" cu, a iiumial cai.te ".a'ii!..; I ei"
e in i-ii! v kept up. The ret , -. ,
fl eld-' ! y " ;aili-,t li,.: v ill : 1 ".1 I-., i
th. d ilk ol i" a ,, Ah : I ,1 ; . 1. -
ni-'ii 1 o y o'. i yiit.- i ' . 1 (.-:;-
i. .-. Th. iv 11 . . no r. '-,'-' ,,1 : .1 -, . .!
b ' oil 1 aloe halt"! n s. 1 1 . i m, n I : , 11 h
i n J, -r h r. .1 e te.;e i.f 1 ; 1 ' 1 ' ' -n.-.'s, ... ;
"h-rs. e-.ra ale-c i,t - eonii. h.i -i ', 11 : '.
III, sl'eil.l';r0::s .oiirio of ei.. 'I ' 1
al a ,. 1.. 0;. ;- 10 do in clos j ) r ..: m''.
a 111 ' 1 ii - ai- ny.
I d. r- l kin-.v whe'd r i; 1. 10; no I
fl-i'l all '!" '.TM'lii..hi, i.i-u.ijr;-, I'ld i
have no: yet found any oou ir-r or .-, il-
I log 10 fx p! , ,1 il, bo t s ion a '. ;-coii . 1
o' - ii" .he ..rose ft oi- n. ar tho i .i- ii-ad
I I 'ia 1 1' rs of 1 icii. Sy h: 5, at: I on the -I'ontul
1.1 .'iiple I by th-.'h'c-nii dt i-a.i ol
Mui'. ii's divi -inr:. Al. '. he . f :n i.i"!' jo ie a
l.ii'g- 'piaiitity of coin:ui--a -.- :to;e- were
set on lire, and ut the latter ; ,a.;o c '.n
mis'sary st ues ",-1 uiii;mii..:ion. The
r-illir.- up of ihe h'.igoniioky wi. iilis i 1
ireftsed n 1 drub., the debet' i.f the em .0 -thai
out- retreat was a nece- si tons one ; il
certainly a I I d to the ea,:.-riii- "f t' "i"
pursuit. I : li-idd l"-e .spito l iat, Cciier
al M''l Il.'i! ...: joeiloii ly orjei-o t'l
r.'Oi '. .il oi' ail U u ; - iiiid lonintii.-uiy u.l I
1 l'l.i' 1 ; .0,- 1 1 1 a s a.'i o-s Ihe (.'.. ii. kali-:',:
1,;,. This oi'.ii-r w..i giit-n on Tluira I e. in 1 lie nt! i-k 0.1 the cm -ny
by (-'tit !'.! .'.i hail, a ml siiow s ihe ohieo!
tohce l -'-'i 11 i itn-i i.tra! "ii of nil our
tro --' -m !!..' oilier .. ot tho liter, in
ii oidiiice wilh ih- I'lte-ramm-' uliude-i
I lard'.;, had I he chnprd ten! hearers ci'o.s
a"! li.e oii-i .".t'iiiu-' Mill-when a
si ia i o! axemen apj e o -i't lo c.lL it liown
'I !.-: la 'V- i- I'd -I! IWOI'.tV l"f! '.vid aad
"-ii.' i fi -,--., ue! adoie th-wa'.i r. I'll
blows (;;-.. c (!.". 11 rapid ,-tud h:ii,l;o:ie
t-eie -f i' s i -1 lay a;'.;-', ir. wise in the wa
ter, 'i'ii-i 1 .v,i 00- ot ' r iv. for tin- en
t-.n;,- l" cro-s i.e.c, a n.i'. ro.v,ai'.i h-sd-in-;
over tin' dt o a '.j 'rent. OI'cjui' o l.o
. ceih I n. 1 m ire his (.1 1 ii h 1 y over I Ins n ar
row viaduct, ar-i lli" only he o n.'-l
do was to plant h,- jms on the opp i-ite
buik, and -end in-' -iieils over in our do
rceii'i:'-. Tiii". in- at ,,:i,.r jiroee, dad t do,
: at th- panic ti.;',- w along for 0 1 on itruct
. 1011 of a me in.- oi'tiau-i. for i-is e.t 11 ion
'I'm- 1 iM. ;- p,,i , ofwoik-i-- j-'O-ecipf I
Willi some (iiilieiilty, lis llic Ninth Mii a
o'.oi'.ieMs r-gic.l n; hl.iZi-il aw.iy nt th -r.
; from their niuslte;-with i.est rue; ivo e'
j loot, I.I. if cannon, t .0, wo; not b.l'ik
ward in I i's;,oi:d.n ia ihe roiei gr.ij
and c ,nni irr.
J l'i'im thii j!oirt otir 11 (.'. ating Culiiiiii
, :-larled on in 1 lie .ttnA ie tic as l,e; e! ohu ,
, bat -non branching - tl into divi-iono:
road-, (ien, li (.'! i-di vi-iop . and tin'
tro -ps unil'T (iC"r " I " y , na-nl by wa
of f old Arbor, while ( d-noral Moiell 's m
and tiio hut i no (. - k n -digmal tint-ioa-tin
to K idd's mill Sm 'h-d"Mg
naletl -hice for lialun; w..s reached. 1 ui
in; the latter pait of march th-ii: wa.sle
ilislurl aiici from r-l I '."'i.non and unit
kel, although they kej-t wnhiu rospecta
bio distauie, tiii our men pn h.-I intD th
wuoilskirling tho corn li.-ld.i and fallo
land xtciniing h.iclt from t!:o invin
1 hroiigh w hieh runs the of-'!: an 1 pom
firn:jh;ng the water over Dr. Gaines' Mil,'
licMind tiins.' wo iih lhi! I'wln-ls did no
show thrall cl ', es f-r some time allc ; ward
It was annul ten o'clock when, wiiut al
terwaids proved to he. the !i. l I r,f llo
day's uonle-t was re.'i-h.l. It will !
soon from ilu thai ovt-r n 1 oiirt ncr
fnnumoH in th bftekunrd nire frt.n
the Jcene of the j rertcil'ii; ,i,ij s ronlo