iru f R rr mf buMMiow, III Mil M.WllJl V (V) I,'llit! Ml"r. fcilli llie kr N '1,1 MM If ! 1 1 1 Jt tPlllflK I'f till" lii.'ln i.'it.l N 'fi ftem (be Mnla.lrli'liia I n tvnimrlMl in Miitsnl Irt Mir r niN-i have iv mum Mol our p n to in ,i,p i it 1,1 nit i,miii. lim ll A,,nii' ! liriiMifh InMrn. ' tiieiit.iliH iloM-if Si i Rii's n fiilotit inl nt" Ms, ii lii vn I'citiio III 'ii" iioii of Uie (oil ,ni I' ll, i, n .u''i,. iy m I.; n vi? mxl Hollo won an to l.iiuiiln'n viior. We hi o jinn i" mi, IoipIiiii'I llmt (tin if i tiul oT il ....... .... - ,i ,,..i.i.. n: :: . IIIII'ri'M'IHIl i''ll Ol nil IH1MMII1 V 1 1 1 n I II V . I 1111 '", n llll'.u ntlim nui.w J" . tr. mlnnf.-. of iln muscles, ami hit igitn 1 iuit .. iiuK'Ii iosci ilicil ly public senti V J nunner Lotriycd nut, jerhups, any incut hero lor tlio opinioiii and principle pan inirtion, lut njctno of pi-ionul in, .you livid it 1 urn now tor mine, srcunly at Urn hands of tho avenging; 1 could easily Imvo escaped arrest, liuv Nouhh';i. ing hnd timely nnming, 1 lliovilit it im '1'1'iH lo!trr is tlie niofl pr.ipliic Hkctoh I posil.lo llmt your MiileMiianKlnp might vet siven to tho world, ol' llio cruel nnd pienont hu. i u pioeliimntion of weiknons ilH'.hiidlv tyrnnnv which tlio Yiinkeo ( tlio world m even the fiagnient ot a eiiinicut Jiai psUl.lif.hcd nt Wiifihinpton. jonco gieut povernment turnir.j; ita arms Kr. Hn i,, in one of hit lotieii to tho 1-on niuint (ho breiusls of women iind chil Uou ', niciitioiiH the expedient or "nr. ;dren. You lmvo the power, sir, and may ret '.y telet'rfiph " which lins lten iniro- till lui ther ahuno it. You may protitruto due9(l by .Sord, Homethii new and ; the physical strength by conlinemtint in npiiulliii), nnd outstripping all tho ingo jclos rooms and insutlicient food-you nious contrivancoi of all tho despotisuirj i may Mibject inn to harsher, baser trenl that evnr t xi.ited. liul ihe incarceintion nient than I Imve ulreudy received, but ami torture of helpless womn, nnd thojj'ou cannot imprison the eoul. Every outruns heaped upon thmn, in deluded in causu worthy uI'huccpss has hud its inar- thislutier, will nioio bhoclc manlv natures, ana Ktnnip tlio Lincoln dynasty every where with undying infamy. Tho letter toils its own tale, and may bo relied on as a true copy of the crigimil, hi tho hands of William II. Seward: Washington, Nov. 17, lftGl, .'i'.'S Sixteenth street, j 7b the Him. Urn. J I. A, run, Yee'.v f Mate : Sir Tor nearly three months I have fceii enifined, a closo prisoner, shutout from air and exercise, and denied nil com munion with familv and friends. Falionco is said to be a great virtue, and I I have practiced it to my utmost capacity ot endurance. I am told sir, that upon your iyw dixit the fate of cilizms depends, and that the ign nninuel of the ministers of Lous the Fourteenth and Fifteenth wa? not more potential in their day than that of the Secretary of State of 18Gl. I therefore, most respectfully ubmit, that on Friday, August without war rant or other show of authority, 1 waa ar rested by the dctectivo police, and my house, taken in charge by them ; Hnd all mv r.rirrtlo lilt,)i'j nitrl ii!.nrd nfd lit'.itim. were read and examined by them ; Hint I very law of decency was violated in the eearcli ot my hous and person, and by the! urveillance over nie. We read in history, that the pool Ma Ma Amtoinktti had a paper torn from her irtn,, 1... 1 .i ... I n...l I 1, n a n 1 change of liner, had to beerlocted in sicht . !ime wtli tho leafless ruddy etems; of her brutal captors. It is my sad expe-j ! every cloud in the April skies, every rienoo lo record even more revolting out-1 sunset of sweet and tender melunch'j rages than that, for during the first days Iy, told tho sanio story and sang the .i my imprisonment, wnenever necessity forced mo to seek my chamber, a detec tive stood sentinel at the open door. And I thus for a period of seven days, I, with ixy little child, wan placed absolutely at tho mercy of men without character or responsibility ; that during the first even ing, a portion of these men became bru-; tally drurik,nnd boas-ted in my hearing of jsom. But tho more he grew aware of! the "nice times" they expected to have jlis ncw strength which his tyrant had! riolenlewaTa,e "nT",5 8ml !h!a1rude!ivsSumed, the more closely he sealed! iolence was used towards a colored ser-1 , . ., ' .r i ,J ,. vant. gi,l during that evening, the extent llls tice. IIo wandered away from of which I have not been able to learn. ' people , ho slept in tho woods; lie I J oratiy show of decorum afterwards nrac ti-kd toward me, I was indebted lo the iiis boat at the harbor's mouth, when letwtive called Captain Dennis. tho waves combed in at either si lo In the careful analysis of my papers I white in the darkness, and filling the fieny the existence of aline I had not per- ,.i-,.i, ,.f4i, . i. -.i , feet right to have written, or to have re- Prplo faults of tho sky with thunder eivail. Freedom of speech and of opin- lones harmony ; he spent day after ion is tho birthright of Americans, guar- day, without rest and without food, antisd to in by our charter of liberty the beating out an answering and re Constitution of the United States. I have , peating tumult from the great church exercised my prerogative, and have open- organ. Perpetual pictures descended Jy avowed my sentiments. During thel hung before his eyes, in which he w ,r T n opposed your 1 epub m 8,,0 by hiln a l.can party with every instinct cf t-elf-; . . .. . .., , J preservation. 1 believed v0ur succuss a vision ol morning, with her cavallier virtual nullification of the' Constitution, galloping at her side; as she Bat and nnd thnt it would entail upon us all the ' sung some air with tho wholo oul be lireful conserinences which 1 ave ensued. ! hind her face, suddenly lighted up and These sentiments havo doubtless been 1 shiui.ig through it, as sho had once found iccordJ among my papers and II im .sonaloj' puro dca hold them as rAthtr a proud record of mv i e i v a 1 ... , ' tAciiy. Ul U1' und fair enough lor Ary Sehefler u i must bo permitted lo quote from a IeJP"ncil- 1,1 vain 1,0 10,1,1,1 as th ter of youm, in regard to Russell, of the i P1""1 deepened, and tho earth warm London Times, whi.'h you conclude with! ed itself in glowing suns, to hide his these admirable words :-"Individual er-lpassion; all nature was in unison with rors of opinion may bo tolerated, solong,jt; every murmur of the wind was its ZZ r7Z: ri0 nmbat tLe,n'-"- assonance, every chorus of tho waves I!y ny ot illustrating theory and nrac , , ' , , . , , tice-here I am, a prisoner in sist of the!11? ieynoto ; ho saw that unless he Kxocutlve mansion, in ixight of "the Capi-jy,cltlt,(1 u would consume him ; he tol. whi-ro tho proud statesmen of our watched tho faeo that sometimes land have sung u,eir pams to the bless-(gleamed from tho home window as ho in ;s ol our free institutions. Comment is i passed ; that smiled sadly from tho id o. fr. cu .m of speech, freedom of , .Sundav pew, with a new and strano-0 i 'n'h'b-enV'8 VT. t l,'e c,t" iBCi.tiiueiit, one ofdcoi) pity; he won w r lias Owen Suspended by what, I sup-I , , ... , . , 1 J ' , Pon.i the President ca'ln a "military no-' .ele . 11 hho 81,1 ,!,'ed B8 1,0 suflered; cbiity." A blow has been struck, by this tn0 thought ol it Hooded his heart and total disregard 0f nil civil rights, og.u'nst'eycs with tears, and again ho half rose tin prof-eiit f.ytera of Government, far, to go and tell her this wondrous tale, giraioriu its eii'ects than the teveranco of to w hich all tho world aro born to lis tho Southern states ten.Miss PitEiCOTT. O ir peoplo have been tnughf to con- L temu the supremacy of the law, to which yDo not shrink from standing by ad nave hitherto bowed, and to look to pvincinks. Jiemember under tuc military power for protection against . ' ., . . . """-4 iu.U-ciees. k miliury spirit has T been HUC'h circumstances, that it is in doing developed, which will only be subordinate! nS',t as 11 19 1,1 taking a bath. Every to a miliuiy dictatorship. Read history, I hoy hero knows that if j'ou go into a and yon will find that the causes which ibatlr by tho inch vou will shiver all bring about a revolution larely predomi. u,0 wlVy, whereas, if you divo in, and nates at in close, and no people have ev- t;lke it M at once, a glowing reaction or returned to the point from which they I ,, :.,,, lf ,' if,, P , tiirtod. Fven should the Southern Slate! ,M ,nL(J,atcl-y bo produced, and be subdued and forced hack into the Un-' vou W1" comc P warm enough. And ion t which I roi'ard a impossible, with a!s0 111 respect to doinjj rirht in eomna- full knowledge of their resources.) a dif-1 ferent form of government will be found j neecuui to mei uie mpw neveiopments Cf national character. There no class ?.r Th"?":"'?: ' I . ... i ..l. r plo.lding, methodical habits of the poor ! can never be resumed. i You havo hld me sir, to a man 'a ac- AAiininViilitv. and I therefore claim the riiiiit lo speak on subjects usually consid-j frcd bevond a woman's ken, and which von mav cms as errors 01 mumuM. i lay class as "errors of opinion. I oiler no excuse for this long d'gression, as three months-imprisonment ithoutj formu ia ol law, eives me numui uy i"r ou- ru-.vingeven tho reciou. moments of a, S5,: ;ti,ry cf State. . :iv object is to call your auenuon 106114. must u vi.uuaiA. wnuer the f.irt that, during this long imprison-1 the ancient influences Churches havo Went, I am vet ignorant of the cause of hecn darkened, and worship mado my n: rest; (hut my hous. has been seized gQmbro aoJ cl00my. The outward and converted into a prison by the 0o- , ,;f fc , fa mafJo to conform to wmuentj j hat the valuable lurm ure it, . . , . . -ulaUd b ,ho contained has been abused and destroyed;; 1110 uwru, ana rx nguiaxeja dj ino that ajuring om jriod of my imprisn Bam divine Inw. 1. . . I H'l rr Mil nilVn U ill I'Wi'l. AI", t !' lo r,'in luin llmt, tnttm t r- Miy, wnninn o( I nd ilmifolir, t i i!iii d is bMne .rin cfn i. ii tlic iiei i rf tl.ii ni'n n Hu h, by K'i ml r-rthiMinrd, railing liei -. M il" Mrs. Oii.l. i.liiiik, wits lai ml lure. " my li"!i'i In r'iii a'ljiMtiiiift mine, In htMt'i this iiimI;iii, lmvo no ':i'' l fi!'ul In Join syiiiMllinr. II IIki jnilu imf my om liiint niiil decent repuni for lliovvoiM's opinion d, nol ni"ve ynu, I houl Imt vi,imo lime In i luitn your Mlti nlion on nny otlu r Kivrc. ! I in !,,..., nr rr.ll t. i niii loiivl . . . J: . . -: ' . . . iyr. l no worn ol mo neroiuo, (..onlay, t ro upplicublo here : "Cat le crime qui fait In twntc tt noi put I cchyaiulc. Jly Butler ings will all'ord a nignilicatit lesson lo the woman of tho South, that sex or condi tion is now no bulwurkafraiiut the surging billows of ihe "irrepressiolo conflict. Tho "iron heel of power" limy kcop down, but it cannot crush out tho spirit of resistance ol a peoplo armed lor the de fence of their rights; and I tell you now, sir, that you are standing over a crater whose smothered lires in a moment may burst forth. It i your boast that thitty-three briat liNg fortilicotions now surround Wash ington. The fortifications of 1'aris dia nt protect Louis riiillippe when his hour had come. In conclusion, respectfully ask your attention to this, my piotent, and have the honor to be, Ac, cf-c, JIose 0. X. Greemiow. LOVE AND NATURE. It came at last that tho very atmos phere was laden with invisible be- seedlings ; love, like an infection, nprcad upun the four winds of lloav- en ; the stars lettered it over in rnid- nii'lit depths; every bare branch of March, every reddening wfflow coimc, where all tho marsh woods were a- Himie Strain. ."SprillS With ttll its full tides of youth, and life, and buoyancy, swept ana surged across his sensation ; in all the growtli and renewal of the vigorous year his heart brimmed i I '.11 , t .uresn wun love, as tlio sap runs up the botiirh and lonirs to burst in blos- pawed the long cool nights rockmir lniOulicli ny. Take your stand firmly and nt once, and hold on a little while, and tliut Will be the end of it. I'.llt If itnn I ,!lmI)CI. wilh ovi, , ,," :; half reveal your horror of it, there will i bo a 1,ara Sniggle spread over a long period, and you will bo swamped in tho end. C-jtTA man cannot parcel off a littlo' placo and say, 'Here will I havo myi piety, and out there I will have my nieLV. anu out I Hero 1 vri iavii mv ,llsm0aS o,l riolit f:irminL, not in rclidon. There mnst.'.e.w. , Mkeel. .d ,,ar.reU: , .1 . - o; . , c. 06 U ChriStlUlzatlOn in the SOUl, and of ue h e& of its separate faculties. YY Wor- 1 I ... . I' .wlnmLn, TT J IriroaM tin,t,, f fH In sdtarue, or viiiMri lima wiimiha, l I.' aid erV live within Ihe erir, ...II' (f iA fir ho lrntn ol U, V" Ttrmo nl AdirtlUlns, ArtUomnlii r lfifil(,l In (hi II pii 1.1 !! itt lh r.illonii.g nlil I Inaction, inr aquar,(H lines,) t f Two pmriMi, ( JMInr-s.) 1 0 Three" squares, (4J llnef.) I 60 rTIn Onsrqnarw, ! I I 0 1 ,Io. i " Tl II " I bO 1 J f l to (I mo I. II 'n" I I 11 t) Il 00 ' v" Twosouaroe.i 1.11400 uunro,t I I I I 4 V 0 00 1 " Three Kiiinrn, I t t I I 00 8 AO 11 00 Four piiinr, I I t i H 00 10 00 II M Hulf a column, I I I I S 00 12 00 1 00 One column, i I t i 14 00 20 00 8& 00 Ovf r threw woi'Vii and lent thin throt rooalhi 2 eentii cr iquire for eeh Inncrtion. f oetioei not tcding Sltnoi r tn rtf J fur f I t jetr. A JTortioratnta net mrkJ wi',VlS numler of nsortioni deaired, n'.ll b continual until forbid and charged according to thea Urma. JOB PRINTING. . An extensive stock of Jobbing materia enables the Publisher of the " llrpublican to to the publiu that he in prepa red to do all .Kinds or I'osTEns,, r.LANis, Pafik Boon, Labels, Ball Ticiits, and every itind cf printing Troorammrs, C'ikculabs,, usually done in a connlryi ob orbce. Ail order's will bt executed with neat, ness nnd despatch. 0. B. OOODLANDKIt t CO. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of Holding Court Second Monday of January, Third Mondi7 of March, Third Monday of June, Fourth Monday or. September, In each year, and continue two weeka n eessary. County Oirtccra. l'res't Juda;e,Hon. Samuel Linn. Bellerunte. As'to Judges, lion J. D. Thompson, Curweniville Hon. James iilooin, Forefit. Sher.ff, Frod'k O. Miller Clearfield Prothnntary,John L. Cuttle, " Keg. A Her. James Wiigley. " District Att'y KoWiTt J. Wulliice, " Treasurer, U. li. Ooodlunuer, C. Surveyor, II. B. Wright, Coinaiins'u'rs, Wm. Merrcll, S. (f. Thompaoa, Jacob Kuntz, Glen Hope Clearfield Morrisdnle Luthersburj Pbilipsburg Clearfield N. Washington Lecoute.a .Mills njuri r illo. Auditor, It. C. Bowman, J. B. Shaw, C. 8. Worreil, J. W. lV.ter, Coroner, Co. 6upt. Jcste Ilrouia!, List of Tost Offices. Toitnthipn. Biccaria, Bill, Same of J1. 9. Xttmrt of P. M (i. W. Calwel Glen Hope, Bowor, Chest, Cuh, Ostend, Clearfield Bridfs, Woodland, I.ulheiVaurg, Troutvdlc, Jefferson Lint, Forest, T. A. UrGbee j'v'r.-rV-'l iewis r-iuiia P. H. Miller Ed. Yt'iilifcxa K, II. Moore. C- f. SJoppy, John Heberling Jin- Bloom Bradford, Brady, Bloem, Ebrnside, New Washington J. M, Cummingt " llurnsido, Jaa McMurray Clearfield, Clenrfield, M. .. Frank. Covington, Frenchville, I". A. Guulin. Karthaua, J F W Jichuarr Curwensville, uiirwonsville, Samuel Way "ocn,or' f?""0"' irard, L ofh (jrllham. i lulipi burg, Centre county Marron, Kdui. Williams Helen Post Office, Elk county, Pi. Lecounto's Mills, C Mignot Bald Hills, William Carr Shansvillo, A. 1!. Shaw (irahainton, T. II. Forces, nnll.s Millf. J. A. Heiarty Madeira, C. J. Tusey. Tyler, Parid Tyler Pennfield, II. Woodward Ansonville, Eliza Chnse alt Lick, (i. llei'kiidorn Now Millport, D. E. Mokel Breckenridge, J, W. Thomps'n Kylcrtown, Jas, Thompson Huston, Jordan, Karthaua, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, " Morrisdalo, .1. McClelland l'enn, Lumber City.f II- (V. Spencer, ' Grampian Hills, A. C. Moore, Pike, Curwensviile, Sniuuel Way " Bloomingvillo, Michael Wise. I'nion, Korkton, W. F. Johnson Woodward, Jeffries, T. Henderson J This Post will do for Cbest township t Will answer lor Ferguson township. $35 00 PATS the entire cost for TUITION In the most populur and successful C0.V1M ERCIAL SCHOOL in the country. Upwards or Twelve Ht'NiiRRD young men, from twenty. eight diftcr- ent Mates, nave been educated for business here within tho past three venrs, some or whom have been employed as lluOIv-U. Lbl'LKb at salaries $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing oT accounts when they entered the Collogo. j2-JrMinister's sons half price, Students enter at any time, and reyiew when tbey please, without extra charge. F. r .. dialogues. Specimens of Penmanship, and View or the COLLEGE, enclose five letter stamps to JENKINS A SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 14, 61. Iy. W. M. l CULLOUGII, CLEAiiKiELn, Pa. Office In Graham's llrlrk IJulldJng. July 3d. 1861 tL NEW GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Sl Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. I am just receiving and opening a rarcrully selected stock or Spring and Summer goods ol almost every description, A Kanniiliil aaanrtlnAMl . . t 1 ll.n.a X WWMUIftlUl WPr-.r. Illl- Ul M I 1 II t S DIIU WICOB . B"V ... " T." " i)llY-(.i(.)UDS AM) JsOTIOS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qieeneware, Drugs sal Msdicines, Oil and PainU, Carpet. A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, vacon and Floor, u. mo uc quality, an 01 wnicn will ue auiu ai tbe lowest cab or ready pay prices. 7 old lnend and the aubhc generally, are - - 'l "J.M. ..II. B All kind, r GltALai approved COCSTU Y PRODUCE taken ia exchange oi Goo,1 - C1"aelj. J M. F. IRWIN, 1 ODER I 3. WALLACE, Atxit "at Taw li Clearfield, Pa., Cffioej In tk.W. Row, op- ,t tbeJeornal eee. a,c 1( lfw i .1. '. MA ciuni:. rnicFS ynnM $.10 to $70. The BOl'DOIH PKWISU MACI1INU, nn en Itruving of which. Is here rrproaei.tod, hat now beoomn a rcconitod favorite wherever it hai been introduced, and is, beyond qurxtlon, the best, as well at Iho hundsomvst, low-piioeJ Sewing Machine now before the public, No. 1 A sinull and very neat Machine for Family uso. N. 2, A Inrgo M.ichino for quiltiug heavy work and for Plantation use. This Mnchino is much udinired for Its simplici ty, and for its reliability nnd durability it is un surpassed. A child twelve years can run it with ease ; nnd yet it will sew from the coarsest cloth to tho finest Swiss. There is no trouble of re winding the thread, us it is taken from the spools. It has no belts to give trouble, nnd will run backwards as well as forwards, and still sews equally perfoct, and without danger of breaking needlea. It runs by friction, and by closing the box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, wa bar no hesitation In recommoiidiug it aa the best family Sewing Machine in use. The following Premiums Axeardol the above Machine: At the Fair of the FrankHn Institute, I8i8, the First Premium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel phia, Septembor 21, 1859, tho First Premium a Diploma. At the Pennsylvania State Fuir, held at Wyo ming, I860 a Silver Medal. For the best llouble Thread Machine, nt Lan caster County Fuir, held October, 18SV a Silver Medal. At the Marylund f late Fair, held at the Mary land Iuati'ute, Baltimore, Md., October. 1 SA9, under strong compeiitiou, a Silver Medul waa awarded to this Mai hine. At the New Castle County Fair, held at Wil iniugton, Deluwaif, (Muter, 18i9 a fciploma. The above Machines are manufactured by CIIltLI V. MOWLAM). WiluiiiiKtou, Vol. SALESROOMS. No. 720 ArcL Street, Philadelphia, Pa. No. bOl Market Street, Wilmington. Del. S. I). HAKEK, mart3-lv 720 Arch direct. I'hiladplubla. .''',e'','n, wishing to see the above Machine 'n operation, can do ao by calling nt the resi- I jWnkc up! WIic up! BLACKSMf rillNO. THE subscriber res pectfully informs his friends and Ihe pnblic generally, that he is new well e dhlirhed in his ! NEW SHOP on Pine street, o posite the Town Hull, in the borough of Cluarfieid, and upo bit own hook, and whore ho is preparod to do all i work in his line in the vcrv best style, and on the shortest notice. His old custcrer are res pectfully aslied not to furget hiio, and any ntim ; tcr of new onea are respectfully invited to givo him a trial. j EDGE TOOLS. His reputation as a Maker and Kepiiircr ofEdgo tools should of Itself secure bim a liberal patronage. GEOBGE C. TASSM0KE. April U, OLE N-SCII 07ff LlTs . Oermantown, Ta. M cCALLUM & C. MANCfACTCRERS, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers In C A It I'ETI XGK, I) It V r. tl E T 8 OIL CLOTJIs; UATTiSGS, ,-., Warehouse. No, :09 Chestnut Street, (Opposite Plata Houe.) apr3'81-ly Pnu.AnEi.rnu. la u h a :r s lb ia; c IBi 15 o lc tin: K Sill R G, OLEAUI'IELD COUNTY, TA. WILLIAM KEED, Proprietor. july 10, I ?f,l. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDER, JUSTICn of the peace Luthemburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to re.a stq March 2S, I860. y. pd. MOORE & ETZn'iLSR, "ITfliolcsalc and Retail Merchants. Also If extensive deulers in timber, saned ber and shingles. Also, dealers in flour an- ; grnia, which will be sold cheap for cash. Oct, 11,1859. JYROaXE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, ritoi RiETOit, Respectfully announces to the travelling public that ho has now taken charge of this Urge and well known house, and will conduct it in such a manner aa will render excolleut comfort and for, satisfaction to all who may favor Lira with a call. nov"-ly WALTER BARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to hia csie, in the several Courts of Clearfield and adjoinir-g counties. Office tbe one formerly occupied by G. R. Barrett. Oct 2Cti, If 58 ly THE CLKAItl-'IEI.D ACADRMY will be opened for tbe receptio . of pupils (males and females) on Monday Sept. 2d, 1861. Termapcr Session of Eleven Vceksl Orthography, Rending. Writing, Primary Arithmetio and Geography, (2 60 Ilighor Arithmetic. English Grammar, Geography and History, 3 CO Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and Hook Keeping, I 00 Latin and Greek Languages, 8 00 To students dosirous of acquiring a thorough Englit-h Education, and who wish to qnBl : fy themselves ior Teachers, this Institution offers defiraMe advantages. No pupil received for leas than half A session, and no deduction L.ade except lor protracted aickness Tuition to be paid at the close of the terra. C. 15. SANDF011D, Principal, j Clearfield, Aug. 7, 18C1. ly. J7LOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, LIQUORS OF ALL KIXDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, t GROCERIES, flayFor sale very chnap for Cash. V O. R. M ERR ELL. In basement of Merroll A Bigler's Store,! Clerficld, Ta. ftb-27. D W. HATS, Justice of the Peace, will ttten 1 X promptly to oolleetlons and other natter eft la blscbajg Address Kersey, Elk tor, Pa PCI. MIS?, fy. si: viic 1 it. HI U'KttOuli'N MA il ASSIST I i i it k t (iNi'oi itm ni.v, I (l',"lnHnll, r ) t-Tittt rtdxiiunnii tii viKw, I J Toil ) n-rvn Nrnni Mt itmii hi.virw, . (t'r ('loir, h 4 THE WKSTMINf tFIl ItKVIKW, (Liberal.) i.iibfcKMo(ii)i:i)ininoiiMAOAetNB (Tory) TERMS. I For any on nftlia feur Hevlewa, rr annum. ' fl 00 6 00 T 00 8 00 I rur any two oi uie i,.nr iteviews, I For any three of the four lteviews, I For all four of the lteviews, I For lllackwood'a Mngnslne, I For Blackwood and one Iteview, I For Blackwood and two lteviews, t 6 7 0 00 00 00 00 rr inacKwooii ana tnroe llevlewa, For Blaokwood and the four Iteviewa. 10 00 N. II. The price in Great Britain for Ihe five l'.'iio lirnls above-nnmcd ia $.!t per annum. Kepublisbed by LEONAUn SCOTT A Co., marlJ Oui 61 Gold Street, New York, During the past year wo have introduced to he notice of Ihe medical profession or this coun try tho Pur Cryntalized Chloride of Propylamine as a Itl'.MEDY FOn ItllliUMATISM; and having received from many sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and from patients, tho MostdattcrliisTeatlnioiiIalsofltareal value u the treatment of this painful and obsti nate di.foaso, we are Induced to nresent it to the public in a furin KEADY F Il IMMEDIATE liBl., wl.icb we hope will commend itsolf tothote who are suffering with this afllicting comnbint. and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powcra ofthia valuable rem edy. ELIXIR I'KOPYLAMIXE, in the rrm show spoten of, has rcacntly teeu extensively experi mented with in the i PENNSYLVANIA nOSHTAL, and witu MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published acoouuts in tho medical Jour nals.) ..TEiMt Is carefully put up ready for Immedi ate Uke, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the drugjisti at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholerale of IitLl.OCK A CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, June:6'Clif. Philadelphia JO II NOlJjE I" L UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TRI.'sT MKR, Lozatc-i it A. II. Maw's Mills, fnr milt &st uj CiowJit-'J borough, ! rtesnectftillje infarms the chiasm of Clearfield, anu aimninj conntics, that he is at all times prepared to manufacture, at tho shortest notice. H.iir, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mat tress, euitablo for CABINS ON RAFTS, which can be folded in small compass, and emptied nnd refilled nt pleasuro ; and very cheap, lie also trims Ciuriagcs, makes reuses to all kindi ol Csrrinpo Trinming nnd Upholstery, nnd ir.akrt M.rus ior .iiasons 1 racing Lines, of any thick onus or lengih. )SS,Country Produce. Corn Husks, or Cnsh taken in Exchange for woik. rnD A 1 1 orders left with any orthe Mcrchntf l.ieiirueia borough will be promplly ailei.dcd t- declli CIIA" iS !! CHAIRS ! ! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! : ! ! The nr. deisigned has now on hand, at bis Fur niture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Liti's Foundry, a Urgi stook of CHAD'S or ALL KI.Mr, manufactured out of the bjst amterialr, finished n a very superior maniver, and which he will soli LO II' FOR CASH, II is long experience in tin business makes biau feel confident that his chairs 1 aro made in a substantial and workmanliko man ner, and will stand tho test of trial. Person, wishing t purchase chairs should cail at once and get them while they can be had at tLe lowest rates. J UIN TR0UTMAN. Mar. 27-1 JSMf. NEW REMED1FS FOR S T R M A T O R R II CE E A . H0W1KD A'SCCIATIOM, I'un.Ai.r l.riHA, A R(H exo'ent Inttitttlion cttalilithrd by tprcinl En dmrmtnt, for th relief of the Sick aiid Ditlrented, nfjlicttd it Violent and Chronic Jliteatei, and etpecially for th Curt of JJitcutci of the Sexual Onjnnn. Mar.ic.ti. Advice given gratis, by tbe Acting Surgeon. Vaixabic reports on Sr.erratorrhcpa. nnd other diseases of tho Sexual Oigans, and en the new nr.MEiur.s employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, fioe of charge Two or threi Syiiups fur poatage acceptable. Address Dn. J. HoronTOri, Howard Association, -o. B. .Mmb at., i'biladelpbie. 29iuy ly. JAMES T. LEONARD. wa. A, wAi.LAca. C. A. riNHET A. C. PINMET JSanliinn anb (CoIIcrtion Otc LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. U L E A It K I L D, CLEARFIELD COUXTV, FA. . JBl L1.S 01, VKCBAKOE, VOTES A!n OnAETS nisrorsTE i posits i;c ki vi:n, Co'leetioni maJe and proceeds promptly remitted i;xchaiie on Oie Cities constatitly 011 hand. 0fBce on Second St., nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. LEVER FLKGAL, justice of 1 lie peace Lutborahurg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business eatrusted to bie care. April A, 1861. JS. W. I.AKStlHER. I. TEST T ARHIMHR b TEST. Attorneys at l aw lj Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col Uinha, Lahd Agencies, Ac, Ac, In Clearfield Centre and Elk eouhtiea. July 3D. j REED, WEAVER 4 CO. MERjCIIAT. and ei'enve dealers In all kit. la .r LUMBER. ORAIX.and country pro duce. Store on PECOXD Street, Clearflled Pa Dee. 4, 1881. J. D. THOMPSON, )larkti lib. Wagons, Buggies, Ao.. Ac, Ironed J I on abort nttke, sad the very best aryU, st his It (tanlla th, hnrMfh nf Oanrentville. OATlIAUTlo Ml a1,M, eiw n,Z .f.rr.n.a u,.Hrr, t . tl, know l.n., i, ,, ' lfi.,.1, H , , r i -l. T.h. A,.:,-, ,'u c,""""t ii.'-ii-,.i,Y. . 1 1' '. s "'yH.t l, i - - '' iZT I ,. a -j dlswise. A coM sM1m tnsirwii-if. In it,. U,.u ,?'!' atrin-u Its iifituol lunrllons. 'Il,. f ,. iMfl ,lnil ll,,.,l,.,.l... .,,.1 ti.m . nt,4 ilui-liig ai-nenil SKirraruliuii, ullVriin i,i,',7 u While In this condition, orrnac I.) tlm take A ver's I'llls. and l, ,w Ti, nily n,.r , " "" natural eftlnn of tin, ajraleni, and with n u,, '" feelhi f lieallli Knln. Wlmi I, trim , ,,,,'!'';'" ' Ihi. tnviul and cmniinii coiii,Uiiit. li .o ti ii tn 111 of tlio d'wp s..itnd and d:lif;l,,i. ,litlnil.i,i . 'ii y Muri-llv. -fT.u.1 i I l... i . ll'"UUm Mna fiHit ilerf,iu.i,."nti ,,f Ihe ii.iIiiit.I functioni m ,h WhIv, they arn rjdly, and many of thm a,lrcv ' , bv lliesiitun iiirans, Nunn who knuw tlw tiilii''l t I'llls. will neiflei't to omplifj Iheiu whun iuiiiu, f,"! 111. ilhcnleia lliey cur,.. Kliituinunla f i , ,,, IwnlliiK liyal I ifia Mm 0j . priiieifjiil cltiua, aud from oilier well known nublk tJ sons. Pnim a Vwanin; JeiWiont . SI. .oim, VI. t, lg; Iln. Atsr: Ymir I'illa are llin wn-(n cf all um j, Hmul In nirdleliw. Tliy have cuind my tte ,iaHlur of ulcanina mn-vt nmi hor InixN and l..i t li.-tt IkmJ ,,rw,,.j for yenra. Her mother Ina ueon Ichk ,rjgj. ously nrllk'toj with lilolche mid l,i,,l,nn l,ei- iau, nni in her h.iir. After our child .u cuiso, ho IK lutd your nib, au thny Imve curdd hci . ASA MOIIOMBOK. Ae Family Physic. iVoro Dr. K. n; IMurriyU, Xck OrUani. Your Tills are tha prince of purges. Tlnir excelldut ,tiMliti, suipaaa any cathartic we pHf ms. xj,.. aiy milil, but very certuin unci eftVctuul in tl.eir nit I. in ,lt l.onol.. which muki'S them invaluable to ua In Un u.ilr treiitiiiwnt of (li.vusu. IIeadnvlie,SlekIIesi1arlie,Foiil Ktomacli. Vunl Dr. lit inn III Ifoyd, IMlimorr. I.KARllr.o. Arm: I cannot ananer you irfiaf rompl I Imve cure'l with yrmr Tills .Mtttor limn to mv allflni u rr treat with a jmrrtativt medtciut. J iIm p rm dene on nn ptToetiiul cfstlmt tic in my daily contrn nidi flmenie, mi l ImJinriii un t thxt yoiir oflyiU u tW buat wo Imvy, 1 of cuuru valno llmtu iiiglily. PiTTsnimn, Tn., SUt 1, 1S:5 Pn. J. C. Arm. tir: I Itnv Lwn irptititl).v etircd 4 tho womt httulncfif. Any body run Imve by ft IW or ta of yutir Tilli. It sihmih to oriso Uvu a full! utoirmclj, wb it'll (hoy cltvinun nt onco. V-Uf8 with great retvpect, I'D. W. V'i KJ)!; (Iri'k ff Slrvmcr i'Lm-n. fiillont DUordera-Ialvrr t omlaiuU. Dr. ThtH.lort IkU, mX'-w Vmk Civ. X.-t mi'y aro your Pllin nHmirnblr n'liiptt-J to thfr I'm- P'iIh n un apuriiit, (mt I fiinl tlii-ir iM-ncliriul rnVt- n jr)i (hu I.ivit vnry iiimkpti iiMjfl. 'J'hcy lmvo in niv j-irtiu tifu iJititoil iiiuro t'tfi'L-tiiul ftr tli cure of b'ltnns r-i-uluiui than any oiiu rt'tncUy I an inMili, u. J iriiM i i i lv ujoicj Unit nu lmvo ut lt'ii;Lli tt iniiRittUr wliivli i- v.- tUjr Uie CUIlUliotK'C tl UtC iHL'lfBMltll UUU iiv Jf t,,v. DfPABTMCfT OF Tilt IvrKFI', uJihin;',tn, I). r th Kt-b , lb:,ii. .tu 1 Iikts urd your I 'ill In my K"111! b f'iinl practice ver ninco on in nil ihfiu,nml caniitt litisiiam in ttay tlitiy uro the IwKt ntthuruc wt fin)ltiv. Ibilr Mti 11 inn H' liou on tho lier h tjuiJc uini iliH-iUtd, tuiita iti?iiliy thoy ai Hit mlmiriibl iitnutly br tvtttii;i ui.-iiii (.t oiu. hitUrd, 1 lutie Hillnm b umi iitn.vnf fuivms diiciise ho obntiimto 1 but it iti not rciulily i ii in tliMiu. iialtiuaily yunn, Al.),'f:) 11 A Lb, M i, I'ltyiicmn iJ Ott Mai tut il-'itiit, I) if n try( DUrrlifrn. Ktlni, Wolius. t mH l) J. Q. (j'ttill, tVnCcy". Your rillt hnv bail a bmg tttM in my pi-ru-tice, nnii 1 lii 11 tlifin in t iti rui otio uf t lie bttnl hjk'i it-nls 1 lut ror fi'iin t. Tbi'ir aiti all yl v-nt t uhjii tin- iivt nni -4 thMii au excellent rrnu'ily, wbfii gnen in Himll 'si.'invt ttyttrtU'Tj owl tVii-rj .trvf. 'J ln ii au,-,,, t- .t,iiV .m iV.ik them v-'iy ac.Tjilaljio and cuiivt' itt f,( j;, lu t?f WiiiH'ii nyl ciiil'litn. I) ipepBln, Tnipnrl.y of the IilonJ. Mom y.Vc. J, V, Jtmft, J(ur Admit Cmic'i. ! 1' c. IT. Arm: I b.iTe nnei your I'illn Willi ixtiniiinnir (iitTfUfi in my fmitily nl unions tbusc 1 itm cit'.lcil mcit in linttcHB. To nuliittr tbe titpuni uf difriiuti akil purify (be IiIo'hI, (liey inn tbo vry bt-st n iimfi ( lim evi-r known, aud I cut. coulbleiitly tcci-inm4iii tti-ni my biutiJ. Yumt, J. V. i!lMr,!. Wahhaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y.. Ort. a I, lsr. Tr ir. Rjn : I am using ymir C:iilmt Uc ii in nm . Ilr. t.nHinU llicm an rxcrlb :it 1 1 y. t i t. rUtMivu li.i tysti-in nitii i-in r'j ('it ftmuttnu f lf-c t-lfnl. ' akiilX ii. MK.MII AM, V. P. f n nut (pn Hon, (nil trr lift, uppre vtaloti, Klir maul im, C-nnt, curalgia, lop j, Paiwilyvlu, hit-1, ctr '.Mil Dr. J. D. rui;'fn, St.vtyr, I. C.ttwda. T'X much rntni'tl lt of yotir I'ilK fi r Hi"1 nirf ' f rtttm f. If oilimn tf nni fialciiiitv bnv- fi unl lluru n.i'li.ciii ivu 1 bine, thny flinnbt j i 11 me in pi oi i'i iii!, it f r tbe bfii"lii of tbu iitTiltihcb'K ho Riifl-i fit'i i tiiiit conipliiiiit, uiiiclt. Hlthougb ba.l ci li niU-H i tbe pru'-'iiitor of olltf'i 'i tbat ai-o w.iie. ! ! r. tirmtjs triGrijfiuat i-i tar- livttr, but )'vur Till ti t r'fiii an ft euro tlio ilbc.iHo. JYmm Sfrt, V. .im( Vhytician cd Vi '. Ht -I ninl on or tWf lnipe ilnwn of y-nf:- IMS. tl. 11 nl L.i proper time. au fxrelleiit pinim ti'vi s i.f tiiu ', linn wlicn nliulJy or piu tntlly uipi iHat, ,l, ,-hi I !' -n elTertual tn e'einixe tlm ifnm.vU nn i rrj'M iiihihi. 'Up t fit a-: much tbo lent payuif wu have tbat I icuummeinl 110 othrr to xuy pntii'iilK. From the lUv. Dr. Tlawlt, eJ Vt HhH, 1 $' Fpit. Vhn" I'l l tKi Ilfitf-r. Savaiiimb, (.. .Tan, 6, lK;,fi. Ilityrtrun Sik : 1 i-lioulJ be nnerulrlnl fcr lb n-lief your Kkill btm luounlit int if I diU not report my rim ti you. A r'hl tv 'llfil fu my liinl'HMjtl broucbt 011 firm riatinn nturf'qir jtumtt niiieli rmifti in chnmit' rU,nia tnm. NotwitbHfiuriit't; 1 Im l tlm bo'l or pinni iniiv tlx diene prer -ftore mil wore. until by the ndvico of mir Xftillcnt nirent in Jiitliun-io, lr. Ma kenri. I trifJ ym r l'illi. 'Jhcir rfb-rts rcre ulow. but unro Ity i-erht'iiiin iu the use of thin, I am m-w cntiioly well. F-natk OiiAMiitK, Patfiti UmiiTp, Ta.. 6 TVr. Vn. Att.k: T bavu len entirely ennI, by n'tr Pi' Rheumatic Gnut apaiuful d.nenein t!mt imti wfl iMfl nit foryarii. VINCliNT SMiiKbl- tifMn.t r.f ttm rillii in market fofitnin Icrctirr. Kliu li, Hlthi'tiph a viiluabln remedy in f-kil!til lmu li i diiuerotin in a public pill, from tlm die;nlfii1 r'me neme tlmt frerptftitly foll 'W it imaiitinn iie, TVw .iiTain no mercury or mineral mibntnnco v. Intever. Price, 25 cents per Box, cr 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared fcy Dr. J. C. ATEH &, C0.( Lowell, Ktw PerSalilby C. P. Watson, ClcnrSr! 1. K, A Irwin, Curwpiuvillc ; F. Arnold, Lutlrf-biiry, Muntgomery A Co., New Sniem ; J. C. I-renner, MorriJale, C. H. r'oHter, rhilipM-urg ; nn Kli Cluteo, Aiitiooville ; and by dealers evrywbri. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE PUTTCRy. Thankrul Tor past fnvorf and solicitious of fu ture i.nlroi.dt'e. I would respectfully snnounce that I e on hand again, and will constantly keep nt tho Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance east of tbe Methodist Church, a large stork of Crockery , such as Cream crocks, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Store pipe casing; nnd also an extensive assortment cf diSerent sizes and patterns of brackets and rosettes for cornice on bouses, and other monl dinRs. Any moutdlngs not on hand will be rrade te older nn short notice. Also fire brick maJa aud kept for sulo. jrfl-A liberal reduction on prices l wholesale dealers. F. I.KITZI.NGER. Clearfield, nay 2.1, 18CI. ly. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN OI'LICH, of the borough of Clearfielo, Pa., will be prepared at all times to attend tn to any business In the above line on snort notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Ifi place of business ia at the old shop on the north sideof Market street, 3d door east of Third st, nearly opposite the old Jew store ; where ho will keip constantly on hand a largo assortment of J"a hogony nnd Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet Ware of every description, which he will dispose or on as reasonable terms aa the same articlea can be bad elsewhere in the county. Hia stock or Cabinet Ware now on hand, ccn alsta in part or Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sofaa, Hawing and Washing Standi, Deska ind Book t'asea, French and Field Post Bedsteads, Pin, ft. Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta b.cs. Ac. Coffins manufactured and delivered si any place desiied. February 8, 1859. no. 4, vol. Iv. LlflUORS forMedioinal purposes Brasdy Port sod Sherry Wise, Keotar Whiskey md tM'tmi H HATVTCK.. 't,-4 ..... ...m -'-.... ,.i,. . . -r.VlrL-:-- P'" ilia , i.