I ill " m i l Hl,lr ' M.r a in t n inn tin. U ,m i f I i f i t. ai K wiinti'i M k r k .1 1 i 1 1 -I ' It 1 1' I toll. 1 I ' ' , ii , .1 I ' iv Am .1 )!,! M I, , I 1 , I. . .'. I . I , t nil: i."Nt.o" r m i-m., I l',.iTt H'lv ) i ii k I I'lM t f tt 1' v i v n-, (I f. I ,l mi; S.'iiiii I i.in-ii i lUt.u, I , I . . I I,,.:, V) I IP I w ' -I 'in r1 ti rrvinv, I I ii -. .1.1 ; " ; t. M I- W ' . I' ; ' II Ml 11. Ill M HAflMI. , , .) ) I V ; l ,' S t r r fr r-tiii . 1 1 I ' ,, .... s .1 , t Hie Mill I i . I nr i . . IV- r 1'. i in J f, -2 ' n . ' II ill II " I , ; i I " v s u i'i, :, . l: i i " ; i-. ii 1 1 , i i: i . , it 'J '()' f to oh If I I : ' I U , i li Ml 'I ilMl' i ,.::il I I ' ' ' I i i I . ; 1 1 ' I i 1 I A 1,11 l, i'l I I" I, Al II I' I I'l 'l ! I in k it l'i 'ice iy t'ie m wiv, -i ilt'lll lu i !' I I I : i 1 1 '.be 1 '.I,,-. Impim ; I ! i . Id li , Mi si ;" m I 1 v I l' .0 I i :l ' I' V ' t " I- I" I, f I 1 .' I I,' I . : I in Hi . A 1,1 v i ; ii mi r il i i m i ,- i r . I in w I i i ii.. i in r'iij n. ri t ! ri .i ii 'ii.l I y lie ,ci Inl ;i mi 1 1! j It ;.- t r.il ! -t I Is u I ihviiys tail tn i nr .' . -i a i . rl a bishop ( iiici' sai In a s :ii': d n wlio aski'i! C'T lit 1'iaii .'I'a mi ii In 1 1 i i ci il i i nl It ii I ' Y'i' ii I : ir, doii'l "ii Know ii i- i 1 ' ....ry l- i:ivt' a 'hi''. yuii in '.'it :;' to a 'laiv in w lii'.li V'.i I a hi y mi ini; ,l.t. i r i-. r lllljlji) , il' I'll V.'H' 1 llel'e J I '111 II i-:i; whii'll J'ull lil.M'nt ii l -rl!', i rrailM' u n knuw you v .'n't !'' .ii,lili. bishop in ll.at ri mat i., 1 1 in 'H ii.T' 1 a rrt-aL Irulli ; lof .K'li: hi a wiil as sni'- row, lies in what I- hcm r M ali' . I. C.nniiioii Miiso, lair ri-a.i r. oii;;lil Id lake a sol i. 1 liint iVoin this liicl. Jn ; liililivn'si lanirua''o "iicvi f iriovc f.vcr sjiilt milk,'' ainl iivit wliat may occur, I he asi is inn novainc, aim u.c in-1 line will linn own. I'iijoy in. in. ies (inoiiirii m us io present ill its iuno- i i I i- : . . cciicrt as (iir as cii cunistaiK i smay licr mit. Tu-daysccrLainly jours, ami to morrow may imt Lm. And altlimiL;li reveling in u,riitilicatiniis to conic may not bo mi object ioiialilc as a cheap sjic cios of happiness, beware of in.lulin n any anguish overcalamitics in wbieh you have no control, for it is both idle and unpliilo.sopbical. DK.rTII OF Ql'IKT l'KOl'I.E. SoillC men dawn upon 3"ou, like the Alps. They impress you vnguerly at fir.st.just as do tho hundred fares you meet in your daily walks. They come across your horizon, like floating clouds, and you have to watch a while before you see that they arc mountains. Home men remind you of quiet lakes, places uch as you have often happened tip n, w here the green turf and the field llowcr hang over and are reflected out .f tho water all day long. There is nothing remarkable about the flowers, only that they socin so much like love and kindnes and gentleness, and those other every day ordinary little virtues. Perhaps you become attached to the lake because it is a genial spot, nnd whether you ever lived near a lake or not, it Bceins to remind you of home. But you never dream of its Icing in any wayvondcrlul. Some day or oth er, you carelessly drop a lino into the clear depths, close to the side of the daisies and daffodils, audit goes down, down, down. You lean over and sound deeper but your line doesn't bring up. What a deep spot that is ! you think, nnd you try another. The reflected daisies seem to smile at you out of the water, tho turf looks as green as ever, but there is no hhallow spot beneath. Vou never thought it, but your quiet lake isall around unfathomable. You are none the less impressed from the tact that it is a quiet, lako. Williams )iinrtcrly The Incixceimty of Social Like. Who is the prophet that shall un cover the abysses ol'oiir acted lie-1, and pour adequate shame on our mutual impositions '.' Smiles on our fares, with envy and jealousy underneath ; Conli nlity in our grasp, with no cniinecliiig ncrvo between the fingers and ti .' heart; deference- in our - prof'i'v.ion-i, with no suitable esteem, no genu ine respect, no sacred sinrerily ; invi tations issue. lurking in their jr.li;.' ness ; getting the company lo:;: (!r. r by one falsehood ; givilii;:;s (Tin. in criminate and extravagant wch-ona;, iceeivniLM hem with another ; l.-isiiton i! made up of composite il'.u-ioiis, on meiitunr them Willi a not her : . renin nies of elaborate make-believe siistaii ing their mock dignity, wiih luiulhi i and dishonest regrets at the 1'atxwel dismissing thelil wiih anolhei' ho i will dare to allirin these do nut enter , ipiilliii";! v into tl.e st:i cf v. liat we ! lile '. hell call civilizi'tl :inl t-lcpint lil'o V. lieiij is t!n rn-'o;...!, truth h t ill. in-', Clnis-i tuui t i m o euniiii-', wliicli shall tear o-j . .. . .. i .i :i... :n.. i pi' I u T ii ii i cm: e.i.iiv ini--, ! .... 1 ' . i i ' urns, lihuit llio coniiiiunion ol smil witli kuu! iiiisoii'ii' liureanil lust li'tiiiiialn.ii,! I ' ' ' . . . . ainl restore the social world t. tu its i.nniMii'n nnd nnviirbl. siiniiliril v. 1 ' - iH-i H Arv. Above everv tllior lca - - l l , lure that adorns female el.araetf r,del- ieaey stand, foremost with,., the pro- v.ncc of good taste, ot the tkdiea.'y which is perpetually in quest ol .some- ; . . . 1 1 . ! 1 - . 1 1 i thing to no asiiaiiicii n, wnien niaKcsj .1 merit of n blush, and simpers at the wberever ye nbido ! If ye would remove false construction of its own ingenuity . (ilC piimary cause of nil our troubles, and has put upon an innocent remark , this pet li(i 0ftiie neatest olmtacle in tho way ppurious kind of delicacy, is lar re- of rPBtoration of re..ce and Unity, moved from good taste as from good j iSTJ;IKK A T AB0LI ri()Slsm Down foelin" and cood sense : but that high ; . . , . i ded delicacy W'hich' maintains Tts ! Wl1'1 ,t ! ('rf VO" hcd. upon sfo,e J.uroanJ undeviated walk alike a-:hcwl Ql-lUuvdleMM. niongst women, as in thenociety of bsuMr. Cobwiv, United States Miuister men ; which shrinks from no nccessa- to Mexico, is about to return homo, ftud iy dul', and can speak, when roquir- so -u fnT schurz, our minister to Spnin. cd, with seriousness and kindness, nt u Jg bUS1)eclC(i uiat both Imvo been Ftiub things which it would ho ashamed in- l ct, chh(,r b their own or the foreign deed to smile or Mush. 1 his is tho 1,nnicnls. ,ii;i. wbi..b birci's no iinnorlant a mVood taste, that where it does 1 1 . . i- .. , :,:.u,. not exist ns a nat ural inHlinct, it .8 the fl.-a tivinpiiil. nl i'no.1 manners, ana ronsidcred as th o universal raesrort " A lo ood society. jtjrSong of tho buoy, "I'mnlloftt." M. W II IMIltil I ill.:'". . i r I I I ., I Ali'N 'I. ,( l, u i ,ii. i i... 'in. m c liu' , ('iil; .1 i' 1 1 . Hi.- I, i .i'i.i- ; c. in SI ii l'inV"Ntii.i i f ! :.. tllr' ill 1 , I,.,'!' ( I'.-' I'i . i.. w,A . tii-c.t A III' is ' VeeKV pr.'.y ! -.i i', ailnici I, or' ittributaUe, then.! il:si,..; , r, Ilii- m. .v I..' an lini.c: t !i:!i'U't'.i'( of oi'inion : l.nl ll... 1 i t mi; i li I. '1 I ,.li,.f on I hi' Mil,-' , i i jeet i-ill.al tin y ilii 'l ol an cvenlnso ol , ni'L'i 'i-f,'i';:y, ;i,!u:ii:i tend ,y Al'i'litifin ! donors. U'enre mluionislu'd by Hie ; l.alit) proverb in liiis wi.-e, .,! iwrtuis JuVj i'u' . nn m sav iiotli i n of llio ilenii.iinlcs.' jit I 1 - n in 1 us the Into Hcpublicnn i:riy IH' VI T Jid nnytliinj f;ood, nnd, , 1 14 I. r" , wo cannot sny nny iood of it, j L., ,,.., ,,,i;.,.i ... ,r,;., u;i....t n,.i ... ! tho satiiti time, we may very delicately in - timalo that ihnse whf) wet e ullurcd into , . . . , ,i the KcpublHT.ii rauku under h.lse prcton cos ure now at liberty to comeback to the, liemoeriitic, pnrty, wbieh, thiink Iloavpn, STILL l.IVKS, mid is daily paimnt; strrnplh, whilst other political oraniza" rions are dying of political leprosy nnd sinking into dishonored groves. Yos, there stun (U the great mid mighty old M-MOCKATIC TARTY, full cf life nnd vigor, nnd patriot ism, always ready to bati tie ngaitist the enemies cf tho Coiistitu lion nnd the Union whether tho foe np pptir.i in tho form of a Rluelight Hartford Convention Federalist, ft Northern Aboli tionist or a Southern Secessionist. Al woys for the Union, alwnys on the side of the country noniattor who is President. Cr air fur 1 1 Democrat. One of the "Twins" Knocking for Admission. It will not be forgotten that the Re publican pnrty was based upon hostility to ''the twin relics of bnrbarifm, 1 'higimy and Slavery." The first of these precious bant lings was put out to nurse for a time. The other could not bo spared. Republican politicians took it to their bosoms, nnd used it to such an excellent purpose, that tho people now enjoy nil the manifold blessings of civil war, a sundered Uniou und ft national debt, whoso increasing pioportions cannot, fail to n fiord satisfac tion to tho most enthusiastic ndtnirer of tho credit oystcni. In this pleasant com il.tion of things, the "j'oly'iiny" tin, hav ing survived the pei ils of the nursing rea son, at last humbly begs a Republican Congress to admit it into tho Union. Utah, the (rail diiighrcr cf (lie prophet I'.righam the husband of many wivcsain! tho father of ninny children asks to bo admitted into tho sisterhood of States. Orcelry's vir-.it to Hie li.ven.nd prophet was not in vain after nil. Now, what '.vi'l llio l e-.ie. t.iblo authors of this "Iv. in" pla l!'..r:.i ilo about it? 'fhe ' P'jwi r to grant, or lefa-o tho prayer of the ' polyg'it.io'.i.-i i-! bet is all iu ll.i ir bands. Probably ir..v.y i.i in.-tru..,t',d in mot t llio in .'tei i.' of this 'peculiar in-l it tit inn,' '. iiii Ji me a naled 1 "nk In others, bet UieeU v ''peal; ."ainv a ri) too . I f I ho mysteries . !' poly !ici( ,l lo bo cxrotcd to the i vulgar ;:a:'.e m the e iluinns of Iho Tii'm.e let him bveath.i lliein gently into the long i ears of his blatant tools in Congren! : that they may be prepared lo net under.-,taiid- . ;in;:iy upon this mrv-.t important ipiestion. . ri! thev remain iaiolaetble in their boi tility pj l- .'A these 'I'.vins,' o' will they e 1 ( nd all their v. rath upon the one and enshrine the other in their heart of hearts The blu-hinu' .Inughter of the frail v'.ster- ,n,l ,,!' ll,.. Saint stilnl Ulinehini' nt llui loeir uf the Union. Shall (die be sent nivay, weeping nnd dirconsolaled, or will Kei ... ... , ., i luibljean molality recoive ner with ot.en , . ,, ,. . ' ifll - nlu nn, ,t..un I nrtirn , I c ,mrt aid-. . ' I I.., .,..1 I. .. . - 1 . . O I 4 i" ' morale, t.ct u,v, ''c grent Ib forinei llie father and1 1 founder of all "isnn" decide nnd relieve! '.i, , r u. r... lilt- IKllllllj IIUII1 MIMIUllSf. lit"U( lur . frt.(! ch( ri,ce M flc0 ,a, nnd 1,rc.mont w 11ol fl,00 ,ov w , j . e v ..a . . cyuwuN oi uio ortn; j.oyul men, fcft-Our appetites are given us to rro 8erv and nropistato He. o abuse tliera ? d JlrU(l,fon. H-0-Not to have fear when ther is oc casion for it js as great a weakness as cow- ardice. t&J&iwt 0neliuc atides. i ' ' . H, in I' i I l In A i ..... ,','-! '(?.: . i ,.',-,. i., !,' . :'. ii- il- .!. '.'.l ' J ' ' .I'.ti.. I u:.l , k ,., ..'..,! ,','ii I.'1'' 'I 1 1 ' ' I ' I ' r , JOB PMIMTirJG. All r.Nivli Ml.ll'li'S Mm! to nil noli i I...I t;. .!..: i' H , I I '" ' , '!,. ,.c.l,,i,l ll, II ' 1 i,l 1 t m : . -in, I 1 .i ; , '. r .',.,. in I lb ' r.,,. '.... 1', t ):,' i- ol In.O'iii m v i'-, ( h:. run 1 1 vMiini.i.-, usnallv don.' l'A'!," i ' ' lir - 1 1 Vl 1 v ,: jn n t., , , , . ; v Ail.iditi 1 V, 1,1 b.l OXft'lltf 1 H'itll II 01 1 nes.s iiml v 2 : t 1 1 . C. II. liOODT.ANl'Kl: t CO. COUN'J'Y DiliKCTORY. Time ol'H(,MIii;; t inil't. Sppotnl M'linl.iy uf .f miliary, Tliir.l Moinliiy uf .March, Tliir,l M. in, lay i.f J mi v, 1'iiurih Mori, lay u'. .Si'jiioiulier, In ciii'li year, an.I contiinic two wcolio If no- cosnry. County )lll'('i. JuJ ,, iSulml, Iiin. ii,.,,,,,,,,,. As'lo u.lgr?, Hon .l,I).TIiiiin'M,n,l'urHi'iisville. linn, jiiinivi i.iu.nii, rur.'ii. Sher.fi", Kilivi.ril fori:, Cleurlu'ld l'rothiiotiiry,.bilin b. Cuttle, ' KoK. A Iter, .bunt's Wi ii;ley, " Distrii't Att'y Xolii-rt J. Wiilliice, " Truiuur.T, 11. lb (ionilliinder, " Ct. Surveyor, It, 1!, Wright, Olen llopo C'oiuiuisa'ii'rs, Win. Mcrrell, Clearfield iS. C, Tlioiuiiiiun, MorriMlnlo Jacob Kuntz, bulliersburir Auditor.-!, Ii. C. 11. , lvm nn, riiiliiFlmrj .1. 11. Slniw, Clenrlield C. S. Worro',1, N. Wn.-'l.iiij;lon J. W. l'otter, Lcennte, lililln Jesse Uroiiial, CiuneiiM ille, 1. 1st of FostOlliccM. Coroner, Co. Sujit. Towiuhipi. Iiiecria, A'fonr 4,f o. A''.w of ' I'. M (.leu llopo. (i. W. (nl iv el Bill, llintcr, Mo Chest, T. A M'tiheo Cusb, J. lY.Caai-UU Oftend, Lt is .-a, aii Clearlield T.nift, Y. II. Miller Williuuis' lirove, J. K YVklou. liUtliemburg, It. JI. Monro. Troutville, C- p. Sloppy, Jelferion Lius, John lieberling Forett, .las- I'lnoai Bopps, Uradlord, tlmdy, Iiloem, liiirnsi.lc, New Wnshingtonf Wm. Fealli. liurnside, Jus MeMurrny Clearfield, Covington, Clearfield, Frenehville, M. A. Fnink. 1'. A. 1 1 mi I in . J F W yelintrr T. W. Fleming. Centre county Kurthauj, Curwenn-illc, Curwennville, Decater, l'hiliH burj;, l'erguson, Murron, Kdin. Wi 'Jin in" t-t, Helen l'ont OBiee, Elk count1 Fu. (liriird, it Goshen, (Iniliiun, (iulicu, Huston, . Jordan, Kurllntus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, i l'enn, i. Tike, Vninn, Wui.Jwar 1, Lecimnto Mills, C. Mignot Jin I J ilills, Khnwsville, lir:iliainl"ii, iinillis Mills, Madeira, Tyler, l'enn Held, Ansonville, alt liiek, New Millport, J'.reekenridge, Ky lert.iwn, Morrisdalo, Lumber City.f lira. n, inn Ilills, Cnrivensville, li!ui,iniiiLrville, William Oiirr A. II, Shnvr T. II. Forcoo. A. U. Fox. C. J. Fuscy. Uarid Tyler JI. Wo.iilward F.lira Clin.-o (!. Huekadorn M. 0. Sc.r!;. J. Vi. Tlioinpa'n Jns. Thouipson J, C llrrnnor, II. W. Spencer, A. C. M.mrr, T. W. Fleming. .Michael Wi-c. 1). liiubalicr. J,-. I.,.,l, .!. II i,i'K tun, Jefl'rics. I'll id 1'ost (i:!i,'.' nill do fr ( iter lor Ferguson tu'n, est looa.hip lij.. j frill the entire c-t lor Tl'lTT.'i" i". tri I p.ii'iil ir and .MiecMai CO MM bi'.i'I 1. SCHOOL in llio country. I'j .v.irds ( T' li 'i II 1 Nliinai young men, f,',nn 1 i 1 1 -1 I,; ii i i i r -ent States, Have been e ,1 .1 e n t . I f r '. . i -' i !e r. uitliin llie past three y-eirs. -,,ii:e been einpleyeil an 1.' 10 Iv-K biil'i at , "' $2000 00 iiiiine lintely rpon i;ra bialin', who kne't r.olhia ol' aeeni.iits when they entered the College, 'I'M ini.-ler's pons hall: ;",ee, Slii lenls enter at any time, iin.l r they I'l. use, niiiiout extra charge. For C...liifoi.-in.s. Speeini, i.s , ! I'. me. View of the C't.'LLlii.K. cii.-l-.s.. , v wht n ip, iniil to JUMU.Ns .t .-Ml I'll. May li, f.I. Iv. l'ittsim -!if I'.i U. M. M ( I 1 l.tn (ill, JJJiluen uJ llaiiK Ci.i Aiii ii:i.i., Pa. OHire in Craliam') lirick UniliUn;'. July 3d. 1SCI tf. N E W GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring $C SliminC?' Uo0(ls I . . .. .. . AT THE CIIKAP CASH STOKE. Inm jnst rceeiviii!; and opening a carefully elected Mock of Spring nml fiuniiucr gnud; ol almost every description, A ban un f u I nssortmcnt of 1'rintH nnd bre5f (roods, of tho newest nnd latest Btylcj. Also n great variety of useful notions. DUY-UOOUS AM) MOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats nnd Caps, Beots and Shoes, a lnrpo quantity, Hardware, Qicenswnre, Drugs and Mdicino, Uil and Paints, Cnrpet 1 Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel ini) an.i 1 barrels. of the hurl quality, nil of which will be fold at me lowest cash or renily pny priceii. 1 My old friendi and tho puulio generally, are' respccuuiiy invited 10 can c6iVTh r7Mmnr;'M?',:V,"', i''0"'! ( Ul.M HI rhOULLh taken in exchange ot Goods. Clcr6eld, Jane Id 18I. WM, F, IRWIN. ROBERT J. WALLACE, ATToaaur hrhkt Clearfield, Pa., Cffioe io Ekaw'f Row, op-1 , UK. 41. s -w? (if a? C35 00 )AV ,s : " v ','" .7 i" t o i ii. 1 1; ;-i in. y, m i: in i . i f v. I:i 'i i' t. r l r- "i l-l. I a i , ' 1 i ,'. , i.i 1 TI " I 1 1 , i . I r .1... !. : ii'l b, I .'Vi.i.il I1" ,ii mi' ' : lli.l 1 1:,' biiii'l'i in,' t, 1 ,iv t.i i ii: Mi V , I . V , l. 1 t,. li pii'-ii'. ., !.,,! .T). 111'. I Mil l.i.'f I' I ,;,.:!v V ". Ni. :'. a i'. k :o, 1 I t 1 Tin : v.n l.in M'K'Mri f,,r ..uillir- r.cavv int.ili'itl nm. i j in ii, !i ii , I ini re .I !',T '.' ":ni l:i-i - , an i l' i' !' !'"!: 'I'' 'i I .1:. i.l,i i ; ; r,l. A r'.'M 1 a ! .' ' ' I. ri.ii '.i I s.. ; nil 1 j ' ,1 " ill .' 'iv IV. tn !! ci .ir. i , t . !..!. il... I'll '-'' ."vi-'. 'I ','f i i m t.'.'iiM.' el r,.- I 1 v. in-1 in," tin' I lio'ii'l, ti1 1 1 is I i;K,. ii I re, ill Hi.' t )".i'l.J. It tins lui l,,.ll- l'i itivu tr,,iil,l, nml wi.I rim j Lit f 1-wnrili a.-. a-' I'urwi.'ils. t'l il ni'.l iv, i ruiiai'.y I'itI'.., t, ai',1 wiil.or.t ilniis'i-'r !' lifnkitig 1 1,, ,. II, s. It rm, I'V ll'il ti'.ll, an. I l.y .'lu.-inir tim l.,ixi,v,-r il. it i llini'.vn ., lit i, iriur. li. tnct, I w liave 'i '. !i ''M t a t i nil in roci.iiiiiuiinliiij; it II tin. I.r-t 1'aii il.V Siiviiik Mn.ilii'.ic inus. V'.'it' f!''i'vi)'t I'riiiiinii'i A ''r!:,( th?, iJu -c At llu' Tair (if tin) r'ninklin IrFtitute, 1SS8 tho 1'irft Vroiiiiiiin. At llio IVmi.-'ylvuiiiii SUto l air, at I I, iln.jcl. iliin, Si'pti'inbcr 21, Jsifl, tnc I'ir.'t l'lomniiii- u I)i lilmna. . . .i . ii i,. ci.,, I.'..;. i,.!,i! e.. rl "u...1"" ' mini;, i.... J ur tlic lioi-t Dnulilo 1 lireail .Mncliino, ill i,an- auu io inu uu.-uciu iiriieiiuinu r mm muj in; ensler County Fair, hold Oet.,l,r, IS.'jII a Jsilvor J ispij.-c J to te.-t the poiver.' oftltid valnnulo rc;a Modul. , t,j..t At t li o Maryland Stale I'liir. held nl the Mary- ,,,.... .,.. , , hind ItiHti'uto, in.ltiiiM.ro, Mil., October, 1S:.., I.IMIt lT.On LAMINE, m the form nbov. miller ptroni; cnmii.'tilinn, a Silver Me.Inl wa. .!. k e u of, has recently Leon extensively ox.cri nwnr l id to t li i Min liine. f imMnel with in tho At tho New CiimIIo County Fair, hold nt Wil-j prui'JUVT V A WT A TTIQPTT A T min-ton, Helnwnre, October, l.SiH n 1 i plonia. i LiiX o I i. V AIM 1 A IxUc. 1 UlL, The nbovo Machine are n.anufaet.ired by J"11'1 wita AKKKD JifCCKriS (ai will nrfcr ClIAItl.l.S W. llim i.iMI, V lliniiitiili, Del. SAL KSKOO.MS. o. 720 Arch Ftreet. IM.ilinl. li.l.ia, Pa. No. S1)1 Murkt Street, Wihninjjtmi, Del. S. D. I'.AKKK, innrl.'l-ly 720 Arch Street, rhib.delphin. '.It-l'erfnin wishing to feo tho above Maehino in operation, can do so by enl'inj; ut the resi dents of 1). V. Moore, in Clenrfiild borough. RI,.VCKMITIIIN;. THK subscriber ros peetfully informs bis friends and the public generally, that ho is new well o .iblisd.od in bis NEW silOP on Pino street, o,i,"sito the Town Hull, in the borough of Clenrlield, and upon his own hook, and where ho is prepared to do all work in his lino in the very best style, nnd on ' tho shortest notice. His old eustor ers lire res-1 peettully ushed not to forget liiin, nnd nny nuni-j ber of new ones nro reseeetfully invited to give 1 bin. a trial. KDtiE TOOLS. His reputation ns a Maker nnd Repairer of Edge tools should of itselfsecuro him a libciul patrolmen. (iEOHtiE C. PASSM0KE. April 21, ISf.l.tf. G L L N - : C H O MILLS, Uermnntown, Pa. M cCALLU M & C MAN IT T IT. I US. Importers, mid Wholesale Dealers in v , it i : t i c; s, ii it ii v ; i: T s OIL CLOTHS, MAT TI.(!S, A'., Warehouse. No, 06J Chestnut Street, (Opposite State House,) a pr".'s I -ly Pn ii. wo:i run. C' 1! j ; J"'. ' ? 'J n Vl ;f h '.) t L I T !i i: K S B C R G , C1.1.AUI lKI.I) COL'.NTV, I'A. V.'ILLI AM ilKKl), Pnrrirf-: .'Hi ly I'1, U'll.- i.:.'li:L (iunl'LANDKU, ly. J1 ..f t':i I r . CLrfic 1 Co. Pie. l-eir.'? I'leri;:,.. !! :i tl 1 y. l 1. ; z'Vii:;;, ail Men haul W el ;i. .. Al , d I'.n.'l nr le .in 1 in, v '. in I. bo .-.Id -I' . 1 'pYJ-'OM: (iTY IIOTKI M A 'fV-eelfiiliv IMCVKN.-;, 'itiMiin, i ";; ' i i: pul, 'ii 'l. lrv iii.d t it ia .-ue'.l ;i inlrrt aii 1 l"r, r hi. a with a ie,i 7-1 v :.'ill...!H'e ii'-.v le ; , n .eiige I'lll" WALTZS EAEPtlTT ATTilIIXKY AT LAW, will an, promptly iii'.l laitiiluiiy to nil ic eil lil-iiie.' s c'itru-t". to hi- ei.i", sii l lie several Cnurti el l.'i.'anield mid ii'i.i U.'.i.e unti.'K. OIV.'i t:.e one fornnrly oeenpinl by Cl. It. burr, tl Oct. :f;V., I.'O-ly mill' fl I'im.'ll.'l 11 IIMIII.'.MV will I I'l'M't'iied for the reception -if pupils (males nnd female) uil .Moml.ny Sept. 2d, Im'.I. Tn in per Scssi.iii ul' l-:irvrii eiks: Orthography, I.c.niin. Writing, Primary A i iiiiiiiotic nud (ie.nrn.pl.y, Higher Arithinel'c, bii(,"ii.-li (Iramtuar, lie.ifrrupliy nnd History, Al'clira, I'e.inietry, Natural Philosophy, and Hunk Keeping, $2 Oil I 3 on 4 do bnlin and Greek bnnfruni;c?, 6 nfl 1 1 Ftu.i. .nts ilcs rous nl nrrUinn(?a tlioroucn Fnglish Kdneniion, in.d wlio wi.-h to ipinl fy tlieinselvei lor Teachers, this Institution offers ..a....... No pupil received fur le.- tlmn half a session,1 ana no ac.lMction t-iwle excel. t lor iirotrncwa urnmei.i, i.,in '"""' ""'"'J ' ,... AM,.i,,rM sickness. lAiuhs, band ARcncic, Ac, c, in Clearfield SUlxJvWJU Jji J VJiHi) Tuition to be paid at the rlosn of the term. 1 Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y ' Oil-cloth, buckets, bro, huh, t un. rcllas, llnsk C. B. SAMM'dUli, yVn.ci'wi, I , ets. F' ho.il P.oi.ks, Wall Paper. Pnfting ltope, Uleartielil, Aug. 7, isr.i. iy. . ! . pLOUU, BACON, TOBACCO, LIQUOHS OF ALL KLXDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, 1 (iKOCEUIES, ' CFor Kalc vcr3' cl"nT for c-e". ''J . q j MERHELL, In Wmcntof Mcrrell .1 Biglor'u Store, lerUClU, ra. Iu-I. l7a'OI for Medicinal rurro,f,,llrandy Hi s i or aienicinai purp- s i.e iiranuy Wtand Mierry wn9, W,sr Iiikei iBd UMt.W-4i lUKTSMtfOfE, 1', r tr ." i fit f .r Hoi. ' 'i I r in in ii ' I i . ' I ,;t i, . ii-" , ti i ..' 1 . iv . ,, ,. , , I ! ..." ' K , i ' IV 1 T '"I I'. r 1 i'i i I 1 1 i K..i ', i i ' , .... ; ,m ' . ". a (m r i !. ' . s r.t. i . r. i .' c. y r 1 1 .,i .... i . i:. ,i.M.. 7 I e i.; . i,v. : .... i i'.i. i'"i ".', , l' i"! "ii. 1' .i !' . ' ' ! i:i I II . I". 'ir !:,';.'W. Ill i'l' mi , .,. r. 'i i , ) .i, ,' in Hi... itii'.-on r-r ti f.v" ," I.i iv I' I ;,, 11, ,...,' .;.. 1 ! ' f ' 1 ,'T II 11 till III. ".. r i: I! ,'. u! !' li 1.!!'. ' I'Ti st.'iJT .V ',., .1 ! I si'i i t. Now Y, m-r I I f,, il- burin tin ol i' Inivf intr'nlu'"!"'! ti U. 1! .til l.' ' try tic '"' I., . li,'.'l if, ".-mil r.( tli l? i;r.-i:-.iv ' i:iir.! MAii'.n liavirj; rocoivol frcm many onrec, from ).li'..k'iain cf tho liig'ifst ftan.lin lii'lii Htl'l trom i .1 I n t . llio M 'isl ii.itici la i I's'imuiilaisoi its r"u .uhi in t!,o troa'.iiiont .,f thii i.ai-.iful ami olMi- ,r.i'.il "' , """'"-""r'"""" ";l vc iii-v iinlu.'i"! to f.roi'ont it to tli ,n:,li; in a lurui I.l-.Ain 1'JK l.M.M 1-. Dl . i. L Y '., wfii'l: li., -.. ,e are .-utVuria..; wi: iViil I'lllllllll'IlJ itl'lf tolhotc whs are .-ulbjrhi': with tins uriiirtli.L' cemi.l.iint. !i tliis ul!iiitt!i.; ,. ., ,. , .... , ,. from tl o iiiiblisuoU accounls in tho jucuieal Jour, nnls.) i'-It is carofully .ut up retidy for immedi ate use, with full directions, nnd can bo obtained from till tho druggist ut 76 cents per bottle, nnd ut wholoialo of 11ULLOCK A CRENSHAW, Pruggists nnd Manufacturing Chemist.", . June2fi'6ltf. rhilndelphii CLEAKFIELO STHNE WISE rilTTL'Ry.. Thnnltful for past favors and solieitius of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully annoiin.e that I have on hand ngain, utid will constantly keep nt tho l'ottery in this bormigh, on tho cor- ner a short distnnee east ul the M etlmdist Church, a large stuck of Crockery , such as Cream crocks, milk paim, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Slove pipe ensing rf-c. (I c. ; nnd also nil cxtct.sivo assortment of different sires nud patterns of brackets mid rosettes for crnico on lioujes, nnd vthi'r moul ding. Any mouldings not on hand ill le made to older on short n.-tite. Al.-o Drc brick made and kept for sale. 7A liberal reduction on prices nude t. wholcKile dealers. F. LE I TZI Mi Lit. Clearfield, may 2:1, I'lll. Iy. MIAIKS!! CHAIRS! !! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! Tho utdersigned h.'U now on hand. t bis Fur- nituro Kooiiis on Market bt., Clenrlield, Ph., n short distance west of Liu's Foundry, a large stoak of t il VIT Ol'' Al.l, Kisns, 'manttfaitiire-l cut of the l:st materialr, Ci.tshcd n a very superior manner, and nl.k h Lo will sell ! LOW V'Jl: CASH, llu lung cxperii n.-e in tl btl.-iiies.-' mak.-s liilil l'-tl ..iilidclit flitit '.i : -' ('..:, :;-' are :n:i 1 ) in .i - ;:o - fin li., I niel v, iil. n": ike ir,:,i, '. ' ner, and will stand tho t'' t of trial. lVrs-.'.. elu.'.i .-. ,' n'.d e.iii al. e'H i j e "1 I ha, I at l!, e ' . .. . J i UN IIiOLXMAN. ant ; rate; M.-.r. . tlie;.! i.hile t r.!:M!.i ni .- i or. l; !; H '1'T M A i l'i I 1 I 111 ,,.' i ,. y,;,., j ff i:. a r. .,,1 c J j'"' it. Ar vi i: riven ' ra'.is the Ac.'.' ;: .i.ia, and arid '.n ll.t Yai i '.at.i: t:i. i .,!..T di v. !' ti::- en in ,!..! le'ler ; .,i:ta on t! " Se'r p.,y.-.l i;. ll' ri'.; :itr :r'i'.s 'l'i-;. i' of i.1,1.!' .i:;r.l ; or i.n'i- A ' Ire V .1. ; lb: .1 '.:i s T. i t:.,'.A!:i'. wi, A. WAi.t.Arr.. A. Pl'.'-ev C. MNM V ',,1 or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. c i. i: a i: vi l. D, Cl.EMinn.lt C')l-TV, PA. JBlt.1.1 01, Kt II AVflK, K..TI.S AMI llHAFT? Ill.xroi NTK i) vosits !trci;ivi.i, "" ,'i'"""'' "" and prcccfJi y,oiyt:i rci, r,X('liaiij;e on Hie ( illfs rmtaiitly nn lian.l. r CrOffico on S 'l-id Si., nearly opposite the O'l'i.T iiorsi;.' LRVKIl FLKOAL, Justice of llio peace I LiiTlicrsbiirs, Clearfield Co, Tn., will attend promptly io an uumucss euu iih,i ,. care. April 4, IS61. - - - - -- '..a i. . n,i.ivpn. I. t&t f A Hit 1 M VM TF.ST, Attorhoyi nt Law , K r.r.l', n r.AM'.li .v: ui. i : .. - i I jlll.ntll.l 1, ttliu I nil lill l; III nlv I B III nil kinds f bl'.MIIFH. C.KAIN.nnd country pro - ; duco. Store on SECOND Streot, Clcarnlfd Pa. Dco. 4, 1SC1. . J. D. THOMPSON, "I Jlacksniltli, Wgon, Buggies, La., it., ironed cntnorinciicc,iaaiii0verywsiiyiD,.inn 11 tland in the trough of Curncnsvilla. I c-lT A WI 2 PTn ,U. I . alld 1 A LIMA 5 OX S.lIC 3 nmra n 1 .I,nr t i i ii'tu;, i m r ,.,ru.... I JfttJ. H. W fcflll 1X1 & UO . Tiicr v iih Ifdr.nn r nr IVlIrr, Tins i.iAnr:nn has a roix-mp ITS OWN. LY a L'ii:t;le. Thrcnrt. 1 W -I 11 "'"i I: ( v:r. V Mil, '' 'pm, l,itH '"""'nitth., :iml n''uunJ,,T "'lV.v 1-nrn.r.. : i il !'. I t I. i:l i , 1 1 II A I'i 1 r f i 1 1 1 i ",ii" 1 r t: .'lltH'O niii'.i I , v i'ir,' lii.-li .lrtfty 1'nrtioubr t. n r. ( atsit 6g V'ii 1'ATI'VT N rr Tvi tl.,,11 ;,ii'l . ;!( 'Ii,'--, 4,t t-.v j mi i-mii l;v i'l ac in 'n'..' iniiiuto will.,, i 'i'.'ii, I '.f work, dn,r,i,ins 'J'!.. f i ai-Miiv-.', ?1 siniil,' an.i ai. ur.ito in UV'ir 'Ji'ti- lr i ri','r".."lo t'.,' ,. ;t,t l!" : aii'l i:)i ", llir pr'nln.-f nl! tht pr.icii- al re-nim ul t !io tw , liirvail iniicliiiie, ; n0j i.ii.rc, fer Ihi": Iti! iiliut l'iiftni,anu lmm iik tin. A mr,:liii witlioul pueb .Tin it . Al'le'nu-Il ii' alnjul blf llio iirl f ul lue othti i tii .-l K .t in. i . .linen, thi-v '.-ill .: !, r'iil. duul- ,. i ,,, n m a given tia:.. "It is t u.j.ii at it nlljr tba t? ... 1. i tv-pr-.i-i-i Fan: , ilr Sin'irp Muctiiiiu thn' tl.a jiu'ilic tins luiij- i lieix ivainnp lur." !,) r.m-, iii,i. iri.i ii.'t.'Mi, nnd f j t i iiiiiccil woailortai li.iuiiy 'ifo ifpcrhilly. . c-tl.-T 1'bVT- will bi'ir it 'phiu IAoiiinL. ! "'"I'"" 1 Wl!l it. iJutirnn V liicihiiiikiil ..i"'i.'I,' .'an, "Among (he be.-t nnd inOsi s 'n iaeabio nonu.g .Machines, bight und elegantly lini.ilici, nn i so simple in its cnn-U'iietioti that it eeim al. most iuip.isniblo for it to gt out of repair." -Pitt.-burg Clironiele. - iias t'.iinuinej wmi its own peculiar nieriti all tho really valuable improvements of tho bick er priced innehinei." Pennsylvanian. "I In; maebine, in the opinion of the com ui it lee, ills mure nearly the requirements nf a per fect family machine than nny on exhibition." Franklin lustilute Exhibition ltcpsri of )5a8. ''Taking into consideration simplicity, cheap ness, durability, ami doing all work, the commit, toe wero unanimously in favor of the Wilcox 6 Hibbsasn single threud miiehine." Pcnnsylva n'm State Agricultural Society's Report. "We must, in justice, express our confidenc in tho merits of the Wilcox i. Uibbs Sewing Ma ehino. We consider lbt a front desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond duu! 1, that I vv j ti, reads are not, as was suppo sed necessary to u good instrument." ChritinD Advocate and Journal, Juno 21, ISfiO. "We have one of these unit bines in use, and think more highly of it than of any of the num ber we have tried." Richmond Whig. The enilersigncil, Mi. sionnry to Constsfltina pb'tL:.s . .,iini;icd more than twenty difler ii kinds uf Sew ing Machines, and after foiiietfnt, weikti cxperiei.i e with Wilcox if-OiLVs' Pudap. he has purchased one of them, as tho best aleail ted t the wants of bis finiilv, aid us tl , tl,t liable to require r.pair. OLIVER CHASE. Hosloii, July :t. I SMI. The undersigned, during eighteen months lmi. had in ultuo.t constant u-e, iu his fuuiilyWil eo.v ,t (J ibi s Sewing Machine, upon which has be. n made the el.ilhe of bis large family, from muslin to pilot cloth including the clothing r jiiired f,,r his sev. ral boys : and ill n, ense have the senilis failed, although in hard 'ervice. Th machine now in use in bis family lias required, no repair, and is in all respects, w ell appointed,, efficient and durable. JACOU CHICKERIXC, Boiton. 0Send for a Circular..; JAM KM II.COX, Manufacturer. No. .'M lli'or.dvt ay, New York,. Opporito St. Xithola Hotel. Oot.ihir V,, lsfl. tf. NEW GOODS!! .1. P. K" r.iter bus ju t received n general M- l ill;', i I ' 1 I'll!) .n,.i Winter !)!tY (lOODS. V-. i a ; lei i' -. l!e -'.Morii.os, Al) neciS, I'i,;..:, (..Lui., Me.Ln his, biuiils, Chintx, il!.s. iii I I,.;hs, ('ii'sii.ieis. Tweeds, Sat- ;i.. l .ai. m I. 'i ili in;:, Liner.F, Crash, Cloak. (J L O T 1 1 I N a . ("I v. Fl'V V il ! S , , . Conts.l'i nt, iW-.'rs, Neeklies, . Chokers, Cra ,is, Heavy Kip Lie. , 'birl 11 ,t-. Cm , ...ll !' V.. its, V..' Co . ,", Su.LMr-, Salt, Candlev Cindics. Hie" .spices, Ksi. he ar, lliiiek Ten, Jrtnreb, , Mi'., ratii", Crackers, Wine, I'...i.' SM-lip. . ri.- I , i.i, -ii. "1" r 1 lai dicarc i' (iiccnsirarc. Sv'.. HjiV, 1'":!,-, S;.:e'.i-. S'i,.t.-I. s'rytl.l, ' .... I'ia'e-. A-, AiifT-. Mi.."!l.ing Irnns, '! -.t (';;. I,'i. ..',' A I'. :' . ,'il:-r Knirei, . ei,. ,-. I'.n K. ,t,e,.. ... Tea .eit, Tur-ir'-.l-i.-hcr. , Xule:.-. il" ...I-. t.l..vd. Jlo.-urv. Collars. HetV : Skin-, lliiltuorai skirts, IlonneLs. Hilibons,Fb" ' is. Tin ni'. Ilonni't Frames, Kn,l, es. I,nci'. Illrail. llindini;. Zi'jifeyt, Vurn, Fringe, Tio- ' iniiit'f, Ac. ;w).t:Ts, I SHAWLS Till NTS. : DITALS, I I'.AI.'EUE, ! I nl'LIN, HATS. CAPS, WINK. ' SALT, O I L S TAINT LEAD, juu(;s IlO ITS, SHOES, C1.0 I'l IS, TWEEDS, MI.'SI.IN, LINENS ' AKTET, r.LINDS, II I!0(MS, S YTHluS, S J" 1 K ES, COATS, TANTS VHSTS NAILS, FLOWEKS, MOTIONS, I. onen Mirnisn, .mofi, t uricu iia.r, toacu : v..i.... i:..Bi. rniin Ta. ral.Oll. llllllf;.-, U'ltl'u I tu'u, i.-v, v-. . ; Linseed Oil, ,erm-Oil, filass, o. All of which ill be aold on tho remit re ao- Me terms for taiti, or approved country pr- dure. ! Oearfi.Id, Nov. 27, JRM. )MIMlTHATOICl KOTICR Letteri , f A.,m:nittrBtion hivlne been Printed thit ilv to the underFignetl on tho estate cl.A.Mc ri!o.KKV. late of Clearlield Co.. deeeaicd, all rorsonsindel . ..i. ..in.nbn .nmo mill ureienl IkiHn dal authentictod for .ettlcuent , kiiit u.et ftBVKT. , .""r "'"' ; hartliaus tp., uoc. io, oi.