if m i : -; i i, 'i " I :-M : i Mi '; ' V vil .3 i : '.il i In 1 "V ' r ' I M I ' . . iHmi i f N sr. 0 N't i t ) I till I t ,,,,. ft If I ' ftrl. A ailnl' lit I i t It I'm"" " ' i M..M '1 MM' H Mr In tU ' 1 1 ni. t'n "'!" t -tti n i V tni-l" 1 V t'litlite, Mir i f th 'Vnit, . f, .,m i,, . ,'iii, Mr. H1 f Mv , nl ' itml M-4 i.vl kl HI II 1 1. ', It tm I I-. "I !" t t" t 1 I i I II Ml I I It) I f t A " I h "in S i M H ''i t l'i tli" 1 1 e I t I r lull in I i ' fi"ti ' I'. I lll I I'lt'l"!! ll till' I ill" l' of I'll I . m I.,. .1 n Ip. V MOUNT i in 1 1. "i c. 1 1 1 1. in- t H l,t M I I- ! .1 l , t I ll ll . s- mr . . . . . . i ....... . . . it... I d..li nlntt I H nil f ll. m . 1 I H I . , ,flk Jfl'' l.. . I l-.t.l.U.l I . ... ft It fe .ll ll..,4 I '.. . 1 . ... I I I ' . ' . ' 1 . , . . IV - .;V-' V (v. W J V'1 1 ' , .lilo of II,. ,,..o. ,.n, 'itMi,.,, or iM.' A M,l linn, Hh,,, I . l or '' A..'i,S . . t'oilim "I I i"' iMiioniili.' I iilv K'tiTtoil i , . j...r l.w n-lnp. Ktmn.-l no nml '... -.'..j' ! , 1 1 1 1 v . i li ,1 ... mil full u il.t li.'i " ' ,,,VP f"H,'rf " ' A ii'H'l lo l-.il fni.u )..,v Tli-x . I,.tm CI.KAlfUM l FA WwlnfsJuy Morninc Jon f2, 1802. ' NEWS. I'll nomination nl' linn. K. M. S'lnnton "mh C"rifiii)ii il liy lln 1'. S. Sen. ile on llie ' llli insi., iiinl Iki x;prtfi to linvo i-ikon clmrt'i' of tlie War lViartn'ent las-t MomHy. .1(1 1 u ! I li n ... . 1 1. i ll l.lllir 1111 II. HI 01 "in' " " " mi t..i...... ( I l.t li iixx'i nt i- Mi I) - for il iHfll known thHt 111 ll'H'l IlillO- ll lllll of till' PlMIIO liilnof llio Nol llin n Sttr "uilnl" to ilrfiiit tlio ltrjnil.lirnn, witlioul rnriiif! wlirlh. r Poii);!.'!", Hn k intiilrt nr imy ol'.rr mhiii'I nutioiHil nutn wn lo o lion-on-il. I Hut if Mr. I.inoi In. in telrclins Mr. i " &t i ........ Ur con fori I a "-'lMim. rrc. on oo'' "0 iou in.unt unUur pccu i nnroul tlirii i itiuiii ii Hiidn k Iiciih'. Vl.'iirficM to t'urwrnn illc, nl or TIum li W, nlM'i.i.i.t il.,..,. .l,!iii.. isl. t'-'-' -I"1" i" l-xrr'i.'K tj. , ,. r ... . A ro.nl Iroin Jolin Snnili in .Uootn tp., 'U,-n.i t lo cnr.irro tl.i-ir , , nu io... -Inc o illlrr,Pl.ullC lim(, 1(1(1l(1(? ,.,.., Ikiry i tt ini'i nil Sniitlici n luni, no inattor liow (,ft,'s to i lie Crciun Hill lurnpikn in lovnl lliry may In', lici'i. mo tiRitois in llirir Jtnnly lownftliij. cMinintion. i A rnml Irom M(m UoMnon't to Nfv- jlinj;' Mill's in iVei-ft-in tp. COURT PROCEEDINGS I A roml limn .liuob lluinniul'n to DaviJ Til .1,11 nun. Turin r.f ,.i.r ('..... I niu.nn;l Ilpillll' UllW-lllill ill Briulv t p. i i . .i . i-..i . . , . ... A niivHlc loiul lemlinc fioin W m- csi- I'licre wiw ftlr.ni.ous oppo-ition to the ,",'". wineneu a tnw-u-mn. re. , - . - - - ; ' 'over in ri.ot tp., to the w. corner oi . in i u mm II I ..... .. ... . ...... -f.l... Iiiir. bllL LTIlllfvin (ll rilllicln.-o.w Alii . ."...... I ..... II ; . ofiniMon oi I cm iioujini wing m uiri . . ' ,V"'S 8 "lrl11 i"v p"""1 ' piinie inunu inriiiKPivc insconceu in John try in Jtm nsino lownsmp. r nnfirnml inn (ifllin iinmiinilinn of Mr ' nmcron u MinlMer lo Kimm-tlic Sen. ( I'l-ntocrntw jmrty, aa h plainly meant, but .lo having upent three or four hour di. nu l'!ni"'.v l,-v Mr 'orn ruling tho qucftlian in exenutivo session . Mr- H'Jelmnun do? Mr. Stanton -n the 15th. He was finally confirmed on ,'' Mr. Buohanan'i. Altoiney (ioneral. llie 17th. j He N therefore fresh from thfj liliinct The war hct is unimpoi lant. It was , I'om the vo.y household ;.f l!.e"01d Tub confideotly ussortcd nt Foriruss Monroo on Salurdoy lust thai (itn. Wool hud no lified t) authorities f Norfolk to remove their women nnd children indicating an immediate attack upon the city. Kvcry thing indicates early active move ment on tho Fotomac. Twenty-four wag nn, intended for Gen. McC'lellan nnd his tafT, were recently despatched across the i'otoraac. Beoideii thin, (ien. McC'lellan, n Saturday hnt, issued an order calling every man to his post, and forbidding the lie Kunctionn'-y," w hom thin same Forney takei such a peculiar delight in abusi ng. If Mr. Lincoln' act was "well-timed." tvas not Mr. Buchanan's much better limed '.' We euro not a fig with what section , of the Iemocracy Mr. .Stanton may have Hcled in its unfortunate divisions. We only knew him as a splendid man intel ligent, active, firm and hosest with a heart big enough to do justice to all sec tions and nil interests of our country. granting ot lurlouglis except upon llie . I m porta nt Qiestion Sktti.U). - Hon. most urgent demands. jj0in t'esna, of Bedford, has been admit- iNoltimgot moment, is rcporttM irom . tecl l0 ft scat in n0U!,e of Hepresenta- lives, in place cf Mr. Householder, who cither cf the expedition" to the Southern .oast. (ien. Buol, at tho head of a force of one liundrcd thousand men, had reached with, n twelve miles of Bowling Green, Ky., with his advance, where the confederates are said to be in considerable force. The expedition down the Mississippi is again reported ready lo set tail. Reports from I'aducah on Ihc lTlli nay that heavy firing wtu heard "p the Tennessee river, and that Gen. Grant had sent instructions to .ill the bospUuls al Cairo to be in readi ness at abort notioe. The report that Humphrey Marshall had disbanded his forces, was premature. On the contrary, '.he confederates claim for him a victory .-hi that occasion. From the Upper l'otom:;c we learn that 'Jen. Kelly has re crossed 10 the Maryland hide of the Potomac with all his forces. Having forced the federal troops from that part of Virginia, it is believed thai Gen. Jackson has retired to Winchester. No advices from Europe showing the ef fect of the release of Mason and Slidell. had the certificate of election and was sworn in. In this decision, a very impor tant Constitutional question is eettloiL The Constitution declares, in substance, that each county having the requisite pop ulation to entitle it to a member of the Assembly according to the then existing apportionment, shall be entitled to such representation. The last apportionment constituted Bedford and .Somerset coun ties one district, entitled to two members each county, however, having sufficient population to entitle it to a member sep. arately. But tLey were attached together by the Republican parly in the legislature, doubtless in order tint the large Republic can majority o( Somerset might swallow up the smaller Democratic majority of Bedford county. At the last election, Mr. Cessna received some 800 more votes in Bedford than his opponent, Mr. House holder, hence he irjt the. choke of the people nf IkJforJ emtnty, according to the plain meaning of the Constitution, but was some 1100 behind Mr. II. in Somerset county, or somo ZOO in tho district, and the return judges accordingly jiave the certificate, to Mr. Householder. Mr. Cwsna is a Dem ocrat. i Is Slnatok Hale a Max of Tritu ? On tho 24th December last, Senator Hale, ol X. H., delivered a speech in the Senate in which he said the proposition to sur render Mason .1 Slidell was "a proposition raugbl with more evil lo the country than any that had yet marked its history ;" that by it "we had lost all we had gained in the revolution, and humiliated to a eccoDd rate power ;" that if this surrender was made ''the Administration would meet with such a fire in the rear that it would be hurled from its power." Now, the question is, is John P. Hale a man of truth and veracity ! If he is, then are the days of this Administ'ation about numbered, for the very contingency which was to decide its fate ha happened, and perhaps the orders for the surrender of Mason & Slidell to the dvmands of Great Britain were bein ; penned at the very moment Mr. Hale was putting himself on the record in the Senate. Mr. Hale's reputation it at stake. The chances are about equal. Cameron it cone. S6 far Mr. llali is sustained. Who will be "hurl d from power" next? Toor Grimes. The other day in the U S. Senate, when the bill providing that all prisoners cor.fined in the jail of the District, of Columbia, agiinst whom no in dictmenl has been found, rhall be dis charged, the real purvone ol which is lo prevent the confinement of fugitive slaves iheiein, Mr. Grimes, of Iowa, delivered Change in the Cabinet. The reported resignation of Gen. Cm eion, and the appointment of Hon. E. M. Stanton to succeed him as tho head of the War Department, which we briefly no. ticod in our last, is confirmed. The announcement of the selection of Mr. Stanton is s.aid to have created the ut most surprife in Washington, andall sorts of surmises as to the present and future intentions of the President were freely in dulged in. Mr. Stanton has mingled but little in politics is emphatically no polit ician ud therefore can have no friends to reward or enemies lopunn h, and being emmincntly qualified for lhat or any oth er position in the Government, he is con sequently about the fittest selection Mr. Lincoln could possibly have made. The reasons why this change has taken place must be obvious to all reflecting minds. It was done, in the first place, to apptate the border State. The legislatures of both Maryland and Kentucky con demned tb.9 conduct of the Secretary of War the latter State going so far as to demand his removal in plain terxs by resolution. That this was the main cause is beyond a doubt. Added to which is the evidence of frauds of unheard of enoroiily in the awarding of contracts by the War Department. For example we need only refer to tho exposure made by Mr. Dawes on our first page, where he shows that one party was awatfded a contract for one mil lion and ninety muskets at ?2S. apiece, when the same artielo is now manufactur ed at 513,50 apiece. That is but a single item ; but the same system of reckless ex travagance seems to have chaiactcrued all the Iransactions of that Department from himself as follow, speaking of the Mar tha verv commencement of the war. ishal of the District of Columbia, who was Mr. Dawes is a republican member of appointed by Mr. Lincoln. the new Court House, with two new Asso ciate Judges and a new Sheriff, who be haved themselvei very well for t:o hands and up predict, that by the time our new officers gei "the hang of the School House" they will make ti.xoellent ollioers, in fact everything and everybody peemed lo look pleasunt and new, except those affected by tho "artificial" excitement along the Potomac. Court remained in session until noon on .Saturday, and a larger amount of business was disposed ol than was anticipated. Tho Tavern and Mercantile Lincense's were granted on Saturday the 18th inst., and parties interest-id will do well to bear in mind the fact that all sncli License must bo lifted within fifteen days, or they will Im null and void. QUARTER SESSIONS. Commonwealth vs. Job Sneath. In dictmcnt assault and battery and misde meanor. True Bill. Defend: nt found guilty and lined $5 and costs. Commonwealth v. D. AA.Flegal. In dictment malicious mischief misdemean or. True Bill. Bench warrant awarded. Commonwealth vs. Howard Merrell. Indictment Tippling House. True Bill. Commonwealth vs. H. Bickcl. Indict mentAdultery. True Bill. Dlt. pleads guilty, fined 1 nnd costs, and sentenced to four month in the County Jail. Commonwealth vs. Jane Vandyke. Indictment Larceny. Verdict not guilty. Commonwealth vs. John Kbafhyr, et al. Indictment Riot, l'artiet bound over to next Term. Isaac Gaines vs. Pat. Shoder. Rule to show came why appeal should not be stricken off. Rule made absolute. Peter Mays vs. Canfieldi Hader. Rule to show cause why Judgment t Mould not be opened. Continued. COMMON PLEAS. C. C. Mitchell vs. Spangle A Pntterfou. Feigned issue ordered by tho Court. Veidict for Plaintiff'. Thompson Reed vs. Jos. Shaw it Z. Og ilen. Ejectment. Plea not guilty, and defense taken for all the land in Tract No. P.HI4. Verdict for the Plaintiff. Arvinc Clark's Adm'r vs. H. !t. Smith's! Adm'r. Summons on tho case. Verdict for Plaintiff', for $12,02. i.i :i:.. r.. I i T t?..l.. ll X uiiip r-niin.-iiiru r. n. i.. m-iineu. tow nship Appeal. Defendant pleads non -assumii-! , ..,!, sit and payment with leave, Ac. Verdict I for Plaintiff tor fiil.O.i nnd costs. fhos. Smith vs. John Killian & Robert Johnson. Summons Ejectment. Delen. dant pleads not guilty. Verdict for PU'lf for $2U0.:V.). Xo execution to issue unlil a Deed for the premises be executed in due and legal form by Plaintiff' to flel'ts. Win. Powell fir u.-e Jos. Best vs. J. M. Chase & Isaac McKee. Action on reple vin Bond. Verdict for DeTt's Exr's of Thos. Saurzr.an vs. Win. Lewis. Sci. Fa.Sur. Mechanics Lien. Verdict fof Plt'ff for $3,53K33. Jacob i '). A. Binder vs. Trustee of Thos. Saurtnan. Sci. Fa. Sur. Mortgage. Den pleads pavmenl w.th leave, d-c. Ve diet foi Plt'ifon Xo. 53 $3,1(15 00 and A road leading Irom the .KoaHon tho lop ol "Hog Back," to near Robins' in Lawrence tp. m j The order to view I he township line between Go-hen and Girard townships, was also confirmed absolutely. The tol- j l owing inhabitants of Girard are, by this j view attached toGosbon tp., Abm. Kyler, Joseph Kylor, Moiilocii Livrrgood. John ( NeUou. Hezekinh Nelson, M. V. Culher man, and Noil Green. j KOADPETITIOXS. I S nlunlii'H I ilii Hi m) ninl i uim f ti 1 1 l "i i ' I I the , ''). 't a i.( Hik hi ,,,, -I Ml ".l f I'M i Jniilt s urn? Mm 4H',4 .Hill I im, 4IHI7 ii9;t 7fU S.UdS ir.-sr 4l34i !iK?0 TT04 l.Milili SM'S. 4200 4iis;j fti'ZIS iU4: S9SU 817I 444.'i8 22303 -iHf if H ii lilJlj! IVi-tiu' fll 4?l f:M ;', (l- 4i,'(f lull i:s h-ii , , ri, n,j f. i rM HI I .'. I?n 4T tl i( lilimm 1I'.:J ( HA ,io l'lmtdrd III 4MI SSSS IH7S fnA 40 .H. Pm.iT as i 4nr.8 in nivs s.svn an 4.1 u, lliirml'lft I t4 17TSS ltM1 I0S JH.SOS 7fl 111 4 :I ("irt 1S JMOt I.SSHS SSS1 t 40 Sd.l CuiltiR-l'in 141 Us7 Mil tin ('lritrfii-l.l IPS T.1M7 Sfi.tO 26105 2IA lli CurwenMilU til SAir.J J20D UlliO 42:1 45 IWstur 171 JMVV 20l.'. 4llf7 2V I 40 Ssss FerKuiun 1.11 J2HIU 2sS "I7 1270 IfiJ ?J lmn J-'uX 42 l4 !1.1fl 1170 fill hj llirsnl 11 1477S l.'.45 4.'V 700 75 7J 2100 (l.i-hni 70 102(511 JM27 204B li 1.17 SO 374 U roll mil 142 1SS24 20IAA 4MB ShflO St,0 SO 3.S.MI tiiilib HI S?I39 3.S1.1 4.'iS7 2J00 27J 18 2,;I0 lliiHon 0 17179 12794S 4078 140 S.'.O Jonlnn 139 1106 10ir 490(1 60 DOi Karthsiii 119 1C274 1K199 43i 157 110 3C.i Knoi 12J 1479S 21 IT.4 S74H 9S 65 m Uwrenrs 331 65792 10M1 12450 S446 1135 4.1S0 Lumber City 4s lfst9 I4S9 1700 140 85 14'JO Murris 205 29125 29114 4S30 S00 20 80 l.Mll N. Wailiington f.5 8092 1155 300 150 90 17(10 penn 125 J3220 9573 4121 317 431 20 If.llO Pike 21 A 49iS5 3740 8.112 650 334 20 ISjO linion 78 17129 23589 2598 185 955 Woudwara 89 8230 llat3 2035 317 TOTAL. 4527 774672 585890 150512 99929 8615 1C15 73701 1691921 Vmliifttim of Hri " Mulei, $94,935 Of Oxen, 18,2'JO Of Cows, 37.2S7, CLliAIJKIJ'lLU COUNTY SS: lVrseiniilly ttpponrcd beforo mo a Justice of the Pcco in and for uid county, w. mkrrki.i.. sam'l. c. tikikpshm sml JArog sosti, Commis sioners for tlie county of ClmrflelJ, ami duly qualifiod dntk depoat ami my that the abort. Hate, uicnt ii a eorrect compilation from the aiaeiniuoiit of 1862, as roturnad to this office by the aaioii on. to I bo best of thi knowledge. fworn and suberibed before me t it 2nJ day of Janui j, A. n., 1862, wh. pop.tb s, i. p.. Attmt ' M'M. MEURELL, ) V.S. BBAHLar, Clerk. S. C. THOMPSON, Cum. JAC01J KL'STZ, j In accordance with (be Act of AisenablT refrulatins; Triennial Asaeeainenti and constituting a board of rerisiun the Corainimtioneri of Clearfield county herewith publixh tho the a boveatfiteuieiit showiag the aggrpRiite value and assessment! made bj each atsesnor in the eounty for 1802, upon property taxable by law; and herewith give notice that the 2:.th dny of January, A. D. 1S62, at the Commissioner's OBiee in Cloarfield is fixed by them for finally determining whothor any of the ..il valautinns of aiseison haro been made bolow a just late, and all parties intureauid will take IVter I.umm. Jeremiah Hoover and J. P. ! .;,.. il,,.t anneal uiav be made between this time and that djy, but that after said day none will N7l K..11 A WJI, MEKItEI,, 1 a. .Jin v 11. ". ' c- rs wiw,i iii.n.r ( n ... . At.i.ai . " 1 ii.-o.T, v.om ri Wn.d.BRAULsr, Clerk. ,ACOB KL'XTZ, Ccmmissionor'i Office, Clearfield, January 8th, 1862.' To review, vacate and aupply a private road leading from Francis llugueny's, toa point on the plank road in Girard tp. Viewers, Peter Lamm, John Briel and Francis Coutriot. To review the public rond leadine from Glen Hope to Maderia. Viewers, fl. B Wright, George Bloom anil George Short". To vacate a road leading from Hubler's lane lo near VS m. Nneal s in Oraham tp., known as the Big Run road. Viewers, BENNER & BARRETT To review, rhango and vacate the road I leading from J. B- Nogeo'a to tho Catholic j Church in Penn township. Viewers. T. Moore, David T. Sharp and Thos. Daogh I" . Z, ,, """ 0 cty. i F U H Nl T U It E Ii O O M S. Jo review the read lending irom .)onn Holt's on the turnpike, to C. Enieigh's ulorjg the east side of Valentine Flegal's land in Graham township. Viewers, C. J. Allport, John Turner and lvi Hubler. tfu ,nnotII1.0 l0 the pubU. tkat tbey To view a road from a point on Pan- ' ' . ver' Road near Ihe t'atholic Church, to bare completed and are new ocf.py.ng tbeir new A.J. Murphey's improvement in l'ann tp. Viewers, T. Moore, J. U. RowUs and Thoma Ratferty. To view n road from Henry Wingert's in Brady township, to Andersons Creek in Bloom township. Viewers, Thomas Ross, James Thompson and S. Westley Horn. To view a road Irom th Peer Cieek Irontinz on tae Market Lot and aenrly oppoeile the fourt Iloafa (Vibinat making will be carried en in the up per story of tb same buildiag in all its PIPFKRENT- SPANCHrfs All ktanle of furniture ill be kept comlantly v. V A. iKSX - .xch.ne 1 Price with Hcuvncr an4 Feller, ard's. Viewers. Peter Lamm, Jacob llu- fore,UI),rj rr,duce, or Luart.cr to suit tac auf- OoO UU ll 1 . 11 n i V ft pier .inn a. v. j u-i'. Tn vipiT a road from John Smith's 111 Bloom township, to Henry Wingert's in Brady township. T. Ross, .kns. Thompson and S. W. Horn. To view a priatw rond lr, lead fiom th public rond near W. T. Thorpe's to Camp Smith in Bell township. Viewers, Thos. Mocre, William T.Gilbert and iMvid Bell. A remonstrance against, the confirma tion of the road viewed f'Oin James Me-1 Mnrrav's to the Cherrv Tree in Bslrnside CHAIRS. PAttLOK, ROCKINO, AND AKM C1IAIH5, FPKING PEATS, CAIN BOTTOMS, Ac, A petition was also presented praying for the formation of p new township, out of parts of Bell and .Brady. Viewers, j Thomas Ross. Jas. B. Graham and Wm. , Bigler. f Congrets from Massachusetts, and when such exposures are thus made by members of his own party, is it any wonder that Mr. Camerou should feel like taking a trip to Europe t Had the Adrainistratior, or the party in W. S. Shaffer vs. Catharine Sanrman, Terre Tenant of Wm. Lewis. Sci. Fa.Sur. Mortgage. Verdict fur the Plt'ff fjl, 138 25. ARGUMENT LIST. John Bloom vs. Wm. Bloom. Rule to show cause why the award of the Arbitra tors should not be set aside. Continued. G. F. Hoop vs. Thos. Kyler 1 Samuel McKean. Rule to show cause why the Judgment should not be set aside and the Deft s let into a defence. Held over to special court. John J atclien vs. J.H. l.uniboi n. Kule to show caue why Deft fdiould not VULCANITE BASE j Airtnftoiisi i ffcsotjs I 1 VTTHSTIfl'JU il esp(cillyL yi33Wtll5e called to this urtwle I iWtJrv, ' . aubatitute hr, fZfgi unia in inscriis;. jiiauy persona wna: Jfn u.... r.A .M L ; .1 . $a&$3P of Mctallie liases lSr" PREFER this. And AnJP' those cases where it is aplirahle it will undoubtedly become a sub stitute fur Oold, Hilvcror IMntina. Its chief advantsgoi ire cheapness, lightness and perfect adaptability Vbe mouth, it having a soft and fleshy feol to the rrti with which it I comei in contuct. I A. M. Ill LL ia prepared to put np teeth on , the Vulcanite Base with Uoodyear's Patent (iare, which i the only reliable prepnration and which can only be had through their regular agencies. . iii.i. , i .i . i. - . : .k. i?.:. I IT. Illllft will Biwilj. UC I U III .1111.1 uu iir dayi and Saturdays, unless notice to the contrary appears is the publie papers on the previous week. n-iT.:th ISCl-tf. A.M. MILLS. VARLOIi SOFA, VESTRE, CAM, fil.XIXCt, EXTESSIOX f TSnE.lKFA.ST TABLE S. S 0 F AU- OF ALL KINDS, VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BrREATS, 6IDE-B0AKD', BOOKCAHr.B WARPROnRH, C. BEDSTEADS JEXXY LLD, BIG H-MST COTTAGE, fliHXCII J'OSTS, li. have leave to withdraw bail in this case. Held over to special court. N. Durkee vs. Overseers Reccs.rU tp with notice lo Wm. Stewart &. F. hhoff. CVnttklM; TIMliS IN IM1II.ADF.I O I'I'I A! Trt mrndiui Kxcittmrnl nmonj Ik Jlair, Ilair top, Cetton tcp, and Corn Ilusk, af the best material. L00KI5(f-lLABSE8 of all sorts and sixes, Also, Olasscs fer eld Frnmei. Alan, Tea-pol, VThat-nots, Wash-staads, Work-stnds, llat-ncks, af'e, COFFINS. Made to order on ibort notice, and Ukan "If this foreign satrap, brought from Illinois, could thus lord it over Congress, it was time that some notice was taken of it. He says this man has no sympathy with the 80,000 citiens of the 'District. He yesterday went to the ja:.l. and was refused admission, though informing the u!l... . 1. a I tm was rlmirnmn nfll.A tVa.in. ... , . I I I. I ...Ml " - V..n.....MI. .' k..17 power, done half as much to appease the ConjmitIO in tbe ypnate. The jailer said loyal people of the border States last u made no difference ; he had an impera. Spring, as they have now done in comply. ' tive order to admit no one. Ho then, for incwilh the expressed! wishes of Mary i '' time in tix montht approached theml. b , " . , , .... stoolf ererutwe rou-tr, and teas refuted land and kenlucky, all the border Stales , ......JL. hltr, Jlhou.h would have Veen as cordial in their at- W0U1J not attribute it to the influence of tachmeut to the Union as any other State, ! the marshal." Toor Grimes! ...!!.' EXCITIX" FOOT UACE between the rhiladolphia Plire and the notorious Forj Cross Recaptured!!!! It seems to bo the gener- hearse furnished. .i : r-i. a. 1.1 . K.. :rrr.,.. k.J .nr. P.,..lnr rhrr. and Liiiwoed Lumber. Kule to chow cause why .ManUarnus sbould I pair of Frank Short s Krench-calf Boots, that ha in exchange for work. not issue. Rule discharged. (would not be taken yet. However, 8horty is , Clearfield, Oetober 23, 1451. ly. O. P. Wilder VS. P. Dickenson.- Rule to' not mnch put out at missing his custom ; but ' ... show cause why service of writ should not ! would announce to all BrtckinriH.je, llouglau srXKCUTOIfS NOITC K. Notice is here be set aside. Continued becatiso of tho I'"'"1 "l ', nil woman and children ' f2j by given that Leltera Testamentary, on the absence of Juduo Hals ! in Clcnrfield. and Sinneraahoning in particular, est.ite of SAMUEL W. SMITH, late of Gulich c.u ii . T..- an n that he is prepared to furnish them with Boots, township, deceased, have bean Rrartcd to the . , p.. x, J m-AU.0"'-CTsUo- Shoes and llaiter. of any style or pattern, stitch- a.d.r.igned. All persons indebted to said es raril.yDett. "Ulo on Justice to pi oduce cdi ,,wei or ppRS(d (,nJ ie j, a short fci- tate are required to make immediate payment, his Docket in Court. Argued and held i0w) on short notice. 'and those bavlug claims agsinit the same will over. All kinds of country produce taken la i- present them duly authenticated i r eeme men. Josliua Armstrong VB.UverseersFike tp. chiMigc, and cai-U nn nlusea. Kcpainug aeue Certiorari by Dell's. Proceedings af firmed. Francis Hngueny vs John Brunwell. Certiorari by Deft. Argued and held over. Sam'l Bennett vs. Rorabaugh. Certio rari by Deft. Continued. Michael Gilson I Jamos Patterson, Su pervisee of Joidan tp. vs. John M. Jor dan. Certiorari ly Deft. Continued. ROADS CONFIRMED XI. SI. in the neatest luaanor and charges moderate, at Ihe Phort Shoe Shop on t-econd Street, opposite Reed, Weaver 4 Co's store. FRANK F1I0RT. N. B, Findings for sale Pcpt. 26, I860- Dee. 4, 181 t.pd. JKSSK U0S. Rt'r DKBOKA SMITH, Er a STRAY. Came to the premises of the sub scriber tn Pike tp., on or about the 24th dny ;oNor 1861, a sorril Mare, with a small white star on the furehead, supposed to be about 1 1 years old and about sixtocn bands high. Thl ow ner is reouested to come forward, prove prnper- rpiIE undersigned respectfully ty. pay charges and take her away, or she will be I informs bis eintoiuera and the disposed of according to law. U . 11. ,1 A Itlll.-V.l. WATCH & JEWELEY and tho Union men in the Southern States would n I bo ufficiently numerous and j pThcTe u not a word 0, trulh in th, potvciful to take ca.ro of themselves with- re,port iftiJ t0 Jiave originated in Wash out the as-i-dance of nn army oi natt ington aii week, that Mr. Buchar-an had to intersect the road n million ol .oriHrn men. Ire'u.eda seat in Mr. Lincoln'a Cabinet. niiley in Brady tp. Bettor '...te than never, however; and as y h ff h rf beon mode A road to lead from Samuel Broker's to the 'fiut step in the right direction" has! - f roa ' ,,Iu,t0.n lTnhi? T01"1 now been taken, mav it be speedily fol- ftMcssrs. Johnston and Ancona have lln,ilip ' ' tiublio generally, that he has just. Tike tp. Dec, 24-3t.pd received from the East, and o en, "7 . ..i ...ii:.i . :.. an hi AW inw Aiiniinr a in once. - , , . m ., ii i r c.iuii,u.iviii iu , A road to lead from George Ogden s to ' Clearfield, Pa., a tine assortment ul Clocks, ij Thk MATTER of the Final Aceount ef intersect the old loads near the faim of Watchfs, and Jewatav of different oiialitie, ,;,., g. Spencer, administrator of the goods Henry Yoas in Brady tp. from a inle piece to a full sott, which h il' and cbftttels, lan A and tenements of Hanuah A road to lead from Clark's X Roads to sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in . v tn, or Spencer. And ths Final Aceeunt of intersect the Nee per road at or near I oxchange for old gold and silver. I Miles B. Spencer, administrator of Nancy Spen- Henry Marshall'! in Bloom tP. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, attbe met ; eer. A; Audit to distribute th. money In the A i.i..,lf..Ti ri....' Ia reasonable prices. i bands of lbs AdminiHrat. will be bald at ths A road to lead from Thomas. Cleavet a to, . , . .. ! , r),fc. w.ii,.. jw.ir.L.. . 1 t... Z r . c Anaerton a rreek in Bloom tp. earefully repaired and B arrauicd. eky tk. 11th day of January, 1S62, where all A continuance of patronage is solicited, f rarliia intereited can aslend. Sept. 19, I860. II. F. NICOLE, i ISRAEL TE6T, .iyiifor. THIS MACHINE HAS A POINT OF SUPtiUOKITY PECULIARLY ITS OWN. Stitohing, Hemming, and FeUing with a Single Thread. It forma a Hat, even, and elnti seam, which in WARRANTED not to rip in wear, evon if tbe eram is eut ist frequent interval, and also under all circumstances "To st'RViVK the wash-tvs " A 1'atenliM.l iWt'ico of great utility to learner;, prevents the possibility -if tlie inaemne uenn run in tlie wmig direction, or uio ua auco umi wearing a lndy'a droaa. Anothwx foatiare which deecrre particular at tention is TTns Wilcos Patbt Nbeiub r.ttsoT bs BUT WRllIO. Two thousand stitcfaos, or two yarJi of work, can I' (Uinu in one minute without dropping a tilch. TBaMft-miurhmes. so simnle and nccurate in their ntrui.-tion, snpersodo the ue of the shut tle ; and wiith one thrend produce all the pneti- cal ccsults oC tlie two thrend machines ; and mere, for these fell without baiting, and beui tue finest muslin without puckering. AlUioagh at about hulf tbe price of tk other first) elaas machines, tbey will accoinp!ih doub le tbe sewing in a given time It is einphatually the pool, low-priceo r am ity 3ng Machine tbnt tho public have long lec waiting for." Boston Transcript. "It ia infioed a wonderful production, anu itr family use especially, no other will bear any comparison, s,-.ia it. rl -liliauBipnia jcyihi,j Jcuruali. A. roclliioUi4 nonder. Scienluie Aman- CJUl,. " Aanons; be it Ml, maet srv mennle hewing, MuelUTics. Light will olhfrnntiy. finished, and so simple in ita construction that it. seema al most iinpossilils fur. i t,o get out uf repair." -rittsbatfrChroniola. "lias eombiuoJ w.th its own peculiar merits, all the really valuable improvements of the bighr er priced, machines." Vfnsylvaaian. "This machine, in the opinion of tbe coromit te, fills more nearly the requirements of a per fect family machine than any on exnumioo. Franklin &islitute Exhibition llepert of 148. "Taking into ecosideration. simplicity, cheap ness, durabilUy, aod doing alLwrk. Ike tee were nnaoimoosty in favor of the Vt ilccx Uibbsasa single-thread machine." Pennsylva-. nia Stale Agricultural Society's Report. "We mast, in Jualisfy exprea. oar confiuenoe in the merits rfthe Wileox A Uil.ba Sewing Ma chine. We consider that a groat desideratum has been sumilieJ by it, in proving, beyonu ( Hull hi. Hint fwn threada are not. as was suppo ted llecary ton gni inatrument." Cbriltist AdvoeaUi and Journal, June 21, 1SP0. i,. i,,. ..rihMA machines in ase, ana think more highly of it than of any of the num ber we have tried." Richmond Whip;. The undersigned. Missionary to ConstuntinJ pie, has pxnmiaed more than twenty difler six kinds of Sewing Mai-bines, and after sometent, weeks exnerience with Wilcox Oibbs' l'ailsp- h has purebnsod one of them, as the beat aleaal ted to Ihe wants of his family, and as the en liable to require repair. OLI LR CRAMS. Button, July 3, 1860. Th tinileraifined. riririfif ftirhtfPn montba hs" hnrl in alnioal pnnalant line, in his family" il . .. . ..lv.. oox A (ilhlia Kuwinv Vm hine. upon WI1ICD ben mado the clothes of his largo family, fro"! muslin lo pilot cloth including tb clothing " quired for his several boys ; and in no case """J the seams failed, although in bard service, y-j machine now in nse in his family nai rcijui. no repair, and is in all respects, well appoi-i efficient and durable. , JACOB CIIICKERIXG, Boston S?fScnd for a Circnlar.- aua.-,a uiirnv MaiMifarlnrer. Kn. &HH Ilroadway, exr lorx. Opposite St. Nicholas Ilotol. ' ' October 23, 1S61. A road to lead from Samuel Ztrtman's at or near R. M. l.iivod bv .Uera njually firm nnd full of otir thanks for valuable Congressional hope. vor. township. ' A road 1 t Mcl.ure'i nd .1. A. ft. W. SMITH 4 CO. MERCHANTS, and dealera In Dry Goods, Orocariet, Hardware, Qaeensware, and even thin usually keyt by tbe trade. Store oa IcrPflVn Rlr..l kul.iw .liiilirA I.Aint.tl nrinA. a' A pnafl to laiad fmm t V, a li. Af f o r , . . M i . i . r-. l e....fj n. - - -... . i u v v.. .in in. r reai'TiErinD unroll, i. irnrnri'. I a. Caldwell'a lapjs on I Pse. 4. mi. ClrarBeld, Jaa. 1, 1862. pd T A X T K P. ALL hTl.SDS OP GRAIN willk taken psyment of IiEBTS DL I M fot wbicb ths kifteat mark4 p.rioet wiU be ,lT' JAB. B. flBAIAM. eiearfleld, D. 11, lll. N OTICE TO LUMBERMEN. A lot of squs ,er. with different marks, too diim" aai iftirn un nr liim uusuii"- e i t i irk- T.s I:fl dnrii.tf the !ut floo4J ?ownflrn ef timber are requoMed to H . , : . l : ff r. n nsf forward and remove in j nui wnuu. u..-,- - -. from this nutioe. otherwise it will .'l'"r""''J according to law. ISAAC C. MeCLOsttK Salt Lick, December Jith, 1S61, 3U rriivti NEW rX sale try Pes. ?s.'61. nvn iinitfie RI.KIOHH REED, WEAVER 4 Coj