f tip;NH ' I l. "" i I 1 1 " t . ' I i I, I' I r. I ' I i ii i I I ti'il l 1 1 1 . I tl. , ii I t ' I.. ,1 l,n ... . I I . i'. II III- ... I'l l, I U I t "'I I I! . t -. 1 1 '-I ; 'n in I , i,, ,i , !: I hi i'. 1 1 i i ' ti i ii, , i, i, i , li ,1 I !. , ', hi I. m( It.,. ! I tl.,,,. Mm. f. f It (lift I, Mi ! I" l fl lb" i, Mi I n i' i .., , 1 lii -iii i 'it', i ii-" tl.r'n 1 1 1 1 1 - n il In Ii .l Ii, pit nl tin i I., i I I It '" 'II II .'. II lllj.1 tli, l,. I, 11 1,1. I ,. V ii lli ye (A n -iinti x ii -., s ..i! tlm " K n :r'lili ( I llif l .,. li-ii I n i lr " Il ih i ii ,,iv ) fin a mini' 1 1 1 HO (.ft nil' ill. I.l ii I unit-, t l.t"iig'l mi mull l"ini. "ii-ii't I ...1 1 1 r:il n i-ni . ; i t MANCIPATION IN THE DISTRICT '" iii''"H"d i., !i-f: in r,l,..l.-. OF COLUMBIA, riilf iniuiiii', tin io of t lu'ir cui i-iiliir m,. I J ho bill fur lli" riiritii'ii.iilK.u of tin' rui'r, Imhuiisc lin y hiii.n I to In" l"H n 'I I A l.i I II I', ! A Wtdiifvc'Ry Utrninc Arl 0. 1102 i 1 1 I in t .1. t ti i i, h ' !''.) i i'I. 1 1 1 .i i' i t i . i It ," . I i "i.i ('inn' 1 1 )i'it, ii , lf..ltlriHI mtV fl'i ll.-ttll. 'tit llll' It . H t l , r '" I C l' Il l'( f . I 1 . AV ' I i'lt , tn'li ," n ti I " Mill ;!( Il,. fnlll in nn i,'ln lllillll'llt ( t I". llll I" ' I' I l.i pii. limit, B'.'l ! '. i i' in I ,1 in ,r p.,. In, I 1. 1 '(.Intnl. i run I n tim bill pui ll i'iini l in 1 1. j , i t, nn iiuln ttMi'iit rliatj, iujr iiini w illi sliitiilri i ig dm I'.s, Mnr Mini nl' th.! Pit-li-icl, ,. Linn,,,,, 'l lu io itti ncvclii other iiiilirttiir-iiU ...iin(' nptiirl tlti fiiiix? (.Ilcn lcr for similar of- IVlH'lM. t-Jf Hon. I.. YV. Hull, i, ( II,,,, ij,, iT 1'lv lllfl". (if llll" Sllllllp. mill fo..i.'.i from ni.li of tlio border dliive-liohliiip lioU-snU tilnrnmls nti'l tli ..hu e, iKt K.-irly, 7.icjrlr, lm.l T-. of il... i(ni,wiU Stales.) 'I'li.j bill provide for the p.ij only thai all ti tutc n nre ft j mils, lm t t lint i.l,.;,,, ci-f.t our thanks (or iimtinuod ni.'tit of .f.'ii'H n head I 5 the owner of each . the negro (Vlloy, Diimh itml Saiulm- -mo f,lVor, trotn II in i-.l.in. -UHC ril.iitK it ntcil. with rcrtiiin rc.liio- ulno tho cqtuils of CVtM) tlicniM ivc I -Ml '! I Ml ..1 ,,.,(' 1 .1 t u i - ' "I i. I i 1 i l ( ' .i I I r -,. i ( . , i ,t,, u,i u, , t i ,, , , ,. ii. r ! f , I i I I I !.( . .... I ' . 1. ll.lt, t . I . I I I . Iti M .,- I 'i i, I l . I I, ! -I I ' ,i'i ' . ("'I I'll? I'lfl ''I , , I. ' f t '!( it Ml II I, 111 t , ( l. I f .! ... i S I M. i ii . I t 1. 1 I t t I ' II I Mi'l .1 I ' M I t"l I . fl t ' i l '." I ' I ... t.l ! ..' I I) II,, I- ti l I 1. 1 1 1 ( K V i'l,t nn 'I I' W ..,' m, I ImiI ! I: I- I ., . t ..n'h 7 ' ml ,'1,'i t"t. Ii i" I i Mi "I -I ... 1 1, 1 I, K 1 1, (I'll I 'Mr I I i-l. I,. I.. 1 1. t i It Il Ml ' i t .".''I l. ti i I nliili,li,K I '" in re in I I" I,i ti l nil M'. i . h ; I, tut i n In i i,li ii ni, I t.i I , ,11 nn tin' f...it I 1 1...I.I1 Wi!...ti. I v I H'l I I IlKS, Mil. I'I. nrn Id. A t il II, li!.. 1HI Ml M i i . i M 1 1 1 1 t . i it'i.i. 1 1". .'. i i . , .11 IV .' I I ' I !,.. ( ii ! t I ,i , V S (i .1 "I ,' I I ... I l'...li-, 4 III i . . I. ..p.. t ii. !. tin r t . .1 lM . ! i i t. n ii I l. ' I," . Jul ., i I t .in in l norm ii i)S,( ,1,1. V i' i I' I ' 1 f T 1 I t I'll: iin I' M 11,1 l t t Ml t I I II I'l l tr I ! M... . !. 1,1 tl, , I I' I M I. I. .. .,. I I I I'I' , r-, , -i ii... ii .,1. -i!:i 1 M II. t IV III I I I I I t'n.itiil M 'i k I il" t III Niitn. ill . i.cll I iltii'ti Mill II, IIAt'nN, I 1 : 1 1 : 1 rHACIIV", tir'n I I'h,. It Al i i-, .t. nl KIIATZI.ItS'. Inns in (lie 1'islricl ff Co!iitnl,m pasM-il P" l!,r " r""ti ' lln' Atlntitic. Noi iIil- l. S. :'( nntp rn 1 lie .1,1 iuMiitit, l.y n ,l10;" '''"'"t" 'I finialiin am mi cil. i'lly vnlr.f rtis Vli - (nil K niljl.turjM ) ti n lioriificl at nvrct 0'':ini. -tt ion., nn.l n 14 -lu'.l Iho O.inniMiUi ntid tlif Sriintnrn clailirnl ion of raci',l lint tlify linve I in M '1 lioric, nti'l i-'jroriU,!i ? lun.uO to uf ls N'oiv, all that e reuiri ol those fain- iho roloiiization of nueh as nro w illing to I"'- -who tlaini to lo (ho 'iearncil'' iin.l l.-nvc the oomitry. (''exni ioiiecil" of the Ian J U. tint tl cy If Mr. SumtHT, nti'l Si Alwliiiuii ertw, make the first 'iiutical ili'tnoi-strnlion nl were honestly in favor of the resolution : their theory l.y associating, IVnli rni'.fg of the Union, ooinrnon jirmleneo woulil ainl inialgRinntin wilh their eSony 1. reth I oi bid their enactment of tuch a tneiiture ' ren. itinny !, after nil, only u matter !'..':.' t'.f-f.no matter lion tiure and of t.ute. We, however, are ineredulou.s, ' Tim 1. tAtiii.it Tram:. The river frond lunning eondilion fiotn hi ilny unlil vetrr lav. ami i'l.nifU, April it, lil.'. .r: :tv''!P,.r.p.: !ir tir i''.y.7' llll: iiiiil ri'iii ', lm. in; tnki'ii i Inn gn nf tlm wi.ll kimiMi M'lrri.iluli. llniiip, nt Murrimliili", t Icntlit l.l iminly, r.'.'( tl'ully licit it uliuro nf (nililir nlrimin.'ii. No iiiin "r iApcno will tm fniriil to ri-n.l.'T jr m t Cdiiiruitnlilr. t'liuriii tn nut (lm liiiii'n. April, , lui;'.- y. (iKO. It 1 0 1 1 A It I S . " iNKXT Tl) A .MIKAC1.K! Ante n fi oliiDg- IIOHN nnvor drcnini'il nl l.y M.in, imr wIiih- t imroil Ii v Amii:i.. 1 i 0 tllltl.i lll'll. Illti ti 'l Uli'l )..' Imli'i' I : i .'ii I"' ";.' i'V Imi.ii.i; ; "I, '.is 1? I," 1 7 Ml 'ii, 'til, mli, I'M)..1 .'Af li. tilt MI AM, Ciiflii. r. rl.nrfl... fit., April l. Im.. Vl'n'li irnpply nl Hi I.S iirrnnti'il nnticx jilmivi' f ir miliU vcrv Inw prii'c. t. v l 1'. I.17.WKII.i;i. Miircli :ft, l"ii:'. ' .t i. i. ,i ""' 't h.i, I A It i ri IMIK.S tllMIH.s, H..R., toil Willi mil. u K,t ,, t, I J rmc, Jiki ri'cvreil mi, I now (ih'iiiiik, itml arc a. it limit ,.inr;( iiiu... ,;,i..,,...ii ,. list I hill-"" I.'vrrv nwilnp .if n tinrn mnvl ., il Mum i.l I. i ., .....l.. ..ii .1 . ui.;.,i . i.'......u.. i.. i . : ... -i . .. ' lll'.ll ,v II I i lliL' "iii'ii ( ..no i.iniiii-i ill nurriril in F'l Pll('rl It hitnl-er U no v nt or on tlm ivav torriuket " r,lllinlll.v 0,l.v ,' i"-""""l ly lu"-"' h inirHclo. It Ihonmclilv eratlieiiteit tlio I'lVui'ts Ni lar ih heanl (l orn Iho liricoi mm excel fnm lliu fy.tctn in from' 12 to 21 limir., k Unit lent. ''Ur horn-, n miff to ilny Hint yoif ciinint (ji't liiin nut of iho Kliililo, liv ln-iiiiirrow in ri'iulv to u-!).. I'lte small iiox is now i.rpvnilinc at lHh9 l,l'", -'r . . " nVf r ilri'iiincil nf it, nml it titlcroil fur fitlu nl "mull prulit, 1. v n. f. r.T'.NVi:n,i:it. Mitrch L'lt, lsif.. ' I "',! Mi' II H I I, i i ,n' 1 1. 1. 1 .i. ii, ; i, j. , , , , , "' ""' " E "' I " 'II' 1 t I' II 1 ill , ,,, ,, , V I.I.I I'I I Alii In lilt I, ii li,id. It . t it i tit i.r UI Nil i, I. Ml I Ml V ,,,, ,. A I' All I'KI.MI, III 1.1 I .1 In, , ,,, , ( (Mllllll t llll', lil.il i. I I , I n,, ti t.y fviiy .h t mi inn ktnlir h lit'l II I, I' .111.1,1 r.AH ii:'i..ui i un if.u. i' fr wl.i. It il .tc i , . Dr. Win. 15. llunrsMntuh . can In' pi'Miiii'l. Jinny pi I r, iif i n r i i v hi, i , , n Krciui v tn ttip iui.. i, i,, ,. i,,, , , .,, . .. n uii I., il, v 1 1 i, ,. ; fit li- i.l 1 1, i' ,,.. I,. viiiii-mvi irnni till t. nr- r .'pr.r.lmir in, I'SK Mr. WM. lll'lv'MS Mnr ni w I ll'lilillhl ' "f t Ii c llii'lltli in i. I llllll, ' til.. " ll'lllt. ill 1 1) l"i"l. l' te small iiox i now ..rnvniliiK. ut lh I"" I'Iiipo in th" tfiim. J lie best fiirrier t.i" e. no matter liou tiure ami ot l.ule. e, However, are aieroiluiou.s, iinrriMHir" to tin e.Mi iil iiy no mentis disinterested their desire to iironi'.le th . ami demand that ;he ;;i,-r jiruetteo ami n'eeahli') to tho citizens of thai jilaeo i. lfure of the negro. It is taking ndvnti-'illustrate his theory he fore we a ill iehl j la-oof the iil.neo Irom Congress ol ll:o , tm' I'oint. .London Tim,: wan peremplorilv forhid : mMnnishpn evorvlirtlv. It in ni'illit.r Minrrul nnr Vraetabte, nur nnt roiiipouml of ii.iiii'm in vent ton ; liut in nivon oinip. 1 ly Nitliiro proilncfH it in lii.1 drink, antlonlf Df.:l;ulst'l, tlio corresiiondent of the V"1'"- . Ko dr'"l',''I1i;- Tho rem dy id silent in .(liiiiii, i.iui i-iiiitiui j'ruuuco any liijiiriiniis t'l IVot. Cti"t niitliiiiir. Kxi.sts rvarvwliero it ml runt to tlio end of tiniu. There in no liiUent ' liiimtnn; putt, nor etiteli pennv lti"tiiets uliout thin, 1 1,111 lln. tin il, I.. (Mill. 1, I,- .ii,,,l ii. ,u ,,,,., UlecJatg Kansas" controversy. They foay'Tho itroposed lax on Anthraeito ,ha,, .;,.), n wm , One' Hullnr, with .'.oni is l.j eeiils per ton ntui on lntumitl- their mime nnd mUlresf, I will promplly inform, io a reeot.oiliation on their part, were te, j Constitution without ii,l,mittii iL to ' ou "eM""''111 ' !l l l"'1' vlu.... what the remedy i Twue .... ... . . , I " ... , iiiui.ii.il ui iiinney reiurni'ti in cuso ol lauure IllOVC'd, this WOald llO ft Ur CM Ot no tri tho people. 1 nal .Thn AholilioniOs urn n nrMl Iwhiel, ii imon-.i!.!,. I 4,1,1,.,... rejircsentatives ol the co-ordinate Stutoi, iiose pvoplo are particularly iutflresltd in this ennettiH lit, in ease the Union shall i.eresto:cu; onu it uu existing uniiciiuiet, ,, ;. , K,.m,.nism ,..,,,,,, DJ.The Aholitionists had great reHjieet ll'.'l";"Vi" the Utuon for.. into Vir .... .1 .1.. . I-'""11' 11"" olhcr day I 'J I l ll'lll I l llU J " W j ' 1 l( 1 1 I I 1 1 lill , 0 i'.i ri n I I Hi l.i I luna it tint t Imfufniii i If .. . I .. .!.,......, 1 I 4 ... 1 .. .. ' xetv,, Ia I I, I. ....iw, it..,.. t. 1. ....... t,. I 1 1 ii iiKipiiuu'iv. j V'- j v H w i,, .. ... , v ... , i 1 (Li l ill' lllUllpl'U . V ,' V U il V ll, i V iv- i u in I'Miiui; UliUl i iiu iUUUrll.1 .fToid conclusive Proof, that those who. when the. Lill to abolish sl.iverv in tho "ol't lo '''- T1- n no sooner pet out ofj April 9, '82. pd-lm J. I). FlilSTOK, Hebron, Ohio. li. p.t I .... ; .i .. advocate the adoption ol 'this measure Miiet of Columbia was brought up in 'ZiZZrT """i ' SP1U X(i (JOODS 1 ' :ot destro ft restoration ol tho I nton an t : the Senate, Mr. Willey of Virginia, moved ((-d there eotnitrv into n civil war ami now , " 1 iJ X tt.-J It is believed that it will pa-s the to o auietid the bill ns lo tillow the peo- that we rue in a'fair way of fighting nut of 1 y f flfg ftfrf PriCCS iiouse witnoui mauu iai cmitige ; iinu should it then ruccive the approvid of the Freiident about whic'i there nro some reasons for doubt wo will have the offi cial declaration of tho law ir.aking power of our Government that the nst ration rj tic Vnlon is not so much desired as thcc:nvvi- I . I . i . 1. T' . . . .... . . . ' t f t h ne IV!, ti I t r, in ft 1.-.. tun 1 1 ,n'tf er.M;ii l,n iiuuiiiieoi iiie 1.1 sir cl u vote upon tie phi.."' j " - " j -w .... t.... ..... : .. t . . . . .1,.1.. .ii .i. 1 ' i i . ivritiiT inn. inn receive'! a ccnerai ui- Ul'L II MIL II. IT ill! Lll.T 1 1 I L L I 1 H .11, 1 I I I . ! .11 II - .. . ' . ject, llul tho wholo Abolition clan nn- tha whole North w ith millions of w irth- 1'ose.d and defeated il, and at oneo passed i less blacks, to eat our fiibstanee, throw, unrtnient (' Snrini; and Sutniinr J)UY (JOODS. the bill w ithout having any respect for our white mechanics out of employment, I Deliunes, Cu.ilnntirDf, lle..,Muriiios. Alpiiccoa, the rights or protierty of these people j arui 1111 Cl"' lVni'.enliariee and I'nor IIous- j f'"1'' c,;!urB"., ;u.hnin., lUc1,, I'l.intz, .' - . --- 1 ' 'es. Kverv nihcul of thom MiouU 1m? bhut Mu'"'. Cloths fiiMiineren. Twoed.., St- i, i limn i, iuniiig, iiineiif, until, LioaKf, 'CL O THING. "ell riit itirfttfpMiinte (x lliu jlUVUlWlllUIIW. I Over Cut., lire.,. Ci.nt1.,Uuinet. Conty.lYnts, - - - i tcH,MunlH, Iml'.'r Mnrts, UrnwerK. Nf-Iftii'i.. f.-'ll I l'HII '. rriiiut article PI1AI), MACK- Finn I.inen Shirt, Hvrcu Colurn, Chuktr. Cm- 1 , C .1.. . I, ...... . . .1 ... ... ' ' M. I(.e ToituERV. The Kepublictin panels up it) a dungeon. Futm Ayi lare titililishiriL' extracts 1'iom nn idmlit ieii . I-ttwi " the sktc.-t ; that the adjustmetit ol pamphlet, which they rrpi-.-ent to be the our national dilliculties, .ind the restora ' rroductiou of (.iovci tior Sprague.nf KhoiU; tion of those fraternal relations that once IIajiU in which the wort kin-l of aboli- ; lion ser.timonls are avowed. iin? is a siiamelebs fraud. Tho Providence Pwt, some two weeks ago, by Authority of fiov. Sprague, bianded it as a jor;cry, declaring existed between these now dissevered and belligerent States, is a matter of ncconda ry consideration with the whole llrpubli sail party, If thin scheme shall be consummated, no sophistry can put any other iuterpro tation upon it; and the people, will at once be brou -Lt face to face with that nl" ternative m often hinted at, ami berom.i- ,mnl r0(,,;iv,.s ,V(on, ' , ., , press and pat ty in return forth.) impor- red to Fay whether or not they w ill sustrun , Ullt ,, ,lrtlriotic g(,rvi(.os ilfi n.n,!(.,.(.,l wie Aimiris:rauon in ns '. uoris m give ' tii : oountry and Uin uov.m miiont. .Sicii AS)!. crt ul I,,,,., .. . I,, tl,,, ........r,,; l,.,,,l,l, I.;. I. :.. ' "'"" : " ' "'' untetcl . not niiliiiiienily ten- nt!y in piiit,.., tiu, wntit ol proper nttrii'i .1 In ii!k nil j,.,., - rsh mi;. Wm. iiritMsMtn ni wash i : rri'iutred ut Ir. Ilnrd's lieiitnl i'H'ui', y -7 'Fourth Street, Hruoklyn, K4 l. j : 01 r .. . - i,. t. ... xiic 01 tuns rtr liOtUe A libenil ili'ri.iiiit riimti' tJ' tlenl..-. AntUil'S.; I K INt. l'AI, (1KK11 ... T", ' vp IU'll.JUNiiS, N...I, , , .a i L.'T. XE ' $y Sold in I'Mlatielph in ly I v . . t ,t ( ,1., L':f. N'r, ... riu-i'i . v. IllllJT-rll, 1 llll lm 1111 I Iiy ull I'riii.wl. ut Mreet, )R. WliJJAM H. IH'lJlVK j tooth row I) Ell I Tlii." p.nTiter j -jerw . Il, , ('AUIfIC WJ-J lul ,"'.' J Y.irrr , 1 VVV i.71 I UUU, U, , fr;e from ni IU.U, (,r niuiit .thut en 0 Will uii,o llnlr tu Grow on P11I1I Ileuils : w ill 1 tie left injure the tuetli. Jtv.torv tj rey or Dcuped Hair to it's ' Its jii'litiij btin entirely Micoljnijii'al- t1 i. h OUKIIXAL CONDITION AND Col.ol! ; l"B "r"' ""Vj""' " "",n,eL . . ui. v in. nuru.s looui I'owdor in ree.'tiiini'iiileil l.y all j;,:, ment Ilentistr. Pre piired nt I'r. Ilurd'n Di'iital olliiv. 77 f ourilt IMreut Ilrn.iklvii, K, . Trice 'J5 Cents per Box. A ll'ieral iliin-ou.it inn lo to diM'er. Address J'riiu.-ijial Ulice, Trihtiim lliiildini,'s, N'u.l Sprue.' St. Vork. cr. l, Salmon, Herring nui Codtirh. for iulo vnts, ilnl.-, Cin.f, Fine Cuif lioots. Jlmivv Kin at Kit ATZEH.S'. Uouts, Shuen. Cli'.irfiell, Tn., April 9, 1812. , 7S t ! I U U 0 Ji - i Sew M'alrli and Jewelrv Store. ...t"n,'f.' T",S'..M"I""'. . ci-ndi.-., freedotii to four uiliiotis of neproes will-fiiiiinlol KoiioC it..,. ;r .i.i, 1..11 Is11 ... . , v. , , . .... I, . I I II m Ulli J nun , , ... , , 1 ,1 r, . . . , ; '01 t-i 111.111 MK ieiv nun 111 oniv tor uie as R.h ho ) resident :n it- prccnt sl.aj.e, ! sedation of lho;e negroes for whom they iiu itn. eMiiieuisn u uv Hie exercise o t hn.seeni iiuximik ,1 om I 1 m ...,!( ... - - - v.... mv "V.l.i.v that ho was neither the author of the rile thins nor the endorser of its destructive ... i l l'mr, Kiichi, Syrup, Cundie. Hico Spiee.. F.s. doctrines. Yet those pape.S. knowing (, " , , . "MB,,.. .. tone,. l.u.vem.'a Snpar. Iilk Tea. Starch, thi fact, continue to remescnt it as his 1 T ' T ""r T' Ut?WW , ' Fi h' ' fcuU,r",u'' ( r"ckw' " ,nc' , iiii . . I dL ""(-'h "I ( leiirrield, (in the iilinp fonnerlv oc-, 1 I'11- productHin and o declare its atrocious , w,.ch. dee'd, M Jewelry !.,.,..) 1 1 m il ,r rr Ourninrnrr sentiments to be his! Such is the treat- nre n-et,i-..d tu do all work in their line uf Inm- J 1 111 11 11 u L M KZ lllLllb ICUI L. He-. mi the shortest uotiee, H.id on the most reny- ! Nails. Ppikes, Forlm, Ppinlvs, Shovel., Seythi, onublo ti'iins. We lire eoulident thnt we ennnot 5:iws, I'limes, A.ej, Anders, Smoothing Irons, be excelled l,y any workmen in the townorcoun- ' Ment Cuttrr. Knive' A i'orlc, Huteber Knive.. ty. Ju;'. gin in. n lair trial. Sign of tlm ' Scinmr.., Fin Knivei", tflei'lvurds, Ten Setts, Hid WATCH. iTureenM'ithes. X. H.-The enhli will be poMtivtly expected ! X .O-f ' W ?Ci f U'hn ll. M,..!. ...i-i..---. , V..U:-11 . . j. , ........, .U... ,, (i.,i ., Ir.... Skirts, Ibilmonil Skirt-. Uoiinet., llibbons.Flow- lers, I'I il 111.:.-. lion.iet Frumpf, Hnches, I.nce, ,jtrai'l, liiuJiug, Zephyr, Y.irn, Fringe, Trim- HONNKTS, Will prevent the Hair from Fiilliir; OfT, mid pro mole a New it 11 '1 lleiilthy (Irowth ; completely iTudieatcf Iiitn lrnt! . will prevent mid lire Nerviiun lleiidiiche will give to the Hair a Clenn, lilnpsy Ap peiniince, und is a Certain Cure fur all Iiiseiies u f the II 0 11 d. Price, 7"i Cents ; three IJottles for 8-.'b For S.dr at II A UTS WICK'S Ml I 'G STO HE, Market St., Vlcarjhll, '..j Il ii" 11 perfect nnd complete, ilresaii.g fur the i Hair. Itend the follow in t..tiiirniiaU. ( I'. S. M misiial's Oi l ICK. New York. Nov. (1, 1st' 1. j W.M. t.HAY. V.". Il iar Sir Two m. nth h.i my head wit iiNn.tt entirely tml-l and the little. I.i.ir 1 titi.l t...- nil urni nn.) fiitlir.,' mil tt'l'V fnyt until I feared I fhould loo all, 1 commenced ' prediu e'l by e.p..ed ncrvi K, Sold in l'iiiiiideli.bia by 2J stieet : U S. iiiilji.eli. nnd by all l)rupits. t ,f- C, Nnrtlt 1 Hi) Chesnnt utruvl, . WILLIAM . llliliDS TOtlTHACllH Midi's. Pull 'I'll t: .' I It "V T O T 11 A U Jl li . ' is their "ui-regai d of pirty.'' Shamo on ; ii. t'.n 111 ncr . ut. I.Al'CIIMN ,t HOLES!. Clenrfield, Pa. April 3, Isfii. nC tt I 1 1 r I ln.-rt trf 1 .. r. . . u 1 v ,,v v 1 iiv vuiuii nun ai 11 1 on lei. vet: power, and thus avert the direst cab ;tlie RuoIe white race. Hut the ne-toes ... 1 1 y 1 . ..." amity that can befall our country Ha is1"1 ' . " OI,I"ZO" uml l.y c,m bom 1! to .1 1 1 ,. 11,1 . ,1. , itnet '.Mill them. So says the New Hamp bouti.i to do to l.y all the ties th.it oti'-hf ' i.:r.. .,;. .,.,.,,,: ..,;;..., 1 to conlrol the aclions of a patriot. Axointn Ilmun in Thouue. The Iellelonto Wulclimi: of the 3d inst , con tains tho following item : feiY-W. Hhown, F-yp, late Count v ircnstirer 01 uus county, whs arrestee last 1 Ni:V AND CHEAP CLOTHING STORE oppo'it: ttc Bank, JIo ' .'.! ) f 7' A lit t IfV A Ti I It PnOFKSSION- TS. PllUT.cn . -Tlto Cl.i,.,ftl ' Convention, which nomiiiated I.incoTn and Hanilin, made j'liH.form with 011 Iv ono jjooil plank in it. This was tho sixth j resolution, condemning extravnjraiiee and j I.U 1 LI I lllJII. IVI.If'll 14 ii.ir 1,1st ,. . t.,,. I. ' . .. .r , ,1 ' . . 1 ... " 1 i", V 1 miic .ujimvii j louse, 10 t 11! Dles.'llt A ll lllllllut rill inn n I i ., ,, I ' week. 11a ilefaultcr to t lie State in the sum ! favor of economv. These wern !.. I'lif 1. (Shuw's Old Stand. ) of ,?fUUU, and is now in jnil al this place, j I' KSSIONS of the Republican party . If 1 i-iiiiipi IA . Vi'e may have nioio to say upon this t,ub. ' Now what is the mACI'ICX. I U 1 1 Yi A V IVjIA ), I j, iw.t .in v I ii-..., L I I .1 I 1 ... 1 .... ..1. 1 : 11 ... t .' . . . . . I 7 ....vn. iv ni.s us ui. pleasure j.,ti-i, imuii, utiiu wHsticioru the C N in i-iiiui.icio uie i.tci, dih our duty as d i innate, proposing to reiluco the sal iries of putitic journalist demands it. ollici rs civil and military. Thi- is emi.. Many of our citizens will remember the I l,0,ltly proper in these expensive and speech this wno Brown delivered in this I ! 8 lli1",s' ' "e vcte on the resolu- , . V, , Ition was a tie, when VICK I'li MSI DKN T place in tho campaign oflS.Vl. U0 was KAMI. IN ,avo the easting ve ,1;:'us, then not as other men, but vainly boasted ;. the bill and defeated its pais.ign. in that very speech that he was one of a no, ,r, IK "lCI'.' ..... ............. ii.li, 1:0 a j ,i';l K t.iod 3 noblest work? an honei-t man. And among other flings, in speaking of tho probability of war between the North and tho South, he thought it was unwon thy of serious consideration, at ,,.iaviiivi men ami one old roo Koultl ho force enough to contjuer Virginia." Alas, poor Prown ! 'Tpon tlio stability of the Republican orgiini utiou in a political clement, reeti the rt rrnt safety and future jteuce nnd procperity ol the A merioun 1'uioii. Vo .iiu.-t tiiaintnin the organization of tho liepublicun party because it ii idonticnl with the prejervuliuii andpr oFjieri ly of tho I'niun.'' J-'We may not exactly understand what our conlempotary means by "peace and prosperity." In view ol the. many iai contracts ana ug ctlices we hear so ' hang a traitor with his own hands. Let much about, theto may bo un honest dif- h i tn come down to our ollbo, nnd we'll lurence of opinion on Ibis point. liut we Piv0J,l!ni ft billing to buy a rope since . . j- i . ii i l- C the Ti dune is so tioor nml then he mav hope the IOid vvill rlehver us from a eon-1 1,,,, i ',i i . !., ,, , I hang himscll to the nearest lamp pool, tinuation of such "peace and "preserva- nn, tl, js nt once satisfy his desire to l,ani lion" as thu country is now ntllicted with. 'a traitor, nnd greatly gratify the loyal pub The people every man cf them have ''c H,r"'-l- hadriuito enough to satisfy thorn for n fi-j-Yo respect undTctienito the pulpit wholo generation. I and the true minister of Cod within their i ,""" ,. , . , . I proper sphere. Hut we do not hesitate fif-.Tohn bell and Andrew hiving, of l0 express our conviction that at this mo- leiiiK'ssee, r.ro making speecties in All-j ment I tie pulpit, in (lie oeeupar.cv of Latiiu, retfomr.u'iiding the massing (ho And In a recent speech Mr. Roll said : i tho.o deeds nnd practioes wijich have "The people of Middle Tennessee ure nforl the rupture of our onco happy not Bubmissioniptr, and although they j fnion. -RJt. Sun. may be cotupcllcl to keep qtuet for a Having now obtained Vl,hold while, yet the lame of Southern Hdepen- . ftnnMiMwe 1 10 end our p dence htciddy burning, and so soot, as .. ... ft ' 0iW ,n of lectures hein ' deliveu'd in various t,la ces by what they term Abolition Rever ends. Why call them Heverends ? You might as well talk about reverend Infidels, a reverend II ighwaynian, or a reverend straw ha(, linen pants, scotch ale contract thief. We should have more respect for the niinisteiial profession, than to attach their title to ovary emissary of the Devil that oceks to work the ruin of the country under the covering of Christianity. It is about titno these disunion leetuien were called by their right names. Xortfotml'Cd i:t)iocrat. Poor GiiKKi.r.Y I'i.avim; Jacoimx. Poor, old silly Greeley cries out for a traitor, weeps salt teais for a traitor, howls like ;. hyena for a traitor, shouts tor nil the uni verse to brirg h i .11 a traitor? Why, lirec- ley wants to lie bloodthirsty lie wants to lfcCity Ilrnnch of Rfi7.tnsteiii Urns. No. 12S North Third street, l'liiladelphiii. rpiIK under.i;ne,l respectfully annminre to tho I itihabitnnts of Clearfield co-jntv. nml the piioiic generally, inni tney RIHIiONS, I SHAWLS HATS', pi: I NTS, CAPS, ' DUCAI.S, WINK, 11 A KEG K, SALT, niPLIN, OILS, ; : I.( Ml IS, PAINT j TWEEDS, LEAD. MCSLIN, DRUGS ! LINENS, I'.OOTS, CAIil'KT, SHOES, BLINDS, ("OATS, ISROnMS, PANTS SVTHKS, VESTS SlIKES NAILS, NOTIONS, FLOWEKS, Oil cloth, liurkt't. I'.rooins, I'mlirellas, llnsk tl-:n vour Imr .i toroiiiv. mni it iininuaiiiieiv j stopped til o htiir Tallin;; oil, nnd toon reflorvil the eonir, nml niter u-'ing iwn oouies my nea i i roin pletely covered villi it henlthy srotn.ii f ! '.';r. and ot the snsie color il .m in etn ly inaiihu i'l. I tako rent pleasure ill reeniiiuietidiii).' your t s cellent Jhtir .'-. .ii'it', and juu limy ti.o rei. r tiny tl., h'. tin? perftni to me. IlOlllillT Mritl'.AY. V. S. Mur-iial, Hculhern I'if-tri'-t, New Yoili. .Manuractiireil nnd soM by tbe pr" tietor. (Win., (: cy ) '1'rem.Jiit, Vt'.telicter Co. '. Y. A'h j f.a .ale bv nil driii(;i-t. j. lllK K. I'I UIIC'K, GiTPI'itl Arnt, No. i'i.'i Un a lway, N. Y. I N'. It. IiruL'ist or others tendirig nh order.-1 tor i tie iH'siorniiv. win i,o suppuoa with eii'M'. lars eoiitaitiin r.'r'il'n nt.' from people of Ije liihiit rtfjivcubilily, fj'Jinall pnrtx of the coun try. March 11), 1?C2. 1 y. II is particularly adapted to all cues if -U,j. til ell urilietcd with T O O T H A (' II K . , r.tiLr.ti r..-'.i"''.i iLi'in-okc of tt.ut i;(. ' !i ..'.'iu en' i" " ' e;" 'fl ;.v iai ss ii l- v. v. r . land their children from ;:"-i..t mllVrii,., I.y ' keepimr n b i'.'le of ! nr. iiu!:d s tootiiachi: dl-ops abimt tho !i,".ise. rrej.u.'eil ul !r. liar. IV I .. r, - 'nl ijrlice, Nti. 77 1'.. urlli '.reet, lirnoklvn, t. Ii. I'ncc, only 1 1 (. jut l)t A ill 'ill .1.. .'oll.lt m nil- to 'lea fig. J A.l.hv-ss l'rinci.:.! Olliiv, Tr.'... I'.uiW ! No. I, Spnt.'u St. New York I Hold in I'liilfidi Ipnia dy Iiy l .V I .., Ni.rtli LM street ; '). 1 1 ul.liell, 1IHI l iieMiut lr...i, und by ull drnj-jisti. WILLIAM H. IIUKK: :i;rRA,t;! v i'lastkiis. v o p. t it i. : t; v. r. r I) U A B A. or Tootha.-h pp, J; O C A I. ln"0 1 'iv c ild . N K U li A L (i J A (JI.OUIOUS ni:vs ! THE V-'tH'TII EVACUATING TII Ell;! SI'IMNG HOLDS! i Nil nhilc thev :rre doing so, 1 have 'Kteraiin-! i e.l to EI1L UP THE SHELVES I And try bow it would feci tn i "6f it a I one ?' I My friend. , nnd the public generallv, nre there fore informed tlmt if they nre in want of H KH t...s in ilieir tisturo : d i not produeo a 1 tannic nt low rates tor t,ft.i or I ountry 1'ro- Ivave no uiiiile iMiit rculs. duce, thev miift not tail ti e,tl at ' J),. Vm.. llfd's N en r:i b '' II Wasters j never fail t" give. Kiti.-I'ci'tio'i li it I i who Uft At the rM ftinid ol Moort) A Ktzneiler, on Second ,' ,'" 'r vi!tl"'- -'r.-pared Dr. Ilnid's l.tmtul t-treet, ( leailield, 1'n. Mar. I!', X2. I offi-'e- -;""rl1' IrooUwi h. IK j flee, oniv i,i i ci i is e:t ; ;,..,.. I. I,. .,,,,..1 ).,.. i. .,i; ...,:... I ... , .v .... .. ,,.,,.. .., ! i'hev n''t like h chnrin ui i! nr-.' in r i ciiv hiir.ii- ,ini I rsi m a reni ,i ; .r.,t i;.,.,,,.i ..... i.. i,. i. -...-. ,.. t;.,),.. 1.....1, . ll'.. I I 11 . 1, .. r. : I. a m a H U i H H h m . tit I!"'(r KXTKXMVE am. MTnrK, MAIXK STR K ET t l It W V. N S V UA K, I'A.. Ad Iross lVin.-ul ( lilice, Tr: dp i nv' i t'tiP s, o lmi"f' Vtlv"1' 1luf1'' ('"""u' Titpe, Coal-oil, WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. in.-, N-. I, nu:e st. N. Tork. KhAUl' .MADI LLOIHINC., ''"-fl Oil. Pporm-Oil. (iin.-, Ac. riHIIS luit eslabli.-hia nut well known I10-j Sold in Philadelphia by Hy.tt .t fo., L'.:2 North ,,,, . . , . , , All of whieh will be sold on tlio n.nst reiiHonii- I '1 KI,, f ilunled in lb we.-t end of the tow n, :'d stri et ; U. 8 ii ib'ieil, lill) CheMinl Mrirt, ;.r l lT t Ur ''l'r hU U'r",s for Cusb' "r "I'I'rovcd country pro- M7 been remodiiled. fnlarPed nod improved. an,l!Bnd by al. Irr.'K'-t- er beiu xhiliited in this boroueb, and h el. ,!,,. ' .. . . ,, . ... t.; n' , ;, ,. . , - . ii urni ru i.ir ri'.iui' u v ni i iii net's 10 mi on- , oti . i ti ire nai v r cceiT I tr or-t ti to ifti.i thev will sell 25 per cent cheaper than Clothin? has ever been sold in this part of the country. Our ttnek embraces u full and complete assort ment of ull liarments peiivmlly worn, made tip of Rood miiterial., nml in tlm best etyle nnd work manship. A (iEXEKAL ASPOKT.MKNT OF Clearfinbl, April 0, IS 62. uieroti. friend-' travelling public, tlmt by ir.n l .- S( IIOOI, TI' ( II I'ltS or CI I'l rt VI V1 I ' '"'' B(,w" P1 "I""0'' ii,-coiiiiuodate ull who limy j Heme die?, w hieh wo cacnot fill. None nr mails rrirvTv. n'-i k ' . v . '" ,1 fuvor h i m wi ill a rail. ! ble except tho N'euriil"in I'latlv r, wl:!. h we nnl ,;"r be louii.ySiipcr,,, (endentcon-, Am , fuf, UI1C r0;!llr!U" ..tabling i at-' in an crvclojio on receipt of Pi ice ! 1 "i en- nml npla e.openir.t; a. Institute for the improve. j , , ;j?, m, tr,l!i!v aUen.li.nt ' one Mamp. l!,.t to H,-ci,noda.e rs,s : rl. nento tiacliersii. tho lt mchod. of p ,-IJ? , M , h , , n,;!or..t... oes w be.e li.e dn-.'i;,. , . .,d ..orekcep, !.- Furnisliing Ooods, Hats &Cnps, Travelling ,iirS, Trimmed Flan, ncl nnd White Shirts. , In nbort, everything generally foun 1 in a well a- i forled store of thin kind. We ulso keep a One a- ' sortment of Faucy Goods and Notions, i.,ui....: :.. ii . . l r i . t ui uiwb ut1 un iuu'1. v iitiriTi'ii ui 1 ; ' ii' ' t-v w lie. . i:. i: unn ' 1:1. t tint piii fK'.-c our eommtm .school. - - - 1'eb. 12, 1S5L. -tr. , tue -, wo l.a v. -nt up ,.cknr , . 1" If thirty teachers Ipnifv.l.y letter or otherwise, ' IT-X I XT TOU'S XOTI I'K. -Notice i, here-! '1"1--'" "'"- f""; . on or before the Kith if .Mav next, their w iling , b by given thnt t.e.ier Tes.uincntary. on the Prtme--e.-h b.jx cmitini.-K a b ,l , J,. nest, to nttenil tb, .aid Institute, tl.-n the fame ; e.tMo of Tm.M.ts Coll., n late of tho ttmn.-hip , ..oti. ,,nw.u; w ill lie opened in Curwensv. le on tho Id rf June of (tniuain, deceased, huve been crnutod to tlio ,, . . .. h , . . ,,, r ii, ' . , V . V I j i in -i.t. i ,. . , u vaiiiablo little trealis t on 1 eetn oml tneir I.- t.,1 low-in,-, and con ,..ue etg it week,. To defray j undertisncl All p.'p.ons .nn,!, ed to fnl os.iito ex, en,,, each teacher w ,ll bo charged four dU- are requ.red to make ,,ni,.ed,a.,. payment, ...,d , tri,!l!m,nt ()f t' ron.. rlh of liir? in ndvnnce for tlm term. i those baviivj I'liuns niriiiiift the fame will rret nt !, , ' . , M op -co .r ie iinnnwi.T .1 ii .t if . . . itself tho cntiro eo:t o every voiiit nun or arch JG, 02, If. J hftal, UltOOMAl.I., tbtiu duly authi iiiicn f l f"r m tili'inei t. i , .,, " .,... i ., ' I ,,,,, ,,. , ,,,, . I,... r- nmn, or imri'iifs i Ii v, uii' : n.lren, HIM mri'ir Ouitnly Sunt. I) 1 1 1 1 1. A 11 1 A U 1 . T.v r. i ., 1 . . .. i,v J I . , oih.-r nct t'snirv urlii l 'ii : pnc.i p.-i jmcktije ''.r. I-XIX'liTOHS' NOT1CI-. XOTICK " ''" '' ,- i DoLI.All. t'ix piuhaec fur l:...klb.r, ftutby U hereby given that Letters Tcftnmentary on I War Claims ftlld General AgCnCV. ! espre.-s n.'dirot t. 1. An t'.t .;.wii cl-rr the ei-tate of tVillinui Merrell. late of Law renoe ! , lo.t niucb, ll any, n "re on r . m-i ibnn ', 'ii., 't uchn Focket-lbiokf, Fortmonaii, l'ocket knives 'P-. Clearfield county, dee'd, have been grauted to, l WILSON, formerly Com mi?! oner of far ebenpi r to oi tier , . ; or .. .' ce. nikii; l Combs and llrufbes. Wnlch Chains and fi uard.s, ' undcmKne" to whom nil pirson indebted f) tho Cenertil I.tind OITn'e nnd onotm,'. A lariro fin: t!y w..l w.:nt u.l, or lij Violin and Uuitar Ktritu'.. 1'inluls. Ilsvo'vera. to said estate will moke iiumedinti' tmvmettt. und , samttvi. T t;ii it: ni T V,...,.rK .ri,i..r ri.,l ' rplu. can ho 'li.-pused otto neighbour! wiln Cap, Spectacles, and a great many other fancy 'I'0'0 lviMff claim aguiint the Kamcwill present ,lf ti,,,' J.,, on,,.,. l .'..,:,. ,.'l h..m..ve l'u.,,,i,! '':'":,i'' l,,r"" c ,n v ".mi!!'.h01' and useful article! too nuinerouii lo mention all lhl'm d'y nulhtntiealetl for fettlemenL ,.r-.l.:..l. ..:n ..ii ,. .. ... ... ' fit:.-' I 1, t lll'iinrl I . ot omen wu will pen nn well Urt III Lltllrling, t'.-..nit u. ... t-.ii jvr. l.li, AT THE LOWEST CASH PBIcm j clw,.Idi Z!' c .in tie I'ipii inrniii in neeti o. I.lotlunir. or of any of tho above-mentioned articles, to favrr us witti o call aii'l view our (mods and Pricett, and we aro confident that wo eun give satisfaction so that every person shnll 'etl inclined to tell his friends where good and cheap clothing can bn got. n e are csnsNint.y recu.vmg accessions to our in a LtMlTKD FA UTXEUSI V, under the nuino . I'--- :;n;' "i" . WILSON SHUdKHT. ATTt.HNKYS: XV! nnd have opened an OfiVe in WAII I M.T , of lu,uUti lummlies. Addret.. W.. ll. HI IID CITY,forthepro.,ecutionnfclni,ns ofiil kind. (, Tribuu-. building, New Vork, and wrii MOXKV. I.AXIIS. FKXSIOXS, 1 ATKNTS ; and . n,,,lr,.KU,,,V T.. ' ra . , . ., I, . especially those grow ing out of the bo inado w ith confidence, W. H. II. ,i i ... refer It Louuen's Indian Lxpcctorant.;LPtrcEs3cyaLi''i 23f(Xii the My,.r..i nmokiyn, to u. dritnth. vtd-m rpillf! REMKHY is offered to the community ' VVO-Tho most earelul and norgfttio attention t,f ,i,e l nniKis' and i'itii .iib" Hank, Ilrmklya ;- X with tho confidence we feel in an srticlo WIM be Riven io nil numiffi t"iuiiiiu."t io ..... to tno Minor ol lliu AiuoriiH.1 Jlanulaeiurea J,, Important Information ! Stock from our own .Manufacturing Establishment which seldom fails to renliio the happiest effects ca' ! ,erm moderaie, proporlioned to the rtte ; to Joy, Coe it Co., Fublisher- Agent!, K. iu l'bibulelpbia, and shull always be supplied with that can he desired. So wide la tho field of its 'amount ami labur invwlved and returns promptly York; to P. T. Larnuin, Kso,-, who knows a fioi made. Liinerai arrangeiueun muoo witu locai tiimg wtion he sees it, and r-ho bu. alreailyorar- -r .ii I limn i mli .if nrnlixtotl mliiician ,.r:.i a good variety ot nil nrtic.es In our line, which ascfulness. and so numerous the cases of its cures. u' .. ,. ,' ' I , I al,,,! Kiirnn.t in tvle. rnf nr.A v,.rL...nn.K!n n ,,l .!, I ...... . -f .1.. L i. nllnrnipt. u.l n .,.,,,, ,.1 ...... .1 w . . ... n u. n .uu.ir.. iu. i Rllllli,! cell ri.llllltlUl llieVOllllllVBUOllUUS, . . v ov t u.i .-,, ... , . , y. boon res . , . ... I is tlm r.inw ditluval thinn in lm,, .,,,' "nan surpnfs in eij ic, cut, nna workmanship, a.nl thnt almost every suction of the country rebel troops in three grand tlivisiotis, !. 3 . ' . ftn'.1 t-heRpnew. those of sny other similar Establish- with person, publicly known, who hava 1 at OIH'O invade tho Northern States - ' . g y . l'n? ' Vck t in this part of the Suite ; and by fair and tored by its use. Here i, one case of an a; otuo invauouio .oniiirn Mates.- s that hna been, in the institution of I honest dealings, we. hope to merit a liberal share ! ASTONISHING Cl'KEI of Public patronage. HlilZKXSTKIN BUGS, i CO. Clearfield, Pa., April , 1S62. all hopes of his recovery ; eo did the fhysieinn . . . .... :i..ie ...:t. : nil orpntunny ircui um-ii, iv ni in-,pn fpiulwu .-.I n, ,. - ,., - - , .. ., , j. v......v....... u,..,..i...ui ..jo I' ll IIXU ... rt ..ti..!. litrtr Hint. Pl'erv fiiA nnnn . . ... . . ' 'fov! , V t ji r ' oi raying meir uontu io uie .ortti Jennessoo soil will beconsumcd before lie H M ,euuring tll0 'ripl)U,' of which th rati make his escape. CPti,'IlK'ro this npu Abolition parties iitid the 01 ing tho 'ripilil, of winch they liragij so nioeh an'l may the JV.'-w under ' Shavin? and Ilalr Prfssinp. - t rurui ii viUMJ Kt tthuir leaders' heads bo an udders nnd .1 V. , ; j. . rr"P?""'Vy .n' who have used tt. never w, i. i keep ail of lou- . it ..... ..u. ."v rn...... ,. , i.n...f. io sis ir.ei.us oi iiearnoia ana vicinity that PENS 8TAHDARD FA M ILY MEDICINES for I nlry.-lho Pcmocratic an.I tho ' " 'V lL l. ' 7 V -I," h.bi" ""' "4 C... and .e, ,e lis,. : or. thft"l nionSavcrs." ti,ie i..ii.',r..ii 7W..t lUU,,.,, lhn m.. m. n,..f.'..i-.i . . .?.";.' .Z.'u. . - - - jv'",.i - " J j - ".vm. r.i.11.., , '.Mttortii uv oilier .imrruiDit in l t'lrtii n "Uuion SlrJors." .Standard. , Clenr6eld, April 9, '(,2. county. April I, '6.'. f.iu. i , i-y.Every letter repining an answer miiFt KIOO Airrnts Wanted'. enclose a postage -tauip. Address, To introdu"e Ir. Hurd's Dental 'i-mi'li r WILSON ,C SHt'OFKT, Atfys, ' erv county. Men or wom wb . -lanl to nni Till! MAT CrnTlt v. That mv son lar sick for March 12.lSui:tf. a.-lnngton, 1). L. money quickly, con do belt r will, these irt..' ; twelve months, under the Doctor's care, with the Ti -A Ct 'vr " e 1 than anything in market. Theynrir. . i'"' disease of tlio Lungs, and every remedy prescrib- BriUfe DIOCK lor Sale. low priced, ami we am pen''tg I'lf'sar. i .o cd by the Doctor failed to give relief. 1 gave up mHE Commissioner! of Cluarfiold County wil Terti,jg them for li.e bencf.t of aj.uts. B"I ,n. A oucrii 1-i.ui.n. oaur,, a. mc court douh, of sa mples, containing a doien of tue one oon' T.. a... .. .. tt,A llll An.. ..f r. m. ..... .. O . ' . n .... on ri'cr'r' t my i.i the sold In alsriei thai Dorry Township, Indiana Co., I'a. i Martti 16, 1S62. Comiriions t . those who rrovj thi'inselvsi Er - No Family tbould be without it; and those " HCIK.NT SAI.l.SMK.W ft". Bld.IV BBU luii, ior oaie- ,nr;,0 is tbc time to into lnmnest. f' 'HUE subscriber offer! at PRIVATE SALE, addressnnd rclerenecs se, above -,5-JL and on easy terms, one Hay Mare, 6 years .' r e,,- nf 11 I 1 TS Il'l UCS Vlil'G i l.Tt;K T.riT .,f il..... ;.,.,i ..i.v..,..i At tins star" 1 prev.n.e'l upon nun to try a botile """"J ..t ".t t" "J ""'.m i.flcknirei almve tree fied will he scBt, A NAILS for sale cheap for rash , of I.dVDON 4 CO S. INDIAN EXPECTORANT, o'clock, r. in., 131) Shares of Stock in the Bridge of SEVEN POLL A US about l.i.lf price, I "IF FTWHIFD 'nni r1''"" ws" ,n0!,t 'mpi'.v. the nse of across the Susquehanna at Clearlie.d. person wihin; to test his or her ikill w .....I . three bott ei erected a rerinnnent cure, una bo is uy oruer oi ine nonru, r .,.,;., ...cnt. Thev can he 'U"r'"' 10" 'nowabenrtvhov. JAMKS I.AVTON. ! WM. 6. BRADLEY. Clk. ..I..- ,.u--- ..IH ,,1,, .'v I old, and one Iron-Grey t'olt,,1 years old J. r. OSWALD. Brady township, March Ifi, 19R2. pd. STOUi:,Mrbt St. Chrlili Pa. i noT-I.S.'fil-ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers