Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 14, 1862, Image 1

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    h lie l." "
lllllll'i.lCl! 1!
c w woor';. i r,-,,ir,
;.:;.!!.-uii()i,K. no i?.j
riiiNcirtrs, not mem.
(XKAUl IKU), i'A. WKDNIiSDAY, MAY H, ijjg?.
1. l!,)
This .- il.'i title of a, in KMpici Oath'
Iiour.d : ic il i hgaiuzation, very much
in 1 1, in in h r wiili that of defunct Know
r i t h i n.'i . It pictcndt d objict is de
votion in tho Union ; hut I lie very fir.-t
net required of itb devotees is k f!il jiiIj1.
TERMS -ei 23 frr Aiuliz, ii'
NKV.K;sV(j,. if.-;
d .'at
u-.l ll
; ... mot in:, mill.!. 'ill fit I lid U i i: !!
taoi..'1.', tin1 mo t "urious illiirli-.iliuii .,
t l . '-'-.I v.. '! 1 IT..' '.-icing beauty, lll'.c
K' " , .. . .d to nic.i and nothing li,u
(..; : . d, because there was no infusing n 1 diviliu i 11 feel ii 111 11 nd ttrmiti. Alnl
oil the other hand, the tiioagere,t stale i('llUio1' of tl,u V,"T l''1'1 "I'ich
inents, Uio most reiuai kabio simplicities, our frco republican institutions lire founJ.
bo most Keomiiicly itiiidemiato unci pow- f.,.
rlo.i. pfull presentations. Iiavn .seuuil the T), jf.,,., lhhur , A. VnUn 1)US
iuul. first m:Ii slinking of four, and f . . .. "
terw.irds with u divine rapture, that, lod '. m:x'' fll!I "position of that, now Order
tu p-iiiso und B;iy, ''It is lomn magi j Millieient, mo hope, to put homoerats on
untie tnice, ii it oinic wilohcr'y" Yes, ( tl P;r guaid against lining entrapped into
,vbon th. spirit of God,H the horn, , jb b a, ,y . , ; k
nj tlmt the soul ltsolt wolks upon tlio j r .
bonl, th. ro :i .li.proi'ortion, anpur -iitly, La"br organization. " ouii.-tlV' uro or
in S.'cn tho fui i'" iui'1 ihu ri'vuh, if lou ganicd in many of tho tvisd-rn i-otititifs
rep-ir-i tin' intcil.ictLiii! s'litonioul us thu (,f thin St itc, and in thi- Cm- aiiht wo
TOlmt ifyo,. K-Kunl thiisoul .power .i klllW . u of K,1(0 nmnUrH
tie lore, .thorn is no 'Jlsproporiiun. for . . .
th.Mn is n. power like llii tl.i.t blii.n-K '""" -f to K.- . soorot, iinta! tlio luoruiug
ui hut 11? with tho very lif, of o-ery man 01 Uio ish-ctiini, tin? nanus ol the cancli-
They arc al-
ui name ol any
ny thf f.i.itenco
wlii) ii!it!v bpoaks the truth. IV'hinil dates fo: imblie o!li''t., Ac.
.ii:!i woi'u iiii.i eitiy nyitiooi ami luou, is so tll.,,r;l no (0 r(.vt.u ,
tin- iit'.ii t-iorco 01 1:1m wiao uses 11 ; ant;
To Provide for the Adjudication and
Payment of Certain Military Claims.
KtaioN 1. Jin it enart'd by the Urnatc und
yi iu' if ii'jirtsrntitiiri of 'thf. t.'-mmonwi.itlti
1 l'ci n.vh'aniu in Hern i al A wni'y met, and
it 1.1 Itcribti er.acttit t.y tht' uutlion'j of tr.r tunc,
'l liat I io adjutant gi'iH'i'al, the iiini tci niu.'i
let gen- and Ihfi uoiuiuii-mry jfimrul, Hhall
ho :. hoard, and iwoof wnoni hlinll form a
quoi hid, to whom allcIai jH c )u tructe i
tor tho subsiiiteiH'f, elolhiiig, liunspoitii
tlon or orgiiniiuion of our volunteera, un
der orders of milhori.eil oflioors of this
Kiute.khidl besubniiited,with power to take
testimony, whoso report,
tlifl evidntu-e, Bhall ho returned by tlietu
to iho auditor general for hi approval or
disapproval, whose dciin shall ln final
and eoiu'lu.iive ; and thu auditor f-eneiul
is hereby authorized and directed 10 draw
pnr'nim prriorminiiNimilpr dutiej in tho THE IRRFPI1 FSTRT T PV.rr rrT r , v ,1 1 ,, ,,
volun.rrr seryic? of tl,i, Stato. but cnlv in w u rv I iF T,-, ,FLICT"" 1 '" ' '' U 1 : ' P
proportion to tho rril .Prvlro.mi.lcr.MJi! Fnr , , . 1 ' ,
1'rcvuU, I hat no clnimH.nll bn roni,b,-..d . For ",,nr1-' Mx mo."llls 'i-o
or reported under tl ii ,.r.ii,. ,n o: .un''" "orpp nvo li'indred thound prnwd
..... .1... 1... 1 - -v, "j -.
I '
OI'LI Mill III 1II1V fill.. ......
.mho has been rmd bv tho i-,.:,! 'u,1,,,',prn nili otl.rr om tb lVto-
Stat-'s, for tho subs'utone,- of men ree. uil- 'lln':' roa,,y 1,1 nnv timP- -Uou'1 eth:v
ed by him or und it hi ii-.i hm-ii. ;. 1... 'll,'lly vrnturo an advumo. u slushier
t 1 . . J 1 HI) rV nfiiuiin .. . . 1 I . .. 4 . . ,1 ti-w.n ii . l
mill nave Kat:sti.'.l tf,p ,oaid that bo has ,i ". .. .. ...u, umui. ;uim. hs """'ts "'"-"fs ni rnv;(t: ! pou
linn . 111 11 ui il,, .1.1 ... 1 , .. I""": . uiiKO Atr.ortaiH. una tea :n- ""J". I ell. t v in.rk I...- 1
ii" 0 j t thi' noii.'ii. ..;
.-i'ndi0 with it j 1.1 n, i ,
r'"-i' t , it tii.:-' he i r.r !".(!.
erv lor tho l.i. .011, k, ( h J,;.,
litis never 1'ui t:i-lit't n sr.l.iniv
iieienii, tin- err: t
j 1 1 ri' ' !
Uf ' 1 en, tee inaM- I I,k,
him, in the name
bis own name
n in n
wiu. (i 1 , "
Skc. 8. That i all counties of il.i. Sute!.. ll,o,i0n, "k,u ""4 I'i "j nt 'wl,tn l!:V-v 111,1
. '. . i-tu 1
; -..i!,-. .t
t r .1
1: 'iUIM'lts
r . ! i : t.j
id v-ll
: in'
nari-ofihe-rnnien tor VX'T n- 8kil'U,. a,"'1 I' body h Mtfl.or.of all th;.. d ,H,ri.. , ,V :
no. for tho Kurnort of nuch I ? ,1'hr",ton',om' n,ul' '"O'-eovor, Mdor ev..ry day. r.nd, i. K',..-n 1- '-- r
1 1 j equipped with tho most perfect and dead- toj.,vcry inn v.ill it.
manses would probably result carry out the i.K'n of .L11m..
whora lands or i,ni,.i. ;. .,1 i r."uu "nvo collision u" ineir tuooti nr I liuir tu
.v ... - ... :; 1 .101 tliefe vast
; uil-u iier or iiwnrn iiierpoi
apply by petition, .ellin; for ho 1 ? "' 1 er"b,e ' '' fb 1 r1""."1' .,fr,,,;r;1 V " 11
Hand th amount eUinuuhwitb a.lid 'fi"?', '-Vor vn tvttncH. it s the very earth il t.,,,- , -,-:!,
of the claimant as to tho ruth of the J ,ro J" jIi r"r,t'' 1; alo..., pr, . tho ieaetion.-A. j . ' -
e navi
lil-'j to
. ! o ti
petition, to the court of common pleas of
me county in winuii Um lauds or tenu
behind them all is the h.iul ot Ciod, ivin
mem her, and :ilo to
both to tho word and the speaker of it 1 of iUt'l' nn 1 )n'rI'- besides beiii, clearly
Kiiuet''ing ol his own loriout energy. hostile to public liberty, and depriving
... . -. v. i . 1 1 uieu w ho may be unwillinilv entriipned
Chttsttanify did not como to reveal or:. h- H '
procluiin mrm's sin. That needed ,.0 ;inti. the toih of Urn lixpimtioii-nf their
rroclaniatioR. But could bin bo cm t.l '.' person il freedom as citizens of a free ro
Vi' as tlu roan intluonce Mitlieient to cm' , public, the reader cannot fail to perciive
tjl taeiwui arid counteract tho evil ii.-.,Iia, i, r.,ir...
hi I : from
anv. wit 1
all the testimony, to tho imid court; the
his rt.1rr.1nt 011 tho Mat.) tieasurer tor tho I"'"" Hiiuuteu. aiut upon such upph-
amount allowed in each case : J'mvidrd, I l'i,110. tlio court hhall appoint three disin
That 110 hither price thnll bo allowed than torested appraisers, who shall, iihin
S- 1 ....... 1 ... J .. . 1'. . I .
has been paid lor like articles procure.
tinder conlra;t by the stale : And provided
Ijurthrr, Thill so ninth ill; y in tho judge
ment ol said hoard bo due upon anv con
tract prior to tho lifteenth day of May,
Anno l)omn:i one thousand eight hundred
and iti.xty one, by any military ollieeis of
this statu in cood luilh with tho citizens
of this Biale, may, in their discretion, bo j 00111 1 ''' ooulirm said report, or re
paid on due proof of such contract, or so ' il lmui l,o same apiraiers, or ap
much as r.iav in their judgement ho the I P''d new appraiser, as may best, in the
true la uo of the goods or merchandisi) .so !l,,l0, of l'io couit, nil.sorvo tho ends of
purcinifeif. .iu-h u, mm upon in... c.jiiiniii.nion 01
.uicii lejiori, int- aiiiouui lli"r.'lll Muted to
be clue shall ho certified, with all tho ten.
timony, by the piothonotni v o( said court,
r. ti'i tiiation r.f i.ot leailv the 'Va.Tic old coon" un 'i r a capacity ol otticers tioni tlio time tliey cum-1 "I'l"""'1--" "y .uu urst seouon
hlo iii 1 I im::.tio-.s. I nns i-h:iraolr and ; Ut..v ,.n ; : moiicoil to recruit under the nut hoi ay ol ' " .0 oh .v-pone. upon to tlio
ci.iiduct '.vill both i.o chan.'ed. Not a .... '. ' j the stato, and the p, nates Irom tho date logishitu-e : l'mcwd further, f'liat as roiii
I,.., ier lifo .;cai.i:d..d .-tu.plv, but a! 1 '"' organ itition of Harris- 0 ,,ir eiarolmoiit : I'rokd, That no such j nH " ''"' "aun.-d in the sovemth and
new i-.!c. ui.on another plan, with in-v ! bi rg have di-ciii.-d the mat ter of sufficient I ciiiiui idiall he allowed to privates, unless i 'r-'hth sections ol th is act aio propnrly
1 ... ... .... . . 1 it. 1 i , 1 t ... I .i, ...1 I 1 1.11
ins, w u,i uttn r nioi ive.-, with niolicr iti- , 1 in i.oi tai,.;o to iv.: 11 t he r attention and lot: claimant tin oeen actual y bworn into . . . " cimni sunn
I llC btlVlCu Ot UIO bta'.G or III till) U.latO", "' "i 1 u-ril l III nsil-
by 0110 of 1 is own ollicers. or bv a regular "l;cO". copy ot tio-ir report upon eneii
i'U'T0-'- mi-1 musterine ollicer of tho iirmv. or bv some . hK''- ' claim .'hall be paid under
vcniKO tii:q en iiam ifw ii,, a 1, i ,. 0.1
military movements of the Old World,1 -'Aroit 1) t i i m
where armies fight one day and negotiate ''mm.h If tln-r? - i:
the next, rind often, like Napoleon at lamented Senator Im .-,
viiainioii, miiii.i'uvre 5itu piv to lone nc : , 1 ,
i gotiations or "oompromiso," n., one h;i
.i.'-i t'
r. 1 1
1 .-..- t
" ITOil
4 toe
, 11 .ui iiiiu nun niiuniKi i) I lie a - r , , 1 ' .1 1 . 1 1 '.111 l.c ;;i;.I ibopremi- far ,f'll) '.concLrne-.l, a treutle. ,.j
ses and hear any pre eVt. d or m iy' W'h "iuf 'l Mn U hi-1 t Xt
desired by .aid appraise, JnA repoA ZZt !
fin. r ri m mm ivniiin nod IMin .111 : l. lfist
..' ... 1 i'l,..;.,. ....: 1... I tie ill
I' I .11 . 1, 1 1 . ll .11 'I 1 1 'll. V.. .. I I ,
to traiibform the mind ami
I' ill piC.l
MiC. . 1 hat such Fettletiii.nt, shall mii
bruco l.'io claims for nav of all IVnnsvlva.
How ver like K nowr.othii:giPni 1 I, it nia voliintoors ; of person) acting in tho
n;..riiv. "s. an
tV. ... Ch-.lrt
; .10 ' !
,til more ell-'iitllai ir.11
y pias' s the wbnie, 11a-
'r '.1 .1111
h.iul, alio .-i-t hs to apply
'.l.c cry fmnlain o! fool in
to put the ( pic of tin. country on their
gil.ild tigaiiinl it, and for t!:
aniuiotif ly t.dopt.'d the fid
in :;
'.' I. '
-,011. It piocl
1 11.'
1 new man 1 in gs, :
' .Extract from the Minutes of the Dein-
a i-i.-llu'i heart w., ul.l to ' cratic City Executive Committee,
iti i-rr-itt . iii-tnvy 01 its torrow, '.lie j uiisuuig. iu-in J. iov.
iu'" out i-f tiil-h of sorroiv, 1 , in uii.' r, V.'m. '. '..1. ,),
0 of 1 is own officers, or by a regular ""V00, 11 0CT of ""'ir porl u
rino otli.-er of tlio iiniiv. or bv sonic -Seo. fl. No claim shall be in
owin jroeeel I cud olljcer daly .piallilied to administer j t" I'1 ovimoiiso! tins not m ess the claim.
an oatn : And jiwrndalfurthcf, I'iiat no olU. (! .'"' r,,i " ' wn tlt St
er bhail l.e ttiiitlo.l lotho boiitliis-jr pro-; '"l"u'1' ' "S'.1' or pieago mat in
. 'iul tii? f rd c:;vo to you ficatin;.' 1
tho tl-'i
i-idd 1
er , ....
,1 ' ., .' ,
u o r -. 1 1 1
,.i ? n'paty
CS tjl
; tO 1,1
wi'.U v.
r;..-, . v.
... Sli.-. id-.' ii
. I 01 ! i.l' i ;.o
t .l'Ct 1 1 iii.,t I :
t 01 hui ci.ia ij. :i oj ;
'i n.' iii iti." ..w-r 0
:i 1 by Wt. JI ruilton.
t i'i 1 ' . . .' and iv:-o!ut.i'Hi wro nr.aituii-uas .lU.-.
..nit. lire ui" Hie
i!l'.,-en bis for-i nil!, tm' ; Vi'tuiiEA1-, t .' i 1 ' to i in p"S:r.--
w:-!i,-s ii you it :,:-iot;of ird.ii t.'i'jii t r cf of ;l.o -.idtno
,n :.. will .. : .1 ."ti . t! r-. 01 secret punin-ni bi (ictus m v.iiiou-
1. .ii-.. ."cl urci.'i'ntan'! 1 ! tt;n t.on.motnM alMi, to wit : t.e
visions of tins hci until hu shall file, iu Uio
oflico of the adjutant gineiid an aflidavit,
that ho has not alimy liiiu received any po
Ctllliai V ooiin.en.satliiii. or i roaiiiu tlierenl'
IuiIion uio prcatij-; ji,r 1 H. orccui ino clni:v couiniiss-.nn. -.1-
appointment of any rllioer, sutler, i oihor
1'.ce connect, d iiitutho Vnluntei r
; sci ice, or w iio has transit! o-l any porti o
; of the men thi.t ho 1 tci ui'.i d, or u sis'i.'.
'in r.'ci'ii:t:n jr. t) anv ot'i.'r c .ni'. anv. hi-.
I " " talnm or lv. 'iin-nt. for
li.V-poiV- r.uztrnc
a 'i
lial j Coll.- !
tro 1.1 i-eul ai
ve Iho intellectual tor is I
'i'lii. 1' ir. litis that lies a! 1 lioili tnein
count -
.i in, 1
r n h ic!i
'lie eomi
1 oration
1 ..rVnr,
Tliut 111 the scale-
sum so paid is accepted an a f ill re! nn
nu dischnrgo of iho Sut and national
govenimeni.-, from all oilier or fur her
liability for, or on nccotltit of, t!:r i-'ilj-"-'.
nr tier of I. c!.i:-.i.
Sro, I ..1. '. hat tfio provisions of this act.
so far as applicable. s!m11 he ovtend.-d t.j
nil or r-sldents of l'. nnsyl'-aiiia
vho h;ivn! enloie .! into i!m ac
tive '-rvico of th.) United S a:r-., or a iv
otlp r S':.i.j of this Uiii'iii; I'.j.itd, TU it
:ich iicrons have not been or shall no'
ly, anu not Halo to l'o al lar;:e : .N nv, 11 h 11 1
is iho f.iu.?e of this deep ami deadly hostil
ity so vital and til! pervading "baiween
these urtnd hosts, that nothing but blood
and an awful destruction of hie can dis
pu.-o of; jiHlotsd, so deep, and deadly, and
ir: oconcilable, that no onu dares to pro
pose, negotiation or cn:jr,)!iiiso, and iht
bare uttempt of a citizen to get up a peaec
memori il.wai punished hy iinprisoniuent !
Th'-v pre alike American citizens, born
ind educated in the warn, principle.!, and
have all tfo same iuieiv-,'.-', i.leas nn I h-ib-it,
tin I not only h,u uj -niz in nil Other
respects, but rspc jiaUr so in rosiie-.-t uj
Uial one great set
. ....,111 1 ne aiis . 1 : ,,.
.nti!y ii in the fr,.t i)f, ;
with a d-librato ;:vo'v..,l
never obey ouo el uife of tic
of thd L'oited Staios, tu.ii
band upon the Holy ilihie,
euc;i of 1 ij is?, ntid "ppi'.
mighty Ho..! to iVi'-ic i
faithful to lIlO C0l'slt;O;j-i.
of porjury on his kji.I, bv y
i'i..t "alii and tin- Con. t
cam.i htli; ili.-i; a ph.i.J.r,, t
-si'if.i, the ;or,(ilion of cli,'
fdaco. jlas ho a r,;;I,i to .".
caiiso wo (,' o to ly our u;
tui to that Constitution -.
I'nv '. Ii
r ' ""iio in r
.-t in: v.oild
f'oi."'!'u.- 01
vot put
"I '00 j res-'.!-d
. j .he
." ..;' i
;!:, aj'.- le.,
'' i '-' i oth
o'i:'"t, .' H i
: ir 1." j .
1. 1. si i tu uiinisti'V.
1 0 ri
tuic, of which 11. W. Cai'ton is i'rt .sident
.-oul gives life, to th. 'and II. V. Hall. Secretary : ono in Jau
j phiu cuiinty, of which Ilavid Munimii i
i:, vvfi v since ,;lC ri'lent and Uco-o I5eTSnrr Secretary
. :.. ......1,. 1 '""
1.1 1 . ,1 I'1 ,11 l,iv..liikiiill.i..,ii-i r 1 it s
.', ,. ... . ' V t-crc-U. I lit . 'if, 11 1 Hosca f
i . .' .... . 1. . r ii.- 'i ..nn i ...i..iu' o
I. ,f b' pi:
'iii'iv .'liiciincv rf the human
ii r is a.iihoi izeil I v tin.
owe: s iiot iied to moral pur
n-,i s t :i c.i th, !.ti i is nolle like t hit 0
'ii v 1 (..ui 01 f.iiii lio'l hi
1 t 'rpciii. '.,...,., r . ,;,.,, r. 1,;.. ! he prov;. ted tor nud oaid bv such other
.-cd of liernln i ,.,; , ' , 1 i'i ..n ...., ,,1.,;,.' I State or by tho Unit-'-d States.
dicers of tho I.egishi i'.r ... .1 . 1, i .JOHN ROWH.
may 111 justic and equity be duo for tht
K l vices lendi l td.
Si c. .'!. That any company or regiirent
having .tiii-ted 111 tho volunteer service
and having Keen ordered liy tho milhtarv
iHithorities ol the .-tate. of r.'nnsylvuniii or
of tho United Slates, to rendezvous at anv
, point, and naung proceeded to such roil- V.u.w.zs I.vco.nmstkscv i.v Conouess -In
(dczvou.s, and shall tho.o or i-lscw here ..i,,. lU rosolution consuri ng Cameron
! have been elibbandod by the govenor, or . Cummimt.s. and rWusimr to
' I.UZti l.O
ii'I'i n
conn ly
r, ,, .1 , ,1 , ! i.o'.ai 1 1101 1 t'joi.e, 10 oianizo 11 e o u
( tho tnor.ij influences kno.wi, I ,, ., .. . s , . .
LV V 'Mill. 1. UI 1,1 tlCIIU III ll.ll LUullLV
of I he State of reim.-yh ai.iti ; and
II 'I . . . 'I'l .. ' 1 II . . .. . . I'l J
o i . r'ij, 1 i.e sain uosea ariu nier uiu, ,i,,. ..,i. ,.., ;,i.,,.,i 1,,.,,,,,
, . uun:i jiii'j-ii .iui'iiiiy, .....tij ioOIIS
.v.r.jArr f ' the llM r 0 t'or. ,v'. tiv
I.tiUis V. HAl.I.,
Sfieaker of the Sen-it.
A iTitow.ui -Ti.o bixteenth day of April
Anno i'oiiiini one thousand tight bun
died and sixtv-tno.
A . G. CUK I'IN.
i -ei
lit -
it 13 o
I no 11
t, tl.ut iiii'tkin'Hs i.i more puweifulj
any pi ' '..'l'';i ot ii.epU lie.-s ; that boil
t I: --:,ri, fci'vr of fiitii. earnest do
hires for si,l ntion, are moio powerful than
iliA tin. it," .c:.-. ...f tliin.Tf f.'ii; bo;
'u.t .'motions, H'n'.i.iioiit, tttlings, ftre
lb. in-, hi-a nn. iu than tho Fyu.bol.s of
thi io can e ver l.o.
in '.I. .M or. tii ol ..J.iitu ia-l. 0 1 rive m tho l ',' 1 ;. .... .;..,'," rooU-T. i ,V . . "l"'"H euijuoying
1 1 .. . I ' . .it.
;.iorgan, uie House o KeprcsPfiiat iyes
jhave b'.toii g'.-ihy of th-. most bruzun in
'iMiisistii'iey. Such action us no piirallo!
in th'1 I'cioids of Conue.-s. (.'.. lotion ap
1 point! Oauiiain g- a- a go-, orniueiiiai'ont.
, Secretary Welles a;
'iiileii lA ir.
ihii,-. Il is nota'".' , ' teen mustered into koi wcc, si. ill reoivo
dythis: that,j''v U 'l .i.burg and th. ro organized the ccll1.)eilS)lt;oll for f.u,,u a time ; and all
fa! than any i'octr:.o 1 "l , ' f'l1"" '"" '"" claims for rub-i .ttnre, clothingatid trans'
J lte..l,llll,Illll 1.1 I f.V", I, ,-,, li.'li.MO.
' . ' ' J v...-,. . .fc..s, j-urtntion 01 sucli company, oi' regiment,
-ri r -i ' fclin.ll bo adjusttu bv -aid boi.rd ; l'rwidcd.
here 1 ho a,ur.'Wi.l socic-tios a"o sc i .j-,at Cl.,iln Hlodl bo allowed under tho
cret ol i .:ri!ati, 111s. the monitier of ii'loch ' . .i , . , .: .. . .1
ob,,t ,s to elet by means un-iJ ft(le,. u, , Ul0lV(lf. , , ' -' ' ; !'
recognized by the Constitution and tho, Slf,.. t. That when anv volunteer, alter ... . 'I ' . '" ' ?. ' "V"."' ("
1, - ,, , -,. . ,,. j"i iinoj, i-;i 1,1 11 r,:i, i,. m 11 (Mi, Ilffll
having boon enrolled and joined bis com- anil ak H,, orr t.lhl, -,h,,r ,;, .
I... 1 1 ,-. I..,,. .,V.. C.Tj- htW Ml K. . ' . '
p:illj, Ml.ll. lout- .'C'.LH- .in. ..'. t lu. ,u,. )Ul,t."iIy I CI 1 Oil :sii I SOIUO
have U101I, or bhull :iavo boon uiscunrgeu fnf ur. jele.s. .Moi-a-i f-
HOW tilO subier-l in din, utn hot.-,no ll.ol ""3' which bo ;;
North and South. ' hen n.., c,:;, s - 'rt, . ,Se,..,j
Tho sjuthern or 'Coiifederi!,-" nrriu ! ''t':'t';'1 U"' ,u'!j''' -i
know that liio four million' ot nogroos ih , " 11U w '''."'" l'"'t s0'.-""r
the South arc in their rormal e-ondition , p.-v to ufluo 11 'n " ''other L-
and natural re'.ution to thorn ..-Ives, nod i V '"!'3'"-T oiltct Unit cl
tl... ..va1I".,,a or.e,...,. ,1 i'-'onstitulioii
- ' -s. V . J'. ...... , M. I,, .,, I. l,,,l UI''
.l.o.l :...!.. 1 . , , ' ,
mi,i. . un ,i s remain uius, una t:it wi.1.0
man so d.-l.tuthed and degra .led a-: to
wish to ab'-.ii-h this cr.ri l'tio::. and force
th..' white citijendiip intc ' fi
ih.ll" vVlth th.Vi' Silbjec- l..-"rrs fh'.'jl i
' !,. d.s...
.'1. C ; 0 ;ii.
hnvt mil,
' aid 1:1 ;
r. in I'cor
c of 1 '. i
y 1
b-is.r.ttoa luoitb as-,) du-.i, fir : u :
crnzy tool or d..'luoi'.i wi-etc!! h
to li'-'o anion - whito mot. an h
is the s.i.p li'.'i'.i view, iini v. lid a po.s.b,.
oso.-ptim in..'- end then, .'.uoh i, tho vie
of 'he rank und hlo in tin: t'.-d "i'.! n'-nv
.10'Ccl c' f.i -, : : - ..
'Vf'S. -is , i- srrvallL n ' ,v
. ! .. I 1 1 . . '
milium 00 in.., thing V X do', to b'j
i'i"v.ii,(.ii:iiiiii i,i yo::r
dog, unless yo,i it,, a tVaitor? Tu it
n." po-itio-i ; ;n,i i.o r ..r.c. here, ..!:)
a, ia :-T,r, us 1 .( ci It'!.'. ;it,. t d;
v . I'M ;i"il !"
e 1 "-'"" " :" avo.vcl i 1.1 i 1 1. i i
't be
'Tit nu
ll..! 11 ei r ; witn. -h
f 1-
laws of rtimsvlvariiii ; f ml
H7.T..1. The attic!
!he C'ln.slitu-!
. i n )t :t j ii ,t man on earui.
ip ro'l!enc a ; but if men tuv
C Villi nol iii i;i ot til) trosp'.i., tlons o! the ncrit MK'lttitS uloltsald,
i which ploildes that the ticket, .creed
upon t;y a coinujittt e rii seven, tou not ir.
recea'ed mtU the wr-by e-f the ehxtkn ; and
the r 1 tide w liich, tinder oath, rtsirabts a
brother Jriiin reviaUnij the nmue (J o,; nmaher
nf the ('o,i'i', cr the e.r' 1 nut t'teh nr
j!7iiiM.','.;ii,,pt t- a hnou-n brother, uro am
ple tvideiieo tint the objects of the .secret
organisation afoiesiid tiro illeual and aim
a deadly blow at tho tiectivo franchise
and the liberties of tho people; find
liy.iTt-.i;-, Thu iiiime and tiih-of tha ee
cret booietios afortiai.1, howtve-r spi cious
and high sounding, are but a cloak to hide
the sinister piotc. dii gs of midnight coiu
spu ators ; t hereto! 0
lieaolved. Til At the City Iieiuocratin Hx
eculive Comiuitttt: of tho city of Jl irii
burg hiT-.'by denounce to tho j'ooilo of
I'tr iibylvunia tho atteiupt now being
tnado, by certain Republicans, to oigati
izoin .'Very county of this Cotniuonwealth,
becret political hotieti. ",in close imitation
of the dirk luntern organizations of the, past,
the purpo.-e of which is to control town
ship, ward, county, and Ninto iioiiiinii
tiom for tho especial l.thoof and I rn. lit
( t Iho int-mboiH thereof : to take a Hiinn
tlmt made bim tlm leacher iiideenieot innoi th.:- i,eoti at. the i.olU.
that bo was, bneakiro; us never man make ami to n'reen from iln. h -hl r.f due flu.
It w n not mere v tin. wo.ds of thoir moan- dark machinationi against tho libettici. of
1. .-.but that subtle power be-hind the woiks tho people, whith may be divined in t-e-
whu .1 made truth oniri p.-.tct. It was crct tonolave by 111011 'whoso oaths of ko' that tnttdo the apstl0 b,, l owcrful. j cn-cv i.laco tht n., ut. they iniagmo beyond
1 lit desoont o. tao Holy tJhost upon them the reach of tho law.
i.tlhod .yof ronttcost was such that ihty Jle!ulvcd, That w recommend to th
weroa, .')tot,ay muMitudts of men. as Democratic, no'.isrcinrrs offhis rmio..-
mib fwiy lerett when thiy blow upon ; wealth, the publication of tho above
au.1 lo and risolutioii. to tho end '.lint the
There went with our Savior's fetching, ptoplo in thoir retpectivo counties may :
"i. 1 wr.n tnoaposno.. niter nun, an i tiioro , ' o put upon tlioir guard agaiobt the bocrt-t
i '.i; to w,'.;i every jurist:. in teacner r, orgai'izniions alnrosnnl.
J-otn. ,hig more than mero inlelltctio 11. ! A. L. HUM FORT, I'rositleiit
'J u 1. a'h itself goes with thfl pbr.en of. J-tvi Woifingir. Sec'y.
trill ll WhiliiiY .11, it '. ! ti v ..Iti int A lii. . . . .
ct.ddwL.tnrMhoi.lrasuna moM.inct. of ; ...T.i.a.1" , u Mo's. .nlel- II t'1VM
lovo. tlo emits the very thing with hor ' To . JtVav "th , ,,-" "u "
ord.n,l is n,or potent ' f",., 'f r". httV0 V''
Hi m t.,.vmi:.;nn .i,.,,k i.Mi. A .. i lrc.a Uie 'Bof 1 calth-you have we.nn-
. r.....'.i, ..'..,ib.. w.u,- UtU yourselt elcsint ot voj dio'" Hoi
when tho wound is r.inrtul lw i.,..1 1,,,..,
t not j-hovo your profession, and ! ; thooontinol pives no cbnllnng. I'ain' is
s 1 ... : Icr il us 'ho first any man can of no use then. The victim must die-
. .ever ihrti k from doing any- ai d t'Mially lie uffer little. I'ain, there.
wi.iui jour buMiiiss calm you to foro, if it bo a penalty, 1 aUoamercy. It
uit the
goi em-
are rtia'.ivc
ititastir. d b" the law of liristian love, by
the law of the iigrceliieiit of theil faculties
in their 0.. n mind-, bv tho law-of th-ir
ioc; I iigic.'.-vnt one uuli an other, or by
their rmuei- to iiiu.wtr the- general r-ndsof
t heir treatioii, their is not a food man,
iirid thtro never his boon one.on tho oartli.
All am neov beaihen, nil are not vicious,
norallaro not alike evil , but there are
nono tlmt answer the. ud of theircrcation,
or conform thehnv of their being.
The Christian r. bgii. n, while it has it
formulas, its intellectual elements, its
precepts and coniinands, ito history and
duties and n.a oning-, is ptruliur nbove
all other things in this .- that it propagates
itself more by contact of heart with lu in t,
rpiri'. with Hpini, than by intellectual for.
cos. Itisthoonlv system which, inclu
ding and Uting every legitimate iiifluenec
tlint belongs to ordintry teaching, dojiciuls
chiefly iiiul characteristically upon tho
oico winch liio Roul. 'The words that I
hpoaU ui to you arc spirit and lite."
It w.iB tho divine life btreamiTic forth
llOill Cllliol
uiiiii'iuuiiiinui.iii,ii.i..i....i.... . .. . ineiil foolishly, liuvui' worn out
ing been regularly mustered lnto tervieo, 'bljifiS ,, o;,!v VCIV fvK " K),j V,.,S(:!:1.
buch boldiet bhall betiitilled to the same ' Sove, if Ci.meion w.ii wroo-1,1 u.ilaii r.ib'v
pay and other provisions, I10111 tho time ol ..pnointing Cui.imii,gs, hy w.u not Well.',
his enrollment to his disohaio or deal 1, UI,I v.vr.iliv'appointing Morgan?
as ho would have boon entitled to had ho. rjeside this, Cumuiin-s had nothing but
Hid M01 gun
1 his two and.a-
It it l.'i-ii. tod that !- Ii 'Jenor.d M.'
and tho Secretary of War voted, in t he
last oietiion, with tils' two or posing Gen
oral, Johnston .and Smith,!' it I'.i'mjI. int idge
and Icine.
Th" platform of Bi echini idg.) end Lanrj
was Hin, ply i!k Federal Con- t', a:
ii.tei pi eted l tho Supreme Coui t and a!i
liio American l'lTsid'-ut. from Wa-.hiiig-ton
to I'dchanau. It construed th" Co .
Ktitution to mean white men nb.ii'", n! f)t
a-hem were, of course, 01 i led to equal
rights to the .same protection for prcpoi ty
invested in tho labor of their lie 'roes t h it
was rtP'inn lod for other property. Un
forldtia'elv, the igtior nice lolly, delusion
and actual o sVi:o-iy tf 'i;c journal-,
preachers and poliiiciars of Iho No:!h
i.reyeii!'."! ihe- ncoole fr..m iio.,. c.Ji'i'rct
conception-. if sor i- t it. the Soiitli, or of . f
und..rstanding tlio r, platfoi ;n, J
and thereto: o the men forinin; tho nn s
liic I'e'ieral aniiv. f.i I 1 to vjto for I
I'.cokii.iidge .ind Ime. I'cit 1 early ovo.-y
or," wo i!d have uiled for them, if tbcv
'.-ioni.,! as i,
la. Isor; a, i.Meh
both i.',.. ,,,
Abolition - T- L jr. ur;
"I wu .id not be pui ,
ti' ni'.t t. 'is nuiel, a
bo f.-a.i'i i:. e'j th C'lii-n!
1 as tilts" I)is;:n uA o
" '"ei i.l . "i ii.c, ess ijotn unit ,
in Ii.jing violent hind, up,,,, f;,lVei.n
inert never harm. 'd either. If 1:vtu
jfiu Abolitior.itf, I u,. L're.drun the i'n
'ion ; for tiic di.;..p;i. 1, oftno Uni. e 1 .i.
iii.".,!..: ly h -ti y und obliterate -;r,,.r-,
j Ilon-o tvottro '..f tl.'i pro'ie.-uiion :if th'lj
; .," to sin ,. tho i.iover,i.nent loondci b
. out fat hers; tor ivtormir jho Co'iitit'iti.e-,
ins we re.;, ii.-'i i-, without itj;i; ! to i'l
1 peculiar : -i 1 1 1 el t : . . ?, -s of my St-i'e.
I St, ,'."-io-: i-t no i nn A!vhti.'if ;,
I par. I cm piovo by n siniplo nylj,.;
: .111 .lo.'iiuonial IS ll UlSUI.j...
' j-.'iil-.t is a s. ci-donisi ; th.-r
, i-l is an aijolui ,ni-:(,
son's Speech, at Co
liit a
em i
to- -
t ; a ".i.'c.ii,
ore a otC";.,-
i.e. ..... -v... v..v. iJesl.ien tins, cumuiinm In
tui regularly musttno I into service; and liM,iokin for lis ,;.lillSi
case of tlio death of buch soldier, l"W'ia,j tl)ti j',;., piekbius and
had nndersloo 1 w let tliey rcpr;sei: tel. Of "'' "
C'JUI-'O I10 WilltO lllDo.'llli nvin couhl h,; to southern sooioly, i. in f.i tor
of negro t- 'in 1 1 1 y - Cha; b s 's'u'iine.i, oi l
Uiddings, Ac, can i.ffo'd to be in favor of
"impartial fi f.-dom." but for the wbito
laboring man to amalgamate his liberty
with negroes, to vnluolanly degrade him-s-lf
to a level .tiihn mbordiuate rice,
to go to the polls alongside of tho itooly
on- At-'.iy .I,)tltJ.
, Oct. lJ'ii.J
Te.-itimo.'iy of iionost ' JooJIoit."
We- n. , apoioey for tin"-; v, ii.kc j
el;, r! .ii too S.mtlj to destroy ti,0 (..,.. ;i,
1:1 nt V.'c . .''aiit t.'ie lie..'. in.- ni,-!!' ...... .
, , . I . . ! . I
' .. ' ll'lll'll, I ! , ,.-, (;.
I tii'i-tal (ob.'-i,.,.res,:e,. a.,,i ; , ;.,
i.-m and Seo'.-io von wusi he buriod ,r
1 lie s ninj political gi ,ive.
the 111.
widow and minor ciii.Mren, it any. tiliall i mif .oi-centiifi ; tn-i. il" it was wrong for j Afiiean, tin. I affiliate with tho
bo entitled lo tho benefits provided in tha Cameron to appoint an agent it iihout coin-J su,'',ct negro or Sambo, would be a crime
15th sec. of tho act of 13th May, A.;i).,ono j,e,.(,tjon ,v;y Wtts it not Wollon "? ,inst llis ' manlioo.l so abhorrent an 1
thousand eight hundred and sixty-ono, ,0 aj,p0i,u n Hf.LM)t rtitl, compensation '.' I '"l''" . that it cannot ho supposed to
tor soldiers who may .ho abor having ye upp0e that the fact that Welles i, ! pv'r exist, ui-d therefore of tho hundred
b-cn mtistored into the strvico of the Un- j t i ! 1 in thu Cabinet, and may have other ' thousand American !';e,om. u now under
t'-d States or of this Mate. jcur.traels to give 'out and other agon U lllt' command of (i.iieial McCIell in, I hero
.Sec. ;. J hat any soldier t-iilifteij in tho . t0 npijoint. wliilo Ciirwoi-rti is out cf the i t; n,)t one among the rank und liio who is
Pennsylvania vobintccis under the act ol Cabinet, andean no long.-r control either 'TP"'"1' "-h'very," or i,. favor of "nn
May filtoonth, one thousand oigld huD. , con. ...... ,. ,.,. f. h.n .rreil deal to do partial freedom'' with negroes. Here,'
ureu anu bixiy-oae, euiiiiea .vu ace io:wjt, j;
Tin. i -i: or ... hs.
moil .-siimni owed f. it-.
money, und aft or ': in- n.-
Mr. .'ay look ;t ainl v.v:.t
After Home time he ti : tie
tnon, wh'il ure you wa;:;n:
cei t, iir."' "A !
i . . . ......
Know annul :i ree'i. t
of a receipt rind I'li
i:n i'. -. in India:, na
o Jos dt-'V
a 'id -a 1 1 j , "Si
h'i . '' ' X i o.
w.hnt )., .
I'eil at..? the
Oi (1,1,'." If,-.
consistttit action. The vote !
i llieu. are two hundred thousand Aoieri-
creato a lo in ami provide for arming tho (l,.Veois another o iriou-i and intorostin" oans, who for mon! lis hat e be n cotifi ont
(Unto, or who were called into such ser- f'iU-t, however, nn 1 that is I hat tho lnoi I i"g eaeii other ,and ready at any li-ne to
Vice under tho ie.-piU.tion of the lT.'isi- Uioh-nt i.holitionits in (..'oiiL' are con-i'r'ago In the wurli of slaughter aii I denth,
doritof tho United S,att3, and who has cr j (ruiJ jnhb.j- und .!i-'T .1. 'fenders of con-.! w'". instead of any cause of quarrel, aie
hcicaftcr may beconio insane, who inis not : .rn..f" i,,,,(.rrf V ,-' 'perfectly hannonious, both in interest and
au.-oif a in nit'iil, in, 1 tli
I die ,.:"l enn.c to 11..;. i
gate shut ; 'p"-t!e J'.
'Simon, v lint. ;, on v.-iini.
sir.' He nay, 'you go d
yes, sir. lie sue t s-yu
luoney '." I say , yes," -;r
got no rci.' "i''t
nay on i oi 01.
b 11 f,.r you 1'"
n fai.l,
. ..nd
c cue iii-e.
I W-'lf,
man .'' I
pi'V .-Ir. .lay ,i
I V, l.'.i! do? "1'Ma-
. pree,
O I ei,'
) it:
I'o html
ui eve
at such titno been tntiatcrod into thf ser
vicoot the United States, chall bo sent by
order of tho secretary of the statn to the
in ion , on too very iuelion that now on (If.n ti! M.S. S'atiding quietly di.-tui bs I ho eountiy and threatens uHi
and secnrelv iu a capital defended bv . dire calamities !
Statu Lun itic asy hi in, at the expense of j Union soldiers, Senator Sumner inveighs . Wii .1 a stupendous and lea' ful anomaly,
the state : J'roviJcJ, His insanity be certi
fied to by tho surgeon of his regiment, and
approved by the burgeon goiioral of Penn
sylvania. Slc.C. That all moneys made pavublo
by tho provisions of tho foregoing section
b tlerly against llnlleek. Jhiell, McCook to bo sure I What an awful reckoning,
and fit her generals a ho are fighting out in some day, fortho-c a ho have placed iln-..
tho battle fields tne quarrel Iio has done men on the liehl ot l.attle, hikI forced
so iiiuch to provoke. The motive of 'his them to slaughter iiuh other' What
attack is the refusal of the Western gene- ' tries of vengeance ivid nsceiid to Heaven
nils to bother themselves with neurons and from tho liiis of widowed whos, and c nld-
of this act, idiall bo paid out of tha war j the negro question. Our generals iiumm 1 '.ss inothers, and orphiined children,
loan authorized by tho act of the fifteenth fighting, and are perfectly willing tonlloiv w bono lost, ones have fallen on the blood '
day of May, Anno Domini one thousand I Sumner a perfect monopoly of iho inevi- fields of this unnatiiral Ftrife! Pint tic1
Citor Fro i
e-t are vni i'd'le,
sonic v.eeti'i.i . I. o i n o
iog of 1. belt. '1 llis i . t
lino's, Michigan and In
cinnai i liazetie ol Tai-b
as was the fruit "m;
, - - - j - -
io. ii.o niil0 wn0 j9 n),ovo jjj,, bubinos3 js defignod only to teil us of darger and
rny one uay liud Uis lusir.ess uoovo hitu, j to make ui ayoii it.
eigpt hundred ami uixtyone, entitled "An
act to create a loan und provldo for arm
ing tho 'stato;" and .n cisc .said fund
. . . .... i.e. ... .... ...
Utile negro no so loves, l lie .nuerenco que-tion retorns : vt nero is tlio "irrepi .'.
between H illock and Sumner soonis to be sillo conflie." that denuiii'ls this f-m t'u)
that Hailcok .t iros more for the Union penalty of hlond ? Well, thi i easily nm
bhould be insufficient to pay the emuo, than for the negro, and Sumner cares '. swored it is the anti-'davrry rnaioinyin
then out of any monoy in the treasury not
otherwise appropriated.
Sr.c. 7. That the said board named in
the firbt section of this act shall aho ex
amine and report fo the next legislature,
in writing, tho result of such examinations,
all claims of citizens of thia commonwealth
who hava Leon engage-d in recruiting and
organizing thu volunteer foroos of thi
Slate for the war, by authority, in writing,
from the war department of the United
State, or from person thu duly author
ized, according to their designated rank
or posiiiou, for the time in which they
wero thin actually engaged, at the rate ol
more lor tne negro thiin lor mo enion. eongie.s. the tun nrmios iitel then
Halleck never interferes wuli Sumnors chiefs believe that thl? is ii Kepubli,: of
ft hue men, ami mat negroes should re.
main forever in subordination to the w h i to
citizenship; but nn toili slavor Congress1
dnilaris that negroes are entitled to -impartial
freed ).n,' and South Carolinn, Vir
ginia, intist be revolulii.tiiicd, and nd-
Si3rSusppnsion briflr-s arobaid 'o rn- opt tho notioii . of,.cliiiscti ; and i."
swore eood purpase ; 'suspom-ion banks th. y reust, if their people declare tbet
don't. ' , the ami shin iy i ! "i oi the North, foiccl
negro, and w hy i hoiil l Sumner distress
himself about Ilalleck t busir.esj ? Hid.
t,H is iuipObsible to look at tlio sleep
era in a church without being reminded
that Sunday is a day of rei-t.
C ".i tils from th
I '-ivy rains i
ti'lded t'io plmt
of part ! cf II
1 'ha. '. he Ck, .
i-aysj '-1I...h'i
. . . : . i . . . i
i ' . 1 " es i nisi ; .i.
com nit; -'ifo'i iii-om,,,,..; .. .-, ., . .: ;
greator al. und. nice. The Ire- sure eove i ',
with bV.oni in all quarters. In I'rvirn;
and Southern l!! '" spec's are cxe.-,
.lingly - 'od. In :;, K i, tern Mutes tin
indication-, f u atu'.l !"uit r.i.p w--s u-..-more
"Ill regit: d to the -mall g.,;n .,t'.(- ;
onts and ba, b y - 1, u . ,i rii'iit lo i-A.
pec! full cro,.s. Ti:" ivt.eit i "Vi"- ucr.t
t br 'iigh w iiiiiir iii it 1 - 1 1 condition' ami baihy wili mos.'y plcni
ed this v,i'i.',;,i,, gi,,:iud l ivorio.'o to rapid
growth.;t il.'i,, rr, ii'iiiiv, to I e
loipreheiidi 1 1: di-nith. 'Vi1 ihut
boKi-.iious till duly i.n.I Tir.
ci ops of w ii.-.'it and oats will t'.i-n bo sali
It n Ihe corn only for w hi.:h fe .r is :o t-,
ef I en 'lined, and a- tht t is not yo p!o;,(
ed, r.otliil.- :'!'. Jet bo piediclc; fl; i J,
I'enei al. the i,"p.'. t of the count' v, ar ?
f.The human race,
ecr's cools, uro nlwa,.
on them, sociciy would l.e ocsircyeo, whv,
ailctioni t . 'to the; most he r i e "I into FuUiiis-
. he col.) -e 'it.,
e.od crops."
"i'"'H:'. M'0 favornbp; t.
any fi in ni w Iio i ;
ij to
liAij an
s going going bion nt every cost rf blond and trofic,jr,, qun teiuiast. r, Ua a la ' homo wloi
' This, then, is tbo "Trrnpro'sible, conflirt.'' vhol ma-il.