i S MA M'MI I'M i I I It I I- I I I' Mil II I (7j.f OlfHf'fh V,iMil(M, 0 I I. I t I l ' I ' I r , t fi l r I i ( i I I . I I I . Ill I T i . I 1 I - I .1 ' I . . i .1 ,, 1 1 ! ! H i i 1 I r. I I ' 7 ' ' 1 ' : lit i I ' I I , ) I I't I V i ' r I !V I t i i I ll Ml I Ii I t I II I I , i .1 .. I' ' l' ' . i. I ! I I . I I i V. .Ill: ,i i r ci .i':'' inafcie nl'iiT ' till 111 ' )i n f f i ll it li I' i ' 1i" 11 i'l'l' ii'l." '. .Illicit '.1.1 I 1. II ill I I I'm ..I !:. Ii. li I i h l'l t .1 .1 II II. '. 1 I . In M- ". ID i'l' ' III ' : Ml. . IliV I I ll,;.t llic I heir I'm ( nior df Tec : '-. '111- ill. t r itiliiir. I iiiii ( 'on li-. Icr.it ii from M.m.c'i -..I- li;.. i for ll...' I i . ( u in lo ll ii 1 1 . I M o'-i i .1 W . 'ilttl' , .!' . 'I ll" I Mill I.I.I1 llll Illl I I.i.n.ii! mid .'.!, ! i i.i.l r :.t ..I .1 i , I. ii. I,. ,.l IM .. Km i- r, if. ,ii u. I; l nun r . t n-li I .... I.. I':,''. : 1 1, -II If I' l,'l.;h. I ... I I ' 1 .1 1 l"n I I '! ,. I . i I i l ' '.hi. i. -I i , I, ...I ii.. ,n II 'i t n t .. c , , .. I i Inn. I ill IHil-i. . ;, ill.' I ill" PI '!" i,: W I'll II llll)!'! I 1 " t"'J fi' . . I . .1 t.-t I. ..!. !"' ; .) -I. i h I i .' . n ,, I i) I n- llir prop, tty o' .1. I.. I C,,.),. .Uii.shm N.I.-I.U.lc il',;T MIT 0'.'. 0 i I'l ill u . I ' .. i : :i: --tll:lt li. :,l!"d lii" I i;l p.,-1 I'ni. (ill'.'U'll t.t ivriill UP I U 1 1 1 ;.' ! ;,, u ('! tiifwin;; II- Mi'l Hint t.i cvnoiHte I i-i'sj re! pi i I'.l.r i:iU V 1: I'.i. lilnl ;n ( . i.: it-Hi ,.!' ( ...il.. ,i m :: . v hi .i.i .!'.I:l!l. . li. ,.( 111.. I'. mi. M. I'.. re II. ."I. lil.I.V. ll ::i L l. A V diii is in Ml I Dill M.i l i: i:oit ri-liy pimn 1h.it I , t.t I tl III h .1 V ! U'l'll '.' I . I M ' . ' I I'i ll I' -' ! t r, I he i i irlv, !'i"in other rn:r'r, ; -e nr.' i r i ' I u': i i-n i . liii.l ;i i i 1 1 1 o w ;ii l i.iude hi .'mi hi o'..'. !: i:i:i. '.' I'lie." I'vo diivonci,; !Mis-.t:.i iiilo A:k.it!-.i", 1 'n.' unity ri..iiei , iiiiifli IiiiL-t'iifi', A Com. IiiMitit was steadily ad vain ; m: on 1 In- ! i J:n . mid it is supposed n it ere 1 1 1 i - . 1( I. li liln r mi t'n' til(i. nl KANl'I.S I.lliol.l, III 1 1' 'if I i. V I li .;t 1 'II d l.ic t'ii':nli''M I'i'iiii'.v. 'I. 'i n-... 1. All I' T i.n inili'Mi I l ful l -):ilo, r- riiU'l"H 1" m a U 9 iiniin'.li ili ji.tym'1-t. mi'l tlint-'O liavjii'; !n, m ; 11' liiifl llii' mi" will lr lit tliftn 'Inly e'i:!nj'i "l,r I l '1' wii'.-iix-ni. lll'llKltT l.KTiiKV, iiKir l tp. I'fb. I!','f.:.'.l. A.lin'r. ll'I'l A I'.i ni I'll.. K'' .r ll;-) .-' ii I'-l.. 12. sui.D AT ciist ! SHAWLS ntvl dVlfil COA'f.-. nml VI.Ti:it (liioliS- i.i iniiliD roii'ly ; Tin I. '--will I'" mi'l t i''i.-!, 1'V II. .W. SMITH A CO. 1.n -t in ii;'' : il i i n nil 1 l ill "c I i'i ('Xcrpi ti.0 '.n.lll' i ;i l.i :e if .-if- of III,' SMI I 'I'K, M ii !. I Kll (I'lul'S OK r. 1 11 li'-iir" -i: LI. I NT. r sl.irk ul I'. I). Wiii iton. nti tiio Cli'H". an liver, N. i toivti l t'.iv.'liiiii Tnis i'i'ioi l nun. s 1 1 v w.i lii.'iiiii.'ii'l, "Ih'I'ii it u ii- ul-o r"i' rlr.li the li.'lit I"'1 'v. -i'i! il'T. C'iiti-i iin.l i Price re-u!:-.l i'i a n 1 el vi.-i.-ry. W.' in i i.i aim m. i AewiM v. (I ll) .111 lllilllll '" li.timi, iniili'i' tl";c'.ll coii'.i.-.t'iif Unit Ml'. C V: on Moii'1 ro.itH's-t- il in lliis insii . San roil i', 'iil v luxt. OWIMIANS' C'OIIKT SALI'l IX CI.l'Al.'ril'.!.!1 CtU'NTV ! XyMi'.i: mi ..nl'T of tiio oi.ii:ii.'-Cmirt ..r I I. .in" ii--l Tiui'l I'Kini li.'M u 1 1 ; i . .-. I':i iI:iti' will I... o v j... -.-.I l,i pulili.' full- Ht Till-: I'l'l KT- icji si: j n ci.i:i:fii:lh. rn i monhav. tin. irtii i iy r M.r.ni. hi n'.i "f Ho) i'.U'ov- il,. liiw. 1 I!, ni K.-l;ito Mtttai".! in .I'T'lnti in.,' r;..;; I inr tu: riiiiip .L.lni-' ,'.1 f'.V .-, l.!"l '..ll' ll.jil .'.;: ii i n " f.ri' 'ii'iiill 'hi'' ( i II, Ml. f: r vaion'.!.:' 1 ni- jrtv-'-ir.n - ll-0 Ii natf I'T : mil' if IV. I.i i . .p-', ii'vi :j I" f .Lint I, on I;i-I IlaM nT til ii.'V.'f of tl; foul llnri'is n.' ni' 1 .m II -li:', i ly ..l' 1-nu' : tiii ' i 'iriMiit.-i! I ill.. 'I'l'vu. i'"rn. 'l.'L'l" ' ' ll- Ill 1 A S. .' " -l-'-r. linr. lili nr.' I.v 1 Ht ficl'l conn ".v. .I."-.'!..-1'i-iii- tl'-il l Ki. 'no I I I'.i , lute tlio .riipcr 1 : art ''I'.'ic.l l"'i'innin IT r "!' Ih" tr-fi "ivll.'r I . l.t 1 'I ' 'i.i III! "llllOl ll. lit ilhili. in... .s-.iiih 1 1 nr.. I.v nir nrt h In ct.'i iiti"ti mill t 1IHM-. . SI , I'V Mil 'll ) IV it ; (T .. " '' in .': out ol ll.i' miIuh I 'mil I. li'"' 1 in,, .iv. . :. ., hi!) I- i .'"'"l to riii''i'. Sill ' i.l llll' Sl'llO lillH! llllll I'l.K'l', llo-' I"'" li.'. iiu ili .M i il""l i i".i i ty, viz ; 1. A ii iti'.in iKi.-t of Ian. I sitiwilo in r.c.'.'iii iii (owiliio, '1. in 1ifli I I'oiiuty.l'Oiiii .'.il :n liillows: I. (v'i lining at .1 . -1 n 1 1 1 i'.t, inline Cy l.i'i'N ol Tinnitus r.illin;:loii ..onlli'i I ' wp-t Jill' I'lT.'lios 10 ,i .o-t, t f i cli co Ly I. mil of I Ionium IVitnior south S'.i ol I I ji.ti'Iios I" a i"'l, tl.'ciu'o 'iy an.U f'i' Tliom.is liillinloi noftli lil' wp-t ;',n:t I' Ofl'llOS t .1 l 'll-t, tlll'll.'O noilli -I'l'ivpt 'JUT juTfliP-i to ti iloL'wood, nil,) tlii'iiof Ly' hni'l of Ailam K tiliii, cnllc'l " I'.. lnioiu', south l I ' cast il.':- j.fri'hvs lo (.luce of ln. ginning, i'oiitai:iing iS. a.To.s Jnii 'i'iilii.'ri, Hiol allo'vanoi'. 2. Also, u cerium inictof lai.'i In the mtno loiviisliip nnl conr.tv iiforo-aii i 'ti m . tu..., 1 I I. '1' II" .. , i'i f . . t l l i'll !' .. l i t HI' '.. , 111' '111 11 'III A . .i.ni I, ! I .11 III, I, .,,f - ),.;;,. -, i :i ,., t'nin l"t Hi Ini' if t i r li !. ..ii'l,,.'. I utii'y I y Aii'l' r"ni rri'i'k l,ri.i. !,...', I'y f i" pr'...f iHiilu, , k, I-, til.iinii j; V I'mir'ait Alt" rn v'n , II,,' I . .O" iM- I .v I H 1 1 f.'l", f, I, 1,,'r,. II il. I'. ' ll'lili'.'. Liuvi 1 I' ) in ii 'llmici'ii ., I ' ' I 412 ' 1 . 4 1" 7-, Snl M '2. I) till V2D fl:i 21 A 7t 2 1 ." on !! I I 7.'. i-c ;ii ,' . 'II! I II I. , l 1 I I I ll 1 t I I I T li'il. llll ' I H-lt' 111' ll', I'y lii'd'iif .,.iini; nut l'l 1 o 1)111. I in i im;. I'nl ..I I. 1 1 i I ro ." r. "nil,: ii In T' .I, i. ni. i III I ' tllOl it 11,11' I Hi ,f r I'V III ait, ', : .unlv, of a n. .I M tr.i :i'i:iJ.'N c Tliic fri'i'nr.Hi. ' f.., i- r.-r-vn-'i ii . t 'T H I 'I'I' il ' TU Iv. 1'v-l'i l'Jiii :o i 1 mil 1IM' ;!, 1, in.i.l'' l'n 1 ' 1,,i.i, ia'ii Tl! M!i: fur I ;: i.i:'i'.i ,ii--,i n lin Inn ' I, ".'ii riiniii, !!i "l I i i'o.itr.'C 'ai!I ii.-i) l!ii.- m i i i I ' i " ' i 1 1 i 1 1 1 i , I '. i rit, iti r.ii, 1. 1 in i iti-' l 1 1' n-tii .a' l,'..i iiiiiii'i .il '- dilli o l'l: I' i-: 2 i .'. n t.i. . ( .I n . i i i- a ni"-: liri.il IVI "r-i. Tin, n .l.iin.liin tl li- t.i I'll,'! nil I .1. R. II m !! I . , li"Lrilll:inL', '' : r I'i' 'Ri'.li ii'"! '.'' v..""ly. l,".-inl,i io - y iiirl li.i.- 1 1 " 1'.; . 1 " s I !' ' I livf-!,'l.l'' 1 'I'll''- I l. :.. 1" ..v:i '. Jill. Iifll' .' 1'.' II. ir' il i,'iii!i , '!.!, 1 , j - ; .ii I ,ii r- ii ii. I Ii I i r.-! li. lu i- , i.i i'.i r: C it - i! . -i:ir:ili"i. "I tin' C'l-".! I "ii : t i.' Ci In in ll 1'1'ir Tlii'.-e l..t "1' iaii'l :o' liil" fliir, tl, ul' lliif .j.i uiiiiy ..1 !ai's. t 1 ,1 II. :.!'S "!' CI".. ll riiy t s- I r.i fill. ilil ') Sil'.M l'l-' I ' l l. v J. R. ill I . ,1.': H.nv.-ll. t h - ii '". ::, iti .T ll II -I'l'l III! J . I 'lit "I It'll''' ' u.ii;:if ' I'. .In... . !,i, r . r nil ii i li ,i. X. . ,1 I- . 'li; r;l",l ; L.iii.l. ul' Cl-ll ' ln-.IW I'illl I'l III" I I 1 '' I I!n;!"r i.i ,l. -r I-:. :;:;s W. I'j a i l ! ir. lli ,' I'V I'llt'i -l' l 1 .- I ) J' . I "11 I. I' t I li. '.'a l.Ii'l !'.v- ' 'ot-i-.-:l 11 . I1L11111 IIC ill till" l lOl'PSIIl.l (lll-l . . . . . 1 1 .! I .. . I... i l ' Uijo.lnnU exiPllillf'H oy uui un. i iiiiiin-j tlosoril.i il fotllli r.O0 ivoil 'J'lT rcrclips to a post, thoi'.oo Ly luii'.l of Thomas Jlartin north I'C wot ppicliPS to u j(i-f , 1 Ihriicc north aii' oait 1,S )ii'ichps to post , i thence Ly liitnis of Nathaniel 1 'iclitil lsrn ' south I T casl 1'.I perches to j-.laee of Lo- inr.iii'2, con'-iiinin;.' L'H'.l iicrcs li'.li poiches and al 1'iu'aiic", ln-inp part of tract ci'Ile'l '( Irceiilaiul." il. Also, a certain tract of land silii.itod on the ivali rs of the Clear- j licl'l creek, in .Ionian township, Cloarlichi j county, called ''I-'redrrii a,'' bounded ns , follows: liPfiinniii!! t a inaplo. thence Ly ! lands of Thomas Iiillinton south l west ' 'J 10 pi Tidies to hemlock, thence Lvlandj of I sum: Wumpule north l'l' west ill.', per- ' ches lo po.-t, thence north oiiJ east'jlil perches to u Leech, thence Lv land of Isaac Wampole south do3 east ill.! perched; to the pla'-i' of lie'ntiin?. containing ! 'i "'"''I .teres and L I percfes. -1. Also, ii certain u'- 1 " I Iract of land situated in .loiil in township, ."'.i' county aforesaid, L..iiii,inf; ut post, thence I south a1) west 1j iiiul ei'ht-lollt h perch' to port, thenee Ly hui'ls of 1''.. P.rein- Hun ham nori.h in west ...;s petclii's to jiusi or .1 vr.tii. 1.7 IMS I-4.1 ls.-ii"l 1 1 Is' '2 lS.'l.'i 1 1 is:. I lsv, lS.'ili lSa7 is:,; '.'" CtHi-ty, .Sy..'.: d a. .li't'',i TOWN Sill!'. litf'J 1 sen , n 1 1. . i ui,i i-i.ntiiiiniii; ln'i trai ls tt"'l in ll.r in i I., in the -I.I i- ..in : V. I lilll'i'Tl'll H il!l II siiL'iif tree, (lie tiorlh ."'I' erst '. to po-t, 1 1 : " 1 1 e : to i , lin'.' of L. and Lein: in'lon," .oin 0iTiaiii:ii nee Ly land ol .lohn Sniper :!" nv d eiL'h'. tenth perches 1 s. iiith I1) 1 :e t ".",S p.'i il.es iuniii', conlaininTiil acre- part of la! eor tract ( tilled "I.e.' siirvcied ill lh( name of Pet.T Kiilui. 5. Alo, all that piece ol ground sitii ite or. the norlh si'le of the ptiLlie road from Alexar.dor's lording to the vil la .;o of Ch ii IIoj'P, in the township of o .:., ..,..:..,. ... ., i.,:,.i o lo c.,..i e -Jiiiili('--.i,,iii.. n j'"... i -iv .ti Ii. .lo l.riii" witliin ' from stono on the west, l.anl; oi Clear- ."sirnl'!i! i.r.,1.- hehi creek, tlienee soutli io' west ln te-t, 'lie l i-.e i I. .Ill i'lli i n-li nt striiiii-' ,1 )Wii .ill : t i-iiiilinii.ili.iii "f ll.o sa'o : :r i'.ti.i! in lliri',' '. iial :i!iiiiial July til outs il.t ..;'. :il. -.v i:li in . ii'-l. t., 1,.' .-,, ui-.'.l I'V l!l.l llliil l.l'.l .:.' Il."ll I1K' J-rt'llil-.'S c-Titli' is in-! thenee 'J.' west -1 leet, t lience soin;i ea-t P'S leet, thence nor ill east .ill ppt, i thenee south fat L'SiM'eet to the j-l.ife i of Le;.'iniiin, Lounded east Ly prnperty of james lle'ity, south Ly the snid pill-lie Ifoad. west Lv :i feet street, and north IM',1 'I'll.. I'Ml'sl .111 1 I fur ln:i:i! lilil. I'.iKes. liAKiv,; row i Kit loi'.vvn Lk-H'I niiil .V. . '! in 1 i.iit.-iii. I'Kie i: i . ci-iii 1 SI I' li-TI I'l 1. I'V h'ol. J. Oi'K 7,f- ( .',.., ,V t ni: in sr. JMI .-"l l. Ill Pel.. 2., IT ll l !, I ' M:i i.i.l i ir. i ioK s mm rcr..-- i " . Ii.t" , 1; c:v"f. tli.it l.-.'.l'Ti T"st:nti mo ii y. mi i e.' Cilnt.' i.i A L i 1 X M H' l.s, Int.' . I l.nw n i re ' ini'li'.., .Ii'cean'.l. It.vp l.i'oii iriur.l.-il In I '. I in- i. r.-inO". All ) .T-nns iii.l. I.l. .1 I., s.ii.l o- : I it" nri rc I'ltr.'.l t" :n:i''i iin;i!t''lial i 'iiyiii"!it, ii n. I tliu-i' having "lainn u'iin.-t. 'h.' .11011.1 will i ns'Tit 1I1 e 111 il.ilv iiiillii'iiti-nl'-l I t .. til. nn nt. 1 2 1 A ! ! I' IN' NICHOLS, jr. ) ; ,1 M. li'IHI. , lix's. . F.'L. ill fit. I S ii A L L X It'll U I.S. I : ... , . 1 ..... 1 ....... .1 .,.,' I.f, , I .'.' I I I I ,.' 1,1 1-1 V 1 , I ,11s" rt-lru'inn Ui'.:-a -:i limiu r r.'. t in pro-1 "v oun-i i'ii'"...i r T ', Mii'ii tu .:iV!n.'i!N n. i'l". liyiir'liTe'ilH't.'.inri,said l'u.seys. ti. Also, 11 t ract of Jan. I in ril AKI.IV .). I'l SLV. A'lin'r ,f j 0 n0 io'.vnlii;i, eolinienciriT at a ma. ' ("I'm (lel.1. '.!. 1:1.1. . IsAf l'l ev, .li'i-M. 1 j, loon the west Lank of Cleat hold creek,' .-.-;" H'-'.'t .V.".. U ).i,''.v.''''i.,,:.V'''"i:1l,,w northb" wet Id pet dies lo stones ; '-; '"' ii: ion the west Lmk of said creek' (this line , iii i.i.l- i-... . 1 1 ... is i,,Hili'U-.l 11) J.iil i 01 . in. aic.viijuer.j j t !i 1 11 :e .south (i west S percliosto sir. lies, i thence south 0S' east T) porciiei to stones, 1 11 ii' I tlienee north ".S-' ea-t 8 perches lo j i'!:iee of Lc-.'ii'niii!'. containing - aete.i, I SHERIFFS SALES J V v irtur 1 .i-- el .-11:1 irv wriis in 1 .-ii'ii"""' '; 1 .,111 i.l' lin' ( ..ni t of C" 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . , . , . ...i:.i lit :l l'l I'.illl:' V. lU.'l I" llll' il'ri-.'l" I t.i , nl, li.' .-al", nl llic Ciiirl ILms" ,i.-li of C!.-! i li. 1 1. mi Mm, lay Pi.' 17iti h n.'xl. A. I. !'''-' at I u'lluik, I'..M iii ii-1 li.'.w li.-tire, u : nl '.'I. I'i" Mill ll" ' iii l!n P"i' ,lav .'I' Mm (he !'. A , IIi'KN - K NO TP K- --Tin' J .i'ii,ni- lia if I, i. l iii t in nl illy t;irn tor S , -.-i . . 1 1 .- nl' CK ilTitinlls 1,1' liilli.-') nt if. iii't, ucrr.'ul'lv In lia' A"t nl' full. living lianii'l IKli".' nl llio Clerk iiilii'l.l ,',aiitn-. MARCH s.-s-As: I'll. I.lv ul' Mil 1:1. 11 2 t h , lS;'(i, out ill,.. I ''1,11 ul' lnl.'X'n atin' Li. ,111.1-11' 1 Wl.RN Mnr'.-tiii't Lrini.-li, PllVl'l .luI'llS'ilt, Isini'- !'.l.)nin, Win. .iltisnn, (Igureo A ll.i i t, It. . Mui.iv, Henry (iu'i.lliiii'.K-i-, AHuni lv 1111 rr. Viili'tilini) ll'ili'imiri, Piiviil S1..UI1, . H. .1. II in !.'', ,l,,liii S 11 il r: ;-, M'ni, ... '.IN. 1 I'll, A. L. Ok-U'Ii, . Jai nl. Man. k, If. W. AmliTsiii, Willimii R.'i.l, J Ollt'S II. I'lU'S. .r.in.l,l l'r"li"t-'ll, lilwiinl All. ill, 1 e. rj; c I' 1. luiril-, Aaron lLuliiniii, J'lllll Slltl'.-IT, 1. 1 Kv. IL111 y Tuft. Aielii'iv l i....-, Iliii.iiiiiii 11 Mivl. r, Ait to reuiiito tli.i Mile 1 X: : LI' I'.X.-'L. , I U a 1 titjiil R'.rmix'i. il... .1". CunM'ii.sviiiu ;;,,r Miii .1... d...' l'n a. hurt! t"W n.-lii,. Liyly t.iivn.-liii. ,1.'. .1... if. .in. (.'I'Viiifftiiii 1invi..-!iij. K unx lu nsl,it. Karliiiius inn ii.-liii. (in.- Ilea lulMi.'lll,. J Iii.-tun (t.w tishiji. Law mice tun nl,i.. Men;.- luw n.-liij.. nt) luniisliiii. Liiinlier Ciiy H.tro. I'.i'Ci'iiriii t..viislii.. I'oviiijrti'ii i..ii.-lii.. R.'lii t.oviif lii. .Murri.i dm n.-lii.. l'"V's t..w iisliip. I im .11 i.nnsliii. II ni. ly t'iwn.-!ii., I'i .-liter t nsliip. I!".i:e;.i .illll.-lli.. I'm in.'tmi tun null 111 and l.iiimde.i 1.11 the (-until Ly the ln-a ilc serilied j.rcnii.-es. 7. Also, 1 1 : 0 rijiht a 1 conveyed Ly deed of .'arnej Het'arty and 'wife, reeoided in Hook S, pn"el'.n to rai.-e the wiitir 011 all his land Ly .1 mill d.ni. v Also, nil that piece of land situate In 'ood-.varil,,towii,li;ii, ai.il descrihed as ful l'.ws, viz: coiiiniciiein.T ai a (.tone on the eastern side of Clearfield crock .IS fc t iheiefrom, thence north li"0 east lo.") feet to ultimo, thence, south -IT east lO'i feet to a stone, '.In net smith 10 west I't "i feet to a stone, thence nerth -I l1 we.-t to the nun .iliiili.'.i 1. ace o I.eLMuniiiL'. coiiiamiiiir neve n ml lixtitres, . hounded 11 Ji ll), east and south Ly lutnU il r' a 1 f"i l.iinu'iic I ".-'it " I,,in. "n( r 1,1,1 15 r''1,1 of W illiam AhlNainIer. '.I. Also, a trnct r.irleiiiln.!; Iiiiiil"-i-n:iy. wiili iiiic 'lw.-lliii-Im n--,,, j ,,,,) . , , t10 Lank of Clenrlield l"i is.'.l.ln.'kimiMii.lK.I.. Hire.. i.urnMrns- , , ..,..., ,i sii.l creek and tl.c ii'jove rneniioncd road leading from Alex finder's foi dii f? lo l'.eicina, exlend'n Sn feet aloii': the liankp of said creek 40 feet down the said Lank from tho comL of the ii in,: k inin Irin t nl'l.ni l lilua!'.' in (iii il l t-ovn- sliiii, I 1. , 11 lit I I .-..inity, 1' ' , .'"iitiiiiiin i'i'lit".'ti linii.li-.'.l a.T"- el' la-el, l.mni'Ii"! n-rt1! I'y ful l- "! l'liel -. 1",I:;,' .1 ''o.. 1 iot hy tho sain.', smith Ly lllll'l.-.f llllll 'is (''.'lllli.-t 111! I . lil'TS. iin.l wcM I'.V Inn, I s I Mii'l P I,-.' mil Co., r.'i-ri in,: a I mil I :'.'.o iii-re.-. S..LI to .Ti.hn Mai-.fl". L. M. ('.m lrii't .iiei .l:ii'..l' Sliiuvw.'y. I'Mn'i't tho tin.l.iT, lie: "nH I - en itciDs I '.-iiij; knoMnus iln pr.i..Tty ktenvn as the Sh am Mill 1 r ..iTly, li ivin-,' lilioiit 5.' H'T. s el.oir. ,1 ihiTi'mi. n laro, C" nif l.'l" mi'l p Ttct Sleasi Saw-.Mill, ii,al.l.' nl (ntlinrr i f lllllll.'T l"T iiiuri'ii, wllli ,.'ii-fin. lon.-lit'l. lir-i'Li ri'lit sin... 11 r (.n!limi.-o, lilnl : iilln I-iinfrnvi nu'iils lli.'remi .T.'.'t.'.l. Innni; tl.e I mimic I'li'iniso 1. "ii-lil IVmii llinnpliri'y, I'nK ,t 1 I'd., IY.. in Sinilli A K intt. liln. lens., nl' :tllil leot ut' liver Imtik mi tlin Wot llrani'li, nt 11 n i nl.nvo t'u ' 11;. mill of peer Creek, leii.-.'il l.y iloleii'liinti In. in j I'. t.'i- I. .1111111. SiM.i-'l, H' ken in cxecnlinn, nii.lt.) I tip e.tlil ns thr rnierly nf .luniei ('. Wil'inni hut ! Aliriiliinti lliini'liry. triitiin .is Wiilinins ,t I ll,.,l,r, V. I Ai s-Ia reilnin tini-t el'liin.l Mtunlo iii .L.r'l.in S, paao ('." .'$, lo raise tho water on I (uii-ii'liip, Cleaitii'l'l .'. ni'i.v, l'n.. Iti pinni-m t ::.iiu l'usey, rind : so. the ri.'ht Intix-li, tlit nue l y lamls elTet. r l'.uj nl.-n, m.iiIIi ..0 ilere.'i f .-t 2. I'I pet. t" n l.,'"oli, I Imneo by lan'l . nl' Fri'.PIi. Rules 11. irlh lil .I., '!-...' wi'T. .". 20 nT. to lii'celi, tlienee l.y linnl ul' J1.I111 Pimm ie, no rlli III ties- cast 2. Ill per. in birch, thenev l.y !an, nl'.lolm smilh 10 decrees cn.-t :;:: per. tn bcinninr;, coiitiiinin L!3 iicr.-s, li l perehes, lilnl nllmi ancc. itli iil'unt 2.) neres clou rc I . one lar;'.' thvcllinj; limis.'. ..lie tetmiit Inline 11 11. 1 Inrn l.unk linn creeteil tlioi-imii. Alio 11 e.-rlaiu liaet "ITiin.l sitmile in Reeeai iii tp., ( leu liel'l ciiliity, Ph.. mi'l n.lj.'iniiiin.!,' llic n'"'Vo. l'.o .i 11 11 i n at 11 i.,si corner, thence north :. Heir, cn.-i -in ..Teiies Jordan I'.ell .Ionian 1'enn JordAti J'enn Pell Penti P.urn.iiele Jordan 1'ox I eentiir Piko Chest .Ionian 'ike ( 'ovin.'ton liecatur ( ainvensvillo 1'Vruson f 1 os he n Jordan ('ovinttlon Cletu field Pecalur l-'erguson Kox l.awrcnco 1'enn I)ecattif l'ox Jordan Knri .hum Woodward Beccatia I'.ell P.orrs 15ra.lv l'.urnsido Chest. Covineton Clearfield ( 'urw ensville l'erj.'tisou l'ox I !oJhen (ir.iham Ilu.-ton .Ionian J nox I.nwrrncp LuniLer city Morris 1'enn Pike P,eci:ai!:i P.eli lioji.ts Pradford P.rady I Hoc 111 P.iiniside Clearfield CurwonsviPo Covingfon Chest" Pecanir l'elgu-:oii Fox' Cirard ( irahi.ni ( ioshen I illlil'h Huston Jordan K nox Kaithaus Lawrence LuniLer city Morris N. Wash in Ten 11 Pike I'nion Woi'l'vard 1 ton cot. I. I.l roits N AMI J.mies Pea, jr. It. Wetzel ir. swim A . Spencer Win. Wiley Thomas Kenton J. Sunderliin J. Pavis .1. Voting ). Willinnis J. I. P.undy 1). Kephart J. Ciildwt'il S. J. Trzer J. Pi'.tteison 'P. K. McCluro J. Parnioy (i. Kepliiut MeNnul J. Straw K. U. Liverj;noil Wm. Williams J. lUiter U. J. Wallace A. P..iin:hm in (i. Williams P. N. Heath H. )rr l. H.mvers I). (loss J.McClelhlll J. McNeill II. Yeothers S, White.sitlo 11. Whiteside? J. ( 'ampLell William Wilsrn F. W insert J. Siindeilan .1. Thompson J. P-. Pciiaut H. F.. Snyder Joriiih F.vans J. Straw J. Mtilkins J. Sankev J. P. Nelson Jeff. liundy Peter Pilootll M. 0. St irk M. Nichols John Ferguson J. Penning T. Wain If. Iiilo Joseph Slewurt Win. T. Thorp L. M. I.timediio John WooliidgO Win. Sehem J. W. Cleaver J. McKee William Porter -J. Irwin -I. 15. Hu-'nenot Win. Me iarvey John '.'nine firier r.ell Thomas Mulkins Zenas Leonard 1. McDowell Mat 1 hew TatO A. Nevlinj' F. K. Hewitt Jolin Thonij soli William Si oss fl. Fmerick J, J. Head J nines Ferguson Jesse Pe.nm li. MoMunny M. S. Spencer It. S Humphrey L. K. Dressier T. llend'.'iso:i I -1 COIM V, SI A I l:. 11 M H 11 I t. ti H'l '; I 10 17 M 'J.') on I 1 ,'5'J Ml li 00 ' r.n Mi ;;o nl i ' :; n 1 s Z ' 7 (i'i 1 IHl ' j ; is 17 ! 10 .Ml i ! 1-1 7 51 .J.i ii-j Mi 20 ! lo Ml 1 TJ 0 s:5 2 02 17 8 " If, '.II 10 os 03 fs'.l ' 111 50 ! -0 l''2 ; : 11 as 33 0t) ; 0 11 ' 12 81 i 12 O o I 3 ") ',) 41 I 2 i' l j ! 10 00 1 I 1 til 1 1" 1,11. ll. .1 1 1. 1 ' I f-' $.i,'.if. m $u,'o'. r.-.i 'I I... ..... in,' tlx. if 111. 1 ' .. f 1 1 III" I el I- liun.lt., I me I i. i'i . i.ur P., I si .'. I . I .. .,! - ',... n.l'.i: ,t- I Ii tl I li 1' 1 .1. I! ll. I Atu (', Wit S. Pii.ii'i i.i . 1 1' . .1-1 I,,,.. ..-.Ml I ... -' I .1,1 .' .1 . t : M W, i)W N. V 11RI! I'.LL, ik. I 1 - lit' . . , 1 1 1 . 1 t. '1 I i.-'i BRILLIANT OPENING .Fall Fashions iVeir Cash Store H. W. SMITH SCO'S. 10 f.O I 51 52 ; I 5 02 5 Oil j j ll.i 12 ! 7 .Mi , 110 2'.' 1". si 21 50 Pi fii ' 0 41 I 2 SO I 3' 5 4i 1 00 I 30 -11 11 30 17 so ; 20 43 SO OS 20 78 ; 57 .'i'.i -'50 M 33 !3 1 05 13 20 '.10 1W 73 1 10S 00 7'.1 33 1 IP) 40 23 S3 ?, SO ! ! 01 20 1 12 O'J 20 12 OS :,2 : 74 5S 21 4S 1 13 2 50 I I 27 72 10 32 j 25 55 ., 2-. 55 I IS 02 07 50 43 ; 54 SO 1 1 25 j 21 SO 10 00 15 07 i 53 S5 21 37 j 5 07 42 30 14 74 i 4 :u I 20 S2 ! i 17 31 7 On 41 22 1 SO i'.s 1 30 42 I in) '.:. ' SO 70 I 17 57 71 45 1 15 42 3sS 57 ! 122 13 1 -JO 07 .".:'.5 20 M7 77 ! 22 SO 1 S 7S 07 57 I 24 70 250 S,, 12 0") ,X2 .'50 714 ::l 271 3 1 S2 05 107 ."1 30 .".2 10 15 253 S5 122 11 52 72 5o.i Ol 2M1 43 : 31 s2 302 m'i OS OS . 23 27 125 ili 5i5 SO 2ii 00 2S3 70 101 4i'. I 32 30 27 S 10 102 lil") 41 32 227 SI 20 30 17 SO 00 3,S 10 17 15 07 15:! f,) 2S 33 1 1 72 200 OH 07 32 13 77 100 37 35 SO 10 02 Iiiii SO 51 ol 11 25 177 15 50 41 11 25 153, 55 02 43 25 05 141 31 55 10 27 55 105 22 i 55 00 10 02 300 '.ill i 211 31 55 M 107 17 i 0 01 0 45 257 02 102 00 IS 52 4 31 I 17 oil 7 45 CM) 01 1 S2 53 P.) oo 30S 05 I 100 p.) 40 55 1 1 I 00 52 74 20 00 123 2S 38 70 SS.OOO 01 4,100 34 1,550 S2 i The attention of the ladies it respectfully called to the follow ing notice, that wc have just re ceived and opened, the very la test and nios4 fashionable Mylcs of Nubias, Wool Hoo'l,, Wool Scurfs, Zephyr, Wool SlimIn lurc a ii'l final!, llcnvy doulilo All vVoul SIiukIj, Chenilo Sliawls, Cloth Cloaku, And ront rurictioi of Zopliyrs, Zcpliyrp, A f upcriur Hrticlo of (illlltltlct Ki.I OIovcs " Liilo " ' Buck " " Caslnncra " ' licrlin Wool " liimntlot of Z'-pIiyr Wool, CliiLI reus Cuslimcrc fllovcs " Lislo " iind n gooj npsnrtmont of Liiilies, Cliililron, nn.l Infant' Ho.'icry. Elegant worked Setts " " Collars. " Skirt?. All Wool Dcltiincs. Flannels, nn.l tnott vrio ticf of drcFS roed.s. Wall paper and window shading'. I Wo have just received from Howell A Brn., of ; Chestnut Street, two choice, ftvlee of I PAPEK, : ALSO WINDOW Slf ADINII, il'LAIX AND FKiURKD. Iui:r. of lnisines fruin 7 A. M., to S P. M. Nov. 1?,, 1S0I. tf. F U IINITUUK ROOMS. Apgregnle nm'l dm' from Collector", " " from unseii led lands, " Nutos, jii'lf nii-nts, if c, IiiiK'lite.lncsF ci County, S'.Ptir. ! ! ', Ont-t.ir..lins County Orders, 6,1.1 j CI i! Cum t liou.-e Contmct, 1,10s 'J2 lHie late Trca-iinr, b.iVJ (ii'l $2H,7'.'U fi.-ld C'liintv. in nccnnnt with the nevernl town- diip. for Itond tax for SC0 and ist',1. Te balance duo tw'p l;i ft settloinetil, $S17 S' To nuiount received from unvoted lands for lf-liil and lMil, Cli. A m'f 0'. t r in. I'll, tlitr. 2.") '.H 27 1(5 Rcccariii Rell llrinlf'T'l Riii.ly Ciicst t'.ivinf ton Cleiirtiel'l Peeatur mi:io an in l. j.icr.Nsi;. Kiehard Ji.ei.'i', l.'learliel.l l'.riili Cluu.iiil? I'.anii"y, Covii.-t.'ii tuini.-liip, J. l. i i i i i.i;. Clonrlicld. l'. )i. "il.'i'.J. Pi-uth'r, COURT TKOCLAMATION. I I T 11 i.- t; I.' 1 S II.... M I l i I , - .ii,...,..-, ,,..1,. . . .,, i i.i, i.i.-. ,, i,n J I rresi.lolil Jii iec .. ri. as ol the t a only - lilt Ti p.i.ci 1. 1' tlic en unties Clinton and the 11 I. P. 71ID..I PSilN.A.- -. -juaty ; June i.-siu-J ilicir iceepl, t. nie .liicet '"1. I'T tlio li.'i'luii; i'l' a Cuiii'l ul' Ci'initiiiii I'ie.,-. "ri'lmn'd Cm I, Coin t of Quarter Se-siuii-. f'uuit "filler ami Terminer, mid Coirt of liciieral Jail I'.'livory, at Cleii, field, ill and for tlio coiinly of ' li arliel.l, on the , tlicii. k soutli mmlli II dcerees ea.-t 14 perelies deir. wei.t 4s perches to pon tile I .mil ul C.nnin iliidieial Pi. iri. t. en,. 'f Clenrlield, Centre an.l ,I.S. LI.OIIM ,ii,,l . Mile .In.lw.- ol' I'leai ii,..'t,l ; tin.-hen i Hi aha in I Hasten Jurdiin I Karthnus I Knox J Lnwronco 1 21 p.) 2 A7 .'.7 lia Li Of. :.i7 fs io no Os. r.i 41 :.-.(.' in . j if. -1 -. r ' . a ., ir . l ," l .le),'l.o i 1 i ( ft tl'.'l ' -'i.ifi.-i .l'-. ' 01 I t .I'l.v.'. NOTK'K IS, thrref.ire, hereby given, to the Curoner, .Iti.-tices of the IVaeo, pud C.'ii.'liildes, In and for nml coitMy of Clenrlield, I ) appear in lli"ir proper per-uin, villi their KuUs, Koeords, In i'i: itin.i' . examinations und olher Reniom braneea, to ... t'.o-.e tliiiM.M n hi.-h to their ollicer.', an I in their I'.'lnilf. perluii. Im be d.nie. 1.1VPN under my band ut ( leu held, thin 12th '1 i.v of ,l.in , in Ofi y.e.r of our Lord, one thou.' "i.l eir,ht linn. Ire.l u!i. ,ixtv two. I HWAIill I'KliKS, Mi'rn). now erected Ly Charles J. .v. .losepli feet nj-tli'M'elroni. 10. AL 8 coi.veved Lv deetl ot Wm. li Alexander and wile recorded m Hook 11 his land Lv a niillditrn. Seized und taken in execution nnd lo Le sold ns the property of Clunks .). fr.sey. Ai.so, .,11 t,o interest of William Tnsey of, in and to nil (hose certain promises situate in .lor. Ian township, Clentfiold County, Lepii.r.iii!: nt Leech, down, corner of Isaac Wampole, V. l'.eales.P. Kuhn and John I 'tinivoody's sun eys, thence N 50 I! 1 10 fi v e -1 o n 1 1 1 per. to po.-t. thrnee N I0;W .".:is per. to pest on line of John Ihinwoo dv, tlienee S 50" V IsO seven, tenth per. to post, theneo Ly residua of P. Kuhn, S, Ferguson lo ' I-; ,",3S i.er. lo post on line of V. r.eate-". I Oirard thence Ly I'. Iteates N 50" V. 40 two truth per. to L( cell, doivn, and LeL'iniii,-p, con tniniti' aliout 372 acres and .32 perches, and lieinc part of two stirveys, one of them in name of Peter Kuhn, urn I one of them in name of .lohn I 'niiwoody, Leins ur.iin- proveil nn.l wild land. Seized, arid taken ' M""" in execution, nnd to Le sold a llic prop-! J'fnn ci ty of Wm. Pusey. j J.', Also A cerlain tract or piece of l.ind ! j, sittiato in P.ia llord township, Clearfield i county, l'ti., Letrinning nt n blur k oak on I the Lank of the rive-, thence S OS'' W 2S2 j. tr,. leeivcd of (Jenrjre P. (ioo.llander, perches to 1. White oak, thence S 04 per. lale Treasurer of Clearfield county, three hundred to ni, inn tlmiiM S K 50 nrr to a i.ine. ! and ibirtv four dollar mid ciglity-threc cnts in th.nceW liner, to a lire ..,..k onk. ' fH. I ,1li"0 ,,B' ",??i"",1.',!l,.ve thet'cei down the west Lr.incli of the Sin-1 fpielmnna' river the sevenil courses 5S7 . per. to place of be'innin, containing 214 acres and allowance, surveyed on warrant j to John ilson, tinted l'Jtli May. In $ O.Sla 5.") 1 1, Si 10 0(1 CI ?2 $20,7'J0 .17 IBENNER & BARRETT , r.espectfully nnnounco to the jjiil.lic that they J have completed nnd are now occupying their nen j furniture, ware-rooms, fronting on tlio Markei ! Lot and nearly opposite the Court House. j I lioiuci ll!!lhlll l.l.l Of cuiiieu uu ... iuu ne per stury of tho samo building in all its j I) I V i r. K E NT n F A N C II E s. j All kindi of furniture will bo kept constantly on hnn.ls and sold chenp fur ca.-h or xchangf ; for country rrodnce, or Lumber to suit th busi nes?! Onuiiof: I!. Ooodi.imikii. Ksq., Trcapurer of Clear-jOi r.or.r.r. f!. (!o.,m.AMrii, Es., Trrnurer of Clear-' fieltl county, in nccmit lilh the several town Miif!" for J'ehcol tax for Ibf-l) and 1 SOI. i i I 'To balance duo nt last frttlement. J2,f.71 f.O lieceived from unseated lands, Y,0-'fil, hi ?0 I ! III. Ain't pri. trx. Am't'lui". CHAIRS. l'AKf-Oi:, ROCKINf;, Aim cHAiits, SIM!IXi SKATS, CAIN ?()TTOMS, kc, AXl r,i r,2 18 Oil 22 0.5 r.i S3 m 4i 18 I t 7 !C n 4-j ca on 2 on 4 44 ,',.i la 3 42 Sf.9 41 JOSKIMI SHAW. ,' r.cccarin I .Lull !!ii"ggi I Lrii.lford ' j Hiarly ' Burnri.lo LClicft. 'h'nvinift'in LClearliebl IjPeeatur i : l'ox JOiiartl j ' Ferguson j On-heii 'lira ham j Huston ! Llordan lj Murtliam ;. Knox Pan renco Morris iiPenn I'nion 'Woodward Lai. due tp. $102 17S Is. ,'i2 Pi", ill 01 2f. :.i 107 lfi 81 01 K8 no 12 42 2 til 3 la PAH 11 SOFA, CKXTIil-:, CAM, DIXIXG, KX TEXSIOX .(' IMEAKFAST T A II L K S. 27 la 1 81 .1;:si .12 4 .17 2;.n oo 1.12 oo 2D 21 410 I 'i 77 27 .'.7 77 io or, 4S on 319 42 .1 71 4 SO 1 89 1 17 97 SOFAS- 01' A I.I. KINI)S, VAlilETIIvS AM) rATTKRNS. LP HEAPS, SIDK-nOAIlD-'. r.ouKCASKs w.vrtiinonF.fj, to. ir, 60 i 11KDST.EADS JKXXY LIM), II HI 11 ' l' OS T CO TTA (I ', 1JIKXCII POSTS, Ac. ' I to Sl"l'.t' : i lo liciulo I ,.,.,! nn.l north 1 1 de-. west 1 1 perelies lo l.eiu j nine, 1" im. led on the noi lli by other lands ol Wm ' Piisei.on the H'Ulli by Oeetge (iroi.ui, on the cast ' l.y p'. 0. Nevlin:.'. cnlaiiiiii:; 12 acres and Ml I i per., beiii pint ot larger survey ivarrautcl ill nn in o i of K. Lrown and Peter lloynloii Willi a si ir mill thereon cieclid. Seized, taken in cM-culiuii, and lo be .-old as the property of Win. l'usey j Ai.su--A ct r la i ti I met of land siiuate in Morris I Ip., CL at field county Pa. CoiuineiicitiK nt a cor I iter en llic iuniii r. inl near tho upper line of Thus. ' Kyler'a land, ihiiieo nluiig aa il inn il l"iid olio I liuti'lie.l ',. t t" a 1"! or piece .1 land in pu.ssi-ssiou i "t Land Frai-T (now I.. Hunter), llicnee at ri;l't i .ii'.es with , ii'l in :i in ftrect two liundre I mid i'if.'l.l.'1'n feel lo a coi ner, llieneo by a line parallel with fniil main street Inn corner, thenee by a niaibt line alciiK line of land now belotijjiii); to John 1!. K ler t" )ilaco of be-iiinin', h iring a frtin:.' dwelling lioii.-c, .t iro-ho u.-e invl stable er efte I thereon, ritual in Kylertowi, In mid Ip., ol Morris. Seized, Ink en in eM'cuiien. and to l.o sold ns the properly of liil.l.uney P. Hoop, A1..-0 A .'. Haiti trad if land silunte In Law- rcuee Ip., ('leiiili.'bl n o acres fmntin I ' li.or .',.,1,1 t.i I'nrivnn.rillii le iiiinc from iinjti'ih to Wm. McCiiiiniiffi, Ictl thereon, with hearing orelm . " . .. .. n -I i . if ki , nnii.er v ii) o ll .anc hwiu en anuth i, ("i. niKcn in exci' t on. mio to ue fu u m r. Jacob Hoover nnd 'Ii0'.lbn' b.t, luivmn a one the property of Kmnnuel ftnihnni. , l-o find the amount of oiiNtanding order? to bo Twfnlj thousand Jeven liundred nnd (I rty.fi v . ' "l''"'' ' llp'r.v. n J Lin wood LumUr, tal and a half noty liaiim hmife tn.-ic.'n erected, and KDWAl. 1) ri JiRS, Sli'lf. .lollar! and fifty five ccntf, or which Fourtcfn thousand niin hundred and ten (I'.llars nre on court 111 rS'-nnnao fur ork. all Ihe land hem-cleared, toie t. lakon io txe- ShonQ's Ollieo, l.'lcai field, Keb. 26. . hou?e coutraet. I t'lear'u'ld. n -tuber I -''t. Jy. $2.70.) l'O , (nod lander, i Jan.::, isf.: f2,75i 90 ?:'.19 12, lieceived of Georo 11. late Treasurer of Clearfield county, tbreo hundred , and nineteen dollar A forty-two cents. Itbeicrj1 the balance due the School fund a? ahove. Jan. 22, lf3. JOSL'PH SHAW. Hair, Hair t 'p, Cottcn O p, nn.l Corn Hu.-!i, f the Lc.-t material. LCtOKIXC (iLASiLS if nil sorts nnd !- Also, O'.as.-ef for old Framioi. Also, Tea poys, What nt-t, Wai-h stnndf, Wnrk-titatiils, Hat-racks, if c, "iinly Pa., c.ntainiii about i.,, i,i i,.,i l,l r.i.A . .. . ,.' .. ..III. I.U.'I.U ..." .I.la If, ,111't ,.,,, .-..v. en the turnpike leadintf (rem,. , r i i i . i bonu'le l north bv ro,d lw " i"' ""'"" '"-' l.' WK. the Conimissioners of Clearfield eountv, liavintf examined the account of lleorci li. O'ood- rfl sjeiz- l'"1''''1'' ''Ml '"tc Treasurer of taid caunty, do certify that we find mid account I" aland n follow : ! i ' ' Tho amount due from all aonrces to he Fifteen iliousnnd three liundred nnd forty dollars and ev- , . Fold ns ,ntT.four COFFINS. on thort noti: Mmlo to orl itins furnirhed. u: 1