Mr vr !r it f fib fjiHidir, i . I If I I tl Lull" I' , I"' '? M f till 'I I' I I t i 11 : M' lil I I,- m I M t r MM i ) i 0. llihi MtC -ttt.r.. (I. t I I ) ti 'j i tr bun its. I f.,y ti). ) ,fl ! i it tut Mi p u i 1 1 ii i u i I'M 1 1 n, lli I- 4.." I ilnri"(li'M )oMi-tr,lr. K;Cff fit. I mil, Ylitti., M the turrit tii I'tit n, I j' jh tiioj .tii) . I U I'u it I un una He. Ii Mimr if hi I' ir n' tn-niii-l'i '"ri'l 11' ,1,,. II I'li.l-utfi 'I'-hi if vi h .!... -tt.. All .., K V, tulle Mi ii.t , y t .-.CO i, li,.. I J .mo ( I a tin- -1 II' '-TI it I) litntijr. ,i,i.!gi I', fjr tln In I) iill.ii u l ii! I at Wim In lrr. ( Mln JiM liMt VtnAnf . IM I MMII nfct M'tOMit hiium, to III Mm'4. If I Ul'PrM ''fit III 'I I I IMtli. n1 j I II ll i4, tl fi i . i n.M i.i if i U nr.M tu ifi' ilm I all V I r. in l d .'In I ii 1 1 if i-l i piI . l. tb-M. AHl IV 1 1. 1 1'( t irn I lit him I ti I.i i V m 1 1 , lY il.'ili' Ci.r ml U ii-tf tr Murrrl IS, ifi?. MM I'M 1 110 ' I . ,. , ..",' lit LMU 111 111 t . I.'. ! If.. .1..1.- . 1 ., i ' imi l-l III I'llllllll'- I tlll'M I.IIU' , I'.l i M I.M l.ll I ii. mi, mi'j p i " '-" triumph. Ihn pLViiv " ..Hi.iM-ly...t,.M.1ia-: 1l,c ilulirn h, , r.iMli.nrli .lie other ittoi'OX.4, I.N for t..iMir.K . New I'rle, .1 ,11) (he lUlli-burg IcVgtnph .)ltg " ' ,MilU dm shout Ihe I iunl sue .. of I ' ,,,, rour, ),,. n (ie borough of Cleuilel'l, .i 11... n ii.-lin-ewit n vln l v Wh Knu. '"'" '"""""mi ' ""; iuo pin of, rn-pirra HI in i ominnnoner vinr, n ,' ' . Donio'-titUc Union rnily, til th ZTth Ut of M; hpxi. riti ni n-i- I, u ...I lit), iiO tut to . Iiiilii slrr i ', Hontlom rin lit - t ny timut lh rmini' , l . l l . . i i T1a Ir c t fivfi Mililarw TAVMit-lraikfil . . 1 ...... I..t.n..l. mitii I. a ..r l.,l. HIV I I ' ''tin I I .11 P OI I V il I M . 1 P" II t . J M II I" ' V "limHI HllVBl IMUHllLI, . H'U'I . Viu. . ,..j..rn.r r T! f '(' i1 f'..n i f i-1 itjit) liikl ii'linits l'i ft fl It .T0 1)1 MC III 1:0 ,ltr ! i in l'H It ( M' p. I'll I I W I HllllM. if k I ni' Nitillli A 1'follnr, I'Mii'luD I pf M !."' Iii r IllU'ilH I.OPH t H t.1,1, Jlnmri tr Irv "!.. A. h. Kilrlil. J prptti i ft h V lllltniunn J"uim U(illn((!ipr. !M Cmpfniil tp.lrrU k K tin Klipplry 1'iipMl)-. ( iillMmn HuVp II ll ! Mj mi'', .'.'i 'J ",") ft '."I 1 I l"l". CM n i :m f ' M mil I I I' 'r. 'I - Ti M I ,S I up l ( "I". I' I'r unli r jf tin I'mnl, W.M.K. :lAI)l.KV, t'li'ik. More Extteordinary Ejponurti. l...l .1.1. I ..... r .... I . .. . i .. i i . .i. 1 l t .. . 1 4iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiinii-ii'i iiuuti niniiii t i. .r lull r ruiujii'ii'iirv l if v :.! I in t he report m . . Mi,' t'rr.tli ni.m li mi) nil f oiiM-ction IC WrM. t u Wnr Clitium Comniinonf, j r AitDw AM tV, nicli KT0VKS, I'uuk in tlic inntti'l liUt lflj tlio collill Whh CtHJior.l of Mi'-r9. 1 J;iV i I I)vi-. o 1 lli- II I'unl uml Wool Plnrfii nf virlnm imtteriu' Imiplit ilh tlirno-KVon'iipt.IIoiiiiu.i, '"''- .'oM-jih Hull, 'if Kimtuuky ; find HA II IIJMN. SlIKKT lltuN, STKK1.' ui..;. ki','l in ii..,., ' Hue'' ('.iiiM''"'!- Thn niiinrn, miys tlio .1 c, .tc, cn t Piiriliaoed of tip lubnt-riliorfon ... .xnv J orK r..rpns, :uc iiHintn po uiiiiino ( x.V-,, ri vt t ttin vn !,,.,. U- m.,...,i..iio11 L f.,ii.f..lly cxreuto,!.- J":":?-. MEllflLI.I, A iim II I I V 1 1 I l l,IJ I I 1 1 1.' ' I I iut ili.u Mi i. s A ,m:v of ill ci Tli.'ii niioit lills II rrinieil imef.'imJ , PrlHirn Stock for Sain I "'"'i'l-lliA ll'l IIIWIII V Clf lUl-lfH l-IIMllro'l IVIt-.OtK- i ..I win .IowJ i tl1(. .,. 0pp(lkit0 l.nck 0XH, tl.o, will onoupy f.on, mx , "1, .rn'Uc" . .Si riio-! Jlnvi-n, on Mundiiv the 7th inst. It icms w".n tlnummul iiuuititcriiit imgt.. I ho nn TuemUy the 2Ttti dav of lny nrtt. nt 2 : thut in onl.T his raft into the finite 1W'sh ch:ir03 agaiiitt (i.-n. I-iviiiont nro o'clock, p. m., IJ Slmroi.ijf Btoi-k In tlx Hrhlgoj , , , lieyoud nnythini; in tin.' at, imtl wo utvo cron tho Suiquelianim l ( liBrfi.d. ' ilwrtt DHoeseary -to 'Vnnh," when tlo rcj,,,, co,,-;,,i ft, lWj : W. ,V. , liy orJ.r of ih lioonl, i turn ii J of tlni cublu jei liinl him inio the (f, end a-ittnl, acriMtlinp to thii rt'port, n n WM. S. 1)RAI)LEI I'lk. i WtttMr at tin tufk of tlio s,:hut.. He niiin- f-r oiL-ht moi-tar i'iG.WO whi.-li! March in jSfi , I I . ..,.1 I ' - - - fully Mr.if.-IM apainMt th ui.ry lnvakon. "c'ie "PI""'-."'" zw"J oy inicufc-ni ( Xreasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands lu i."''-k"''"'"""--. i L'learneiu couniv lor laxes or tue AiiKniK tlio claiiim was ono lor twenty-' var 1RRO unrl lRfil. i . ,...i. ...i t...i. .-r m,L....i i... i:m i 11 V ' HUII 1M l"H3 '.I l.l-j l. Ut'UAl I' '.1 r nul l ho reiinli'(I tlio "bi Im'.ik" m-iir the Imver end : alirr whio'li lie. was not st'ei:. 'I ivi) nf lus nous were on the raft iili'l were lint Titiu'l i!m sm's f (lie fatJir' ileatl.i t,trugli. Tiio Uo'Vscd was counted one f I he ht'l nitenriT'ii on the l iver, and iiiart- gtfl ihn Htld nlv'ntui'i--r and hair. .ji-tMiiih '.Mjiv rvlnlfpl (ii Kllis .ki-v. THE NEWS. ?-fn.-h of our ni.i.'e is t-ikr-n up thin e.ek with th u.vnuiil of the jl'eat Lattle Hi rittnliurg landing, in Tciinessfe. In tirder that all of our rrn leis ni-iy have n rei-rD.'t id.i of (lit, enayoaieiit, ive will 't.ita that l.i.ii). (Ji-ujt had hoen there foi iom. .iny.H with .ill his forre, .oihas fifty t'lC'i-und tron, waiting until tien. IUiell, with ubctit the sarr.e forui', would join him, whin tin: I'limbim-d armies would nttnek 'he i-fhcl-t ;it Corinth, M i.-., nly H niilen liittant, whero it is said they were well en tn'i.ehed. Tim attack w;u inadj hy tho -'-l:t's uri Sund.iy t'nu Ij'.'u, and it, wtinld :i e:n it was only our guiihoHts in the river '.hat saved lien. Grant n'ld hii army fi'i.'ii utter ilcient. it Suti'I ly niylit !ii ell arrived with nil his force, mid it would Jprub l!nlnil ;'0 John !tyn Oip imii for JB, 'T, ' il ' 10 Kbrn ,Mr.Mml..r. tlie miip fur '7, ' A ( hctt tvH Hlhip. i'M l:2 Jylm lirvntiFiniiu Henry .S. Ih inker'n K,tnte. if ( hirli'i Uobin SCO Hubert FlominK 200 Imuc ltli-lmrdaou -00 JtiiiiitlinnWplkfr J. W. Smith. PdliT llnrna Huth McConneir tastale. .1.'7 61 HukIi Ilartli T Joai'pli 1'iker (ieorjjo l'a(; Jlonry rK Jauit-u Nubia Jines Thompson. 100 31 Henry 1'oU 33 Armclroni; A Ouaml 110 Fultun l .''I, ; i 10 Ml M i P 7B' fi! 30 Zl , '."? 1 P III 1 I' mi n M. M'iii. A 'f'.i'.ii" .-. ,'. illinm W in. In I, 'lb Mint V, 1' 120 -'71 411 ;iit ui i :'i s 14 1M 71 I 3:1 ill IM SI - I '' u. fiin t . I i .iio hli sk) ion 1 . l'o'(i .'"l.n ) . j A . K. i i, l,t Tilth A It.. nil i-. .I.i'pi'l .May hiu. I Jiltiii' M ilh(.'au .'puiui'l l.aii'ti'rtr. George Mooie I. Giahaiu John Choinui ilon i'h lltmy lieubin Hiiitii1', jr. due fur '.Hi, '7, ' A t'liallt- Hall John Ctit'k. Jacob Wt'tzt-I Jlipilo, Frenrh ,( Cu. Jospjih iSimoiij J. I'lmk. Keulieii Haineil ivo imti'tret. tuns ot te.e orUeml l,y .en. ( M0TICE u I1EUEin )IV.EX. That, in par remont, orden d and shipped In October, i ,,.. ,t- , iF. 0f AnembW nai.eii il. , hen tho weatlier v, at hecoinini' cool. It . iih dnv of June, A. !., lKli, entitled "An Ait , - . . T. IV-.1 . ..P!.! . ... . .... .i..-n.-f l w us neiii. io ) t'lirrson en V, alia inosi oi ;i to aineua un oi uirncuns ine mouo oi cniii in. waited, because thele wns norooin to ftOlfc I "eiited Land, for taxe." tliora will be exponed to it at that lilaco. Th commission allowed Public Sule, or out-cry, t th oourt-lioun., in il, otl'v one hT of the rl iiin fm. r,.ni f.f ,i ' borough of ClfarfieU, on the beoond Monday of on.J on. IM.I 01 the claim 1 r , June, A. 1. 1C2, tlm fullowiuff tracts of ITriKt-nttf tl liree stry frame house ,nr t ,en.r remont B ( LlnJj , cl.-nr4uia countv. for the taxendue tbcre uea qiiarteri, hired ut $ij,(Hi0 per annum ; 1 on for ,), yeuri 160 nnd IStil, and previous, yars. fld tliey complain that the purchases of " Jkrcaria tuwnship. railioad ears, nnd the hiro ileulinps in coal ; A:ms.prr. M'arranh rt it- Uu ners. tieo. 1. M or j;nn if to. jriowiiig out of tlio .teiini and gun bout ter- vice, nie largely tainted with fraud. 1 ('. b. Heard, a Cahforniaii, und J. 0. Woo-li, iij;iii o largely us speculator in thu ; report, they have been peculiarly favored j by t!ie general. Heard received" fl'Jl,'0tl in uihancii for some contracts for forts. j Of the special contracts for arms and j munitions, spec ally made by Gen. Tie-' nvir.t, Sx'illfMil remain unpHid, ami the I coinmisjion deductid from this $-10,000 1 for excess of price. J Heard iitt:i':kl tlf tivmury in front, 1 Hank and re ir. Ilo hrousht bills Cor j forage aniountin;: to $11.1, 001, If the various fl uid-, in Gen. Fremont's J depart me nt brought to liudit by the com- ; inisMonors are astouiidiii'. his declanitiona ( were more so. lie saul lo l, tent. i,ol. An drewK, payir.;itt r of the regular army, ac cording to tho testimony of that oflieer, that ' The div.d'c i.' the. I'u'tlitl Sides vrre in th seem that tlio h'sUthlif on Monday was j . ,,', . M tf.rir head, and tin,: he ncai lv all in our favor. The number o! rueiin' ' ami nf .eh i!,i.wrs is they r.vprcted , ,.p I him t) e.ten u', r','h;i! rffird to red t-tpe (fl,- ll'l..'.;rill people." Ciili-iucl Andrews told hi::i tl:al reij tajie or. 111 is :io ll'C 170 211 25 :m set) 23 1 K.5 2jl (i 2:!2 too 162 lSO'J 1302 1012 133 yim 108 .'.0 .'.0 111 200 i7 K'.IO Hi Geddes, Marsh (0 Co. 153 John Musitor Johi l'o.-t Jonutlian KcpLurt s'limui'l lluy Nicliolu.1 Itiijy benjamin I'uruboru Mehafl-7 A Mitchell t'vt i nylon townth ip . Frederie.ka Karthuuii. Morni if Stewart 1C U 20 70 0 3'J 0 22 loud nut ivouinleil on e.ieli si.Ij were greatly e.Hajerateii by the li st report. ihir bin i.i put at 7o ) --'.!0 'I'l of wlmru meant svs: em ot" government, which, in it s w ere lakeu pi isoners. The rebel loss is i details, might be carried too fur by sub-1 liot-lveii. baler iicoount do r.ot con ordinate., but the penernl system oluur ..,,, , . ,. giiveriiment was a wise anil good otic, it' :l firm the tnivtng '.or. nil. r ... . i . i i J"-' lie ' ien., at Pho head of a f"ire would l.-cnino entangled with diflieullies. ; to ho l'0,O'V fctroiii.'. was in Genera! Fiemoiit replied by repeuting Ids j ', Mtuubnl on the penin-! f"r'.r ! eni,u k'. nnl P:,-vin- 'I1"'- , ! , , . , '. "v e have oii.v f Ttra constitutintoil l'ov I hula hctwoeu the James and .oik rivers, I ,U(, v;vl ,.;,, H, to 8(,0llk 0f , about thirty in ilea fi-'jui Fortreiid Monroe, 'nnd all ordinary peaceful rules were to be j iili'l about 70 miles from Richmond. Thejt aide." I e.pdiliou left tho vicii.ity of Fcrtrc.J 0l.l""r wi,nf,s,-"; ini'nilieachable in-j .. ,. . , ., , ' te'trity. testilied that Gen. 1' remont had- M-...roo on the inornii ot the lih, and ; lne-8imiiai. n-marks in their hearing.-I cm mpe lor uie nigiit ai.out ten miles eomiiienling jpon this, the comnus troiii lurlriown, tho rebols evueuattrg'sionor any that their sevcr.-d forts on tho skirniishiii resulted in a few 12 G 1C2 K.2 01 102 nan ?:n; .-i.'.s 21.1 71 l'etor Miller 11 09 4.", John Miller 20 20 110 Frederick HuMey 13 21 SO Jobs i;au..mHn 5 39 fil Frederick llowninn fl .10 00 John Hentn .'15 00 40 John MnsFersmith '.'ft 09 47 Jeremiah .Mndber 30 4.1 111 ThomaH llillington iO 50 Thomas UillinL'ton S 10 40 John Winner S2 CO : 40 Henry Witmor ."2 60 j 112 William Wilson 47 S2 , 40 Herman Winner 3 17 William Uninn 51 Oil 70 l-ariih llillingtun 1 05 j l'hilip Myiincopo 48 Oi I 50 John .Mysin wipe 31 Oft i Thomas Weston. llfi Michael Mu.-ser $27 91 j the same fur 1S5S , SJ'J 25 t)2 ! G. L. Reed t Co. i 55 William Miller Hi 19 Herman Ilaupt i Co. 1?92 200 5307 4370 Peter Lamm. Morri8 A Stewart H. Jb O. Smith. Oeorgo Meiul Kldridge, Merrell it Tliompfion. 1100 3S 33 27 CO 22 35 1 4 2H 4 2 9 79i 20 70 41 01 09 I til 03 i 39 25 j U 10. I IS 01 19 ."2 1 If Jacob Km 1 10 John (lib.'Oit Ot Jeremiah Moshcr 1IC 153 Martin Fiitintz 12-t Jacob I a u u 1 7. jr. 1 ,'i! lleoro Mu.-ser 73 Kobert Wilson 32 Thoiuas i ii.'ii 153 Iiiivid Jarton .losiiih V. Smith, 4.'i3 15.) William Oray 133 K;; John Miller 20 b. U, Haymaker F. ,1 .1. Sh,.;'.'. lil A. M vsi neopo 1 10 Michael Faiin'.i I'avid Younkin. 50 Campbell & Turner tho f.-une far ,5rt, '7, 'i, A '9 ;;0 l'hinkct Ali'iu l'.yer?. M7 1 19 Jacob Km i the ani) for '50, '7,'M A '9, 19 C7 19 07 Jl 39 13 07 i 40 02 j 35 (I j I'j ci : 02 0 fJM 3D 311 6K 'Military cheil'tains who out red tape ways do it w ith their swords, and hiitorv Mi'fl ll.nt ihn llirnftl of tlie riitintrv Rilf. bulb sides. On tho ."ith, tho eiicuiy weru f,,,.s ft mi.i as the tape does in the open d'iven behind their entrenchment, which utioti.'' extend from river to river across the pen- Th, Tnl,ne ipiotes the. fuller teutimony ii.iula about six u.ilos, and are.iid to be oi .'" nd?w a , , . ' , ' Late in August, or in thp early rurt of im.miii.-u uj j e. cuniiuii hii. i iieieimeo ny .September. ien. Fremont came into mv 1!)0,(nki men. favoralile for The weather lias btot: nil- otlensive operations, uud office with Gen. McKinstrv, and after Gen. McKinstry left, he commenced tho coni .... . . ,.- iiMde from the .lisch.i ree of artillery, and ",n nu.oUl a.:v can .o. .. . ... , c, , ,-" that I am nwiirc ol. Me spoke pleasantly. Mt:rmisutng teiweeii the si.arpaliootei-o Lut .j, .Thn peOp,0 nf Ul states eti either side, nothing of importance had , were in the field, that he was at their bead ; takou place. Oir officers wero entirely j l'"1-- 'lf! meant to curry out such measures e.inii,1..Mi .c .. i'..., :.i...,. n. i nl ""'V (the -people) expected him to car- .. . . . , " ., ', , ' ry out, without regard tithe reel tape of lien. Joseph Johnson uio said to bo both j ,j. win,,,,, jeoplo.' My only reply I in eoiiiinar.d. words, that, as well The advanc; Kichmond frmu8 1 understand the fern., 'red tape" , nicant M'stem of eovernnient. which, in1 tlm .North-that m by the lorce. under j i(s fnUt n,ight U carried too far by sub Hunks, Fremont und McPowoll -is btill ordinate.", but Iliad always been of the. piogresting, lut we have nothing of im-1 that our general system was a wife' portancc from either. . an' -'"m' np"' nn llt. he who untlertook ii,,iv.i,i i i . r. ! to set its principles or general detuilsaside j islauit ,o in surrendered to Com. Foot ii i . i . i i ' ' ' 4 vul , tvitnlil .Timifti" ite ltilnr l.nAii.A mi nne nr on the Vlh intt., who took possession on in diftieuties by disregarding all system, tho th, and r. poi to that r7 officer, litis 1 , He replied by repeating his general re privates, besides 100 sj0k and 100 men ' ,nl41', (for 1 think tlm third time.) 'That ,...,;... , i no poopiH w ere. :n mo ne ti. a id mat, in e iiploeiI in the transports, i0 pu-ees cf .. . .1 i i i i i i ' ' ' u -' was at I heir lienO, nnd would have everv i c.iniiuii uii-2 ft large iiantity of auiiuuni-' thing dope according to their expectation's ; lion fell into his hands. from him ; saying., now wo baveonly extra' . oonstitutinnnl government, nocivil rights, I.ATKH.--Vo have news from f'ortre:s 'ro fo speak; ail ordin;iry peaceful rules . n-ero to he sei aside, and all thin Ihinc nf Monroe up to Saturday last. Tbo Merri- 'red tape' must give way very shortly to j tnae, accompanied by eercril gunboain, "'hat tho people required of him.' I had ! came out from Norfolk early on Saturday : rr7s1y -limbered Gen. Fremont, by! t , , ... , i resisting an order of his which 1 consider- mornins, and took their position cn H.eed unauthorized bylaw, and concerning I upper luiiiaa in tho mouth of the above which I gave my testimony before the 5920 129 named rivur, us if to challenge our Moni ! congressional committee. Gen. Fremont 59J6 ter an,: tho Naugatuck (Stevens' Hatterv) bad never been before in my ot ice, nor. licll township. A'.i. Acre. per. James C Thompson. 42H9 500 Henry lieck John H. Hoy t. 3050 Hit 11S John Nicholson I Willi un Hrady. 3056 177 tl John Nicholson 500 James Mclihee 439 135 Joseph Lioun Aithur Hell, 433 lloii.j. Uibba 219 Kruui.tun I'.-ll 100 Henry liarnhurt 75 Jonathan Sherman 50 Michael Sheesley 100 Joseph bonilou lucns'p. JiiiiH-s Lixon, jr, 89 John Thomas I.umadue A Turner. 20-t John Thomas Hunter it 1'rockerholT. 234 78 Joseph 1'rinker II. S. Urian. 40S 76 IJ. S. Prinker Filch & Hoyntnn. 413 Win. McConniok 410 Nancy boggi Cram, I'lake iL- Parley. 429 41 Makolm .McDonild 429 It John I'vers Win. Albert f: brother j. 132 lioorgo H iotniao 75 John K. Khuw t'i buku Kyler G. V. (iearhart. 0 Waller Stewart G. Lb Morgan it Co. 158 01 John Montgomery 95 1 10 l'ochard Thomas J. W. ftniith 205 Tliiumn Smith 410 75 William Morns loom iQuinihip, William Higlor 4959 0- 13 Nieklin AOrifliith A. B. ltecd's Kstate. 59 89 ! 59 M i 4 I4l in: 10 r.o i 11 li: I, 22 1 it 12 j S2 49 1 31 00 10 00 11 ot 31 0 2 SO 15 43 9 41 4 CO 4 f.C It 47 I 9 ft j . i 22 IJ, 19 OS 43 45 j 13 91. 4G SO 45 65 45 68 11 07 5 83 3 70 5 63 George Mead Decatur township. Oemge I). Morgan if- Co. 417 1-4 Thomas P. Cope. 'J4I 17 John Drinker lL'J John Sky ton 10S 1.17 Hiohard Thomas 3.18 HI7 Jacob Downing W, 1.14 Hugh Kly -10 70 Henry Drinker III Benjamin Wilson 10i; 11,1 Joseph llamblcton 4',l 41 .John Skvron 1,'iS Thomas P. Cope Win. Mnnlgoiueiy 1 Joseph Sansom John Cannon Thoni is Kdmtttison 107 George Oratl 01 William Sumom Jamas McUirk's astute. 1.1 '.) Thomas Hillington l'tiir (. wens. Charles liisk 1 taxes 67 44 K. 'Wuolriilse. l'at. Moore $ taxes Casper ilai.:es the same for '58 & '.VJ lUehard Coplin. lo7 Joseph Whitelittll K. Coplin Jauii-s A i !j o: L 4'J Joseph S.iiisom '.'.) Win. Sansoni U. I. I'ruiicr A Co. Kl ir. A J. Harrison tho ssine for 'if Sc M'J Joseph Harrison the same for MS .VJ John Mdiirii. '-'2 Wm. Kvuns Wm. Woolridgo the same for Mo, '7, 'S .t 'y 100 Samuel Kay Georgo Wilsoti.jr Kdward Smith Il"ury Kephari Samuel flamblt.on duo for MS ,t M'J Jacob Cox A. It. bun;;. Casper Haines Jonathan Kephart liigler A Wright. liO John Andersen 60 Gilbert Vanght l'crymnn township Greenwood Bell. l.V.l Jen Ilambright A. Moor. Matt hiuii Slough Charles Hu.-ton. I'i.'l 15,'J Meorgo Hoss lf-7 40 7.S .'7 f.7 tios :ii"i im 11 J;10 84 r, 7ti '2!0 :;00 : .10 -l0) 400 yo .".00 100 6y 41 ;i4 -:j 'J4 30 58 1,1 51 05 ".l 00 ny yr- ti !i.1 15 17 ii I2 23 7S ti 4'J 37 2'J 11 00 13 7.1 y ,io '".I 08 51 oy 35 H7 20 51 12 08 28 75 5 3D ! 10 yi I 11 27 .7.' '.18 12 00 i IU7, 31 2'.' 21 31! is ' 8 i 1.1 80 1 23 70 : I 50 H ' 1 lit) : 12 81 . 1000 l'JOl l'Jl.'i 1003 1...I 2'b" lo.l loo loy 274 348 137 100 3il'i 3N2 "8 b iiiii l W. brnd'e) . 130 lli Robert Shav 431 111 II y man Oral, 135 Thomas Duneason 120 C. J. Allport I'. O'-deii. Wm. 11. West tjulieh tmrnship. Oeorgx P. Morgan A Co. John Witmer C4 Pijot Shinv 82 Benjamin Wilson 48 George Baker 151 Benjamin Wil.on ltiehnrd Atherton Herman Hunpt A Cn. 81 Matthias Harto 153 Kdwurd Hi. ud 08 limaiiufcl lieigart 'Jeorge Moore Jauiui Mclihco A Co. ll'.l 121 Christian Stake J'J3 122 Matthius Vouug 433 153 Christian Hager 133 153 tioorge Muser 237 48 Thomas Yedlar Daniel Wiley 75 George Baker, jr. 14.1 Timothy Pax ton 153 John Burge 210 153 John Musser, jr. 430 145 Joseph A.hbright sntno for M0, '7, '8 it John l'ntehiii, Philip Loast William Johnson h'urtnnts tuwmlap. Fredericka KurthauS. Morris A. 8tewai t IK .1 II 1.1 II 12 f -" .1 I 51 11 70 11 lift 03 41 03' I11 il 1 1'' II' I 1 1 t nil" F 4 2'i 22 IM 47 . I Mil N n I'lia .ti I J .in. ' I t I i. I--.' l: I.. V ,,;i,i !. I 34 15 HK) 31 230 305 33,1 100 324 433 3,10 108 210 215 130 133 200 101 00 . I o.i 4i ; 04 05 20 20 I 18 00 50 03 2 J 22 13 28 58 Zl 42 1 y 37 : 42 5 1 1 50 85 I 40 72 1 24 14 II 00 j 18 08 40 72 40 72' 22 21 ' Tii ei' 20 40 : k J7 i 40 07 20 3 1 40 y7 I VI 53, I I 1 ',.! I 'P. - .'. I.I' I II .1 ' ti, f It '. iM J.'li.i llil t II " ' 1'. H. l,"ll. I t 'rti-e. I", j 113 I b e, i Mm i it 3-1 433 1 13 William Morn-. 31 -2 433 1 13 Sun".' 1 MeiecU'.h 35 i.'i'i If! Wilham Ma -r SI :;y 1.13 Il.tty Mui.s 2', 1 n 133 1-13 I'liu.-. F;lzii;;iii.u;u 3'. ; 2 i:'.:; 1.13 e -ige "it mi . '' J.-'. ! 1 53 iiiil't-i L i i 1 1' v i.i ..! 433 113 1 1 :i k M "i d 31 !-'. 133 1.13 Ma;-v Morris 35 82 433 153 Magnus M 'Her 3. 82 4. .3 153 Nidtiio I-iMoy 35 V. ,( j iun. 170 I'hor Mil..;r.ahaii 0 On sniue ti-:- M0, '7, V '0, 11 !" 4o7 l'l'.i bicbard l(. Small 33 i'.7 20 John Hai:n 1'j 7Y t.ane Ii..? '50, '7, '3 i "J, 51 f 1 J. A. Cruwf..rJ. 223 Siuioii Ciiit,- 18 13 I'. Kepple, H"J John r.:it"U0'i 8 '-' bub-i.-t ThoillUJ. 231 Chi"--' , l'aker IS -7 liMi J. Farluw " VO .Joseph Potter 5 20 Henry Lrreiniunu. 50 Casper Shnil'iier, 2 T'l sumo for MS A, My 4 S-3 Marv Aan Herder. 2i'J VI Joseph Hub toy 11 88 210 143 Jk'joIj GrafI' 11 50 0 J.ihu 35 I'tnn ..t'-'ii'-iy. 30 James Johnson 3 l' 5778 4202 4252 1258 5777 200 yyj y.vj K8l 1020 28 344 HI 4'iO 45o h.U t:wnt! ''. John isicholsou James Wilsun W. C. Kii.-e. S5 Jaiiii'S Wilson 11 " " 24 John I'ij'ioUoii John P. IUj t K. t Z. McNuJi 1093 123 3 103 3 175 000 778 507 2O0 .. .. l)evie of John White, F..Ji 88 120 74 2V 50 55 ' 70 : 50' 7 V 88 03S K".7 100 5112 other l'il i.i 105.1 850 .VI A I vot) V57 7oo Chin lus U il ! in k 147 " Henry Yothara. Charles Willink Kdward McOa'vey. Charles A'ilhnk 7 21! 37 o.i ; i 2 yc 12 f.yi 8V '. V8 Arnold t.'ust.i.-.l ly I lews, Myers A Fisher53 10 132 50 40: Willard 41 30, A'.c.e t. j-n.sltip Itenjainin It. Mori. m. ' 4 VI 12 .1003 4225 1230 507 507 433 433 233 108 42 14 08 OS 00 , 22! t I-; 43; 433 153. William liuuter 22 0V 12'J John Dorsey 0 Ii Filth A fioynt'in. , 4.'.3 1.13 Isabella' Jordan 82 30 100 Wilhelm Willink lo 8u. 2V8 Wm. Powers 32 10 W. Ii. llordon. ! 250 James Wilson 27 00 500 " " 54 00 ; Isaao Ecofiehl. 1041 Monro & Delany 112 44! William S. baker. 400 Moore & Delany 10 80 lor Jan township. Cooper A 1' 2V 50 I V 57 ! 38 30 0 50 4270 4200 41S8 16 7;4188 10 09 21 SO 13 67 i427 110 50 100 110 125 330 200 350 yvo 4271 4V5 4271 4183 -both iron clad butteries to mortal cora- 470 322 siness to transact with mo that morning.' bat. Their appearance wna llm niini.l inr ' all tho vessels within rer.cU to make their! rrsT ' ;;ir7 TTTI, j e-cupe. which they al, did, the ex.' . 1! ception ot two brigs and a scWiicr.which 2- KAILS for calo cheap for rh by were all ,eized and carried off to Nor : D.F.ETZWEILER. 1 lolk in the very fae of our floei without a Marcb ?6' 186;- I single ellort mado to prevent them, la tho afternoon the rebel vessels retired, SGC2 To Collectors of Taxes. myaiewsnois uaviog oeen excuanged. 3 l.eton of County and State laxe. for 1861 , olhing important had occurred in n- previous years, that xentini will itsua - from of York town. SciAe littleskiimish- Countv TLl"-l'" fr-11" ba'".r' ! , - t.ouiiiy l ai iben remaining unpaid npon thair uig had taken place, in which the 57th 4 re-pectin duplicaui. Tha Collectors for I86t' '3d Ionnsy van a regimentt had two men ,7. . J V, wl" b n,oro,,d in v.;,, , ,, ii t-i ' ,b' ,utuIJ' n1 'hey "01 ba impartially raiiuirad Killed and four wounihd, Tho army u H up their dupllcaiaa within tbt vear Tl ,. . t .. . - i; ily occupii d in msking preparttioD for an advancs. I Ey order of the Board, WM. B. BRADLEY, Cl'k. rmmjwioiir' olBce. April 18, IS8J. S571 OrrrTU ele.snt clothing of JJ. Il ff1. t.ffiT llll 4teoiem Bro. 4 Co., is going off liko OOODB, luch at COATS, PANTS sad VESTS, 8I bit cukes. For particulars e thir ad- all of which taf will diajwn sf frsatly r4u. si'..,-.. 'c4 prUi. Call tail exsai'-ce their itoek tiefor trt.ieuient. huio, .'jewbers. . T.b. 4. . TP 159 :50 200 60 100 127 5 151 4 100 100 100 IPS 50 t0 Nieklin A Orillitti n. beech A J. Put ton John Nicholson Josiah W. 8mito J. W. Newpher. Joseph Fcrron. Bradford township. . Hall A buck John Porter. BlairMcLanahan Wm. Hitchous. 52 Aaron Levy William Santora the same for '5S i '59 Joa. A Wm, Sansoni V. It. Holt. Wm. Graham, jr. Abraham Graham, lit 1 rubella Jordan Mosea Hogg's heirs Thomas Waple. Jonathan Neibit George Barger KeheaOab. Manes Brady township. O. L C. Daily. 34 Roberta A Foi Samuel Ambroie TUton ReynoUi Hoary Wjkoff Robert Pos. Cafpar Stiver 8 31 25 40 ! 21 26! 27 40 4-U 14238 10 95 4242 40'JO 12 41 1534 1535 22 46 ! 15070 10 81 7 20' 9 15l 4 601 495 yyo Lewis Jordan b. J. Crane S. .Scott 13 Hiram Paismovo 4 Benj. Hartshorn K 80 ! John I'. Hoyt. I Adam Rigart 3 14 ! FoX townnhip. 1 lluiluhih II. .vanj. I James Wilo;i Filllmun ilurwood Jus. Wilson, wei t Nathaniel Ituily. .las. Wilson, cast in. I nnis. j Jus. Wilson, middle, 0 63 5073 Jus. Wilson 27 23 ' 5074 sani for '58 MD l'J 38 5075 Z. Trenton. :5o00 James WiDon 13 59 5007 John C. French. i 13 01 07; 7c 4.1.1 IJ l.ietinrM teters 133 153 Peter Kuhn 433 153 Frederick Boutes 433 153 John Dunwoodie John t'ooper. 274 Adam Kuhn 325 Kb?nc2. Hreiil.utn ) 103 Adnrn Kuhn j I'atchia A ?ir;ui 150 Benj. Young sime for MO, '7, 8 L V, llavid MoOeeghon. 2V David Brown -eH William Wilson sumo Mii. '7, '8 'V 300 John Fate hiu A Ml PN'i ITk Koad Co John Nicholson Daniel Bailey 12 20 i I'idun townt.'ip. J 2 Uartland Ir-Air,. , 3587 350 Koberts A.. Fox 50 Henry Bailev 202 11. V.'. Moore l'.Hi Henry Wl-it.iiead Woodward towr.ship. Oiiorjie f. Morjjan A Co. 330 145 John McCahoii 57 143 Mary Ci.niiell liigler A bod. 433 153 John A. YuuyU 4.10 159 John Walls John Patchia. 427 30 John Cannon Charlei S. ''una. 1e3 153 John Roll Hubert J. 1Valia :i. 153 5 Peter Henry fiime lor '58 "V, J4'i Hugh Ralston vaiii.i for '58 it '5.', Wright & Merges. 443 77 .Samuel F-mlcti 215 5 Thomas N'. il Wm, B. Alexandor A Co. lOO Bolund Evans J nines Met. hoe t Cw. 331 42 PiotShaw 2 hi Sebastian Grail 43S 73 Thomas Kdmonson ltH) William Wilson Dr. D. lloutz. 433 113 Philip beast 433 1,13 Jacob Howell 433 153 William Joln...ou 100 03 'ieorgc I'.eckhau) William Albei t i Broil ers. 121 Bli Hootman jos::pii SJIAH', 'I (Teai field, Aj.ri', 2, 18C2. V 7'j 35 70 4-1 W 37 til 4.1 50 3 '2f 17 V.. 3 y 2i yi 13 (K! 4 32 4 28 1 35 37 31 t VO 10 81 30 OS 13 71 17 10 50 00 50 17 U pi 10 5C r . ' t 12 00 01 ; 00 01 i 00 01 ; 00 01 45 70 CO 01 .VI 35 8 V i p'r. 200 00 John McCiihen Vi Jolin Lampblack 200 Daniel Fulkerson ilo,. fne '.',r. '7 'M .1 '. 'OI I'. ...w .... vr, , , V I.J Huston township. j o 1 -I u y 17 15 00 A cm. 210 3e0 .las. Wilnon, cast p(. Ii 59 James V ilson 43V.I 372 937 947 2V8 923 20 COO 9'JO 216 188 100 ,4310 Spencer A Fniler. James Wilson I. 8. Lund Company. James Wilson i. .. Mosea Kempton. William Powers 'Wm. H. Gordon. James Wilson Alexander Vial. James Wilson B. Davenport Girard township Hood A Co. 27 23 103 07 104 17 32 79 ' 101 55 i 2 20 00 00, 08 03 11 80 ; 12 93 7 20 4217 4902 4230 4225 4235 4220 4229 4230 200 J.G. Kiddor 21 00, 2e 195 David Caldwell 5 17: John H. Olto. I 625 1041 Moore 1 Delnney 112 41, 1041 " " 112 44 1041 " " 112 44 aoo 990 Wm. Powers 100 92' i'au 877 " " 91 72 ; 'J' Win. Parkeri. 888 15 Jutnes Wilson 0.1 Oil 420 Wilhelm Willii.k 45 3tj ' 4'JO James Wilson 00 15 740 " " 99 91 i:s f. S, band Co. 980 James Wilson luO 49 li0 9'.K) - " 100 92 9G5 123 " " 10 1 23 U;) the same for '58 19 75 41 5170 Fitch A Boynton. 375 K, iShooiiii.ker 40 51 , 3 33 1823 008 108 Morris & Stewart lo 20 1 A. W. Murrey. j 41 1931 549 116 Morris i Stewart 35 13 3 61 1935 530 " " 34 3 1' 6 11 1936 103 " " 3 28, Franoea Coudrlct. 1890 251 120 Morris A Stewart 24 39 ' H 15305 501 11. & O. Smith 1 !63i3 f63j Georgo Mead 9 61' Peter La rum. 140 IS 3647 117 Morris A Htewart 1 X", 3648 47 " " 70 1137 97 103 " " 7 7V II. Haver A Z. Siuon. llaniel bailsman. 200 G. & M. MoCormiek 20 40 same for '50, '7, '8 4 9 12 3 1 120 Wm. II. Robertson 12 24 Thomas McClure. 1W) Jonathan Jonr 10 20 Jjhn M. CliBie. ; 433 153 Caleb Foulko 58 9n 293 Georgo Wescolt 39 80 1 433 153 Kobert Wharton 58 VO 433 153 George Sheaff 58 90 1 300 John Boyd 20 -Jul 109 ' Susannah Ward P2&4! Treasurer's Sale of Seated Lands FOR TAXFS. IN Pt'ltSUAN'CE of the provinioci of an Ai t of As.'euibly. passed tho 2'JlU day e' April, A. lls, to provide lor the collection of Tales on lands whereon no personul properly cua uo uuna -a 1 and where I bt owner netrlects or refuse to pay v tho Taxes u.-.'i-.-seil, 1 -.vill expose to s ilo ut the 12 24 Comniifsionerii' offn'e, in Ciearueli, on the encund Monday iu Jane next, (buiu' tho tflh day.J t'.ie, 4 58 followiiii; pieces nf land iu Clearfield coauty, f ir 3(1 50 the taxes iluu aud unpaid thereon, as reipeetivcly C J pf) slated : 45 70 ' Jieccar'ut tuu-iuhip Owners' names. i 'J.vr James Uobiui! 11 6' d) do for I3 .t 'CI, 2i Oi Ik!l to'dtfhip. J. f- J. Thomas '5 C '9, 45 !7 The aarue fur 'liO dV '1, 51 Ji Jirady tnwiafiij.. Heary Itadaker 'it A '59, 9 IM The same for '00 A 'CI, 10 51 Juan Dubuis 'ii A "411, 75 Tho same fur 'el) "CI, I'j 8'. Cheat faicttshtp. John Port, 159 9 9,' Mitehell A Metaffey " t) 5.- Ili.'iij. Hartthoru " 4 05 Samuel llay " I " Nicholas llj-iy " 1 77 T(cs" " H ii The sauo for 'CO A XI 19 611 iittrnsiilc township. Valentino King Wi', 4 0'.' The nmo for 'GO- X I, 7 4: Alex.McCullounh, IS59, 4 37 The same for 'o0-'8l, 8 1" V. A A. McCtirl 1S59 5 2. IhoMiinc f ;r '60 'C 1. V 7i Bonus township, Anthonv Urine 1359 4 21 The sa'me for '60-Gl, 11 30 liavid liood 1H59 1 0. The taiao fir '60- 'CI, 4 4". 10 11 i'J 70 1-5'.I 1"50 255 COO 2K lyj SQ U'5 100 7 :o 9 A. M. Cstherwati. John Boyd G. i M. McConnick 17 35, Isaac Thompson CI 20 10 2H 511; r a i w n o. 1 nomf son tgvtiian io z: - q F;uh A Pcyat.a, uib taaievra'. Hugh Jtr-.wr. r.ncch (learhurt Knoch 0. Oray Tko for '60- C1. AVio.? townsh.p. (ieorgj Ualer H.9 Th same for 'CO -'t l, f j.e tnu-nship. J'tieph lienuelt '5S-'5J. The louio f"f 'CO -"CI, William Craig '5S-59, The samo I 'r 'C0-'C1, WooJa ai d Ku-'irhip. Abiatiiun Oosi The muie fr 'CO 'CI, Mark S totl The iaiue for 'ttO-Xl. .TOiEPn f HAW, Tn r. Treaturei'i oiF.g, Clearlieid, April 2, 162. 1 75 4 1 1 6. 3 4" 13 9c 15 2r 10 3: 11 3, 10 3. u ?: 10 32 a 37 OBERI J. VTALLACI. Jll'iXt1 at U Cleaticld, F., Oitce 1 EtiT'i Ron, ,;, Eea Jr 1 HI-