Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 02, 1862, Image 3

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    f If Cbfidft lfjMil)Ii(.iit,
k h A, , I, ft.- on 'I' '-"'l'1 nUimnJnIin
ofil'nli"11 1",I,I' "hil ttm.t
id (o ( linili a '' " 11,1 ",n ln I"1"''
f,.r llm J'liT'""' f ,t"l',,,,K det'Mir.k,
lhr pun went off', Mio wholo tharr, nn
ojnro I n", II vo 1 u kahot and a 'iero of
ramrod, entering his hi Maing up loul
IS im hoi and lodged ill hit left sidojufct
below tho rihs. '
J'r. Potter was immediately summonod,
nd succeeded in taking out tho content
above niontioncd, besides a '.argo wad.
Tue wound is a veiy sovcro one but it is
thought Mr. Klo'i will survive it.
I v a i .r I'oau Mi'iinc At a meeting of
the Hoard ff Directors of the "Western
C'unt.T.I Knil-rotd co , hold today, it was
resolved to commenco the surrey of tho
ro.ul between rhil'r.sbuigif- Clearfield im
eaediat y and wo learn that tho En'netrs
will be el wo. k on Monday next. Tho,
company 1 ave deiermined to jirosecute
the wo.k without delay. A portion of il
will be pi't under contract an soon a tho
JSunbtTiy is conipleed. 'Ihia is gojd news
for Ck'aiiield.
ExriTisu Nkws. I'aring attempt to ro
capturo Fort I'lunker The Goshen bri
gade led tho attack Tho Union troops
compelled to retire.
--A gallant though an successful at
tonipt to recover litis important "posiish"
wad made on tho night of the 19th ult, by
the Goshen Brigade under command ol
Gen. E. It. Goodliver. Adjutant Barger,
led the advance of thib gallant brigade by
the light of a twopenny dip.encased in a
lantern. It was confidently expected
ii u it;e carrion would be taken by sur
: and their valuulle stores captured; but
;s ! !tory inform us that the cackling of
.. ij.'ose saved Rome, bo the grunting of a
gentleman hog taved ln t Flut.ker. Mar
shal T. Graham failed to bring forward hip
forcos, mid remained idling lirs time in
Camp Colbui n. Much blame was altadh
ea to him, for had lie came promptly to
the wliel of tho Union fopo, blood (or la
ger)would have flowed freely, and theglo.
ricus old flag, of Lagerkeer and pretzels
again wave in triumph over Fort Fluttker.
Gen. Gcodliver was wounded in the loft
hind heel by a dunikk while making time
down the hill.
Court called on Monday the 10th at 2
o'clock L . L, present, Hons. Jas. Bloom,
and J. P. 'l !:or .son , cfter receiving the
Constables returns anu culling the names
of the Jurors, Court adjourned until Tups-
tiny morning at 9 o'clock, ai, which time
his I.'onor Judge Linn appeared and took
his seal, Bclo-v vie give n ynopsis of the
pioiteediitK of 1 1 Gist v.eek ot the Term.
:L'Aitri;u sessions.
Comnioirvenlth vs. John Laneaster.
Indicitiif tit ( 'itting Timber, True Bill.
Dell, found guilty. Vullace it Test for
Com.: li. .1. valh'iee for Deft.
ConiLiuntvenlth vc. 'Aestley Nevling.
jiulittineni, Cutting Timber. TrueBiil.1
Riicognizaneo foifeited and respite grant
ed to cexl Terra. Test for Com.; McEn
nlly fur Deft.
Commonwealth vs. David Flegal & Ash.
l lepul. Indictment Malicious Mischief.
TrueBiil. Jury find Defls. yt guilty. Ja
cob Dii.ding 1'io.s., rnd David Flei!iil,each
o pay half the cots. Wallace it Test for
(-0111.; Swoope for Deft.
Comii'.onvvciiHli vs. Albert Snyder. In
dieiaieiit Larceny. True Bill. Jury find
Deft, not gt'iliy, because inune al the
time of committing the offence. Test for
Com.; Swoope lor Dt ft.
Common wealth vs. Wm. Evans Thos.
Ev.ins, Indictment Larceny. True Bill.
Verdict i.d guilty. Wallaco' i Test for
Ccn.; .'wi.'t.,pe for Deft.
CV.tnrnoiiweullli vs. Ilezckiah Iotins
terry. Indicluier.t Forgery. Tiue, Bill.
Verdict, not guilty, but Deft, to pay all
costs. iMcCulloiijjIi & MtEually for Com.;
IV. . Wallace for Deft. I
Com. vs 1. i. Schoonover. tuliclnieat
Forgery. Three counts. Verdict, guilty j
on the first and second not guilty on
the third. Test & Wallace for Coin.; Mc
Enally & Swoope for Dell.
fecntencert lo pay a line of fa pry the
cokIs of prosecution, "nud undergo a sor-jdo
vidudo in the W estcrn Penitentiary bv
solitary confinement at tebor, for the
term of oneyoar ami eight months, lo be
cotnf uted from the .1st of June, 18t?2.
Com. vs John Kline & John Grahuni.
Indictment Assault and battery, Rer
ognizance, forfeited and respited until
next term.
Com. vs. Geo. Murphy. Indictment
Assault tnd Battery. Bench warrant a
warded. Test for Com.; Swoopo for Deft.
Com. vs. Jacob Kun(J!,ct al. Indictment
R:"t Bench w arrant awarded.
cHowing named Constables, elect-,
t piing, appeared and were duly
V.l .- John Bergy, Covington ; Robt.
V I --..1 .
i.i'UMicn: l ntnrk Cil iiritn .laritun '
"t'1 mi ton, New Washington. Those'
i 'is t I I r Huston and Bloom townships,
.hi i. to appear ami qualify themselves,
-i.e i.ourt appointed m. M. Bundy .Con-
etablool the former, and 8amuel Irwin :
Constable of tho latter. I
R. K C. Chase vs Isaac Ilainea, et al.
Summon in Ejectment, Verdict for Deft
Crans for TUT.; Wol hire for Deft.
George Dixon v Franeii Tearee- Action
to recover penalty of Justice, for marry-.
ng minor son. ITff lakes nonsuit. Cram
for Flff.. It. J. Walhico for Doft
, T. k C. Shoff v
Jos. Best ir Jin.
plevin, Verdiot for TUT. f 5. Teat lor ITff.; i
owoope for Dell.
tSntffi!' -reforrifr,
Isaac Gosh v. A. D. floss A Thos. Hen. ,
derson i...,V-. V V ' t '"'"''."r tt'"uornjan. Jno. Krown.
vSTorlh- Itoft. Af V U f;r("J!rfffl,,JA . ,
VI r r Mcually for Tiff.;1 Curwengville--A. J. Gates, J. A. Paust,
W allace lor Defta. James Thompson.
Isaac iCtoi g. Xhos. & Samuet Ilender Chest-Geo. Holes. Joho Wod G
n ni John ft1er.-Summni hi .,Toier
I -t l; I f-.r I Iff. t'.'.rj. M, ,
hiillt f"r I 111 I slims f ir t' It,
Martin an I'litett i wrm s. .!"hn W
A I t lr A . iwein I lia, Nun aiiiitil
and nini nl nth bi i l : t f-r
I III ,'. r, fuf Ifl.j UallHrp A
TiM for Ivfi.
Nalein Ft-nntd'u rd l.utbctan (Initeli of
Frady toi..hi, ('. Jrl( t al. l ien,
i(r't l'i.irf I Mini mi I uytt Pf'llrl
for Pill'., for i dollar and mill. Hal
lace for I'M.; Swrooit lor Deft.
- . , ., , , S
t'oTd't., t) ho (iml tcen H"n-1
inated aan Maj. General, has been rejected
ly the Pernio. Hits was la lie exeete,
as l.e imn experienced studier.and no Ah-1,
ttiX.Congrcj"hM"Ten compelled to
... ... , ,
pass an act disfranchiung every inumtter
who engages in a Government contract.
Somo members having realized as much
na f-0,000, in a ijiglo contract.
! Tho news from Richmond nro to tho ef
fect that two divisions of the rebel army
attucked about GOUO Union troops, on the
CGult near Fair Oaks, in which our loss is
w " bU killed and JUUwoundeU. I iie ,
I lTnioti troops were under the coinmandofi
Gen. Hooker. Gen McClcllan was how
ever on the ground after the engagenu-nt
commenced, And with Gen. llentzoluian
gave orders in -person.
The fatal result of tho engagement near
Charleston in undoubtedly attributablo to
the great attention paid to negroes and
negro retool t, with which the comman
der Gen. Hunter is consuminj most of his
Tho negro hobby is still on exhibition
in Congress, that body haveing done but
littlu portaining to tho general good. The
tax bill hat at length became a law, we
will publish ft synopsis of tho bill in our
The grettest victory ye.t attain d is that
of "old Abe's over Fromont, and General
Below we give tho latest we have recii
ved up to Monday night.
Altooxa, June 29, f2.
Dear Sir : Wo can get rjo news from
liiclitiiaiid. Tho Deportment refuses to
answer question Tho latest we have is
from Whitte Hduse, Thusday afternoon
(SGlh.) Then it-was reporfed there that
Jackson had got in the rearof McCleUan'a
right wing and cut it ofl. The hospitals,
Ac., nt White lleuse. were beintr laid with
Vstraw prpnrirtory" to bing bu. ned-the .
I ii . , ' ' . . ,6 , ., !
aiok and WOUUtieti Laving been'hnstlly re-
moved to the boats. The Reserve Corns
(was in the right ving. Col. Black is
knoyn to bo among tiro killed, and Lis
Lieut. Col. wounded.
Tho most fearful apprehensions prevail.
I -a ill keep this open till morning and
send you the latest.
Ttronh, June3
Jolly has a dispatch this morning from
Altoona, Faying, "We have juht received
information that Richmond is ours."
particulars are given.
Lust Nigh fs Mall
By last night's mail we. learn that Gen
McClelland had changed his base of ope
rations from the White House on tho
Chickahominy to the James river title of
the TeninKula.
Fighting had been kept up all through
Wednesdaj, Thursday, and Friday on the
right wing, commanded by (len. Torter
who finally withdrow, under orders, when
the White House, .Railroad and telegraph,
fell into the hands of the enemy, and
communications cut oft'.
The position of McCiellan is now said
to be much stronger, and that Richmond
must fall. But few particulars are given.
Company K. (Bucktail regimonl) Capt.
Irvin of this county, was captured wlrile
on picket duly. The report says that
Capt. Irnin was wounded and taken pris
oner, but made hia escape. Lieutenants
Welch and Hartshorn ate both reported
wounded and prisoners.
'the following dispatch contains the
very latest :
rniunri.rnii. July 1 1802.
To D. W. Moore Tho news of yester
day was received. The morning papers
not clainj that Richmond has been
taken. I sea no Clearfield names among
the killol and wounded except, Captain
Irvin's company. It was or picket duty
when taken. WM. BIGLER.
Democratic Committees of Vigilance.
According to previous notice tho Dem
ocratic Standing Committer of Clearfield
county assembled in the Recister'a Office
on Tuesday evening tho 17th of Juno.
;The number of members present exceed.
?d that of any similar meeting ever held
in the county. It was a porloct "Wide
(Awake" demonstration--excepting the
absence ot catiea. Iiinnn nml Aim htinmsls
After disposinir of some nreliminarv busi.
ness, the Committee selected the following
named persons to act as a Commtlteo of
Vigilance in the several Boroughs and
Townships in the county, to hold tho prN
marv elections lo be held on llio ,lv
of AuBiict next, lind to superintend the
affairs of tho party in the several districts
Cleaifield-J. W, Shirgort, F. Short,
Israel Test.
Becraria Joln Shoff, W. R. Dlrkenson,
J. W. Lull.
..."-Jam! Savage, Thos. Sunderlin,
W m. T. QilWrt.
T '"-Jacob Dimling, Andrew Cross,
J. W . Kyler.
j.rauior(i-;)and Wileon, J. J, Kyler,
A dam G.wharl.
T-Ijt. Lather, Gainer Bloc,
H.n.l,lah.;.l n , !
i ,i r'r '"' I iifinn, . 1 . " eM
ittiet. jr , ' I - tit f ti a'autt,
I'l'itnt ijiMia llona H. Ili'g'int,
ti.lin I li"rtt""i,
I etj'in -S 111. M if 'l Pi (i It,,'. t 11") I
.1. M Miller. I
Pot - .lamps Mi (li-llnn, N M. I'mik1
way. I"hn I'.ntter.
Ui.elnii Kyler, J. A, t
A. It. Shan.
(lirard Jntin .1. Pee, Win. T. Mr''or
kK James Me('i4lan. I
l!nl,.... 1.1, I '..ft,.., t..n t'. I. H
'ipnnnii.-inirHB i null, r ,,,, j i ,i , , ,
pninurl .j itl r. '
(iulifli .lotei'li Fry, ttenjnmin Strvein,
John Jordan.
ir,V,,on7'',,lilip ,,0V(,npr' A"lr'',v A"
J Jordan-ltoM. Pellet son, .ins. McGhec-
,,m"' r'u'r '"'"'"V ....
1 Kiirlhaiis It. P. Hal., K. J. IlHinea,
yjm j0j-,,r
Knox P. A. Howies, I'll il 1 i Krliarl,
deo. Maya.
Lawrence J. J, Read, Andrew Addle
man, R. Shaw, jr.
Lumber City- Anthony llile, John Mc
Divett, A. T. Robison.
Morris J. X. Fulmer, J, Jones,
W, L. Merrell.
N. Washington Jos. II. I'.'cth, Jno.
Faith, David Logan.
rcnn.J. II. Rowles, J. B. RafTerty,
Wm. V. Johnson.
Pike D. V. Ritter, John J. Bloom,
Huli Mullen.
Union-II. Whitehead, II. A. Corlney,
J. V. Dale.
Woodward T. Henderson, D.Turner,
John Mathers.
R. V. WILSON, Tres't.
0. B. GooiiLANHER, Suo'y.
The Democratic Primary Election to
be held the First Saturday, being the
2d day of August, 1862.
autboriaod to nnnouneo
WK B'e autboriaod to nnnouneo Dr. T. J
Botfk, of lirndy tewnahip, na u e-imli b, ,
fur the LeRli-luturo in tho district compoM'il , t il,,
conntiosol Cleorliold, 101k, Jelft ryouiuid MrKvan.
subjact tu tbo rules of tbo Domocriilic party.
fTE ur nutlioriiod to announct Koiikiit Ik
t lurrv, of Uell townabip, hi u eundiduto
for tbo Locialaluro in Iho iliatrict compoaed of tho
countioaof ClearMd, Klk, Jefferson and .McKcun,
aubjoct to tbo rulea of the Deuiocrntle party.
PROT 1 1 ON OTA It Y , 4c.
"TE are aiithorijed to announce Jon L. Ci T
l ti.f. of the boroiiRh cl'Cleiirfield, u a can
didnte for the uflice of l'rotlionotary, rf-c, pubjeut
to tlio rules of tbo Democratic party.
E are uutlioriied to announce Ei.i Bloom
of Piko towiisbip, us a candidate fur tlio
office of l'rotlionotary, Ac., subject to tho rules of
the Democratic party.
WE"rn ' ft0I'Td t0 r"0""0' w- I.'11CH,,
1 V Kns of the borough of Curwenavillo, as a
candidate rir I'rothonotiiry, Ac, lubjoct to the
;,uu" 01 "emocratie party.
VIT'K are authoriied to announce Aaiiom C
T T J atb, of Lawrence township, as a candi-
date for the oUco of Prothnnotary, Ac., subject to
tho rules of tho Democratic party.
..rKaro nuthorued to nnnouneo
y tTiwKii.KB. of Clvnrficld, as a candidate
for the office of l'rothonutory, its., subject
to the rules of the Democratic parly
rt are authorized to announce J, IS. Shaw,
. e T . i". . ... -
oi ijawrenre lownrmp as a ennunluto tor
Register A Recorder, subject to the rules
of tho Ieuiocratie party.
-wtE re authoriied to announce tho name of
Wu. S., of Clearfield, as a candi
dale for Register t ltocordcr, subject to
the rules of the Democratic party.
WK nro authorized to announce Amos Rear,
sen., of Lawrence township, as ncandidato
for County Commissioner, subject to tho rules of
tho Democratic party.
E aro authoriied to nnnouneo Soi.omox
llAWMr.usriii.jron, ofDecnturtowBship, as
a candidate for County Commissioner, subject t
tue rules or the democratic party.
i.tE aro authoriied to annnunco Thomas
Y IiAt'fiRERTY, of I'enu township, as a candi
date for County Commissioner subject to
the rules of the Democratic party. , j
-.TKre authoriied to announce Wm. L Rrsn-
yy il, of township, as a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to the
rules of tho Democratic parly.
-.TK are authorized to announce CosrtAD Da
Yf ar.a. of Knox township,as a ratdidato for
County Commissioner, subject to the rules
of tbo Pjinooratio party,
-TE aro outherited to announce F. F. Cot T-
r.tRT, of Coviofrton township, ns acandrtlute
for County Auditor, subject to the rules ofi
tho Democratic party.
M AmtlI'.l)--On tho IClh day cf Juno last, by
P. Curlov, Esq., Mr. David li. Mains of Rrnd
frd township, to Miss Louiso llueset of Kar
thaua township.
On tho 2flth ult., by the Rev. T. D. fiotwalt, J. L.
Look or ow Washington, to Mi.u M. J. Ful
lerton of Lawrence township.
On the 1st inst., hy Re. T. D. fiotwalt, Mr. Wm.
V. Wright to Mias Maty Foley, both of Clear
field. "Accompanying the above notice were-
ceirej a large "chunk"of tlio staff of life in tbo
ahapo of a delicious cake, large enough to supplv
the whole concern.and will feast our chiiilr -n for
years to come.
May the twain enjoy I i To and its com!",; i- in i.
multiplicity uf ways, fcr which they lave o.;r- ,.,
On tho 28th inst.. in i'iko li'ivim' it..
Ill I .D
ili vi n Ulovii, aged 45 years.
Uto bbrrtismunts.
Treasnrer'a Sale.
According to a notice given on the Oth day uf
June last, I will hold nn adjourned Tai Sale ut
the court house in the Borougji of Clearflold on
Monday the Uthday of July, ?.,
for the purpose of disposing of unseated lauds Tor
which the taxes for I860 & 1 have not been paid.
Ths sale will commence at 2 o'clock, 1. M.
J"' 2.2. JOS. 61IAW, Trosurer.
fllHE subscribers have a medium siiod FIRE
X PROOF SAFE, nearly new. which thev will
dispose of very cheap.
Clearfield, June 25, 1542.
J rAO.TI I III ;. The subscriber having
H locatea in the borough of Lumber city, in
u!:?. !omV'. """.V Mr- Cr"ly, res-
' peeilully requesbj bis old customers to givi him a
niU rW'4 "t wi" be executed in
T6Tr ,n,,,inoei together with industry andatten-1
l'10? ' bnnneas, by whsch he hopes to recoirea
' Ur ,f pu,,lie P4lr"1''"'
, , k , JAMES ASDCTeOir.
L.mberciry, June 25, 1M2,
r if i i ami iiiiwn
The largest nnd most comtiloto
in tho world, compritiing a belter collec
tu.n of beautifully ttained
A Larger Number of Performers
than any coinimny cxtutt. TLn t.ihm
plon-aru in nniimiiicliix to tlie .uhilc Hint tlii-.v
nfli2 in a siiirior mnnner. Tho wujiis have
been aenly puintcl mid doonra'ril, so as lo fro -
fCiit aneut anil eli'itunt ni'Uruninro. Tbo harneni
is all now. Tho WarUmbu ia ol tlio moot costly
(locri'tio.., inniaifaoturo J from Ucigun iiuportcrl
fiom 1'nria during tho )ttst winlor. Tlio lluml
Wagon h a triumph, of nit, t!iu muit biMiutiful
ppociiuen of beauty unit olrgiineo that ever trav
oluil. I: will tnter town on tlio morning uf tho
eihibitiur, scatod in nbiub wiH bo
ilrawii by n litif o( plmulitl homos, followed by
tho entire company in tirand I'roccssiun . Among
tho Iriitnic. of this estullihiinelit is tho
English Steeple Chase,
,! a.i .iv, ,i t-ir tiio hr.H tnuo in a trav
.i.i. 'i i-.ciio i of the most exciting
mi mid 111 -. i - bu .-eci to bo appreciated ,
Au', r "Hi, l feature ia tbo
(-HikliiR vivnltic's, scones in tho
loinineiicitij; with tho march and
lliiu the kail (tu which all the horses w.ll lio sUU ; ,,, workmanship, a,d i
down and sit up ut the Word of command) giving ' cheapness, those of vny oilier similar Kstablisli
a correct idea ol ; ,01lt jn ,hi. IMirt (lf lhu S(.llu . ,, ly f(lir u)1 j
A Night ill McClellail'S Camp. honest ilvultnH, wo hopo to merit a liberal aliure
concludinir with tho Urnnd Charire. The UORS-
Lb AC I) 1'fJMItS uro the kert trained iu the
business, foremost among which ia tho groat
Talking Horse Washington,
who wll he introduced by his traiucr
Dan (j,sii'liicr,
TtC J'lVylcs Favorite Vloivn,
who will appear ut ench exhibition, assisted by
The Gcat I'nion Clown.
The rerfonucts comprise the stars of both hem -
ispherca, among which may be found the names of
it H om in i tt ,tu
George I Mrious,
H. Moieste,
S:t;nor Parker,
W". King.
Roman Brothers,
fV. Green,
L. Swim,
Madaiiie CainiMe,
Mast. E. Gardner
li. lvin,
The Great Unknown,
". Richer.
W. Hill,
Daviii FMjs Eliza Gardner.
Little Minnie,
Look out for the (Jrand
hil.'it iu
Procession. Will ex
On Friiknj, July 11, 1SC2.
Afternoon nnd Evening, Doora upon at 2 and 7
Perforiuanco to commence half un hour later,
ADMI.sSION - - - - 25 cents.
At 1'hilipsburg on Thursday, July 111.
Al Luthersburg on Saturday, July 1J,
and don't forget at Clearfield, Julv II, '62
W. II. GARDNEh, Agent.
R. Bai.i,,
Advertisers. July 2,'C2.
r.u the Dardcf Gml,
There is a Store in M.irket Street,
Where all tho uieii nud Indies meet,
To help their ' sales "nnd suro their feet
Right close to "flraham's Storo ;
(You've suroly been in there before,)
Lives Miimii up to ears in leather,
And op?n in all sorts of weather
r . i t . t it . i . . i . , .
ilffolM ( 'awl Hoot, with 'wax ami 'end
And whilo ho 'lasts,' Will e'er defend
And cberiidi all who come demanding.
That he should help their understanding.
lie makes all kinds of boots and shoes,
And nono n.'ed barefout go,
While Slimph nnd his leather
Aro makini; such a slu.w.
And Jack anil 7ih nro ulways hero,
And reudy nt a ca.1
To neatly tako your measure
And show you through tho hall.
Then oome along and bring your dust,
The Hi ttily Ithina down,
And wo'll wurrnnt you ns good a fit
As you can get in town.
June 4, '62 Mnrket St. ClenrCeld, Pa.
Notice to Contractors,
rwiIIAT proposals will bo received by the Kxcs
1 tive Committee of the Clearfield Countv Ag
ricultural Society, until tho 4th day of July next,
f,rthe liiioiii: ,: tV Course on the rimiety's
,'?rMii;:i.-. I'-',
.r.' tii aiii'in:
: ..: -. li I
:,l l!;e li.-iy ,1
I'.v ui I, r ..f ll
,ii handing in proposals,
; "T Miiiuro yard.
i;i , l.e Lands of the Perre-
1': rfident,
F. lvTZWEILKR, Poc'y. :
Strain EngineaiKi Page Saw-Mill
i all complete, for sale.
STEAM ENGINE, following dimensions:
Cylinder 10 inches in diameter of bore, with
I i feet stroke j slide valves with cast iron bed
plates, or shear, with force pump, Oovernur nnd
j fly wheel, rfc., complete ; with copper and other
pipes; TWO BOILERS 34 inches in iuneter,
doublo fluod, 16 feet long, of good material Ju
niata Iron,) (ly wheel 12 feet iu diameter, nbont
KWII lb) weight, with oil globe, and all necessary
cocks nnd wrenches; with extra shaft to attach
to flrist-Jlill Tho Engino has been used for
running both Grist and taw-mill successfully,
' PAGE'S BEST P ATKNT complete with
Ratchet Head Blocks, Two Circular Saws, Strap,
nnd nil necessary machinery for sawing Lun.bor.
I The nbovs Engine and Saw-mill cau ho socn at
; Urahsmlon, Clearfield county.
JC-V ror liltl i.i:uiim , incase Booiv 10 tne nro-
L l". . .1
n f'l.n.C.Irl l. .
June 25, 1P52.
r AUTIOX AH persona nrj ncrcby caution-
(J ed against purchasing or in nny way med-
dlmg with a coitflin Uray Mare now in the
possession of Isaac Britain in Decatur town-hip
as the belongs to me,and is left wish him on loan
Woodland rf., June IK, IHCI.f d.
" I It" I'lii'dl Huh rtml l'i'i i I,"
c A1 vtj;;'c;.v,r,
.M) Itt'.Mif! I!I:M)H!
S I Ni Ml -
li- f'l'T '''""' li "f Hi'ld-iiMi ln trn. N, 1 20
Niitlh 'IhliJ ulrerl, I'Liln l. )i lil.
i t PIIK Ullileriiliril rflllulljr Slinuillir I llit
I 1. Itilinliitiiiils of CliKrlli'liI rii'inlv, kipI Hi
iulilic ffiirrnlly, HiiiMIipt hut epKiiPil nt llm
. sliovt nmiii"! liu llii MnsT KX1 ENhlVK Au
hi:adv madi: clotiilm;,
1 Anil (Ii'IiIIimiipii'i Kit r n i h i i. T tl'inil", (lint lin f v-
r liovn riliil'iti'il in lliin buruuli, itnJ wtiieh
25'Vper cent chenper than Clothin.ha.
:' v will mil
ever been sold in this part of the
country. . Mni'k cmb-aeen u lull nnj cii.iii'Ii'le S'tt-
tiic it of nil 0 r,iicnls ,",(Mifr illy tvoin, innln up of
Su't ti)i'U', ill's, aril 'n t'10 best lijlo ami wurk.
18,rw, Pi T w , (T, II Al Jl. ,
lirflihinir ( fuL"'' !
; 1 rilVcllil)" lVlgS, 'IVimmCll I'lilU
; i' I CI'
' IlCli'tlll V IlltC Ollirt.
In abort, evo-y tiling!y rutin J in a well na
hor U'd t,,re or tliij kind. Wo nl.'o keep a fine ua
urtinvnt of
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Such as I'uekvi-Hunks, I'ordnonni, l'ocknt knivei
ro-iili? nnd lirusliea. Wntcb Chi'lna and lin.inla,
t Violin and tiuitar Slrin;n, l'iatoN, llsvnlvers,
I Cjp, iSpectiiclcs, a n li a Krt-'.it ninny other fancy
and useful article too mi in croon to mention ; all
of which we will uell as v.e'l im the Llothinjf,
( We invito every pe.-ion in need nf CloJ'inf:, or
: u" ii'iy of tbo aiiove-nietilioued artieleii, to favrr
ui with a cull nnd view our floods and l'ricea,and
wo nro t't nliiieiil that we can dive f.ili.-l'action so
Ibct every person ahull loi 1 inclined to tell bis
friends where good and cheap clothing c;in bo "ot.
w e nro cohftuuiy recwi vlu firrofM'.rH to onr
e i. r... ..... !....(..-.... i- .i.i i: i a '
in Pliil,.,l,,.,l,i,. ftll i. .i..,,,!,, ;.i ,i,
,.,.,i vriiv .,f ri:l. ;. , i.i. i. ,
1 u''lic I1"'"11;')-"'
Clearfield, Pa., April , 1S02.
I'uucn A'aiuuciaaivo
N. F.. corner of th' ''hestmUSts
V il I L A ) K L 1 II I A, J' A
V" IWliTUTlOX, which was estab
lished in and is now cou.c,aently in
the eighteenth yeurofita existence, mimbeis
Htnoiig it- graduates, hundreds of the must suc
cesslul Merchants and liusiuesa Men ol'our coun
ti v.
1 Tine Piun i of tho Institution isrnlelv to alTord
'oK men facilities for thorough procuration for
1 Tin: RitASc
li km TAi'tiiiT aro llimkkn ninii. as
j applicable tc the various department of trtiiio ;
I Pkhmanhih', both plain and ornamental ; Com
n:it, i a i. Law. Matiikmatu s, Navigation. Civil
Kniiinkkiiisu, Dn.uvisu, Puo.NuuiiAriiv, and Sloii. 1
' kiin Laniii aiiiis. I
j 'i'llK SvsTtM ok iNTnom cTioi is peculiar; no
clai-es (,r set lesvons are made use of, but eiieh I
' student is taught individually, so that ho may
i I'oiiim.iu'C .',t any time, nnd attend ut whatever
i bonis nr,it,,o?t coiiveii'.i-pt. ,
! f at.u.ogi ks are i--ne l annually nfter the loth
. of April, names of the students for tho
i year, and full particulars ( f terms, Ac, and may
, be obtained at any time bv addressing tho 1'rinci-'
pal. ' j
In Fxtkmsivk Ai i ommohatiovs. wide-spread.
I reputation, and the lengthy exporienco cf tho
! Principal, this institute n offers l.iciltioa superior
lo any other in the country, foryoucK men wish
i irg tu prepare lor business, and to obtain nt tlio
, same time a iui'loma, which will prove a reeom-
1 meiidatioii for them to nny .Mcrcuntilo House.
OrCniTTKMiK.i'sSeries of Tr-ntises on P.ook
Ivkki'INc, now more widely circulated than any '
other wurk on the subjcct,aro for sale at the Col-
1 lee.
Attorney at Law,
Philadelphia, jan., 22 lafi2 ly. Patsm-At..
A b tt m b Ih i z. q
4 LOON nver drentned of bv Ma, nor wbis-
I pvred by Amijki.s. Discovered accidentally
j Every owneof a burse must orn it. oiiiething
! which cures I'litiliil t-r in horses in so anuria
I line and so mail-ally as to only be surpnssed by 1
I a iniracln. It thoroughly eradicates the effects I
i from the system in friiai 12 to 21 hours, so that1
your horse, so stiff to-day that you cannot get
lit, ii tmt t.e ii... .,ni.!.. i... i .
.iitoiw, uv to-ill", I o in iriiov lo
,.lUo ,is ,,! in tht ,,u, Tho l.Kt i.'ari:ier
never dreamed of it, nnd it astonishes every Ik dy.
li is neitner Jli ureal nor I irWoWc, nor any
oompound of man's invention ; but is given simp
y as Nnturo produces it in his drink, and only
nee. No drenching. Tho rem dy is silent in
ts action, nnd cannot produce any injurious ef
fects, Costa nothing. Kxista every hero and
will cure to the end of time. Thero is no patent
humbug puff, nor catch penny business about this,
but tho simple truth honestly stated. IJely upon
I that. Kaeh one sending nio Ono Dollar, with
J their name and address, I will promptly inform,
i fVi a sealed envelope, what tho remedy is. Twice
I amount of money returned in ease of failure
(which is impossible.) Address,
J. D. Fit ISTOE,
April 9, 'f2. pdlim Hebron, Ohio.
important Information
Louden's Indian i:pec toran-j
TIMUS REMFDl is dlTerod to the community
X with the confidence we feel in an article
which seldom fails to reali.o tho happiest eH'cets
that enn bo desired. So wide Is tho fiold of ila
usefulness, nnd so numerous tho cafes of its cures,
that almost every suction of tho country nbmiuds
with persons public'- know n, who hnvo been res
tored by its tifo. Here is one case of an
Tuts may Ckutikv, That my son lay sick for
twelve months, under the Doctor's care, with the
disease of tho Lungs, nnd every remody proscrib
ed by tho Doctor failed to give relief. 1 gave up
all hopes nf his recover? : so did tho rhvaicimi.
At this slnpo I preva 'i?d upon him to try a boitle
oi iiouiiu.i a, (.u i. VIA l; A p 1 1 1 O K A i T,
nnd the result wa most happy, as tho uo of
three hollies eiTected a permanent turc, nnd he Is
now a hearty boy, JAMES LAYT0N. j
Derry Township, Indiana Co., l'a. ,
No Family should ho without it; and thoso
who have used it.novcr will. I keep nil of LOC-i
anlo. Call and soe tho list. I
A. H. SHAW, Phawsville. '
i'Forsalo by other Merchants in Clcarfiold
county. April 2, 'C,2. dm.
rpiIK undersigno!, having tnken charge of the
- " """.-i 'ion, r,.iU,
I eftrrii'lil nnnnlv i-n.t,ntrll ..I ..r
' ---"VI .' ",vvi,un; EUllttlB IIIIIOI UI
public patronage. No pains or expense sill be
spared to render guosts comfortable. Charges
to sun me times.
April, 9, 186;'. y. CiEO. RICHARDS.
KjtjvJing1 ITnis.
VLAGE LOT of those justly eoltbraMd
NAILfortale cheap for rash br
March 2, 18C
Spi llIU 0H MlMM
H. W, SMilM h 00' I
t atr.t Miit M -t t s-M-iol. I '
fl tjiinlllt nf I'iIi, t "'i !' I It "I
SH'I i ,,n t . lit i of I i .. t ,1
n, i r imn (r j' i
Aln A lntj'ii ) i 1 i,l I'nll.loil mil
lb" li"W tiniii)j iimli'tluli f"f leu "Hi li V ' nn'
tl, I ilri '. A rnlti li'ld n,i illun'lit
nf l.mlirn' I'nii 1 r I mi in ill K , I'liHoim, I --.(.
Cut'li. ikiit I', llrtlin ,,lij r woMtnl. Mir I,
Inn, I oo, Kihliro,iry lilka, ('., ft".
Aliu a rliolin ,, i, iliii.iiinrt I r 7. on K. fin
tilling M liiinp, nlk, W Inti! HukI", Str
Ilii'If, .Veil .'mum, 1,1m H ,,ii
trr, At., ,lc, Ar , A,,,
si'ri'.niuit stock or
Hursts, I'ot U, Al''',
Prima, (' tliiiinloa, Hi illiwnlrt",
I u in t rl i a , llviiiuii, Law i tvlii'i,
I"liiiiic Miw'll 1'iini. ( htrkt, II' li Iken-'iu fl
MclU di, llii'kory tti,a Ii'uli l.tiirn,
(liaiiibrnya, Tweed, Hoiiti'iii' I ior
liii(jhumB, Coril lirllln, .Neck liea,
..l.iiwim, Hep lie l.ilnvt ) 1 1 n ' k m I k
Mi illurca, riulriirine", Il'n lker, - lit-
Ken'y Joftiia, .Mo;.iiinliiiinr, II ., i kir; n.
r'aiu-y Cna'uirv Milln, liuyhu,
J)t)N'T IiOSKnitOl'TOin I'.n'TV :
To ero'iomise (to to 11. W. S. A (''.
where yoti will receive a etioii"r
articlo al it atnall J
vtinco on cil!
MKN AW Aidl!!
l)o.i't tlnow nwiiy your
tneana when by goin lo 11.
W. S. t. Co's. you etiti ;l a re:il
good in tii le fif a K 1 1' Bool Inr "'--Call
and nee alnoowr aieu'ii t !n . v
riott'.'h Siioo.
As Times are Easing so are our Ti it3
Apiiia U.'IW.
EtjGBffi& Gaj-jJly IT
At the Old Prices.
1'. KItATZEll has, just reccivod auolb .
peneral naanrtincnt of r'uimner
LawiM Cloths Ribb,r.H
1'oplitis Sittiliolts Flowers
Sliallies Ciissiinerui Hosiery
i Cash meres Twet-ds Head'Netts
j Liivillai Cctlniiiides Dress iriinmingK
I Dticals Drillings Luces
Silks Jeans Collars
i Flints Muslins Utideislocves
j Valencia Flannels M.n:lillas
I Chintz Linens Dusters
Ginghams Tickings Shawls.
L tidies Promenade Jackets2,
j llonncls, Sun -Umbrellas,
.Carpet, Floor Oil-Clot it
Hats, Ciips, Hoots, Shoes.
0 0 12 i a
, Jointed Hoop Skirts, Shakers.
Musical Goods.
Violins, Files, Strings, Bridges, Hows, Peg,
Preceptors, Music l'tiper, Ro.-in.
Tin-Ware, Glu.i-Ware, Drug', Lamps,
Iliickets, Iirooms, Tubs, Churns, Wall Paper,
Ulinds, Umbrellas, Itnskets, School Hooks, Var
nish, Mots, Curled Hair, Coaoli Triiiiiniuc j.
Spirit Turpentine, Llnsced-Oil, Fish-Uil, Coal
f'il, (iln?s, &c, in fact n little of evcrytliinj; uu
nlly kept iu a country store.
All of which will bo sold on the rsost rcaceia
blo terms for Cash, or approved country pio
duco. Clearfield, May 23, 1SIS2.
WORT PLOWS. Tt la now settled be
yond question that these celehrnted plows
go ahead of all others, wherever introduced, in
givinir good satisfaction. For the convenience of
our friecds nnd former customers in ClearSold
County, (to whom we nre thankful for past patron-
"K0-) wo Klve below a list of agents, from whum
,no,", ''l"w. nnl also Shears, can bo had :
,,irr' " '(' R'gler, Clcarflald , Jumm Vfatton, Wil
liaius Urove ; JuhnH'Ui, near Urnhamton ; ,S'.
.SI. Ckitmnn, near Kylertmrn ,' L. Rrrnntl.
Frenehville ; ,hhn J!rit.r Karthaus ; (Srnrii
ccf.cii oni.Siilt Lick ; .. 11. Itrrctt, l'ennr ld .
Hole & Co, din iriib'nia Llnyi, Philipsburg :
Thnmttn JfrnttrrHnn, Jeffries ; Vciiry .Visiiii , An
aonville; .S'omiici llrjuriy, near Ulon Ho,ie
John Cummin;,; New Washington; O'ronjr. f)
Lnniih, Clearfield.
Wealfoninko the MeOnrvey plows, lotli right
and left hand ; alo hill-sido plows, iron kettles.
Acic Witiltt and lliithmctuj cook stoves, egg and
nino pinto stoves, iron fencing for conietrics. ch.j;
iron hitching post.', wagon spindb s of all ,
threshing machines, (seo advertisement.; We
nlsu havo J. S. Marsh A Co's celehrnted g :u;.
drill and straw and fodder cutters ; wj cro al
prepared to make nnd fit up mill castings ot anj
description wantod. Orders, oirhcr directod i
us by mail or through nny of tho above i.mui
agents, will receive prompt attention.
Bellufonto, May 2S, 'C2. A. HALT! & i 0.
riiiiiti-.siiix; m ( iiim.s. --Thu
signed wich to 'nforin the citiicns .!
field county, that they stil' eontiuuo the m.i"'
facturo of Threshing Machine", nt tbo :!'! ,
Foundry, of a sitperiur ipialily, fjr on.', t v .
fi ur horses; nlso, tho celebrated endls, , I'l.m, t
tread power, for either ono or two horoi..-,
without (linkers aa may suit tho piircbas r.
would rccommund the tread power'jui.i ly
farmers who keep but two or throo horses. ;
machino and power, with shiiker, can all b
on a small barn floor, and raia or shino, cii
worked to good advantage by a man m l .
boys, thus saving in hau ls ns well ns ii, b ,r
und doing tho work as woll nnd as fast us r
men desire. Our four-homo p-nvcr mj'
with overshot cylinders, nro certainly the e.
made. Wo would give numerous crl II :.
reliable (nrmei s. of both (Jentre and .
cnunties, ns to tho good satisfaction
ching havo given, but deem it unncce-ury
niaeumus warranto, I. ynlors by mm. w;,'
ceivo prompt attention. A. IIAl'PT A w.,
May 2M, 1SC2. Bcllefin ', I i.
Peter Bloom of Ansonvillo, is uu nui'io,-.-. .
agent fur t"io suloof innchines.
Administrator's Notice.
"JVfOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
Xi ministration on tho estate of FREDER
ICK SIUVFEK. jr., lute of Brady twn.hip
Clearfield county, deceascl. have been grnn'c'
o tbo undersigned. All pc raons indebted to sui. ,
estate aro required to make payment withou' do
lny, nnd those having claims against the m.r,
will present them duly authenticated for s"ttK ,
Brady township, Juno 4, lttl2.
Goods! Goods!!
VRE Just now opening upalnrjo and splen
iU assortment of SEASONABLE U00DS
which iley offer at exceedingly low prices,
Firelcomo first served. May r '92.