, A fc , .. O'liiitrli ,i!iiIIk;;p, j ,1-1 ,'t rf I II. ii I i lit I I ,HH t ( . In V.inM t )ilr MnVlf.it, It I ( I ll'H itnd I M l M ill HI I I W i ir'.t hue 1,1 . ., 1,1 ,1 Hi' i 1 I '., ii I i I' . I I 'Ill i t. ) - I l I I i 1 1 i , I V I i 1 M ' I . M t , 11' I I- 1 ,i'-ll,l I INI V , , , I t M- f. II i'l, ..( II. ''Or. I ! ! ! . I .ll I' 'III .nil'll ll III. t "II N I.I III II. I It 1 . I i I-, i r i i, I f.i. 1 I' 1 i tnl nn it., i .-, Hi I ,, , . ,,! I I- If. I .1. I Ml .l' l"l" I'' H'lM, I I,. I" I, I i I I I i.l "I 'll it '..... v.l'l ll, I , 1 ' I ' ' t f ' I ...',,!., , I I h ,ll, . I, n !'. r.l, , , , , f ,, , i i t' n f'S -I ,, I ,,, , , I .'. 1 n i ft m ' .'I. I i . r I 1 "'I ft' 1 I Ii" I'"' '" ', ii" 'm I 1. 1' I t , 4 I.. T.. ll'l' I ll 'III 1 I, . ll r. Hut,. I 'I',IM ', ii i. ll I i inn i ni il.il K'i 1' mmil.ir 1 1 ! Ift I i t-n lii-nini In l n1"!" It." 'I flintl . I ; ,-. ii n .1 In m i i I. ii"i I, I'll t'n tin. t II I I i, I I 1 if It , '. i" Ml II.B Pt t tin . I II I 'if l"l " . I" I II in, -I urg I ,1 II. ! i . ,1-1' 'I i .I n in ' 1 ,,,, t l. IH'W till' lli-l, til l Vf ' II I ! ,1 I li t II' ' l . I Ii in fid I i . r, i Ii tl" 1 1 1 Y Ml' "I Tn? i;'im n Own Ili' W I'liiiu-'on I :.l I 1 1 1 1 1 ll.l . l.iili Aiinl.i,h,' I t T 1 ll I I 1. - I .f ii li. I ri inonl, rvrr niiH i- Lii linnnnl ll I'll HiK "Irl.HI Imrlit of lliil Wet, All. I h " lute ni otu'l Ii cnrlU'li "l Id rue linn n .-......- ...11 1 . I . I J' 1 . f . I - Mil liny i icgiiiicni, f nre i ini, iiiiv- miliary i r mi nt once, n n riii.inn ei un .. i,.,i,.,l I i ln lif inc in 1 ti it eoui.tv kind i" f" I n cr 1 1 ti ii to llio in- .1 sliitc-mrn iLilvid ill Inning l""'llv.l, to 1'l- M i. l. l .i.r.l ? I ll i,l 11 1 nl 1 llll I ! . M lflt . I ,,iif tin. ..I l J-w i h In- mU fc-ii i' ,ii-lniiilt i.n linii'l H IntK" M".'tiii'i iil "I Vi I.Mfl.V tltl'l I Ii llf ll. ill. HI I l-fllM, III'. I I'lll.illil nt i. ,,( rut) ... . tip'i 'ii, liii'H I." i!l 'I i' I" "' i.f mi r'M-.. nul l. I. in" m Hi" "11111" niiiili " .i.l.l, iln likliL'll ? to ..,, I I, ..,,l ,.,, l,i,,i cnnM- !,-l re nii-io , in... ti'.rk it I n in ii 1 1 .i iif" ti" 'ti liin. I, ' n i In Mitl "f I1.' n't inl I'i'iniii hi linri'Mii". ..I.. iJ.i,i n.i.l Wn'tii.,.. Slim. I.. Ill I "ii ' 1 1 . . : . 1. . I : . . 1 . . r .. i . . . .. i. -.. I 1. ...1.1 I... . ti . 111,11 1 1 1 1 , . .III fl I'll 111' i.. n l i i:i '. ri ii 1 1 nil i . ii.ii.K i.ti ' i 1 1 in ii nil' i i i i'i. i i.'i ... .;, '"' ' " h ' ul.,.l ..III I .f ll.n .nimliv .. lilnn l. llionkf.-.'l. Cviitr.-. Cur l mi I IVr T- I, ,r ii lit l in (I." ii'..i;w H.itii.(j 011,,.,. ,ll(ly mvon...h-t no wn'r j-olii-y !'. ''.n... iMfinufn.-lHr.'.l ml d.'l.ieu-l (I, i mi oi'in hint in n pw n h i ii u nun vot-vvhotlior to cootve tho rvUU nr lot 1 '" ' .' fii in I 'nli. imI iii vcr Iniving I'x 'i X'Uii- thi'tn po. (riliii.l 'li'l. I.i-juct CiilltiiHU'l rttlt-aling Ittltl On tli 2Slli ultimo. I.y llio 11,'V. utitiNio rc.M'lii'd Ik inc. I ! o l"lii:k liav- Mr. I'tire. m itie rc-.-lloiK-o it ll o lri.l n unrlo . . , .. .... ill J.T.H'V HlUtl'. l'n , Mr. William 11. Wii.iiki.m, Sr.fi 1.'MTU-I, 1 Ill's I'll Pivo-llivaiull rrionrrtrl.l .-.unly. f. Mi.- Ann.k A. Ilnnrn- into his coiiiltn't, ,i ' I'i oinont. i i.in. i l'tlie l.irnur !in o. ' , i i- I J'rfOur l,p.l ni-lu's f..r llic wolfiirt of tlm Ef, ? tirk tu anoution ol uid iiiidlu', . ' ... , . , . r..i. . ,.i i ar--" 1 ' lniif.y lirulo nn. I nrnlo rnoni fur tin ir f uli.ilnntnil ntul 1 l.ltii llliillycf truvi Hits, to llio ';irl rr.,;1(.'m,r,tB.g f t)o 1'iinlor. of W. A. Hiif.Ii, inc I ri"tif of Uid N.i j On tlio nili itift., I.v Itov. T. 3. (iiitwnll, Mr, t; 1 1I..I..I .,i r.,, vt .i,,. ill.. His liouo ' J"'".'" M.'Cliii.v I.. MiM rtlmrine M. Hj.onc linn lierti ci'tiiolv li)"'l'll"l. '" l"''''"" III I , 1 1 1 1. 1 . I , , "In, 1". I.rmiry V, I .'.'.- im. 1, vi.l. iv. Vri.CANITI' UASK r o k TTI'.STIOX 1 fi'n I It 1 1;. I'.y i ," li,il ctfi..i. l'V I ', Ml Ill"fl 1 I'M 1 1 1 I- 1 : v J 1 1 1-. r ' u;'i, 1 1 y A' ' t' Kti'-i, :v t'. iiit llmi r, mtra. I. if I ft. I I'I t'..lllllllli' i'llHT. !!);(., iM.'ii.li, Hr Inl"r.'l i.r.lrr. ll A 1 1 .Tf -.ti i ri-i'k l.ri lcr, 1',T I'ri' rii.il vii nils llv Iiulrii t Alt.iriii y'i f,. r , t y jilt fi'i'", llj .tintiin;. 11)- in .'-.'ll:inciiu, I - - I.. "I . (.-I I,' 1 I Avti z ii n 1 . Ii.illi nf 1'i'iin tuwn.liip. I A .J. .a l.lr., I . It.. tor tlum our fiirml M:nnn, nml our mUj A.,.lU:, iKm-n) 1 Uu Hurley nT llii. ISlll'kH hi' it liu. I!.-lilis 7' -Ilutti r It. I!,.cf r th ll.mrilk "r M. (' mi Itll. riuti'i.-ic' il ",1 liu. -Ki;rJ V l". -Kli.ur tilil. l-'lnxeci'il p.T liu. - Hiilo f'lT It) Hons "r tti llniii.i V1 liny 'r ton Lur.l r D.iln I1" l'.irk .i'i- II. -lln-M ht lb K.vj I"'r liu. - Sllilllt'J llT M. - Tiinotiiy Soe-1 ) l!a. Wnul per fi H'liL'iit .rr liu. Corrupt od weekly lv J. 1". Knitzer, Penler in I Forciii A Ilouu'ctic Dry Uood., 1'rovifion.i, f c 1,1)0 ill I 7,'I0 fit) 5.00 12 7,ro 2,110 tlj 10.110 Ol'i i tintl (liiunt' room otiliiii.;'"!. Ji:s aniioa nn nd'lit;oii:il ftory totlio entire liuil'linj;, ,.a,n.. it onmil'tlic lu-st llotoln in tlit o I'outity. No nnn c.n play t'lHiirnart Li t viro lo tlio juillio , iilwayn j.;it ronie llio?o Motels whoso lirotii'iotors cliullcngo ,ulilic crilioisai y announcing thoir Lusi .ncsfl throujrli Hio public Tress. ""TILE" HEWS.' The inoft iaiiiortiint news wo loive lo j.nnnuiK'f thin week is llio taking ol I'ort Henry, I.y the Fi'uotul foiccsoti 'riiiu vl.'.)' lust, r'ort Henry i fiiu.itcil on tlio Ton niF'ce river, sctno five ?r six inilos fron. 'lli N'oi'liorti boundary of tlio Statu ol TennesM-e. 'I'ho nlta-.-!; wtis nniao by sev en run boat n, umlor l-'lug 'fli-'i r Foot. Af ter mi enai-HKiit of ii ii hour ami a qu:ii--tor tho Fort which warf ik' fended by Uen. Lloyd Tiljjhman, one Colonel and 00 Jri vales, with '-' jruns, only 11 of whicii were tcrvicoablL' aivrr ink-red. The gun boat Kssex was disabled at tlio tenth round by receiving a r-l.ot through ono of l.er build f, f i ablir.g te eral f her n.c n to denlh. The Federal loan is reported at 7 kilk-d, "1 wour.-lcd rnd 5 nii.-finj'. Tin Confederato loss at b killed und 10 woun ded. JMiublo information from tlio I'.ur.i fide oxnedilion is to tho 0th inft., when the fleet was about to nit ick Koanoke li rnid. 'I'ho rittsbunr '('." of Mvnday li:, a di-i';c!i s-.tBtiiig Unit the attacking force n-iu" twie.o repulsed mi Fn-biy, and that iIk, fii'litini' still continued. ... r . i !.,. V,A. .L.TtllPHAM UM 111 S.ll.li liy virtue uimiuj. .-iui'- , . Vof I'.imniUsinr ris iiri'OinteU to Visa A V.i '' t '- rulleil to thin nrtii-lo r ( js in ii inilKliluto fur Cs'K - ti'.l'l in iiimTtinc . '3w5B'i?rH'. -1 Artilieiul Terth. j ' .' xVC) sJ of Metiillii! l!u.ed ' -' l'RKKKK lliis Ami i' i ' . I w.. '. . .. -, i i i i i,i . -, i i i i I H i !l t -.M . ,, ,1 . I' i t , x, mi l n il I Ml, 1 ; , hi t 1 1 . i ' 1 1 1 1 M I V 1; I I io ini I'. i . on :.. ft , 2 I. v jii-li, i i i,.l, .,'i II l' , . t , i- n ' ti 1 1' t -. r , I " '-1 " i , i : 01 l'-.v i "ii. rnii, ,ii. t" . .-1 1' i-i-.f. 4 I J n 'i I'.y I. nl. 'i i, .iimiii r Ml In .1 41s 7.S fi til, in, nl, !' 4ii by Tii'ii.-i't. l'n i-n-i'i-tii.' ".'.II thl ii v i it ,,iit, S'.'J ll.l Hi 'I n-iiMin i 'r ,i'ri'(-iit:i:i' ri- 2l."i iS ri'iviii)', 21'. t'rt lliil diu TroitMiri't, 2l . i 7 :. I-"'. 2n j '.' " I o I'l '1 ii ,', t ,'i ,' i . 0 01 ri c'i , ' .. .i ii , , , i , , i ,i.. 1 1, -i i ii , I,, i ni. ,. i ,. in- ii .. ., i nn i-i.i-.ii. .1 1,., i ti,.. ri I I'. '1 in ,,', I , 1 I I' ll ' .1 Mil I I., I I ' 1 lie I. Ill I ll.l I I I'l, ll-!itl,l , I . tl I I II V til O . I-I.l"-. I I I I I ; v I I I I ,' .In, ll-, N I I, I Ii -, . i, i - it I i, I l-.il , in.i-n.it nu i-,,-i , ,h, ,1 ,.i, I I tli Im I f ' I,,- !, I , inn i " lli- i' Amwtt of fW'1'y, ,SVi(,' awl .If, lit'. fi!,tir-l $i'.,id I ( H ,hiffr,n: t l,r!,.rt' r 1 w01 , (Ol- yr i i-.iiJ t,..0'i i l,nl -If, I hi, I Ii ti il.il ml t , ii nut 1 li.'H ' ,i ' . ' W ill. i "ii i.ur lunula lli in 2 2, 1 ,l"i I J, ;,' im , A , i., 1-1".'. ,i. r. ii w, i .- " f2 ll. ('. l'.nWM V. aiu-l c. s. V'(ii;i:i i,i.. i -.' Wv. S. 1 it m,i r.i , t li ik. tliutio i imi'8 Intro ll is nplii-riMo it will undoubtedly lioeotno a uli st'tuin for Hold. Silveror l'liiti'in- Its chief iidvmitiiires nro eheni'iiesf, lijrlitlH'Pf nn.l jicrfuct ndni'tnliility to tlio mouth, it having ii mft mid fleshy fool to tho irnrtu with nhicb it comes in contact. A. M. HILLS i prepared to put up teeth on tl.n V.,l,.nnifo l!n?o with (J oml veil r's 1'iilenl liiiiti, '' I which is the only reliahle preparation ond which 15 lean unlv ho had through their regular BRoncies. Si'"'"! lir liills will alwavs ho in hi ,lfi'' Fri days und Saturdays, unloss notice to the contrary I appears ia tho puhlio papers on tho provioua aU,.L- nov-20th ISfil-tf. A. M. HILLS. 50 $:!7.oo - "1,50 31 tin balisniunfs. if i TO JJIJ SOU) AT COST' ! lot of SHAWLS und OVEll CUAVS, and c-neral WINTKIt (iOODS to mnku ready t'T llio Spring Xrado will he mid nt cost, by 1'ib. U. 11. W. SMITH A CO. A CVIHIKIN" TIMV.S IN I'lll I. A 1)1 .1. ft) 111 A! Trtntrniltiu Kxcittinritt among ill MiiHtrt ! ! .' KXCITING FOOT HACK between tho Vhilail.ili.hia l'wlire and tho notorious 1'or L'i'f and counterfeiter. Jur.os liuchnimn Cron . I ! J-i CroHS Jlucnptiircd ! !!! It seems to bo the geni r 1 nl iminimi in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn ll pair of Frank Short'a French-calf Hoots, that he ....i.i n.. li i,.l.o.. vet However. Sliortv is not much put out at missing his custom ; hut I would iiuimunco to all Hrrrkinritljr, .,mh Linmln mi,t lull men. mid women and children i "' in Clcnrlield. nud Sinneiiiahoning in particular, b"1 lthat tc is prepared to furnish them with Hoots 1 Shoes and Gaiters of any stylo or pattern, sti'ch- ed, sewed or pegged, (and ushoisaihoi t fel low ) on short notice. All hinds of country produce taken in ex change, and ca.-h not ri fused. Repairing dune in thnnentest manner mid charres tnodernto, at tho Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Meed. Weavor A (Vsstore. FRANK SllUltT. N H, Mndings fur sala Sept. 25, ISfiO- VDMIMSTHATOIl'S NOTICI. Letters of AHiuiiii.'.r. it'u. n lir.ving been grunted this day to tho undersigned on tl.o estate of JDK10 MI AH KLINN, Into of Clcarlicld Co. deceancd, all ierons indebted to said estate aro requested to juake iiuinediuto payuieut, uud thoso having claims against the same w ill present tUeui duly authenticated for icttleiuent JOHN FLIN.V, I'enn tp feb,12'02,0t. Adin'r. and Jok after our .) ieoners of war in the Confederate Stutes. were still r.t rortrors Mor rue, but it w.13 not believed the Con federate authorities would consent to un ordor of the Orpt an'a Court of Cloar- fiald couuty, ihero will be exuvted to public sale at the Court lluuso in tho borough nf Clearfield, on Tl'FSHAV THE iSth OF MA HUH nest, at 1 o'clock, T. M., tho following described real culms tu wit : A certuin tract uf land situute in Morris township, CUarfield county, beginning at post N. W. Corner uf John .Morgan, K. S. H. corner el John pwanwu-k, thence 1 degree l. ; llieir reception, li.e l'dlerui lorces were Hppreaeiiin jg ,,ert.s tu ,,! by pine, tlieiicj S. .'.i K. K.O I be lieadiitnirters of Gen. Price at Si rinp- p"r; he to post, theuco X. 1 degree K. loy per. to , , .1 ,1 I po.-t, them by John 1'iice N. St) W. 100 per. to field, Missouri, und si .attlo was expected, j binninng. ronmiuine 102 iutcsUO per. and T!iirtCe:i ConfefUrulO nil ket- wci' Stir- . allowance, being part of tract surveyed on War- 11,1 . f- -.1 I ' .... r Itll laineii lo juiiii ..li.riiti , ink. loir vivlid.i j.ri'cdnnd Criptured near I an la.T C-oji t J th(,ren ft sturv Ia, House, Strl.les, anil about JO acres 01 cleared land together with a young and thriving Orchard. TI-.K.MS, One fourth of the purchnso money in cash, and tbo balance in throe equal annual payments, with interest from data nf salo, SAMl'F.L CLYDE, 1 . , , wm. runiKit, jAJmr Feb. 12, 1SC2. Ibri-i on I-ii'liiy l.i?t, by S0J of the eron ir:;:rorH' Tlio lower p'irt of tho town of Hurper's Ferry, mis entii ely destroyed 011 Frid.iy lfi:t- this lime by the Federal liooits caiiM'd by the rebel", n- the account nay, display in;: ft flag of truce, iniiueini: a l"al 0 WATCH & JEWELRY rpilK undersigned respectfully X iiifonns his customers und the public generally, that he has jut-t received from the Fast, and 01 en, ed nt his establishment in (1 It All AM' S JlO H Clearfield, Pa., u lino assortment of Clocks, VATriii:s, and Juwci.itr of different qualities, from n singlo piece to a full sett, which ho will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in I oxehnnee for old gold and silver. CLOCKft of every variety on hand, attho null roasonuhlo prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, carefully repaired und H'nrrnnf. . A eontiniianco of patronage is solicited, Sept. Ill, 1 SrtO. II. F. NAIMJLE. 1,'TIOX. I hereby caution all persons J frmn harboring or trusting my wife HAN NAH JANF. on my account, us she has left ay bid and board without just cnuso or provocation, and 1 am dvtennined not to pay any debts of her contracting after the date of the loth uf January, ISiVJ. SAMl'F.L K. SNYDER New Washington, Jan. 22, 1 SG2 t. 1' TlicresaCambridgo . . - 1 ' ... 1 ....:...!. u,,i,nAi.. i,. n;..n,. nuni Irom tins side 10 cross me river, aim 1 uy " n.eu-j 1 .-uuu.i.a ... ...... ..w. n h.bt d.)ii- fO wa liied (in and instantly Jo,n cnb,idSo. j rnilB undersigned a Com killed. I JL missioner appoiutcd by ri v 1,. 1 ,,..i,. ,r. 1 n..nl.. 'ho Court to iuko testimony in this caso on the I Ins r et e1"!! U arc reno lC'1 to 00 riL'ain . , , ,, . ,.11 ,, ' c part tf the l'etioner, Ibiresn Ih.imbers, would ifl possession of lloiiiney. I give notice that he will attend to the taking of Tho latest mil' ices from Kurope are; si'" testimony, at 1 learneia, in inc omco 01 onr- X Tl S'.ilnr.lnv llin Kill l, rl, Islf 'I'l - I" 1. i'l .,,11.1 W i.r., .... . ...... j ...,.v.., quite UldCOU raging. me rieneu vu.un-1 between the hours of land 6 o clock, i'. M. tern was to meet on the 27th ult,, when tho lliiiperor would announce his inten tion of intervention in American ailairs. -Io.v," the reliable correspordent of the Baltiinoro .Sim Fa)s this is authentic. And, in continuation IIr. Grimes, in moving llitf where nil parties iutcrested ninv attend. ISRAEL TEST, Coin'r. Clearfield, Feb. 12, lSC2.-pd. in r.ontirtnution Id r. (.n imes, in moving llof S.-ruite, on Fridiy hist, to take up the! "teL.'sHi bill providii g fur the luilding of iron : has been remit ia(ioitsiS Hotel, MAINE STREET, (T RWF.NSYILLE, l'A., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. established and well known 110- situated in ths west end of the town, muddled, cnlarcod and improved, and d.,,1 i..m..f4 romiit-hr.l I ln.t Iia ",lui.-,.,l i tho proprietor respect fully announces to his nu- . . j merous friends, and to tuo travelling public, that tho bill acted on, in View of tho advices ! 19 is now prepared to accommodate all who may which had reached Washington thi i favor him with a call. ., j Ample, sale anc comfortable Maiding is at- luoming.' Itaehed to the premises, and trusty attendants TH K LA TES T. Last night's mail fur- j will always bo on haud. Charges moderate, tiishes r.otliing of special inipoi lance, ex ...... '2l!502' 'ir' enting thdt the leports frctn lloanoko, 4 J. PATTI'.ltmOX, Attorney at Law, Cur , ,' , 1 , i'i. Ai wens.-illo, l'n., will attend to all business Island, und the rumors of French inter- , i,is Cliri. ottico o,posi.o tho New vention, Rie 6trengtiieiieu ami coniirtneu. Methodist Churcli. hob. 5, 0.' Two arrests one of much iniportanco wcro made last Saturday. Gen. Stonv, who comuiunded ut tho buttle of Hall's liluir, chorced with lui.-conduct in that atl'air, and with holding treasonable correspond-, uco witli the uiiemy, Ac, was ar rested and sent t3 Fort Lafayette, The -Ottidf ciisu is nut ol 1), O. Ill Sll. T. J. M C'l l.l.Ol'UH. JJU.SII .t M CULLOl'GH, Cullection (I nice, Ci.earhei.ti, T.. Xiri"-Iv Graham's Niw Bvimuno. Feb. 5, '02. I DMIMSTItATOIt'S NOTIC I-- Notice ' is hereby given that letters of Administra tion have been granted to the undersigned on tho estate of ENnS SHAFFER, late of lirudy township deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to ii'iikc paymeiit without do-1 lay, and those having clainM against 1110 same will i precnt them duly iiutlienticpled fur sctlle ment to me. EI. IAS SHAFFER, lira ly tp.. Jan. 22, 102. Ct. Adm'r. C'-i RAIN OF ALL KINDS, FLAXSEED, K HEAXS and I'llRIC will be taken 011 uc cotint, nl tlm highest itiarki t price l v J .iii-1, -02 REED, WEAYER A CO. 'imom ts j. srcL'i.i.oi't'ii, Attorney at Law. O.Ticeon Market street, opposite Mossop's Storf Clcailield, Fa. Will attend promptly to Collec ctions S ilo of Lands, Ac. nov7H AIT A X T li I). -ALL KINDS OF (i RAIN w ill W taken in payment of DEUTS DUE M E for which the highest market prices will be given. JAS. I). GRAHAM. Clearfield, Pec. 11, 1S01. ci'KENirS HOWE. Justice of the I'kace. For PKCATtn Township, will promptly attend to nil business entrusted to his care. 1'! O. Address, l'hilipsburg l'a. Aug. 21st 1SC1 H. W. SMITH A- CO. HiniCHAXTS, and ilealeis In Dry C.oods, (Iroeeries. Hardware. Heensware, and ererthin usually keyt by the trade. Sloro on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo site the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield l'a. Dec. 4, ISfi'l. KA It. TOWNSHIP. rol.l.r.i'TOKl' SAM El. CnlN'TV, STAIR. Mtl.lTIV. 1 IS 17 Jordan .lames Ken, jr. C0.r ,11 c- 11 . IMS Bell i 1(. Wetel I 1 (1 00 Jordan 11. Swan 4 10 " 1'enn , A. Spencer , 1" ,10 IS-l'J .kud.Mi I Win. Wiley j 2'" "0 " I'enp I Thonins l-'enton 1 '- im iiell , .1. Sunderlaii 1 ! 0 00 Tenn j .1.1 'avis j j "0 ''' bS.ll I llurnsido ; .1. Youn 30 01 I 10 2 I Jordan D. Williams :i bi S 20 7 00 18,12 1 Fox J. I. liundv 1 00 i IS,'..! Decatur I). Kephait IS 17 10 .10 l'iko J. Caldwell ! -1 72 I 7 .11 1S1-1 1 Chct S. .1. Tester 11 M 1 52 20 11 10 " Jordan .1. ratlerson I 1 12 0 S.! l'iko j T. 1!. McCluro 2 02 j 17 S.I 1S.1.1 Covington J. Jtarnioy 1 10 01 , OS lS.1i; Deciitur (i. Kephart C;i SO 111 50 I 20 02 ls.17 ' Curwensvillo '.. MeNaul j ; 1 1 2S I Ferzuson J. Straw I o.'! 0() j 0 -11 1 ; (ioshen K U. Livergno.l 12 SI ' 12 01 -1 35 Ionian W'm. Williams i 'J 41 ! 201: IMS ' Covington J. Heiter ' 10 00 ! Cloai field R. J. Wtillaeo i 313. j ! Decatur A. liaujiliuiuii I 10 00 51 52 " ' l'ergusou (i. Williams 5 02 ; " i Fox ! 1). N. lb-nth .1 00 ; " j Lnwrenco 11. Urr 11-1 12 7 50 ; j I'enn It. Danver llo-jo; lis.")' 2150 1M0 j Decatur ! D. (loss 10 01, 0 d 1 ; Fox J.MeClellatl ! 2 SO ' -1 30 " Jordnn i J. McN'eal 5 " Karthaiu I 11. Yeothers 4 CO 30 111 1130 " ' Woodward ! S. Whiteside i 17 SO j 1S0O , I'.eccniia 11. Whiteside ' 20 43, SO 0.S 20 7S j Hell J. Campbell I 57 30 1 30 10 Hngg William Wilscn ! 33 03 01 13 20 0O " I liiady , F. Wingert ' 100 73 ' 10S 00 I 7'. 33 ' llurnsido I J.Sunderlan , 110 40 23 S3 Chest J. Thompson ; 3 80 01 Covinoton I J. I'.. Kenaut j 2 20 1 12 00 20 12 " Clearfield I H. E. Snyder j OS .12 71 IS 214s " Curwcnsvillc I Josiah F.vans 1 13 2 50 " Ferguson 1 J. Straw ' I 27 72 M 32 Fox J.Mulkins 25 51 : 11 2,". S 51 Goshen I J. Sankev ! 1 IS 02 j 07 I Graham J. P. Nelson i 50 43! 54 SO 112-1 I Huston Jetl'. lliindy 21 S'.l 10 00 i Jordan ! Teter P.Pioni . 13 07 13 SI 21 37 Knox I M. ). Siirk 5 07: 42 30 11 74 Lawrence ' M. Nichols j ; 4 34 20 S2 , " Lumber eity John Ferguson j 17 31 7 00 ) Morris I J. Denning 4122 sO 3S 30 42 Tenn ' T. Wain 1 loo 01 SO 70 17 57 Tike II. Ililo i 71 41 11 12 lH',1 I Ik'cenria ! Joseph Stewart ! 3SS 57 122 13 I 40 07 Hell ! Wm. T. Thorp ( 331 2''. ' lo7 77 I 22 SO " Hoggs I L. M. Lumeiiuo i lbs 7M 07 57 : 21 70 Hradford I John Wooliidi i 2-10 Si 121 0,1 1 32 30 Hrady I Win. Scliem ! 714 31 271 34 s2 01 " Hlocm J. W.lMfiivi'i- I07 L'l I 30 32 i 10 11 Hurnsido J. MeKee ; 2.13 Si 122 1 1 , 52 72 ' Cleartieid j William 1'oi'ter .10(1 0.1 . ".' It ' 31 S2 " Curwensvillo I J. Irwin ! '302 SO 'M OX L'3 7 " Covington I J. II. Hiisuenot 121 01 ! 15 m ' 20 t'.o Chest Win. Mciiarvey ' 23 70 j I'll 40 , 3,2 30 " Decntur John '.'ratio 1 27S 1'.) ! 102 0.'. 41 32 I'ergimon Grier Hell i 227 S4 20 30 17 SO " Fox Thomas Mulkins I Oil 3S I'd 17 11 07 " (iiranl Zonas Leonard M3(W 2S :u 1172 ." Graham D. McDowell j 2ot', tilt 07 32 13 77 " Goshen Matthew Tate I Mil ;;7 31 SO 10 02 f Gulieh A. Netlili;' i 1'iOSO .11 Ot 1121 Huston F. K. Hewitt f 177 11 50 11 1121 " 1 Jordan John Thoint sou 113 11 02 4 '. 2,1 01 ! Knox William Slo-s i 144 ."1 i 55 40 27 55 Karthaus G. Emeiick , ItH 22 ' 61 00 l't 02 " Lawrence J.J. Head ' ;;0O 03 21131 55 10 " Lumber city J nines Fei gtison I117 17 1 0 01 0 41 " Morris Jesso P.eaiiis 217 02 H'2 00 )s 52 " N. Washington II. Me.Murniv 4 31 I 17 00 7 41 " j 1 Vnn M. S. Speiuror 210 01 I S2 53 10 in) " 1 Tiko H.S Humphrey 30S 0.1 lo;i 10 40 1.1 j Union L. It. Dressier 114 00 12 74 20 00 " I Woodward T. iiend'.'rso:i 123 2S 5S 70 fS.OOOOl '1,100 31 i 1,150 S2 Fall Fashions ' JVew Cash Store :H. W. SMITH & CO'S. - 1 The attention of tlio ladies in respectfully culled to the folluw inr notice, that wc have just re ceived and opened, the very la test and nios: fashionable styles of No l, in.',, Wool Hood.i, Wool Scarfs, Zephyrs, Wool ShaiU largo and Binull, Heavy double All IVoul Sliwl, Cheni'.e Shawls, j Cloth Cloaki, I And great vuilctics of Zephyrs, Zephyrs, j A superior article of damitlet Kid Uloves " Lisle j ' r.iuk " Ca.ihmero " Rerlin AVool " (luuntlet of Zephyr Wool, Childrens Ca.-hincro (ilovea " Lislo " and a good assortment of Ladies, Children, and Infanta Hosiery. ' Elegant worked Setts j " " Collars, j " ' Skirls, j All Wool lK'laines, Flannels, and tnoel varlo ties of dreis goods. jWall pajier and : window shading. i We hare just received from Howell & Bro., ot Choi'tnut Street, two choice stvles uf ! PAPER, : ALSO WINDOW SIIADIX; : PLAIN' AND FKiUIIKD. i Hours of huines from 7 A. M., to S P. M. Nov. 13, 1SC1. tf. V U li MTU UK ROOM 8. Aggregate am't due from Collectors, " " from unseated lands, " Notns, judgments, if-c, Indcbtednesi of County, tym fi fi,l:i.i i l.los 22 :,ti9 0:: J2n,7!'0 ,17 Outstanding County Orders, Court house Contract, Hue lato Treasurer, 5,S4.rt .f,S 1 1,1I0 U0 31 2 BENNER & BARRB1T Rcspc-ctfully nnnouneo to the public that they have coml'lcted and aro now occupying their ne-w furniture ware -moms, fronting en 'the Market , Let and nuu !y opposite the Court House. , Cabinet uialiug will ho carried on in tho up per etory of the satuo building in a!! its DIFFERENT li F AN CUES. 1 j All kinds of furniture will bo kept constantly on hands ami sold choap for cash or exchango 1 for country produce, or Lumber to suit the busi ness ! I (20,700 37 Reccaria 1 1 a L ol n r-iiri.si,i.i ,ln,i I ., ft tlm nv Vnili ,-., ,..,.,. 1 ii. i.-, I 1 I lt ot now and reasonable ilt.Mt.lt W. SMITH tf. CO. have just received a lot of now and seasonable iilNTl.Il O'JU'JS. such 11s COATS, PANTS and VESTS, J. P. KKATZEK, Ml'llfrl 1VT n.,,1 .lA.U.f in Ito.inU and Fl-II Shingles; (iraiu and Produce FRONT Street, ! '.radford above the Academy Clearfield Pa., I RrB,l.v Dec. 4, 1S61. t,ut':',t , I ( i.vinjton DR. J. W. POTTER. Clearfield ! Decatur Pliyi.lrl.iii nud Surgeon, 1ms pirmnnently i,rgUSon located at Lccentcs Mills, (iirard township, off. I (;jrurj era hii profesBional services, to the mirrounding ,;(fIOI1 community. May S, Istil . I )il.li1-,a - j j lnHton till, f (ill. 1 Jrdai. ' m . . v m-M t (il-oniiK R. HoonLAsnr.H, Esq., Treasurer of Clear field emintv, in account with the several town-ji .hips for Road tin for 160 and Istll. jm. Tc balance duo tw'ps last cettlement, $17 SS To amount received from unacatcd lands for 1SC0 and 1 SOI, M 63 at. Am't ticji. Inl. iks. 27 19 (imiir.K R. (iooiii.AMiirn, E-i., Treasurer of 1'le.ir-; tit Id county, in account wilh the several town-1 .hips for Jelicol tax lor l.fiO and 1st" I. j Jn. I To balance due at last setileuient, f 2,671 nil Received from unseated lands, 'tiO-'GI, ft 30 (.11. Am't pit. tiis. Am'tilue. ' CHAIRS. L'AltLOU, KOCKINi;. AND AU.U CHAIRS, Sl'KIXC. SKATS, CAIN llOTTOMH, &i:t 0l,,, ,,l l.i . ,, IV 1 . , "'JO J.-s, SUCn HS LU15, 1AJ13 IUIU I t..lO the eha. ge ol He mg a fpy, 1 n asli.ngton. 1 f tho, nill Ai uf ut realljP reilu 11 caisu le.uii uiai .en. 1 riltetiUon, who Ccj prices. Call and examine their stock before u'elcrt mm Somerset, Ky., was arrested on ! I V'" 0 , , '1 I-Vom-v ,1 01 .iiarces similar to tl.0.0 1,1 el. ,-,-e,l I.v , nXlXHOHS XOTIC'1-.-X..ticc is here-! 1 "Ml ' OIL.or LU.R ( ATI.N 1 O L. authorities against Gen. Stone. ( h-v Pivon ,,inl '" Testameotary, on tho , tl'-; 'or. '.' r ! estate ol Jos. Jh .MniiiAYiate of the For. f New 1 Jna- " "Mazelipa" l'otnev ' "''""Slon, dceeused, have been granted to the; 1 I Karthaus C'I!., Kno. -n" nt ! l.iiwrenco MERRELL A RIOLER. ; Morris ! I'enn l'iko undersi.ued.All ..ersonc ind.htcd to said ostutcarc T 'HI ""V "nous Kii.ns ami uest quau.y , , nil,n . .. . . . . fl . n L- ..n. n l.,.nH l,w 5 21 2 19 2 07 i7 fi 13 OS 2.7 C3 4. U0 SI .12 IS no 22 03 12 OS 77 57 3. AO 54 3 41 IS li ' 7 Si ll 4. bi 00 2 UO I 41 53 19 3 42 Feb. 5, '62. MERRELL i, RIOLER. SHINULES wanted in exchange for goods by I due twpj. Dins'. Mixo IIim in um -Tim 01 lue .in insiant.onierea the reouiroJ 1.. .....k.. i,,n..,ii... .,v,.ni .,,,,1 ti.n cilisnn- nf f miciiilnr lo "r.dii.h.. r;.rn liiuini: clainis ncainst llm -i.in.i will tiMiint- Jan, 15, 62. 'VmIs. ll,.,IliA,'rlie ,,,-., tl'cm duly nuthenlii-ated for settlement. I " r" -....-...., .- -., ... ! JAMES MC MURRAY, 1 T . j il II I C U I $334 83. Received of (ieorge H. Ooodlander, Mayor 8t their eleeliou 011 that day. Hut' 1I.D.R0SE, jr-xr. A1 k;ndj (f (1RAIV nnd LL;jiIlER nnd llll0 Treasurer of Clearfield county, thrco hundred tho pvoplo of Lancaster paid no .mention .31 83 $sf,9 41 f-cy 41 Reccaria 1 Roll Hogg! 'Hradford 'r.urnsidc ! Chest '('01 ington (Clearfield jl'ecfttur :Fox (7irard , Ferguson jl.n.lien (iriiliuin j Huston '.Ionian ! Marthau Knox Lawrence , Morris Jl'cnii (Pike luion I Woodwnrd Ful, due t,i. $102 17S 4S 52 Cll 31 01 29 54 107 19 81 l M Uj 75 72 5 52 27 15 1 81 33U 32 4 37 250 0(1 132 00 2 21 410 15 77 27 57 77 10 or, 4S (10 31. 42 I ere sty'j PAIU.OU SOFA, CE.XTItE, cahi, hixfxo; EXTES.SOX d- Jill EA.K FAST T A I! L E .V. 22 42 2 .1 3 15 22 5 71 4 SO 1 S-J 147 .7 19 51 50 75 3 30 51 70 5 09 SOFAS- OF ALL KINDS, V ARM-TIES AND PATTERN'S. LUREAl'S, S 1 1) 15 -1: 0 A It I) - . HOOKCASES WARHKOUKS, -C. 1.I.DSTEADS JA'A'.VV LI XI), UUill-l'UST cotiaoi:, tJlEXCf POSTS, to the order of this iolitiial renegade.who "Ivlil.in l'as .old himself body and breeches to ile ' tir-"'!! TIOX. The co rarlnership In re-! existing between tho subscribers in , lustnesf in the borough of Clear- Jan. 15,'f,2. MKRRELL 4 RIO LI" It. H. MALONEY & CO. enemies Of the Country. 'field. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent VIIlLIVSflVIi G. CEXTHECO.. 'AA.V' Mr. Sanderson wa? re-elected, nolwith- I."0"" ;?. Ac., are .ssiged rloiTE ,TINAM!SllKKr-lKO. j ' to W m. L. Moore, who assuins also the linbilities I 1 ("landing tl.o Republican, Abolitionuia, f said firm. wm. L. M00KE, : VAKK MANUFACTURER. ( Foriievites.niul nil lb- t'.iU nf n.ti.l Feb. M62. D.F. ETZWEILER. I All orden for work attended to with the utmost and Isctions, liu-1 united upou Dr. Cum-' D II I K P A I P L K S. day. u luuu of Cleat i.vikOiiMl l.tuiiiiui iiy. TI .,.l,.ril,r. r.,w 1 ..!, i.n t rn and thirty-four dollar! aud eighty-throe cents in full. It being the balance due road fnnd as above, JOSEPH SJIAW. Jan. 22, 1S92. $2,755 90 $2,755 0 $311) 42. Received of Ucorgo B. Ooodlander, late Treasurer of Clearfield county, thrco hundred and nineteen dillan A forty-two cents. It beiig (the b-.lunce duo the School fund as above. Jan. 22, lb92. JOSEPH SHAW. promptness, and all sales, warranted to render en , tire tat i"fiiction. WE, the Coniiiii-sioiieri of Clearfield county, having examined the accounts of fleorgo R. Oood 1 jan-15-1892-tfj I lan ler, r.s.., lute iienurcro said cnunty, do certify that we find Mid accounts to ctami ai lolluws : - " The amount due from all sources la ha FitY.cu il,,,i,.nn,l L).ro hundred and fort V doll.ira and tcv- , Shame on you, Lniicubtcn.in .' for not APPLES, which they will dispose of on fair for cash or lu exchange Inrlirain, Lumber or We also find the amount of outstanding ordem to be Twentj thousand seven hundred and flfty-fiyo Hair, Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn Husk, ef tha best mntciial. L00KINO-iLASSES of all sorts and sites, Also, Glasses for oi l Frame. Also, Tea jioys, What not, Wash itunds, Work-stands, lint-racks, .fc, CO.FFIXS. Made to ord-r on short notice, ntr! hearse furnished. ..obitjin, the orderi of "M.uefa.' terms. Jan. 15,' MERRELL 41 BIULE VL. t let. ITU nf K...I rmtililv alwnri limit on hand Antv.fmir fftnta ly-IiV0 ' "-''t unj, Ull'l I'lUnUMU ili-HlfCr, THKOTl bhinglj,by MtHKELL A biUtLK. , JolUtB and fiftj-fivt cento, of which Fourteen ibouiiiud uiu hundred and Un dol!riftre on court- "naiifie i'r wom.