Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 15, 1862, Image 2

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    In i r Or- uir lli' Mi'itil
' UiUli. I her ioii I I I n l IM i.i 'H '
i I III'1 lint . ill lnii rtM r pidV
i 'I i Dm lut luiI'M ntn 1( , a
t.Min nli'Hl H"i "'!'' I, "t llel inn
tr 1 1 le mil mliiri I, to laliiinn
I ha iill'if fllteet. I ' r relit In Itin pe V
, nuti by l.e) nniinpt mil ll ft'
Mailer Hiiilltv nf lln) Ijht ,' hill a, lilmn
liiipi'Hiu I rmii'l.'iM'h Is, that i.ill
nimble )nil w lei l epn rnt Ml the varied,
Intel e:s of III Commonwealth to upper-'
I nn the tut in nn'li manner ns to hear ,
f piallv upon a!I. "ur revenue. luw had
Imposed en r,i ni, n:ino:ial rtv, m
iU full propoi lion, hut Lille more limn 1
one-third of the Iiuck needed for tlio or-'
iiiiitry expenditure of tlio Government, i
By tho net of th liih May last, thu lux.
on thi ip.Mc ot property has already
'r.' ""WT'l.SI"f 11,0
Sfntn roliiA art nvviinin lint I CiniA.
lux, tlio whole burden of it will fall upon 1 Hiv,''-V dovot,'i: lo ll I""1 Vennsyluaniii
those Interests, too, most unfavorably af-' ha rer'"on,",l n I'10 effort to put down
fected ly tlio war whilst other kind of' the great Southern rebellion, and in tiii
property nu.l other source of levenuo. ' ros.,oot is highlv interesting. Apart from
judged by our laws able to pay nearly ', , .." . , .. .. . ,
two third of the p.e.ont revenues of the . ll,e V"" "" ""urrod the financial
Stale, would not he called on to coolrii 'Hair u( the State are inn flourishing eon
bute one dollar of additional tax. 'dition. The most important reoonimen-
ine miiuia system oi ine oornrnon-
wealth is very imperiect.
I reoommendl
.),.. .i,..iii,n.. .,C .. n,;i ,.oiaio iiiau uKsume unu rmy lier portion OI
" . ... mi , - - - ,
frame and report a tystem more adeouate u' l'ect tax lo bo levied by the General.
totheexiL-onev of the time. iGove.-nment. in, ten, I ,,r I, ;., l....;..,l '
I earnestly recommend to tho Legisla. and collected sii a specul tax by the Xa
tura that provision be tiiade for the milit-1 .- , ., . . ... , , ' .,
a.y instruction of youth. Th appoint, "onal nutll0"tP-'. e hope tho Lp.hU
ment of a military instructor in the nor. turo H''l adopt whichever plan promiHW
mat achools would, in a short period, give ' to bo the least expensive; but in doing
leathers to the common schools.who would I s0, thi.y muH bo careful not to incense
be competent to train the boys m attend-1,, , y, . , , ...
anoe on them. It would, lu my opinion,
bo wise also to provide for the purchase or
leasing by the Commonwealth of a build
ing for a, military school, and for employ,
suitable instructors at the expense of
tiie htate, requiring tho pupils to tieiray
tA r.i ll AI HV OllUlta XrtlkllltilulirMil.ll.n'
... v vim x -i - v t..i-. i ' w ciivm iv iv
Kfru r iswi avohiiI I 1 1 1 1 1 1 .i r- o it i... '
1 resooctfullv ur.'e this subieet o r
early consideration as one of material,
..- - i
perhaps vital, importance.
J havo taken measures to direct the ef
ficient attention of i he General (iovern- ;
racni toilie ortiticution ot the water up. j
j roncues on me Eeauoaru anci nio laltes,
und arrangements are in the course ol'be-
admitted to this school without havin":
pasned a thorough examinaiion in matil-1',y, f La,,(;aslt'r- Clol'k- As tllQ "cpub-
dilating, and all fitting subjects of in. jl'cans compose over two thirds of the
ing effected which it is hoped will be sat- 'publicans whom Mr. Howe, and hii
isl'actory in their leiult. j brother Union lVmoernts insisted to their
I send with this message a copy of a places, lion. Win. Hopkins, of Washing
oom aiunicaiion from General Tut ten, j t0M was Ul0 Ueil)ri(;c CBndWl4te for
chief of the Jlilitary Engineer Deiiart-',, . . . r. ,
aient at IVashington. I have also repro-! yl'eilkrl'' '"'eiviiig lo votes, to 51 for Mr.
enteI to the .Screlnry of the Navy the 1 1Jve-
recesity for floating defences on the1 Eleven members of the present Logi.-j
Del aware, and have his assurance that they lature wero elected ujon wiiat was c illed
hall b- prejiaivd at the ea.liest moment. Uni()11 ti,k(l to wU liubb f AJ
1 have had a correspondence with the1,,. .. .. ' '
nulhorilies and some cf the citizens 0f "i'1"""1. ol Clinton ; Gross and Shannon,
lrie on tlio subject of the defenceless l' Allegheny ; Smith, of Chester ; Scott.of
condition of lhal city, and ibe part of the' Huntingdon ; Peters and Worley, of Lin.
.imu ouiuei nig on ii.u u.Ke. t.'n exami
nation it is found that there are no de
fences on tho hike, and that the ord
nance at. the city of Erie was withdrawn !
y me national uovernmenl in the sum-
.1' K.'.l i'l.-C.w. - ..I'.l. X'
jioi ui i-',i. j iic .i-tiviiti j ui wie .avy, ;
nn irpo.iest 1- ,l,roPt..,l l,. il.., I
. -1-
ot the United Slate steamer Michycn'
.ln..l.l r.r.t I... .1 ! u l.. ...... I , .. ..... I .... 1
suuuiu uuu iu ui-nriiuuu, m iihi i)ci:ii ,
7 , ' --:"" r.nmui :n ..ue
JUiuorc. the Wlllier. Mioilld
.. .v...,.,., 11 uir 11 v uut-.;'rrit-iii y ;
fail in its duty of providing ndequatc do-
v, v..,;.,,.i r:,.,. ,,.,. 11..
;ence at our
assailabla points, east and
stly recommend that the'
west, I earnest
Legislature lake prompt means for that
purpefe. We should bo admonished by,
recent indications from abroad, to be pre-
pared tor our own defence, as well as fori01
the sup-ression ot domestic insurrection.
in ititviniLiiiiii; ivi u ii ai in ii a inory, . , i i i i . , , 1 , i -. -. i . i i i- , ,
if the public good be alone considered! a,RlHe t,,in 1,10 noMo b""S f ' ll'ib.ted to avoid a war with England ;
Pennsylvania will be preferred s sheaf- M'ue '""crati' in that body deserves the I that the republican hai exhibited their
fords the combined advantage of a cen
tral position, abundance of material, and
skilled nicchaties, and u peoplo of un
doubted loyalty.
I commend to the attention of tho Le
gislature the report of the Superintendent
ui ine i UU11C.-5CUOO. s, inn nourishing siale j
r.i .iv.ii,.- i .1. ., n - . i
... .....v... .j. . .ks. .o .... 1...isaw. K..nn.
lion, are subjects of just congratulation
The reports of tho Lunatic Hospital, at
IIurri-.burg, and of Western Pennsylvania,
i f the bouse of refuge, at Philadelphia
and Pittsburg, ot the institutions lor the
deaf anil dumb, and for the blind, and tne
Northern Homo for Friendless Children,
at Philadelphia, and of the Pennsylvania
Training School for Idiotic and Feeble
Minded Children, at Media, show that
these meritorious charities are well ad
ministered, and 1 recommend that the
i'1'intenauco and aid of tho Common
Health be continued to them.
Under the joint resolution of 10th May
l.i-t, commissioners hate been appointed
lo revisa the revenue laws, whoje names
i.ll be forthwith submitted for the advice
Mid consent of tho Senate. It is hoped the rcmmiioners will be able to ret
purl during the present session of the Leg
i. ituro. Considering the great labor im
ved on them, and the vast importance,
ui tho present time, of an able and effi
I'ietit peiformance of the duties of the
I'Oi.imissioners, I suggest that the coni
p, nsation provided for by the joint resolu
te u Fhould be increased to an adequate
;;: Jt.nt.
It was evident, long since, that it would
be impossible fcr the bank to redeem
their obligation in coin, in the face of the
largo itsues of paper, the necessity for
which wiw iinposid on them ami the
Government by tho exigencies of the
times. No furprihc, therefore, was felt at
the suspension of specio payment by the
banks, which took p!.ace on Monday, the
30ih of December last. Under tho cir
cumstances, I recommend that they be
relieved from all penalties for ibU broach
of the law.
Pennsylvania has made great effort lo
support iiieuovei iimeui. one nas given
more arid better clothed, and better
... .... r i i
eriuippea men man any oilier i-nuie, biih, - ... .
... . f . l1m.r.MT,1 ml .1, an. lea In. vneir ,1 nl 1 I
has far exceeded her quota of military
levies. Tho ions of her best citizens,
vtHin j men of education and means, fill
. '" r . ... 1... :
Thoir uflllant conduct, whenever an op
V.Li. i... 1.nor.
pnttinitylias neenotitred iicm, nasuono,
rer.-nl movement among our peoplo signi-1
il. I bit thev aro loval to the Government
i.a....m n i vi- t- nil ,rrn ii in n
. -r . - . . ,
.-I ml pieierve the Union, and that they
e.ill not tolerate any plan for either the
ii: v 'Ilitlon or rccojklruction of it.
1 ' 1-CL'IlTI CnAKBEI. 1
1; , ."'burg, Jn, I?. 12.
tTjif 0 feu fidD if.tlinn,
' J h. i !., i i i,M i . i ii . i.i-.. j A riHii'M-oiili'iil it lli thu usi lull- ' i""' in nir .11 1 1 il i ,e I.I hi " M ' , I "i 1 1 '
. . .mi .
r . J 5 V VX. I . iii "V 'mm. (.en,,) Hlili.H. l-n, IVtmtA, M., ''. '''Vy ll H.-iii..R lotir ?. .. l
' :ihVyl-WHX ome nOy ie....U ..l,v frrrn Annp,,,, W,.,I,; r .mh, en nh . ..m,.,i,.j, ,ii.,,, ol i.i,m. I urn ." .' ",' i,
(U V t'. 1 A-'-l ' "" '',,t,,,',)r l"1'- A toflt, nti I nl li I n 'Hi" ii.illn.iy i inil f..t lU lil.l nf ll.e Vei) mty llml )-.uf Umi. i n m-mkn . .,", " '.,, .
t'T f. 8 rrl V' wViTl'VN 'Vill i'.Mlen, w mrnit.. In llii' l"- '' '''f" '"Ul" "' " ' lt'"ll' !' le.pnie a.. Mpoi.yy i Hie -1 - )., ft
U''vKi,HVVSf (vlJ 1,1.1,-nlli.n til .f !,,.,,. ,, I ",l i'"l"ii, ihImiU'iik m l one ilol I'l' t frill ll(f I 'u lniii,-v npini,.i. i ( ,f , ft,
Ujj.IVvl, k HUT n ilnnuie.l.- ,,r , , j ,.., Ml , ,., UI. ,, f H.-.r . II.iit i-.eMluir, tlino. I I. r M
t" ;' 'iiM'-'i-f " i ' ' " ,H,I,,,,e'' lo MMMitliusllirr- ,pr or i-Uoi.hi c'.iit-ced will, llioo ItitA t.r Hut ) on mid I unit on cum turn pom., I r. V !...
vi'S"! -' ' ' '' iLfiielmn n, j. Hun,. iy mi-iodII IU l.'pi't thn "liei .l"l.) ot Ino pirn," 'J"'"'"
t?l-Vj?i.lVi ' Advice from Poi t l.ovnl S C ro I.) ".n.j.M cut in i il.. Hm iinl.coility t.f fi-rt-r t lu-n triHd f
- ..t.t - i . . . i: ... .. .1 I ... l., II l, .... ,i ........... t .1 " ii 1...M
Wfdncadav Morning Jn. 11. 1862.
- - -'
Tub MitssAiir..
,. - . f .
I in A. .mini .f.'iago oil
Gov. Cm tin will bo found at Imigth in our ' week. Hi almost exc
itlntion tho CJovi;rtioi'
... . I. . ! . . 1. . .1 .
" " . " " ? .
w.4. I'l.Dllll .JlfllC llVUl, n llllUUb riVI lUIII
promptly for its liquidation.
The I.EiiisLATfRK. The I.c'
slature nwt
at Ilarrisburg, on the 8ih instant. In the'
i' . r ... .r ,
-enaie.i.. u , hall, ot tins a.stnct,
1 .!. i imr .
UK r I I 1 41 I Hi I l mil u HP It nil iv 1 t I I 1 ttt ni ii i . in ,f ..,,.., t1. ... 1 i
. 1 ,. I
iih. v vt . i iiinii: in iiirii un ii iiiumis.
In the House, John tlowe, of Franklin, i
was elected Speaker, and Mr. Hauch, of
Carbon, was re elected Clerk. Mr. Row !
wa8 t.lccU.j as a Ullion Democrat. Mr,
I Uauch, and all the oilier officers are Ive
caster; Koss, of I.u.erne ; and Crano of
Wayne. The. straight out democrats, 4n
' number were unanimously agreed to
take Mr. Uowo for Speaker usa Don
I '
pjij J
v "" -"'-g wouiu .101 agree
...-......!..: 1 . ..11. .
1., 1.1. . . ..
' I'.Mi.oera.s ou... con-
Ul.llt I , . l im,.,l f ! . 1. . I . - 1 ) . . . I I :
t,. v. .. . . , nu u n 1 1 11 i ii- uq m ui i -
cans in u.o -uioi.o.i o. offivtin. ;
rri,.rse s.wl. a t.rnrwxi.U.. ,,1.1.. l, I
I - - " 1 " ' v -" iv uv., wt-
, , . .
1Mle"eu to t,y Uie Democrats, and these
Union men half Democrats ar.d whole
Republicans -were given full liberty to'
i.,in tl,.. I.'..,,ni,i.a,.a ; i ... ' . 1 1
body and ,
,. . ,. , , , . .
",,,c" l" -v 1116 ,lnSl0 exception
511'- 1 cuts, ol Lancaster,
These are tho plain facts in the case,
highest praise for their firmne in thus
maintaining tho integrity of tho Demo-
cratio party. Their constituents will hon -
or them, and their party will profit by it. I
On the other hand.tho conduct of the Ur I
, . .. . . . .. ,
ton lwnincritj aiioros anciner j.rooi to
iiemocrats everywhere tli.tttovote 'or can-.
aiaates who are not out-and out Demo-
crats is to vole against their party. j either leyal or illegal if the former, nei
fttTCWresahstPI doing notliing for'"'" "f0" hn '' H-ir
the relief of the Government finance,.- eurrede''u,'der they
According to the New York Il.raU ot the '
'Jth instant, the treasury had only ind j
lo last six day Ior.ger. Thoo six days!
expire to day. Whether tho Lank have I
again come to the relief of the Govern -
ment and supplied Mr. Chase with anolh-;
, rr . , '
er loan oi nity minion we have nollicard.
' rs i . . n. . .
uiey are inclined lo Hold oil until Con -
gress shall provide mcani for the pay ment
..... . ,. , ...
of tho interest wlrch can onlv be done i
u. mo intereii wi.'cn can only Ue done I
bv '.ho assessment of ndhnot o t..v :
upon stamps, reaching all paiers of value, 1
ive. '.'Li Congress is by no mean inelin-;
...Iln.l.l It, . 1, a innnnl inn ll.a ..
" ""-" ""
ment bond are 4 percent, discount, and
contractors are howking their claims thro' i
the 6irecU at a discount of ten nnd twelve
nerccnt. Unless a decisivo victorv. nnd '
' ... ...... ,
an unn .siaMHMo advnningo i outlined
over the Conlederate-g,y,ng certain
p.u.u.sB oi uiespeeuy crusinng oi wie re-1
.r.i i I ' r.i.
bell.on or tome salutary measure is ad i
u,i i. r :.i.: t. .
, . . ' '
ouch a time in money matter as we will
liav wu noi'i v li..rrl Lf,n
. . v. vi lv IW V. j
WiWsunTnrrf Massachusetts
addressed the Senate at great length on
. 1. . 11... ...-... - 1 . .. ...
uie .nu l.isiani, in ueietuiing the Admin-
istration in the releaso of Mason nnd Sli. !
dell. Mr. S. is chairman of the Commileo'
-on r 0reig'l A Hairs, and his arpument as
mihi ,,e preuumed. vvas verv able, altho'
IIV VVlll'l I.UW VI lot, L4')OI ill Id HII UCIIClllfl
national quesuon Without betraying In.
. . . .
offensive Abolition fanaticism. InM.eak-
jin j
. . .. . . . . .
forget, had faljun, it seem, into a violation
of Xatinil Luc." And again, "thai the
tier oi l in r-Auuiiiifn m ii ii ii h tiiii hi nnt
-.. . i . - ... :.l . .1-
a nury j'i'.yt if not entitled to substitute hwuetf
or a judical tribunal.
L 1 J 1,
v. - - ...i.:. !- - ,....
'at the time, Confess unanimously votH
; ti;r thanks!
T Jl R KfcWli I'. lli i,f Mil ,! e
rlle.l fmni Dm 't , Mte
iil. ti
Sntnin in. 1 li.u ol ty ln
Str von I, ml a lnndi Vfitli
' !, ..I,.d. . I..,. ,1
' !. ii'ui III n liin. !
u- ua au ill It... . .. 1 1 . - .1 I ... I 1
nn. r,, iv iniu:i iiu D.TI. I I .Hl'l I .
I..,,,.,,.. t ,,, ., . .
rii, in. i n...,
"urjI.oul. l.asLsM.rd nt.rU,.rrM.iirini.ll lhU'R' 01 W.' ""
.III I .... , ... . hul thu In
: l'ihliher ofpiiien in Mimumi (St. Lomi
..... ... ... w.i.i.i. iiv
excepte.t) to rurnidh Ii i in n il I. a ropy of Most of the prlionori fnrmrrf, us we
encli publication for lnnpeetiori under the learned from a persoiu.l viit to tl.em to-
penalty of sutpreKion !'")' Many of them are reputed wealthy.
Ti.'r . i in ' . . Ui'Vi'lal elaiiil to ho i'rieo's inen, thoniih .ill
J ho Chuniher of Lo.nn.ere of St. Louis (,,.ny 1(t cllBrpM H),Aint the.... All arc
Was UlHrilbtCU 1H1 tho Dili inl l.v llmLl......i.l I.. 1 1 , A . .. tl.;tJ . t... of the Union member. In eon-
.,miimo ,l tl... ,.r..
i' " " v" iH'J 1 1 1 1 III I II . 9 I I I U-'
miis Hy their rotes to admit Union nnnli-
! . . ...
cant lor n.cmticfsl.ip.
.... ' .
""niwtl expedition .loan ll.c Mil
sissippi left Cairo on Friday morning l ist.
I iviu pnmnn.i.,1 rif n In ran i r ..r ,t,m
.was co n nosed of a a. go , un.berol gun -
boats and l:om ,a,000 to I00.UOU men.
Altogether it was bv fur ll.n inrwl. t'ni'ini.
dahle expedition yet put in motion in any
quarter, and if il couuot open '.he way to
New, and suppres rebellion in
I that quarter there is no me in making any
lurther cll'orts
It was lepoited am! believed at Kre I-
' v.-
i w . .... . .
tricK, iiu., on t .may I.ul, that the I ebels
i i ...
v - wU. n. ....n. ui-u.
Kelly at Komney, Va. It is thought that
Hie hitler would bo reinforced by the 84th
ll ill' . unrein irnn. n t.v .)..,. :n.
fmil 1 1 III It ?V.tin I t...ii m,'i.,.a.,I.i
t.... i,:,...,.... r ,
, w.i
... " -. i-ki'isov 'iuivTWii -
a report U.ut Uuuiphrey il tisha., at
f'ie bead of rebel force in Kentucky being
hard pushed by tho Federal troops, had
burnt and destroyed all his wanons. mu.
nilior.s, Slc, and disbanded his men.
The town of Curbonier, Sew Foundland,
was ina state of siege at last dates, a
fierce riot having i aged fur several clays,
between the Protestant and Catholic por
tions of the inhabitants, which could only
be kept under by tho presonce ot a large
military force.
The Democrats of Indiana held their
State Convention on tho 8th instant, and
nominated a full ticket of straight-out
Ueuioirata. The resolutions are highly
conservative. TLey set forth that the
lestoration to power of the Democratic
party can alono preserve the Union ; en
dorses the principles heretofore put forth
by the National Conventions of tho party ,
1 1 . . ... . .
uec.ares uie present civil war mainly re-
. . .. : . . . .
su;ieu irom uie slavery agitation, and the
... . . . . - . .1
coiiscquen i organ uai ion oi a gengiaj, n ical
licr olliioi. i.iljjiiit. in t lie ?J utt h, .ro.lucirg n 3 count vl
i . t ii. the Ni.rth, ..o.lucir i 1 3 cou n I vi
:.. ,1.,.
1 111 tut; i.'uu.u in Bvi:C5a(vi1 , li lSu M li Ml
and armed resistance lo lie Government :
condemning the course of Iho republicans
in the last Congress, for the rejection d
' , ,
all peace prepositions ; that peaeo and
harmony would now reign had the party
in power shown the sumo desiro to settle
the internal dissensions I hut it recently
'inability to conduct the government thro'
l'10 present dilliculiiee ; denounefng all
1 tlie violations of the Constitution as usur
pationa ol jiower; thai the disregard ol
f haLcut corpus, and the impris -
r v i
' " i ouues,.-iiin
""g""i .oiaiintis 01 mo onslilution,
"lilt l,,c eizare of lason and Slide!! was
S"Ula naVe tet'" Ucl,vcml UP ,,o!o,e
The Philadolphia
Kvcnnq Journal of Monday last con-
tains a report from Valiinrlon thnt
. 1 . " Cinuemn lmii vmiiimrrl n .1 rt it... c
v ... ....... . ....... v . .v ..j .,.! n ,10
.appointed Minister to Kussia, and that
i i," r o, .,. rt n-.. t
i Jj. M. Stanton of l ittsburixis appoirit-
, J' ..1Tv,...t.
... r ...
" ul " ar
I I 10 rOllllVrni. I IK Ullil nmnn M I
rl.t ..... . .
r ,T . . ..
lllMClCUUfU III IjOlllSVll O.
w i. n .i-... j . .
i necoiiimittec rcprcsciilin''t he Bos -
ton, New York
... . .. ...v. v. . j .., , .1
Bankd, who have been in consultation
; 1. 1 1, n ,.c t .
vi..!..... j fi Ari.isui 101 uicjije railroad station. Dr. A. Trii.n. of!
purpose of m akin r; arrangements for
,, , , fi,llinlvnftWm,m,nmmil
- -----1 u-i
. . .. . . .
iv iu.iiv, iu ..u am.-
cable UiiderbtanduiL'. and thu niosnr.ft
,., ,i .,, ,ir.. .,, ,
now is that the Ireaury will bo nu -
thortzod to Kslio Trrnunrv 11 ni no nn.l
' " " ' - " - - ....1.., J HVl iJ IUil.1
F''t'l make them the basi, offt
ncw fiyfc,tcm of hanking, having our
r. 1, 1..... 1 l.,.1..1,in.l...... e..
ll,ul"Nl11 niut-uit-uiivBs itir rnpnoi.
n.. .".777. V".T .V. . . .
T' " " " ! ! , "
uciiuiv, iu I.IIVUI mi. icii-i riti tun resu.ii
.- ,i- r- c.
,on -g the two M.ssour, Senators
irom mai oouy, nave reported in lavor 01
il 1 T.I v T-l
their expulsion. In tho case of Jesse D
.... ...... ,.....-..vr... ...,,l. V Ul .1 V. f Vj
..... ' . ..
? i. wu..,
miltee report against his expulsion.
Mr- Smdhson, a banker of
ynti.i.,. .... ...........
" nn iu m ii i . tva a ma t' i hii s b iu
Fort Lafayette last week on suspicion of
rnrrecnmwlin. u.:,i. n,. ti.
I '. nu uie ciieinv, i.
i v'" 9 t-""rl" ter
B,(iV-.Thn I)nnif)ir atio hila riful tTVim.
w v .i,....
""risburg yesterday, for
tbe purpose of making arrangement for, a large number of the offlfon who .erred
holding the next Sts fVmventloc. .(witbhlm.
TtlnltfNoHh MlMivtlhiW llt'trirtl
1 1 ii v ii ic u . ni'v , . in p " " ' ,
.i it. i . i . , i . .
ry ,,f , l, lltlll ll llMIIMl Jj U 1 1 1 ) U'lH M
I . . . . . . i . i . i . . .i . . ; ..
'Jlul.rH MIIOIl 111 I III UH'IUI I'l .III. I "HI I II
n,.,,.....,,,! ,.i I, ,..,..,. I.... S.. uii.ii ii.n i.
1 .
RIO eii.'iii'l oil -H.iff utile, III lliynny .no
net will te cmefully - lio -
'nix wearing the butternut colored joans of
the eountrv. one l no lean, wo I. aril (i mei.
I . " ' . . " . 1 . . . . '
. .. oi u.inuy, uu on u .,
.1 .... . . I . I .. I . I
l-iom tonveisatlon with the prisoners
we learned, (1iM, that there were no hiiiL' -
rl to ljm n- Second, tint they did imt
Ihcin, but that it was done by tho
olm n .. .. h ,,.,,,,,.
tlt., H ,V!ls liy nrier of ;,Mioi ul Trice,
1 1 huir uintuii,!,. nll'i.r n,,,l ..i u,.
v.our, Hildas a military nee.issiiy ; all of! States must have becamu Abol.iioiusis, V-,' i , """"si f
which they propose to make apparent, if i. e. Infidel-els., they would never have J J"'-.,1';. l. ! V' Ei'
Ihfy are allowed fair trial. I-ourtl., that j permim-d H.h "divine ins.i.utiou" to bo i, 'Z im !,.,,
they are prisoners of wr, and if they are j ton. from iheni. Kulai.U loo, has aiml-l 1 tm Huimio I.ufsm well uit minlilm
shit :l will at once raise the blank tings, j ished her slavery, unil now iisteiul of j Ami in il.eir lrr rmnrmhmuct jiinrs lim.
and Il.eir blood w ill ris up as the I loud i classing her among, or rath -r at the head 'I'l.o Widows, Wivis. unci nil iimy bless ln'ui,
!of m:vrt y rs and drive out the whole black
. i--..i , ii ..
rpnuu i' n l'trnn . inKHS i ii n.oii nou ,hm
.... nrn liri-ivft ,,,, ,.,..
oruer uiein simi, ani win triiat tiiem as
J prisoners of war, to be fairly and honestly
j exchanged.
I . ' i i i .
. ' . ....
tht n. not over sixteen, while theothers
Mi nin 'i t-uiiru (il (.i uny.l, UIIU Ul
. I (llli. II tUI l
enty-fivo to fifty-seven
Generals Price and McCulloch.
A letter fmm St. Louis says that Price
'has been underrated a a General, and
that tho mischief he has done since the
commencement of the nans incalculable. I
His capture of Mulligan' batteriet hy ad
vancing his men on them undercover of
bales of hemp, rolled along before the men
until they were able to enter Mulligan's
rui rent-ii men is, was a Mi in in i anil original
lent which has hail no parallel m any
other General on either side.
Price and McCulloch have raiied an
tlinost incredible number of men in Mis
souri, Arkaiuaa and Texas, and their ar
mies have been composed of men and boys,
from four score down to foui teen all
kinds of wei pons, from pistols O pitch
forksinfantry without drib, clothing or
ai ins--cavalry mounted on stallions, geld-
ins, maros, mules and jackasses witii work very well, hut generally tlieyarenn
air for food, and the naked, earth for a j the watch to escape the eye of die ovei
tent ; and yet his industry and generalship , seer, and be oil out of way of nil work. -have
given him control of more than half Pay seems to be no inducement. They
the Stat, and enabled, him, until within (are born slaves, uro ignorant nnd iuilo-
. the pa-t f.-w weeks, to hold at bay all his
1" uMii-uii
opponent and maintain Ins position,
What be may do in Southern Missouri ' p.oper state of industry. Certain eman-
... " . . . . .!'.'..
an u a i Kansas, uv way oi reciuitirg nii'l
, mak 1 11 g liead (.fain, we have vet to see.
T oroct frnn, I!..,lW.. T;f A.
,wvv vi uioouui . live a waauui btu
A Battle Imminent
St. Loi is, Jan. !
a.1 !o,ln ;u,rilllV
. 0' A messenger arrived
Inn frnm I..1 I'.iri-'c uvi.
dition. Ho sav that Col. J. raptured four
rebel ollicers, a lot ofhorses, sheep, hogs, ic
llealso states that Price had teen rein
forced by 2,000 troops from Arkansas,
under Geneial Mcintosh. It Is said at
Rolla that tho prospects of a fight are
An Advancs Movement from Cairo.
Sr. Lni-is, Jan. 0. A special dispatch ' It was left lo the Pennsylvania Hes-fi-om
Cairo to the Democrat a: ys : Twenty ; ones lo gain the only victory which the
five thousand troop' are now on their way ii.rmv of the Potomac' has gained in the
' "om dilterent points, and as soon as they
; "" column or iron, sixty to ev
'entv-ni'e IhniiGan,! .Irnnr. ,vi m .pnl. f.n...
. - ..... vi. ,.. .ii.
, 1(,r nnj Paducah, under Gen Grnt
I lestmation. .Nashville, whence, f a unci
,lor' CH" hc with Gen liuell s com
mand. th enlire army will proeced to I de loyed as skirmishers. They 'were com
New Orieans. posed of men from the lumber reions of
The War in Kentucky. j Pennsylvania, who have spent their lives
Lniisvii.i.E. Jan. 8. Tho Democrat i j" I'-Jt'ting the deer. Their fire on the
informed that a Federal scouiim? r.artv
brought five prisoners into Columbia, who
were endeavoring to join Gen, Zollicotler
Tho party report Gen. Zollicotler, with
four thouxand men, between Crclsboro'
ml Columbia.
Greensboro' had
, . i , ....
?.,mos. "V- Vv . . . . .
,Gen. Wade Federal brigade had gone
. I . , A .n ....... . . n.
nine in uiixe ii.i.m'!.hmi.
The rfclel rapt'ired five soldiers who
were guarding Bjralis Fen r. killing a man
,:amo,i Jan,0., and taking fifteen or twen
ty fciu.a, inn .uurn wen h.irpiis.u r,y
r..l.l rlrtl . r..i. I l. ...ili bi.Ia C 1.A I
iivmniimiin vu iui.ii oivi.7 ui llll-
; river.
l Released Prisoners at Washington.
' ;, .... ' ; ' " ,., . ' . "
f.,,... ' D. .,!,..,.. I j . ,'. .1... 1'
i.i.iu, vl nilll.'ll lll-ir lll-llUV. I1TI 1 j
1 f'''e cointmtably juovided for at tho gov -
crnmei.t Volunteer Receiving House, near
S canton. Pa., i among these arrivals. - -
The remainder of the party either went
r, t i . ?. i
" . "'"r " namuioro rrom uid
i mm, or are aeiainea mere at the gov-
eminent hospital owing to their wound
breaking out afresh. The object of ll.o,
ipnHy ,iere is lo wpirethJip '
lo fisrnrtnin I lt fliinntiiMn tU
...V. ..., ..J.Ul Ul I 11 W Ut CI 11
nent concerning them.
BSf We have read a lmi frnm .. nffi.
leer in the 8 llh (Col. Murray's) regiment,
j n; iruucui,
to which Capts. Ogden and Cnrby'sj
Companies are attached, Hancock)
t,i r k.i. .1. :. . . 1. .
'., ... mu. newnmng ins niai cuing
am, countermarching of the regiment s.
1 as Bath, on their way to Rimney, Va.
At 11.11, fll.A.. . . . 11. . . . .. . r. ...
" " ' 1 . . . UP"
nor numher. when they fell back to
Hancock, where they were in momentary
J '
expectation ct an attack. In re.erossing
the Potomac wo regret to learn thai a
iie"iber of Capt. Curby's Company
was undoubtedly, next to Gen. Lyon, the
host fichtinir man in iHiirtiiri Iib rasiffn..
-e 0 , r..-
ed Li. commission, followed, it i. said by
1 ill III I.I In Ml
I M I "ll'i'll'l nl 1v lilt
i h Highly
.. .1 ...ill .......... :l m - : : 1 1..
... V .... .7 ,m,"
n-"M-LH-i I Mill. l,r III V pliri I Kill Hll.ll.;
I . t .. . ... 1 1 u ....... i ..u . II . . ....... ; . . .
ui miii lu nr. in ,,u flllll-lil, 1.11 11 II J II It
that vou ediluiH alt I to ruini u lum
..... ,
' J jsnmm uimu-niv, hi. j u.o ri'i.jj
; inus M-niinieiil- ot your cunti-poiKlenl
; iiixtoad of niiMin.i( unil reluliin.' l.n nr
1 K,,l""ll,s Jl' i.ieihoil I in lung been
' piedieteil hy ilisp.itauts when tiny enn
Hml aifunients to meet ait
You have not hIiowii oiio reason uhyi.iy
! ration w.; yet, yo.. kii.IL
ulnnilv Htid tnw,.i..ntK- iiii.u.rJu ..h.tliwnii
t" .Viir remleit for in. posing my coinin j-
nieai ion u nil. lliem
Hut Sirs, you make my religion oi.o of
the greatest crowing eiiliiin-nt of the!
1 '!-''. I'V a-sci t;nj that "Abolitionism und
' Inlidt liiy nre twin si, tern."
For you know (hat, at the timo of our
llevohnion all thu enloniei t-xeepl one.
were slave colonies. JU.t now seven out
of tho original ihii teon are dee Slates.-'
( !nnseiiiiiiil Iv ll.n m nnl.i of llmsn kixi
jof all chri.lii.n governmeiils-we must I
-..II I... c. ... . r'
;i;ai. nr. a ifi.'iii i in in1, nowi-r. .o .dii
....r.,,... .,.. ,., ,:;, '
I . ....
, I nil timiM i ii muni IMUIIUIti I L I 1 1 l; ? I 1 1 l M
tiou of the "followers of the Lamb'- -none
but Southern aristocrat, and the -dilors
r.i i.i j' 1 1 r, it , ii
oflhe tUi'thUd IlrnuLLcan are eligible
salvation. How hu:. ilialing to tlu.i-e limt 1
have been so very sanguine uhout chrisli.
.. .- ... -
aiuty he .!oiniijg universal J Hut enough.
Yours for the development of Tiuth,
Wm. diit.
Lib. rty Hill Jan. 2, 'C2.
"Will the Com-rauanhs Wohk?"
I'll i i the quer-linu propounded by sever-
al of tho louihern correpondents of nor
then, journals, and while many of them
tuiMvei in the allirmative, others reply in
i ue neganve. a lull ltoyi.1 enrrespon
.(Jenl ot lh .Hancbejter (N. II.) inerienn
wnsee, is furnishing sonio iMln.g evi
dence on the subjict. The writer says:
Mr. D. M. Kobinson, of Manehester.hax
a large number ot the Rtiljects of sinfe
under his charge, near I'eaufort, ginning
cotton. They iro to be paid eight dollars
per month for their work, and have the
same rations furnished them as are given
to all our troops. Some of these fellows
lent, and the philanthropist will have a
broad held lo work in to bring them to a
Cipalionists ought to travel among tie'
Utoes s:.utl. of"n. to know what
negroes are. Hearing -rill perplex, and
seeing obfuscate tho whole who aie over
This is a Hat contradiction, shvs the N.
Y. Express, to many a statement previous j
ly publish? I. Nobody, we suppose, will,
doubt that a man "who has a large mini-'
beroftl.o subjects of strife under
charge is a moie reliable wiiuex
the newspaper trot-respondent.
The Bcckiailsiv Acriox. We find tho
ful'mvlm, nrnni,,, ll.o ,,oplral .1 it..,. I ol, I
I il,.. PI, ,1 ., I. .!.,!,,.. .
. ... .e . . . P ' I
many ski. that have occurred with
, tue Kebel reeonnoiiering parties. Ti.e-r
i i ...
i t:iii;iiiR..M mm ii lira verv. as i . i in ei ui i ha
,'action at
Irainsville on Friday la-,t are
Hie theme of universal praise. The "P.tiek-
toils." AM fn! TCflnr'a riMiw urn utt'Lwl i.-..r
""r.e N was terrific. On examining the
; kill(,(1 ."nfl """"dctl after the alHiir was
over, UK as loun.i .uai ai.out I orly ot the
Rebels had received their death wounds
frnm Enfield rifle shots, with which the
nun I i.iiCKmiw a. arniHii, on a lino oetWOCU Uie , "riKln, -m;' '-i" "i "u" iii.iTiuiuiiM kiiii mi
ten , . , . , ,, ' n ,.e.-i,:..i. 1 .-.I......
l I... . ..
ureas i and jiead.
A Case. A man died in Low-
ell. Mass., on Monday, from a cause term -
....... . ... , ,
el by physimns hereditary hemorrhage
Un Iridav. 2ith lilt., the deceased corn
menctil nieeiiing irom Ins giyiis, and llieto ton jngrnvinija of now machines ami invention,
i .: r ;., n( nimroiu iate lenu.fll imni nn.J
part seemed only to force tho blood from
oilier part", and also from tho ro-)f of tho
rnnnil, vrl.iel, .n.iil I.i. ,1..,.. 1.
'"."B imis rtiro u vioier.l rusu oi u.oon lo
T. .. .. i f ii- ...
l,l:c lira,L
it T. r t. . ,
lis stated that permission has been given
i by our Government, in a verv cntirteous
manner, lo nnss the. British Iroot.s ll.roii.-li
! Ma r
into Canada.
As the navigation
of the f
f-. . . , a . i
St. Iawrence is closed, and Hie
.. . t
transportation ol troops inland Horn Ma.
i. ax o Canada, in midwinter, would tm
'exnensive. tedious and hnzaidous. Fnc
land will annreciate th s courtesy a one
BfSf-The Cleai field County Acrictilttiral
Soeiely held their annual meeting last
' nicht for the election of ofhcer I heal
' tnciiinee was large, a.... ,,,e nest spun
.-. . ......
farce, and the li
Proceedings next week.
fU mi,( mf-nf.
,-v.- .
J IIILll blSLJClr. tiA liih (()., J v.A.
I .
, wA,i- WAur ALI Lit Ml.
All Ardura Tor work nllnnilnH In arilh IS nlm..l
rrompneM, and all islet warranted to render en
tire .atisfuction. f jun-1 5-1862-tfl
iiid .uiisi iuoii . . lew i arroia oi
, Jat. IS,'62.
The suhscriben h..e a few tarreta of DRIED
on fair
'' . ' '
vir -m mm
i M '
.higLEB wtrt ta
. Ab 1S)3 MEPRELL k BI'
odi by
' I.
I. 4
' i
- Iv.n,
p.. i
' - i
ip 1 h
ll .-in.
1 1 mil f t III
lly lun
..r.l lh
' .
; j, H( f
' . '
ltva pir liu. -
M.inl,n per M. -
Timmhy 1 lu.
I" f'
heat yer l,u.
' ,, ' vT j . ii l','1ils'kJ8. K.P.
Tiin.,., i...,u t i. ... . . ''. a.
wwu,li,P t''ia
On W..1m.. lr il,,. i,. ; . ,.
nit v. V.., Mr. !uln.rl :miiifl i ' ,,' y 's'
l i .li ii.niti.n, luiu of bcct-ri tuwi,o,it. n
On li.e 7.h In.t., .7 W,n. lo,tr, E.q., ,t .,.
.fdli K.ref. Mr. ",",;
1 1 ' ' 1 10 Ml"' t'll'" Hn-cntiii.,, ,r
1 ' I1 l '
K-r wfll Ikiiuw U.fy'll surely i.,ii hint.
i In Bradford t,.., on th. SOib f DcccuW U.
iA)-J -:irull Ullil .1 Tln.miw a.
,i i i l
a Ii i U i t'll.
' ' ' V" . , 1 0OT"Jn lu"nsUll
11 1 il) A t Lis resiikiico in Jonbn toirnsli
eiiniinv j iihi . .i icu oine Min.tniiii;, i. 111 adrace-
lo;j. , b
Al Iii. mMenrr in New Wnsliinclna on lli.
9:1. hict.,1 f l.cart di.eiiiii',Ji e ',. .Mi;Murr:iy,Ei(.,
in tbo 7. rd rear i,f I.i. go.
0Tl.o dicfimi'd loenied u this rounty inncj
yenr. ngu from Lyeuining county ho win uii e.
live nd fxeinj lury tutiubcr ot'llio M, K Clturcli;
and was una of our iiu.ft rusin'Otublo nud usuful
i oilizoiif having filled the ofhre of County Com
uiii-.-iuncr, nnd ili.-'l, :.s ho lind lived, universal!;
eiti'C.uid hy ail his iirihlmr an I Ki'iniiiiiitnncn.
Dedlciitloii. The new Mi'thodi.-t Ohiiroh, t
Curwonsville. w ill be Indicated t, the jorvbo nf
Almighty lod. nu hundiij- the SCO. in.tiint. '1 In
Horvicosof Ur. Kuesn, nf li.iltini ir,' ; Ucv. M'. I,., nnd Kev. Ueo. II. Chi'inm iih, P. K.
lire expected In bo present on the neeasinn. Tins
public are inrited lo uttenJ, Dudivatury ncrvic.i
nt 1 0 J ' A . M.
jack s o x nnr.ixsoN'.
JNt). 1). TIIO.M1ON, i
J. It. Ul-Kl). BaildiaifCom'tca.
DAN'l. I.lVlXliSTliN,
II. 1'. TllOMl'ijOX, j
Jijht !
ItltKI.l. i IlKil.I.K keep eo.i.taut'r
on liaiiil l! e nvst iipprnveil mueri. of
whirl. Ihiy nil ns rheop ps enn b. purrhisid
elsen here in the county. Tcrmm f ..rrhatinj; cf
Ihem will hitve the aili-nntno of lianiiij tlnir
laoipf repaired witii'HT COST, ni their n.lti ara
Jim. IS,'6;.
the hot nnd chenpe.t TSKXZOIX Oil,.
I. I. A .! I' 0 II,,iir L U I! ft f C A T I Nt I 01 h, call it
the .Sti.rn f
MKItliKI.I. k II H i T.t: it.
Jan. 1 5,'CJ
i I I II I ., SUlh ni TVl:, luoV,
'"ill Cm
I nnd Wnuil Sim es nf Tiirimis .u.tterni:
ifc, Ac, cm he puiehn.'cd of the f uh-,cribrr on
the init refiM, liable lerinn.
Jan. 10.T.2. .MKItltlOLh A Itrill.KK.
1.' l.Ot'U of lieit inlily nlwnys kepi unhi.n l
fur cuidi or 'n rxch.i..;a fnrl.rnin, l.timher or
Sliinle.ii. by
.ii:uut:i.i, i ur ibi: r..
Jim. I5,'2
Llll OltS, of vnrioiu kinds nnd be.t qu .litr
cmistivnlly kept on hand bv
Jun. !5,V,2. MKKr. LI.T. A, r.ic.LEn.
Iii rr t1:ii vi kxti i-'icTi m khi
V Tun llf:nr Mecii isicai. Hai'ks is
TUB Wolll.ll. SliVESTKrXTII YtiR. VuLl'MK VI
A ; f tllj, w-t,,v.cir(.in,lt(,!, pnpw
X rw .sKHir...
( commences on the first nf January. Itis puhliih.
ed wevkly. and every numbor cnntninn stxteeo
j pni;es of useful infirmniiin, and from five U ten
i .. . ..t .. . : .: .. 1 .1:.
I i 1 t
i itj columns.
ToTI,K Mechanic asp Masi TArTi:i.r.n.i.--N..
'T'"" "'' in "7 "f .ne.liauical ora.nn.
i ufi.c turinu pursuits should think nf dmn with-
!,,.. ,nu s?r,Irirlc Amkuipa.s. It es,a but four
I eeuts par week ; every numher eontnins from six
which are n..t li.und in nv othnr iniblicition. It
is e.tnblUhed rule of ll.o publishert to insert
I'".h"t, "ri-inal cn?rvin.M. an I lhoe of tlii
, fut in the nri, drnwn nnd engraved liyeiftri-
T T. . ,..,r TI. S,. i.i, Am-rieaa il
indispinsibia u. every invent..-, m it nm only
! I .,r ,l.. , .., r.t n 1 til
1' l.n.l Snrnnl ........ ll... ..... h,.t ..-Ii num.
'. her rnutnii.'. nn Otlieisl hist of the claim cfall
tho Patent issued inm the L'mU'd St.ttcs Patcai
Offioe .lumn; the previous week ; thus si, in a
eom-ci i. sT-.ry ......e ,,r..Sr..Mu, in.oiuionsia
hub i Kiiiiii t, "uiiivairn . ji i.-i. 111, Bin, wrri
,,. :.:,:, ;,..,,,,',. f ,i, ttr:,.;
FrCl li( Oermany : thus placing in m.r n
tunny : thus pli.i:
is traiunirinR in
cssu n nil ilmt is iraimiirinjr in mechanical ci
once and nrl in liie'o old cinintrios. Wefhill
continue to transfer to m.r rnlmuna enpinui e
,r,c f,.,, these j.,m,Uf whatever wo m,,
! eJ
may dem of mtervst to our fond m.
Ciiemi-ts, AxcHiTecrs, M ii.lwkirhts. a'o
Fapheiis. The Suientilic American will bo found
iiiusi usriui journal 10 incm. All tuo newun- in Itia ....Anrn ... n h ...... ... ...... n ...
il8 eolumni)i ,, 10 intrts of tho'.rdirt;ct ftnd
carpenter are not ovorluookod ; all Iho new in
ventions and discoveries appertaining to the.'
pursuit! being published from weok to week.
I Useful ami practical information piruiiiinjt "
; the interests of millwrights and mill owners w1
! ho found publishod in the Sciontifle Aneriri'i
which information they not possibly odtun
from any other source. SuMenlt in wbicl pl
ten ami : fanner, am intorWe.l will be toual d.i
cussed in the Scientific Amorin
ran : roost of lb I
bnprovemeuts in asrieultural implementB
ill.... ... I :!.., ...i .
- TEKMfi : To mil subscribom : f 2 ayear, or
ti for, It months. 1 1 navs for oneoomnleti vol-
utno of 41ft psgei ; two toIiidioi eoinpri.e m
year. lh voiuiuosooiaioonce on ine i.i ui
""'J 'Sr-'imon oopies win mc,
gri"" lo riy partm no cu.mi;. nia.
(ililol 01 lusirucuon 10 lureuiora loout uomiin".
putcrti sent iroo.
i Western aud Canadian money or Post-Oftf
lUnnfn taken at jsir for uheorip.ioni. Canadia
iubaoribr will pleaie lo remit twenty firj centi
extra til) h yean' suhseriptioo to prepay po"l
tgt. Ml;NN CO., Publiihera,
aa. 1. !?. ' Prk haw, K. T.
I i n l t. I" hi.! ) I). ,.,, ' ,