Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 02, 1862, Image 2
!'f (' If Hhl'i) Till! WA1I NliWS. I MM WASH I No In., 'IIS. . ' 1 I ' i ' I ' t . '..Ill I 111' I, I .. ill. ? It, I II I Ii ' ! F! t m v.v y ' I . .1 I t, u I . ll 1.1 I-. II I 'f f. I I ' I ' I t' I 1 I I I M st i i I "I : 1 l! ,.., 'V W 1,1 ' in J ITT I ' mi ii- 't In IN, i f 1 ii r. I .1... I p. ' 1 1 'I I ' t !,ii.'i I 11 I'l I -I )ll. MILIUM It. in nil'; HOI III H ASH, ...i,l"'".tfl:. a b.1 li ' .... r j V ijl ! ' i 1 1 H V I ii : I l,-;N'l "i;' ' ii i. ,m i, .. i '' ' ' 1 ' t' !! Ii ,, r I I U l , I ;.'. !l,. nli Mix i, I ( I'ti K, i tl i. c in, I t , in ll, c i ll. 1 1 ' V' I , I i! 1 f in IK j t $ t I h V ,.,(,,,.. A .-(,!,: ' ' ' .. i i- ( r- ' ; j . : . I . ' -II I f. "' - ,, , ' I 1 ' ' ' ' I I I "'' ' .. . t. -I n I " i" ' I ' I , ; ,,1 l IN 1 ' ' M,l V ' ,, I'! . ,,, l ... ' 1 I l I l'.U " ll -I I !M ti;. f- 1. .1 " . II 1 n f i i hrto V mi' I . : I i I,. i I). , i - I i . I a", i.- I rn it'!' lo It.- I'M :. ' tl. n.: I' f, . -I 1 1 i i ci.1. In u- a I ' ! ' I i I a . 1 1 ', . 1 1 i i ft I ion i 1 I. i in ; ! t i .i . in 'i i 1 1 1 . i , , - i i I I'.. ! li. - ' ! 1 1 I 'iik ti iii.'i i i I ! mii.'i 1 1' i nun,. I on tin' li-1 i, I ii: 1 1.' y !' i i' i.' i' 1 1 1 1: m -t.-i ft d. Many ( ihe .' .biers li it i.i A siti'T li;ivmr' L'.- n lao.igi.t I i I Let ti'.r. I In) I.,'. i -I i I'l'i i ' ! " n;,: lii i .' i .'m ii! all rpiict ill l In1 r i 1 i,' I I' : li '" l 1 ! .'i i .i-l hi i II ii r.'i'i i '( I t !i.if I '" "J. "'I t In- !.' k'liti A. W liiMj'ien tM'ii' if ui ItL'lu, end hi"!. vt-i'e vim : ! 1, n li 1 1 ny s niie was ukon n . '!.:. S a. in.'.'.i i.v, Muich " . 'I l.c Inline, in dispatch ti'"iii 'i' ti. Shu Mi In Senator Jtie. d..:. 1 W:t; -h. t. r ! !a;. , -(l I in t!ic Soi.-i',.' I !.' m. n-ning ' On the tnoi niiii: -it' t l.o '-M l my i n tlialld, 7 I'tl't In ;-, ' l; slolig. w,t- altaekfd pear ihi; I v ,!;. k'-oii with eleven ririiiion ts f mt intiv ;u;; tin! Ii bat tailion, I rftvnl'v it'i ! t.veaty eight iicc f artillery. Aflr it sever" tight 1 1 If en r III ,' n .is .! ill roll) plclc rmil , leuvii) 'hthin l Uvo 'iec ..!' rniilion, h i r Ciiissona, it lar;:..' inimhi. : ol small urn, a miii i'hout ."ittt j i -i.suiii is. t'ur lu s J :j'J kill. '1 nii'-l c'H) wftiiioeJ, Tlift ono:r'o lossu ,'in" Iviileil ami l'" .'O woiiiid..Io. The r3i'r..-.oiiueiit t.'f ihe Nttv Yoik IIa:!d, iliiiei't Tiiio.hiUT, March Villi, pives a detailed uecuuiit of the engiif. liiotit, of whitii tve can only fiiid ronui lor Iho follow in i: i-.t:cl, Iron; uhich it will .n can t U n I llin ..hsIMimj 1-' Ii I .'.... I 1 , " ..j :, ...i,- .. .,i i.' ... ' "' " . IHVIIVU niiii liOlil-. . . . . . .. . Tho lo. of tho enemy in lulled and . wounded will loot up about lU0 men, of whieli '.'.j viore killed, llie nuinhur of or sone rs laKen ro n inn is ",. 1 nese 1 ii-m-i,, a.'., ir.detienden. ivhn.. tl.,v httv 1 wt nnilnil lr,. 'nil,,, ,,,,..;t hao lost, and mil lose .n the imrsuit. Tho rogijiU'Ul which on wost on the side oi tne reoeis uas uie ruin Virginia. nir ;oa in Kiiiect so iar rs icoertiunea, ' is lei U.iui 10" i, unci .vkout (:); ol our men ' are wounded. Though tho enemy iKld a muoh lart-nr force, four pieces of cannon i tnoro than our army, the bcluetiau ot ! ngating groumi una every ol net- uavnn- ; into, ici u.i uiu nu jiiit-3 ui iho occasion belong to the Union urtr.y. There were many deed;, of heroism per- formed on the battle field. While the Fifth Ohio .Yin, charging against tho cue- mv, the oulor-bearer was live times shot i rrli,, ;., ,,.,i.,., i ir nun l , I. r.r a ' li.sfimt v rrm ae,.fl linn at the risk of his life. Tho 'last oolor- j bearer of tho five was a lu ivato. n.inif .1 i T.B.Isdell. The llag-statf wns trokon, yet the glorious banner never araso to noat in I'liimnii over tins gauani regi-i' nl0Ht Tho rebels had an Irish battalion of one ..... . . hundred ana livo men, ot whom tort y were kiliea on tlio tlcia au.l nearly a, 1 tiio j rest wounded, i Tin loss or. our side, was heaviest in the riL'ht v fourth retiiisvlviiniii Uoi'iinont. - p J - f ( the Jive co;n)jiL of three hundred ir.injn 'W'. wtw- f'"-' ""J'"'".'?' "'"MiYhose annual advertising patronage a-1 V 1 ' , T ""V' Iracc an r,fi:,-r ai etxr drcwa tmrd; one rann ,. , . , butle Lock, via Arkansas river, which is Uin,cncl,-ul,;,unt, w..'....,W !moun" t0 -0l,- At o per cent, holhigh. Tho TV troops are much dis-ion-.jmi'n'i'(''ii: oifktre kukd, and .tuly three, would pay a tax of $100. This is the j ln-nrtened at th" death of Mct'ulioch, and i.wnJcd. The loss ir. the Eighth and amount of a Banker's license ; five times Arkansas feels the loss of Mcintosh very Filth Ohio Pvogimonts is about .seventy-i,,, .,,,. nrt-,.,.v i;nS ,L.,,i,ln i ,''v.(!''0'-v' fivo, and sixty, respectively, killed and wouniieu. Lieutr.nunt Colonel Thoburn, of the Third Virginia, is imioifg the wounded on i -i.i ........... . - curnae. i iiese arc lie on v tin ii on. com 1 , ... , i i ,i t- , i k . n J nr ivr.i: ruled in del in, in l,i.,..ii The rebels eAi riod no knapsacks with i inin neiinn n.wl nil il, ,.,iio. i ,. '. their haversacks 'was a smalPcake oliuead ! to each uian. They counted to a certain ty on capturing Winchesft-r. The only wagons .they brought with them were j j rovtsion wagotis. tins explains how it was that they did aot loso much besides arms in their retreat. The bailie Jk-M after the struggle was a sight to bo Been and reniemveied. The flight was dark and cold. After the bat tle the ambulances were busily engaged removing the wounded- 'J'Iib enemy car ried of! most cf their wounded and 6onie of their dea l. Tho wounded woro inter mingled with. Iho dea l, and their suHer ings before they weie removed to tho hos 1 itals, were very poignant. Yesterday tvab spent in burying tho dead. The ghastly a-peet of the field yesterday after iho wounded were removed, and before the dea l were interred, was appalling. Sonio with their luces oil', some witii their hea ls oil', some torn into fragments an. I frightfully mangled by the round shot andshe.l, ami otLers simply but quite as i. fleet u a! l.v killed by bullet wounds, lt is birigular that most of tho enemy killed by bullet wounds worn shot through the head or the heart, showing the remarkable ac curacy with which our Western ti oops use the rule. The enemy's wounds were not near so -fatal to us as ours were to them, and thoir weapons were, generally, deep ded'.y inferior to thossusod in our army. About tho ttonc wall tho encniT were Ftreivn almost on top of each other in heaps of dead. At this point i.P many of our brave fellows bit the dipt. Jones, who commanded the Ii ibh . . ',. . , I 1 , taltalion in tno le.iei army, is a f.ri.oner in our hands, with both his eves bhot out Vi ilh o no bullet 'J'hfl (aim which las fjeeeeded tie mighty tempest of the pat few days here .is something exceedingly solemn. Every thing around Wineheiter now is quieter snd gloomier than owv S-The proposilJon before Congress to abolish slovcry in tho Pitritt of C'oluni. bia, has been so amended as to require tlve slaves to ho removed when so cmaneipa - ,cd, to northern States. We hope that il J ,,r0.,urc ,reateons,ernation among ' the bill Jiaisc? it will pass in this shape, astl)0 'hKl,ly patriots" and governwer.i there are no doubt at least ii'Kl abolition j p.ndem-s. 1 philanthropists in Clearfield county whoj Tun State Printisu, The Senate and' wo.ill each taka "contrib md" and give !Iouse nu,. jn jointconventiou nn the 18th )iim good wages, keep him mtil he would it;mPifor ,ho ,)U,T0!,e of allotting the die ofold hc, and then give him a decent btir'al. ,1 .o,v,,uiU.e t T: ,,yr,,C" 1 i-!-;r.ini, are not, eusposen io eee-,.k n.e- irevicua t ,f ' T-.X ' i r ::; i : ! i . r. Wnhi' 1'il.ty Tlcrnin Apitnl 2. Till: NATIONAL TAX BILL. W e i i'ti, i i 1 in i hi r ! ! in n I " il.'- i t" -"!. li' MM' ", this Itirli, Li !,r e Ml'i 1 c f . 1 i : i u!' 1 !ir t ill li I ,.''! 1 1' ( 'iii c", i l.n :i' tax : 1'UI mi'iii it mi ti "i; ti ci 'I tVniD N';i-!iiii):!i.n. a' i.'.y ntitlnu!, that Mr., Nen. !nry ,,f ihe Tl'i a-uiy, li.n J'l ej';iiel iilii'i in';' 1 ill, ilili icli',1 lv like llie 1 i. e vi' tin nne in iu-,t uui, il is ll nt iin l'i,'. .ii le, t hat the I'ullil men t of on r ronii'-e, if e.tni". ! ) ! h" i it '"'ii l 1 1 1 j 1 .1 1 e-il , uctihl he iahor in vain. We mi'y ftate, li')',vevcr, thl.;il lio'N he I'uir I'on'es, eulitetiij. lilies tht; j; of ij.;n in:-) ii,ii 1',, i,, i.his, some '.V'.h'.HI lieiv ollii.a i .; will he l'ei'iire'l, to nay Ivliom iv e t'.lav s: ii-nm. it mil co-i, o:i me , ecu -afc '.ojjmiji thu.lct.'i- .M.ller, Satuucl IlnrU, Adam Fiank, io nii.t iviiieli, uddi'd slio,,i;.v i ''H. r.U'ii. inortally; .Michael . lever sum of S-2'i ' to i l.o 1 iove: iiiuetil'b siiarc, 'vill m iko, Say, ill .'OUIi'l titltiilel'?, about .f l.-Mi,l.H.ltllill.'. Th.s amount i to be as-.esd. eullcclcd, and paid into the National Tie .viry a.i- ' -"?L:- ll tl". ;. I"-'va,'" Jf'"1"'" K illiain, James . i , i l.i i i r i ' Ivn i t,:, I orrelico K intiey, Isaac Johnson, n.i.nlv, I i o i the nat in o ApM'f.-u'ii, ... ,, , , . , . , ' , i Allium Jlcrtzler, Jaeol. spidle, John Jon- Colleotoi-s ic..vo.,ii,,(.mted under the u.i- j ;,,,,, . ls, Untenant P. Morr.iw, slight thoiity of the Tie- idetit. It is not a tax : iy ; Seiyejiu Jlenry Fut.k, si rion-lv ; Cor- u i t.n the iit'oiu i'l v and substantial wealth ... - . . ,1' ll. 1 1 ... t .... I il.-...... .,..1 1 ' ul l' ;'i"""- proUiielioiis. A nil u is m tins icupccl uial , is 1'et.jifLi mat hjral, mil if id loin oni- it is unfair, uticiiual ;iud tlli . ... : ..: to i. r 1 ul ' el y oi'incive. Pi oi.erlv I I he b.vo i.f ', u i - ; our present '.axes lor reveni.e fr h into, ! - county, ana locil purposes. J ho poor , m.m therefore, pavs in proportion onlv as , . . ..... 1 . ', '"".clws h.s noli neighbor. But nmlej- the proposed law, tho poor man, with a large family, will huvo to pay, not in pro. j.ortion to, but rjuite ns muek, bs tho man', .. ... ,. ... ,1,1 , , o1 ,vc"ItL :-!or- 'Tthing that ho oats ," n'e31'. or coiii:int!,, is to bo taxed, , which must enhance thoa prico ; and he ; w h0 consumes the most, will pay tbe most, :- , ,, v ,. , .,. " r, , into tho .National Ircasurv. Iut even , ur3n l'J's s tlteoietieally wrong as it j is. it is unfair and uniusl. V.'o eannol! bctter illutra.c this position than bv com- .. . , ro,,oed to bo aesed - j upon the publishers of newspapers, niaga- Iziuis, ic, w'tli the price lor licenses do- I tnanded of Hankers. Brokers. Merchants. I. ,i i c. , ...,.;., ' ' 1 ll0nT-v l:,x UP011 lr"s W1'' u:k' U' miMisher u to tiav tin' per cent- on ijk aa . i I . i vertiseruotils. Now, uko a country ollioe j i'"" """ .. I wholesale general dealer's license, nnd 'half tho am fur. t of the highest class t it fitiif.iitiT r t a H Tifim; n w in r i v .., i: . ,..i.. ,i :. .. , ot lio-.ei license. 'iny oi it, u j.oui, . . Klarvl"n cour.iry uewsjiaiiei uosu uu.u establ men t i s i.erhiins not wor'.h two thousand dollars, is required to pay as much to tk support of tho Government as the Continental Hotel in Philadelphia, whose ('..tily receipts exceed two thousand dollars: or five times as much as the mil 'ionnire Brokers of New York, Philadel phia. Ros ten ic. If the publisher is re- q uired to pay five percent of hiseariiings 1 to the Government, why should not these Bankers, Brokers, Merchants and mini. ."' a uetacnmeni o. li . i ii.iips rcg . , ... j utisnt, Missouri militia, under Majr.r I-os- iiii-iu uuiei ue.Ti-n ,i) '-"- " " is fair ill one case, it would bo in the oth - Rut as it is lii-oba'ole that this bill will ... -...I.-..1 i... ii,..,l,..,i-nhuMr ui ru ivi-tiiica in uiu urn. .in,.,, hi- ... 1 .,, , , ,. Chase. we will reserve further observations until we tee what it is like. '." , " i -ii tr-J-About three weeks ago a b,ll was presented in the United States Senate, and referred to the Cum mil tee on Federal the ellect tliat all our loreign r, . irunisters and consuls, be required to take the onth cf allegiance t)n Wednesday . ,, , -ii ... . i i ...a. .1... w....... l in tt.9 Dill was reporic'i io it.e- nta liy the chairman ot tne committee, Mr. .Sumner, who seems to have Ascertain- el ib-it nil now ohroad i.i ihaL Cttliaei'.V are Aboluicnists.ashe reported against j fc , , tbe- bill. We are well aware that it would bo eniircly supei lluous to administer an oath lo that class of men. for i I. I...... If I !... .....I ...l. in .. ' -" 1 l ble them to (Iran- their pav.snd still I til ing forth notjiing but treason and treachery. r v- V :i,.',U v '" i ei r ; Cl. A Miner in llie ,.astn .ynhurl, ie commends lion. Ileiiter Clvnirr, now State Senator from Berks county, as a suitable eandidato lor Governor. Mr. f'lymer is one of the ablest Senators that , ,. . . . , . new hold a seat- in that body, and would 1 ln;lk,, ft -capital Governor. His election I bi ,iriiip and binding for 3 years. ,osals wfier'ad, and tho work .dlolterl o Messrs. Benj. Singerly A W. S M Of Pittsburg , f thirteen cents less per thoundtn's than jotim.y I in v men chaiRe for cou.pofiliou. 'Hit I 1." I !' , llll , .It " ,;ct . i i i i - i i; , , ti e C ,.; .1 I id 1 II ! i l.i- I'.. I' I V II . . . j.!. -i lsii.i"-r. All lli" i 'ii '. 1 , 1 1 : , i i ',' ! i' i n l.o t inn' I l.i !' I' ll, ''. ; .i ii," .-..i :,.-!, . f no I l',i e l",.!i,il i ' mi i 1 i... , ,.;i:iliv, THE 13ATTLE NL'AR WINCHLSIZE List of tho Killed ainl vcu:t(lcil. Wis. inTi.i:, M -ireli -.-'',.. f illonin.' i- ii eninplfte li.t of tin k:l,., ;U u.uiu,! i''l ill '.he h.ittle i f Sillnliiy : 1 I'. II I V L'tl liTil !'i;..s I.VAM A. Tim lolhr.viii ii the suveon'a retui n of the kiih'il :t ti I tvouiideil in tin. s i j I'eini s Iviiaiit leiinent .- A'iW -Colonel Wti). (I. Munay, Citi't. l'att ie!: i iail..i:!,i'i'.'Jil I.ient.l.'liai li s' Keem, I iviites l'a u 1 McLhli;:. .!i.h M i!!er,-l no. tiil ino.e, Aurmi J'., U'iiht, .lames ,M vol's, l.eo, Wiilinui Fowh r, .loht) Kelly, . i reiniah CateJ, Tlinlllll II:il,Uol, Simon Keischer, lorei'h Mei.'liii'on, Jacob Wiiu Millit, .liiuiei (irahitin, l'ali:tl. S:n:t!i. ' ll'miiie I'l'iViUO Win. .s. P.. vis. tor. tally ; 1 ho1!is Kavenhiil, Hanie Mel.atio tl'orniy, severely ; 1st l.ieut enan t Samuel I'yron : Cer oral- Peter Lines, .loan Shad 'den, Allied Craite, Charles Pin ker, F. S. Simmon,, Mack Saxtou, Alex. Warn, liorals .liui'.cs .M. Puce, Cuaries Maminy, C. l-o'.vler, hiiuditlv ; toivatus C. P, jimverj, Wm. Prossei J. C. Teeter, S. , Wheeler, iuy Ilolcoml., slihlly : Sur- levant Phillip -Smith. (Ji-htJy; Uo' noral KtJ.inuil JJruliaker, sorim-,ly ; Alex. 'Tay. 1. .. . " Wheeler I... .... : , ,7. , 7. .. . V, U. 7 . ' ; ".""o . , " ", , v'1 ' ;,"'-l'J I " ; Hawkins, I homas (loi maii, slightly ; Cor - ,,01 (lI mlu,e;ikoi. bVl,Uay. ,.ivalw J,)ljU toll-e-i-t, se.nously; Panic! Iiottler, Sei- geaut rianford Johnson, Wm. K. Steel, ,,'--V!$ STAXDAUl) FAMILY llEDlCr.NES f..r nlightlv ; Sergeant Franklin JJou.-,ton, pri- al"1 'v ,!r' valej Henry .Strieklcr,Hli1!htl-; Wm. Cas-I , . t!n,,S7.ivm'-, , i , ,n ... . -. .. ... !-.t-ursiiIi) Vv c hor Mar-hant? in ( Car ii! d sidy mortally ; Christopher Smith, se-,,,,,,,. April 2. '(',.-fun. nouslv, John Lue.-ee. t - '- r. vli. : -... . . .t . .' . 1 CJCIIOOI. 'l i: At'll MHS OF CLKAlll'llltJl CIt is lair to state that tno aecounli coUXTV !-TI,.. Canity S,.,.,rir.ten.l.-nti..i. of the killed and wounded of tho Fighty tiMiiplutes nifniifr nn Instituto fur tho improrc fourth varv verv inni'li Tho ..Imvo j tamit of ti'm lior! in th" Lest iii.-HuhI,! ,f givii.K count is tuke-a from tho llarriobur 'J'i lc - graph, while from other sources, such , , , .. 0, ..i,., iw.j nii.i.rr. 01 iii-:bohs among the wounded not included jn above -list, and by n letter received fmlll igl.ty -.rtl. in UXZZ ?ZT ' l',tt'", te."l'0,.,, nmr of kihed id that j March 2K, 'C2, tf. J ESE UltOOMALL, n-j;ii.ieui is nmeu in o. From Arkansas. i it r ... .Hircii Ueliable licrsons ;.ltist. ironi our army in tin' ,-s utir.vit, siy tho rebeP. htoio thirlvlivo ler Vau Dam an 1 I'r entirely aerosstiu' lios - 1110 V.',v at an shoes. Pike's Indians have returned to tho In' dian nation.' Thov were not fonnidable 111 in oattie, neingpaiiie.stiieenatllieetlectpilE n..b.,eril,er t tiers .it l'HIVAl'K SALE, ( n.,r ortillecv 01 our anilierv i'nre Ki reeeiveil a .Major t ieneral 6 i com mission in t ho Con federate scrv ice on j Hip l''tl, One regiment of Texas troops u'iif.H"! i 1 1 nil fii an iiii i f v ri'iiM - . . - . . , . , , ' . - -'I" '"" Irom J.ouHiann. I lie whole rebel rein- foreemouts will not exceed five thousand in the next six .veeks. Frorj Missouri. iS'-'li'i'i. Mi., March "(i. Tho notorious i Brigand Quantr'.ll, with two hu . . ... . , v.. i . 1 , . -( i guerina naru inane nn unexpected at - tor, st W nrr'ns?mrg, on Wednesday last, i hut after a spirited skirminh they were driven from town, with the !o-:s of nine killed and seventeen wounded, n::d twen- ily horses captured. Our loss is two killed . . - . . . . , , , nnd nine wounded. Q lantrill made nno- , ,lu.r a(U(,k on (hiJ (fnvn on hQ iollo,ving 'day, tno remilt of which is unknown. I Lieut. Col. Crit tendon had left Geirge- (mvn wi( V(.:nrcm, for rotcrc ' Scouting parties r-t this regiment have , captured over two hum-rod kegs of rebel ........ ,,;.. ll. .. - i 1 I . 1 ... - i-j I.'""'''' uuiu ine nisi few dnvs. FI10M POPTHESS .M0N1WK Mari. ?.-A quiet. 0 Merimacd . monstrations yet. Ths steamer Snwanne arrived from Newborn. All ipiiet there, flencral Burnsitle had gone 1 1 l'.eiiufort, I""'1 Uk,''A lcsion of tho place I -c O res IS til lice v bate V 01' I'.ll d HO burning Ol prnl,(-ty. Fol, JIiu,,n wtut still m,.tl.(, i by the rebels, from Ihri e to five hundred strong, Imt they were entirely cut oil and ' muit soon sin roiiuer. Ihe steamer ew ' York ln.ssaile.1 for New York , Till-: FkiJlT at isi.Axn n in 1 ' . . x . o i 'ci . . .-.-..., ' I e-Aiuo, i'i a i.i ii .1. ine sieaiHer L'lCsry wont down to tho fleet yesterday, heavily j,1(j(,u.,i tvUt, oid.ianco nml cominissary H(ores lour fifty pounder irvv S'snnon M ere taken down for the gunboat Boston. ; . , , j " " 11 ' , ' " 'so one hundred grenades toropel boards '"P . llir.ill. lllilll l.c" i'lll'lllll 1 C ll I llllll , PCVcrnl n.U,, 1rnn(.ll0l.,s n,i 'Munho,,ts j ersons irom .sew jvianrid report tluil . , . . - 1 ,..,, nn .vitu innoe rl' nr i-i.Llln Tnint batteries on Vedre.Iay nnd opened tire, ''"l they were compelled to retreat niter a orl c"gngt'nu'"t' ''t'TiNo tiihis Shark or the PmniiRR. Ninety-seven contrabands (slaves) arrived nUTiiladelphia nn last Friday morning, ' bemS tbe first, installment from Generul 'nKS o'v.sio.,-w,tn tno pronnso that t . . another cargo of three hundred will ho' ; -t in a f,. y, TV, $, very CO.O.infi to the a boring i.onr nf il,i ..; I1L- - j i of taking some steps to oppose this uMn basoiuontof Mern-ll A BigVrV Store, welcome incrcasa of population. 51 tin !Uluiibn;!:iit;. ci.oi H1N(; ! ci.oi; 11 V...A f ... , ' Iv i:i.-'i:nsti:in, r.uns. ,r to , i,,,... 1 1 ,, :i n I ti i ,' i iiw iii 'iiin IN SHAW'S n. ) SI AMi. en .Miirkil firiMi, liir-o iiiul hi iuri.1 ii.ittiii.nt Cl'itli Inc;. ; iitletnriis' I'lii ni' Mii;, (Jii.i ls, l-'aury ;ooU. &c .wo., lii.h l o s'.i'l i.t v. iv l,. i,ii., ivl n uy i iaviti d 1 1 i-.ill itiel I'Mimiiiu tlii'tr i..( K. 1 1- .i i n.M, April eXIX'l JdHX' X Oil V l'., NOTIt'i; j I. Ti'liy p; i v.. ii tlmt l.otti'rf 'l'1'itiiin..nt'iiy mi tin! i'.-t:i!i' Hi' Willi. im Mi'TTell, late of laiMri'ie c t'., ClrarlicM ciuiily, ilecM, Imvn bnuu ranti. 1 1 1 tlio iiii'U'ii(:in.',l - tn '.r.-i,i' iieli'lao l tn .-ni l -1 a! tv i il inula' inline, I'.iilc .rni"ut, ntnl th '-t' Inn ln I'l ii'.i'" i,: iin.t (Jio "a lie will 't',' :'l n t tlivm (lnlv oillhnti..;.ti. I fir ix'ttlsincnL O.-i'Al: 1!. M I'll IIKI.L, I .. . JOHN .1. UICM', j 1,A Cli-arfmlJ, Ajiril, '2, l.-il'i.', Important In'ormatioii ! LoiKlen's ImliaM Ejpe ctoraut. flMH.-i HHMKIiV U tn tin. cieiiaiuiiitv .i Willi tli e 1'iniliili noo tv.. f.u'l in nn arti"... wiiioh vcli). mi fail.- la r.'al i " tli" hiiiii't i'll', rl that ran ha J.-sireJ. Sn iv i lo ! t!i tii'M nf itn ii.'i'l'iilno.-.-, inn I si. iiiiiii,.ruu3 tlm 1'ii.i's nt'its eur,v, lliat iiiimut eviTv p.K'lii)i. i.f tin' i-iiunlry iili.,ui,l Willi lu'i.-iiiiis pabliiCy li'ioivn, wlin liavc Ihu'ii re turi'4 Itv i t h iii lli'in in .jii.1 c i...) u' nn A 8 T 0 X PS II T X i! C U K V. .' Tins .may ('rum v, That my fai lay -el; far Iwolve in i 1 1 1 1 . .- , niijur l!i" P ii'liir'." cuff, witli the ilin'iistf of tho I. inn;.-, i.rel I'vury retneil v iii.scrili- fil liy tho lliictur fuilu'l tu (;ii d ri'lii'l'. I faivc hi nil lioju's of lii.j rucuvi'ry 1,1 tlm ( liysiciaii. At tlii-t stuo I pr.'vail.'.l upan liini ! trv i. Lnttlo ' of I."fl)0X .1 Ct) .S. 1 M MAX llXI'liC'i'OIlAX l I!"..,r,'s"'i. W!l, "u'n 1"'11'-v' ,u ,hl1 V1' I hfiiil llillt d llHl,l n i,nr,n,ii,il iifa ...,l 1 tl.w b.rttl... offiM'ti-.l n i.-rmnnni.t euro. ..nil he i now a hourly Lav, .1 AM K.S I.A YTtl.V. 1 i.,.iTv T, in lmlinrii d. l'i N "Ulil, ' 1.1 U ' ivi'mt U : mel .ho,. wh.. liuvo nnl it,iicv.-r will. 1 li.-.-. nil f LOU ! iiislrui-tii'U in thi brunches nf k'lirninir t.-mi:ht in 1 cur oom moil si-huols. If thirty li'ncbern ij;mfy,bj lottur (ir (ilbrrwino ,1 I '.I UVIIIIV 1,1.7 l.llll .1 .HI.. 1. , .1 . , L1IVI1 " l.illt. .... .... ........ .1... in. i. , r si.,.. ....... ....;. u.-ni.w. luvs toaUet.a the siu! Inht.tulo, ttn-n tln Hume ! U1 be oiiciied in Cnrwonsvillo on the Mtf, f''Howin. an.1 eoiitii..i. ei -hi weeki.. To .1. f June frnv d'i- '"l" 1)HOP()"i.VI.S for tuihliiiK a New Privy it t the court hoiire in the of Cleuraeld, w ill be receive, 1 nt the Column:!', ner's Oll'.e.', tin- mil be n-e.-ivcl nt the L.iiiniitii.,iier'.s Oil; til Ihe i"th (lay of May liexl. I'lnns an J fjieei- .-live hundred nil- !tie"'ions enn be fee.n nt rinv time at lit Couiniis- rice, have retreated:0""'"'1';""- !'r"L;.M.I, nni.t be te.leJ. ,ton ..cun.ains, and " Bit A P LEY, Clerk. en and 1-ort S,mth,l MareU 2fi. 18C2. Bridge Stock for Sale. m!IE Commin-ionors of I'lenrfniKl Countv will J. ollcrnl IM'IIEIC S A EE, al ihe court Innino, I on Tuesday the 2'tll day of May next, nt L' o'i'loi'k, p. in., 1 3 Shares of Stuck in the. liriilge I usm-osi. the Sn-iii"h!iniiii .it t'leiirfie'.d. Ey order "f the hoard. , WM. S. EKADEEY, Clk. , March ;r., 1P02. I Llare and Colt for Sale. X a'1'' on "'y terms, one Hay Marc. 8vouri ; old, ami ono lriiii-;rey t.olt, .1 years old. ! J- V. OSWALD. j rJ Msrc!l 2r'- lsr,2-PJ- T A nvfi liiit.----: linAl.J -..l.,.....,l .;,1 l. I " - - ........ pviu-,i 1111,1 U1UI.-I1 j j ( are, lii.'i reee-.Tcii nnu now openinK. una arc ollered for talc at fieall profit, bv ,.i i. ., .. .,i . i ' P. F. ETZWEII.ER Mrch 2, 1;?. M'OMflcilH'S. .. .r. ..... TS IVlll'l li.v I 1-I ' A fresh and . ill-l.l. m in, I ll-ia n. I . . O ., n ...... ; n-cciTed and for sale by ---i",-- --ir'.. -. ....- I). F. ETZWEILEK. March 2o, 1SII2. 11 V LAP. (IE EOT ot those justly celebrated NAIL.- for title cheap fir i-n-h bv T. F. F.TZWL1LLI!. March 2f, W,2. lUlT.i'.dr.n'i'ir OIL V Fresh inipply of OILS wnrrntited nonox ilosive for pale it verv low priee.t, by V.F. LTZWK1LFK. March 2.'., ISO". Xniico is here- t'lnientary on the . - . . - - - ........... ' - nVI (T l'IIUSi Ml II I , gij ,,v iV(,n ,,lat L'lven mat Letter, le esl.Tle of Tiiomas t'. l.i:i lis, bile of the timnship of (trnliiun, deei-H-ied, have been pranlc-J to the undersigned. All persont .iniiubtcd to cuid estate re reiuired to make immediate payment, and those hnvin' cliiiins ngitiiist the pttine wiil pfst nt them duly nn theiit i.-ated lor Fi-t'li'iiiiit. j DVYIIi (l EAH li.V UT, Ex'r. i I'ecafur tp., Mur( li 1 -(,2. ot, . ,Mrix,.:,, ,UMIAX;s 'OI'KT l n virtue of an order of the Ornl - n JVy, .h-rV win M el pos.-d to public mle at the Court House in the bor- ,-' "f "- leiufiei.i, on TP LSI) AY Till-: 17th PAY OF JL'.sl-, no lit, at I o'clock, 1'. M., Ihe following described : real e.-talo M wit: A certain true', of land situate j in .M..r,i. township, Clearfield county, beginning 'atpo-tX.W. Corner of. Iobn.lorK.-,n Iv. S. E. at nosl -s. M . l orner o. .lohn Alore 1 ... ., . . .. n . : . ... -cornrr nl .lonn MvannicK, tlience . I dt'L-ree w. 1 " perches to prist bv pine, thence S. S!l E. KiO pi-rrhes to p'st, ihenco X. 1 ileprce E. HMI per. to f"'',,' tenro by John Prion X. s'J W. lfifl per. to ,;Ki""inn; containing PU nercn 1 10 per. i.n,l allowance, being part of tract imrveved on ar- r(inl gmnteif to John Morcnn : l.avinir erected thereon a 'l Stnry Ley House, strbles. and am. in n acres in -ieari-.t lanii logetrer o. mill . ... . . ,' ..n..,. in.,.. with a young and thriving ()rcl.a.-(l-lato the - I . I. ............. I. ...I 1.. . .. t. eMute cf .lames W, Siranforu, (leceiuod. fLTequM 3 Iinymcnt., wiih Inierest from .b.M of iale, to be j "'cured by bond "'".""J?8 ,,rai!',', Ym! POKTEK, ''Allmr' Mrr: l.J''-2.,.. ILOUR, 15ACOX, TON ACCO, -1 - - .... .. j,"( y;ou iu JiJ.iw, t , , rtMe .tvTtt . Vlx -,rIM r, L . I LS PA 1 N FS nB OCJ.R1 h, ' V V. 'w ..'.."..:'' - i;. i. jiii.iiikiM.ii. a x ti irt'tiTift ' 'le. Mold, Va. fcl-27. s j.'L .'a ll , i ()()() I It I "il I' M. SI 000. TI r r. Ill, l'!. 11 ;:i t 11., t,l In ( 1 1; 1 i I N A I, Ct i.N P I Tl ( tN A H P 'V'lhi; . .11 r.-v-nt ilio IU,r fi( m 1 i.ilm (i.l, in, I m ""''" " " " "'' 1 lhn'tli lii'," 'li ; ".n..l. i.'iy rii.lii'aii'.' l'aii Initl , will rii'vciit mill iiii Ni-rvntm 11 ,'ii,in'lii' will pi vu In I'll' llulr ii l.'nii, liluji-y A J ' mi. i'.', n i. I ir i. CVrtuiii I'uio f,,r nil l'i.i'ii-' s n 1 t li . II i' li .1. To Vr.N : tliri.'e I'.i.U.r f..r $2.K I'l-; It i'n I'lfi'i-t bihI eiiniji'i'to lur !bc llaii. Ih-inl the L.llowiiiK tejtiiiK'riiiiL. '. , M i'--" m 's llrricr. Xc-.t i 01 k. Nov. !, I.-' T. W.M OKA V. E.... P. nr Sir Two in. nilm na lay hen I win ulciost entirely l.aUl nail llie li'.t'.-. linir I L.i I wim. nil ymj u ll J lulling mil Tel.;- I'a-t iihtil I IViiri"! I iihoul'l lion' nil, I rianira nci' l Haiti vniir nV .'. :-a ai.'r, , nn, I it iuiinu lia'a-Iy to; e. I the Lair falling oil, ini 'i soon r?'t"reu the C'llur, niel lifter lining Iwo boltlei my htH'l i e 1 1 u -plelelv coviTi'il ? ilh n healthy yinmh i.f la'lr, Mini "t llie siihii. color it was in early ioimiIioi.i1.- I taLo (.'lent ,l.-iiuis in r.-i-"iiiii enil.i; v.inr ox client ll'i.r A' i .',,-,, lirr iiixl you inay uNa iilei n r v .' or lin' )..'r i,n to ir..'. H'lbl.KT .Ml lili.W, P. S. .Var.-iai!. S aiihi-iu lh.'liu-t, i.t'iv Vorh. .Mniiiila"'.iiri-il ami -a-! 1 by 1 1 ; j . r j . r n-: r, (V,'in.. tin y) Tri-in nit, We-t.-hetitei' !' i. X. Y, Al a J'.r sale bv nil 'In:i'i;i. ti. ju I IN s. i'lPi:..'L. 0, lieia! Acut. v.. 1' 1 V V N. 1'. Piii-iiiMs i rntle rs i-eii.lig in-h (,i-.lor , 0"-S El' I .(. V'V )h' 7.1 . ( '( . i L. l'r the Ki-.turiilivn, ill he i ..iolie,l with cireu-, ami is fr: fnun nil aoia.i or ulku Iioh that enn in bu s i-iitniniiij; eertiticiiti.." from ) ouplo of tin- tho least injure the I' oih. hilit.t re.ii't:a!.illty, f.Mui nil purtH of the eoun- ' Its ecli' n beins i ntirely meehnliieul J.olisli ttv. ' Mnr .-li IV, 1S(',L'. 1 v. j in without w eniiiij; Ihe eii'i-uel. .111. I 'I .. 1 .1 I I. 11,111. .1. . V mim ci.iiAiii'ir.i.i) wii' i Le ie;o"l l""r the n o.'i'tio . I'l'iiiiiN (iinilei ami fininleil on Moinlav .Mnr-li, M.l. Isf.l. 'IVrms per Session of I'.leven WceLs : !trret ) roo ;lyn, 1.. 1. Orth 'mi.liy, lleii'iing, Wrilini;, Primn-y TriCD '.'5 Cei.tS pCT BOX. Aiithmeti'e uml (le.inrni'liy. ' i- IV A libinil ilisuouiit made to u iler Arithinvtie. Enalifl. o'riiiiiiinir, lAiMresH 1 ' li 1 1 CI 1 ' it 1 t.lllk'O, Tl'iblllie Ueo-tmiihy mid lliftory, 3 CO HuildillS, N 0. 1 St u UCe St. N . York . Algebra, Uenii.etry, rh.lo.uiihy, vi'nluai-lphi.i bv Dvot A Co., 211. Xorth u.1.1 l!..ok hcmiitf. J2d street. 0 S. li..l ' 11. UJs Tht-snut blu-.t, L.iliu an-l lir.-.-k Eiin-nnKC!.. n, j atul by nil l.)iii'-it. In stu.l.'nts ilfsirous ol ae.iuiriu n thoronr.h English E lnen'ion, ninl who wirh lo (iiiul I'v tlieniHelvea lor Teiieiicrs, th.i Itntitutioii ofl'en uei'.rnble iidvantneH. No jai'iil reeeiveil fur less thon hull' a "(-HEioii, an 1 no itelnetioa iiele exeej't lor j .-ot r.i i t e.l : Mcknin. Tuition to be pa'nl at the cloi'.' of t!if term. i!. u., r,,riP:, t'l-arfiebl, Au Iff 1. l.v. DMIMSTitATOK NOTICE.-Xotiee I & i? hnribv riven tlint letter of Adiniiiivtrn- !i(,n linve lH-e-i i; ru m t 1 In Ilm iin,..riLrni'l ' n Liive been !;riiiitc l to the iin,l..r.iLrii('i ' n 1 the e.tiile of JolIX KIXll, lute of lii 1 tow n-hiji dio-en'-, 1. All .cv.-nns ii.d jhle.l to f aill ; estale lire reou ..-t.-d t i litiihe loiy IiO'ii t willmut .1"- lay. iml thnm li.-iving cliiiins nnint the nHrne j will pre-i nt ih-ia duly-nnth-iitii-uted for "i - tt.e j me..! la me. PAN I EE liOUM AX, 1 l:.,,Uo -r- h .2 Adm'r. - -- --- O L i.t. ) ,'.K 'S DANPKI.P N CO F F E K ! IV I Tl.P t") .-i ration, mnde fr ,ni the be: I .'n v,i r, f. fee. i ri-ciiiieii. liil-' l t pli s--i ei n - , . n sii.eri..r ; xrri'.nmrs m:T.i; -; i: f.r iimif ti Dei.aii. ty, I'yjpe,-ia i r,,l all bi!li,.us ili-nr ler.. Than.- 1 nti'li w ho hm'ii 1, en 01011)11 lie 1 to nl an .1 in i ! i o mi- of I'-ifl'iie -nr'i'l ii-e tbi n i 1 1 1 "i '. injiiiiiia. cITecK j Olio can cMa'ai. the 1r,.i,tli . f ti.o j"imuli of' ordinary cfli'O l'UP'E '.j e.-n'.e. ' JliSiTJ i . -d. a . ... The nun- ' and be.-! L'AKI N'U PO'.V LET. known ! fir making lifist, Mveet and nutrition" Lrei.J und iCnkc. PHU'E 1.'. ccnK I m - i a'-ti-:-!::. uv TT IT l.'tl I iu'I. ilril feT - 'I . It. .I e i . - i. Jl. 'lljj.'l 1 I X . ..f Hroad.i'- C.-wt .V'rr.N. i,'W . i - AMi fi.l.n HV AIT, ITiir,(;l.--TS ASH ,ino( i:i-.. sold a r i:. mossop'.s. Feb. Isr,2, 1 vr. lxr.t i I. J by f-'ivi. en that Lett ts Ti'St.niu'iitarv, on the ciUito ol MAl'.TIN MCIIOLS. lnleof Lnwrenr-c ion ii-iiie, ui'i-en -int. ihiio iiein eraiiien 10 ine . l i . . . . , , . 1 . . . . i l und, rsi-ned. All person indebted to said A,1,JnN!, i'nCipul Olli.-O, Trib , Uaild are ieiiiue.i to ihhkd iinineihato pn vnietit, ; ' ' . nnJ tlios bavins .-laims ag.iinit tlio rmuv will f inff", .').!, S-j U'llCC S-t . i. VUfk present them dolv uiithcnticatcd fir .elt!emcnt. Sold ill Philadelphia by llyot i e'o., 2;'.J Xorlb M AIt I'lX XirilOLS, jr. "I j 2-1 stnel : n. Hubbell, 11 10 t.'hjnut b:p.cI, jt M. XKTI01.S, i Ex's, "and by all Pi' Feb. 26 fit. ISKAKL N ICHOLS. j 1 Xnriei;. We ar daily receiving (,rii."-. - scud by mini ( one or more of I'r. I.'i ii's Denial f Efkllil I E2tf(l i Komed-es, which we cannot till. X i.r,c ai lnnila lXtll K'lllll '. bl Iho XfuralR... I'lasr, wuL'l. w. esd MAINE STHEK.I. rri! WEXPVILLE, FA., ! in a envelope on r.-.iipt of Erica iieent- unl WM. A. MASON, Proprietor- onefUn.p. I'.ut to uecj.uiiiiiliUe permrs ui p!a f I MIS bui!; estnlilishi'd and well known 110- ' ce w here the (Iningist ' asd stumkecnrif are Le JL TL'L, Mtunti-d in th Wft end of tho town. ' bind ths B!, wo lmve put uy. Ji..-k - .. in whit ba been reinoildleil, tnlarjcd iiiid improvd, and emhosiieil boxen, seven inile. by four, ve.a coin the prop) ii t-.r respectfullv announce to bis nil- 1 rnirtinenm e-ich b"X coi.toniLz a buttle of If. Blt'r"llr' hi'-ml-". and to tne travelling public, that ',0 'H M"w l"''ll"rpi' 10 nci-ouimodiite all iho may invnr n nn w i in a ran, Ani'!e, mfc nun comfortable Maiding i' at turned to the premises, nnd trusty attendant w ill always be mi hand. Cluir.'s niodi-riiie. l eb, 12, lsf,2. tf. - - - ' - . - - - War Claims and General Agency. Oil I l.M ) , fiirmerly C.iiiiuissiner J Ihe "ieneral I, an, I (Hiiro, nnd SAME III. T. Sll I tiEKT. formerly Chief Clerk of the l'nt.-nt (llli -e, have ii-s..cintcd themselves in LIMITED PA HTM'HSi p. iMidcr (ho name t, , WILSON ,Y. SUFGKKT, ATTOKNF.YS: "'"1 have opened n in WASHINGTON CITY, for the prosecution of claims of all kinds, MOXEV, LANDS, 1-ENSIOXS. PATENTS ; and especially those growiug out of Ihe v . A -. .- . . , a-. , - ifHi.jjjma JS ui-- wW-The n."t cnielul uiol nergetii! altenlion will Le given to all business committed to our care : terms modi rale, proportioned to tho .mount s..d b.bor involved -and returns rromptly niade. Liberal arrangements made with local Btinniie. Every letter re tuirine an answer iinist cnciofo a pnsiagi' sunup. AU'irevn, A II- T I . i . V WIl.MlX ,1- flll'UKKT, Alt'vs. March E M8C2;lf. Wimhington, D. C. CILOKIOUS NLWS ! " 'yMy. than anvtliiiii! 1:1 1. ;r M. Tlipynrer. tsei,l,f TI1K HU'TII F.YA'.T'ATING TIIF.IK low priced, ami wo a.. .peni.Hj tl.ou-an t ia d STIt'lNG NOLI'S! : verlising for tho encnt of igeuls. Do"' AND while they are doing so, I bavo detcrtniu- of naaiples, containing a doren of 'i" one dollar 'd to 1 j nckage abav siecilied will bo Hint, on receipt FILL UP THK SIIKLVES ' of SEVEN' DOLLARS, about haif rrifc. to any And Irr how it would feel to person wishing to test his nr I 'r nkill with U . , rt . t .. 'view of becniniML' an acent. Th" .' can be fo.1 1 UO It (llOllC 1 r t- 1II. , ,.,, ,e,... f-re informed that if '.hey aVir Vam of uboD ;,H,,H atlow rate, n.l, or Country Pro - 1 irnrti iiii t . ,-itr a, r- ' ............. . . .-' . 1 n i niiii i. v . i i iu i ' , VnIV" street. ci,Prneld. P.. Mar. If. ? ,V I )' ; ' i ' v i v ' , I I 'I li .. , mi ' ii 'i i; i.i'.l 1. 1. i . i . W i l.i l ! ti i ! i' i' ' i i i : n I i.i ci, . '. I. A I II ii 'iitirj Ml t l Nil I .i ,. i r i til N'i i.l.N I I I V I .s ; - hi i A I AP I'lil l 11 ..llllvl.i, , ... .'In ii'il ilX'iv u j ii f it. i t nn ' ! 1 "' ' "l ", I'l I . i; 1 v , li .,i,,i ,,', 1 "' ' 1' ii n J. , "' It L.i. l.y tvify ,liy.irinn melcr n tin lai n i a ell .'lit A I'AP I'.IJ.ATII 1 - I'" ' ' I ' '. i I. l I'M 11 In, .i , , Dr. Win, H. Hm-d's Mouth Wash run I,.' I i.. uh !. ' 11 a i. j .' ii,'c,n iMtl, tl a lud lr,.Mt pia'itly I i tin. up i". i .,in ni.i! t0 ii,, l: ca.-t n: ll. . .,il, i.l.n.; ti.i.j nun. in ,vi,i, l t I'll n I' Ll l I ti c hi. t 'K Ii Ik-h! v.a:' '. I'l an nil I'.-ir r"ftt.lii., I'.SilPr VM. U CUP'S MtiVT!! WAS'.r t.ll'lll.lllll. I f. I' till' II. (.1Kb I' ll', la p.iltul.' j ii. :, ii lai', iio a, ill,:, a i..f.i ii',i not mil' ;,iu.'.li v i.j aitdl. t!riy .. ' iv il lit .) lira) i-t llU'lij.ill (i. lli.. nil,,.,, . ' H. Sh PR. Wi. 1.1 UPS Mi il 1 WAi i l'riM)!Ki.' l lit Ir. Ilai l'n i'.'litr.l ul" ,v. X,. .1. Fuurth Slioi't, lii.M.klvj, ic I) Priro 37 Cent-. Per Bull'.. A hln'i "il 'li I'linai n n ' .I"uin , , AltiiHll- I l'IM.Nt'll'Al, nl Till:, 'tl iiiVXt.' i i;nui..;.'!. N...1. H'Ki'ci. s :. . "i i' .;k S..M in l'liiliiJi'li 'iin I,;, l'y,.t A u., 1';:.' M, ri. : -.1 .-Ti it : 1 1. llie. I. II. 1 ill' vlucumi ?',,t , nn il I v nil In ii,','i-i WliJ.IA.M Li. iiviim TOOTH POJVDKR. T!ii rntiiiiT rui-t lli CAh'Boxir wirimcr na: ;..;rm Dr. Win. Jlurtl's Tootli I'owder is reeoniiiii'i.'tea i.y nil HontiiK l're- , I'ri u ni in-, nnrn s oemm .:.e-r, j-ouriu J)U. WILLIAM 13. IIL'RDS TOOTHACIIi: I)T.'t)'S. 1 )OR TH K Cl'KL lit' i 'I' t) i) 'I' If A i' II L' I , Jll..' , L.A c u lj It '14 particularly ruiaptod lo all cafes if cii,;. Jrcu atlliet'-'l with t o o t ir a c ii i; . Loss ( i' s'l r. f-. p . iin.l their uhibii -n iroin j-re it fu'ii'r'n Lt keej-inL' 1 Lottie of - Ji,, j 1 (Mil) S T ' )' ) i I ( T I F PK'Oj'S 'uboul the liimrc' Pre, nf ! at I',. II a r, ,,,.: p' f l i 1 l'ICO, Only 1 2 (..flit Pi'l' iiottlc. A lib.-riil .i.count in.ij.. la deal, r. Address Prini-lpr.l t nlieo, Ti H.iilJ ins, No. J, S)o-'.i-e Si. .NY".- York S-,1'1 in I'lii'iidi'loliia by Dy .1 ,t ('.... .'.I.' i 2.1 street : O. S. llubl.-li, 1110 CLu-nat tti. et, and by ..11 dni:ioi?. D . WILLIAM n. in Kirs XKUIIAI.OIA ri.ASTKLS. 1 von T II e c t it k o i X K 1J ll A Bi i A. or Toothaeho prodared LreoLO. L O C A Ii , J-: "li j , j, i; j . l:....l IL.. -i: . , 1" mi nil-u in i u , .ill i- I n , tar ir 11 i nil Ul n. ' The ICS in ineir nsii.uro ; iionot produce u ijii-ier.mi'i. leave no uu -lea-aiil re-alt Dr. Win. Ii. ILurd's Xeunihiil Plaster.-; never fail tn give 8ati.-fn''tiau to all who ttl ! Olliee, Fnurtli Slrtet, llrookiyn E. II. Price. Oil V l,i (JelitS e.K b. A lilii.i-nl itisi-niint mndelo deal..!.. l Kurd's Monili Wash, and Cn th . he I'r , , ft box of Tooth Powder, t; " ..eiuiii;i:. 1 ,nr ... ninl a vniitaoio mile tro.iiise o leita nim mnr u."- - i ease.', the Let niuans of pusi-rvini; lliew ."'id Mit ' proper tr.'iitm":.t "f CUi r -rs Tseth. 'h nl itself tho entire ct to every y-iui-. man -r wo- man, or pan ts ilh'i In. ireii.Ttob mindry r-tl.e;- ueees.try trliel"! piio" r f 'm i-V -.-" ONE . holl..'.1'. t m rat-ioHr fur a ., ma expri-ait Hi. oele I. , a ins c.i- ennii.--- of not much, if any, more on a dor.-n then or nr.' it ii lar clnaper to oraer six '-r n no-,- . . . hgen k one t me. A l: ; I At ..i will r , . , or ths surplu can be (lispi red of to '. . .giib'-if s itli nuhlic !. aeflt. lor o one cat t.c.i.uate I - ueh pain, "ud'ering, iinhii,pinesi, and (li. . "Bt, . ti ae le.'t .DA irrit , , i- n fr to .ident ij i, --f' tin- e.peo-e, of t tno and tuone) woul ., the counl,-y .f e .cry fniimy to d v- "b o packages, m, -eh, in ,-selt .s a ; o i'e.ititl UmU,. Ad lrr.s C n. , ." I rihuno biuldiags New Wk, name and address plain v. 1 hat rrnnioi bo made with ci.nli'.1 ncc, V, '.. II. d- Co : Iho Mayor of Lruokiyn, to 0. (irifhth l' of llie 1 nriuers' Kiid ('in; l!nnk, L, ' . to the Editor of the Amir .ni Manufai tur mite; to Joy, Coo d-e'o., I'ul.lisluri' Ag' ats, Vork ; to IV T. l'.atr an, Eii , i ho knows a c thing whan he sees it, and w ha hr aire t. Iy : J"r ed a fecond sut ply, etc Agliils IValitcd: To intrndiics Dr. Ilurd Dental fieine.l.r" ' ' 'T" nrf n,....t.. M.ti, nr t,i n uli.t Wfitit ' Il.Hll aday, TTT-We would 'ath-r py al.rics tnn Ik I1M I . to thos-who ; tbcui iET- ! FICXI KALKSMFN.- - . ?of ' . .. ,-C, 1 1 i U TS il' 10 h' .V 1)1 'I' ' - - - STOllE.Mttrket St. Ch-.trvrJd '' ' r,v-2;.-V..l, A I.'' I, 'it' l.T'l I