) wnuvM it. mi0h4 Miwrn wash, llliwillini', wimtfin M A I R W null M Art Alt I M: 1 i ni s "t-i 1 1 ll. li, 1 in k Ii ii, . . ' .'' i i'i in',il', 1 1 iS I -,t II, ! 'I I'i l'. I ' if, - t " " I '"! H i i ( ii i' " 1 .l lbs ) "t, . I I'll t I 'l I "1 I I ... MU1tlil1rN.M ilAUHlM t M IMttl V1.0 Mhmm m-.ui-.w iS 3. 'f.t .', '..' 1 1 ' 1 - I', I' I II, f" I' ill (II! I'M i'i I' II i t I 1 I'" I I' II I" 'I 'I ii i:' i ri, I inn 'in' n n I ii 1 1 ii 1 iii," 'i ii t i i 'i( tli" ' il il III 'I In I me in t l.i' Ii i Ii i'') l.fii 1. 1 "It ilil'l i't II,.' I' nil I' ' it i- till' , ,' II "I I r "'it 'I 1 1 ' 1 .1. Ii i ii' i i in I-, ' ii ii ct Im :ni i . il j;itiiI i i It ( i i h ' ( l tliit i "I HlH'llfll V '1W( I H I'V m i' n i'i tin if MH'lii'ti- f -1 - . 0 I i lit to. ( 'hill in n w in ii it I iK ni: i N.'l in I'll' l"l , III lliMlll ,i Will nlli' I'I'tlii' til'e-t i iVn't- vc n ciirlii i" in iii'i'lri ii timet, liisnp icai'iiii' i' wnt ii"l fi'iiiiiKUi'lini;, Mini 1 1 i,4h ii ITS iii' Kii'l t' ln nw l wai'l, '.is voice I'H'I, in. I liis n cut II i;,'litl'iil. I lie m ri t n liis t;rn t ni"t l;iy in Iii intellectual jiiimit, riml that tuint -t-ncia, wliirli, ntUr all, cither mako or mars tho pi eai Ikt There wns;t worl.l f truth in tin' reply of (larrirk, the coiiiiiH'ili.'iM, to tin c lergyman who winhoil to know why uinlieiiee were alloctoil to tears hy tictitiiiiH acting upon tlio nt'te, while ,oii;;ivi;atiuiis at in their pews uiniiovc'l ly thoreat IrutliH ol'tho (inspel. (iarrirk's reply was "Wo speak our ficliuii ns though t wcro truth ; whilst you utter your truth as if it wcro liotion." Jii Kii;;laiul, tho low )l reader in tho pulpit have not hoon ahovo ta king lessons from ineiuborhoi' tho dra matic iirol'ession. Jtiehurd Jones call- oil "onucliU'll jonos ii rcuieu uoi or is said to have made for liinisoll' ;i laro income in London.hy leaching Knglie-h Clergymen how to read. We care not how the art is acouirod. f , , ,i i ..." , : . i ..i ,1 can ho done moro thoroughly by taking instructions from actors than from persons in any other profession, wo 8eo nothing in this to object to. Tho eccentric (lowland Hill once said, ho would gladly accept :i contribution for tho missionary cause from tho dev il. Tho defective point in our theol ogical institutions hero referred to ought to bo remedied ; and tho denom ination or individual who will move intelligently in etl'ectiug this will do Hcrvc tho thanks of church goes through nil future generations. The Contrast. Every man owe a debt to tho society, in which ho is born, llo receives at his birth tho virtue, tho intelligence and the prosper ity of that society as his patrimony it is the natural right rich or poor, ho inherits this ; and ho is hound to uso it as not abusing it ; ho is hound whilo ho lives not to reduce its stan dard j but rather to increase it j that when ho dies ho shall bequeath to so ciet' a higher standard of morals than he found when entering therein. But, alas ! how many forget this ob ligation ? Some men live entirely for sell'; they never perform an act that docs not benefit self, they are con im crs not producers of'human happiness. Look out upon society, seo these bloated monsters who have gorged themselves upon tho public stock of human happiness, -without adding a moiety to increase the general store. They build their mansions from mate rials collected by other hands ;and like tho ever thirsty leech drain the life blood ol society to strengthen sclt. Such men never perform their work the field that they cultivato is a mo ral waste. Thoro are other men who I'mio to ben efit the world they aro producers of human happiness, the world fools the warm pulsations of their hearts, and when tliey die it inoyrns as did l)avid for his loved Jonathan. II ow great this contrast ! With one it is my farm, my house, m' goods, myself ; with the other it is our coun try, society, the world. One is like the earth-worm that bores the ground, and with introverted eye gazes on it self and the little sod over which it crawls. Tho other is like the noble bird of passage which soars to tho skies,and gazes upon each hemisphere, and cheers every land with its hcav culy song. . P. Spaulding. The Piffefif.nck. Suppose wo per ceive a number of children phrying together in the street, wo could not without previous knowledge, deter mine who aro their parents, or where are their homes. But lot one of them receive an injury, or got into any trou ble, rind wo learn w ho aro his parents for ho immediately runs to them for relief. Thus it is with tho Christian and tho man of tho world. "While we observe them together, pursuing tho same circumstances, wo may not al ways be able at onco to distinguish them. But let afflictions come upon them, and we arc no longer at a loss. Tho man of tho world seeks relief in earthly comforts, while tho Christian llics to his heavenly Father, for his refuge and support in tho day of trou ble. Do you know any-thing of this, my reader ? How To Beau Trouble. Wo must learn of Christ how to bear trouble. Wo must bear it as ho bore it. And how did ho bear it ? "Who, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down on the right hand of tho throne of God. For consider Him that en dured 6iich contradiction of sinners against Himself lesi ye bo wearied and faint in your minds. Ye havo not yet resisted unto blood, striving a gainstsin. And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speakcth unto you as unto children, 'lly son despiso not thou tho chastening of tho Lord, nor faint whom thou art rebuked of Him ; fhr when the Lord loveth lie chasten- eth, and scourgeth every son whom llo teceivrtU " 1 1 1 n i t I'll i iti'tnir. Mi ' "" l"""'l'"l In It " Il' nl II run I II r f lliixlim I'i'' ' I ti"'fll"tl. t-l'i. I'flO 'll!'l ( I I IH'IX.1 I M t 1n i'i ir-, (Jilin-O I ," I Ml 1 'litre I'liret, 2 I'll' I M I X iiimhIh tun , One f'.i'lif, I I I t Ml t nn Tn . juiitu, i i i i 4 nn n nn tlife f.unre, i i i i nn nn F'.iir inf. , I I I I 1 in "ft Unit r.iliiinti, III! ' 'I 0 milium. 1 t I 1 1 4 0 (I in no lo. t I fin t no, Ml, 1J mi' It no' in no II on II nn; Ik no ts nn Over lliri" tel n l 1i' tlmn Ihri'ti moMln Jl pent f 'f ' I'1"'" I f -h liitrrtinn. tuir'sui netic"-' H"t icilinn Cllneii Are In- rleil f'ir 12 n ynr. Alrrlliniiitii m t iurkt I with lie nmiiler of ncrlii n(i ilenire'l, ttlll rmlinuel until fnrliid ml elmrj;ii iiernrillr.K to th.'KO tfrtm. JOB PRINTING. An extensive stork of .Jobbinp mntrrin Piuiblrs tlm Publisher of the " Jtt'puhlirnn' to mi iimu ro to the ullic that ho i prepa red to io ill Ainds of l'(.riiiH, P&vrJT-irs, rnoiiitAMVF.H, I'.i.AHXn, rrm Boon, t:ineii..Rs, L.U.EI.S, Ball TtrxF.ru, Hamhui.i.s, nivlevoiy itind of printing usually done in i country cb oie. All orders will bo execute I with no-it-ii oss mid donnnteh. (J. 1). (JOODIjAXDEU t CO. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Tlnio of Holding Court. Pooond Muniliiy of Jauunry, Tliiril Momlay of Mnn h, Tliird Mmuliiy of June, Fmirlh .Monday of Si'I'Ii'IiiIht, In ouch your, und continue two weeks If no ecKPnry. C'lmnty Olllrcrs. l'rcn't JudOpllon. Siimiiol liinn. lU'lli'fontB. As'to Judjjv lion J,l).TliiiiiiiKon,C'iirwi'nsvillo. lloll. JlltlK'S I'llllOlll, 1'oiukI. Slier. IT, Kdivard t'erk.", C'loarllold l'rotliii(itury,Ji'lin C'ultlc, " lie?. A Itec. Jiiint's W'i i K 1 " . " Diiitr'n t Att'y Holicrt J. Wnlliioo, " Trimnurer, (1. 11. (loodlanuur, C. Survnyor, M, IS, Wright, Coinniisii'u'rs, Win. Murrull, S. C, Thoiuiison, Jacb liimU (lien Hopo ( learhi'lil Morrixdalo Iiuthersliurg Phililifliurj; Clenrlield N. Wiifhinjston heeonle.n Mills C'uJHenpvillo. Auditorii, 11. C. llowrinan, J. 11. Shaw, C. S. Wurro!l, Coroner, .1. W. l'otter, Co. bupt. Jes.se Bruiiuil, 1,1st olTo.stOlticcs. A''ii'' ii'. O. Xitmm i". .1 CioiMria, Bill, (Jlen llojie, Uower, Cheat, CuhIi, Ostend, Clearfield Bridie, tl. W. Calwel V.17? TT. T. A. MUheo J. W.Ca-r.5 in Lewis f.iuith 1 li. Miller J. E Watson. It. II. Moure. O- f. Sloppy, John Hoberling Juk- llluom liruillord, lirady, Wiriinom drove, Luthemhurg, irnutvillc, J e (fori on Lies, Hlovtn, Enrn?idc, i urert, New Washington j Win. Fealh. llurnside, Jus Jle.uurray Clearfield, Clearfield, M. A. Frank Covington, Frenchville, Knrtliuus, Cur wens ville, turwensville, 1'. A. dunlin. J F W Sehnarr T. W. Fleming. Centre oounly Edm. Williams Elk county, Pa. C. Mitfnot William Cnrr A. B. Shaw T. H. Furcce. A. li. I'x, C. J. I'usey. Darid Tyler II. Woodward Eliza Chase (. Heekadorn M. O. Stirk. J, W. Thomps'n Jus. Thompson J. C. Itrenner, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T, W.Fleming. Michaol Wise. D.llru baker. Jos. Loskett. Decater, I'hilipi burj, Ferguson, (lirard, tloshen, Urahauj, Uulich, Huston, ii Jordan, Karthaui, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, 44 Penn, 41 Pike, 44 Union, Murron, Helen l'oft Office, Lecounte's Mills, llald lliTlM, iSha'.vevillo, Urahaiuton, Umiths Mill;, Minleira, Tyler, l'ennlield, Anii'in4'ille, alt Lick, New Millport, Uroekenridge, Kylertown, Morrisdalo, Lumber City.f lirainpian Hill?, Curnensville, E'.oomingville, Koektoc, Joffrief , Woudw.trd, t Thil font Office will do for Chest towunhip f ill answer lor ierguson lowiump. i is $35 00 1-YS Ihe entire cost lor Tt'lTION in the 1 most popular and successful CO.MM liRCIAL .SCHOOL in the cuuntry. L'liwnrds of Twblve HrxmiKD young men, from twkntv-eight differ ent States, havo been educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employed as BOOK-KEEPERS at salaries S2000 00 immediately rpon Rradnaling, who knew nothing of accounts, wlien they entered tne ioiiege, -tY-Minister'aconi half price. Students enter nt any time, and reyiew when tbev nlease. without extra chnreo, For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship, nnd View of the COLLEGE, enclose fivo letter stamps to JENKINS & SMITH, May 15, 61. 1y. Pittsburgh, Pa. W. M. 31 I LLl.Ol Cill, Ci.KAiu'iKi.n, Pa. Oflire in ;raliam'n Itrirk IJullding. July 3d. 1S01 tf. NEW GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF pn?ifr cc bummer Uoous AT THE CIIKAr CASH STOKE. I am just receiving and opening a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer goods ol almost every description, A txuuwlul asrorliuent of Prints und Lress goods, of Iho newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. J)liV-GU()J)S AND NOTIONS. Lonneta, Shawls, Ilats and Caps, Loots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qieensware, Drugs and Mtdicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet 4 Oil Cloths. G R OCEUIES, Fish, Bacon and Flonr, Mackerel in J J and ( barrels, of the best quality, all of which will be aold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the public generally, are respectfully invited te call. SryvS. B. All kinds of fffAVA'and approved COVSTRY PJIODVCE taken in exchange id Goods. Cloarfleld, Jane 29 ISfll. WM, F. IRWIN. Or.ERT J. WALLACE, Attsrmt at La , Clearfield, Pa., Offioe in 6UWa Bow, oj) onie the Journal efic. tlsc. t, U8. tt ,s : n iVf; ma chine. vmrKs run $40 to fro. The HOl'DOlll SKWINU MACHINE, an en- grnvlnjt of which Is here represented, has now bceomo a reeognHeil ravorite wherever It1 has been Introduced, and is, beyond question,1 the best, as well as tho handsomest, low-priced Sewing .vnienin now oeiore ine pulilie. No. I. A small and very neat Machine for Family use. Ne. 2. A large Machine for quilting keavy work and for Plantation use. This Machine is much admired fur Its simplici ty, nnd for its reliability nnd durability it is un surpassed. A child twelve years can tub it with ease i and yet it will sew from tho coarsest cloth .1. - a . I?.-:..- a1!..... I .. .... i i.i. ,.t . TO inO Illll'fl DfflH. A1141IU in till VrOUlllO Ul IW", , , , . winding the thread, as it is taken fro... the spools. urinK 11,9 Pl,t y6nr wo ,inve introduced to It has no belts to givo trouble, and will run he notice of tlia nieilioal profession of this couu backwards as well as forwards, and still sows trv ti10 Mr, Crytnlited Chloride Propylamine equally perfect, and without danger of breaking needles. It runs by friction, and by closing the box over it, it I. thrown out of gear. Infact, It EM ROY FOH HHIill.MATISM; wo have nohesitutioa in recommending it as tho and having recoived from many sources, both best family Sewing Machine in use. ;frou ,,hy8icil,n, of tu0 highest standing nnd The Mowing JmiuM Awarded the above . pilli(!ntfli the . . ' . . 'SlnstflattciinsTcstimoiiIalsoflt real value At the hair or Uio rranK.in institute, J5SS tho First Proinium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, nt Philudel- ph ia, September 24, lSiU, tho First Premium Diploma. A 4 ll.a l.nnai. vtn , Ntnlii li inr l..t it nt W vn ming, lSCtl a Silver Modal. For tho best Double Thread Machine, nt Lan- easter County Fair, hold October, 1S59 a Silver, Modal. At tho Maryland Stato Fair, held at the Mary land Insti'ute, Ualtiuiorc, Md., Oetcber, 1859, under strong competition, a Silver Modal was ' awarded to this Machine At tho New Castlo County Fair, held nt Wil mington, Delaware, October, 185U a Diploma. Tho above Machines are manufactured by CIIAKLES V. HOW I. A Ml, Wilmington, Del. SALESROOMS. No. V20 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. S. 1). HA K Eli, ,,mi-111 Vd A rcli Street. PhiliiilelnhSn. jrPersons wishing to see the above Maebino in operation, can do so by calling at the resi dence of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough. Wnkc up! Wake up! BLACKSMITH I THE subscriber res pectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that ho is new well e .iblisbod in bis NEW SHOP on Pine street, o,posito the Town J Hall, in tho borough of Clearfield, and upon hi . own hook, nnd w here lio is prepared to do all work in Ins lino in the very best style, and on tbo shortest notice. His old custorers are res-1 poctfjilly nelteil not to forget him, and any num-Lf.c her ol new ones are respectlully invited to ewe him a trial. KDHK TOOLS. His reputation as a Maker nnd Repairer of Edge tools should of itselfsecure him a liberal patronage. UKOKUEC. PASSMOKfc. April 24, 1801.tr. GLEN-EC IIO MILLS, Uermuntown, Pa. M cCAI.LUM & Co., MAX 1 FACT USERS, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in CAH I'UTixts, I) it ii t; (; i: T s OIL CLOTHS, MATTIXGS, f., Warehouse. Ko. ;j0'J Chestnut Street, (Opposite Stato House,) npr.VSl-ly Piiilapklphia, ILdUttlharf'BlSraH' Id a t & 1 LITIIKUSBCRG, CLEABFIKI.D COUNTY, PA. WILLIAM REEP, Trnpritior. july 10, 1S61. ly. IDA N 1 EL GOODL AN D EU, TIJSTK E of tho peace Lulhersbiirg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrustoa to re.ua sin, March 2S, 1800. y. pd. MOOKE & ETZViLER, "I7"liolesale and Hetail Meichant. Also extensive dealers in timber, sawed lurad ber nnd shingles. Also, dealers in fiour au grain, which will be sold cheap for cash. , Oct. H, 1859. I rpYRONE CITY HOTEL. . Col. A. T. OWENS, Proprietor, j Respectfully announces to the travelling public ounces to the travelling puouc tbtt ho has now taken charge or tins large and well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a mnnner as will render exreneni comion unu mi, satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. nov7-ly ,1 . c 1 r..- WALTER BARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAM', will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his enre. in the several Court of Clearfield and adjoining ceunties. OfErt the one formerly cenpiei by a. W. Barrett. Oct. 2f.th, IS5 ly UK CI.KAKKIKLD ACADEMY will boepenedfor the roception of pupils (male and females) on Monday Sept. 2d, 1 801. Term per Session of Eleven Week: Orthnrrni.h v. Reading. Writinir. Primary Arilhmelie and Ueogrnpby, 1 50 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, I tocography and History, 8 00 J Algebra, tieometry, Natural Philosophy, I nil llmik Keeninp. 4 (10 Latin and Greek Languages, 6 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough ' English Edncalion, and who wish to qnal fy themselves for Teachers, this Institution offer, (iesirablo advantages. ( No cunil received for lcjis than half a session, , and no deduction cade except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid at the close nf the term. C. B. 6ANDF0RD, Principal, Clearfield, Aug. 7.1S61. ly. J7LOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, I GROCERIES, jiarFor ale very chonp for Cash, by O. B. MERRELL, Id basement of Merxell & Bigler's Store, Clearfield, Pa. feb-27. LIQI'ORM for Medicinal purposes Brandy Port and Phony Wine, VecUr Whiskey md Uoiiaael'W-Bt HARTiWlOK,!, I tit Initio t ijtMMitV, C.,HrM ll ) I (trtl il 1 1t R hoMlt M'lHSIt flfiVltW, I ill lint' IS ) I-iiir Vr-iMisn,n nKvii-.iV, (lll.etnl.) h-iaAt'kWO"!iHKMMit:hilll M A 0 A 1 1 ft K T K It il . . nr finmiin. Fnf uny nn f itit four lievi, .i no f'cf ny two (f Hie f,mr fti't lewii, no For n three tif the fniir ltelei, T K"r ll'f"iir of Hi Hclew, $ on 1'nr Mm kwoml'ii .Mnirnrlne, H 00 Kr lllnrkwnnd und nn Hetlew, ( 00 For IHiii'kwiind nd tito Hevlewf, 7 00 For llliiekwond mid three lterleup, HO I For Illaokwond nnd tli four Heviewii, 10 00 J N. II. The prlee In Orent llrltnin fur tho five ; Periodicals nhnve-iinmod is f .11 per ntinuiu. Republished by LEONARD FCOTT A Co., mnrl3-6m & t Gold Street, New York, n tho treatment of this painful and obsti nate diseaso, wo are Induced to prosont it to tho public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hopo will commend itsolf to those wu are uring witn tnis mulcting complaint, and to tlio modienl practitioner who may feel disposed to tost the powers of this valuablo rein- edy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the fwrm abov spoken of, has recently been oxtonsively cxperi uiented with in tho PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and witn MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published accouuts in tbo medical Jour, nnls.) :f-It is carefully jmt up ready fur immedi ate uso, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and nt wholosale of DULLOCK A CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, . June26,61tf. ' Philadelphia CLEARFIELD STONE WARE TOTTERy.. Thankful for past favors and solicittous of fu- tiire pntronngo. I would respectlully announce that 1 have on hand again, and will constantly keen at the Potterv in this borough, on the cor- ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, a lrgo stock of Crockery ,juch ns Cream crocks, milk pans, Chums, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing rfc. ; uad also an extensive assortment oi 1 different sires and patterns of brackets and rosettes for cornice on houses, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to outer on sliurt notice. Also tire brick made and kept for sale. T-CCK liberal reduction on prices nude U wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINUER. - Clearflold, may 23, 1 S61 . ly. Luusiuiiir! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! The undersigned has now on band, at his Fur niture Rooms on Market St., Clearfiold, Pa., a short distance west of Litz's Foundry, a largo stook of CHAIRS OF ALL K1SD!, manufactured out of the b:st matcrialr, finished n a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CASH, His long experience in the business makes Liin feel confident that bis chairs arc made in a substantial and w orkmanlike man ner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing te purchase chain should cail at once and got them while they can be had at the lowest rales. J U1N TR0UTMAN. Mar.27-lSSl-tf. NEW REMEDIES FOR SPERMAT O R K II 03 E A . Eow Aim A'Sociatios, PniLAiiKLrniA, A flea cvnlrtit Institution c1tihlihvd hy nyrtiul En ((Wmcnf, fur th rrliif of the Sick nnd Itintrtnufd, afflicted irith Violrnt and Chronic Din-atr; nnd cipecially fur the Curt of Dineatc of the Srxual Ory ii . Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Vai.uabi.k rf.pdrts on Spcnratorrhn-a, and other diseases of the Sexual Oignns, and on the latw nriiKiiir.s emnlovcd in the Pisnensarv, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two .. s ..,, fl)r r,,, neccntal.le. Address I)K j gKIIX(: Hot c.nTox, Howard Association, g Ni h , Philadelphia. 2tny ly. JAUrn T. LBOMARn. WM, A, WA1.LAC. P. A. FIHNKT A. C. riNKET Jianhinn anb (Collation Met LEONARD, FINMEY &Co. CLEA R F I L I), CLEARFIELD COUNTY, rA. JBILLS OLEXCBA(GR, WOTKS AWD pn AFT niSCOt'KTE I) POlTS KECEIVEI), Collettiont made and proceed promptly remitted Eirhauge 011 the Cities constantly on hand. aSrOfEce on Seeend St., nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. LEVEKFLEGAL, Justice of the peace Luthcrsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted tehis care. April 4, 1861. IK. H. LARHIMKR. I. TF.ST T AKKIMFJt & TKST, Attorhyi at Law v a, (i, a ,,, w - - v .... j ri.,.u,l p. will tlhJ nromntlv to Col ii.i.h. T..4 Arenelei. Ac. Ac. in Clearfield Centre and tm counties. uj . REED. WEAVER k CO. MERCHANTS, and extensive dealer In all kind" f LUMBER, GRAIN, and country pro duce. Store on SECOND btrcot, CleaiSled Ta. Deo. 4, 1861. J. D. THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies, Ac., Ac, ironed on hort nctice, aad the very best style, at hi id eund in the borough of CurwensvUle. Dj. .2. 18C0. Superior SHAWLS, CLOAKS, and TALMAS for sale at CITY TRICES, call and ee them at ; Jao.fi,. H. W SMITH Co'a. I I J 0 x-'.v Price villi I It miner nml 1 Viler, $M 00. THIS MACHINE HAS A T0INT OF SUPERIORITY PECULIARLY ITS OWN. Stitching, nemminir. and Felling with a Dingle l bread. It forma a Hat, even, nnd elastic seam, which is WARRANTED not torip in wear, even if the seam is cut at frcmieiil intervals, and also under all rireumslanees "to si kvivk ma wash TIB A Patented device of great utility to learners, prevents tho possibility nf the machine bomg run in the wrjng direction, or the bn'auee wheel wearing n lady's dress. Another featuro which deserve particular at ten tion Is xm'Tiik Wacox Patknt N skulk c.tuxoT bk skt wnoxo. Two thousand stitches, or two yards of work can lie Uouo in ono minute without dropping a stitch. Theso machines, so simplo and necurnto in their construction, supersede the uso of tho shut tle j and with ono thread produce all the practi cal results of the two thread machines. ; and moro, for those fell without bus ting,and hem the finest muslin without puckering. Although nt about half tho price of tho other first class machines, they will accomplish doub le the sewing ill a given time "It is einphutitiilly (he good, low-priced Fam ily oncing Mnc In no Unit tho public have long been waiting for." Iloston Transcript. "It is indeed a wonderful production, und for family uso especially, no other will bear nny comparison witu it.", Philadelphia Evening Journal. "A mcchanicul wonder." SeientiCo Ameri can, "Among tho best and most serviceable Sowing Machinos. Light and elegantly finished, and ,,, ,10 I,,.,, uiu n rvcum "- most impossible lor 11 to Pittsburg Chronicle. get out of repair." "Has combined with its own peculiar merits all tbo really valuable improvements of the high er priced machines." Pcnnsylvanian. "This machino, in the opinion of llio commit tee, fills moro nearly' tho requirements of u per fect family machine than nny on exhibition." Franklin Institute Exhibition lie pur t of 1 S 58. "Taking into consideration simplicity, cheap ness, durability, nnd doing all work, the commit, toe were unanimously in favor of the Wilcox fc UibbsasB singlii thread machine." Pennsylva nia Mate Agricultural Society a Report. "Wo must, in justice, ciprcsa our confidence in the morits of the Wilcox A (Jibbs Sewing Ma chine. We consider that a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond doubt, that two threads nre not, us was su po sed necessary to a good instrument." Christian Advocate und Journal, June 21, U'OO. 1 "Wc have one of these machines in use, nnd think more highly of it than of any of the num ber we have tried." Richmond Whig. j The undir.-igncil, Mi .-iomiry to Cdi-tniuinj. pie, has rxuuiiacd more thau twenty diflcr six kinds of Sew ing Machines, imd after soimui.t, weekf experience with Wilcox X (iibbs' PuJap- ! ho has puuhused one of them, ns the best alcatt ted to iho wants of his family, and ns lie cut liable to require repair. OLIVER CRAXL". ; notion, July 3, lSf.O. The undersigned, during eighteen months las hnd in almost constant use, in his family Wil- cox 4 Oibbs Bewin-i Machine, unon whieh him been made the clothes of his large family, from muslin to pilot cloth including the clothing re quired for his several boys : and in no ease have the scums failed, although in bard Service. The machine now in use in his family has required no repair, and is in nil respects, well appointed, eflieieut and durable. JACOll CII1CKERIXO, Eoston. j?-Send for a Circulur.ijf I AM KM WIl.COX, Manufacturer. No. 5tM ltro::dvay, Xew York, pOposite St. Xicholaj Eotel. October III, 1SG1. tf. j NEW GOODS ! ! J. r. Kratzer lias just reeeivvd a general as sortment f Kail and Winter DRY GOODS. Delaines, Cashmeres, llcps.Moniios, Aipaeeus. Prints, Coburgs, (! inghams, Ducals, Chintz Silks, Muslins, Cloths, Cussiuicrs. Tweeds, Sat inets, Flannel, Drilling, Linens, Crash, Cloaks, Shawls. CL O THING, Over Coals, Dress Coats, Business C.nts,Pi nts, Vests, Shawls, Vndvr Shirts, Drawers, Xecktice, Fino Linen Shirts, Dyron Colurs, Chokers, Cra vats, Huts, Caps, Fine Calf Doots, Heavy Kip RootF, Shoes. ,rv N (rS "4 1 'S ? . 1 V M Coffee, Teas, Molasses, Sugars, Salt, Candles, Flour, Iiacon, ffvrup, Candies. Rice Ppices. Kss. of Coffee, Pulverized Sugar, lllaek Tea, Irtnrch, Soda, Sperm Candles, Salcratus, Crackers, Uine, Fish. Hardware if Quccnsicarc. Nails, Spikes, Forks, Spades, Shovels, Scyths, Saws, Planes, Axes, Augers, Smoothing Irons, Meat Cutters, Knivej A Forks, Butcher Knives, Scissors, Ten Knives, Steelyards, Tea Setts, Turnens.lliflies. Nubias, Hoods, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars. Hoop Skirts. Balmoral Skirls, Bonnets, Hibbons.F low ers, Plumes, Bonnet Frames, Kuehes, Laces, Braid, Binding, Zephyr, Yarn, Fringe, Trim mings, Ac BONNETS, SHAWLS, PRINTS, DUCALS, BAREGE, RIBBOXS, II ATS, CA PS, W INE, SALT, OILS, TAINT LEAK, DKUC.S BOOTS, shoes, COATS, TANTS VESTS NAILS, r OPLIN, . C LOTUS, TWEEDS, MUSLIN, LINENS, CAUFET, BLINDS, B ROOMS, HYTIIES, ST-1 KF,S, NOTIONS, FLO WEI IS, iiiasjv!;u jj-L)iAU yyiji Oil-cloth, Buckets, Brooms, I mbrollas, Bask ets, School Books, Wall Paper, Rafting Hope, Coach Varnish, Mors, Curled Hair, Coach Trim mings, Velvet. Plush, Cotton, Tape, Coal-Oil, Linseed-Oil, Jperm-Oil, Glass, Ac. AH of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms for Cash, or approved couulry pro duce. Clearfield, Nov. 27, r-w . . a. k. t k tl .-V ta 1l THOMAS J. M'CL"M.or;ll, Attorney at I. aw. Ofiice on Market street, opposite Mossop's Eton Clearfield, Ta, Will attend promptly to Collec etions Sale of Lands, Ac. botih I'IiOUR of west quality always kept on hand ' for casb or In exchange for Grain, Lumber or Shingles, by MERRELL A B1GLER. "Jan. 1S,'M. ' S MM H M1 Mil Mil, li i; y in nn M'T liis It'UM'H VI I I Mi ui,h NK". M'lMV'l SnliK Miij-iM And lie b. . . . in-, n n.r , , ffi.rd r rliii. ti ' t il. im ml, h i,,..,. , '" l.'ii.nelal l"i,.. m entn t ' " .m!mi k lAi.i i nn C'.mplMrlr l.'4lf..Jlt.(( net Inlhl ,.f it' B ali'i'tl'liig and rin.n,irg a lBiniiti ' ' A SWl l.l I'l lAn, ' ""," to all who milt 4i r if ii n n. v., . ., . or Vol Ml .11 MUM I '! A l',t HUHAI'll, ,,h hi iild dilar npl'ljlng tills r.jhi.lv f,. , eeitain cure, and is apprised M re,',,,,,-,,' ' by etery physician uudir whose imii,. , " been brought ' " l A HA I) HUE A Til is anrffenre for whirh there is no eiin.. .1. , Dr. Wm.H.llunlV Mouth WaS can he procured. Many persons carry with them b,,J v,ri. greatly to the nnnoynnre ami nrien to tht Ji, gust of those with whvm they enuie in cunturi' without being conscious ofthe fmt. To reliv voursclf from all fears regarding thi USE lr. WM. II U IM 'S MuUTII WASH Cleanliness of the innuth is of great imp.irtnnce to the general health, which is olien 5vrl(l,uDil not unlrfiuenlly seriously impaired, tlirti'nelj want of proper attention to Ibis subject USE Mi. Wji. II UK I 'S MOUTH WASH. PreparcJ nt Dr. Hurd's Dental office, Nv, 7X Fourth Slreet, lii'opklyn, K- 1). Price 37 Onts Per Bottle. A liberal discount :nndo toilealers, ADDUDSS PRINCIPAL 0ITTCK, TPini'Xf lil'II.DIXtiS, Nn.l, PPRl'CE ST, NEW YORK Sold in Philadelpliia by Dyol i Co., 212 .oriti 2d slreet; O. Jlubbell, 1 110 Clietuut etiect. and by nil Druggists. )K. WILLIAM 15. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER, This powder possesses the cauhomc wiTiiorr ruEix-inn. O US EFFKL T.S OF ( 11 A .' 'UAL. futiil is frre frinn nl!ii..,l, nr nlL,.li... ,ltnt u 1.. , the least injure the teeth. j Its netiou being entirely mecliniiical-p..li-li- ing wiinout wearing tlie eiiHiuel. -(1)r VVn j. T()0)h j,, is recommended by all Eminent Dentists. Pre pared at Dr. Hurd's Denial ofliee, No. "7 1'ourlli Street llrooklyn, E, D. Price -5 Cents per Tox. A liberal discount m i l,, to deulers. Addri'SH J'riiu-ijial Oflico, Trilnnm llu ild i 11 4tk, 'o.l Sjiruoi' St. K. York. Sold in Philadelphia by Dvot ,( Co., 2T1 Norll. 2dstreot: U S. Hubbell, 1110 Cliesinit street, nnd by ull Druggists. ) It. WILLIAM B. Ilt'liirs TOOTIIACHK DIIOPS. Villi THK CI UK OF T O O T IL A (' II prediiced by cxpm-.'d nerves. Iii; p.iitieiil.ir'y a 1 '.o'el tja'.lcs Urcii afllii te.l witli T U T H A (' II 1 Parents c.-.n rel ! tbenife've of that di.- trc-siii wenrine- e.i is I bv loss of si. r. i' r , and their chiMr.n from great sufl'eiin keeping a bottle of I' Dr. lirni)ST()()THA('III': DIIOI'S about tbo bouse. Prepared at Dr. llunl'i Irn tal Office, Xo. 77 Fourth Slreet, iir ioklvn. K. D. IVicC, Olllv l'J LVlltS PIT 15 )tll('. A liberal iliseount m a le (,i ileaicr. AiMiTts l'liiiciii:.! Oilier. 'I'rili.. l.iiiM in's, No. 1. SpriK-c St. -rv Vi'i'l; Sold in Phibi.klphiii by Dy .1 t C ... 2 X Till 2.1 street : O. S. HuMioli, lll'i Che-niit .-tr. 11. and by all druists. . WILLIAM IJ. HL'KD'S j NKi:i.L(;iA I'LASTKI.'S. j r o it t 11 1: c t n 1: 11 i' I !T K 3J E: A fstl S A. j or Toiithaeho produeed bv rulds. ;l o c a l n : v k a l ; i a I is iiniii"diiitely cured by their aj'j'lieatien. ; They act like a charm and are pcr.VctW Varin : less in their nature ; do not produce a l,ii-u r.itn 1 , leave no unph annt r-'i't4. l)r. Win. 15. llunl's -Nt iiniliu lM;iti rs ; never f.iil t.. give Mtisfacti'.u to ull who test uicir ,iriur. iici.irei4 ui uv. num a xeiuiii Ofiice, Fourth ptruot, llrooklyn E. D. I'rict', only 1," ('cuts oacli. A liberul discount made to dealers. AdJiYKS riincijial Ullico, Trib.. Huil.l iriiM, No. 1, Siruce st. N. York. Sold in Philadelphia by Dvot .1 Co., 2:!2 Xortli 2d strict ; O. S Hubbell, UIU thesnut street, and by all Draggists. KonrE. We are daily receiving orders to sonJ by mail sctne oho or moro of Dr. Ilurd's Dental Remedies, wuicli we car.not nil. Aone are muiln- ble except the Neuralgia Plaster, which wo send in an envelope on receipt of Price li cents and one stamp. Uut to accommodate persons in pla ccs where the dau;;i:-tf and storekeepers are be hind the age, we havo put up pitekaje in white cnibo.-scd boxes, ; seven inches by four, with coin partnienrs e h box containing a bottle of l'r. Hurd's Month Wii.-h, and Tin tli Ache Props, a box of Tooth Powder, tbo Neuialgia Plaster, and a valuable little'treatise on Teeth nn 1 their Dis eases, tho best means of preserving them an I Im proper treatment of CUili.rcns Tcelli, worth of itself the entire cost to every young man or wo man, or parents with young t hildrcn, with snmlrv other neeessaiy articles ; price per package ON K DOLLAR, or fix packages for five dollars, sent by express as directed. As the express charge is not mui'h, if any, more on a doren than on one, it isfarcheaper to order six or a doren packages at one t'liie. A large facily will want nil, or the surplus can be disposed of to neighbours with public benefit, forau ono can estimato how rr.ueh pain, suffering, unhappiness, nnd disfigurement, expense, hiss of timo and mone) would be saved to tho country if cvory family to day had one ef these paekaga.-, whieh, in itself, is a complete ct of Dental licmedies. Address Wm. Ii. II I'll I A Co. Tribune buildings, Now York, and write name and address plainly. Thut remittances may be made with confidence, W. Ii. II. d- Co. refer to the Mayor of llrooklyn, to (J. (irifhth, President of the Farmers' and Citizens' Hank, llrosklyti ; to tho Editor of tbe American Manufactures t,. itte: to Joy, Cue r Co., Publishers Agents, A, York ; to P. T. liarnntn, Esq-, who knows a good thing when he sees it, and who has already order-, ed a second supply, eto. 1(MM Aeiitt Wanted ! To intruduce Dr. Hurd's Dental Remedies into ev-. ery county. Men or women who want to make money quickly, can do better with tbee articles than anything in market. They are new, useful, low prii-ed. and we are spending thousands in ad vertising them for the benefit of agents. Loxes of samples, containing a dmenof the ojio dollar paekanej above speeiuod will he aont, on receipt of SEVEN DOLLARS, about U'.f prie-, t. any person wishing to test his or her skill with the view of becoming an agent. They can be sold in adav, T"We would ralher psy salaries than Commiion to those who prov themselves EF FICIENT 6ALF.S.ME.'.-9-. sP-Now it the time to go into business, c at address find references see above. ? noT-3i-'tl-ly. rpWO NEW ONE IIORfK FLEIGII3 for y sale by REED, WEAVER A C. Ic J.'l,'l.