Ml ATM AV'ft p. W. MOORE. I ,;,. VOL. XXXII. WHOLE. NO 1710 PRINCIPLES, not SEN. TERMS -$1 25 per if paid in NKWsr.mi.S VOL. II. N( CLKAHFIKLI), iA. W'KlttUSlJAY. JUNK !!,, nifj. IS IT FA Hi? I know a young man, 11 nolle follow, who prosecutes :i successful manufao Hiring business. Allho' possessed ol'an !tt.'i!nJ:uit competence, ho devotes him - sdf with untiring assiduity to the in - tei-ot of'hU f,i,.t ton l.n.i I:iv. His eves and hands rn fvcrv. - . - - - ---j i uiccu ones, we eaat yet sy. Iliey uro Vr 1?' i . i ...J1'10 ,irst old and graphic accounts vet Half a yeara ago ho married a beautiful published, und wo make copious extracts neeomplished girl, who is said to speak from Cieui. On tho 31st ho writes : The four of the languages of southern Kit- iiorm of Just night was tho most furious rope, (where she'has resided several fU of rain mid o.xpbsion of lightning I years,)" with tho fluency of natives, ever suw- , ot S'e'l. not a compa ihileshe touches the keys with inii-' fkhart" into grace an d skill. icU Uti,x Uj,ou it as a lt,IIleill of lnilita. Four months ago they began house- ry udvantago, end, having fully prepared keeping; a week since they gave it up I themselves, full suddenly on our pickets, in titter disgust. I scattered !hein inwards, 'and held Casey's The tlireo servants figurd conspieu-'reimcnl in ac'tu'' 1,1,1110 -hi!o their pots ously in all their griefs. and kettle were yet on tho (ires, and The coffee was always execrable, I 'V""0' lh,Q Men .ryw i'r wet , , , , , J . 'clothes 1 cannot tell how the small the steak a shame, the cruet stands earthwork and tho riflo pit at the front and spoans not lit to be seen, and thejwere so quickly tukon out of our posses-. whole house m a conlusion and cred Willi uirt. The husband bore it as Ion" as liride . .l. ami paueiico cuuiu uiiuure, anu tneii sacrificing everything at auction, re turnedto hoarding,tvsolvednever tosuf fer the miseries ol'liousekeepingagain. I was never more indignant than when I heard of it, If tho beautiful bride had learned one lcs3 language, and devoted the year to learning the mysteries of hoitskeeping, she could have made my friend's house a real i . . ..i j ... i i . . jaradisc. Ignorant of every thing, gmhered togother this moriiing :i divi slic could hut weep and despair. j sion so left to itself to luck, and the devil, Suppose her husband's management that it has lost, literally lost TOO men and of his business had been like her man-! upward since it left Williamshurg-a divi- a-cmcn't of that which belonged lo won !vl,osC -ni,,maii.h.r Ihh lorg been ,n , . ,,, eonsiiiouous as searching, miles nliead ol her, what would become oi them f ,lU u,arclliff .0lumiis,' f.r eomfortable I don t think the match ahuroiie. !,llm,rrs. Upon this division.out of plaeo On one side it a cheat. A vounir'in the. front, tho shock ofbuttlo fell and lad v of the same merely ornamenta class in discussing the case, exclaimed, 'She did not agree in the marriage contract to play tho part of a house hold drudge ! I replied, "Did tho husband agree to play the part of'a factory drudge? Hut does not the relation imply mutual ob ligations which this wile has utterly failed to meet ? Lvwis' (rytaihistir. (.'nr.Ki.KY TUtNK.n Prkachi-.u! The .W.vYork Wml'l and other papers in forni us, that on Sabbath week I'ev. r. (.'hapin, (Univcrsalist) was unable, 1 1" on indisposition, to occupy his pul pit, and that Hi'itACE Gkkki.v officiated t'.r him. What the text was we are :iot informed, but the Worll sa-s it ought to have been, as most applicable to the speaker, the passage in St. Mat thew, XXIV. 15: "When ye there fore shall see the abomination of deso lation, spoken of by Daniel the proph et, stand in the hoby place, (whoso rea deth, let him understand,) then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains." Neouoks in Office. Wo see it sta ted that in the New York Custom House some seven or eight positions, formerly held by white men, are now i. i... , ?.',...;, .... nci'.iu) iie-.uc. i..iyiu,r . ll a speeoy cnech. n nui jtui iu u' jng evcvy conceivable hcuIo altacK ot His Abolition proceedings, not only ne-, ftblinc disease as ajustiticition forgoing groes will crowd wiiite men out oi oiii- ces. but thousands of the laborers of the North will have the bread taken out of the mouths of their families by ne gro competition with them in work. That is the tendency of things : to ex alt the negro at the expense of the white man. A Union Party. The idea of a "Union'' party, to be composed of old republican fossils, is worse- than ridiculous. Tho predominating ele ment Abolition is disunion and tho plunder clement cares only for spoils. Fortunately for the country there is now, as there always has been since the organization of our Govcrment, a (rue Union organzntion, the Demo cratic parly. The Democrcy made our country great, prosperous and Jiavm and "it would have continued so to this hour, hut for the spirit of sectional Abolition. Wf.iiin(1 Fk.f.s. The religious pa pers occasionally get oil' a spicy item. The reverend editor of ono of these papers, in a recent issue, says: "In our experience, we have- married peo ple for 37 items ; we have married for a counterfeit bill!" Dr. l' con- ying this item adds: "Wo may soften our Gorman friend's grievances by quo ting the case of the minister who re ceived as a wedding fee a salt codfish, which, when he had taken it home for his table, was chiefly oaten by tho brido and groom, who called upon him at dinner 8sjT"1'vc brought you this bill till I am fairly nick and tired of it." said a collector to a creditor, upon whom he hud called at least forty times. 'You arc, eh?" coolly rejoined tho creditor. "Yes, I am," was tho response. "Well, then you had better not pre sent it again. There will bo two of us ploasod if you do not; for, to tell the truth, I'm sick and tired of seeing that identical bill myself." THE BATTLE BEFORE RICHMOND bv wii kinson tub writixi suitor ok the j -Ntv' V0ltK tmiiicni:. , Wilkinson, the ch ief writing editor ol 1 11,0 Tnlum; sends the Tribune two brief accounts oftho two days' battle on the I"" , ,U"J'"'' " uci.ier iney are preju- I -I. . .. I l I . . . . I . i . . .- . eov-jsioii. The number und the quality oftho guns in the ion, i f"u ignorant, oi. j.ut Tits. fort n,ul guns.whetficr siege or field .... 1 1 ...I.. - , i .... .. . i. .. . : r. -i.!,ra.l fiO.l.l.Hilv ........ fcv.x . - J . Now I face the first truth in tho history of the Union liisgroeo at the Seven l'iues urd I shall not dodgo it. Tho impor tant pluco of dunger, liip front, wus eoni milted to a General whose division wus composed of tart troops marched down fourteenth street, in Washington, in tho last week of February, 13.000 strong nnd I has been so neglected and so allowed to I go undisciplined, that 7,000 of them lr..-i.ilfl ii. t hi nnv oossil til i t v luivo bt'eti knocked it into disorder ami ruin faster than I conceived it possible for Anglo, i Sa.on troops to be move 1 by any power I less '. han (iod's tliundei bulls. A PI'LUMEN OI' STROXil, HL'T, WE TI1CST, in. I I V COI.OKl.ll Will i I.Mi. j Wilkinson then goes on io describe the I advance of Peck's brigade, with which ho I was, a::d fays : The eurrent of tlraiirbng j snd skulking h 'd fully set in, and was i sweeping in n great shameful llow down 'tho Williamsburg rrvid. It was (he most L... ..,:.i,;.,..f. i.,,.1..j (:,.. 1 Il.iM.v a-sioiiiatiiu ... v ... , ....... ..j , vigorous men, wh 1 had Volunteered to ti-IH the battles 01 rree.ioiu.ivaiKing idly hack from tho first touch 01 tho loo, ; with boxes lull of cartridges a, 1 muskeU in their hands, sound 111 wind and limb, ! but, thank tiod ! looking mean as sheep- 1 thieves when they encountered the staro ' of bravo men, and simulating lameness and every iorm ol'sickness when cavaliers, not combatants bv I'lofession, di mned them in their fury lor cowards, and en deavored to breast them backwaid with their horses into tho fight reat hulking poltroons, falling into every possible va riety of limp out of rapid.sirong walking ; depressing with pleasure either shouldvr with terrible wounds ; quieklj gathering into theii bosoms mutilated arms, wholly untouched with bullets ; goin 3 through the whole disgusting pantomime of sick ness of iho itomach in reply to tierce ouestions as so w here thov were going, and ' w liv the devil they were not lighting ; wilh false speech ami falser locks assert with false speech and falser locks assert- to the rear, ana leumg me cause wiey I... 1 .. ,l..f.,.,.l .ti: Ir, lovil I It was amaz ng. It was a new revela tion ! Hut a moment s reflection, and a sharp observation of the numbers on tho caps ot the streaming cot-urns, expuiuc-u ' the phenomenon, as it Appeared to n civ j In-.... 'CI.. !... n.,.,r..i lllll KM lfl.'M'lt IU14II. 1 1IC UlHM lln"1 ' -w,.!.., told of enlistments as lute as January nnd February, nnd conclusively proved the ' greenness and inoxperienco oi trcops who; nan uceu hubiii i"'"8 nothing save ho'v to march and to cunt), and who deteriorated daily under 1110 comma no 01 agener, wuo ... . . , 1 -r 1 ... 1. - had neither youui, iMuriiisiasui, pnuo ur comhaliveiiess. Down tho road they came over the fields on either side of t ho road they struggled fast through tho safer woods they tkulked away, and sought the rear. Most were muddy, showing that they had lain down to avoid the shell and shot very many were without arms nnd accoutrements. The crowd grew thicker. The Trovost Guard formed across the road to stoin its dastardly llow. J'.cfore throe o'clock, Gen. Keyes that Casey's entire division was gone! He sent to Hcintzelaian for instant help. The brave rennsylvanian was already on his way to tho place where ho was wanted. lie came on tho ground ubout a quarter after three, and gathering as rapidly as he could all tho elements of tho situation in the strange woods and unknown twampe. took command, and infused his indomitable spirit into th , failing ficbt. He sent back for Kearney, I and .Jatuicsoii, and Hirnry, and Berry ho who sq timo.y brought salvation upon ins bnyonot points to us nt iV illiimsburg. title they were coming up 1 went nsead onco more to seo tho 5,'ith go into the fight. Their movement in response la tho or der "Forward !" was not impulsive from front to rear. It hitched, in sections, liko the drawing out of the joints of a field !.. Omn t I" il. ;pp;n;ed.uoM;;v;a ly without llli-ir muskets, were under tho fire of 'he scorn and jeering of the New York t2d- firo moro galling nnd insurportablo, as it seemed to me, ! than anv that ever (pouted from muskets. ! "Mounsheer, the muss is tho other way 1" "Hollo, lobsters 1 we are Union men; we ain't rebols. What are you running at us for?" "The fi'Jd is pond shelter ; full in hehind !" Not n wnlhl'ul reply was made, Tho l)urMtinp of the rhul shells over head, tho Hort'ii tiling of their soliil lori(? shot, and tho euttiiij; oil' of tho tree topi, ms'lothi place Bnd tho time totally unsuited for repni tee or Oiseussion. 'I'll o 'i-d opened its laughinjr rnnks, nnd tho pory colored, hut unhloodv, iiHssed throui;li and paused wnv ;kn. 1IIKNKV WAS AUI(i:sTl:il. Abut four o'clock C.iui h mid 1'eck came from tho left, und jnsscd throtii;h the line of firo and went at right angles ovor to tho railroad, to repel a movement in a similar direction made by the rebels fttfoy beyond the scene of Uascy's (ll.r., pearance. The conlliet thov sustained in the woods was bloody and unequal. j l'eek's horso was shot through the neck, 1 shot again in the Hank, and soon had j both his hind iej; cut oil by a cannon ball. 1 Reinforcements wore eullud for, 11 rid Meintzelman intercepted a regiment mo vimr to the front, und ordei ed it over to) the railroad, lie subsequently ordered liirnev's brigade to march right up tl nu.. unii saTe Iholi-lit. I he hrigad . . . ,.,, u,.,i eet into action, unu liirncv is under c - . arrest. m' in ims sti'K rt.n. McClellnn, before this, at his headquar ters, twolvo miles oil, roused by the can nonade and by tho telegraph, got out ol his sick bed and pula portion ol'Sainner's Corps into motion up the rai'rond Kearney, too, had come up the Williams b;:rg road, and .bunievm bad gone eager ly forward into the hell ol' shell and sliot and smoke, as did berry at the head ol his Michigan men. A ball tors oil' hb hat, and his manly fight was fought bare headed. The line of ball le at this tine was nearly a mile wide, and almost whol ly in the woods. 'I'll 0 enemy, in over whelming s. had forced us back at least a mile, and were piling up troops on our right toward the railroad. The tirini; at this point, at about 0 o'clock, iv.n a marvel to me. it is claimed that that at Willi n n h 1 1 rg was heavier twice or tin ice during the dav, but that is not n;v judgement. 1 can compare this to nothing but the ro,r of Niagara. It lrid no spaces no cracks.- -It was solid, continuous, d"a!'eiiiii2. Over it the incessant bursting cf shells an i screaming of solid conical shot ribbed the racket with great scams of noise, which compelled men touching csch v'her in opposite saddles to shout when ilo-y talk ed. Th str.iLvling set in briskly IVoie before this fire. Supei human ell'ot ts.he id cd by Jleiet.el.nan, ami aided by his .Stir- con, iuilliau, and 1 oiouci Adams, and rap-..,.,., ,)n,in,..i r., ,;.. j,. ,.!, -:i n()(, T.xVm lhc, ,ll0und their rnlors, but ouK, hol,i ., tu fU)nn o)- jjj,,., bullets and case-shot, The mm(1 I.I:i.j ir ,h,. ,it.;(1) Cil,.nj11:, aw;u. Mme B ho nu,,U)t t0 M.1V the Awrt i.M'.-s or tiik i inh.p t. 'I'o my (lying day 1 shall have in my ears tho wailing sluiek of a private of the First Long Island, bhot dead beside my horse with a percussion musket hall, whoso ex plosion within tho wound I distinctly heard, und which must have overw helmed him mortally more than itdid physic.iily. Not running, nor terrified on'y unwib linir to N'.ay this crowd straggled partly in 1 lie road, mostly i;i tho wood-, back, buck, to the line of the ritlo pits Couch had mado a week ago. 1 in the way Hook- pj's Ilriu'ide was met, and met, w ith the hurrahs of applause due to bravo men. JJ.ukness left Sedgwick on the railroad, master ot the ground occupied 111 the at ttrnoon, by the rebel forces, and from which he had gallantly di iven them. Our extreme right is now beyond the advance of vesterdav. We uro proin'ily be- Idmi the morning posit ion ot our centre three-quarters of a mile, and a full mile pemnd our morning s position on uie ion. ''he loss of property and material isawtul, 1 I... .;..!. ll,. of ,-lnui .H 1 O CIU t fil. H.s c. .! .. s ... . v .. .0 v. at least four camps. The lo.-s in killed, wounded nnd missing is mors aw !ul. Amnng t1(, dcnil is Casey's Commander nr Ail Co. ll-.u ev. anil Io . lowed. of tho Soth Michigan. I I'ennsy Ivania he 01 urn . . ,mve R0N the wound ed inoludn (Jen. W essoin, Dpvohs, Oils. Campbell, Chaniplin, I'.riggs, Morris and a larsn number ef Captains and minor nlli cers. Up to nine o'clock in the evening, one hundred wounded, operated on, had been sentoflfhy rail to West Point or the nearest landing. 'Tis hut a tithe of 'ho whole. The Burgeons Are yet at work. Heintzelman's horso was shot, as was Peck's nnd Jamieson's; Keys was wound ed, anil numerous stall-olliccrs wero dis mounted. It is now tivo o clock in t lie morning, 1 nnd McClellnn is here, nnd the best troops in the army are within his short reach, and I the sun will set to morrow upon a groat I Union victory, or upon (ho bloodiest do- feat that rebellion ever gave to ( onstitu tionnl Government and its armed defend-' ers. the second in v-oooi Wilkinson writes again NL'.VS. on Sunday mornirg. While -sailing to make up from (10 .sin jeon s memorsndii n list ol the killed and wounded in the battlo of the Seven Pines. I lister, to tho furious mils-1 ketry which this morning renews the light j Pay in bake Huron), to loronlo. (om upon tho ground where the combatants ! petent. .judges pronounce it worth from separated last night. It is about a mile off $50 to $7.r) per acre. J bus the young nnd only, nnd th white smoke rising through mentoi ions clergyman has suddenly been it ....t, .wl murU ..neotiiieU- placed in possession of an estate nt I lie lllll rV I'lMCi HUM ' rn oi'ii .n m i j .1 l.i..l. .I..r o,wl r..l.llion 1 .- . .. . i... .i . : leys, liko that which I described yestcr thoro havo been but two. And well thoro may hnve been for the men w ho lone face such firo are made of cast-steel, j Thev nneeosarilv mma b"heroe3 ol a bun- Uroil fights." ' We pick up news to-day in fracraenti. ' Thoro were ihrte Htv.voxs of JoUuson'a ( lie i'" r prneipitated upon our ad vmroleft yesterday, l.onp.itreiit eom- maided, divisions aroof average strciphth ol'ours, the enemy's fnreo w as forty ihousaad. This nunilnr ol tho di-- vii ins is stated to us l.y tho priHoneri w hom wo took yesterday evei y one of then of the truest I'.iai kwelpj Island typ.i of I'aio, and L'ait, and dress, Ol tho regiments, ,iotm Cochrane a is tor tl e present annihilated. He himself is safe, hut his l.ietit. ( .Jul. Shale.;-, an admirable officer, is said to be killed. After sustain ing a heii.vy lire, they were charged upon in overwhelming number, and scattered, with what loss is not known. .-'! Van Wyck was struck by a sin 11 Which dl'l mil cnf-Iodu. Tlir blr.iT f,-ll on hisHibel, which was bent, with thogwoid within, to a complete right mude. Tho Col. uas knocked down and disabled, bill not pennanet iy injured, tlen. Devon is shot throiiLdi the lleshy pan ol'tli.; cjlf of the leg. The wound, while disabling, is not s( i ions. F.iiiiit o'clock. Oood news! Wehardt ron has taken lho scoundrels in Hank., while ileintzolnian and Hooker uro said ing the negroes of the District of Columbia, to havi? dadiod at them in front. The ' is $300. Suppose the price paid down was statement goes electrically Irotn group of only iwo hundred, 'this would draw from wounded to motip ol wounded, ail thro' the people the sum of one thou-md mil tho gMMimls of this country-seat, that tin; lion dollars at a single draft. The real rebels run like sheep. The fire recedes, I value of negroes to the master would be, ami its diminishing volume and distinct- j according to prices before the war, about ness di-nole a Ibght on their part and a ?ld0 apiece. At that time a man was worth, pursuit 011 ours, The Family of Benedict Arnold. J-V'ttn thn N-w ork eiKserviT. I.ill!e lias l.oen known of the descn- 'hints of benedict A mold, although he left three childien. No public record of t heir conduct or position exist, and yet 1 wo of them w ere ollieers of merit in the I'.ntish arniv. I'.v a foitunite circinu-I -lance, the writer is able, in a degree, to supply this (blicienry, and to redeem Ar nold's descendants ti'-iin tho infamy lo which his name ami charu.ter were con signed. In n recent visit to I'.ngland, he v. as gnitilie.lby an accidental meeting with a giandson ot Aruohl. his only liv- in ' male heir. Tho lo-v. Ivl.vard tl.old 1 is the lector of an established church in 1 I 1 1 el t.ordshire, some twenty miles west of , Loudon. He is al out .'" years of age, of ,' medium size and daik complexion, with ' '. an exprcs.-ive and obedient face. Your.g ! A. is a man of great decis-ion, and in his 1 ! prolev-ion exhibits much ability and en. I I ergy of character. 1 le voluntarily made I known Ins relationship, and while he un hesitatingly condemned the conduct of his grandfather, be thought some acts of ingra'itule, if not unjustice, on the part of the (iovei n men t, should bo allowod as cxleniii. ting circumstances, lie freely conceded the great crime of treason, but he claimed thei e a s roiij on both sides. An invitation to ' i-t his very beautiful rectory, where h, .pilality was most cordi ally extended, 01,, .-bled me tc gather some inlt testing fuel vhicii must be peculiar- ly interesiing to Americans. Two of Ar- hold's sons died in the army, and ono of 11, .1 1. -i-vir.,.1: uinei 01 "iijiii'v. I'lcua j A., IcU bravely lighting at the head ot hisi company, neiore son reached high Sahastopol. The olde-t rank iu tho lvist India service, w here he was an otlioer during nearly half acinturv, bcloro his death, soni'i three yea's s.heo, he received many marks of distinction from the llriti.-h Government. Numerous tokens of high professional i ogard aro preserved by his nephew. Among them there are many medals and a hundred guinea sivord, splendid testimonial for wisdom in coun cil, courago in tl e field, long service, and eminent devotion to his country. A pair of pistols tiscl by Arnold in a duel in London, are also in the possession of his grandson. He felt insulted by tho remaik ol a g.Mitleni in, ( hoi d Sui rav.i and the traitor i h dlcimed him. Arnold fired with, (intellect, but his antagonist within Id his shot, turning his back on Arnold with the contemptuous rem n k, "I leave you to the Hangman." '1 he British Government gave lienedh-t Arnold largo tracts of land in Canada, as the petunia 'y reward for his lieason. Some of it was near I'.roek poit, on the St. La-vrence river. Hut a large portion of it (.".odd acres) Is near To lonto, l.otween that city and Like Sim coe. Thisi properly was owned for a long series of years by A 1 hold's eldest son ; but being in the army in the Fast Indies, he knew little about it, except by an occas ional brief letter from the Canadian agent furnished. Upon his death some years since, it reverted to the Lev. I'dard Ar nold, tho only living male hier, mid he began a scrie:; of inquiries about the prop erly. No reli.ib'.o or satisfactory intelli geticn could be obtained, and he feared that tho land was entirely valueless, lie was asoiied by the agents that much of the soil was poor and swampy, scaiccly cxceevling C- per acre in value. Put Mr. A. was told by less interested parties thai it was in the vicinity of Toronto, the pro perty was vastly more valuable, and he was -advised to wait further developments. Subsequent investigations at thu request of Mr. Arnold, have discovered the land to be among the most valuable in Canada The ",000 acicr now owned by him, but formerly the properly of Benedict Arnold, been found located together in the finest iiL'tieullurnl rrition, and in the im- mediate vicinity ol the. railway) ueorgian I . i.earlv i-OO, 000. which a month before. iv... iI.a i ..nreseti I nt ions of in I i ess n - v,;;; hve f m, 000 The I.ev. hdward Arnold married .' Ihe'd.vmhler of an English earl, and ulti- mutely will inherit a large fortune. rt,,t his Cnnndinn property, now in tho hands of morocoiiipctent and faithful agon's, " ill at onco yield him a largo fortune, the practical rewards of the grandfathers treachery. Tho Cost of Negro Emancipation The Kentucky Unionists' View of it. The Louisville. l,'miTnt has taken the trouble to indite a mathematical response to Mr. I. incnln's scheme of negro omanei . p.ition, by compensation on tho part of tho Federal 1 lovernmeiit, Tho plain prac tical people of tho country will attach some importance to the Ih'morrni's figures, although, ofcourso. they will bo consid T ed nothing by the ideal philanthropists, who are seeking this great, change in (un social and industrial system , and who are resolved to trample upon all the obstacles that oppose their design. Tho lrmrrut figures, or, to iko the Vmkee phrase, "calculates" the matter thus : lFuvar c.. O.'ii", V.iOrViir. "A ( aleiilation of the expense of un emancipation .scheme would certainly as tonish the minds of tho people and show its utter impracticability. Thcio me in this country, upon a rotodi estimate, .", . 1100,000 ol laves. The Value of each of these according to the prie put upon theui in the late art rnirchasini! and fr 0.1 an average, J-OO, a woman boo. and it it but fair to presume that the value of younger negroes, less than this, would be made up by the excess of the price of the men and women. This additional $-00, taken from the owner, is as clearl;-' $200 b) bo lost, us tho price, $'2o0, paid down. Tho cost, t'oen, of emai.ctpat'on, provided colonization was not attempted, and pro- 1 1 .1 1.1 -1 .... 1 1 iiieo uiai liccao la ioi as us v;. uiaoio uftcr emancipation, would le the round sum of 000,000,0(111. Let us-be within , bounds put it ut only $, 1 .'J'lO.OOIM.nlH. I 'The negro labor after emancipation is 1 clearly nothing. We want no stronger proof of this than the stringent hws of the ! Northern States excludo!" them from l,,,i,- hnvdors If the noiTro hihn ivns fit all prolitahlc in those States, it is but fair to presume that tl;py would be admitted, if not invited, to thorn, as the white labor is. "'I hen wo are to c-timate emancipation as removing four millions of laborers from a population in tho Southern States oi' thirteen millions, or nearly one third of the whole population, and at least four- fifths of the w hole laboring force. Is it in the bounds of human calculation tn esti- j mate what such a men ore would ho? We believe it incalculable; we believe it infi nite; tho meastiio would he utterly ruin ous. l!ut, in order to some possible estimate, we can place it at another $!, L'liO.ooO.iiiio. This places our debt nt $2,--UlniPOiOD. Now, suppose we place thn um required to colonize these negroes at ! pul p0r I ieai . I 11s eaves an fiJ 1 Monal I sUln 0r n,i 1100 imh). And tho sum total , becomes $i,.w00, 000,000. These creatures, when they are removed, must be suppor- .,,! rOP 1 l,V first two or Ihieo vears. .lust for food, clothing and the mere shelter of a tent, the government pajs $151 per an- num. This docs not include pay, bounty or transportation. All of theso necessary articles of clothing and food would have for two years to bo forwarded to tho colo - ny. Suppose, to coma under tho mark, wo were 10 placo this at only $100 per head lor two years. This would be $sd0, nno more. Tho cost of protection would probably be J'JO.O lll.OoO. To recapitulate : For tho 1 of froi'J en. $000,(100,(1(10 I'o iiiblitiniia Ins.- t" die,r uiitii i"unllv (;oii(l liilmr was ."ii'l'li!'l, To Ii,.-- of tie1 l:il'ortrs, fiDo.noo.nno i.2(ii),miii,niin -inn, ililO.nt) I MUI.OO0.000 211,000,000 Kx'Ptisoii uf n'inovii!, s ii j .port jT'deeti for two Viiira, Toll Jftii, is three thousand ii t y millions to be Kehcinr (.f eniam $."..fl2S, 000,000 six bundle I I aid for M r. Ins oln' aim Lim ,,al ion. W, have not included the cost of the territory to which they were sent. That would bo ten millions more, but when wo run into thousands of millions, we arc ipiite willing to throw in to Mr. Lincoln such a tiillo as th:d. "Suppose this to be in pcipK'tual slock, as in Liiiiland 'J he interest to be initio - i ally, at four per cent , would be$lH,0d. I (Mill. To collect thi-i would take no ad-lb tionnl ten per cent., incnasing the cost f t I Mr. Lincoln's scheme to the neat turn of I $.1 V.V-'SO.l'OO, paid directly out of pocket .by the people of the United States mi l j from which they receive no benefit, but n I positive injure, iflhewai debt is placed at six hundred millions, and made perpet ual, we have four per cent, more intenst on ii, amounting to $12 1,oi.i:i,o00- Tho an mini expenses of the government wo can safely estimate at a hundred and fifty mil lions more, Thus we would begin the world al the commencement of immediate emancipation at about ?,';2"),0iiil,(i0d per annum. This supposes a national debt never to bo paid, which is essentially con trary to A moriean policy. It also suppo ses perpetual peace nnd properity bless iegs not likely to follow. The annual tax upon a cour.try greatly exhausted, one year with another, would be about $,"0n, 000,000 per annum. Oh ! but we bear that in the midst of war, says one - but we sup pose no man is fool enough to suppose we could keep up a perpetual war fit that ex pense. e bear it now bocauso wo know it will be short, nnd hope that we can, instead of making the debt peri otunl, , g1 oa 1 1 y pay u on. ne nam. nuure gradually pny it oil. W o 1 o. rrosprn.y !? Ma Mi o. 1111 r1'"1. lnu ,u,,lu "" ! mre pay it than item now pay down the sum ot j,oo.doo coo m coin, ano inai would be required of it every year." tuOna of the teamsters of an Ohio re giment wnn discovered to bo a woman. Hei name was Ann Hcaddy. The Fifty Yhs, A friend sends v tl.'- 1 a req nest to publish it It the IFarrisb'irgh 7' '. ' ol ; last. We emit t he in tro ir oftho Tlfjr.ijil., fi. iji-j ul.' in concbcdTii, and -n 1I1 i, t ' SO 1. remind our neii diboi- of t he . r says that Democrats have n t "a vr.ii.i: for the p. i t roblieri whom, .. in;! out (heir bf ',-. 1 bod" for th.-ir , 1. -try that, this .. of Ihecc rnino finai. comes from the le.idjig Abolition organ in theSt.Uc. The Fifty First iegimi-i.' is 011:111.1 ,.i, . by Col. ILirt'iitift, and we h. is j.., cipally troni tho neighforhooil o.' "fu-r.-town: One of the coiopimics, no vc is fro:u Centre county, incliiding sio, ! or -d young men from ti c e:, i .1 this county Tho conipanv was raised y !. Of pt. A. snyder, ho le-igncd, Capt. W. II and i I'.hr.r now commanded by riellefonte, an Lieut. 1'. A. Iolden, of this county : Nhu-iiEitx, N. C, .May 0, L;)2. Since niy last, wo have had another ha'.. th(Catndon, jwhich for the time it la-iei., fully equal in severity toeith'-r of ti;e others. At any rate our regiment was (...'. to the most trying te-t to which Ir p ran he subjected. The Ninth Ncv V,ilc, (Hawkins' Zouaves,) undertook to mak , charge, but, being repulsed, hi ke inn; "ahed-'.'l'ol" right back upon our lines, .oid in fact ran clear through us bi fo.e 'i.ev got over their Iritbi, Hut 1 real. dju I believe it caused a single "'(7t,y;iw IhiU-ht'iiv," (a- they call in,) to move out ofhislracks. A part ) tins regimen' ex ecuted a like brilliani. mun'otivre ai ibi a I i:okc, out the jnctonals omit'.e l tins pict ure Iron) their mammoth wood cuts, mid I presume will do the same lin.ig again. Fcniisv aniit is far behind in thu "pcc" rtU."' It is customary, when a regiment is a bout to engage in a charge, lor tho men to divest themselves of their overe ).ns ,md knapsacks, leaving th.-ni iu tin v sciaiie 1 lace which may oiler at the lime. 'This precaution had been taken by the men of the J-'ij'ifJ-'irs'., rtid alter the Hawkins' Zouaves had broken through tho lincof the ";'',' Fini, in their desperate cowardly cllorl to get beyond dat'ger, lha- iiic IhwW'tti' wtvx aei" tl';i nil -l t,-ur h-i;-s-irfo m-l '' ' i:nvoev ' the Vf y First J'cnnxilr.iniii rr rV'.rn' !( Lrlinl f.r 1 .Vi",'.y whii fjuj trtr nrti.tniu jntltin.! n f,c u. ,;,,,' ,,.' ,,' v.., '1 , ,,',., I puutr stricken und .ovcon. Wo si.gget ! that Iltiricr's UV(7.i, delineates this theiit bv an illustration in some ol its future is- sues. ''.A iraj'ft. !'!NcorRA(.r..MENT. The recent election, ot STii.ts, regular Democrat, to Congress, in Hucks and Lehigh, over Leah, the so-call ed "I'nion" candidal?, by a riajoriiy se eral hundred larger than that uo'h Y,v' the same district in 100, is a clie -rm ' dication that. Alt-liti-m I'nwt.i.-t,. is the w ane, and can no longer deceive ' ocrats or other true friends ol the C ', tution and tho Union, Allpossiblo ctl'orls were made b Pluck Republican leaders in the i, j and by Foh.nev outsiders, to defeat , He was denounced as the c indid i' "i'HKoii!v;:iliohiis, as a "trad..." "Scce-sionist," as a 'Sympathi vi the rebels,' JLo., Ac. ; hu it w.t i ll ,.i . Falsehood and misrepresentation ovi" biing the answer which the r -. FoitM.v and the Abolition co wrk.-r sired. The Democracy of tin d: trirt. i" veil true to llicir organization and p:':or. pies as they have always Leu:: true to Ji t 'oiistilulion and Union. Tho course of tho Demccricv in P.ikh and Loliigii should have its inllucncc oi tho Democracy of tho whole State, anc I c uise them to unite an th" bi o.e . and patriotic ba-'s of "th.- ,,., .:'it:i .-, ,. i is, ? !'-. iv.lntut'-M " thf I'ni'.'i n: ',' ir I in tho approaching State cauqciign. A' 1 past differences in the Presidential eo.i.- s I of 'iln, wen: buried and f'oi ''ottcn ; !o.. lasism and Brcekinrid.jei'tt.i .voi,cl-.uii,v. ignored; and although ' Col. I'.;:;.!:.,..: well known as an open and eirncsf Ar.' Lei-omplon Doui.i. vss Dcmrcmt, vet t'.- whole party of the district zoaiou lv z i lied to his support. j Tho result of this election afford ; ,r..U'.:-: ) of cncouragohicut nil .1 hope lor t'lecviu t ry for tfu uhn'r cC'.ntiy and sli'i'iM " i sj'ire the true fiiends of the ConitO'C.i . i as it is an I the Union as it was, to -. !. i and to rally around tho old Duoo- , party as tho only lnm-m in-.l: inieiiUl't I'V ivhi'.-ll sectionalism can I - . I ! .! i i.ei i overcome, und the North, South, K.i't. an West can be again brought into that eon dition of union,, and pro.qietit; which once blcssscd tho whc.Io land, an., whici ail go 1 citizens cmnot but dfjir" see once more rc-totod. West Clu.ttr. Jrj'rrioni'in. l itr. PeptiblicaiH ny that the Democra tic party is responsible for tho treason o' 1.'rk('k.imiiiof becntipft bo once belongo to our orgmization. Well, lettn see ho-' the rame line of argument will work o' the other side, .b iiv Tvi.rit, Amt 1J Siti'ill.Ns, Hknri- A. Wise, .Iiiiaii P. Hr jamin, nnd scores of other rebel leader' were all nt one lime Whis. Am the I,' publicans who onco belonged to the Wh: parly to be held responsibility for the con duct of theso trnitori ? Joiim Jki.i. w;. supported in lStid for President, by tl. Native Anveiieans Fti.ll K 7.o i.n on r 1 1 cm rii r ft Marmi ai.i,, and Sam IIci'n: were all leading men of tho same parly. Are thoso men, then, in tho lb-pub'., ranks, who were onco Native Atnericii. Io he called traitor-, because prov.inni. members of their party are? Let sonio thoso who havo so much to sny aboi. "Hietkotiridgo Democrats" answHr.