Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 19, 1862, Image 2

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    if it ,5ir.Hiun. : Till! WAR NEWS.
ci.ka i;v i i:i.t.
Wriuniny fcunire Ttb. 19,
Hon. E. A. Cowan.
This goiitletarin it I lie aupcossnr cf Ex
Governor l'l.iut in tlio United Slates
Senate. IIo v is cl'ic'.ed a a Republican
which lie m but not ns an oxtroniiHt, ami
benco hi selection was well roccived by
all fair-minded men in the State. J I in
votes, Loth ut the. extra session last surn-
Tlm rnpttirc l lorl Henry,
I A I I ) 1 1 1 ( : N A iTTT 1 U I ( .T t . A 1 ;
I We find in tli" r"rrMntidi'nr rftlio
V't. I. null ltYpllhll-itl foliin pill'.
linihif el the r I tiro ol I'ui t Henry, on
Iho Toiwu-s-eij l iver ; '
! The iHinil.itdinetit I represented. by nil
who witnessed it, M most terrific. One of
;the oll'iceis who was in the I'o't remarked
that he had often lend of terrible howers
of shell and Khot, hut his imagination hnd
ut ulijilitly pictured the terror of such it
.' hooiio, tho cllects of which nio still to he
'toon nil over tho tort, in mo. plowing
mvay of rouipleto roads through tho earth
! work and cand bags, di-mounting one or
' tw o of i he guns nnd crippling several oth
ers; in the setting tire to several of their
'cabins prepared for winter quarters, and
otherwise disabling the fort. Somo of the
bulls out oil' large trees tho distance of
I throe miurters of a mile in tho woods.
Mi ill m hi W 1 t"hii It t'lnlM
the Mt. 1 1 llml. out 1 1 i at loattiVr. la
itilid hulli'itl rtU) dolmtn.l lwo thfU"
hnd lrif -ufidrt iilnner, and n,uiH M
fnmny hundred killed t that tho I'nlonl'H
had ont-;i nemled our cuninmnilors ly
dmoivlng them Into lh supposition that
their whole fore would be roneenl rated
In tho mini k at tho marsh r-ml of tho Is
land, W Inn Ihcy bad petfeelnd plans to
make a landing at lour ditlercnt points,
Them rumor were totally at variuneo
h it, 1 h ib " Mvb'tw v ff tuunile J 'V
llml t,f lh Mouth' I II l-eopli w j I n p pinl.
ly li'ini'otfiiy, 1 bn i lint a l" r. imr line
Is ili l, Its eontnf" tml, Mid lUt lurk U
nltid. I'i'li-nl, tml tlrtofy, ( whhlialN
lorth the, trf njjth oftoul, th fnitllude
nnd (lrtoni , both of hntinni Mid Individ
uidn, Thintvenl pro.lurn tnm ttilbnc
eH'cil on our ihil, only beeauo n nie
linaertiotonied yeV to ilinnNler,
I lli ferlam. however, lhal we thall
hno li bear many tnmfoi tnnen In lb
u,ll, n,K.i,. In (innrnl Itn.rnr , In ai e)Ur0 Ol Wr, BH'I lllO Ntlllll Will
oVIoek, nd th remit o eniiiely eontra-'ineet them withi alm determination. If
ry to the expectation of military men in we were besten In twenty pitched buttle,
tlii vicinity, that, tinder advisement, you 'and tho cannon of the I'nited States were
wero not telegraphed. F.ven now leanon- leveled at th fortillcilions of Richmond,
able doubts exist ns to tho fact in tho 'tho war would .uly havo begun for us nnd
case, nnd the extent nnd character of our ' for the enomy.
.C r,i i il. ulnuinc reverse?, (hough it is generally ndmittod From th HlrlummJ Mtpsloli, FeWunry, IHh.
1110 ion, in u iJ pmn ii'h j , , :,.:,. ,1..,, . I :..,. I fil,, .... .
lt. .. .I.!,.. H f,tftT rAlllwld f!
mer.and thus far in the repular session,, fpJ bcy urrpni,orciIi
has been most clearly in accordance with ;tllf. lah, 0I10 ,erg t10 ftul shot that so
the opinion then entertained of the men ; ! disabled the Kssex.
and wo know not of a single vote cast by
h'tM in either of theso cessions, as the ex
prestion of the Stato of l'ennsylvania, that
would not Lavo been so recorded had Mr.
IIkh.ek been re-elected. Wii.jiot is bis
-ti. .. i i . , .
coneaiiu", gnu every inuy kiiows iniii
whatever tends toembiiter the sectional '
Tim fort mounted sixteen euns in all.
one a hundred and twenty-eight pound
Coluinbiad, the others ihirty-two.lwenty.
four and sixteen pounders, ll is built on
a low pieco of land, and is composed of
earthworks from four to six feet high.and
eight or ten feet wido on top, sup
ported on tho inner sido by hickory
iwies woven toeother so as to prevent the
feeling between the North and the South, crumbling away of the earth, with aditch
is eagerly embraced by that Senator. Mr. 'about twelve feet wido around it on the
Cow as, ill this crisis, can raiso himself J oul-i lo, which is now filled with water-
ttiO llOUOin 01 II? lulig.IIio uuuig mau iii-
abovo tho petty influences of the partisan,
and can meet upon a common ground tho
man who is truly loyal, nnd honestly in
favor of tho restoration of tho Union,
whether that man wis formerly n Whig,
Domocrat, American or Republican ;
whether ho was a supporter of Lincoln,
Douglas, Iirockinridgo or Hell ; or wheth
er his estate consists of negroes and cot
ton fields, or cotton factories, coal mines,
furnace, or whatever you please.
This is tho difference in the men- -hence
tho difference, in (heir votes.
On tho resolution expelling Senator
Brioht of Indian, Mr. Wilmot voted in
led with water
The shot which disabled the Essex was
tho last shot fired, and was discharged by
I ll.n rnliimrl..rl ullil I won t V -M L'h t llOUIlll-
w.v ... - - - - - .... j i
er. The ball entered ono of tho front
port hole of tho Esex, exploded her
boiler and passed out at her stern. Sev
eral other shots passed through her whero
bho was unprotected by iron. Sho was
towed down tho river by tho Alps. Four
of the shots struck her in front, tho bah
ance in tho sido. Sho lay within five
hundred yard of tho fort. Sho was
struck twenty-two times, with only the
injury above reported. Tho flag boat was
struck twenty-seven times.
Commander l'orter.of tho gunboat fleet,
is not so badly scalded as at first reported,
tho affirmative, and Mr. Cowan in tho i and will perhaps, recover in a few days.
From a letter in the St. Louis I mo
I crat we take the following:
Commodore Foot, it seems, pursued the
same tactics that rendered him so famous
in his attack upon tho China torts a few
years since, the English firing a long dis-
tmce, anU sullenng severely, wniie no ran
negative although the former admitted
that if ho "were sitting as a juror, there
aro those doubts hanging about the case
that would mike him hesitate to pro
nounco a verdict of guilty," Mr. Cowan
felt that the resposibilities resting upon
him as a U. S. Sonator where ho had to ; immediately under tho guns ofthe China
speak for tho people ho reprcsents-wcre n, and poured such a hot nnd etroctive
.. . 1 , , . ., I'u-o into their wooden walls, that they m-
quito as serious and weighty as ! llictea llUt iitu0 dauiago to his boats, and
would bo if ho was sitting as a juror, and ! wcro quickly and completely disabled and
henco ho voted in accordauco with his
convictions of duty. )?y thi act ho has
highly displeased his Republican friends,
(ioneral Tilghman, the commander of
Fort Ilenrv. unon his ctpturo promptly
testified to tho splendid manner in which
who aro by no means spar'.r.g of their abuse, ' luc attack was condu :U d.say ing that when
ho discovered tho purposo of tlio Commo
dore, his chief object was to disable tho
tlag ship, and by getting tho flag officer
out of tho way, to disconcert tho other
boats, and enable him to pursuo his firing
with better etl'oct. This accounts for tho
hearty manner in which his compliments
wero paid to tho Cincinnati, sho having
received tliirtyone shots out of about fifty,
i of which the whole fleet boar tho marks.
I The Commodore complimented General
and delight to call him "fishv.
And again, on tho SIjO.OOO.OOO treasury
noto bill, Mr. Cowan took a decided stand
against tho elauso-making thorn a "legal
tender" in the payment of all debis wheth
er public or privalo an enactment as
clearly violative of the Constitution ns
any thing possibly can b Jlero again he
is denounced, and if he goes on acting tho
fart of a high-minded and independent
representative wo shall soon expect to
find him among our best abuaed publio
men, for tho whole pack of whippers in
aro ulready fairly on his track.
this morning that tho discomlituro of the
Confedciates lus happened.
Tho facts seem to bo that on Thursday
last (as telegraphed) fifty-fivo vessols of
tho Iturnsido expedition appeared off Ito
anoke Island, and on Friday, at 10 o'clock,
opened n hot fire against our batteries.
This (ire was met with much coolnoss and
and deliberation by our forces, and con
tinued without cessation until night, the
Federals twice essaying toetlecta landing,
and being as often gallantly repulsed.
These occurrences greatly stimulated
both our naval and land forces, but dur
ing Friday night tho enemy wero permit
ted to land quite 5,H0 tioops at Bauai'ti
Point, a siiort distance below tho upper
Confederate battery.
Opinion here is that such n seeming ad
vantago to the enemy could easily have
been prevented, bur as justifying the step,
well infoimcd persons assert that our nd
vantages wore such, in point of position,
as to make 100 Southerne'8 equal to lOUO
Yankees. At any rato, it was in this bo
lief that the foothold wss allowed. In
response to theso plans, nt dawn on Sat
urday morning our forces eommoticod f'n
ring as they advanced up a causeway thro'
tho marsh to tho main laad. The fire was
most galling, and the enemy suffered
heavily, whiloourown losses wero incon
eidorable. Hut the landing ruse it was
soon seen, had boon successful ; thoy np
peared on the south sido of (he island in
boats, and, by the aid of howitzers, made
a landing in rear of our batteries to tho
number of 15,000.
A forward movement was then made
from various points, and, by a flank move
ment, nt once became masters ofthe po
sition. Our loss in killed and wounded
is variously estimated at fioni three to
four hundred that of the enemy at or.o
tlunisand to fifteen hundred. Tho Con
federates fought with desperation. Only
about fifty Confederates appear to have
escaped from tho island tho romainder
of tho 2,100 reported to havo been taken
prisoners, or among tho killed and wound
ed. Trevious to the battle, the sick on the
Island had been removed to places of se
curity in tliD interior.
The noble defense mado by our forces
in the fight nt Koar.oke is the themo of
universal praise. Just think that the en'
emy's numbers must havo been as ten to
one, and your readers will Lave a fair idea
of the spirit which animates the Southern
soldiery. No one hero appears to be dis
pirited by tho result. Whilo lamenting
tho loss of so many brave men, nil classes
exhibit a higher nnd mere do'.ermined
spirit to do or die.
Comments of the Richmond Papers.
From the Richmond Diapntch, Feb, 11-
Tho exciting occurrence at Hoanoke
Island, resulting in a reverse to our arms,
Wits the theme of conversation yesterday
of almost
Until within a day or two past, theeap
ture of Roanoke Island bv Ihirnnido was a
foregone conclusion. A fleet of nearly a
hundred tail and nn armv of 1.1,000 or -0,
000 men with guns and equipments in
profusion, wero esteemed equal to the
capture ot any exposed pieco of water
bound land liko tho island in question.
Hut the bravo resistance otlWed for two
days by our troops, and the hopeful terms
in which they spoke of their prospects, led
our people to believe that the island might
beheld. It has, liDwover, been lost, and
wo aro compelled to resign ourselves to
I tho conclusion which a day or two of hope
we confess not Btrong in our o vn case
had unsettled.
Measured by its cost to the enemy, not
even the capturo of Norfolk, if it could be
eflccted, would compensate him for his
outlays, and this at last is the true stan
dard by which his successes should be es
timated. Tho South need not expect, and
cannot rationally expect, that thesa huge
expeditions, fitted out at immensoexpnse,
should fail to ell'ect any achievement
Fifioen or twenty thousand mon landed
anywhere upon our seaboard must succeed
in getting possesion. It would bo idle to
uviiiwl nllmrwise. and imbecile to be dis
couraged by tho fact. The true consider- icommand
1 ha nf ticiM ngiin td Ibe iivl itu
trifling ihrwaitrr. 'Ibnn tint id Ibn
Inking of Itoanoka llnnd, on llm rnivt of
Not Ih Carolina, w lib h w ill be Imin l In
the adjacent colunun, is taken fioni the
Itichmotid pnprn. The othciul Icpoitol
the i npliire by I ti n, lbu nside, b.u mii p
been receive I, dillci ing but slightly in llm
main l uis, but Very w idely a lo the mini
her of killed nnd wounded In in,; put
about thorcorso of that staled by tho
Richmond papers. Tho death of 0. ,len
nings Wise is positively slated by (!?iiomI
From Kentucky nnd Tennessee
news is of tho highest importance, though
at this present writing, quite coutradicto,
ry ns to tho final result. Fort Donelson,
situated on tho Cumberland river, wns at
tacked on tho 13th icst., by six or seven
gunboats, supportod by upwards of 50,000
men under (ion. (irant. The fight con
tinued throughout Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, when the Fort suriondered. Thi-i
is the account furnished Ly tho Harris
burg TcLjraph of Mon Jay last. The Fort
was said to havo been defended by lo.OOO
Confederates under Gsnerali Johnston,
Iiuckner and Floyd.
On tho other hand wo havo tho 1'ittso
burg W of Monday morning, with des-
i'Vi!Ht Mult MfAi(,
I "lit III
I'ii., n ii
I I H II, . I lis I ,
III It I" m"t si n
In timiiint In Hi hi
Hillr, sti'l in s m i ,,., i v
"I liflnrnt in m Oif nt, Hi
MslkM trrr . ,-,( ,,, r ,,.
"O t I
1 '!..,, ;
"i ,...
"i i"r. II,.
" .ion It,,. .,1.1 Mnts i , h, :
fiflnMly ..n hun.l s..nm,hl r,f V1'
Ii iRi'lijr sir I 1'nni- Pi.ltiMii limit. , ti, ( i . '
Wnrr ,.f m ry ilv.. tl li.,n, whirl, lf .
"f i ll B ri'i imlis tunn a 1P "!V,
C:in Ii" tin I sl-.n lirra in Ids c-.iinly.
t'i k nt rBi,,,,... Wnte tinn 'i n hn I
Ul in nil of -ln, mnl I'mnin m It!,!. f"n'
H..f.. SewiliK sr l W , 1. 1 .. K Mtn.,.. ,0i
It ink U.K. I'r.-noh snl p,,,,
Mniop,, Centre, rn ina Vlr t'
hl, Ao. Oull,,!, .r.QLulai ti.r, ! .,! dMuctVui
any I'luoo ili'siro I. ,u '
Fi lirunry 9, liiiO. nn. 4, tul.
r o n
a1 1 ii o i ar.
)..wt.k -, , -r .
ii o a j
j.v in f.,ci,n
cull.dl,, tlu,,ttU.V
fcUl.FtiluU f,
in n,nri;..
"w I'M ti' . nriiiii-iiii
I ?fci-. -Klf Iff y Mutiy pcrHoin
rUEi'Kllibi, i.
thii.n i'imim
ii nplinille it will nndiinlitoill;' licti.nn a tulJ
a t i tut w for (Iniii, Silver or 1'latinn.
Its cliirf nilvantoKus are cluiipnii.s, liithtnem
nn.l pcrfcrt a liiiitiibility to I lie mourn, it h
a soft nml flcsliy fool to tho lart with bioh
I conn'? in ciintuct.
A. M. HILljh is prepared toimt up toe l'h
patches rrom St. Louis and Cairo up to!'' ulcunito i iuo kii uoociyear ru.i,tUuUi
, , ,, 4 , Iwliich U tlio iialy reliable preparation ndiijch
.Sunday evening, related by pa-scngers who' only bo hnd ihr.mB!i their regular Hnde.
left tho Fort on Saturday ovening. By Dr. liiiu will ithvays ho in hin office on Fri-
these accounts all the gunboats except-- 'u thoUUo' ".V the S
one, had been disabled and left up the! week.
nov-zutii isoi-ii.
Cumberland river. Tho fighting on both
sides kocui to have been of tho most dcs
perate character. Commodoro I'oote, in
tho gunboats, was twice
Tl M I'lS IN- I'lll I.A DLL
i iti ui m;
I'I'IA! Trnurnrhint h'jeriltmtvt among th
.l,.e. ! ! .' KXCITIXU FOOT KACK lietvteeH
.the I'liiludiilphin l'lire aud the notorioua Fur
'rit nnd eon lit erf oiler. Jn tiea liunhaum Cross 1 1 !
,11" I It Memiid to he lllA ffMnr.
battery which was captured by tho enemy jnl j,,!,,,, in clearlleld, llut if Cro.- hud worn a
was re taken bv our men. O lost two . pmr l I r;mK Mmrl -i reiieu-eii i.oots, tut he
ation io, whether such buccossos repay woumlou, lliougli not mortally, tiwaru t
their cost.
Measured by this si titular u, the achieve
mcnts of tho Iturnsido expedition aro not!
likely to bo veiy important. Itscostcan-,
not havo hoc:: less, in the first instance, I
than ten millions of dollars, and its char-1
ges overy day are at lenst a quarter of a 1
,ril!irtr Ii itttn luin I Inrl.v mw iIiivb nrnn.
Annlini, lla rarrte fn tliA ttnint rtf rfi lit.ll r i L
ing Roanoke Island; a feat which haseost Fort
Colonels wounded and two killed. The
loss is heavy on both sides. J5y tho latest
despatch to tho Post, tho news from the
Fort was up to Saturday at five o'clock
M.. which stilled that the upper ,
takeu at four o'clock, . and',
the Federal Government several millions, tho Uniou Hag U now floating over it.
independently of the first outlay in tho, v on(J of our cllizellsl w10 arrived
enterprise, anti the losses incurred uy me . , . . , . , , ., ,
, ni.rlii l.ofurn Iiihi. . u-n aro lntiirnmd that
the storm. If tho expedition pliould suc
ceed in cnjituritig the whole Carolina sea
l0'ird, ami even a considerable slice of tho
country besides, together with Norfolk,
still the fifteen or twenty millions of Fed
eral money laid out in tho whole opera
tion would not be reimbursed by half.
niehv before last, wo aro
thoro was a report at Tyrone when ho left
that the tulegiaph reported that the reb
els hnd boon ro-ir forced by 25,000 men,
and our sido by 10,000, and that the figh t
still continued.
I From Missouri tho news is also impor
i tant. Gen.Curtis had re captured Spring
.field, Gen. Trice retreating as the I'nion
'army approached that pUce. A strong
i force had been sent in pursuit ofthe re
in (Iia fitv In thn preluMOn
lilghman upon his gallant aetence ot l ie icv olier topic 'rij0 fact that some
r i 4 : . ..,,,.,,. I.i n Mini in " .... the sairo time assuring him that he
would havo nursued tho purpose of his at
tack even to the landing of his boat at the
verv bank under the fort, and that the
Cincinnatti, had the light continuod,
bhould havo kept head on until she was
Tue FinsT I5.VI.1. at tue Wuite IIoise. Biink. Another reason given by tho rebel
Among tho many evidences that "the General for the concentration of fire upon
times are sadly out of joir.t" we think j tho Hag-hip was th ; fact
, , . ., ., i to have got a better range than anj o! the
nothing can be more conclusive than theother boa,s ftncl tll!lt( ilor fire, just before
determination of the rresideiitiid family ' tho surrender, was most terrific. The
that now occupy tho gorgeous halls and
parlors of the Executive mansion at Wash,
ington, one evening last wock, to give a
"grand ball," instead of the time-honored
and unostentatious evening reception.
So hr as we can learn, this is tho firtt limt
that this palatini establishment tho JVoi
phs' house has ever been appropriated to
this purpooo. Tho accounts tell us that
"the ball was opened by the President
leading off with the accomplished daugh
lor of Senator Browning of Illinois, follow
ed by that Senator and Mrs Lincoln," ic-,
and that the entertainment was one of the
grandest and liveliest ever witnessed in
this country, lasting long after tho noon
Cincinnati bears many honorable scars
Several shots have left their marks upon
her iron-plated sides, showing in each
case a shallow and raking dent. Ono of
her lamest cuns was struck on tho riirht
of our Richmond companies were en
gaged in the fight occasioned an intense
and p-iinful anxiety, pirlicularly among
those who had friends or relatives among
them, which could not be well concealed.
It is but a short period since the Wise Le
gion, after an arduous and toilsomo cam
paign in Western Virginia, left here for
the coast of Not th Carolina, and though
now defeated in one of the most desperate
conflicts of the war, it is at least consoling
to know that tho men fought with deter
mined bravery, against overwhelming
odds, and won for themselves tho proud
appellation of heroes, of which their pres-
cut situation deprive them.
I he telegraph intorms us that our kit-
sido of its muzzle tho shot, chipping out a ; Io j aml woun,ie,j amounts to JiOO, while
niece ofthe metal as large as a man's two
hands, and actually splitting the muzzle
eighteen inches down from the mouth.
This will disable the gun entirely. An
other cun a thirty-two pounder, I be-
jlieve bears a deep dont on its side, about
eighteen inches front tho mouth. Just
behind the forward porUgun, and where
the sides of the boat are not covered with
! iron, several snois nave gone
, through tho bulwarks. One of these
completely decapitated one of the gun
'ncrs. Another passed through the bill
! warks. scattering the fcplintcrs right and
left, glancing along the timbers over the
that of tho enemy reaches 1000. The rea
der will find some further particulars of
the affair in our Norfolk papers, from
which it appears the scoundrels have shel
led and burned the pleasant little town of
Lhzabeth City, and are threatening Ldcn
ton. Their operations in that quarter,
however, will be limited ; and instead of
depressing the spirits of our people, such
Camp (I Don't Know What.)
Tawi-aw Tunnel, Maryland, I
February, Jth 18G2. J
1 ......
1ba ueiiii-iia. iitinaConfodeiates, and some slight!
1 lllimiii Hint miv - t
movements or our regiment, along with kkirmishing had taken place, resulting in
the whole army of the Upper Potomac, the capture of a few prisoners and eomo
would bo of some interest to your readers, . munUioB of war.
Lrafhcm? intfUfan! From the upper Potomac we learn that
cock we have been lying quiet in the mud Gen. Lander was advancing towards in-
.bout iieven miles from the Cumberland ; chester, and had an encounter with a de
rail roau
our little affair
imp limn thn
means. Various indeed wcro tho reports ers, with a low ol two men and six norses
in circulation relative to our conduct at nt the first, fire Lander's lorce consisted of
that time, tsut i assuro you me retreat , ,l10 ..,l1l... i,.., ;(,..,,
even nines ironi me vuhibci iuuu cluster, anU liau an encounter wmi a tio-
' T?U "J".!6' tl'is .'"".llnchmcDtof Jacksor.'s forces on tho Fill,
lo affair at HUh. VcuhaJ not for .
.mo the correct view of it, by any I ""tant, killing 13 and taking pnson-
of night.
Now, why is this? Why should this machinery, and passing into
innovation bo made at this particular (one t
I our nation in such a state that its great
head should thus pulsate with joy and
revel in mirth ? Havo we over-much
rau-e for being glad and making merry ?
Is our land so freo from all scourges, cal
tho wheel,
iL... ..' '...I. .i.r ti,
OUl Out U.llllg llllll ll UUUIH,'. A HO llJinK
ti rriblo eflect of the eneny's fire upon
the Cincinnati is seen in her upper works,
tho deck seeming to have been swept
with tho destructive missiles, the smoke
stacks pierced in several places, anil the
small boats rukllcil ami almost uesimyeu.
One large shot struck tho iron-plated pN
nmiiies, and all causes of mourning, tustt: i0t-l,ouse. leavinsan udy mark, but do
our "rulors" in the "high places'' sought I ing no damage. The concussion was vio
this as tho most appropriate way of man. lent, and is described by the pilots as sur.
, . . , i r i i . , ;i ! prising the Commodore and them into a
r.,o r,.. ilimr Ih'ink rnlnpxs 7 Or was it 1 ....
'""""h . i verv ecn ea arnt. lSut ono man was
entirely . r will servo to make thorn
i moro determinod, and rouso them to
thrice vigorous resistance.
From the Richmond Examiner, February -11
For the unfortunate cencral who was
compelled to hear on a sick bed perhaps
to witness from the windows of a sick
chamber the destruction of his army and
the captivity of his son, we have not a
word of blame. To him, the fates aro ad
verse in this war, as they have been to
many other brave men in other wars ; his
calamity deserves sympathy and com-
mands silence.
I Nor is it necessary or useful to ask how
but an involuntary exhibition of the ef
fects of the gcod times, good faro, and'
prosperous condition enjoyed by our high '
liicnitaries, whilst the nation is running
those troops and gunboats came to be
there without the ordinary supply of am
munition ;.or, indeed, why our men wero
of tho 81th done no discredit to Pennsyl
vania! Never did a regiment appear on
the drill ground at Camp Curtin for dress
parade, in better order than did tho J'lth I
in their retreat. We have reliable infor. I
mution that the rebels had 18000 men.and
23 pieces of artillery. Gen. Lander made!
the remark before he had yet met Colonel
Murray, that "it ho was not a military
man it did honor to his genius."
On Tuesday night, tho 14th instant, we
were ordered to form ranks; tho Acting
Ihigadier-General, Nathan Kimball -Colonel
of the 14lh Indiana Kegiment, then
reviowod us, and ordered us back to lay
on our arms, and have three days provis
ions in our haversacks. Wo were not dis
turbed that night, nor tho next day, unt'l
evening, when we were again ordered to
be ready for a move; and then we were
kept until 5 o'clock in the morning, wait
ing for the cars expecting them every
'moment. About five o'clock we bid those
who were left behind to guard the tents
and baggage good-byo -for we took noth
ing but our blankets and a few who were
sick. We went down as far ai the South
Branch Iiridge, over tho South I'.ranch of
tho Potomac, it is a magnificentstructure,
bsing all metal. From there we moved
on Saturday morning to the Pawpaw Tun
nel, over the Chesapeake & Oh o Canal ;
about 40 miles by railroad from Cumber
land. This is a passage, cut through the
solid mountain, entirely lined andarched,
and a little better than three-iourtlis ot a
mile long. From hero we will probably
move on towards Winchester.
It is the opinion of those in position
hero, the long-urged, and patiently look,
ed-for "forward movement is near at hand
that tlio whole army of the Union will
be in motion within the next month to
come and before two months, it is my
humble opinion, the "spinal column" of
the rebellion will bo broken, and but a few
men will bo left in the field to entirely
sent to a worthless island, where their fate obliterato all matks of the stain. Put
i , i ; :i...:iiie
killed outr-L-ht or. the Cincinnati. A fw ' coulu onl uo "a? ,fc was wnen .a.CKe.u nlanv a onr: alV ,.lVe'"?.0 " '." u? ,u,l'
whoso ! ' great navai armament, v nai is
more impoiiuut iur preseni consiuoraiiou
down ana wasting us energies wuu nn through the timbers or tho vessel as a ten
unprecedented velocity ? Wo fear the nf- i iblo sound, but none of them flinched, say
firmative to this last question
wero woumlou with splinters,
i i .. . ri .
names i tiavw scin you. inpi. x nut was . . ,., j. . , .,
badly hurt by a spsnt ball striking his leg. ! 18 Ule exla'u " l"u Ul"1"iler conso
i'u. . .!.,.. ii, ,N,.i, r i. i,n ouences.
I no i. v. v.-i, i- i.-h mo uiti 3 . . . , 1 i - , I pi
I it, is iiiiuiu.j io ine ius oi iroops.
' There are persons who dream that nothing
now prevents the enemy from cutting the
is nearest their officers, but the party manning the
, , , . . i , ,. ,, cun at wiucn one ot tueir numoer was uo
.,. in, i . fur lr nnt hcliolii on ever v r . ' .
"'".'" - , headed. At the ghaUiy Bight they scat-
hand that our country is now in the midst; ,omi arK f0n ick for a moment, but
of its lile-slrugglcf Do wo not hear this immediately rallied and stood their
dailr from the lips of the same dignified ground.
Henators who figured at this "ball V And
do we not read it in tho hi.'tory of every
battle-field, in an exhausted treasury, and
in threatened univercal bankruptcy?
This is not tho time for rejoicing.
jCttTThc Ml authorizing the issue of
$100,000,000 in treasury notes, legal tender
1 1-11 .111., CnH.u -.n Tl, lira .
Cinusoanu n.i, pin. .-i uiciukvi. .uu,.... on.;nfr extracts
beum amor.deil so as to
Southern railroad, capturina Norfolk, tak
ing Richmond, io., because ho has taken
er uoserteu lot a nioouier name tuan
history has f vcr yet recorded, will soon
resound through our land aye, through
the whole civilized world. Put let itcomo,
we are read, ! Old Town.
P. S. 1 have received several letters
from Clearfield inquiring whether or not
Solomon Cupler is dead. I would just add,
for tho satisfaction of his friends, tlial.ol
Put umorg all the news tho following
is not the least importart.
V ashington Items.
Wariiincton, Feb. 15. The Washing
ton correspondent of the New York T was
says that Hamilton Fish ami P.ishop Ames
returned to Washington to-day and made
a report to the Government of their mis
sion to iclicve the Union pri.-oners in the
South. They repaired to Fortress Mon
roe and made known their commi.-s;n to
the confeoerate authorities at Norfolk, by
whom the matter was referied lo Rich
mond. A reply came, refusing the Com
missioners admission to the confederate'
territory, but expressing readiness to ne
gotiate for the general exchange of prison
ers. Our Commissioners opened negotiations
which resulted in perfect success. An
equal exchange w as agreed to, but the
Confederates ha: JiJ more prisoners man
we. With commendable magnanimity
they proposed to relcaso these also, on pa-
role, if our Government would agree to re
lcaso MOO of their men that may next lull
into our hands. Ihe noblo commission
of Secretary Stanton, therefore, has Us
ample reward.
A ceneral iail delivery of our dear boys
will occur throughout tho South, and will
soon be rejoicing in liberty regained.
We may add to this that, tho Secietary
of War, Mr. Stanton, has issued a mani
festo discharging all political prisoners
now held by the Government, except those
acainst whom there aro actual charges
made upon oath, Ac. They arc first re
quired lo take oath not togivei'id and
comfort lo the enemy. It now remains to
bo soen whether the Postmaster General
will act in thesamo spirit, and rescind his
unlawful order forbidding the transmis.
sion of certain newspapers by the mail.
AH vessels of war belonging either to
the Foderal or Rebel states, are prohibited
on and after tho Gil) instant from entering
any British Tort, except to take in water,
coal or provisions to enable the vessels to
reach tho nearest American port.
wuuia nut ue nihan yet. iiuwuver, enoriy ls
not much put out nt miesing his eusti m ; hut
W'Jithl announce to nil .'.r'-to.nWye, iJntiyltit
,hcim iu1 Ililt turn, nml women ami children,
in Clearfield, an J Siiincuiahnuing ill partieula.v
tlnit be is prepnreJ to furnish them wild llmili.
Shoes ami (Jailers nf any style or pattern, ttiieh
el, Bowed or pegged, (und aa be ii a short fel
low) on short notice.
Ail kinds of country proiluce taken in ex
change, and curb not ri filled. Kepairing dont
in tho neatest manner ami charjtee mo.lurnU, at
tho Short Shno Klmp on Second Street, oj.jKioilo
Koed, Weaver, Cu' more. V itA.N t S Jl ,HlT.
K. II, Findings for sale Sep. 2 Jt'liU-
riIIK undcrMnd revuc.-ifully
I informs hiii cintoinom und lhi
pulilie generally, that he '.ins just
received from llm Kuat, 1 o en,
ed al bin clalii.ihiiient in VltMIAM'.S !(t)W
Clearfield, Pa., a lino n.isoi Inn-lit of Coi KS,
Watciii:h, nn 1 Jlivki.iiv of different quuliiiea.
from a tingle piece to a full S' U, which bt-wil)
pell at, the uiiut rea.ioiiul.le prics for each, or-in
exchange for old gold nnd silver,
CLUCKS of every variety on li;itid, at the :ti;i
re a.ninalile price.
AM, kindd of Clocks, Watches and Jrelrr
carefully repaired and W'urrni'lcJ.
A eoiitinuaneo of patronage is aolicited,
Sept. 19, ISf.O. Jl. F. NAI V.VI.
() A 1, ! (OA t. ! M. CON'I.KV annunneei
t'nit he linn reduced tho price of bit tupen-
or CO A I. to suit the timen, and will henceforth
funii.h itat TIIKKi: AM) A T I A I.I' emiU per
bushel at the Hank. andl'IVU AMI A UALlf
cenls delivered. Willi.) delivered by Mr. Jm.
heavy. M CJM.KV.
Clearfield, Dee. H, lsrtt.
A TKST ( ) V K X JX! A r S M 1 T U S !
I ICS 1! K I ) ( 1 J )-S LI N 1-: S 11 A w i.s:
srrr.ur. aimtclk ladiks- voei
a i; T I c l i: l A D i i:s ukuctii.
srpKKioi'v black coons:
ciiii.iis sii'Kiti'iii ZKi'iivu noons.
This day we will open also a new lot of
Ladies 4's and :i's BALMORAL J'.OOIN
with a large lot of our usually
LOW I'R ICLS. ilec.-J"). 1 1 . W. S. & Uo.,
i, hereby piven that letters of Administra
tion have been granted to Inn unilerignea on
tho estate of KNO.S S II AF KICK, lain of Ilrady
town-hip deceased. All persons indebted to said
estate ore renuesled to mal e payment without de
lay, ami tboso having elaiiim against the same
will pro'ont them duly mthonticuted Tor settle
ment to me. KMA;3 SHAFFErt, tp.. Jan.22, 1SC2. fit, Adra'r.
N. 11. corner n'lli (f- 'hextnvl Sts.
v ii I l a ) Tj pita, i
IIIS IS'STnUnoX, which
TIic Capture of Roanoke Island.
Accounts from Richmond Papers.
The latest Richmond papers contain
many additional and hiphly interenting
partioulaigof the desrrate engagement
on Roanoke Island We suhjoin the fol-
Roanoko. It ia sufhcient toaugjest that onion Cunler died at Harrislrurg sinco wo
Roanoke U an island, and, like Hat teras, i left there. By addressing the Adjutant
command nothing but a neighboring General at llarrisburg, they can obtain
coast. i dates.
To roach the railroad orany other point
the enomy must make an inland march,
impossible without opposition at this rea
son, and always impossible whon the gov
eminent and people are ready to meet him
on the road. To touch any vulnerable
point ho must quit his ships, fight whero
he can have no support and whore our
troops can be increased without limit.
JoayGon. Stone, it is now stated, was ar
rested at the instigation of Gen. McClel
lan himself, after a careful investigation of
all tho charges made against him. But
this may be no more truo than the story
that all tho facts had ben previous
ly submitted to Secretary Camoron, and
The enemy tried the experiment after, that he was so deeply engrossed in profit
Hatteras, and will not probably try to re- nb(J ,,recuiRl;oris that h refused to act,
The moral
effect at the North will b dong tha treachery of a commanding
day 1'i.t, alter amoraci so as ,o Account of the Battle-
anow in, notes to i.e .unutu iw Ric,imond -laminar.,
ffi.wm too trifling. oUraoter to need
iv- presume it is a law by this time, of my dispatch yesterday evcnaif, much days it will burn itself out and be forgot- a.ttentton.
LastNigMs Mail.
Tho news of the capture of Fort Don
elosn on Sunday last is fully confirmed,
15,000 prisoners, including Gens. Sidney
Johnston and Buckner, wero taken. It
is also reported that Savannah, Ga., had
been taken. The loss on both sides at the
taking of Fort Donekon is supposed to bo
very heavy.
The news was received everywhere with
the greatest manifestations of joy, and ex
travagant predictions of closing the war
in 30 days, &c, are being mado. Tho Con
federates' were believed to have evacunted
Bowling Green.
lll,...1 Ii. 1-lt ..I i now eon.-cu'icnUT ln
tho eighteenth year or it, nuwnera
aiiiong in graduate-., hundred of the m"t sue
eessful Merchants and Ilu.sines Men of jur cuun
Iry. Tar OnJEi T nf tho Institution is solely to alforJ
young men facilities lor Ihorutigh prof aration for
TlIK ItltAXrnriS TAI OIIT aro Html--krrpiny, i
npplienble tt the various departuients of trndo:
,i': f m A Ntn n, In. Ill plnin nnd ornninentnl : Co
miuii'Iat. Law, Matiikmath-s, Navioatiom, Civil
KNHiNKKRiMn, Dhawino, l'lioxod ra rn r, and Mop.
Fill hANOI'AOI'.H.
Tim Systkm ok InTnonrcTioN is peculiar; ie
climses or set lexons aro madn use of, hut cch
student is tnuglit ri'lividiiiilly, so that he may
commence nt un time, and attend nt whatever
hour aro most jnveniint.
C'ATAt.OGrr.s are is?ned annually after the l-Hli
of April, eon'aining nnines of the sludeutu fir the
year, and full particulars of terms, ie., and inaj
bo obtained at any tlmo by addressing the l'rmci-riAl.
I Ettesivk AccovMonATioN wide-spreau
reputation, nnd tho lengthy experience of the
Principal, this institution offers faeiltim superior
to any other in tho country, for young men wish
ing to prepare for business, and lo obtain at11"
same time A iui'i.nA, which will prove a recom
mondation for them to any .Mercantile Houf".
.nfCitiTTKNiir.'sSories of Treatises on Ba.H
Kkk.hxo, now more widely circulated than tT
other work oa the subject, nre fur sale at the toi-
, Attorney -at Law,
! Philadelphia, jnn., 22 1 Hfi2 ly. PaieirAt.
n! A It I ) V A It IZ, such as ST0VKS, Cook
Coal and Wood Stoves nf various I'"'!0"1,
rfe., Ac., can he purchased of tho subscribers on
the most rensonnhle term".