IV 1 . . I I . .' I t 'M i V . . .V, .' .- ' .. V, ' . T , . , , ,:' ' u,uiini r Wt&nmUy Morning Feb 12. 183 J WHO CAUSED THE WAR? hn ii.ilioinil i,tli.,iiios, Mini tin- nnili l iliei .f m 1 1 lho h. al States, and nil the I'Oi'j.lc ilirnu', in o i iclt-r the iinprc'Hnn (lint lho w nr Win citiiM'd ,y tlio dclennin al'ion of certain of tho Southern States to sccedo finm Hio I'ni.m, ciilinlnutiii in (lie : 1 1 1 1 1 r U niMin Fml Smivkr. 'I here mo oil.. its, how, or, who iill'.vt lo Cml ipiilo dif.. tlciciil rim.M.s for tlic win-. No, no sny it is Inil the consummation of u conspiracy Ihnl Imn been nintining in lln South fur thirly. years, itinl whom Huiliors simply embraced the election of Mr. i incoln in tlio favora He pretext. ii tint other hiiml, I.moorali, nml ni'iuy others of liko cnmorva! ivo views, are of I ho opinion that this determination of the Southern ?lntes to secede Irom the I'nion was caused, not by (ho election of air. Lincoln, but by the endorsement of I I m l !:l . ., I,. ,b. , in,'. IO, II 't . III i MO '," :, .1 -I, I I'hi' V i Ml nil ; innM' i ii'i( w in) n tiinii . rl I, -'- H, I I II,;. , ,,,, , i ii i .it' i.i i I i .J i S .,, , i . ,, n ' ( i. 1 1 i nl u in i , "!'' I, I 'l' I.' .. I I ( l,.. , 'u i' 'M ' " i I li 1 1 i , , 1 1 : i . i t'l " I t n ". -I' III "I HIlO i I ',1 l , I III, ii i). li"ti i I ll i i ,n ,,,' I . I I I.' m il in ' he ''",it h , "I I,, i n i m I ', no f l. I t' I nnl il ki n .'I v i r l ' I minuted ;" I, IT w,i., thai '!. i'iy, I i l u 1 1 1 of lb, war, li"l to extoi tnimuo il Lul lof'-li-rn lb,' ri.ii'ti withaiec. "JlliC'll of ill.' institution 111 it Will hflot'H, 1 would I o to ho, pi. -at ll to ojy pn.lolilya similar struggle at fotno fut in o ilay. Thin I'hiMi of oiii' I'ounl rynii'ii w ii-bi a vast in fliiriirc. 'I'lu'y nio inurh morn iiiiiiiitous than is V' iK'inlly mipimsril. Thry sro t; bp tut' t w ilh r cryivhi'io in tho exocutivp I'haniboi', in I ho halU of legislation, on tho juilioial lii iH'li, on tho foiuin, in tho lec ture room, in the aero.) ilenk, (ul is!) in the social circle, in the woikshop ami on the jmblic highway ami beinj; lmi'tiht o,l, unthinking ami uncharitable them solves, they nro coiihtanlly lahori n i to in ike ,ror!ytes of tliose of similar Irailiiev. I - lil' n t l h ) finiif'l (n m Mo I'lil'r 1 Mllil Or), Me I I I i (,. I, . , l,. I n I , tin" I Vv i ii ,!. I I ,i- Ii'( n 'i 1 1 i I li t ,,! i I ,1 , I the . I it'.'ti , ii A i" I v ! II, - Jolt, r . ll, i,,v: V SHI Vi.IMN, M,,,l, I. I.!. v in.- ii !nii,li'io In f. I I I -iflf ', n I i i 1 1 '"t, f, .in lli 'l ' hi H i In, I i ' ili,-l lb" i inl it'l - ,i I i I i I 'i , i I i, i) , ... (i., II .,i I, , i, i Mi ! Mil I I II Mi. I'l;l''ll I n ,1, i. -ir, I'.m' l,r I him llni i,. i, . t o I. i 'n tin. fit .1 , w i I lit.' i . iil."l on lr" C"lb-1 c i , nml ir I, , I lull ',iii a 1 1 ' i ii 1 1 1 mi in 1 1 -fi it I i , .Micni'ii b', Ii i i','lli 'n.'iii i , i,nl tin- ctiip li'i l I i tii the ,il.iM ',b'Hil ion In mi, run. visiu ..ii - i 1 1 .i I Mr. 1,A N I. I Hi p ), of lifhiiiiii, ii, Ih it. "hut hp iii'M'Ik n .at- UlC Hil i I 1 1"' m -nn lip ha I 1 1 'I I Ii rili;."!).',! linn in' Mii'iil'l it . I tl to i .. i. ibllV lv' in 1 1 "lim e a I es'ibil inn of j!.'ll,'i al lil,tii y JM i f."lltl to thi i a-e. Alter W'ir,l , nl n OitiJ'-'is, Mjiich wai h.-bl on nn. oll.t'r stlbjrrt, lh, I'll.? :l -I't'llfll of, lu l l o,l 1 1 1 1 I - I i I , I , r, I ' I I I I I 1,1 I II, I ' tl I f 'I 1' I,' , ,l I I' ' ,1 ' ' I I O -..,! I.. I b III I I I'l 1,1. I I I. 1111 I'l ' II- t I I . I I 1 I I' " ll I I I I. II H I '.. , I- I I fi I ' "l I I I I I I I. Ill, I I , I I'll l , I'll, 'hi. ' ' ll I ! I I 'I ll, II 'I, ' I I I . 1 -:ll I ii ' i I I ',,' l vl.l ml no s'li'i iiil iiiK",i was v. a:; "in ai", hinin I' tnv ft n ti TIuhiiii- l.i -1 ii'lti. ol lia-. lit imiinly to iliomve of riNii iiii.r,ivi iui'iu in Iiti'iitiM. I reetuii li)i'li I, in lo lour favor.ilile .iiii.i.li.iiilion a gcii I Ionian of I he fii t i oieet,ibtl ity , mi'l reliable inpveiy ieioci, ""crjr truly yom, 'MKSSK D. UltHillT. .o in l.xeo'lpnry lellei min avi, I'len- ca-c. i'lelit (f the ('ol.foiloralinn ofSlul.s." I Mr. ll Y A K I sai.l ho wan i .i iv ? itiffli'il As ,. ooiiiihir thi one of tho most in-; no oaui'iin In, I Loon ln'l,, bill., in VCf poilant pnarlin I '. S. Snate stract oT tho hist ilay'n proceetlint's : j Mr. 1)1(1(111 I' (l)emocrat), of Imli.m.i, The morning hour having oxpirei!, the m:U what ho was now about to my bill was lnitl over, ami tho jlrihl case was 1'boul .l, ierhaH have boon saitl wonkK an. tukon up. j "o lhanked tlio .ludiciary Ciiniinittee lor Mr. AN' I'IION'V (l!eii.)of Khoile Islaml, l'U! favorablo report they hail tinule, tho' .x 1 ' I . I' I I . . Ilf i .ii 1 sal. lie hail nrrivei at t he eoiit-usion l hat l""o 01 uicir numnor .nr. rosin nan i i I i ! C" I , "l" I I . ,. , 11 I' . I ,, , -. ,. ,. ,, ! . ' lv. Mt M I "'I . I Mi H 1 1 I I , n v, i, ,,, , , i. i" till, n I" i . ! .'. (, 1 1, ', O' I tl ' in III I ,, i, in, ,t ,, l , l I Mll .1 1 f I' ',!. ' limp, I'lV'll. I)11 Nv Mt)l I' M I l;l 77 M it i ii. hi HM.S-H, ' I i, : I I'l' I V I I ' I t M'l! A i, I i' ,' I , ri - i Flll f , II .. I" i" 1. 1 in I Ii l i ' ' I'IN.i ti,. 1 s'' v' Ii I . i, t tl . 11 (n ' i t C , -Ml ' 1 1 H I A ,' in A S I I. P 111: ." Il.li, N r i M i A to In to , hi i b.iti ll. r, i I it I., ( i II iiiki, I ' i i - I oolil'lo, I t"i : ,. tt, I , ,i,, I in i.T.iit mil.-, lltlt", llllllll, II. 'II l'li,. Iloll It I, II I'll', l"liii'in, K i t . I nto-, Iml i, M, u,,:t Moinll, I'l'lif't nl , Mnitniiii, Sniinioii .''''limn i , 'IMi nil iii 1 1, ii, I,., '. ill. insnn, Vi!,iii.,Vil.,,i; (,..., ),Vil,on (M,i.)--;:;', Nils Mo-MS. I'.:ii, t'.illlli', ' oil all, IIatii K.noiiy, I.tl limn, Ni-niilh, 1'oarce, I'i'ivcll, lore, Satiil.inv, Ton I'li k, Tho KM), ami Will. 'V -II.' T'.ie Vli'K I'UKSI liFA'T said t'mt i ". ,'l', l'""'::t i two- tbinli Ii a-1 foie in favor of, the tot, A ''.Ah ',!ii: . Ml, l...,,-P I'T 11 111, ll . T. a Kll I' I II, .N. ,, I iM.i,. I l l' ATM "nip. A SW I I'. I t't nil it nn ini, t o it.,. ,. nr Ot U tl ,N 1 . ,, , A 1 v" ' bi:rii F,i, .i,m ii,.it ii I . j or ,;, , , . i tin in i in,., nh, I o in i r,,,f,i ... tl i, . ry I li.Kii'iiin tti,,,.r ,, """"""Ii'it u b!;i:rn "'iti I'V rlmoniovof pprfnrmo.1 ny tho! U,ok' n?'' h,',i,it ,'V:U',.e,, V'"1. H 'i-'to.. . ' .eiiM', nml he had no hope lor iivUco boiii' , , h) uiiiioum i iiH iit win prrrfe.l vt i, we g'vo tho follow,,,,? ub- ,,,, uml,.r ()(.s(, nrcunistaee. pra,, in the t:.,l!crv, ftl.i, I, wa,,he, . . ... ' " IID lm,.. Dr. Win. M. UttrilV .n,h an l. ,.r,... " U .Many .iiM'ii. tntry ,t t,:n , , Kr,.,illy I., ili,. ,.,. ,.,. . ft " lirntl, Rii't "I' Hi..... Mill, !.,, ,,. c, ' ,h"" J'- 'ti.l.l lo-iliR fi,,,,,'', l.fl f,,,, !!. ""'"l, r. .... .. If .' II r - V tffcr.. o I by tho ( ''.Sir. The Senate tii.'' ;i'lii.iirn"I. "By Authority. " "e lako the following '.ffflft li.iin "inn in- nun iiiTivrn hi me cone usion nun " ....... .......... . . ...... ,. , ,. , , , ., ,. . Im ,,,., vnior,,, .!-,. .,l i- v. ,i. L'iveu wav un, or tin- i1:,i.rei',.,lente,l ore,. s l h-.n on ,! in toiireSs on flu oil, 'hus far tlm war has reeoii'o.l n wnnn, cor- ion, thoujh ho sliouhl .1,) it with u groat !sul? been brought to bear on iiis i " . ( " i t by Tlia.i. Stcyens, upon the pas- case, t lie reasons lor Huh clian.'i- of sen- sul'o of the Tro:imirv no!.. 1,111 thnont luight be wfactmy to H,al Son- ..M. Sr,x,:n. (r, ,, ) f IV, i cl,in il.o do. ntor, Imt he ..oiihletl -vhethor they woul.l l,t,.. ,ni,l.-'Mii8 bill i a ntM-nr,. of i csmiv, lie ko to ovon-hando.l justiee. JJis main imt i-hoicc. No mie w,m, ivillin-lv insu,. ,, ei nti, n. I nko this hope from them, ami ,MH I ' leuer as uini, to sncn a man, lo theywouhl at onco wilhhohl their hi, p !1(,'a -itor, w unlittc.l for u scat in ' . , .... . . I 'ho Sonule. i.ni-l lor iv 1 1 1 1 nil I tins rilii.!..'. tnviniv in . . tlm CliicniM l'1-..f r..f..i i... 1 1 . . . i . l' J Jlr iiAniu.'i llvep.) ot ow 1 ork, Raul tho UiuoyU haform t, tho popular vote lho c;1Bhte lllM .la,0 of ono of t)mn it, ,ie di(, not rif, f(l)r . of fl,.t!lor in pari, ol tho iion-slavehohlim; States ...... I, I .l.r., t. ... (:.i...i.i..-0,i ,lise,.in,. tl. cl,;..i Tl... i:, f,,.. which platform (lonio.1 to hlavchohleri lho 0.UU(.K,8 murder of brother by a brother's ,cus.sion I""1.I"mI. It only needs A for- protection ol their property ia tho enni' i . ,. gitimate nnd uiuiiistakeablo cni.i,' i.'rta ll.. ........ .1 : 1 ..... ,.,.-, I,.; irncii..i lino hensoi.iss ii 'Ola- ' . i i i r o . o i . , , 1,1 for the ( ombict of tho war tell us that tion ol lho hlavery tviostion by Northern ' .i . t . ,t ...... ' "luln the Ktru'-fihi is (or no Biioh purpose us the.se Abolilio, lists represent-that it in for tho I restoration of the Union ns il was, with1 dial, and nerhans an olleelivo dunnort from ! f pain. In times like those. lheS?n this class. And why? Simply because ut0 ""'t1""1 MUed will, men the least , , , , suspected ol dislnynlly. lie nhould vote they sawn, the result the accomplishment 01, ,h(l time ,(.ird of tho letter. He of their biu'lu-sl w ishci universal Cliwn ; th.niL'ht that any Senator who eon 11 write i object ii. Fpeakin now was to idaou him- nirr. nty, iihit r.-df omnl.tv nn .loinil n.I . nml unit, .. i. ii iiniT, u is ni-vcT t, siral.lt- In il,.mr'. I'r.ini tho cirruliititiK luu.lium, wlii. lt l.v lho com- ' mon .iinn'i.t .f ci.iliz,.,! iiiitimi, f.iriiii, tin. ' nr.l ofvulii,.. l; it , ( fnir .,., ,, ' when ri'ii'lurcl nc-pcjury l.y oxionri, s it .,ihl f. ir.nlii,'o nn nl.irnt. It is Hi., inonsttry i,,-, i.s,rv ? 'ilia laio iiiliiiiiiislintinii ..fi it (!l,t ..f l, .nn .ii,)( 1 OlKI.Ollil, nml l,...i,,tlii.,l f, nl.,., nn ox.,.imv' ami 1'i.riiii.ltilili. ri'licl lii.n. Thin f,iiii,.'ll,.,l Cm.1 press, in cxtru fcf.i.,n. , initlmrir.o n li.uti nf ht i htimlroil una fil'lv milliom. A humli e l niilln.n. wort, t nk on nt M'Vi n tliirtv it prut : titty !,:i:i. ' Uiur nt lour per cent ; fifty millions ;ver,' u,'. in I ilpiniiiirl notes ptiynlil.. h cin ; lenvit'' liltv mill- ior,n iimnspose,! ol. Ho ore I n l,.-n.U . l.-.d nml vote to indicate tho detei initial ion of , oonscious of r.ot mon territories ;-nn,l hence, that the le I ., ., i i r ., , , l,,t H,1,,U- 1 lie rsemuor iron, Jmltanii ,s , ' i'..' ii... it-s l,n t li r rt, line Inoiil nwnv At ll.n ...' r.f n.,.l .i ,..lf.....i ( ' '".. - j i hi' ,.riiuii, noil iioiiiiu.u iii'i-o i ii ri ii o r 01 tllO !,),,, A .1, lit. tiult'.. Int. ul.i,.1i Ij fc.r.il.l ' lid K:ti,l tfl fllfillTiI I 1 1 n S... ll I ,. I 1 .1 U" :i u it 1 , I iuiu most ot tlio heniuors 11:11 coniined themselves to tho subject: but someques tioiu had been introdiiccl during the do bate ciitirelv irrelevant, and some Senators Abolitionists. Hut tho Altoliliouis'shiivo 1:0 hesitation in ntlributing tho war dircciiy In the in, stitution of slavery J(r u. With them, slavery ij the solo and only cause. Willi' ou! :t, we woulJ haven p:foct Tnradiso on on.-th ; and us long as it exists, we can ; Jiavo no penco; that the war must conlin. UP "nnl il Mm l-.tl ..a:I.. ..r . t : . . i . .' ; . eWV'!"",t' ,arol- support; havo furnished willingly and ed o'lt; ' that with it, we can never rrj-t- n ,, r . i ,, , 1 liberally of their treasure, and nre willing per, and our land will ha accursed of . , , ,, r , 1, , , . , , 1 to submit lo any further micnfioa as lon- Jod ; forjiotting '.hut with it our country , ., , . , ., , ,. , , , ,. ' ns tins M the object, find there id tho least tlid prosper beyond all comparison with , , i .. ,. , , 1 hope ol its iiccomplibhmcnt. n i,ir iki ina . ...! r.,...u: -1 .1 . 1 - .......ia, l.i. . lumt-ll 111'. U1MI. I II 11 1. the ri'-htu and institutions of all tho States as (irmly ptiarantcpd im ever. And relying upon these yromiifii, ths country has responded to tho calls of the lational authorities by marohallinL' an army of over half a million of men for its seem to have merged the character of a Senator in that of n partisan. He alluded toll' right on tho piiL'e of history. If 1 could do that, h should be content, lie wasnmazed at lho party spirit which had been exhibited again it him, as well ns nt tho numerous accusal ions that had been brought against him. He might with propriety liavo asked for com, sol : hi,', .ivina sad anyihiti', or lone any thing, or written anvlhino, or voted in any manner ineonsissent will, his prerogative im an American Senator, hi-had not called ir. counsel, and ho did not now rini'rlf ti, hi, nil i,..,r. ... , . ... . "r '! tlin.-n ..ftl'e Willi, i. .fK,,t - A to tho tMirrni lipnlih. l,!.li ,. ..r, .,,"'r'H' ' . '. , - " " Slir-t, , ;ioi iiiiir.fiicnii,y urii.u.ly iiti,Dirri wnm ,i pri.rer iiiti iitn.n t" r rsi'. nji. Wm. iiruii's I'ri'pttr l'mirih trei!, Ilro.'liivii, 1! Frico 37 Ccut i cr "'fl.m,. Ikr, ..v "dirrl. k 'S.M'll'TII Wal-.v i H at it. iinr r. i,.mi -, ; ' Dottlo A lit,, nil lii-e,, unt imt. In I'. i..,r, .n.i.i.i'. i'iiMll',u, HI I U.K. TPlppYp l!l Il.l.IMiS, N- I. SI'Kf. K ST. NEW YOKK soi. i ii, imi iii!i,, i,i i,v i,v, x r)- ,3, an 1 by all lrv.i i-ti. u ,,il i. Wli.MAM I!. HL'UD'S tooth roVDi:n Tlii Mti' i,T iKi.-Mn-cs ihy CAh'i:').: WJTjol T TlfEIXJCM Whilst this is the feeling that animates tho great masses of tho country, lot but the word go forth that this is n war for the up-rooting and overthrow of society ; for tho vain attempt to invest the negro with privileges eijual with the white race; and that tho abolition f if slavery foamnn, the tlm i.1.Wti.lc lis tin n nm til iwl i r.'l . in, Il . ttie U. S. Senulor nntl Brigadier 'icnernl'i .1 .i . i v f.i' ,. . t omrai f0ith, wo say, that such is the policy of Ihe Jim Jano-seems to h.tve made an entire- AJ..tration, nnd the supporters' or the ly new u.ecovery In u Jocturo recently tt(lr .,v.ouI(, lo ul onco c0lfineil t0 tl)0 A5j. ueiivcrea ty Jnm in Kansas, niiiong other : (,,;,:, reuinrKfioio tilings, ho uttered the lollow- tng sentenco : thin same unchanging God repeatedly, ami very signally, manifested his favor and ap, probation of Uie forefathers of these same idiiveholdeis in their struggle for indepen- aonce in 1770, ivLen eluyei wero held in ull tho Colonies. Imt the notorious im Luno of Kansas 1 regret it. Ho would noi try to thk himself from partisan blows, but challeng ' l,f "'" ' '"( loa" ""'y hr"" 'l" 'i under it, nml i- fr.o frmn u!l n.-i,K r e.lkulioiiLiii c' k C'd an inxestigation of all tho acts of Ins "" t''"lH'"'1'1 speciu pnvmont. Tliey then cu. f. e l.-m t injure the .., th. political lilo. Jlehait lice,, homirod l.y ' , V. "". mn ineuin. um ,,, .ictiion.i , j-.s urtii.n i.e,u- n.ti:, iy nu- "i,,u,icl-r.0ii,v. th-; State of Indiana thrice bv a cat in the m?, u., , .t,,l,,m w : '"5 : . to tho elaborale speeches of the Senator '''la'-'1. ami been in t ho conlidenco of tho j ut the same d:,y tho hanks ,Mn refuse. 1 ' tu re. ' 1 ' ' ln" "lll'(ls lODll) I'OWtlcr from Massachusetts (Mr. Sumner) as be-, "'onfite, ami received tho highest honor ! coivo thorn. Tliey nmst sink to .lei reeinte,! enr-' is ',,"'""",n'l"J hy nil Ilminem Demim. lv,. iney mm 10 give, lie sai'J litis as anuver 1 '.T- i nt reuiuiniiie; l,!iv iniili,.n the Seen Ma. :P'"" 111 u"..i.u ,:.i.o, isa. 77 toiirih to I huso who ipiestioned his antecedent' ! rJ' of Treusury In,, hoen iimthle tu iieoiiute. j ;tr'-, Hr k . i:. 1) ami so.iaUi to i.rejudioc him in the minds A ""l"11 "'' ''r"1'"1" iKn "'"'Hi'ois Tnce :5 Cents prr Box. ofhis rouotivn Hp rot;., rod tl i' H'" "MH"' "t "'Ven tli irty iu pnymenl .if .lehts, A lii.ir.il ilsomt iu i . t,,l,avr,. ol ms count.i mi . He iclei .ed then to nnJ ,is hll(i ,., j . A( (, , . p,.;,,,.-,.,., j nffi T t no letter lio li:ul w t lltrn to n.ivts nm n i. .i...u .:. . , ... . ... . . I ' i ini'iinc ,. ,, . . . ""s """I iiuuii.u una iiniiuinies, oi ni lean I v,, t in r iiinii'li.rn Mi I .men n w inn, lie l,i,,l n. I.,,,lr.,,l ,i .!,;., .:i.: ,. , ' ! U'.l i II r,s. 0.1 - .... . i .-.- - . .... ..... .j mm luii-- i ne ri-iTi Liri w I ;,, V coming a prosecuting attorney, lhey seemed to him liko heaping blows on n fallen foe. The .Sen.tor from Kentucky (Mr. Iavis) made something like a dozen speeches, lie appeared to bo the senior counsel in tho prosecution, and had visit ed the committee room to secure evidenco to impeach the man by testimony of the chairman of the Con.mil toe on Finance. He referred to the speech of the Senator from Teniipn'co (Mr. Johnson) as that of a man, a noble, btty, self-sacrificing spirit. Iiut he, too, stepped nsido from tho sub. ject He (Mr. Harris) rend extracts from the speeches of M and .-sumner, ant 1011!" I ..ii.i.. .... .iK.iij . ,.i a, u.t .iu .mi ui - i.iui.i-u ii, i:, i nuiniiri.e .1 i o l K'.ivo n I... .n.i.i I la i.n.. I ....J. I .I,,.. loan l.V IIUVillL' it out tfl i-r,.,lil,,r in ii,it nf.ur I Ml eft . it was simply a nolo of introduction, nml i !"-,nir-y- 'lljis hicmii, known, they iin.netli. that in the uddres he had no in ton tion ofjffi'; V' if t,:c, rlmry ,i i . i- i . . i , i Mill pelferiiu it is oelievod they woul.l hin o run rocognizing the light ot Davi, to the title, ,iwn tl) u.n ,,,r cont tl it.u u :llUV(. if tll .. but mprely as a courte', ill which he only loul.l U use, I there w uld rem,-,in ilnonUnt nine followed the example of Other Oil the floor I ty miHions, the i .ivinoi.t ..f whi -, is in -ently de- 01 the I -senate. I mainieu. l nv U;i ii v expeiises , o tho "pnic-St. N.York. :.l le!,:ii'l l v l-( ,f- ( .,.. J!;'- ort)l U Ilu','e -Ii. I 1 ' ,, lid lv nil l;-m;,-i..t. :, '.-u; tret. WILLIAM I). IILRDS .vertiuien! TooTiiAcin: i'liiii-s. 1 .It T1IK CfilK T ) T 11 A C II E. Mo-srs. Johnson Wilmot ! The Senator from Maine, Mr. Morrill, , ,re a"1,UI ""''"'us. To earn- us nn . J ()() I 11 A CUE. d contended that it wa a 1 in UU ult on him, said the address was : l , ,n'v"M-; "( i;' f' - r.T-e-l -nerves. ..denttoestabl-Moeiatofa courtier Jf the Se, call- e.d. is lo borrow uu cut oruui'tn I 1 nn interest of mi i,er cent, uhieh fill, only lie I'Jeeted l.y pnttin; my wwild at onco feel themselves released I Legislature of his Stnt to reanimate the i tl;0 sei-''C'i;l'y ol State, to show that on the!"" "a"l T O O T II A C If V. . r;r.'..'r.: eiti relie-r t'. ... . .: tut dif- Irom.n ; we i"i -i en 's I ,r Loss ol' s'. v; p. p, nnl t'teir ehi,r?a fro:u (rent mTerlnj, f kpepimr 'i h'.tlie of Dr. liriiD'SToOTJlACIIK UulS Ii..'j". rre;iircd nt 1-r. Ilor 1 a In. No. 77 l',.tirth Su.-. ;, l..-j,,l.',r',. I:. Ii. 1 from their obligations, and retire from the n' Illative in thewar? I hone' a specious emulation of the well-nigh fa. there would bo war. He did not believe - , d .. ',...',,,' , ' 'V oorats here, and I scl''c , . . . , . :al doctrine of State nghts. Wl.n-Aoukl I're would be war until the fall of Fort ' 'l? Jor 'aVl IT" Ninnteen fifiiis colleagues l.anl.s "What did t.roduco there uro Doul-Iiis Deinoorni . - , tti ji i . i : . m. . . . .. . . . . i t r, . . want to say to them t hut the Douglas ; L ",WT U'P5C c:rctimsinncos ii is ino im- )e the result ot t ho discussion in tlm legs I -"'T'cr. iaer uns uiere was war, ana then i; ould he iind Democrats, tit Chaileston. hrom-lit n.i tl.iu tiorative dulv of the Administration to i ishitnre of New York ho did not know. ' 1,0 should not have given uch a letter. m.nt in ein. A lar-- Wnr. It Was thfv who Im ,1 ll, I . ... ,. ;.. . I Sr. fur nl lilri vol.' ttn ennenrnpil it iv,.u I He haJ not the most distant recolioctioi, K1'1 ' 'ite diireenit the courage to stand no for the tuin- , , ... . not important that he should know, l'.ut cii-Io that nont.le of UieTorritar'ci l.ii.l e,ll,tr 10 l" ""sunderstcod nor m.sintc- Uio cWaumsan-x,H un(K.r 10 M. a right to govorn themselves. If they had l"'ele1. H"11 l,ose Abolitionists do not rep- I tempi, hi resuscitation was made were ex. oonscMcd to givo up that prinejj.le, the resent i's policy that the war is net for , traordmury r , i V i .V0U:1 MC nom' for tll(1 "bolilion of slavery. i....... ..i.-j.in u x 'ougias, aim ne would, in all probability, have been elected and alive to-duv." As matters now stand f.m.Jrv is labor inn under a U'.i.-ai.i.rehension. 1'ho Is iL the Al.olitionists ? or is it the instr.ict him as to the vote he should cive. -utre "oui'i i.e u war, lie should not 1 iini'iissih: to find i ;i v - fi.lrt ot it III 11 -1 he li -eept I IJ ties nl li!l-si.,eie loivinf i'T i so . ioe t:a .my , xvn t.- tl.e resu.in lion ot .-fieeie loi.uiu't.i. until ;,.. v.ur .. .i i i . . . . . eii'.eu. i.ui us mi- to litre's tnii-t 1,110, ii pr..i,ri:,li.i;s tn ihe . n.I if the lit- 'al v,.ai t -f. n veu mouths mure unist he ml. led to liie-e ei- re.iuiie f.iir hi.trlred nod I l" ihe seven lu,,,ilre,i oiil 1 st.'pit Nor is ho less scrupulous about slave- sieuling. Hear him : "I am authorized by the Government to s.iy to every officer "and private that villti'da.liu;t,vfilrhoHr:fyoi, and I don't cine I ow soon you calch him." Fit Xone mt Americans ok Gcaiu'. ilancer.iiis t.rece u .x-iiiuoi niiinmi ue n;ei 10111111 guiiiv OI i , ......... ..... jo 01 in...,i inr. 1 im j;r 1 11 x ijti .-non is Ii ,w cun trenon, mi'l that the case was not a pfirab ; Ki'tislied that that was not ono of his faults. t!iU li.re iiimmnt he raised ? lh, su.-r.tary -f lei case to the expulsion of Folk or Hrock-) " 'l0 1,oc'n sycojihantic, he might have j "1U 'J''v-sury 1ms u.nl h, l,,st cBorts t , n..j,.;i-inrifli-e I'.ullliH ritiosti.vr, I. ml ulromlv 'obtaine I more votes in his favor, hut all i ",0 a 01 "l,ollt r'"y inil.ii.s, nu.l has tul-d. been settled, and ho did notmoose to di.. i be had asked was f.t justice. When the j ? '.'f " 'i,f, l"lvo H... ...... I. .11.1 .... l.-l: .. . I .o.ioi UU1 IU11S CUSS II any longer. I"--"" nnueu no uio uui nenevo lliore I in,,,,), ,,,; Hut there was a matter somewhat eon , w H ",ir- 110 "'lorred to the 'it is l;nn neolod wit h t he siihieet liomrnnl ,i him. 1 refci'ient, inauL'utai, wieactsoi tlio l'ost , Imnds into the in:.rk..f to tlm i,:-i,i..r ir l,,.., .1, ion elerietit, and four-lilt lis of the ar SPlf. An altemnt had been made bv ihe I OHiee Depart nient, and the despatchos of I ""'H mm vere nt.il it'ini-!it rrhni.tv I ttit nTu Hi.emiru, tut II siitneient to' l',.. nnlv I l i nfj iw.r -di r. . I IV. , ...ll. . 1 V IH., J ..l, A ii'o nil .li-"..,ri: mi to .-a',T Addri'ss l'iiiiriji;.l Dllioe. Triii.. Hilihl ins, N.i. 1, Sj.ruci Si. York Sold in I'hil.i.l .,!,i hy )v .t i -., 2 ;: Norlb 2d streot : ',. S. Hal. hell, lilt' (.'.'. .iml lrel. nnd hy ni i i!:"i s . ;:rj' .!:;, )!;- willlvm iil iu M-:n:.M,iA it.ast!:.- f it t n r. r v i: r. u r ..- T ..'h he or-, la 1 l,r e.,M. L o ' a h . i; V l: A I. vt I a . i-: iinii"liJ!-'1v fur 'fi hv their ; f I i -s : i -tv. TIi y an !il e a clinrni nr.-l urr j.rr Vrtlj liiirm :t - 1:1 :!i-.''r :i -iUr : il r:r. r- 1 i n i!i-t-?T,a 1 1-MV- T1 Trl'ii-.i'i1 r-i:i'l. Dr. Wm.li. Jlur.l's Ncti:-.il, i Fl-ister. . never fiil I " pvo fntisfneti.ni to nil whi tfrt their virft". l'ri'.:ire k" It. Il'iri's Itunii : t iHiee, Kmirtli Str.', limohlyn E. 1. l'ricc, oitiy l"i ('c;',t' e:icli. A iih.rnl diseotint ini 1 to ilpuler. Ad,lressi Priiicijml Oiiirc, Trib.. l.uild in?;s, Nn. 1, Spruce st. N. York. So',.1 in l'hilnl-lti'iin hy I'yi.t A '.., North 2d ftnet : . S llnhholi, 1 1 10 Cl,t.-,i.u: nnd hy nil lrtj.ris!. NiiTof.. We ire 'la'ly reer '. in j "r i"r tn en i hy inu'l some nan or uo.ro of l'r. Hurl'- Henul I'. . ti e lies, wl'.i-h w earn. it fill. Niti" ar mil 1.1" .'.ji'j't the Xeu-:i'iri,i ll'iter. ivaieh nre end in ni, o:.ve!,".e on re - - i t of 1'i .:-o ! S .-ents und on, in;i. lint to in linn', late ,.T .a iu il , r h"r.' t''ie .'.muiis!- ",,J s-,.i . '... t-.-rs nrr if ! hind tin ii!!,?c hiiv-. .iit up .n,'k,in in hitt einho: .,.M-s, .en in, l, s .y i,,;.r. v illi eem rtt,tei,ts--i"i, I, l'" .-. ii ; ' .1, in ir l.'.'.t." "! lo ut. rl . th tl.e ". a I given the letter, l'.ut no one inve who has ot having written the letter to Pa vis, nor of the other let'.ei lo Cajilain Franklin. Il hud boon argued against him Ihnt he would tlo the same thin aoain. Jle would ot tho House, Ins personal and political "re"1 " .u no saiu una meant that it lie' pons. 'J'hnt friends, had solicited the. Legislature, in ; believed there was to be mi ivar, he would ,' menty milions, n,! J order to save the State, and jierhans its five sucU a letter to an old fii.-ml, 1 1 he , h"' '" hef r ot.' i nm t-,1. and tha i:;!,':-.it' v ,u,. w hunib'.e reiiro.-ontative. from dishonor, to had had the least oleaii, ol'susiiioion that : l"' l'!''1 ''" '-"' 'hi ', aiiili-.n. Tn v..- .ut.t ..n ..uu, in ,'er. i i'u i . eel,, i ue i ur nun died and forty mii.i.ir.. . At tlio iti.niinani (lis eouut thi.t v i, v itii.-i.iithie nam could say nvenry-:n'e per e. nt, it i!; l,e ttvalum In soieuiy-fiit iiiilliovs. ;t v.,,a!il, tlierei T, ijiiirc in hu.-t I.i.iiJ, to tho i.niotirit of ll. hundteil nnd fifty tntil s tn pro.liire ml eut reiiey to i .nke ilei en hiitnlri'd lailiiuu. enrry in to the , n J ef tn neii f.-eal ear. sum is too frightful In he tolerated. What gives the h!u;et"iii of Mr. Stev en's peculiar potency is, that be is el. air- of the I'uinmittee of Va s and , and therefiire in cm stunt i..ui.scl This ponies u ii 1. n r. . ' ruiht ? . ... .1 r - t ... . lie made no eomtilaint asamst Ins eo rnnn wo was the vilest enemy Mr. Poug- 've porno,, o, ,i,o peop.e.- -i,, ,Iecpu'1(1 forjin no , Us.ened to the d-bate here will suppose las had, and than whom no man was more!the Administration decide. wa); ,,ut ly llie HttnoSp10ro which stir- ' llllU tlm ,l;tl'r r:-llll.v anything to do heartily despised by Mr. D. ----- roiin.is the Senate. On a .t,estion of polit ,vitl1 "'"ck: on him. Jlewas consid- But if Luno is right who will nol now ' S?..A Wt fhingfon correspondent of the : jeal expediency or national policy he t'1Vl1 l"lf,t ,J 'fociate with such patriarchs rpfidilv n.lml, it i n' i . r jliOHton Journal'. seems to rejoice, that the would listen to the Legislature, l.ul "on m the country 's service as the Senator readily admit tint the salvation of r .. . , . ,j w, . ' , nre , ' quest ion of light and wrong, he was him- ,' " MasPa(;,usetts Mr. Sumner and the once glomus In ion could have been pur- l""U'r , V , . self responsible lo ,U conscience and his 1 from New Hampshire Mr.t'lark; chased at a very cheap rate? mS fllll' '"ll'H'd by this government, nni, ho wou,i( uow nQ ma)i or ,o(,v ;all, PV, t,e .Senator lioin rennsyhama In the coure of thislec'ure I nno snob e I "6ni' tll!lt "l0 cou"try ls nl tovcrn0(1 of men, to intervene between him ar.d his lMr- dmotj and the Senator from Ten n :f ... . , , ' '!.' 'l.y tho old fashioned Whig principles." 'conscience. On nn executive or judicial j "essce Mr. Johnson were allected by his n ifhewasat the head of the expedmon ! ,..,;,:;. ,..', : onestion the Le-slutui e had no rUt to 1 ns not lyl enouj, lor auotit loanr.g Kansas for Arkansas, Texas, j "" - j - - - , - " them. (Hi I how he Mr. 15rii;i,t J nml .n nt nn I Inu must &e. But this we see contradicted, and!1 ... 1 Mr. DAV'.S (I'nion), of Kentucky, ' lll,ve degeneraifd m ten years ! in l:,o that hnistol.n ti,.;i.i I.. u. i : We have a high taint, a national paper implied to Mr. Harris, defendin ' his own was appointed on a committeo with ,v v ou.iuv iy un- ttiri-3 Ul I ,., , . . , ' cr --- -- t- 1 , Gen. Hunter, who will l,,'l,i,.f i ,... irency, a Hiieral expcmJ.ture ol tho cours mand. Lano has no sorunles for.h.i'n ;., . ! fcrr.mcnt funds by those in p.ulhotity r i w itli the 1 'resident and his Lalupct. ' It will he ob.-erved that the Admit. is- FUth men as (.'lay. Webster. Calhoun, im.l : . r. ,. ... ..i i l , . . . , , ' 1 ! ,, ,.,IW1I I, lllilt. ,11 , l (, llOl'lll'l llllifllHI,. HI UOl M,. V.'K'rr!! (i!,, i nf Cennt;,.,.! I lavton. and iiscit Ins humh o el orts tul. . .. .,',V:." . ' r. ,,. ...; ni lrs to run the ".Maciune l..r tne next . i i i ...-i.il i bum uie .onaioi irom imimna .nr. liiient i-s... . .. ....... . m. n.i Mirroetions, and is for universal emnnci-1 K 1 ' 1 unougu- ,mU rom, morfa SPrjos of H-solutiomrnd-'l"'. ' never given a seetiunal vote.-'. ''"" 5"''' eveiy ration. UnsnvK. out the country, though not yet fully le - 0,pj lxi a rueetin-in Indiana. Ho asked b'vory impulse ol his heart was given to ' soul in the loyal States ; or, ?2:',0 for tve- "Tbe chains are to be stricken from ov I fc'"'1'1 l'.v iin ncl of Congress, which w ill leave to have the other resolutions, passed country, ami he would yield to vo ivun cry limb. Freedom is to he tho battle cry i no doubt be done before tho present Com at the same meeting, lead by the ehrk. ibi nttac.hmeiil to it. 'I hough his ch.-u-f:-om North to South, from East to We-I." 1 2roM a-liouins. Add to w hich. a ci.antic . Mr' A KCK, (Pern.), of Maryland, ' nc.cr bad eel, '1-seo, and l,,s loyalty " " olierlel lo their Lo ng rem! hy the clerk. 1 iUi.'i-uon'u, iu ,n'i nut uueii'iie nun. ational debt. , ,. posTKlt thought that all the series ' He thanked the nieinU-rs of the Judiciary '' cimht to be read to show the eonrnction j Committee who hud supported him, and 1?. We observe that Charles Sumner, ofthewho'e, Me accordingly rend the guarantied the pledge ol an honest heart .Chairman of the Comr..ittce on Foreign rema'tider of tho resolutions, whichj had j that his luture lile should give them i?.,l..,;,.... ;., n,n i'.,ii,.,i i hepn omitteil bv Mr. r.rioht. tle:ilorin'' the occasion to regret. w hat he had done. , , , ..... ,, ,, , ,, stale of the country, which hail been re- he was to be turned out, he wold say to introduced a b.,1 in that body authorizing (,upci) , M(,ional,ini ,, n.ur,rlnin tl,c. his friends and enem.es, that he would the President to appoint diplomatic ,.;,.;. ,U ,,r .. 'i..n,nnfi.im r.,,,..,. In. nut himself o- I rial before a tribunal that An effort is being mado in Oongrtss by agf.rds from this govci r.mcnt to tho l.e- clared that the present state of thecou'ntiy , was alwiys lound just. He would submit tho Republicans, to so change, or amend 1 1 ublics of Liberia and Ilinti. "ns due to the agitation of shivery by f a-i to the people of the State of Indiana the Our naturalization lnus il,, it .....v.mo ,.r .. .. I, 1 11 I Ul 11 II II MIL' 1IU 111. III. llllllll. 'llllllll .1111 III ....... . - - n - - - - -. ....... I resident will nnmint Charles Sumner. ,i... ii... f.. 1 from V:ii'i,,ia. (Mr. W illev.) askim? him tuishH nt the Ih.nk. nndllVIv AM' A 11 A l.r piun. su ilehvere.l l.v Mr. las. i xi.ens,' no If iy adult inhal itatit ol the !,y..l States. This is a ven pretty sum being just even change. A man and his wife f.Viil; and if ho should have the f.itumi to have half n dozen adult children, the thing grows absolutely sublime. Well may Mr. Stevens exclaim, "ibis turn is too fiight ful to eh tolerated." Foreign birth who serve in the Army du ring the present war thall ho entitled to i.ll !,. -I..!... 1 t .- r . .... .uv ujiiu mm iiuiuiiniucg ot american ' citizens. These Republicans are not easily un derstood, It is but a few yeats srnco this name c'as of politicians, attempted to disfranchise the foreign born citizen alto gether. It is, however, being demonstra ted every day Hint the rights of the citi ion aro no safer in the hands of these men. than are the institutions of tho nation. Toshow how well the latter is cared for we need only refer the reader to the pres ent unhappy conditional' the country hrouclit about in loss than twelve months. C and Iten Wade, ns Ministers Fxtraordina- ' publicans, in rejecting nil offers of rom-' to define what he lueanl ry his second ry to these eenuimi l?ol.lir..,n ' promise, had assumed the fearful respon-: letter respecting opposition to coercion, ' i .: I 1 : . .. lit. I . .1 . 1 - . . .. .... ! l.i. .ni.l da hull Hlll'Ml'. n,i rvu . I i.e. I ir .1 I i Muiiiiv, iuiu uiev iuiu snow,, neir uuer i - -.(,.. I,er tnal was peace, pence lS:'X.Mr. Stanton, the successor of C'am oron, luii furned politicians adrift snub bed thcru short ofT. Political services for this or that parly, have no weight with him, and thereat certain Republican members of Congress are in a terrible rage. For military promotions, he goes to the tentoJ lield ; and fcr civil ollicers, Lo selects llioju who h ive Uccii disabled iu tiie torviue. I countries, wherothey rightfully belong.--If men of their stripe are not sent there voluntarily no can afsuro them that they will bo banished there by the time our ni tional troubles are over. BaA great effort is being mado ly the Abolitionists iu Congress to defeat the confirms tion of Willi A. Gorman, as a Brigadier Gcnerul, because ho "birched"a number of "contrabnnds'' who had been brought to his camp by some oi the ALo, lition lickspittles. The Washington Star states that the contrabands were caught several times in robbing tiie soldiers tents, and that Geo. Gorman had them brought to hoadtiuar- tors, nnd gave them a complete "birching, "J m tho most effective way of curing their future depredations upon tho soldiers. Had Gen, Gorman Hogged white men, in stead of uerocs, it would never have reathed tho ears of our Conyi essQieo. Ho would but would Ihml's i.;h Viish. t,t.rl T, , ,1, : J'r-is I. us i, f T,.i tl, I'..", 1-r. tl.e "....:. a r.'t.T. en :t va'.nnl.le lit:'. 'm'. -ati.-.' .r 1 e. .- d ?ti":r IJ'.s e.i.r-. the he-t , -1,1.-- ,f res -r'. 0 m nnd th" nr.,i.. r tretittmnt nl CLih.i.i- 1e"'h, .,rti f ' itself the i.lir- .-..-I ti 1 ve.y v iw" w i 111:111, nr r"i'' w ith yu.iiic ci.il. iren, lh fa:.dT I i.iher nooee.rv nrti. Iw : .rii-e per ",ik.i;'e '.'XB I)" I.I. A I', "r tix . i. kn.-r-(. r fit d, !!ar-. express 11- Hire.'!.' !. A- !1," , re-s -irre i I 11. .t imieh. if tn y, ni'Ti' en 11 d'. -.-a '.I a-i n.i i.r.n, it ; fir oil.' riper t 1 "i I T s: x "r 11 d.i7.en 'iie',.n-B M line I tn,'. A Utr,:- f..i. i ly ill w unt n'.l, nr thf , Mirpiuo erill he . : -...se 1 i.f tn !.'gt,ho .Is . e l.eliellt. Inr '. "Ill- Mil estim i : ll ' C'J 1111. ti'iliiitiiiii.e.s. mi'l ui-ti-i rernni. I 1 x 1 .,' n -e , f,- iil'tiin." nn I 111,111, w .ul I tarni Lrnvy. CJNL1.1. ; t.. the 11.111.trv if er-ry lan.i'y to day bxlon. Clenrlield, Ier. 1 1, 1C1. : i:if.c pie kurri s, whieh, in itsei:. i- com i-irf nl' lli.i.tril lti-.i, . Ufa A.l.lm.f ', II HI '.'ll' ' ATKST Ol'F.MN'; AT SMITH'S: (.'. Tril.une buil.linp-. Xo Y..ik. -! writ j Hume 1111 1 nddriis.-' plninly. Tlint r-n.rt'i.'.eef raiv . 1 l.e 11.11 le with e,,nli,lenee, W. ll. II ,r Co. r f-rto MEN'S MAI I) SIIA I. ! the Maviir ol l!r,.,klvn. t. ii. 'I'ifi.-i.. IVesidfil (.111 IJ)U LNS' IJ.DiAN I' rni'"NH.T.K;,,rtln. KurmptV and iiti.eus- V.nn; l:r..i;'yn : l'1l.t Vl'I'fl.'H Mi'Tll'l I' l.l.o.il,. l,lli,,rrtl,. l...,...i, M. in' 1,'tnriV 1)1 l'.S I: F.I) ( 'l'i -ST.l N K S1I A W I.S! ! rvlte : toji.v Co Ci... ImI.Iin1.-t-' Airms fT-r.Tsi.il ui'l'ici r.- 1 1ill.' 1 1 1V1: Vi.rk : I.. 1'. T. I.ui, '-. . hi. ki. ' - ,-. I 1 r.I, I .1111 i' l.i. i'ii i'l in- 1.' ..... - . , ir .Jr TV ANKFT SHAWLS SUI'FKlt . "'"S 1,n ' ".'! muoU- r" "A I! T ICLK I.A1.1F.S r.KOClI K n?!$uU V3'eJ : SHAW LS ! 1-r, i.,iT..ri..r lie lli.r.f. !... il r..ii.eh.sil.to.'- phicks ur.nrci:i)! WtLU'tHI.! M. f'OM.KV iiim..iine..f thnt he hn redneed the prieo ,f lit snperi- nr COAL lo suit the times, mid will heneefnrth Senator furnish itat Til It KK AM) A 11 A 1,1' en's i-t 1.1' l.li.i bushel nt the Ihink. 1111 1 I I V i: AM' A HALF cents uelivurcJ. W ill Lo ilelivere.i i y X. T mill inabilitv to conduct tho Goiei iiment in her-that was peace, peace : war, never. tho difficulty; and donouncirg tho plan '. He said tho Senator lrom Ten nosseo had or emancipation and the suspension of the done him injustice in connecting him w rit of habeas 001 pus. , wiih lho bund of conspirators her. He Mr lUMiillT (l)em.V unld Im l.ml onlv had no liail in the movement for thedis- rend two of the resolutions, hecnuse some rupiion of tho Government, of the others contained Ii.ihtiiuco which not leave tho Government, might possibly be deemed offensive by , leave the people to decide the question, some Senators ; but, biyinz aside all that, ' Mr. TF.N LA Civ (Kep.), or New Jersey, he could endorse tho resolutions in all said he felt the pressure of the moment their length ami depth. "c i"-'.. ...s ........ ... ct-.- l( , ,. (, (KIDS' 1 v ,....- .hunnt 1 Mr. BAY A lil) (Horn.), of Delaware, heard tho puhhe voice tomi ami eiear ..,...... ,iVuyu T,fw " ' ;,, u'.Mv no, .1,. l.e't-r with lut.-e a:"'! spoke at aome length in favor of Mr.Lright. His nearest friends had entreated h.m- C J'j f ln , TH-v nro ,. r-. contending thr.t the Senator could not ba.l told him that his grave was dug. 'Urn I Ins day we will open s lUc. ft new lot of r,.-. we n,-ns .....bJ. from all the circumstances at the time tho made him distiust bis own judgment, but Ladies 4 s and ., s LALMulUL U Hil?, erHiie 'W f-rtU Uta ..1 r C letter was written, believe there was to be he could see no reason to change it. He w. 1, 1 a birr; lot of N I Id AS at out -iw.ii.Uy j ,.f H.v,es ,,i5.i,,in, a d .of war, and consequently could not have hud .only asked those who dig his grave that LOW I K1CL. dec..-.,. H. A . A lo.. )j-- ffiT&t any intention of doing wrong in writing a' the, put astone at ho head w.ih the m- - ----- , UA ISXLXJ sinii.le noieof inirndi.rtin., ll relorro.l sciiniion He dared uo what was right. trthf ttrhl L .r. 7 1Wr.l!ll to the speeches which bad' been made,! Mr. COWAN (Hep.), ol Fonnsj Ivania, ' -M' J Jiff HI 7.w. U1J rt'beMJ. h"-,. th f Will. lirilVJ lurw"' MUX.- ... time to p.. into l.usin.. to the speeches which bad been made, Air. CUU A. IKep.j, 01 1 onnsj nan, a, ,y - ; ' , daTi Tiy. , with nomething liko partisan feclin" and said lie had only one word, lie had f r.ltltl.l.I, A ItU.I.r.lt keop iw.Rst.niil.v ('B,"m(,-i..,.s t..th. of the party caucuses held in regard to nothing tu gain by supjiorting tho Sun i- 111 on hnnd the i,,st i"l'l'';'" iom. of nt i:m .vaLVS this case. " 4 ! tor from Indiana, and nothing to sain by OILJiA.uIJs ?-X..wisthe Mr. SHERMAN (lien ) of Ohio said ho opposing what he believed to he the uni- tii,i, they soil n oiiei s . -er knew or any such caucuses, 'and did vet sal sentiment of his State, but he it believe that there had been any .uch should bo true to his conscience. 1 e J"''; ..ihiiTt'os" no-er not held. rnn W. win hied ddnw unU n fereDce o above. -V fr,ins purehiifinit f our-Sj-Tl-ly. , , , . . . , . iHi.iiis re," wouitl rainer tte ion, iu inuces oy nun .,,,, Mr.LKOU'NING (Kep.), of Illiuois.said hor.'J! than yield his convictions of duty. j.,n, j.-, ss ttli-tr s.lle tllf rfi ni:w Me hy )r-. ;"'.'l'l. ONK ITT' i