V D W. MOORE. I tml,. 0. B OOODI ANDER, j E(iIto' rRINClFtES, not MEN. TERMS-Sl 25 per Annum, if paid m ndvance NKWSKIUKsVOh. II. NO ,31 . Vol- XXXII. WIIOLK i0 Ifi'il CLKAIU'IKLl), iA. WKDNlvSUAY, 1'EIt. 19, ir.G2. Mil. SEWARD'S NOVELTIES. T11 r spci tade ofan army ov-iu-edl. hostile in it mission passing to its destination over .1 soil it toiCMi'il to invado nt tlio firs-t blast of war, wihiM lio something nnv tl in the history of States. Imagine Rus sia asking permission of England to mako, Malta u depot for its navy (hiring tho CrN moan war! or Franco transporting it. troops for tho Italian campaign by way of I Salzburg, Vienna uikI Trieste !-:' iy ! , uifc, iiii.n ' Jo'irnnl. I r u 1 H.. fn. If,, imonlnp nf ,A I. .11 niu u . j ... v - - . novelties. Tlio 'irrepressible conflict, ' which pro. elaiiued that free and slave States could not live together in tlio sumo Union, was a novelty of Mr.Seward's. Nostutosman, , from tlia days of Washington down, over ' dreamed of it. I 1 1 l,,.,.Ii in l li. D.ilin r,f C!.,iln ! ne must insult you.' was a novelty. ' Hi tlueat.s against Canada wore nov- t-It ie- llis promise to the South Carolina Com' nii.Vioners, that Fort Sumptcr hhould lo I , u ls ,lt Ulls ,K0"S0" of to yeaf, when peaeeably evacuated, wan a novelty; and ' te grovos nnl forost.s are despoiled of Jts falhilicntiou was another. I their ioliago, and deserted ly tho fealli. J I is prophecies that the war would bo fed songsters that wo can leali.o how over in thirty d.iys was a novely ; as have lnUt l1 ,Uui' a,U'Ll1 10 our enjoyment, and, been all his prophecies since. Tho fulfil- is tho case of our deimrti d fronds, we ment clone of them would bean agreeai cu" or,,ly 1:lm,;"lt 's and sadly ro i j0 r)C,vcItv fcM'e lt wo not moie lovingly uppre- ' Jlii invention of the idea of blockading ''""o them whilo with us; yet, unlike r.nc's o.Tii ports was a novelty in interna Uiem' wo kno,v' tion il law , and his treatment of rebels as j ''Jl,e l'irJi "'e winter's trui exile, trei ii enemies, whilo den) mg the bellig. 1 fcb"u a" co,u back Png" er-Jiit rights was another. "But "ten ilnill spring visit the muuldering urn?" Jlis U-lter to Gov. Hicks, sneering at tho t To tho dovout and thoughtful student repre-entative3 of nioncrcliies, was a no of nature tho leathered tribe have ever city in diplomacy. j t ecu suggestive of the wisdom and good- Hi eirculurs to the governors of States, ness of l'rovideuco in their creation and on thd subject of frontier defences was care, and by their cheering lays and pres. another novelty. j ence aio ever singing, His declaration, that the recognition of) "The hand that inndo us is divine." the South by Kuropeaii powers would j t WouM appear that tho inspired pen. resented by n by a ger.eral ar ii.on all men regarled them with special interest, Kurupe, U a novelty in dccirine, uwl 'an,j w,.re aitcustomed carefully to observo would be a great r one in practice. I 1 1 1 1-i r- ha'oits; as they often alludo to them 1!:, arvl of loyal cuizens, m loyal to illustrate and enforce their teachings. Sf.tes, by telegraph, is a novelty which it ' ijeej n);ll)y of tll0 1110st ;1IM,r(,SHive , i-to be h-ped may return to plague the beautiful metaphors used by the sacred ...v -ntor. writers are der ved from the habits ami His invention of a passport, , inst inots of Lii-as, and not a few of tho uitliout law, which nrmoys loyal citizens mo-t elegant ones of thd best poets aro :uid giu-i. lue scope to traitors, is another i,awn rl0rn tie satno soui now forci i:ov Ity i bly, yet teuder, is tho representation of JJ"i lung rcplyto a demand never made JlJjJ's love and care for his people by the in the SUdell mid Ma on case, ami his j of ihe eajle stirring up her r.ost, lext. rous pioving our i igl t to ndzo anl fluttering ovr her young, spreading our duly to hunender those envoys, is a abroad her wiim-, and lakingand bearing uoveltv Ml-o 1 1 it countenance of universal corrnj.tion al a tiaie fif great lia'ional necessity, is a great novcl'y in the minds of all truo patriots. lli-i (-election of such diplomat.'o ropr.v tenta'ives a biddings, Helper, Toiling HineA. Co., is another novelty. His proposed surrender of the right of piivi'.cering, without an equivalent, is a novelty. Ill- ai ndcn ineiil of the ilonioe doc trine is a novelty. Hi- iiritatitig despatches to foreign courts me Mveltics in manner and tenr or ai:d substance. His invi'ation to Engla'.d to send her troop to Canada, through Maine, is a ma- iiinc.il nnvelty. Finally, Mr. Seward, acting as a slates-' man, and managing the iitla'is of a great' nation in a great crisis, is a novelty that tiie noild has never yet Ht-en the like of, and probably never wii1 ngain, Reviewing Mr. Seivard's labors for tho 1 hist year, we. doiib' if Jiiiiniisor Walter' Scott, or t lie inexhauslable Sylvanus Cobb j was half as prolific a novelist as Win. Jl. Seward. -Y. '. Arus. j IFSuAx Honest Lie. The poor pit tance of seventy years is not north being a villain ior. What matter is it if your neighbor lies in a splendid tomb? Sleep you with innocence. Look behind you , through the track of time! A vast desert lies oponiu retrospect ; wearied with years j and sorrow, they sink from tho walks of; man. You must leave tliem where they i fall ; and you a o to go a little furlher.and vou will find eternal rest. Whatever you j may have to encounter nrtwern lliccrailio , nnd the grave, every moment is big with , events, vdiicn come noi in succession, nui bursting forcibly from a revolving and un known cause, fly over this orb with diver 6iued influence. &TUA good joke, says tho Syracuse Stai iUrd, is related of Miss G., a laughter loving, good natured lass, who was spend ing tho afternoon with a neighbor, and during supper t!i conversation turned on liens, eggs, etc., during which Mist G., ob served "that their hens did not lay scarce ly any eggs,, nd sho could not toll the reason." 'Why." observed Mr P., "my hens lav every day ana cet egos." "My gracious 1 wag tho instant rejoinder, ,-I wish you would come over and run with our hens a spell, I am sure father would pay you for your trouble." She'll do. tatSrCivii. war has affected St. Louis like a stroka of palsy. Moro than Cti.ODO in habitants havo left that city within a year; I n immense number of houses and stores Me vacant, and all business except gov ' Pruraeiit contracts, is at a dead stand. New England writer says that it lias been found that tho negroes can bo better trusted than white men, not to be tray locrets. We suppose this upon tho principlo that they always Keep dark. tejylN the morning oflifo we are en chanted by the novelty of nature and her operations delight us in their effects, tlio'i. h tho causes are neither known or th mght of. EjyTiiE addition to the duties on loa, coffee, sn-ar and molasses, it is presumed will defray tho expensos of the government our days, as our expenses are two millions a day. it V "n" Vy ue,S1'-' ponded to the plaint of the sweet singer bert, E. S. Jaffrav, and others of similar ZL .1 ,anPr,.rT,rr,D,"0n?.x I ? f UA' "0h- hat 1 h;,d wi"S like a' standing. The following are the p.oris rverv dav an a kt vr.r.n ' "Mo nmrinna v1 . . . . . .... . . i . -r. From tlio New York Observer BIRDS, AM) ASSOCIATIONS CONNECTED WlTfl THEM. Hir-N bird ! ye are hsautit'ul things, With your oiirlh-troiidinjr foot and your eloud- wtcre 'hull wan wander, nn.t where shall ho n .i'T1!1!" . pe"ut'fl11 J Mt . . . , ' ' popular writer of our own country very happily ronmrks that "Birds conxti- ,, ,1.. J,,,, .1 , ' " I ' 1 J nullum CI eilllUll and their study, wheu systematically pur sued as a science, is, undoubtedly, one of the most interesting departments of .Nat ural History. Tho rich melody of their songs, tho beauty of their plumage, the graco and rapidity of tlieir motions can hardly fail, it would secni, to oxcite in us emotions both ot wonder and admiration !ll)d 'f j9 probably only IVom our familiar- ity with them that wo nro partially blind io uieir uenolils, and deal to tlio s,voet- , 11 u:"4 U,K1 vul'ty ' tlieir tuneful voices. j them ujion tlieni. ina iv mat or tiie ben gailiernig her c!nci;t'iis ui.der lier. winsour Saviour expressed, with th deepest iKithof, the yearnings of his heart over tho obdurate and ungrateful inhabi tants of Jerusalem. What can be moro exquisite than the simile used by Goldsmith, to portray tho excellencies of "'Tho Village Treacher," 'And as a bird e:cli fund endearment tries Tk tfuipt its nu;-flidd oH'spring to the skies, lio tried i.i h art, rq-roved eurh dull delny, Allured to brighter Kurlds und lid Ike icny." That fplondid dreamer, John Itunyan, makes the singing of birds one of the do liLdits of that 1; nd which lies "beyond the Valley of tho Shadow of Death." And the magnificent old Isaac Walton, in speaking of "the musicians of tho air, that warble forth their curious ditties," and es pecially tho nightingale, that breathes such sweet loud music out of hir little throat, exclaims with emotion, "Lord, what music hast thou provided for tho saints in heaven, when thou aflbrdest bad mgn suc'.i music on earth ?" Daniel Webster so loved to hear tho songs of birds, that ho never permitted one to bo killed o:i any of his property; and it may be remembered when the great statesman had just been woundod in tho house of his friends, how beautiful ly, "in spita of sorrow," he alluded to tho lark when, no doubt, he felt at heart, "As tlio struck eale stretched upon the plain. No more through rolling clouds to soar aguin, Viewed his own feather on the fatal dart, And wing'd tlio shaft lHatquivor'd in his heart; Keen were his pangs, but keener far to fool He nur.itd the pinion which impelled the steel; While thesniue plumage that bad wanu'd hisnott urutm me laitme-urop ot his bleeding breast," When tho final scene of his great and evcnttul career was closing in death, at Alarshho.d, a lady who tenderly watched , by his dying bed, heard him repeating ! ine uisi stanza oi i.owper a oacauaw "Thrice happy.bird 1 1 too have known Jluch of the vanities of men : And sick of having seen 'cm, Vonld cheerfully those limbs rosign For such a pair of wiugs as thine ; whilo others, in view of tho ingratitudo he had experienced, in view of his undy ing aflection for his loved and lost ones, and especially for his "Juliarud Edward," knew full well how truly his boart res dove : jot then l would uee away, and bo at rest In addition to the touching sentiments and the finest of poetry that Lirds have debts) upon tho surrender of his entire inspired, their plumage has ever been the estate for distribution without preference prido of the beautiful and gallant; for among all his creditors, and upon his com whilo some feathers have been used to pliance with the requirements of the act. "impel the steel," others have furnished It provides for the election of the asignee rich crnaments for tho heads of ladies, j in bankruptcy by the creditors, and gives und also fut tho warrior's crest. Mural's : them the supervision and managemontand "snow-white plurao" was as famous as Na-1 w inding up of the estate, under the direc poleon's grey coat, or tho cocked hat of j tion of tho court. It also permits, by t rederick the Great. The nodding plume j has olion been tho cynosure of embattled ! hosts. Henry IV., of France, before the battle of Ivry, in tho words of Maculay, j bankrupts' estates, at tho option of three made this thrilling addresi to hi sol- fourths In value of the creditors, by trus diers : j teog undor the inspection or creditors, in "And if my standard-bearer fall, as fall full woll lieu of tho more formal proceedings in be may . bankruptcy. The various details of the For never saw I promise yet or such a bloody act are designed to give uniformity and r. ... OhL. .hn. i,. v- . , . ' oflicioncy to the system, and to meet the Tress where ye see my white plvme shine amidst i , : . the ranks of war, , various exigencies of its administration in And be your oriflamm'e, to-day, the helmet of the extended territory to which it applies. Navarre." I iaw'. T1. lh.,l.i;...n A right splendid plume "once roiied in lu'r the warrior's guide," on many ol Na-' poleon's victorious battlefields, tnd its wearer, he believed, might havo turned the tido at Waterloo, and to which, not in vain, "The soldier raised his seeking eye, To catch that crest's ascendancy;" for, "Where tho broken line enlarging, Fell, or fled along the plain : Tktre, besure, was M u HAT charging ! " From tho fact that all who have paid special attention to the study of ornithol ogy have become exceedingly devoted to it, we may conclude there is much in the science calculated both to delight and in struct. Wilson made many perilous jour., neys through the wilds of America, to ob tain an intimate and accurate knowledzo of tho birds of its mountains and forests. Without assistance and without money ne pcrsovered in his course until his merits were ap2recialed by the mcst distinguish ed men and societies of the country. When his friends remonstrated with him for his arduous and unremitting labors, his reply was, "Lile is short, and nothing cf.n be done without exertion," IHs love for the feathered race was his ruling passion in lite, and it was strong in death. A short time before that event, he repeated- ly expressed the wisu to a triend that ho might bo buried where tho birds might sing over ins grave. N ol less remarkable wire the life and labors of Audubon Ity patient toil and lortituuo, lie achieved lor himself a repu tation as magnificent in its character as it was world-wide in Us extent. Perhaps there never was a person whose inmost soul responded more deeply to the maies tic sentiments expressed by Lord 1'y ion, tnan Audubon s, "Thero is a ploasuro in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is focioty whoro none- intrudes, I'.y the deep sea, and music in its roar." In his own case this was all true. For years he had been accustomed to roam tho pathless woods had been bo highly delighted to see the objects of his atlec tionate interest flit and nestle among the green boughs of the f'orest.or soar through tliii "upper deep towards the blue cano py above him, and hear their sweet mu sic echoed back from its sounding-board, or watch their flights, or trace their foot steps by tho obCoeean's side, that such scenes and melody seemed necessary for his very existence; for when, on account of his advauced age, his friends induced him to give up the idea of his last projec ted erpedition, l:ke the caged eagle, he began to droop, and not long after died. la conclusion, it may be remarked that the derree and kind of interest manifest ed for beasds, and birds and (lower, aflord no insignificant or uncertain indications as to character; and therefore it may bo well to adopt on this, and certain ly on a far more important occasion, the language and sentiments of the "Ancient Mariner:" ' Farewell, farewell ! but this I tell To thee, thou WtcUing-guert: He p-ayeth well who lovoth will Loth man, and bird and bead." Parental I sdi'loence. No children are ever so happy as those who havo been early taught implicit and immediate obe dience to their parents' wishes, or will, or commands. Would that parents more universally felt this ! When they sutler tlieir children to disobey them they are absolutely teaching them to sin against God, breaking one of his commandments, and one to which the proniiso of long life is given. No wonder if God in just dis pleasure, remove the child from such tui tion. Heruember w hat a solemn and in structive lesson the Holy Ghost has given in the history of Eli. There is much dan cer. lrom an amiahio wish to cratity a child.or counterorderinj' your own orders. If you once direct a chiU to do a thing, however unpleasant it may be to yourself or the child, insist with hrmness upon immediate and full obedience. There should be no demur nor delay. Prompt obedience is as lovely in child, as its en forcements aro dignified in a parent. The firm and gentle constraint of parental au thority commands respect, and oven in- i.n;rrr(,vrinw nr,,i iv in tho el.ild tr. wards tho parent. Thus, then, if you de. sire vour childien should crow upcherish- imr for vou profound esteem and aflection. insist upon the filial dutv thedutvof inl plicit obedience -and commenco early. To begin right is tho way to end right. JTA General Bankrupt Law. The camniittee appointed by tho bankers and merchants of New York have caused the legal firm of Barney, Butler & Parsons to prepare a general bankruptcy act, and have published it for public examination. The committee consists of Koyal Pholps, James Brown, Geo. Oixlvke, Wm. Lam" ions of the act : I lio lull and unconditional discharge of the debtor (except as tocottain fiduciary provisions analagous to those of the French codo of bankruptcy, as well as of the English la r, tbe winding op of oditors say that Cameron only retired from the Cabinet. What a graceful fellow be i l Memorial of James W. Wall, Esq , to tho Legislature of New Jersey. To tht & mte an l llouu of Assembly rf the State of Aew Jcrsn : Your memorialist represents to your honorable bodies- -That ho is a citizen of the State of New Jersey, and fully entitled to all the rights, privileges and irumuni. ties pertaining to such citizenship. That cn the eloventh day of .September last he was arrested by Uenajah Deacon, United States Marshal for New Jersey, accompa nied by an armed forco, W. K. Allen, May or of the city of liurlington, being present, and assisiinc with one or two of his police. That the said Marshal, being called upon tor ins auinorit'-. produced a printed lorni or order in the words lollowinir, as near as your memorialist can recollect: "Uonaiah Deacon, Esq., Marshal. f c. You aro hereby commanded to nrresi Jamuc W. Wall, ous plea of necessity means too often tho seivieein Now Mexico. In an engage of the city of Kurlihjton, and convey him to Furt secuiity of tho sovereign ra'her than that ,m'nt with tho Apache Indians in August, Lafayette, in tlio Now York harbor, forthwith. 1 of ,ll0 r,P0,,( ' ti.0 0, ,,',,.;, jon mii'is lHl'J, near Lou Vegas, Lieut. Burnside, n swThbT" ryn,ar- '''"V pernicious doctrine went on gathering '"V" P ' , v Strength until, in tho reign of the First Lpon reading this most extraordinary Chll.i0!l it culminated i.f tho )-!a.ned document your memorialist demanded of .,,,0,, of 1iMB that is tho beacon tho Marshal the ruture and cause of the . y hu caSti jts l)lazo nf to R. accusation against him, and a copy of the nicaI governments against tho invasion of athdavit or information upon which such tlie ntjertios of the people warrant was based. lie took occasion at Aml vot) ,ve nrc nsk,,," to Mieyo t)0 the same time to ueny the right of any rnonstroU8 doctrine in this hi-h noon of member of the Presidents Cabinet to is. lll0 njneteenth century, in a government sue any such wamnt, much less the Sec-: liku ourj nuuIe by tho littt.,.s f)f kil)1,Iy retaryof War, and warned the Marshar lir..roaliv .v;tl, . written Ommitntd,, that be would bold the Secretary respon-! sible, and all who presumed to act under his authority ; that this official had over-! i stepped the hmitsof his ofhcial authority, and having usurped powers not delegated to him by the Constitution, or by some law made in pursuance thereof, he had put himself beyend the pale of the i pro'- tectionof his office, and was liable like any private citizen, with this distinction, that having used his official position to effect this gross injustice and oppression, it was i i groat aggravation of his guilt, and would beconsideied 60 in a criminal pros - ecution, or in asking for exemplary dam- ages in a civil action. lo this protest and warning of your memorialist, the Marshal made the follow- ingmost extraordinary reply: "That he knew nothing of the cause and nature of the accusations, or of any affidavit or allir. niation upon which the warrant was based; that he had received the order through the post office, nnd was bound to execute it at all hazards, and if any resistance was made, he would resort to the armed force then surrounding the house." , Upon your memorialist requesting time for preparation, and to have an interview with his family, it was peremptorily refus- ed by the Marshal, who further declared "that he had rtrdrts to tulc hour memoriaHxt at on-eto Xew York, via the Camden and Amloi line. vKirhn-onldnass throih hurtwjton m the course often or fifteen minutes. Against such nr. arbitrary exercise or , the bounds of liberty, and enlarge thoso of August he was appointed a Bngadier powcr as this, never surpassed by the most 0f power 1" ' General of volunti els. Gon. McCicllan. subservient minion of the vilest despotism What course you, the Representatives who knows his worth and military capnc in Europe, your memorialist entered his 0f the State of New Jersey, may deem it ity, has selected him to command ono of most solemn protest, and prepared to re ' proper to take in refeienco to this wanton tlie most important expeditions projected sistsuch invasion of his rights by physical outrage upon the Constitutionally guaran- since the war commenced. force. Kesistance, noneivr, piuiea m rain, nnd vour meliorialist having SUCi ceeded in reaching the hall of his house, wrs thero overpowered by a larpe armed without a remonstrance. If by vour si fnree torn from the midst of his family 1 ence How von eonstitute Ibis a i:i-i- ecl,.nl and drnsrged to the railroad station. Fiom thence he was conveyed a prisoner ny ino Marshal, accompanied by six of his armed posse, not only through ihe State of New Jersey, but through a portion oi me oiaio ew Jersey ? That lull of rights was in of New York, and in that State delivered ( tended as tho enunciation of certain gen over to the United States i military author- ( eral principles of free goveruii ent to ority commanding at Fort Lafayette, in serve as tho landmarks of liberty and law. New York harbor. In this Government fortress ho was con fined for nearly two week", his correspon donee subjected to the most impudent upvailonnn ani hi rterSOIl to flll those in dignities and petty annoyances which a - v ' , , militnrv despotism understand so well how to inflict. He was finally released lrom confinement upon taking what was called an oath of allegiance, an extrajudicial oath, but unobjectionable to V"ur memo- rialist-, inasmuch as it pledged mm io pro tect and defend the Conttimtinn ayninrt all its enemies," thus imposing, if it were possiblo to do po, additional obligations upon him to resist the unconstitutional acts of this high official, and punish his gross viola tionsof the personal liberty of the subject. There can bo no greater enemy to the Constitution than that man, who, beneath the cloak of powr, conceals the stiletto with which he thrusts at its vitals. Since his release your memorialist lias applied again and again to the Secretary of War, for the cause and nature of the accusations against him ; but thus frr all his applications havo received not tho slightest notice. This persistent silence of tho Secretary of War raises the pre sumption that the unconstitutional war rant by which he dared to deprive a citb zen of New Jersey of h'.s liberties, baa not ven the bald pretence of a written accu sation to give it the flimsiest shadow of a decent formality. Your memorialist, by reason of this cruel, unmanly silence of the War Depart ment, has been compelled to submit to have his aoodnamc and fame, called in question, hit lovaltvto the Constitution dcuhted, and the most unijrounded and vnjvst prejudices engender ed aaainst him. It is the grossest injustice fn rilace an individual in such a position violate all th rights, privileges and im munities that belong to nim as a citizen punish him as if be were tho vilost crim inal, and then cruelly withhold from him the nature and cause of the accusation against him. Your memorialist therefore makes this appeal to the legislature of bis native State, tbat it will, through our Senators and Representatives in Con gres, demand of the War Department the nature and charges on fllo in said Department, upon which such warrant was issued, or, if no Puch charges ere upon record, that then 'it fhll b to miido to aproar; 1 am fully awaro that in tho ancient commonwealths, self preservation was com sidered tho necessity of tho State, as it was of individuals, and could be used as a jus tification of "the ttmin rarti veilimi of thr ,V.W- urs vf IMurtj." Tho dictator who, in tho hour of the nation's peril, came fourth from tho lioinnn Senuto with a snlnlA powers over the lile, liberty and property o tho Koman citizen, was only the creu tion of this dangerous idea. And during the reign of lilizabeth thero was a notion that a kind of paramount sovereignty ex isted, which was denominated her abso lute power, incident, as it was pretended, to the abstract nature of sovereignty, and arising out of its primary ollice of preserv- in the htato lrom destruction. I'.iit even then in that tyranical reign, it found men bold enough to daro the terrors of the rov- ' al frown, and to declare "that this insidi- defining and limiting the powers of every an escort of but threo men, bringing des ilepartmcnt, there really, in time of war, patches from Colonel Graham to tho lurks in the Executive this dangerous cle- ment of power: and against wiiieb inei-n nlolUofr,r,...r. 1 ,,;,,., u.j,;,.i, ,t,,.n ; jmj )cen ftc0ntinued and suecestlul strug- . pje ot- five centuries in England. In the eloquent langua-e or Mr. Pendleton of Ohio, woids thaUiavo the true riiv of 'the metal of the olden time, "Can it bebeliev- ed (lmt our fiau.r!) rotesling against kingly prerogative, revolutionists becnuso ot outrages on personal rights ly their BOvereigu, would clothe the executive of ! dioir new government with a power over j tiie Cltjzf which their former master had ; never dared to pretend that he possessed ? Can it bo belicved tbat they, proud or their j i;nglish lineuge, proud of tlieir En"lish , liberty-aye, proud of their loyalty to tho Lngli'sh Constitution, would sacrifice that ,-ight, whieh their English ancestors ac- j t.UUntcd their chicfesf glory. Those an- ' cestors had battled for cen :uries, bravely for j.oprlar rights. They hud placed the i crown upon the brow of the people they had decked it with many a jewel, it was ' radiant with the glories of popular liberty, an,i ran it bo believed that our fathers would tear away this priceless gem, that sparkled in the very forefront of that cor- nt.t, and with it adorn the spectre of exec- ntive linivep. In nn nllmi- nninl .11.1 lUv i;mit tilti rights of the people as admitted ul that dav: cin it be believed that thev I would in this one vital point alone restrict teed rights ol ono of your citizens, must ' be loft to vour own mili-menU Ii i f.,r vou to say whether it shall be passed over it may be for you to declare of what value hereafter those high-sounding clauses in the bill of rights in our Constitution will b0 (0 any 0- t16 citizens of the Stato of 1'id your present Senator in Congress, Mr. J en Lyck, when he introduced it !into our Constitutional Convention, and his fellow members when they voted upon it, con sider its rbnisf- nn mil v ti "ni!i nf lii lor l . . . c j ing onoralit ies ?" Anil yet, what else do tiey become, if any Cabinet Officer may, under (ho authority of one of these gener "ve proclivities, lie win surely prove a-s al warrants, invade your State with an cfhe.ienton tho Supreme Court bench a.-. armed force, kidnap any of vour citizens in l'vc:'-V other position he has previously and immure them beyond the limits of 'u'hieved by tho weight of his fine mind, the State at his sovereign will and pleas- '"tf1' character and cftcctivo indu'tiy. lire, in any ono of tho fortresses of tho v , 'iT -"ri" Government. Surely if such outrages are I , T"" ') )',,.J ''le , 19 to bo passed over in silence, and wfth iru- 1 f 7, l",'lIu, " ,,,r, tl':l1" Klt V. . a ,' , T , . , .. . . , , daughter reading to her aged fa'Oer. lho punity, then I do not hesitate to dec are , , , . , ,. . . , , ., . . . r i old man, while listening to hi r silvcrv that your State government is a farce, and ,- , , , , ,, , ., , i'ti p - i. .1 , notes, goes back to other tunes when auo tho clauses in your bill of rights ho most ,,.' v i i- i i- i i , . -, , i , n ther sat by h s s do and whisi" red word ; contemptible and wickeu sh mis. i n i , , , i c,..i, o....,it i... i t'1'0 "!'! never hear again; nor d .e, he wish have been made to feel the insolence of 'I. . . . ' ' -.I.: i .. ti. .1 v..i ....:. t1 inal in any of vour prisons co?.ld not have 1 been treated as I have been, without an j outcry of indignation from every honest citizen in the Slate. 1 have been arrested without tho form of legal warrant-con - denned without the shadow of a trial, and 1 punished by a degiaded imprisonment of! wccks, without uv tins tiour even knowing -.r. . i . , tho nature ar.d cauoc of tho accusation against me. I know and appreciate my rights as a citizen of the L'nited Slates, and of the State of New Jersey ; and no man shall invade or trample upon those rights with impunity. 1 envy not the heart, for it is corrupt, nor the brain, for it is diseased, that can attempt to approve, or by reasoning, justify, such an atrocious act of tyranny as this. If such an act can be done in a republic, without redress, and with the approval of its citizens, then I know no diflerc-nco between it and the vilest despotism upon earth, save only, that the latter is the most honest govern ment of the two. All of which is sospeotfully submitted. JAMES W. WALL. Trextov, Jan. 14, 1S02. BA cynical friend of ours yesterday remarked that it seemed lo lie a poor time to set the blacks free, in hopes that they would succeed in freedom, when so many millions of white American citizens, with all their superior advantages, bad signally fuilod of self government. Cincinnati En' qu-fcr. BRIGADIER GENERAL BURN SIDE. AiuimosK liveretl llurnsido, who com mands tho formidable expedition which has ciailed foi some plaeo on tho i-noii.y i cf,ast. 'V' ,""'n nl L'heriy, L u.on comity, 1 Indiana, 'loA May, sl. At tho ago ol L. ho was entered at West Toint, and wan graduated tifteeuth in a class ol foi ty. seven j members, in 117. He was brevclled ujc 'ond lieutenent in the -ml Artilleiy, an I was transferred tho next year to t.iu ofd Artillery, .loining his regiment in "loi- co, he marched in l'attrson's column to j '.ho city of Mexico, where lm remaned till peace was declared, lteturning to tho North, ho was stationed at Fort Adams, in Newport harbor. In 1STJ ho was attach- otl us 11 ''is'. Iieuter.iint to captain i,noi rebel general) Bragg s battery, and was engaged b r 1 11 0 ; or loui years in noni.u commanded a company ot twer.ty-n.ue m, who killed eighteen Indians took nine prisoners, and captured forty horse-, For this action ho was recommended to tll0 Socretarv of War and i'rcsident I' ill. more, for p.omotion. lie afterwards served as quartermaster to the commission wli(.h sum.yod the boundary line between the United States and Moxico. In 1851 he crossed the plains from the Ohio rivor, through tho Indian Territory, travelling twelve bundled miles in sixteen days.with. A lesiijent. Lieut. Murnside Lieut. Mumside waB next stationed at Firt Adams, and while thero ho resigned his commission lor the purpose of devott ing his attention to the manufacture of a bieech-loading rille ol his own invention, and took up his residence at Bristol, K. 1. His enterprise proving unfortunate, ho went to Chicago and entered tho office of the Illinois Central Railroad, as cashier of the land department, whilo Georgo B., (now general J McCicllan was general su- I'ci iiitcndont, and afterwards vice prcsK dent ol the company. After holding tho position of cashier for two years, Buriisido was elected treasurer of tho company, and removed to New York. Whilst acting in this capacity soon al't'T the outbreak ot the rebellion, ho received a ttdegruphic despatch from Gov. Spraguo, notifying him that the Fust Rhode Island liegiment of one thousand men was raised, aud ask- ing him to tako command. In half an hour he left his ollieo and was on his way to Providence. The regiment was one of the first and one of the best which went to Washington, arid was among the most prominent which took part in the en gagement at Stono Bridge, Col. Burnsida n.iin.fna I'.i-'n'niliei-i General ilurini? that battle. His conduct on that occasion commended him to the attention of the. authorities at Washington, an I on the Gth JTirJi net Swaixe. Hon. Noah II. A. Swaine, of Ohio, who has recently been appointed by President Lincoln an Asso ciate Judge of the Uni'ed States Supremo iirt. isa native of Culpepper county, Virginia, a'jd emigrate 1 to Ohio immedi ately after finishing his law couiso under the instruction of the late distinguished Robert I. Taylor, in Alexandr a. Jlis ago now is perhaps fifty years. He has grown as a public man with the growth of Ohio, having played, peihaps, the most impor tant part in building up for (hat Stato ilr. material eminence. Asa jurist ho is no toriously without a superior in the v est. and as the conductor of tho StatD's larg est financial operations his fame is equal , io ins repuiaiion as a lawyer, in pontic?. ".e ls a Republican, with strong conserva- to? filr in lnft oi-oniiifT li.flit 1 1 ennu l.ii imago reflected in lur child, mi l, as ono h? tlo cmo ion steals o c, urn, ho V',S h s f'"'e- l"? 'S't.. thinking h! 11 ns,epl "ot-selessly in search o. "Ul,e . 0mP "ent' "'P'" , 'nnoconc fS over tho cares and httlo want, f old "-'I.' ' 0 j?"Uu " U lor tt,,,'11i- J i "e ' ' '? inH betvyeen earth an I neaveii. aim iukcs nom ino iaeo oi iii-i necnssarilv hard and selfish world many of its harshest features. Tebrmii.e Warnivi;. We seo it stated in nil English paper that Miss Burt, o' Glasgow, recently broke her neck in resU- I ting the attempt of a young man to kit-; her. 1 Ins is a loarlul warning to youn ladies, especially prett; ones. Why w;ll gills pril tlmir delicate neo'cs in ab surd endeavors to avoid tho application r,r that delicious and soot iiing "t ivo-lip" sal ve, which is an universal corrective of chap ped lips, and will ultimately cure th wort form of palpitation of the heart ! No ladies of taste or sense wid condin i themselves in a manner so reprohensibb-, and ('rang1 I with so much danger. Be. sides, they well know, that kissing, liko charity, blesses both alike. "It blesses h; that gives, and she that t ikes." fiajr,AN American poet talks of the mu sic of a low wind. Tho wind is orteti low, and very few of tho poet can raise it. BtayTiiE tini' ! mm '.renibles befo danger the cowa;.l d.irinj man when it is over. it -tho bra