. t f CI.KAlii II i.i r. Wfdnesdny Morninc May 11. 1862 THE NATIONAL DEMOCRACY. A number nf iho iVmocraiie members of Congress havo published an address to tho country. uri;in; (lie importance of maintaining tho organisation of the Xa his position, leaving his dead and wound tional IVruotrttie party, inri(ui tho eo-, cf, nnd tho wounded of our men lliat It'll operation of every man in the Union who into his hantls, behind. Pursuit was ini U in favor of maintaining the Constitution moliutfly made, inul up to this dste, the n it is, utid of restoring tho Union us it ; last heard from McL'lellim lie was ten tva. This should have heel) tlono long ago, but it may not bo loo late now ; at all events, longer delay would havo been still moro dangerous. If tho Union can ho rei-tored as it was, the Constitution pro tected from wanton violation, ami our country rescued fro'u threatened despot,, ism, tho National I eu:ooriitie party is tho only ngney through which thou Messing can ho obtained. Thin thu masses ol the people no matter 1 y what partisan name they may have heeli designated hereto fore know and feel, anil will cheerfully cmlract) the first opportunity offered to repudiate all other parties, and unite with that sound National party that 1iuh carried our country in triumph through eyery tdorm. The address will le published in our next. It it well written, and urges every Democrat to yield a hearty support and co-operation to tlio pietont Administra tion in nil constitutional cllorts to sup press tho presort rebellion, and indignant, ly Fpurna tho imputation of disloyalty as applied to tho Democrats who refuse to say "amen" to all the nets, whether good or bad, of tho peoples' servants. "Ioval" Senators. Wo take tho fol lowing extracts from a speech made in the United Mates Senate, by that "true ami loyal citizen," as tho Junn-.d terms him I3cn Wade. "The man who prates about and quotes tho Constitution in this great crisis, is a traitor." Wo are surprised that this "true and loyal citinen" ever took an oath to nop port tho Constitution. But we presume this was necessary to enable him to draw his pay and mileage. The. following will sli.ll farthor illustrate tho '-true and loyal citizen ." "He thought Unit instead of being a pro-slavery being, God was a gradual emancipationist." To which Senator Howe of Wisconsin, said : "He would not undertake to say what that Ciieat Being was. but if the Senatoi' from Ohio was correct as regards this cnutrv, how was it that the iimexation of Texas was permitted in 1SU !" 'I'hat is; ifjod was an emancipationist, as stated by Wade, lie should havo pre vented the annexation of Texas. , no slavery in . A iiea?on. "If we had (his country we should havo no ;ebel lion." HcpMicin. 1'upcr. Tho writer might have added : if Abo - litionism hud not been introduced into,''' this country by English Abolitionists, long j after slavery was established, there, wouhl havo been no accession ; or that if the ! mam.ic relation Lad never been estab. Il.-l-l.l I 1 A l A IKOII I.I ItnifA ,.,llt .A .. hung for killing his wife. Tho two greatest atllictions that ever bofel the human race, were, caused bv iho Devil introducing himself into Paradise, and the introduction of Abolitionism intojforetwo o'clock, when tho firing was ve. America. ry feeble from the Point. ..... .. I The Monitor about this time returned risn oa Flesu.- 1ucs our neighbor of 1 fl oln ,cr advanced position and rejoined tho Auma?saslain fieir Patton in his vote the. Ileet. In the distance nothing could in favor of the resolution of censure 0f (ien. Cameron, or does he censure that ..Vv. :,. 1. ..i 0 'im... 1 uiu , ui . is tie lieu 1 1 at : 1 ne ' ic-iict ai wu tho only Jicpuldican from PemiHylvani.i Snwall's Point, jirolahly I'rom ihe iiurniug that voted for this resolution, nnd we ean harracks or other building. Jidly think it was among the most onsi- . Al about l.alf.ast two o.clock the Mcr . , ' , , ,. - . umae niado her ajinearanee, when the hlo votes, he has yet mvon. If our neigh- )lw,t itll t!)C c.x;t..,,i011 0f tjle Monitor. bor disapprove:) of that vole, wo shall be returned. tony ; if ho sanctions it, we tdiall rejoice I The Mer.imac is still (at five o'clock) to know that we can think ..like at leant !"'t,,1' .lW' an1 0,0 MonUor to . r rt . ' atlsntk her. upon one act of our Congicwuniin. At nil , The Sominoio reiuriie4 lo tho low. cventK bis patrons bave a tifdit to knew or roads. 1'heie is no prospect ot further whero he stands whether he is for the fighting at present- Congressman that V, or the Secretary that1 At half-just hj o'clock the Monitor teiuruci. iho Meniuiac reninms in the V-M 'i.iino position. As Kgi ivocai, CoMi i.KMKNT. (ien. Cam- j 'Jbo neeount furnislietl by another cor- eron lias embarked on his mission to K'ltn jrcspondtiit closes by saying, "hero com- sin. beforo leving, i public dinner rvas rncnoed an important movement which given him nt Harrhdnirt', lien he made u eannot bo made public." rpceoli, vindiealing bimsolf from the votej President Lincoln, Sceict.iry .Stanton of Coui;resiional censure. It is doubtful ar-'' other visitors from Washington, were wheUier llarrisburg is not the only place in tho Stnte where the ex-Secretary of war could raise toadies enough to mako a fijiect.tcle of this kind look respect ible. ScaTA meeting of upwards cf sisly members of Congress wns held at Wash ington on Saturday lxst, cotnposioil of the conservative men of all parties, willing to unite in an etlort to put down Abolition roll(lulll rtbtes tlle return of tiilo a num and Secession, und to m o tho country.- ,u,r jn w.(rch of lhoir ,.l(o mastt,rfli comi Ki!ii'li all llie Ilnlnoer.itB. all tho Uorder ! . .- i . ,...? . Stato members, inul a few of tho more - - - ' moderate Republican", were present. BpUJullons. ('has. J. Diddle, S. E. Anco na, and (ioo. 11. Pendleton will please ue ceptour thanks for valuallo public docu meats received. i ill: KKWfl 'I linn in Inn. b tiMMll.i with. Ihal r.'ir bunted i'ur li'lbi.h hMthinf like f .1. I nli 'I fit i niitil llit lief. Iilid We linvr ill 1 1 1 in hi d i .'li. I r II' i' I bo W linle into n inlrlh,ibi mi ubi ti u I i' mil' dp r.ittini I ii w ill i t mil. I Irli. Mi 'lell in 's npi'i i ion-, nn the pn llillftlhi )iv .ii li l limn 111 lv nieeeKflll.H' fin-. A fin I ' 1 1 t ut mg li nm Hi kte n. Un it ItU iiiin mtilakin at Williainnbuig, In 1 1' I In V W i I e cnntpt I led o fhow light. On Monday the -" tit. a severe engagenu lit look place, beginning early in tho morn ing, inul hiding until night, resulting in heavy loss on both sides. When the com bat erased tho advantage." seemed about cunl-but bv next morning, it wns tbs covciod tlmt Iho enemy hd ubmidoned miles above Villiamsburg, on the way to Richmond, on thu east side of the Chicka hominii river, having had bkirinisues with tho onemy nil the way up. better writers very generally unite in character izing tho enemy as ilemoral'.t'tl and in disord'!' ; but we see no evidence of the fact. They all agree that the lighting is of the verv best quality, and make no mention of such captures as result from the pursuit of a routed army. On tho 7th, n detachment of MeClellan's army, said to be ill 1,000 strong, reached West Point, the head of navigation on tlio York rirer, unci cD'ccled a binding, followed by a battle said to be theseverest that has yet taken place on the pciriiBula. 1 Tht rebels wuro totally routed, and driv- I en back towards the forces of (it-ti. John- ; aon on tho Chickahominiii. Huditnoij been fo: our gunboats, nays the account, j our troops would have been defeated. Tho ! account closes by expressing an opinion that the retreat of tho rebels towards Richmond would bo cut oil". But unless our punt oats can get. up me .lames ruer which it seems to be the province of the Merrimac to prevent wo cannot see how this interception is likely to bo aeeotn plished. By advices from Fortress Monroe, we learn that on tho 8th inst., our rjunUiats commenced the bombaidment of Sewu'.l's 1'oini and other fortifications of the rebels on tho James river, which brought out tho monster Merrimac. The following is the account furnished the Baltimore .1. im rieja : 1'uKiiti.ss Mjnuoi:, May 8. Shortly Je fore noon to-day the Monitor, Naugatuck, Seminole, Susquehanna, Dacota and Sau Jacinto, in the order in which they ale named, steamed up to Sewall's l'oint, Captain 'i.ndiner in command of the ex pedition. As soon as tiiev arrived within 1 range, they opened with shot and shell li ver bewail s l oint, most ol which were good bhots. It was nearly half an hour oefure any reply was made from tho J'oint. The Rip Raps next opened, and then the Naugatuck for the first time. Several shots were fired from tho single gun on the extremity of the l'oint, where ullu Iron, the Monitor struck in the vicm itv. doubtless disablinc the nun. as it has 1 j not been fired since. The position of the 1 Monitor was fair in advance of the rest of tho Heel, and she continued on motion un-! til within a mile or two of the l'oint, where considerable execution must ,ion(, 1.,. .1... ..,,.....,, fi,.,.;,,,. have been J The Nau- I gatuck kept in the back ground, tho rungo j of the Parrot gun enabling her to tloso. iThe Sewall's Point battery replied brisk ly replied ' The Rip Raps fired occasionally, and a eontiiiii.il liie was keol 1 1 1 bv the .'tin. ,oat3 Tho .,(,,;,- as comparatively un- interesting from this point of view, on lie- icount cf the distance being so great that the iletuila could not bo scon. At nhfuir nun r i' m- f n lack smoke , was seen to rise, which it was supposed i was occasioned by a combustible shell bo ing thrown into the woods, H soon died out end disappeared. Nothing more occurretl till 11 little he- I bo seen ol her hut .1 snu.i s-iiwre block . IsooL on the water. 1 , , , . . , , . At a uiiartiT iwist (wo n I'lot-l; n verv . .. . . . ' " . (l(jse olack sin jke aroso riiiilly from ;piecnt al Fortress Monroo on the 8th, and witnessed the above nuino-uvres. From the columns of Generals Mcbowi ell, Hanks nntl Fremont, nothing of much ini.ortnm:c in reported. McDowell is in Fredericksburg, the enemy's pickets being met with a few miles beyond. A large number of contraband huvo been Kent , . ., nl, nnn iiieieiy urcti oi mo iuipar:i;u irectloiu which they mot with among their Aboli. j lion betrayers. (ion. 1'ianksivan ut New Market, having had bevcral alight fikirmishes. i (ien. Fremont woo near St.iuutun.wLcie 'a tlighl cucuivut look placu between. ! i,( mi '! i Hi'ti Milt. hii.I '. ,U 1 1 ' 'il 1 in i! in I lie 1 1 iibi an 1 .Irl.nti.l h" Mil' , T!,,. n minU linm the l i nli."" i' ' M.mKmI I'I IiV ii nri int. Unlit',!. ''IK' div It i f "llt'd Hi"' ''I'linth I" nt it - rd i Ihe iiet I'l'U In I'linli'it'lmtf n""" (Me in (nil Ioh'k im nneinu em h Mhi ronly two liltlei np tlt, followed til" liexl 'by by the it' oil lhat no lighting is expected tin re for some time to come. Tho limn, bitidiiit iit ol I't'il Wright still continue . t intervals of t wo or three d.ivs at a time. . . . i . . It seems lo be n strong place, and is tie - f,.nded :,y a number ol gi.,,1 . . i . , i.-., , uiuiii-iij, i ii. ii., ii. i i,.ti. mi, ij , j w hieh were captured by our ttoops nut long since, have been recaptured by tho enemy, taking ipr.to n number of prison. ers. . .rt .btekson nnd St, Pl.illi.. I.nlow N. . ., i t means, ei u nni eapiureti. i uer sevt-i .11 days' bombardment, a part ol our lleethe nigger policy, cm ruptions, &c. They passed the forts and proceeded to New ( f charge him with being the 'leader of tho k 1 ! 1 . l' I I. nil leans, securing tho surrender of tho city, where it is believed Cten. I'.utler now is nil li I. is. 1. in v linilii.t i.-u'lw.,! tin. fit V bV " .........p,........ ... j . wnv of bake l'Mnchartiain Tlio Federal Minboats proecided up the river, ami aie r . . ', . ,, reported to have taken IUton lumge witliout any resistance, uen. i.oveu.w.m 1 ls lireekinrnlge or Douglas parly now, his rebel forces frc said to bo some 50 or ( they nre all Democrats and V.m.i.ai m.; r.n ...;i..u ..,..11. f Vmv (iT'li.ims is one of them, and t hat. is the Iron- .... ,, The work ol destroying the cotton, rice, sugar Ac., is going 011 to the fullo.it extent. Thirty 1 one thousand bales ure reported to havo been burned at New Orleans alone. Apartydelailetlforlhi.spurpo.se in Ar kansas, reports that of 11 large numb-r of planters visited, but a single 0110 of them interposed any objection to tho sacrilice. Throughout the whole region tJio air 1? thick w ith smoke. Tho rebel steamer Nashville, after laib ing to ruu tho blockado oil' Charleston, succeeded, finally, in reaching W ilm ing- ton. North Carolina, with l(i, OOil stand ol i arms, MO tons of powder, and o'.hei mu I nitions of war. I ihe rrench Minister has made a second 1 trip to Richmond, and returned to Wash- j ington. All is mystery as to tho object of j his visit. Yet wo are told, as if by author ity, that his movements have nothing whatever to do with a settlement ol our troubles. The news from Fumpe are again assum ing n more interesting feature. They now behold the complete and almost to tal destruction of lasi year's crop of cotton which is said to have been the largest and best ever produced and tliey liehul I moreover, that nono has beer, planted this year, ami the inevitable result must he that for thieo years hence the world must get along almost without this fabric, w hich now forms the principal part of al-i mot every garment worn, o: in domestic use. Is it any wonder, then, that the hi- j habitants ot other lands uio liegiuunij to feel an interest in our ntliiiis. Later and Highly Important Norfolk. Portsmouth and the Gosport Navy Yard Surrendered-the Merrimack Blown tip by the Rebels McClellan within 27 Miles of Richmond. Wasiiishtox, M.iy 11. The following was received at the Wai Department this morning FmiTutss Movuor, Slay 10-.12 o'clock .midnight.--Norfolk our?, and also Portsmouth and the Navy yard, d'eneral Wool bavins completed the landing of his forces at Willoughby's Point ubout nine n clock tins morning, commences! ins march on Norfolk with five thousand men. Secretary Chase accompanied tho Genor al. About five miles from the landing pluce a rebel battery was found on the opposite side cf tho bridge over Tanner's creek, i After a few discharges of companies of in. f'antrv, the rebels burned the bridge. This compelled our forces to uijireh around five miles Kirther. At live o'c lock 111 the al tcrnoon our (orces was within a short tlis- tanco ol iSorlolk ami wete met. tiy a tteie- gallon wi eiiiens, ami 1110 cuy was lorin ally sui rendered. Our troops marched in, ' '0 now have possesion. "ui. icimis ;n couiumi.ti iii.uuuy liovernor of Norfolk- The City and Navy Yard were not burned. The fires which I have been seen lor some hours proved to bo I lie .vootis iiurninj!. (ien. Wool, with Secretary Cha-sc, re tuniotl nt eleven o'clock to-night. (ic:i. linger withdrew hi-forces without battle. Tlio Merrimac is still oil Sewall's l'oint. Com. Roger's expedition w.is heard from this afternoon ascending tho James Kiver The reports from Hon. M'Clellan nro fa vorable. FnwiN M. Stanton. Tlio following has just been received by Hon. P- H. Watson, Assistant Secretaty of War : Fortress Monkof.. May 11. Tho Mer rimae was blown up by the rebels at two j minutes befe.ro live o'clock this morning She wan set fire to about threo o'clock.- j Tho explosion too place at tho time stated. 1 It is said to havo bc't) a grand sight by! those who sow it. The Monotor, Steven's I baltery nntl the minboats haVO eone Up;B,,proved Uiakti fur durability nntl eninfiirt. toivalds Norfolk. K. Sanioih', Military .Supervisor. A portion of Gen. Mi;Clellan'ii nriny, under (ten. Sloncinan, had reached New Kent court house, some 27 miles below Richmond, without much difliculty the rebels expecting to muko a vtund at Bott torn Bridijo.sonie 13 miles from Richmond. Hut as the James river is now ui iuslsb ion ol our gunboats, they can reach wilh - i i .mi' i .... I i t. ' in a few miles of Iwc.hmond, and it more, limn probiiblo tuat 110 llll thcr ellort Will bo nuvlo to save Richmond, but that tuo reoel Capitol will bo removeil SOUlli. From tho southwest tho nccounU nro,."! .. .. .... . . . Btiu unsaiihiaciory. llio rebel licet at - tacked our gunboutB nt Fort Wright on, ll.nl n,l K-P ,P.p..,l. ...i 1,... . ' , ';i"'- soiuiers aie in mo worKS ftl r,ort riglil all having been sent to Boaurcard. as is Kupposed, at Corinth. One hundred of j our cavalry were captured near Corinth, - itul il i linm -lit. Ih iL 1I..1. ,.,;,, t . . aua it la luonalit tUaldauleiluiued rtoit- uUw: will tvUiudt, tlivie. Hi' ntm .!. II iii nn 1 1 i Mb-iinn, " no iMimv l tiMI, M,ti,. i,..mi- lit t In lite 'lli i. ) mil i, m t,,, , iv ImiiKIiI- li'rt R M . l.i.ill I. Ill i- , . I'lltli l K lll', nnn t,f Im Mmil In I li ( ' nit 1 1 ii t it 11 i-li Hi" Mlii T side, 1. 1 (lin AlliMlc ; nft.l In I Minljllitw iv Urn ,.. r ,,( H,,, ,.jV ,, MM A "d., ,i,ri..;,' IVtiltlel.il !" hi, w ill be m wii In Ihn pi opb, of I. louiily, tnonior wh.-in will ree.illet t tlmi, It's, limn two short jenm ng-, Mir Hi. h,,rd win the veiilable Chniiniiin v Iht, Doug. las Statu executive Coinmilti e, mid, as mieh, showed hinni lf to bo one ol Ihe mo-it uneonipriiinisiiiii npiiooents of .lolm C. ltltu Uinri'lgewilhin t h- bmad limits of , r . "iiwnonw valtli. Urn A 'imt, it is' i" "f"'' ;V"; '"""'"riously.-given to Iving 'Ol I his list whopper oiit-heroils Herod .. . . .... iiiniseit llie wriliin: eihtor oftliat paper imiHt havo taken an extra quantity of l.n ,g" '"'mi" ne iiunc .a i ne itnove mention. ( . 1 . ' V.i.i.ANnmii.w. The lie publicans nie very much out oflmmor with V, M.I, AS . ini.ll am. Tho leiison is that he is in no. 1 w ise men v-niiiutlieil in t e nunt'iiitioii of isreeKinriUL'ct i.'einocracv r ne never lie was a I'reekim idee num. Ifn was I K. personal friend mid champion of Douglas ' .....I 1 1.,. I., .,r , l. 1 1.,....!.... I , j iiiii 111. n iv'i. ii. 11.. l"Mll.lni'i.T.ii7i;il - 1 cy in Ohio. In l.sfiii he received, in his di-trirt, lor Congress 1 l.d.VJ votes, while i lircckmildgi! received less than "JoO votes ,(he mm)c jn tio 8 im(, (ilJtrit.t- Tip.t. ble with the Itepublieulis, .;Uiwn . 1 A'li , List of Grand Jurors for June Term. 1862. Ilcccaria K. H. Haymaker. Ura ly Isaac Dines, Peter Seylwr, Peter Solidiiy, James Miles. Hurnsitle John Mehalfey. J'.ell Thomas Mclihee. Covington Ino. Mnlson, David Askey. Clearfield U. Stunih. Decatur Daniel A vers. Ferguson W. F. Wiley. Cirartl- Charles Mignot. Huston T. Hen it. Hiram Wootlward. Karthaus Henry Yothcrs. Knox John High. Da .vrenee Samuel Clyde. 1, umber City Jesse Spencer. Morris J.C. Allpoit, N. Fullmer. New Washington John Fealh. Penn Samuel 1 'errick. Union Henry liailev. TRAVIS jn;0US-I.-,t. week. lect:ai ia Tlioinns fiitiom. Bell A. Miller, Thos. Sundr rlin. l'liadford David Askey ,leo. Itowrrso.x, Luke Ivvler. Drady J. W. Hays, Reuben J'.onsidl, D. D. Ogtlen, AVm. Armagasl Jos. bines. I'.urnside C. li. King, Klijah While, Yin. Tonkins, J. Henderson, Elijah Haker. Hoggs Samuel Rubison, Jerry Smcal. Chet Wm. Tucker. Cicailiebl Wm. P.iglcr, J. Mcl'hcrson. Ciirwenp ville John Irwin. Decatur K C. Ilow nian, R. Shoivaller. Ferguson Alex. Reed, Alex Ferguson, J. C. Ferguson. Fox Thomas Mulkins. (iirar l W. Wallnce, II enry Spn. k man. (trahani .1. P. Nelson, Jacob Wilhelin, Huston F. Ii. Mewil, Arnold I'.liss. Jordnn Ro bel t Johnson, Sr. Karthaus K. Pile, Joseph Cusebear, R. J. Haines, Cbas. Conaway. Knox John Fox. Lawrence Abrttham Ogden, Rudolph Swartsworth, John Irwin. Morris Jeso lieain. l'ike Simon Thompson, Jonathan Mc Dowell, Jacob Kilter. Union Philip Plant-hard. 2nd Wii.k. PicccMin Jos. Stewart, Wm. I.ightner. I'.radv Kli Fry, J. J'.oiisull.l i. Knarr.jr. lluinsitle John Ruminel, Jus. McMur ruv, Joseph Pioihers. Clearfield A. Irwin, D. F. Ktzweik-r. Curwensville I ewis liloom. Chest Jo'in Hookonbcrry, Jas. Curley. Covington D. P. St. Clu'ir, John. M. Reiter, John Yothcrs. Decatur Wm Mays, John Crane. Ferguson- -15. Armstrong, P. McCrackcn. (iirartl Alex. Livingston, 11. -I. llite. (ioslien Matthe w Tate. (iulieli John Dyers. 1 ( iiahani 1 ieoigo Davidon. Jordan Ji'mes McNeal. Knox James Cathcnrt. Lawrence Uish Ardery. Morris (ieo. Ardery, James Dillon. Penn Thos. Daugheitv, Jos. Daviit. Pike David Hloom, Daniel Ilarlsock, Alexander Caldwell. Union -J. W. Hollepeter. tlcto bbnftscnuniS. liXu rswicK's Market Mrcrl, (jlfarlitld, l'a. CONSTANTLY on I mid a lnrgo nml well fo lected ftoik ol DUUtiS tl CHEMICALS, l'uiiitM, Oils, Vnriiilie nnd Iyt'-Stuirt, Taint r.ru.-he.., anil IinisheJ of nil kitnl.-, Perfumery nnd Funt-y Articles,. Tubnceo nnd Pegnrs, Stntionory, I.i.iiors ft.r Medicinal rurposcs, (including Uranily, wlnnkey, um, l'ort, Mit-rry und.Mudeiru Wines. .Ic, ie., 4e. LT4 Ua S3 Si3 3? S3 a A lnri-n ftoek conptuntlv nn lmiul. nf 1 1. a tnnal -v-Tho Doctor will persounlly (iiiierintend I thin department of tho buniness. Clearfield, May I I. 6tn. r.OISTKirs N O i l t l'.. Xotico, is hortT- civen that tho fullnwine acoounts linve been uxituiiiie.l and pasted by me. and remain; valmililu premiuiii : j filed of record in this office for the inspection of I ;eh yearly pnbsrriber will be entitled to n ro- heir., lepatees, creditors.tmd nil others in any Ct,jlt for ,10 (election of .r0 cents worth of plain other way interested, and will bo prcsoiited to ',,,, rr0mtuo designs in tho book, or from tlio! tho next Orphan's Court of ClenrCold county, to ,, or they mav bo ordered and sent by , be held at Iho COUtT HOUSE, in tho boroueh m-, ii1O0 Jur'iu- tin rear, bv i.nvinLMbo 'of Clearfield, coinuienciiii: on tho 3rd Monday p r r. 11 -...I..- -.i..oi ..i 0fjull0 SC2, for connrmntion and allowance : il. The partuti ncceunt ot .lacoii . cumptieit ano it in nirton ctaruner, j.xeruiors ot me nisi , tlllrn(,n, of Tim,bv , co. ,.. of Jlnrnsido tnwLchip, Vlearficld county, dec d. ,2' lllu l'"""11 ""0,,Bt;J7,n,"ll,('.r,1 A' i irillUI HI UIU ruuu ui vuiiii i itu nniui, nuu ui CovinKton township, Cloarfiold county, doo'd. - The (luardiun nccomit of Dett. Wilson, Guar dian of tho ininur children of Robert Loonurd J- 1 , of Lnwrcnco township, CloarCeli county, tv deceased. 4. The neeount of Christopher Kratjer, Admiuis- . trator of the citato of Anthony Kratr, lata of j l'ike township, l.learliel.1 county, deceasou. iTbe ''cou,,.t wf !' 'V M"""' Admtnijitrator of . I ami ainpn ar inn iriinnsBiii rnmii m. r nnn ... ... r, ....... and credits, which wore of Jacob Ttpory.lato of the townfhip of Woodwsrd in tho county of t-lourueiu, aeconse.i. JAMEi WKIliLliY, Hnititr. ' Hefc'ijter' Office, ClearaylJ, May 13, 1SC2. 11 lt I ."n. Mr :' "' 1 1 l.t'lt.K,.r, ., t.K.ri"! I .',' I f Hi. p. I."1, N ' )l lHJ, !.. i I" l'l" n, III' M ' t n., ft-,. M r i idii, ,l..in I ' t - n Mm. II. km I . t I'rt t Ol l .1.. I" .. il.. Li .I.. .1. b.'ii I'.ii liiitii'i'i" .ii tl'. ill !!... I'.iu.llm.l il.i il.i .Ininulnl, l'"'ir l i"""' M'1'1 V,"",? u ),i'nitJn : W irlv ,l.,uv M. Muirny 1 i.ii .Mi-Mn-ifm r in J .'.1 T i"l 11 11.1 en tin fin U'l l'nt. It i 11 A Sim f mi 7 1111 (. nil V en V im ; im X on 7 mi i mi 7 en In no ; mi In (in Jo vti 7 an : no 12 AO 1.' ill 1J AH 12 All 7 (10 12 AO 7 OH 7 nil HA HO 7 00 A 00 A no ,'. no A no 7 OH 7 00 II all 1 .. M ... u ' , ,,, ' M;;;,rj'. Jm,s i: Wuinm Win. Alhiti ,A Mi.nlKi.iMi ry .1 l'n llnely Al', I dr. 1.. kn It ru ly bnnlv llrinly Urndy Urii'ly Urmly Uruily t'licst Cl.ivt rl.'nrlli'M I'li'inlli'll Cli'iulii'l'l .tuciili Kiiuti .Inliii r.uiilu H II Mm.ro (lot tliiin.l.r V. K. Aninltl 1. nun' I Arm .11 . i. ... . j Jim,.", tvi-rcy' ' Hoc I .t Wchvit I. ........ 1 .1 1 .i t ' l' r mh-iut 1 ltli'lmr.! Iliiiiit ''.'"l1 ""'.I1""'""" v..n..,rili..J 1 II 1 uk 'rs, 'J II ! W V Irwla !.l.. )T,r Mt.rr'l 1 A HII.t riourllfM Clu,'irfn'.l j ir...wi, k 'l,rii,.M II. eminril, l-'iniiry .I' Cufltiirru.lil, 1 w Smith . f t'I.Hrn,..l C D Wntstm ' Umrtit'lil, I'rii, K lliilifiirlu'lirn (.'li'iirlii'M, Cimli.c lli.fri'iithiili.r.(.br...Ml'l'iirn.'l.l, ln-lil. r ' lii,.,l,.iii A Urn. V I. IV. Cli'nilU'l.l, lrtiK, ClriirlU'lJ, Clot Ii., Curwcnsi illo, 1 1 I, Win Irviti do 12 12 AO .1 Si J V Irviii tlo 12 12 AO I lli.'h' X '" Ju 12 12. ;.b .1 ! TIlnllll'S.'N 'In 1 I 7 Oil S lop I I'M iri.IT tin C.nr.'c, Vi 5 eft Ktlwur'l lio.'tlw'ii 'I" lsi s A im Juliii bannny ('..viutnti u ; uu I! i'ii j f-'nyiliT il" CniilVf. 8 A no 1' T Hi-Kiirty dtt u 7 till I'l'iiii.-is C.ii.lri.'l iln 1 1 IM V llnlliaan do Ci.nf.-e. 3 i 00 J K Steiiu-r A ('') KiTjiiir II Wl II bil'l'ilir.it .1- Of. bti-iiliir ) I 1 UO I liow iniiri .V I'frKi lirinlur 11 T B 1 .Tnmi'8 Irwin tlirur.l 14 7 00 I AugusMis Lucbnte liinir.l II 1 un 1 A V. siniw ;...-Uu si 7. on !'. Irwin if- Sim rui.-Jn-n 11 7 00 i TliOuiH.o II Fcri't-o ISrnliiim II J. 00 ilu di WntKuiu., i'.u. -Mr A. .; s no IMt, M'il-"ii ' Co ;?u1kiju II 1 o I'tixA Similrr iiiilwi II . T 0 I'li(i'i:ix l.mnfvr 'V Utilitrh II TOO I' riiit'i-rinirrr it l' ttulU-fc 11 T 1 j Knvet Trlr JI-t..a I t 7 00 lViHi:iin'l!:i.Ir Jfiist.ii Jl 7 00 II .-Sw.ui ' JorAi U 1 mi Iinii .MrKtfvftn Jnr.lnn 1 7UIC R J ff.-iini's Kiittlinii." It 7 00 I iridium S.inVt j Kurtliaus It 7 H!l M I I St irk Km.x II 1 W Jitmt'.s I'urre..t Lnnn-iM-.j II 7 00 .7 ll;;nrj I.hbif -rj II 7 00 .A.lin i'vT'iUMtn tin 'In Ci.iif.-i'. S i 00 IV (I .'.Jfl'riirk.n IVr'iismi, i,til. S i 00 .1 (' l'.rrnner Mnrr'u II 1 U0 .S'tvart. A !! ra .V.irri. II 7 Of. .1 C lift nttrr .!orrs 1 1 7 00 .V Sii iiM-in-liin-r f orris I'iMil. S A Oil W S , ii.l.'r.o.jt IVnn CmiffO. S A on I'uni. ) rrnlMi'ttr l nit7i 11 7 no J.'lm M I'Iuho Wu.ijivnr.l 11 7 00 ,1 M hit. i.iiil. ,t S.a do 14 7 0 H .'Mrfiinri 14 7 no j Tliumus ll.M.'l.-r.'.'ii .1.. 11 7 0 Ati .A i i'i'iil lor tlu- r.'iili.tiDii i.f ilio nf.nt.'.-:ilil rah'j will l.c li. l.l i?i tin- 'i.mitii.-M..ii.T.' dllii-o in I'loiirfit'l.l. mi .MuiiiUy I lie Wth iltiy nf Jiine mxt, itht-n ntul wln-ro all 'i'ri".ns iitti-rfslp.l inny at Uinl. S. II. SMAl'TXKlt, JltTi'itntile Ai't mi.-, r. Clout fit-11. Mny 1 1, 1M.2. A I'DIIOII'S NOTiCi: The itinliTsi" o.l, an Auditor rtiiimimc'il to di-tril.nt. tin- e ,i i c .i . , i , ..loiipy nritmis from tl.e o f t ,t. llcl Utl of Julin tiralnini, sen., l.sle of l.rudfor.l touu.'bii, will iiltt iid tu tlie .-nun- nt l.is new o f.lr,' in tl, I'uiirl l.ntise, on Sitliirdiiv llie Hl.t .M.'iy, ISf'C', wlicre all iiers'in.. i n I ei t-t -. neiv iilt. n.l. ISllAt'.U TKST, rlenrli.'l'l, May 1 1. p-1 Aa lirnr. EM'.CIJTOH'S O I K' I '.-Not ire is liore l.v k'h'i'ii tlit.t lii-ttefsTf.-taiiii'i'.liiry, on llie cclate ol U'm, I!. Ai.cXAxnrR.lnte ol the towiitl.ii of Woinhviird, deceiiyed.liiii e l.een granted to ll.e iinder.-i'iu'd. All H-r.-ons iiidul.te.l to M.id estute nre reiiiiri'd to n.iike immediate i.iyttient, inul tltose 1. living i-ltiiniH npiini-t llie siime will (.rest tit them duly iiuthenti.'iiled fr M'lilement. W.M. II. AI.KX AXIltlt, i:.'r. V lwtird tj.., May 1 1, T..'. tit. VI IM I M S i lt ATI IH'S K ( l l f I : N.,tip"e is lierehy ivn Unit letters of AdminiFtrH liori lin vo been (.'runted to the undcr'ned on llieeptatfl of I-lLl. 13 ASKliY, Into t.f Tike township det eniied. All pt Tion.-' indrlited to pid eslnttf lire re.iieftel to mnke juiymeiit w ithoiil de lay u'kI thoso linrin claim.' nj;iiitut tlio (nif will . recent them duly ntithenlieiite.l for settle -meiit to mo. JoSIAII l'.YANS, I'urweiifvilltt, Ajril ."!(, I Sfi2. jut Adin'r. Dissolution of Partncrsliip. riH I'. Co-jmrtin-r.iliip lirretofore exisliiif; l-e-X tivoeti Jlolt, Wilp-on l-Holt, til Centre Hill, (Iridium township, Cleurliold county, was dissolv ed l.y iiitituii! conseii' on the lllit Murch Inst. The liooks are in the h.uiils of John II . It. fot settlement, liy whom the biisiiic'p-s will bo conduc ted nt the old stiiDtl, where lie k- now oion;n n new Monk of splendid jroods to neeommoihito nil who may ftivor him with their custom. May 7, lSf,L'-fit. MM K. I) I'M OK FST'S Ql,' ARTKHLY MlltROIl OF FASHIONS, With Great Improvements & Additions- Tho Summer Number contnins I'o.ir l.arc;e .v. splenillil l-'atiliiiin-Plates, Three l-'ulUsiied ratlerns of Dresse. COMI-ltlslMI TUB X, (r French U'li.s. an I'Jeiinid Si ml it Misses iSiirc, untiii Sheet cf AVtr ami JU ivttiial Hraid and I anbniidei lntr I'iitlerns, Tocether with nearly 100 KnirrnvitiL's of ull the novelties for Kmnmer I'.otinets. Chinks. Trim- iniiniT". Children's Iire.'ses. J.'te.. nnd Vnlunblo inf'ormnlion to Milliners, Dress Milkers. Mothers, I nnd I.ndies generally, presenlinK Hie Inr. ft nml best I'nsh ion Maf:ii.ino in tlio world, published 173 Mroadway, nnd old every where nt 2a ets., or ant i.v i,.;i i.n. t free, nn reerint t.f the nininint. : .,-,,, (lP .ik-er. Yuarlv SI. with the fullowinit " ' " i .,,...,, ! ji-.r-Strletidid inducements to Cnnves.-ers. SVMMKll Ko. iYOU' 7.'A'.l J'. ... t 'to May 7. 52 Dlt. A. M. IIII.l.S desires to inform his pntients, nnd those who may desiro his pro-' 1J patients, and those who may desiro bis pro ! tioss in bis office in Clearfield, bo will be unablo to ; fesainnal fcrvices, that owing to the press of bun-1 aT;Uxl his usual places any tnoro i but tnav always Ii.r.,im,l .ik,..;i a.;i i' f .'. . i. K It tu.ii. i',..;,,,. ...i.'t i. ..i..'.. I ccd for Vulcanilo work. TT A I UK J II. W, SMITH CO. are roceiv. Jj ing ,heir si-iuso tiouiis. Yoii are respectful. y invitad to call and examine thoir assortment. si.A.i.... .1. . -. .. n ..... ,jg tuu uiHer fex. April iU, . "17"IM)M r,(),fMM lb. of WOOL M'ANT- , Tr r.u : tor wuicn m j Lignest ctlv prices wi II bo paid, by J. 1'. KKATZEU. May 7, 16C2.-H. Hp a vim II CY ''allinllie 1 I ,; u f 11 4 tl.r.AUrK nit M.nort and cvrr jh ItlVnllilt l'hllHitilit.ui, rtittl Httlr . ' tn.l Jn.lr t,f ii,,, r ,,M ' 1 "H im: 1 rnr. er ll.fltl.ul..-,l.UII...,U,lt.,l1),!( l'l- ' ' trt. .,. ,, ..,, . "- tl ...... I,...l,.l,.. ,..., ,,,',," I . I .... 1 I ill. I- ..,,...,,,.,,. ,.,. ., ? 11, ll,.v . I. i Ml, , h .'' tins Hi. t-l I-. ..i(li km..,,,. ' U.j n., m .'a...,,,,;!, IlilloiM hisoi Jers nnd I.iv. r Vmtfi, I.., t, ,.,, , r i,"f"".- ,,'''X1: ... r .... V . .. ' I ....... ... ..,.v j..., ,,p ,1 1, M'.a -j, M III. V ItIV Hi.' I .1 I iillmil w w -'II ! lu, I'l.l ltl'.! , tl. ll in. II. ""l'l"l 'II '''!' II. Mini! , ti..i 1. M Il.i' l,nr i.,N li in.U. , u.,1 ' 'I' I) II., V -r.. ,1,I,,U. BllU, ,,, Mji'XT" ,u'.,.'.. I n.l.r l'..U,,l 1,. .Ill-1 ft , ... ... 11I...I U, rnit. rnitlly j.nr. Al.oN H iiui inutiv . .ui.i " Ull. W..,i.m f it. i... . . .'. ' 1 1 1 H ; l .1 .'. .V.inw 11. . . ., Dysentery, nrlni, nxl M rms. IV-TOni. r. Iltnnsii. l.n iv, Mu,ln N, , . . . Kit. Av.n: ,.,.v nil. II.. !" ,l,,.,u k, .,;, Th.'V l.iiM' ili.i.p n.y ml,. 1 K''il tl;i I , . , Sin. Im.l Im 11 w. k Mj I'ii.iiik' I..r 1IU.HII,, 1. "" t'K I.. lH.il.li.iit.1 ait (-r. nl A v..-. kill -..t .lt,ln'.- ij tl.i'l. tvimiit-nis-il t.tkin . 1 1 r I". 1 1. m.U ti n , I I.) t iIl.iij i)...i.ititi. .. .1 wt.ru.. (,,( ' .". U.l.v. TIm all. rnnr.l. i iiml h-r un.l imr t... ..m . i.l l.l.K..I dywui. ry. tliHM.f uur tit Lctil.ur- hud tt l JT, n.y tfp tort-.! 1.1m villi two t.ni ..f i,,llr en, t 111 m Ii.t tirt.iin.l ti. ai.l fruiu li vr In I w.lil'v .lollani dm i,', l.illa, anil l.'sl ll.url. limp, nlll.vut l .li.'i! r.in j ,.ir ?, pu n tin 11. Sin h iiinhviiii-11. imv, il.k, Q,.,.1,' ..! ami lv.ur.-l, will l.p i.rir,, I,,,.. ,U"T lllit). J. (iltiri'lN, l,Umuv. IiidiRi'slioii nnd Imntnity ol the Bfooj. Vimi J.'cp. J. V. Ilimcs, Juli,r vf AAkM Vkmeh, 1R. Avkk: I l.i.vo lf,., j,,r i'iiKuh nir,.MiL.r." nr. i'M in my f.U'-.ily nn.) t.i....i.K Ui.wp 1 am .-...Ipj i,,,, 1.1 ili-tr.-Kj. .,.Mt,. tho r(! f dict-p.t n n.,.l i,.,... p II..' Uijv . y hl II..- w rt wt r. !ii'y I h.v kn.iwn. .,, i , ,.,n,tj,iui.y rn-jiuun-iid dun. t,. tl, Y.'iir., J. V. 11 1 Mr. ' IVakkah. Wiiimi.-w Co., N. Y., Ort. i4. 1S5. lirtR Sik . 1 hiu una.K v.'iic C'nihjunic l'illa ui n.y priio. lin- inul II ml llii.nl un i..wll. si i...pirirv I.. .'......... I nvKli-tn nuJ .uri!y Ifii' l, niil;.ti!. i f Un- I I.hI. .!01I' 11. 31i.Atlj.lM, M. Ii, . Frjrsipt-Iii, Seroluln, liinu'n F.vil, Teller, Tumurs, anil Suit Itheuni. rrcm a Ii ii'urii.nu .V. rclmnl of to. l.iwi, 114. 4, Ki; Tr& An: T.'iir ruin .in. Hip (.nrnrm i.f all th,( pnml in B.i-lh'iiH'. TIk-v tn tiiri.l my litlh. .Im.-hl.r ( iiIi-pniiiHaiin'a uptU Uir fcumln anil t-pi tlitil Im.l piiiv, hi.'i.niiili fur y.-itr.. Hit iitolhcr l.tnl l' n ii'.. irii. T1(U V f.lrli'p.l ilh l.l.tips ..ml 'miplH un hvr nKm ittl in hrf lr. Afti-I ttj fclKl.i Wm t"4ll. hilt' Ills, trini vout Mils. iw..I thy H.ti' ,'i.ri .r Iht. ASA MilKtlRllXl'K. jKbrninaJisni) Keurulpia, iiud (.out. Turn Uu Ai p. IV. Ikiwkrt, ttie -V, iWisl Ijna. (Imnh. V u.-ki II. .cm. Savannah, 41a., Jnn. I'., ):.,r. If Tcunrn Sin : 1 pluml.! tip uuiernti fill fiTtliprplipf jnu kill Iiiih .r..i.sl.t Mr if 1 ilW n.-t irpiTt my raw t. j.,u. A .'..I.l a.'Utr.l lu n.y litul.a inul l.r.'iit.t -it ixrrui'iii'tiLi: niurnU'ii' bun.., Kaii-lt nilr4 In i l.ii.l.l ikinmaliNrii Ki.twnAtjiitl.ntr 1 hail Hit- tt-.t i.l' ik.T.ii'ltn.. tltp.li..au kin-w wi.ipp anil m.rp. iililil. l.y Hip iiilii. i-14 yi.m ptvI 1. Ill n'.-nt in lliiltilii.-lp, l.r. 3lii.-kt-p. rii-, I tried ymirVUW. 'J l.t-ir i-tT.-. U Hri.. l..w. Lilt Mir... Ity ..TR.vi'liI.l Ulll.b mp r.f tlu in, 1 uu. uutt t-utiri-ty t.. II. POMt Cimturn, VtTtit Uul ti, 1a. I 1ip.. IN.'S, lilt. Avi B r l Im.' 1.. II pl.tirply rnml t.y ui.r l'MiN .1 PiIk'.IHUIIH' (ii.tll U I'itil.l.lt llir.1 n-i' Hint Iiail Hltli' Md nit .r v. nil-. MM I NT Sl,ll.:.,. I'or l)riy, I'lelliorn, or kiiiilietl Com- lntlltri, l. J....tll 1.11 lulitp l-Uip', tll' J UH-1.1. . Ail'l i. nt ii'Un .ly. fi l ohtivenrss or 'oiistiMtion, rind as A DtttMrr I'll I, ll.i't itrp i;tpi itl.lr t.iij i n.-. 1 tiul. Tits, NiiinirrsMiin. I'nralysis, Inllinninn. tliili.ai.'l .un Di.if.K an, nml I 'at I I II It till -llt'KK, l.uii' le u cm isl t) I1h iilti raliii u. I i . i i, iij,.,, l'JL. ?ti.i. .f the Mli; in niurlc I r.'iitnin ?lpnnry, Li,li,nJ. tin. ii-l. a t:..i'tli,. r.iiti.ily in Miilful lrtnK. i itntiifi-ti-i. It. ii uuMl. ill. fn.tii 111.- lir.-a.ltiil i --ti i j wi i. Ital frp. nin'iiily t..il. v it iiwaiitii ii. nt;.'. Tli. rJ iiu iiliu im tiui- put; ir minttiil antatntiit it fcott-wr. AVER'S CIIEKRY TECTOHAL mu nil! iiAi-in i ri;i: nv ( Ol (MIS, (Ol. IIS. IIOAIISKAKSS, IXPM. i:.7.a, itno. ni l is, a noopiMi ((IH.ll. I'ltOi r, AM'IIM.t, IA. Ul'lKAT ON I Jll' l ION, iltl'l f"f II'" rill-f it l'i'I.MI!.i'tip 1 n t M II ill ii.1tii.iih1 -lli':r i f ti'. iliM'li.-.'. M i- Il. i '1 li. 'I ," Mili In tliP I nl-lif i f i! tlttlli.. 1 1n iiihIm.i.i - ttty ti'tin. uit'l iilni.T-l t-ti.t linilii.t .1 ttip. Aumti.1.11 rl.il cs. Hi. Wi'lut.-i till titli.- nt I't.liii. nan flip i l.'jfllt? Ii;le m.tiU' it lltltnilv kll. wn. ..v.l.K alp tU i t."il '" ' o'ui.ny ..n il.t- .. i.timni .tt,- ' i. nt M't.ip t'l't'.. i. i.l I- i .1 T'i. 1 1 ' ol n-. ti.. I ; inul ti w ii i .'I t.rZJ, ..vVl.-re It t.t .... tl,;m , ,. i,,;, n,..,y .'.f im vi, ti.iy .mt II..- miMIp im.l .Inn- I...UI- lU-l 3M "I till' llll'lll llllll ItlllL". Willi.- II If ll.p m-r 1'i.p.i ilul .uitiil.'t.' J.'t known I" iniin 1. 1 ll.p t. u. i il.itili' nml iltmi;. it. nn iii-t ui-i'. "1 tin .nliii".ini i-ivini-. il i- .'il-n llie 'li 'iis-ii.ti-l un.l Nil.i-t run. it j lint ..in lv mi llion il fur infi.iii m.J ' ii "-i. ii". I'm. nis l""il'l ksit- k ill t-ttue ninoi-l II"- i..-i.li. ii n ii ii iv ll.l p1 ti.-n Ip-ui r.:.rrp'irpil. We Imr l'.in.lnlil eo ini.li I" Mktp rtie tinny trtnritl iiiiip li" I t lli- .' r- pr.Hif.tl .iip II irt'M'llts tin... tN.H-p 1 .urn. K-.p il I? "... nml fine viuir n.l.W wl.He tin-?' i'' ' ' t "'- ic. r Hi. in tin ti! nn li.innui skill .-in. t ,,'"'! iiinlo r tlmt. fii.li'in il un tin- Tilii'ii. iiti- ",,ir All Ku.. Ike dri'inlfnl fntalitv of lliiic .In. pi. imoi'I im lin y know ton tin- tirtii. of this ri'ti.p.!?. i""1 ""' - more Hum to awn re tbtui it is still ip W l"t ;l "n l. Vr wtre wii-..i-t. ni i are, nn toil tt'.rnl'P it tt.p n."t t .,,fihli'. iu id ili iitli.nl ili,T'W'i) "n lithe list .mint wlii. In. ui pliill .nn tinnl-li t IV PRKI'AREf) BY DR. J. f. AVER, ?:ctic8l aod Annlytical Chemist, Lowoll, Mast A Ail HOLD U V Mny, Tth, lii2 1 y. 4 IMI MTlt ATOM'S I U I'.-.Nuli, o 2 V is hereby j;iven thi.t Letters of A'liiittii.-trn. lion linve been L'riiiite.l to tho subscriber on the esljitttof THOMAS McCKACKKX. lute of I.utu- l.er city, Clearfielil c.ttnty, ilecensed. All ..'r.'ins imlebted to paid cMalp, nre r."iiest.'d t.i nmU iinineilinte .nvniiiit. ami there hnriii rl.iii.u .-i'iiinst the snme will present thorn duly million tieiited I'er settlement. THOMAS HKXnV. rorgujnn tp., A ril oil.'fiL'.. Adtn'r. t AIJTION.--ALL persons nro hereby ciu- tinned nii'm.-t purehnsinK or trailing f..r eertnin promisory N..to diiled sometime in Miiv, tsnil, due Mny, I.'-i.J. ilrnwn in favor of Win, L. Munn, of Jordnn township, and cnllin;: for JKMI, as I inn deennined not to pny ?niil note uule.'i eotnpelled l.y duo course of law, ns I never receiv ed viihie for the same. 7'iOllKKT JOII.V.SIO.V. Jonhin township, April .'10, lso.:u. " ll AIAI.OMCV ,V CO." viiii.n'.snnir;. ci:xrin:c(K, rK.v.v. CO l' I 'J-: 1 , TJ X A S 1 .1 1 K KT-I HON WAlii: MA NT FA CI URKR. AH orders for work nttonded to with tho utiuoft j iironit.tiiess. and all Miles wnrrante.1 to rende r en- iro stiti-laetion. I jnn-l j-1 02- tfj hereby Kiven that Letters Testamentary i I the eMato of Willwm Morrell, late of I. cflato of William Morrell, late of hawr." tp., tleftriieiu enmity, dec i, nnve ueen & r.in I- ; tho uinlcrsiRnca to wtiom nil porsons m l. l toanid ostttte will make iminedinto iniymeiit.ac J : those hnvins claims nirniint tho snmowill 1'resef theui duly nuthontieated for settlement. OSCAH 1J. MKItilKLL, . .lOlIX J. Il l'AD, J " (Tenrf.eld, April, 2, lSf.2. .., rt ,., ,T . i nr"!' v"wiii rl,1l l' l'I'V, fi r '. Lp- be t-pened for tho receptio.T of puiuls 'nn. r,.m. ... nn IT, m, .i- Vnu 1H. , t S.,!. Tuinii per Session of Kleven Wcflfl OrtlinRrapliy, Heading. WriHng, I'riili7 Arilliinetic nnd lieo(;rn).by, J" IlipjUer Arithmtdie, KnglisU Uruinmiiti Geugrapby nnd History, Algebra, (leotnotry, Natural I'liiloJopliy, nml lloolf Keeliini. ' La.'in aDd tirot'!t LaiiRuaRes, . . . 1 ' an V V" a thorettRll r ""dents desirous of aequiritiR i Lncliili Kducation, nnd who wish qualfy ' thoiuselros for Tuaeh.rs. this Institution i , ( , l,:0 Tn oticri i desirable a. Ivaiilaues. v.. n,.ti o,,iu,.,i r.,p i,.ja (t.nn ti ii ! f i scseion, and no doductiou mado except for protracted sickness. Tuition to bo paid at tho close of tho term. C. li. 8ANHF0RD, Principal, Clearfield, May 7, 18C2. ly. TnT.OITt, IJACO.V, PRIKD ri'ArlltH. Dried A )iles, Ac., nt KltATZLIlS ClourUeld, April U, 13C1'. Ih! , 1