0 on m I i ;,,( in tnc ) itt t V. itl-.it v ' I ' i ' ' I i II !. ' . I ' 1 ' ' " , ,. i ,, ,. :' , ). I1 i'. in I' ii y ' ill!) ' l ''I I II I i'li i'l ill (l lilt V , t , -.- Mi' n i i i lull i' i 'I In H I up ' i ii i ii" ii'i'l ,' ""il '' 1'H-lieSs in ,i! ii, n-lln' mi l luno no riiMuiin'i P.r I "ill imrn wi-ir c mini i-. I i ie- truin .ri'ni pliinimi! on Imi'K fur it wus p,'lic!i I tliut rli.n e fruit I'U'li wotil'l iml s 'II i.l (.-.in I i-in-v Tln-re was lln'ii iinlo a little p uiic uiin'Mi' tlui fi uitereri hriT tlm fiuiten-M lure .Tlil tlMrc. I'.ut imw 1:ih t!u rvont provi-il? Tiith Imvo rnntinuc-.l to Ik. :.lnnir. from tl. it lay to lliU ami liny tri nil wantoil. M-i i I l r. i I I IT ;m l' Ull'H M IMIl llll! liriXUM l. Illl-t I .in- , r , , , ,,. .1,,;; .iBiniu. Trt..!. .iltk..a .in. I en .1 I.l I'll' 4. l-IH:-"i v v'.VW. .'i.T in. .... ...... litudi'i of tl) o lii-inoiH, Tim niiirki-t lor fruit Inn continued to cnini'L'i'. Thi-io :uo millions of Mouth t.) I..1 tilled now, where, ,,,, 1,,, , u.y Wl.ri. lulN i,nls tD I'uic-t , 20 years nyo, there were ilioummdi, and !,,,,( 1 1 o"i i-1 1 .- down, and dart a more peoplo pireeinlo ehoiee fruit. They ronnd tho first corner, have found out that il is healthy food, and Sinni; liushands lie tore leaving lioine, that it is cheaper to pay tho apple-man's a sic very tenderly, 'wliat would you bill than tho medicine mini's. Then, loo, lilce lor dinner, my dear V knowing all lh loie'fe'ii market has been brought to ! the while that hho will select sonu' our very door, within tho i.u,t fifteen years;! tiling Cor his partieular iialato, and off nntv nulu ciirlit fr 1.... ., . ll' ... I I, ' I W IT VIIIJ VIV VI Mllj o UII an unlimited demand. It rarely happen that apples, our most common Summer t, ore so cheap that even every well, toido-ffimily enn nflcid to i:fe il rm with entire froedom. Abundanco in onolocility usually counterbalances fcareity somci where else, and price aro geneially main tained. Tho muket cluttedl Send on vour fruit! rinnt nrplmnls fir.lliiltPf.nro nd them. Raiso fruit in variety, early and late. If you tire ivithin easy reach of a city mniket, raise the cmallcr fruits, cur- runts, strawbonie?, raspberries, cherries,! trapes, peaches, etc. Before the market ! begins to be glutted, wo promise to raise the alarm. Whitexiso Sluar A Carhivs IHtrovcry. The common suar of our tables is niado from thejuico of tho sugar cane, which grows only in very warm countri.is. This sugar cane resembles the stalks of our In dian corn, though its juice is much sweet er. In making sugar, the cane is cut up into short nieces, and passed through mill to press out the juice. This liquid runs off into a reservoir, from which it is .lipped out into boilers, and boiled down. ...... . , ,, , , . . . , . , 1 , IhA Kin 111 itontll Utni'ifiir Ilia bii.m liind. When it is boiled down to syrup, ! this i put into Inrgo wooden troys culled coolers. Here it becomes giain sugar. I'-ut what a dark, dirty brown mas? il. is! Cau it be whitened ? Yes, and hero we will tell how a man first learned to do it. A hen that had walked through a puddle of clay and water, went into a sugar house, and wulked over a pile of brown sugrr. .Some one noticed that wherever she step led, the sugar ws whitened. This man opened his eyes wide, and by several ex periments, soon discovered tho fact that moist clay would whiten sugar. And that man's discovery led to tho systematic use of earthern jars, and hence camo the old fashioned "loaf sugar." The taw sugar was put into one of these long earthern jars.'wiih the widest end upwards. When the jar is nearly full of sugnr, clay ii put J on tho top and runs through the clay and sugar, ami finds its way out through the small hole at tho bottom of tho jat. In this way the whole mass of sitgar becomes white. Our young renders sho-ild walch eve.) lien-tracks, and nil oilier such things, for sharp looking nnd close thinking oHei) amounts to something useful. A dull head would dave shouted "Shoo! shoo!' to tho old hen, and scraped off her mud dy tracks, ar.d thought no more about it. Not so with this wido-awuke-mnn, ns much a philosopher in bis own way, ns Is aac iewton was in his when he saw fall. the How to Cook Kucs in rug Piif.i.l. A correspondent of tlu Agriculturist writes "One way to cook eggs is to drop them in to boiiing water, and let them remain there three minutes the water all the time boiling. This hardens the white next tho shell to almost leathery tough ness, wh'.lo within it is still uncooked. Another and preferable mode is, to pour boiling wnter upon the egs ; lot them stand in this five minutes ; pour oil" this and add more boiling water, and immedi ately bring thom to the tabh in the water. Those taken out at once will be somewhat cooko l through, and thoo left in five had died with thee !' 'Gone !' sobs the minutes will bo " haul boiled," or narly j strong man, as he totters, week as an so, and thus the taste of every one may he' infant, from the solemn room where suited, and no toughness of the , iies Ke the wife ofhis bosom lies cold and observed." I pulseless. Ah ! it is a word of sorrow even when sjKiken of the absent who ArrLE Fik wituoi t Arn.Es.-Onecup ofiay return, but, as applied to the un water, ono cup of sugar, juice and peel of returning dead, there is no elaborate one lemon, 1J or 2 pounds of lioslon sentence that ever was carved on tomb crackers brokon into email pi?ees; bake or monument so full of genuine pathos, with under and upper crust. The pieces et there is a connection in w hich it of cracker look like apple when the pie is 1 "nparl9 consolation to bo bereaved, baked. Theaddition ofa little stewed ,Ilwc ,('an truthfully of those who apple make the deception complete-to! haV. "s-'tjone !-gone to the hot eye and tast?. tcrhuvl and hope and believe that tl'A G lO I lll.tnt Tl.O. II M-l1lrt ll.r...n ..ha Snow Creau. Mrs. M. A. IT. Rowe Columl.ia couniv, New York, say, the sorrow is unknown wo 'l not rc-l following is quite equal to ice cream.- ftisc,lc comfurtotl 'because they aro xs. r.-aii kind, of oM.v.nd .rProT.d Iteat thoroughly one egg with one cup of; notl -J- , r MObUVS ukn in exchange ol hite sugar. aJd ono cuj. of sweet cream, j jvOolonel Samuf.L Colt, the man-' Clearfield. Jane 2fl ISfil. WM. F. IRWIX. flavor to the Unto, acd stir in snow until ufacturcr of Colt's revolvinir firearms,! 11 OBERi j. WALLACE, Amit:BTLTL"w it is quite till. Thimakenn excellent died on Fridaj' morninsat his resi-' c'"rTfield' 0Qio in s'! Row, op V veil a cheap rarity. jdenee in Hartford, Conn j deol(183Brf ii w or iir-iMM Hi.' Ii.iMIm m( Ihi--I:iii ! m ill) 1 t." -u-1 Li I,.' It-, idiii'til nl llirir w ir', :nv ) ,u ii iM llril 'pi' ili'MI i' III niily 1'i' M(- i - - I l-v iint' i'l i il -pi rimi ih i'l' t .i 1 1 1 1 1' - S 'IHl tb.tllN lll'M'C 1 1 ;1 , l 1; nlll I' ill till' lll'il'llillL.' Willl'i'l! Ki--in lln if w ivi'i itinl lii'l'liii:' llii'in '1,'iin.l li.V ili-iii1,' in tin' Imii'iil' iinwi-ni ii'il l"Vi' ; 1 1 1 1 1 wlii-tliei- il tmlii V iii t:i' t, U In':' 1 . i I i t1(, ,., , t ,,! llial, mi'l llio miv ir.-ni-riillv i I ' 1 1 mn-, i hi Hlli11 ,-,. ,r,ii,-nill v nliMsnnl niu-, lirnvulfl M l ' !i!v:iys that tln-ir WIVi'UllH' iiiiun.i- livoillnl wylcmno t In" (llriimn' in n kindly sjiirit. W y Know nii ol'l kmiI f- IIKIII Who IIVCU Willi nwwiii! ini-rmij vi-iirn iinil m-vi'i1 1'-ft lii liomo witlioiit . . . . ,i . t 10 klSS, illul tllO 'oml I'V, (U'iH1. ' . . . " . Sonif liitsliiinds hands with tlii'ir wives and luirry nil' us last as nossilile. as l!io!l"-i the elVii ts woro a 10 1 H'M. Some husbands will leave home without Haying anything at all, but thinking a ooddeal.as evinced by thoir turning round at the last jioint of observation, and wavinan adieu at the pleasent i'aco at the w indow. Some husbands never say a word, mini; from tho breakfast table with the lofty indifference ol'a lord, and y mi' out with a heartless d is volant oi ... .. . UlOSO lolt behind. Ur . . in a iortuiiato thin"; lor their wives t hat they can lind pvnuiathv elsewhere. 1 S01110 husbands never leave home without some unkind word or look a- iiarentlv thinking that such a course '11 1 .1 1,, :.. l.,.;.. ..1. 1 111 Keep iivi.i-.s biiu iy.it ... t..i. ..u- sence. 'J'la-n on returning. Some husbands come home jolly and happy, unsonred by the world, some sulky and surly with its disappoint-j ments. Some husbands briii'' home a news-! 1 1 1.?. 1 ....1..... jiajier 01 a ouoiv, aim nuiy iiiv.inciii-j 111 the contents. Some husbands are called away cv- i'l v cveiiiiiir nv inisiuess vi ioeiui cu- fcocial en- ,'JWincnts, some doze 111 spcecliiess . . tu"dity 011 a sofa till bed time. So!,K: ""'and are curious to learn of their wives what has transiured , throu.rh tho day : others are attracted 1 . . ' .... ... by nothing short ol'a child's tumbling . down stairs, or the house taking on . l.ri.i.wL.i.1 ,i-r, tl ' cin-u 111 S.IK.I .11.-1 A' v 1 -v ...... , ...... w . . bilits1 rests with them and temptation , finds no foot in sj there.' Saddkn'i Mi Words. There are ma ny euphonious words in the Knglish I ,1 in. ... mni'n nni'lt'-nd ill'. 11 il. o , ...) ,,i ,i n,,. ii..i ouiii iii.fi.iii. iv'.IqI.i. i .v. i. j i. ii- tan of which the sound so harnion- izes with'they sense, that the charm at once the ear and the heart. Tho vocal body, so to speak, with which the sentiment is clothed, seems as ap propriate to it as a lovely countenance to tlic possessor of a beautiful mind. Home, '1ove, 'Muniber, 'Caress, Welcome, belong to this category ; but it is in certain pathetic express ions that the agreement of sound and sentiment strikes us as most perfect. Too said that 'Nevermore was the most mournful of all words ; Byron gave the same melancholy pre-eminence to 'Farewell,' and Dr. Johnson thought that all phrases 'The last' was the most touching. 'The last look' 'The last sigh' 'the last of cart h ;'these are certainly solemn and affecting ut terances ; but wc think, with a late writer, that there is more real pathos in the word 'gone' than in any other 'in the laniruaire. To uso a Spanish, or rather Moorish, metaphor, it is 'full of tears.' How it appals tho sense and desolates the heart oflhe weeping watcher when spoken, ever so softly, in the chamber of death. Gone ! it cuts off all hope. It vibrates on the air like the tone of a tmssi n ; bell. (-me, forever ! what four syllables in an)' language comprehend so much of mystery, and desolation and wo.! '(one 1' says the lorn metlier, when the dark angel lias borne away the last lamb of her fair flock, 'and I am left alone, alone!' '(Jonc!, shrieks the distracted widow as she reads the name of her heart's idle on the death- scroll of War. 'Ob. biisb.-inil. t b.-il . 1 ,v q lit. it .i.vvi. i.iv.u ni..iu uivilj fill? 110 lllOPO liiWlinirS nnd tllO lilll LniilirO of 'that home is the happiest where kind' i-erunou, ness, and interest, and politeness, and Fit" attention, are the rules on the part of ,;irl, husbands of course all the respousi- L;,,,,,. nil' mum i.ucanv ,,.... i . 1 I I MM (if tlll t If I lull, J. ,,,it n aim' . ' ''-in 'irc t mlh, l f II n..t ii m I l'i it Mil lli )i'i ... I Il i.n I sM- r the i ir-iit. n n( itii- (rut, . I P Ti ifflrtl' iltritMnK, , vi-n '- v en-o- l- d in i Hi- lli pi. HI enn ,i il.. ( .l..lnn rnli : t I ii li 'ii. fin pure, (Mlin'O I " 1 wo nrr i. I '.."-Inn . I I t lirce cpi iri-f, ( U liin I il iik'Ti i ti n Mo .1 itn. tl l IHi 1 fi" tl IT" j; uii 10 00 13 IK) tl I'll 1M IKI S.'i mi inn s. II (ID n og K I'll in on Pi no 20 no t 1 ! '.' M) : : 4 mi : : S HO I ! dll i : I'll : : I I HO Twnf'iinr-, : fliri'i. p.,ii:irr. I mir iin.r.-i', """. It ti n r 1 1 III ill tl . Ovir llirp ii-l( mi.l Ii-,. limn itimo moMhi-2 fr,,, ,.r mniurn for ii-h ln.irtin. lii.tei rt! (. not i:n.liu Minci nre In- rtr.t f.ir tl n Ji-i-.r. A liiTlisMii'Mii net mr'i 1 whittle nmnln-r f H'lirlii'im rinniroil, w'.ll t r'.ntinuni until forbid cluirjjtul nccnnlir.j; to thcn trrnm. JOB PRINTING. An extensive stock of Jobbing materia enables tho l'liblisher of the " llrnihlidin' toiiiinoui.ee ta the j-ullia that ho is prepa red t3 A-) nil sindi of i'osrr.its, r.i?jt:ir3, rRourtMMi:s, Ul.A!iSS, TkitK FiOCH, L'lKlfl.ARS, I.ai.ai.s, Pa;.l Ticxirs, JI.wiuiii.i.s, nr.,1 evciy nind of j-i intin usually done in a country i oh nlT.je. Ail orders will be execute 1 w ith no it- i ness nnit Uesiia'cli. tl. 1). OOODI.ANDIvll 4 CO. county i mt l:ct( mi y. Time iil'llolillii Court. HoponJ Momlay of Junimry, Tbinl Mi)iut.i7 of Miin-li, Tiiinl Mnmlny uf Junr, Fiiiirtli Mon'lay oV Seitiiiiilicr, In viti-h year, and cuntinui) two wceki n ce.isary. County Olllrcrs. n . r...l..n ll. . c. ....... I i n..ll..r.. '7' -""w .......1. ........ ............ A3 10 JUULTUr1, IK'U O s If . I (1 11 1U 1 P'l II . V U I lis V I IIUi ' ,,,', ,,.,, Pher.flr, I'rcd'k ;. Miller Clmiriu-ld 1'rotln.nut.iry.J.ilin L. Cintlc, .ifi;'.'' iIiiiiH-s WiiijUiy, llUtfif.1 Att'v ll.il...rl .T. Wi.Mi.cn. Trennrcr, . 11. i llnndcr, c. Surveyor, 11. i.. w njtht, Coiiiniids'n'r, V m. Mern-ll, fllen Hop ( lenrfi.-bl MnrriMliilo biiiliffrsliurg Pi.ilipsl.iirg (Menrli.-ld X. WiishinRtnn Lecuiilp.i Milbj Cuiwcnuille. fi. f. Tlioinpnon, lucub Kunti Auditor.!, 11. C. Il.iwiimn, J. 1J. Sliinv, C. S. Wurro 1, J. W. I'utler, .l.'K-is Iiruuial, coroner, c 0. Supt. Tawunltp: B '" 1. 1st of Post (Xliccs. A'u mi- itf I'. O. Sihhih of I'. l (Jlvn Hope, !. W. t'alwcl llower, J.turv yl:r. Clii-t, T. A. M llhce Cuh, J. V, Ct-fi iU Onti-nil, I.c ia .- H.ith Cleiirlii'ld Briifa, P. U. Jlilk.r Woodlnnd, EJ. V,'i;:iiu:j I.iitlicrl.ur, 11. H. Moore. Trniitville, C- f. Sloppy, Jefli-riun Lin, John Hel.erling V'.iret, .Inn- UI.1014 n,,a Br.". i;ia,lfur.l, T"T. r.loum. Ecm..iile 4 N'cir Wni-hingtori J. M, Cummings C fi u Cuvington, Uiirnside, Jn.i MeMurr.iy ClesrOeld, Frenchville, Knrthaui, M. A. Frank. P. A. tiaiilin. J F W Jichncrr Vntnuel Way Centre eumty I'M m. W il tin in s K!k county, Pa. (' Mignut William Carr A. Ii. Shaw T. II. Forres. J.A. Itearty C. J. Pun-y. David Tyler II. Woodward Eliia ( hare !. Heekadorn I). E. Mokel J, W. Thiinips'n Jus. Thompson J. Mcl'lelland It. VV. peneer, A. C. Mm. re, Samuel Way .V ichnel Wise. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson Cur wens vilie, curwensville, .,..,..- i Inlijn l.ur, Marron, Helen Post Office, Leenunle's .Mill.-', I'.ald Hill, f hawsville, (rahatnton, nmlis Mill?, Madeira, Tvlf-r, P.-niilicld, AiiM.neille, alt Lick, Xow Millport, Urcckenridge, Kylertown, Mnrriinlile, Lumber City.f (irampiaii Hill., Curweniiville, Ill.iniuingville, Koekton, Jeffrieis (iniham, (lulich Hii,-t in, Jordan, Kart II UUf , iv 1.11 Knox, 1 i.jivrrcnce, Morris, Penn, . Pike, .. Union Woodward, '6 This Poet Olliee will do for Chest township f Will answer lor Fergusou towml.ip. $35 00 1YS tho entire cost for TUITION in the most popular and successful CO.M.M KtlClAL SCHOOL in the country. Upwards of Twelyk Hi Siio:h young men, from TwKNTV-r.iiiiiT dillor ent .States, have been educated fur business here within the past three years, some of whoui have been employed as 1JOOK-KEEPERS at salaries of $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered tho College, -Mi'M inister's suns half price. Students enter at any time, and royiew when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship, and View of the COLLEtj E, enclose five letter stamps to JENKINS . I SMITH. May li, 61. ty. Pittsburgh, Pa. . M. M tL'I.l.(W;n7 act;?ey ai !awt Cl.EallFIRMl, Pa. iMtire In tirahanrs llrirk Ilulldlns. Julyjid. ISfil tf. n f: wrf 6 o"d s ! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring &. Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Inin just receiving and opening a cnrefully I selected stock of Spring and Summer goods of almost every description, A baaiinlul u.-soriiueni ol Prints and 1rcss goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. J)RY-C.(K)D.S AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Roots and Shoes, a largo quantity, Hardware, Qi eeusware, Drugs and Midicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, ?acon and Flour, Mackerel in 1 i and 1 barrels. of the best quality, all of which will be sold al 1 'st cash or read nar nricei iptiii nmiMii iimii: W I. A I ' K N V'S M A H f. K I t II K l.u.lnX V' H 1 f n t , (I . ii.. i ,uti i -tllK r.DIMl H-.tl I I itn. it .tv. .1-lllt: XiMiTII I MIIMI tlflll.H, 1 1 1 1 1 i n. i i l-TIIK YITMIN1 r It 111. VII U, I l.il.rtiil. -M,A KWn.U t Pt Mil tiiill M iI .7.IM: (Ti.IT i 1 r r. Il M S . r.-r ni. 11 u in. .'. ro 7 00 ! K Oil I .1 no! s on 7 011 00 : I'. rnnJ one nflh four lli il n. I'nr miy In o of I lie fniir It.-i Ii n . I'nr iinv iliree ol tin. f'liir ll.-vitwi, I'nr nil Imir i f lln. Ileviewi", 1'i.r 1 1 ii ki.n.t Miii uiii.', Fur Itln. k i.ml mill 0110 lt. iiw, l-'i.r IMii.-kwniMl 11 ml two Ketiiimi, Kur I'.lm kwi.oil mi l tlin e ltevii-nn. For l.liiokiiooil mi. I the four Review 1 0 00 N. II. Tho prieo in (J rent llrilnin lor tho flvo Perio iirul nluivo iiiiineil is $'tl per unniiin. l!.'p.ibli.-heil b' Li:0NAIH) SCOTT A Co., uiiirU-f.in .'.I Hold Stn-ot, New York, flXIRpR0PYLAMlNt:. Puring the puft yenr we hve introdueed to I ho notiee of the mc-dicnl profei-fiou of this eoun- try the I'uri Cryntul Ui.il Chluridt ' of l'rtipylixmint as a iti:.Mi:i)T 1 nit hiii.i'.mativm; und having reeeired from inuny courcen, both from pbyriciims of the bigluwt itunding nn.l from p.-itii-iitu, tho Miistllnttorlng; 'rcsdmoiilutsof Its real value n tho treatment of this painful and obnli nuto di.iii.9o, wo aro induced to prevent it to the public in a form HEADY t ju IMMEDIATE L'SE, which we bupo will commend itself to tho?e v u are sufferinj; with Him nfllieting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel Jit-posed to teat the powers of (liin vuluiiulo rem edy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in tho form above vpoken of, has recently boen extenxirely experi mented with in tho PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, ni witn MARKED SUCCESS (.u will appear from the published accounts io tho oiedicol Jour uals.) It is carefully put up ready fur immedi ate use, with full direction?, und can bo obtained from all the druggift at 75 cents per bottle, and at wbuleiale of BULLOCK A CRENSHAW, lruggits and Manufacturing Chemist.', JuneLWfiltf. Philadelphia. JOHN ODELL, UniOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TIMM- MER, TjOcatilat A. II. Shaw's Mills, mu- miU Last j of Clearfield Lorovjh, Respectfully informs tho citizens of Clearfield and ixljoinini; conntios, that he is at all times prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kin-Is and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mat tress, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, whirl, lean bo folded in small compass, and emptied ind refilled at pleasure: and very cheap. Ho also trims Cat riages, makes repairs to all kind? of I Carriage Trimming and Upholstery, uml makes j Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick- uess or length. I 4.-6,Country Prodticu, Corn Hu.-ks, or Cash j taken in Exchange for work. r-Cr-AII orders left with any of tho Merchnts I Clearfield borough will In promptly attended . '" dec2fi IPIIAIKS !! "CHAIRS I I I vy NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! The undersigned hat now on hand, at his Fur niture Rooms un Market St., Clearfield, Ta., a short distanco west of Litz'e Foundry, a larg stoak of CHAW OK A I.I. KIXIW, manufactured out of the bjst inatcrialr, finished n a very superior manner, and which ho will sell 10 W FOR CASH, His long experience in the business make him feel confident that his chairs' are made in a substantial and workmnnliko man ner, and will stand tho test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should cail ut onco und get them while they can be had at the lowest rate. J:iIN TIIOUTMAN. Mar.27-ls-tf. NEW nF.VElilFS TOR SPEUM ATOIMilia:!1 A. nowiRn A-soriATio, Piiii,aiki.. iiia, A Urn ecoeaf Institution ratii.'ninf oy uperial En llowmmt, fir the teliif of the Siik ami Uintrtfed, atflirtril irith Violent unit Chronic Dimnnen, and iprrinlly fir the Curt if Uinra'ct of the Sexual Ol'lJHIt. Mkiucii. Anvic-E given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable nEronTs on Pperiratorrlirrn, and other diseases of the Sexual Oijrans, and on the sew n em k hies employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or thro Stamps for poslngo tieceptablo. Address Dn. J. SKlt.t.r.N HoriiliTOM, Howard Association, No. 2. S. Ninth St., Philudelphia. 2Utny ly. JAMES T. LEONARD. n. A. riSXKT WM, A, WAI.LACH. A. c. nnsitr ,3anhiniT anb CoIIfttion (OStc OF LE0NAR7), FINNEY &Co. CI.KA U 1-' 1 I. I), CLEA ItFIhLL) COIW'TV, PA. miLLS oi. r.xcn a-ioe, kotks Ann hhakts hiscoi nte ' i) posits iu:ci:ivi:i, Co'letttinnt rrale and proceeds promptly remitted Kxrhangeoii Ihe C'ltlci coiiNtaiitly on hand. j50flice on Second St, nenrly opposite the COURT HOUSE. I iverTlkgaIm I Justice of the peace Lulhcrslmrg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his' care. April 4, 1861. j tAS. R. LARTItWER. I. TEST, rAltltmi.lt fc TT.ST, Attorheys at Law J Clearfield, Pa., will attehd promptly to Col tAiohs, Lnhd Ajencies, Ac, tc, in Clearfield i Centre and Elk eouhties. July 30. y j HEED. WEAVER CO. j Mi;ftCII4TS. and extensive dealers In all kinilei af U MBER, ORAIN.and country pro duce Store on cEC0XI Street, Clearfiled Ta. Deo. 4, 1801. i J. D. THOMPSON, l"lnrksrrilth, Wsp-ons.Buccies, Ac, Ac., Ironed J) rn short netice, and the very best style, at bis 1 1 stand in Cao borough of Curwerwivilre. if A It M s IMVUOVM) S K W1X(S MAC 111 NR. v mcrs FHOM S-J0 to $70. The HOUDolR SKWIXU MACHINE, an en graving of which is hern represented, has now tiecoiue a recognized favorite wherever it hn been introduced, and is, beyond question, the l.esl, as well ns the hands. iiuesl, low-priced Sewing Mm 'liin now before the public. No. I A rui till and very neut Machine for Family use. j No 2. A largo Machine for quilting heavy work n n 'I for Plantation use. This Machine is much mlmired for its simplici ty, and for ils reliability and durability it is tin surpassed. A child twelve years can run it with ease ; nnd yet it will sew from the conrsest cloth to tho finest Swiss. Thoro Is no trouble of re winding the thread, ns it is taken from the spools. It has no belts to give trouble, and will run backwards as well us forwards, nnd still sews equally perfect, and without danger of breaking needles. It runs by friction, and by closing tho box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, we have no hesitation in recommending it ns the best 1 uu. i ly Sewing Machine in use. The, following Premiums Awarded ths above Machine : At the Fair of tho t'riiuk!in Institute, 185$, tho First Premium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel phia, September 21, 18i9, tho First Premium a Diploma. At the Pennsylvania State Fuir, hold at Wyo ming, ISliO a Silver Medal. . For the best Doublo Thread Machine, at Lan caster County Fair, held October, 18i!) u Silver i Modal. j At tho Maryland Slate Fair, held nl the .Mary land Insti'ute, Uiiltimore, Md., October, ISM), I under strong competition, a Silver Medal was! awarded to this Machine. I At the New Custlo County Fair, bold at Wil mington, Delaware, Octoler, 1869 u Diploma. The above Machines aro manufactured by CIIAKI.I'.S W. MOW I. AM), Wiliiiin-toii, Dot. SALESROOMS. No. 720 Arrfc Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Ho. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. S. 1). BAKKIi, mm-LI-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. flrPersmis wishing to see the above Machine in operation, can do so by coifing at the resi dence of D. V. .Moore, in Cloarhold borough. Wnlt'c up! Wake up! BMt kSMl l lllM;. THE subscriber res pectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he is new well o .ihli.-hed in his NEW SIIOP on Pino street, o.-pusite the Town Hull, in tho borough of CleaiHeid, and upon his own hook, nnd where he is prepared to do nil work in his line in tho very be.-t style, nnd on tho shortest notice. Ilis old ciirtoi-crs are res pectfully nl.e.l not to forget him, and any num ber of new ones ore respectfully invited to give him a trial. EDliE TOOLS. His reputation ns a Maker nnd Repairer of Edge tool.- should ol itselfseeurc him a liberal patronage. C. EO It 0 E C. TA S S M ORE. April 21, Ifol.tf. o 1. 1; n - c ii o " mTlTs '. Uoriiiuntown, Pa. cCAL L"UM k Cu., - t an r f.wti' n r. its. Importers, nnd Wholesale Dealers in c A it i r. t I m; s . i) it ii ; ; i; t s OIL CLOTHS, .7.1 7T.VI7.V, .1 r., Warehouse. No. )00 Chestnut Street, (Opposite Stuto House,) aprS'81-ly Piiu.ioFi.i-iiu. IL U t h If B lh U ff 13a rs tt ru $ li tin: rsiu R(;, CI.K.VHFII.I.D COL'.NTV, TA. WILLIAM KEEI), PmprHor. july 10, ISfil. ly. IJANIKL GOODLAN DYAl, Jl'STIC'Koftho penco Lnthcrsburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to re.i.j sjq March 23, lSliO. y, pd. MOOKE & ETZ'iLEH, Wholesale and H eta 11 Vlcrrliunts. Also eilipsive dealers in timber, sawed 1 u mil ber and ?nngles. Also, dealers in flour au grnin, which will bo sold cheap for cash. Oct. 14, 1859. I YKOXE CITY HOTEL Col. A. T. OWENS, rRoi-RiKTon. Respectfully announces to tho travelling public th-t be has now tuken charge of this lurge nnd well known boHse, and w ill conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort and for, satisfaction .to ull who may favor hi in with a call. " nov7-ly " WALTER BARRETT J ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly! and faithfully to nil legnl business entrusted toi his fnie, in the several Courts of Clearfield and i'ljoin:r.g counties. ' Offirc tie one formerly occupied by G. R. fJarrctt. Oct. 2Ctb, I850-1y riiin: ci.i.AKi ii.i.i) acadi:my will 1 bo opened for the reocptio.. of pupils (mules nnd females) on Monday Sept. 2d, lsiil. Terms per Session of rJcvcii U'ci-ks: Orthigraphy, Reading. Writing, Primary Arilhmotic and tleograpby, $2 Sfl Higher Aritliun-I;e. English (iramniar, (ieogrnphy and History, 3 Of) Algebra, He'oinetry, Natural Philosophy, and Hook Keeping, 4 0(1 Latin and tJreek Languages, 1 (III To students desirous of acquiring thorough English Education, nnd who wish to quit My themselves lor Teachers, this Institution odors desirablo advantages. No pupil received for less than half a seision, and no deduction cade except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid at the c1oe of tho term. C. U. SANDFORD, '. im ipal, Clearfield, Aug. 7, 18C1. ly. JLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, Liquons or all kinds, SALT, OILS, PAINTS, Si GROCERIES, lafFor sulo rery choap for Cash, l.y O. B. MER REEL, In basement of Merrell it Bigler's Store, Clewfield, Ta. feb-27. ) W. HAYS, Justice of tho Poaoe. will atton . promptly to eoltactlons and other matter ! eft in his charge. Addrs Kersty, Elk co,; Pa I Ott 3dt8n(l.ly. , A YKUS 10R runin-iNo the hloop HeriilMiiilVii.ral.a, ' ' W lll'lllll., "mi.. I , . ."'' I l-lml,., I'w.iiiH.. HlV.lV. I Oui l,i 3 r. Htm Co. V T' I. I li Hi .1' ,: 1 I ni 11 mi . u.. . IIkmi.iI InliPilie l n f-. 1 . ! . , I ,,(, tl not It in IHlli'lli in r... - .ti ll .... "I m nut In I l.w in. in v ImmU m.. nin,, l.l.l.i.l .it. iM il.i,.. i in.. MUi., '.I lllll.-t tl ,,..", 1; "lllllll .vr,.,, nun II In k,. , 111 ,n mv li.xl n. ,,ltl,, ,' .,.! m mill, ,,., ,1,1,1, , ,,,,, ' i'li , b.-y.ii.il il..iili..n. I In. rl m.iiiii nuli, ., . ' , piinicim.., imi n ill.. ml 11111. I1 r, II. 1 m unv 11 lll. l. 11.11 ll.ill.lri (IL WHIM-. Ai Ii iikii, 1 11 I" i.n.l In tin- H. I MeM, !,..,., n,i ..... I fti. nl. ,. ttiM IHm. ........ r... I I . .-V ' 'I " , ,.-.-..,........,, , itin'w nun, - llnil Unit Ny II. III.- J.IU Ul.lll.l nn.-t h p.., I 1 5 -... ii.i.utl ainl K..) . no. I iu.., , ,t rul(.,, J 1 j II. ns )oi il.lv Im). ill 1.1.111II ll. su .. , .I,., ,,,, . ', 1 ;' lli.'l.ll., I. ml nseil Him...! llii...t Ik. n,.. .( , kin s.-.ii Imnii 1 1. (.mi nu.l.-r H, u.cl, i , ' wliile HI ..a. My sk.n o. n.,w rkw, nn.l 1 k,,'" feelinps tlmt tl.o illssnse tun,, i,,,,,, n,v ,u(" can well Ivlieve Unit 1 f., hut 1 am ' you. that I hold J.iil to Is- uue ol l),,, iimu u. ., and remain ever gnilofullj. Yi.iiih, AkHll.l) B.TAIJ St. Alltliony'i Fire, none or Krvul. Tetter ami Salt IMieum, Kef,i ' ltiiigworui, Sore Kyea, Uroiuy, Dr. p,ls-rt M. Pcel.le wiites from SM,m, jr. T ' Hept., 1N5U, thai lie has cured an liivti'rnl i .. Vropiy, whli-h tlireniene.1 to terminate finally. I perseverlDK use of our Sarsnpitrilla. ai.,1 nU,. n ii;i Malignant yi(;Wif I. v Iliree it.wis of H,., MMk he cures the common Ernilnmt hy II oii.tmuir. ' ' Ilroiichocele, Goitre or Swellnl , Zehiilon Sloan of Prospect, IVxah, writ, ; 'itx . . tlei of your HKrsani'illn cured me from a f.'.,i'rf a I..0 eous swellii.it on the neck, which 1 had stilluikd buu over two years." I.rurnrrlifrn or tVli lien, Ovarlnn Tumor. Vterine I Iteration, I'einule UUen,. lir. J. B. R. ChanniiiK. of New York Cilv, writ; "I nioet cheerfully eonirly wilh the re,nest of ymir SK. i'it in say I n (r 1 hare fmiel your Siir.a,ioilla a nun-t cxr.-lleiit alterntlre in Ihe iiiinierens roiil;iints tor l,i.- wa employ snrli a reme.lv. hut eH.,-li,lly in HmU. ;i,.if of the Scrofulous di.-.ilirsis. I Iistp cured ncny irmtt-r-Hie cases of Lcucori Im-a l.y It. and ,mu wh, i,.' il rnm. plaint wits caused ky ulcn-iitum of the um..f. 'l'h,- ul.-er-aiion itself was soon cured. Koiliiiiir Hill, in my knoivl. edtre eipiiils It for these, frn.i.l.. d-rat,i;em.'iii4.-' Kdwnrd S. .Marrow, of Newloiry. Ala., writes. " A kin (ren.ns neoroi,! (iiii.nr i n one of Ihe f. ini.les In my fumilr, whlrli had defie.l all the remedies we rou. I en, ;i,.v. 1,,, at leimll. been coioid. lely n.ied l.y your Kxtrs.t ef Sur. amrllhi. Our .iysi.ii.ii tli"iii.'lit niiliinjl.nl etinpn tion could allord relief, hut ho adviseil the trial i f yo.ir Sarstqiarill.t as the Inst resort hvliire culling, nnd it prov. ,1 cflectiinl. After takimryonr leuie.lj eight wveks ao symptom of II. e disenso reinnlns." 8.hllU nml Mt-rcurinl Disease. Nr.w Oni.rirs, a'.ih A.ifu i. ur,.. TR. J. C. Arm : Sir, I cheerfully ronipl) win. lln re quest of yoiirnirent. nn.l reiorl Ii yon soutu ul tho filet. Is 1 hive realized with your R.i.i.Hiilla. 1 hare rm. . I oiih it. in my practice, most of tho com. Jilnilils fur nl.i.li it in is, on, in, 'loll I. and have f nn.l H effects truly wol.dellul in Ihe cure of Vmtrml ,in,l V. r eariVil Ihtratf. One of my !.i!ients hnd ryil,ilitic ul'-eis lu his thi'oat, which were eousuminu his fmlsio nnd iho top or his moiilh. Your Snrnnimi illn, sliadily ulo n, cured Liu in live neel;s. Another nas atiack.-d hr f ondury yniptoi.iN iu his nose, nnd the ul.-emtioti Iih.I eaten away a "lisideralde part ol It, so thai I In h, v,. Din disoi.ler would soon reach his hrnin and kill lino. Hut it yielded to my ndiuiuisllalioll of your Stir.niitirillu: llm ulrern henleil.nnd lie is well again, not of coerso without come ftistiirurution to ids fare. A woman win, ln! I ti'il.-d for the name ihsoider l.y men nry wnn suni iiio; from Otis sitson in her hones. 'I hey had her, me mim ii lilive to Iho weallier that on a dump dny nlie sullVnil . ei-iuiatiiiK pnin in her joints nnd Ismes. rhe, i.o. was cured eii.'.'.""1'1 1-y your Nirsiinnrilln in a few we.-ks. I know fuiu its tormu! wlikh your neut pile uie. Il it tins l-ie.uralii.n t . out jour hit "atoiy umsl I t- n pent remedy ; conic. luently, ilo-io tl"'y lunni.'"'Wo icnilu wall it h i'. o imt suipiiKid uw. fraternally loins, G. V. LAKIMMt, M. P. Khcumntikiii, Gout, Liver (on. plaint. Iniii::!FNci:, Preston To., Vi... I'll, ,),i Isf. i Pn. .1. ('. A Yin: Si,, I ,ve .,., n i,ili,:,., ,;. nil i liroiiic hhnmiaitm for n long lime, u hi. Ii Uni. , n, skill id physician, and sin. k to mi. in rpn,. n , remediiM I could tii.d. until I tiied ymu Sai .ipiiillu. u buttle cured uu, in two weeks nnd iili.red my r' lieral health so inn. h Hint I am fur hell, r than I ..-t. . - v,,t ntl oked. I think it a wonderful medi. ino. J. ) I;I AI. Jules Y. (ielcl.dl. of St. I.uis. v i i i . : - ),. nlllirted for year" with tin oi.eten . (he 7.,.,-r. n I... Ii .1. ! toyed my lieallh. I tried every thh'n;. ai.d every tl,n failed to relieve me ; and 1 have la-en n hn.k. n ., w u tiiuti formmo years fn.iti no ether came ihnn .7. niMKn . i,t. "' iii'"-. Jly L. loved pa.lnr. Ilia (lev. Mr. I ..py, ttil.i.eil uie to tiy your SaiHipnrilla. la-eause he said Io l.rew i. u, and any thinir y.ni made was w.nth try inc. Ity the l.'l.. It.g ol liod it has cured ine, and Inn mi pniilnil my h..d ns to make a new man of n,e. f. el youin; n..;u.i. 'I ;u Ii. si that enn he said ol you is not ln.ll' good .i.niiel,-,i S Ii iri-iia.C nnr r Timioi a, I ;.. Io i ueuu nt, I l e. i Ion, C i.l lea a. id f.iloli.iliou ut the liunea. A great vnilety of cases have heen reporlel In li wln rn rules ..f llose f.oioi.lal.le r.....a,i,t. li ne ,..,,H,, f,.,,n Ihe use ol lllis remedy, l.ltl our s.ace lo-io will li"l ii lln.t tl.. ill. Seme of Iheiii may In. l..iit,. in our Aiii 'ite in Almanac, whirli the aeenis helow named are j-h o.-1-d li fui i, m!i giutM to all who call I f them. Dyspcpnlii, Heart llhrs.p, Tlta. Kullcp y, .Mi Inn. Ii.,l j , . inatliiiii Many reini.i kahle .nr.s .1' tl,, -,. (, it. - i- ns lone heen mad.) I.y the alterative power ol llim in.ili. ine. It sliii.n lates the vitnl fniiclious into viguoiia a.u. n, and tl.m ovorromes dis.inli-rs whlih would he i-iipp.... .! I., I In reach. Sii' h a remedy has lime. I , en r. ii.ii-ed In' Hi" nc-ecK-itiea ol the people, and we an, (ontid. iit ihal'UiU will do for tbeni all that mcdiciue can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rou the lut'iD crnp. op C'oiiRlit C'tfln. Iiii1iwti7n, lIonrnriir89, Croup, ltrniK'hltU, Ini lplriii iiii uniit ion, nml for (l.e Wtlitf of on sum pi Ivc 1fitlt'iil4 lu nil vii nrril StQKCB of tlie lixca.'. Thin Is a rftnfily m niiivfifnlly kuown (o ittirpsM up? otliiT for the rnro of lliront ami Innp ct'inplHiiiis.. Hint it In unr-lrKH lift to pulnVli the cvi'ltMirnof its viiturs. lin nnrivftlhMl excrlleiiro fur coulm nil r(iMn. nnd its' trn'y womlfrfiil niri'M of nitinoiiHry dlftfiiv, Iihvk lunit it known tliti'iif.'hout the nviiiztil iiti'.ns ul tho vn lb. Few arfl tho rommuiiitiM. ur oven fimiilU'ti, ftiuniiL' tl.-m who hate not nome tioiji1 rxpoi ji-nt b of iul:"t dmo 1m lit it tP'phy iu their niitNt t itn i irtory ovt r tho uhtlft mid (IfitiKrioiiH difnnh'M if tin thnmt find Innr. At all know tho drvalul fatality of thct-o iliennli r, nml an thrv know, too, tho vllVtsof thin n-nu'tly, m ii.e-l jnt do more thnn to Rn.nnr ilicm thnt it hns now all tit- vir tiler tlmt it dol havo whea nmklng he cun which Buy wi-ti o itrongly upon tho ciultJ nco of mmikiixl. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY KB &, CO., Lowull, Vaii. JZ&HAA ty C. I). Watson, Clearfirl 1. E, A Irwin, CuriViMiavill? ; F. ArnoM, I.utlir.-hiirj?, Montgomery A Co., New Puicm ; J, C. Uretmer, Morrisdalc, C, R. Foster, Vhilipchur ; and KJi Chase, Anuonvillo ; and hy danlers pv(r'whre. CLEARFIILD STONE WARE rUTTBy. Thankful for past favors and solioitious of fu ture pntronajje. I would respectfully announce that I hare on hiind ncnin, nnd wi.'l constantly keep at tho Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance cast of tho Methodist Church, a lnrco stock of Crockery , such ns Cream crocks, milk pans, Chums, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing ffn. f'C ; nnd also an extensive assortment of different sizes and putterns of brackets and rosettes for cornico on houses, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will bo trade to older on short notice. Also fire brick made nnd kept for snle. JjTVA liberal reduction on prices nmlo t wholesale dealers. F. I.EITZIXlitK. Clearfield, may 2.1, 161. ly. " " Cabinet, Chair Making1, JOHN ii;UCII, of the bormiRh of ClearHeln, l'n., will bo jireparri'iat all times to attend to to any business in the nbovo lino on short notice, nnd in a workmanlike manner. His pines of business is at the aid shopon the north side of Market street, 3d door east of Third St., nearly opposito tho old Jew store j where he will kep constantly on bund it large assortment, of Va hogony nnd Cune liottoin Chairs, and Cnhinot Ware of every (Inscription, which lie will dispose ofon as rensoiiiiblo terms ns tho satno articles can be had elsewhere In the county. His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, ccn sists in part of Dressing and Common llureaus, Sofas, Sew ing nnd Washing Stands, Desks ind ltook Cases, Krench and Field I'ost lledstesds, Dining, Brenkfnst, Centre, Card and Pier Ta bles, Ac. Collins manufactured and delivered tl any p'nco desired. February 9, 1859. no. 4, Tol. ir. LHlUDHsl lor ilcliciDOl purposes tirsnay Port and Sherry Wins, Nectar Whiskeym Hollirnsl Oin-t UARTBHTCK,,