Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 26, 1862, Image 1

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    "r ir-
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fr vr. ioo;it..
h()L XXXII. W!HH T. ; o 'fi'Ft
iT.iucirrr3, not mi n.
i:: ii:iJ), !'.. V.'Id'MNDAV, MMicirjr, mr,
Al I
S'l II
f Vv
i Mr Guthrie f. r .
A', til'' eeF bra'i -i a-.
,. anniffersttry ci'W.r-V
Hi.'" JaXs Gitim-:i , v
jci the Treasury i.n.b .
I IIIkI V.'Ili) li'lB llCI'll .1 : ' . i
':.'.'.: turcuh n'l t!i.':
I teln -ri-l an hJ'J- I
1 ro-v( ! !i
r.y v 1. Jj w
! tract the f )H i vine; :
"Thi day. if tho power wa. will, mi', an
.'iu.iH'ty find Iron j ar.ho hh.uihl b" pro
, iiiinie J to ad. whether i:i arm or not,
!), n a proscribed time, -ivo tit) their
.mum and tho rebel cause, ackno'.v it .k'e
llio supremacy of theCoiiMitution and the
-ftivs, and a;.'iee to sub;
,5rtoJ What I Woul i i
nt l thi-iii. 1 a, n
wli ii tho Ica'ie:
:'m-::i t ) ti .'.;(
I rep'Oh I would I i'.
I imlstm'l t''-' punk bin, in pre,, ribed by tho
Us they have violated, tut I am lor the.
lurffH t foryiveiiL'ss consistrnt '.villi tlie ivs
tjratinti "I tho Constitution utnl the salt ij
.if the Union. All arc not iead.-fj it! tins
n hcl::.); v. hi"1 hi.Vt at t. ti as its e.'i.ivi
t.ioiif, t!iriHir:h the I '.( .;, or on tin; utjmp,
crlillei! hif-h jU- t ii: .ho tri'o.
"My i o!ay tumid enhrace all h
ificnt:i.. lii t , iy r'0..n".ls that the
tin IV- re.5 nation of i;i Alnii.;i:,y,
,;ri 41,':: n ri'sl-'.i 1 Ids btf
, :.i, l
and .i;!:ui) i ' i ;iu t ic ) for
'l.i Tim eli-'tno i.!' o'"!'
ere a rani
i.oti, iii'tl'M-o:.r holy ivhior. . ;
rfreutan r-. U'Sen iod :,"'
rci'ai.l tiinvi. d..i'! it ni.u. 1
. r - , . .. . I . . .
. a t'ne i'.--trgive
l.i i
ol i. e loo
fill a,, . i.iio titan . i.e. u
din;; ii ;-. I.ei. us l. ('Ol. li'l. '1 ;.e ':
ni-'tidji-r !
, t, tt-i.:.,
prcsen'i -.villi u -, tht.t
T ' ctr H 1. la rui, t-j f .'gii t
I!:;: ij iht! tea hiue of 1 ' 1'
. I:,.'
ah, t ;t
. :, ta :" !
U it'.
:: ' o:i
.I . va ;i
. thole-:
'.s v. e e:
-,- . u. I '.
,.i.o !...
oV-l'li ::
,.:::0i':. m,
tilifi le'.i'l J.l.
f a t-or d!-i. -
'.. , :! 1 '
I i-
V. I
Ii-, il coili- batk I
p.; us reeeh '. ti.eKl a' ' d
f-o liit.-- .m l ".'.' i i' ol '.'.e
oi cr !' r -v : : . e. i 1: i-C
i!,is iebt !!io:i, if p i:d. -no.
niioliv u:i''.lin-ll' '1. Tie v
no-- ...ti.; .,.e.
: i, ,:.,n in : '
a 1 o repent ol
w.,1 n..t po.
W i.i 1,111' in
l. ,r tin. burden if i'n-ei ius 'oil, t
i ,.
',i s nf tliusit whom) lar lnv H'os
i. pi'oai .ic
nets liiey
l: I '. !:! and the i-low
m: 1 o; phai.s they h-ivo made and can
,, mu-.ii u and the liii.-trost thai a--..
-a.; any the.n t the -v ive.
' 1 (wi;M d.chiie thi.-. Minn E'.y ;.nd l rr
.loti a-j a u,ir in. isure. It may dr,.w thou,
sandi who fc.-l that reb-iiioii l- r.ol an :-.
idy fir .xh'in,: or siippo-ed euilv and me
cuinestiy nnd hop. ft lly a.vait'.n.' e- : .p-,
hs fur as pus
; ! from the imim-'i'i. ns
of their nets. I wot:: I ooen in,; ooor tor
Ideal. Many of the seceded' - h.v
ii'.w.iys been f..r the Union, and r nly await
the time th. y :
it. I ::; ..
u in in a 1'.. :!.'
i f oo .1. ":n y i.i
v.i O'fJ -nil v
l.'V til'.'.'
:'! "li:
v and
.1 -.;( .
Ie ive
V. ..ill .'
,-e tho a,i,ii-.-i
lot ai'.ii 0, ; -tuosl
I hci'eve i:
ai. d
pio ilpl'. 1.1 the re-lol ii'iicn of li." t '
lu! ion S"'.. !:; " i'ili-'li, nt-d I't ti'.'-ie
ti vc in lest .;'n; 'he Cnio:. tlian tl e
fcicnid viol, 'i 's our annios rave or
. :i -
chuin. If it ;! rrlou the war but hf y r
ono hundi .1 .-l.iv it viiuid cave to the
iiii'.i'.n uio! than leu time-, th" value ci
all the estate, you could pjibly f"
c.'h in nevoid. .nca with (he Constitii ion.
You can. lot'.e the ei-t.iios oi lion-l-i'.iiiit";
the. old nion, the ido.vs, the
C'phans, the iiu-imo.or the iii:becil' ironi
w hal-Vi
cr cin.'P, ioo out ol the le.'-'i
Ji:.( at in v.'! crate cm ::);. ft the lil'e.i.oii
NVe ought not to waste and de-troy the
property of ti.opo whom wo don't intend
ta jiiiui.di af- rel els. Tiiei;- trtates arc a
j jrii t of tho fixed caoil.-i! of the ri'hii, and
lewant if as-.i :,art oi-Mie iu:.' nd .'dt;.;
lo ir.c:-eu.t ti e annual je.od.u-.ion f th
c nnii'v ,l.e '. tu unusual :axat:on ma'' r' wi'i.i tr.H nnr, un.t In. low 1. isr
,.y i have fpnkcn of and
r riki 'erc.i iho e i-'-i.s, :n of thjlcn-
ill .Hon hi
Ur.inn as n lixe.1 fart,
O-I Uvc iko inort perfeel cenviabn, of i
t. ct wohavecivie'i.iics 1 fi,eoun,er
1 " I ho worst eiieuin-fi 01 u.e iensvnuuon
'v . , I .. - . I r, , 1 ..- t.-l- I , .1
tkre those r.-hodO coiistant cry is lor tho !
,4 of the rebel ami the ronfi.-ca' ian old
icir states with li.e emancipation of tho i
. , , - j . .. . ., ,1, 1 1, r , . i ,n .-im,-., c '
. .. ,f,l . 1
ll.r....... .....1. i...t..m, III. '11,111, ..... . Ill,
flares, and who to resell their purposes
. , . ,
k .1 i i . . i. - -i , i iniiAn 1 1 . n r to 1 1 s i
ii' iiviir.iniTiaiii u ctiiipiutiiii'
j . ' ...
i: orrery ar.J tho pi nc r!es of human-i
i ' I 1 1 1 1 i
iy foot, and blast forever tno :
.reroyeftho nation. ucn men piopo.e
o c!!iib!i.-b, througli CungresiOfiil action,
rrovisionul goveiniueuts over the seceded
t "I atn gia 1 to tea our Union armies hd-
incing, al. hough tho weather is bad and
tho ro'jdit I'lmoft impassable, and 1 hope
hey will new 6trike heavy and quick.
Vwant no provisional governments in
ne Statas under Congressional action. Tbo
. Ten-
'! d
i't oi
tin'! 1
ml ! I
ie": i.: n,
i: : i
i.-r tins ;,
- (o IrVo ; f
and ! n,
..f the ' ' r,M;t'..l
... i'.-- -..;, o
yt.' coiiiiincinj c'u'jurncc in the mart ilj. , r
f i'ir T.'ni n itrnii.t. Jh im' be .'hi iriscil as the
(IMiVjBiA'iDIiv, li fiwi that the vr-r'; r.,"!,d
ti'' u more and tt',ri.'ti',c than V u irk tj
.'c.:ztn, unJur mere Uh4nin,ouf. Ken Uic' v
Iia 1 no heart fur tlii civil war. S;.r th. nl.t
and !' !t it mi
;..' Ii 'j',' I In r j
in ,!'!, V'i,f!t .-he
!.t lie'
) llT.l't! In.
:t,; V.-Ouh
,e i
till. I that li'M"'! "us i ,
Van:, shn irdinj im her armor fuul detei
t.-rmi nJ t s'rike for the Constitution,!
tlt. (-,,:,., ,l tin? (lag. Last in tho Hold,
(-lie nan's to he lirst in the work of
at; in. I have ielt i.nd iioiied wi.h Ken
tneky, ami my Jicirt a;"d judpnuiit a:e
.-..'I. ill. her.
"If (,'ui.eress is j,rMr.!t ami t :!'.irr.l in
in-!;. in. tvith eilieient aid from the I'mtii
tivo Dej-f.i'l.'nent, 1 sice no reason .v!.v tho
Cm.. -titutioti an 1 the Uni,;n m,iv not I v
Gloved wiihin the iic.U i.ioety
'-I' one
uiidied dajs, and nr re than :h:s
ti;o nnny lestored to tiie.r j.oac. fid
uesan'1 their itid is'.rioin '.ur-
ir -
: lis.
IV d )il L'lMllt tliis ;':,, ..;V(. us
; , a-e. hi, 1 a happy r ..-iinio.i, ;.i.d .-mi'do i;,
: ' "ur chi! lr. n, and our eh:! hen's eliil
iiiv.i, uh in-ver this day t!n 11 niurn, l', r
c.-'ioin o-'n'.rri-s to aj i fivli!" and tvt in n. w i:h t'n- l.irciV'.U ad,li-. --: ol
V. .:idi(t.;t.n. and make tho-. , ,,A
; i,-. ) ns thi-; il wa.-. an ; i..,.-,. ; ,-,
ha-- -.i :.i;.i,:li:..l t.i li tiioin, iii 'i . iv
pe..; . i i' -. , j.iv.ii '. i!,e I ' -I-' ''T ' , ;..
i: . "."I i-ij ... ,v , W !,i;o' -ioi hi n
."'i'T ...i..-'- th" ec..-';c. ies Ci' th .- ..' .fi - i i -,:i.;i,
I I'. : ! ' ) hi--::;..' t', ..:,. ;
G.::.oial Mi
I!r:i 3 -.'vir
Ari.'iy ex" t!i" I'o?-o.
.! II. liS Al.Vl I illK 1'
i I.
Mavh i ;, iv.:.
' '' '-. .!. "
For a 1-n, : I h.f.e von i ve,
but I, .-: v. ilh'JUl a purpose. Vo'.l acre to
bo disi ijoiiied, arinc l ami instructed. -The
foi miil.tble artillery you now have had
lo be created. I Uherarmies i -re to m oo
and Hoc Jinpllsh .t-itain lt.ul'iS. I have
hi M vmi 1 aek tiiat y.m iiiir'iii -ive the
de I'h 1 ' w to the r 'i'ldli ui that has d;.-.
tra te.;
I ienee
deie e
Vii t. l i.
hanj-- coiin! :
siiown and
-neral nai w..
t; I
... j...-t)'.!,-
:, a dee:,
ed. I fe
i t.-. in .'
;o!ii eot
'in- all 1
1 ami ir,
:,i' v re-:ii! a e no.v
.. 1 I iia-. til- 1 a: 'I'- of .ll.i-
1 1 (.d'.i''.:.! t o-i.- fruit.
'.ti'ta : i : !-' v a r. .. '
i 1 1 c i! t'liid, I !.!...!.;.
ir-..-'.l iii.'no!:. .'Veeii-nli'
;,-l v.'.:'' .-enm.iii I. :
' 1 w i h . Tiin 1'i.nii
ved, and I h'i i.v t',.t'. 1
i ave our count' v. A - i
1- . , I y.. ,ii i
m v.. ur fa
y. I f. . :
:. of y .m.
..i.-sed. i
-, ;-.'o
i ... .
i ..
V )'i i ;i
o wi....c c:
ji inaction li-,
l... : i f.o
with t!
I el el-, an I oi'Iy pray that ti.:d r.;:;y do!
tie-' i i-i.t.
lu i..h't'ii. r iliieotion vo-.i inav in
n.i i
hoaevri str ui-a my . ctions may appear lo
you, ever hear ic min i that uiv File is
iked wiih vours, and that nil I do is to ;
,-ours, an
1 . i 1.. . I ,.,. ,v,.l, in 1.. . 1
i-lll... in.l nui 11; 1 i,,., ,u,i i,r,i.. , ,
, c - , ...... , I
loo tlt ci-oveh.ittlo fieri. Il I o-ir !
to phic'ii von there. J am to watch over j
von a.- 11 nitrei.t ovii his children, and von 1
kno.v that your penc-mi loves you ironi tno
(i.'jiths of his heart. It shall be my cue 1
us it mis I'v.r I. eo:i to Jim! sue.'cs with tho ; nn tHt ),.iU.fui murniue, the-Jd of loeeti.
1 -nt p ,- i'o.e his-, but I know that il it is ' bet, lSV.i, tis he bowed his h-ad and pive.
rece-sarv vou ivil! foiivw mo to ourgrveS; P u'. ?',os'' ,"'al r,0O,af, li,,po1
- Wrote in tho ledgers ot licavcu, of this na-
r ,r nn r i i .lit , 011s eausn. ' . 1 . . . . ' 1
....... .r ... ,
; God smiles upon us, victory uttetub us I
, et I would not luiV". A on tlunl; that our
ntlaine l without ttrug. '
j aim is to
I ...:n ,1V ,,;.. i f,, ,n ll,.,l
" " ' .' " s.n '
Mill liuiu uiau 1 've ,u .ii...jnni . ....
,. ,
W Oil.
.... i r , 11
1 ; .''" '"i1 ' ' ' ,
' .i..l"t'ii', l.i '. .inn mi' iu,i.i.,i -,
- J ' j pnvations' ' Terliap, we
1 1
i!l 1I .l,o. (,.i-. l.n,. ,.n,l tvl.nn
Hill Mil
.i- i . ii ii ,
mis sau war is over, we w an return 10
our homes and feel that wo can ask no
... , than the, rroud conscious- i
noss that he belonged to the array of the
c '
.'r.1 r mu." 1
Geohcs B Mi.Clelian,
.uajor Mnucrei (.oiuuianuing. j
BSpYoa have got into tho way of put.
.nt.,Miin Tho ov
in when any object agamst
it ;bo does the heart of a practiced world-
ling clceo and shut out conviction.
V.i. r'ji i. in llio nii.i-iiini'y w'.'h
w hi. !i th- .N-itl. V iv ...Mied to the ':e
f nro (if our I . i o 1 1 Union and (.'uii.Hitu
tioii lift ini.-L t.utheni disiinionirt, wo are
lntined to know that thoro are in the
North n liftnd of rijnully nnscrni'tihitis
men, who have for yrara wa;;e l t hitler
wa: njMinxt tho ralladiuin of our li'iei i :e,
denouncing it as a "covenaii- wiiit death
and an agreement with hell." lueinl
evonts have onti-jih ... to tniike the-e u:'?r.
h"s !io!d r lid airegant in their public dec
hii ..lion-, and iuivo als caii.etl mai.yvho
fonnerly ahhorit'.l their detestable doe
incH, to regard tiiein u ith inme allow
ance, lint the iit:sis Mill tie; e , il e
n foot is oii!,i concealed. J'.
0 1,c"'f Ihut hostility to our
1'0s!;'rl(iov, rnn:entttill1uii!natt s thr.,,,. let n,e
I yivo you a lew extneiU
loin one
f th
At ii 'onvention, held in Albany, he1'.
I 7th and Mh, J'ni krr I'illsl.nry nre.le an
rtildro?, oceo; vin;r five rol-tm!)" ol tho
' .1 I.'. .S".' v , ,'i','.;;( i'.,, (rein wiou'li ! tai.o
i ,he fi.;,.. seiitenees. ilitmt, ulin,- the
l iirit of tho onir.ions i.r.d docti iucj f r
i til( .(. .,,.f.,. traitors ;
"I .!o nrd w i 1. ;o i ce ! ids t'iov. rniitt:;:
i.rolmm.'d f dav ju tls nre-ent form
1 prolon-,
I n the. e
I h
neon .u- tt nt
il vna
i. i
i oi"
to o en Ii row I no nre-.
!; 1
i) no! nii-jutC;..
ih.j I'.ii: itUtilioii. v. h. ;!, i r may have !.
ils tt no character, it .; never o no;
'.n ei'-.-iue t f cne-i; ,- .m i o: eiime : - it
the p:v ent hour. It. ,.n l me !
pre.-1 . i. tr-iti.ui i-, i n ( :;e ha;
t' e
o, :oi i i u :
ui1 have ev
lie o
i h.e
an' Aii::,
li o.'i u-: !
"J .' .:,'!
' i'l-n i.
, : a; ion i- uie e
il I 'I' ea i'
i 1 c: into tin
: j .;. !! lii :
.: i! fo the I. p.
I ' - (, T , 1 ,
,ti. -.1 n. ..... : . ; rai.
r tn.m in vi.:
tii-e ! aj not
:!'!tdit:o 1 lv
.' hi. i. i., :v ;
-.1 lili.l,.-.:-
oiio vfiue .mi in
:1! V
ciprove ;::;v -r.iat
'.-.i i. i ils en,.- . I
: .,1 --.iin i- w'.s to
r c '.'i.i.- one eal !...
p. i-i:-t. I.t, liet.-l l.iil.l'l
t-n pi a oi.ui-; imp. n:
:. i.nd tlrit is I he
. i iod-del'v inj, hen-
i u o; me ....n.i.
ll'iidiii- th.-M' (.-pinions, I tlo not
de.-iie sucee;s lo the Noll lie: n army.
l.-av, let usha.e war; let us have a'.!
IN ,li. iMt iij ;ti id :o! its defeats, il 'lie . ,.i
di;io:i ofti.e I'..'i s'.aVO i., le-t to -h..l tV
Are tiie-e th.
a 1 v.-n'i citi.'-n ?
v. i 1 . .mil
Can Mich
c:.: iinou's
c iid-b!i ...1
and ir.iitijtnins cv; :e.--ii,ns llnd a re.- e'-m
a,iy,he;-i itc; '. in the hearts of eons; ir
itte s and re!" is i.aii st the ! '.t. r-'Veru
iiient th- ivorl 1 lv- ever s en '.' A:e tie
i,o,-t 'O ;;, Hii 1 li.
.eiinion- an. i '. u
'. vii. .-ilit ii- '.'
s "ii
: '. ::t
M Kiting
in ;'.' "f hi
,', e a si i. j
Vie l-eiol. t t : H
n h ;e:i, w ii . ie I .er I
! charaein-i-! i
' "1-
;: t t'l iko
in. i-l li-my
o:ie id..!. id -r a'- the i n
1 at e.'ii'id I rave 1 v tin- . r
I ,
d in ;; m y des.r.l in, 5 the .'.s-cuii m
. a fiiintii; an.t criminal in the touchm-.miM-e
thai re -'rd- tii- d-ath of th..-
: ! of li.'d:
".',,!:ti ti-LS-ii. .1 micii! an'i-!, c.i::i.'
ivn roni neaven
ami if tiio
poa. :s
t.l ft.,'eu. wOUi.1 l."r iiouiel
that .Jr..eon '(of j--'5iH'"i :1 ll'"11-..'11'' voiis am
rcver. J "i. seiiiea
that iir-t, uiaudes: hero of ll
e line
ht I'l"
r-.inlui v. and hur, inn unnn a civss toe
.upll,n-,,i a. t, ;l, tlde,!, spectacle,
inee llio scene upon Calvary, that veiieil
very li'-avens in s.i-. ai:.otli ami Hark.
ni'-s. .lepn l'.rown t:iui;liL ustli.) wav :
, . , , . . , .
out tlie people would not learn. He came.
(;.,,,.-,.,, iul ,,nl,,'tl out the ; but the people, and the Govcrnm-at
would not walk therein. Ho win, almost
1 1 . , 1 1 1 .... . , . .
lileraliv, too w av aim iue tiuin, uipi no
would have been Iho hie ; but '.ho nation
was nut warliiv. 1 somclimei think lint:
lion, u o iiuisueu.
Can trca,on or bla-phemy po further'.' :
A Kwxnn Fosit.on.-Wi- learn that
r,. M11.11 it- 111" t U'ei-U a liflll-.. ill .l t'licil
rtnjli'i' l' 1 ru'iir- ' c 1 w n , umi
- . .,,,;. IJOtli inc of it could bo seen,
1 lie minateii altempteU to e.-cnpe I a- lour
iiig tnuius hem t.'ie pai. cmis oi in,
, , , , , 1 .... . ., f ' 1, 1 1, ..1,11,1 11
house.hut . ul not sueeeetl in r.::i,ung tne.r
rXll.llllH UJ.y miflliLi.tu i" Ittnaui
ihal'position until the neichbo.s gathered
, . . i . . .... - . .
''..rty ,,'
10 lll tliOUl OLil. J A' I U n n e 11 r. jZ
inroiign iiie snow nn. uioi-Kieie i iduiiiim
t , i r,'. t i j ; ... . ..
were released. ern.i.i.f (Me.) AJ.trtui.
The Nfcko to hr Fxci im:!- hicm 1m-
,N,01- "'.'. "-' -""r-' '-;"".."""
( finsliiu tional convention to day ili.-cus.s-
...... . 1
ed Iho article which prevents negroes and
niuhitoes from emigrating into this Ma.e,
(iroiinuis ihpiu i,.n.i i-ah. i-..,, .... ,,t....
.ofMiflrage and roi'iir.'s !i o 'jpnorai as-
fern! ly to laws o curry out the pro-
visions nt niit rt icie. li.e arncio o
,in,,ii,.i v, ...i;i,,.t ; rr,inii-.;i!Mi nf th
j.;--- ,ubmiUod
t( lhe convention, and concurred in by a
. vote of 15 against 1.1.
1 1 1 ; m i, 'i t: i ni.i i i:
Tho Ciaih ('.,; i,.ru t':e 7th in-t.,
; mi s :
'I ho J'.i itish sleainer Xly, ( '.ij t. I.foori',
whi::!l h it Ilnvuna in, (he - instant, Inn
arrived ntn Soiuheni jn 1 1 in safety. Slio
lina hroujht n v.iluahln ctt!o n dry p.vdt,, criiiji, eaiulh.s and i.uini'roii;,
in licks h ineh will he vci y us-eful in the
pieiienl tiino, .She nuv no Lincoln ciuN-
CI i Oil tho J'RKJ'no.
NTt.ItKbTI Ntl i r.oM N I. (itll.K.ANS.
A radtit'ali (Ky.) e;ju'ipondrint of the
rii:!a'!e!hiii Inijuirer write 1 1 1th) that
he has had a eonv.;rsat'on Willi twnyoun
men who have iu.-t Teaelie.l there fiuin N.
i Urle.iiH, via ,Mfinjihii, llnmhohl!, and
uu'1"''' l""v 11 llK' 1!"I"""J ".V -hi!I.
I ,",VI U'('n !1, ;''ri' in -N '''""
for Fevoral lnonihs la.-.t slimmer ,,nd ;'..K,
i n.l wc-ro relea.M tl i.uly in the w, ii'.i'r, Wo
Hunt.- :
Win'.tj on tho ;a.:-.T:t' up iVoi.i No.v O-
ictuiii to Mempiiis, tin' i teami jat
! he P. s.mI the f.i::,.iin Jlana.e
i ,v''- li s,'fc' al l
Wi'.j U ink; at 1
i :-i on February ".'Vth,
dor, ini; In oken down . Th. K.-nnbli
wa ,
oh'.-iej a reasonable price to Klv ln-r up
the rive:-, as t-he had been an no; no d to
, e:iplui e ( 'aire, hut i'f - p-ei I. illy luclimd.
! On Folruary 'lth. Jhiinr. ;".; !
mi'ird a le!t-r, tiiron-ii n me:n
.-I::.!, to .'. Chop. ,(1,, dt i:;,....!ii
I fa:.-.' -moot of live ;!:ou-.n; I m-n i
:' (. :
:l I '
leu is k, l email-:;i.
I want t,'-n
' .:- the k. ;, ;
aie.l ;' -vA
!. i .-. " w . i e !
I i-.iur- i
,e ..i-w Or,-, a: , vou Mo
iu'iihus iniiii'-diatelv , n l i
1 1
i .,o :.i
i : ics i f the Home. J;v-
::it- iiuti ly c .he 1 out, and J'm
id's 1 -St. r l.iivl:.-.' h. ;i l. al to ii
;, -;u.-v.l to .. i.'a.iV fivin the vi'.y.
i he : ie ins ( i-.:..i d," lo -.vhitii i", VU:
- 1 ! e.i the ko.'-'.i' ( f re io. i i':..' ti:e e
.; tu:. 1 at 1 C :',.i: l. r, :o. 1 wh!
h'.i -s to the lir.-t bij-di-., ii li.ti li
i to , oi ico to -n. 1 In- I.i il?
im!? -i.tlent
iinl.: ..I r.o;
i:i:ro to-,
il. I !)!' H I't '
.er, uil'i ::!
i: 1 w c :,' in!'
i i-avi fii th"
.aii'.C to hear
iue for the
a-.-s of eigiilecn and forty li
j iirms. Wh-n f'.ruied into
purpose ol drillini; or review, nb-enlecs
were to be fiui-il three, to.-tln r
v i'di 1L' h,,u: in the p..; i,-!i j,iis.,i. Iimv-l-Vol-, V.ilili.l, : ave a few companies,
. i ..- il t .-1 1: u '.; e I :n mi. ( i '. ern'T ihiorc
li'.w.'V. r, in- uiii-od ti eui th-tt t!:.',-
:,,.! :
be a . iv Itit'd wit!i a nioro dc-truetivo i.u-pit-m.o.l
of war, na n. lv "pikes.''
: :iy
C W. ir
nlorman'.s i.L .i r lite t!iat we were
rn. stamen 111
u; po
that n
u to 1 ..i a--.ssipp:, i-i a
a r. v
11 :-in. a. si' I u' (is cur
. 11 the ris-i ; i- .. F was ov
i.'.ia'.. i Mi.iit'tvo ir.o:; t lis s i:;--. a
;".!::.' :. r of t i 0 1 an e .'i ;,,, 1 emovi d f.l 'l,i
p,,t ril'.w to I d uei .X... I". Four of
thtd- -onh -als aie no-v at ti:.'!
tin; !.::. i" Sinrn . T.-te. Van1.-
. ee
and Li. iiif.'-lon, the lailoi ' eii.j iion chid
and or !ii . iy ne.v. 'I'heyeaili carry too
j; i:..s forward and t.vo aft, w iih ia iu'i'iiii;
t protect iht boo. -r- . nd etl cr niaehin
e. y .
1: will be rei.i' ied th.,l Lnpl. Mau
ry, not h nf siiit'e, ;i dor. .--id a h tt. r, in
" hi'l, it app. if I he 1 el Is are bu.ldit.p
'.me lill'i llei'i -mob 1..!-. Ol e C:. lulu ild-
war l Moi:!(.-.o:u ry. ..11 old Mhhi-spp.i
sti jniloaf cti'tan., it t- em. I
coin mi
of let;: teen sleamhua1.'-, "cut doivn," each
bearing t.o m.e cl:d id't pirn of.-lmd! cab
bro. 'Phi.-, fleet has a. counin .doi e in the
l-erson of Moi.tiomerv. These are nn
ii"!ib!y a portion of flu;-.' "one hun
dred giiul'iat rcferied to ly M.mry. W'v
have not heard of t.iis Moul-mi.-ry 11. -et
i eioie.
Al.iujJ the liver, from Foi l dit ksrn t
Now I'.leau.-, ih-ie are seveial tmal! :11:1s
ked bi'turies, and there arefUo two new
runboaH ii. it bein buiit at the 1'iyru
!'ridr'e, nnd nearly completed. Two bal-te'-n:!!
ranis, on a new principle, f--I
lone, nnd which are worUcd 1
!l or
,team propellers are nlso ..bout beinji fin-
: I - 1
' The. Union vietorie
la'.lv hrve
, , , . . ,
f 1 1 ehtenci Hie leOeis unit ncui .y to e.i
. I , .
v ' 1 ; . .
. I 1 k , .a- .1 T ,1 . I 1 I,
t - J aw. A nw ritilway was l.eing in
, cf Momj in c,,,.r ,0
' UciVa tho movement of munitions ami
'. i : . i , . ..... ......,i- i, ...........
itoris should it become necessnry lo vncate
Til K S' VTH tKN Cl'.OJ S.
From tbe Shrevf f -rt i ha.) lisrett s, Is:.
It is UiQicull to chango the routine of
woik on i joantation, a:,:! i. is na.ural to
,apj,ti.-e ihat evf ry planter knows h.s r -,vn
, . , a j.rM J ie i-u.-'c: .. .ns oi e li',01 s
r i i '-,i n-
are gner...y wi..i n-Ji-e.-enee,
and li.eir u-mnii .i incoue. ouijr noose
.. ..:,.....!.....,.. n .;. , . .i.
"'XT: om h 'aFe
wo csnnct arge llio tnir. 1, cUrt
pluns of our rlantinj readers, wc Hill'
a f iv i . 1 1 1 i-l..'it la. I., for their ioti-
l.iipii eotton ciom i! alien lv tnade and
It cannot be i
I.!. ec eron w on'il
L'hu the ii"!
is of the world for nvwud
uul led....; the mice a!nic..itonod,al!lini''''K ,'f",,utt"j l'V '.vuigUt. V;:-froa
y em
..i-.l..r S.t. ... ,. ,!
Oil W:t ,ti
(mciiiiie.l liy tho i nc.nv. Ooi
ru.ien cm.
not ( I . I n '. 1 1 t-n nolie. linn II,,. I Hire TI
cotton .Sta'.rs.'wi.h Vinnm;, must ford our
iiiinies this year, unj jiei-hnjia i,t.t yeu-.i
t liou..anoa Mm lliouiai'ds ol laoonni' .ot-a
w i.l I'll i.-L li,ifl cie in:', i iivin." tlii-.r .li e
f.nns ducted rnd their depend
ant upon t L o thaiitiisof their weiddiy
To repel tho in1 a lei i v.o ivcl hr. vo ;:'.
lea.-.t eii.oCO nii'ii, ir!u Hng tl.s tni!itiu.
To f e.l a rd c'.olhe o.icii an nnny will tax
the capacity of every a -i e .' ;: ry Ri ioof
land :.nti brir. into icive U'O oviy rpins
tile, spinning-wheel ui.d leoin i i 1 1 . Con
,. , r . . i - - i
.V. rrv;;,.--:.i,;a tno .'.i.;. n.o has
i.niii;. 1 1 j ipeal; aa I thin u 1 :t .v,',h
" , , i .- i r
iii-'', ns wo rpoax and tir.nk cf
tuis nutuinn sen-'on. ' ?;. shoold ha
' ' 1 f ' hu-rs r.t tiie fudinij I life ti:at !:.
la-ee ffiii his w.:i J:. if We ijo!e -t '.ho
1 la'.voi.i of a new, ii ive vvei-onie tl.-e
c miiio' 51 a i;.-.v pih'riin t tho m . ..- ;...-
i ''
f Hii-: wr-rhi v.
do. shoii.-l '.hei:
aii iiies.j liii-cr-
SO Uilicil y
nties 10 , p
,1, a lit", i it.' al Hi v, i.:ini
oi i. ."'.ipVe-.l ij'k -.'
'(!!:!) ' I i'l l'r f 'Col; i:e
I he
tu it
a i;i. :
in 'ii I
-. il
'..-,-, e-n
r to
:e .1
- :i -.el, at.d
noti-dnf; no! y'a I-
;t iv
i An- ! t lev.
,lli V ' V !1 1
.- '.il
iia "inswoo'I w-l' life'!: pur
tl.e la; 1 di ops bohv. '.. when the
d-1 v i.hU t';o e.irly r.i'u, in 1 there ;.'o-;.s
je of tlie h.irvc.-t. "i;e may well be-
I ; Ii it .'hen tlie lijuoied v-ai' sink-)
mid ils (...irniture n!'autu ii:i tl nven and
leave', vy -.hoe! 1 wj reLO '-'t or unii unir ?
An i . oa !.-'e lli it is r.'.i Iv au.l w ii;in' for
' li.e w !! - 1 -u'" of I lo,1, w h o e I. it i'.-' eloir i
i:ii- an.! iV.i'v cv i's : 1 1. -', shc-:!d
1 e en ! a !c lo i 1 ;:; u:..-..i.ljil.iinii.'.'
il Vei-'llCO. Whi!'! VO M juice that eilil.'l IS
capable f so much
uiin-d tin ii virtue.
i" m
ll.esS, and
is i er
Cue ti-.h
! 1..: '., o!
hcieal 1:11 Mkn.
In d, i: cred ;.e
pio 1, w ho iia-, Iny
our ii'er.-.rv .:.(
-lii is ii
1 .! ulin S. '
.-een the
pi ih 0
1, poinls
'.' ire.
iel.ds ,-,
W ilhout
1! Fi.lhd
suoa.. o.i u ...1:
io;i.ii ii. oil 1... 'e - 1 idto'i ..
tiii-;:i oiit w ,;h .a ds of ;
Ili lirst irenitiiiii lo hi- v
tali e c.iiv o:' teir b.i'ii! V h
Ob 11 1
.ill tl.
this, M.ur inieli.'ctnai al 1, n!s ivill be
sin. 1 11 u "lore than half 1 h--.r v.ilu. . S)
loi.ey h 'iple--, hope! '-s ;.:r hs, ..;-, the
a i'.l.o' .--en. uii el'e:-'- si lo in p: jfe-.-i jiial
Ii '.., that he dwell- nil thii point a? j :o
c.uiiiciiily es-'.-n'. i i'- A s nm iher impor
tant -i-m. lit o! t-n-iv-' in hie, lie 1 1 ! hi
hi .'.i.-i s ie pii.s.i.- 1 .1! 1 1 1 -iiij.: : before
hand wui. wiialclil il' y -..:.!-:,tl,e.
You wdl .-it; j. i. ..iii. ie-.'.ciiin;' and
- ,".'.i'i,!.,iii,: foi ' !, al lie' ''(.'l meioelit
and iii in. it .s 'iho . .,'iie. I. in (jri-liter
dre i i ..f li.o oil e- d.o il than ol I lie other
pei'sr unr: of thes-.tuo name. Yi;iiiii
top the pi ofi ;,!.! ijii.'ikin- ver hi
; it. com-
lini- hid
I plctt-J c .pei in;c-n:s of hii half
1 rnanu-i 1 ij i, inixk u-ly'td.-n,.
1 111 on- to , dure. '-t ivi
ie iho cl-rry-
man Ivkir.; h.m ( If up
on S.iluiuay, to
pu-h through r liih j
,1; '
sermon that i.niat 1- d.-h . -. e i on !i.e -r- j
;o v. '1 iu se all, and ')lin : -- i'ke thc.-t
dv in 1. . ..-.,'.:. 1. '' habit of me.,- ,
t.d action, p i-s t!ii"Urdi 1 'e ii; a j.':'--.un
; 'at.' oi di-eciinlo) I. end ju tn'erPiol a! poV-i-itv.
irnili work (-0 Or, 1.1 is fc, nt, ally
ha liy done, berid.-s bi-'t - -jeiui at u ruin
ous '.v.t-to cf the l.fe-'. (.
M" i w Oknami.n: Tile Ind f s -re intr
iueiiii; a new nnd beautiful oiiiamei.t ion
, , ..
,,.u l(,r uia..tle or . en'm .am.-.
'i lo y
.. , , -..
i ""fcv '"v 1
. I ... I ... . II......
td any k.ii.l n them, ami ; no
J j,,ls of wat-r. Wlu n the bnr. aro ,U
j fr a f,w days t hey close up in iho lorin
. . .!; l ....rj .1.. 1 : 1 1 ) ... r
j of ndid eont-s ihc-n do Utile -ears rf
teen grass beg;n to emerge from tlie la
. . i
luina-, tormina an ornament oi ni-.e ami
fii.-plo beauty.
McClure, an einirer-.t bir,Kor in
New Yoik, Las just Wen ta':;ht i:r.
T.f.1 lance of cros. in
hi- t'f l v u:i ir.
: mvc
-on. He wrole to his a,:t-c.t in bra-
.ho to invest ihO.UoJ for !.;oi in Mt-tte e
Cuii-.b-r, out he failed to c:o-i the .'irst t,
i and LU rger.t Loui.i for h'.m nn int-r-st
in a aUte iuairy in Wales. Tue agent
was stupid ; but bo obevod "idcis liteially.
Iia the cunrous.
The 1 1 j h,y., n i i iiiii by ovcMi!ht oiJ4
aiid t'.i; v. e obcrvo io n fa"t. '1'ho r.n i air
, P':"1"" i" I vo-hundred nnd fifty
. I"""1 10 I"""' of M:.-:-U vhih it had
in l ; r., 1 !i I i..,i,i.. Ci, t. it I. It., ca
1 v ' '' '
Dioiis i;, l !i nse.i in hnivo. durlB from nrt
to 1,10 f'.hliiy of a llashinR
sw'id, hnd as raiiidly daits hack not
turiiin',' in iheu::, but with atlieih rt.vt-r.v
1 it.;; the tiUitiii of Iiia four wings, and i.i
- i a,int?nc01''' c,,!ulla!in-ti)3 lii,t',nc0 fI
tho objects, or ho would him.ielf t i
picj?i. l.iut in vvi;at conformation of I.-. :
docs this cot.dst ? Xo one can answer.
A c!)u 1 of ten tiioiHand pnrtts danco v,.
end down in the sun, tho minu'.nst inter.,
v ...! b'.'t .vO'Mi '.hetn, yet tio one knocks aii
c ilicr h'-'-ullonu upon tho pui'--., orbron'..-
leg or win;, long tuid delicate us the
i c.1,1 :.i :...! ,r a ..
'-uutiriMo iiiura una tui low a . i.i u u. it.
, ' ;
x!-' vif'io'j" guat, withJonc pendant no.'o,
. r . A. ,' '
u u i.. uii i o, k :.e i isiol: ciuuu, iiiiu, eijaiji.'
on your cb'-ek inserts a poisonous sting.--Vrimt
po:esjed the little wreteh to do this i
Did ho vn-Y. yo-.r Id owl in the inary
Jii'Ko '; 'j:1 1-t A four horio
( ii j''. C' Or.'s ci d.l. i.iy upon a f.ock tit
i- m: a i.nrrow roa-J, and urives stiuight
ti.. the n.ijj'eof them. A goose
v.- ; i.lvoi yet fairly ran over, nor a dack.
Th? r.;e under the very wheels and hoofs,
i.-idvel, luineh'.-.v, thoy contrive to f.ap
aiid waddle Buftiy oil'. Hahittu.uiy Btnpid,
and indolent, tl. ev
r e pjal, ii o-v-
. '. ei', '. o :: n y orcf r .-ency
W! il :!-, the l.-'velv .in.d-per'ki-r, when
lie ii'P".-iid: l 'r. troe nnd roes lo Jr.rik,
l ii' .-iie:.:l tn:,e im his way - listen nnd
l i. k noaiu-t bci'ir- he take- bu draught 1
li i ..!., l.i.ows. Ilo-.v i-jiitlii.t thet;.
of ant, whi-li i.; '..ikeii in battlo by
o'.hcr .-in'.i to bo mad.) t'.avts, chouid Le
; he black, or nciii-o ;u,t Mo 0110 knows-
Tin; Ivnoivluii.jk or tul Fast. Is there
any voune person eiHci inr; into life en"
leriuL' a world upon wh.e'.i Lave pr-s-en
v thousand years of huiinui experience
ju:-t coining into an iumiiuerabio coiupan
of human beings ktranp.ers to hi-Ji ye-.?
An i are there any records of these men V
Can he hear their footsteps irom tii'j oiu;
shoie of M ti'pi.ty ? Wiil he not tli-n lis
ten ? Will lie not de.-ire to knoiv tome,
thin:' of the -aval story of departed ago
of the foi 'ii'ies of li.e For.-iaii au.l '.he Pub
niviene, tho Greek ami '.i'.e Kniuau '! Am.
would ! e no! iihoie 1,11 gladly know some
t!',::,:.' ,.f t'ne w Udon: of tt:e wio and won
Cf. 'id atnong ni-n '! Would he noi kr.ov
what Soerat :-s .iio aiV ".hen he t.'ikei tc
ii;.!..'.' v. h..t e'e." la-.-uee C:-'ro uttered in
the Uoin..n Foiunj, cr w hii subline.' vis.
I, n- 1 ,il "l the ly of Mdton or wh'i
:..r, pio-epS dr. j-i.e.l :V ir. the :-ii-.u. o.'
l''eiicl..n or Tavl 1:'.' Mui.i!.-, ovll'.irry lui
in 111 oiru.sityis en. a.; !i to prompt tin
ih.-ii-eo! tlii; knon'e 1, . A mi t.o lonj.'
i!oi a it !..'. d- in dill.
f-.v'For ovtr tlii.-ty . the Demc
, ,-a.,e pally hit': been in e.'.i ' 'en' e. iv;l!;cn.
a, i'hj..:t or coa-neter.
I ' ll ine ih- tame Cm- 1 he Oopo ,111011 hav
been iu'i.'.yeu liii'iu' ,.J man;- tilb- f.s tic:
vvr? ve.ii.-. ,.ii .1 i. ;fo: u. have buc
at vale Hi: a-ti.e hw..s oi l!: f:.",'est.
r.y It l i-A I that, a li I oil.', fivo.
,e.i;!t lo 1 e relui hul to ihlsiu
ch'.iro-- tiiei e ale some xie; lions. h
1 ' r, eier liuami ot '.c'l'-itu!
j w. J !ii:j Five i-v
,. ,. 1, v....,' 11,. 0, ,;, .: nvtinh-.t j i'l-O.
- U) u.vii.e i..-v. i,..i.i';;ei.i. We i.f.
.jj,,, (rtUjt ...
'.hut v.e hav
not ca.niouuil our-
a gM-Mci- I liiud.r in 'he 'i-
!:l'!aU Pot to kritW wiilliV
i hut 1-. i et to be c ii.'tti.'.w'.i
-ait "f nap-,
c got il
,;,,.i juaole a e! Tic lil.'.u.l. a of it.
f-eV' V." i n I-, ut Mo -.ii injuries, rather thv
n.Ti'i them. If iode-tioy afili.,:!.1
leu linn :.i, nil-: hive, i .an I tf
.i.livv " .'nak . it l ii...l.-and.
.-r.M ; utii not . .1 you aro v.e..k a
beilel llic
i numn.e. l n r- uue. i c
Ai iue of l i
(Vagal tu?!
lie. iv V I iC'A .
I lllll I, . 1 ILi.lll t V..I I...
i luail.i ft-j.te C o the col
o,i , r.'-n. Let a'. i.i ii. n si
I your corruption!,, viii- utoi.vtnes, fiiu s
pa a-uig u oi .ny
. i.t n.'.s. i.i.i: oi"1 "
1 L-j1(.;,t a ,-;.'.) 1.
tO"Tho best 'dung t- bod.-.ti'J i'."eu
vil caouioi upon us, ii not lo.ioniaiio.i, b
action ; not lo :it and sutler, but to r.
.ve seek the n in-dy.
Good leir.ier
id.-ds a i r : j ti t n -!
the . r. '.. n.-r cf
.-,.1-i i'.-. ie.
U liiio : fcanny day,
.- ovcry eve rythir g , i'.
tu.l, a nd soother ot a
l-".Iiil ! t-ay be cono. dc-rt i haj'
in bis choice who Ciin take his w.l'u do
Broadway i ilhout tOj-ping at the ul-.
I shep.
( l
...w. v.'.