' tat r- (Ih( 1ciIip. i tltt n i nH i : iiii tMi'i'ii "i m " t f i r . , ', I ' c l I . mi' 'Ml intr, ' vl il . ,.i 4. r ii'i til f i v rl-i! II 4 , 1 . ii I lr 1 1 l'i lh Ir p'nii . ,.i ii i. . i n lli' i I tr mi ml i r ', i 1 1 i m i i I m i v m i t i i f . , ) "t I c 1 i I, i I i'ij i.'id "I l'i I r ,'l (' l"J H '" I', H-J l'i I' Mill '!, (l HI II f 7 lii n ii ini l'i i ni i n I hf it '"I i '-, Aii'l '!"' ii iiii v ili tir f r ii-tii lhuvn..n I; ni hit I i' ill, ii run 'ii i m iili . ii f i m, , W hrn I think i'l .1 i' "im 1 1 nl i p. ii r T Him i I't that I iii lii,nkfMi Ii ru r ! fl , Or li u I in nil fnrriw .'ninl I In', Pur I'r tc Uii' I, i lin e Im ed. ;ini lmv n r t t. My li.aurs, my eiui anions, u ii I ii, r. How iUrK linl the i Hli I how dreary IVA. - m f ti "i ' "ii thttt ire line ; I'ul there's test lur the fault mi l -In' a-i jry, Ami I. ii'ii I.' m.-vt null lost one above. Hut lu Hi-ait n 1 vim but rc'iieiulier , Wlii-ii iruiii rutli m ( ri u I soul shall 'if fret ; A in! that i. ii chilly h iii. Ik ol Deccaiber, chilli iitul my companions from me. r-i.lt lakes a long experience of l In- rioecitl'iiini'ss of earthly pleaMiro in convince the mind that true happi ness conflicts more in contentment villi our pcrxotinl i ondit ion, than in anticipations tliat pi ilia ps will never In' realized. I-iIl will ever lui tli" tln'iii ! of en .i'tuivd sung to t lio redeemed Html hat it lias been saved, "not by works t ritcousiiess which we have dor.e, mi! according to his mercy ho saved ili tin- wasliiiigofreiroiieriitioii and ..!! willg of tin1 lluly (tlloft." C.'I hero are curtain tilings so in oiiinalible witli each other, that vou i will lii'Vi-r linil thi'io : ti : lu-east, and wo . In ir nature, Lv tlic oxistiiifj in the are to jtuiL'e of inlliiiMici: which i hey have ujion tlie heart as well as i he Iiii-; inch-ed the lite is only the ix temal lnanilestation oi' the. existing ;atc of the heart. rtj-Thoiae is no sin thai more eom jiletely ohliterat'.'S all levereiiaie for lioil fi out the heart than that of swear ing. We n jvor r-peak iircverently or disrexpecifiilly of those whom we love ; nor enuld we lake the name of (Jod in vain, or invoke his awful curses upon ntirselveH and others, unless the heart was callous to every good impression. tfa? Youth is not only the season for mental cult ivation, but for receiving those impressions that will remain -damped iudellioly upon tin? soul. It is then that the sympathies of the heart aie easily touched, and the char acter, in a deKee,(etermintd. There-' fore, whatever indisposes the mind for serious contemplation, must prove of lasting injury. jfr3i.lt is utter folly to atfect a con Tempt for the rood opinion of others, cpecially the virtuous ; becius'e with out this, however hard .i person may struggle, he never can rise above a certain point, r.n.I '.!.:. t !' r 1 low v hat j any mini of proper Icelings and ambi-i tion should aspire to. As well might he attempt to swim with a miil-stoiie about his neck, as to attain influence! in society under the frown of public o- j pinion. i 1 i lloW LliNti SllOt l-U CoWS (It I It V I' ll! answer to this juetion, a corres pondent of the Ohio Farmer furnishcM the following sensible suggestions.--) After saying that no rule could apply I to all cows alike, he adds : "I havej found I h.it cows inclined to lake on fat , could be nilked up to within two' weeks of calving, and have both cow j ami calf healthy ami plump; and cows i that could not m fattened while milk- J mg, reijiiired trom tour to six weelisol rest from milk-giving previous to calv ing, otherwise the calf was small ar.d nut well formed, and the following year's 'supply of milk much lessened." 'lo IteMovi: Ciiafk ntoM Animals'! KVKS. Mr. 0. I.. Iood States, 111 the ooo'JS, such a COATS, l'ANTS and VESTS, farmer that he had a Valtiabbi ' nil of which they will di.-poso ef at greatly rcdu ..r.iv ivl.w.li l.,o.nin.i.oi.lv l.liml.ol u-iili Iced prices. Call and exaiuiiic their stock before . . ,' , - . oat thall, nml tried the various reme- ,..,i. iii ell'ect. He then took u ilk pocket liaiikerchiof, drew it tightly over the end of the fore dinger, ami after raising the eyelid as much as practicable, tln-iKl tin- fi iViTcd ti nisi'f I'liri't'iill v in to the eye. i lie ciiaii auiicring to tlie .-ilk was at once removed. ,.. In rilEVOT Jl KSES JK KIN(i. A subscriber of the Country ( ielitlelliail being pos.sess.iil of a horse that would , ' .. . . kick. ecryiiniig to jneces in uie suiine that he could reach, and having found intmo.Iv for it fa ft or trviin' ihmiiv llomulN lot lt,(.IUl t!ll.g m.lll tilings, Slicll as fctterill":. wlinillino-. banging chains behind him to kick a- i. ii.. ... -i -...nr.. , at ..; isvii.it. u.e same to nat journal, it is simply tasieninga siiort trace-chni.., iihout two feet lone, hy ti. strap, to each ldnd foot, and let him do; HIS OWIl Wllippinir. To Softf.n'Oli) l'cTTY.-ln removing old Iii-.iken tiaiiis from a window, it is -enortdlv verv diflicult to M of the' ' .' . n Ii:trd, Ury putty, mat sticks round the "lass and its frame. An exchange; ,ys :-lipa?.nall brush in nitric or, ,..;.;,. 1,-iiiMhn obf.iu.pd ..f fi.,. druggists,-and go' over the piUtyi with It- IiCt it rest a Willie, lllld It Will S00I1 become SO soil that VCU can IT- move it with case. CoLTS ON A HARD Floor. Some ricoplo fiUt.0 that Colts should Stand on I biinl floor, in order to toughen them for .1 hard roild. It lOOk.S to llie like ruttinc hard, thick shoeson a:i infant fl i ".. ...i... eorna will f rnnhliC l(Ol. IO raise cui.in uiat viu nuuuiu, hitn for life. lid COltS Stand On a Soft, moist floor, says the New England P, em r I aimer. To the lover there are but two pla - ,- r .J" ia worl l nrn rvhew los L"v . . 1 1 , U , D ft I 1 111 '"lilt! iV if'-rifin'i fiii ii ih i mi ' I ."'1'.1iV, .;. , . i n f i, 1.1 'Hi. In f. 0 'I I ill In- .itin ! A I 'l'i' li.l l-M,, M ini .i. , i. mh, T' h.1l' (Mill H'l Mi. - I'l Mi i. ill, i... 1 HI.I I II llii-. An- : till': i" I'll .'ft I liiTfl I P n.'i lll'll' it ill llllllnlll't' illv lil'll'IIIP U Mil " -t'tiilt f'H 'ii M. Hilwrm riHiiim. j ll diii I ml hii'mK'-' ""' i'lirii ii' "'. liK'n1'" nil. I ut!i'. ii ltiiliiliilil,v in tin' nmiitli, It lumtif n Mill ninl II. !')" fed l'i lli'1 l' rt with nlii, Ii it ri'inrn in ciTl.it I. A. M. II1I.I.S l ri'i'iirril In pill up li i lii i i thu Vulcnhiti' lliii-c ltli liniiHyi'iir'f I'nli iil. tiinii. on uii In the iml.v rcliiililc .ri..iirntii.ii niilhiili run ni-.1v Ii- lnjil tlirniili tin'lf n-pi!i".r upi-ncii" i.. li.n .ill nlwMvi Km lii hlit utl'icn mi Fri- Miivii ninl Siitunlnyn. milfu nnlirc m the pinilmry '; npponr. in th rMi l'l"T '" l"'v,"u n pck. nnv-L'tltli t.M'.l-lf. M. HI M.S. WATCH & JEWELRY ri'IIK unJi'mlgniiil rcfpoL-tfully j iiifurini Ilia cintnnu-rj uml tlm pul.lio Kmrrnlly. that ha h? jual " received from tho l-.aat, and o: on. ; caiabiishiiicnt In cimiwrs now i ed nt bin t'leiirti'ld, Pa., a line nsanrtmenl of Ci.otua, j Watciii:, and.lKWKt.ny of different iiiiililiea, i from a tingle piece to a t nil cell, Inch lie Willi ell .( the rnoat rea-onable ,;riev fur caab, r in ..... V ij'J'- l i' ' ' i oill.; a I rea sonnlile pricca. A I.I. kinds ofClii( k, M ati lies a n.l Jewrlry, earefullv rcpatrci. nicl mircnureif. A i-on'iniiance of patnmag" i imlieited, Sept. Ill, KSul). 11. P. NAC-I.K. $35 00 1)AYS the entire coat lor TI ITI0N in the moat pupiil ir and aiK-oenaful COM.M KWClAt, SCHOOL in tho country, t'pwards of Twelvk Ht'Nlinr.ti young men, from TWK.vTV K.iiiiT Jitter ent latc!, have bcun educated for biiaiiieaa here within tho paat three year?, "nine of whuui have lie.'ii cinpU'ved u IlOOK-KKKPKHS ut aalariej $2000 00 iiumediatvly rpon gradiititing. who knew nothing nf account-! when they entered tho College. ,r ft.M ini- ter's aons half price. Student enter at any time, and review when llu-y plenae, without cxJrs charge. For I'ataliignea. Specimen of Peninau-.liip. and View of tho COI.I.Kli K, enclnio live letter aiaiup to J ION KINS A SMITH. May IS fil. ly. 1'iltahurgh, Pa. T A N T i;i) ALL KINDS OF It MAIN ; T "ft ill U taken in payment nf IiEIITS IifK MK fui which the higlioat market prices w ill be given. JAS. I!. (i It A HAM. Clearfield, Dec. 11. lSfil. (i 1. K N - EC II O M ILLS tlcrmantown, Pa. M cCALLL'M -A: Co, MASl YU TI RER, la. I orti-rs. and Wholesale Dealers in i' . it r i: t I x c s . I) it r c t; n t : ('. CLOTHS. MX TTl.XCS. d r.. Wiirehou'P Nn. iO0 ('hnjtntit Street , 'pi..-.K ,- ta!o Ii' n spr. ly riiit.Aiir.t.i-ni., laEVKU KLKGAI,, Jiislicc of ihn pence I.uthcrsbiirg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will ! attend promptly to all business entrusted to Lis ' care. ' April 4, IKf.l. 1 JAL II. l.A Kill M Kit. I. TKKT ' IAItltlMi:it V TP.ST. Auorhuys at Law J Clearfield, I'd., will ntt.nd projnptlv to t'ol: Uioti. Lahd Agencies, Ac , Ac, in Clearfield i Centre and Klk coulitics. July . 'In. y j r. K It A I . h H. l I'.ll C 1 1 N T, and dealer iu Hoard and hingles: irniu and Procine. 1U0XI Strer iibove the Dec. . Aiadeuiv I'learfi-ld Pa., ISM. W a n t e I All kinds of ORAIN and H'.MPKH and SIUNiil.KS wanted in exchange f..r gooda bv Jan. li.,T,2. M KRltlsI.L . KDII.KK. w mi t)HS, of various kinds and Inst quality li constantly kept en hand by Jan. ,Ti2. MEKBELL A IllULEB. Hi . !MI 1 11 aV 1 11. have ,iirt received a i r ..... ..,.1 u iYTi'ii huviiu; elsewhere, . Feb. .V I) R I K I) A I' P I. V. S The siibseribers have a few larrel. of DRIED APPLES, which they will diupnse of on fair terms. ".MF..7R ELL A HDil.Et. Jac. l'i,'62 1 RAIN OF ALL KINDS, FLAX SEED, i M DEANS and PORK will be tnken mi ac count, at the highest market price by . Jnn-1, t2 HKEH, W KA1 ER A CO. ' H. W. SMITH i O). MF.IICIltNTS, and (tcalfiH In Goods, tirocerie. Hardware. Qucensware, and , VSttvuit, ai"f?f1. b ""' .."7,"" SECOND Street, bolow Judge Leonards, opjin - ttU) ti,0 Pretbyterinn Church, Clcarlield Pa. ' Dec. t, tsl. iiiom T my i"ii"i nrriT I HUM, SJ .. M C HI ('"- Attorncj at l.aH. n'con 1M"kL't "l'P"-'i,u "r1'" Clearfield, Pa. ill attend promptly to ( o Hi c t,tiuns Sille of Lands, Ac. nuvTII - - -,- !'r''i Shingles, liy merkkll a h'iuler. ! --in. i., n. SKI.LLNG OFF. 71 KM I 111 A CO. . are now SELLINll A.ll.LV' 'W.r ...ck of i i .k i . ui 1 1 is.. r"rr: " I'KI'.I), U'KAVKK CO. "'' -r,v : ,.;:: i'.',.: 'a" Kit. -frffz-Pfj Dec. 4, isOl. Uift rwilll'. CI i:.ltrii:i.l) ACADI:.MY wiircare: terms moderalo, proportioned lo tho 1 be epened for the receptio.i of pupils (males I... rn,., i.n Viim as M.e-h. .til. ISI.I. ' ICmiPPrr eSKHMI OI lalfVCIl fYCfktl. Ortlngraphy, Reading. Writing, Primary ' Arithmetic aud Geography, j XX'M 0",nrattr ; Algebra, Ueometry, Natural Philosophy, $: &o s 00 "nd iiook Keeping, ,un an' Ttek Languages, ..,,.,, ,i..:,n nf ..nirin-. iho,), Enelish Education, and who wish to quaPfy themselves for Teachers, this restitution offer I desirable advautagei. j I v0 n,ltlil received for less than half a sestion.' , and no deduction tsade except for protracted licknes. ' ru1tiontJb.piidtth.e!0..ofth.t.rm. C. 3. tlVDTOKU, ."nsci!, .i. .', ' 4m ..-'tt- 1 ()()(). IMIKM.OM. $1Q00. Wilt mum ll.ilr lo (Irnw 'vn I'uKI lira J : will llcMu'c Orpyor Di'rannl ll.iir to iU OH l IN A L CONDITION AN D 'iI,()H ; W ill pr-fvnHlio lluir f:mn Fnllin; OlT, ami .rn- i mole New nntl llcnlthv Unmili j roiiipl.tolv eriiinti-k UnmlrulT, will pruvcnl nml luru Nurvutit H r u ,1 a r 1 1 .ill give lo tlu lluir a C'lcnn, lilnany A prnruiipi., nnJ i n Crrtuiu I'uru fur nil lnniiiM't of the 11 e h i. Pi n o Cent."; three llolllp for $2.H0. j.. v , f j R y.y VlrK' JO , ',,,,,,., ,, , , .,. , ... f) , I () h h, Jliirkd St., t Iraijuul, -'' '' It in a perfect and rmnpletc, drea.ing f ir uir. Head the f.ill.iwini; tea.tin.inial.i. the it, jj, MAii.iui.'ti OfflCK. New Voik, Nov. 6. 1,-iH. j V1- ,ltAVf1: u.J."r,Mrr r"CT. "sr.5"i iy II I il n Ill .11' If" I Oil 1 II VI T W'l IU . il': innu hnir l had all yre,, and falling out very f-'8; , until 1 I cared i Mum HI Imo all. I conn, enceu , lining your ' . ' '.!'"r'"'.' r" "!"' ,l ,m"'""J,,y 1 ai..iHDU ...o i.i.ii h ..... ... ..... .vr...... i Urey) Tiem.jiit, Weitcheater Ci. N. V. AIJo fit aalii It V nil ilni'giati. .JOHNS. I'UCIiCI-:. Grnoi-al A."-nt, No. tiS.'i liii'icbvay, N. Y. N. I!, llruggiat or others .aendiag ' n)i orders for the ltetoiative, will bo supplied w ith circu liira ciintnining certificate Iroin peoile of tho h.i .lit.l realieetabilitv. faoiil all Dart of tllO CnUll- March l'J, 1S02. 1 y. (iLOUIOUS NKWS! totTII KY At'UATI NO TIIKIR si'HONti HOLDS! tui: A' Nl while they o-re doinj , I h.ivo dctermin- ed t FILL IT Till: SIIKI.VKS And t r v how it would feel to "Go it alone" My friend, and the public generally, are there fore informed that if they lire in want of (i JOI) COODS at low rates for Caah or Country Pro- dueo, tli r V mii.it not fail to call at i:Tzvr:iLi;R's stoki: At the i Id aland ot Moors 4 Etiweiler, on Second Street. Clearfield, Pa. Mar. l'J, 'Ci ! iational Ilofel, I .MAIXK STHK1-T, Ct'llWKNS 1I.1.1C, PA ' WM. A. MASON. Proprietor ' rlMl IS Inns ealiilili-huit and well known II')- i 1 TKI., situated in th west end nf the town, ti..i hem teuiod lied, enlarged and improved, and I tho uroprii (or restioi ifnllv nnnoiiuecs to his nu proprn to j nicrnii fricud-, and to the travelling public, that h- i new prep.ire.j n accoinm i iaic an wuo i.ij ravnr htm Willi a call. Ainti'e, safe anc eomfurtable stabling n at- la.licd to the preinite. and truaty atteinlants will utwuv be on hand. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 1S62.-tf, Mostiieiiii'n. D iviii. i inv r'fil.M. I'.l. A fn-i.li and large si pply of this celebrated Coffee just en oil iiu l ..r sale uy D. F. KTZW'KILKIt. March D I 1 1 lT I M I It ATt JH S Mliltli-..M.tioi.' I'VIM ! It ATOICS : js hereby irivcu that letters of Administra tion have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of JOHN KINU, latu of IlLrnside township deceased. All persons iudebtod to said estate are requested to make payment without do i Uy, at'id those having cliiinis against the same ' will ire-ent them duly KUthenticiitcd fur 8-ttlo- ment to me. DANIEL tiOH MAN, WILLIAM KINU, Iiurnsi.li tp.. March 12, ISH2. fit. Adui'r. I is oi. i.ock'S iandi:i.ion cin"Ei:: !.3V I This preparation, inadu from the best Java Cof Jfi e, i recniiiiii. n'leil by physician a superior , N I'TlHTIOliS HKVEHAliE for tieneral Dcbili ' ty. Dyspepsia mid all billions disorder. Thoiis 1 and who have bceiicoiiipcllid to abandon the use of coffee will use this withun. injurious ifficts I One can contain tho strength"!- two pounds o! ordinary cofleu PIll'JK "i cents. The purest and i het IIAKlNti PoW DER known fur iiinking light, sweet and nutritious llrend and Cake. PUK E 15 cents. M .I TACTt I'.rll II V M. II. h'OLLOCK, CHEMIST, Cur. " KmvliV .'OU 'WW, "'"""7"""- t . i . ,1 i t: . . .a . I" .1-1.1 I . . Ash soi.n n v AM. p.tfomsTa ash oiuh ::;.. SOI.I) AT II. .MOSSOP'S. Feb. 20 lsfi2. t vr. : jXI'.t'l'Ti I V, r t? ) estate of J no HMCfi ( l it I".. Notice I licro- tbut Letter Testamentary, on the ma (,oi.m.-UN, lalo of the township of (iriihain, iicce:ied, havo been granted lo tl1' undersigned. All persona indebted to said CBtatc nr requireil to make ImmedUte payuieot. n,l ,I,.M UvU el.im .R!,!,,sttl. a.me will prestn. .hem dulv uutlicntieatod foi aettl, ni-nt. i VAXlh "EARllART, Ex'r. Iiecutur (n.. March 10. 'fiJ.-Ot. .. - ... . ----- war tiatms ana uenerai Agency, 'iT SA.Ml EL T. Sill OI.RT, formerly Chief Clerk of the Patent Office, have associated themselves in a LIMITED PARTNERS1P, under the name nl , W1US0N & SH Vd KUT, AT'l'OKN KYS ; and have opened an Ollico in ASH INU fON II I i , lor me prosccuiion ii ciauna oi all tonus, MONEY, LANDS, PENSIONS, PATENTS ; and especially those growing out of the ij.yirjsscaau psraia. anioniit and labor involved-and returns promptly : niBQe. Lioerai KlMstiamii, maim aim luevi ,-ity..... . ! tt'VU & eJ ICliur FC'iuiiin nu nurnci muri enclose a postage stamp. Address, WILSON t SHL'GERT, Att'ys, March 2.1SS2:tf. Washington, I). C. Mare and Colt for Sale. rn HE subscriber offer, al PRIVATE SALE, X and on easy torms, one Hay mare, 6 years ' old. and on Iron-Grey Colt, 3 years old. OSWALD, Brady township, March J8, 186:. pd. ' T ADY'S DRESS O00DS, selected with much ! Jj care, Just rocetred nnd now opening, and ara o3er.d for .al. at email proit, by t. r. KITWEILER. color, and after uaing two bottle. ,y head i. com- j -'- Zot the nth.r ple.ely covered .th a healthy growth of l""r.,firM lnachine, Uioy will accompHsh douh - and of the none color it w in early manho.nl.- ltf (hfl ewinR jn a timo I take great pleasure m recomi.ieudiiig your ex- ( u ,tu1,iali(I,y lll0 0( , Inw-pficed Fm- ,-ellent,i,r.c.(o.f,cea..djoi. may alio rcler ( j(y Machine that the publio bay, long :,r' r S M.rah.l I W.i Waiting for."-Il.ton Tranicnpt. llOlil.KIMLH 11A. r. S.Marhil. I ..Ir. j, ina,.,a a woad.rful pn.Juction. and for huutliern IHluet, .New lorK. family ul0 oapecially, no olhnr will bear any 4. 1 i ice wiih lldntiur ni;d s:jf) oo. Teller, TTTTQ TkrITUG TT A O A T5nTTCTT nU 11113 UlALillNh HAS A fOINT )c BUPJiRIORITY 1'ECULIARLY ITS OWN. Stitching, Hemming, and Felling With a Binirlo Thread. Tif. .A,i ....... ..l .u.,i., ,.1.1,1, in WAHKANTKD nut to rip In wear, evpn If tho aoAin ia cut at froqupiil intervulf, an.l also under 1 ,11 ; , , A .'.tented device of great utility M learner.. , .:,.:ii, ..r ,i.i. run in tha .ri. direetlun, or the ha'ance wheel wearing a lady i ureaa. Amilher feature ninoli doierve particular At ten-inn i I jyVTHit Wilcox PAtt .N'ttnu ctmur lis ikt wiiiinu. Two thousand ititehea, or two yards of work, -'-'-''- - - Tho machine, ,o aimpla and accurate iu tlmir Ai,hili.,,nll,.,. . .. mf.u.I . I, . tt a . aI (Kn .lint. tlo . Rnd wit, ,,nelreftd proJuco all the prcti- . ,,, , . machines: and lucre, for tho.e fell without bajting.and hem the flll(N, without uuckeriniT. eimipari.ju wi'.u it. r-l luUnloljiuia i-.vet'i.ix Journal. . "A mochanical w jiidcr.' Scientific Amen- can. "Among tho best and moft i-erviccabli" Sewin; Machine. Light and elegantly finished, and u aiuiple in it co..truction that it aeein. al- mo: iiiHHiayible for it to Kt out of repair. - Pill4l,.,r,. Cl,r....i..l.. -v" n '.."IIIVIV. "Ha combined with i.s own peculiar merita nil tho really valuable iin pr.ivements of tho high - er priced machinei." Po unaylvanian. "llii iiiiichiiie. in tho opinion ol llio commit - ice, mi iiioro netriy tue requirements m a per- j lei t lauiily iiiaclnuH than any on exhibition. i rra.ikliu Inatitule Lilubitiuii lli pi.rt of I.ViS. "Taking into coiitiiieration riinplici'.y , cheap- li... .l....l.ililu .1..:-.. ull ,I.a m.mtili I . tee were uiiii.iiii.ouely in favor of tho Wilcox X Ili1ib!in tingle thread machine." Pennaylvu- niu State Agricultural Society'a Kepnrt. " e inuat, in justice, exprca- our commence in the merit of the Wilcox A liibh Sew ing Ma chine. We con?ider that a crcat desideratum ! has been supplied by it, in proving, beyonil doubt, that two thread aro not, as was suupo - scd ncceary to a good instru n cut." Christian Advocate and Journal, June "I, 1S00. n e nave one ol tliese uiaeiiinc in use, nun think more highly of it than of any of tho uuui her we have Ined." Hicliinoiid Whig. The undersigned, Missionary to Constantino. pie, has examined more than twenty diflcr six! R" ' 01 i:'0M '"i? ''ii"" ii I no a, ami alter souietent, ; i.. i . .- .. .... . ... .i mem." experience wuu vi noox uiuus 1'aaap he has purchased one of them, as the best ulcast ted lo the wants nf his family, and as the cut liable t require repair. 0MVEII CItANE. lioston, July .1, I S CO. The undersigned, d-.rinz eighteen months has had in almost constant UseJ in his family Wit-! cox A tsibbs Sewing Machine, upon which has I been mado the clothe? of his largo family, from muslin to pilot cloth including tho clothing re quired for his sen ral boys ; and in Ho case have the seams failed, although iu hard service. The machine now iu use in his family has required ln" r51"''r. nd is in all respects, well appointed, "'"ui ana dumiiie. J.1V.OH inn atiiii.Mi, lioston. JTir Send for a Circular. ,IAir.t Wll.C'tlX, .Miiiufai turcr. Nu. ."JOM Ilrotdway, New York pOposite St. Nicholas liotul. October 21, ISfil. tf. WALTER BARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business eulru.-tcd to! his ea.e, in the several Courts of Clearfield and j adjoining counties. Office the one formerly occupied by G. It. , turret!. I Oct. 2rth, ISiuiy OIL ! OIL ! I Ij .r the i LAMP best and cheapest IIE.N.OIN OIL, OIL, or Ll'IlIIICATINli OIL, call nt tho Stire MERliELL A PIULL'R. Jan. I' 12. TO BK SOLD AT COST ! A lot of SH AWLS and OVER C0A and r general WINTER (IfloDS to mal.e ready lor the Spring Trado will be sol 1 at cost, by Feb. 12. II. W. SMITH A CO. . .... r..' .. :..r...nu frifihi.4 nml tlitn lltll.li m. in . . i ... .i - trenerallv. that he is new well uhlirlied in bis NEW SHOP on Pine street, o posite the lown Hall in the l ornugli ol Clenrhe.d, and upon l.i own hook, and where he i prepared t i d" all work in hi line in the very best style, and on j the "shortest notice. Ilia old ruslor rrs are res- j pectfully aslted not to forget him, and any nuiu- ; ,,f..vr onrs ar8 romeiitfullT invited to I him a trial. F.DfJK T00I.S,TIi reputation as aMukerl , d Kenairar nfKdge toolmhonld of itaelf secure! him , ,fb.rM, tntrvntt,. fnu.u- i nicjMnvii A.,ril ;,, ,fl,.,f. ' ' ' . r . , , , r , , , e j .HI lit ' s. HiIt. ' i & lli on band the most approved patterns of - OIL LAMIS which they sell as cheap as can be purclused elsewhere in the countv. I'eisons luirchasing of hem will have the udvantage of having their amps repaired witiioct COST, ns their sales are ar.rrautcd jlin. uj;. , it. aialiinky & ut ; I "O I 1 111, 1 li A?i U 611 1 Ij I -1 ii V WAKE MANUFACTUHKR. I A 11 A.lnva iV wnrls Hanr..,r1 In ttllli lliA lifmnil r.,nn-. n,1 nil mil... w.rrnnfrl tn rnlr Pn. i; n I tire satisfaction. L'I HI.UOIIH for Medicinal purposes Draudy 'ort ana Sherry Wino, riectar hiskey i nd Holland Gin al 1IAHTSWICK.5, 11 QIIU. RACOX. TOBACCO. "M 1 ' 1 LIQUORS OF ALL KIXDS, SALT. OILS, TAINTS, k GROCERIES, .-.tror sale Verv cheiin for Cash, bv tWf or eaio ,ciy i ... '. ' . , '.n , .. o' Inbwementof Merrell i Bigler's Store, (jHVr tl'f r ?)f 01 '(( f lt'jr ' S'. .' rm r ff 7 ' A if t Arl'rv f AVl r it 1 1. a I- r. t. nt i a, r a I lnhul In I'll, nil II tic r'.Mildarnllt In Id tlihliffltll of ll tiKtrt' . tinmhftl inri lt eri li'IP. hiiii'lrl ( th mrl Iiii--i" r infill Mi.. h(int nnil llu'inrn Mm fnnt ftrn fi ll t 1 in (itjri 1 i.f II n I m' ilntii n ii mUly n fti i. m i g mi n rn ihtii" i'l t ii nf ! ii .ii. .r it (or m.n"ii Till HmMnli t t ;'tr ri Ami 1.i'no, .illclili) li llm tnri"in Hoiirlmrnli nf In if ; -rKKHAnniir, bi.tli ilnin ninl of nminrml t'o. vrlll I At. I.AW, M 'Till MATIlH. NlTHITi0, ClVII, K.lblNI VHIKU, MI INil, I'lt-JKOOnAI tiv, tui Mull lH I.AMOI Alii i lu. Mi. tan or 1 rtrii( THiH i irnlir : n . I 1. .... ..f ...k I C maaca IT an ll'a'ilia am mmi. vrm m, , ' ' .... l ... i. i a 1-J1..I 1..-II. ... il .t I. . annM "l ln,,En iiiniTiimnii , a mat na mp; rnlmilfi,rp nt n tiin., ami attcnil t whatcvir hour, aramum r-'mraniMit. I t'ATAi.oufM are i-aufd aniiimlly nitfr tha 1 jth ' cmiMinintr nnmeaoi tnniuaanu tut uio : "nu '"" r"""-""" ui '""'. a ""u rv uegumnipa m nnv inn. "T niiirraaiiig iu i riuci- H- Ii KiTKalvr AcciiMM.jnATi;i. Tflde-pread rci'Uinuon. ami ma irininj raurouiicv 01 uio: .--.: I . . . I ..!. i r .... IVincip.l thi, in.tiiutim uffori f.iltli,. mperir , tn any other In the Pountry, for Jfiiimir men wuh-, lrl? topropare fur buainois and ! obtain atthe i Fame tnno A Mi'l.nWA, which will prove a recnov mcndiillou fur theintonnT Mercantile lln.re. 1 "('niTTKSiinN's.Serica of Xrjatincs on Book-1 KrtMir., now more widely rirculatcd than any j other wcrk on the rul.ject, mo f.ir lalo nt the I'ul- ' lego. i Attn t i w 1 ' rUildell.ia. Jan., 2J Mi It. Pr.5c.pal ClTltl KI X(J TIM ICS l it i nr.' t I I'Pl A ! Trrmrtt'l'tut iVnVc. -it umom, th Ma, ! ! .'-F.XC1T1NU FOOT HACK between ! pir d eouS 1 Crons Iie.-autr.red ! ! ! !-It ee.-ina to be the gener - j u, Cf-n-un lu cl(,lirr1(,i,, ,.,, if rto. h:..d worn a pair of Frank Short' French-calf llootMhnt he would not bo ta.i yet. However. Shorty if not much put out.it mi-sliiR hi.- eiLf m : but . would announce to all Hrfktiiritl'jr, J)ovlntt .,",,c..,i un.l Hdl i-t , ami women and children i the Phi ailu n na P-lire and the notorlnun fur in C.eartield. and Sinncmahoning ui particular, that l:e i prepared to f urn i'l. tlietn with lloi'lf. SIjook and liaitei of nnv t le or patiarn. ti' a - ; ed, ewed or pegg-d, (and ' na ho n a ,hort lei- low) on aliori notice. ! Ail kind of country pioihice taken in cx- change, n,l cash nut r. f. . I. UcptiirinB done i in tho neatert manner and charre moderate, at I .1... Cl L.-I. .. Cl mw.aile ,IIV.?l,l.blMI(IIII.l'VII !' I.IIU I 'l.l.l i i - Heed, Weaver A IV store, Fil A N Iv SHOUT, 1 N. Ii, Findings for ial. Kept. 26, 1SC0 I 1 P U II N 1 T U R I'j R O O M S. i SBENNER & BARRETT ' itcapectfully announco to tho public that they : have ro.npleted and arc now ocrupying their new ' furiiitura ware-rooms, Irnnting on the Mnrket l.ut and naiitly opposite the Court Iluutc. Cabinot mnking will be carticd on in the up j,r.r i"t'ry of tlie i-nmi? luii'.iMng inall its' j Jj IFF EH 12 NT LU i N C II 12S. j All l.inds -jf furniture will be kept ciiftatilly i,n,i, U,,J .,,ij chenn lur cash or cxclinng for country produce, or Lumber I" suit the bud J ' Def CHAIRS. I'AHI.OII, KOCKIXt;, ANH Ai:.M CIIAlIfS, SI'JUNCt SCATS. CAIN' .BOTTOMS, Ac, PMU.OH .soVl, CA'.V'Vi'E, IAUI, IilSIXG, KXTKSSIOS .1 11 II EA UFA XT i a a I. : s. i SOFAS- OF At. I. KINDS, YARIKITKS AN I' PAT! KK.VS. Ill- REA L"S, S I D E -1 1 0 A 11 D - , inviKfisF.s WAittitoi:i:s, to. BKDSTEADS JKSXY- XA7, HI'ilirOST CO TT A ii K, HtFXi'tl POSTS, Xc. Hair, Hair top, t'ntlo.i tcp, and Com Husk, ef the beet material. LOOKING (JLAPs'ES of all fort oud si Also, ;ase fur old Friiuies. Alf", Tea 1'nyj, Wkat-nol, Wash-stands, Woik-ntaiid. Hat-rucks, cf e. Made to order on short notice, hli! hearse turn 'bed. taken Poi'lar. Cherry, mi l Liuwnod Linnbcr, in txcliango t"r norK. ClearGeld, October 2.1, I Sill. ly- NEW (i OODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF o y aVOMWjL' k-kumUICr (wOOtlS - AT TIinCHKAP i:ah STOKC. lam just receiving mid opening o carefully Isclected stock ..t Spring mid Puiuuier goudi n1most evcrv (loser lit OH, i,,uiiful assm tiiient of Prints and Hresa i-ood. of the newest and latest styles. Also g"al variety of us.-( "'n"ti;,u-v ,rT VQ DU 1 -dOOlJS A MJ Nt;i 1U.."5. Punnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qieeuaware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet I Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, in l l lt.r.Ji. , ' prices. Mackerel : .iL. 1. lit- all nf wti l. . I U. M. A . rsP.. , i. I My old friend.. nd the. ubh, generally, ar. Clearfield. Jan. 2 181. WM. F. IRWIN. TYRONE CITY HOTEL. I Col. A. P.OWENS, rBorrtirTOR, Respectfully annoanee. to the travelling public thtt he ba. now taken charge of thi. large and 1 well known home, and will conduct it Id such .. m ....a.. .nn,r...i na V' II W SMIT'I 4 0; tit. A il A n (c , It I. A t tv W OH JVN I 1 1t R I.oVM.iN glMMmi t, l'flHlMt;r ' t-tim iMKM-noii iifVit i rtu-i vtmiii M.m u umikw 'I r rimiih ) ' lllh WhSIXIMTI n Hr.VU W ll.il-ml.) J-liLA' Kl"t.n'f.liMi,,mil,MAOA.Vt 1 ) ' ' r h v , I i.r i ) in ni Dm nut lijt i. k Fjr n j !., yl ihn f air lti ir, For ny tin. n( th. f un 1'.. tip,, I t in in n, 1 1 oc' S M I ! i 3 Oo 0 7 ftt- mr an mur m m l.mi. Fn III. . VI - in n; n ,u .. ( Vi.r r.lj,bn.. . .1 l I - una iiniu w, For I'lu. kwi.&J unl Ivti, Iuwi For J:lwkwoJ th , For Ulankwo ij and tha four LbtU s 11 r. 10 J" . n.- iii. ,rica io urtnl BnUiu .,r tB, , . . : "nu,v', " i" "nan, ... i'm"i.nt LtOXAIlI) SOOTT A ru HOulJ Street, Nf yrt inar4n.nm EL)tlR PR0PYUMN rkii v . - 3 it During the pat yenr we liae Intrwluaelu I ho a.niee of the nu-ilici.1 pnifesau u of tkia coui jtiy tho Purf Ct vitalized Chluridt I'rupylumir t r.i a i k ..'!.' i i on itriiLi i i and bavin" roceivc l fro:0 mutiy nurrr,, if,nm ' " & " " "' 1 rt"-""i '. ! luktflattcrlnjc Teailmoiilalaoflta rtal,',u, ' n the troitine.it of thx painful and u,.tt Iiritt. aist,A, , ff, nr. ind -cd U pr.i.ent it to .V. , b, , . frm o.-.r,,- , ' ' , Wl.AP. " IMMEMaTE ! I " wl ich h .po will commend itifll tuUurl . II I .1 . vthe aro rul'.ering itu tills afflieling ccmplaiiii. ,, t .,. II;c.j:Ml ,.racti!,.r.er w"ro may h I . . . , , , ' : dlm'f U th" I "" "r "f ""3 '""l" ' I "lv. j EI.IXIK PItOPYl. AMINE, in the i",,r;n uturt I (f rcrcll,. le0 UcjivtW ,tI)tri , . r""" 'lUCUlCd Willi in tllO PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and witn MARKED St'CCESS (ai will apar from tl e published accounts in the medical J(,aj. naif.) t 'Ml i' carefully put np ready fr imntl, Jto use, with full directions, nml can be ollki&it from nil the druggist' at 7.1 cents per buttle, ai l at whnleralc of lM.'I.l.QrK A CF.F.NSUAW, Druggist and Manufacturing Chrnu.f, YOU fAl.V. HY C. D. WATSON. Sut-rd Street Clenifield, I'.. Juiu:C r.l.f. riiiladilrt.it CLEARFItLU STONE WA8E PUTTLRy . Thai.Uul fol pPfl favor- and toliciiious of fa .TL Ptltron.iee 1 tr,.,,t.l r ........ i (,, n ,. i il,nt 1 '"'ve 011 l""id iignin, and will nwUki.tiT llrun. nl ll. l. . I, ...... :.. .1.:- I.. -1. . I .1. uiu i innij iu nu.- oorougu, nn ii. s i'..r. j ncr a short dirtanco ea-l ol the Methodist Chun I, .a large stuck ol Crockery . audi as l'i mm rt..ckj, I milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jjr. Sluve pipe catins; j.f-e- d c. and also an extensive n h i ' ni'M ,.f different shes and patterns of brarki'ts n .l : rosettes, fol c mice on houses, and utLrrui.i.i ' lings. j Any mouldings not on ham! will lr i.-.t to iotkr en short m-'ire. Also tire Iri k aniu j an 1 krpt for rule. I -0A liberal rt-Juction on prices mvif U 1 whi.le.ale dealers. F. I FJl ZI.VtiKJt. Clearfield, may 2J, I T-l.-b. C 'IIAIHS!! ClIAlItS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY : ! : ! Tho urderrijfnvd has now unhand, at hit Fur niture K ni ni a on Market St., Clearfield, l'i . a -hurt distance wc'l n litis I nuinliy, a lirj .-tua'.i of CILVC'S OK Al.!. MVr)M. niaiiiilactan I i, .( of th ' '.' :ft malerislr, fiai.kr.l a very superior manner, and which he nil' sell ' 1.0 tl' t'OH ' ASH. His- Ions; cipcrirnce in t!. j b isines makes hitu feel I'linfidea! ll."il hisil a rt j arc al i le in a suhstaiili, I and wurkiiiaiilikf m il r, a i l iil stand the test 'if tr'i. V- I wishing U purchase r'j.iirs should rail it .u. and get them while (hey es:i bo had at tin leil rates. J H V TIlOl'TM.' Jlit, 27-0sl-t.". Nnv ntwciiirs ton SPF It M A TO II UIKKKA. ! T I"'1'1'1" A sociatioi, Pnii.At-r.i.i-nn, ' i f Cio'cat I mtilntitiH rntnhlinhtd fit?i a' n j i'ii(;iicaf, or th. iiUrf o'tic .Vt'.-Ar niof ili -ft" i, I ii (Hi''t' tl icitfi I'l'o'eiit and Chronic tanm, onf esiicti'liy Jnr the LuKnJ Ihneanet nj ft j-i.il i Oriji Ml. Mkimcil Anvti.r given gratis, by (he Acting , surgeon. I V i.r ni.r. uei'iiut on Spe rnratonlio i, sd ! other diseas-s of the .''cxual Oigai.s, and "B Ifca i suit iiEMKliiaj employed in tlm Dispeussiy, ' I in sealed letter envelopes, free of char,.. I" ' or tiiroi S'limiis fur nostajo accei'talilu. .Jl l.'''s I Da. . I. Sku lks IIiii iiiitom, Howard Ass j-.i-iU"", ' N'- " '-:' Nit.Oi n., Philadelphia. Z'hny ly. A'rs t. l.tinNAiin, w., A, WAl l.Al B A. rn.vAr SiWliiiin unD tollrttion OrVst LEONARD, FINNEY AC v c i, j: a i; r i r i, CLEAKFi; LI VOI'XTY, 11. mix ot. i-ycH MnK, Jon s ash im Arf. t'lrrn-rrt I) TOUTS RLCEIVLI', (.'-iHmtiflns marc and proceed pram t'l: "(r.-.ttti ll din n 0 ou flic Cities coti.'n!'!) on hard. lit-Ollico on Second Su, nearly rp; --sito t LOUr.l llUUSl'2. ; Cabinet, Chair Makin.;, JOHN (il LICH.ol tho boruugh of Oai, Pa., will be prepared at all tiinei: to "Ld JJ j to any tiusiness in the above lino ca ibon notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Hi' ?"' nf l.naln... I. .1 It,. .M .l...r, ..n ih. r.O' ' 'id''' I Market street, 3d door east of Third opposite the old Jew store ; when h cs::; c'n;tttntly nn band a large assortoo i m aro of every description, wliich ha i m . . i li.rt th her T" ..VlT tt t ! ?""k 'fl"' .K"n1fh n'' TitJti Dining, rrcakf-isl, Centre, Card ana f""' ma''v.fwlu"J ni de,; , any place desired. r. l n uto r A nl ll I Cerunrj r, -.. lu. -a, ' J Id .ipcrior SlIAVLS, CL0A and TALMAS for silt f... . .. . . . I s it : ti m i mi he isn't. Ctsirf.Ii, Aug. T, ZMl ly. March 29, t'J. Cl.relj, fa- feh-27. ietu. BoyT-iy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers