Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 26, 1862, Image 2

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I'lf i,'lfuffli) ,iipil'ii(.i
V , .1 V
y, ... '-v ' ?i
;-i v- :'-, V
. i
i mix f ! I
I. nli I
i i i '
ll" I'l ' I ., I III .1 W I l
'I I I I I a I l,ll 1,1 ,1 111 ,.,ll t
I nil' ill, U n ! 1 t )..r
mutt t
ii i ft h i i
I'l i, in i I'
1 Ii
1 ll II -HI i tr
I'. ! I. I .lit
' I M I I'll I II I'l I ll" I .'1l M , t i( I
) i' i'l i il li"uM ni. I ii
I. I 'i' I. HH'llll I KH'le, f ' ll I i tl II ' I - If.
I H nlhi (or I'Uiniil), II tli Cm t n-
I, nit.
A l.i M I h, PA
WdlnoMlny Morning JInrch26, ISO;
Villi H.e U!
Win. M.I...M
1 . llugiuiy
.'no I'irniiof '
I hi: Nim - -W,. IA roihmg of it.
ppilanio Ii.. n the mmI of War tinco the
rnplure id Ncwbein. ' I,,, fight was still S ,1 Bennett
going on i,i Mm,, . m, ,t ni last uc-; vs.
counts Ihclc who some fi.'lmof its vuoa. Korubnugh
lion I v the p l,i !
Till! VAU NI1W8.
I III' i 'iiplnir o SvwU III.
II IHM ! i IMI 111 -li . AH.M.
(1m PnttiKiflp ' OfTiiinl
,.7y.,. .,!, t,.l , l'A ,,, ',-l,
N"l"'tii, MmiiIi I m,:'.
lien I,, Thoinii", ..utai,. Henend I',
S. Ann; : Umim il I Iiito llm honor lo
n nit that niter rmhmliing the troops
with which I intend,? tontlui k Now bci n,
iu -oiijurn i ii'ii willi i)io naval f,ni, on
t ll 0 Illuming f f till! th, (l tClllli'.VlUK
W IK lilU'b' lit I lillti'l an J lil, .
1" 1 i - ( Ml'iivr i lohbborongh hming I ron
rrdered to Hampton Una,!.,. i. imyul
Heel was left in command of Com. Rowan,
i i itiomii l,y Dt-fend. I-.mly on tlio tool uiii of tho 12(h iho
ant. Continued frmn ontiio fotcn started or Newborn, and
term --exception tlmt nijlit nnelioied oil Mm ...... .i. nrm,..
miles from No
,i I e s.1 'n I i f i
'rt ioi r i I y I'" !' I Jiioyiii't
R'liiniol M ".ii a 1 1 v lor
rirntill, Crftt.n for I'l fi'ii-
' Yr. I y l'i r li'lan t
mi'iit I t e i "I"! - (
I', WitH.ien
i aim
! Ir'-I ll , 1 I ,
1,1 si pin r, , , iiti
I , l- ( . M ' l,,. , , .
It'fl tl"! fltl'iV lll'll , ,, , , , , ( I
I'll I r h I : o I : y lnilri In I ii I i 'i
i ni',1 ion I ) l,i:,i 1 1 r,,i. I, m t Ad 'n
li, finl tlm lif -w iiln I, in voi i
In ly 1 1 ii in il, mI (h (J niitu j 'Mi , I
otlW I of ' lli'it l n lii'iv III t ll t Ii I In n! le
t'l t H I V out In ii lul ilii. 1 1 tmiiiiinv I oi
of (lie i iiini'ftitii ; llin only tliinji I luiw
l'i ri'i'i it i" tli" 'Ii liiy rniisiil ly tlm i le.
I ieii o ngnin lo I enr Irlimnny lo (lie
(,'nll intiy ol our linviil, nml In iw
I'tenn tn y tlinnkii to ('miitn.iii'ler 1,'tnMin
nml t ho tlliecr uii'ler liim f ir their lirnrty
litnl clieei lul enoie'iifion ill tlm 111
I . .. I .. ii,,.
I Ml V III III 1M ( !
I f t 1 I 1 ' 1 1 'i ' I , if
t'l. fl I I' In' ", I I I I
tin! e iml i . i' I I , ii,
111 p i r. In. h I im
i "i fyi,'!
It if " f. i hi n i
it I lie Ii 'ill- I
' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( I I I III"
li'inr i'ti 1 1 t tl.e I n K in
el 'ink in;' o n 1 1 ii '.. Ii ,t;
'V e,t ' ' II, (
i 1 1 .$ i i i, ;i.
I ' i'l ! t I,'
,1.1 !.'. el l,i ,
I n .-'it 1 1,.' tl -.''ll
in lll I t I., ' 1
. I ,
'el I'll, l ' I'l ' Ii, , ,,.
nil Ullli I tllll 'loll ! nil, ',
(il,e..A. n( tlll ,,,,,,, .
mIi.,. i' nf I no mi In, i'I, t '
I 1 'I ', lie I Hie,
1 '
I '
I v i ;
I1'.. j
i" l"li I
ii. A
i n i M Ii IW1 II I ' .
Ir.i. oil.'int ,ii.i,i:ii'i r. .......... i loeiTuiiiK re- euiiibt reek, Hfiino IS
7':,: yj:;zizcZlZX ,,a" iU'vi'M 10 ,uak0 tt
.oieieu ,.j uiejusuen ,, tlm RUnrU ul 1 ho LmUtlg lOltinioncd.l l,v
, ...... ,. . . V.: . : :."U'T" ' i'tieiiuui.t. ,ocloiktli
t,W I "IW I'l'il'l'l JHHUISII.' ( 111 I hIS li.KU ."llt'tlKCl IlllSOIl ll 11 '.I I I i
Illioinn I no rciiilMiy I'tlt, lie of t iu laet tint ttll.rOII. Ml. tlillitn. Vileff-i hum ' ,.r.v.l..vl en 1 1, ,i t 1... il,.. f
tlie Ilebel Ccnte?- ,it moii'l, ft finv Pm,;sors of Joidau ullirmeil. Wiilla.-e Tor loo iiiipa'.ieiit fur tlio boat-, leaped into
&.? no iiiininiou-lv im-o.! . eol' ;. il'' v .e '' l" r1'1'"1'.'1'. Vtif for the water nml tv.nlcl vit iloeii to tho
t .,(.,; r , ... . -;joi.ii .n. .loruan. 1 ii'lemkint. Isliore, mid then, after
posiuwiis ; iir.d rJU upon "coiiiproiuiHcrs
H'U.I'll.lf j
Trraiurrr'n Sale of Unseated l.ntiili in !
Clrnrfirl'l county for Tttxen lor the '
yenri 18G0 Rinl 18G1
nrty I V ol ii -ii h iii.iii.iii I 1: n,i, ,n 1
uK'- l u:oi( (f an Art uf Atfiinl U enxi-l ll, ,
till lit their ii-iMlntu'r fc liniely ntol of , l-'l" IT f A ' "A" A, i
in am?nj in nri inrri iiiik hi i'i"iir in pi.ioi,g i u ,
..iti.. I. nu ll f ir tnxn," tliere ill I s c.ii'm. J
l'ublio Hn!i', ur nut cry, nl lit t.'iirl lnni, in tin. i
WI1B . I, ...'ft ..!.! I,. I f..n.l
n HIIRO ni l ival Ol renil oicmiu lils ol lh 1 Juiu-, A. D. ISA?, tin r,.ll..irin Irarmnf rnwl,
enemy iii Neivhern il'iring tho oiijiae. l.nn J in CltnrU'M ruiiiily, fur ihv nt lu tlioro '
tnrnt, which ret routed with Iho remniiuler ff t'' ti I C ' J nnj isci.uml ,rtiuu jrt.
j;ira. M'rvien in ii,o i:o in . 1 1 ll 111 ' ll I (
our umlertakiiirr.
i oimiifii in iiiontion tli:it tlioro
10 IH'.t Inoi tiin i i'pr of
'mtioimi hy liefeii- the naval Heel, and iwik ctleeted with the
hy the enru and country
of tho unny
! I have the honor, (leiieriil. to ho vour,
H'VP" ol.ediont M-rvniit, A. i:. Hi Rs.-n.r " i
I'-rig. Con. Conulg. Dept. . C.
lti? MS
nnfl;-,.M,Y ni'. to take iiotieo."
'c can in form our nei'ihor that
J'lnck lioj.uliliean Congress did tl
:lll. I 1 'eli'liilunt. . k hol e, mid t leli. iil'tei' n l,iil,.ii,n nmrel. I
..i pe.ioo j'i'O' , 'I'hunipKon Kord I Kill.) tokhow oauso uhv through the mud. tho head of (ho ooK ''inent unul.l not luu" unirciieu Miiiun a nine mm a mill oi
I loHpli Shaw. I lio oneiied 11.
'McLnully for l'hiintill, Walluco
Mnreh V.), W2. j
Jkar 7.r,ii60-ioi : Mnro laet 1 u rote
1 over tho enemy n stronghold ot ;i 1. M., u dis- vou a niiirhty chiiiiL'e hus como oyer the
for liB. taiioo ol twelve niiloH from the point of spirit ol' drea.n. Instead of lviry in
huidiiii.', w here w o bivouncked for the ' cmiip. n wo l:ml heen iloiin at t'mnn
lie 8a 1110 ! I ,,),,, U'.,l.,.. 1 I..I., In .l.., .. I... Iii ili I I l.n renr nf I lie ei.lim.n i.n,,iln .... 1 I ct.wn fll .vn !.,,'.. I....
o earao, ami Hi cy I lor use, vs. V execution nhoiild not Lo ; Willi tlio hoat Howitzers nljout three , the lust ton days oiit'uged m the most act-
havo ytuck lo it over mikjc ; mid eve:) j Win. Kvans. net nuide. It is ordered o'clock next morning, t ho dutention bo. ive operation- In tuet, iiHlien. Mct'lel
liorllicrn disunioniti, from (Irunley down ' "iat t1'" lno,u'y " 'o'li inado on this writ ; ing caused by the i-hocking condition of Inn's nddiesn ilechiies, tho oumpiiijMi r.f
to il,,. .' l.n- r.r il,.. i, .,i ;., ,, , i 1 1) the Sli'iillho paid into court lo await .' tho roails, i-onscijiient ui.on the heavy i siY2, has coiumer.ced in earnest, and from
Hi .UJI 'l WIO ft'Jt'Cl ll) f 1 11 OS L lull 1 1 ;li i . i i t i j 1 1 i i ...
, . 1 '""juny ctuiliiifiencv re.-ptclnij: the Mine- nil n that hud lallen during that day ami this tune forwnrd we may expect to bo on
fcliouted iiinon ; thus (leiiiontratiii-clear-1 Wallaco for I'lainti!!-. Swoone f,,r I )..r., . I tho w hole of tho niL'ht tho men often 1 tlm movn eonstmitlv.
ly that thcdijiunioniMs in Loth swotioiib of !
our country, aro lo da;,-, nsthcy have boon
for tho past U-ut.ty years, working toi;eth
or lor the destruction of the 'ovoriimciit.
'1'lioono mii'Heriiifr his hosts under the cog
nomen of Abolition, and the other under
tho name of Secession, and within less
than a year theso two factions htvo caus
ed more real misery and ruin thai: the
world over witnessed in no short a periud.
Win. Powell use or Best, Kule to show
vs. I eauso why .1
J. Ciias" & Jiao McKee. now trial ilio'd
not hi erantod. Kule discharged, and
judjinieiit ordered on tho vordvt.
The petition for incorporating the '(lo-slii-n
Methodist Kpiseopal Church" win
ordered to be liled, in aceordanco with the
requirements of the Act of Assembly.
Two several petitions were presented
lioiii tlio memiieri ot tha ( ie: nian i uther.
I liey have ne uly destroyed iu tho period "ii) Salem Church in I'.radv lonnshi
named that w inch the great and jrood of l""v'nfc' ,0 V ''"-'"I'i'oiated, one petition
the combined world has attempted tc
tmilil tip m the .North American continent
a great, free and Imppy nation. Those
radical and min-mid. d zealots, iu their
uniemjK icd haste, lo destroy slavery pro.
pose to destroy the ;royei iiment itself to
use an old phrase, they would burn the
hou.e to destroy the ; or ihcy would
pi'Il up the w heat to jet nd uf the tares,
Contrary to 1 iviii" and human wisdom.
wadini; knee deep in niuil, ami reouirin.' All mv previous experience in the life
a vi hole regiment to drag tho eight pieces of a soldier fall far short of that of the
w hich had beei: landed from tho navy past weuk. On hod Sunday 'morning a
and our own vessels. week, I wenlalong with my comrades on
l'.y signal agreed upon, tho navul von- picket, from Cmnp "1'ierpont." We re
sels, w ith tho anned vosels of my force, maiiied trentyi four hours I nd w hen re
w ero informed of our progress, and were , lieved, vvpjH buck lo camp, but wo 1. ad
thereby enabled to assist us much in our , 'scarcely got fnugl) into our (punters, out
march by shelling tho road in advance. jof tho rain, betore. we woie dueled to
A I daylight on the morning ol the 14th ' march again ; nml at one o'clock I'. M ,
I ordered mi advance of the whole divi- our regiment (the 'lh ) formed in line, and
sion, which will bo understood by tho en- bnde whatl presume to be u final adieu to
closed pencil sketch. (Jon, l-'ostn 's I rig-1 "Camp I'ierpont." Wemarched that nT
ade was ordered up iho main count) road ternoon about lilteen miles in the dirci
to attack tho enemy' left: lien. Keno hp ion of Ceiitreville. and at dm k halted and
'3 I .;!..... I . ... .....I. . l. .i . . . . , ...
, in.j . ...iiui... ludiiui it. men rigui , amiuer. laid ourselves uown on mo co l iIiium
i . i ..... i. ... ... it t... . , . . .i . .. . .. ... . i
ii ho iu ioiiuw ucii.i osier, una utti
:i :
1 j3
j .r,'. '(, I f"i,7l.A,yi.
W'ttrr inti 1 1 it' ttr?rt
'I homns Westun.
MIlIiucI Mie..T tI7
llit iiouo ..r l.',8 .1 I S.VJ '2i v;'
(i. I., lteed .1 Co.
Willinru Miller
lleiinnn Iluupt A Co.
.Iiionb Kru
.luliii tiiliii,ia
Jcri'iniiih MujIht
l'i'ttr Lli't.
Martin 1'aunU
Jm-ob I'h ii ii 1 7 . jr.
lioorjo MtlrMT
It.itiert Wi1ua
Tli oniua WiUon
Imvi.l lliirlon
.losifih W. Smith,
William limy
.luliu M iller
li. It, llarinukor
F. .t Y. Shotr.
A. M r piiif'iL.
MU'tmi'l t aiin'.
l'avid Voiinkin.
('iiiiiilicll Si Tune r
tlic psinis far T, 's, x 'y
Ab'm l'.yeis.
iii r,7
P.. IT
ll :i'j
IK 7 j
4 I
3i :,
fil HI
i'l'i IK'
ij VO;
.','.1 8 'J ;
.,'J S9'
4 II
in ::s j
11 40 I
l'i Ii I I ii,,
II , il s.
' 'li' Al . I
1 I Ir. l.'M, Mem II A i
ll"H il,.,,.. M.. i
'.,,)'.', I y , I
.'nli, M ink. ..',i.
'''i r.j Thiiin.M r ::i,io11
I'l l r I k. im
1111 Unities ;,. J ,.,,,
i; W, . in;"
r;M IV. M,e, I;,.,.,
Cu.j,,,' ,nl;,.,
I ho 'inio (or '., ,
lie liiil.l I', i l,n
M l.'.T .losepl, Si,;:
- '- I.. ' Opllll
.f.niun Al'i , i I.
.'7 -i'l Joseph S.ui;, in
i' W Win, Saioot,,
I'. I. I'ruiitr .t i .
'0 bli.. X ,1. 1 1 :n Usui)
the ssrnc fur ',"iS ,V '"'i
'' 1 Joseph llaniiui
the .iine for t,s A .''i
.l,.l.n M' liiiu.
JIf Wm. I'.va,,,
' Vr'mv oi,lri' i
inf same for ','iii,
J' h l
ii i
Sum-nol Kuv
. ... i
iieore w ilstMi. ;r
rlwurd Sin il 1 1
ll.'irr; Ki',lmn
samisel IVamblelon
d ii; lor V'S '.v.i
Jacob ( ox
A. IJ. I..,rir.
' 'asper I lainrs
Jonathan Kepl.r.rt
Hitler A. rya.
ti'l John Anilnsin
i" (iilbert VaiiL'ht
yn.-'jii tmiiii'
i asking to bo incorporated under Ihr rules
n 1 1 . 1 re.M . l;i I r.f ll.a A 1 1.,
, r - .i.,.tn, "".i.i ',., i i:,,., i.,.!,... .... i ..... i ,,...!.. ,
mi! tlio otucr under tho (.Mi 10 Synod. Tho I . i 7 ; ...,....,. .i., ....... .. ....... j ....r y.., iu!
court rofusod to grant the prayer of tho "l" '"Miucuom. to wn), no inwecuon irom me inclemencies
petitioners, and ' ordered that U,e costs i 8l,PWt !'' h,0'' ! ''Hth lW- , ., jof the w eather except our overcoats and a
leach casu bo pnid bv tho i.pplii.uits roi- 1 , r ' , ' '" , U'.""' " 'k'''"1- ,'1'l"RV "I",' "', ' . an, lia-l ceuss
.... 4 11 ..... v 0 1 .. i ti I r,t , ..,-vl inn ll ... r.,r 1. t 1 .1 l!. . ... .1 ....
CCtlVCly. j -.".. i.v w. ..... n iiii'iiu iu I'll till! lli inn t";u nil t t I I V I II 1 llg was
say that, alter tin engagement of four damp nnd the night aircold mid di.-ugiee.
,!"v"s- hours, we suceeeded in cairying a con tins able Very liitlo sleppin was done that
A Petition to roi itoT Ihc rubhe. Koad iu 1 U0lli lin'' 0' ' ''old woi k of over u l.iilo in ' night bv any of us. My comrade did all
I I.uwi ence t;i., from tlm rivir nearti. 1'. j length, protected on tho river Hark by a in their pow er to make me comfortable,
iliulich's to Mci'lifii'Min'a saw-mill on j battery of thirteen heavy guns, and on the I but a severe crump ir my limbs caused by
Montgomery crock. Viewers, li. L. Keed, ' opposite think by a lino id' redoubts of : lying on tho dump curt h, prevented me
I Josv'pli Mian , John J. Ileisy. j over a nan a nine in icnglli lor lillemen Irom closing my eyes, hi Meep ut la.-t, ma-
(lr:s. I' at ion, oi i (i no an. We called j A petition to review the Public loud iu ''('''' l'icoes, in the midst of Mvumps ; ny others told rue they were kept iiwakc
attention to the vote of Hen. Patton do- Woodward town.ship, l.'uding from Alex- nd dciiao IbieKls, whicli lino of work was ; by the fumo cuose, Tho neii moriiing
, rr i r i ii ' .r 1 a"I"r's f.rding to Pu-cv's mill. Viewers ' 'lolondi 'd by eight rc'.'iments of infantry, we moved a cmiplc of miles farther nnd
c.aniit, in oiieet, mat (lio war was loi M, p, Wright, Sntmiel Sholl'. Tho;iris : lvo hundred cavalry, nnd three batteries 1 halted, About this time rumors of the e-
tilO restoration! ol tho olltlllltloil ami It ,,,...,, 1 of held urtil'erv. ol i i-ium eueli ! v.ii.e.-.linn of M.uim.-.- l,i.-r.i lore....!, .it
. , J , I- - .r. ....
any wo Logan to conjecture tliat we woulo
not go much farther in that direction, as
Mcl 'oim II.s division in advance of m and
ivould besuflicient force with v hiih looc
lipy t!ie place. The event proved thai ww
were not much mistaken. We remained
at this hultirig place for fo.:r days, in the
mean time reciving agum blanket a piece
instead of ten's. This const itiuc our or,
ly shelter, and I suppose continue to do
so while we remain in tho servi.-e- Un
last rriiiay evening ai i o cloclc, we were
1 1'J K'lii' :,l I.' ......
i lir fiuaj fur Vt'., '7,'S ,1 ';i, sj 4)
iLUt...,;,,;,,,. ,(IS
Acrm. irr.
.lames C Thompson. .j ;;i
SHU lli'iirj ll,.i'k UJ - i
John P. lloyt.
161 1 IS Julia Mcliiila7,n 111 Oil -,,
Williiin Itrady. -(
177 11 J'llin Niilii.ln.iii 11 HI '
iml Jiiiiu.b Muiitire :;l no '
4:'J 135 J.,."i'ili lini.ii 7 2S
Althur Hell, 11,1
4.13 l!.'ii.i. (iil.lK L' sr,
am ria'init,in ij,.n i:. 4:1
lull Henry Ilarnhart 'J 41 -i T " -l")
7j . 1 .111111 1 1 1 . 1 1 S h e r 1111 o 4 l',ii
10 Mii-linrl Shep.le v 1 ful IJilll ;j.;i
1 00 .,,ci.pli I,"iiJ',n 1 1 47
lv,J:lst,Wl,.ilijl. 11' 'Jill I
James 1 i.iui, jr,
R'J Juim Tii'.niii' !i 14 Us-;
I.iiinadiie v Turner. lllTo 'J.10
2"S Juim TIi,,iikh lj
1 1 outer .V I'.rnek prholl'. ,
;::i 7fi .l.epli Hiii.ker IV Ilii i-i-1 pi-
II. S. l'i inn.
4HS 7" 11. S. Drinker 1" 1.'. 47 1 .(.,-
l-'iich . H.iynton. 4 !- ( 'I'm
413 Wm. McCoriui.'l. 1:1 I'l
tho I'n ion, and asked for an explanation ' Tlio r.-'port of tho viewers ofa road from j Tho position was linally
eitlier from the 'ienerul himself, or smui"
bdy authried to speak for him. The
last J,. not comci to the recue, but 'Lies
nial.v tarried Ly a
.New Jli;,j.,i: ; lo Hie top ol the river hill, mo.-i g iiiaiu eoarge 01 our men, wincn
haying been coiilinned .V. nt .limuary iennble.1 us to gain the rear ol all the
lenii, was set usi Je and coiitimin.l until lel irR between thi point nml Newborn,
Juno term, on account o informalities in 1 which was done I y a rapid advance of the
not show a particle of light on this very tho report. All views returnable at tho .entire loicti op tho main road and rail
d irk 1,0 cii.laimli.'ii, nor P'esent term of court were continue! un ''0iKl' naval flet nKantimeiuishing its
. , , ... : . , til June term. way up iho river, throwing their shot in-
mnkes.he.l,ghte.l,ttemptat.ust,l,cal..,n .',,., v to the lo, ts and in front ot us.
Wo tan tell uur ncighbo. that this kind of, A Itsi Mi I Ll.i . . -n,u ,.,, afier relreating in groat
dodgio" wmi t do. The siibjert i u very '.OJI '''"'""r II0II A- I'augunian s to conluMon (tln oiung away blankets, Una;
t,rioiiM one, ar.ij tho people are becoming J
iiio;e sci 1011.4 thereon every d. y. If tins
not f "if" ler the re-toratioii ol the
war is
Ciuslilulion and tho Union they want to
know it. And when their representative,
by his solemn vole, declare that it is not
for tl purport, they want an ex plana
lion, mid if e mistako not, there will bo
lioublv iu tho camp if they do not get il.
the cut turnpike, one-lourth of mde sik ks.artns, Ac.) across the railroad La id
t I I 1 I I I . . . . 1 . I I 1 - . la... 1 t it 1 a . . " . ..
t-.-.L "i me imiio nan tavern in I'ecauir ami county roml Li ntge, Luriioii tl,o torm-! again ordered into line, nr.d commenced a
township. I er and tiest'oyed draw of the latter, thus j retrograde movi rnent, taking howevei the
A road loading from Clark' XsKoads to 1 nrevpiitiiiL' further tiur.siiit. and caiisin.r ! Direetion of A levmnli lu inji...i,l nf "C .,,...
inieiseei tne oi-j .Nepj'er road near Henry detention ,11 occupying tho town by our j Pierpont." AtM o'cbi k P. M., we halted
DlAI'sMall 111 I. loom tow nship. ' i-iliint v force. bllL iho navn OIVIl hull nr. for llioiilel.t nml .,!.... ...n. r. I..,,,!.!.,.!
rived at the wharves, and commanded it 'down on the bare out th to rest, and sleen
if wo could. Porlumitely for myself I had
. ' 1.1.. . 1. ... - . .. . . -
a .-iiiii DiaiiKei 10 my oenediii me, ani
11 1 il
A road from Ioauo Z.u tiniui's to the
Sluffir road near K. M Smiley' in lhady bv their guns.
towiiMiip. I Iut open advanced (ieneral Poster
A road from Sam nil Iirown'a I o Hip ' brigado lo tako poses-inn of the tow 11 by j t wo woolen and and another gum ditto to j i'll'o
public road between Elijah Pan lis' nnd j means of the naviU vesseli which Coin mo- spread over me, and wearied as 1 wna, id-
nr. lloyt s 111 nur.oii towimlup. (lore Kowun had kindly volunteered loi though it began to ruin soon after re laid
A road to lead from lino of Mary Mc tho purpo?o. jdown, I slept soundly until b o'clock next '
Cluro'i uik' J. A. Chldwll'g land to pub. j Tbu city was set on firo by tho retrent' nirrnin i- At 7 o'clock without time to j
no at or near ,inion i nompson and , mg toliels in many places, I ml, owing to eat breakfast, wo were again on themov 1
1110 nun sini continuing. tins was 111.
4. ".I
4 J'.i
4 in
l'.S 1
A IIioh Pojition. Our neighbor of tin
7'r..i".i- junior, in his last isuc clearly in-
1 1. . 1 1 1 1 1. , ... . . .. o 1 .... ... I..!... 1. . 1 1 : .... . , . , '
dioatos that lie li a nan 1 ci uiiio un u . 1 1 . i.inun.s o 1 u..-, um. umininji, 1 no e.xei uons 01 1110 n.ivai omcers, Die 10
t .. .l 1.... 1 ; .. .. r.. ...... 1 1. .. - i 1. - ' . . . . : . .... . . . . . .
i. o. I. J,. Alinlitior. basket t'V the l cstora- '". i.-....... n., u. mu A-iumn on ine iuair:iiig cuizeus were inaucen 10 aid in
. . . , ... ,..,.. .,.,,1 Hogback to near hobin in Paw. extinguishing tho llaniPs so that but lit
11011 OI l.U.11, b-S..r.. ron(.a townalill) tlp ,1(U.m h,ls l)cpn (loI(?i
warrior ('.'), JoJm V. l remont. j road to lead fram (ieo. (igdon's to in- Many of the ci'.izensi arc now returning.
Ho says that tho President "could give, tersect the old road near the larni of Hon-' and wo me now in quiet possesion of the
him uo higher position." In this ho is ry Yon in Hrmly township. ,'cil' We l.avo captured the printing
cettainH- oorroct and wo think that I, loi c" fron, l,0,n ( leaver s press, and shall at once issue a daily
cctia.u.j toiuii, .mi t to Anderson creek in I.loom lownship- ' sheet.
climbing (ho Allegheny Mountains and Th report foi n road from McMurrty's j By this victory our combined force have
the Mae Kidgo, would be high enough to 1 mill 011 tho west side of the rive in Hum- 'captured eight batteries, con'aining foi
fitisrvnnv man of ordinary ambition. side tp. was set aside for infoi malities.- ty .six heavy gun,, three batteries of light
,11 r,,u,. ilnii "is remonstrance signed by twelve ciu.en artillery of six guns each-making in all
And ho further sass thai l is lso presented, praying 10 set tho re- s.xty-lour guns ; two steamboats nnd a
amenable only to liiimielf. I his is the pon ftside. number of sailing voxels, wagons, horses,
same position ho held at St. Louis provi- Tho election held in Union tow nship to ; a largo Uanlity of ammunition, com mis
011 loin removal. Ho fortified himself ! change the place ol holding tho general ?ary mid quartermasters' stores, forago,
and his robU rclan at that place, whci c Mr'(1 tmhip elections wn, confirmed-' and the ontiro eamp equippago of tho re
umi 111s lomn r 1 Ithcia being 00 votes poked for the change 'bel tioops, a larga quantity of rosin, tin-
all was sccurily except the Uovernuiont , nnil none again!lt. 1.entinc, cotton, Ac!, and over two liiin-
funds, while hcalJowed the rebel to cap. A rcmonatranco wna presented signed dred prisoners.
lure 1 exin-ton, and murder Gen. I-yon j ly M cilizenn of Kurnsido towr.nhip against i Our loss thus Tar ascertained will a
mid his romrndes at Wilson's Creek. i ,ll0,rpl10' t of tl'e vinwers to vacHto a road mount to ninoty-ono killed and four hun
Si,d h,s com.adts at wu.oii srctu. j jrcjfUI.ray.t ,. ,Q Vincent dred and si.xty-six wouuded, many ol
j ui 1 1 1 in 1
fiitif-Ourctitc prising friVml over the way,
ha brought his paper out in a pictorial
form, similar lo I..:s';,'s a.i'-l Uppers 1 until Juno term
Wol.hj, of whom he will be a rival Lot tho I mpenslh filtANTf.l)
future. IIo also informs tho reading pli.V-1 TAVKR.V MrKXSH.
lie, "that Mr. Lincoln exercises tho su- M'vfKnt Lunich,
premc functions of Commander in Chief." i ''i'jjol,",'""'
Wo may expect to nee a rail demonstration I Wm. Manon,
I thorn mortally. Among these uro some of
made by iho "(Iran i Army" within tho; ; --' ,
usual sixy dys, epokm of by Seward
December 180.
Cxy-Tho next thing no mny look for
from the Abolition press, is s goncral do-
I A1I11111 Knarr,
Vuli'iilinu IlolTijiHn,
I riioi.l .-smith,
I It. .T. JUynts,
Juim SulfriRi",
I Wm. Woodwurd,
I t rt ..i.
riunciation of (Ion. Hurnsids, becnuso ho, 'jb M,uck,
perhaps unthinkingly, says lien. McCTel-,W. W. Andoron,
Ian- -and not President Lincoln-,' tnUtU SHuS
tv nil th? credit for 'hmnny and dWrcUng the I,P,ol,l llri.n'.oll,
prt-fent campaign that has been so success- J "'
ful against the icbets. Jicad his ollicial ' Anron llartman,
Jd I111 fhi'Pstr,
' i:il l y.
" " " ' lb'nrv Punt,
BsR Dak Kice Jr cundidale for Con , Andrew Cmsn.
gres5-is just cow ".-Lowing" himseirin; 'd"'
Paltimoro. It is no doubt his calculation , l)liniel xj. wJuver,
lo roach tho Wild Cat Diarict by tho timo Xaifcy Iilo-.m,
. . 'John Jordan,
tho campaign fairly opens. Frnnci RmusMlot,
... - - I W. W. Worratl,
Win. .Conrad,
John S. lUdcbach,
icpoi t of the capture of Newborn.
me oruer 10 view a new township out our most ca ant ol eers and men. The
o( pnrlH of Bell and Brady was continuciP rebel loss is severe, but not so great as our
I own, being eltectually covered by their
Too much praise cannot be awarded to
tho officers nnd men for their untiling
exertion and unecusing patienco in 11 1
' comiilishing this work. The. cllectoftho
landhig and tha aproaeh to within a
1 mile and a half of tho enemy' works on
j the l-'lth, I consider as great a victory as
1 tho engagement of tho Hth. Owing to
I tho difficult nature of tho landing our
I men were forced to wade ashore waists
deep, march through mud to a point
I twelvo miles distant, bivouac in low mar
jshy a rein storm, for the night,
.engago tho enemy at daylight in the
morning, fighting them for four hours
amid a dense fog that prevented them
I from seeing tho position of tho enemy,
and finally advancing rapidly over bad
I roads upon the city. In the midst of all
j this not a complaint was heard tho men
' were only eager to accomplish their work,
j Kvery brigade, and in fact every regiment,
( and l can almost Bay every officer and
man of tho force landed, was in tho en
Clearfield Ilnrmigli.
d. do.
Curwcnsvillo Borough.
do. do.
Hiij township
do d.
do do.
Covington township
Knox lowneliip.
Kartliaas township,
fioshea townthip.
llu.vtuu tjwnniiip.
Iwrcuoe townnuip.
Morria towunhip,
1'enu township.
Lumber City liuro.
Hoeearia townnhip,
Cuviugton lown.ihip.
Hoggs townahip.
Morris township.
Koggg townabip.
l inon townthip.
Urady townnliip,
Ilecati-r townsbiji.
Hoggs township.
Covington township,
llrady township.
iulich towofhip.
OirarJ Ion n.-lnji.
Chmt towuatiip.
fiuelich lownrhip.
Decatur townflnp.
.i. ' it ..... v. tu. .,11 .mi 1 0111 as a 101 -luous
one on account of the d est 1 net ion of ,
11 bridge or two on tho main turnpike to 1
Alexandria, and lav over unfrequented
roads in bad repair, and in many place
through swamps and mo-asses knee deep
in mud, when we halted at 4 o'clock P. M.,
our ranks were much tinned by the poor
fellows who were unablo to kopp up with
us nt the trite wo marched ! while many
more confossed that they could not have
gnuc much farther. Although tho rain
continued to lull in torrents we soon hud
our gum blankets stretched over poles,
sheltered as from the storm nnd cheerful
fires blazing before them- After our hum
ble but highly relished meal we lay down
and fooling tolerably comfortable- I did
not sleep much thai night. My nightly
cramps or rheumatism siill banished that
luxury, but notwithstanding, 1 arose in the
morning refreshed nnd quite competent
for the day's work before me. This day
wss Sunday, but in time of war all day's
are alike to soldiers, and at 10 o'clock A.
M., wo formed linp and proceeded on our
route The marching was tolerably good,
and in bout four hours we reached the
heiglithsof Alpxandri.ini.d then halted
for bivouac, and hero wo still rotnain, but
aro liable to more at a monipnt's notice.
Tho entire "Pennsylvania Heserro" nci
companied ns on this march bpsides ma
ny other troops, of which I havo no knowl
edge as I only knew of their vicinity with
out seeing thorn. As wp approached Al
exandria -vo mot largo bodies of troops
and long trains of bnggnga coming from
that direction, but where destined I did
not learn. They were principally New
York Volunteers.
Our orders were when we commenced
our retrograde movement to prepare to
'go by water" nnd for tvo day's, troops,
are being rapidly shipped at Alexandria,
and a fleet of transports lio in the river,
doubtless intended to receive us on board
as soon a every thing is ready. Of our
destination lam asignoiar.t ns of the
time of our departure, but the newspapers
doubtless duly inform you of both.
Our present situation would be very
pleasent it the weather was a little war
vssi I
.if 93 J
111 II
Xiue'V li'iggi
Cram, Blake 4' Parley.
41 MhU'iiIiii M.'liuaii'l
41 J.ilm l'vcra
ill. Albei t if- Brothers.
(I'..irv;i' II. jut 11; 11 11
.1 1,1.11 V.. ,-h ,w
but" kyii-r
(1. W. lieurliiirt.
Wiilter Stewart
(I. 1. Morgan A. Co.
CI .!.,!, n .Miiiiigouii'i'y
1 Iii Itirlnird Thiiuit
i. W. Smith
Tli'mcm Smith
7-S Willi.,111 M..11 in
.".'".'.. ' J-:,-.
William Bigior
s ; it-k I i u ,( (irilliiih
A. B. Pood's Kstalu.
Niiklin .t llrillilli
11. l.eecii At .1. I'h:i,i
.Lihii Nii-h.iliiiiii
Jnfillll W. l-lllitil
J. W. Newpher.
.LiM'ph Kerroii.
lirndii'id lou n.Jiip.
Iliill .1 I'aick
John Portor.
lllnir Mi-I.Miiiiluin
Wm. Hitcl.ens.
r' Anron hi vy
Wi.'liniu SiinMoin
t li e saino fur A j(l
Joa. .1 Win. Fan". nil
V. P.. Holt.
Win. (Indian!, jr.
Abraham (indium.
114 iKiibelU .Ionian
Musi''n heirj
Thomas Wnple.
.. n n 1 1 1 n 11 Nesbit
lienrgii It.ireer
Nehoa: iiili Mimes
lira,, lowiiship.
(i. t C. Baily
"I l'.nbcrls S: Fox
Smuuel Ainbrnje
Tilton iteynoltl
Ileiirv Wvkofl"
41-. SO
(Ireeinriiod Dell
1 " Jen II mil right
A. .Mor.
Mullhim Slough
Cliiules It 1 1 -1 u 1 . .
loll tieorgo lloss
Lewis Jordan
h. J. Craus
S. Scott
Hiram Pansinore
Bi'iij. Hartshorn
John I'. lloyt.
Adam ltlgart
For tnwnnl'iij).
ltU.llllph 11. Kvilllr.
James WiI.mi::
Is.lliiiiiin llurwiiud
J.IS. Wilson, yye:t
Nathaniel Ibily.
la-. Wilion, east I
Wm. 'IV.ns.
bis. Wilkin, middle
J,i Wilson
same for '."K '','.)
I., l'le-luii.
. I, lines Wil-on
lolin C. l'reiiih,
.las. W i I s 1 1 1 , ea't pi.
James Wil-nn
Seneer .t Spiler.
.'nines Wibon
t . S. I.nud Cgiupiiiiy.
James Wilson
IT, 47
In I'll
S ;:i
2.1 ;,0
I'l I'O
4 i 47
1'7 40
10 OJ
12 41
n in
10 si
n t
x ;.i
7 i'n
9 L'i
4 i;o:
8 41,
, :;a
5 M I
6 41 I
R 07 1
I fid !
1 JO 4.-,
ol l?i I
I.; hi
o . . . 1 . 1 1
JO " 11
1,1111 " '
Mo.-i K, ui'i"ii.
'.Ml William Powers
Win. 1 1. 1 ionloii.
-l'i J.lilie.s Wilson
A!. .i:..l, r Vi:il.
I s S ,1 un. is W Jmiii
l1"'! I'.. 1 1.11 ellpillt
, 1, 1 1 .,!,;
II ',l A i.'j. '
Ii i.' 1"- Morris - Stow. ut
A. A W. Murray.
"' I'.l I l'i M u i i..; A Stewait
.:, is
I'lllU'e. lollillii't.
C'iI I ill I Morris A Sleual!
.'10 1 11. A II. Smith
) ( ieorge Mead
I', ter I, ,1111111.
1 1 7 Morris A Stewm I
'.17 pi.!
S. .1. M. Ciithci'iiiiiii.
77 Morris A Stew a, t
J. I'. N id son.
.'d Morris A Slewart
i',,.7ea tr'inftur
A nn'S ll. M errell.
(ieorge Mead
B'OIr. Lincoln hus quit issuing proc-
. I I 1 . 1 11. 1. .n
lamations, ana lias laueu uii mo uua.neo. MEUCANTIlE LICENSE.
of witiug resolutions for membors of nwhHri Mo,sop, Clsarfleld Borongh.
Congress, iu tho ihape of recommend' ciauiim Barmoy, Conngton township.
J T 1 1' . V -
1 John Kobson,
Beccaria towaihip.
Tho men are all in eood spirits, and un-iiner. Our camp overlooks the Potomac,
der the circumstances are in good health. with the shipping on its broad hoom, thej
I bog leave to say to the General Com- baautiful scenery on its eastern shore,
mainline that I have under my command Washington city on the left seven miles j
a division that call be rolied upon in any .distant, and Alexandria at our foot on the
emorgoncy. right a view scarcely surpassed by any.'
A more dotailod report will ho forward- i thing of its kind on this continent, l ast;
cd as soon as t receive the brigade ro-1 night at its mid hour l stood on the broir .
turn. The Brigadier Generali, having of the gentle eminence on which we are
been in the midst of their regimeuts bivouacked,ar.d gazed on the sublime spec-(
Hubert lioss.
IJj ' 77 Cnfpcr Stiver
James Bloom.
SfiSl ll'ij Juieph Keiron
David iVhitmer.
.'iSI 135 Joseph Ferron
Smith A- Brother.
Jilt 501 Christian Lower
M. Ley's heirs.
110 S70 Christian Lower
25 Z. 8. Welch
Jlurn.sidf hu nfiij'.
A.K. Wright.
J00 Jereiniiiti Williamson
James liallagher.
4? Mn'-y Crawford
310 Frederick Kuhn
Shepley Priestly.
Ill Christian tftako
1 60 Jaoob ltowland
150 John Kyan
tho intna for '.'id, 'T,'S A: '9
150 Ebon Mc Maslera
the Bamo for '56, '7, '8 & '9
Chest township.
4,3 2 153 John Hrennoman
Henry .S. Drinker's Kstatc.
50 Charles (lobin
200 Hubert Fleming
200 Isaac HirhanUon
200 Jonathan W alker
T. W. Smith.
J7f Peter Hore
Ruth McConnell's eastate.
.'57 64 Hugh Hartley
120 Joseph I'iker
271 fieorgo Tage
411 Henry lag
234 James Noble
.Tmes Thompson.
100 31 Henry Pole
3(1 Armttrnng A darnel
140 Fulton
Geddes, rsh rf- Co.
413 153 John Muaaer
200 John Toit
10S Jonathan Kephart
7 20
12 ;ti
24 39
39 26
35 24
19 Sfi
14 83
9 76
39 21
9 76
.10 21
J7 31
4 29
17 26
17 ?s
17 26
28 91
24 62
8 28
18 71
5 37
16 15
20 70
6 39
6 22
38 33
27 60
22 16
1 .. . .
1 r.i
1 ii
'- 7
. ", I S
1'anii'l W. Ilraillov.
4.K) 114 Robert Shaw"
4.11 114 llymaii (iratz
Pl'i Thomas Dinicason
120 C. J.Allport
1'. Oyilen.
AVm. II. West
(iulich t'linlih't.
Herinnii Iluupt A (2.
S4 Matthias Barto
LVt Kdwurd llmid
CS Km.iiuiwl Keigart
fieorgo Mooro
.lumen McHhoo l Co.
119 lill Christian Stake
pi.S 1-2 Matthins Young
4,"..1 I'i.'I Chriitian linger
413 l ').. itporgo Musser
'J..7 4S Thomas Yodlar
210 aniel Ollley
21") 75 'ieorgo Baker, jr.
4'Afi lr Timothy Paiton
4.1.1 LM John Rurgo
21o 15.1 tlohn Musaer, jr.
430 145 Josoph Ashbright
The remainder ncxl wti k-
Thomas lirah.11,1
Mori is A Stowirl
,'ral--w '""'evi'';..
William Woolrilge.
Thomas P. Oopo
.1 oh 11 Skyron
T. Cope
John Fleming
A. K. Wright
J'ileh A Itiiyiilon.
J;sper Maylan.I
James Miliigall
Fiiumel Lan-bcrry.
(ienrgij Moore
J. (ira ha ill
John Thomas
Joseph Henry
Pcubi 11 Haines, jr.
due for ''iii, '7, 'S i 'J
Charles Hall
John Cook.
Jacob Wetzel
Hippie, French if- (.'0.
Joseph Simons
J. Cook.
Reuben Haines
ti r
'i ,,
'i i.
v i
U i
If K
'' v.i
"J 4,1
all Ss
I i,r.
il iii',
11 -J.
(.! 4:;
liS ".
il'.i :,it
t. i;
1:1 117
4 t.i
11 ti
ll 1,.:.
'Ji ll',
p.i :;i
1.; .v.-
in,; 117
1"4 17
7 .1
ilii on
'W n:l
U v,
1 :
: '.v.i
y oi
7 75
12 .Vi
vi 7L
20 K
11 1
la .17
is :l
;;i or,
7 rl
12 122
r,7 on
7d 17
. -
Ll ol
70 52
11 20
1)8 01
41 a
.14 nJ
la (l'i
()." 41
t',4 "
20 2'i
is no
7 50
42 51
jt'i h5
(, 72
24 14
11 09
18 08
40 72
40 72
13 (A
20 40
40 97
40 67
20 '.11
40 07
tions for the boneul ot Abolition:sm.