Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 25, 1862, Image 2

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    f in Hi
;. fn ' M ' 1
Mill I ,
I Ml 1-1
ml I,".... I . T ( "
I l, C 1 I. I I 'M I
I 'll
i li w ', nl
p.,,h, ,,.,,.
i, i ,, I.. t y III" I' I' "
I I. it I mill IIh V I I"' i ""I" 'I I'
. I , i i i i i I' lil I 'mil I lli'il-i
. , ' '. ... i. i ..i i I...
"II tlH"l lM l" I'" IIIIM'M'I, I I""., t. ,','-
I ,. k ill UlllllV I f,ti Ii J tlrilu Iliiili'"
,,,,) I,.,,,-. nt.r, Hl.Mit o-, I..k in the
I d.. f,.i..f ll,,.) n. . . ini tl.r l this ttas
i mi i
f.f filii rii tiutirii t-l i iivnliy KH1
i r iiu-f i r.l III t 'I III i' . Hill IT I if ll. M II HI
..i .. i...... ... i. ,.i ii.;. u ,.l.
lll'l in n ii'.iii M I'j h".ihim in inn ...
ily, iih'l ll-etclm. wrv noHiuitft-n lollio
. .... I.
At Wliite llinir, whiih if it rcndt-rvnus
ol sullen and vendors of small wares, n
ri'i'iilnr stunticdc lnok place. Lieut
i n tv i i : t f
T iii-nlls comtiianduiit lit thai J'"kl, lit-1 nil ' ,,)C mt".v
.i i.... . i i i ... i it. i. .... Tim Kit liini'l!
(.tulilii l OMlioim to H'M.,t unv iiliiuk tlmt
i ll, ri.i in hi l l r,i iiui. I, 1,1 .,, ii,, ill,,
tniclit Imvol.iHi iniuli'. '
Ti.n i v..ii;.. K..L..I. ul.i.-K l..n
I I1U 1,1,11, "'fc , ... -
.,.;,.. .!.., I ulil, l, in,.,r.
on of tho ru niv mi. I i ivilian-, who llioii-ht
Korirt'im Moiin,i tu l,u n iikho ciiii:;i'iiinl .
tj,:,lP. j
At i l'l ( luiri:li tli reltN h.'ul in ivrrvo
mx itpinniilii of inliiftry, with iitlillfiy.
A i knnn n ti I 1 a l.n-t -a uuro I. tintvn t ill l-Hll it
ty cav.ilry wan iininwiliiiti'ly onli'it'il, hut
ihc iiomy, havin? so much of u ittai t, only
hvo vt'io cai'lui'iJ.
Si-v(i.,l HirMsU havti Lorn mm In to-iluv ,
of t ili.,i:is within oui- linos, oh Mi;iition
..I Imviiu iMvon ii.lornialion to the fiioinv. ;
A ic iiiion, imt,.-i- of I in r'i i iiihtniil '
n -tt
stales tlml three ll.i.i.siii.d prisoners, taken 1
hy iiui. .JackM.11 from lien. Hanks, hilt on ;
Weilnt -il iv lor Salishtu v. N. C. It tils')'
-J . J 9 . . . I
Mat-s 'hut of tho 1 Col our woiintlil tlmt
fell in,., their hands at tho battle of I'uir
Inks nine have since diod, and tho balance
1110 in 1 1 o l.iliorty l riKon nospiini.
W.tsuiM.roN, Juno 10, 1 Si'.'J.
lr-l"iti-lio.t from tho ni my of tho 1'otot
nine, il itetl fcovt n o 'flock this cvt'iiiii, n
Jicali' i hut nil is juic-t in troi.t of liii h
moml .,, , ,. ,
ru" 'r n 111 (r? ot Tri 1
Lvacaation of Cuniberland Gap by tho
.... , 7.e's- i i , J
in'- -ericiaiy ui i 1 ii'cciv.ii u,-n..v
, . i , . ,,. . w tt........
1 1 1 pa i i ll 1 1 out i iciierai i icoi . ,'ii'i-;iui,
tate.M,amp near i. uutocriana v.ap, June
lsth, U o'clock A. M. It
ktlltOH III. IIS
aiiiiy tuniniouceil its
that inoniiiiL' lo attui
i . , . -ii.
:.i i,iv tin titr-rir-M, 1 it. rii,,rin nt one o c tit-k
...... j ......... - - -
innimorning ioauacuu e enemy aii. .mi-
t . ... l.l ... i t '
Li-rhui'l (hip, but on arrival thoro
mat tie lui'l evneuatea una vert iinpor-
. ... , 1 1 1 r.
ant position, his rear guard having left
r r .1 1
on v about four .lours before the arrival.
rJ:.. , 1 , i
of our advance.
. .. . . , . i
veu. iuorgau ptaisos 111c conuuci hi 111-,
. . . 1 . . . .
1 .. r I. . ., ... 1 .
UiviBion in ilu arduous march through an
. 1.. .i:n:....i ... 11.. ........ ,1...,
VAiruifiuiy UllllCllll cuuiii 1 , i,l-mi.iiii-,i
,-..' 1 I.'. ,i.
uia ciionuii wertj Mrnggvii uo uie ineciin-,
, 1 . ,1 1 ,.,,, .i ' 1
to s su es. ol tho I ne ami (..utnhcrl.iud
, 1 .1 1 , ,t 1 1,1
niountnms by tho aid of a block and lack-
,.,11 1 11
e, two hundred men being employed up-,
,, e ti-
en tho ropos of a smgio piece. In his
1 -, 1, i- i- . -,i
progress considorub.o skirmishing with
!, " 1 1 . 1 1 1 . -,i ,
tho rneniy had tsken place, but without
.1, ........ .:i. '
any lo-s on our side. ,
Ueii. Morgan highly compliments lien-
erals Spear, Hnyard, 'Carte and Col.
(..' i.v',ii..n,n,n,l,.ru.r-.ri. T .1
Foster, chief of artillery ; Capt. O. .lohlyn, ,
Capt. S. L. Lym, acting en! ',
giuccr: M..i. liaibe., a-sistant oun-tenins. ;
. ..-.j, t"-y "- '
subsistence ; Lieutenants E. 1. Saunders, correspondent of tho Frew uivc.s somo in
C. S. Medary, and liobei t Monlgonicry, eitlents connected with tho battlo nf l'ort
A I). C, . Republic, amonj; other the follow ing :
Mtiirnis, Juno IS. (Ten. Lew. Wallace. I'atriutif- f'ni.
ha assumed command of tho city, i.'is "Tho Kighty-Fourth l'enna. which held
lirst ollicial acl was to lake possession of. the extreme left, supported by tino.hun
the Arj.s oflioe, which has been outspo- died aiid-tenth l'eniin. took into tho Held
ken in its sympathies for tho rebu'lion. j about two hundred met), of whom nearly
J. W. Knox, of the New York II -rail, and , lilty woro killetlor wounded. Major Har
A. li. Kiehardson, ol the .New York Tab-' rett, son of Judge Harrett, of your State,
tmt', have Leon appointed to tuvetvise all commanded the regiment, and won for
editorials which unneai- in Ihnt raner. himself the hiL'li honor of ruceivim:
' - - - i -i
i lirenls having heen made lo tear down
tho L'nion lings Ily in;; over llie houses of
somo citizens,'" the i'ruvost Marshal issued
1.11 Order illttrucling tho guard lo hoot
down any one attempting to haul down
tl.n llu.,, r,r ll,;., iult -il
tiiu iw-,-j ui viiviini; iiisuikvi iiiu t:-;i ml lias
identa or citizens who have thus manifest
ed devotion to the Cuion. An order was Col. Murray was killed at the first ; battle that sm,h a,iut(Jllit ion Mioul-I come
aLo lssuotl to impri.oii all ciazens c.irry. of inchester, and Lieutenant Colonel. . .
mgcjncealcd weapons. 3 i MacDowell resigned before (he light at 1 ,,0, I1H w' -uMly pari.",,,
liuemllus aro prowling about the coun-; Front Koyal. Major Harrett has gone lo , himself as lo have been, tit one timer nu
tty. Fivo were itriesteii last night by ourj Harrisburg lo see (iov. Curttn, and have cither, tn nrlive hh,t, i tnt a o'U',-, ,,t
pickets in tho tubuiba of the city. j him appo'nt a ninn to tho Colonelcy. - ! ,MI,iifl,( ,,aTu, in , .,-isl, rr.
Owing fo the scarcity of charge the Major H. should bo promoted lo llio , - ' ' ' .
Hoard nt Abler,,.,.,, I,..v vo.e.l i.-..,., ' Lie itenant Colonelcy, for helms now1 e were pleased to hear him tlepiet the
one hundred thousand dollars in fri ction-
al notcH, as the public exigencies may
Guerrilla bands arc burning cotton in
tho tountics of northern Mississippi which
has not already been destroyed by tho
HoaU going North aro loaded to their
inmost capacity with freight ar.d pusstii.
gel a.
The culli of ftlltigiaiico whs aduiinisteicd
to iivcr four hundred yesterday, hull of
t lit iu soldiers.
Tho A:;i l ,(! my that tho rt bt l an-
thontics otdo'.ed tho rolling stock of tho
Mobile ( Ohio road froai Tnnder to
)j 1 inn .
Wim n, Vo-, Juno 17. Advice
l:tnu J unit Royal state that Oen. Slcclds
has tuicetdud in concentrating
all his
. "
troops hi .uasiinr. llio rear
L'U aril Ol
n ii tny left I.hi i.y about an hour bclorc
il was entered bv iinii ,.,lo;,,.;.,.,
-. . , ., . .............
co.uuni. i-.wau is now supposed lo be m
occupancy ol Luiav with a heavy fo-ce-
Arrivals to-niaht from New Market
i .,- ..
bunt's intelliitetice that lien. Fremont was
about to advance to New Market, seven 1 'Vl s',1i,"' Hamlin, of Maine, nn AboK
mile., couth ol Mount Jackson, and oppos ' itioninl of the John Hrow n lleljier School
sue the gap in the Massanutten Moulnin " mim wh0 lor miml, mannets, morals,
tin niigh which the road leads to Luray. 1 fr'atmcs, mouth, nose, dark skin, wooly
.Litkson is believed to have a considerable , 'iem' wold Lo sold for a r,r,ro.
fui to of light troops in Harrisohuri.', while . ...u-i " , ,, i,.' " .
.inothrr lody i at or near l'ort Uepubiic. ' N X"' m K"'' ''"I'uW.can friends
l'r'sonors teport that Whito's Division of tft,k ftlj0Ut 'he et edit of our national fin an
filfeen hundred are within supporting dis- cos how that Government issues aro Uv-
unce ol I ot t hcpnblic.
.1 Sarp F.iij'tjtii't-iti on Ja'hcs .t'ui, (it,. ,
t:.ic,f a Stramrrrc", (W-.'V'i't ('"(-
Mninns, Juno lJ.-Tho Canada Ap.
peal, of tho 1:2th, conluins tho following
inteMigenco in reference to the operations '
.ii!,iin--t Charleston : !
'.Lyi.iM, June II. fighting continues
in the v t.-in i I v ol f 'hitl lesion. The imoei s
...... . . .1
ol Hint citv thu morning contain partial-
Ifirs of a sharfi engagement at James Js.
land on Tuesday afternoon, which con
Mnuid till durk. Our forces consisted of
tl,.eU .eg..i,e.Uw,.do..o battalion of in-
.intry and threa Latteries, under com
ui.tnd "I i.ien. W. D. Smith. .
l li eiieinv v4s umlu ihe prolectiou uf
, ,1. I 1. 1
I,,,, it l.f I
in I inn l'i
t '
;i mi- i
n u i
', i in.
i M int
li i Hot
from r
.1 'H I'll'
I ,ll lllllll III Ol t'l "I'll I'V
i 1 1 i. i ' ' ' i "0'' ' ' ' 1,1
i. ll ,;!il l be hog" I
ni 1 1 1 I r I In 'li i mil lln ' imiii i
i i, , r 1. 1 tt.,-t I Id v tit if liting I
I '
v ,ii,
c..l. I"'"", ul Sec nt.lbk,i up a
I'll! I'll III" I t" I'M ' I""!'" mi l bind "-'top,
nm. M-nd-iy '-1 " Vanltc
ri. Hi r.
A le.letal i ii'tii r iumii "ii .ii ini'i it,
rcnor! - . tin' ehiinv on
,1 allies Island
- "i . r
mH " regimci-ls strt ng. mid "
inn o were i'j l" ru 'i 'in'iiii'
H " t'l'ci ted at
riinil.-lnn I , iitllii
steamer I ceil
of lliut l'ort, lor Nnnu. ,
wilh a cargo cil' cotton, hid been cuft u ol
I'ho Kit huioii'l ni'(T.t of tliO litli ctiiitiim (
. .
tl.o tollmviii, .lutdl ii.irli.-Mon ,
tl.o'l.iy I'llorf:
" 1 he mimo li.ii'Pi' , nil's tlml tliifo thou
siiml M'isoih'm taUcu
, , .. I
V I il'tllT!! .lill'KKOIl
lYnni Hunks, l. lt mi'Ml.iv for
ilii' I
ln i y, N. I'liiolmii
'I'hll lllicri !lli0 htillt'- i
thill ot iho IT- oi our ivounuo.i i.i:ii "',
"l 1 lmntU lit tlie Imttlo ol fair ouks, i
. i t l,i H .. till. I'll
imm ";v' mnrf iHfU mm i" ;,1UilI,l-
at tho l.iheitv iiiison htwpilal.
I'iio truth in r?c,inl to tho Imtllon ol :
Crot-s Ki-ysaml Hurt Ueiiuhlic will j.rohu-1
"'''y ho arrivmi ut bomu nun). Moium uuu
1" 'r' I luntniuing iiimpi, w..-
,1- I : i. : . ...,,..1 l..t
tho lol-
aiiitiiw, wnii ii i nut i. ov.i-i . jr
low in4 statement from th ;M ','" torres-
pomlenl of the .New ork limn. j-,
ting from tho Mountain Department,
T -lO.I. 1 n nl' I l., f Lk I'll ( VltVU
- 'ii"" i-i". " "' "
Ky -I'itUur,, ItisHttei.
"tiftho tiht (luring tho tlay it ive:o
UHolt-ts now to fpoouhtte, nml worse to
cruiiiso. i rrmoni a iiuioarmy tiar u-n.-,
than tho public tvould reatlil;' believe
' was met ut every point by tuperior mini
fri. n-li- lm cii,,rii,r imitpriiil nnd bet
It,,,, rmi.i'i,',,, -.'. it. f,l,l,,l m ..scum a .lis-
f. . .T.t It,,, I
I, I. I li"t
.(I'M i f ll "
(( mi i 'nt! i
usijuus iioiiii. loiiihuineiii- 1110 ,,i, vi -. -j-,
"aroofal.munesthe most obnox-
"h t ,!,,, too,i,,.c)jour
,,,.,, .i,g0 ,lt n Republic, thoUl. Any otl.or namo would suit it better.
light at"l 'loss Kevs had tloubtless coino toisue'n mimeii lairlv Mink in their nostrils.
. , i
u tlitlereiit eml
'When the pursuit was resumed the
. . ... 0UI,
I -. -o - " . , -,- .
occni'ieii u iiio ciioiii)
..t . . J
: . I l , l. ...........
unv lieiore,
i ,,, ,.
lllllll 11 L 111(11 li'llll
I . , ... . Wl
ii ii il toon
alter seeing
. - . . . ,,.:..., i.r:,iL.,. will,
. ..f I....Lc.,ra ,i-,-,. I'nlll-
ail , I i il .1 wi iirtinawu n . ... r-
,7 .. ,o .,.-,,. ,"i ti.,iu.
t-red 10111 cili.i'i s, pro-oners, una itnuiiy
'"-"". 1
Iroin courr.-rs, hav ng c rosseii tho ntti, it
.. . : ,. 7., ,.,, 1 1....1
"as evident, for tho tuat tune miico 1 nail,
1, .. ' ,. . ... . , ,., .,,,,. ..,
MlOttll 11 1 111 , UlilL IICIICIIU i,,,iw,-. ,,-
, . , , ,- ,.;i.i
eni"ii'u,.i tii-ritlev.-il nn tiisaiiiioilueii.
1 - ' 1 - 1 . ' 1
It had previously been rumored
111 camp
. - m-i. 11 1 1
that den. M Dowell had
been arrested
. ,. . ... .... . ,1,..,.,,., ,.(
and ca etl to ashington on a chargo ol
. .... .. . L.,,. i ,
tieifiui. 1 he surmise wa suggested to
1 1 ,1
more than one, had that unv connect ion
, ,. . , , ,1. .;.i,
with shield s 1. 11 urc to do what was ox
,' .. ,. , .... ., , , , ,
pectoil of him .' As Ins natter is to lm
invoslcaled by court tna l al, tho coun-
, 3.. . , ,' .-
try wi I know tho whole in duo tune.
''Tho ne.xt tlay den. Fremont had noth-
. , ' . , , 3 .,, ,. , .. , . , ,.
f'1 1,11 ri',lur" Wlth l',s ,f ' ", ,pr;
fes.tlirough it heavy rain, to Ilni risonburg,
,i ti .,.L , iuvii the vu ev to
S'V. , n
,Mou',t J',k"un' " Mr0 ?
Brmy now temiuns.
sit ion, wliere
1 l.loi.L'.Mi.r
. . ..." . ....
Uio personal tluinks ol ins uenera:. uiinngogiit u ; tin sin j'i eu inni i
liisl shots li rod grazed Major H's ctud, nml
carried some of the clolh away. The bid-1
ance of his coat is lull of holes, as is also
tho pummel of his saddle. The Highly -
' I'mirih i-4 t i .rr-ti-ii I ir i 1 1 mi 1 1 one li el, 1 oil-
i u m . , .. ....w... , -.
icera with tho exception of (he Major.
been in throo li;
his, in two of which he
re-'commanded the regiment,, ami has always
iieen it igniy compnnioino'i ny nm suptv
rior oflicerb for his bravery and soldierly
I'.lKiO.N I'kow.m.ow ami tiik Lrri lil.t
ft.Ns. The Abolition paper aie 'tiblish.
ing a great ileal of stull just no,v that lar
son Hrow nlow formerly said about Demo
icia'.s, anJ as they seem very t'esirous to
hunt m reminiscences we respectfully
ask (hem to publish the followin i morsel,
w hich uppeorcd in the Kr.oxvillc 117,;.,
1 1 immediately ufter the nomination of Lin-
uoln, by the Chicago Convention. '.V.
"Tho Hlnck Uepublicans at Chicngo, af-
'or 11 6lol"1.V session, some lighting, and
in iw-1. . f,r ,.,. , ..i ,..-. i,,.,. ; i ,
, t, I.,,,.,, ,,,-.,,,, , ii j
lni'J.1 01 J"lnor "ml "n" " "gearing,
'nominated Abe Lincoln, the Illinois Abol
... . .
, '.",';'.' V '"' lL" ' -4 "," """ r
, Administration eighteen months ago, for
t,ie Senate, in oppositior to Douglass.
,i.i.A ,:..i....-.i.,i: i .
Un 1110 ticket with this Administration
ken nt pur iu payn
par iu payment of debts, and how
national loans are taken at seven and
thro otoliths per cent., payable in ItnnL-
"Promises to pay," ,tc,, they should not
fail to add that gl which, with silver, is
n,y l Undanl of value under our
t-OiMtilutinn, is now selling at i.ratiria halt
I'rr e,nt premium- This wo believe, is
without precedent in our conntrv sinr-i.
ti,0 ,avg 0I" tlio revolution. We i
. , ..
Wr. 3lcr.i:ally ctrri'iAKf this importnnti-
... ' uupurtanii
tern in his speech the other night, when
contrasting tho contlit ion of our financial
affairs now, with what they were under
Mf Hui.lllinill,., Administration. Gold
then tnpgtd from ono half to one and a
half per te:.t. Jt u now sii and a half.
ftlit Oilf.ufitli) (Vi(,uUi(,ui,
CLI Ahi II'.I.D,
line ., 100,,,.
Namci to be Abhorred.
'c t:iko tlio ftillnwins iMu nrui ! from
n ,( m llU, i,M1P 0f iho TliiLi
ili'l'liin .Vi rri Amtrii-iiit ; on tlio hiiI Jt-ct of
... ..1 .1 '.. 1. : .. n t,n. I I, .r, ,..'. I i,. ,-niir.r, 111
MIHMIKIIIIIji ' .'i" -v ...on .--
l'hihiilfli'l.iu ;
..if .l-.tumi iitii- liiinrr nmlil lift titlli-
... t
i,lu., without I'onMiint iti'iation ol Hit'
wr,ili Constitution uiul Union," in it li-
tlo us well its text, H ih ,,l Hint a
ii'iisoniiu.e ut'gri'O oi kui'ccs wouin iuh-ii"
it lint on,-ciinnot lm so imlilir-hi'il. itml
tiicrt-lore sut h journnlK urn not ,lt-unimt
u.1,.1., tticv livo. nutl in -vnlii;litiitMl coni-
,m.t,itic! they nuu-ilily tlio. Ii tU-nioi'rutic
uvithoi.jniiiii.hlctii, ami utteinnt f-s oi ev-
prv sort coultl tilno bloer flt'f.r of thin in
''ces-wint ilt.iation nn npiiropriato mljt'c-
,ivc iH nj.plietl to Mich iteiat.on in the
KnKish chissicH, w lii.-li, il if Uillu ult to we recomnieml lo he e.mxulteil 111
. l . I .l'i I. .. !.
tlio original 11 ineso tinny ,eei
B.iv.vvouhl leavo out nil nurplin rel.uenctts
to ,,0 i'non iw t,0 Con.i.itution, the j
..nblit-woultl feel great relief, ami poi-si.
1,,1...,., ntterancci tvouhl lm renueren
i tohiuble."
I Tho reasoim hero asuigned
. ., '
1 I
to strike the leader with the utmost as-
1 'i-i... 1, ...,.l 1 1, t. '...,.
IlotirOovfriiuieiit hu,l liL'en su.l.k-nly
chaneil to 11 iiionarcliy, or a ('.espotisnii
and all our free and liberal institutions, so
carefully Mmpcd.aui.l so nicely adjusted by
our l evolutional y fathers, had been sud
denly swept away, biich contemptuous
slurs upon the loved names of our oneo
glorious "COSSTITITIOS'' lllltl "L'.XIoN,"
would bo iippropriate enough ; but now
when every loyal breast cherishes tho
hope of the restoration of both, as our on
Iv escape from utter anarchy and linal
ruin, sui h laiiguago iti insulliug in the
highest degree.
J. I',. McF.nai.i.v's Si kicu. We listened
to the address ol this gentleman at the
meeting of tho Un- Kepublicuu ptuty in
this place Inst week, with feelings of pi.'..-
1 , , . , , ,
sure, not altogether iinimiigled, however,
with surprise ami astonishment. We were (iTcnur-o the l'l-esideiit cannot Lo held
. leased with his genera! candor uml fair- responsible for the ini-leinani es of uboi-
, ... ,- , .- r.i liiniites unless iulot.led oral cast tolec-,,s-
"'" 'lo"ur,,"7. ".f n'" tV-tt l.y hmi. And 1 am sure that nothing
CI,,,-., .'! ,'-.11 ,'1,T IVl IUI 11 t IIIUI, , IIUI
surprised that he dd riot include Hie Ab
olitionists of the North as epuully guilty
with the Secessionists of tho South.
We were pleated with his remarks
shoit ing the imporlnncoof an enlightened
public opinion, and how imporlaut it was
that the people should thoroughly under-
stand nil i.utdic tiUestions, in order that
they may not be imposed upon by design.
J ' I .
mg ilemagogiieB ; but sui . ed Hint he
i , , . . i .. . ,
would so ilainly nl tribute our present in -
, . , . , '. .. ,
j 1 :"""" m "' "
j 1,1 '"' s 1
1 We V'erc iiloased with his condemnation
of the madness of party spirit; but sur
power and strength and linancial credit of
cur (lovernment ; but surprised that 1
forgot to .ell his hearers that our com -
merce, from being the second ,n the world,
, ,.
hud dwindled down to almost nothing, and
(hat in the niidstof this apparent this
'nv..iV-prosperitv. ,,M has quite din.
,f p., , ,
nppeured from l,.c eyes cf tho people, nnd
now conimitpds a oteniium of rer cent.
We were pleased to hear him denounce
revolutions as diiigerous iiifiliui'min gener
ally ; but surprised to hear him admit, in
lel ins most unequivocal, tho r, of revo
lotion in ar.y tropic, a la Lincoln in IS IS.
Herein wo thought Mac surrendered his
whole ci'se. With him rn-'J!',n is right,
in e.xireme cases wne n i ne n rieviinces ti
wio peojuo are vciy great, or when ll
Iirosticct of helteriiiL'
their comlitiiiii is
beyond doubt. Thin was Mac's position ; ;
, . . . 1 , .'.by tho.
, 'd pn'oi'ly Ihis was Mr. I.incon s post. , it hy wo
:.. ijis'. 1 ,i- , ... t. c .:
lion in 1S4S; nnd in this, ii
not coin
pleto jnstif.ention granted to the rebels
now , .nnainst It.eantholi.v of
, .,,.,,, ....
iiuvvriMiii'iu oi in i . ii iioii M.-ues ; r
ec inr jitti'jr in siicn cases wo were not
told. Hut if Mr. McK. i. right, (his is th-e
impoilnnt question, and upon its decision
the issuo must, in all cases of revolution,
llo touched upon sevrrnl other poinls,
and upon the whole wnsquitn nmierate
never alluding to Mr. d,irk,y in a single
instance. Jnfact, there was not a partis
clo of nigger in it, nnd which, undoubted
ly, accounts for (ho marked stillness with
which it fell upon his abolition hearers,
Democratic State Convention. The
Democrsny of Pennsylvania anil Ohio each
hold their Statu Conventions this year on
the 4th of July. In Minnesota n timihir
convention will meet on July 2d, nt St.
Paul's ;nnd on the 17th of th tame month
the samo pnrty will hold lh-tr convention
for Iowa, at the city of Dos Moines. The
Democrats of Maine hold (heir convention
fn the 20th of Juna. W'nvtrh (0.1 Imm-
MtomnAiii; lot'MY wnilMi
V .(.". nn, I lfi:li'i ili'' ''' I "C ''I "I ", ,, ) f.f I I, ;mP, I I l "'I'.IV ' I'M I
,11 II, r- i mill li'.'l". In I Ii 'ii T" I I, ' II I 'I'
,n I v iilni ll"' 1 1 Id ii'"'
I I In lil' ll'.il. ,l"liM ! Tl. t'l . "f !' tt
till linlnji, tlni .iii'l l'fi'li-l.l ll l'i"
liHi'lmii ! nii'l'l li"iii!i ll"H, ol I'mll'i'l.
'f lor I'lflh, of Him i'li' . 'o-i'i Ii I irif',
,l Hin l i Hi "tk"i lli'i ki'li'l"in, fl Km
IIiiiim; llftinii ' '"U-l i i-t, of "oviiiplnii ;
.lolin Hoi', of Hill: Am:i' !. Siniih, "I'
Vi f nr in. Vin' l'i fii'l' iil ; Mi'l I., ,1m k
, Cl MK, .. I'hikn Willi" l, nv.'l . H.
ii,iii.lnii'liT, l'ri., Sffrpliu-if.
( n liml inn, Im ih I Ti'-t, Im , liil'lrrni il
the im i liiil,' it" x'liin:itioll of il T ""'
l,,, ,, ,, u lm i In- huh ll-.ll lira III "llll
' i;..,,!:.. ,.ii,ntioiV mi'l L'lti'U'l w ll h
.M l'Citii-'l rounilt of ui'i'liium;.
' 1 1,1 ,,n ,1 i,.ii it irim
) ,',..,,,, Hint wlirreim .M'llorsmi mi i
. ,.. ... i
oiiiilii h;ivnthero'rfsoiiliitivlio n
...... ... ..... . t , -i,,.,,,;,,.,!
tins legi-iituvr itiru u i, '
and McKean are entitled to Ihn tlt-legn'.es
mi, I WO l.eiei'V
, '.ithn lion. ,Iame8T. Leonard i.h t!,o
choico ol Cleailield counly for represfiila.
ti, ,l.,liMito ti Sai,'. Convention, am! oon
,-ur in siifli clmice as the I icinocrni y of
McKfun may nifik".
On motion, l W Mooro, Jor. ll..lono,
nml .losiah U. Iii-a'l, wt-ro appoiutfil St'ii
utorial fonfuifo-t, to muiH similar conlfroon
troni Hlair un-l Ciiniln ia connticr, tout-lent
a So'littorial tlfli'ato !) tin) bniil State
l !oii volition.
'J'ho meeting tvim tht-i. ikhly nml cUvim-nl-ly t'nneil hy Wm. A. Wallace ami h. J.
(.'ranK, Km-t., after which the meeting ail
journoil. Mr. Sumner and the President-
"i.-in .,,.,..... ,j
in too nimils ol many j;oo.l men, n to tlio
rvti jlhitioii of lYci'le nt I.incohi on
, t,;.. n... ;...iiii;,, ,,f k,,..
ry. At times ho appears itullicieiilly com
1.. .,.,..-. ti... .vii,.., ,,r tii,,-,--
-r , nut I" in -.-- - - ...v. .
who honi'Mly ties ire the restoration of the
tioverniiienl iu it whs, with the rights ami
institutions of the Stales uniuip.tirecl ; al
other I iii!t'M--j tuning from his actshe
nppcars willing to jin is fur as tlio ruiikeil
of ALolil ionisls can ur-'.; i- ic.-icrvin to
line n ,. ,u,(
, . .Bi.on
.ive action it to
Kveiybody knoiv.-, Senu'or .''umnor to be
the leader of the A!,i.-i,.i:ts in tiie l.'ni
led States Senate, ll 1. tells (lie truth,
i:i tho following letter l, tin' Huston
t,,., all doubts as to .Mr. Lincoln's Aboli
tionism must vanish.
Hut wo have a better opinion ol Mr.
I.inclon and will not yet aUnnLin the hope
Ihnt it is Mr. Sumn-sr and his Abol itiut:
crew and not the conservative musses of
tho whole country, who are tho really true
friend of the I'li'mii -who are eventually
to be deceived by the l'lesideiit :
Sl'NATE I'll tMlll'.K, .Itllllt e, lM'i'J.
.' ,s""-'-
I' is huslv
il voil knew h:m
"i.,, :,
Your cntici'iil of the
I am cciilident that,
its I tlo, you would not
unjust or ungei will lo tolerated,
much less a lopled, by him.
I nm happy to let you know that he
has no sympathy with Stanly in his ab
surd wickedness closing the schools, nor
again in his othei act ol turning our cam
into ;l i,,mlig gcund for ulaves. lie
repudiates both positively. The later
t ,, ,i- I.
IPS Occupied tllllell Ol ll'S UlOllgllt ;
i.i... ... i ..... ....
: .. ', '. , , , T , ,
' ' , .,, i ,,,... i..,,,.,! rrom hi. ow.
, v lalfti I linv.i otlcll iKi.lltl irom Ills ow ll
lipt, thit i-'.uves finding their way into tho
! National lines are never to be re-enslaved. ; Cash than he would like to be.
This is his conviction, cxprcsod without ! All kinds of work on IciihIs nnd made to order
; ri,c, Ve. ;m short n..lie.-,and as well made, and a. s,.o.l 81.
Could you have soon lh- President-as 1 ' n b;"!s''"ed up here or el-t re.
' il was mv t'liiilei'.- often wbiln l, mii.I --A-1'1."1 '" -?''1.. 11,0 .""'I' -" Urt't't.
. -
eonsiuering tne gieai (uesuon on w n.cli
ho hits already acted llio invitation to
the Kniimcipation in the States, Emanci
pation in I ho District of Colum'jia, and,
the nek nowledgement of the indepen. I
deuce of Ilayli and Liberia even your
zeal would have been satisfied, for you'
would have felt the sincerity of his pur.j
l ose lo do .t hat he could to I'mrv ftrw ard
! the principle of the Declaration of Inde-
penitence. 1 1 is whole soul was occupied,
; '.' ' '' , ; ' . , t , (,1,,;n.,ll ;, ,,'
i , " 1 -,t t-.. i . .u- '
itercours". with him I remember nothing
lul(, toucliing than tho earnestness and,
eoinplou ness lyiih w'nich ho embracetl .
tllis T? I'''.'"'1"'- ' ;v' J""'
Ibenelicient while it promised the sure eml
I ofs,.V01... (1(.olU to me. who ha.L
I i,.,.,iv .i,,sn..,l n i.i.... nf i;,,i,l r,,t- o.
- . . . t i. - . . I I . . - - - -
I . ,, 1 i i
retreating fiend, it w a-' mot welcome. '
rroceeding from tho President, it must
lake its place among tho great events of
If you iro dUpoM .1 to l o inpnlirnt
al unv seeming short coming", think, 1
,- i . , , i i r
pray you, ol what has been done in a brief
period, and from the past discern the euro
promise, oi mo luiure. i row ing some.
,t., t , ..r ,t i
i ii-i ,'i -,i toiiiii iiuiii aiiu i'i i no HI ll. ir
ie with winch 1 maintain lhem,you may, per
' 1 derive some assurance hum my con-
l say
lo vou, therefore. Stand
,li,,;r,;Blr,,lin I I'-,.,.., I 1 .a I.. I..
'' ,,,-.,',,. MV,', IT, 1,C.I
it by word and act, but eland by it ami
havo faith in it.
' ' wish that you rt allyknetv tho Tresi-
w uimu.vim I'll Hint' f tUCBllL'IlS
uLich ronoorn vou po You nnL'ht
I pei nn,s, w isn mm i.e was ie:s cautious,
uit vou would be cialeftil that ho is so
true to to nil that you havo n heart. Pe
liove nie, therefore, you nre wrong, and I
regret it the more, Lecnu-e ol my desire,
to seo all our f:iends stand firmly loetJi
er. If I wri'O strongly, ills becanfo I feel
strongly ; for my constant nnd intiuiato
intprco'uise wilh'il I'-e-ident, l'CL'inninc
-., . .... ... . , , ,
with the dth of M'
not omv tionus
.inirdrat'ion, but
me ppciir...t l.v 1 1
gives me n perst .:,, , i : 11 ns a political
interest seeing t!. n-t ,eo is done him.
Pclievo me my d- ..r Sir, with much re.
gnrd, ever fuithruliy yours.
ClIAlll.rS Sl'MNfR.
ihu-s vnr k i irisin kiii, u'-
This Il.s'i'liix n eliablo young men at
r Ti , t . .
th let f v i;s" and shorlest time to
gain a '!' ! L-usiness education for reliable
nceoiii u,s, in al! classes of business.-
Tba tst.pcr.,, rneriUare appreciated
r, c n ,i isnn-if itiiliiiii il tliMtiit I,.. .1. t .
inu the larcest and mnrt norm loua Coin
-.. p .., o.... u ,.,
I uiercial School iu tho United States.
. 1 t'l J" V
I , I M II I ll I. i, it, i-
i ( Mil , i I it I "I li "I I "nn I ll I I
, ,n 1. 1 llir moiiry rnr.
hit flit i, I
Siimvur (t'oods
itt It, ni..,t I', ll," r. uniiy.
-It rl I ti, n Klf' tm 'J' I""
Mt I , . v. Id' t.-V rml'Oi' i'f
Mil t-l''. m
1,1(1 IIIMIIlS, IH(IH I K lI 1 I ' is,
MIM.1N 1'
lil Nil II A UK Ii'i.MI-.
'C lilNUi
I I! I. A INS,
l'.KnVVN A ltl.KACII
I.D Mfsl.lNS, l HINTS OF
a i.i. ha 'I ti:i;ns, m'M.mkii cas.
fslMI KI-S. C .11 S AM l-.M !'.
,.,..., ;,, rV(,rv nrtir, ,!, J.UY ilnnHS
,inf A,,i mtsll FAMILY UIUK T.UIKS u(
I nr. ..... -
ihf i,ti ,iiiiuiT.
i 1(i fri,.n,, n,l the ,ul,lli- Kt-niTnlly ro Ihfic-
r,.r inlnrllll-il lllltl ll HUT ru III nmu " v
' (ifNIIW .1 h. lr f..r 1',,-h er Cuun.ry l'tu
1 1.-.- M.t not full ti, ft. I III
i -r'vvi'll I ll's STORi:
i, ,1... .1.1 ui...l ,if Mdont k Kliitfilir, tn Sucnti'l
Hlri'i-t. rii.iirllcM.I'n. Jnt It, ''-
"s 1 1 A IN'i A Nl 1 1 A I It-J I! KSS IN
Tin fiui-tii'ii litis ol'ifii lii-t-n iiskeJ
Why l'l.KASANTs i-itn tlinvtt rntlenn ?
Tlmt (-uvtoinern wlm ahnve Itli Iiili
A iK'iii'fa tuust rciip, I wuvii.
llo sliweii fr a "Kir," nml if you tiro willing,
Will Ink t nlTymir luiir in nlricu l',,r "ftii i i.i.i xu."
Su i-ntiit- iiluiig, ye jolly lioy no slick.
Fur l'lt'K-iiiits in tliuiuun tu ilu it cli..i and iiii-k.
Tin- n-aFon may roii'lily bo soon
Why his riiKtoai ia no liirjfo : .
Mis tmvt'ls nil nre r Ion n Ilia riiiors nil itro kocn,
All, I you'll ulwnya liml liim I'll iuii( in a charge.
Just 0 to I'li-acini's it ii 1 you'll ho
l.iko Slieha's litepn of ohl'
l'lunst-,1 uml iteliKlit."!. nii,l exclaim
'i'ho hull' has Hot liocn told.
Ji'j.lion't forxi't llio ilaco in (irnl.iiin'i How,
ahi't'c li. Sluinpli 't Ainu m li i i.
('lciiifii.Kl, Juno IS, llttli tf.
T SMITH .1 t O'S L'llOK'li-OOOH.'s
t Fr
roni'li lini.orli-,1 ivnlkini' ''CATS. Atuntil-
I"' "ii'l I'liutilly Lm-e ('ii)h'-i. Supt-riur nrtirlo of
Hm-k I.volislSilk I-Oil DUKSsJvS. Siilln atripcl
.M it r ' ti ift uiul Mozambique-!. AUo u lot Par is
Situ Linlirclhts.
t hir ciiht, iiucis c-,.M.ially llie la,lit' are re?
I-c- fu 1 1 v rr,tii'Mui lo girt? us th.-ir attt'tilion.
Clt-nriifliJ. Juno 11. ll. V. A CO.
IKIKSI''. YV.M.ON fill: SALK. Theaiib-
rilier iilVcrs fur mle very cheap for tush
a lust rale Jl-llul ie Y auil, witrt unled in every
put li. C. l'AbS.MUKl!.
Cleailield, Juno 1 1, 1HL.
lo,(KK) Killed and Wounded, and
3(1,000 taken Prisoners !
WITH ('AMI' I'.yril'AiiK--AND
70,000 Contrabands freed from the
"IVDRY mm) tlmt lm.-i rend any tliinfc of the
pn-t hi.-tuiy id Ihis WM! iiiital finally i-t,me
. mi- I',,,,, npi'iii iu.ii u, v i unii'iii'iiiit' novcrii
uiciit nouKllio brukon down, ll was only a ((tiv
lion of lime, lint now we hnvp the iihovo tilori
1'iit nml -ulirring news l'i cheer us up ; uud the
oiilv draw-buck to our j"y tind glorifiralinu is the
iiniiiiiicut ditngcr t-f the Cotitrabiiidi rotiiin
North to "eat out our mb.-tance," and , wear out
iir sltiies ! Jtut of one thiui; the people of Oar-
,;..i.l ,.. i. ). I o,l ,1,., 1. ,1. ..
! I liAN'K snoilT f .r tii-.n called -S'Wt 'ec-i,
j scllin- Hoots ct ilioes ns cheap ns any oihur
, """ u'c cuuiii y ; an., ii -oi, u.iiii uvneve It,
i itist iri re liim s e
u iu,, v.,,,, i---.-.--. - , i i ti, -in, , liner
time, and ai-e for youri-elrcs. llo would jut re
! 1 T. V.'"1 '"""l1 " ""w.,:"
, lrw,.t n Miaw's Row where vmi will find Lini
ju.i s SI,;,! usual if not a little .A, vr r
Minw Ituw, directly nipofite Kev. II. 1!.
Mioopo'a edice. . f J10KT.
( leiirficld, Jnnf 11, lsf,?.
r..MI-M'AI, TATI-: .'U'.XT of (he
t'learlieltl (.'tntnlv l.ank. Mnv ;lh, f-t-2. 1 1 a in i.iti k -s-
Cnpilnl Stnr-k piid in, f JS.diO 00
Note, in Circulation.
ji, Ll.tO.'i 00 )
do. do. It's, y.1,70 CO 22,fBi 00
do. di..Iiec.S:t,'f,l,$2.";0,:0 )
1 " "emtf mo Krcuiest aumnnt
i Dan iianks ot tiiis Stale,
10S 2
Liabilitie n.n.f '.i:i,:01 50
i i -ti.i lit its .Marie nii'.ris-M
rhi, i,eil-,a the greutcstani't.
ti,,l,l, $4s:i.t is i
, . " "
bo-counted, X5.2.1I 24
.' nn.ler ,.r..t. s:i7 on sfi.nri 21
J ior!"""1' f'f"l'y bcbi i.y bank,
r,oy 71
nu a.l..ln . . ... I ia 1.
1 rriinw ii-L-i'i i'j nn- I'tuiik,
taken for dcbti.
' Pcnn 5 per cent. Loans
i par value $ '.o,.',l 1,1,3,
I hue from banks and bunkers,
' Ne rotlirr l.nnka,
k,!' 'i1"1' io'
Over Ilriifls. - .
K , 0 f Af
-fax paid Commonwealth,
2s,p;5 7
3.M'2 09
U.I 19 00
Mo,', 07
611 05
7r,t 75
112 20
J9.u2 02
.1,0 2 25
- .1,"S7 12
4,ti,kl 7B
US7 5
; lu,, ,rs
. ,. . .
i"ic on i -rriiuca iv a oi I'cpo.lie ,
- , i'e iniiiviiiimis,
';' i-icnangB
"""""" --M'i-i',
717 n; -m
(.A, (A (A
mM d. ri'r reV m
i Tm on mine - - . es
LiAtni.iTira or Murcroua.
As I,, , 757 00
'' i
i.iAniLiTira or sTocKiin.nFM. !
As piinripnl, f".77'J fil 1
As endorsers, 4 .o.'i.l H5
The nbnve statctneiil is correct, to tin best of
uiy knowledge and belief.
MS. Ii. liKAHAV, Coshicr.
Sworn nnd subscribed before me the 20th May,1
h,2. T. J. McCi llovgii, Not'y Tub.' i
A IIMIMsTIt Vt' lit ', VfkTlfi- v-,..:.
is hereby Biveu Ihnt Letters of Adini'nistra-
turn havo been prnntml to ths snbsnriber on the
'-' "f THOMAS WIUfjLKY. late of th-s
u.....k f 1'1.,-ti.i.i .1 -j .,, . .
." ', , h "-.-'-". ".-.u. ah person,
n,1't'";J to estate, aro rc.j nested t, niako
...nin-uin.o i.oy.i.rui, anu tnoso auving claims
against tho sntne will present them duly tulhen -
tieatcd fr aettlemenU
ClcsrCcld, Juno 11, 'f,2. Adtn'r.
J. of Adimniatrntion hsving been gaunted thia
a. A. i tamtniatrntion lisving been gaunted this
"''J.' " undersigned on the eitate of ELIAS !
r" 01 i-rany township, doceaaod, all'
r""o" indrhterl to nuid esitnlo aro e,ueald to
'm'Z,,' ,nen!: thn" taring,
a--- ... .
r.lAsA nr. IH I.OK. 1 ...
iiui, 'V a, line's
;i.ti, i,i,f,
May 2s, lfr,;.ot. rd.
At the Otil ft-irrs.
IV MM mil )n
ft I 4 I'Mltnl fl MlifllMi Mt ,f
f MMTTHI' MI . T 'liiitfu f
mx uoohs.
I flrt ll I
I tnlln I:, II,,,
Snl'lW'll I
r i 1 1 1 fi . lloMi'it
'In ft 'I lit ml S -t tn
I oltoiiiili t I Mi ' 1 1 in in
I rillini.M
.lriiti I't-lhiM
Mu-liin I'mlt'i'lr (ivt.,
I IiiihkIh M.h till;,-,
I.iiitnt I'lisl'ts
Tn kini:-! Shun Is.
Cnvhini if
I'm Mi
I, a tl i CH
Promenade Jacket
II fn W.... I T....Mt.
i l-IM.t tlll-Vlll.-U llil?,
1 1 i ,,. .,.
a T 1 V t , 1' I O O r U 1 H, 1 o t ll
Hats, C;ii3, Hoots, Slioos.
w j, v J -i. - . i .
W 1 N F, S
SUA ll
MllA U
' i
Clotliinj. otionJ.
Jointed I loop Skirt?, Shakers'.
Musical Goods.
Violins, Files, Strings, Iii idge.i, Hows, Tegs,
rreccptors, Music-l'aper, Kosin. '
sultan JU'ii'iiiiviiaifi'ira,
Tin-Ware, (ilass-Ware, Irup, Lamps,
lluckils, llroonts, Tubs, t'liunis, Wall 'aier
liliiiiU, I'liihrolliin, Ha-kets. School llnukn, Var.
iiish, .M,, is, Curled Hair. Coach Trimming.
Spirit Turientine, Linseed-Oil, Fish-Oil, Coil.
Oil, tllas.-i, Ac, in fact a little of everything uu.
ally kept in n country ttore.
All of which will bo sold on tlio most rensntia.
ble terms for Cusli, or upprovej country pro
ducc. Clcarfi.lil, May 2s, 18112.
"IVlt. V. Y. SHAW respectfully uflera liii
J prol'efi-ionikl aervicei to the citiiens ofihawj.
villi', nml vicinity.
The Mtrii-tcft attention w ill be given to nil bu;l
ncsi in his profession.
Sliaivsville, June I. ISI',2. pil
S .l o
TIll! Fair 0 rounds at Clearlield will he open
. cd under such restrictions as preacno
therms now irrutving therein during Ibef-rt.
night of the npprouchiiig June court, for the ao
e Jiniiiodation of persons wishing to tniiu their
hoifci ou the track, ,l e.
JOS I All 11. READ, l'ra.
Clcurfield, Jine t, lsf,2.
7I.V the Hard, '-'IrnLvu'f Ilmc." T?l
There Is a Store in M:irket Street,
Where nil the men and ladies meet,
To help their ' sali s" and ..ote their feet
Hight close lo "liraliatn Store ;
(Yuii've surely been in there before.)
Lives Slun,,li up to ears in leather,
And op?n in all sorts of weather:
lie 'soles' 'awl' Hoots ih 'urn -t' and 'end'
And while ho 'lusts,' will e'er d'.fsnd '
And cherish all who come ilviiuindin,
That bo should help their umlertiamlin
He makes all kind" uf bouts mi l slioe-i,
And none njed barefoot i;-),
W 1. ile Mumpl, ami tils leather
Are making audi a j-hi w.
And Jin-k and i,n are always here,
And ready ut u call
To neatly take your measure,
And low you through the hall.
Then conic along aud hriiijf your dust,
Tlio H'lttly l,'lii,iu don n,
And wj'U wnrraul you as good a fit
A i you can get iu town.
1!. STI MI'H.
June 4, '62 Market St. Cctiriield, ?.i.
HKHIl-V'S Stl.l',.-..ny virtue .if a writ o
13 Yen titioni Kxponas isjued out of the Courtof
Ciimiii'iit 1'leii" of Contro county, and to me ili
roeted. will bo exposed to public sale at tli
Court Homo in too burutili of Uellefonla, on
Saturday, tl,e'lU i,; ..,,.
All the midividcd one liflli part, ,le., of six fer
taiu tracts of land with llie improveiuca'.a I here
on, aituu'ed ptrlly in ilorris township. Clearli-ld
etuinly, nnd partly iu Itush township. Centn,
county. Ono tract whero'if, tituatcl in Morris
township, Clearlield coin'y. wis surveyed under
warrant to I'eter Yaniol 1. and contains ll.'iO acres
and iillnwnnce. One tract situated us above Mas,
surveyed in the name nf Je.--e Yarnold, and con
tains 521 acres aud allow: e. One tract .itu.v
ted in Bti.-h township. Centre county, was urvey
ed muter warrant to l'enj. Martin, "and contain
420 J acres and allowance. One tract situated al
above was aurrcye.l under narr tnt to Jno. Weill--limn,
containing 1 Is nnd 7i perches and alli.w
nnce. One tract surveyed under warrant to Ja
cob Weidman, containing K): acres nnd d.1
perches. One tract situated as above was sur
veyed under warrant to Jacob f!esh,nnd contain
ing HO acres and 'i'i lu rches, there being erected
ou tlio above described properly two saw mill,
and roventl dwelling houses, with the improve
nu'iitd and apt tirtcnaneea. fr'ei.ed, taken in exe
cution and to bo sold an tho property of I). M.
HilK'T. Ol'OKliK ALEXAXDKK, Sheriff,
bberiU ". Office, Ilellefonte, June 4, '62.
Proposals for Iron Fence Around the
New Court House.
SEALl'D Tropi'Siila will be received by the Com
missioners of Clearlield counly, until the2dih
day of June next, for furnishing and erecting in
hon Fence, with Stono foundation and Cut Stuna
Lse, around three sides of the court house lot.
Price per loot must be stated in proposals, l'lanj
and .peciticationa can bo aecn at any time after
the Vi Li day of June.
I!y order of tho Board.
Cotiimissionera' office, June 4, 1sfi2.
,J Administrator's Notice.
! VTU YTlvu
35i ,."""",.r;",'on .on ' 10 l'to of 1 IttPLR-
,f , , J i J i 1 V ,0"n!7:
ealuto are required to make payment without de
lay, and those having claims against Iho .aiat
will present them duly authenticated for .cttle
incut. MICHAEL FHAFFBR.jr., jUsiV.
Iirndy township, Juio 4, 1SI12.
1A1!TH). All persons are herebv cnutinn-
J cd ngninst buying or meddling in any J
witn one DarK l!av .Mare, one I'.rown Coll,
1!"-v f"",t n1 "no pnir Young Oxen, nnii'
1 uso of fsi,'l")l'1" Straw of Jorduu towushin.
1 8,11,10 bl,loDg to mo.
... , V
Jordan township, Juno 4, (12 pd.
( III .K I: A, a certain II illinm ut'J"
' M a LKAT11 ER THC.VK nt ty bouse m
fiepteraber laat. Notice i hereby given to sul
' Jlelfrr to eome forward, pay ehnr. a and Uked
oway, othnrwi.o it will be fold for said chargea,
M :Ci I A 1j M I i fc Is. fc lUlJ l '-
Morris township. May 28, 1X02. pd-
Goods! Goods!!
I HE just now opening up a large and spi'n
A J ' . , .J -.v, . ,v, v ,ionfi.-l.
J n, assoriiuent oi ajM.-iu.-iaiiLiiv.-i
nhioh the? offer a oxeeodiualr low incl.
First coiuov8iet torrid.