Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 18, 1862, Image 2

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    (U .5.f"Hi'..
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Wiui.tsuny Moiiiinu' June K 1662 '
Vontilatir? "Old Ben Wade." '
I". 'ho Tinted Stales Senate, on the fit!) '
i iv t , the lux dill being iiimIci ronsiilir i
I ior., Senator ( 'on an df IViini-yliiiiiia wus
milking mi argument m i n h t the cui.M itu - j
tuionulityot tli proposed tax of 2 per
head IIPOII slllVtV, tl lien tll billowing (lis-
c'lisyiiiii look j hue. Whtlhir from llioj
I'oirti of Mr. Coitnii'it nrgiimnt, or the
base conduct of tliu Abolition Si-tuitnis on
I lie oecus ion, or from some otlnrcwusc,
ivetdudl not n tulrrtiiko to decide; tiu t the
vote iviis iinmoilintcly taki-n on tlio 1110 -
tioil to htriki' out tlic oliiioxioioi Korliim
and ciin -icil, yeas 2'J, ii.ijh Is.
In the (.iimpnign of lSfiU Mr. Cnwnn
I'onmili'iril innon cxtrcMiio men of llic
lu'piiLihiiH) puny. Jin may Loniyct,
Ho mav bo wivd, for.
ought f Iiuvo t-oiin or liciinl of him dil's
III. UK iiui Iliu I'l-'nunillV II "Ml f i'!
nr.-itr.r.l wiir Tiir tu l'iini II.ih.hiu.. I...
... ,, , v .,"
ot smictioii nd thi- viv'i.i')'.- nioiii- 1
urcsol Hieh men ns V. mlo ,f' Co., they
... .uiii- imi
"ivn t e i i linf iiT t 'I'-iii-i' ' A' i I... i. il.i1
. .illlllll
iiontroviTted (jtii'stion, excej.t (lint of s.,ii , cud shell. n;, vitliont, ol'ciiin n:iy reply,
of the niODos.-d mpfi!i of condiK'ii.w ti,,. ' .lacksmi linviin; at lust heen forced to
mapn, .cent thi-anliing ho puvo the hra-; orm,,(l Uluer"l he do. cti.,,. o! Col, Albert, I
ping ade, lie dott-rves the thitnka of the .liof of ti, Silll' 1!o,01.t. a as ,,,,:,, '
ivholc country led, C.en. Stah! tvilh the tia.ihaldi (iuanh, !
Mr. (.ownii, (rep.) of la, clatnie.l thutu ,.,..,,,, .ei-aired with '.heenemv on the'
fair construct on ot tuo constitution w u lxlIVIlu, Vl .) forced him to fall hack. 1
clearly aunst tho propped tux. It was M ,,., .,.lt 12 o'clock a penei-iil ad
porfoctly -vidont thai the franmrs ; l he V;llu.p lv:ls'11,U u VJ,
const. ti.ttonmU'tided to prohibit j-tsuch m,)Vt.ll forivar(1. (ioI1. Milrov had the
i tax as 19 now proposed I lo ne hud, and it ,.,., ,.,,,,,,1 Sehenck tIt; V.pht, and
soomeil no true L m m man w-old Stllhli wil tt;, ui, briado except tiio
try to avoid tho .pint nnd intent ol the j UaI.iUkll (Jlllir)s u.e front, (ien. lilen
contrtution. 1 lie very men who propose k, (llM1. noij!cn. and Colonel Steiiiiveick.
to lay this tax on s ave, would, tv,;l, their !,.., bripades cenpoed the rerve.
other hand, Ireoalltho ulivt-s of rebels,! T,i() mov,i down the slopes ofthre,.
it y ho., co ot rev-
nrilf. wliirli tlmv until I ..n ' 1 .1. . I P.. 1
. , v.. . ...11
iT'lf Sr,ryina!nny ,T "M..?,U" to
to tba coiicniR on tlitit. i.Mr hi-u! .vu 1
' . , . , 1 . Hunt m me ''"'is an t neivy i;m
not tho real ruson lor the measure. H H.r bevond. the cne.nv were ported,
might be Miid h was r.mro.ichmg the Cn-ul-ml Siahl. on the left, iv.-is first en-.H-iate
UeJ. ne intended to do so. Ill (it.,u'ral Milroy .in.l ( ioii. Schenck
tul.t ho Mila lio ir.tendd to lecture the ' ,.,,7,,,, tll(, ,.KM11V sn ami ,ho t,llt
.en.uc. It he loHphtthoy.l.HorviMii.'lllll.m0sti uVinlt... ,.,,,,(. pcicral.
hy passing acts which were calculated to
iiaui)iu on ine i-nnsiiiiiiior., ne wouiu no
so. ii migui oo tarn i.o v.aa 'logrnatio.
Well, he intended to bn dopi-.iatio.
t Ii ' . .1 . .. . e . o - . i
iur. ii uhb, ire 1. 1 oi V.I1JHI, in in seal
m, .. (,
but Lie mnt.c.
Mr Cowan-W hen Senator .ett lo ;
a Int.- account wh.c i he has with hi, col-
league in Iho other House, meaning Mr.
abnd.ghtir.i, I presuino it wnl be time
enougu ior me -o pay atieuiion to ttial j
kind of roniarl
Till then ho must ex-
ouse mc When Le niid he intended to
i i ... . .1 .. i
unsniHiic. no meant inai no luiemien
oexp.-ess,,. (OM.opnnon i.rmiy, a ne
had a right to,
Mr. Wuiln did not Peo any into in the
Senator getting up anil declaring his es
pecial devotion lo the constitution, lie
will willing, to liMci! to arjoimeHt, but he
would not permit uny man by implication
to reproach him ititl. perjury. What right.
has tho Seuntnr Irom l'eiinsvlvania to lec-!
lure the .Senate and reproach tl-e Senate?!' h(, whoIe im ()U. arli!U.rv n.
W 10 Kas he, nnd where did he come 'rom ? ; (1(M. Cof v ,M)n's ,,ireeti.. was "served:
u mj over nrar.i oi uitu ; 1 ot ne has iho ?
iim..........,I;ai. I 1 . 1 1 . .i . I '
&aUr,e -
but he wanted it done by somebody with I
some uutiiority. Me would ruther bo lec
toic-U by any body else than the Senator
from rminsylvania. That Senator had a
perfect right to be a more advocate and
vntch dog of trailers in the field ; but he
did net come here from tho wilds of Penn
.Ivauirt to lecture the Sen.tto. What vote
l:VI he ever given hero but a an advocate
of traitors 0:1 ul! oei-aion.s ? Let him not
rise and assume to correct tho Senate.
Mr. Wade contended that this was simp
1 I. ' ' ' owiiiiso! wua
i..ey c-iiiimeii a vauii oio property, am. T ,oss is ,nl, fc- , t,
was com itutional , and wou d ..ot injure , . m(lWnti, epeeially from oar artil
men of the border States. I lie loval men lj0.y ' L J
or thi border States arc not flnveholders-1 the fiaril aldi tluard. l,t nearly 2IMI.
MT'cn .V" -.' -in t ' -''th " M- '" i; ''
V V SnJwl. bulrCX1't:nrrl"dmi:ising. (,lr.ol V,.a C.ilsa, of .he
r , -r.o Un ' P - WW-l,trnft8 I'oKall, regime,.,t: Capt. Patill. ef the 8.1,
rep:c entiitivool renrsy van,., He re,- N Y.; Caot. Miesner of the -Uh N. V.:
iscntea three millions of ju-oplo and l;e'r p,icmll of , ;.ytll x. y . c 1;li
.u not going to apologue for his poor e',,. Worth, of the Ohio, and S,,,
IZlZiZiTT t0t U" ?VU- H"jn Vourtvioll. ol tho SLV1 (Umo. are al)
viVrjl'i''1 r -7n lo"f('r-, wounded. Many other oflieers a e wound
Mces p-o would satiFfy.lcItv, orgive chan ; v j t. u.i0(
actertohillingsgatiyvhich .nightbeloa.n' j '.,.,, ,.,.,., fo ,,t wl,()v ,, e
) ZZ H lf.0,V71'1.1,'aveh'-i l':,sl. while our troops nere forced to advance
in. toty to those curious to inouire. atnl tl . , e 11 11 . 1
,. 1 1 .1 1 ' . , tnroiiL'h open fields. Ihe enemy a ad-
t lie .senator alio made the unwarrantable . , - ' ... . ,
, ii,, i- . , ",'"'1'" vantages of position and numbers were
attack on In n can reennci 0 his conduct .1111
to his own conscience and nenso o ro ri 7'n' T '!,,H':r0,1 l-' .,,0"l,ral
i-.y, he (Mr. Cowan. w illing to leave k'' ,"u,;,,!"1 of .l"sk.,root,,I "' '
the matter. He (ir. Cowan) hml ,na-'eiCl"'1,HT1r,n'1 'uun-on with w hich bo
an argument ; whetl,r,r good or bad. i, not ! K T, WT r .
ofcon-euence. The Senator from Ohio1,, V'" fif,,t T,. l'T"nl f,T ll0U,
made a low. vulgar cjaculatio., to wLichl"" vcu""" " "''y rk
ho (Mr. Cowan) replied. Lid tlio Senator! nrn,y "'r1".00 lU 6M nn"ll-
from Ohio answer tho argument when hei 1 "ie fJ"wing is a list of the killed,
indulged in a hull hour tirade, ohargingl "ounded ai.d mising of tho "H.tcktail P.i-
him (Mr. Coivnnl with beina a watch do,".1 fW' .1 ,.1. .... :.
ofulavery, and a hundred other equally I " J - e
unjust things? He was here as a reprc-! T f Wk C0Un,y an'1 two or Uuec ,,c
nentativn of lVnniylvania to prosen-e tlio j lonoln ,0 tl",' county. 1
constitution and restore tho Union. If he! Kit.i.r.n.
had to defend l-.imnclf in that duty from ! Martin Kelly, Co. (.; (leorgc Fine, Co.
unjust attacks, nnd resist projecti'whieli C.; .lohn Lanby, Co. C.
he considered wrong, he h id nothing to! woi-npei).
regret. j Lieutenant Colonel Kane, also a prisoner.
, " Ci pt. W. F. Ulnnchard, Co. I, tevcrelv
Shan't hk Hirt. Our neighbors of tho ! Lieut. 15. Ii. Hi,, Co. I, slightly.
Journal aro evidently as much frightened S-crg't Kurieh Harnum, Co. severely,
at Vall.indlghatn aj "old Ben Wade" vta..,. i))''11'""1 Hichardsnn, Co. I, severely.
.. ... , r it Iinrlei Kobhins, Co. I, severely
No-, o assure thaai that such fears are, F(r,linand Kilbum, Co. I, Tphtly.
altogether ueoIoss. Vnn. is evidently n, Kdwin Greenfield, Co. If, sovorcly.'
man of inofi'onMVA hahilu, and has unin-1 'Samuel Uas, C.V. II, nlightly.
tonltmnlly Iroueht all llieso terroia upon j J.0,'n 1'?ddinf; C?' C verely,
., , , ... .. M. Wooc, Co. I, severely,
our Abolition inonus by tiaroormg tlie rnj. J. Ireland, Co. 0, severely,
notion that this Is a froo country, and James Johnson, Co. C, severoly.
that its citizens and especially the peolH. Carter, Co. II, severely.
IW representatives--hftTO the right of J"l"os ?ra,re- Co, H wyeroly.
r. , , . . . , . .. illard Suvea, Co. O, dangerously,
free smooch, and an unrestricted right to John ,sUnbeP, Co. (i, dangerously,
inrentigato sud mtieine the acU of our fSergt. p. C. Freeman, Co. C, seriously.
ruUrs. ; JI. J. JUmniond; Co. I, slignt.
rnoM or. frf.monti aiimy
,V, . ,
t dl M it I I f 1 1 l 1 1 1
I i I M M I
In the
ton n, Ih
h. i H I I''
k i v'tci
.. irl.-l lo."-
v Ii.mi M.i.
mi-l tin'
I lo lull l'
II Ollll'l.'d
i 1. 1
nl i
U i. il'll III.
I Km,.' . I tin' H Ii k bill fi
mm t .
,ly ol
y eav-
ll Ill t Ik' eio'iny s li.iip.i-. 1 "l '
( ,lit;ill) llilinCN ol Hid civ .U'l
Illl V, li!H ln'i'll Ion ll'l .
CiiiilitiiM Mnnltmrt' uinl i.iriv
' the
niiiiia rcpitnoiit, 1'ritonnn,
t'ul. Ahliy, tlio ?.nii )iH rolicl riii-wlry
!'r, in uml'HibtP Uy killi 'l. Tliis it in
cc't:iiiH't from p'' living ii"ir, mi l
IVnm llio f.i'i'oni'M ti kflii. M'lj ir tiroon,
ol liis iniiiu-nt, Wa shot 1'V C.-i!nin I'-ro.
ilciick, ol' tin' New .IciM-y I'.iv.ilry.
til V. FlIKllOM b I I KA1K(1. Ml I KIIS, I
x iiiiK'. lii'y.'ii l ll irn-inn'iiii-.n, V.I., lu. 8 )
( !mi, Frt'inoi'.t, Im oviM'tiikf n llh' cni'inv,
of tvliotn ho Iris huon in pill'-uit for ;i ivork,
mi'l Iiiih liu'ci.''! Iiiut to lillit. .'iiiil ilrivr-n
j Imn, with lieuvy Van. lVo;n eli.-.ii i"
Hilioir lh'li'lt I liin ison I. in this liloill-
inn at six o oli.:i, iimi a iimih'hu in m-
miitol ,l,ick-on lv tlia roi'l li'inim I"
; " l
liulilio. I ! tin' Ifl'l ol
lli turn
niko to Stanton, sm-i-n niili
Uuoii I liar-
nsonbnr, tlio ii'lviiuv.i -i.n--t -iisi i';r.i
tlio OIK-lllV pll.-tl'U III t 111' H 'llOil.-l, to tin'
licit ninl fron:. iiiipuvi'iitry in I'uro. Ar-
,: .,,0..,,,l m I ui run :i II i i-i ItO 1 1 1 11
stand with his wh ile iiriny, had
eonipletclv lilnsliei
. 1 i uii ' ii ii i in (lie
... . i 'i ..... t.i.;,:i ,..
.,lh.y woru fo, wal d Tho whoh' cola, an
,m rapidly iip. and a lni ol buttle
i liuu ol bat t :e, cx-
. 1 -. '
O.t.Tlitwr i-K' ll.'MiniliM U!H l'l'Olin'Iv
liUs ; ,0 Ul(1 VIl ,, t,e opposite
... 1 . '
ilM.(.llt? aliicli at tlie summiti were cov
ercl with woods- In these wood,,-
. i. it..-
(Jcnrral St.ihl, after Scrivners battery
lied the rehel position, advanced
i the Slh and l ull New York regiment
through the woods into an open Held, on
,i, ,i, t;.i.. c ,..i,;i. ii, ,.,,,.,,,'
HO.-0.ll.inim.. Ill U llll. II UIUI IILIIII n MLIIV
wmg was concealed in the woods. The Sth
gallantly under a heavy lire,
, ,. , M, ,0J . ti su t ,,,-lel bv tiie 5th.
,,,, , 0ulI,lll2i,el'ed, were linally
,'ori.(ll1 loe ,.;.,. Col Wi,.tl.l wus rov.
....... ...fullK!,.( ,.(i i,ie whole rci!imept
j badly cut up
Iwl.... .. I..., ll..... "Oil
, , , . ' ' ;
f ol lbs slren.-th. lliO('i.e-;
i more than h
uj, .., ciit.,.ke,i by the artillery.
;tjeliel:al .Stul.l final ly withdrew his brigade
to iiKtrong position, re.ulsnig a IIhhk
movement and holding his w ing lirtnly .
(ien. ?.lilroy advanced hit centre, tho
nitilltry lire ui)mpelling,the enemy to give
cnn ,,.p nn ii... r;.,i., 1 ,1,.,,,,
,,. ri,1)(i!s .,. ,lttlim,)trii'ta 0. :
,i 1 1 '
will, great vigor anil precis.on, an. our ,
. , . , . . ,
niii uri (11 1. a- 1,11 .n m.u 113 nn '. .
The eno-.nv sull'uied mosi seveiely. I h
i.-l -(ess ivas arg, y due ,0 .U e lec, ,
robJ re '
rebid regiment lo-t two' thirds of its mini
, , , . (oil i- I
her in an attempt lo capture " ildtich s
I'.attery, which cut them to pieces with ;
canntster at ti'ty pacos. Ihe rebel bat
i'bel bat-
teries were reneatadly silenced and forced
to abandon their positions.
Col. Cluzi et, w ith his weak brigade, took
and held the centre of tho enemy's posi
tion, and has cucimpmeiil there to.
Our forces wero outnumbered nt nil
points, but huve occupied the rebel line,
,,ni, for(.0(1 ,lom ,ri.,r0Bl,
I i im i I iv ' ll " ' , i , . h
I'i i M v i t pim i , ' i . : uiii n
' t S I 'up.' t I . t n. I '. ' I . i
'lip.ilr. Mi i ii'il nil I (' , (i i ly
j IdPM'll ll'l'lcliy, l.'n. I -, ,. rM'll .
, .' olin liinelinrl, t 'o. i4, .. end .
i II. t' I ' 1 1 J , ' o 1 1 ini ninii'it'it.'il.
' ( 'nrpoinl M. A Unwell, t o ll nelcteV.
I Moll IV I'llf 'lullll'W , I 'l If, M'lM'l.
I 'i -ink '. in 'i im did I, f 'n. I . icvei el v.
W 1 1 1 1 it t ) l I. I n i i c, l ' i II, never ely.
I n t In. I- I. in an. I o. ( , slightly.
I I I lei!' .Mah'lic. I'o.C, dlij;itly
A ii'i i st us tnil h. I 'n. ( ', severe I v,
i I,. W. 'I'ail.i-. Co. II, .ev.-rely. '
! ient . .1 . 1'.. milotv, ( '. ( t slit hlly.
I Scri'.'.-uii J, T. Alton, 'o I, .lilitl) .
I M'-HNi,.
(f.'.-ipt. C V. Taylor, Co. II.
j l.ieut. S. Wavpn IproSahly killwd )
ereiit.t lolm I. nit', (. o. 1 1 ,
Corporal Frederick llolinos, Co CI
n'idimn Hill, C. I.
Milton I'mv, Co. 1.
( 'yriM Morrison, Co. fi.
Corporal I!. K. I oiks. Co. (i,
Adolph, Co. II.
Tho Battle nt Union Church
llr.Muji Ait-mis Aimv iv tiik Fiki.ii 1
f imp in ir I'vil .Vm'i'c, ,.,, S. '.I p. l. )
T the ILn. K. M. .Slitn'nn X v-i7.ii-v ut H'.ir:
No. Hi.
Thenriiiy left llari isnnhurj: nt nix this
iiinrniny, and at hall past eihl tny ml -
vanee enj,Mned the lehels alioiit Kcven
miles fioin that place. I'ni.m Clnncli.
The eiieiny a Very lid va n tnyeously jjost
i'd in tlni timber, liavini.' rlir-ur lii own
no.iii ion, torinin Mnaller cirri" thnn
our'otvii, nnJ with hi tioi.jiH formed in
1 1 consisted, uriiloiilitcdly, of JacksimV
entiri! I'oilv. The haltle lie;::in 'villi hen
vy Hi ill! nt II o', mid la-ted tilth
jireiit ohtinacy mid vioh-nco until -I intiie
attcrnoun. Some skirmishing :uid urlil
lory Iiriny copt iniied from that time un.
til dink. ( ur troops fought oeciMonally
iiipler tho mtirilerotis lire ol greatly supe
rior niniihers, 1 ho hotte-t ol' the small
m m lire l.einj: on the h it tviipr, n l.ii-h a
held i v ioii"ial Stald's bn.ide, i'.,:i.:i,ts
I!,,,-,, i .'.mi .. .,!
(reelv will, pri nt ellect hy our men.
The loss on both:idcis very greiit.and
curd is very heavy 'among the otliects. 4
full report of t
hose who .listn,guh,-d
lennuic witLout pii. liul .
I illlll.i' 1. I I ilk lllllilA IV I I ' 1)11 I
'I'deiire to huv Unit both omcersanil men
behaved with Kpleudid gallantry, and that
the service o" the artillery wus (.specially
We are t netmped on the Held of battle.
Bhil., niay Lo renewed at any moment.
.lulIN C. 1- IiKMON .
Major ieen.l Communiling.
' n
i , ;. J,
Am,:, I
,,,-r. ji
oi.v)i f.,r (ht- '.:iru,itit of (,
AriH.y j'iom l'.ni: 1,'rji, ilc,i Lu,
!-. i-J I i rci.ii .-'-, in (i ''(
ri,-' S'in s Ti,-J), i'n,xc e;'
Mi'.-.-, it V.
We lind in our Northern exchanges the
subjoined additional extracts from South
err, journals :
the iitiir.iions or i;i; u itr.r; vnn soon- to
nr M.tliK known a ytTi;i:iol s ui.M.
1'roiii llie lUi-tiinon.i Knimiiicr, June .V
We now know the reason of llie long
mlenee ol llie teirgrupli at (. orinth. Soino
-"v. ....... ...... ... ........... Jill IM ,
n.i tv..nt ...... tr l'..i,.i . .1....
nnd, tinding nolhir.g to interrupt them
.i; ,n.r :. . .1 .
n.-lll. li-iil.-l , liu.ilij -H ill null toe IOITII,
and found that t'oiinth was t-vaeualed
and liciiurcgiird pne gone' ihey know
not h v long, and . "one where they only
imaL'iue. Among aft- ye evacuations, here
is oni! that can be announced with lively
satisfaction. Corinth was only a camp,
ill 1 1 the
lin 1 ui nomine; n, nils neen more
, r 1 i 1:.. . 1. . 1 .
,!" '"'''1' ;
tlian answere.l. .New 1 irleaos ls lost and
ie greai ncais 01
milliner is gained.
fliev will I'li'Oleet 'he e.-.liolrv i'nnihiriii.1.
ed l y the camp at Corinth better than
I I'.,,,.. I.. .0 .0., I iiih.j 'I'll,. nl.i,. r.1'
... ................ u . .... u. 1 u. un 11 i .
,lt Um ,,()f,n Iinswt.rPtl .,
ko ,,;., ,,,lg ,h,;re n,s ,;,,. a waste
Althoui-I. now pu.Z,-d to know
" oere neii. neaiii .-p.n 11 nas gone, ne CII
, , , r,i f. ' . ,1
Yal .k,... .., ,b .wilUo'on be r..l!.......i i.. .1... I
, .,.'.. 1. ,, .. ..
I mod 1 iMiiiu ii: Ulilioiei . Jitlt ll. UlUsl. PC
: remembered that there is ve'-y little prob-
aoiiny tlmt ii iiieck s 11 r my w.ll altempt
to follow him. That is un impossible cal-
'ciilation. The call for troops to -teleiid
j Washington is too great, md we shall
next hear that Ilalleck'.s iirmy is moving
I to the East with all Ihe speed of steam.
UKPOIIIKl) A I! II I V .1 1, fir A I.Atll.E QTAN7ITV OP
! .Mills.
i The Knoxville I'egisU r has iiiformntion,
Ion authority that cannot be doubled, thai
iw o vessels arrive,, at a conicdciuie port
on Saturday wi!h four thousand stand nl
finis on one, and throe thousand five
hundred on the other, and one hundred
barrels of powder ; and on Sunday two
other vessels entered the same port n ith
arms and ammunition, tho number and
luantity of which wa- not ascertained.
I'he.-e lour vessels and two otheis a: rived
or. our Atlantic coast, under convoy of the
Confederate steamer Nashville, (hie of
the latter iii represented as having been
captured by the blockading squadron oil
Wilmington, North Carolina. The re
:r.ainiiig vessel and the Nashville are hov
erine million here on our extensivo coast.
The authority 011 which wo make thee
."tatepienls informs us that tho number of
arms r float on these seven vessels was for
ty thousand.
cow Fits,
From 1I16 Rirlimoml Knri,iror, Juno fi
Immediately upon Ihe heeli' of the Ho
anoko and IlonclCoii disasters it became
exceedingly popular to divert attention
Irotn every other channel and concentrate
it upon the one all-abioibing topic ot re
lianco upon ourselves alone. 'Hut the truth
was our great fault had been not in look,
ing abroad far aid, or in dependenco upon
others, but in (so great confidence in our
selves. We held ourselves invincible. -
I 1 1 H...I I r .!.- .ne un. 1 i.nneisuii unoKO UH 110,11 IIU)
Uelusion. hesosweet es.onsofndvers
iv hao A, W ..:
, - - '.... ii.ii .is. j i i. 11 j
Imrlr nt rtna r.;.. I ...n.... :., l-...l.. I
' ".i'"ii"i"'-iii"i, u.nuoiii.-i.ioun Mciion. i iieiner tins will bo taken
demonstrate that, when properly
e nre iiticonqiierauie mat, 1110
wr may rage with various fortunes for
twenty years, nml Ihe aim of subjugation
ho as far from .iccomplifihnier.t as e"ver.-
mi. louiri cannot yield; tlio .North, it
sopms, will not deaisf. Yet. if tho war is
A , , ' - -
. . Tltnout toreign inter,
ern n. in f S"0 r otU
....ii, c iortuern peopie
tuust ho brought to realire the impossibib
iy oi uo rasK u,ey liavo undertaken, or
nit, if posibI it would Lot b desirable
to accomplish if.
" 'hp I P p I-" i 1 1 ' m '' '
Pill I ' 'III I u1 "II ill III" ''I I h
t I n Hull I it i'ni'1 I mmi I ri i n il cP 1.1 l "U 1
I M'll in ll I loll P (' "Pre II' k tool l I 'I,
(lilt H ll'l I -III lll!ll f"l I ' I lotllli' ooll
' di"pill llo'ili'i li i 1 itillillin ioii-e fp
I mill ' rel.el," "I I ititoi ," A . ll in I roipi I '
Ii enid Iho tvnr In it ll lie I pbl
ioll)iiel nnd plillidi'r. Tin1 world Hold I
lo iipinl it, mid llie N'uilln-ni pn.pli!
hvould iooii Ii urn lo look on our iiidei i n
idi'L'' m far us that wm coin i rued, ni
t V. t i'ii;
ii Ii n i en ! i"
iMf., Kinl Iho inn ilee.onenttei di lun.-e o! the i it y. Com. lupont Ihonpht
ii to a contest I'm liouiidatie'. I ln-i com our attack could not mlely be prei if d iiii-
idel nt int.s prove the unjior lance of presi- j vi e hud n mronp force.
jinp, bv rtv tivailublo inra'i', rur ri'copni Theie tvat Ueavjf liiinj; from llicrmi
Imn nbroud iny during ft purl of I'ihuiIiij , but then'
V Iiiivp tint adverted to tho roHion" whi no Hpprcli''iisioii of dunj.'er from At
involved in Seivnrd's dwelarution llnit u tack on our troop,
it i'nn:li',!l will be considered a ileclurix- j -
linn of In tho darkest hour of our I M'""i I'iivatkmih. I lio W iislunpton
ti ul'l'Ih iv do not know that tl o I'lcsi-
(dent lus ever depnited from In original
I policy, ho Imldlv announced, of not cour- I
i ting foreign alliiiueo or interference ; lie'
j Hiinply ip-ks the justice of u vei.onnilion. )
Ida if this implicit war, thnn let Fnplnnd
and Friil'.ee accept thn pipe, cry luivotp
i . 1 . . I ' . I .. .1 .. 1 1. A .
unit iei im m-ii" . ... . o i.i .u.
luntio; let them relieve the.r own miner,
I i m ,r i.riiinli t irn in liirnt.o ninl nrill 1111(1
c'o-o)'nilo with ouiH, it) Ainoriru.
,,. ., , i .. . .. w .. u i
rroin ine icKsourp i ni.nn, niiiv (-.j
. . it. . l'i
i ucuinswinee ueeiuess to iiienuini urn i
' i ' I
to our tvh.irf vinterdiiy a lot of stock, liir
hilure, provisions unit contrabands.
Who" H"' I'ii er ivus asked where they
eanirt from, they replied, ivitlinn air of
self-i m per til nee, 'I belongs to .1 ell". I ;v is . '
As the federal t'ulibouln will pasH closo by
.lefT. I iivis' fin-in , it is ex peeled that thrv
will not nhoiv much mercy to anything
found it: that neiphboi hood. We are
hippy testate that l.'ncln Jell '.1 house
hold poods are in u Hire place.
ltu iiMOMi to un m:i p.vpnn.
I From the Jackson Misissinphn, May 'JK I i
We l.uil Willi joy unspetiknhle the n-su
ran co Iron) the l'resiilcii t in id the military j
authorities '.lint tho ancient and relioiiu-j
i d capilul of the noble old Co!iimoni cult h .
of Virpinia is to be defended at nil hazards !
tel to the last
e had been
I I,m1 lo 1110 ,,,fll,' in l-re- ',
pa rat ions to the enemy that like ,
New ( Irleaus. it was to bo surrendered,
U1 l-j' or a pun lired
ur l''''i t fank iMth.n us at he thought
ol sui'li calamity. Anil vet, iluy Ly ilav, I
my Ly
llie ,,lf',n' l,;',,"v ,"Vn"'or "V1 'l,,''r' ")tl
we w itnc'seil llie delay ami tlio apulliv,
us well as the dividefl counsels which
seemed lo prevail, the apprehension pren
upon us Unit such a cnhunity was ulmosl Hi Murk enihriiri'. a .-iTi I general
iln vi able. We could hear, too, of ill..' iiFi".rliiKiit ii cnu ty fimiel in ouv tuuntrv Slnic
removal of the nifhives of government to'lari-, cnibmeiuj- ull the variou' Hvlrs f
some other point, ami of movemenis on j Ladies', Gentlcmens', Ilisses', Boys' &
.1. ....... i- .i i. t. : i. . i nuaj n... pi rii..7...
llie pai l oi llie uuuioi Hies i.iiian ccciiicn
to havono nlhcr .-ignilicanee hut a premo
j nition ol Ihe lookcd-for cattist rophe.
I 'ciy few events ('tlhewar have filled
us with gloomier apprehensions. Not be-
cause if IlichmoP'l is lost all is lot. Thnnk
itiod, our inuse, being the cause of truth,
of just ice, and of human liberty, nnd there
lore indi(Struclal)'e and ctcri.ul, every ci
I ly. village inn! hamlet in the Southern
Confederacy may be de.-troyeil, but as
long as the hearts of the i eople heat true
to the transports of freedom, we w ill re-
main uncon.pierjd and uneotiipierable.
Wo have advkes from McClellan's head,
'piarten befors Kichniond up to Salurduy
lust. The enemy hud driven in our pick
eto on Friday and made 11 cavalry demon
stration in thn direction of Fredericks..
burg. The dispatch then says "the rebels
opened at day light this (Saturday) morn..
in.' I Al this noim ihn .. ir.. i' u-.i.
0 , .....o ... ,,-
ngton were interrupte l by liphtnin ", tool
severe to foinaid tho balance of this re
port Thiii looks very much an if a general
engagement may bavo taken nlace. (ien.
- - doubt be. largely re
iufoic-d fron. McHowcll's Department.-
be 1-1 th 1
1 " " '
regiment to which the Cu,Uls
rm,n ,llis I1"00 ,irt I'Hach-d-are now
with McCiellan.
From the Shenandoah the accounts nre
meagre am: iin:-iitisfacloiy. Tho latest
dispatch is dated Washington. 11th insl.,
giving a list of tho killed and wounded in
the buttle between Jackson and 'shields.
The list contains but few names. Of the
S lih regiment it says, "Killed, Jno. Hard
ing ; wounded, Alex. 0. Thornton, F.llis
Kyler ; misMiig Of the 110th it says,
'Killed one; wounded four; missing L'H."
Fremont was at Harrisonburg nt last ao
counts ; but we are iniablo to discover
any tiling definite as to tho situation of'
Sl,i,.:,U' r,,,,,,,,,,,,) I
The news li-orn other quarlers is entire-I
Iv without inie.esi
i) without inteiisi.
IFroui tho CineiDnati Commercial. May 211
r, i- . ,
DivriKK in KssTtcKv.-I here h not the
least doubt that the traitors in Kentucky I
are, 1 v concert nreonrim: to desolalo the 1
.... .
vr l or' ., V 1 1
At-llorg t.ued and have been pre,.ar.r.S ,
lor months to ttrike a blo-v , nnd now they I
me in motion. We do not ooiyeot uro- 1
we know that squads of two and Ihroo
anda half a dozen from tho Kentucky
counties borderiiiL' on the ( lliio nra ni.rl.i. ,
ly riding to appointed places, all i.roi.011. 1
in.T in f.i'pm no,;il ...;. r.-. ,
rr l a 8 ' ' "Um.
bcr lia 0 recently left Ii.ion oounty, anil
roceeded to .join llnmphrev MarsiVill
.Sorin? wern able to rido their own horses
Others had lliein presented to them by rich '
Secessionists. Oti.ers stole horses- Wo have
iimiu 01 caes in winch young pien
stolo horses from iheir lathers and
ran away. They have bean constantly,
but cautiously, for several weeks, pet haps
I. ...... I - .. .. t . .
months, buying arms and ammunition in 1
tins city. In this business
iu-bs, they have been
ri" us who are so
Irf ...,.,. 1 1,:, o 1
10 svmpaili 7.0 sritli
nvo Kenlnekv from
helped by thoso anion
.. .
WCOK or so wickeu ai
siil.n,,, v,i ,..,... 1.- '
- '
.iKBoiai nn, oy wieso scounureis but vizor-
1,., . , ... V
before the country is startled by a wild I
ranioi the encmv striking some imnor-
lunt point, ami doing great mischief, do.
j.ends upon tho wisdom and vigiUnao of i
the authorities. If anything short of the'
actual breaking out or tho guerilla
.ho Ohio ould convince litem of
l wh r tin
tie ne-
cesmty of doing something, there is evi.,
s...w itaii.a vuil lll-U lllCUl VI HlJt
(lFme t,",t woull blin8 he.n to a "reali-l
zing sense with great rapidity.
1 ' 1
."Ifeveryou have a disinito will, any
ne about money," said a seedv fallow to
a rich fuoml. 'Wl t,.. J , i
' J I
Ati Attr i( pn ('liii Ulon
' OtH, ,!H 1 , i,. iPOl
(.. ' d tl i a' h t l'o I'ii-I nu ttoii Mr
1 i 1 1 e, In ""out h i 'a .ol 1 1,, I, ,, n 1 1 it ' l
lie hilt Ch II leto't liaib.iiPM 'llid'll.
I In I lot i . . PI .'Ii I I ii ll l'i I din Ul 1 1 a d oi ( P
pied .Inlin ' I -hi n I Ii lid' I ml'i lion of
lllir 1 1 tl 1 i'ii'1'. I lie fel.el l'ii e III t Ion leg
ion had ten pi i ally loiicm nled 1 -- i -teiviy
lint ' I ' " llP'ilfroiii Hi'!iine
enid hi I II V IniVrt lein lo'il lliele, nPilein-
u pi epai ,-it ion inakinu lor tubli ur
(oi icBpondetit of tlio New ork l-.xprt'-ii
, .j,,, view to intercept and v;itt uro
i '. ,
l ... C .
i lornia treasure, (told reserved, put.
lio llin b.'iiids of forrit'ii consul, us eollut'
1 erul securify, is Hind to luivo ncliicved the
1 end securify,
' iiiircnuM'- .ft i no iiuatm nuuiu iiu nu
1 ....I.- I -.1 1. 1 i... . .
. ..
ercat lor those vesscN to Ftriko for their i alter lh"V idiall leave Ilurnnn, it is I
supposed to Wo tho intention to have the!
attempt ut (-upturn made norm as; may li
after our Hhiim hIiuII leave ratinmn. The1
x n v I limiir I in nil f !. n ii'i wi t 1 1 ni-it I ..r
jsaii A v r a i it . i loi n iteaipi iiaugiitor ol
John W hittuker, living in IvVn-hester, N.
were burned to death last Monday
evening, by their diei-sci catching lire.
Tho mother perished in tho altempt to
save the daughter, whose dress swung into
the flames of a portahle furnace.
W ll K A I) Til I S-!
, . '
l I.EARKItl.n, I'A.
It. JOHNSON ri-tiirus hi rin rr llmiiki to
I i."Jl nil cgstnaicrK In: tlmir f.oiicr juitnumpf ,
i uuil "ill lit nil tiinm he Iciim"! l nee them nml
; will wnit Uliiiii tin-Ill with tilrnnurii.
LiUUUrVlls JU01S IX 511068 01 ail KlllUS,
Until ofliiiMrnn iiiiiiiiiliii-tiiro nml of liii" sclrrtioui"
in llie city. All of w '..if h lio olVrrs lo nrll fur
A tlie mimr urlirliti euu I e ml J doth bvro this j
jide of tho idf t"rn ritiet". i
lT' biiiliiK rt purticulnrly invited lo full nnt
o.i uinine Ii is i-tock. Mnv "s, I sf.I - 2 in. '
1liltlIIIN(; M U'lllXKS. Tlie tin.'.or-
lii'.l nislt to 'iifonn the i-iiin-ns i f Cleiir-
tii-l.l ciHiily, th.-it tin V stH coiitinuu tlio iiianu-
liirlurc of 1 lirrMiiiiz ."Indiini'.., nt tl,o lii rI'i'iitf
j l-,,i,n.liy, ,f ;u.i-ii..r ipiulitj, for nn. t". un I
ft nr torn": hIh, the rrli linitnl cinlhn ( liain
trniil ii.wcr. f.r riiln-r one ortnn Iioim'i', wilfi or i
n i'.li"!i t linknn n. ninv iuiit the puri-liascr. We
woiil.l ri-i-oniiiioiiil Ihu Irnid .ocr .nrt ic 11 !n 1 1 v t"
fariin rs wlm kccji lull two or tbreo linr.sos. Tin'
mm h in 0 nml v, er, wiili tbukcr, enn nil lie n-t
on A piiifiII knrn Hour, ninl ruin or liint, run Ir
tvorkultog I iirliiiiiU'o hy 1 man nnl two
hoy?, thus kiivin in liamls us well at. in lni oii.
nml doiiir; tho work us wrll uml n fu.t bs lcji
men drsirn. Uur four-horn' powrr iti 0 h t n ! ,
Willi nversliot c liu.le rn.iire ri-rtninl t tlio br.-t no"
tun. In. Wo woiilil jjivc miiiii'roiis cr 1 tifir.-ili." froin
rrliulile liirnicis, of l.ot'i Cciitm nml ( li'arfiol.l
iiiitii'?. us to tho L'ood pjlI isf:iet iin thi'ie uiu-
cliinu hnvo pivrn, l ot diun it unniccssHrr. All
nirt'-hinvs wiirninti'il. l.'nlrrs hy imiil wi
reivo 'ronipt ultciitioD. A. HAIT'T .1 Co.,
May 2. ISfiJ. I'.rllifoiiti', Pa.
l'rtrr lllnoiii of Anm-.nvillo, U an iiaihorird
n;i'iit for t'io ."aloof inui'liinnii.
? T yond fiui-tion ilia! lliro rclrtiratt"! plows
go alirad "f nil ntliri", w hrnni r introduced, in
ivin cnod gutisfiirti jn
I-ortho ronvrioon. oof;
onr trice iln nnd former rastoincrs in llruruld
county, (to whotr. wo ro tlianliful for past piitron.
uro.) iii' K've I'i'i'ov a lift i f n gents, from wlioin
thco Plows, nnd nli-o Shffurs, run be :
MirrrI ,f. I;;,j,'rr, Clrnrlifld , Jutnm U Vi .. i, Wil
liann lirovo ; J,,!m near (iriilron, .n : S.
S. Clmpuvin, near Kylrrtown : A. lUmnrl,
Fronrlivillo ; ... firih r, Kurtli.'ius ; O'for.i'
.inlorii.Salt I.irk : .. II'. Ih-irtH, I'oiii.Sild :
II, ile k Co, mi, I Yilli,,m fjui, I, l'liilii'shiirLj ;
Tftmihu IIrii,lfrniit .TellVies ; II,tir;t Sichh, A11
sonvillo; .W.nuirl II, jmij, nrar tilen lb'p,':
."in Cii.umi ,i... N'.nv Wnhini:tii!i.
We nleo mnko the Mrliiirvry ilows, both riptit
unit loft hand : iil.o liill-fido plows, iron kettl.'.',
AVir ll'oi7i nnd JI,tt!i'i,cnt cook stoves, egg und
nine pinto strives, iron fni'iii for couiotrioj, cast
iron h itch ing pots, wagon ppin -lies of nil .-ize
tlircsliinp miH-hinos, (foe ndrcrtisemonl.) Wc
nlfo hftvo J. 8. Marsh A Co's colchriitod Rrain
drill nnd ptratT nnd fodder outlrrs : wo are al.
rfr""'! ,n',kf 1,11,1 r'1 "I' 111111 cbjUiiri of hiij
donrrintion wanted. Order., -ilbor dirorled 1.
" hy "."ii er thrmigh unv of the afore unuud
.gents, will reeoiv, prompt m.ontion.
iieiu-fonto, M,,y 2s, '.',;. a. HAL tt .t CO. !
r - - '
Omhans' Court Rale i
vipnans court bate. :
TN 1 """"nee (f nn ordoref the Or.lians' Court
..?!',rf'!'lA.'0U"'-v' ,llcro wiU b" "l"!""1 'i
,' I I . I 1 1 A I I- An k 1 1 n
to-r.ship. on l-Ti.lay tl, 'i;t, ,av of June,
,, a , 0-clnrk. p". ,., ,he f,llimi; Val.,al.l. '
late tho property f J,ne8 Curlovdooon.-od : A!
itrluin niossunpti, tenement or piecoof laud, loiin. j
,,ih1 on tho south by lnnds of Hazel Crowoll, ou .
th" west by lands of Mofis C. Jii-ans. on the north
. ....... ... , ,,,,-, r. - in . .011.11111
1? a?'U ,."f Jn?"h """vr.nn lhe..nt by lands of
Hippie, I rench & Co., run. Mining !! noros, sit-
"" in ;1" timnshi,.. Cl, a1f,.., onuntv
i,out B(.ros cleared, having thorooii a Hoiim-.
Stable and Vmiiie Orrliartl.
ll.KMS. One half Ihe purrhnso tnnury on
fifirmation of sale, and the residue, in ono ynr
l,"'""f,l!r' ,ntcr,sb t bo secured by bond
and mortgage on tho promises.
(Irahain township, May 2S, lsdj.
A. In
X UlUnOS OTJC'l-The tiBdorsien
ed, nn Auditor appoint to distrihuto tko
! "1',nc.v arising from Ihe sale of (ho Ileal F.stato
' nf ,I"hn ,r,l,'H' 1,1,0 of UradforJ township, 1
'"'Untb'nd to tho same nt hia now (jffir-o in tho
'Cn,lrt hnu,e pn paturdiiT the illst May, 1802.
. .11 1... . ","-),
v. .... .. u,.-, .... r-n,i,r......
t lMTtM may attend
Ini-r ti.-jt
... ..... . . A I.. 1
CleiM-fiold, May 14.
AQXLdd 2 LLj3.L&lCL 2
rr.,. , , t-iiVuii a
I ,nb'7lbcr 'poctfully informa tho Farm
YnVPii. ? it, c.oun.,J'-a,"1 n" "'her per
TuV'J fctHng.
i. h h v i ir r ... . . .
will ell oo the mont reuxmiablrt tomm f.,r Pisn
u A ii.u c, ui n, er ur nunii! v. w h nh
"f fichanged for any k-'nd of Country
Lawrence rownchin, May 21, 1862.
- - -
9 " ACONH of tha latent and roost aubman -
r,u"n ne and in eompleie order for
' J 'h'P for ?ish.
May29,'62. MERItrLL 4 DIOLER.
-. ' .' .vii..iiii.i .l,U L-fil
wi'llen: J"thCl,!
The Navy Iiepartmont lias udvices tluit! , J SOU IlCl , II - L II 1 hrcl ltJ
the Confederates have lately purcliuso in CltrpOt, 1' I O O r Oil-Cok
Knplandttvo of tho fasten Meaner, there! jj j (j y .
built under puurantPes us to 8pecd, iincj ! tJ 1 't '
liuve tint them in cnmtniision im priva-l Ly ' j O J' J' J .
N MW (iOODs!
.1 thv OH l, i,(!t
F a cm ml - . r t in iii i.! . .,,,,, ,.r
Ch ll,.
I 'l'lU
'it'll 111! i
I nvellns
iMn nls
i rnuli n'ni
Sal i in. 1 1
I ll-lllll I M
Tw i i iU
( ol liipiob
1 'idlilips
1 hninclx
J .1 ll til M
v ii I v
'""'f in tni,,
I i:cf 1
Shan Is.
ic kipps
(( il'KK K
J.A '
ill. A
Clotliiiip-. Notions
Jointed Hoop Skirts, Shakers.
I in in. I i !n sii'inim I -i-i. ,.n i
i reccpiors, .Mu-iefaper, Kosin.
iHltiJj Jj vf h'UiSi
Tin-Ware, ( ila-s-Ware, I)rtl, I.anis
liiiilii'P, llriinms, Tubs, Churns. ll n' . ''
(ltlinil.", ruilirollns,'ts. S,-h...; !,;, y
Miisli, .M..,s, (.'url.'.l Hair, f'.Ki.-h Trinlminci
"pirit liiru.'iitiiii'.,l (lil, I'j, , (.0!'
,'Uil, lilass, l i, in fuel a little of ci-eri-llin.e u.u
I nll.v kept in u e u ii try atri'
j All ..r wlii.'li will U snl.l nr. tin. n.t roasom
ll. l.'rins for t.'imli, nr ma rofnl ,'imnir. .
! '
i OnrlivH
- j i"-
y. iv. su.wv rr-f-rrtruih';.;;,,;;
.1 ir.ifoK'i.mal m-nu'esto tliuciiirt'iinifsiianj.
villi', inul i ii inity .
I be riep-.t iiit,'iiii,,a will 1,.,
ni'Hi ill lli" i'ijfl'fM')!l.
?ii'-n lo all luil-
Slimvsvill.i, Juno 1. 1st,:'. ,i
lllK l-'air (inHin.Nutt'li'nrlieM till b7 i.ihi, -
1 irinler ii -t. ri'Krii-li'.iiH m U .,r r..
tlie tnise now rowini; thereiii iliir'u.? llui I ,tt.
iiixliluf tlio ni'i'i-iiurliiiij,' Juii" ci.iirt, fur the tic of i'pimiius wilii"g t.) train tliiir
horsei on tlio truck, f-i
JdSIAU K. l'.EAI), IV,.,.
riivirfirltl, Juno I, 1 ifil!.
I'y lL- ),tr,l (,f ' tlr,ih,iiu's
Tlirrr ii" n Slur,- in Mark.-t Strer!
U liiT'i nil '.I:.; men 1111 I l.olio" ino-t,
To In lp 1 heir ".-?lio-" mij'I mv.' tl.oir fu-(
ililit rl.iso lo "li'i-nliiiin's S;..r.! ;
(Yoii'vi' nir.ily .i.n in tlcru b-.for.i.t
I.ivi.-i tiumjili !i. to cir in l-inle.-r,
And "1': 11 in all n.rls ol wi-mlirr ;
lb- 't.'li-i' 'aw l' lionti with 'win' ni, I Vnil '
And while i r 'lu-!s,' will e'er d.'firi4 '
And rhrrifli nil win. i-nmo driniuiilin,
Tlmt ho should le:lp tlu-ir uiidrntanTin-',
lio inakos nil kind., of h "ot. nti 1 c'i
And nono nd l.nri-l'oot ni.
Wl.ilr ,s'(miii;.'i and his Ii iiiIht
Are making mirh .1 hrw.
And ..ic(-and ', air alivayi Liroi,
And ready 11 1 1, call
To neatly take your men--.i! 0
And show you tlr- in,!).
The:, coino ftloiijr; -ml Iiiiii;: Jiut.
Tlio .' .!(; .'ii.ii, don 11,
And wj'il uairniit yia a.- g.,od 11 fit
As you ciin g.'t in town. '
It. ST I'M I'll,
Juno -I, 'ti Maikot St. Cli-arfiold, 's
11 i:iiii'i . m: .
!ly virtuo of a writ n
litioui b.p.inn if..ii-d out of tho Court of
C'oinnioii Pleas of Centre county, nnd to me di
rootod, will l. exposed to n'il.ic ,aln at tin
Court llousu in tao borough of liollefoiile, 011
A'.i.'iinio, 1i,--'2-'' 11; ''...'". Ain'.
All llie undivi loil uno fifth part, .to., of six cor.
tuin tracts of land w ith the inn rovr 1110 n .. there-
Z Z " , ' , !, " ' . ' " '.r-"""
v ' J I ....u 1 r. , li ill l.ioa I''. 1 "IIU.1
cmiiity. (I,,,., traot wlioroot'. lituattl in M'.rrii
township, Cloarlirlil county. wi survi-y."! iiiultr
wiirrnnt lo IYPt Variiiild.'ioid c. mains H.'fl arret
nnd nllowanr-c. One trai t fituatnl :is ubovo wai
survoyed in the name of Jio Vanii.ld. and cm
tains iiLM acres hnd allowaiico. Uno trie-t situn
to.l in Itu.-h township. C'ontrecouiity. was .urvoy
od under nnrrnrt to Ponj. .Martin. 'and ountniui
4-!i arros and ullowiinre. iic Irm-t sitnutrd at
nbovo it lis srtrvoyod under warrant to. bio. Vo..
man, containing 1 M and 1i p.-r.-hrs 11. 1 1 allow-
, trart surveyed under warrant t-i
col) Wridiiian. oontaininr; 111;) n-r. nil 1 3't
porrhos. Ono tract .situated ns above w:, iur
veyod under warrant tojaoob Rosh, mid retain
ing ! noros and 'ft porches, there being eiectof
on the iiliuvp dosoriliod pmiurty two saiv mill,
and prvoral dwelling houses, with the iiiiproTe
uirntt mid upr urtonntioos. Soi led, taken in em
oution mid to bo sold im tho prnp-rtv of lb M.
Itilgor. (MlOlt'iK AI.lCXAMU'.'i:. SlieritT.
' vnn.-,-, 1-110,0 ,110, J I IIU- 1, I'.'.
1 r'. rur... i. .1 1 , . ...
prn,,nc.ia r. T t" .T.i ,
I roposals for Iron Fence Around tha
New Court House.
ClbAbLI) Proposals will l,o ror.ind by tlio L.'in
iniiMonors of t'loHrliold oounty. unti! the L'Oiil
ihiy (lfJuiiC next fr urni,hU,K ,;j .r,,-ting
p-,,,, lun.-e, with Mono fo'indatioii nnd CutSi .no
Urs. dround Ihroo sides of tlio court hnuse lot.
i-rno per li t must tiofalc-d in
proposal-, l'lani
and pioifirati..ns 01,11 bo soon ul any time after
tho l!h uny of Julio.
Py order of tho Jlnnrd,
W. fi. UKAbbEY, Cl'k.
t'oniniissionors' odioo. .luno I, l.Sii2. s
Administrator's Notice.
"VTOTICb in hereby given, that betters of Ad
i.1 minisiration on the stutn of FREDER-
( V 01
ii 111
;II Al'l-'KIl, jr.. Into of Hr.nly townsliipi
eld oounly, lUooinod. lnivo b,'on cranted
1 to tho undersigned. All persona iniKditi d losaid
(state are rooiiired to imtko p.-ivment wiilmut de
I'M'- ami tliono Imvinjf claims against tlie 'i""4
WH preseut them duly authenticated for settle-
MICHAEL SHAKFl'R. jr., A lmr.
Ilrady township, Jnao i, s;l.
t1Alj"IIOX.AU rersons ro hereby emlion.
J ol ngainst huyine or tneddlinir in uny
!',i,h nne 1,,rk 1!y Maro, ono Hrowa Colt, one
I!"-v c,,t and ono pair Voung Oxen, f" 1B JN'
"te of ieholaa Straw of Jordiui towonh''' M me
'ame belong to inc.
o itB 1W.
Jordan township, Juno A, '02 I "1- -
1 WJ II -It t: AH. n certain iCilUnm Jltlf
t i ll t i'iTiii-it Tiii-vu- , mv houfe i"
I Poptemhor last. Notiae is "heruby given to ''
iieiirr to coinn lorwaril, pay ciinrgi-" i""'
away, otliomiio it will be raid for mid cliargel.
t 'i 1 1 t wc i v i. I.-1 .j I, 'I I r.K.
Mrr.;,o'w,,;hh .'MaVw. UK.-V-
.1 . t ,wlf!
' 4
RE iuat now oreninc up a large and 'f,
Hi.i r SK!snAI)hE OOOPK,
whioh they offer aeiedingl.T le" JJ'
t:... . . ... a Mow Is, Tt..
Fun com firH iarrsd
i .i : .. .. i .
I . II 11 1 I U I I'll M M 'W . I 1