& . twxx t 9 i lH i h if i ri r-i ii n it h ii ... s n ? riUNCIrLF.S. not hen. ;u;.i;rn:u, iv. vi:i)NTiy. .uwi: u,r,:. ' r r t Tl f tTTlT-Tl f l.llllOIS TTRTf! M i'.'i prr Ai:M,m. if i n i tl in "(hat co - t ... M'.vsi;i;n:s vol,, n. No v;i 0. U uuuuiia ii jlu.iv.. I. .. . . I VOI, XXXII. WHOM-. M) 17 .fried podrn. THE GAME OF LIFE 1 110WII V UV JOHV ha in. ' here'" a trnnif lull eh iii fiitlil.m 1 1 tiiuk rtil!t"l A'lC'o f ; iTIi'.ii'li I never bale fr .lc!inur ur 1 j t-.I it Inert',) In whilj, wlien tlm nirHs ro in rertuin lions, l une of '.lieu, cries, in a euiiMi'iit tunc, 1 think I run vt'iiturtf tn gn it iilne .'" AVf.oe wiiteliin tlio uine, 'tin a ft kim of r ho Itiird'H A nionil t . draw fr'm the i-kirmili in r.ir.l.-, K'i i" Inury lil's find. hi III t iviul xiriftf f .iao tJc.nK'iit lupin lor tlie lmtilo of Lil'.'. H hi'r.' tt licthiT Nie Ti.o lie (I ribl.uii ur tlirnin' Jik' Hiniicr i.- ho wba can "gu il nlmut !" Vien treat iali!i:o i.r-vliiiuu'J that tho ll la lingular orlut win cca-ilo.-!y whirlu'l, A ii .1 jri.t nut aounvort f.ir ull of Mi iuiii, lia! o i 'Ti -i.n nuj priiuii and cIiiliiis, il ii.ovov, , all that!'' nils lii.s tnnwerin lone, 1 jr be know, like the euitli, bo ciu!d "(j'J it !lulH' !" V'Ikii Kiplur, with inti'llrct, piorcinj; afar, Iii.-ec.N ui - 'i Ilie law- oTvli'Ii iiiiut bikI Mar, '! ... .Ii.rlors " li'i iiiiht to Inn o luuilc I In.- Iniuie, ' Till. "I hi? learning, mid blunkuim I In). I'miir, f fun unit I" I.o lejilii'd, "till flio truth you chilli diva ; r.ir l.e tcit in l.i Lt-iirt lie could "'go it alunc !' ! f.T tin' jilayor wliu idly (k').eiids , In I h o .li 'IICH.C "1 life, upou kimlrod ur friends, V, l.ali'VLT Hi c- value if blisings like tlii'su, 'J !,. v can never ntuno I'ur inluiiiuin ca.-o, .Ni.r cunifnil tho ruwuii hIiu ILrnt j with ft prnnn. Tj.it l-s erutelifi lmv K'lt 1: i tit tu "g-i it uluno 1" There 's ijuim tl.itiK, iio doubt, !u the fiMid you inflv ho Id ; )l a!:!., iamily, iiilmre, wit, btutv nni go 1, 'lii' viil'.rlunaU owner invy l-.orlv K.irj, A . m l' in it." ay i most raIIuUV erd ; ) il the riiNic inny bo Juf, with all lliesit for your own, Uiil 'SB yuu'vc lLo eounij; tu "f1? it lun '." In but tl or busiiiG.'", whutev.T tko aino, In juv or in love, it in tvor t he aiiiuu ; In lb j Mniriulv f'T power, or lbs fruiubW pelf. ' hi t tbi.- be your urnl) "Rely on Yourself !" I'-r. wlii'thcr fb; priif be ti t ibbot or thruiie, j lie vi tur i.1 he ho ean "Vo il alone !'' IV i ' lluii)Rii';i: r.Lir.in.vii. r.IIaiijii, l;t'c ot the 1 fOVtV t ifoeiilield Kailrciu I i;ov licad eniiioer in .McDowell. s di-i.-iiiti, in N'ifiiiia, Imilt tliruo utiles of i-.iiii-'ial ;unl laid the tr.'iclc mi llie same in lluve tlii'. A liilgo iieur ! I'.-.lerick.shtiry; was Imilt y linn in til'-t.-i :i hours niter the lirst l.low was ..ie!v. Tho hfi.lejo over tho creek, w, ts d'l I'cct aliovo tho stream, iii"! I'm 1 1 t in leiigtli. At (ho close of'lilueti i - urs Con. !'cl-u"Ao!I tin 1 .Mr. Jfunjd t ide over the structme on tin en ;ine. jTy'l'uo value (if jiri.o vess a:id circles ttct'ialK" CDiiJcniueil an I sold, 1 1 v to lliis lime, cxeechs live millions cl' dollars. I'o oilicer or sailor lias ' ye; I'eccivcl a frjper tif s'-ares in prize iie iii'V. (Jiilv 1'irlv tLoiisand ih dial I o ih irueeeds of stiles have eV'-r rea tl.t 1 tlic Ttcastiry. 'Jhe money is in the hand- of tho I'. S. District Attor neys, savs the correspondent oi' the J!:i!:imop.' Sun. j'.i. A Western editor, having f-m-Lil tiji the cost of the uni-to date, fays the tiovonimont lias airett'iy ex- tieialed cnotii'-h to niirehas.i every niir- 1 er in llie United Slates; tui'l to fit r-ni-li each one witli a Hand t-hirt, urn. jiyofiheNew York TtUhm and ;i quid toothpick. iKTAn oxcli:n'e cornos tn up with iho notice t':at "Trulh" is crowded o.dofthis issue. This i tilmost ns oa l .1 . . 1". 1 . 1 . ..M i.oi.p-eouniry cunor w i.o sa.'i. 'l or the evil ellects of intoxicating drinks, see our inside." p-iV't'ume, sonny, get tip,' said nn indulgent father to his hopeful son, tho other morning. 'Jlemeinhcr the early hird catches the, worm:' ' 'What ah I care for vorms?"replied tho young hopeful, 'mother won't let me I'd lishin.'.' t-.'if"An Irishman lias aluavsan nn. Hwcr lor anything. A Orkoni.'Ui, on I live without either of vow. and I'll prove' uein.' .'isk-ed nt hreaklavl. how ho cume'it. The llax I raise on my patch, neigh-! iv "that Llack eye' eaid " lie slept ..?!.., i bbw.b ,.vn cibl br. J",,t on his list." i. "jr 1 n a pool airos8 tho road in the con .tv cf Tiiitierary.is stuck up a pole, with this inscription :-"T.ke notice, 1, .1 I,..., . 1 i , . . i : . I.., l .... ...oo toe mus isuMTiuisnuuiu tne road is jiiiiiassitib. e-ii-When we look aro-nnl hi nor ,,,,,o 1 1 . .."ioi 1 o i.r , :. : i "1 ."ii uiuiiu v, ins iruuiii lllld grateful eoeious,iie-,s to feel that we can "look into (bo blue faky," ajid "i t is no fault of our"" ?--iriifo is a heanUtul nlght.tn which lift one slar goes down, hut another rises to lake its place. Jr.m I'aul. f-iifThe robin taps on tho ground, t he worm puts out its liend lo see what is there, and the bird ecizes nnd de vours il. J!',Ceiisiire usual)' upares tho rtvven i.ii I tho owl. but the poor white dovo had heller howu.ro. t ayWheiiever a golden wedding is going on, almost every young lady would like to ho in tho riing wj; rather haro'A finger in it.' A STORY WITH A MEANING. 'I nv ti o;i i ' imo' there lived on a lfir.- j 1 ;in t (it i in. K! t lli fin by 1 1 1 i f father, two biOllieri wl o wanked the f.inu in .'ciiiiiinn. hn.neihntelv ft J i i ii i ii tho l';tii)i was iinot her brother, v. Iio h.vl inlii:ritr'i tlir i.rutiprU' oT t !it motlior. ntiil i.'tW4--n t lii'iu t hey lived toifllirr 1 1 t itiuii .ll.l.v , -,,. ,;, ,iv Vdirs. 'I lu dividing fences had Ii '. . i .. . i i i . i. ' f Mil t iou-ily gii.irded tln-ir cluliiien n.'.'iinst I inli inj'iiif.' on eneli otl.ei '.s i ij;lit5, or, "is 'tli'vold lahi(inedlv stvled it. not io 'ftep on ono iinoiliers toes.' J In oM folks riiuxiniH were, for uoiuo tiinu, sed.ilotisly I ill e: i 'e I e i , 11 1 1 1 1, uiiucr 1 1 e 1 1 Ileal III I U 1 I I 1 1 .. . , I , . I j' t op Hat inn, the hnithera war u'il on, in- en-ised in their families, and -Mew rich ; the two who lived on the Noi l hern plan tatioti, however, fioni their .superior in. diistry and n.we economical hahits, jrroy iri'' hv far the w ealth'e.-t of the part v. ' Sotno of tho children having married, and I Others heiliL' of ii-e, it, was decided hy thu ! two to pj i eiia.se a very line properly in 'the West , whi::h thev ,'vreevl, should he held hy themselves and their children in 'coin. uon. I ( lut, of this, iinfortunati Iv, crew dilli cullies which de.stro.yed for, awhile, the entire happiness of this onee enviable and 'fortunate family, I'he brother who lived on the Southern farm, from icasons that satisfied his own mind, employed oxen on his property, and demanded lha', they slionhf be u.-fd on "the plan Lai inn, while, one ol tho brothers who re-ided on the Northern farm was cpi illy bitter nain-t tin; inlrodii.'tioii of those nimals. From this lilt le ma! ler ';re'.v out one ol' llie nio-t Ji.'usliin; pi:urc'.s that has ever j Ucii known, and I imily strifes ary n.-ual-ly th uio-i bitter. I'ltterent ellotls were i made to settle '.be matter by the elder t Noi thftH hicther, but they were of no : avail ; each of the antidal arti y l.eir. ,,'ilike stubbornly deteriuiuvd that he should loiM' his own Hyy. j At Icnph milters i'i e.v so serious that :iinutaiid out iha.lly cmliiot between I the two seemed inevitahlew hen the eld, r Norri.ein hrollicr ineetin them together, decioel to try one nnre ell irt. 'Coiuo breliicrn,' said he, 'yuu know niy restic-n eal to hel litis urif irtunat'.; diseu-ion -ho.v often have I warm; 1 you of its en. bit levin ecioo'iueiiovs how much I have lui.rej to cum ycur irrilateil sjunls ; lets ee it' we c.inno, fettle the (iile-tiotl. Now, I piop'i-et'i p.ve up my own pieiliar wishes r.n tile matler, nhieh you know are. that whoever works rn th" new plaeo shall employ w! a'-iir rinima' here.s lit, and ask 1 hat, on east a-ideyo:ir '.t:cn), opini'ius iil.-.i. Wh" ivo.ildn't it be a (food plan to build a fence ncro-s the property, i hus dividing it into tws parts, and ;is you brot her S.. h.u e t he sni'illest share in the unite 1 e-tale-'. you will lake the ptopor lieiial ; p ol, upon w hich you may u-e ox en, w Idle on our j -n t, bi u'her I! , wc w .11 a.'i'ce, p irtieu'.ai iy a i tho soil is much be! lei' a laple 1 l"r h'.r-es. to u-e none of the Kir'lier nt; i mils. Wouldn't, '.hut be lair? And he-i.h-s il - lil'lopail ti )'er- prl;1:o dispute, which h.'.s well lnjli nilli- C'l tin1 entire coml,,.t ol l.ie lamiiy. liuiin the eui.tiiiiiai.ee ol t.'.efe rei , , .. . , . . i . . i i . ;. . IDM'KS loin oi li. e m a,: e-.-eu oio.ncrs kept lookini: into c.e another's eyes, a if io study tlie'r rc-pective cmotijiis, I ut i- was pi ii ii Io i ..bset vd thateie-h was too ptoutld Io -ive up Irs peculiar i lea-. 'Never. never,' cried th" iinpul-ive S.,' s dl 1 jive up one jot or ii'.le of niy iieht.-; and "Never, m-vr,' nchoed (he cipuilly ll'iL'Uie 1 H , and thctvup ill they both be- cm heen beralini' the unluekv wool l-liave- ati.li' al ur with a fury that has nev er been su-pas-cd. Hy and I y,t !,ou-h, S. relenled a lntle, find toll 1. privately that he W'uld n'ree Io the 'compromise,' ns they called il, if II. would, and D. in formed the l itter of the fact, 'but,' said ho, 'now I n t1 hob! on to my own deter mination, for it'll not be long 'till he r.ivc.s np altoiretUer.' 111 III.IU. I-. lil lli'.ll .-v...-. (u, in2 hU.v ,10witl.-tand,n the iiiees-ant cll'orts of I . to heal it Well,' sai S., 'if I can't jret my ri;ht, I'll tear ut mv nail of the divi-ion f-nee. ...ol inb-o -nv uio-i of ih,. new lee, itorv .nn I farm ii iosi' I i.lea-e. no in oter' h it, you mi li-sav.' 'dii. no. don't 1 that,' was the re-pons", 'for it will only make things voiii- oTenuill li..i,. '"1 1 I ;"'"' wiu licixO'l lip l.y li., WHO WllinilKO . , -,. , lth them ami, lake it all round, Hllaiin would be vcrv nnieh ii'-ei avnted.' Yes, I will ' said the impulsive S., 1 can ' bor Bull nvPt h ive for his children to . weave into cioi nrs, an i von ami li. cun t, .cultivate il, an 1 I c in withhold it from ihim if I !h-nfc , he'll naturally take my 'l''1'.' Sl nu'v' '", ,ur,':it u111 ,0r ' nv" ,M,7' m: n,T"' thiilene l vtoiL'ioico tlire, but ll. an 1 1. , o i(U:,u,,lct him f;U.)0,in. ,!,,,( h bolli laughed nt him, unoina ' 1,1 i .;...it' i,i l MJ i ' I ,1111'u i'1-i "inn iu u "i iii.-i i'"iiMii ,H SS anJ ,0"U! ','1K'k 1 he partnership, re, ' icritnnt :md nshumed. v. . ... .. Not so with S. Seeing that the pair did nol undertake to prevent him from des. troy in p tho dividin; Cnee. as they hai a rijjht to tlo, he ventured Hill further, and positively tcredo.viiotieoi llie pules wni'ii protected one of the entrances lo the lain il v pstile. Iio even grew holder, and, tlenlHrinj; thai they must pive up their possession to himself, nctuallv nuircltcd riht, up to tho very hoiifp, and, witli lion n ie -a n, announced mat no n.id como ......,, ,.,,,. uicui uii this nis to nmeli lor tho rceut.ftnts to, ber. i'hey ro.olved on Inking tlie 'law i into their run linmh,' nnd give tlie inipu d'Mit fellow surh a 'w -liiilinp, as he richly deserved, nnd t'.ien resloro the property to its former pnt.ii inn. Al'ont Ihi linm, unfortunntojv. nnolher difficulty aro-e. II., who wn of a very sucpie.iiw And Tacillatinjj (flsposition, asi enitJorl I., If telling him thtt h did not believe In" w as Ii lie to his family in- ll'IV-IS. 'lloW ( II) VOI1 have Sll ll ill"':' I lis that,' meekly lei'licd the lilt I 'I , 'n In n it is so m 1 know n 1 1 j .it I have Mrivcn to ii -vciil this whole all ah.ii.' illieullv ' Haven't I prove. I in v devotion bv : l'XaV.i a'-cnts, i fates of ill dietiii- tip- i;. . pt lip it'-d an he pel- ft i,kip' to tlio teaching oi' mil- Moini; m full .-luiiv to lii:ilv ll.- i'i : per, iitul didn't 1 nlnio-t lit-; and S, to stop vour wriiii-lin .: r . i ... . .. ii I. I .... 1 1 . 'I'.. conKl mukn i.o denial, lull still I his iiI'iimj of I. Wlu'iii'ver Ii" vi I lieiinaililiilice. ho deiiouiu-Cil liitil, . ti'tl him, with imleei nt renin W.bov met nt meet irn's. or nt mai iis when ;et, r.r at . t . I 1 . I r .. . 1 . I IIP in OH' ll.( 10 liiei , ni-iunru MHini'i.itii laved so unl'iMths Mly tlifil no one Mil n uu inuti uko i- would lnivt' snlilnilted, In this condition the family jar ; wlien we last heard ill ). aid 1- i' i 1 1 1 i '. i ' I c 1 1 1 as ever H. as Uiieuaii-i i -tnrd S. a-ll- in regard to and unjiist relative to 1'. a helore and the latter i let enn ai"d mi ful , lillin- his duty to the l.cst of hi- ;l,i:ity, ; sulislieil thut "the cMate nui-t h. kept in its old i shape- sonic tv iv, willing' t lix it ; up iieaeeul.ie and honor. ihly, il S w ill yield I h.s ur )j:an t preleni i ins, and lay iisrle tin; ' weapon he c )!i-!.iutly carries, Lut fully resolve'', if he d.v-i nut nee(d to these fair terms, to help 1!., notwithstanding , that individual's IniLiittnii tone of co'i- ;t";npl, to -ive S. so Miondll '. hi a.-!, i n' that the plucky litllo I'elluW will In have ; himselt during the re.-1 of his lil. lime. ', Now which ol these, onco joyful, piospci- ' oils and united hlutheis do our leidor.s think Iris nete 1 the most s-n-i'iili:, ju-t and iialoinal part, and is, lli -refore, ino.-t wor- ihv ol the cotilidenee of h , neie ("on iai t. i io. st (.'omnia lid of v to; i i ale laiijiua-'' is as iii'le-pen-ahle to a col lo dial speaker ns to an orator ic mi .mi., thqf. It, is, foi'tunately, impo.--ihle to u-e line phiiiM'- and rlie.'iirieal ciic.uudo cutions iu goodsoch'ty. Theu'eneial dia aleet of eoiiversnti'iti is siini !e, pure and id in n in I ic ; hut, except under .-.k illfid treat ment, is otter, ii'orreet. aim1 nucly leiii.i tons. A iioo.1 talki-r litid- the ri-hl woid hy an uneonei"ii.s in-.t inrt, as n ciever hoi -conn roitpii road alvvay-puts his loot ill tliel i.:l place l'lile-M he i perfectly at ea-e in dealin.' with he- verlml niaeiiiu cry, lie can never pve away to t,i;c sp nta liediis ler.iiily m.d na'.ur.il play lulne-.s which con-titule hi- t il le t o tocial sileee.s. 'i'he uio.-t dil iuct i e (ju.iiity iiias-i iiio talker is Ulipi emcdilaie-.l Ii e-Ime.-s. Cha-. I'.iuip coiii l ii'i- ihat a Scoti'liman -I hou-i.l s are never i en in the course if f"'n:ll ion. and In.-, j- 1 1 v iitiiie.,! on de nouui'Ui the le.noii-iie-- ol i o;e iy -:n:e le declamation, uslieaui oiuik i tin a V - tiresome, or con veraiit bio lip ill unforeseen sin tin"t and copious - nn of the moment has a l.riskncss which is lost '11 OU-lll t,) hub' ".-si.io fr in d;s ;:. - The thoii-hl kind of iieralcd w hen it is stored in tiie tiiemo.ty lov std - 'ipient use. Tin' hall-ti nth-, tho w hinisicid paradoxes, tlie sudden traii-itions of an aniiinded d. i-lo-ue, are often as im b'slruel i v. a ela'oo r.iled dis.piilitions, and they tiie iulini'.eiy inoi'ti .'imusiiij;. A taiker of liie hihe.-i order is exempt liotn the temptation o: monopolizing attention, heeati-e he de. ; ponds for inspiration on the independent and natural l! v.v o! ti.e ennu - din;i. t'onlid.'nt ill his ill o I . I y to deal witli all I robab'.e topics of di.-;ii--i"n. he abst lin iiotn thrns'.iivj forward favoiile luhbie r. Ins om n. Tin; man osi one subject, th pr.ij.het o! a ne-lected truth, has no bu-o iies.s in socii ly. 'The pbiihiru) and his iami'hlet are his propnr li'-lds of aeiioii. In those i eg ion s .E ih) s m iv lisp nt h ini -sell without an r.oy aiice to oi din. ii y human beings. .V'ur..; .'. r. Tt;ic,:iTi t l. 1 i'.-TRi i'i'lo nv E.t; rn.;:' K k. In the l'lilt'li le:iito'ies en the west coast of Siin'.a! i a, a al in the islands lyine oil' it, (arthiUakes ofcxee-sive f-trcirth look place, in February and March, ac eompnnied by iolent commotioni in the sea, the water retireiv:; to h "rent distanre. and then ru-! iugb,n k with frii'litful foice, sweeiuiig evervtliiiig helore (lieu) .''real 'destruction was everywhere c.-.used, imd many licslo-t. In 1 he i-lunds, however, the i'H'eets of tliese terrible nnlural he- iiomena wero llin-l llKUKta. un in w- .ilkt'l. Ull til" li- land of Ni ls a military p"-t wa coir.pl. t.i - ly swej't away by th" sea, and scvi . al ..f ,; the im: ri-on d-.-troyed. A gunboat lyin. in t ne hnrl.or ivas to: n iroiu li( r unci, i, is ...,.i ii .., i,;., i. ..,... i.,. 1 1 ii' lin ino np.-u ""'i. " ' ' o lie l-l ami Simo alino-t tlie wlioio ol tin; lovi- t-e were destroyed, and out of n popul i- Hon cl ahout l,l"o iienrly M'O p( psheil. I iiusmilly lieavy ram .o prev other pa. U of tho depend,,., u . o lea In 1 ,.i . in . I . I bi the nutmc crops m, much in in - ry I rem this c:m-". A leaiiul eruption ol j lion, openly, lively and will, out lear, la the vol ca in on tho i-lan 1 of Makij ni, a- i vor or a!; ei'itin. i.oih th:rtv-live l,n.'l:-li miles liom lern- nte, and caused the I ol lives, and deslro tion. This took p cembor. iss of niiiiiv hundreds d Ihe' whole vegela nee on the r.'.Jth I'i" i "i'i!oi r.Ki v ok Man." Ihe liV-publienn Wide Awake orator and new-p.ipni s, in (ho campaign of liji(. veheinentiy ilrnied ith.it there was nny 'pro.ei tv in man." i Willi their Usual consist encv lli I hev I, a vt ,otav ignored that propoMiion, by p.. 1 f ;t,,, ', lh,. ,,, R,l little neg 'er-s. of the ,ilrio, of Columbia nt s.",oo ikj head : and bj W de?ire lo ,l end llie juo clme of buy log all the re.M ol the four niiii.on of tlnves in the Soulhei n Slates at the fume pric e per capita. If negroes arc not propel ty, wliv, we ask, throve away huudreiis ol nliiion, 0f t10 pUhlic ireiure in the pur cnase of them !-i.W'4 'T.Aiiv" lhuTRiis IT m il Fourteen "la dies" of I.ado-.i, ludlatvi, were brought to trial nt Crft's fotdn illo the other day, ( har ped with riotous proceed tigs in de.-troy irp ho eolilent' if a whiskey snlooti in II f.nmor i,b.er. The inrv imposed n fine of one doilnr on each. 'f ii costi inioiinlt d , to about one hundred dollar, l.adics have ' no lutinen to get up riotn mrj WILT. STAND A r. II n Mr. K, ' K , a iie.'r. m W'a-lii lie n i 1 ! i 1 1 1 1 lTccll I W toil to II in which -I - I an a Id' e mid en I Ii n- ia- 1.II-" we I Will ei .. nd t lie lollim inn ( ioi. .'el; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wh, r. li--i' l!d ll 'I' 1 l.i.'allnll w.;li t. , -rii-1 J.'. iiei:.l!v end of lli iai insn tv:i si eii too near an. '' I at I III (VI l'Ii till! WlCf eM'oiM". .,;,:, tl. 'i- M. . In i ll.-' ,o ; , .. 1 to-Fp( ..K. r r, lei.d to an an. cihe- ia native Ali.ean, who, when neeu-ed ly a niissien ii v of l eine. ininioral, ii.diL'liaiitly a-l'i;d lie; 'iie-li.in, do vou take ine f ! a : wl.il ? (Applau-.i I I lie eaUi f spoke ol th.J linitv. 1" tions ilie Ma. 1. !'.e-e I that in or. npv -it the Nor i J 'ii i ! : i e 1 1 d 1 in the n r.d bul 1 1 a 1 1 I. "I on , -, the - wlnit cal e ( I' tin ti' i'.-'l'cla.- V.'.l l ad a i i-ht t 1. pp.lt lheui-,1 Ira ho. h that roll! I t lake (Ap 1 lu-e ) All in-n ' C'liials, and every man his OH' ii a- -a.-ate- ; Lot if t.ny iiia.i did ii"t her, on , n-e. lil t of hi- i him, the -p-io . that he could only at':;'!' plan. 'I I ii"fi ama ;. !. ,V , .,...,'.. '' ' . a' - ,' , ilnal ion w as a Sou' lit rn .'.''J n!U t it - ., ' a j .-,,.., !. r A, lilt,: i i,. I,', , tfi. a ., in "' 7 Am . i; '( In l!. 1 1- I--' ( - ' 1 ' I 11 1 1 'I ill- Wil- . r' '. i in- U i II in d I. h r-'-md that tins Ill' I. 'II p.,1 , i ' l';r ",, ',' '1,7, nd hv manv .l t;, hi, cans in ,:.-1. ", ;'! on. 1 tlie nn, nn. r in v, i.a ii it auioi. i he ' i;':i ;:l ml iniifiiji'stwi.r ! !i" O l 1 H ie c in:: on in put. lie -cntiim-ni iii.-al'.e l..nat ioi ; i t aat i- .'a . Ii of til 11111' e III',. lie ,V I i : 1 1 is 'led bv tl.e i I...I 1 t aii latl d'l. tck oi' eh v .'. I inn of Ih,. in-'io to r.n ' i the while rare will he put Io oeveiopuiciil o i.:e,(-o, :,l.d il e. il.'- pi' .j.'Ct jhl- Iroin tin; 1 VI hi ii - . ,ini i'f tin- mad s toe i' ua en e 'iiiph't" ft.' at I hill f "li ,!l n.' !ur- tio of the a: fi.t-i. ol ail n.'ii. full re il:.:a the laua. .e.i s!e uh Uo'V t' tl. i heme- leal ' l ' . el! .vi;i '!' tal t ", at : , W ill) 111' le i: i .: olv I us m a n-vo u .'S, Will -'Vl'I'i'V ii tic p. ft. v iii!.' pe.- oi llie i n 1 a . , Ii.il :- do iv ! u- le-t;..', a. I our !. ay that til. a arMat a ,; :,.ii is al -in I. i iim.U'i in i'.s -.p-. hi i n v. ho s! nd'.i' .' (',,;.; t ,-in 'a:. to l !i- i . iii-n io'i i'i- 1 1,- ef... I 11 . L'l'C - ; l '' : and iblM Th" WIS on- nt Ill f. IH'V, le; 1- i c.t- i-ly iie b' li i.fil 111 f the !l hi t.-l; 1 i, -o!.;-, ; i- , the w ha .eil Cl'l.dll) ioi. oi i h" i; 'am;' no pill ll I' object. ,! ;i- n I pi i it ;i, rlei- --.li.-li, fill' Iv, 1. ,1. i ; r. era i he. in on ti- I th.' Inch la.v at ;on f-i- ,i .I.--, a 7" I a i, V li f" I A, ii. ) 'i.t v a- '.i I . hnl fin i i" ti ifor i i.t. iut' 1 1 . ue ai lo .1 : .' la 1 ev i iy l-lv tii'.- -i a', 1 1 1 rn -ti. Vv'i If s iii r II. 1 ,-ep : l:;: j lev 'l-.-T! th M. I 'i to ! aMlei that il da I the Ion nviii 'cl iii'i'll-: l!:e ol , l.ot I'.j'ily 'III y lei - of ! he i.e. p.-tr'v. out tie II- w: liUii.ic, we al t c. 1 no.v t la. I w f 1 i 1 irnn-ur.t ion o!' i i,e it i i ij i -tiff. S.i pie-cut i, I to insignilic'iTie. e t! b lore the liu-hty I ii the In a-in v -: 1 i'les'a..'1'ag!. iiiativ l ei pel rail ng tl a -u'l'id. , so glaf i-t at their ;: is rerd Now tied the in 'be 1, blood of !.,- 1, ve-t ve-t -ot d !''i tii like water, a worth of ropei ly (" Hid tlaliU'.-.vviial i- he ! milli-m ol" ,i. li ied to the l ciiopeteii! ' !he wounds ami Iii' I it,., troo. .. t bi !1 than a : gVf d pui- : i. i. u,i.., I)...,,,,,.-. ll ll l 111'.: 1 1 , - " " " t inee to I," . "I'hoti.-h. a oun .-or.yei t, we v. , I I o. i in, 1 i 1 1. Olloe i our In -I to 'ii, in tl ei WOI with t chilli hence!'., i I at, 1 w i:!i theiii i l w e 1 .lev uHl w..i k r Ho i pel pel ua! on of the I mini and t ons'iiu- A I.i'iTi r .- ri' i'v l oi: on a t in.ii t I.t i e w a a coin. ti y full of people, wanted, were rich nnd 1 .l.VVT.'l's.- jjreal and Tle.y had : IT"; peinu-. -"(.in-.e hapl V II th-v 111'! a! the mi' i"ti- e.f I he ( art h f arc I thei r star; liiirlv inilii.,:!' and sti i I n .-. There .rert of w hite people in thi- h ippy counlry, thc:e. wt i o in it, a!-", four millions "I py ht'L'io.s. iid ' lie v, bile p-iii'e a it ' ii. p jrah'tisof the h.ipj.y negroc- nnd wel.t to w ir. And thoiisat-b o) hvc lost. And millions f dollars .v. re tie We : ' 'p"l, and it den : and the happy peeplo bee one tiivid-d and ruined ; and nil nati mi lau-h-d a' thnl, ai.d heavy taxi s had to be lev:.1 I. lee.iu-e Ihiity miiiions ofl'uoU wished t" '1'iai r.-l ab.'ut !..ur miiiiuii-o! cent elded ne-i ci a n ho woul 1 not I una'.va ' from their Irtppv horuospven toph-i.t thirty millions of white trash. And the fooli'h while pen pit; became n laug'nin- slock Htiuiiaii to lai'or nn incir lives n, pav tax. If,. ' -no i i ... fir the lieei'iHiK. rAA Tom ,1'IV or f. who l ilelv l r A 1,'HT boilhl l, order ton "You nro to make it pi. .in and at th miiiic tim" smnrl. us I ii in a very conspicuous place in churt li." WHAT VHIT ifliflioiirJ illi5(fll;iin. (; W h- I- oil I, n i i, mo later in hi. , li; Iii mi- th" ii.ni" hallici thai they bt - in to li'lit ealh. r in hie, uui m r,' lest a--u-I'' d "I '".( t,i I;.; I'lim-lv, 1 1 at i; is h ill. p"l lie. o ,'l o- s that I hey hi u be nan , '1 ho I i'-i t I' m. u is lo hem ju-t a, i,t;h' as Ih y e in ; but that is not fm l ( u.:iueei in : - -Tic ri-hl wav is to ivnij., ohon- lor ioi, n . 1 In '! ai-h I v as ou ca.i In ( oml u-: in .' n cam) an - e , do Hot !! illl.l H faille I f Toll can help il : but ii y ui n,u-t -o iulo' it, ihuiider is meriy, iu,,l h-hliiim; is pily. -The i no' u r ni v, and in i -n s. iy. und coin M'ciitively miei lul you make your on -. t, t lie .-la it e- will ho tin. cntesl, and the more -on,; !"'. mil !.e the vie; uy.- -There is no I'll, ht)f -- Ilk" leniency, hold' n.- oil, ieliin a.oi i . What your hand hud to tl i. do il with on; mi-at and be uein; iv ilii i : tint is u ,.y m;r law. An 1 il' it i- ti ii- in external tiiii.'-s ,.e it i'J that v. hut i- woi tii it'.in;: al aii i, w ,:"!, 'I'iiiil; wi ii, how much more is it true in l h it i !.' - I hi I relate on man's di- i,-ition ; U hv si otii I it ..;n. bo nil his 1,1,; ion li'.'iitin;, lilitni:', li '!iiin.' '.' Why -houlii iio lor i-.ei' cany ahoiit in iiini-cll a -an ' of piiale pa-.- ions W hy NhouM 1. nm -ay, '' l.et me e,. llP iv;,, ()l ,v j; j, ti de: ti sy. r.s i fa,-,. n,., ple;.-ui", and j -ul'iiu" :" A m.m oo-lit not o b- emi- t.'ll'i.ll..' - i'.h I !ie Millie I Vl! pl'opi'll-ilio- j ail tee I. 'lie. lie i.u-ht o he roi.uiiuiuh I I i-in- to hi-her nn I hi-iiei ooi.li.e : ,. And ! 1 '! in ' '! .-Hen !'. to be li-ut.n,- th.-; -am- liiili..- that vol, vic lhuiig early I in I 'in i.-lian I.e.', is a -i .u that on ha e i nol 1" en tn'iL'ht nyht, umi ha not known what was ivi.mh.iii, And yet, how many i I lis , ai, thjit our (dd con ihcls i are cieti a ; t'i-Tl.e ul'.inialti iiatun- f f the human faculty is I'iia iiie. 1 kno.v tiial '.v.- J pieai a thai l-.i.i hi I ."ii'j's Joy ; ale i it i ' I ei l.'cliy Ifue ; i hi i jo , i n i i.ei de a ta 1 linr j :i' - lil" pi'ofi .,. . ' i. i at I 11 . J t 1- the li - ' hal lri'.;t "1 lei: ;i .... Ti-a-n!'" i:. a: Ih- ! holloa. ! t-v-iy i'avulty. I'.-.t the .-v-iii-j '.nn and ediif i'.ioii ol i-tiiv fe-.i t-i thai emuiitioi, m wlm-li it -I, all bo pi'..i.s-J i: . able, i- t iii'oiih a ei . at. r .,!' If-.s pain, I naaint ;n:r up, o'.ieiit nie.'-, Ii.nu ineoiive- ' iili'iliv t" an -ii .-it. 'I nis in et --i'.y is oi .- -! in.il and o; - in .:, a far as ali liiinj.' can be ; o pi lie HI l.-f I, It Is c ll!i lie d to this i woi l i. and to tin: huiu iii lain ly. it ion - . to creature 1 1 t a. e w iun:i the ei;- I cu : : o: t iie u: i i a. ii t . : , ; e. J i n: to he 1 i a i.'.w , i. .t so I'jii.di ol :i',i.-;ii re at . t c.n 'i. fii, a- ol -lo.viii, that m-i: t ii.i.l s'lU'er t i iii;.1. , ii tine and l.'-'n' d ii ' I- ir ei' on .' ' ' " r. 1 i t i . 1 1 1 . 1 1 is th" r.ppi 1 e if law i il ! ni t ii fl otti tii" lower I til' h 1 1 li i 1 -:.it- . Ti, I oie.'heait our wh'iie d". t lo; i ;. o1 , . ". iy p u lieie of a ii .11. tha: j v e ii ; a !i e i - w ; i li a b; i t ., i ii i . o. Vi i 1 1" j not I -he a st-p for.v.iid without a ' ::!i':- is"-"- " '"..So lc.ii.j as there is artyihiiu' in tin-, ih't.v.i ilia! I lint is not prrlcoily ol.pdier.t to .he Mill ot'i.nl leiij: ei has revolution! ail I change lor tint. So loin; a thuro i-l KhWbil !! in the latll'ly thai litis it-ell tt a-a.nsl the law of love, si Ion-; there ! ievo!',:ti :ii and eh -nge for that. Ai.din, cvt rv l u-ine-s. jn , very pi oip.-ioti, in ev i ! y .-ei. ml f,f jihihi ophy . r in i, in every i l. p:.' ' no :.t e: -m - i iinie .: :, in cv.' re j t'.ei of V... io'ly alia'ls. V. I, i:,-.'-!' hl'tc be : .n's iii. ' -!i : - and p'ii'p',-.' ;.nl ini-r-.-' -. '.!.-!'" 1 lul- - :r.t li.at is !-! 1 , .-, !; .en t he lit u t o! i old, t iiat i t.p;e-. d I ii!', ii: 'i 'ni ; -t, thai is lo he. i a-!oi ions i a tiie woi ei.a"! '. I: . I is to revolt;! ion i;t and . hai:-" and I not a'.e. until ! en: Ih shall be . i y : i l;i.e, ami sin shall be hahuhed. ! : o hi I h - w i : I.I , i I'..' VYu i: ;.-: I: u.- t yr,ur chihireti. Vol ' 'tilll-t l e i.lielit W ilil ill in. Ievatl-C. ' th, iri.'e i- hit al1..:-,-, c. u . s!-! i.-ir , ,.u '.::-: '. h, el. I '.iai they hi : u-i n. e: e, or III; ' ' ".'. t'fee i h't 'ioillg It W i , !; f el ' them s re.'tiiy a f.'l y-u. 1 ! i 1 is s ,id to ilhcr lac land v. iii his ai Tii,, una e.i; i v linen in iii- in -i.t!). o'.i hi'.:-t l.v,.r yoar ; cl. i ! il ea in vmr 1 i-i : n ; an I v . m m :; do ,' '.' in ipb't:. 1 t hi'igs a. io i -.-! i in lli'.r. jjs ':-"'.! a'e 1 temporal. Ai d if there is pel --o; , a i . a . t i i : i i 1 1 . -- on t i.o j .. 1 1 .,i parent I in lh.- hi, dte, . I am -i t,.- li-d thai t il l. I dr ui wail g! o.v up ' 'h: i-::,'.!i . li om the 1 iii in. in; of life, and mike boiler I'liris-! ' I ian t nan t hev wi u 1 if iliev were i;ol ' ' ohvet led until the'y had c ii'ie lo e ir o! i tu.iiy. ' 1 " 1 d i n it iai! mybody to i, !i ;i n as 'ill! v, . l e n b in, ;iie ! . I loo ... is b ur pn l ing in ( Ioii'h i u'i-p at'el I, is. hoh 1. but it l i- not t i that that I invite you. 1 e .il in tuall to , l 'I' 1 :-! Mil i,'" i Tl I'.ee.illht (! the b i n in i s an , I w ;v,i: i . I here in e l a t: m a -and w r "d I, - ' f 1 1. ' 1 1 ue '.hi i-t iau : but I ; , '11 no man to the '.i., hies o v'.eloi y th! I h" has been to I a!l!e. 1 call no m.,n lo ' r-! ! ,11 he has been to wo! k. I c.tii no 1 man to the I u vary of nn .norta 1 thin-- till I In' has hot ii a d '.-(:; le of (.'in ist, ,'ihd i 1 . a i ii ed to p ' i ! do.m his lower niid woit ' !- . iii;-si hy I lie oo,-. er of h:s higher i lid , ' '. ' i" -. is vour I :i-:iie-s lo I i n l.o.v to b:i-g every thought and teehng into obedience to Christ. It i spiritual manhood t duel It J in vtw.i, to wiie ii ycu ; i. . I. Z..,,"-'u-( vptibiiily to metitnl sufi-t irg is eviil 'If.'.' tlll.t a llMll is - ij.:; ton ,,.( a nioi.d an! -pi; ;!',,'.l t. dure, lb" wan'. r,f -u -ii " ,:!! ieg i-' v;..,.K'" I a ii h is - . il-2 I' i". nr. I an iihiuhd nnd pliv-ieal leituie. I ', a in. in aim- upw..ids and :c ; ,: he I e . gm- lo Mu i die,- i.iio tiling lor ; he :.io .,( an ih. r. I'icejti-" ph-ii a man is in po-se--ioti of him-elf I hey nre many diln-rt nt L'r ide of fa en 1 1 :' t hat are (pun iv 1 ng tor lite secptf r. And the higiier Ihea-piiii-ti 'ii, ll," m :. -ullfiiug mii-J tin. re be for th- ;,.!;. of lh- thing 'Spired idlt r. t,...lVhie- wi.'. r. h.i'.t of nought ,'or re i-oii. but w hat uni'iarcihiblo n il' 'hall diclR'.e for reason. THE Will NEWS. FROM OEN. TTeCLELLAN'S ARLIY. if i;....t Hi'::, -,!.( Ac: i i) A',..-, . i . o : "T'on .I.mi of lie Nov York i'iino.j y.'.f J. ,! H'"-. .b !, oi' m,(.-, I Tue-. lay, June !-, (2.. I 'lit'ovvn mid tin) rebel fort es i-,re now face to taee Willi eaelt oilier, tiio pl"kW beiiiL' nit (vr half a n.ilo apart. wiial h n.-'ilof tllii" tl.H slate of thiliffl exi-t remains to be fen. In the next battle the li-ht win- will undouhlitlly h.iVe a hand, aslhi; li.i'l;;es lot ero-,r.iu,t tlie l in'i' ai u eoiui b 'fd, in, d nothing re mains lit! lo ive thu wi.i I i f co: i.'ii.iii u .1 . I oe l . ! . U in e hard al work throwing up earl h ., ol ! -, and evide'dly ;..! n't t make the I utile at l.'ie hiii'.iiel tho do. ivo battle, 'iiifVW'iil tin I lis Itdiy piepared Ioi tlie t'oii't .1. 1 ,:i -l ni-iit l'i" l..ht... Mill 1 1 1 ! e or four . hells ii.lo .smitli's eii'Mtnp incut, bul without (ilfctin-any diiinajf. Dfsci tei'i from Jhchmond continue I ai ro e daily, all f I' w h"in en, lii'in t he si.dii' mi ni ii ct nlly pub',, shed in ti.c Ui ;ii:,.on.l I'. -pal. !i, tli.it the rebel lole.i (j.caliy Icar our de- ; ".n b. to sit ri ouicl I hem and t ::', oil' their ,-up.iie.-. '1 !u .1' -locic of HI hi -It ll 'J is iii t tiiiiini'hii..:. What utiall wo do? i- til- b? idlll- Ipl'-stlon ol nil (1 !-J.'.-. I '.10 iii if Kifhnioud is one vast ho.-pi'al Nearly eveiy hou.c coina'.n- lnore or luts '.Vi.ui.de. I, and llie utiii :.-l suld'e . ln pi f v ails in cili-C'i'ioli'V of tin' want of l.u. ill lies and the proper r-lncdii'S. II tiie iibeis mean toiieht, circums'.atf iv, d-iiiand lint tin y sh-"i!d light burnt: di.ttly. Tlie . j u i.' -1 ; . ) i i arise, will the; e in. nn n -c the ..Hack, ol leave that lor U.s to d" They may p.is ibly b - williii-J t") -ive us oi , I' ivy; i t , nle, : -' It: ,; Halt '.ill r :U- '.'.i:i,t in I ' 'a'..-; en 1-! u .-a.s.i ..- 'y 10 t'le !I1S ' il C-. ii s. fiu- in. ".edible that tlie Union m'-. my can : e i.'ani withlti 1 mile- of Picam m.l i ' a I'lti.-h h n.'.-i peri "1. ivi liout o; in. 11 - the way to I. e city. S i.e. thing mil' t be' done, ale! .oli.e, 1; i',g ''..' ' dido, f.T many days .-i.ai! have elapsed. 77V !:".'' ! n- I! ' - HVer. li '.'io l il:- i. arc. 'Im-iii the Ci.rre.-i'.ii'i'tenen of the N. Y. TribtinsT .V i en J uiic '.). There is duelling at 1 'hg livjip.i iicl'Veon tho clK-lliy's pick' e.s an t our own an .1 tht !? f re mov-Te ht .ii"! j icpai di, ui mi our side, nnd doubt leas on their side, for the pr:ii '...ittlo soon to be 1. ii '.t. An I 1 'Mil candidly toil ur, ,i t.-.i...i .i . minds io hell" tho d.'tai'S of U nordi.ct, bo hue Kichinund coaipio.. 1 wi:h v. Iii h tho b.lfle o lh. .'-even i inc. wis lut a lina i-ii. Tim enuiny ..ro g1 c .t'y supci-ioi io ii, iii lumbers. "Their courage, as (hiring, ili.e. as tenacious m e,ir civil, is by ru tin tv i .: , !,!. ! has hi : ii fili'.riioto l hy politic- io' i imp'ru- iblo halo, 'i'hev l.ivo err an di-.'ipliuo -an cund experience in l!o! ciiiip .in.; in tho f.t Id and po--..-s in I heir de ;pi-e. smooth bor'.) tnu-ket and their oar!:: Les of one round b:i!h l and t.,,'ew hack !...t, a far 1 -t ter v,e,.i on f -I' this wooded tighlir.g-gio'ir.d than o'ir I. ii '"'I -lane 1 ' ,-:. N'ow 1 -a'.v th, e rebels ll'lit vmlor tho Seven rit.es. and 1 say to all tie 'e people , '.. i i .ii.l: tint wo are -o march into IJieh i,:i.n '. wi'huut ' -hun;! every inch of our ' a'.-, t'.i'.i liicv r.iir-o ,i b'hih'i.i wh'!"h the . I ,.,.1. J ;',... 1 vv -;:i'! ''t e r!iTil', and p i -i,,: . the !.-t, "f t:'::i-d, ahd noun hl and e , '.t!I!.. 1, W i'l ',',' .1'P til' u Iron), - lioek itijiy, ll lh-'. I, .ive ron. :' her.- or li.yii ,-.v.s':h :hs battle. 1 t-ll v ou, Ne',' York i ei s, th ,i this rebvlarmy has no purpose ofr tic.iihg b Cor.; ih :is vo march into the::' pi li'i m! .-.liiti l. They fc.t in hioir !: ei:eii-i in: 1 !'t.' "uiel r their (?.nnnn to siive ( . S,.;:'.:.. r:i 'V --.', b ra-y. They de s .io io tighi. Py ( . . -hit' eis of sl roup 1, .Lb. jtii J i e'.ie.i't; from po-.ti-nn of u b v ih'.'g-, in 1 1 j'l-t long ' lion di to ireak(;n h. by ihlais,' ih-y fiave drevn us jut ',-, h.-re lay can tia'ik u. nr. where they v. ill compel us to fight w'uether we want to e, n t. I'h"y co.i : '., : 'h'.'.t th eohl'n 1. il ll- v...i ei . t h . ' r fate, ,.hd th it i'l th.-ii- Con'.'i'd-'.i'.ti -n -!!n' it will e.niei i le (lie war. fiiev '.".o.v i- impori.'in e, I : ac-.i io . . - i ' i ! r; '.;'.'' .,,... . .' ' - .. Tho wife, of iien. ooi.ert V.. Leo, v.dio 'm been ! 1' -om" time under g:ial ! ;,: I'n hou -c v. ii. : e .-I.o wis foitntl ii'-n tie tl" I ,1 iii of ,,..r t ) ' j . -', in he n,fL'hK h i 1 ol II ,i, .i t r, ha. bt eii at '. ; : icb .i I, ..nd ...;,t i.v .' t' e I'm to vjoin In r b'f boe! Ml., il l. been el l-ely C 'h.lilh'd l'.!":"0e .-.;. hu.i. ca'.ion allow- d w'th her ( r h"i' I . .li ly, -ii" w.is j !,. -e I in cliaigoof agnal'd of i i , i.'.-y, and in ? el-.e eurri. ge, r. ith her l,',o ia l.'h!e,s, . ro-.-e 1 our lines IK. Ife.ehov )',: i.h;e. Si. "- i l.:V v.'0. ill li " l'ehi 1 c.ij'ital. ',.','" ',, '.i'.s if Of- ' I li'i: I ni 'fi ij i'". A'i'e anion llr !'a"o.n' t'erre-pai. 1' I Oi' ' f i' ? .' 'I'iflllid IV-- I1ka.'.(1 Ati.'iii.s ' ii.'.:.i: .1. Mcl'i.i'i.i.A.v, 1 Sail.. day evt-r.liig ., " 21, 'I'l.C rebels ycbl'-l day, IiUce diiving fiV'ir Di I Church a .- pie. I: .ui c!' the I'.fth c: .'. "! iv, priced "d lo Cm Ih l.'s l,:,;,i",'i':,.iiilii I'ahiuhi.cv .et t! - White Hoii.-e, e.i.i" lii. y bin. t 1 m 1,-i 'hfi - and w.ig:r.s and !. ' I iif inn I ; -. !!!' lhfii' c ,i. I.:.'! h l"pr lit' d l .- 1 hav li,g I.;'.'- 1 "-yen! ".:r ! . . sl.'l.s W iihool :..V 1'' -' sill . 1 .io--c w h fiih-1 la mahe th. ir ( .-cl '.m 1 ' pi isriners. M 1'ioni here they wc re . : to Tun -t ,. S'tatio''.?'-iur miici from h io!'.' Ilous.i, r :.. n i.-w of burning the railroad hrid,-". tiain that was pn-ing down nt the tin ww- fired into, killing t'Va anil woumlin mo ei 1 1, A cloiiel I i longing, to the Ix -t i,,r l.i i.-a 1" '' m t iii-l e . it'.en ris' nit' i but B.iccei'icd ill inal-.ing his ( .-ea'.n dm ii, tlm niidit. A pHynnrterjumped '';:'t:i th.