Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 23, 1862, Image 1

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i C'c! I ,
5 i it .
h n ' 'V: . A
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p y rieorr. t P ....
rnixcin.Es. not men.
TERMS -$1 23 rT A tin 'in. if jmid n t!i . ..
iOl .WXIl. UlIOl.i; NO 1702
CI.KAUriKM), i'A. Vi:i)M?I)AY, AIM. II, 0.i, T,G,.
a k 5i y c o r. f y r l a r 1 j; c k
Prr.n 1 1 , i
. be I
.iv ar.
1 'l I .' I ! I
' IV, I lU
1.1 v uiil
Whin l.i-l T w .- yn i,
l , lit V ,11 l' l J 1 of as
ouVf 'I i s-:t of I ns ev
( n '.h- field. '"-' ', com
ir.l iii llif iirt of warfare
!!. .I .nil :. iniil made no Piroaos
on ( nr r;:i." -.:.. Hut, alas! how ' !i :i 1 1 u 1 !
Two and n l..i'f -holt hours, nnd (lie bea't
of ivoiv man in tin- I'll in borne down
with gib I'. Their Colon. 'I has fallen!
Colonel Mm my. the,
T it(.'. i. cl I...'i ol'Oololll
Mnrmv. That 01..1 word oinricd.os his
,r... JIi was fmphsiiK'HiiV a '
Wl , ii ill.- I'o ir.t'-y stood in need of
!;'-,n nrolled n- ii voluritoc
.w nn ti "re.
Wm. (lrav
.m ;u
ru.o i.g t l.e lir.-t. i'V hi-: -entn'it
comluft, nii'i sf.lliM-ly hoarin, ! v
fd tho npi'-oiiilivii nt of CI I.icntf.'ini
t!.o ; "ui .i" irnn'. When the-" ditl
t:rs v. or' a'ijnMrcl, ho l'ellll'licii I"
life :i A has siin"j been an hort.irc 1
i,mi of h;a
in 'il-
ito, I t nn-yl nnui. lien
ruiTAc, which now rugiv in
I in: 111111 nr Waii ! i;Mi;n Viiiiiinh.
I Thnt j, art cf Kn-teni Virsinii which
ni iv h f.rojiorly ralletl lh.) iiehl nf ni'
cmlirieeh m arly ol iho tiil wn
tor mid J'ip'lninnt re,"ion ljuiinlei on
thn on t hy tho Atlimlir iiih! ("IipsmmpiiUo
I'ay, on the snmh ,y oiih Cnrnliini, on
th" North nti(l northeast hv the rotoiiiae,
an I on the "f t hy tho 1'ltie Hhhre, in
ivhnt id e.iKeil tho Valley. This in tho
(h'l'.ai liiK'i'f of lien. Hank-i, that of tho
Micn.indoah, nrid eomirie m he!t of
' ii ry nhont .V.) miles wiiln, ami running
t'le depth of tho K hole State in a won t li -vo'torly
direction, hctwepn the Khie
Ii'iJ;.'( and tho AllephriMf s. J'.eyor.d
J : 1 1 1 k , on the ne-t, i.- i!en. Fremont's de
part incut.
Knsteni Vi.;ni.i has Leon divided by
t::o President into two d 'parl men ' . : that
of tho h'apiairinnn( k, tinder Oen. Me.
J '"Well. eotiM'i,:ses, Inside a twit of M:i-
n :.i', I, the Distnet ol ;,
j river, ii n fort, mid iwinther riilloil Kni t
P.-m n t n n linlru-n 1ml i iiti .1 il IllOU-
limn h;in. and Citv l"'oint. U in eniil 1 Thi ofiieer ono of tho u:ot enifiy nnd
that tho reheli fortili.'d ii pliii o t hroo tniles roinprloM in tl.o rebel (.mice, nn.lwho-o
belmv Wvoming Ooel; n l other points tlnlli hn.i been ropnt tod in thn bott'o of
i,n t,j, river. riti.-bu-p l.nndiiip wn lorn in Mncon
I Kiehniondi comieelod bv ruilrond with county, Ky.. in 1S0.1, nnd therefore, enter
.Norfolk, HKt miles dii-tunl"; with Wadi-'p'1 lnfiMysschth yrnr not lone a;ro. Uo
inton, from which it ii VM) niih'K bv tail ; j"'' ooncntrd nt d,o Ivnnin Ui.ivor-
i nd there is hNo n railroad connoeliiits it J f i t y . T.exin-Mnn. Ky., under Vrosideiit
with tho head of Voik liver. i loll-y. f rnilmitwi i.l tho Unitpd Slates
J (iordonsviilo is on tho tVntrnl Failronil ; Military Academy, at West Point, nt the
.of Virginia, 7d milei iu)ithwest of Uieh- ff twenty t hrco. and entered tho nr
niond, with which it is'.i d bv rail, niy as fecond lieiilennnt, in tho Mime
I I'lcdeiifkshnr is con-ejied by railroad year. JHk first KOl viro wns w ith Iha Sixth
wilh Richmond, from w hieh it isidxty five- i infanlrv, with which ho ivns ordered to
inilos nor'h. It is connected with u point ! the N est. UorlnR the :;iack hawk wiw
ii few miles north of (iordon-villo bv n!bene!ed nn iidjntnnt genornl, Provident
, 1,-rnpiko which runs thron-h Wilikniees i Lincoln at that time tciying ns n captain
land White Plains, nearly pnrallel wilh, j of volunteers. At the cWo of the war he
I 1 .11 L si nit Ii o fil,.. i;..m,n!uimiocl and its , !went to reside first in Missouri nnd thon
1 1 i1-!! t;irv t lie h'.miilim
I Winci.e tor is bill miles north northwoot 1 State he resigned his coininission
fif'sn uddieiJ, o Hicces-fnllv repi'e l t!j.
rebeli I hut they hi"l lo fall bide uj
their del'enciH. II is "iliantry r.n this oe.
nihiti pained for him hii eppoinlimnt ol
full Major lioni ral, w hich rank m mvurd
ed him by ('undress on Maic'i L'l. At tho
head of his division ho advnnood up tho
Tenncci.' river, nivl, by a hv.'ed march
from l ittsl m c, ctieccudcd in dertroyin
the bridj.'" Hl Purdy, thu deinviiif!
the rehvl troojis, and ior a time broalcinj;
Iho connection between the reeruitinj.' do
pots nnd the cuncetilration point of tho
leb,!,-. Ai'hoiifh iibseiit from tho ti'Ht
dnyVfi'htit was by necidi nt. eiitiiely,
which lie fully tnad'j up by his gallantry
on Ihe m cond iloy. I n a s ti ingo and id'
mnft impnf.sablo country, mid Among
tieiu hrrous enemies it is not to bo won
dered at Iha1. ho lott the road, his of Ii -
of Richmond, and 71 miles west by north
of Wiishinton. It is the center of a num-
Oi:." tvidst bt LMI, lm was tcil.lert'il, i
Vi'i':' Popai tnnjiit, a i.'aj-.taiii'a comtT
n i'i... rci-nl.r.' annv OWin to ttie si
net'' of I.U wife ho wa-, unable to leave his
hoine. Hi:-wifo shortly I'ficrwards died.
Tluvin" ni ihirijr further to restrain him,
he liaviiif! I iacefi lii:-children vnvr tho
j."jkli.'.cv ar.d pioteelict: of a relative, ho
imtr.fdii.ttlv proei eded to recruit a legi-n.ont-
lficrerull ol which your readers
:.r nwat-c votir own comity contributing
a hrco :j:are in its cm itruction.
, I..
unii'ia .nia i mi; , , ,. , -i. .
i,. . i oei oi noniuses.
ar! ,,f ir-ii'.u hoiweon Ihcl.liK' Kuipe 1
rn the w-e.s't and tho Fi dcrick.-bm-;,' and) TAI5I.K or
Kiclmiond L'aiirond on tho east, Taking Richmond as tho center, the fol
Moi'ltlhm's denartmeiit i'unist.s of all . lowing t.ibh) shows at a glant'o tho distance
the area ra-t of the Fredericksbiir.L' 'nil- of different points in Vinzinia from there.-
At the la. lie near N ;iichosler,
'2'.'- IS'i'rJ ho mot his
v' on hi men
..j a. ..ii
bl ,i vfl
on Sun
death -to
- 1 P
1,;1.,t hi e. ::i hi., de-pi rati' eliarg.-.lio leli. i oiormic. ine .lames is me
Tor a notueiit there seemed a pause but .of Virginia. It meets th
ii l.i-.. 1 no' a se.-rn'i : for the order was . inond, 100 miles fro-n its
'('hsrge Pcyoiifts'.'' And. allliougU ho
who ha''. :'iv'j'i tho order, wu; a corpse o".
tl:o fi. Id. his l.i..L order should bo obeyed.
Aiei c My 'X( en id it Ka. Not u niun
wavered, but .-i'lidily ndvanciog on an
un.-ceii . nemy, v.howero entrenelied l-e-hin
l a hlith .-ton" fence., and iiiimbering
iTii.loonr lhlic reL'iment, we drove them
le'.i'-e u-. fi 'ii tho:r fctronghohl,
' .ry "i- e,jry 1 Victory!
I, o.'.! lletoiv 10 IH V.a.S
i:,... '. v..' did .veoive the marked ap r
oi.r !; av'C lo-nj'a.
-I.! on n ilesirab o
and vie-1
a. dear I
' : oi.r b- av'C Ib-nj'a'. w lliil.tlionli
.t i ,'i.i . --'.i n ii si.-i. i
t ground. V-- .!,;t.1M',pc...a .
'.,rihl-h.cof.cbraveani... as -vol
I,, i,'.,;,m't frila L.;'lc. but such n
Top'th.-i '.. iih our br.lvc Cohmel, we
;nmirn tW l:--" "f several of dm Jino olh-,
id JiCIK' '
road. It :.s probable that (Ion. Mct'lellali j
oxteiuls ;is a. he chooses to operate. to
the so;iih. in Virginia, an.', that (lener.d
Wool's department, at and about Fortress
Monroe, is wiihiu the command of the su. I
perior general. J
J wi:s itjvi.n. i
Tlio rivers of Fasteru Virginia nearly all
empty their w aters into the (,'hosar e.ake
Pay, tho f nlv exceptions bring tho New
Jiivor nnd llol-tr.n, in tlH. southern part
of the . State, l.oaviiu; cut of view th
piincipal river
tide at h'ieh
mouth. and is
navigable to that place by vessels of 1 (i)
tons. The only considerable ti iimtiiry to
the .Tatiios, below tho I'.luo Uii'ge, is -ho
Apponimattox, which How it at City
Point, afid carries seven feet of water to
Petersburg, eapitol of Iinwiddio rount
10 mile? from fit) Point, ni'd '22 miles
south from Richmond. The .I..mes is nav
iuablo to City J'oint. 1.1 miles soul hca-t of
Kiehmond, for largo vessels, and to James,
town Island it 1ms water enough for a
Irig.d. . On Il.nriscii's I'.ir, a few miles
b dow City Point, there are I I feet ol w.o
ter at hiw tide. It flows into Hampton
Ronds. near tho m ciih of tho (Chesapeake
Hay. Hnd its entrance is closed by Fortress
."ijoiiioo, jscwpoi t Neivs, aii'l our
in that neighborhood.
Tin: yoitii i;ivku.
Tha Vork river, on which lit
From Norfolk to Richmond,
From Suffolk to Richmond,
From Capo Henry to Richmond,
From Hamilton to Richmond,
From Yoiktown lo Richmond,
From Williamsbiirgh to Richmond,
Ftoiu Frudoric.k-.burg to Richmond,
From Washington to Richmond,
'"ror.i Winchester to Richmond.
From (iordonsvi lo to richmoiul,
From Staunton to Richmond,
C.'i 1
s V,.iL.
cers. v iiM. ua.i.iiiiei.oi j.. . town, is lormed hv the nincti.oi of the
tea .ii of Co. A. Two nooler no .1 n.'ver . vl!(anonv and Pamunl v .and falls into
i tlio Uiipsupcake P iv, above the month of
ItheJame?, Its jipu-arance is that of an
eonimae. i'd a company. Ainon tne
wounded we L.ive but ono oiliccr Iout.
jf.rifn ol Co. ", wounded in tho font. Sev-h-A
of our ofi'i er were -eri.ti hod si:e'h'ly.
li ot hei iv ise, thn' disable. I
A'e ' on the ;' ; of the oUu-iai
n:nde--ilO Killed, and v
estuarv ra'hel thar. !l J'lver.
it, is about three ii.(t,- wi'le
r l
Among fl
dpt. Ogdcn'
lii r in v v
and Jae.iL W
ny. 'f-vo mo
woun.'o 1
Wo h. d on'
thn rest li'iiif!
nialdutv. (.'(
k'OC. 1 1 is nav
At its mouth
and it is foi ly
I'll' Jurgo ves-
i'ded .vai C
:i:ii!.'inv, K sv
Orahatr. of
C. Sruivh,
(els, and is one mile wi le r.t Ynrktown. -0:i
the pcuinsul.i forine(i by the iiear ay
!iiaeh of the .'au:. s and Vork rivers, in
d V.
; ki.nvn
re ol
t. Air". J
.!. of the mi mo c'iiii
that i.on-.: ai.y vvt
sic , and
! Jfnrrm".
in tho r,ot:on
detailed on -po-V
lo Iv was taken
f two l.iu'.i nan ts
. tiallaghei 'i body
I. tut. Jo-ai l was
loetall! c f
diurg a. id his
i nu on its
hjmx i::t b-r tho escort r
nj two priv.i'.ei- Cap!
wns also '.i;r( n homo.
t'jr'uiJ i.. V.t. 'r e 'i'V hu
fin was -. t fr 'iii Hani1
body ras ,liiterred, miv!
WAV horn
Wo .a :'o ivw in 4oitvvuu
Virginia 'eo n.i'.es from
I.t. Col. Maoism ell joined
took eommao I of the, icgi
Parrntt b' 'lit th" la iroent
s. arod.a Provost (iiitird ho was np-r-.into'l
l iovost Marshal when Id. Col.
MncDowill arrived lie relioved him of tho
The inf. I :t ants and especially tho la
dirn, v. ore iiu h .od to bo a lit tie shy, when
vc first came amcng them, but they aro
r.adual'y brrinnir.-' to show theai-elvt.s.
It seems thi.t tho troops ,ho preceded us
in tl.f. oc.nrnoi.i'i of P.c.i'rvville, have i,. a
been behaving as they
iheir course, are sit
Mamp'on ; its soutluiu '.'Xlroioity is .New
port Ness, and ot the houtlx astern point
is r (:'. Kts Monro-'. York town is seventy
. tulles C'.i.t-soulhe a -t .f Ki.'hniond, and
the litter cltK :- l"'0 miles from the
i ci by w atcr.
! V(Jl(KTC w.v.
1 Vorktown is situated on the riglit bsnk
of tiio York river, sevmty miles from
Richmond. It is a'i old town, setiloJ in
17C-J, and now has about- fifty hou-cs. It
'wan die th.eal'o ci'mte of dm most import
tunt events in Auieriean histr. y the
i suricndi r ol Rord Cornwallis to Ceueral
Wasiiington, whi di occurred on the P'th
of ( letober, i T '. I . I he rebels are rcporicd
' to have erecle 1 stroii j fori iliuadons idons
Id-,...;. !.,..!.-,-. ti... .......Uj :!.-., 'r.
Ill VI. llil Ulll, l,l . L,l. ,",1 II V.,V.,.-"HI
f-'vuhl have done
Put the gentlemanly conduct ol tne -im
insiiired them wit', at least rospc'l lor ,;s
and ma iy are tho Rib delicacies that, nun
find (hoir w.ii' into t.'iO liO-piCll, HlfOilgh w ith
,' l.irk county,
Wiuohe ter.
ui ihifo ntnl
ninn i . - , - .
here .vhei o i'"i''t, oppo-i;o Vorktown, aro represent'
oil parlicu: u .y tote very lo: rnuiaule.
Till. HAfi MIANNt'CK.
Tho Kappahannric'.c eaters iho Chesa
peake Pay, twenty .five miles south of the
mouth cf the Potomac, and is navigable
for vessels, "ran ying ten foot of water up
to Fredericksburg, where. It is su Ii nosed, the
e..( niy is strongly pos led. Thi- plao i
I futty miles from the liver's mouth.
J Tin: i!KTii itivm.
I 'flu Kliabeth river, on whioh lies Nor
f ik, rises in Noifolk county, and Hows
dampton Roads. It is connected
Ubeiii trio Sound bv tho Jhsmal
The Republican party has had a very
brii.'l exi-leiic, but brief as that cxisletieo
has been, i' has exhibited morn bigoted
intolerance toward nil thoje who differ
with it oiwiuos'.ions of nationul (mlicy,
than anv other party that ever had an
existence in this eountrv This is the more
inexcusable from the, fact, that
men and its esreer with the
professions in l.ivor of tho huge.-t amount
of liberty lo ail cl ise, conditions and
riv.tof men, taking inlo its freedom
loving arms 'all the world and tho rjsl of
mankind.' It battled through its first
Presidential CmtTiign wilh 'Free Speech,
l r?o l ies.-, r reo Homes and rreinont ns
ils motto emblazoned on its banners all
ovoi the cf untry. j
It passed through its second campaign, ;
if possible, with even greater professions
oflovo for freedom. Members of this I
ireeilom loving ) iriy wero sonn is mrn iiji ,
their eyes in holy horror, at tho idea of ,
Southern men preventing abolition fana-,
tics from preachingedilion unionist (horn
and inciting their !aves to iiiMiricction,
pronouncing it a terrible outrage on five
Well, this parly got into power by gul-',
li"g the peopb with lying professions. .
And now, how do they proceed to carry
I hem out? Hy making good their pro
fession and granting unreslrainod liberty,
o! speech nnd press .' .vn a on oi it
Put if some unfortunate in an unguarded
moment happens lo criticise some act of
the administration in power, ho is ininv.
di.Uely 'spoiled' as a traitor, and Mr. Sec
retary Seward lias him ;rres.ied by kl iraph
and lodged in Fort Payhiyelte. r it he
express the opinion that the Republic n
party is not the purrtt and h, . p ir'j the
world ever saw, he is denounced as a sn-
. . . i .( 1. l .... I!.. ,!..,!
ccssioni.sioy a paciv . . k .. , Western counlrv. coup-
tiicts and 'I'n.on Sliders, who neve telt ' ; ,
a.;ci,.;,: palnot.c emotion . rorialVsclection to I his
,reiist Or i a news-iuiiier r.iiuor iiao - i - .,
i.iu.i. , ' 1 . tnnoilar.t nositior. Oeneln
ma cs that Mio management, oi ine a. - ',,,,,, ,,i-i.,.
l.enartmcnl under die Admiuislralion of ' one uieh log h, o . la.
Simon Cameron ban not been as .crupu- '"V ":" '
v ,i it miitht have been, he is
When war br(ke out in latter
in tho
United States Army wd rushed to her
aid, uhme and nnknnw n, and entered '.ho
Fervid' as a commoiA .soldier. He scon
niae e the c, iiiiiiiilance of (ieneial Rusk,
comiv.aiiding that division, w ho at once i
promoted him lo a command ho rose to
bo Die eomninnder-in -chief was Secreta- j
ry of War under President I.i:inar fought
tiio Laltlo of tho Neehf s, defeating seen i
hundred CheroKecs. At the breaking out
s;' of the Mexican war, at da urgent request ,
lofl i of liorio-a! Tiivlor. ho flL'nin entered the
service as colonel of the First Texus regi-
i incut ; w lien this was dishandc-l delK iiili
Johnson became Inspector (.leiieral of;
(i-oieral Puller's divi-ioii, and ferved
such in tho glorious buttle of Monterey
he was in the hottest of tin? buttle, Riid
his horse wus three times shot under him. ,
Alter this he retired into private life, nnd I
I turned his sword into a pl:u hsharo, cul
jlivating tho eailh with his own hands, un
I id, in IMS-. the United States government,
in consideration of his neces-ily and long
'seivice, betitowed upon him tho nppok-.h
' ment of Pay muster in I lie army. In I8.)0
! ho was appointed to the command of the
Second regiment of cavalry, with the
' rank of colonel, and ordered to the Ho
lt (Ollls I i ex as, .iic.1 in irai ui- ii jj-
loudest r'(''nl"'' ,0,be eoiumand of tho expedi-
t .on to I tan, ami, in i, was promoieu
to the rank of brigadier general. He
' started on 'hp expedition lo Utah under
' orders in September, 1 ;7. On the f.ih of
.November, in tho Rocky Mountains, l:o
1 encountered a storm of sr.ow and wind,
1 which, in his own words, "racked the of histnen, and starved die oxen,
i horses and in ules." The snow was from
! two to four (ect deep, and tho thermome
! tor nt from sixteen to eighteen degrees
below- zero f. r ninety days afterwards, lint
Ii-) nur.--.ied his marcii, making only
thirty-five miles in tiftoen days, where ho
went into eaii-l. and subsisted on mules,
without bread or salt, u n! il ru visions
were sent by the rtovernmont in tin fol
low inj spring, lie continued to (ill the
p'-t of command--!--in -cl id' in Utah- b.
ing in the country which he. occupied--until
the l-i hellion broke out, when ho
abandoned the old 11-ig of die Union lo
enlist under tho banner of thn secession
ists. Ho is believed to have made enor.
getii: attempts to induce C. I i for nisi and
Oregon lo j-'in the rebels, but to have
been foiled by the common sense of our
Pacific luelhi ra nnd the sagacious meas.
nres i.dopted by the gov em men t. l.n-t
fall ior oral Johnson was put in com man 1 1
ol'du rebel soldier- i;i '.he lp,irtin-nt of
.Kentucky and Mi-o-iri, and invested
with plei'miolen'.i.iry authority to control
all die military operations in die West,
His Kentu :kv na.ivitv nnd ins thorough
e-inl report wiil doul.l !o;
mishap occurred. Sufi
s explain how tho
ire it lo sat, ho wns
present to help w. n the hattle boluro it
boeame to late.
1 1 hw following is a aorreet eopv of the
Congressional Apportionment lidl aS jms
ed at the late ses-ion of the I cgidat ui -e. j
I. 1st ward, '.l,-:iJ
Do. 3d "
J'io old -aTil'j'
that bl- .vs no
l Ical lv
ling Wendell l'b
week, fol umkiri,
speech. As tli(.-u
ot a inngieiall,
evetv where were
' ii an i!1 w in I
on-- a: ; . .. i, n very
I in I',.- and tnob
illi i in i. men unci, las.
: a ti a asoi-.iblc Abolition
h toiodo-d : y the wand
tiic- R"j ublii an puici.s
instni, tly converted to
Do. 4th "
Do. 5th "
Ho. full "
KolUh "
II. Phil. Is', ward,
Ho. 7th ward,
Ho. 8th ward,
Ho. (Jdi ward,
DolUth ward,
'I. (..;:;
1U.K" 1
the d -''trine of 'free speeds, &J., Ac, Ac.
Wehoiolhu eonieision ia a ao ind ono
and the converts prepared to go through
life wiihoiit i ck-slni;.og. iVo know ef
no two papers that have done n.ory to.
destroy tho ficeil 'iii of f p.ecch ami . ;.res-j
than tho (jazff.i -md Ciohc, . ol tliat
city tor a j cur past, and ihc .mah rcen,
whoever th(-y may be, who -.iioi.lit ah.-ul
this sudden rc-ieuipt ion Irotn siu, of these
two papers and h .ndrecN cf ot!.. is, d-i-s-.-rve
the thanks of tho peoplo generally
not for what they did lo Cm Uisiinioiii
ist Phillips, but for t!io goo.: they (iceora
plished in favor of 'Iree .pooch,' in brig
ing to our aid so uiutiy and ho ably con--ducted
c apers.
We ii ie very sorry that this conversion
enuld not have boon brought about in a,
more iiuict nav, buw the. gieatei 'ho Bill-
(.1111 is
a 'two
a fctory
tiers the L'i'eaier tho n.;v
very often tho cas;. '- 1
days meeting' proud u- onco
of a pious old lady, who hau
stubborn son, w ho j-i.:V."jU
nravor time, (iottiiii out s I
. ,.d
a bid "1.1
to kneel at
I palie:iue
III. Phil. 12th ward, lu.JSll
Ho. l.'lth ward, '.'0. ;',
Do. 10th ward,
Do. 17th ward, 2.),:,I2S
Do. 1Mb ward, JO.-bo
Do. l'.hh ward, L'o.OJO
IV. Phil. Uthwa.d, iM,.",.y.
Do. loth ward, .'I'.'.
Do. ilotii ward, ;'.o,l.'.2
Do. Hist ward. 17,104
Do. 'J-ltli ward, '.'HJSl
V. Phil. 22d ward, 17.'i',
Do. iVid ward, 24, P. H!
Do. 2oth ward.
Pucks county
130.320 with her wicked. disoLC'.iiei.l boy, just as
1 the congregation was kueei.nj to pray,
; she hit her son under d'- '-M -'-u r
list and dropi-.-d him o kh.cs, when,
she cried out 'now see i ''- -"' I"11:!'
I We thought then that tuis was a l:.:rj
P29,3,'3 1 way ol oonvei ting i).ie s. '"' l0 tu.nk
1 ho 'still, but if -moral va-10"' 'ai
' thing more effective, tho"':1'1 old la'
! dy, mjst be used. T': : s:,!j ,,,l'1-1 "iat
1 the boy was ever after a (-j0a cwutuui
and ii "dutiful son. V.'o ';'-i'(' l-''-.cntl
tuat liie d',(;,V.; and (; '...ri'a( "'
out the same, nnd never l-""1'1 this timo
forwurd. fail to cry out fo- 'ry' :peech,'
and we will sound the 'Ami;'' ;'
Some thirty wars ag- wo Hoc! Kd
to prevent the bovs from egg1 Ii ,rt aosh
nun iiiee'.iiig; juj ;, o Uiottgl.l '. . r
Was a sacred rodil to even i.i.uliLl'iUi
, much .as wodespi -.d t'.i-.-ii i.lor.tiv.ej.
ihved tosee the.-overy alcl.i. v.ic'5 .'iy for
j our pi ess and our bloc1, simp'7 ' ' caii-o
svewero exercising the right wo guarded
1U V-' no sacredly fo then, nn. I ior which lin y
cried so lustily. Wo n.., I.aleas it i-
forced to the concKision that wo i-pont a.
nut down as nn t-neuiy ofthe government
Or if ho presumes lo (suggest that this is
not the exactly right time lor 'ii-.augrr.i
ting the first bill ever given in tho bile
IIouso.' ho is polilely informed by some
itiuiti- f-vuttir that his establishment is to bo
tern down by m-ih cf'e.' e-'. and his paper
suppressed by the government. Such,
gentle reader, are a few cf tho practical
illustrations of the Republican doctrines
of 'free speech and freo pi ess.
Pet. thank Co ), a belter day seems to
General Jolnson was
ony, sin-!
iinas.-uming man-
all conspiring to form a person ot
imposing and attractive . oldies.-, IPs
brother, Jo-iah Stoddard .Johnson, wjio
was Llow n up on a steamboat on die Red ,
river. La,., ami killed, was at the time in
the United States Senate livm that Slate,
was the second of Mr. Cl.iy in his duel
wilh John Randolph, and was a man of
thn mcst cniinrrit abilities. The rebels;
had tho pr-atcst faith and reliance in his
skill an 1 ability, and his loss ai this t ry i .
in.' juncture must inflict, a terrible blow to
their fortunes. A'. J'. Herald.
VII. Chester,
Mil. Perils,
IX. i.aiicnstor,
X. Schuylkill.
XI. Noi t'ua'i'.pto::,
Curl. in,
Mon ice,
XII. I.n.ori.o,
XIII. Pradford,
XIV. Xji'lhutr.lerlaud,
Sit) dor,
J uuiat.i,
XV. Cumberland,
Vork, i
Perrv, !
XVI. Adams,
Pedro id.
XVII. Cambria,
S'.l ,
our :
i;, jn .100 ps
- 1:5,110
ft uitlcss ni:;l : i.i j utt it. .
' ardy f.vv r.en, i).'
- ill III pijrt tl , I,, 1 i c -1 crcrr .1 -.Ur uiotl
! ever made, :.ud proved f, their n
on- acts r,f despotic, violence, that
were theino.-'. arrant hypo.; i'.; and
j t on earlh.
! Il tlio little incid
i cinnal li, has bi'oog
t (toil he praised for
I IutpuIk y lej, rdl
I cry out 'f:eo r.jiee'
more onmirs ior opinions b.ike. A great
U-'.orm puriiirs (hi. cagt.-.r. ti'iiK-sj-'icv,
j and brings health nr.d Lilar'uy into tilt
' settlement. ( '; ui
lit us : ii i iu.iL,
i's ;rrat lneieio--, ami
1 one niij'tty voice,
, free prc-s,' and in-
; 1 lawyer ol'
) b.i;i on tin--
I'VftC Oil du
the negmt;
CrirJohn C. Proek, to h.i
lioMon, lectured in Phihub
Mill inFlaH lie wa very
; whites, and ('.,.'!. ued that
were born hero, and ilu-v intended to il.
ui- n-v,' 1"''ro- ,)''"' white Abolition fri. -id-- will
J' '-'u"u ttlonse s-nolu, that. When A!.,-- -o.
j Colonization rchi-mc 1-vomes p'ri'ec. u, if
I will ir'-'b.ably 1 e t'.oiiid. that s'.mci.,;,,ij
:el-eivill li to emigrate, inslend vf die
culled fo! !;.--. Oarrjs-sn savs that a nori'
.,'is just a-, good ii i tho. Pr.-i-lcnt. an-1 .),
'fj p.i-nck, sei'tny to incline to the gravr
and digni!.-1 ooinion.
. 31,tioo.
bo dawning upon us. tho reign of ten or j MAJ0R QEN. LEWIS WALLACE
and fanaticism iu rapidly drawing to n close
reason is beginning to resume her sway,
Major General Lewis
Wallaco was for-'
regiment ,
l sensi i o nnd into l'-ont irnul' -.cans now ,i.. ,,.. r,t iho 1. even! i
tho kindness of souio pMkitr tneivls (.xvamti canal nwd 1 as..iio.Unk river. in Jit things more calmly and that, kind al- in(ii.Uia three moi:hs vohmtoers. bet-
Annng the nnny .vho Live r-v-ctved ; its right or nir'h Innk w Norfolk. This 0f wo; k is left almostcntirely in ihehands j lf,r ur.0ivn, as tho Indiana Zouaves. It
:he raise of their sur"i ioi-s at. Winches- t city is dgh t miles froni ILuiip'on Roads, 0f tt f,...v )j ijn,f who rcac.hed their nnturi- wiH 1,0 remembered that this regiment
ti. 1 ... i io.' . i .. t l r iv .i....... i
to- ,s our assistant r.l.Vt nVi (: .-v. u . ; aiei ion nines oy i.iiiii uoiii lueiiinoini,
'i ',i,'lli,''f of Tin ,'iur 'i. ilo divs-ed tho i with w hieh plao-i it is conneoted bv rail
f.;- l -.omul that was droR -cd on the ho.d, road,
u momlwr ol L.'io th t'hi'J Reg't. Ho . is th
-l-vsso 1 on tb - dav of t he baftlo, ami up .Norfolk are deftmdod by a tort on Cranev
At!!. oppo-ite Norfolk
navy yard. Tho approaches to
" twelve o'clock r.t nigh
"".Hid". He i
l'r:'. most Oiilifj
sion and a gay
-eigu'v-lhroo Island, at the mouth of tho river, which
p-onounrd ono among I mounted fouo months ago thirty four
Suri'. op.. of this Divi-ipuns; by Fort No-folk, a few miles below
i- little felher than iho tho city ; by a L.iUery of twenty guns on
Kietor never mid. i:p a "Hover s l ow
Well, I mus', stan soon, or I will
h".vn a p.lU'plilet, l' of a let ter.
son? diiecting If t'rr f a tho Slth i
vlJress IVrryvi'Ie, Clark County,
'n Winchester, euro " Li0"'. Cl,
''"well. Slth Rodinec. P. V. No
tim. Your?, &
ty at ten year--of ago. ! was tal ioned in June hist at and near,
Goilspood the day, when Northern fa- j Cumberland, Maryland, and tint on the
nadeistn nnd Southern treasan shall find eleven 'Ji of that month the Z ui ive?,hea-l-i
a common grave, w hen the glorious Siars ; 0(i by tho Colonel, made a dash upon j
and Stripes the banner of the Union ! Poninoy nnd routed the rebels at that!
shall wave in triumph from Maine to Tex- j.hice. 'The regiment wan noted for its
as,w hen sectional hale and animosityshall reckless mode of fighting and the degreoj
be banished froni the country, we. trust, ' 0j- i-(l.,s!i" with which they always moved.;
forever, and w hen w o shall again 'bwir nn 'hcn the regiment returned to Indiana !
iVWi, no South, ni 117.', but a mm- (0 ,0 reorganized for tho war, General;
mrabwiina wnnvm bro'.lfrho.l. VuHry Wallace remained riuiet for a few days;
Spirit. but the troubles in Mijouri roused his
energies, nivi lie issueu uie nuijuauii'
call upon his troops which created such
an amount of enthusiasm at tho time.
n- on tlio N.folk and Richmond, ;ai.road, lo ; urd iy: Apr,. 12th. His dead, isa public: ro .-man. noc kcu w "
is eriiriuco in 10 llanil'ton l.oais. ior n nnlv He wns eminent as a Imrvor n '" "f; ,--.r
utToii is uti tesninu. and a man of letters. He h i
oubl Vs.,
Sow ill's roin I . opposii,. Fortress Monroe ;
and in nil probability by several other
works of which wo. know nothing.
Clinton, 1
Tioga. 1
roller, 1
111 io.
Warren, 1
Kik and Ciimoron,
Jefferson, 1
Clearfield, 1
Dt iTn or Hon. TiirnioBB Frrmnuiu v-
sr.v. Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen. P. P.
I., on Sat-
Tho Nanscmond river rises in the I'is
tn.d Swamp ami is riavh'ahlo from Suilolk. ! T) .lierl nt Now Rrnnswiek. N
lalamif V Mil iritfl C
vessels of one hundred tons. Suffolk is 1 tosman. and a man of letters, lfe fill-! nt to tl.o 1 epri.iien oi . i-un -
soventv-twomilessoiithostl,veoihf,r.,nl,: ri .,lr i.'Snnio Hltlo (lillicuiiy ocnunei m iween
'-.-. ,l..;.r:;u : .;. KirWon.l. u t!n,.u I Z ?V 1 iV..:'.," "".J"' these ioc6nprals. and General Wallace
W nir L-"sb i si T , - o.uut i,..Vu civil inc. no wus iiminituiMii'u us n iiiriu- r" . . i,:, nx-n reonesl Ia
:orM HiAtinln v.scrse't Show that vou , inliatntaiits. from Suffolk it would bdUi.fiU f 'ah rnca nf t n in TTnif a-1 5?t n t n 'WAS tTftflS t - ... J
cxl aid, and all turn .a cold shoulder practical to nuke a demonstration in the and ns the nominee ofthe Whig party for. w.
: it provo trmt you can do wiUioul lous, i -unom mi lor.smouiu. it was Vice-President at tho time when Henry
...i.i :io". .. .. uri i onca thoucht Rnr,,ci.l., 1 ,i ' ... i-i ... .1. n . i :
i vncy w.u nnf; ro giv- ,ou tx.;. t"- . T. .1 t-i L 14 '.'y wa8 caiKiinmo ior me 1 reniucncy. ' ,,nM non Kor, Henrv. bu, mfirn
uo i IK i I'lill an-.l IOIII I . n.n Af nUlrnit r. 1 i' on, I ll'1-..-i ,.
command at Smithland. General
Wnllar.e tonk nn active lmrt in the reeon-
noisanco to the rear ol Columbus, also in
MiTrm-cs or a Decent. Tho new rebel , batteries were erected by the. rebels
s-rft.u- of Wr (;..n.rnl fi...-.i. V . Van. - ine entrance 10 111 e ar.nemonc
'.di. is a r .risnn nf Tho,-o , .IofTir-:nn. I The fir: t namd has recently beenbtreni?
-L - ' thened, it is wid. a..d a rebel encampment traded nearly fourscore years
uc .iuvnv,oi m iu,irva tyj U 'B" J I'll1' iciuio tii'ii v
, V' was a man o, simjue earnest ,eiJt n in tho pallant action before
to do. b0 fldor (, th profession of a christian, ,cJson. WiIPn Actin(! Mnj. Gen.
rVmT 1 1? Ik.n,,s,cnt hfe' Few ,n,e" :e"vo ,,01 Scrnand's division was driven Lack Iv
moot Ki' assault from the. For,",
f to run vour coso airaisnt
lamp-1 On James Fiver, at Jamtbtown Island, The favorite
' thirty t-o mile! abort the mouth of the eW.
I Actini? Major General Wallace' division
bard of the timfs -Bom- passed along Itetwcen tho rebels and tbc
discomfited Union troops, and, with bi
21,314 I
Tiifc Gkkat P-itii.Cs. At Wic-ram, the
French lo.-.t 23,0o,i) nnd the Ausirians
'OOjand at Waterloo the buses iftho
French were. 33,500, whilo thcsooftheaP
lies iimouiitc'l to 2:',lk".i. Tho entire lost,
at Wagraiii was tll.oOO, an 1 at 'Aaierloi
t'i2,.ir't). Next to theso ranks the batt'o o
Jin.a. 47,11-0; Fvlau, betwedi tho rVenel
and Russians, -PJJIM., : and A'.i'fcili:-- 42 -.
CtS"'Gen. ftuckner is coti fined in nn n-
partmont in Fort Warren .vhcro ho e.n
j eommunicate with 110 one except tho nn
! son officers. Tho cloo impris-'.iiruiit
said to airect his health and epiriis. Gen
i Tilghman is also subject to the tame im-
prisonmont. 'I'heso nro tho only rebel.
, held ill close custoily at Foil Warren,
j A I.karm'h young lady, the other cvei. -;
ing astonished a conip.iiiy by asking (0
I the loan of "a dimunitive, argeni.-ru-j
truncated cone, convex on k- .cimnii; .
1 and semi-pcrforatod with syninio'riea! in
..,,...1 ..I.-.; hiih.'1 ,1 1 ; il O.'l.
XXII. Allegheny co., south of
the Ohio river, includ
ing Neville Island-
XXIII. Allegheny co , north of
the Ohio and Alleghe
ny rivers, and Puller
and Armstrong,
XXIV. LAivrence, 22,901
Heaver, 20,141
Wadiinton, 46,f04
Greeno, 24,343
Pi 11, I've been in real est. do a lit-
j tie Inte'y.'
; 'Well, John, hew much you dippt 1
I in V
13.V' jO bought a lot in the u-metry, -iml a hal
3-',.,i.-7 acre north of it.'
.13,73c, Must north what the deuco did
OjO-127 S,s2, uu.v inai ior iiomg to live tiieror
ich, Pill, I want a homo beyond th -gravo.'
m tii
K&k. young man, who has heard of the
Morgan contracts, wants to know if nr y
ofthe SocrcUnes at Washington have got
any sisters lft7 lie would hko 10 gel a
chanc-a as brothor-in lir d-jwn there.
1 .1.' f t
l-'V't'l -p,. ........ .. , .
j 110 loiai cost 01 engraving, nuou ei mg .
and printing tho Treasury Nolo, ui i.
tho acts nf August la-l, vas nearly r i.'i.-.
10 j.-j11"): which is Io per cent, less limn pri
loos heretofoi'O nai l for similar work.
"Mr. Jones, don't you think
is a means of grucc t"
' t ertainlv. my ucar m ulani ; nn-,
is a means of gi aco. t bet breaks un pri.:
I and loads to repenta.. -o " Sjeuo close,
I with a mop-hnn'llo.
j Poetry rnd consumption r :q tho musi
j fl ittering discaics.