f ff oMrnif rib jllfublunn. tiVTIShAV'" 'JAN. . -""""I'l'r 1l" 1 r""r' A, c T tif. . - - . if, r.M. ... 13, 1.i P.M. w .iwaMi. . - - T.4.1 A M .... 1,1.1 P.M. P.M. wr ... u.,i tram 1K.MN' I.MvlMl J,ltf.S pa'SellR" - Mnl T"" ... . I i r Tbe K't Line l"'' ,luP Tyrone Statb Ccnvsntios. The Uetnofralie State O'titivl Committee nint Al Ilurr'm burg ' " t'10 1 'nfcl t nd fixed upon tlic 41I1 of July r.cxt ae tho time for holding ttie next Democratic Stat Convention nt IIrfiliurg. A Man Trap. We have teen requested 10 watn the public of the dangerous con dition of the bridge across Cleat field creek two miles east of this place. Last spring the main structure wan carried away by the high water. It was Ikon temporarily repaired, but not with the expectation that heavily laden teams would attempt to cross it. The danger was not regsrded, however, and so far no accident has hap peneu. We are told that the stone work of the pier ha given way -to what extent cannot bo known when tho water is high, gs at present. That it is really dangerous; we havo not a doubt, and (eel that it is a duty we owo to the public to apprise thorn of the fact. "Motes'' and "Beams." Quito a .spirit of rcfotni seems to have seized seven 1 of tho correspondents of tho Jonrnnl last 1 woek. They can look upon the men aliom they assisted to put into power .squandering the public money not by 'the tlieusanils, nor the tens of thousands, nor even by the hundreds of thousands Lutby the million, and not a word complaint is uttered. But when our County Commissioner contract to pay Commissioners contract to pay i tlx ccr.ts per bushel for Coal of the best quality tho public are startled with the announcement that bids were before them at less Khan five cents per bushel! Thus showing a clear loss to the county of per haps five hundred o(a(i.' Unfortunately Tor them, howevor, they fail to inform the public whether there is or is not jiiite that diflcrenco in the quality of the coal. J'.ut they do not stop hero. The offi cers of the Clearfield County Agricultural Society are severely handled, for paying most extravagant wages to several gentle men for their services show ing to a mathematical demonstration that some of those publio leeches received as high as Jour, j ea, and even fire dollars ! for four or five d.iys lurd services ! ! How wonderfully apt some men are to discover the "moto" in their neighbor' eye, when they are fairly blinded by tho "beam" that sticks out of their own. VQb.Tha sud'l.'ti change of weather last Wednesday night from rain to snow and bard freeiing made the sledding so good that a slad-sole, which a friend in the country had purchased in town and threw otr nt his own door, had jWawny by morn ing IIikh M'lTrn. Tie rivfr lot! nigat at dark wa within about two feet of (ho great fluod of last fall. As yet we huvs heard of no special damage ; but, judging from the quantity afaquara limber that drifted past this j.lace, we have no doubt the "aggregate n iouut of lots would reach man; thousand! of dollar taking the rirsr an 1 Id Tarinui tributaries. Agricultural Meeting. The annual meeting of the Clearfield Count Agricultural Soidctr wns held in the court house on Tuesday evening, Jan. 14th. The meeting came to ordor by the President, Ku.il InwiN, Kiq., taking the chair, and an nouncing the first business in order to be the e'oction of officers for the oniuinc year. Mr. ; Bigleruggeted that the jiroient President be re-olected. when Mr. Irwin ro4 and roinarkid , that he had already served nearly tl.re. year,. ! od thanking the Bociety for their nndevieting support and hearty co-operalion, respectfully de cl.ned to serve at this time. Whereupon, on mo tion, JosiAn It. Read, Kaq., wai unanimously elocted PreiidenL Ou motion, the following named gentlemon were ro-eloctrd Vice Presidents : Clearfield borough, James T.Leonard; Curweniville, Wm. Irvin ; Lumber eity, Pamul Kirk; Ntw Washington, John M. Cummings; Lawronce township, John J.Kead; Tike, James II. Flamming j Penn, Eli- shaFenton; Brady, Samuel Arnold ; Union, Da- Tid Dressier ; Itoll, Jacob W. Campbell ; liurn ide, James McMnrray; Chest, Aaron JI. l'ierco; .Ferguson, Wm. McCracken ; Jordan, Jno. Thomp son ; HaccarLa, Henry B. Wright; Woodward, J. M. Chase, Oulich, Ceorgo W McCully ; Bloom, James lilnoai; Boggi, Oeorge Turner; Decatur, .John Shaw ; Bradford, Daniel Stewart ; Houston David Tyler. (0n motion, the following officers wera elcoted : D. F. Etiweiler, Rocording BecreUxry. ,.BanJ, Spackman, Correspoudin' Secretary. Jasmes Wriglcy, Treasurer, John F. Weaver, Librnrian. On motion a committee of five, at follows: Da vid Tyler, A. C. Tale, Elisha Fenton, Richard .Humphreys and D. W. Macro, were appointed a eommilteeto select fire pern.ns to aarve (be ' Wtir. Committor, who reported a. follow, .! John MoUaughey, Lawrence; John D. Thorns. ! soa.-Curweneyillej Bieh'd Shaw, jr., Lawrence;' ,Joiph A. Caldwoll, Pike; aud Win. Tate. Law- : rsnce, who were, Vn motion, elected. 0a motion, the present BoaVd of M.nag.r, w.r. rejected, J follows; Cleartlold, Ceo. L. Reed; Lawrcnc. , Jvs. Irwin; Pike, Perer Hoov- r; Brady, Martin II. Luther; Morris. Edward Pks; Penn, Elisha Fenton; Lawrence, Aaroa C Tate; Ferguson, J. P. ljoyt; Ball. William T. ! QUbert ; OosL; J. A. L. F'al , Jordan, S.u, .tJ. M,le.; Houston, J. B. H.wiU; Boll, Thos. A. MoOhee; Knox, Conrad Baker; Bnggs, David Ademi,.en. Oa motion, Ei-tiovernur Bigler wm called up- I Ml It nMlfSllli, rV. IMj, I I. h I , liMf''!,! 1 i Afhr efiw ll.li'.cn ailtM.anl 1.-.c iMntl ft. m lbs tMiitt ( lvi'l. tit, itri'l In ltml.ll ln J'liin.eJ, I'lSll'I'M . . I, t)i fn, Utf si WESTERN CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. A a tiiestiir. nf lha Plm khnblers nf snld mm puny, held nt ilirlr t.flir In ill lniroii;li nf Clear Mil, mi Monday tli f l.llh day nl Jaausry, A.I) , I Sf 2 , Iht following ofltcera were elected, thcrs be lug two hundred and hlnety flit votes polled, til. Presed.ml,- 0. It. IIAHRKTT. Vico Prescient. Jo Paw.. Dire-tori.--.lamti T. Leonard, James 11. llra haw, John Pulton, Win. M'lliiiU, I,. J. (.'rant, Simon II. Itow. Richard Mossop, Charles L. Lam. hcrton, Jacob Mark, I. (I. tlcrdon, Kennedy L. ItlooJ, and A. K. Wright. After which, the Hoard orgauited and appoin ted. lion, James T. Leonard, Treasuror, and L. J. Crans, Secretary. L. J. CIIAX?, See'y. LETTER FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. Camp Jamison mar Fort Ltox, Va, ) January 14th lSl.2. j Mt?R. Kuitohs : I have thought several times of Into that I would nddruss a few lines to the Ji'epubliran,nml as often 1 have neglected it, but this cold and blustery evening find me seated in my "cotton Iiouho" ondMtvorin io collect a fiw iileus which may perhaps bo interesting, at lenst to a part of your readers. Since our arri val in this camp, the ItrpidiUean has been a constant, and I assure you a most wel come visitor. It may not be amiss at this time togivoyou a brief ekfteh ofour trav el since leaving Camp Wilkins m.iir i'itts burg, this being the iirst Camp in which our regiment was stationed. We left, the above, namvd Camp ubout tho middle, of September, and after a somewhat tedious unit tiiesDmojourney nirived in Warning ton, I. C, I'ponour uriival hero we en- camped on "Kalorama Hoights," about I one mile west from tho citv. We remain- ednt this pi ice until the first of October, when wo "pulled up slakes" passed thro' ; Washington city, c.ossed the Potomac at "f.n., ltri,l " ..n.l iA ilil, i nf r.. .....i r.,..:f. . i jiP1K,ng from Alexandria to Leesl.urc, and about one and a hulf miles from tho form, er ..laee. Nothin" of iim.oitanee oeei.r. I c - , - red during our stay at this place, and at, eight o'clock on tho evening of tho 12th, we might have been seen passing along in the vicinity of Fort Ellsworth en route for our present ca np, where we arrived nlout 11 o'clock, P. M. This Camp is lo- catetl upon a farai owiud by a man whose name is Mason.said to bo a relative ol the lute P.epresentativo of the Southern Con fetliTacy at Boston. Wo me a! out one and a half miles South of Alexandria, on the road lending from thence to Kich mond, and have a beautiful view of the r....tif.r. tili.j.n S.nce coming to our preient Camp the ' "ty. Mye rs, Tate, Craig, Bai roii, M'Mack men have beon busily em-aged in drilling '" eeland, Donnelly, (1 hiladolphia.) and other duties pertaining to Camp life. Knr some liin a i-rputnr tmrt nf ll.ci.il were kept at work upon Fori Lyon, which is about one half mile North ofour Camp. Wl.lht un.kii.-r nt- ihw il.nv .11.1 not ..,. alone very well in tho wav'ofdnllini-.fc.. but for some time past t:iey have been u- Doiuehol. er, akelickl, M Mackin, excused from the above dutv. and they'11"- olf- Hoover, Delone, .Josephs, are now impioving rapidly. At the pres-; ont time ours is considered the best drilN .l rn.fimnl.l in ll.i ln-i.r.i.lA TI.Ij lu ,. I tributcd to the fact that the men are very attentive, and place great confidence in the commanding clhcers, who, by the way i are seconu to none in the army of th toinie. Uur (,..1. isouite a young man he understands his business, and should the opportunity offer he will no clonal distinguish himself upon the field of bat tle. Our Lieut. Col. is also well skilled in military affair;), and is well calculated to play his part In our Major and Adju tant, o have two wholesoided clever fel lows, either of whom is capable of com manding any regiment in tho service, and should the command of ours devolve up on either of them, the men will follow wherever they lead knowinj- as they do. U .,..nn rr officer. Our Captains and l.ieutenantslhea'y. Zollie.nflVr'e dead body is in the are all tine-lookiiig,able-bolii-d men, who, with few exceptions, are well posted in regard to affairs de militaire ar.d should tlvy have an opportunity they will no doubt leave their mark in Seeeshdom. During tho month of November and patt ol December, wo (like all others) were daily expelling that an advance an advance body of the would be made hy the main army, but suppose it is not altogether nec "7 io siaie imu we were tusnppoinieu 0ur regiment has been several times as far as Pohiek Church and Aceotunk Mills, a distance of twelve miles from our Camp, and about one and a half miloa beyond our line of pickets. When out on these excursions we generally saw a few Secnsh but did not succeed in trapping them. The 1 weather in this vicinity is quite changea ble, during the month of December it won warm and pleasant, with the exception of a few days. Since then it ha been cold and warm alternately. Up to the present time we havo had about four inches of js0(V anr tlis has fallen at as many dif- ferenl periods. It bei-an storminc last night and continued all night and during the greater part of to-day, and at present time (midnight) tho mow is about two inches deep arc! still falling. 'J'h is being the first letter that has been written to the liepxiblican. from this Camp, I will embrace this, the earliest opportu- I nily, of returning thanks in behalf of j Capt. Kose and Company to Jno. M. Cum mings, and others of .New V nslimg'.nn and vicinity, for tho kindness and hospi Ulity which was shown by them to said Company, at the time of their departure for the seat of War. But perhaps I will have already tired the patience of your readers, and I will therefore clnse for the I present. If I idiould not happen to be i n 1 M l ... .. r "'l i e' "P. nu tue weamer proves ia. VOralJle '0" h("ftr fr0' ',"7 ' J Heivt Contract for Foraue. Mr. Jno. W'1'- 0" the firm of Hughes, Fuller k Co., of Philadelphia, has secured a contract Jg J;j rnment with one bushel, and aever' hundred and My h!Z and tons of hay at J22.50 per ton. This D one of the heaviest contracts yet made by the Government for "forage." v SZlZ wonh ..uign, in JJgffJo. The reLo". for this condition of things are obvious CanajJa hiJU sv worth Iho ftc of them in gold in Canada. HHnrJlntntninlUiM n,i 1 1, o 1 tih liil . ll.o S'm V an i mi. . .... ... I the 1nno rf trpip.ntilivi at ll illi" lung It ill be MTU Ihnl all m'..r - Innt ruininitl. 'M ni o) afidy undef lh cnii Irnl 'f It 'pu'ilii'MI til lj. II it'll'. 1 hi will eeine allegnd fraud agniml itvl fair invealialiiin which the much demand. that full c-'l I" U'.iyi a4 ,V.:,i.i..--Meis. Aimslrong, j-,,, -Righani, Smith. (' 'licntpr,) AMt, It ' ii,r V hl. (I. uierne.) Alexander, l'eihing. 'Imthani, . Finn "rd f.-r l'..i. . Crnig, Windle, Ziegler. tlainbh-, licivpr, Hid.' vr th H.owt., (Merer.) llo'Jl-r. .ulna,.y,((,V,.m, )-M.'r.Sc.ilt. Wil ' V liunia, Smith, (C'hi 'lef.) Shaiinon, Sl "n' ; , t -ft H, Hanks, Vincent, brown, ( Nortl.uiubcr-j,!,,, , . land,) Ien:ii.. I'ork pr ll ..i(n'iii'y,(C(.) Mes'K.llighniii.l'uf. Hks crll field, l'ersliing, Chathain, Ziegler, Coeh j vy H"- ran, Hyon.Ureenhar.k. JUiH.. P" j - (Irahani, (irant, Ross, (Mitllin,) liatos, : Whl,uj f pcr llu. I'otteicdr. KiKsell. !. .- EttiL'i and techtat'. Jfessrs. Strang, Ivaiiie, incent, .U Ulioen, uify. lMunchard, Heche. Agriculture an t Mjnufahurtt.--Mesrs. (I wu A t '.a 1 1 1 IV al I W ! t l 1 A '11 1 it Tit rafl Unr. v..v. v...-.-.-.., 1-" ion, lutchman, I.elinu.n. ' . ... .... hitucatnn.-il!ir. I'.lliott, IMlIiel'l, llliss Divins, Donley, (i!reeno.) Uoilenu, Karly, McClellan, Twitehell, UoiisehoUltM', Fox, Kline, Rowland, Hopkins, ( rhihdolphia.) W'imkiy. jh1-. Messra. Crane, U'iss, (Lu."rne.) Abbot, Tracy, Woiley, Rhoid, I'.inwn, (Noilhuuiberland,) Cochran, Oros, Nei man, Dennii, Chatham, Hotter. vlrcoiin. Messrs. Schlock, Oaskill, Twitehell, Rex, Konnedv, Labji, Fox. Vice and ImmmalJi. Messrs. Wnkefwdd, Donley, ((ireene.) Dennis, Warner, Vin cent, Peters, Dutchman. Miction ltlricts. Messrs. Ilapper, Tut ton, Hates, Iabar, M'Coy Hull, Dehme. Claims. Messrs. Tracy, Worlev, Oaskill, Vow,,n' V ,,K- "ul.Uu, .1 t . ..... i - r....i. IBeebe. MClelian. "0 ''V. . i v . ten,nR' ,,cr' U.?$P' ) ell, Hoss, MSlanus, Peter?, ltamsey, , i j s-i i r r ; .1. Iihoail. l'ot toiffer. S ir,K:kN il. niuli, (1 hilndel- I""-) ii?"r. 1,1 a,im " 'u'ln ',' '-lo""". Aenneay. ucx, Jusiy, (iniltlev. Library. Me;rs. Williams, Smith (dies ler,) Armstrong. New Coniitici ami Cuuvtii Heats. Messrs Blanehaid, Dapper, Beaver, Elliott, Kanu L i. ... i. t . l.-.i 'IV.. "V. "1ver. " w 'oslT's. ieumao, iui lul1, (owpore lUlh.-Me: ssrs, Moore, l.ichten wullner, Kailv, Rovland, Busby. ififitla System Mpssi-s. Shannon, Hop kins, (Wnstiiiigton,Suiiih, (Wjiladelphia) Scott, imley, trane, Myers. IlutlroaJi. Messrs. HopkilK, (Washing ton.) Alexander, Sellers, Moore, Dough- 'J1'8"'- t-V 1 atsfhger hailroatfs, M essrs "fl'J'f. Divins, urahaui, McCoy, .Caldwell, veijner Kilter, Brown. (Mer- cer.) 1 Ijomnson, Wnrup Minn and Minerals.-Messrs. Kyoii, Boi- Donnelly. (Phil.ulelphia,) Kline, W . 1 rii.fi'y. Messrs. Cowan, Neitnr I'eidner, Heitnan, xil lOTH, I 111 e, 1 1 CH XS . I J'ubl 'M-yi.-Messrs. Duffield, Dough- ,erty' 'foeland ;,ErjLast Night's Mail BLOODY BATTLE IX KY. We find the following important dis patch in the Pittsburgh Vvsl of yosterday morning : CixctxxATTi, Jan. 20. A combined at tack was made to day on Zollieoll'er's en trenchments by Schoeft and lliomas . . . . . . W - re suiting in a complete yiciorj . n captured all their camp property i- 1 r -ri,. We have and a , lan-n ouanlitv ot nrovisions. .lie loss is hands of the Federals. The Lexincton conespondent of the Commercial gives the following account of Saturday s battle. Zollicoffer. learning that the Federal force had appeared in his rear marched out of the entrenchments at 3 o'clock on Saturday morning and attacked School!' jjn his camp, whose picket were driven in nt an ea-dv hour and the attack was made before' davlicht. The battle is re ported to have raged with great fury until three in tht afternoon, when Znllicofltl, havinir been killed, the whole rebel force fled in confusion to their camp. The l?ailey Teyton killed is a son of the ex member of Congress from Tennessee. Our victory has been very decisive and ill rf suit in the rout of the whole force defend ing tho right flank of Bowling Green. Later advices say tho fight took place on Sunday, instead of Saturday morning. Gen. Thon-.an followed up the rebels M miles to their camp, where he found their entrenchments deserted, the rebpls hav ing left al! tlieir cannon, &v. rebels wtrekillc-d. Tho 10th Indiana regiment lost 75 killed and wounded. tcto Jbbutisnntnts. AUTM)Xr-I hereby caution all persons J irom harboring or trusting uiv wife II AX XAItJAXE on my nccmint, as she has left try bed and board without just cause or provocation, and I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after the dale of the 10th of January, 1802. SA.Ml'KL E. SXYDEH New Washington, Jan. 22, 1682 M. - ; cVOTICI-i. Xotice 1 I)MIMHtATOHM is hereby given that letters of Administra- tien have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Ii.NOS fc'IIAKFEK, Into of Urndy lownsnip uecease.i. ah persons indented io snm estate are requested to make payment without do - lay, and those having clninis against the same ill present them duly nnthenlicsted for settle - mem to me. - r.tiiAo cnarrMi. Braiy tp., Jan.22, 1862. Ol. Adm'r. Light Light V f FR R ICLL 1 BIOLF.n keep eonstantly t f . a C H ! t- L' I X'A. on hand tbe most approved pattorns of niT, r.AMPs which they foil as cheap ran be pnrrhised elsewhere in the county. Person! purchasing of them will have the advantage of' having thoir lamps repaired wuHorr COST, af their sales are warranted. Jan. 1 ,?. I ( ll itl i( ( l( (1 I'll"1" '"l I ,t f I,, .If.,. - i I., . . I . .f r I " i ' : a I t '1 I s n,t 7 .iii t.n 6.10 I'M ." I, no .i ?i 1 24 . 10,1111 121 JO (1 2 f.0 Mf.i'J.oo 1.S5 40 All'1". ")) V ' A-H-. i t.. jtT,! -V T n t V ln. V I n. . ' "' n.ifir li V I (' irn "f Mil. i ...! 11 II.. DodicMIoii.-Tho now M..Ui...lit Chunh Cnrwcnuillc, will bn Mflioalid ti thn mirvi.-n nf ' Alinighty lod. on S.indny the 2litl. inctunt. Tha ! .;rvi" of Dr. Kkoip, of Rultiiaoro ; Hw.W. I,. I Pnotmwood. and Kcv. (loo. ft. Channnitli. 1. . I. - , - , HV V , r," mi W Hffl IV Ui fn n unr Ihi. ii'ii ,u-v Lnre ... a are rxpeclcd to be present on t!u ix-ran'mii. The public are invitod to attend. DodU-iil ii-y sorvlois at 101 'A: M. JX(i. I). THOMPSON, J. K". Ui:i;H, flluildiasCoiu'leo. HAN'T. LIVIXtJPTON, II. P. TH0MIS(J., OIL ! OIL ! Ft jr tho best and cheapest BKXZ01N" OIL. LAMP 0l.,or LIIUKIl'ATIM) oil,, .-nil nt the ytoro of M KIIP.KI.L A 11 1 tJ I. Kit. Jan. 15, '62. WANTI '.D (J.i.iJ oinbteim inch ?hinglnin exchnngo fur an excellent ItlFLK nml n aplvndid new SIDH-SADIH.!'. Impiiro nf Jmi. 8, '1? A.M. HILLS. jsTErG'obi)sn J. P. Itrntier his just reenived eortinent of Full and Winter a general as- DRY GOODS. Delaine, Cnsliineres, l!t'iS,.V.iriiios, Al.iU'C0fc Prints, Cul.urgs, Oinghauis, iMirnl, Cl.inl., Silks, A!uslin., ( loths, Cassinirrep, Twied.. Sut- lii.Js, Fliu.nel, Drilling, Linens, Crnsh, (.'lonke. Minwls. C L O THING. Over Coots, Jlrecx Conti.liunefs (.'oals.Prnt!, A'ej-ts, Shuwls, I'n.l-r Wiirts, Druwrrs, Xc.klies Fine Linen r-liirls, By run t'olars, Chckir.-, Cra vats, Hats, Cni, Fine Calf Hoots, Huuvy Kip Eonts, Shoos. Coffee, Teas, Muhtssos, Nugnra, hull, Candles, Flour, Hacnu, fiyrup, ('undies. It ice spiers, lJ.is. of Cotl'ee, Pulvcried unr. Black Tea, titaroh, Soda, (rperaa Caudles, Salcratus, Crackers, Wine, Fish. Hard ica rc f Qitcc n sun rc. Nulls, Spikes, Forks, Spades. Shovels, Peylhs,! Snws, Plane, Axes, Augers, iSmoulhinc Irons,! Meat Cutters, Knivoj i Forks, Hutehcr Knives, Pcisiora, Pen Knives, Steelyards, Tea Setts, i Tur"ens,liishes. I vjDP22CD5f32?B ; Nw'.ics, Hoods, (ilovcs. Hosiery, CiUrs.lloop Sliin. . linl.ni.ml SUirl. T!o.,nol. Kit. loins Fl.iw- ..ra I'liim.. ltnnn. I'mrni, Itudieti l.flnii.. 1'r.iid,- Bin.ling, Zephyr, Yarn, Fringe, Trim- minps. Ac. IJONNLTS, KIBIJONS, SHAWLS II ATS, P HINTS. L'Al'S, 1) UCA LS, W I N E, HAPiWii:, PAL T, i on. in, o 1 1. s , CLOITIS, PAINT TWKKDS, MCA l, MUSIilN, DKUtJS LINKNS litJOT.S, , C AIU'K P, tSflOKS. BUNDS, CHATS, BKt HI MS, PANTS SYTIIKS, VESTS SPIKKX, NAILS, NOTIONS, F LOWERS, saaajs'iiiLiiwiaiak! Oil-cloth, huckfts, Hro.mis, llmhrellns, Hnk els. School Books, Wall Pnper, Kaftinjr. Hope, Couch Varnish, Mots, Curled Hair. Coa. h Triti niinps, Velvet, Plush. Cotton, Tape, Coal-Oil, Linseed-Oil, Sperin-(li), (llnss, Ac. All of which will be eold on the cost reasona ble terms for Cash, or approved couutry pro duce, Clearfield, Nov. 27, ISfil. I I.IA'STR ATI-1) SCIFiNTIFIC Ali;itl CN. Tiia llnsr Mkciuxifai. PAritn n thf n oni.n. ."-svrKTr.nTn ykar. Voi.t jik I : Nrw Skhiks. j A new volume of this niduly-circulated paper i commences on the first of Jaauary. Itis publish- ! ed weekly, and every nurubor contains sixteen' pages of useful information, and from five to ten original enijravinjs of new inventions and dis-1 ooverios, all of which are prepared expressly for j its columns. To the MnriiANics Atn MAs-rr.tcrrtiF.Rs.-.No' person engaged iu any of the mechanical or man. ' ufncturinir ntirsuits ahould think of "doinr wilhJ o'it-' tho SriB.irtni: AarHi. AX. Il costs but four cot. ts per week ; every number contains from six to ton engrnvings of new machines and invention, which are nut found in any oilier publication. It; is an established rule of the publishers to insert none hut original engravings, and those of the 1 first iu the an, drawn and engraved byexperi- j enccd pers. ns under their own sups rriiien. ' To ihk IivrNTon. The Scientific American is indispensible to every inventor, as it not only Contains illustrated descriptions of nonrly all the i best inventions as they come out. but each mim her contains an Official List of the Claims tf nil the Patents issued frum tho United States Patent j onu. dllril)K tK() rroviou, weok ; tl.us giving correct history of the progress of inventions i this country. We are also receiving every week, the bom s.'ientilic journnls of t.rent Hntsin, France and tlerinany ; thin placing In our pos ession all that is transpiring in mechanical sci " eneeaod nrt in lliese old countries. We shall continue to trnnsfor to our columni eepious ex tract from these journals of whatover we may deem of interest In our renders. Chemists, AiicHiTr.rrri. Millwrights, Ain FARMr.ni. The Scientific American will be found a most useful journal to them. All the new dis. '.roveries in the science of chemistry are given in its columns, and tho interests nf the architect and carpenter are not overlonoked ; all the now in- ventions nnd .liaeoveris nnnortiininr to the pnrst:ils being published from week to week. iselulnnd prscticnl information pertnining to ( ihe intcrosls of millwrights and mill owners will , u fuund puUlisbed in the Scientific American. 1 wl,ich information they can not possibly obtain frm any othir aoureo. Subjects in which plan 1 u,r, Rn.l farmers aro interested will be found dis. ,'.lr...n . cussed in the Scientific American ; most of the .UI.U.VIIIHIIVP 111 MI.VUI.U.M. ll.j'll.lVl.ta UQ.Ug illustrated in its columns. TERMS : To mail subscribers : t2 ayear. or $1 forsi months. $1 paye for one complete vol- ouieof4ltt pages ; two volumes compriso one year. The volumes commence on the 1st of Jan uary aid July. Specimen copiea will be sent gratis toanypartof the country. Alsoanam- i.aici oi ...oirui-uuu id inventors aooui ontaining pater ta sent free. ' Western aud Canadian money or Post-Office 'ip taken at par for eubscriptioni. Cauadian .....v....-... . reran twenty nvj cents exira on caca years aunscnptlon to prepay post age- Mt'KN CO., Publishers, Jan. 15.IM2.. S7 Park Row, X. Y. 1 t I M l M I ' I i i . . i 1 I I ', I. I 11 I it'll- Ul Ml MAI I V iiicu i i i MM ' 1"V. . 1 1 I II I. I I, I ll'I'S Ml I III. i I i, A .I ' , il T-i i .". wi.h r .i.... I r n iii. .1 ! i r i in. . rr 1 . n If I I" II n . i !. i, .Ian I. ' I 2 "I ! ". "i ii M in I in V. .1 A M 1 . - I . II. ll Ml v I. 'l I:ST nl'KMMi A i :"! Ill I : M i;n's m.m ii i i a v i: 1 .iiii.1ii;!;ns' ..'.;:;.. n r rm;NU.i.r tii-;: ,m" rr.i; r. ai;ih !i- l. lui- i:i'.i)fi!ns- i,im ii.vi: Sl'I'Ki::'. AH I'M '!.!', I Al-IKS' l.o.N.i r.LANKi.r shawls : su'i-:nn a ii t i c 1. 1; i, a i l i:s I'.Kti'. iii: MI AW I. S ! snvniuoi: i!.A(iv" ctxii's: CHI I.D.s' M'M Itloll Zl i'UYK HliOtH ! j Tliia dav we will open .:' n n new lot of nil r ...j... . ..' 1 '. i. . i t i ..i i i i-i .i i-i-w' n'i h u in i a 1 1 , i ... i w a .i i. i '.'..-., with a lnr); lot of M' l'.l AS. at our usually low ruicKs. dec n. w. s. .to,.., 4 DMIXlSTiMTOIt 'M NO'MCl:.- Lell.i of Ail.iiiniitruti.il. lir.vhiL' l eon "runli d III A In v to tho nr. lersljriicd on the tri-tiito nl X.A. Mi- CLUSKKV. Into of ( le.;rtield Co., derniised, all per'.HM iudobto.l to M.ul ObUte are reiiiehlud t: nuKe ii.iineUiHte p.,. incut, ni.J tln i-e D.'i vmg chiiins nuiiii.st tue miiuo w i.l pr. .cut tl eiu uulv aiitliuniieiitc.l for settlement HA v; C. McCLOfUvEY, K'urthnus ip., Dec. 'ii, C. Adm'r. r-l HfUTflH'! St ritH. Xoli.'o is here- I.U by Riven that I tiers TuMtiimt'iiturv. on tho Ctftle 01 J aL UI. ..i.., 11.10 01 Jinniiir ni.-j 'hip, ileceiiseil, liavi' been jrnntcil t" the mnl'T sit;ned. All p"is..n in l'diled to Mild estnlo tiro I re.iiired to nuiko imnie.lmt.' i.tyini-iit, nml those ' hm'ins claiius np.-iinst the s.iino v.-ill jreninl them duly nutkeiilieiited f'.r settlement. III', ni; . AUUAM OOSS Dee. ll.'CI.Ct Kxr's PRICKS ri:duci;p! CIO VI. ! C)AI.! M. COXLEY aniiuun. es ; that ho 1ms reduced tho price .,f hissuperi- ' or COAL to suit tho times, und will henceforth j furnish itnt T Hit EE AND A HALF eonis per l...-l.l ... II,. 1!,..'., anil VIVE AMI A HAI.l'l cents dolivered. Will bo delivered I.y Mr. Jus. ''Tr',- 111. 1, uri M CJX,lKY- Cleurliold, Ilec. 1 ' , 1 01. - -. - - - cvr.KXirs iiowe. J I STK'K OF TIIK l'KAf'E. For DE.-ATi n Tuituship will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his ear. l 0. Address, Philipshurj Pn. ! Aug. 21st ISO! j .1. r. K U A T . E R. j M lilt C II NT, nod dealer in Hoards and; Shingles; Grain and Produce. I'UO.NT fltreet, ' ahoro the Academy Clearfield Ta., I Deo. 4, lclil. ' j Vjx J. Vi.lVll.hll- I IMiJsiciatl anil ureiui, has pinnane'y; located nt Leeeiitcs M ills. (Jinird township, of-'; fer, professional services to the surroiindin ! cotn in unity. May 8, ! - - THO.MtH J. M ( V I.I.Ol (. II, AttorilCV t I.8W. ! om cc on Murket struct, opposite .M .pmp's Slow Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly to Co Hi c liuns Sale of Lands, Ac. tmv Tit; BRILLIANT OPENING or Fall Fashions AT jfJSCJS jVctc Cash Store H. W. sfl & GO'S. 'I'he attention of the latlica is respectfully called to the follow ing notice, that we have just re ceived and opened, the very la test and most fashionable, styles of Nubias, Wool Hood", Wool Pcnrfs, Zephyrs, Wool Shawls large and small, Heavy double All Wool Shawls, Cheni'e Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, Anil great vnrietiei of Zephyrs, Zephyrs. , A superior article of Gauntlet Kid (iluree Lisle ' Duck " Cashmere " ' Berlin Wool " tlatiutlct of Zephyr Wool, Childrcns Cashmere (llnves " Lisle - and a good assortment of Ladies, Children, . and Infants Hosieiy. Elegant worked Setts " " Collars. Skirts. All Wool Delaines, Flannels, and most varie ties of dress goods. Wall paper and .1 IT wiiiumv siiadiiiu. e j i We have just received from Howell A Ero., of Chestnut Street, two choice stvlei of ret, two choice styles of 1 A T)T1) l 1 JjlV ' ALSO WINIKHV SlI A DI N'G, pji 1 J.-" J ("J T J f J ) , Hours of businct from 7 A. M., to I P. M Nov. 13.1801. If. - ! PIIfVITIP 1? I 1 1 ATIJI1IC ' I 1 1 1 W 1 vn,u ' ' " AJsIIUAIJ. t Tnr Caritt pi Vitiie at II. W. r-inith t Co'sJ tbe most fashionable book nf collections uot in I Jan. 8, '82, fegJ UpCriOr bl 1AV Lo, CLUAKS, nr. i r A T Al AS lnr fill nl t 1 11 I - CITV lTvICKS, call and eo thera at Jan. fi,'62. H. W SMITH & (V. IUr llJ ctl i MO n i i l-t-.AI l I' ,. I , .1 I'I I ... ( V I!. 1 1 l I A l.'i I'I. I 1 1 nl t . '.vr.:-;r rt :-v ni to nil wh i I., -he f ..I .1 " "i . ' ' ' I . r V0I i' ii i. ..' i I.I..V 1 .N v.? i. mV.,.i 4 , r..i. ' -r. mi, jh. uld ililny ri - j " irg ilii' r -in. i cerlnin cum, ni..l 1- ";' rn d nml U'.vii I.y overy physiclun under wli"te l.o:i. " il 11 been bri.iijil. I a H.i) p,!:ri" , j, miLSvi.t ' r 1 -TjjrL I i ,0 procured. ii A Miiny pi I.--.. :; j curry n it 11 ;h. ... a I i linn, grenlly to th-.- unim;., 1; :. a 1 .fi."t i he ' gast of llio with u !i iii Iii' - ... ': on'ii'.", without t'.'iii .; 1 o:..-i i'.lls f 111" 'i:"t. T-J '"In you-self l'r.ini ..'I (...- re..r lit) .; i'i!.- i:si:i)r. wm. i!i'i:i'. Mornr WAr-n. Cleanlincsj of ll.c 11 i.i.lh '.s ..f ;,-"ut i..'per'iu:( to the Koii"r..i hciilili, uhi-li i-- i:l'.ie'i'd,i.-"l nut uiifi j'j'ie'iilv . ri..u-';. i 111 ; n : 1 0 . ' , t!ire,.-I. wun t of pro) or attention l.i tl,, mid cel. I'SL mi. Wm. IlL'IIMVMtirTII WAolI. Prepared at lr. liui.l'.- D.'ittal 0 tii.H-, Vo. 5 .' 1 Fourth Street. Brooklyn, K- I. Pri"e 37 Cents Pcr Bo 'fie A liberal discount ihikI tu dealer , i ADDitKss rnixt ii-AL ofj'jci: 'ii'ii'fxrj 1 BFILMXtsK, Xo.l, PPKCCE jSV. Ni."' Vo.'M Sold in Philadelphia by Tiyot Co.. Xor.h 2d street ;"0. . JIulilnll. 1110 Cliesnut fireet. and l v nil I)i iij'tits. WILLIAM l HUUItti TOOTl POU'JJLIU This powdei -fiissessoi tho c.i unoxic wmiovr rnEi::.irni- tJl'S KFFKi. T.s'OF ( ' lIAnt 'J.KL. and is fr;e from nlluclds or ulka'.ii'e t can In , t '-o lean injure mo loetti. Its in tion bring entirely inechu nieal -poli.ih- . itho.it B'.'ur'.ug the enamel. d, nv r in. nurd -3 loot I) row tlci is rec'itii!ueiid..'il by al pal c i i.t Iir. II arU'i. i) llmiiient Oen'.i. ". Fro ntal i lhce, .'''. 77 I'aiu lh I Street Brooklyn, E, I. j Frice -5 Cents per Box. j A lihn al discount made to dealers. Address l'riiK'ij.iil Oflitto, Tri'y.mo Huildiugs, Xo.l Sprut o St. X. Y vk. Sold in Philadelphia hy Jvot ,f- C., U.'.'J -ri'. 2d street: 0 S. TI"bbell, MiO Chesnut s re-. and by all Druggists. )R. WILLIAM Ii. HUKDS TOOTHACHE BR0P3 Fi ill l II K CCRK hV j T ( b T JI A C JT K . ' preduced by expned nerves. I Ilis particularly adapted to all casoi if ehi., I ill en i.filicled it'll ! T O O T II i' II li . I Parents can reli. ro thcin.'i Ives of ll.at el la - i trossing wiiivin. . mused by j LOSS OF SliKKP, l and their childreu from great auffoilrj, hj keeping a bottle of Dr. HL'IID'STOOTHACIIK HIJOI'S about the house. Prepared at Dr. H..t 13 Dun tal Ofiice, No. 77 Fourth Street, Itrdo'.'yr,, H. f). Price, only 12 Cents per Dotile. A liberal discount mndo to il' ..: rn. Address n cipnl Oflici1, Tri' j inr, No. 1, Sjiruco .St. 'i".v I Sold in Philadelphia by Dyit A. C .. !2dKtreot; O. S. llnbhell, 1110 CI . '., Build 212 Xorth nut ctreat, and by all druggists. I) Ii. WILLIAM D. IIUIIDS la. o n T II K C C It I; O I' k a lgi a. vi i i"iuui iiij jHUiiurt'ij CUi 1 !, l U C A L X E U V, A L G I A " 'm'eJiat'j cured by their nppli, at Ion. 1 "'v- net like a charm and nro j.er.cctly narm- less in their nature ; do not produce a l.lister.and ' loave no unpleasant results. ' l)r Win 11 llurd's Nptll'ftli'ia J'latjtfl - - 'never fail tu givo satiifncliou to all who !.' their virtue. Prepared nt I'r, Ilnrd'a Teuta , Office, Fourth Street, Urooklyn 1". I.1. ! Prict', onU- li ('eiils wtcN A libera! discount inuJc t j dealers . :ddrenH Princiyitl tftife, Trili., Build itiys, No 1, Sj.ntw. s;,. Is. York. Sold in Philadelphia by ryt A Co., ;.')2 Xottb ?Jitnet:0. S H.il.b I!, 1 4 10 ChJuiil strset. and bv ell Hriggislt ev -ji-'tH-ty,