Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 11, 1862, Image 2

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    tflruSfii ilij.Hu.n.
I ' t I I i 1 1 I I '
V. I ( I I
t mi annum n it lit ;n
'.I' ,i. ' ' . f tt. f'-ti.tll ( I ' .1
C. J , ( '..i - . ' '. -1 ', .rr.
w f at e it, t im 'I "I t hr I i I t hut die "lie
; ';! i ,i i " ri t j is in iimi ! ' I'.ilioii.'ii I,
Ulll(tllll III, Mil (.'," It llM II.' M 'I 1110
utter and i v rrlnstittg nbliv ion -lemcin-
hi'ir.l on!v mi the, id n et of llii! il cp hli'l
lauiiung i'xii t ,ilioiii ri' a nation,
the liberty, nn l hnppii ess, und prosper.-
ty of olitKii people it had iU'Mryml : ml
:t Ute "i-lsuirtilPu" for tlm county now
mils Ii, (II it, lilKIIta to
nivfl ill county convention iif.Uiici'k
hoi as i,IChiiI'Ikiu ," nor tit " Wide A-
wakes," nor as "Aholiti'inisli" hut as
"f.'it ;'7'iV- rf ( '..i7i'. c.".ci'v i.-7" i n m'i
lill'l ll'v 11 rufHiniml thf Stl'v 'w . 1 . n . ' 1-
len ii (Kt '... cr ((.,'.' .r,.'.'" A '
must oiniirchciiiivc , all, truly ! mul with
6 .'itf.V qualification, wouhl ciiibiai e verf I
I'miucL.t uiitl I'.iill Hveiill. luatl in ll.cj
COiirtv. lint thn jlii lii'n of anv imalitii'a' I '
lion w hatever, unit ns it urn lin so rank of
cliu ''tin:i urul trc.ii hrry, wo are tpute
sili'O I lint none wi!! feci t In ini-clven really
"iiiilt'd" who arc not truo ami failhlul fol
lowers ot llie philosopher, Horace (irecly.
WoirM 11 not be well for thisoiliill'Ulus
of the late Kepuhlican patty, to tell
vhrn, i Ull J iy u htt wjlhnri'y, they have
forakcii their iimnu? Tho llariishuij.' I
Tdfji'it,'. but a few days since, declared
(hut "li.e Kepiil.licaii jnrty hai nvod the.
Union." If so, biire it deserve 11 betlei
fate tli.'in to bo thus ignobly iihundoned :
and lot (ho life, of tin wo cannot tec why
the rami' of a party that had accomplish -sd
6ti : I: wynderf, should be chaujiutl.
Put p'-thaps the worthy 'ch iirinan'' in
this county ii of a different way of iLink.
inp from tho eiitor of tho 'RUrayh ; per
haps he is not just no certain t lint the ln
ion is ipuite "saved," mid U appiehtniive
that, unices they cm fee a prospect of dci
ceivinj; ft foiv democrats into their sup.
pori, mere is 1101 inucu uso 111 going to
the trouble of "nrpaniing" in this county.
Tht Ptiiuo trick has been often ti'cd in
'.'le.'irtcld county heretofore even lat
fall nnd resulted in an almost unprccc-
d.'hted ri.lly of thai m b'e old .'.arty that ,
was ALWAYS true to the Tniou and the
.oiihtituti"!!, and iii whose hands both aie j
perfectly safe from foes in every shape, j
Anlsowill iv be again. Nobody will be I
deceived by this thallow attempt to i.nUe
the people beJicve that they are ni t the
.. . ,
mcnticartfellowv who, Uo years .go, cn.d
so lot. fu.' "fre; sp'e. h,-' "fre. pre?,"
ana UiiU." a, ibe faithful followers
ofiieely, rhillipsit'Co.. theendof .ihose
anui. to ses-ure to us the great blessing ol!
..i- . I
North Caih.i i.vt. --Wo invi.u t.t-;
tel. tiou to the U tter from the New ork
IhraU datt'd nt Newburn. N C i
,n...t..,.ic ,.r.:. i..
lov. was recently apjiointe.i Miiitarv
Governor ofjhut 'uto bv .'lesj.U-nt I.i
coin, nnl rcoeiv-'l his instructions from
.'Ir. Stantoi,wiiich wete tmite libeia), and ;
1 i. : :. t. r..n .. ...t .-. .
ii..oru unncsi UIUI null Kill JUIUIOIHV.
... - '
I' A 1-..1 t r. n .. 1. . n ... 1 I .... .-1
"-"' l","re","T""tu,amHv:olent assault -.vis ,,.:.J,
I -.1 I ;. -. :.i
" -..v... v..., n,vu i
powers tfct U," n4 it as mnd that I
a perfect understanding existed S.etw,
the Aslimnistration nnd the new ijoveru -
or, j
u hat he done, the letter to tho l-raU
explains audit must le acknon ledi-ed '
,i,. , - . , . .
tha .n doing m. he vs but vindicating;
iiK'WMiuifj oituaiMMC, ami without in-;
iringmg upon any law ol the I nited Mates mem. ilany ol the nl,-lluyit ,.f ' ' .-. .i...... ....u u u i.eei;gei ) . poople change it in a constitutional man- trstorof the estute of John frier Kider, late ol
unsessweexoept the recent aetof Congress 'hem have bei in th l.aitit of visiting '""'"J him in New bei n after the departs er,and to restore the Union as it existed, ! vinghm township, ClmrEetd enntv, dee'd.
foihild'itourn.nita.v ntiibn.;.; iblii. 'harnikf, ai.d have .urried ot the next steamer he would send . ,,t W1!v belore the rebellion, but before I3' The tiusrdis.. account of ile. Wils-.n. liunr
loioiaaiogour nultaiv dcl.v- ,illfoi,lmll((:i l0 lii0tM a IikI, has b.en' ,J",'1 a"d, fte'1 1",n " ,ou1' lL far.atics of the North treated the Con- ,,8U 0,,be miuor t,,i,J uf Ubtrt
enng up fugitive slaves. (ofgreat injjrv va u. .v. .f tbeiu !!t,Ji,ir ''"J that jiliernoon. us.iid Col- ,titutiou as a league with hell and tho 1 1"'8 of L,,wre"c0 ,uw"'il"I, cloarllt'n col,n,-T'
His now reported tlttt the resident luiv Imi tor a Iwg wosi vj..vlul- also ; .-l.o iur will tavc two rninn 8 wvenunt with death. Apply!, TheVceouu of CliriMonber Kratter Ad-ni-i,-has
revoked :ov. Slawley'. proceeding. h rebel fenerajs as .pics. aL-d "'rJ I,s f"r Greele,- to lu), icate. thil, t(!,t 1,Jvorv eitiZen-I)emoc,at, 1! e.l irator of tha e,.e of Ambony Krauer. hi. uf
If to, or course f;tuil..v will be comnrlW 1 ,"'',U ,lils (urco 'hey have derived luuch . " ;'Je Jul Ln iiaa eo.'rtvj up the nubliciia aa-i Abolitionist. They who l'ike township, Cl-rnld county, deceased.
to.lriu-,,,,1 ,. 3 .. ? 'r valuable hif.vmation. v Ji it 'o"l' ol the Joi !ra!,d and'a,,,! the test may be relied on to jre- ' The account tif ( V.'. .Mct'ully, Aduiinistraior of
louirow ,; been s ippoed w.v. c-eniwuhitnnJ iv -'-h.yaJ i.eopld- ot NewUia. Once sorVe the Coas.'.it.jiiojj tho Coier,...ient I 'iElr the goods and ch.ttels. rights
good w,.rkso earn.tly-t hough at the traitor t Washing. wvj ,Jse lere.-l b'e they see daylight, and the pjvxpeet ,,,,,1 the rni(J as our fathers made them 1 d "edits, whkh were of Jacob of
eleventh ho..r-1-.gun U, old North There tie only a very small portion W lU U tate co.u.. lack lheJ K2ji , Ml ilc conJcmn cirfiHd de.ed " ' ' f
Sttt. is ivJdely nipped in th. 3'vut however ho are to U le- 'Zt 2nu Uty.- , 6. The AdminiMion aeoounl of IVWi I.'.W-
will it -top With .IlK. K-lK-irwit ' i T a J-'"n,"iJ th"r- 'Ar iUl,t, fit ""kooAl'" luUV, U.rM. .,ce, Aduiini.trntor of Hubert butler, lu'e of
ivA . . T?. , , , ,'"Mt-- side, the rebels are ale t. f' J.iut of I he administration at the a.i-1 Lawrence township, Clearlleld countv, dee'd.
Ii(l he l.otact jr. faithlul obedience to pick tle it, so far s int-eL'igeu.-. and rw'1A'''-'-t oi Ocvernor Stanly, and ucj Si.ivear rut Cifsit or THi V.'ar. -It has ! 7. The account of I). J. ViKMrt. Administrator
Staiitonsi '.nalAotiions ; If o, and lua '
acts that followed are revoked bv hi-hrr
nutliuiit., :if..... Vf. .. - r.-i.i...
i..,nwmi -KiWiWM If f I IU fit
hi& act is tilso revukcJ
lUit we have tiinctTe l.m e tiial Mr. .
coin has done no uth UKois-but that he
riil sustain Gov. S. tin noble efforts in
strengthen the friends ol the Cnion in
that Slate, and assure them thai
atrugglo is not for the destruction of State
institutions, but for the "niainten ince or
theConstiliona.His. and the resto.ation
of the Union as it was"
n ,Kai , .
"-' i,u,u..,j,a,
" -"v ""-'
wero given to unusrmai.a iuhi unless 'iitoy
sk. Jaddied" for yunken land they wou'.i
lind the.wWe within the wahs of the
l.en.toi,t..ry. U LJs i, ,f the act of
tho pieseiit aiiiuinistra'.ion which all loyal
iuo .-luuiiiiiMiawon meei in v mm nars iron, me wair atw t i o"' w-i---n in o ciiimnrys. au.l menu ,. - ni.un, it.ic. hi hiiii i
countv convention next week, wo bon '""tionless in the .oat, resj..n(jJ 'to .i,.ir I id api-eared to br,ve divided into the di!S . '""V . 2.1 V. T Vry T"ri,,on' I on
i .in u . , 1. ,at,- 'n tnis condition iIk-v way erent forks, ind to ra.-s in difterent direc- :Vi.' n A DU' " -." or exchanged for
' 1 oir ine lulls. I h niimpi.r.riU ,.r.. , t on. l ht l(rk whioK WilUH (U Urlia. . tV .
ofGov. SUnley operalionB iii North Cai- tut,atem?n were not obtiiineij. ; passed in at the wmdoiv nar the bed.- ns V "b, . ' i -s "'
ouca; now the achemos ol the philoso ;w. ,.r . , there was a feather inatre?s upon astraw Itutier tt
phersoftho Tribune are being interfered 'U'rburtS( fa. Win' 'U' on. '" the fluid p-ssed under th8 feath. ! Y
with : how the schools they had opened to during the iLt ferd-." the, 1p, t an,, t 'b .1 A cZ
make philosopher. out-Ctf L youlg .,o. j-nfthe Y.rgini.t tK SfflSS I?'
- iiui aan ji-...n-..i... 't. . - - - ii..iirauanas mo. i
"" w ' J .h?i , .1.:. x- . '
-n:on luen t.n cordially approvc-and 1k k ana xnw in-, other lull lazy and ! in the house, and some rnemba- of'Mr Ry.rFu. -J-.Ut
rtrj, r. we tear our fn.nds-thc 1,UI'"1' meof heru have passed through I Tillsbiiry '.family opc"i ingthe door oft he Fh'D'" F M.
t. ... but nianv aresli i oiaartrr.-d .motii-ti,-- :.j l qoot oi in e T . I .
late i.vput'l
!-'f vg'tc rtthe.r vl.dor-- ncM
.. . , i r j . i-nii ii.ut'H-.
nfi, I'l ii'. M 'i r I Ml:. Ml
at .' t.t. i I ,i ill i i Hem th i il t i M fci-y Mil
In i, i I 1. 1 '. "X ill u'e w lint I 'ii r i ii
in .! i ii i t iriiriiit m vii !' nvit
mo.v n. iw i n-M - hi only 1 11, i'."' mi n -
nini '. infill '".union Miiil il at T 1 "
lllote llnUlS., IlK'll t h Igl "VUti Ml I'OH1
tin y w 1 1 1 ii I i u iii , t i I i f month,
I hi-1 I ;i ii'.. 'in' "ul I a H i' m 'i i t'i 'v.l'lti,-
IK1' I I annum. It'll, Hi' 11,
I,e Iciith ul I
, n l..'r vv )
ul.'l 1 1- I .1 i
IS p.'llH'" . I
tllP W hole llllllll" f illPt'flirl
I alines fi nin .eh t . i-i.ti tl.. ii add th
keeping each ma, nl n uv -ir ii to 1
in;! tin; -Jt.--i f o.e i": i cr d-
then ndl I La -' "f :-''.. '""'.
wagons, itfumn nil ion, A c ; add t tic
t'JSJ't lib.' . th'! Navy, sa, i l l ..C'.'t l.' W
of over three huiidnd vessels, m.'l two
thousand pins ; to all of w hu h mul then
to added -mooi ding to tl.. MnteineiH H'
a distinguished Kcpubliciiii hicinbi r of
'( ',, 1 jJI'fH -flt'll) t 1 HVillltT nillllOIII
!unili;.-".l iioui th (!.; ci iiintnt Lv faith !
hs (itfict' hohli'i-.".
felgr i.'ii. Tuomvs Kktsis. who w is ap-
liutcd i 'oiimiI to ll"ii Kong, China. 1J
l'rrsidcr.t I'ii rco --and w ho render d im
' portanl services to our country in 11 com noint of view dunnif the late war
of and frftneo aittiin the Celes-
. , , .. ., , ,., , , .. I
1als--,cturned to the I n.teil Mates a tew ,
nays iifto, aim 'Jie.i oeioie lencning 1113
fornici homo in liccensbiit'i;, l'.i.
BrV- A nuii!' ot ids. we i.utn e that tien.
'at ion, our member of Coi.res, was at ;
the White JIoum - ....the :'.d instant,
noll , 11 c "
asking to relieve the want nnd bull.-r- .
in iM of iu wtitiiul.l from t lie biUtli'S of i
r i
the two M-eiinus duvs before liichin ond . :
WX-Col. .Iaiou Zii.mi r is the iioiniuee
of tho I'cmocracy of county for
' 'onjjrue. The district einbiaces liutloi
mil nifi i.f "....ln.i.v limit .hi, I u ,.t
.in.lp.utot ...tlieii cJUiity, u l ,
course n i : as K.'y pt : b-il if any t.otly j
en uinm miu 11, ui.t, .a me iii.m.
l. r . , : . i . . : . . '
The Mi-sissipp. riv"r is now announced
'.j be open from St. f.oui. to New t:li
Kort U'ligLt was vacuated the other
day it hen our fleet descended to Memphis,
passing Ton Randolph nilhout ti.olesta
lion. Memphis) was att ci;ed at'.. LiO i.
tn., of the t-ixlh lv our fleet, and after an-
en.Mj:emeiit of an hour and a half the city
-ui rendered -bevtn ui the eight lol.el
gunboats beiiif! eii hr funk 01 captuieu.
Nothing said about tho loss on cither
.i.i .ij.(u...-i ... uuui in iiiciiuioi.n up
,,, i ., , . . M
to Sunday U-t, MCe occasional couiiona-
t '1 .. .... ...:...: r. ..... r i.: . i ...
, . I ll ll 1 L iltl A .'i rvill. l,., irt.. n
thug. ! lit bart.m l, lihrl, '.he T'-uT J '
We hieve ivolhinp Ku thcr from Gen. !,,'.. .....i ..iv'r . -..i, Htv r..M;'",
.1.11. operations. S e sppo-e tha rood ov ,, hautin, Ibe other." ' I
a large portion of lure-ard s ai.v art ! I ha', liiul.t honever. a pariv of volun-j
at Kich'i.oi d. ifH.. there is w,.thiir to! U'f 'lii!t' 'Vl" t",c, ,f ,,1C ---"hu i
it , . ,- setts rvginietit. frte love lights men1
prevent ltalle, k mii.-chii.g -t t.crev-.- he ai)l i,u,. t0 lh. ir I I incu les unit iiitlnJ
I I luiMt in the n'.ton Stat. s.
tieuerais li e.nont and Sl.Us ivr.- .r. '
. .r t.,. Lc,., .., i.t r
. , , ...
V "-, '"'Hu.trtl.hMtesiti.wt fire
sudden riv in the .-hcuandoali. .1
aek '
son's army was reported lerv iuth ir
,. '
Hi Uk t.i',1 passed the Senate the ':
j, j
10-aftcr striking out the j ro-
.. ,ft ... 1 . . l - i
iiaii'ii iu .a r.nii-B - ui'Oll nil.f.ll Illol ion
Senator ;own.i bv "o hi Hen V,U "
other AWiUon Senators. I'.ut they came
oj, SOl.nnil hcr as Wfts mQft .UuU
i i .1 . i i ' ,
nstrated by the vote which iimiiedutelv
NCR? A It-tier from an inteiii-
gfnt olhcer of the armv avs :hn-f are two
t0 the lu. 0 " lc;lion. VVe mve
Miaered more than we have lm'ihJ fun..
r' 'Al'i.ity ere oouctstt J. k ..t.u T'l -.i-
Jiiiiv, ., Vw... r.... ri..,
Z ,il ;,""-R i-ALis.-iiK-iio.
SCl.-er J h HiOrr.lf KtAtB rxn
, - U..V...J
rnoininj l.irec iren weie svvei.l over Ni
agaia rain m a row ioat. 1 he men were
.... ..... . i - ----
?en putting ouv fiow the Canada si.i...
"ear Chiiiiiews. with i Ite I'vlil. nt i. mn
',M,;nlln!? "ear the south end of Goat Is-
m.iu. Alter ettin out u i .nrt i i.inncn
tl, ... r ... Ti . . ..
the teeent high wind up tlse 1 ike wa t.l'i
torcing com- than a uual ".uxitity or wu
,cr hrou?1' the river, and although ,w
. .
, cvrrv ,,xprllnu 10 stern the rushing
).Mmr ll'eywere seen, aftr Lattlinc
.or a imieuesporately agmtH the current.
ioo, nave passed throug'.i on the railraod
inevsreoi an aees, colors and sizes
Seom .tl;e re;. -Laired slave, who has tiass,
- , o nis master to
Akf i.rTiiit in Lrn-a 1rrvrs , .
u the light olive brown-nd r Tf varU
ous drr1 oi ii.ttiIigtir.oo, many of thfiii
n,g . rowded almost to ...,-ai. .
uiuners oi Llipm.
- - - m - w, wwi'i'li
I ii -i'i 1,1 I it i... in I nil i ki i.Mintf I K
.,. iM'i,., f'.ritivilj t liinlh rnio.
i,v miiiimj iMimii tt tint 8i!o
il. . I.i. 1 1 hoi, . ii. i I Ln I in , mi i iion in
,.t l.oi..-t m H.r li l o!. ! I.u. r to the
New VniK H- im H i u, M.iti I r
imII mil in mi. Bit d lv hiu, oiui.i !f,
. ... ... ...
il. Il ft t' p !! i i ! 1 n It i ii tiln etl nionwn
(." we wouhl rticl no wm
A' v, 'n.1 t nii,'l .1,,, 1 (7 fr'iu'. f'l' .Vfi.1
'',. hf, it, i,i. .IN ,', i-,'..;, im r'.r.'t,
.i ..i .'j, i. . ...-ii i: If. . v.i7. ..i ii ('
t. ! ',.;:o .S. ,-',r, V. :v
'. .'..'ffi V.Jfi.'.'i A.,.-rK,ft.
,'. .ci. '..; fr '.,',,(,( ,V, ! M .Vnc
I ,r. i ,. fc . r' f,( ,lt',i, HVif. A.-if
I I li.l.f ! ".l-K ,ff J.MitC.'il. Ht'l It'!
... .
ni ii.u pui' H :s on splemluliy. 1
1 i ' . 1 ...1 1.. ..,..r..
T" "'B..,.t..-...i,
oiiiiciiiiy in niHKir.g meir living uinm ,
woieili'ir friuiily than under lielieral
Since the nniial of this discreet, con-
MTvuuvv hi hi mm m nn i't mn. one rv
Iron, to-dat, tve have had four successive
,1(-t8 of hohi policy, Ahicli, if hr l "o
ing inure, will more than repay tho gov
i.'inuieiit for M'tidiui: him here.
' l'hc'so ai.'U mav bo rnuuiera led thus : -
! Futt t'l -ibiiiK tho schools w hie'' were the
cause of the morl intNie annoyance to
ibe hiif.-i number of fuithfuliy loyal men
of N ew I'. 111. Never before the arrival of
ih a I ciav abolitionist, tlubbud with the
MiHo of loctor" ' olyer, was there such a
lluiiif heanl ol as a neero Icarninc to read. 1
?11,U(,.lcf ofa 0 . lu,1(i,
ninciipioa hi o boy and .. ing,
i.i, 1 am learning to -cad, too, whicti
now heard constantly, ., never I
'is now heard constantly
m 1.1 ,.1 M..,.. ii,, .-.f ,,r ..1.1
iM-nsniveheen heard to declare that if it
'w "ot for the miltt.nv "that Icllow that
1 m!,ii,., .i,;.,'L,
.-, .. ,.,..,,', , ,. . '
:. i .. .... 1. . .1.. ..t ..... n. if .
u until uu uiiiicuifi iuti iiiuun . t'll,
,,11 ibi. was bio.i-i.' m i lose .... VVe.ln.
u.iy by liovcn.oi (juietly hinting to
.... . ...
Colyer that there was a law ot 01 tli Cjr
olina that made such a lead er as he. lu. 1
ble to .ix inoiilh.i in tin; State prison, nnd
iciuii'' nun inai ii uouw ne a ncces'itv
. . , E , . . , -.
jliiv to fi-it.iJ "o!yT if complaint Ihou'li !
icluin.'e lo he maue iiaihM linn
. . . . - . ,
liult vn, "1'" t'. closed his
f iiiii,I itiiitiv IV . I i ll '.t. I m ti f I Kin
LiniM. rubbing of i... - .5.-. to mv nm h .
ing of extra .mrlls and perfumes, that
The not cood rap the Guvem-
' " A 1 uli' rauiiiHl, w 110 .en 'l,'V . "tl'tif 1.1. own rnai.ulacti.ri .1.11. r
I l.u pi.ii' ti pol.i 1 of 1 lii ftdmiiiiMialion. ;SuntUy nihl, fifties that nil tlm carls, )n ,,, cilJ. All of wiicli ho till f .
as show 11 in iho net 1011 of Gov ci nor Stanly 1 furuitu' o cui", oinnihuses and can inges to CASH AT AS 1 OW TlUCI'S
.. . .
make them return the. stolen neirroes they
wtre harborint' in their houses and trv ing,
to run Ninth. Nicholas, a mail 0 -
niil.l nn,! i'...,'iiili. ,:,,., , ,,
tilii-il tiiiioinrnir vj.iIi. r.,i- i...
havmp lost twodatkey women, one a 'very I
l.kelv lookim.,..ii.. ,.f
r.,r u iumi i i. im I'li.w.M. iv.. i.; '..,
tei nidation ideas had cth rcd the nice fat
sum cf l..,lil' '11,.. dot.... ..i ui
, I helped I'.rav. and t'.ld him to take his
i . ... i l. .1 . i i i ...
iicii.c - '.i nuii , miu i nn nun io lane ni.s
' . ,. ,, ,. , . t.
t,'! ,'i 1 l " " rt-;-r -w Uii .uui it. lie
noor man's hoii.-e. broke on.-n bin .l.w.r
or tave this clasj ct abo itionuls was tiii"1"'-1 .
'lightened hwitive wile because .he,":,rK- ,M. l,'tw'1. "X 8r:iln n"sl"fc U,e
! bcloiculir H.vsi.-ted her husband j,,
Hit cai'tlire ol l.l lropelty. 4;olo
l r.
oo' e
! more his si.ive -ni, set fire to bis house ;
lit' I 'l. ' iniipt d.
The ne.l tint lh'
ic 'lOVcinor iei.t vvoi'i
!to ol
iO in iHi't th it if th.'i
t.,..L- ... v',. .. v.... i. .r,;.. :
on t.Uii '.c'-.u. n to New Urn. woul.i
I uat fcAuie allernnon II. 11. Helper, w ho
has bten a hanger on lo the ami)
ev.-r hitire ili heic. and geliing bis
living Q'.lt uf lii- fit ilib ot the t'nited
- ! l'nvp I i ni I't.'i.'ti.ittii i.. t. ....
Kscretk,-rvic... bridiri s. Ac., wrole '
i- I ft ' '
.v... .j.......'1 10 i-fuii uiuiscii n,l ,-0i,5iiIer hllil a patriot- if he icivs
in New oik as so.,.. jKiLU., W'-N,,,'' treat him as you would a rebel. The!
Messenger, ur rallant J'lovost. rviua ..... nf .,..., ;.;., I.., ;.. r.....
htm dJitlOmil ouietUS in the slmn.Tol r.7.
a. .. ..
l A'1 ,ulve u"l''' return to peace. I lie
i ""'". "", fTul ''''ri'-''"'"-1
- ""u,u teiurn
to Uiejr aJlegunce. forake the error or
I. .: ..... ... ..
men ih; i, ann an wouki -..e well.
T.n Y vii I ...i.. W. I.-
it vets slate.! veMer.Uv ll.-l fi.. U .... .
1'iKsi.ury. seed '2'2. and Miss Goolwi
"feT1 kl"efi '')' lining, while
"T ai v neeiinz. on Miuclav tucht.
Tlia. I.Ii;.. .... .
.... '
two your.g ladies had retired to bed
',v before the approach of the
;t - rm. and it is supposed they had not
j . . r . . . .
to sie -p ahen t he fatal accident oc-
h? WT 'yinft-ther fctood rtar ;
"10 '. tar lightning Uruk the I
wearer somewhat marked. The other
fork or division of the fluid passed dow n a Flat-seed p.r Bu.
wooden water ncnductor. w hich was com. Hide per ft.
pletely sbatter-d. The third pasied down ,loP
a chimney flue to the lower story, and 2m,M m
coming out near the fire-place, shot diat;- Kt'a "
onally across the room, breaking a loMt- o.u Hu -ing-rla.
into a hundr.H
ahock was. of coursa., diatinctly felt by all
aJ :uraJ,''.v
;? .
- "
AUTIt I EfiY r IHIIT i M.W I'.l
.:V7,r, ,
1 Hi. j.N i.M HI.IM-M.P
III iNr' 'i MVmu' Atn,
1 htirvlny rvotiinjf, Juno ! (
'f tu m me slortn w hich net in on 1 hiu
tl iv ttflf i tioon liutcil i Ui r 1 1- j.' th whole o!
i Mt rU.iy I he wulfi- in the ' hiclt liniil
my rote to nil nnprt'ctientfl lipifiht. 1 he
rm:i o i.l tl Ainu ll ma i liur (ionic u tut'
. i. i . ii i . .1...
Uiv hiitlle lielil Welti tletiimeil nfVCiHl
buttle hi'M Welti tletumeij nfVCiHl
, 11ml tlm telegrnjih lino wiia tlow n in
M'l"". . ... ,
... 1 1 .-i i.i. D:..l. I
1 tounu in inai cuy, whip mii m-
1... ;., 1.,. .v.- ... r mm in,.
... - , 6
iiio iii'j.i snu wounutfti iimi! nit: imiiir
tiold. Biol t.iat II10 pollslvooll Ami r.x
tdiiirifje Hotels, togBtiier mill a numieroi
(public and private buildings, woie I urued
i ino nofpiiaia. jmi iuum iimuun suwns
I . 1 ... . -ii
H,t the enemr sullered terrible
The rebels opened wi 1 1 nrt.l cry this
morn':n from live, different points oppo-
site New Jh id'o, with a view nf prevent -
1 l.,:,t.. Tli.nn
inn the destruction of tho bridire. 1 hreo
,ol our batteries opened on them, causing
them to retreat after a hot fire of two
1 Louis.
I Our loss was one killed and two wound
ml. No further interference took
during tho day.
Ai'provcd by
1 1 ?
Ofn. H. II. Man.
Chief of Staff
Address of Gen- McClcllan to his Troops.
,. ,. w ,
Heaiijjcartkm (.tx. MfUEi.MH
Army, i uf sully evening, ouiie on. )
I Th llo" 'J-' Mr read to the
I ar,n?" V t dress parade and
Ireceivsl with an outburst of vociferous
cheeriuc from every recimenl :
Hi: nui AKTtKH or Akmv of I'otom ai 1
i 1
Camp near New Hri.ljr, Juiitf 2. )
.lune2. I
c I'vtomac 1
.S't.fii.--- vi tli- Army of II,
l, .u.. f,.ir,ll..,l ..t lr,.;i n .,r, ,A mv
i- . .
't0 to yp- 0,1 a,', Hp;v ,a;o K) luco will,
rvb;'1'. w " alu "ulu al ua "' 1 roil oi
;,, ,. . ....... .
Tl,0 hnal nnd decisive hattlo is at hand.
I ul 1 '"''h ss ou belie vour past history the
Tl.l'ie iresult ciinnot be for a moment doubtful.-
IhIIHic troops who labored so faithfully
ti uooio, ' .... . v i . i
as, cob- ' r"u'1 K iHuntly at o, k tovvn, and
Ui hi a,i L.ivr l' Him Ii. Im ,1. .1
' !,s ' -voul' l'"'1 history the
w '' 8(1 l-ravciy won the Hani tights at
1 William-ibui-, We-t Point, Hannover j
(Court Hc.use and fair iak., now provoi
ttorlh ril'cir 'intccetlents, the victory is
. . ..a
. . " e i
V L"".V' cl 3 K 3 . .,
r1'"1" " "flcvrr 011 ."a' '.:
,ettclnv you have beaten tun. herever
! you have utid the bavonot, ho hi viven
wav in panic ana itisoi iter.
1 nhk ol -vt'u ore 1;lsl, c!'?win, ef'
fort. '1 he enemy Inn staked Ins all on
the imue of the coming battle. I.ct
P"1'1'1 hi"1 u,ul CIUh ll,al llt'rt lhii ccn"
Ire of th.) rebellion.
SulJU ' : I ill be w ith you in this
. , , , , . ,
.aMe. uin) share the dangers with von.
,-... , .
;i.aif, anil snare me oanjjeis wmi you.
Uur confidence in each other is now
V.I O-'Il HHIIli: ill 1 .V 11 Willi-. 11 linn
"V !-- U-, strike the
bhov which is to restore peace aad union
to this d.stracle.l land.
I pen your v a.or, tliscip line and mu,
tU'1 I, ! -rnT M.i'Tvi r IV
1 'cIK". 'i-'. i. .-U' iri.i....
Major Gn. t'oinmanJllii;.
heavy ho-ver. which set in about
ater in the C hickahommy.
tieneral liirney, ot 1'hil.t'lelr.tiiu. was
. . . '
" V' u .CV',U,", "l: UIU "ulUt-'
itheved nf his command in: tho butth
iiiei'i, oy t.enerat iiemireltiiau, ne having
. r..,t...l ... i.;- I..: I . : ....
.-ll t . i I 1 r . . .
'6 ''i'f" in.u ..c i ion
' hen ortlei ej, on Mitirl.iv .
hec'ilinoissances mano lo-dav kins no
material chance hi thetneaiy'i i.-nitjoii.
1'uifhcr inform. ion received thon.s,
our inn 'p, t.n ; auii day and unclay,
jensaged six divisions, isMead of four, nn.'
, "'"r a force of seventy ti vo thousand
A I 1st Ot i.ti,i Kir a I ..., 1 .1 ;.. n
" , , i i,,,r "..V .t .1
:.. J ", ' .
v.1'1 . ttfff1l('rv.t4tttlltirviittij liniil ll.n
ll.erouvo a favorite argument with certain
.oi.Ur.ivU that "slavery is the cause of
.....- a.,., ineie.ore s.avrry musl oc
r.vr.H e.1 in order to put n htop to (he war."
.... . ... i. .. .. ,
IVaj heard the argument verv haptilv tlis1
i..t-.. tn ,y a cuneu pusson. no seems.
1 ...II .1 . l,
l" s.a... . . opt-.tuons O! men
1 . 1 . : . .
position. "Kf slaviy," said be,
in bin
. ., . , .
to u d j j ' .
.. .i ...... .... ' - ..
nj . ui v a . ' ni m v l rip nut I 'l-,ha
,tir,'".U , '.,0.W"r W 1 .l "'e''- ?'
- . ,
i.i. 3i.i v . ii ii:u i ill! ii .17 -a. .A n w in ti a.: a
. , , T.L l I T , . 0
".'Tn-,,, b' J'" don t wipo
JCill llClU lllall liCIS.
, a
7, on
;i I
ri... v t.v.1
Rsgs per K T li, .
r- . r i
It l: ) T Ml M
lllr ClIrA.l.a ,r.
M ........ . . '
L l((M)Mk MIOCBl
' A It V A T f
I ... ......
ii r t t t inn, i t. ,
I 11 JOllSrON relumi ln iiinii" tlinAi to
ill nil iuli nier f..f I ti i r rrttr tt- tt(,
ml will at nil tiini-t he lrrJ '..l tin w .
Hill mul iin thirn with pliiiur
lli..ti,(k niLlnrrl an riitiiti'.L fcLt .t'lfti
. - . ' i
iMiirtmriit in mil I'd loiiml in ao ) 1 1 .11.-7 -
KMr. ruili mcinc nil th vnrinui i.y.n if
Ktiir, Miilimriiig nil th vnrmui i.y.m il
Iftrtiei', Qentlomcni'. Miu'. &
Childrcns" Boots &ShoccJ vJlAadc.
, ,,
I An tin "Hiiio articlfs ran b iold ititu
1 v
,fi(U f , Mfrn ,Ui
psrlioulsrlv invitc.I to cull and
M.y m, mu,,
J MAfllIXKM. - Tlieun.lor -
u 'nform tlie citiiens of Clear -
jf7-I,.liK r
; min Lii Mock
j rp IIHI
U..I.I Aniinlv I Hit tknv il 1' miiilinlw. t)in m n 11 It
-;.i. 1
hcia county. ttint tnoy sn. in. ma.. .
, Fonni ,)f a qu.Utj;for uc, and
; , . . ' ,. ., ,,. ...i..!,,,.,,..! Dlut,, chain or
1 tr(,(j .)0W,.r, for cither one or two horses, with or
..L .. . .1.1 :. .I..- 1..... e
1 wiilimii rhukers as insv mil th purclmner. Wo
j would recommend the tread power particularly to
funuers lio keen but two or tl.ret) liore. Xho
.ll,.. . n.l r, Miitl. .....La. nn all liA apt
on a ..null burn floor, anil rain or shine, can le
l.j . i ...i k. .,i .
i boys, thus snriug in bands as well as lii hordes,!
and tloinK the work as well and as faft us most ,
mon desire. Our fnur-liore power machine', j
with overshot cylinders, lire certainly tho bet now i
umde. Wo would give numerous certificates from
reliullo larmers. of both Centre and Cleiirlield
counties, as to the pood sutisfaction Ibm ..!
ch,nK have given, but Jet in it uunceeesury. All j
mnchinsa warranted. Orders bv mini will ro-
ceive Pr.,.t ...en,ioC. A. HAUI'T A Co.
.May SK 1 SOL. Jtellefolite, I'a.
li...... lit .., l :t... ...i
j I I'ltl 1H...IIII Ul AliAUlll I.IU, IP
I agent for t'le salo of machines.
nn auniuriicu
J If OUT. PLOW M It in nun' settled be-
' vonJ qiifftioii that these celebrated plows
igottlu'inl ol all otinTs, wliercver mtro.lucetl, in ,
l'Iviiil' riioii fntisfiielijll
For tho convenience
frje)K, anJ furnicr
C0Unljrf (tll whoc; wo arc thankful for pnsi patron
"R"'' " """" "'' ii"""i wuum
' these Plows, and also Sh.urs. cun be had :
M'rnll ,( lliijlrr, Clearfi.ld , .m., Wil -
linma lirove ; John near Craluuiton ; .V.
;r Krtown ; i. Hrent
rrenehvillo: Julim llritrr, hnrthaus ; (minie
j r, ,,,,,,, Sat Lick . J. y. ,, V'tanMi.
.. .
; M'rr.ll ,1 Iti.jWr, Clearfi.ld , ...m. Wl,.,n, WW
ruttc & t '. cui n nii'iirt .f'yi, i uiupsouri;
Homiii llni'lrrmix, Jeffries : . iry .'Vtiii, An-
sonville; Svtnurl .nrfy, near Ulen Hope
Jukn Cummi m. New Wmdiingtnn.
11. i J ll-j' i inii'.i
I r n pu iii ibij un .in tiui T'I l'lijw. uoiii I iini i
Wealsomnko the Mi-Ctarvey plow, both light
i ana lelt nut:.! : nl.n t.lll-xile tilowii. irun kerne.
..jum i. .i. i.;u..;.i i.. i,. ...... I
1 .W II o.ld and ..Moir.iV conk stoves. eK2 and
. nine plate sieves, iron fencing for ceuietries, cast
iron bitching fn,f, wagon spindles ..f nil sizes,
I threshing moehinps, (see advertisement.) We
also hnvc J. 8. Marsh A Co's celebrated grain
drill and straw nnd fodder cutters : wj are also
I prepared lo mukf and fit up mill enslings of any
i deturintiiin natitml Oril.r. either direi'ted In
... 1.- :. ... .1.- l . f .i. -l . I
u. v j uiiiii in ui.i.iii;!. uui oi . uu iii'uii iiHii.i. i.
ai;(-nt., will receive pruinpl i.ttention. I
lielli l mte. May 28, '0:'. A. HAl'l'T A CO. 1
' rvv.' ri-,.- e-i
' Orphans Court Sale,
, , r ., n., . '
, . I VI Ull Ullll'l I. Ilir Vlll'UHUS 1 ou . b
I of Clearfi.'.d .oun-y. there wi be exposed t,
! ''l l!I'u' S-U.K on the premise, in ,
; the properly of James Curley, doeease.1 : Al
,, ine?..tnit'etieneiuent or piece of land boiin.
1 ded t. n the south l v lands of llacl Crowell. ,.n
, the west by Inn .Is of Moses ('. Kvans, on thi- north
'; '.'"V." J
Iji' Hoover, ou liieeast l v lauds j!
, ..,Pp,... iremn t co., eon.auiing . it. acres, s,i-
i , , . '.' .. -
about Z. Mcrm c earoil. huvine tliiTrou u llounc.
Stable und . uuuir Oirhar.l.
; TKKM.-One half the i-nnbu... mom v mil
I , ,
, coniiruimn n .i sine, aniline ri'Mi.ieui one war
; tl.t ruifter, mitti iiteiot, lobe soeurcd by b n I
ana umrlgtije uu toe iii-eiuisej.
("-'llu" to.uship, Vt; -S, I.e.'..
, i ,(..ri II S M TK T. -Notiie i-bere '
i ( b'y'givcn that the folimviiig a.'.cunts' hsv'e j
be-n examined and pasd by iut, nrnj remain!
' filed of roeor I in tins offiee f ir llie iniiieotion ot 1
" ."""i ' " " " "' ""
' ?."'er -'.v inlerestetl, ami wil be preseiit-l to
1 paniai acc.uiuoi jhcod w. t. iini.(..ll
.,'! w'l,iiu,on G',r-I"' Kx.vators of the lust
"A t.stninem ..f Timothy l.,e. t of
I A Tl . a, '.
L 'msule towrship, t leaitield county, deed
I all and singular the good and chattel,
rights and credits, which wore of June Hi7on.
Ute of the township of Chet, in tho countv of
Clearfield, deceased.
J A M KS WT.ItiI.EV. I.',,,,. nr.
Register's Office, Clearfield, May 1.1, lSt)2.
A L DITOK'S OTJtl-- The undeu ign
V. ed, an Auditor appointed to distribute tli
m.- fr...,. lk ..U..f .k. K...I V'.laln
of John, sen., late of liradford township,
wm attend lo the same at his new ntliee in tne
C(iur, bou,. on s-nturilav tne .. st .liar. lo.-.
. . .. . . ..... ......
i '" T'rsons interested may aiwnd.
: i it.. r. .
; CIearSeId, May H.-Pd
liilliiCt 2 r illti
I ,r of Clc.rneld county-land all other Per-
! sods iatrrested, that he is now manufacturing
n a iu enor quaiuy, wnuli be
most reasonable terms for Cash,
any k od nf Country Produce.
nship, fny 21, 1 S02.
15 7lXKCtITOR' XOTIC'KNotice is here
r. h. .I.'., tk.l lll.r.T...... - j
V. y rKu- i ; testamentary, on V
criic v " nn.AAi'i'ni(mfl oi iae iminehrp
' of Woodward, deceased, have been cranled So tl,
undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate
are required to make immediate payment, and
those having elaimj against the same will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
, j VM. B. ALEXANDER, Ex'r.
" oodwarel tp.. May 1 4, '62. fit.
- 10.00 ! i DMIMSTRATOR K OTK li.-Eetters '
124 : - of Administrailon hiring been granted this I
37 t!sV lbe under,iSia on the estate of EL1AS
C LN. lte of Brady township, deeeaiedj all
'persona indebted to said estate are requested to ,
ft.jmake immediate payment, and those bavin
$f 7.00 cUlm ,Kinst the same will present them duly!
5,0" authenticated for settlement 1
tjLJYA BKTH 1.0X0,1
May lPs;.-6t. pd.
t5 i -s:rk -j. ri-
ii K
N W (i()()l)Sl
. . ...... i 1
,If rir f, 'tier a.
I 1 r Rp.Ain u i .. in. i .. . . .
T ' f"'1,'l nMuif nl i,f it,,,.. , '""til
1 nwt.i
jv,r, .,
',; i-.i
.'to 1 .T.rri
f .n . ,!
V 11 l.ll.l ll' l'.C.f,y
f. 1 1 . . i. ' !
V Ml '. . III.V. l,Jllr
I. nil. 1 i
I t-l
I L it .
Mu.l t s
!'r 1 U
1. .p:.i
'.' 1. kiii-M
i rt
1 .
.1 Hi 1 4
fiii y) ;ii
L. M '.1 J C S
. 1 O... . .. vnt.t
f- i 1 . I
U U T ) C t , 1" I O O r U 1 -f! I n 1 1,
! II;it-S Cap-, Hoots, Sh0C8th
, 'f. '
. . W " fcW i !ji
r. ..,.,.,. l( . . , . v
. V ' T V I 1 4 I A L I f .N
- v. .
1 I '!'
imi-iv c't v mi l-.-
ti it s K V l' Vs;
"v " ' '"'
T' f 1) TV
iTjASiu UiW.'lri 'i.: sL.l " flWirv.
. . - j.a j." .
JoifltCtl llOOI) Sklftsi. Silml-
! i z ' "'r.t.-5.
if 1 111121 1 C M)(S
lolins, fifes, Strings, liridivs B0w P
1'reccptoi-i Music l'liii r ' l' '
' " ' '
MLS SJ !oJ JLi JLiia sl7tii
Tin-Ware, 1 Ua-Ware hii,,. u
Buckets. l!, Tub,. tl i i,'"! "'
j;,;,, ! uibrollns, Jlu.Au. I,, J) . ',' 1 ".!"'
..i.i. . .., , i . t. ' ,u' " , t
ilw , J"'
(in i . : , . . . .. '"" ""' -ul
..' . in lu.-t u mi.
, ,.ii k. i.t .., ,. ,,,
evisytliuj uu.
All ot wbii l. V. .11 bo .old'cu the tost ,.Mfc
i-ot rasi,iu
country yr
.v twin. i"i .i.ii. lii tl ll.l.i.V ,' t
arfl.lJ, ilav Is, lsx:'.
7 " w' r.-speet fuily offers I ,
-1 J protV-sr imia I s.'rvii es to tliiuitui'inuf shm.1
vine, ami vuuiity.
--r .-...... ........u.. n.u ur EiVlMl i u , ;
ness iu h..-pr.,fe.i..n.
- ' J-huw.ville, June 4. 1st;;,,
: t-huje.villi, June 4. Isi'2,.
' ','m :
i .TlIliT feSS Q J iZ
rlilh Iinr ilroiinds at ( earfiel will I.. ,
1 ed-mnler ,u, h reetri ."" ., h U ,r
I.i ,
.'rlrictlniis .is HiU lirm.n.
; j K'-i'-s non rowiii uiereiu ilurmif the fjrt
nightof the June court, !'urtbic
; c jiiitnodiitiuu of persona vvishi jj to tr'iin t! :
hor?c on the truck. Je.
l .. ... .i .
: JU.-IAII K. ltKALi, 'iy
' . .: rni'l.l. . UDo 4. is ,.
On Hard ', ' (irahum's t'0ir.
There is n Store in Mark. l Sir,.i
Where all '.he men no 1 hi lies nu.ot.
To help their ".-lies" nnd h.vo their feet
Itight clou to "Uraham's .-'tore :
(Vi.u've surely been in there before.)
hives Stiniijih up to eurs in l..stli..rp
And op. i. in ull .-oris of .
lie 'mk's' 'nit T Koiitj 'w.x' aud 'enj,'
And while he 'lasts,' will 'tr defend
And I'lii.ri.h all who, c.-uie Jemiuidiu,
That he should liulp their uu Jer.taiiding,
lie makt'd sll kinds of boots and jli. ,.),
And none n.'ed imrefout go,
While .Viiiiiiy, and I.I? leatl'.ej
Are making stu b a ,-ln.w.
And . and linn are always licre,
And ready ul n ea.'l
To neut'y take your iiu'.'i.uro
And thou you thn.ii;h the Im!!.
Then c .me alon' nd brin,' you- -Uf,,
i t.o 1:, .I, !:!,:.) d.mi.,
And wj'.l wjrriii.t y..u in go;l it f,i
As vi.u um jr.-t in t"n.
li. Tl M I'M.
C.' Mini I I , ,.'J. p,
W V-J.:
! I omm.-n fleas of Cenire .icil.v. nn I t, J.
r"1 " ex.o..c l to public sale at tl .
CuUrl H"u" '" l"c UA:t(.,uu. uu
.V,'rV.;v, th, -J1 -ii ., .
All the urnliv i.i..,l r.'ih i,.rt ! f .i.
i nun inicis o' lima vv ilu the nut roieiiiciils tusr.
on.situ.i'cd partlv in Monis (..wnsliiii. Clearf.ei.1
nnd iilloiviiiice. Uuo trai t situated us above sai
surveyed in the unmo of Jesse Varnolil, an I cod
tains 51' I neres und alloivanet'. One tract situs,
te t in Hush towm-hlp. Centre county, iu u:vey
ed under warm, t to I'enj. .Martin, and contains
41'tJ acres und allowance. One trust .-ituntrd as
above was surveyed under warrant to Jno, W'ciJ
man, containing I Is and 7(1 perches sad silos
ance. One tract surveyed under warrant to J
eob Weidinan. containing IIKI acres nJ U.t
perches. One tract situated as above was sur
veyed under warrant lo Jacob Posh, and contain
ing HO neros and 'i'i perches, there beinf erectM
on the nbore described property two saw mi!!i
und several dwelling houses, with the improve
uiejits and np nrtcniincos. r'oi zed, taken in exe
culion and to he sold as the properly of ll. M
Ililg.T. UKOllUK ALEXAXUKit, Sheriff.
SUeriff's 02ue, Iltllufoiite, June 4, 'tU'.
Proposals for Iron Fence Around the
New Court House-
SEAbEI) Proposals will be received by the Com
missioncrs of Clearfield enuuty, until the l'"th
day of June next, for furnishing ami erecting an
l'un Fence, with Stone fomidsiion and Cut Stoti
Ilnse. around three Fides of the court house lou
I'rire per fwot must be slated ill proou'iil". l'lani
aud speeitimtions um be seen at any time nl; er
the '.'th day of June.
Hv order of tho Donrd,
W. .S. llUAIiLtV, en.
I'.iniiiiissiiiiiers'oirice, June 4, 1SR2.
Administrator's Notice.
"JOTR K is hereby given, that Letters of Ail
J. ininistratiiin on the estate of FKKDER
ICK MlAKf LU, jr., late of ltrady tosnship, ,
Clesrf.eld county, deceased, hnvo been grantfJ
o the undersigned. All persons indebted to said i
estate are roqiivri J to innko payment without de
lay, nnd those having claims against tl.e
will present them duly authenticated for settle
incilAKL, SIIArFLU, jr., Admr.
llrudy tewnsbip, Juae 4. Isdl'.
Al'TIO.N.-All persons are hereby cautiw-
against buvinz or ined lling in any wf
- ! It.. C.u "a ' ' . "il "l n... m
wun one iark Hnv .Mure, one lirowa " v
. . '' "" I'"" '- ,.,V,
use of Nicholas btruw of Jordan township.
ffl ill A Inn t tit nv av
Jordan tuwinhip, Juno i, 'f2
T 11 ICR HAS. a certain H'.7fi "r''r
IT a LEATHER TRl'XK ut niy house in
Pcptember hist, Notise is hereby given to
Heifer to come forward, nnv charge andUMi
away, otherwise it will he scld for snid c'hEJ,,'"'
Morns township, Maj 2S, Ifi2.- A
GtTods! Goods!!
1 PP . ., . I. roe. and si-len
;i Hun uiiguiiit Ka."i - ,a
did as.ortment of SK.VSiiN'AUhE l.OOU?,
wbira they offer at e c e e d 1 ag 1 y Ic" rr'r'
I'ir:l snrns hrjl ssn ed Mv '