'Mi l. - '- 'vi " ! I" i ii f '.Mini .,.,. li.t.i (ft ul f n l" ' I i" f " ft Initio u I. IM-I-.., r,l fillf III I V' vt'iT (in i . i -.' I .' I ,V t JI f ' I'lirnf Mm it. Met Slul bin.-.!,, t hull., i V:' J kV 'M' vt l.f iM.tdffn) 'Ml I !. I fin 1 1 ttt ft , Till. WAll NKW.H, ' nnAt ttt.: at .niMtino I AN 1H Ml, linn filt.t- r f Kit ! V t 1,. t , Ik. 'Mil - . I ... 4 1.- I. 14 .. I ...........I , I i . 1 1 i - i 1 . ' , ' i k'i n' l - -"",, Ml I III !,! t f. I' ' I D.i Mi 1 1 I, I '! Ml ' rlninirhl .Mm Mi in i it 1 1 ' 'fl Hi ti V 1(4 I "lll'l'i l' " I fit il, Vol i imT. ' ' t n I II, it 1 ''' r'n'iuH al'if filnnnt. .4 I, , in 4i hi li, i, ,,t In 1 1 1 nyiln tit ti.i ! I i it. ,n ft I I' ! A'-'nt. .1 ' ! 'h I'. M . n Until i It- t TAl'i II I I', !' Kfdii'i'.lny Mr.t i.bip Anil JO. 1M2 One Year Ago One ivir ! o, ,iy, I'riMiili'tit Liu- c(.!n i"tt'd hi. ).r i. lii'inli .ii fir T .", m t vohliltt i'l (or three II, until", to defend iho capitol uti I i!ii. down the r l.'llm. , r i . . 1 1 .. 1 1 . . t ........ 1 . 1 - 1. .. I mi- ..in . "i -umi.-ij .U.I.-.I "',, u.oin.oonomv is estimated at from tin i i .iiirr.1 iniii.Vi'1', to which have Leer, imiii ,, .10,000. i. i.m! mlli'il over litl'ioco, rial yet there-: The tight win lirovipliton liy tliroo Iiiid I llimi is i,d'. mppr.'MKHl. It iti.-n t in. ilrHlrtli.!2,'.tliMi.Hii'ircKirai'nt oftl.'ii. , . .. . .... .... , 1 1'iotitiMt' clivtio!i. nttnckin iU nilvanoi lii.i '. l dli v t iff m. iitton Mil to, ti: . i , i i ?i i , Ifiiini'l of tli'i ri'loli, ha ii llny minpoii'il it iii .y l o mii.l to tin .rnriii.'.l no'v, i,0 ,,e 0 ,,ic,0 f tl(s enemy. the id n.i l.'n,' tut j.'11'tilcr part nf Viri'ini.i, ! loli i niitivtlititnlv nilrnncoil on (Ion. 'ron I i I'm ht rr fnh nuimtn'l MI U i-n "i.li'ii-l, ni Rii'Ikij; ,.. Ih N Li ti iiv r mi(, Ii rnl a - i tit ,.f li, l"i'l u,.,.l .1 I I III. I..,.,, I ..I . .1. .. 4 I .. IluA n. .. in - nmpiMi. r tin i.i ir.r. rnoi.n . lut , , ,, nt,,Ht p,, ( h ,,f(H, utri. lir l.Mi.til.il.irnk oiiHm.Ihv moil.- , ,,n4.,. rHIil((, ,. ,.,,,, . .. 1 ImlN 1 flC liillniit IiUi-linil urnuml liinl. rM to i I'll" i, w 1 1 iuui i i ii i iti ii pi in n , hf mn f..l!i.pi i, ,,out tlmt'll...i n, .lining I,p Hiiiiir .,iv, mfl iM)(.iiii I ,,.1l,lt U,Vp t;IP rmr i.inl din oriLo m. I"'"' V tn'w i"l mi Moii'l niiirniMumitlfoPlinurJ (lprV) Bl r, ,u u W,a jn (li((nm ft,,J 'M V '" mi ! riiii' I untiiiKiit ti rii'i-K in inn niirr ,.- ,-,i ,.,,. .i-... i i.rt , n".M" in. i r.n.i.i lii'.ili. hrn en i rlicmv r'tiiiliiriu'rn ip 11U..U1I, I I I '""'in i I i I'tf II 1.4, . fl An iiKfi t V I'ii. I'i. ( r t li., uii V lit. t'M flu, (l lllKf VI Hi lln.f V l"r U V M. C irn J 111 Clvir4 l, rinuf 1.1.1. Fl ..f H It . Ilhli' if It. i !'. I'. N. I 1 I . It. I'lntl'l l- I ' . . f it . I.I" MAI IM A MntA 'v 1 1 n r, ft , r i'i in h )." ii, ,! n ,fli) l,no (IS li-l 10,110 Mtwin wash K Mil I'M' I 1:1 Alii A Mil I h n i . . i i i 1 1 '' ' k II 'I Mm ...n4 il v rlci.lti til I l. I 4 ,4, 4 (,., ,., I I, 4 14 4 !. .,, 4 ..,,(,.(, , l : h,. f li i 4 I . i,i. t in I. 4 if i i ) i I. in nn I ' r i' . 4 i , . , i , . . . It. Il I'.- ijt i. ki., ,i , .. .. '.I I: v, U"'tl lli ! . In I in., I I " ...4 i II l ft 1 t'lH Ii !n II 4 it Hi I r I ' i M Mil, N ' ' ' : 1 1 1 v. I V It. I,.... ... ii.. I., hrn tin. rl.cinv ii.i.iliiPl.rril tuf; 0 t, ,,i rolioWl(, ,., .,..,... t0. 1 1 " L . ':" ' '" V1" ''" l' ,.",n,,l, '''.""'"'' IipU drMn tl.t m in m'...i.kI Myl-. n. , m W It, p.ii,.i...l i,y M.iipi lonv in oiir rnv.urv. 1( , l r ll fivo p. in., llin .vhnM rrln l nr. Ilr. fir llu. I 111! HI :lllll l it imi mill, run" itn ir:i,r illttiiriiit. It'll ninl .. ( it" in'" 'H"i "vo p, in., inn iioi rruri i i ir pr nil, I ttir Mor on Imlh mdf Iim 'f"' ;tny , in ru ro,IPM , c.rinlh, ivitli our iltinl..i -Pr M. . r Imvp lout, hi killi-il. wont). (.lirarv ;,, l0t .,t.rs,,it Timntlir Kd M llu iniin,. I'm,, IH..KH. .,, KW Wo InKO tukVi, n be nmount of nrtiU . " Whim l pup llu. I'llUtlllMI " II. I. - Hit J.00 411 l.li 62 31cto Sbbrrlisrmrnls. V.t:-: i i.'unilina. 1 lu-ro n no fstimntini , uivmioii, on inn loaning muniiR in ; i,,!,,,,,, i,ii ..,.,),.,. ,i.r tin. n ;miIkt of luvi tluit Iikvc t'oou ao l iV.?ll,,y "fu,'r V"n' !f inu'lry tn.i r'nl- ,)(lOU nf sim,jliy . of tl.U tlior.i i no douM . , . . . , ' II I II U f J I 1. Ill I. I, v , ill li . i' , iii.tn ,,- ,,,i ; but the cot in tromure in rloan , s1(, ' ' i c isii- ii wc 'ire tolil tin; St-cretiry of ! (Hi: f noes soon forinotl into lino ami re-' lliu I ... , , , . ii Hi it it corriiiinl nirii uy suveral it iM'i uni- vdv takon to-Jiy. Tt 'a fiii-il.ip i'..tuirl(l ili.tl. HpiiiiroLraril . . . .. i . . . 1 I I.. J wnry, wii( liavo ro;:ciUKl, ny ttio iiurnon uio nro vij,'"rousi) , nrni uy uihiviki j j j,;, ftrn 8lol 0 li'i'V, iii'.J uhii ii numlur of i.ruiiiirr. Vn lot a iiiiinlicrnf ptiHonori yentorJAy, nmon tiirni (ion. l'ri'ntis. The numlicr Imi tiutbeiMi nici'i taiitiv.l yet, hut ii rt'ir toil nt novrrul liundrcd. licii. 1'rwiiljM i reported m.iHl.-l.- . A M s irtUn , Mofn Anioni: ttio killed nn Hip. ipIh-I :Un U Hip I I .,i.ni.. nn.l il.n.n tlin mnv itnalrn hid urn. Ut'tlPliil-ili Chii-f, Ot'liprstl AlhtH-t Kydncy ii..,l,, ifrricM, dint owinj to the rrnii of bul ihi in hit mic in t lcarlii'1.1, u will b nmiMv lo vifit hin ii'uiil rl'icci any moro ; but may ninny. b fuund at homo in fuluro. April 12. If. N.B. llndly. fitting jold platri eitn be exchan ged for Vulcunito wurk. bli mil f 'hn Pi iM" , f. r I , lr -tm II I i l ink hi In p In It,., lr nil. Hit I 'i.ein rif i f ill vt 4-1 i f it, :iM 1 1 i H hi 1 4 Ii p ( 4tf i K i'f) . Il In niiiihr VKicnlh ir ln.i.,',., tr i f,iiiii.iiin l f rnnii'l Int . ni..ii , I nl ii nil mi in Ij Kf)lnt .rn..i-i II in Int ,f i,l, kndnrtl; fi . Kn ilreiirhiHK. 1 h fun dy t i.ln.l iti ill . tl.id, ami rknn.,1 r ..liir any li.jurlimi tt firn, I'.iiii fidllitnf. I;l4i r4ibtr kkl III rata ihn rnd of tim. 1 ht I t. nl p himilmit I'lift, nnf et, b 1 1 nl.J ti'ilitna abutil lliir, X I lull 1 1.' irii lv tr m Ii tmiifflly llu I'd Itrly t.i h VII I inn. r.ifii ni' rnn n pt n.i in.nar, wim then ' nam ami atldrrri, I mil .i, niilly ii.li.nn, In a l-klrd etiTlom, ttlml tin rrmnly la. Tmra amount nf money relnmr J In rntp if fniltwe lMch If linK'eiible.) Ad lreft. .). i. HJKrm:, April 9, - pil.lii. lli'bti.n, Oltii. I'lh 1 At.l 't r n ' i 'I ' r 1 1 1 1 . i V4I lir n 1., I., i '"'"Iti 4,, Ml,, h ... if. VIM It. 1 . ' ' 'Mi viM-il-iriAl. f i-.i.llf i ..tl.iiiH,.tt,..i,,r , I..,,,, .' !. 1. .nl it gkr.il i. jih i ii ,., , ,,,, H I., oil ln 1-1KI4 I,, e i V,, 4 ...... ..r MM Nil ,11 Ml j,Mt N ' J,N' 111 I' A ll i nf. , '.i'ii 4 , i ml nf .Juno, next, f.xiHi.iHH.i.OiK). '1 li' n, the n,)!;' purpo.t of iho war, km ti c of (Ion. Slicrin in'-i division, and drov, wc ivcro priMniii'il to receive lliein. had ' Ini.nml l,nir li . I, i .... I fit. nn llin lf.l'r. I'I. 14 till rot iniliun of tlio I'nion. Thii was ! our men haok irnui tlifir eainp ( nd brin- Hv.ove.i bv tlieouthoiities nt Washington, ! nZ UP !l ,,0r,'l'LV'1' i- i i i ., leltwuiL'. (mil. McUen v tlio l.ej.tihliciins, i.r: l in July l.y tho TiM RrZWM r(.lurm,a w i i'hi nttcrnoon (leneruU I'rapji, Polk, llreckinridj.'!' and Jackson were cunuiiuii diu the rehtsl Inrcc. 'I'lini-n n. vpr Iium been n nnrillul to Uio a fresh fnrc.o opt-iiod lire on o'! J fTalltitttry and hearing of our ollieeis, from iiiiu.i a mi . I , I, minniniu ini, (ii'liriill 111 lllll lowdsl , . ... p . i . . aiiiio-ii unanimous vu:c oi i onxres.i. a 1'i-moei.it to iiitiniate, no ai.itti'r how hiMie.-lly, h.it tho real plirvotK "f iho war, p. the ti nc reason why nil other menus (I' settling tliA (lillieulty worn so indig iKintly spurned, wan the hope of thus got I in rid nf slavery was tli.k rankest tiea f.on. And when Domocruts would del ibcr- I'illl tprrihlu olleet I 0jC(.rH. roi .n,,,i ili.,.iMiiic.l Kiiirit bv liolh the inlanl- i i . i .i,.n .i.n ; ... . .... iirnerai v.riiiu aim uia iiuu ,u .... lesnerutu liirht eiHiied. driven hack with ter noon rallied nmi urov i turn. fini, ul..ul mnn ateiy nemotistruie inai mavery was in ..ie.;.,,ej d,,.,.,. KM ,l0 ,luter wav that the prosecution of a war of e.i' . tvnult ut the strule pr. i.m, and fo; the buhjHgation of the ro- '1'ho rebels exhibited remarkable pood volted StuttM nui-t ine vitaMy kad to thcl-'eraHHip. ai uu.es engaging u.o en I mil i itniKi huh I 1 r Ihaif ivlt.-tlat jt r-:n ,r t t I lint' cuianeipalion nt tho hIuvvs, they were ; W()lllil sl(llll.ny O,,on a t)rriblo and' des Liaiidud as syntpa'.li iters with irea-vn, and ' tmetivo lire on tho rk'hl or centre. Kven were fiuietly nei.eil and blippcd oil to Fort Jour heaviest and moat destructive fire upon Lnfavctte. and their iwnars either mm. I tho oiieaiy did i"-l appear to dieoiirnge pre.ined or denied tho uio of the mails. It in unite! .liliercnt now. Not !o admit ly raked lliein down in scores but the new that nlaveiy mu.t (a tml tl0 Miioke tui Moner dispersed than the breaeh , , .. ... ., , i i was airaiit lill"d. ivho.o lo.ir millions of lave-, if needs lr, j u(tet (espP1,lto fighting took pl.iee nftlst bo turned 1 Ke upon oc!y--i to ,t( ni the afternoon. Ueu, liuull's foreef ryun.l Nitiilery along Inu w nolo line, a ,;,, ,,,, ,.;,,, ,.,.., i:..- ; tho diMaivuts of oyer four i.iil.in. thickest of the "enemie (ire din ing the (.en I.urll.iii U diviMou w;u thrown ontire ,wo (llvSi u(l ol ,1,,. iuht.i... n. su,.,..,, . h i. ii-,., .v. ..., i. . Sundar iiiL-ht durinc a heavy ram. Lieut, ('oi. Mct'hei MOii had his horse shot I'ho rebels were A' I)ll SilSTR ATOIt'M NOTICI-l Letter of Alminittralion htriue been granted this liny to Ihn unilerBined nn the e-ttnte of JAS. ('. t) It A II AM, lnla of ClenrAnM Co., derensod, all persouii imli'Kto.l lo mill entitle nre TequeeUd to make in.mrilmie pnyinunt, and thoe bnrinj olaiiii niiiunl the minio will prment tltoui duly aulhentiiuled fur nrltlemnnt SAMUr.h 1 WILSON, Ar:i, 10th l.2i;t. Adm'r. BRIDGEPORT WOOLEN FACT0RY1 I., .i.i- & r . F .1 nf 11. ...... ...... . : " """i. r, i : trri.ni mn , kl,,l it l. tl.l 4h, l y etry l,,.lr,.n n,,.t ,k, ""'"'H nrvti i, n. ii jiiii , A 11AI' VM.ATII l kll iflu fr lii, k ,.,. ,. ... .. CI l I -It 1 1' I M H 1 1. K.--1. y tlrluo of a tfr.t " f"nu. of ' rn. iVj, Ihero will be e".iii'd to' public ale, nt Kylnrlown, Clrnrfii'ld rounty. un .-a' :r dny lb 3d day i.f liny next, tbe f.ill.iwins iir ft. Imi rtnl eatute, via: A eenain tract ! Ihii i itukle in Mrri lownrhip, t'learfield county , Kinuin at ni old nprnce, corner of u ce.tain in, : nf la. nl of Joseph I'otti.r, thence by land of Jut. Poller nnd Jui'iei M. I.eou.-ird njrlh 1 ttitl 'Hi re hi to nn old aprnee, tbenrw liy l..n l oi A. u. t"1 H" " uy iriiuurlr ia,.airri h, '.' ritht and K. Wricb-v nnd l.-nd of K. IV ltrlj f proper tiiiili..n lolb,, ,):,,,', bane aoiitb rT" fust Kh )wnheit lo au old pine. V 'K IMv. Wii. Ill'Ml'S Mm' l Wih thence nouth I" wt 228 (mti Iici Id tuuc by i. : 'n.ii. .l at Jr. Ilneil'i ltciiil .r v . . .1. uitA ..,... I . , t. ...... i. . .. , . . . . v ..... ' puif, iiifiii'u iiuru cv w ri .t-o in-ri'iir-i in j incu i ,.n . u .-.r.-,. i, jsri.,4.iy n, t. I), ol beginning, containing K.H acre und 10 pen-he. : frice JJ7 Cents Pfr Bdtt'e and ullowiince. Heiied, taken in execution and A liberal di. count mad i,i,ul ',i' 1.. I . ...I.I Ik. ...... . ..I 'TI l'il...r. 1 I 4t.T. ...... KD' 1) l'KUKS, SA:; . ' - i lu'iiVk !... .1.1 A :l n ii4 ' -..l.l :.. 11 irnnti'.'i, nj'iu , icwa. , i ui i ,11 j l un.li'lprna by l'V"l ii It. ,,. . I . 11.11 II .... ... ............ ,laLul.,,i , ,,u t iie.uut iirfc K It AT7.KKS'. 1 1 '"Kh''-'-'- t'leartield, April !!, 1X6?. alukv It ini. i4i,. i. . . grMtly' in ,J,f ,', ,. , "lini!, ln.t i.l the.e mil, at. , , ,, ., ..j." i niihoul kiirs ii, inn. ,1,4 ..i 1 1.'. - t jiMi'ii'lf l'r..m nil I. hi. ri-pr.;r, .1.':. L'SI.Dr.WM. IH-HI.N MtH 1 11 Wim, i lrnn).L.ei of tbe muni, in ,., ,,,,, "' lo lb tffhrrui Kvutit. .1. . . a "("""an, TI.OIJIt, IIACON, HKIKI; PRAf'H Sfl, Dried X Apple, Ac, at iwi-rii. ni.roiini inmio luil. ul.rf S miMll'AI, (iH ICK, THIllI v, .MS.-N.I, SI'KUi.'LM'. NKWVtih'' l'l.iU.lclplilk by liy.t t Ct., x." riMlK unileraigiio!, having lakeu ehni gu of thu well knowu .Murri'dale lloure, at Morriudale, field county, respectfully joliciut a aharc ol public putroiiugi). No paint or expense will bo riII K ry'BfCninKH re'p)clfi;lly infor ti.t hii , Clearfield county, respectfully joliciut a aharc of I ciirtoiners and the pnoli ) gemtrally that he I - ' TOOTH POWDKll Carb'Miio without tho injurio.H e!i-ts ol t harenal, lli.it c.,n ;, rihle kluU"litT but ,,i i f intends continuing the LunineiM at the well pared to render guerte comfurt,ible. Charge. .. . , , . , ' ,. " tl K 1 I f!m " m rr " U" il.ll";l,lu(0f known M nS n BKIluJKI-OKT near Curw.n.. ' li uit the time,. h U,, t Zt ,t I.IU.K OU1 .1101. Ill (ir.lllt c , Um)liws lH't teen (..-tienil ti Clearfield enuntv, where he intentU t,' April, 9. IMiW.-y. (!E0. UrCIIAIlDS. 111 '.U 1 ' 1 ,, , ... ..Uirat.t und your e,.rreM,oiHlent when a ! ullll rliclur, . ki.l of WOOLKS i00iw, ' ,T Z.""-; t " " " " " v . , , , , h " ' 3 "J ""-"""-'d-p oVlcek until niKhl bull took oH" hi huil. and killed ro.nn.only Hrpt !n K.t.ry. Huch SIMUX-f. (l()()I)S " ' .1 1 i " , e.ermination oi the ;l,( ,voun(1(1(1 , , ol lmketf,, rianiiel., Cloths, Satim-tt., , , ' Wm' IIuk18 J ,Klh V ,,.1 . l,.i.i il .. Additional Particular. , ('llMS;llu.n.s. Kenttiekv Jean. Car- ! At tlC Old J t'lCCS. I i. reommended by .11 iimneni i.,.0:i, Ilk K -...t.n.0 t.t.wit I ' 1 I t L . 1 f - - MbiiigKivstheenemv, in making iha first ; P "'" i 1 I " . a - I I A- ft A ft X- Ml attiiek on Sunday nioiiimg, earned tne . "i., ....... stars and all ipe.i w ort- Fedeial unilortiiK. j Any of the foregoing article, will be manufac (imii Ilia, 'j is reiiorted killed. I tared on the ahari-a or fir pay. (the wool being Provisional (iovernnr .lohivion, of Ken-! f"") ('r K'v" in chanS fr w lucky, is wounded and a prisoner. pr.muce. or ca... : J ' , . ., ,. . . . . Any permin wiehing lo in:iko I.ICl ; tho .ub- Itissiateu n.ai wen. 1 reiiwe. eet-i.ptM. , . , f , .. weave it on bis own wnni. either while or culor- scconil day ot tli Iigln. id to suit eurlomers. IJur total loeS is about 7,W0. This is; He i.tno intends to coBlinu the ltOI.I. CAItD the esiiiiialo of mililarv eoininanders who 1X0. 1T1.I.1NU. nnd rt)l.lKfStl, on nn e.te il.. ,,.,,n,i'i (II' tlw.tn nl.nni ive aeale, and deitignntea the billowing place. o,,,,, ..bn..,i-,".'r-- .m,l ill. l,.il:.i,,,. where wool will be receied and returned every rul., Hat, Cap. Kiu Calf llyois, ll.avy Kip! 17'., , ... , I 1 I W O 'I'll!., UC 111 .ling on 111" I .1 unjr ui sf u ur,il u'l ll.,irt. llieir solid colninns. Iho Imp of Maj. I iiyler s Chicago nrlile- : ,..,1: fusion of the (tiemy'3 retreat on the I T. Krater ha jtut recoived a general a ft (nrtiiient of Spring iuid hummer DRY GOODS. Lclnine.. (.'iihinire. Kei...MuriiM.. Aliuiceo. uiil, country Vrinti", Colurgi, (iiugbhin, liuc.ila, ('hint., 1 Ik !, .Muelins, t lolbs, ( ueeunerer. Tweed, hut inet. Dunuil, Drilling, Linenr, I'm.!.. Clunk, .Shawl.. C L O T II I N a . Over Cuiil, lire t'iit,llaiiii. Coal, I'i. nt, Vet.. rh.iwl. Vinl.r Sliiris, liruwer. Ne':V'.ie. Fine Linen r-hirt. Kvrun Colnr, Cbokor, Cra I'llulliv i reeornmended br all i ininenl benlijlj. IV ( pare. I nt I r . JlurU . Dentil ulu. No. till i llro'.klyii. I.. I. Price 25 cents pej- Box. I A liberal d,icur,t nm.Jo to leuler. A'tdrc I im. .pi1 iilll...., InUiimi lluiKbn , V I Sprtiiit .tr)el. Vork. I S.ild ill l'li.!.i..il,'ii.i l,y Jyf ,t ( , "32 N ,nVi. 2d utreet ; (. S. Il.il,l,,!, 1 4 1 1 fhji.i it M., at by all Iim; wii.i.iM 11. iiiii:ti's k.. o,.i ...i 1.. il... Kw.i.i b... ..r nn ,u 1 iij imn nn it'tn 1 111 f )im ii tit inm 1 1 ' . -. . 1 t . t ..... t - . .. i.uvjii4 ' u'l--"'"-, ".'V -.' . ' 1 1 kiiu-a ana wouiniea in mo uu:u projmr. , ,, , rlllil 1UB .,,:, lh- ,,. Kw.mt ,. , Congress now ref .e. to sav that th.t res- s"ln."1 . n'-i another portion v,.is ,ion? ; either'. Hiil..). n -..o.. e.Mi;rit Mill, Umber citv torationof lhelTio i, tint i.umose of comtit;; up li.o I el iron .-.naiinin Hon. V-lUce of Illinois, was reported j A. Is. Shnw'f Shuwsville. A. Oruf', l-maabie 1 At .) oci.H'K too re oe is nao lonna 011 1 tho war, but havo eommetioed tho real ,rt vvinij tuck 50 s to oecui y fully tw TToik of giving ft ceJotn to tlio ulavo -by , thirds of our curnp, und wore- lightiu .Shoe. n .k. R K l U (I fH. . cj w O Ji - 2 5, Ci.fTee, Teas, Mulusj...-. Sugnni, Salt, Caiidlu;', O T 1! A C II K D llu I'x. .H 111!', (.nr. n; TOOTHACHE, passing law to enianoipme tbo slaves i-i t'"f '" louiive lie mio me river, mid . . tit the saniei time heavily engaged our right, thf, l.s:r,ct of Coluinhia. One year ..go, , (o Ujs (jmu we Kl(1,;.ct,1,).(1 no0. tho JlepuWictns a party, ntlectnl .1. : jnfmoemoiits, lien. Levi Wallaeo failing to ! tlir0l)g( ,1C- etu.niy i.0 muuh ahhorrpnc- of AboUtiouisui as the 'eomo to our t-uji'iort until tho day ""t i imK Meet of his tioo I'enioerits ; ti'itv, it is qui'e comm. 1.1 I 1 1 1 II . 1.4 1 li:r 1,1 4111, 1..' 1,, ,.: n .v.. A, n. rim. ?, riiunji hi,..,., t ...pj , ...-,. .n.-n, . - , . "'' dtud ns it was llioilght impossible that he ! JacobKiinU'n, TrontTille. .1. Irwin's, Moif Knit. Flour, l'.aeoii, .Syrup, ( nndir. Hire Spire. F..-. (" enol 1 live lie was however livini! Oil nrnhninVMill, Ur.ih'rnti.n1 W. Alborti,'. fmm'dale. el" CoBre, l'ulvirired .iignr, Iflni-k Tea, a-tiireh, WediieMlay, and improving. ' Ho was shot ! " -'oodlander', Luther ! SI. Phenou's .Timnery rrm Cunrtlc. .lUralu., Cracker,, M ine, id 1. ...1. ..e ii..- .1... I ... 1 1 ...,.-0,,. .-...I ,.1 "urg.j imrneiii. i.r.i Lie... Il i p.irtiou1 irl;. atliietud with. T O ( by rxp-KO'l .ile.-.'l t, i'i 'if uliil - the ball cowing out at .. Vl,nlKmPry.1 our Miti'-ort until Iho day was,,-, ..... flf ,-.s ...,,, bohaved with to'-nor, r living taken tlio wrong roaa troui , n. tn. i)ul F.ftv-third Oliio I ....... .'- ...wit., n twi I.... .... , 1 I w 1 I -. . . - . 1. 11: 41. ... .1.... 1 '.iiiiuiio .... I..-, ...-.,., ..ih,u.ii.,.,.,.., ,., ... . , (iinM-noo if,r re near reiiuoiwant tay uiu.inrv 'u ,i.,i . - .u... ,1, . .. - 1 .1 - - - - o - -tr! . 1 , , other tiansportB than thoo used tor the 1 f . ., , to r. ,1., 1. int ft... t4.n, u. t ml a Intiu nc I inre 1. a- ' 1 : : Illi.IlJ, to "fcui. I'i ' ' " -1 - rpiai iciriiabieie nun ciiuiiiia. my iioies,i (Jitl' lfio, April 1'.'. The special despatch. 1 at KHAT.KUS slave utilo.l -that if they had tho pow- 1 -vhieh were too heavily laden to bring any j f.0,,, Cario to tho 7ri,.L- says ; I ClenrCel I, Ta., April 9, 18'.2. r to r .t -rc tho Union to tlie -t.i it ! m it oiisi-ieiiane iiumt.erot wen. mien 101 ces N-0 aro j.lsl begmn-ng to get some roll was in lK.f..te (ho war commerced, Uicy f 0Sb f',u ,ivfr- ,,h, l."mts ' nUo detail from the great battle at Pitts- ,. , , . ! 1'llv'"e' ''" S1'nt l, brl,,i! 1' -' ""r,l ',;ijiirgl 1 froi 11 never.il gentlomu who were u-nnlil tut. ilo it L11.it the war ici'la lP 'V , l. 1. .1 .1 t. I P ... . 0 . .. . ? ' iioni -tn. mn. 1. u i-tu IUVII.-I...H.-u..ii. 0., tK, ultvr tho light rro.11 tueir rp must. CT.il li'lie.uir. un l .11.1 m in- tenting against, ..oiisiue. ane : ou-i.t, our st.it,.ii.o.t we i?al her t IO ollOWIIItr : I I 1, r flearfiald. (in lh. hn for.uerW e overy day CKpi'eiion A Ifepu'nlicans. 'forces not exceeding ..0, WO men, while j General Prentifs' brigade, consisting of ! copied by H. Welch, dee'd. n a Jewehy jh-.p,, And wlv thoitld it bn fth.-w.-e? In ttift of 1 Ii.) enemy w;,s uj wards of iVl.OOO. j(i,, bt Illinois, 17th Wiseonsin, 'Jlthln-! "e prepared lo do all work iu their line nf bu.i- 1 1, ii. i t inn h I I li 'n inr mnn t nils i' x i'iim! . I 1: 1 - 1 ... .1 : ....1 ...1 ,.!.;!.. ne on the horUl notice, and on the iiio.'t ren.- .. ' -. - ............. .iiinni, 111,11 , 1 .Mill,, n ri 11 mull m 11 ,.iiiii-i they L-t ee Hint tins h the senluneut 01 f , t.nt i,.al. I,ll;, im,l,uj f our m -n ' .!Uj, ,,,. hkfast, by what seemed to "n,', "?? We cnfident t t'cngee,s? Is i;.K.t.l,, .-lain l-hing were panic Mrucl., nnd others, worn cut u, lh ,.ntil.e r,bol f-J, p.tiss h id no . Tiulv this ha been . n eventful vMr - of fkulkeis, had stttiggled to wade tv,rcP(1 0 al,d (u-ieral Pibntis? nnd , ' , the ruer und could not bo rallied. I niat.v of his men were taken prisoners. notmorowo.ek.fu! i.i tho nuukr uud (it,n,,,lUiral)t liml stntr tt ho ).,, ; n,t tcll " n'clock, the -n!irc lin. va rapidity with which they followed each recklcsaly riding alon.; the lines tlieuntire. t.rc..v eng.igp,), but in full retreat. At other, than i.i tiio extraordinary character day amid nn unceasing storm of grape and, j oV-io'ck r. ' the enemy had taVen Sell ,vpntf. jo.iotl. now rode nom the right to the lelt, w;i'tz'.s batterry of six guns, I-rcsden s buti melt ol the ear, the nosi'. On Sunday ben. M Cleriiaml cut lus way cfT-IVc-el dep-iiited at cither of the nbuve j.'.a had surrounded 'ce will receive due attention. ' THOMAS HILL. ! ... .. .. ' ,. r. .1 I ,'.t ' l:ri,l,mrl Al.Til lfi. 1 ! R-- r n Hi. A C 11 I' tr- itti ran riU Wiritii H I'.'t'l ity l,t : ruritc, .pii'U's, miuvkm, M-vthit,f tl.nt ililrii i,f.l.,p, ,!,. by k-l p!. u I,, (J, Aew Walch and Jewelry Store. II. 1. A l' C H 1.1 H. (IlllU.KS IloLCS. IIK under igned, having located in the ! ur- Newii:.:.:f'"'n Ihmhcnrc Qnccmimrc., .Null. rpik fmv, I'liine., Axe. Augers, r-iiiooihing lruiis, i t, T 1 1 . . T - 'P. ,,l. '. 11 MratCutt.-r,. Koiyei A,,rk, F.utrl.er Knive. ,r- W ' -)'tll lC 10 DO censors, ren ninre., Morlyari, lea fed.. -.Imut tho hon.'. Tr.-p-.r l nt r. II irl Hvital lureu,l!.-!i-. I Oftirp, . 77 Fourth Street, lfrnklyj, 1. I). r . .tit i- i'i. eif i n ntwr. Ifli: r l-Ml rr.ine nrucic (Tii.ii', 'iiv-n- X l JJ Ns rjjt f j? . 1 II I . I 1 ' . l a I erel, Palmon, errins nni Colfih. fur sale Xuni7lITp. UUyvt. iToirv. (s.lloi.r ' 1 ,Ll ' l' yAlU ,1!r J,:)""'- i i u-bu v i-n in, . . t . ..... i ; 1 .I, . moil lug our tuvu i'J Buiii'i in in mini uit; is 1)SE.-The bill for Iho enian. could cross ae nver , , . . . . . ! Col. W ebster, iho chief ol tho stall, nr.. cipatton ol iho slaves in tho Iitnct n)ed,.lto!y t into position tho heaviest (Vilunihiu, wliich wo noticed in .iur last as pieces of artillery frowning on the one. huviii'-p.'ts'.fd thu United States Senati, mv's right, while a huge number of bat- also r,as'.Ml the lloiiKP on tho I Ith instant, teries were piainc-i along tne Miureiin i .t . ...i .. i r . i. . liiuier uio w nip auu f pui ui iuu ,iiciiuui trpnie ri"ht from tho river bank northwest to our ex some two and a half teryoflour guns, Waterhouscs batery, and also two ihio butteries, the natnoa of Ahich aro not giren. TI ousands of onrBoldicrs had taken ref uge under the brink of the river, and ut terly refused to light ; in fact, they could not, as tho (il'.ici'rs and men were mixed in inexliici bio confusion. Tho army of We are confident that we cmnot I town or coun- Sign of tho 11 1 G WATCH N P. The cadi will be pu.itively expected when the work is delivered. LA ITIl LIN' d HOLK.-'. Clenrfield, Pa. April 9, 1882. "'I 'lie Union now and Forever.' 1 tremc riirht. wine two and a halt miles i .i,;. .,. .,.pm,.,l mtnlv dolVated (juivdiijii, by a vote ol y?as W-nay.!J ,iatant. At this ii.ncture, the ciit.boats Le.x'mg- all tho Democrats, and all tho represent. i About nn hour before dark a general tor) t ,,j Tyer opeied a tremendous fire o! i I 1 tives from tho border slaveholding States, cannonading v.i openeu ,,,,01, no enemy troui aioii i1 in , .iuu. 11111" 1. 1,11 .1 j 1 jti .ini voting nay. ctasli of nui.-ketty. For ehoi t time the It has thus passed both branches of the ,,,1 replied will, vigor and etrect, but national lg".slature, with tho tanctton of, their return .shots grew loss fwpiont and shot nnd shell upon the enemy and kept it up every half hour. Still Later. Cincinnati, April 12 The Pittsburgh (Tcnir.) correspondent tno ,th.iii vo-thir.N of tho members desf-uctive. while ou.s grew more rapid ; e 1 u.-nurS. ic.in-.; i-orroapuniicni, liifio than ..vo iniri.s 01 um iikuukis c 1 ' ol the (m;i.'i; tho sum ar.d substance ol the Uliil iriiii'.. 3 ','' The gunboats Lexington and Tyler, ! hntllo is, that on Sutid iv we were puslied w,lrt w hicl. l.iy n short distance off. kept roin. ; f"-- " loat c,vi'' diVl)n ICump wo liau, nnu were uriien wi.uut wlicn tlioap. thereof. Should tho President veto .1. :u t., n .i,.Jo-.,i,x ..il'.M.t ,,1 blll'IU 1111 l.HMI 'V l ,n-.(;nniJ.ii..it ......... ,rl(? lny 1.. .. I, C.. .11.. 1... if... ,..lit,,llr.,fi1 1. I... 11 n.. llu, ,l Irnii, 'I'liiu t-t ol' ll',;n lb nil 11, 1 i'j iiiv 1 , - ........ '... . in- niiiii 1,1, un, I - .... ii" ...... .1... .... . . ' - ... r.... 1. r. 1 1, ,i or.,' halt a tiule of the laucl;n VntO Ol tWO.thir". r". '. . I r,.... nf nii.l.t nn.l tin. litnidv arrival and , , .,, ,, , , dusk tho tinnc nan near;y ceased, mm r . ...t... j - - .... - Miould it bt-como a law it will then be oombJatltj rMte(L ,ud ol the gunboats, the tremendous etrorls fair notice to allslavelnlding Mates that ,,lir nion ieited on their arms in the,of our u tillt-r i.sts, and wen. Jluel. s ap- Washington cannot bo the capitol of Meir position thev Ii.mI nt the close of the fight . proach saved us. courtrv W surely no one would e.xpe.t intil the fon-es under Maj. (Jen. Wallace . On MondBy, alter nine Lours hard fight- touitrj, .rti . iHij n o , ,, e.te i . , ,ng slu,,y regam.d what wo had loS r... ffi.i rnri'iULh T 1 1 1 Vft-i rT fi ill'fl 111 Iff m . - . WUW t. i. v. J 0 " - btituentsto coino to the at of their gov r. .t, , in nl Inn.l In f 1 , I P t, II I iin fl I 1. f i-i uii,viii iw .w,.....i.... ii. 4. u .lllll i;. inii, ... ... ....in.... . .... ... , . ,. . , I . I no iowesi estimaies piaco our ines in killed and wounded nt c,00() and in pus oners from 3.000 to 4.000. (Uilv condition upon which they could do r. i,'., i. ..'. , :.,.;,.ri ii... i,m .,T Tho rebel loss in killed and wounded iiciii-1,11 lilllll liui n.j, m i.ti., " I 111 I A lull 1 -v. would ho tho liberation of tho slave opened at davliaht b- Hen. NcUon's (i iv-1 was probably H'.'J '.. in tho St-te, which they assume to rcpr,. the 1..,, and Maj. Gen. Wallace's J " h J' ,ct. What a mockery upon Republic,.,, d.v ision oi the r ght. ' carried to tho rear. Ooi ernment '. . 0',,1,n 8 T? 0l,0Vca1n Thev destroved the heavy supply trains i.iii I. 4-n -rmll.ni.Al.iiIu uliil n il .' n nun 1 t1. . " ..ft .... ..... ..".. . n. .....i.. .-,- . . brOUl! itlllt. -rf " O 4 fairs deprived of ih:sr privileges nnd riihts w is ordered to form cn the left, and the whi. hlheyhoM sacred nt home. The f-H'es uinler Gen. ( Vittctiden was or.lercd ... ..... ... to his support. K'irlv in the r.iorning, 'lHlll'"! HUM I""., l-uaiil.-il u .... I J 1 14 ..i-i... r,..ii'- r i.Ar,, iim ,,.n.;in:!iiii(uy. ot-u division advuncen half a lllll ' l;il. I HI I" I I 3 I .J , l I "... . .u ' . ..... , ,, , sideMii I Savannah now being conveyed U-'-e beyond our oi l camps on Monday the bjttl irround. (inn. Nelson's division I except (.en- Lo.v Wallaces command. latv-Witru thi: War is to Knu. The idly as they fell back. The fire soon be- Harri-Var Telyr.iph of tho 8th instant, camo g.neral along the whole line, and; . , , , ,, began to tell with terrible effect on the ., 7! close, its L-ader ns follows : rc,)pli choral's McClernai.d. Sherman : 1 nt ly, passed tin homo. Froti di..niindiniihat IiaiBivratis party wUiU oi.do ' " " ' . , . ' : .,' ' It , , u . i. would be nbloto Btani a similar siege 7 ! i j r- .t:.u..iiu i,nJ.. " mu iuu ifMauiHL'u oi m; icin-in v nn iiti I Skirlc, Ilalmoriil Skirt. Ilunnets, Kibbiin,KI..w- er, l'luini., llonnet Frame, llnrbe-, I. see, Liaid, l.iudiug, Znphyr, Yarn, Fringe, Trim uiiugs, Ac. .UONNKTS, 1 SHAWLS ' I' It 1 NTS, Dl'OALS, 15 A 'J KG K, 1 OPI.IN. C LOIT1S, TWKK.MS, Ml'LlN, 1. IN KN- (' AKPKT. r. LINKS, II II' 'I MS, S YTIIF-S si i ki:s. .NOTIONS', READ ! 11 EA I) ! ! RE A I) ! ! ! j MOW AND CIIKAl' In Mr linnk. CLOTHING STORE thr Mtin:i')ii House, nppo-tt- the I'm (Shan't Old Stand.) CLEAR FIE LI), PA. KIimO.NS, II A TS, GAPS, W I N K, S A LT, OILS, PAINT LKAI). DltCGS F.t ii ITS, MIOKS. C(ATS, PANTS k-s rs NAILS, FLOWr.U.S, Oil rloth, liui ki'ts, liroonm, 1'inbrelln, Mnk- et. School llin. k. Wall I'aper, Knftirig Hope, Couch Vurnirh, Muf. Curled Hair. Couch Trim j miiigs, Velvet, I'liifh, Cotton, Tape, Coal-Oil, Liuseed-Oil, Sperm-Oii, lilii.-j, Ac. 1 All of which will br sold 01 the Host rcatona 1 bio tcrnn for Ca.li, or approve 1 country pro j duce. ' Clearti.bl. April 9, IsCJ. A liberal di. un, nt 'na.K- 1 1 I"i!t?. Address IVincii.til ( Itlicc. Tri''.. I'.ir.M iii". N". ! Sifti"e St. Nw 'i..-'. R.,1.1 in I'hil.i leli'.'m .y Ir .' Ci. .'.. ' N ,rt i JdSlreetj O. S Until-.-!. 1 1 1 l .'.oi.iil ,-t. aut bv all 'lriig'-it 1) . WILLIAM 15. IlljRDS NKI 'KAIiGIA rr. vs rii:i;s r i. it i 11 1; c 1 r. k ' i 1: v 11 a 1 (. 1 r Tbolhachi! ir..u..; 1 bv rnl.i. Ij t) C A I, X K f K A I. G I A i immodifilfly cure I by their sjiplii u tj.-n. They aol like a ili.irin and aro p. r'rrllv 1.,-irin lr- iu their naliin) ; do not pru lu ;e a hliitcr.auJ le.ive 111 n 11 I ...i 1:1 n t roiuH.. Dr. Wiih.r.. llu id's N.uj;i1aVa t.'ii never fail t" give .atielactii.ti to all who l.,t their virtue. Prrpanni nt Or. 11 urd . llnilil Office, Fourth Slret, I'rooklyn F. 0. I'rico, only l,"i Cents c;n li A liberal ilisriiii.it mii'lo t-i il rule rs. Addrotfs l'rincijitil ()lliff, Trih .. llnil'l int, No. 1, So uce nt . V York. Sold in Philadelphia by Oyot A Co., I.U Nnrth 2.1 ftnet ; O. S Hubbell, I lid Che-iiui ire'-.. Importiuit In'orniation ! J;-y.City llrnnch nf Itciien.'tein I'.ros. No. 116 ! North Third rtreet, l liila l. lphia. I L 0 U d C 0 S ndiatl IJ p C C t 0 V .1 D I . UKST SELFXTF.O STOCK OF READY MADK CI.0 1111X0, And Gentlemen's Furnithing tiooH, thnt ha ev er been exhibited in this borough, and which they will sell 25 per cent cheaper than Clothine; has etfer been sold in this part of the country. Our tock ernbraee. a full and couiplrlr fori ment of all Unrnienti. generally worn. ,. in In up ..f good mnterials, and tu the bet rlyle and wink nmnrhip. A ..ENEItAL AS.SOKTMKXT OF JttyTho legislature adjourned sine dieon ridny last. Ono of our moinbcrs, Doctor 'Hitory illhavtt a future lei.oD to Uach, in ' and Ilulbnrt's men, though terriblv jaded , Early, passed through our town on his ; Violin and Guitar .String, Pistol, Revolver, the nee.ity aud tu. faut that (li. rebellion can from tho previous day's fighting. stiH wflv homo. From his appearance, he! tBl"' N;"r";!c". anu a great many other lancy ai - iinnlhr .nJ (.in.fr itonr.iid b entirnlv . 1.1 . . ti i v UUU,D ",0 1 I """'-, I and uaeful article, too numerous to mention : all only be Una ly and tirovcr 'Pf .'n'ir'y , maintained their honors wonat Doiiclson,' ,,,, u Bi,i ,n a .im;nr siPe8 ! !ri,i, .m ..n .. w.n .. .h. cinthin-.. " r' AT THK LOWEST CASH PHlt'KS. We invite every perton iu need of Clothing, or ... ... .' i, .1 J ,. mil iuu l i:liiuii.u nt ii... ic.ri.., inn llin . , ., ,. , Jlnchannn Us idol and Breekmrldji it. lender. ,;lu;ln(l ,v,irlj,y a better caujp. They i ncxt wllltor "uI1 I'fwrvc his he I.".-, M., il.l: il.a niili'iiT r.iu niiikn thelc l.r.u-ni ..r ,mi annnoli Int cm n n . i Tb n Oorl iir rpi iorts Col. Zoiirlcr unhl own irdruhdioi. vh,n tlv, p.e.et.t a,-at daunted bravery and tho dreadful deso-l he also having passed through the.urt.aco TZu f vkZ Vnd our nrtiiit rj , wuilu wiil0ut ()ie snloll 0f fire upon him. I we aro confident that we can give .atiefartiun o .'nTiK. We art- daily receiving orler tn .r.-l i by iniiil fume one or more of Dr. Iluril' I'ental I Heine. lie, which wecai.not till. None jr. miilt : bio exeept the Neuralgia Plaster, trhieh we ifti.l in an cnvelp on receipt "I lure lb cntij um ( one slump. iui .o BcoiHiuiitiuu. p.-rynns in pin rpilE undesigned rerpectfullvannoauce to the i rM,I."; Ml m ' "H'Ted to Ihe cominunlty cos where the d.iu.gi.-ls nnd storekeeper r. k 1 inhabitants of Clearfield' co'jntv, and the i 4- 1w,th1Jt,,e fo'ihdenco we feel in an article hind the nge, we have put up ptiikage la white public generally, that thev have opened at tho .hlch FC,Ld"m. ra.,1t0 rM"' ,,h" h"I,"crt. "9eCt' "-lb"""!l1 huXi'' kl'vt'n ''-v '"ur- "h co 1 n " . . . . tlinl pii n ha dokirad S n U'ldn U I Tiu ,1 i.f f . . . .. .,,.,,1, I,,,. n..i,.ui..i4.,4 l.,,i.L nf Tip hiiov named place the jl'IST K. I h.M VK AID 'V ....- ..-. ........... ..rjnruunin-iv, . ...u,.. ,- -..,., ... ... . ' .....fill...... ..ml m. i.iiii..r,...H llu, .'ii.... nf il . -ti-. 11 1'. l ..... V. 11 . . L -...1 '. ... i . 4,1.- Ilr,.... . Hri,.,..cr, ...... c .,u...v.v.u.- v........ ... ..a v . I vv, UUIU , .'IW.1H. ' n , .11-, ( ... ... ... II,- -W'., - thnt uluiuil every roction of the country a hound i box of Toot.t, Powder, tho Nemalgia Planter, and with pereons ptiblio'y known, who have been re-' a valuable lillle'trvutisu on Teeth und their torcd by it, use. Hrre i one cne of nn ; eae, the best u. i.nn of preserving llieiu nn.l the A fi T 0 X I S II I N G C I' UK! i proper treatment nt Cbiluren Tceili, "nli cf This mat Crimrv. That my .on lay ,irk for: iuolf tho entire cent to every young mm or wo twelve uionlh. under the Potior', care, with the man, or pireiiH with young hiM.-eii. riili "in If di?e4 of die I.uuge, and every remedy pren rib-1 other neees-icy arlioKs ; pri.' i per pwkiji 0X1'. cd by the Doctor luiled lo give relief. I gave up ( DOLLA It, or six paoknge for he icllnrs, sent by all hi' pe f hi recovery : . did the hyeiciun. j express as directed. A the txpnn charge i At ti.i. singe I prevailed upon Iii.n tn trv a boitlu i not much, if any, more on a doz, n than on one, it of I.nL'DON A I'D K. INDIAN KXI'KCT OK ANT, ; i far cheaper to order ix or a .J.irrii i.atk.gn at nn. I tho re.-ult wm muet happy, u tho ue of.0.,e tune. A Inrge faaily will want nil, or the three bottle, effected a permanent cure, und he i 1 .urplu can be dipoed of to uuighbi ur with now a hearty boy. JAMKS LAYTON. j ml,lic benefit, for an one can estimate h..w rr.urh Perry Townrhip, Indiana Co.. Pa. ' pain, suffering, unhnppine, nnd dUfig' rerant. No Family .huuld bo without it ; and thc ' expense, Ir s of time aud money would be Mved who have used it, never will. I keep all of LOU-1 to the country if every family to day had on. f DUN'S STAXDAItn FAMILY MEOICINKS for tUe' package, which, in itself, is a tompletr l ale. Call and tee the list. I of Denial Item.. lie. Addrc. Wm. 1). ill'RD A. H. SHAW, Shawsville. o. Tribune bail. ling, New York, and ril -Sk-Forfalo by other Merchant in Clearfield name nnd addres. plainly. That remittance. my county. April 1, 'C.'. fun. ! be made w ith confidence, W. II. II. rf- Co. refer U "cTTt?OTX?T7'C C A T Tt i tho .Mayor of Ilrooklyn, to (. (iritlitli, I'reiidiBl bn&Kir J S DAA.B. of the Farnien' and ( itiieii- Hank, llro kha:- BY VIBTl'K of a writ of VtmUlioxi Krp-. t tb Kditor of the Ani'ricnn .Manufact'.re.' '' nn, issued out of tho Court of Common mttoj to Joy, Coe A Co., Publisher' Agent, N. Pleas nf C.ntre county, and to rao directed, York ; Ui P. T. Iininuin, Lsq-, ho knnw i a f."1 will be exposed to public .ale, at tho Court House, tbing when he fees it. and who bar already ert-r-in'the Borough of Beilelonte, on .Monday the 2th ei a ,eCond upply, etc. day of April, A. D. 1 802, tho following discrihed KMIO Aleuts Waiitedi property, o wit: I t introduce Dr. lli.rd'. Dentnl Hemediiiila,T' All the interest of the .aid defendant, Joeph ' rv cuni v. Men or women who waul It ni.se . Lingle, being the vndivided fourth part of all money ouickly, can do bett-r with the rve. urn - , w. ,y ... a rv n v. m ni" -v, ' - r II ; w o- iw, f. mm JW-WVki Vol 11 w u . imi r- Vl-Uiui.U- . Furnishing Goods, Hats & Caps, Travelling D igs, Trimmed Flan ncl and White Shirts?. In hort, everything generally founl in a well as sorted .tore of this kind. We also keep a fine as sortment of Fanry Goods and Notions, Such si Pocket-l-ook, I'ortmonai., I'ocket-knive. Comb, and lJrushe.. n atch Chains and Guard., ., .. . .-4,, i.-ii'iin lirno ,ipri nv nnr Avn.mea i.r nvrip iiirtt mi , on. er ii.w.irt a i. .. - . . ----- wunoui tne smuit oi ine uron mm. . we 1 . swept thctll away like cliall ; but knowing .. 1 tn(lt every person .hall feci inclined to tell hi. d.v is Lko to .nd. Atewdays rl'ov,ous that defeat hero would bo tho deathblow B-Whero was Gen. Banks at the bat-, friend, whore good and cheap clothing can be got. tho T,!:,rrh said that tho war and sla- i? their hcFe., their penerals Mill urged j of Wil)C10KU,r 7 whv wero the rebels I ;r ""''""''"I''rv" , . ,t , ,i,. r nnu t i nUs ttiemon in tne uco oiaesituotion.uppinc, . ' : s.nc .row our own .................. .... w-... eriuusi . flankint? us. to turn the tide of hattleT , Imntled to outnumber the federal for- io rhiladolphia, and .hail, w.y.ne .uppne that the Pemoi: the namo time R: . . . bvAanlcitie us. to turn the tide of battle. . Irmiuea lo outnumber tue leuerai lor .ratio r"Y "l 'ri,4.irauerA.sforatimewascheerinr..s Ferhaps it will 'ihey be it-Gen.Johii Patton will pleaee accept vln m nrivim G,m can inform us - , I I . Ull'lCi J-CiJ. ..-.., e ill. Their saeci'ss for a time was cheerinc.ss fes r f ernaps soma of the repuiUK-an ea- a goon .r,.,y o, .u .... - 7---"-; , l-'ia nun ai,ilot;i4 ' opening their tra Clinton Democrat. iV,., In-T in in ciin rround nn 11 anr.euvr. ltors who abused Patterson, and are now nau .urp-w " -"' our thanks for n copy of Col. Delafiold'i t, k w:tj, u-cnderful rapidity .and at elev Report cf Iho Art of War in Europea r. o'clock Gen. Buell's force had succeed iULo document. booe.t dealing, we hope to merit liberal .hare Sa.The river is again in good rafting ' rubUe eNSTEIN BROS. A CO. 1 1 . 1 . . 4 . ii a taaii e-1 in flanking leew "n1? capturing their oraer mis piace. ( ciearseia, r , apn. , .-.. J. I.iiiL-le that certain tractor portion 01 luna Htuate iu the than anvtbine in market. Thev are nf, township of Knh, in the county of Centre, ted low priced, and we are spendiag thoiif.c ii m the lown.Hpcf Decatur, in the county of Clear- yertiing them for the benefit of sj-eut-i. lloxe field, oontniniag sevenlein hundred and 6ve a. nf .ample, containing a doien of tje one iM ere. and allowance, Uing hold in common with ..ackaire. abov. stiecitied will be sent, on receipt A. fl. Curtin, D. I. I'runer and John N. Hale, all 0f SEVEN I.OLLA US, about ha'f price, to sy or wtiK 1 bounds i J. I.inifie r. - - . . . , . 1 uay, j.-i, .. u ....... , , , - 1857. aad recorded in the oaice for the recordin-r n :......,,. o, lbeine.re " of deeds, Ac, in Centre county, in Mortgage Book flciEN'T SALES MEN.'-"! E, pge 34, tc, the lotoreft aforesaid being eon- I. the lime to go into lnlne. "w fined to the preaii.a. morteaged, with the im- addre.s a nJ references .ee alovo.-t proremenu and appurtenanoei. rjoited, taken vor Jiiat II ill l'fiVIJK'S I) HI ' in execution tad to be sold a.,the property of Jo.. 7',f) R ' . , vv ('lirn-H Pi. J.Liogle. GEORGE ALLXANLER. 'S 1 U " L '"arh 1 ' ' . urtin, B.I. rruner ana John M. llale, all 0f SEVEN I.OLLA US, about ha'f price, to sy ch said premise, are do oilhed by mote. and person wishing to Ut hi. or bor .kill with t 1 in a mortgsfo givon by the Slid J. view of beeomiag an agent. They eau U 'H gieto Wm. H. blair, dated th SeptomU , day, ?.4r We would lather pay .olarlt; tjjw Bsllofonte, April 5ih, 16: It Sheriff. , onv-ri-'fil-ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers