Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 19, 1862, Image 1

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    k , MM. -- i
if If 1 llA
1 i
L" ' - 11 V t obi
- l1
O. 8. OO.U.LANDRft.J L1K
rr.ip;cirLEs. nut mew.
" i
:l r,
-VOL. II. -fv
(OM 11)1 NO Ci; MM I. M.S.
fihre in frf 1 uiirlr'fili-', i"nt. of wi-lIiI. mi
llii-ro I i v t nn hutc.--! attri-jt, kul t'uinn.hi.s
vina L i k icuie-.
Hi) n'ur k truxiy h I-j v i lit mi .J (.'u.DiT'iu kin1"' tho
lur lift (.'iivn 1 1 . 1 1 1 it Kttmi.iMii iii mid tu Id him l.nw
(( ii A.
yu"!l Juii'lac' :t;e m.)'1"". '"'' ""J
limi'M. dune ,
Juil n - i no eve u yo . riiii.tir unj Ivo. ..n
ic.ii.l r i-ie .
Two ndMiMi Ju!!ai.-. ay ib-er frifii-l, I'd be a' at
your (-eiiiir,iiii'!,
And Morj.-uii ' '"ii mil lid vwii with a tree mil
.t 11 1:1.1. .1.
I flmll ni'v-ru-k .'"r i ouclnar , nr j,'h befu 1 yair
taiiiiu ;
"Iii'roomlii'r r-up.iiii'hftiini. mid (lit; Witini'i.uo
Ki.u.n :"
Aid ilitl io 1 v, ii -. bid f. i r.!', tk.
rj l:if,
Straw li"'s " '' Iii" " J ii ', In- Inn gbt, a n. I l'tl:
antj in. iiii)( mill n:ii.
iil Ale "i' i l'ort- r .m., jacj .., wow iu iii- in
tl.c bbl,
I'.ir A!"'k Paid, "ihfit' noMii'i-. I.i.ivf." unon
tUiill lime llirir fill ;
II,. Lfvvr diiirt'J tlie guvi'miicM I'm- any (iino
Anil ciiitiuu-ly refuai i i Knuw bi-L r i.v llif
't 'V Hj:. if 1,'ijir, .,! i.n tli. Uth I'ii'..,
- (.'mi liu"! ul' lli'S':u" l-.i.y tit;-
iJ, Kll.'i I, (Jul. ( 'll fll Hj. Ullllll t ,-.;
'. . '.. !.(' J ' t -t vj I'd'.n- ijj'iVi
i Ii 'I' m its .'
'Ilivf. tliius 'tin will. !' i.fvt-r nit j!U tlij i
lie ojo .-liquid i".'ui;,
hii C'Juiiniu4'. nt'i'j'i la lure (be world u 'ri.'i
ui.'l In: iy in m :
l-.ut (In n Vim H'yck, u l-ii:i.U! l-un, (;'. iit u
luflulti'K crt iv,
W'U ttmii;li'.iy Wi-nv t- irk t- pr..t. tac wli il-i
traiip-iotiun tbrmij;ii.
'fh. j i!,t"-f-.-iB ! witb .rivut - ri.l.i.-, ii. t nwtVil
Cllllllllillb mm c,
I'm ft i -Til 1 im MiM .in lfiii'.-t ur n, hi. ! n i.b.'
fuuii'tbiti iiuiro ;
TLenj'uua (. uia i. .i i. ii.-m ii.ijaJ, iiu. w I in
HV"!. 'il Wf:ilui,
. i:utovi3 tr'p. 'ii:' kii .s'.i, c. ri'liU'. n.u ''i t ,
At.JtM.ta l.'.-r.'.iiitb i fair it !, at ' i'l 1 t I'1'''
i f n.inj,
1. 1 ri.'iiih rtu-:.- ( j fi-c bid c hii-f t .:n j .!.;",;
K'jK ft'.! J't) c:!:iut
f.:L ,.!,'
V.-' ' i,i 1 1 r l.f ;i v .
I v ril. . '
Tl, b.'E .1 -' ,t..M'.::.: .i : .rj "i:r fa...- .t
ttnli.i -i H".
AuJ mwourtf c'i the f.iU'lj Ma .. i:J n H.'.fi.
J i.r :,l -uilp 1 shoui.nJ U t,. .--r.m.- ;.u ottist
ii. i ) n t llu nj.-.W .
i". i Cum ii.u-v h- jTttl it Uidi! t,. (. nv, i ',..
f.i-'" . i.i
iho In:; Eill
'.V.1s:,.y..TC.N. M ..-n..- t.-i. -..IV
N ,ii it' ! i.t! -!' br ti.x 1.1. it.-i ;-.i"i'ii-l
ii irm !!.'. ! ir tl .- " .'it til-ul. l.y I ..
i i :-i , c! -i ( ni ;!M. -."iti'i' ul hiN'tf.l
)? i'.i. :t i-:i!.-:JV 1 1 tlv Ui'X.-v ( I
t-'; ll a ':l't''i U In bi ii) tli-' i i'i i1 .iy
J--"i: tnu'M. with h hjila'.i! i n J : n -..-r '
(. .i'lii?. '1 !.o c-hjti'.ry if t ) l-o tl.'. . I, ;i
t':i l'r'-i imii. tn; diicct, in t. j i- n 1 1 1 t
i ,.,'i .-t;.. !! .li-.tiv. ti-, .villi nn nSK"-s;.rr (it. il
(.);;!. or l-'i 1 : i.-iti'.'-l y hc
Wr.l Iut a-.'ii iifriot, wliu hi.a'.i 1 1 a v
j.u.'ur !o hp"-iT.I s'..rh ifpi)tit' iriiy
I- o ri.:-rs,iry. iho li.ll piovi-lis f -r .i
l i:y on cj !i:Mn".'.u li'jiifirs, 15 c-. p.r :!
I I - ii ; cm u!rt uml ln-i-r, ' I prr i i ; i-n
H. tn.Hii'l It-r.f toli;:i'fi), 3 ' !- -"r pr-i'n-l :
tn wIuti iinr.Lil.tctiii ?d, 5 ri ; c"-Ki::-s,
5, l11, mid 'JO rts. .or pi-ur.ii, .a-.-' ul
in lo v;i!un: on l.mi nii.1 IihscmI o.i.i .i-.-n-ii-i,'
(lui.l r.iitl ct uilo oil, b cti-. ) i r .-il.
loii ; r.n rctniO'l con), 10 r;-1 i i-i ukui i
or, cm i'f" l.lii.hi c.l it- 1'i't t, V.-) i-ii.; on
i;atik-Notr- JVper, j ris. j-..m- 1!) ; tm u ri'
t;n pnj'or, 2 . !.. per ; on pi ii'tMii! a
per, 3 mil's por i'i.; on ?o.ip, o n.i'.ls or
on Biilt.-l cih pot laO lbs ;mi sol.-1 lo;. h
fr, I tt. per 11,.; on i;ppov loii'lior, rt. p( r
lb ; on !U ir, 10 ols. por bbl.: nil ot
rnaiill!';H'ti;iTH, 3 fti rrr.t. lid vnUfPtn;
riilmrol pif'-fngi'iv, 2 ir.illn prr tniio of
trivol: '""ir.riiu'.Hii'iii tiil;oU.;i prtr f ont ;
rtpfimbnnt truvtl, 1 mill per rnilo ; Otnnu
bysos, (on hoiii", iril .orfi lailco.i' por
cont. on prosH jt-t'oiptH ('rum p.issrnorn ;
nn fl'lvorti-cii.tnty. fi j.or oont dm intiof.iit
nf rocc'i tf .mntnliy ; t'nr ue of ntrn.i;.'".
Hnntiiilly, from .1 to JIO, aoooi-iling tc v:il
tic; en f'lrl watolip, 1 tor nnntim : on
silver n'htolit s, ,'i0 cIh. per annuii) ; on
Rol.l pbito, 50 ots. f.or otim-o; on silvrr
pinto, 3 cN. porounrv; nn billwril tnblop,
5J0 ; on 8liiliterol rfxttio, il.) els. cnt-h ;
on ling-, 10 cU. cuoli ; r.n sJiooji, .r cii'.a
'.v I ic ESfis.-P..ttik?r8, Jli'O; Aurrlnn
or, S"J0; Wlir.los.tletio:,',-!- ;
tlcnlor.-t in liquors, $20 ; Up! nil flpalors in
jroo-b, 10 ; l'nivnbiTikors, 50; Hool i(hr.,
J100 ; lifoivors, GO; HoIaId, tnr.s.nnd Tuv.
rn.((rralu-iti-l noconling to rental) (Voiu
?-1 to l"'i!' i? linnses, $10; Otunior
oj:,l Irrkcrs : Oilier bvol-.o: , SAI ;
Tlio.".trnp, $100; Cirruspa, $50 : IV.vlin
Alleys, (each nMoy J ) ; W'holos.ilo pe'
J50; OtlicrpHIiiM. ?S tn 20; Coal oil rtiv
ti'.lorV&c., $20 ; on inromos, 3 por cor.t.
on all over $(i00, ilo.ltioting tho inconio
dprivod from diviilrmls, &c., wliicb nre
tnxJ lopnrntely; on i.iilroml bnnch tt'i-l
dividcrjils of banks nml mving institn
tioni, J per cent.; on pivinent of all :la 1
riiy of officers in the c!vil, tutlil.iry and
naval service of iho United .Slates, (inc).i
iS niembors of Congress) 3 per cent.; on
legies and diRtribution t-linres of tbo
rtrsonnl propert- of docewod persons, ,
(according to the degrees of relationkhip)
G5 F'er cnt. 1
And stQinp duties on all kindu of ljtali
pd commercial papers, all patent medi
cine, tulegraphio inosaages, ud all goods
py exjTeca.
. tja?irVi must chnge our live if wedd-
ire to change our herta. Oc4 will have '
JJJ regard to the prayor tf tbcee whaj
-its to his command. i
iMir hiii, 1 I I
iitlM ;;' 1 1 1 . s t tl,i; j;i ill- Ii (."ilolilsii im Aim i
it'll, lie viid. lliii b; on '1. Iii it ' it w--H
porl. i'th iii -i ifiul-'.o to tiM- ul! i In nitViUe
ili:ili (iij.l im..l natii'o li.i'l 'ii! into our
IIkUoIh." llifii, sir, l!io t'lt'Mt ('hat!.: til
! fi iv- iii. 'I I l.iMi il w'uli mi o!
lil. ,r l,.i I .. ... ,1.,., ! in fiir.1 f . i
i r .. 1 I 1,1.1 I.'. M ,.',, T 1 1 ..... 1.- I
' ..' . ' " , ' ., ' , ' , ,' ,1 "Tlint li.'il ti i. tl n it in ro put in
,yui on ,nK ii,.' i -1 1 ,,,,,.1. i iinuit, , i , huw Bjmt iiU,M, (i( n,, rmur(, th:, , ,,
! -'") '( pii-i the MMitunont w Inch ! r,l muy .!.(. nuin ; tiut 1 know tlo.t .1
I I lav i. in, I boiii (ittori'tl I.v Ii i y oolli'iiL'tio , ti''lf!y uri-iMninllv nlihurii-iit ii n-li't
Mr. Muni iJ.iviiJ ni'.hont opiio-int; In 1 i''" bumnni i . .ufb uuiiuan f-li nk uivry 1 .. o 1
llu'iii soul liui.iits h,i li m i', I lit'Jtow,
Inoro oii:nai;t, ri ,.: ol tin- fnlisi'it alivo
pooplcH hum bo until liavn t bo,iii
par , In I- pUKoiit i j j . ti tins lloor.
Ai a oilii'i) of tb" buiiiw Stii'.v! ul 1'onnr
iiaIvhiii i, llu' vio. in ttbii b 1 bavi
i'lt' l :ii it l.ttin-i to tho tt ut ion of slave,
ry l.avn l-'i ii loiiijiorato, and, I Impo, jnm.
It !i:i- not boon tn tin-an o.ioiun Mii jot I,
a:- ll is in m-iny wiui wnom 1 ain iis.nciii
A noblo bud oinT urged in tbo P.i iti-b r-ir, I lllidoistoo l iilway.i that be liii ant
I'm l;aii:ol t liie employment -f the lull- that popular Impulienoo of delay precipi-
tuii i nu inoveinents. IVihiips bo i,i.
n:,'!ul'i'fril lio'.v at tho beii; iiini' of I no
HarHilb Me.iro a e.ji.,-rosnt:ttl n;lii:"io
biiil nearly elevate,! over l'i'u an iini,n
1 tout pulil ieian-be li lt that In; nn.-:
iihivo, or rlmp u;iain ex pen e nee "a lire
in Iii" join " (loin plitu-til I ultei iei. l,ul
n- n'-t !oi" itt n ir ei r..i',-, lo-t wo evjiinto
tliCtit by iii-1'tt.'i! (,r iinlecisivo vietoiv.
line lini.'tii ourbi e Army, an 1 on will
not in el u blar k one.
i i. ....... 4 1 ... I 1. ... ,. i I .. 1 . o. ...
r. . r. 1 llllt',1 llllll l.l'lll I UII I Ulillll 1 I'l .-I'll I
iiii'iuuiiifiiiiit i-1 in v run i inn ii i in ii .in i , Mi A .. , ,.
' Jl.,,i ul.i.liiiii.A l ,.1i,-i,.l..v.4 tl.i i,,..r. V"'"'" "C "H"?' "I1""
nli.tininiiiii uvov.hI eULfiu, .1, ' I ilu- iuuKt il... 'or. llio eeii!i.-tnMi Ivo'ii haii.siei, fur
i-isivi' iiiilieiiiiti..ii. I t-,i:i u, :l.:it H'vi i'i'iiJ anJ iilb'.HI.i.'., in bis elo'pirnt (.penli, n liii h
lain civil hocietv and iirtininiii t!i- 1 1 u
will not vote to rut: i .:! lii..i in lo . d .t .
I believe that in tbo p. vie,-; t.J tnis
we idia'il C 1 1 ; 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.eo, ,u w IrtVe set Ii,
ll'o i-. vil p ier ei.ti'o';, ftl ef d id by :!,i
miiiUfV. J'-y tlio I ijl-M of e;i .! ,e,
liii'n tl,e oi'ii'jtit it r mi '-i j i i.'.ei'tion lv
peiiceiul n. i'ii in their l'i;;bli i i' jm jerty ;
1 would not iuipo-ii it pi h ii: s on our mli
(.ei w for pi i (orn.inj; Ill's .
till! Ill at li-ilUlfl hl'Mt'll tu Vlllllirnti; till? I't'liMli
t.f ilifir ti .j.I, tn n -1 . r t ('it.' H.-tii'o i'l (loir puiih -
fen.fy" "1 iiivuki' tli- ei--
II 1 HI 'f Oil' Cttll-litl!!l .,i.
"'In v , r, 1 furili tli,- nier. -iiu-s, tl.ii.t
t'liL' l"r, ii.iinst h'-in ? V'jur I ' r o t o.-1; 1 1 1 ! X'j lay hiiMi- tin ir i-uunlry, t j tlt j'jhiltt
tlo.'ir ilif I'llitiL-s, imd rxttri'Uli' i:ut' uuj
wo :ni ir ni'oiii'fi', iiiurj:o'l it upon 1 1 . -
I'l o-e it'll t, lis H elievelli eiror, tluitlio
ivisi i tl 'lo )u ii,;; bank 1 10 t-eeot lei I Stales
oil the il i I SIM, ;' fi'.tt tl.o et-Iit !ei;i i h
dee! i ll ! it I be beif.'b u n e lllld I'n lie I lie
In de.-i;ii'.' "Mi i.'leilan and pan am di.d
l'ix iiini ll.ill' t li, mid tin- like, ariiu.'-J to
1. 1 .v ni. '
Mill lid pn!i'' , ill I!1V j 'III llu lit, diet at t' ills'
. tbvv td.oui'l poM'j-ui ii. (if cmui.-iij 1 di
j not mean to countt nanee the t olio'i t'nvt
cl:iH- i-i any il!n r operty -!n.".i! 1 be re
j tiirned to men i:i nuns loiiiiM t'uo 'cv.
ioinii.elil. lint -il, 1 do ! i t vi!i to se-
even column i.i' ifiny tarry ii 4 v.iifi
it in ill 1 1 11 ;u a r. I m:.i in ., o , 0; i,:-
11.: negroes ; 11 ton. n io e.'.-i'V f I an t:.
(of in ai iih. ' .' JeiofS in bat! U liie;: -..'i';l
tl(-Va-U!o the land and lain '.!' p.ti'.! ol
li-til- hi.-tlory wilh Solus lli'i! tn !-:.: J.:
v. : ! '
il l "1 ll '11, I !
t ' U.u '. t,
'I-J .m'.U,
' O.l;
H. be
J r-.
ti r
b. t 1
pi ef. : 1,
r ;.-!.
po S Ihe .
'. i'U'. Ac I
V-;!li n
ov..! ! I ul
.'I I,.
, -.1
I !
d. 'h
-! I -.'...
ii HO
ted 111 .bis HoiiM' ; for t.i -oniof.'1'iuleiiioii, ;, . a,,a iii,tiii,i(t,iit-,liiy'of tliu boil. !iiio leetli mid ready f'.,r the 'day, with
very .tl.ll II'. I In-il' .lUti'liK-n t u non (ill olli- l,i,un ilo ; n:ir. ! seli'iiilv fail uimti Vniir l"','l-i-
er mat ; ers, the mori; vmu' I "slavery " seen 1.1 li i'.s mid iii,m overy unit r nf im 11 in the Stall.,
to hitvo muon tiio smno ( fl'eet that, a rod t" stiini' tij.i.t. this iiifiiieni.. (.ru-'eduro (he ii.-l-l-
ia I1.1.- on a bu.l.
1 I have never been bl, iel i the di-a.l-vtiitajos
mid evils of slavery : I havn not
b' en inilill'i'ia nt to their alleviation by, o 1 :i' til n! ion al uiciiiih ; el I lr; 0
ever regarded the intenipei nto and a:r:'ioi
sno polioy ot the pniiuoul imti slavery
aity to b, 1 as ! lei ile ol benefit, to 1 he 110.
vro a it has been disastrous lo ihe penoe,
ilu- jir.-.s.i ! ily, .and unity of our cetiiitiy.
'I'bi-, iv :'.r I..1-, hrfjiilit us, al I..-I, In too there is a brnier ipieoioii than tin
"tbivni'v . .io-1 i' in , " ihn.ili it i ivi'iiiiioiiiv
pioteiie-1 to tviiio-v (In? disejsion dn'vn
in thai, lint, r.o-v the matter is briv.ia'it
boir.o o tist w ,. tiiol that there is -t ''io-jji'o
.jtis: ifii,' ' va .! and I't niplex and
l.'issin evii if vl.iveiy ore blotted out
el' evit, .non
bruin 1 in- r.t. !:-! time?. I Vim
h i- h I lier ;v,.eb. r.;' tr al in -; liie
Inn-.-, t ii ij'imibv .1 m ivoboldir. .s'.'.'e,
; in: ."'l j'ti 'I. in 17m. (lie ; oliov gt-.tdmil
, ( iii.ri : ; ili.'ii, 1 ieii iii-i.' 1 1, bun ever, on I y
l I ) lb : i i! 1 a- hern children of the m.i c
!l:r n livmr': tbo--- ch.liii'oii v 1 1 e to 1 e. o
!!.!" I: fi -ai a' '.be i' 1 , tw-n;i--i :':
1 1 a i ,
ihlo stij,'iiin i.f tin, nihliu aliboiri'iK'n."
sir, you will remember, too, that it is
tin Mnodinc reproieh of American liislo
rv against liooijri.' Ill that lie called in the
lie-Sinn at'eiii.-t Iii- liriti-h subjects, Vet
we me to call in tho I -Mr. Sninnei'
asks, "e,.n Woali'ord to reject this natuuil
alliance '" Why, if, indeed, with our
twenty millions we cannot tope with six ;
if i! is we who are in ifiinjjer of eMeiuiii).
;!ion, then, )ieiha-, ve cannot nfl'ct d !o
i eject tbo nllinnoo nilii tl.c negro. A
French marshal once finothcred l.isene
niias- iiien. women aini children in a
c ive : and when bo was arraigned before
the public opinio!- of the weld, bo plead
ed "net t - s i 1 y . '
Now, sir, no man can set limits lo no
ceitv, 10: I no bii:.ian in t i-l tiii'-iift can
bire'iee all '.he'eloies of war, all 1 1.
for one, have been unwilling to give inv
ii'ihe.ioii in ndvaneo t j imy forniula
f lilt i 1- , I e! 1 t m in :'. Oil. Pel!, in till' Ol " -Relit
ill't "! ..f (hi., V inv tru -t i ll')! in
sword in one hand aid the ('(institution
in t Ii 0 ol nor, prepared to administer deal li
or the oath of aliegit nee, iiecording to the
i-tubbnrimess ot ib-ciiity ot tiio suljocl.'1
Sii, if what is thus ndiculod is indeed the
policy of the President, I will give all u
iii ;i ii can trive to further and nupport it.
I I re lo: to the speech ot Ihe gentleman
from Kansas, boiaui-o il is the frankest
nnd clearest expo.-ilion tuat 1 have heiild
hero i f tlie iioel riiie of the narly of which
. he is a di-tiiiguislieil leader. I would s ty
licit the doot; ine of tout p.v, tv might be
"iiiiiiiii'il up in lour words: 'Throw ihe
'oust ii Ii : ion 01 ii bo. 1 1 1.'' I in: gentleman
I'.oiu Kansas .-aid explicitly, ' the w idi ol
. the lna-sos of our people is to eon(iier I be
' seceded Stiitoi tothe aulhoril y of tins I'll
i 'i), and hob! thoin us eulject jtrovinces."
; lie combats, as a fallacy, (hat con-titu-tioiia!
'ihligilit iis re: t O'i oiir 1 iovel ii
iiei.l in the t'l o-ecu' lnii ol ihe w,.r. lb
.'ii -, ' ibis in ini'ipui niiiot b'- ici'ii ii I'.'ti.
on -.1 o i.l
I. ' 1 in.
. I ! Hit. pi.
V ' ..I :i.l i
!';.' u liv :
1 . thai! 1
i.i 'e C"i:-
1 location i.'i .'l'i. , cvi ii 111 -,v:.r 1
; is t-i b; pie . t l 1 1.,; jiv :. il, ii't.ur tn'ii.
; ceri luiiy mil i. .n t t;ie:u bach tn ti.eir hi
bor; linv, ns -'.one In 1 e liuvo -.leii!ioiislv
1 iouleiineti, 1111 y liol even cxolndo iheui a i,!,-! be. 11
I II'Ull 110 ca:op.
j l'- r thi.-.e st-nfniieiils, 1 iloiib! no!, I
, shall brt slvled an "aovo.-ii'.i! of slni ei", . "
: 1 1 (I 1 1'
I 'll it of I O'I w lli Mui l'
' ul in V 0! i"ii " bl
i-bt. Ho! that all
' Nciih-r that cor nny other iiispan.
-ball ev.".- lie'er ir.e IV nil voting and
peaking at'Oort'ii.M to my convictioti.-.
1 desire to see a .-pet-ay aiel glorious lor
luiculicn to this war; mull would not
lo'io t he lessens of fust. 11 v , v.-Inch tench
thai hiich a lermi ii.t.1 I jii ua- In ' r renoll'
oil through fwt'cpi.g i"i. r.-ca! .oils and
prosci iptio us nnd lavage, c.ruei : les. You
may make u ilisert and call il peace,, ei
yju niay siiioiii'iu te u i 10 i.'.cn.ii ei tiem
vu'.'ir, and t;;akt vnur eui l.ct I. v ieturios do. 1 m..,-, t
1 . i'lui ; but 1 i i el i- 'ii i-ii
"..1:1 ! be woiv.l. ' --' is ).,; 1
lb. I . A i..'iri.-;iaii, t in-:-. '!.: ,-, v,
idt'ir ib-votioii, should t is(o se:;
n;3 '. cry op-.rm.jly should ma
ly, not bmniy ib-li ii.t, l.l.i ru.o.
Cr,; " When a i'i:i,i becc'ii. i a
he w lil lot in- , ti' n '. I'.niii .
!')- f. .nn i' 1; 111 -, ear-.-" : nd
Out I.i ? i.l I ivr tie -.: 1 i.i..c , e
' i he wf'ri 1 Ii. .- '.':! ; r.
:i iii
- I'lO
1:- o
i' o.iveu
,' ; Ic 3
iejuu. . i -
'ft-11, Ml
, :l..'i ;-
vr 1 yo.
' l:l-.c.ll'e tv.l . .lie pmd , ". !
m.ivr i'.-.d ui.l.-' "i.!ii".ei.!, and w:i per
ft'i il", eoii-e.t'ii; ,,,-;'i iii i i-.-n i.ii ii -on- '. ;
la ill-i"t ni . -.-!. -e. 1. 1 .-o,v,j 11!. ion
from v, i:!i Hi. w ; ; 'b oote l aeain.-t nnr
pe. i If. Ila 1 I io t'o In . 0, 1,11:11 wicit 1
kii.iw- ol ti'ieir temper, I hodi i ju-le iii n
slavery r.siibt have existed among t-i this
day. A- ;' on-, il.eli-t tl.iv-s ip.ed out
within tint rei-olioeti.'!! of tl.e yoi.oge.t
niaii on ilir- lloor.
I'-y our enioiii in I. .'.v. btoi. . .:', lb- r..'iii?
bad never been ,1 i t : : : so our bigln-t
.';i't li.-ei ; nod wlo-n iho point win
the help 0
w ho ii I, ai
;: of tbl-
'. r. ; 1" 1;:
',!! a 1:
j It .-el lied I!
eons' il III ioil.
I- on? of lie'
1 :-.!::.: ' -o -
I. iiil
) that
I (he
I I V , H
oi-i. i t!
. 11 t ,t - :'.-.'t ! ; r. .y.
t I'lUso 1:1 t;e '.''-n-li-
j .o'.'itliiig for
I ,
oontruvt 1 led, lie
lo Ii I y niii'ii'lii.L.' ;
?t bo .1 "vhito" 1:
Mil V o-,ts' i i 'lla
"I O'il- .Ij' ', .; ll.i l.
1 or State fi.itn 0
tbo nets ef '..Ollgi I
Older even ;h:m
tuli, n of tho I'ni'.t 't
t'lin O'lH! n of fug.tivt s.
loo p-Tce'li, 'i' Hia' i el, iisy ,1 aiu.i
could have little exc.i-e j .iii::j in tin
in--ii:-i -ctieiij r.gailnt t.10 itigiiive .''...'?
law, c-r agaii' t tiio j'lid.-o-ont if thcSu
pi :r.o ( 1 1,1 1 ol iho i'liiiod Slat. ; denying
.;!!0!siii;i to the i,'ic, since w t, have,
riii-t-lvn.- f 1,1 ni-io-d the pi'i t 'l.'iiis for
1 olli ll.o .-lalnt- and tin.' ileei-inn.
In tvir ju-t iiidign.'il .01. again.-! the pro.
seiii rebellion, let us not out ni iy Im g' t
that in too of tie: Noithi-m State.
a obi ouio ri bel'trn ii nst d lit a-to fill con
st ilu 1 l' i,.t! o-.liga'inns ba t existed far ma
ny years.
In I'enn lylviii.i.t, our di, line ive selnm!
of ab'i'.i' ion ha-- bo-n marked by the wild
benevolence of Mir venerable society of
friends, whose l.'l ristian charily embiacod
both tbo ma-tor nr.d the slave ; let it not
for one moment be confounded wbh the
cut-tliront y i-ifii, whose , inbieins are
tin torch ar.d the pike, wb:oh has canon
iod Joliii 131'owu ms a saint of the ( haivh
in wliioh the negro i worsbipfied. Vou
will i.irely find in full men.bei.sliip in it a
man born and bred upon tbo soil of I'enn
s Ivanii.
From that church I am an open dissen
II. c i.e.;. '. Nay. Mi' : ; s 1 ::
iie.'i.-t li.-s su '.-.- pi- i-i'cu-'v.v,
1 v:..t i'i i) vt i-n .-i to
i t'.o 1 i-iv'Tii'iioiit in ivh.- I. 1
ill ' si 11, pa: ,'i of .'Hi- i .io It
; - ' ho 71 1 '- lie by wi:i-li ii. !;i,i'.s nit'
la oil:-', ts .. t;'Ui,il port ton., in.) ivhi.'li
:: I...-ple.i. t i Im, ; i ..Ivuie m.i' J.
lo yo.i remember w hin (ho ivist iiolian !
1. -o u on bis Mntrlis, 1 nli-r '.' io 0:1 re- ,
member bow it fi.Vo i.ur blood In (end of
men who elas-i'd '.heii- w ives niol ilaiigh
t.-r- I 1 their boiii ts for ihe !asttim-, and1
then ile.v them to save them from the
black demon, at hirst with lu-t an i ra-;.,
w ho ''.vanned around lie'. 11.' ha re
loembei bow 'be A on'i icaii iiiiointer, an
!i.,r, ii ei l't' ii-;,, -f---d up then hi
I .-in Ion an 1 -a.d to ihe !!' ili-b nail, :.
"Men of Kileiitd 'oict'tl-, olir he. ill- ale
n il h you in t his s I rn jie
Never did inini-ter boiler repro-eul hi-,
pen; If, ll'.ir wrongs from ling land wore,.
I'trg' iun l .-ii. Ye-, no foigot (hatil
was I'lc'land that w ii'inci in he." bosoui
or it h t'j.iou
Sir. Ihe il-o'rv
ale ti
hand and
ra! 1
ol'il.o I.
00 the
'!.'!:''. 111'.
I 1 1 1 li : ! . .X:
I IciilO
a :
c pa
y 1:1
e - pr.ile.t
.'.' I in the
, let -::ni par
iti j pa! ty- --c vi
1 t 1 p
ty 1 l-e : o ol it lie
1'. it o'i w ill, ' ihe w Into luiii a 1 il ty
a !: . h s '1 11 c o:e-t again t t io .se schemes
I or I i.i. h lo. 'uies :.:. I Slates i:e!d ai -tt'")..-'.-!
r. vii i '1' 1,
Truly di I .','ll'el "l! leCoial tlieparentlige
of a'ni! it ion at it i ie, as a political pros
cription. He; ul, 'nit letter !o la Ii
1 On ihe et'liji" nf I't'd-'raiiriii -vith u, altti nicb
lift iu cxlui' tit'ii, its It'ii-J'.-i- up tilt- Mii-aiuri
'liii'slii'ii, u 11 il r Iho lai.-t) fr-n.t iil'li.sM'iiing lie:
inriimrt i.f s avt'-v. hut it a ihf 1,1.01 il JT".
ilui:ii:(r a i:im iiieal tlii, i"ii ot 'iirtic" h eli
cisivj. 1 an a itnrtlieiu uiun with nor;
ern pi itieipl-js. In this conflict mr pri.l
and iut jie. t aieull cadis' ..1 1 0:1 tho north
ei n sid-, v. I. :c!i in my side.
I. j, i.i I intc: c.:'. ol 11, X01 ;li that I , : ever been i ppo: ,-! alike to northern
disunioiii-!:- and - i,i; ..Ii ".'j i.iri f. . .
1 would leave to my chiMie;) tac l"r.ion OLil- fatl.tis ''.It ti ll-. Jioru aid
;bicd I'll t'll' SO'.l l't ' .ll'! .Si, '10, -,vho.-e I.l V.I 1-
title is to be "tlo; i'i oy s' iiio.'. o the
I I'l b. , ll Hi- 'la,'1 1 d .1 lie. to sec li inov
iSl. Ojiniu go on hei i-.-'I'.I.ei u boi ho .
j T lie -t; am u.y senliiiici: - as it 1',-nii..;
, viiiii ni and :t w man.
j Fiddling Sei'O and Lurcitig Rom? !
' Suuie of our rc' I
I -'f l be sevt 1 ily
.' , ll I'O'l
'too V.
th 1'.
. itlollO t-,
, liborali
' ii.'.C, ol
iii'.ii ti"
III Ipil)
sue ihe
ih if an
n c see
hoi e ; i
i ''bug thes-r ' '.it:
1 i-.i do- s 1,0! s'.'e j n lea
ris.,1 ; robioiii which
'I .1.-, lb it '-at "I' t 11
! ; !'.:-; 'm '-vil
I .old t.V'.t
ho will l,i:.i:
i d i.s tlili
'! !'
tj'-r i'.r-
i -la - ;:ii
,1st, 11. C" .1
in o-i'io.-o tb-it
hind. Iu l.'i...-'.-i:.-i,:;.
.1 !!.:
w i. ke'l, oof .i i ,
1 "1 1:0 u 1 o I
:::! wlo-n e- il :i..
1. in'
T. ,
w o
" pi:
v o..r
t . 1 o
l: : :: ok, cut
'. laiti'i, our
at are iii. w.:
'.a .
o .1 1-1
11 :i:-
In Tn,-.
., Vlic:,
,lii i:i'v o'..:
i.-islio I.i:
.lie: as to fear
u'l- I lliil-'ilS I olli! lillc I
f ( or t cii-rn I s, a. f ,.w u c.i! 1 e . -,, I
"r. I. ii'-.mi'.i Pali. To to liplaL.-jii,
li1;)'! I'll ... .."'' ! I a
alt'v'clhe! , 1l1.1t t:iei i;
hitn. IT' I- -ii. ' s no! u-i
' It (!.,..
I ' ,'n. p.o, c, v.
b.i.- cel. . .. . 1 . i. lie no ..-
atin.' fir- nn. , - 0 1 vi-
1:1. il is with all :i .' iiuet'n hivi , 1'nd w:tli
11 ful bios') of lot e no otrihb.' ! 1 ; J u c eve:-
; J l.r.j.'.j us
:': .0 v' hi i Cr ;
l "OI '.' sill U'l' .
il.e 'rt'lhlll if
. v. Jii ". ulch i:
. c '.; '1' t 'io I ; -
he :! I,-.
Illl.jllt lll-III 1' I .""'I
I ie nf too N-nih u
i-.;i..w.-.i ii, ir :-:i-i
Iy iii :t 11 -1 !.ci I,
id" 1 hut t' . u v! -
real intt-re- ,,f li
um il iir-ri !y a.- luiji
ll-' :i-l l'l' -ch-et. I '
i.l l-:iii-!!i. l.:.i int.. lie
r. f-r a Iii!.. i ith ;: : ,(; 1 riiv.
ill', itiitll Ihity hi'f.tii, : --i.-i
- jio in.' in.-iea-.l uf aiding (Iih
: - :- .a -, tbat tli.-.v bad I It
: i a" i'h":tei:l 1 -I in j :n - :-,"
piiil ttvt'i ;tv :
I'..- V, i lie
Ic ovel.ii'o.
It. 111. Ii.,,e Is all :.
nil', oin, mot lo ': ' '.'.lli
:-! : ilk. The f'.blett
pi "i.i.t!i" I. an 1 w 1 .! ri. '.
: (I'll.
!' 'IV-
Such were Ihe woids of .JeH'el 1 in, hiul
lf ojipn-ei.l lo :l.ii'eiy. bu t more oppo-etl
the atleii'ol to nbo!i-h it 111 Missouri.
t he ipor of abolition lid its fangs were ' through the agency of the Federal liov
civic. ! . Now- iliiit tin-y are fa-teiic I u.ou erniinjit;
bo. vitals of en, unhappy couiUiy. ! -y ,,, ((tu-ntien. like a fir,. W, in
Mr, 1 know let what notion that limn the niKbt aii:i'fii..-l nad lilled in,.' hiiIi tcrmr.
iii. of ' lie military oh. uacter who thinks 1 emx-idi -roil ii, nt uici', ai (In-knell 1.1 tho In
! hat. !he slave 01' y es, : Jay 11: ay be the sob i"u." . r tr tci thing; I -1:11
ill, i ol 1,-,-dav. Of tlie .si ivo vou l aroint vermin Mint us tlie ptis-agu ul -,ai .tv Irani mi
r.-.vTo ri,.
tin; Scl;
-, i n
1 ive you caroii'l
tiiiike a -tddicr : you may make an cs.-'C..
.-ill. but (he khliehs ol'wiiito leuisoieiids
inurdi a i'ii, ami wor. c th in nuiidered, by
the negro would appal! the hiar's an I
p'll-V ! be ill 111- of null, of I ho su j.pol ei s
0! litis war than all the race of Ham could
tali" the place- of. I' i Mr. Sumner's ipic-.
hull, I her.. Ii.ns.V'T, w e 001 ail'". .1 tol"
jci t this black .'ill, Hie.'. It oil"l s to 11 "I-! h-
:n white incii a ! -bow-hip tit at ni" t of
ti.'-m abiior ; it pioil'eis to the -culhi ru
while 11). ni no '.liiis licit lie pi tiers to u
loi iiiiiiation - it pi.tileis negro e'piality or
l.egio iioiri';!i.i.!loii ; it il'ives the ('iii )ii
tneii 1 f iho South int'i the ranks of the
enemy : it opens to u- a dreary pro-poet
of n proliade:!, d iva ;lal ing, ruinous guei -r
if l't w 11rf.11 e : it sin ck Iho sei.tiuioii! of
the white race throughout the world.
In the I'le-eut as; c-t nl ihe war, iheli,
n,y tiu.'d is not in ihe negro. I Iru-tin
the nieicy of Almighty O.ul to bring tlos
lii.-tnicK d nat ion back lo peace and union ; .
and, under his divine J'rov itb-nec, 1 In. -I
Mat) ti unm her m Id nut in n k .1 .-.In,. , f a sill -
;.lt' I'ii.iciiii 1 i i ln ivt.tii-t in.i lj... eu Miiinnit it,
Ha ihi ir di:! i-it 11 nvir a larger .01,:, 1: 0 in, ni l
iiinVi' Ihein iiniivi.liciily lu.-ii'i'. Hinl iropt i 1 i... 11 .1 1" Iho :e-i:"lll'! -lilllt'M nlliioil cilia tie i--101
:i hy dividing (!. leu 1,'ii "a a i.;rt.'a!..r 11 1111-l.'-ir
'il feadjuli-r:.,,
I loo 1 1 call, too, tl.'itt .it that day a
lit pi -1 ntali'.e ot lay (hi 11 Stale, lleoiv
I'.i Id win, "I P il t.-b'.n'lew .il',!- a judgo ot
tho Siipleiiie (.'olii I ol the 1 11. lt d Slalot.
an i one of the iibb-t, foie-avv, with a
pro.-t it nee that r.vttlod .Ji ib i -o:i's, (he
dive ei lis that v.eie to arise from a goo.
graphical di-. i-i, 01 of p.n t ies. Ir. I -P.I and
101, on the ll'ior ol iih House, lialdwin
advocated, Willi all the vigor ol his lobn.-.l
intellect, th ; itemediato and uiu'iiii lil mi,
ill ilillllissioll ol M.s.-ouii. Sir, I voted the
other day iigaiiisl the. bill prohibit llig the
return of fueiiives by ".be military .'.'l
'hoi'llics. Thai lull carried thro'igh this
1 louse u 11 li"- t be w hip it :: 1 spur of "the
previous 'iiie-tion." altir a singlu .--ceh
in it- 1. 1 vor 1 1 "in I bo gent 1 1 111. 1 11 f rt 1111 Ohio,
to our soldiers' valor and their hnder-' to which no man as allot".-"1 t j ull.'i a
w ord 111 reply . He rei rc-enletl, without
unv chance fur cent i adlclioli, thai tin-
ove: cot.;
wh.'.tove,'- n'-'iil'.', '- .,., , : ',
v I: h the !c! tt i an i ;..r;i
; and w iiicii ' in I 1 el '.ve 1.
incii a recciii ' iiutifii to
brii.i. hii n.itlii - l-'i I ebi'" i-'
:'cti h-'.r ra. wi:h (!. divin
cluit. n : r. In a w, T th.!-.
(On 1'! e'uinoi, i . : 1 fo. c, that .slam! '. .-. e - i
an .1 tl.o littaiinnei: t 1 d 'i -1.
t'l.'tt l.ku t!:o S"ii.-h,; 1 ;
Or :ve its eeniiiii'-.r,..- i i ;' . - :;
n;- pair.-
h .' I i d
: tiid.,
1 ..1 in:'
i. 1 hi.."'
.ito C-n.
tare a
I ivbal, i'i-:
' 'u - n: '.
.' . ... .:: .
lu-ist, i.i. al.
ling !-.o;it .t'liln: e.
tor; I (Idler wholly from those - ho 1, ol; sltill; to firm and iiio.!.. r ite couu-els in
unon Ihe r re-ei t as 11 "gulden liour :" who iho Administration ef t his G'jvci nmeiit :
iei'nr'1 it w ith e vuliiitioii as tlie datvn of a t he allies whom I w ould tin nt ion ai e tho milium oilioers were ustii pint.' the fum
lilack millennium. In me their hopes Fn ion men of the South. We all know , tiotis of our civil judges and marshal and
and fchctnrs insp:re disgust r.iiii horror. l"':g ami gallantly the Fniou men of : we:o'';unningdown and bunting down
An eminent member ot the dominant North Carolina and Alabama anil Tonnes- men, women, and childien, as alleged fu
I.n ty lias promulgated his scheme for ear b''0 strove till they wcro mpprc-.-cd and ' gitives from slavery."
lyin on tills war. II,' has promulgated overwhelmed, It is well kn iw n liow tho 1 Tin? dimple, fact, as I understand it , i
it in many essays mid speeches, to one of , '- 'nin sentiment retarded tho progri ss of j this ; that in localities where tho civil
w hich piu liamoiitiiry u.-age pcnniln me lo , secession in nil the southern Slates. H "i-i poH er is t xtinet, nn I all its 'unctions aio
refer, since it. was nut made in his place in t-ot duid, but sletpeth," thai Union sen' j excefised l.-y the commanding general in
tbe.Ser.ate. He would not, il Eeems, trust timent which men of the South have Ihe o1' his doty nnd In
to tlie valor of our armies nnd tho skill of cherished, under perils '.hat w e have nol J pledge to protei l al! eon-tilutional rights,
our generals. We ine like (he ancient been called on to encounter. F.very dis- j he has pi uteete 1 rights to slave property.
Pritons, lo call in nn ally to fight our bat ' patch that comes to us fiom Kentucky Wo, by our recent legi-lat ion,, have ii:
ties for us ; our ally is to be th? negro. :n: I Tennoste tells us of men rally ing to idiously disciiminaled tho.-e right us the
Southern men, it is said, fight and let Hie old ling. I would have tin; old bnn-ici" only ones w hich lie shall r.ol protect, and
the negri till the ground; we are to re- , piesente.d to their expectant eyes, not it-! that at a moment when our armies are ue
verse this order. T lie negroes are to do ' the emblem of military despoti-m, but as j cupying regions wlieie lime lights of
our fighting for us ; n million of them nro the free flag of constitutional government. : property are more valuable limn any olh.
to constitute our army ! In this paniph- I would see our armies, strengthened nnd J cr. Our army occupies a country, nay in
let ol Mr. Suntner the Mack muster. roll ' restrained by discipline, moving south-! Tennessee ; the Union men welcome it ;
is given. He says in his speech to iho ' ward with resisfies t force ; carry ing evei y-! their slaves (put work to hang round Ihe
Republican convention at Worcester: j vhero peace to tlie peaceful ; the Uousl i-1 r.iinp ; the osners appeal to tho only au
"CdcMnl cntciiUtinnt deraoostrate that oftbia tution and the laws to tlie law -abiding ; thorny exi-i ing for a remedy . The gene
number tloro via upnurds of one million of an defeat nnd rout to Southern armies, which nil w ho decides everything cl-e, must say,
go fcr mihiary aorrica ; tbnt ia Virginia alone ! could no cr be rallied or rcn uited where : 'Ftier.ds, I prnmUed In maintain all your
tbomaro ISUtU ml !ave of an tige fur mili- the people have their rights. Wursocon j con-lilulional rights, but hen? I am poiv-'iVY'--
. . dueled will kni: our eomiut sts to ns, will ' ei le.ts. (io down t where lucre was onco
If tho uistinguished gentlemen from double our straight, and s-np the enemy's. 1 a court, and if thejudgn, who is now n so
.lissouri and Kenlueky wish to know tho ! To those ictories let ns contribute our ; cession cnlo:.el, d os not hang you as a
numbepot tbftoe black champions of the, part. Let us not, by revolutionary uicai- Union man, h? will udve you n wnrraM,
Civil liberties f t white men in their res , ntes, extinguish the llsin;; hopes of thiie I pel haps. If not, nil your slaves mii-a
pectivcs States, they will I find it set down J who love the Union. Let ui not foster 1 practically, b? free ; civil society mu-.t fall
herd. In conclusion, Mr. Sumner aka and stiniulato and pander to public impa- j into chaos, So Cougrcsi has enaeteJ."
thia question ; lltence. It was discussed hera'oo this fluorj Sir, I did not choose to vmo for that en.
" Can wt'zJfdTth io Tfjvi thJ xitiru lately what was meant the great cspi I aciment. Whenever, in the tnoriiul jus
i-wtr.iAy 4 frwvn irerur aiu' r-icvijei hy uia of the age when he said he was forced 'condition of things incident to this war, it
snow ti,.:t we were Dot id u,i .11 1 ..i i-sti
n.ation L,f tiu- bad tn- lc. of that alkiir, .vc
iiist'ii the ft'll'.'uiiuj iiiiuitu tf'.I.e .1
.-la--.- 1.. 1 ;:-,!. it 1-, tiik-.n fti'in O'I- lit-l.,,c is al. :. e...-ts t
atii'-ng .1 la 1 ; ,: no iii'o 1 ,-) .
I lie li: -I li ill e ei- lm 10.
H011-0 came a! !,i '. '.. ,..;.(,
I he ( aoiiiel , Ooiii iio . 1 - rif tai 1 (.; -
j in.iny of tlie army olli,', .i, foi.-ign M.i ';..
t"is. lea ling cltii'ii-, lo Il.e mniibei'
I . f.rvc '' d'l-.l, Wei,- ..( -en: w .tli
j wives and daughters. The ladies woe
uiroM'il iii il. I..;,..-ui,:,. ,,n..: ;., 1 vv.n the .el'.ti :.n s ;..r;i . . 1." dos
e.xtravag nice, especially" Mr-. I.iiic.jin.
The gentlemen wire erv lilainl,' attired.
J A bout t .vivo O'clock, the SUM , 1-,,,, 11
j was 1 hi wti open, , exhibited one of U:r ' ; 1 '
1 th" I'liest di-plays of gasti-niomit: nit ever
J seen in ibis country: ,1 tcnple of Jitj.-i ty,
ja ("i l .Hid v-ai -.stcaiiiei ,...l;ir,i'tl ,' ni' iild
le.iin candy, and a ton ol tu.kt y :, ib.ic'.i.
jvciii.-en, phoa an ts.nai tiitlge.s, io., all e ,
i 'ijii-i'.i Iy piepuieii by il. .Illai I t f NY.v
1 Y01 k al a oust ,.f thousands ef liollai-, - -Wln'e
tlie coi.litn is -halii-n bv en
'eaith.,ual(e bv the mi.hne.t nnd .1:0-1 un- M T .' lfL-'" ' '"' ' '"'' P'11"'" ' '
ii'ituial civil war recorded in hi-turv, an I
011 lb' ril' ot ban ki uptt y and 11.01 ; w iu'e
il 1- t 1 en r a .pi 1 L:.iii---:i tea i Jul one
! w bet her wo arc t-i '.e Ie. iicofo:' h tl,,-. in,.
' people o a ti ec 1-11, or w K 1 hi r w e nr..!
! to beei'iue ll.o bul.ji'ets of jinarcliv. a stc-
end Mexico- ue say, that whii" tl'.e-e
din fill calamities-1 1 e I hreaiening 0:1 r vt -rv
1 life ii- a n.t'ion, such an .'ra iigat.l and
foobsh di-phii is slo:kii:g. At any i.iu.c,
I iieli mimicking an. I aping ol I l-iio'-".! 1
("'jits i-t! -.;;.-tiiig in (lie i'..pii,il of u
t 11 1 . . , 1 . .
1 ioiuiuie: nut iii di on a 01 i-is a.-, 1 ho pu-3
ent. -iich a ivaolon di-pla of extiava
ti. .net-and im liib r-t.ce on t he 1 a:-! of Ihe
Administration is an outrage to the inter
; ests and feelings of the people. !l is
, tempting a kind Providence tn our des
truction. What will l.o thou, ht 111 Ii
rope of su h frivolity? How !' 0 ci1 1 v nil 1
l.iiph ii-aiit!y it calls to min 1 the fiddlinc
of Nero 1 rit the buruinc of Kome.l I bat
,..,-,, . 1 .,'.. ;r . 1 1 .. ...i materia! ml
.... .. .c, . , ..... ,,.
i, ! .. ... .1... 1 1. .! n. : .. .: .
.1 illtlllli ,11,11 tlj , lill llllllllll I II I OH 1.. I, I . . 1
' our l.ui'der-liiiiil slob- ... fc...-....t I "' !.: Mk-ctoLl 'net
from Ins d.-n. and. aided bV the elimniei-. "ctt'.'' ''"'1 iiowle igo. integrit . an 1
nig moonligiit, looked onoo muie
i:.: 1
litM r bin..- Tie
n i c ars is no! w i.-c
W iia! .cwtt, 1 is ;
spiell'lid loll. fi ,'
1 1. look I 1 .1 I
1 A do I I . ! , 1
. t ; V, . I.. -" 1 - 1' I; .;; . ,,
1:0 I: 'it'in I ,u t ,'! ,,' j ;., 1 t'o'iji V. ' u'l 0 ' '. o, . 1, 1 ;
'0 ; n a il' il., 1 M'lhe:-. 10. 1
etenu-l ic.'-l IVIntu; ; ' --
: eti'VUii.ter bci-cen 'iho t
:?"! ei -rv u." -in-iil 1 ; i ..
' ! '.v! .'li cine not in .-lie. .
I I ;g l' t i L.iy f , ..1 ,t ri 1 ,1 ,
I-. now 11 e.iU' O, li .- in er t ,lo
' veia.ifit d ir li.ii
I 1 ni- i-;-: 1 ')(.'
: , o' oil:,
t g
, r.s
j lij-Tuz l.'e of the Jhi'.--'
thai k m. of -csr.inifr.titl -:.
1 prcfes-ing '.0 lift men (i'..i ; i'-,
! are e; ' '.. expr': si a it 1
wliilo it I'-avot. '.Iieni pracl'u. . I
. esl.-. I ! ia I : Ui.
I 1.. ;
o ;-, ' .,c
.' iut " -
I' iu .vc,
vd".e.:'( .
ins, ami fit,! ies of r.f i irai.
o.t io.;!;(.it ''nn- n( I lif, ,t .
uooi. , - r. . ; -. : S: of what whs once bis l,H,,lV , '' .act t."al H is .-a-i rally "-''
Inline. That same night, wour.ded vol-; "-'li;'-J,i,i ol -"'Ve; n.iv-tu -o. i p-o.
unteers died in the for want ufi",,','cv' lV """ l'0' '.l.- bufl.'ii "..
,-.ire an.l eoinf irt, and our noble-t oi;s j ?Ar'?r ''' !:1 ' ,at wh!f", m"1" Pl:
and brothers pined iu the loathsome l:,.r- i , '"''i" """'i'- - KW'"-' "' "
,,, ,-.r n ..,,,r,,.. 1 . . .1. ..1 . the ii-ns ot living lfa . ii j :. 1 '
: ho liiai
! irs r,f n Mini I,.-in nnsan ,,,,,! ,1,.,. I e,.i', , ells ol living :,
liopelcs-lv f,- release; while on our west-' !"' "l ol "r' 11,11 ,'M :'
ru rromiers, ihe houseless uiotiier chtsp.;. ,"" 1 U-(- !no:o t!!'a 1 '
...I I...C ul.irn.ct l.l (l. .. ..I, bOiter.
.... ......... ,, int. j . it it, o ,tlj, j
cnuwe'l ravenous! i' the. hones of the 1ovl t
dead. An 1 still with bunds playing and I fraTTor L-NOCr ;IZ I'.'
slieanieis 11 ing, and the noble 'old S!p '"-',' lll'nl ll'ul ll)r'r'' s' to I
P.'I.OI (M -,-
be nt bo
of State tuinputt-tosHod, ami ,;; ,f,ir , fe' 't'T ' more and tltou art (here. ! 0.1 the very verge of koubyss, the "nu- ! !fc but f"" t) at 1,1 !'J'l s rr'I'1
gust wisdom of t tie Capital'' are mo- rv (,I!V' r-n'' tv'-:.v " 'ul li'! F1' h "'' '
with wine.jolly and ind, fieri nt, to.,vti lt-1' .n o oe siu:,!s. and rrjuri. '
and feastin", dtnc'ng and tripe-ring nb-.u'i j mArc- S",,n- ' ' l' h"u -v ''lA h":
ib Wl,ii Hn,ii o 11. .i.,;,.i : lliee r.s 1. v ::s to 1
.... i-,,., ,,, tic, ,i - nit:-
! 111 Ilia tospei, 1 ii
for I hoe. -
euro imbecility, as fhouch lifo were in. ! :i's!er is i..;u ca..ot.i lor ll.-e. -t-rded
for a pas-lnio-Of,, UVan ngree-: XV ' J'';' a,e "!JP you .
t's g(T Vi'tU prma'(irely at Bull Run. res's wholly upon a mili' iry ofnoer to tms-
rt' Ie (nhlonil. Mut.leof L.'b.linzar 1 Ash
cs of Nineveh 1 Golden Calf of Anron
eotiip forth ; )e aia? wanted in Wa.-binc-ton
jaWnnv fur l.oid bids us lo fake i.c
thought for Ihe morroiv. In intended to
hinder those cares ..nd ft am which are
apt to distract our devotions, which n-e
rilCf, pAlt v. Mtin
Heat tn and the confirms (! imtnoi la.
lliore will be tn. th iti but Ihe short vaii'
of death l( t ween you and tho pro.ulse '
land; the labor r.l you. pilgi-iuja?i v. .
tin 11 be on the point of conclusion, u:. i
vou will bavi ri'i .hifS to do but to orurei.
Ood, as Moses did, ' I prnv thee, l..t njaj.'
over, and see tl.o pood lami that in W, .
the moro unreasonable, becauso they eon j Jordan, that goodly tuout.tain, tn J Lcba
never chai me taie irnng. no-n.