f t .MAVOKSOrTliil iii.il. ClUc;. 'ft1 I !l ' 111 '! I' I i!UM '. f'llf i 'i nt of miiira:i I, K Mhff. .Tie, HI 1 'nl r.t.i have ' I 0 t ) ill that . V f.ii.y I i. lo . A If A I1. 1U I LA hi been full ml to Ho a rei'i-Jf of Krofit eicoUi'i.1 , ami woilh tho co u II iloii 11 cf tHo community. HON. JAMCd COOK, Miyor of LOWEI.t., MAS1 HON. ALBIrT DEAUD, Mayor or NASHUA. N, liOX 13. W. IIARTlINC4TOIf, Mayor cf MA.NC1IE3TER, N. II. II. HOT. JOHN ABDOTT, Mover cf CONCORD. N. II. HON. A. n. BULT.OCK, Mayor of WOUCE3TEH, MA33. nOHT. NATII'L SILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MA3S. nON. F. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mnyor cf BOSTON. MA83. noN. WM. M. RODMAN, Muyor of PltOVIDEiiCE. II. I. HON. AMOS W. mENTIC3, Mayor of NOIUVICH, CONN. HON. J. n. n ARRIS, Muyor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CIIAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTHEA.L, C. E. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mnyor of NEW YOftX CITY. HON. II. M. KINSTRET, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. V. HON. ADAH WILSON, Muyor of TOHONTO, C. W. rON. R. M. BISHOP, Llayor of CINCINNATI. OHIO. nON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOHN SLOAN, i Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. I HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Jd.-.yor of BOWMAN VILLE, C. V. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLOWELL, HE. ! HON. JAMES S. REEK, Mayor of FHEDEEICTON, N. B. 1LOS. WILLARD ITYE, Mayor cf NEW BEDFORD, MASS. nON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL E1VEK, MA33. ! HON. W. n. CRANSTON, Mayor of NSWPOHT, It. I. nON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of OALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN IIODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. EON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. nON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TU3UAL003A, ALA. HON. R. D. BAUGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. OERARD STITn, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. HON. n. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, IJ. V. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Moyor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, TA. HON. C. H. BUHL, Mayer of DETROIT, MICH. HON. IIEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WI3. HON. W. W. VAUGIIN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KFNOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. TON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HOxI. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, OA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL," Mayor of VERA ORUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. Certi.'y that the resident Druggints havo tuurorod them Oyer's Sarsaparilla';" !' 'I excellent romedy, ond worthy the con fidence of the community. for Spring Dlscnan. '. . . Pnrlfj-tiiK tho Itlnod. 1' ir P-.rofcl or King's Evil. Tnmori, Vlrtra, anit Snrci. T c FriipMom and Pimples. Km- Iklolthas, lilalus, and Bolls. ; ur Kt. Anthony's Fire, ltosr, or Kry tor Tetter or Salt Ilheum. ilpelas. i" f -nld Head aud Ringworm. tanrrr and Cancerous Sores. Ki r Sore Eyra, Sore Ears, and Humors, l or Frmnle Diseases. Vnr Siipression and Irregularity. For Syiihllis or Vrnrrcal Diseases. For Liver Complaints. For Diseases of the Heart. Tho Mayors of the chlof cities of the TJni tcu ; ';ae, Cauadas, nnd British Prorinoes, "hiii, Poru, Brazil, Mujoo, huJ In fact al ii. -it all the ciHos on this continent, have MKued this document, to assure their people whut remedies they may use with safety and conlldence. But our apace will only admit a portion of them. Ayr's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Aycr's Pills, and Ayer's Aguo Curo, PREPARED BY Ir. J. C. Aycr & on LOWELL, MAS., Aail toi bf tirupglsts every whsrs. .Maf ,7h, I'J Jy. SI ()()() vnvmvM. $ 1 ()0(). Will rnu llnlr t.i Urow nn HiiM H.mi1; will llitoT(i (Irrv or liirfniil Ilnir In H oHiiiiSAi.ni.Nprno.N am i i: ; Will pri'ViMit lhi Ilnir f: nui I nllinj "IT, uml pro mod' a Now nnil llmllhy rtrolh ; compli'li'ly rnlii iil'i liinilni(T , w ill rovnt unU iure Ncrvoim IIi'hiIiu'Iio will i i to th Ilnir a C'lcnn, (ilc!y Ap pruriiiico, ami is n Ccrluiu 1'nro for nil DixonM'." o I' t Ii o II u il. Price, ".") CVtils : lliri.Mi Umili'B fur S.fK'l .. s,ti,' nt n. u rs vi 'A'w i nra STOUE, Murht St., Chvrfi, Lt, hi. It if a perfect and ruiuplL'tu dii'."inj; for til u Ilnir. lU'.ol t Ii o folloivinK toKtiiiioniuls. I'. S. Maiidii.il'k Orini:, Nrw York. Nov. fi, Hfl. iOI. OKAY, Y.n. liinr ir Two month ii'o i it y IkooI ns nlmost cnl irol.v lfi!t uml tlio littlo h.iir I liu'l ivim nil irri mi J Inllinj; out Vit.v ln"t until I IViireil I rhouhl loo ull, 1 coinimMK,i"l utug jour iiiV i'i'lrao'p, nnl it iiianoilintoly stopped (ho ho il fiillins "IV, mid foon ri'Morid the color, niul after using two lottU invhciol inootn plelely covered 'ith u healthy grontli of hiiir, und ol the same color it wus in curly nmnhood. I tuko gpint plensura in reeoininenilin your ex cellent Ilnir Heulwative nnd you limy nlso reler any douttinp per.-o.n to me. KOIJEKT M tit II AY, l". S. Mumlinl, I Southern Ui'tiii't, New Yoik. Kor fl by the proprietor, ( Wiu.(iiey) ut the Uentorntive Ilepot, ' "111 Ilrondivny, New York, i AUn for mile by .lohn S. l'ieroe, tlenenil Agent fifi llrondwny, N. Y , mid by nil llruijts 1 Ji.lLI.N S. riEKCK.'dt'iionil Aint, j No. I'i'i llicmlivny, N. Y. i N. I!. l'ruj,'i."tH or others seiuliH; fn?h orders for the I'i'storiitive, will be tuippliud with circii ' tit rs coiituiuiu cei tillcutr.' from pooplu of the . hiRht.-t respectability, fiomnll parti of the coun try. ' Mnrch l'J, li'iL'. 1 y. This prei'iiratioli, innde from the best Jhvii Oof fee, is reii.iniii. i;. led bv plirsicinn" us n nipei'mr M'Tltl'l'li'l'S l:i:VI.'H.(';i: for tlern'ral Jel,ili ty, Ilyspepsin and nil billions disorders. Thous undi w ho hiivc been compelled to nliaiidon the use of coffee 'irill use tliis without injurious effects One can coiiliiius Ihe slrenptli of two pounds of f.Tdiniiry cofl'ee 1 It I ''K I'.i cents. The purest and best IiAKINti I'OWHI.lt known for iiutkiiiK 1 i i?l tj sweet and mitrilious Ijrcad and Ciike.. I'll I t'K 1 j cents. II.IV! I'M TI I1KH II v M. Jf. KOI. LOCK, r hem 1ST, (nr. at Dmtul il'- ( 'i,'.;n'if .V''ci ',, l'hJnJclrh'a. ami sol. Ii li v A 1.1. Inu ooisTS ash ,i ion r. cs. SOLI) AT li. MUS.M i''S. Feb. L'O liill. 1 j r. 'abinct. Chair Makinir. J Ml I.N' (.1 I.Ii.'ll, i,t tlm bor...u,-li ..I Clem licbi. l'n., will be prepared at all tim"s to attend to to fy Iv-incss in the above line on short notice, Had in a workmanlike intinn.T. !li place of business i. at the eld shop on tlic north side of Market sin-el. door cast of ILird nearly opposite the old .lew Mori.' ; where he w iil ket p constantly on band a lurjje iissortmcnt of Ma liogony and Cane IJottobi Chairs, and Cabinet Ware of every description, which ho will dispose ofon as reasonable terms as the same aiticlee can be inul elsewhere in the county. His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con sists in part of Iire.sing and Common liureaus. Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, llesks, ami Hook Cisis, l'rencl. and I ieid l'oft. Iledstead s. Ilinu.K, Lrenkfu.it, Centre, Card and l'ier Ta blet, Ac, Collins manufactured and delivered ut any place desired. February II, 1 Sell. no. 4, vol. iv. . Stmkim; inn:s i i'iiii.adi.i, 111 -V ! T.'tfit uilnuK .rci'ff", nl ouioiw Ih M,n 11.' KXCITINU l-OOT KALI: between the l'hilaibilpli ia l'lire nnd the notorious For per and counterfeiter, ,1a lies I'liihaiian Crns-p 1 1 ! Cross llecapture.l I ! ! .' it teems to be the jtcner n I opinion in I'learlicld, tbut if Cross bad worn a pair of Frank Short's French-calf Loots, that be would not be taken yet. However. Shorty is not much put out at missing bis rust' in ; but would announce lo nil lirtrl.inriilri:, JiHmlt , I.iuciln ami Hill turn, and women and children in Clearfield, and Sinneniahnnine; in particular, that be is prepared to furnish tin in with Iloott, Shoes and Gaiters of any style or pattern, Mitch-i eJ, sewed or peed, (and as he is a short fel low) on short notice. i All kinds of country produce Liken in ex change, and cash not r fused, llcpan inp done ill the neatest inaiiner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Simp on Second Street, opposite K-ed, Weaver A (Vs store. FHANK SHOUT. ; N.I!, Findings for sale Sept. ".'i, lhlilV ! GLORIOUS NHWS ! TlIK bol TM KYA'T'ATI Sir Til I.I K : ! SI KONG HOLDS ! bile they are doing so, I 'jave detennin- Ill, IT TIIK SHKI.VI-S And try how it would feel to i u Go it alone " My friends, nnd the ublic generally, are there f'.re informed thai if they are in want of W Kill .OOIH.it low rates for Cash or Country I'ro duee, thev must not fail to cull at LTZWEILLR'S STOKK At the i Id ftiind of Mooro A Etziveilcr, on Second . Strict, t learlicld, l'a. Mar. IU, 'f.2 i;ifionnl Elolcl, ' MAIXM STKKK1. CI'ltWKNSVIbl.i:, l'A., 1 WM. A. MASON, Proprietor- rPlllSbnii: .siiiblii.hed and well known HO ' X TKIj, sitiialeil in tin west end of the town, has been remntldled, riilurf cl nnd improved, and the irprii t"r resjiei-tfully announces to his nu j nicrous friends, and to the travelling .nblic, that he is now prepared to accouuuoilate nil who may favor him with a cull. I Ample, safe and comfortable stablin? is at tached to the premises, and trusty alt"iidiuit will alwais be on band. Charccs nioilerate. 1 l'cb, 12, 102. -tf. (JU NIUS !! CHAIRS ! ! ! ; NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! : ! ! The undersigned lias uow on bund, at his l ur niture Hooius on Markot St., Clearfield, l'a., a ' SELLING! OFK. j short distance west of Litz'a Foundry, a Ur j tt yy. SMI I 11 CO. are Bow SELLIN'Q eto.ilt of III. OFF, at a very low fieiire, their slock of i ( ll ins (IF AM, KIXDS, V1MER (100IIS. Feb. 5 manufactured out nf the lust inaterialr, finished! " , , . . , . . : ' ,". ,. , , . ,. " '.T , ,. , , .,, ,,l Jihhl), KA Lit & t I. ,n a very superior innnuer, and which ho will iell ' M ,H( n A STS ,, ,.,.,,(, c dealer- in l.OWFOR CASH. His lone experieueo in the all kicds of Lt'.M r.F.K, (HlAIX.and country pro- bnsiiiefsniakoii him feel confident that tia chairs ,l,r- pt"r on 8EC0'1 Street, Clearfiled l'a. ' J.! ..j i, aremauu in & soosuiouui iuu nuitiuitunnv uiuii ' ner, and will tand the test of trial. Femons wishing t purchart chairs thould cail at once. and get them while tbey cso be had st the lowest rtes. JillN 1R0V1.MAN. 'Mar 2M;1 tf. llll 'Ul.llilllU'AN. ' trim t'l I iptn.ii. t' i nt I In d'tvun -, in lhf nv n'h' " 1 1 I i I line i'hm lbs i 1 1 t,H"t Ih 'lmil"t "I Hi j car, Trim' nl (ltritUlii;. Advertisement" are Inserted In th It' nt Ih r II"H' "'' ; I I n"! I ."ti, ; . i. J .1". fl"nri,(Hlln".) Ml Two n t r -, ( I M ti . 1 I'" Throe squares, l2 line.) I M .( Illlllll t T6 1 1 ' " ;,n I I'" 2 ii" 2 Ml i "" 0n P.iir, Twoniiunre", : Threii r.iiiire, Four muar, 'Inlf acoluinn, I i s 12 id fl mi 1" "" : : : 4 cu f, uu In "u : : : i ! t.t) uu I? !' tit) 1(1 ml 1 1 l'K : : : : 8 UU 12 m) H " : : :ll llll 2u ml '.'' liu column, llv.ir Ih red Keell Jin. I lei" than tblen in i K t li e 'ill rent per quir fore'li limortioii, Hinitui natU'.n not i:eilih; K lines ar in rlct lor Ii a year. . Advertin m..r,ts iiU markaJ with tho noinber ol eiortloni Ufsiroii, n'.ii hi rciumnm until i''i"i" nd cbiirged acoordir.R to tht'm trrmn. JOB PRINTING. An oxti'lisivc ntnck of .ToMiing t i onulili's tlio I'iiIiI'ihIk i' nl'thu " I;,-)iubhtin' to iiniiomre j t!.R.ul!::) that lie W iiol to Jd ill i i i 1 of l'lisriiis, T.kra:.itv Bi.a.v :, Tirirt Boon, l,.u.i:i.s, Ticxs.-s, nt: 1 I'vfi v rfind of jiiijuiiif! PmninvM mks, ClKITI. K1, U whiiii.i s, uuully iKuk' in fl niiiiivrv oo or.iti' Ail ollltTH will 1)1! execute 1 with no-it. iii'.ss nnd ilf-nn'cli. II. 11. (iOiHiLAMTIt ,f- CO. COUNTY DIUKCTOUY. I luie of HnliliiiK Court. Second Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Thir l Monday of June, Fourth Monday o' Septomber, In each year, und continue two weeks if ne cessary. County OHli-crx. l're.s't Judge, lion. Samuel I.inn. Helli-fonte. As'te Judges, Hon J. 1'. Thompson, Curw ensvillo. Hon. Jiunes llloom, Forest. Sheriff, I'dward I'eiks, Cloarlield l'rotbnotary..lohn I.. Cuttle, " II eg. A Kec. James Wi igley, " District Att'y Israel Test, " Troa surer, Joseph Shaw, " t'. Surveyor, II. H. Wright, Glen Hope (.'oiuiuiss'u'rs, Win. Merrell, Clearfield S. C. Thompson, Morrisdale Jacob Kunt. Luthcrsliurg Auditors, 1!. ('. llowinan, Phiupsliurj J. H. Shaw, Clearfield ('. S. Wi.neil, N. YN'iisl.iiipton J. W .1. itter, I,econte,s Mills Jesse liroiiial, Ciuwensville. l.Ut of Tost Ollircv. .V. , ''. 0. A'.rwi. nil'. M Coroner, Co. Supt. TV-, i. .', Ki?ctriii, Lili, Glen Hope, Ilower, (1. W. Calwell W. McCiiicken T. A. M'Ghee J. V. rirr.;.i-..-.i: 11.1. Hend: rson '. II. Miller J. U Vtt.-'in. II. II. Moore. C- J. Sloppy, John liebcriing .I..-- Id. "in Wm. Feath. .las McMiirray J. rutc'iin G. S. To.er M. . Frank. IV i. Gitalin. F. W. e!intrr T. 11. Fleming. Centre countv Miss Il.'olebiic'h Kdm. Williiiiii. IClk county, l'a. C. Mignot William Cf A. H. Shaw ' Che.t, " dish, " flrtenl, n.ijrg. I'learlield liriJjc, Hrailtonl, lliimr..-' Ur'-w, r.rady, I.uihersburj, " ' Troutv;l'.c, 'i Jefferson Lii:, llloom. Forest, Pi.niside, New as!rn.;t al Jfiirii.i.!", " l'atcliim i!le, Chest, Herd. Clearfield, Clcarriell, Coviirton, 1 i encbville, Kartliaus. I'urw io-ville, i'nrw . I. .-. i'.'e, I)eca.t.er, I'hilip- bur;', IVt-t lie. atur, Fergus' n, Mnrron. Tlx, -"-It.) I'ost OT,ri. Girard, Fecounle'.s Mill-, -vld Hills, Goshen, Slniwsville, Graham, Grahainton, tiulich. ir'iniths Mills, Madeira, Huston, Tyler, " l'eunfield, Jordan. Anroncijlc, Kiirihiius, Salt l,ick, Knox, New Millport, Lawrence, lircckcnridge, Morris, Kybrtown, " Morrisilnle, I'enn, Lumber City.t " Grampian Hills, I'ike, Curwensville, " liloominpv ille, T. II Korcce. A.G. Fox. I C. J. I'usey. Ilarid Tyler ' H. Woodward ! F. li7ii Chaso G. Heckaihirn M. n. Stiik. J, W. Thomps'n I Jas. Thompson J. C. llrenner, 1 11. W. Spencer, i A. C. Moore, I T. W. Fleming. II. I'. Hake I 1'nion, Wood ward, i This I. l'nekton, II. I'.iubaker. Jos. Lo.'kctt. Jeffrie st Office w ill do for Chest townshi Will answer tor Ferguson township. AV. "VI. M Cl l l.tH (ill. Attoiisfv at Law, Clenrlield, Pa. Office with I,. J. Clans, F.-ip, on Second street. March 2''., Hi'd!. tf. L I T II E U SHIR i, ( I.KAItFIH.I' CfiL'M V. I A. HKNKY KVAXS, Proyri March l'.i, lM'i t,r. 2-lv. ;. lifMl. I. .1. M ( l l.l.iifi.ll ju'sii Mrn.i.on;n, (ollfrtion Office, i 'i K.vr.i n.i.ti, T.s Esjyls Gkaham's Neiv Bviuum;. Ti l., "i, i'2. V.I. PATTI.ItS ( welis.'illc, l'n., ItSON, Attorney nt Low, Cur- will attend to nil business eiitrusicd to his co Methodist Church. care. tKl.ee opposite the New Feb. !i, 'fi2. DR. J. W. TOTTER. riiysiciaii and Surgeon, has pcrnianently located at I'r.-ncln ille, Cuviiiptuu tow nship, off era his professional services to the surrounding community. SluyH, ir-dl. DAMKI; (ili( iDLANIiKIt, J I'STICI". of tho peace Luthcrsbure, Clearfield Co, Ta., will attend promptly to ull business entrusted to ro.ko mi March 2S, I SCO. y. pd. CYKKXH S IIOWK. J CSTICK (IK TIIK I'F.ACK. 1'or Di!( ATt n Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care. 1'. tl. Address, I'hilinsburc l'a. Aus.2Istl.sfil II. W. SMITH A m. Mi:i:( II 1M, and (Italcru In Dry tioods, tlroceries, Hardware, Quecnswiire, nnil even thin usually key t by the trade. Store on SKCiiMi Street, below Jude Leonard's, oppo site the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Ta. ! Dec. 4, ISC1. Hec. 4, 1H01. I Iiec. TIIOMtS J. M'CL'I.loi;c;ii, A ltn.... , V . ... OBice on Market street, opposite Mossop'n 8 tor Clearfield. Pa. Will attend promptly to Collie cti ni Sale gf Lauds, 4o. uov7U )U. WILLIAM u. nt uns MOUTH WASH, a i nr i.mi tiv ten A iiMi iwu.u ii. SUNK M' M ins. CASK 1U, I liHI'AM l I I I I.MN'I ill" Ms, M'lMMJ 'M"I!K Mnflll, And tbf 1 e.t i ill' new In u f"t ANY di. ,imd c. million ol the in. .nib. Il l miirulni Ij l ni lieiiil In p. r-..n x. nriiiR Altl'inriAl.TKKTll, I l,.ely delro)iii? iVi ty luinl i f lb" nu.iilli. liitis and riinovlnt; all in iiiiIiii. ii.'Uiint; 1 a mykkt !iri:.ni ... .. -I,., .! ii. . of It. NO Ol'MI I. API .,r YOl'Ntl OKNTI.K.VKN wlio-ir micti'ii fun A HAD Mil-ATM. rln.iil.l delay hi viiift Ibis r. uicdy. f' r it if a ,., itmii Hire, und i approved and rceoiiiinnnilid '" ,,,, . - . .. ... . . ..i bv eiery ph) sicimi Minler liose nonce h ihie I,..en brought A HA ! It KK ATM l an i ffenco fur liicti there is no excuse anile Dr. Win. H. 1 lurd's Mouth Wash can be procured. Many persons rarry with Ihem a bad breath irrenilv to the nnnoviince and often to the dis ...... ,.c .1,,,... .. ill, .Lin iher comii in cotilnct. . without being conscious of the fact. To relieve vnur.-clf from all f. Hrs regr.rding this, I I'SKDr. VM. MI'KD'S MnUITI WASH.' i ' 1 .in ii I i m. j 4 nf lit .i tnitiifh is of fn1 at init.ortance ... il, ,,.r; li..lil, which is often affected, and I 1 s.-- . ' not unlrsiiuentiv eriou.-ly iinpair.id, through waul of t.roi-r uli"H"'' ' oi'.ict. l.'SK Dlt. Wm. lIlUtD'SiMuKT Il WAKIf. Prepared at Or. Hurd's Dental office, No. T7 Fourth Street, llrooklyn, K- H. Price 37 Cents Per Bottle. A liberal discount made to dealers, ADDKFSS PKINCIPA1. OFFICK, TP 1 1! VNE lU'lI.MN'CS, No.I, RpniJCF. ST. NEW YORK Sold in Philadelphia bv Dynt A Co., 2,'!2 North 2d street ; 0. S. llubbell, 1 lltl Cheauut street, an d by all Druggists. nii. W ILLIAM- . HURD'S TOOTH POWDER, j Curbnnic without tlio injurious lill'i'ls of Clntrco;il, and is free from all acids or tlkalins tbut can iu the least injure tlio teeth. j Its action beingentirely meeliautcal polishing without wearing tho enamel. l)r. Win. Hurd's Tooth I'owdcr is recommended by all eminent Dentisls. Pre pared at Dr. Hurd's Dental odieu, No. 77,4th St., IJiiioklyn. V.. I. Price 25 cents per Box- A liberal discount inii'le to dealers. Address Principal Ofllce, Tribune Duilding, No.I Spruce Str.et, New York. Sold iu Philadelphia by Dynt A Co., 2.12 North, 2 i street ; 0. S. llubbell, 1 111) Chesnut St., nnd by ull Druggists. .. JJJJ !)'. )R. WILLIAM 15. T 0 O T n a c H K j: tt r s LOH Tilt CI'HK OF TOOTHACHE. liroduccd by exposed nnes. It is particularly adapted to all ...f chil- afflicted with. T O O T 11 A (' H K , Furcnts can relieve theins''l"cs of that distiess inj: wesiine.-s caused by bus of sleep, ani their children from e,mit sufierln?. by Keeping a bottle i)r. W. Hurd's Tooihachc Drops about the house. Freparedat r. Hurd's Heutal Ofliec, No. 77 Fourth Street, l'.rooklyn, K. lb Price, Only 12 Cents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to dealers. A.l.lross Pnncii.iil ( flit i, Trili., 15uill- in fS, No. 1, Hpl'UiV St. Xl'W York. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyot A Co. 2:12 North 2d Street ; 0. S. Ilubbel. Ill" Chesuut St. and by ull druggist i. J)R. WILLIAM 15. Hl)lUrS M'.rilALfilA n.ASTKHS, l U It T II V, C V K K III' i: u ii a i,. i a I or Tt nthuclie prodih-oH IivpiLN. L (.) C A I. N K V I! A Ij i; I A is immediately cured by their application. ! ifThev act like a charm and are perfectly harm- 1 j less in llieir nature ; donot pr"duce a blut r.aud 'leave no unpleasant results, ; l)r. Win. 15. Utinl'.s .W'tnalia l'lastersl never fail tn jjiv" satisfaction t all who tc,t their virtue. Prepared l hi', Hurd's I'rntal: ; Ulhce, Fourth Street, I,r"klyu i:. I. 1 i Trice, only f t'onls c:n li. ; A liberal discount made to dealer. i A'ldi'i'hs I'rincijial OUirc, ' i Hi's No. 1, Spruce ft. ril'., liuil'l ' N. York. Sold in Phibidelphui b Ilvot ,t t',.., 2 .".2 Noith 2dstrnl;0.S llubbell, 1110 Cb'i.niit .trcet, and by all I'rapgiats. KotI'.k. i ii re daily receiving order- to senl by mail tome cue or more of l'r. Jlurd'.; I'ental lleiiieilic.1. w hich wccaiiiol till. None kiv uiaila blc except the Neuralgia Plaster, which o nd in an envelope on receipt of Pi ice ''S cent ; and one stamp. Put to accon.iuo late persons iu da ccs where the daii;-gi-t: und stoukecpers are ! bind the nj,'f, we have put up piuk.i0'en in white eiiibosscd boxes, poven inches by lour, with coin-partments--eHch bn couteinui a bottle ol l'r. Hurd's Month Wash, and Toi Ih AcheDropt, a box of Tooth Powder, the Neiiial;ia Plaster, und a valuable little treuti. on Teeth and their Dis eases, the bert meium (.f pieserviiiR them and the proper Itoatment o Chib.rena leelh, worth of itsell tho entire cist to every young man or wo iii tin or parent w ith young c bildri n, with sundry tbe.r ncces.-ary articles; price per package ONE liOl.I.AH, or rix package for five d' liars, scut by express ns directed. As the express churge is not nun Ii, if any, more on a do7eu than on one, it is fur cheaper to order in or a dozen packages at emetine. A lare lun.ily w ill want all, or the surplus can be disposed of to neighbours with public benefit, for no one. cau intimate bow n.uch pain, auflering, iiiihnppincss, and disfigurement, expense, loss of time and money would be saved to the country if every family to day had one f these packages, which, In itself, is a complete ?"t oriental llemodies. Address Wm. U. 11 Villi A Co. Tribune buildings. New York, and write name and address plainly. That remittances may bo made with confidence, IV, IL II. A Co. refer V the Mnyor of llrooklyn, to fl. Griffith, Preiulent of tho Farmers' and ('inens' Pauk, llrooklyn ; to the Editor of the American Manufactures' (la relte ; to Joy, Coe .( Co., Publishers' Agents, N. York ; to P. T. l.arnuin, Esi , who knows a good thing when he sees it. and who has already order ed a second supply, etc. IMM Affcnta M auled! To introduce lr. Hurd'i Dental P.cmedius into ev ery countv. Men or women who want to make none, qu cKiy, can uououer wiin luCse .ri.rie.j -.-.l., J-l-.. :.L ,Vk . ., uittii oiiiiuiii iu iunini. u j mi v n t usvmit it' jiiiei'u. Him nir hii'uninr; iuuunii'io in nu- vertising them fur the ht'tuSt of Hgouts. linxes f r'rinipl.'.H, containing a duzn of the one dollar I.aoknRej ahnva speciliod will be fcent, on receipt of HEVKN DOLLARS, about ha'.f price, to any porson wishing to test his or her .kill with the view of becoming an aCmt Tbey can be .old in a day, s. r e would rather pay aalanej than rr,TvT"cVn'T..vT" themselves Ll 1ICII.M SALLsMLN.-lfc jTf-Knt ia Inn lima in rrn iiiIa nnnnnai ?n ttddrefriand reforfncp (tpr ahoe."ti?ft I ,r Sale nt II A R TS WICK'S D II UG STOREtM.-irkrt St. Clcarfdd Pa nnv 2!.'M-1t. V d lVlkr' 1 lit c w itli Ih H int r in $:f oo. THIS MACHINE HAS A POINT OF SUl'liRIOiaTY rtCULIARLY ITS OWN. ! Stitching, Hemminp;. and Fellinrj with a Single Thread. It forms a lint, even, and lustic ream, which is W A Kit A Nll.H not to rip in wear, even if tho seam is cut at frequent intervals, and also under ! all circuinatnncei "to rnvivr run w ami ti h " i i A I'atented device ol great utility to leurners, rreveiita the possibility " the maclnua being run in the wring direction, or the ba'aucu w heul ; wearing a lady's, drc.-s. f Another feature wLkli deserre particular at ten lion is Xf-'l'Hr. Wn.i.ox Fatcit Nt r.iii.r. annot m: SI T WHOSO. Two thousand iititclies, or two yards of work, can ha doue in uue minute without dropping a stitcu. j These muchinos, so fimple and acctfate iu thei construction, supersede the use ol the sliut- tie ; and with one thread produce ull the practi cal results of the two thread machines; and mere, for thus full without basting, ami hem the finest in ii n 1 1 ii without puckering. . Although at about half the price of the other first class machines, they will accomplish doub-! le the sewing in a given time "ll is emphatically the good, low-priced Fam ily Sweing Machine that the public have lung beer, waiting for." Huston Transcript. I "It is indeed a wonderful production, and for family tine especially, no other wi1 bear any I cnmpiirisuu wiiu it.' V-1'bilade' n.a Evening Journal. "A uiecbauical wond Scientific Ameri can, "Among tho best and most serviceable Sewing Machines. Light and elegantly finished, and so timide iu its construction that it seems al- "'" imp"""'! rr it to e-t t f repair."- I I' ill Hl.nri. ( 'Ii r,.n I. .1,, " ' a '"' - "Hua coinbiuod with i)s own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements ol tho high er priced machine. "--Pennsylvania!!. "This machine, in the opinion of the commit tee, fills more nearly the requirement of a per lect family machine than any on exhibition." jranklin Institute Fxhibitiou lttpwrt ol' I "Taking into consideration tiuiplici'y, cheap ness, durability, and doing all work, the couiiuit tee were unanimously in favor of tho Wilcox l j Gibbs n a tingle thread machine." l'enii sylvu 'ilto Anru'ul,urnl Suriety' l'.ei,(,rt. , v iiii.-i. iii ju. in r, t.ir.. ifiii i;i'ii ii'i-'ii'-r in the merits of the Wilcox A Gibbs Sew ing Ma chine. We consider that a grcut desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond 'l.nibtj that t wo threads are not, as wa.- suppo lei! ncee."ury to a good iiijlri! ':!!t." Christum .Vdvoe.ntv' tin .! 'omnul, June 21, 18'il). "We bav pin; uf tI;HI machines iu use, and think more highly ol it thatl of any of the ntiin br w e have tried." Kiehmond r.'f"'ir, The undersigned, Missionary tt) t'on.-tantiu pie, has examined more than twenty riiucr tir kinds of .lew nig Jl ai lime.-, und alter sunieteiit. I weeks experience with Wilcox if Gibbs' I'adap j he Las p ut bused one of them, us the best ulcus! ) ted to the wants of bis family, in.d as ti e n.tl liable te rcuire repair. OLIVLR CKANK. j Jloston, July ;i, lsf.0. The undersigned, during eighteen months lias had in almost constant use, m his I'muilyWil- cox A Gibbs Sewing Mai bine, upon which has! been made the clotbtra of li is large fiiir.tlv, from i muslin to pilot cloth including the clothing m- nui. -I'd for his several bovs : and in no e,it ?,,.. ,. I the seaiu.s failed, although in hard service. 1 he iiiii'.iinio now in use in ins lamiiy lias required : no repair, aim is iu ull respectf, well appointed cm init uud durabl JACiiIi f'HirKEIUNti, Iloston. Tf-S"inl for a Cireulur.i' JAII'.M nil(li, .Maiiulai tun r. Nil. ,'iiw Urnrdwav. New Ym - l 't. Nicholas Hotel. October I"' I. tf. J)YS the entire co-t "r TVITK'X in the tno-t popular and . in ' es-ful CUM M l H ' 1 A 1, ' M'lIOl.'I, in the country. I'pwards of Twrivr. I lltM'in 0 young men, fi"iu m km v i ioiirdiller lent Stat"1, have been educated f'T bu.-iin ts her" 'within the pat thr"e v,'irs. c..iiip of whom have ben etnpb'V .1 l pii'iK li l.FI'KI'iS nt fa! ii it's of $2000 00 tiHiuw'liiit"ly I'pon griiiluii'inr', who knew nothing j ol ace-, unts h"ii they ciit'Ted th" ''"ll-ge. ?.S M inif lr's .'.mis half price, I Stud"iiis enter nt any tune, and rey!'w when they please, without "xtra '.burge. For I'a1al"giies. S.,., f.f Peiimnn:bip, and Viw of the I'uULK'il". enclose five letter stamp--' lo JENKINS A fMlTll, May li, fl. l.v. n i: w Pittsburgh, Pa. (i O 0 1)S! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring $k. Summer Goods AT J II K CHEAT CASH ST'KK. Iain just receiving and opening carefully selected stork of Spring und Hummer gootis ol almost every description, A Imauiitul assoitmem i f Prints and Press goods, nf the nowost and l itest styles. Al.so a great variety of useful notions. DRY-lioODS AND NOTIONS. Eonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps. Hoots .ind Shoes, a large quantity, Hardwuro, yi.eeusware, Drugs and Mtdicinot, "il and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, CROC E R 1 1: s , Fish, Baeon and Flour, Mackerel in i 1 and barreln, oi me Desi quaniy, an i wnicn will he sold at i the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friendt aud the public generally, are j respectfully invited ta call. ! .INflr-N. P. All kinds of OH AIXmA annroved CO CW TRY Goods. PHOIU'CK taken in exchange ol Clearfield, Jane 26 1861. WM, r. IRWIN. rpYROXE CITY HOTEL ' Col. A. T. 0yES PROPRIETOR , respectfully announceto the travellinr public that h ha now taken chnrga of this larre and W(,U known houao ,nd wi conduct inuch , mMn odeT txrollent C0Tnfort tBd for : Patisfation to all who may f.vo, him with a call. nov7-ly $.35 00 IADV'6 DRESS 000D3, aolectcd with much J care., just received and now optnmg. and are , cflerd for tala at mall profit, bv D. r. "EIZWE1LER. I March 2R, 1ff:. DENNEU & BAIWETT p, ,.n.(oiU ai.ni.iitico t i, ni i,- I, m c.H' I "l" I an I at io. e. i oj trf ,v,l!( lutnilniK i M .m, lr. ntii t. ,.n y . l.ol "! litatl) pn.ile Ihi. (....,( .H, la I. in 1 1 ii.nl i ok Kill I , urn.-, I ,n in , lift Ho i o On. mii I ihMii (. t. i j,, 'I1 I" t I I I It I S T HI , N i ii i ! All k i Ii I 'I I ii I n i ' n i I I" k pt r. on h ii il I' ami fi r n untry i t .'.I i lieii. 1 , . r i ii-h liiee, or Lumber lo nl "tulj 't f. '"'I Hie l,i CHAIRS. I'AIM.olt. KiK'KINi;, AND ai:m ci!.n:s, Sl'HINC SKATS. CAI.V lHtl' J t)MS, iUv, I'MH.'tll .SOl-'A, t l.Mhf. CMil, IjIXXi;, F.XTrSsHi.X t- JUlKAhlAsr I A l: 1. L ,y. s oTa s. UF A 1.1. KINDS, VAklKTIKS AND rATTKKNS, iintKAi'.i, sin l : iioaulk, I'.ihiKCASK.S WAItlUtUKKS, r,i:i)STKAD,s .EX AY LI Mi, if in it r us r c r ta q t: IKEXCl J-O.ST.S, Ac. ' tHAIItTlSSIS Hair, Hair top, Cotton lop, and Corn Husk, of the best material. LOUKING-GI.ASSFS of all sorts and sirM Also, Glasses far old Framed. ' Also, Tea poys, What-nots, Wash-standi' Wiirk-Manils, U'. rucks, , e, ' Made to order on rhort notim ., i heurso lurnished. I'oplnr, Cherry, and Linwood Lumber, taken l excliango for work. Clearfield, October 2.1, ISf.l. v. LlXIB PR0PYLAMNr. During the past year we have iiitn ilustiu ti ho notice of the medical profe-sion o this c.ud try the 'ni t (Vytu'i';t' '7,,,rn I'ri'yja'ni,, as a ki:mi:dy i oit hih.i:mii-m: aud having receiyeil from many s'-iT' is, lutk from physicians of the highest standing mj Irom iati"iits. the Most lUttcrin 'resliuiotil.il'. ol Its real value u tli treatment of this painful and ohmi nate riis-u.-e. we are induce. I to present it to tlis public in a form P.EAHV I'll. IM.VFIM Alb L'SK, which we hupo iil commend itself to those who are sullciing with tins afliieting cua.j.UiM, and to the nieili'-al proclitioner we.n iv;r ft, disposed to tcEt the powers of this Vhluai.ie reu edv. i;l,IX!K PP'ipYI.A.MlM;, in tt.e r,.r,n it Ispoken of, has recently been extensively ixpcri- luenli '' iu'.u m iw fLNJ aYIVANIA HOSPITAL. and witu MARKEI SVCCKSS Ut hi., ;i; ...ar from tl o pubLiVic'-l iir'.''.t'iis iu the lecdi.-al Joar nnls.) Z-iV It is carefully put up ready fur ui.m"u; ate use, with full dilectiuiis, and cau be u!.la.ne from nil the druggisl. at "S cents per buttle, uid at wb"l."Hio of Pl T.l.'K'K.V CPLNMUW, Iinicf i.-ts nnd Miiinifactiiritij. ( lo-ini-i. l'n.' SALE PY C. 1'. WATSuN. Scon..! siivt riei,''...i. Ta. Juuel'C'l'.ltf. Pl.i:.!'li:i BE.IDGEPOET WOOIEN FACTOBY: T ITE Sri'.SCIUP.KK re-.clfi.;iy inr.,r:is Iii. customers und the public peii"r.i!!v t'nit he intends c.'iitiiiiiins the bti'iiie.-s ut the '.'!: UJan wn stand in li 1( I I'll KI'i 'K T near Ciirwem- villi-, Clenrlield coiinty, !' ." he intend.- W manufacture all kind's !' UuuI.IA' liU'jp ;. commonly kept iu a l':.cl .rv. S: . !i iu lUaiikcis, Klaniti'ls, Ci.itl.s. Sal iiu-t f s. I '.'tssiitniTt'S, i iit','.( !;y ,li ;:ii, t'ar- I'll.-', l.i iii-v, SU" kiiiL.' Yarn. .vi'., At'. ' Any of the f .regoin aitti ; tured on the siiures or fir pi found) or given in cxcliani 1 wiil 1 . !th, . r li ntuifa.'. we.i'. beillj ...1, i uuulrv produce, or i n-h. Any person wishing P niuko LINCY; the ul cribsr by having t!i yarn or " ! found, will weave it on Lis own aarp, either white or culor ed to fuii en.-tinners. He nl-" int.'iids to c.ii tinue the pi'l.l, t'AHP- T.VU. i I I. 1.1 llti'l t'l'l.t 'l; I Mi, ' II llll cMsn ivc s:-iil'', hiiJ d'sig:.nt"s the f"l!"uii;p ji'nut-. wh-re i-""! wiil be reti-ivrd anil reiiiiiivi even two weeks I'epii'tiing on the I . t d.iy . f Jiili-.icd to continue until t b" l.-t of Jv ov ember licit, vii: I'nthers' Mill. Jet! 's.,n co. lirist Mill, l.uinlier city . A . P. .-'l,a Y, ,'l.ii vv.- ill A r '.ss-'. l.uui.i i'-i's, J neol.K uu'.'. Tn.iiH ill" J.I . I rw in'. , Wolf )!un. ' 1 1 aha mi's M ill, I i rah 'intou : W. Alleji t.-', ( iniu 'ilsit. 1' ijojdiaiider'.. Luthers ' McPlitrn.n': Tataery, burg,; Civhrhfi-i. youtrjoineiy'a ? t o r c, .Imi'ii Kephail's, ii"'-' New SalcinJ n'ttl'-inent. rr-vonl (li'i'o.-itcil at either of the al..vi pla res will rocetve due attenli'.n. THOMAS HILL. Pndgeport, April Id, isr.j- fLEAKFJLLD STONE V ARE PHTTCRy- Thnukful for pact favors nnd ndieitioim ol fu lure i.atronace. 1 would respe'-'ll"''1 Min"Bnr that I have on hand niriiin. an iwi'l C".stai.il; keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the rer nBr . phurf dutance ea.-t of the Methodist Lliur" a large stock ol Crockery , such as Creaiu creckf milk pans. Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe caif rf-c. He; and also an extensive assortuienl s. different sues and patterns cf bracket! w rosett- e fi r c 'mice on houses, and oilier B"i dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be md ' older on short notice. Also fire brick ni"' and k ept for title. .! A liberal reduction on pries m'i' ' wholesale dealers. F. I.K1TZ1NHLR. Clearfield, may 2.1, IKfil. ly. List of Trials for June Term, 1862. BKCONIi tVLI'K. , L. Z. Shaw vs. J i.in'l Mains.fl ' Ikuiic (iosh vs. A. l).Goss & T. cirfro". K..l.rrutier,et. al. vs. i).IInnlAIi. K. & L. Irwin vs. Kns worth fr."'"' .1. V.'ihon vk. l'Unk Road A Tumi'i l0 .1. 15. (ii-uham vs. Hunifl L'- McFai lnml A Co. vb. .1oh Kohm. Cui'oliue Ttoulwiuo vk. tf. Craf J. el l Isaac (loss vs. Hcnth fsnn Voulier Kvans Boiso vs. .1 . T. Lftotni;'iAW; ltotJ Jolinbton ( Lunoork vh. I'.vte rile. M. V. B. Owens vs. J. W. A T. A. 0 Elifcha Elliot v. Westly Nevhn? S. McManu & Co. vs. C. KraUer 4 ;B' Kalera Ev. Lu. Church vs. C. Korb.el.il J. R. KMd vp .l,M.Cbae. M.y 28, 62. J, L. CKTTLE. rthr .1. I'. KUA'TZER, MEBCIIAKT, and dealer in B'rn' Shingle, ram aod fraduie. fBOM bv tha Academy Oenrtisld F-. Pac i, ll. hi . 1 cl Ct K IE r: 'I u lN(i in. if S3 T.im 1 Pin u, V miaiir il, Ci iii g li