SM - ,"- S- t ff(-t it imtiii ,ifHi". Till! WAll NEWS. j ..... 1 fcvaf'lnn cf V. tViwn nl Ulone.. , trr b? the Ilr,br,l lnit, . I mmii i' ci, llt" 'li' l t, .Ir., in in,', n hi ii if i' fnn-i - ,t ' 'i ' f ii n. .'fi ( V. 'nin'j -t'f'l I I f'l rue' I If'n mi ii ; it', hfini ti'i i. .If f V iii u ill f Mr- .'ir Me f'nilnv In thr ii'il'V i IVm MuNrtor, May -I V i k !"' n w ee ivie tinted I y the-1 i ln l". htt, iiml mi i- troop, new turtipv lliii enemy's .vorks. 'A liiif:) amount oT ramp t-quipugo nnd . cuus, liii li they could noi dcMr.iy for tViir of being con, were lid behind. lUipyviKTin Amir or tiu Potomac, May , 'J o'clock, ii. in - T the lion. F. M. II r o have the i 'iiniruri.4. i'uim, ii i ii :i k u n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ..... . ..i.i i mi,i i hi nni rn . i . f t . . . . I- . . . ' I'll 11 1 II I'll 1 1 ll'lli;', I'll... n ivin ! " t "T""'ve lino of Ii.. work, whioli the en-in-ims re Vmjhingtou. on last W udnosday, (lie foli ir)rt belli,; very strung. 1 hive thrown lowing rcsoloU-m, oflcred oy Mr. Horn in lull my cavalry mul hcrse artillery in pur nf l.iriiimii . l.1,.1,11 ), iK'jr,!' n.n. hUtt. Mil m l' tt'ij l' infantry 1 willtllOVC 76, nuys li ; 'JimlieJ, ll.ul Milton l.anieron, Into v.oil 0 jllV .No I inio -dudl bo lost. Our Secretary of War, jy investing Alexander ...ltlbo.,t8 ,BV0 -ono vv York river. 1 a- ntrol of u lurgu , jttP,i to state that Gloucester is iilso in nil,' pissession. I idia'.l pursue the ene- Wetlnenday T' ft i:a H I I K).t. !'A Moninp May 7. 1802 i t H.....M.I,U f.,r ISilt if "r H Hr, Mt t!l WIhI pulni i rn rU iiMrf, r hjhh nl. o..l l rW (I II l Jn.rnliftttn.t iron N" ''W r.,. im I. ftiit nut )r..,miM rlMl orrl'(ii Mo nUII intMinlt Mi. Ii imhtirlM. ) l.i- i.i.l. il il tl.c HiimMmv "iilrH'M M n t'tii-Ti rMi-i.Ur . 7 oflhn Nvy r Wnlml.MH it mi.i.iuni. "') ,J,,,,P vl'"n Mr1' "' n l M Ift. t U.Kl U-:h M II... i ns.. m lhl "" "'" " I'V tl.Plr l.-H ir liul ui with Hurt fli-wnut n ". iintnii in n. nu rrMtiriion. nt lo ruin A Hrarv Loftil to Carry-F.x-Sprreta. rv ramoron Onuurod in thn Hotue .V'l'.Vn. s.crctaru of bio Jr rionds l.trliilfc til Vf.lL li.llll flfllll Mfii iiirt lth. ' .. I. - a M ......... . I I. I . Vl.lUtl Tlllli'""'. mil III niW jt'l. IIU .Mii'iny. If lhi i rrnlly tit, e thittk the Moulin jTouuie f li.'i chmi t put our I iron-tl nl dti-nnipr into ko-p t tin rue! my', mom! on gimUiati frotn hm linj; tlintn ' tin- lioil. r. ! From lli Itii'tiuiond lii))ulti, Ajml, y rvfvtrl to my tlmt ibe iicw. wo hare 1 Mil Vi-r -o I M tfnlly. Your tliilir-nl pimtit. I 1. U. Ka'h r Flg mt'nr Wmtcrn Uulf M'iinlrn. rHI'fll luii 1 t I' ' i- ! 1 i r (ll . I fi i I Hi i I I'm mi I'.ti.t . ) V. 1 1 ,i t ii !), 'U. ' tml m iitMtMi iiii.i : . V-.I t it nl linn. In I o.r.ti.lp, I ,li ( m, i, If, Mr.. rili A. V lillnr,, if 1 1 l 't (in! di..'i. fi"il IViWi f.r'ri lull fl-t, AmI tin It. fluinUfhiK KliVi Hi. ri t rl I l-Kittii". t.lslil ' la l"-i', ltii.1 (-"Hi'l '.'.' nir.i In ll'.fi n. I' nl lint. Ul.l l'tn I. II.. cm. Hbni li.ifi'. Hill HI o'i't 1 1". in - Ihfy ri.i.l.l nut .1.7 lir in till uril. l.nnuU ill III. .uri.ri nf lilo- MAVOHS OF1 CJro.-il, Citlos. M ff. I 'i. Illl In. r. t M . ' rr tii.t Hi r. I-r ii, Ar n, ,. ...." 1 lif .I'Hi nl ft rntr "vr.ul iuH. , ' n i. o,i. rl .,,. f , u, , . ""l " ' -"lIVI .) th ooiifUlimim it !i) o miii.t iirTi on !nlnv iuv inn n nun. i. ii. . . . . tl.U iu-.ri.inK u l.y no ;n..,n urmbli..-1 8 "ouf. P''' !(l!i, iiil .limt.:!. rewind rcmrr.lnv con- "!r lnl . ,Y"' . .. ". THt IV" .1 utri.v. f'i'rj u, 1V10 Orient, ApT,iy, 1 Mn( iitlicpr 1). ( . Fnrrngnt, l. S. Kl.tjc Shin Ilnrtfon. : S.r ; In jiurmiince of n rnilution wliiclt lo iakp, out ot i.'kui a noniKii And clnlili fit jltto bbtttistnunts. it'iit-rul Kranklin'h iliviitui, iinil v-i in ii oh more in I cnn. l.y water up lo tlio Ht Curmi.iuo Mlli U3 iuiu "I pu'il1'- uiuiKiv, and iiutlioiily to pui'cliu-(! military guppliOH u it run., tiiic'.ion, ilhoul rt-ciiiiriii from him uuy guaranl fo: tin: f.ntliful pfitcn iimnoo of Lis lulu. whni llicservit'i.f.ol' oo:n petont public otlioerH wi re uvuiliiblo ; mid by in volving I .iO Goverimioiil, ins viwt nun. ber of r '.ulirtcls itli por-ioi.H nol, loiii nmii;ly i nuHii'l in tiiu ii ui-l iiuk pcrtalnliiL' to tlif h..l.ici mutter ot niiuli contruotn, i jprcin. v in tln purchase nt iiruu tor t'u luio iteLvery, I in udopteil it policy highly ,'ioi.. to the public sorvi.'O, nud dcer- ! ving ih i- i. ct.bii i of this IIoum..." '1 he i'. adur will ot.nervo tlmt this reno lutioti i' u'.'eptiblo of but one mcuiini; thlit of -liroct, positive, nini itn.pniklied , ccnsii:, . :ind rather tartly expr.'tiseil. my to t tie wall, ( 15. M'Ci.iLi.AN. Mi.j, lieu, Coin. Hi tnyiiiirfi rj A rmy vf the I'nUmmf, ) it. m., Mav I. I'ru'n the iiriny eorreiipoiident o! A.-iociutoJ I'ross : This morning ai 5 o'clock your cnTes pondont enterod th fiiorny'K vvork., which ti. -e ii.,;- -.j- J-.......1 iv. r befove. Kvcryiliing- w.n found in utter rtiifuion, as lliougli they left in jrreut haste hetweeu forty and Iilly pieos ot licavv ur Dissolution of I'urtnernhip. fplllU'o .,rlnvrnlilp lir mlnfur. rklMiug U X lo.fn ll-.ll, li.u d H i I. .1 who Hill crowd I tie crpnt metropoli!., den. tvwiuliip, I'lourttold ciuulv, t dn.nlr uy nnilua: cuuicn' un tliu i,t Ma 1 . t l. . ..1. ii. .i..,i: 1 tin lluuki nr. in lb. hn,l. .if .l.,hn ll,,H .i.: :t.. j. 11 no rpaioreu iiu. m inn ui muiuiii is. i , - -i 1 111. i;oiii in in hut - w - nit eiiiuul, uv Luiu ti 1.1 1; . .,,1 1 ! 1 r 1 rMioti of Hi B.ivcrninent nud t in custody of " . , .1 ' T: 7 1 ho -til. lie wool. I Tu n Le informed of i . i . .1 . lJ ul iln oU iiuiid, 1 ,1 ... r n v! . , , U donor, t huv. in council ivnh the city ..w .,,.k ,.,., , , Unit rumor .ays tl at the "iron elad bomb "oiwiiliireJ the d.Mniind you nine' who my ,uV.r Mia wilU tbeir CU(l proof str-mner Louisiana w, h tUk at tlio " 7? 01 on ' i " I...,:.,.,.. 1 . , Irendor of lliecitV. ooupltid Willi 11 " .V -.1 .". . u,u . " " . ,uwr,,,r . ,M,l,H'lii,,n 10 hoist the IliL' of the United SlnlM 1irMl.! MMMH) lbs. of WOOL WANT-i II II 1 1 1 L v (11 1111 I Ml 11 t ' 1 1 ( I 111 L; 1 1 ,'iiv 11 1.11I hnl 1 t . . .1 1 1: . - :r. I I I ,1 I . . ir. net "tie tilayeil any part 111 the matter. " " .. . . 1 , . .. It was belioyod here U..U she won tente.l 1 " ' 1,1,1 .'"'" "u INK iiome ni 1 nil un.i. It becinntis my dut to transmit to a 011 v it li fifty rounds of ball of one hundred and iil'ty four pounds woii.t, wiihouido 111' her any damage, tmj much riv then) fore expected from licr. We cxproiii iho universal sentiment when we sa that the , niystery attendili the tall of New Urletins should receive a n pe.'y solution. ( i'roiu ilia .nuns iinner i It is a very heavy blov, but it is very far from beiii:; a fatal blow. We uuy r poet to hear ot cliyasler. whoever the en tillery have been left in their works, ut'tet ' eniy'rt gunboat can bo brought to Lear on being Bpiked, tcgother with n large amount of iimiiKinition , meuieul stores, eiimp e titiiuge, tents and juivale properly of their olliocrt. A negro who was left in the tocn stat.g that the rebels threw a large amount of ordnance, fctores into the river tailing into all the points still in our possession, (iive him all of il:ein every one and siill ho i.i ks far from bin object nt; ho wuh lliih time last year. llatU'ias fell, f 1 i 1 tori bead fell, Iioanoko Island fell, Uonelson fell, New Orleans ban fallen. But our Of In v oas, only 1!S are Republicans ; : in nrevent them from falling into our ! treat armies ure still in the field. Thev nil the tent ure Itcmocrats and Union ' hands. hu not fnilen-they have not been Several deserter have succeeded m run ; woolen mey nave a.ways i.faicu inecn. them a very-'Oiv w herever they have encountered him. er. beaten mi il un never rally men. I ho nave are all Kepublicans, w itl .: r .1 . .. . . 1. I "1 me OA1 epiiou 01 inicu, whom.) I'emociucy it Roul.l b unsafe lo ccuut upon, of into our lines, line of ' int"olligeiit man from New York, who h id ! When they nhall lnvo be. f boon connected with the Ordnance De- .dispeued so Hint they ci nn answer, liich is 1110 uiiivirMii fcenip inent of my contiluentj, no lees than iho prompting of dictates mc on t bio imd and solemn occasion. The city is without the nieai.u of defense, nud in utterly destitute of the force and mntc riut lliul inihl. ftinhle it to resist 1111 unir. powering Hruiament dni Inyed in the siyht of it- 1 f.m n-i military man, nr.d jmst-ss no autbcirity beyoi.d thtt of executing th:' municipal laws of tlio city of New Orleans. It would l.o pveaumptioii in me to attempt lo lead an aimy 10 the field, if 1 bad one at my command and 1 know still lens how lo mirreuder and undefended place held ac thin in at the nwicy of your gunners and j your niortiirs. To surrender such a place were it 11 idle : and unmeaning ceremony. The city i ' yours by the jiowcr of brutnl force, mid 1 not by my choice or consent of its inhab 1 itants. It is lor vou to All the Hcpublicaii member from rcun- sylvaiiiu, with the exception of lien. put. i.,n ..r ii.; T,:.r,.;.i r...i'.....i bun VI k, .IU. II. UllOIII IIS ( mouse sie" rca i.leasuro to record Iho tact I vnted feared the success ol the Union gum mninst the resoliition. or il, I'l IiV,,,,!, . 1 in the York and Jainfi river, by means of remains to us. dcteriiiine what As to HON. JAM 133 COOK, Mir.r or l,OWEUs HON. ALHIN riKAUD, M iyir of KABirtJA, R, jL iion. e. w. HARnmaTON Mayor of UANCU-STER. t, ttrn Hull, WIkuii d Hilt, x Cnuiro Hill, tro'J THTTW innnitm Mnyor of OO.VOOID, ft. rr . t.aa.of Jul,,, Hon fori II0Nt A n DULLOCK. nbvr.h. Uuuir o,..u.ff yor ot WOHGLSTEIt, MAIa new lotk of .pUiuJia guuj to iiccoiuiuoJutii nil TO?I NATII'T. RIT qniip Mayor of SA.LEU, M.V33 nON. r. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of UOSTtitAax jriON. WM. M. HODMAN, j Mayor of raOVIIiCNCH, n. L IION. AM03 W. rRENTIC3, May.r of KORWtcn, C05. IION. J. N. UARniS, Myor of NEW LOU DON, CO, noN. cnAs. s. rodier, Mayor of MO'rr.KAI., 0.15, IION. D. F. TIEMANN, M.iyor cr NJEW YORK CITV, U03I. II. M. KIN3TREY, Mayor of nAMILTO.Y, C. V. HON. ADAM WILS3N, Mayor or TOno:iTO, C. W. HON. Ii. M. EISIIOP, M.iyor of CI.NCINXATI, OUIO. HON. I. II. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, JTX HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYOSS, IOWA. El ! fur wliloli tlu liichent cilv 11 ri r e will lie bv J. P. Mny 7, iSC?.-lt- M M E . H P. il 0 It EST"7 s" qi:atekly mirrok of fashions', With Great Improvements & Additions. The Summer Numlier ronlii'uu I' I.arpc ri. Kplriiili.t I'"nslilcin-riales, 'I'lircc I iill-sl.eil I'attc rns (it, I iiiMi'iusiMi Tn ' A"w Vf 11'lMI, (HI l)!r:t,Xnt .S'V.-r.-, il.i.,;j .lfu.tiM Kii-li. ami ft iS7ut of Xeir and Ikautiful llral.t and F.mbroltlerln l'attcrux, 1 Tiigi'llur with uonrly HlO KngraririK of nil the I i.ivuiiit'3 mr ruiiiMU'r iwinni'ts, lkmiki., irnn iiniiKs, Children's lirt(si., liic , mid VkIuiiIjU. ittforntnlinn to Millittvrr, lmfs Mitkur. Mothort. unci I.uilics KonBrully, iresi'iitinj,' the lurjj. rt anrl hi'itt fashion .MaK7.ii. in the wurlit, publishnj 473 Kr'i. lw.y, mul .oll everywhere Ht i'i els., or imtit liy nmil pnt frc, 011 ri-c:pl of the Rinoiiut, iu or nilver, Yearly f I, with the following premium : liarli yenrly ftilnrritir-r will ho enlitlnil lo a re ci i,t lor the relectiou of 50 cent worth of pliiln putUriiii, fr.iin the tli'.icns in the bonk, or from the nheiv room, or they tuny be ordure,! met eer.t hy muil nr time during th yeur, by pitying the posUire. WSpli.n.liil inducements t I'mnciifers. So. SOW UFA nr. May 7. "J2 31. will 1 . t . r 1 t . .1. .a r . I . n 1 1 .1 1 1 haii it rn.iv m imii n l.n, it nnmi wooni it. 1,011111.10 01 i-iiiiiinoipiiiH la cue. , parimeiit ever s nc.o ine worm at, 1 ore.- ,... ' wil'. bo the fa to tUat awaits in bete otwn naa ncen coiHiructeu. states , w.u j". . hoisting cv tiagofourown adoption and rebels evacuated ow ing to Iho i.ear ap. m yu nvi.l t to 3,m, that the pi-oach ot our parallel, covering the im- . i-f ls 0 ll . nk of Mm doping the , o works ol our men. inaitney ...c n , nj-vmin ui uii . t,i 1,., 1,.,,. 1 ., 1 boats brave nation, rosolvea not lo ho enslaved 1 . . " 7 ' 1 v i e can even men, lis Olli-,. - . : laml frm.!.) nn Mi.n.lnv. M. lm. irnit i- 1 .1 :.l. . 1. wiIiiiik ,mv . I.iiim M Inm rnu .. " " " i "i i.""i .ium T,..-,., .... ii .. v . ,, . t ,, , wnicu 11,0 coiiiu, u untitiim n 1111 nie iiiiui nir - - ... 1,1 .,..,, ,,i , (J .,,i i i ,, , . . . rv. -.,,n..i .i;ivii "i,. ncan uiemriers irom t ennvi vania. one . . . -ei .1 of the whole country, and fight the butt In ! '0,a"" "!ln ni,ml lao ":4C1'L'U Aiitbuietie and lieKrpby, f2 60 for life or death throughout 11 million of 0 "sl"l;,:'J1'M- . , . Higher Arithmctie Kn-tish firumtnar, I'll' Villi I Hvi' 111 lllllCSll'tl MIM1I IlllPrt I S liniLT I1IUY H11U lllflUTV. J UU mill-: ci.i:tHi'ii:i,D cadi:iy lie epened for the reception of pupil. ( uiuIck would hf. rut oil". The on er was-eiven to ourselves nit ft guerilla lorce, comp.Het ...I, .1 .. 'il. ll. Tl . . I'l ...V . ..... lil..t 1 .uicu w mi iuu I'l-uioctais tor wie reioiu. evacuate by lien. .Johnston on Thurstliiy tion, undft'i voted ngainst it ; the Lulanco ' to commence the following morning, failed to vote. J which w its accordingly done. lion. Ma- vi .i. 1 ...t it r 11 -cruder it (.aid-to have opposed the nier.s- Nut content with thus forma y cou-i . ., . ., 11 11 . i , - ore, staling that if thev could not whip e -v.....v . i'v " the tetterals iete there was 110 other place Kouarn miles. Hut that limo is not come. They have not beaten our armies in pitch ed billies, in r do we believe they w ill ev-. er do it. P.emi regard, with .1 powerful oron by (ho Iotuocralie jn-ess throughout in Virginia where we could ; that be swore- nnn.V ' s-1" l,'e guardian of the country, tl:e House iinir.cdiatelv ad presence of his men, who vociferously 1 It. I ! t t I- torwardo uhcuJ a resolution of censure, of , ,.,,.l,!010'1 "lm mp.c;o control 01 ,. .-...jir. Mr. WtUks, Secretary of Iho Navy, for iivu which wuiild become one engaged in 11 1 better cause than that to which you have devoted yeur sword. I doubt not that . 1 : .. . i It. . 1 1 . r .1 . the South. ! "V r1 "0"' 1 , ' ,L lJ'""r' 1 west. .lohllFOli. W1H1 a fot-. e stil i.-" powerful, face MeClellan at Yolk. Stoue wall Jackson presents .111 uiidauutcd front Robert K., LVunmnndi-r in- the Valley ; our armies in (ieorgia and York I own on Wedues. employing l.eo. 0. Morgan ot New York Chief, arrived at to purchase vessels, bv a vote of v 1.1 navs "2. " " ' I McCIellan, when he is supposed ti have State. An iate the emotions w hich inspired them. You have a gallant people to 'idminNiratc during your occupancy of this city a people f-f liMtivc to all tbiit can in the least here, again, we find ticn. Palton . . I ri . 1 . 11 1 , liVUlll H Villi). .1 . i UIMlIUI.1 'I, .111.1 II V j .. . . , , 1 , ,, . I . 1 .. I.. 1.1 ..i e im.l 1 1. ii. n ,n .i .11 n- m. 11 1. I , rv'.l .,..1 I, "iim-' ". " I , .lay, ami tn.uuicij e.xamiiieu nr.- works 01 - " ' ,1, ,,, i,,,i ,.,.,,,...,1 . ...i I lie en.-my nas ne.-r tieen ai.Ie to . .' .... . .. . 17 . . , , . '.. reen iiiiiMiui-i.i i no iiiiuu.iuuuieiiL 01 uie w J t?w v...,,. rt i.. Al'clirn, Oeoinetry, Nutural 1'bilosopliT, nud ISmik Keeping, 4 00 Lutin and Or.'i-k I.ununeB, R 00 To .tiident. ilejiruus ui aeiiuirin a thorough Knlieti lMticiition, mid who lull tu iiiuil fy J theuinelret lor Temjiers, this Iuttilution offers dejirii'Me n .1 v ;i n 1 1 . . . No pnptl received for lesi. thi-n half a peffion, and no deduction r.;a,lij except tor protracted sicklH'HS Tuitinu to be paid at the elufo of the term. t'. I!. SAXHKOlll), '; ir.r. ', OuurSeM. M:.y 7, 1st:'.- ly. . . I .. 1 1 1 .. .. , : I. works, deemini' thorn untmable. I means ol his ctir.l oats. lake them away i .. . . . . . T , recording his vote with the l'cnio,,ats, in -VUe d.we, tcs all Hgreo in stating that "'" !. "d ran always defeat him. 1"' ' ,w ' l"; ) 11 ,,,! J 1 ! , favor of the condninatiou of high otH-'tli.-ir troops were very nm-ti .louvralied' of "rleaus weare sep- j IVi'b, .V, 'ion to u ',11 iiled wmn" culof the Government for a reekh-M. lm' 0,,iV V". ..V.'"'. I n conclusi.m. 1 bee vou to understand that 'and dissatisfied when the order was made :iralcd troin U est Louisiana, lexai, Ar ...ll I 11 " 1.1 i. .... . ldiKiiu Mitisniipi linf iii-.m- lit t li ii !... .. pandering of the rut lie money upon ; "" " , '"f. ! ' roo, a fro,,, U M, e r v a h "'i" l-'Pe of New Orleans, M.ile um remainder of tlio Ression, mntiy of his con- atitu'.'nt.s. who uow feel dceiily wourded 11 J 1. r 1. ... 1 ...nf1.i1 1 tic ....l . ... laige nuiu-i : - . and serve as .l',M1U1-'- "" coniempuoic ny tneir uasi.-n-.i- iv ucsei -non 01 out cause in uie migniv 111 t'll'l" 111111 L HL LIII1L I tl 111. I lll'V 11SI1 .,v.-,.J ... .v o..... ... ..... ii.i ,.,U l.llll ...... , , ... ....,1 .iiii;..ui (.., .,.,... ii- '..., : c r, ., . ., .,,,.. . . .'., 1.1....... ii ii iii 1 Mii.Jo to rctinl your lorce., do not allow 1 i'""."., vim.?, ii mi . ngi'ccti mm lit'.' nan ono riunareii i"" i..... ... 1 !- u m nr.-,. up, . , . - . ,,.,.1 Patten would vote thus throinrhotit ihe : thousand men un tlio Peninsula, t i-'cthor- i llu light, in fpiteof their isolation. Tl I with four'lr- I pieces ot f i, : 1,1 '! y. " '" """ """ "r"V Pi-.imi h.. Iiit nini m ilion -eeeiveil tli.-v her ol tile fclieill S army, l...v '.I1..I, l,ek tnChiekaemiiinT (Veek powerful diiersioii in our favor. If even by uueu votos us that he cast for the j r,eyoiid Williamsburg, whore it is expected ecabourd town in the ('otifcderacy , and emancipation of the slaves iu the Iistrict!to make a stand. Immediately on the .every river town which can bo reached by cf Columbia, and other, of similar Aboli- Titota tcomii know... the troops were Kuuboats, were in the poission of the ,. . . ,,. , , ordered under arms and 1110 now in mo- ; enemy to morrow, it would not have the tion tc.iuency, wou.d feci very much ,iol, ,((,in the ,ight and left wing of the j -Kblest efVcct upon tl.c issue of this eon clincd to forgivo him. aru.v. (test. Il would not bo m dis istruus as a Hut, how btands Mr. Cameron now ? He A iaigc force under thy command cf j defeat of Heaurift.nd's army, or give lmlf wni..i.Mu.,l f;;.i.... im..; ' Uen. Moneman, consisting ol cavalrv. in i l" -"-" "r'""-' lumneij-, 1 It. n 1 1 y 01.11 minii'iy, are 111 u ivunee, iuiu 1 .SMITH -t CO. nr.i reeeiv. in th.'ir sriiiMi .iiiiih. Yiiu nro respectful. ly invited to c.'l ii rl it ex inline their iivsnrltiii'iil. A!o 'he other Apiit M ''.'. mister Pleliil tiaiy lo Kussii, und has bem confirmed by the Senate. Hut here is the unquali fied condemnation cf his cflicial acta by tho National Legislature, byore he Imit w ill probably conic up with the rear of the enemy before night, if they remain near Williamsburg The gunboats have passu! above York- town and are now thelling the sliom on iney loon no prisoners; our troops re main to reinforce Heatii g trcl, or go else where as they may bo ordered. Tlx i.i'i'nl of tins war i.i Mill ni rnnMi in the bands of ir people .ia il was before ln,lu 1110 comjuei eel. the fall ol New Orleans. Having made .'oiin P. Monh-.i, Mayo etruggle in which we are engaged, or such as might remind them too powerfully that they are conquered and you tho conquer 01 s. Peace and or ler may be pmerved w ith out a resort to nieu-Miie w liich I could not at this moment prevent- Your occupan cy of the city does not transfer allegiance from the government of their choice to one which they have deliberately repudi ated, tind that thev yield the obedience w hich Ihe conqueror is entitled to p.xtnrl ' . . .... . I TIHl 11 11 lite Country. 1)1 COtllSO the tmperot Oil., 1- m.. 1 : . .. 1 1 l.imm.ll nvmter ol lli rivor in.l ..,.l.,r.l all tho r.itssius, will not receive a Minister j Lanier" nd vessels loaded with troops, j towns, tho enemy, if he wish to conquer us 1 Our ?ss aTf Battle of Pittsljiirg " The Union now and Forever." 1(1 A 1) ! UK AD! ! RE A I) ! ! ! Ni:Y AND CHKAI' CLOTHING STORE In the Man tion llounc, opivut: the llmd; Shmc's Old, Stand.) CLEAIMMEIil), I A. itS,Clly Ilrnneh of It i .on t ii 11 Dros. No. i;a j ort Thud trut, PhilsdiOphia, ' f II E undomijined ri-npectfullv itunoutice to tho j J inbnhiliiiils if Clenrheld euunly, nnd Ihe public neuerally, that they have opuui d nl the above iimued plliee the MnST KXTKXSIVK ash I isi-:st StI.LC TLli STUCK OK IION. JAMES BIcFEETEES, M:iyor of 110 WMA.NVILLL', C. W. HON. JAMES V. NORTH, Mayor of AUOU3TA, ME. IION. HENRY COOPER, Jr., M.iyer of IIALLOWELL. HE. HON. JAMEo . BEEK, Mayor cf I'ltEDSIUCTOX, II. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, MjycT or NEW UEDFOUD, MASS, IION. J. BLAISDELL, Miyor or 1'ALL IHfEIl, nON. W. H. CRANSTON, Miyor or HEWPOHT, 11. 1. HON. FRED STAIIL, II :yor cf 0ALI3J A, I HON. JOHN IIODODEN, Mayor cf DUH'JQUE, IOVTi. HON. THOMAS CRUTCIIFIELD. Miyor cf ClIATTAKOOOA, TE2.V. nON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOdA, .Vui. 1IION. R. D. BAUQn, i HON. i HON, thus condemned ; and unless Mr. Came ron hai the prudence to decline, tho I 'res itlent will t;o compelled to recall him. And how can tho President do this? I.'oes not Mr. Cameron carry iu his breeches pocket tho fullest i-iidcrsement of Mr. Lincoln? Oil the 11th of January last, Mr. Lincoln dropped a uoto to Mr. Cam eron declaring his "confidence" iu hit "ability, patriotism a d Jclith topuLlic trua." Will this vote of Congress shake Mr. Lin- wbo will effect a landing. must come into the interior. There he will Magrudcr sworo he was not afraid of 1 bave to beat our a.-mics.without the aid or McClellan if lee wns, and ihnt if he could ibis ironclad gun Ws.hefore ho can boa.t not .ncrnsftillv fiiiht. bun here, he could , ot having subue.l the country. In the no where meantime th" occupation of so m my i''cneral Ilalleck, the follow n,iK -inn man w .is left in York town and I Points must ne.vs.anlv U r d lo the weaks figures ol our toss at the lattl i,o ir'. a imnrn ! en ing o f b is nt i cogt h upon those point, ! burg Landing ; Gen- Jameson and Colonel Sam. Jihck j"" ul"c1' ,lie f'id issue u to be decided, were tho first to enter the enemy's main .""d thus far his iuccess is scurcvly a dis works. Thitcnlv casualty that occurred j a-Jvantiigu to us. was tho wounding ot three men and th Landing -Letter from General Grant. READY MADK CLO'l'lllXC. i nnarninn. inn Ln, . Mayor cf MEMPHI3, TEXY. GERARD 3TITn, Mayor tf HEW OHLEAN3, LA. n. D. SCRANTON, Mayor cf KOCIIESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, JT. Y. IION. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBUBO, I'A. TTOW H TT P.TTTTT. I Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. j HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, I Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. I HON. W. W. VAUGHN, ! Mayor cf a.lCJ.YE, WIS. HON. A. PARR, j Mayor of KENOSHA., '.VIS. Ami lii.n.1 t.l o l IX1WX1. OVUM U. XlillJO, " 1" " . V, . " , . . , l colr.'s "confidence." Tho President days f;oor,, JfcParland and Mich. M'D. killing of two, bv the explosion of a con-'The Official Correspondence between r ' r i"1 m, 1 11. . mjr . conlotl shell within tho enemy s works. The folio. tic nro their iiauuiS. lulled; . . I'l 'I'l d: I 1 .1.M..1.VH 1, .nay . - 1 ne cer.-rr cniM lias, - ,.r ,n 1. : i. j ,,.,1 i ..,.,.,.... .i ..,!.... from its correpo it. lent tvith the army of , they will sell " ing 25 per cent cheaper than Clothin? has c of Pitt.i.' ever been sold in this nart of tho j country. iii"f. ' "r ""tirarrii a full and complete assart );';,- ' ment of all liarmenls (retii rully worn, made up of I T!''t n-!',cria'Hi and in the best ftylo and work ' ''r' , innnsliip. ficuiun. M't'lernand'i, W. ILL. Wallace's, Lew. Wallace's, llui Ibul's, Sherman's I Prentiss", Kd!,d. rinot nccers. Latf.u. The official report just made to headquarters, show that tho enemy left Cameron's "fidelity t, public trust" is Wounded : Scrgt. James Smith, Frediick deserving of Executive "cor.6dence." Th iStevck and Lawrence liiirns. reonle'a rei.resentativM aav thu t.ntir.v of! . The work vo,y pAlni'vc bIl0w , . .,. ,, . . ' that they were designed by scientific cngi 1MB .ii.ii. iniuvivil '... Il-Jltllf I :IJU I IIVUO L'J the public ten-ice," und ''Jesariri; the censure" of Congress. It won Id be very t trance, indeed, under 'seventy one guns in the woi ks at Olotices- uch circumstance?, if the plehiaapt Point tho or Inanco stores were also would permit uch a man to rep.esent the j l Anotiier (iost,rter has just come in and nation 111 a foreign court. le ports that Jeff. Davis came with Leo on , Wednesday last, and after a consultation 1 with the niott prominent officers, all agreed as to lo the evacuation except Gen eral Mngruder. Dlau and IkniED. The JlrpuLUcan party of Pennrylvania is no more. It hat. "gone, under," nquolchcd, jnufled oat, like a candle, nnd the opposition lo Democracy in this State ia to bo rallied under the namo of the People's Party and hold a State Convention nt UarrisLurg on the 17th July next. Well, pca:e to its actios for, under that good name, thcee same fellows have caus. cd the biggest war that ever devastated tiny nation. Put will this change of namo avail Ihe Fallof New Orleam -Effect of the News throughout the South Opin ions of the Press Late Southern papers have readied New York, containing the following in relation toth'ifall of New Orleans. It will be ecn that they express surprise at the disaster : The Norfolk Day Hook on tbe full of N. Orleans. The editor of the Norfolk Day Book an- them ? Cnn they tbus deceive tho peo-'ren.d8 t0 1,10 lclegrBp!'iofJi,rnlches giving plo, and make them believe that they are I?, r ., Umon !orcos ttl 1 ' .,, JV 3 I New Orleans, the following remarks: not the very same men, with the tamo -About the only consolation wo can notions, ideas and principles, that havo idraw from the abovo ',e, that tho iron clad brought all this devastation upon our steamer Louisiana is "safe." ".Sato" how country? The people wore onco deceived !"8!ir"r'whei'uT Wm H , we'; plan to , , , . fM send a tt earner away from thecitywheh by this change of namo on tho part of the J j,lie wam built lo protect, to a part of the enemies of Democracy. That was tlio ( river where ttio enemy were not making Taull of tho tricksters. The noxt time it; hurriod operations for its destruction, will bo tho ncoiilo'a fault whilst they were operating much moie will butno pcopio 8 iauu. ! threatuinglj nearer that city! The lay A brother of Mrs. President Lin. !J5J,sLa"a 14 '.5'8' .. Bu 1,..lh of , ..... . ,n. . Iew Orleans "aie," wi-.n the enemy's coin, a private in tbe rebel Cmcentrcg I, flei!t i the harbor threatening its bom was among the killed in the battle of bardmcnt every moment ? Whose blun- Ci,rr.ctit.1or T.lUburg Lacdiag. diitug tr.a.-t(jex;it il ttUf 1 lv.e Sec- 31.1 -137 l'Jrt 81) 91 W.nndrd. 13.01 P:; ll in llo-J ;,r,.j 110 80j 612 M s(iolI'iirnislunr (iooiln, I In tn & Ctiti, I ravelling I izs, Tninnicil Flan nel and White Shirti. A li i:JJIt.U, ASSUKTMEXT UK Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of 8 ELM A, ALA. nON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. IIOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, OA. DON ESFARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VEKA OKUZ. 1 10 Com. Farragut and the Mayor oi me t. uy. Washington. M .y 1. The following I'-iittendon's correspondence, together w ith the nn. I M 'Cook's, nouncemcnt ol the surrender of Port Ma-1 Nelson's, con, North Caroliiu, to tin. Uuiliul States I'i.i-kii iiiiflr I Uiifuvwl.i f,il.... r...... Xnlul. .... u:-i t f r m , . . .' .. . 1 forlment of me lue.ii.iioi... i..i..iire, ot yesi'.ru.ay, I olal hilled, wou nde'l and lnlssi ne. lo.-, whicj city is reached by telegrapb, has'5G'J. About 300 wounded have since died. r aucj UOOflS ano .OUOIIS, la on cicellent romody, and worthy the oon- been received by the War Ie,artment. (lur burial purtivs report bavin? bin ied . '"rh t'oeaei-Booki.. Torlmnnais, Pocltrt hnivet j fldenoe cf the community. Tlirt i,.i'ri..nni.iluniii u l...l.,.inn !.. II. Inrr.i .. .....n i r . ' .. Cmli. nnrl Ttrtittl, mm Wal.-l. rit.ini r.A 11 ....... i mv w..w.i..n, ucinucn iuu ;ia.,;,ii.iii o jwu rrncis lounu acau fu tno . ' . " ' . '"""' "". i it; In short, pvcrytlntiR pfnernl'.y 'oun 1 in a well At-; -0',.) 'O'1") 'toro of this kiiid. We also keep a fine a- ! I'"''- .... . -r 1 DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. Certify that tha resident Druggists htn assurod thorn Ayer's Sarsaparilla Violin and Guitur Ptrinps, l'ictol., H-ro!verS, Iror 8Pr,,,R Uoie. yorof New Oilcans and Com. Parrngut, ihe field. commatuling otticer ol the l edera squid- I Tho Ccwncrcial fublishrs ps siics of a T' 'Y, ' V . e i, "" ' iiio lo.nnerfuf t uoiiai ei. .u.-s.ifei8 01 a und M,fui articles toe numerous to mention ; ill ; i.-or Hrrofula or Klug'i Evil. r0"'1TC c- t, , li'tter from Gen. Grant, in reply toalet- of which we will , ell well a. the Clothing. t' ... B , . . States rL.icSnir IJaiitioho. 1 . ler informing of tho nature of tbe! it TIIK InWPST pasII VM,-v i-or Tumor., t Utr., n.l fcort.. Oil New Orleans, April M, IM'Z. icriticism of liis management of tho battle1 , , ' , ' ' , , " "" Kru,.tion. mud Pimple.. To his excellency tho Mayor ol IheCity ..fiof Pittsburg. Hen. Grant tavs: ! ,We ,B!,!r tvtTJ P'" ! ' llotMnK. or; For IIJoUh. ,.,,.., d iu. y i i " . . . o nl nnv fit Ihr. ahriVM.niAnTmnail rHcUi tn furrr. iew u. leans : "I will go on and do my duty to the , u, wjtll s tHU nd view our Good, and Price., and Tor M. AnUiony. Fire, lto.e, or Ery (sir . L-pon my aruiai oeiore your City l very best ot my atnlity, without praise, weare we can Klve Mti.faeii.m so I For Teller or Halt Ithrntn. lpel.i, lin1 I l.n Irit fit' tliltul ti imi.u U.....P....I I -11-. 111... . ..! . .. v.. . ..... . " '""-"M'i'jiiu. ii Jiiur.vupt.Hiiti no an i can lo oring lu8 war lo a i that every penon biill feil inclined lo tell nir For itac ncnd ,na Ulngworiu. liailey, U. S. navy, second iii command of tpeedy ctose. Ism not an aspirant for friend, wbern good nnd cbeiip cluibing can be got. the expedition, to demand of vou tho nnvlhini? at Iho rlo r.f ll.o uur Tl,., . We aro cnn.tantlv recei ine aceessinns to our : 1 or m Cancerous Sore. . V. I nvi V.)OU. E..I , 11 . . . M inw for Priuale Diseases. For fcuppro.lon and Irregularity I"or f j plillla or Venerual Diitixi For Liver Complaint.. For of the Heart. surrender oi .now Orleans to men the. is ono thing I feel we assurred of. that is. , V , , """""""-k " :-'""- " r'Tisut0 0 c !ir tt mcn 1 , ! r i 1 bave hncv? i h ;-n -: .,r,r.v Lnited States; dipt- ilailey reported the, my command. 1 hoso who showed the .ball surpu. In trte. cut, and, .ad result ot un interview with yourself and I white feather will do all in their nn a I a ' rlmiiriiiAi.. tlmi. nf nv other fliinilor Kstabliih- the Illlllltary authorities. attract attentior. from thomselves, I had went in thia part of the Stale ; and by fair and It mast occur to your Honor that it is j perhaps u dozen Oilicrrs arrested for cow- Vioner-t dealing., w hope to merit a liberal share not within tho province of a navul officer lard ice in tho first dav'afijlit. These inen , of Public I.Tpvotptv tm x. nn to assume the diiticn of a military om. are tieces.arilv mv enemies. As to the ' .. , u r. . ! . . m mandant. I camo horo to reduco New ! talk about Mnpnsc hue, nothing could,1 l"af'""J' 1 ' Apr" v' Orleans to obedience to the laws of, anil ' bo more false : Ir tul inlmv dad bint is' i timimmtr ATims ttOTiri. Vnii 10 villdicatO tho offended mrjesty of tho IwonD WHEN ..Nr' WlltHE TlltV WOll.U AT. J ! hereby given llmt Letter, of Administr..' Chill. Peru. Drull. Mxlnn. and intv 81 eovernment of the United States. tack rs. wr. coiii iiv't ui. r mrv I'.itti b tion have keen er.ntod tn tbe .uhseriber on the ! mn.t n iu. r,init. tta" the rights ot persons and property shall Phi;i'arep. Skirmishinc has been coinc f ule mutaAiMS. late or Lum-' i)Kned this document, to assure tbeir Vv" The Mayors of the chief cities of th Vt ted States, Canadas, and British Trorie, All persons , make claims be secured. I therefore demand of you, on for to dava between our reconnoiter- J"! V!yi9"r?5,d c?u.n', d(cei"ed- An P it.rcPrenUti.o,lh. unqualified sur-l in, parties and the enemy's advance. I Z"Jna ren.ieroi Miocny, me emoiemoi nia not oeneye iney intentieu 10 maKe a 1Cain.t the ame will nre.ent the rfnu ..!,.. Iho fcovereignty or tho Unitod States bo determined attack, but were simply ma- ticatcd forte ttlement. hoisted over tho City Hall, Mint and Cus-1 king a reconnoissance in force. My head- THOMAS HENRY, torn House, by meridian of this day. All quarters were at Savaniiah.although Iliad Ferguson ip., April 3062.. Adm'r. flags and other emh!ms of novereicnty usually spent Iho day at Pitlsburi;. mV,.. it, n.ot r.v,. it..:.j u. ...... . . l t ' ....... . . L .. I 1 U ' l.--ALL perrons are berebv eau. vuvi .i... iuiu u, in- v. uiinu ruaies io oe 1 ruoiu w eru eoii.iauiiy iu oo ns . i.j ..:. ., .J... , . , .. ; removed from all the public buildings by ' signed to b: igades and rlivi.ion.f all order- 7 M.? that hour. I particuhily request that ed to report at Savannah, making it nec- 1?60, due May, IS62. drawn In f.ror of Wm. i' i you shall exercso your authority to quell essary to koep n ofneo and some ono Munn, of Jordan town.bip, and calling for 1H, disturbances, reslort order, and oall upon there. I was also looking for Buell to ar- 4,1 am determined not te pay said noto unleri all the good people of New Orleans to re -'rive, and it wai important I should have TeHed by dne ouuneof law, ailnererrecelv. turn at ouco to tholr vocatious. And I overr orrangeuient cmuptotef or hii iroedy ' for th txat' ; particularly deaaad tttf no person iha'.Mransir to tuU Mo oi the rivtr." : :,.iH iflW' iz ' 1 vh.t rtimalla. k.w m.v nan n-ith Miety anu eonfldenoe. But our spaoe will only a portion of them. Ayor's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Pills, and Ayer's Ague Cure, FRErAKED BT Dr. J. C. Aycr A Co LOWELL, MASS., And sold by Druggittt erery whert. ',v.r-v. tsf? '