Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 30, 1862, Image 1

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A ,4rf f 4-. ,' A t
t, w MOORE. 1 Editor
0, J O00DLANDER, I rdltor-
Vol.. KXXtl. WHOI.K NO 1703
1ERM8-I1 25 per Arnnm, if nld ?n n' (.(
War Claim fet St. Louis.
IIIKI'T "101 Till Rtl'OST Of Tilt
War ItrrAttTMisr,
Washington f.ity, I', 0 , April t, JSC:
Sir; I have I ho. honor herewith to
transmit, in eomplianco with n resolution
..1 the Homo ol Representatives of this
dite. "a copy of the hnal report mane ny
the commission or. war claims at .M. i-niii.
which conimwsion eonsifieu oi
11011. .11)8.
Holt, Hon. Havid Davis, and Hon. Hugh
Cainpb.-ll, hirh report gives a summary
of th taWs of the wmmission, and
iwiwi.s for their action in the different ot cli!MH brourb! before thorn.
Vrry resprrtrullv ; mi i.bed.rn t wrvanl,
' .... . . - - - - -
Xzreliry of War.
ii. G. A . Gunw,
,V' cil r Ilovs' uf li-pr s'nlii!iirt.
Sr. March V 18(52.
SriNTov, bttrctary War.
laiiicd, r(imiiu:i."ioiiera ap-
examine und decide upon
H'.ii. F.. M
Till! (I ml
lif.ll.tcl t'l
.! r.:ul imiist tne niuuary (iiinruiieni oi
('a '.M. t, origir.itinp pnoi to th l lth of
(..!.. r, l"1-'!, ha e tho honor to submit
tlit following report:
(i.'cre f'ullows sev-iral pagcti sLoning the
ii'Ofistr. I'unda practiced at .St. Louis in
i hoi iiiu.i' of boat, furniiiliing supplier,
i ; but w can only gi- the ooncludtug
poriji-ii '
"TiiliifI'AV, March 6.
... I .... r
( UiP, ! H. 1'. Micky if- X:, O.'ino, MO 1 .
"I.icut. Col. T, 1. Andrewi. pay mnator
i:i ilm urniy, called on part of tho govern
miMit. bv K. Slieiilo. Iv-'l.
"(fic tion by Mr. Sheph-y. Will ynu
ilra.' slate w hat rank you "bold ; hew j mi have sort ed in the uruiv ; and
wh it i your j.r:.enl post, of duty.
"Answer. I hold the rank ol lieuten
ntit colciiel ; he aerted in tho army
imn lv forty years ; am the senior of the
lu deputy paymaster generals; und lam
utinticnt at "the head of tl." pay doi
partiiK'iit in the department of the Mi.i-
'Cine.-tiwn by y.r. Shepl.-y. Col. An
'trvw;!. I hold in my hand n uuthoiitv
Iveii bv (ii'iii riil I'rcmont to l.'ol. Biis-ck,
t ' :
,1 t c.ivii i v. ntithoniiii'' turn to
i-'.iili.. :iinl enuin his r '".ine:it
Will voir
1 ieuse .-t.itf h-'ther by law General
moit had or had cot the power to
such author
"Answeij 1 upose al tnat time that
iteie-ral Fieiiioiit had power t authorize
.'oloucl Uii'sey li rai-e the regiment, but
had no authority to ii.terfei e -villi the lis
i ui atliiiis of the regiment, or contracts
for the regiment.
'Que.-'.ion by Mr. rdn-pley. Wo have
bef no u a variety of orders iro.ti lietieru!
Fremont on diflerent persons to furnish o it'i ! ordan ic stores. Will you
pleae state whether or not Gen. Fieuiont
has an) authority to contiuct li r i rd
luiii.-e and ordnance stores?
"Ansscr. i!o had none unless under
an ( -xpress po.vf r Iroiu t'uo '.n-ret.iry of
"(Ji:stioii by Mr. ShepW. Is there
s-.ii. ugin t li o liw or retulatiotis of
'.in- i.iinv autlicriiing the commanding
-i.f i.ii to coutf.u;! tyr mules, horses, or
fr.:- .ft. '
"A iiswer.
1?nnaster is
know of none. Theguar
;he proper put son to uiako
tliO-o contracts.
Question by Mr. Shcpley. If the com
marFiig gtiiieral deems fortifications nec
esmry ui u pirtieiilar place, in whom is
the authority to 0 mtract for tkoir con
slnnMion? 'Answer. Fortification have never
bi.ei:, to uiy knowledge, contracted for,
wei-pl in St. -Louis. The matrials are
eon ironed tor, and the cmsimcAm has al
v:ivh b. on under the direction of the en
gineer dirpurtrnent proper.
"Question by Mr. Shepley. Do you
know any reason.or did you ever hear the
bite commanding general of this depart
ment givo ay reatou, why the rules
and regulations of tho army wero thus
"An?wer. I was never informed of any,
iiovwasthcre any obligation ou hi. part to
give mo the information.
"Que.-tiou ')' Mr. Shepley. Did the
eomuiahdin j oneral ever make to you
any rci.jui'Iu stioning that he kuowingly
violate-! .ny of tho I.iws and regulations
of tho War Dopartnietit 1
"Answer. Ho id t.n one occasion, in
r"- oP.ii-e, make remarks showing that ha
it.;. i.! '.I to disregard tho ordinary in
trut, and regulations of tho dejiart
men' at Wiishington.
Qn.-U' i by Mr. Shepley. Can you
.-.real the lu'ustanco of the-e remarks?
" Answer, lean. This conversation was
'.i i i August or tho early part of Sep
t.'to'".'. tien Fremont came into my of
ficevv;'.'! tienend McKinstry, and after
(j.n-ral M:Kintry Inft, ha commenced
tiiu convLTsation without anything calling
(or It, I am a.varo of. He spoke
pliWiititly, but said, 'the pe ple of the L'ni
Stat.'s vert in the lid I ; that he was ot their
.SmJ; that he nr vit t cirry out such measures
at they th: y-e.-plc) tJrpeetci him to corry out,
:lhvj.t eeanlto the, red Upc of the Washing
tmpciplr.' My only reply was in a few
g.Uieral words, that as well as I could un
itistativl, thrj term 'red ttpe' meant ays
i.'in f goverrniont. which, in its details,
it.'z -- Vo carried too far by subordinates,
butl I,..d always been of the opinion that
out general system was a wUo and good
rr.e. mid that he w Lo undertook to set its
..aoiples or general details aside would
sooner r r later become eulanglea in aim -
cy'itim by disregarding all system. He
TO' lied hv rftiestii.ff his reneml remark,
(kr I ihnk the third time,) that thi petpU
were m tns Mid, and Vat As was at tteir Ktad, I tM orders eve ms, accormng to im ruus ana
ai vould fm-t nuryfA.iy dc-u atewding Uatie'e4 rf uar." lie thus, in tight of God
their expectations from Aim ; saying, noi tr and hit country, had plighted faith with
have onlv extra ecnstttutitmal government; no ' hi government that ho would bear to it
evil rights, so to speak; all ordinary preteefull'iTUf allegiance," hiiJ he stood pledged
rules were In be set aside, and all this thing of by tho most solemn of human sanction to
. .1 ... ..I .,.', ii. i.nrt llint Coiistltuliouwhiclt. When
people required of him.' I had previously
disobeyed General r.emont, by reiiitirir
an order of hi which I considered win
unauthorized hy law, and concerning
which I pave uiy testimony before the
coiisressional committee. General Frei
moiit had never before been in my office,
lma ho b4jeI there, since
Me had no
Mint. morn.
i imljllu,B lo transact with nio
j he jt.uiaraii0U!, 0f General
',,,., OM,,,j t0 iv Colonel Andrews, wore of
s0 aKtoui..lii.g a charact-r that we foil it
lrtJourtu,y to inquire if they had been
l(J 0 wilh a view c(- ll5cerlain.
j . ful. lha glu,nciation of inch revo-
1 t.iu.knn.i' .diilinmnta in'iMit liai'ii ml r. rm.
duced the demoralization of the sorviee our iuvestiiidliona have satisfied us
so extensively prevailed in this depart !yet struggling for life. I hey were inter
ment. Wo therol'ore examined Major jered -gainst the government of a country,
(!. iwular arm'v. and find his'slatcmcnU !
of sufficient importarco to juHify us in I
,lco in our rei.ort.
Cha uneev C. 1". Johnson, culled by J. It. 1 triumph of arms, but were the solemn and pseudo pomp to the narrower sphere of
8'ieplev associate counsellor, tosliliod as loft-repeated enunciations of a general just their authority hired at the livory stobles
follows ' lentcring the field for his future opera- for months I uggies and horoes at the cost
"lam paymader in the United States tions, and aervirigfor the first lime the of the governmnt, and this although the
armv I was'appointed last June, and sta-'strength of his gathering array. They , la only recognized them on foot, or as
tion'ed in the department of the west. wert addressed to officers of high rank in ' mounted at their own expense. Thus,
'Question. Did the lute commanding tho service, and were intended to imprets' in evey way, and almost everywhere, un
peneral in this department ever in your (them with obedience to his revolutionary dor the muliun influence of the declara
preaonce countenance any disregard of 1 programnio- General Fremont already 1 lion that neither laws nor regulations Ion
.. nr tl.n rpiilations iruverninu the ar- : lipid the btvord. and it was moitt important cer prevailed, there was manifested a dis-
r...nor.-i1 Krom.-m. rnnn ton .
lanced it frequently in mv presence, and !
I U me, bv say in? that he did mt intend in the
,i,liimiiU,-aiion ol Ihit Jepurtmtnt, to be i)
V therv'n an'i rcmUkut that were laid ilou-n,
and that he would be guided by tho cir-
omittances which surrounded hiiu entire.
v The reason that this conversation oc -
cut red to neu.uep.tly was that I wauthronw
much in his company, in mv enpacitv as
.i... ,.,! ,..iu,.'i.K' Oi.-n Im 'tiik
i-u-iin liern I went lo hco him. bavin"
1 lis, 1 111 VIT . l ......
kimwii him before, and was invited by i be wore, und that his courage and loyalty Major Johnson, not tor the purposes ol , The wounded in the hospital at Savan
him to CLiine and see him frefjuen'ly, as I jhud nothing to lear from lha menaces by animadversion, but simply to explain thei nah are dying at the rate of eight or ten
was well acquainted in tlie west and had which he was a-SHilcd. scene which wo have bared to view. in;dnily.
I,en ervmeted with tin orj.iniiitioii of The line of policy t hus resolved on was tho light ot this explanation, we are hap. ; J. Slidell, a nephev of the Hon.
I rli a Imnif. 111 ii ri 14 ill
this city, tho
i . ..v . b , ,..,
bcinniug. In regard lo uio omciai nusi-
ness which 1 hid to transact with him,
:,,.i..,l.4 nei-iirritfi in which orders
c... .....,,(. t.,1,1 l,..oi. iHsne.l lo (Vilmifll I
SVM III! -v-
l.Jl j'.ijtw........ . -
An Iretvs. inv master general, and these
orders transferred to mo, and riot being
considered by me legal, I called on him
in regard lo them, und he told me that
he. vJcnih.t to lo ivhut he considered best fir the
wev, wi'.h'j'ii reference to law ur regulations ;
thai he intended It cut red tape and arrive a', the
i.nd without r't'iToict to ctLr or system, and di
rect' d mc to pay theje orders."
The statements f these witnesses otli-co-s
of unimpeachable integrity and in-teni-'ciioc
will, we are suro, be heart! by
the government with equal astonishment
and sorrow, lieneial Fremont procl iiius,
on asftu viing his command, that "there
were no longer any nvil rights; that there
.. r.o government except that outsido
of the Constitution, which had been sus
pended ; that it was his determination to
administer hi- department without refer
ence to law or regulations ; that tho peo
pie ol'the, United Slates wero in tho held,
i ....
unman .it-.. 1 ....-
that he was at itieir uean, auu mat
-,f miliii.- lihpriv. Some of t bos.i
..-'.,.,... i..l,i,t.. vl hidipr t-roiind l imn
.l.t nouil in lha interview with Colo- '
nel Andrews, have claimed for themselves
a mission ti "carry out" the will of God,
he meant to carry out mcuures as forts which Uen. t remain was men uunu- no moie man proper un m-j c.mrr.anis are eureiy in a moil aepioraoie condition,
thev the people expected hi in to carry ing for the defence of St. Louis, under tho should be required to accept the allow, und it is high time the people were look
out -without egar'd to the red tape' of ' auspices of Heard, be at once decided that unco in full lor the amount demanded, ing totluir true condition, and preptiiing
tho'Wushincton people" that isthrres- : they were useeless, und ordered that they This course was adopted, and was pener. a proper remedy for our malndies.
ident'ind Congroi-s. It is singular how ! should be discontinued, and that the ally acquiesced in. rromincnt among Beset, as Mr. Hale says we are, by "car
nerfetlv thtsosentiments harmoni.e with fund of tho goiernment in the hacdsof thos wh remonstrated' was Leonidas huptwn andprofliy iry" at the Capitol of the
those held by the usurpers who in this ' the paymasters and quartermasters hero Haskell, w hoso transactions figure in this nation, squandering millions upon mil
and other a-es of tho world have soti"ht should be applied exclusively to nieut the report, and who gave to ui formal notico lions of the hard-earne I money of the
.i..v.ii.T.,i !.., I, it nonr muni ?ha current expenses of the army. Yet, in of his intention to appeal to Congress people on corrupt partjzani, encaged al
)Ub liUIlU UI .11- UI HI"" ou.n. niv-ll 'i.v.i
chieflfcins who cut 'red tur.o' always do it
with their swords, and history ..roves that
tho throat of their country suil'ers quite 1
as much as does tho 'tape' in tho opera-
tion. As free institutions have their toun- j
dationr in law.and in the obedience ofthe
piioploand their representatives,
military, to it, this expression of
civil und
a pur
nose to cast aside all political and constr
tutional restraints, nia.lo in the halls of
legislation even, would alarm, but when
made in the field by a chieftain, at the
head of a great army, it chills and awes
tho patriot's heart by its parricidal spirit.
It reveals an unscrupulous ambition,
which awaits but the prestigo and power
of victoiy to sweep tho government itself,
as a cobweb, from its path.
this sad page in tho history ofthe late
cfirnmannor oi this department gaiuors a
deep shadow from the circumstances un
der whicli those declarations were made.
General Fremon I had, a few weeks before,
taken and subscribed the following mili.
tary oath ; "I. John C. Fremont, do sol
emnly swear that I will bear true faithand
lalltgianes to tht Uniud Hutes, and that J will
tcrv incm wwny ata jauvwiy against the
enemies or opposers whomsoever; and
that J iciU observt and ab?t ih ordtrsofths
Prttu-Unl of tht United Siaits, axd the orders of
sions below a special mission to "carry imperative order was given by the gener- some W,)W, nave ; oeen sai;nod, urn a world's history, has begotten v r.ith-pub-ont"
the will ol tho people. Gesar, when al lor tho payment of $00,000 more. In number of tho ho.dois of the smaller iic wraih-and then woe to him on tt houi
he stood upon the banks of tho Rubicon ' his administration he virtually ignored class of vouchors have boon so fortuiiate ! it, fttiSi k,tu.r ,Lr1 g mill.8tona were
and waved to his veterans to advance, did ' the existence of a quartermaster's and the as to have their chums settled by the (lis. J Uu0ut his neck and he bo cal into the
not take a bolder declaration against his j commissary's departments, arid of tho bursmg o.hcers ; but probably fully three-; tea) ,lMl l0 t.c,-,unit.r the tlorro indiena
country tbau this. The earnest- Ordnance bureau, and necessarily that of fourths ofthe amount allowed by the, tj0n of an outraged people,
ly and"o often spoken, announced a rev the government at Washington. The commissioners still remains unpaid. The administration should learn wis
olution conceived, but which, happily, most stupendous contracts, involving an ( When it was lmrno in mind how long dom from the lessons of history, and r
most happily for tho country, tho parent almost un precedented waste of public mo- many of these debts have been duo, and ' member the fato I hat always attend the
had not the strength to bring Tortl). No ney, were given out by him in person to how much from these deli ys the vouch-t0rruvtand prujlgatc" -St, ' Clairsviil Ga
man has lived in tho tide of times wise favorites, over the heads of the competent , ers have depreciated in tho hands of tho ItttCt '
an I puro enough to be intrusted with :and honort ollicers appointed by law. It holders, many of whom have been obliged I --- ---
such n rtowerai is here claimed. Military seemed to be Irs purpose to present him-1 to cash them in the mat ket at heavy dis I , bAt-GH.Nr..-1 ho man that laughs i. a
tho pefi.le of the field," jdace at "their
liead" the President of tho United Stales,
aud not any general holding a coimuiiwion
umlerhim. With a confiding fondness
he had been summoned from the obscuri
ty of private life, and, preferred ubove the
veterans and a whole army of patriots, he
was made a major general. Scarcely hits
he girded on his sword, to whose honor
the best interests of the nations had been
committed, when he saya to his subordi
nates and followers that he draws it, not
in the name of law or of the governmaoV
but in deliauco of both, to onforco such
uieasiiits a, in bis judgment, "the people
expected hint to curry out." Theso words
were spoken, as it were, in the very sick
chamber of tho pualio, and had the tone
of the undertaker wlnle the patient was
not then tranquil and strong ar.d able to i
battle with nil assailants, but of a country
distracted aud humbled, snd b;eeding un.
dor the stnbii of traitors, Tboy caruo from
no flush of excitement springing from a I
lor IMS pUl'pOiO lliai LOionui rtliuicw , wit-
H l.n bmid of the pav department here, and
Major Johnston, a paymaster under him. '
should not interfere with his free use of
tho nattonal purse, in respeoung iuso u
'oilicial oath and tho law, by resisting un-
I warrantable- transfers of public money, the
I colonel had already given offence, i.nd he
! was therefore visited and thus Btartlingly ,
j wurned. that ho might not offend again,
1 His noble and patriotic reply, though sub-'
!.i.i..,l hv t in inesencc of his superior offii
N,viv- - I " 1
' cer. proved him to be worthy ot tho sword
onenlv pursued as his apparent concious-.
4 .-, ,
ucas mat no wits uie .-iimio grew muiv
'and more vigorous. He created a largo
I number of offices and filled them with
. -
friends and lavontes, to whom he assigned
friflmU nnd favorites, to w hom !ie assigned
IJII Salaries, ft power WlllUU IIO :iau vo
more riht to exercise than iiad any sol
diei in his ranks. About two hundred of
these appointments were made, and of
which some forty-two were allotted to a
body of but three hundred men, which ho
had recruited and orrjauized under th
somewhat regal designation of "Tho Fret
mont Hodv Uiurd." Imitating yet further
imp-rial rule, ho sought to bestow upon
many-possibly all his appointees what-
ever their duties, a military prestige.
Thus Castlo, his "superintendent of rail-
rood transportation," was honored, by his
letter of appointment, with "tho jay of a
- . . i - - - i. u i. A i j . A
colonel" and tho title, of course, follow
i while the offico of "musical director," a
' creation of his own, was filled by a mil-
'sician from one of tho theatres, to whom
1 was given the rank and pay of a captain
'of eugincer in the regular army.
i When tho Secretary ot War visited this
dooaritnent in person and inspected tho
4 , .,.
deiiance o! tne oecreiary s auiuoriiv, iuu
work uuon the forts went on to llieir com
pletion, while $20,0(10 of
the funds
sought to bo protected by the Secretary
was paid to Beard or. the Ibth October;-
the l'Jth of tho same month an
month an
'self as the embodiment of political and
military power, and to show alike by his
words ind his conduct how little he des
ponded upon the government ofhiscoun'
fclld how
utterlv be disregarded its
l -oloii nnA it. Of
a I
course, such an example
could not be!
otherwise than contagious. The whole I
framework of the political and military
systems, as organized by law, was unbrao-
ed. and disorder and criminal insubordi
nation everywhere prevailed. There could .
bo no obedience w hen tho general of the
department openly taught and practiced
resistance to the laws as a right, if not a
duty. There could bo no economy wheie
tho general exposed himself continually
lo imputations of laboring in hi- great of
fico to feed the gre d of his followers for
gain. Haoccupiod with Ins lamiiy and
several members of his stafl a marble pal
ace, and lived amid its luxurious furniture
and glittering wares at a stipulated ex
nenso of $6,000 per arium to tho govern
ment, at a lime when tli homes of mi 11
ions of our people were darkened by the
horrors of civil war. Could it beexpoct
ed that ihe subordinates would pisplny a
ny special sympathy with our national
sutTerings, or any marked solicitude to
guard tho publio treasury from plunder ?
Instead of going to Csrio, ashocould lave
don fvr a few dollars, on ope of the vei'
srls transporting his troops which accom- written out. Th illness from which he is
panifd him, he chartered a magnificent at this moment suffering may tleln the
steamer at a cost of $1, COO to ehe gofern- completion of tho work, but wo prounio
ment, to convey himself and cortege alone, that in some three months the whole cvi
The steamer was anchored out in th donee, which will comiit of from t.ix to
stream, instead of lying at the wharf, as seven thousand manuscript unges, will be
all others did and do, and when tho gen ready, and will then bo tiled in the de
eral drove in hit carriage and four to the partment as part and in support of this
water's edge yet another steamer, at still report. As several weeks will bo reqni
furlhor cost to the government, as we red to cloe entirely the business of ihe
learn from claim presented for it. was em ! commission, the secretary and a Inw of the
ployed to put himself and suit on board. clerks now in service will bo neccssari
A foreign prince or potentate, in a season ly retained during that time. The entire
of national moruning, might thus live, and record of our proceedirps, with the oc
thus enter his pleasure yanhl or his barge
of state of insensibility amid the calami
ties of civil war and waetfuhxvs when the
public debt UWm- inereased st the rate
of from one to two millions daily, when i
exhibited by a general of the Amerienn
army, is spectacle from which the patriot
may well turn away in grirf and humilia
tion, As was to have been expected, the influ
encoof tuch an exhibition was every where
felt. High officers did not, it was true
dare charter steamers for their own con
venience, but they did, it -vas true, dare
I charter stcame s for their trains for the
. convenience of themselves and attendants,
while yet humbler officers, dwarfing their
puium tu uuinvii inn iiitteiuiti tiajruj
throuzU which we were pacing intoa sat-
urnalia of personal and official self, indul..
gence and extravagance.
ti .u, in um luimmri.v ui .., ..i.,t
committed to us, lifted tho veil from a
held ot prodigality, insubordination, and
demoralization, in the midst of which we
have bobo toiling for the last four months,
we have felt it incumbent upon u to
point the department to tho truo causes
of these disorders. We have presented
. . "
mo tejiimony or uionei Anurews unu
py to oeiievo mat nie aisease, in me vir-
..i.,.. i. ...i.ii. i r.......;i.l l.o,.u
i'w " " " f"
was not national, but local, and was the
result of local an J personal causes.
bo soon as we had been sutliciently la
11 ti- it
o soon as we nau ueen sumcientiy
... ; t;n i. i.n rnn -......., I ii l
iinnni "itli inn. j-i torn hiiv. ni.n
tho principles applicable to them to ena-
bio us to feel entire confidence in the
conclusions arrived at, we began to c'eliv-
cr vouchers, certified in accordance with
the instructions o! tho Secretary of War.
The first delivery occurred on the 9th day
of January, 186'J, and has been since rcg.
ularly continued, as our decisions have
been pronounced. In giving out the
cluims presented, with the allowances up-
cn them, it was necessary that some re
ceipt should bo executed by thoclaimants.
In deciding what should bo tho character
of the tecnipt, it seemed to us that us a
protracted and patient examination bad
been given to these claims, and the par-
ties had been heard eit Ik r in person or by
attorney, nnd tho cases had been contin-
ued from day to day, so long as those in
teres ted desired to produce testimony, and
the governmer t, by our action, wis cow
nutted lo pay l lie amount allowed, n was
.f , i , . . , ,i
from our decision on his claims.
The department is aare ho constant-
ly we have in our correspondence urged
tje payment of these liabilities. I hose
money seized and borrowed trom the
banks, with the exception probably of
. -,-i1-t 1 . i i
: count, it is not a matter of surprise that
an irritating souse. ot injustice ou the part
1 of the government is beginning t be felt
hero. inis leeung is inor-visea oy a pre.
vailinc impression that the same tardi-
ties of UUVtll'Mit has not (iisttneuished
(he service in the east.
Wo earnestly
recommend, as a measure of common jus
tice, due alike to the highest pecuniary
interest of the uovernment as to it lion-
or. that trie claims wnicii we nave ceru.
... . .- . ...
tied shall be at once paid.
While- wo have necessarily devoted the
principal part of our report to an expos
suri of the abuses which characterized the
late administration of tiiis departrnent.we
cannot close it without bearin; testimony
to the integrity which has ger.orally been
displayed by merchants, mechanics, and
manufacturers when permitted to deal di-i
rectly with the government. Widespread
as has been the demoralization in official
circles ana among meir uepenaenis ana
fsvorites, and startling as are the frauds!
which have been attempted and consum I
muted, a Urge majority of tho claimants ft cannon, just for fun but being of an
have presented themselves before u un i economical turn of minj, they did not
impeached by imputations either upon wish to lose the ball, so or.e took sn iron
their loyalty or honor. kettle in his band to catch it in, arid sta
We hare examined some 1,200 witness- tioning himself in front of the loaded can
es, w hose testimony has been taken by an nor., be exclaimed to the other who stood
accomplished stenogrspher, (Hr. R. K. behind holding alighted torch "Touch
flitt, of Chicago.) sud bas Veeu in part it aisy, Fat I"
vapors, wilt then be trans
Inoidentsofthe late Battle at Pittsburg! p P'n, .B,,d mhl' J, .w;
LandirF. : plougii, for all that ; and the Innut which
t . , fr , aro sonieiimos lift UI) in tnitr mu.t ai
During the fight on Hondav, a cann'-r. ',,..,, ii,. , t ' , ,
i n . l i .i. i i re pi ot lir laiiejs oe put lo u e p.ouiit , or i:i.'
ball took ol the hesdseffive me.i. fhci. ...... , ......
rucn were out of the line and stood In dis
rcct tango of the artillery andiUlnero
killed at the same instant.
Kverv man connected with otie of tho
r 11 . . . .
guns of Terrell battery, except one,
killed ai:d also tho horses,
A rebel caisson was Btruck by a shell
and exploded. It was shattered all to
pieces and seven mangled bodies wore
found lying around it,
One onmpany in an lllinoi regiment
had every officer, commissioned and non
commissioned, shot
A national and rebel soldier were found
dead, side by side, with hands clapeJ. It
ii supposed that they foil near each other,
mortally wounded, and making fiionds,
died in peace.
Ono young Ohio volunferr who had been
recently wounded, and died belore picked
up, was found with the miniature of a
young lady friend to his lips. His com
rades s'uie that he had an idea that ho
would be killed, and wat several times
seen looking at the daguerreotype while
the regiment was in reserve.
Amnnii the. Confederates taken prisoit-
ers is Opt. W. II. Polk, nephew of ex
Fresident Polk, who participated in tho
battle, and was severely woundod in the
m,.. He iind to submit to amputation.
- John Mideii, was among the captured
vrounaou at riimurg.
Among therebel prisoners taken wss I.t.
Col. Valter Soott. u son of Col. .So:tt. now
in tho Federal service.
Corkiptios ad rnori.iuACY. Tho Re
publican Senator from New Hampshire
(Mr. Hale,) in a speech delivered in tho
Senate ol the United States, on the 7th
inst., said :
"I believe, and I dechay upon my ran
ponsibility at a Senator of the United
States, that the liberties of this country
are in g'-enter danger, to-day, from the
corruptions and from tho profligacy pract
ticed in tho various Departments of this
Government, than it id from tho open en
emy in the field."
Mr. Hale is one of the men who has la
bored for years, with all his powers, men
tal and physical, to elect and orgnnize an
Administration upon the principle! that
brought Mr. Lincoln into power. If truth
no'V compels him, within tho first year of
this administration, to make the above
declaration, our Country and Government
, . .i , ., ...
the same time in one ofthe most etupon
( doua and expensive civil wars the world
I has over witnessed, what will be left for us
but pe iuryand r.igt but penury brought
j on a people hy the "corruption andprojiiga-
i J "
ey ol their rulers sometimes hi the
, doctor without a . .pioma,
, mure goou . ... i . ous.i oi
powders or a gallon of bitter draughts.-
i fc ...... . ..c.
nanus insnnci.voiy go nan way io meet
I : ii... l i ii .
"is critsii, rt mm uiey iuiii invu.uniaruy
from the clammy touch of the dyspeptic,
i . ! i. it
who speii its in ino grottoiug Key. lie
hughs you out of your faults, while you
never know whal a pleasant world you are!. i,.flK. .........
B ... 1.v....t.- uu mn duulj
streaks on its pathway.
Mfc,A verdant vouth. who was omrdov
td ln 0,,0 0f 0ur Urge dry goods stores was
one day called upon to wait on a young
ady who inquired Tor ladies' cotton bore,
The young man handed lieni down, when
the young lady asked :
"How high do they come ?''
Greeny stammered and blushed, but
replied. "I don't know exactly but think
tiiey will come about to the Ineesl"
H'be young lady went up.
toiyTwo Irishmen sere going Jo fire oft
HaTlxxftctxcK. lnii- cenca and l;-nrr-once
are sister. H'U thoro uro u !? aud
vulgar sisters. Vulgar inii"'?M'o mid
i'Vioiano ar raoiul, tli' V 1 .iv u t; y
face.', hut wholly without ., 1 . "i. and
of ft transient beauty; th i.oj ' -!nt-:s iiniiioital, thoir lofty form jn mi.
changeable, and tbe.'r cn.i.u.'iia i.'c-- nr
still rad;nnt with the lieht 'if p;.!.'i!ie.
They iItcII in houvr n, and vidt r ily tlit
noblest and most severely ti ii"d of niaii
kind. bwatrs.
WJWPIRITCAL Bl.Ml!0:J. (bid -Ti-lK-i nl -
ly give spiritual blessings aid di liviinm
ces, ai he does temporal; 11. a'. by Hie
mediation of ar. ctie and v!.',-,.;...m :i
Uutry. 1 tie l.'u.ts or the e.j :U m t-
cifl of God. and ve prf? for them is r-'tc!i ;
j liUMMtllUUiail lilUnb VAp'.'Vt 11 l '.I'M' '
jerytkir.g must bn expected in tho w
proper to its nature, with tL. eonerrivut
I inlluenoo of the diviro grace, not to sti
lit" if'UC tiiw MJiHi.i, uui tt i ,.'' i rui'j
, J . , , ,
fiQr Findj.xo TUB HlliltT 1' m it. Suro
enough, of til paths a man could strike
into there is at any given tuouitMit a les'
path for every man, a thing which, hero
and now, jt wete of a'.J thing, k i,-- tor
him to do ; which could ho be lod or driv
en to do, Lo were then doing "like a man, '
rs wo phrase jt ; all men and gods agree
ing with him. the w nolo un ivcrs.M vp iuii-
exciaimmg well dono to uiin I tlis tucc-f .
in such cases were complete ; his felicity
a maximum. This path, to find '.Li.i puth
and walk in it, is the ore thing nceui'ul
for him.. Whatsoever forwards him in
that, let it cou.u to him even in tl e Wiape
of blown and spurning, is liberty; what
soever iiinders him, wero it ward-motes,
open vestries, poll booths, tremendous
cheers, rivers of nravy-wct, is slave; .
l-i-Lcv E ion Tjif.JDaap. The love which
survives the tomb, says Irvirg, ii S"i of
the noblest attributes of the soul. If it
has its woe, it has likewise its del g its ;
and when the overwhelujiug Li of
grief i calmed into the gentle tear of rf
ollection ; when tho sudden anpui" ! n-.t
the convulsed agony over tho present ru
inspfiill that wo most loved, is so! one I
away, into pensive nieditutioii on all liiat
it was in tho days of its Jovliuest - ..'ho
would root out such sorrow Iroin theki...t?
Thojgh it may sometimes throw a p.-.sting
cloud nvrr the bright hour of gaiety, or
spread ad?ei sadnes. over '.ho tiour of
gloom ; who would .exchange it even for
the song of pleasure, or the burst of revel
ry 1 No ; there is a voice from the tomb
sweeter than song ; there is a remembrance
of tho dead to u hich we '.urn even fioa
the charms ofthe living.
B?5U SERviTtPi:. No condition paMca
for servitude that is ac.:omp.-nicd with
great riches, with honors, and with the
service of many inforior. Thi." is but n
deception of the sight through a fuls.i me
dium; for if a groom serve a geutlemin
in his chamber, that gentleman a lord, aud
that lord s prince: tho groom, the gen
tleman, and the lord are us ;mi':!i s-Tva.'iU
one as tho other ; the circumstantial dif
ference of one's getting only his bread and
wages, the ttecoitd a plentiful, and ll.c
third a superfluous estate, is no more in
trinsical to ihis matter, than the differ
ence belwoen a plain, a rich, and a giudy
livery. I do not sny, that he who Bells
his own time and hi own will fur one
! hundred thousand, is not a wiser mer
chant than I.h who does it fjr one hundred
pounds; buj, J will sw our they aro both
merchants, and that hs is hujipiar than
both who can livo without selling that ea
tato to ahioh he was born.-r-Couhy. "
fiMiNisrBP.iS(i Angel. The, beautiful
Lave gone with their b'.ooni from the gaze
of human ryes. Soft ryes that made it
spring-lime in our hearts are iet.ii no more.
We Lite loved tiiu light tl many a emib
that has faded fro:i us uoty, tuv! jn our
heart havo lingered sweet voices thsd
no-rare hushed in the uilenco of death.
Seats are left vacaut in out earthly heroes
whicli none again can till. Kindred uivi
f.-iund?, loved ones, have pussud aiy.vy one
by one ; our licurts are left doso'a'o ; we
nie lonely without lhv;, They have pars
ed with their love to 'that laud, from
whoso bourne no traveller returns," Shah
we never see them ag.iin ? Memory turn-
with lingering regret ;o call Ihoso smilea
land the loved toned of those, deer farnlhar
voices. In fancy tiiey aro olleji by ctnt
ide, but their houieis Ou a biigut-:r shore
They visit us in our tlroams, (Jolting ovei
our momory Lke siuidows over mooiiltght
waters. When the heart is weary with
anguish, and the soul is bowed with grla!,
do they not come and whisper thoughts of
comfort and hopo ? Yes. sweet memory
'.rings them to us, and the love wo bori
them lifts the heart from ejrlhly aspira
tions, and we long to join them in lliav
better laud, l'hsy hover round U, the
ethereal, dear, dejnr'.ed ti:i, loving and
the loved, they witch with ryes that slumber.-
not. Vhen gentle dreams are wan
dering to tho angid laud, in -vLisper wakt
the hymning stjfljjisof that bright and
happy choir, revealing many a tel.) of
hope, a id bliss, und Underlie, ami l"ve
They lell of sunny relms i.e.T viewed bt
mortal eye of forms arrayed in ftdelett
beauty and lofty Authems lo their grca'
Creator's praisoarc. sounded lor ii in s.ruet.
seraphic numbers. And ttiis bright vis
ion ofthe biestdisolves the tumult of life's
jarring scene ; they fsdo in air, and thou
we glory in the thought that we ere heir
of imraoilality. And why isit thatwro
gard with such deep reverence and love,
lhoe bright celestial I cings of another
sphero 7 Ah, it is because they take an in-
lereit in our tirar, and joy over our
success in the great bat tie of Lie. Tby
are not selfish in their happiness, but fain
wosil 1 1 ave us buo tt with thorn,