A s.il If A A , A A i II A V U H i .0 i rRINCIPLES, not MO. TERMS -Cl per irr.un. i'tcid u m.vu-(u NKWfi Kill I'M VOf,. ll.-!,:t 'JO. VOL. XXXII. WllOUi NO 1C39 CTHAUFIKLI), V. WK DMiSDAY, JAN 15, IRC2. Ill dor' 9 irj. SI JIB ST NKTJAL MFFFAOE OF OOVERWOR CURT1M. To lit horortxlle Hevate andllimuvf Hep rt(ntittivt ry ui l cmmonwenun y irmuyi iwnie. Oenti.imin It has pleased Divine rro idt nc, luiing llio lat seascn, to giveus abundant crops, unbroken peaco within cur lordeis, unanimity among our . unil ll.ua In oriel, la ll.ll ( OrillllOll KPftlth lo do licr full duty to tbe country, to herself, and to posterity. For these blesings ne liuvo cause to be grateful. The balance in tlie Treasury on the 30th Xov. 1800, wiih The reoeipts during $631,423,08 tbetiicul year end ing Nov. 30, 1SCI, were as follows: i rom ord'y sources, 3,019,646 57 From tempr'y loan, under Act of Apr. 12, 1801. at C per. cent interest, and negotiated at par 475.000 Frcm C per cent. loan under Act May 15, 1SCI, ulso negotiated at par. 2.612,150 From society o: Lin cumulus. From United States on nc't military expenses From Pay Master! and others, refun ded. 500 006,000 32,523 45 6,743,525 02 Total into Treasury for fiscal vear end ing Nov.' 30 1861 7.424,958,10 And the payments as follows : Fororo'ry purposes $3,141,480 31 Fot military cxpen' ses, Under Ads April 12, lbGl, and May, 15 and 10. 1HGI. 474,873 85 1.708,462 08 170,535 51 2,353,872 01 For Am't loan under Act April 12,1801, repaid 375,000 5,873,352 3S Leaving balance in Nov. 30. ISO I. riBLIC UEUT, FiNtiED ANO lieeeived fiom tem- 51.551,605 72 V NT l St It). porarv loan. under Act Apr. 12, 1801 Kepaid us above, Uuii'tuiiding Nov. 30, 1361, 475,000 375,000 100.000 100,000 liec'd from loan un der Act May 15, 1861, Ain't of public debt, funded and uni 2,612,150 funded, Not. 30 il ,009,847 50 raid during fiscal year, 101,331 42 37,808,516 03 Roni'iining unpaid, (exclusive of in'li taty loans above mentioned,) Nov. 30,1861, 37,868.516 08 KECIIITS AN t EXFSNPtTURSS Of MILITARY LOANS. Receipts from tnili tary loan under Act Apr. 12, 1861 475.000 " Mav 15. 2.i2.150 From Pay Masters and others ret'un -ded, 32,220 45 3,119,379 45 Taid for militnry ex penses, n above, 2,358,87201 Taid for redeeming loan, Act Apr. 12, 375.000 2,728.87201 Unexpended of mil- itary lonns, $390,507 4V HCtlPTS AND CXI'KNblTl'lES Or ORDINARY RCVENl'E. Balance in Treasu ry, frcm ord'ry sources, No. 30, 1860. C81.4C3 08 Hece'd from ord'aiy sources during fis cal year. 3,017,045 57 3, 0J 9,078 05 Paid for ordinary expenses, above 3,144,480 34 Unexpended oi or- diriary revenue, 554,59831 600,000 500 Rec'd from United rStates Gov.on ac't military cxped, Rec'dfrom Societyof Cincinnutus, Balance in Treasury, as above, ? 1,551.605 U will be observed that the fiscal year endion the 30i.h of November, and the sinking fund yeur on the first Monday in September, which accounts for the appa rent deficiency in the amount of debt raid as stated in thu Treasurer's rfport, and by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. The Slate has on hard a surplus of uniforms and equipments which cost about $190,000, which tho United Stales have agreed to tuke and puy for at cost. Arrangements have been luude with the general government for the teinibursei meet of the military expenses of the State since tho 27th of July last. Th bills as paid are forwarded 'to Waohingto and partial repayments liave already been sented to by tho Commonwealth. und that made It will be observed tlmt Ilia re. , under all the cirojmsiauccs, if tho con ceipts from ordinary sources of revenue lenience of individual parties required a lor the year 1301 have, decreased, but a payments have been made on some of them sinco the settlement at tlin end of I the fiscal year on the first of December, and more may reasonably be expected in j addition lo the payments to be made by I the National Government as hereinafter (stated the balance available in the lra urv will be largely increased. It will also b observed that it has not yet been found nocossary lo call in all of the loan ellecleu under the act of tho 13th of llftf last In some items the ordinary revenue of 1801 was in excess of that of 1SC0 Tho loan authorized by the act of May 15th, 1801, was taken at par. This occur rence, most gratifying under all the then existing circumstances of embarrassment, atlorus triumphant eviderico of tho confi dence of the people in tho stability and rntegnty of the Commonwealth and of their determination to sjpport the Gov ern men t. The operations of tho Sinking Fund during the last yoar have h-en as shown by my Proclamation of 5th Seplembor last, as follows : Debt redeemed from 4th Sept. 1SC0. to 1st Sept. IS61, $300,801 01 Of stock loans, $300,050 00 " interest on certi ficates, 3,3?0 01 " relief notes, 421 00 $300,801 01 I refur lo tho reportsof the Slate Treas urer and Auditor (Jener il for the details of tlio financial nil'airs of the Common wealth. Tho reports of the Survevor General and State Librarian will exhibit the stale of the Departments under their cure- The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund during the Ust spring received from tho Philadelphia and Erie (Ute Suubury and Erie) IUdroad Co.npany forty bonds of that Company for $100,000 each, und a uiortgiigti to secure tho ramo executed in confor ini'y with the third section of the ucl of March the 7th, 1361. Thai com pany has also deposited in theStatc Treas ury us bonds to tho amount of five mill ions of dollars, in accordance ith tha 6th section cftho same act. On tho 9th of May last I granted my warrant authori zing the Statu Treasurer to deliver lo tho said company one thuusand of said bonds, being io Ihe amount of one million of dol lars. This warrant was rsiueo in conform ity with tho law, the five per cent bonds mentioned ia the tilth suction of the act (except thoso belonging to the State and now in the Sinking Fund) having been previously sur rendered And cancolled, and tutisfuclion entered on the Record of tho Mortgage mentioned in said fifth section. Having received notice from tho company tlmt the bonus ?) delivered to tho compa ny or their proceeds had been appropria ted in hCCorUance with the provisions ot the law, on tho 2l.it of J uno last I appoint ed Jobn A. Wright as Commissioner to examine and to report to me whether said bonds or their proceeds had been nppro. priated to tho purposes required by the act. His report has not yet been leouiv- ed by mo. It is understood that arrangements have at last been made under which the direct raihoad connection between Philadelphia and Erie will be completed within a short time. It is impossible to estimate too hiiihlv the importance of th'u great work to the Commonwealth, and especially to term of three months under ine x rosi. j Xationnl Gavernment tleclir.cd lo muster Philadelphia und Erie and the hitherto ; dent's proclamation ubove relerred to. As luo regiment into service as all existing neglected counties near its roulo west or H'e furnishing those volunteers with sup- requisitions made on tho State wero more the Susquehanna. Ij lies wus necessarily under tho circum. UlBn fl,.cJi Bythoftctof tho 21st April. 1858. for stances a hurried operation, and as com- Much apprehension existed in tlio Wes tlie sale of the Stato canuis to tin Sunbu- plaints were made in repaid to them, and j t0rn a1(J $oulh ffosern borders or the rv and Erie railroad comnanv it was uro- frauds were alleged to have been p'-rpe- StU( an j it was (i(.orr)ed prudent to videdihatif that company should sell fated, 1 appointed a uusiu mm..... said canals U a greater sum in the uggre. sioners to investigate tho whole subject gate than three und a half millions ol dol- ! A copy of tho.r report with the evidence furs, seventy five per centum of such ex-kca by them has been already laid be, c.s should be paid to the Commonwealth ' fore the public. It is the intention of the byu transfer of so much of such bonds ! Auditor General to open the accounts of an securities as said co-npany should re - .such parties as appear by the testimony to ceivc for the same and payable in liko have been overpaid and this course has al ,nanner ready been taken in two of those cases. The company sold the canals and repor- On the expiration of iho terra of ted that the thare of the profit on such the threo months men in July s ile. due to theConimonwealtli was $JS1.- '""t. some e'sht or ten thousand disdiarg 250 of which S50 was paid in cash and ed Pennsylvania volunteers were thrown for ihe remaining $281,000 tho Common-i into Harrisburg without notice nnd do Wealth recoived coupon bonds of the Wy-1 tained here, waiting to bo ;iaid 1 for an av oming canal company to that amount, be jerage time of some ten days. 1 heir tents, ing a portion of bonds for S'JOO.OOU issued camp equipage nnd cooking utensils had by lhat company and Secured by a mort- been taken from them at illmmsport. gugeof the Wyoming onal, formerly call- MJ, and they nrrived here destitute of nil ed ihe Lower .North Rrancii canal. These mean tf shelter and of preparing their bond beur an interest ot six per cent.1 food. The Commissary of the Unite, per annum, pavublesomi anuuully on tbe Stales furnished uncooked rations, and 15th of January an 1 July, and the inter-'; "der the circumstances of emergency I ...i,l i, ih friintmnv i.i iMiin.-irv ' deemed il necessary to make arrangements hist inclu.ive. The ir.terest'due in July1 l,..t l.n tu.t hcpti it iid. Judgment hav- ing been obtained againot the company on , to such of the regiments as arrived during , 5,a;0f n10 War Department had given nj someoflho coupons' f.x the unpaid July the niglit or under circunis'.ttnces requir- i t,nrities lo numerous individuals to raise interest a bill inequity wu. filed in the ing iitar.t relief. The expenses attending volunteers in Pennsylvania, but us that supreme court bv u bond and slock hoi- i these operations amou ited so far as ascer- ,vstem was found lo create much embar der in which such proceedings were hud tained to $744 0, und I recommend that r'rn0r.t, a general order was issued by that by a decree made on tiie 'Jd Septem-1 the Legislature make an appropriation to tje vur Department on the 2.r)th of Sep berlast the property and atlairs of the P".V them. It ought to Le stated lhat , l0her last placing all Mich organizations company were placed in the hands of a these expends would have been much i unUt.r the control of i ho Governor nnd receiver j larger, but for the liberal nnd patriot ic eS 'I0I ty a;ter a requisition was made on Apian has been suggested for the as- Torts of the citizens and especially tho la- iie Stat to increa-e her quota to 75,OnO sentof the slock and bond holders which' .' SI I t UWIIU V'l'4 St! contemplates a sale of the canal under . . ... imr.ii ..,,1 '.t1A ...... for the purpose of forming a new coiupa- j ny.of which the capital stock shall be oue. million of dollars divide! into twenty thousand shares of filly dollars each, of which each assenting holder of a mort - gage bond for one thousand dollars shall be entitled to eighteen shares, and each and dr. lied in camps ot instruction, I r nsseniing holder of filly shares of stock of anticipation of the exigencies of thecoun the Wyoming canal company shall be rn-. try. and by the Ac of Ihe 15' h of May titled to nine shares. Ol course no officer Inst, such a corp was direr' ed to be rais of the Commonwealth had auihority to ed. and a lcen of S3.000.000 was authorix nssont to the prnpjsal or in any way to af- ed to defray the expenses of tlut an 1 nth I feet htr r-!ition. It is believed also that ' r military preesrations. Men more than tho plan is not one that ought to be as-'sufficient In number to form some tea change such us proposed, tlio debt uue io j the Commonwealth, ought lo be first J aid or fully secured. 1 sujipeht that tho Act passed 8th of A prii, lt01, entitled, "An Act concerning the sale of railroads, canals, '.," should be modified so that in all cases in which a debt may be duo to the Commonwealth by the company as whose property a public, woi k may be sold, the purchasers thereof shall not be entitled to the bonefiu and privileges conferred by the Act unless they shall have hi'ct pirn! the debt uua to the State, or secured the same by their bonds to the Commonwealth socured by fi'st mortgage on the work itself. I commend the subject to the immedi ate consideration of the Legislature, as nn effort may be rnado at an early day to en force a sale of the canal, and some pro is ion by law lo protect tho interests of tho State would in that case bo necessary. The wicked and monstrous rebellion which broke out many men '.lis ago, has not yet been que'.led. Kvery eenlimeiit of loyally and patriotism demands its ef fectual suppression. In my messages of tho 9th and 30th of April last, I si forth fit length my views ot the character and objects of ihe contest which is stilt pending. Subequent re flection has continued me in the correct ness of the opiuions then expressed and to which 1 rcler. In addition it ought to be understood, that looking to the variety and character of her products und i indus try, her material interest alone would ren der tho preservation of the Union from tko present assault upon it, indispensable to Pennsylvania, oiie cannot pd'ord to 'iave 8 foreign power below or above or bounding her on the Delaware, the Ches apeake or tho Mississippi, and sho will never ucuuiesce in such a result, v hatever niny be the cost in men and money of her resistance to it. On the 9th of April last I directed the attention ot the Legislature to the nvces ally which existed lor an unproved milis t irv nrrflii iz.ilion. find on the l'2lh ol the mme month the Act entitled "An Act for the better organization of the militia of this Commoiirteulih" passed, npprnpria- ii. o ...... f -.iifi nun tr il r,:ia IIIIU UlC fHISI VI I'livv'iu iiu. fui ".-u of ortfaiiizinrr. efmii.iiiinr and uruiini; tho milim. Vn the lull ol April tlio ircsi - UntlielJth ol April the iresi- dent. I.y proclamation, called tor a null- tary force of 75,000 men, of which the quo- I assigned to lVrinsvlvsnia w t K't sixteen (afterwards reduced to fourteen) reciments lo serve as infantry or ritlomen for the term of threo months unless soon- er discharged. This call was enthusiast!- cally retponded to by the popple of Tenn - eylvania. 1 ho nrsi military aiu noin tne loyal States, which the Government, re- were paid, subsisted, ic, by tho Suite to ce'ived at Washington, as a rennsylvania tho average dale of the. ".2d July. The corps which arrived there prior to the l'Jth two regiments in Western Virginia were of April On that dsy the passage of oth- I paid by the Suite to the dato of their de er corps from ibis and other States through j pnrture from llarrisburg on thutexpedL Bdtimoro was impeded by lorco and du- t uon. The Cavalry regiment was not paid rinw noni lv livo week afterwards Ihe comi bv the State. It will bo nerceived rliat uunication between ashington and the loyal States was almost entirely cut oil". ,Ou the 19th I received a request from the Wai Department that the troops piepa- ring in this State should be clothed, arm- ed, equipped, subsisted nnd transported by the Mute in consequence oi u uie.i , inability ot tno unueu ouiua. i uu rc quest was of course conq l-iien nn, aim ! twenty-live regimerus, iueing cieen t - , ments beyond our quota. j compii.-.ng -o, 175 men from Pennsylvuniu served for the, for aiding in the conking and baking of the rations, und also for furnis.nng inea.Si dies Ot UarrisOurg ; tueir rreo nanueu ... 1 i ! hosmtal.ty and generous aid to our wea. .1 ,1 I-. ,.ri n il 1 ull iiUtrvt r..1nm neJ and hnncrv eonners, uesorve reinem- brance and gratitude. At ihe special session of the legislature which commenced on the 30ih of April last. 1 recommended the organization ol ai 1 reserve corps, to be armed, equipped, 1 clothed, subsisted and paid by the State. I regiments of the l.eservo Corps hud, pre vious to ti e l.nh or Muv been accepted by me in pursuance of ft cull oil tno (after wards rescinded,) (or twenty livo regi ments, and were then already iissembled and subject to my control. Most of iheto men vc-lutitenred for the Reserve Corps ami were immediately organised, Tho re-, maininu regiments were rapidly recruited and tho Corps wus thus completed, and George A. McCYII, of Chester county, was commissioned us Major General, und as signed to the command of all tho forces raised or to be raised under tho lust men- tioneu aci. j ne regiments composing tho Reserve Corps were instructed in lour camps in dillorent parts of the Suite, until Ihey wero taken into tho cervmof the United Stales. Two of these regiments, under the commands of Colonels Churles J. Riddle and Seneca Ci. .Simmons, nnd two companies of artillery under the command of Col. Lharles T. Campbell, at the pre. sing instance cftho War Department wero sent on the 22d of June last, to luo relief ol Col. Wallace, at Cumberland, and re mained for about six weeks there, and in Western Virginia engaged in active oper ations. Towards tho close of July tho whole Corps was called for under requiaition.and Uken into llio service of llw United States. Within four days after the disus ter ut Rull Run, eleven regiments of this fine body of men (ai med, drilled, clothed, equipped, and in u.l respects ready for ac- uvu service,; were in nsningloii. Die. regiments and companies lioni Western Virginia und ihe remaining two regiments making the whole number uf fifteen, soon joined them there, and they are nil now in service under the command ol General McCull, who has been coinmi-,ioned us a lirigadio- General by ihe United Stu'.os. The lif.een regiments conlurn fifteen thousand eight hundred ami fifty six men, and constitute a division comprising three brigades, u regiment of Artillery and ono of Cavalry. Tho w hole expense of raising, clothinj.equipniiijr, subsisiins and paying the Reserve Corps (including the ; expense of establishing and fitting the ! e.iiniis of inslruil it.n. nt reci-iiiiin-- nml supplying regimental flags, and the ex - pe.'.ces of the canij.aign o'' llio two regi- I mcnlii.ni Ntnn ,, Mui.l,.r,.l r, in , vwi..., V! ... i i i . ..... ..ti i i " riuni ll(,Pil,l, I'liltli ntIO U1J UCii rltU bv the Statel' has amounted lo at.S.'i.444. j. tins does not include tho transporta - (. Uiis does not include iho transport I lion on Kail Itoads, as the separation trial account would have been a work of jgienl hilor, nor does it include the pay of the two regiments during tho campaign, but iidoes include all the expenses, which were heavy, ot teams and transportation, j not on Railroads, for tho two Regimunts I on tho campaign above mentioned. i i weive regimenis ol llie Keerve Corr.s the whole average expense per man was ;J53,G5. rn-vicm to theSlst of April last, a reg ! iment had been enlisted in Erie from N. ; Western l'ennsvlvanin. When the call ' wns mii,a 0ll m'e oil tial of twerjtv. llV0 additional regiments, tho E no regi ; m(nt wgorjer8i t0 march lo ILirri.-bu:g , i JC C!,n wa, r0sciodtd. however, befort ,ue regiment reached Pittsburgh, and I Prdered it remained until tho 30th of June. Tiie retain the regiment at Pittsburgh, to meet nny emergency that might nrise. After llio passage of tho uct of the loih of May, 1801. it was expected that tho regimect wculd form part of the Reserve Volunteer Corps ; but a? tho men had been a long time from home and remained inactive in camp, they declined entering the service, and were subsisted arid paid up to the 30th of June by llio State. Two regiments have since been enlisted from Ihe same part of Pennsylvania at the city of Erie. ono of winch lias neen at, Washington in service since September, and the other is now ready for marching orders anil it is due to the first Er.e regiment to say thnt. Muskets and rilles to a consideiablo ex-mo.-t ol ( lie men are now in service. I tenl t(ive oeeIJ furnishcd lo the Pennsyl- Furthor requisitions for sixteen regi- v.uljft volunteers from the State arsenal. ments of infantry and two ofCuvalry were j Otltrs have been sent bv the United shortly afterwards m ide by the War De- 'sllUes ftuli, ,,-jties to arm them before lea nartuient. Of these, sixteen have ulrr ady ;,.., ,, rn .nmr ,.as0s reaimenia ! . , . . . r.i Kaaii rni-pd mid Are in I Iih aprvieft ol t lift : . . lT.,,.Aa Sfulm Dttrl Mm ramain.tllT t.rrt npd y , . . . c in ine course oi organization nn iieany rendy to march. ln addition to the reinisi:ions on the m(,. q ,nse independent organizations, i lis I t 11 they sere called, thus became l enn- I :.. A1.i.,n I a an. iil lAmnal A.I mill sylvania regiments and as completed and sent forward form part of tbe quota of the State. ,, , . . . i . Ihe Stale reg.men shave been number. ed, and the last to this date is numbered 115. Two regiments of the three nirntbs men hnve continued in service under the later requisitions and retain their original numbers. Deducting the remaining 23 three months regiments, there nre ninety two regiments in service nnd preparing for it. W e have also in service and prepap ing twenty four companies. Thi fMluwiog table of ths eiUtinj FenntjlTi. Ii vDlotwr force is glvsn for informitioa : rroimknii is arriving, 61 rojjimfn.a of iufimtry of wliioh 0 woro r'.flo rotf'ini'iil. , 11 rcKiinent of ff imlry, 1 regime-it uf uitillory, rt.1s rV.:.ii l,t'7 COMPANIES 1M SKltrrCR. eonijiHDiet lufuntrjr, ' cavalry, " srtillory, tot 678 830 2,221 67,1-7 Eu'itmnli In other than Ponniylvunia orfrnir.zationa, estimated, (Ilia olhocrs of which lira ia cour: of being cor. missioned,) Total ia semco, i:!,s:7 nrsiMBTS PHr.rAni.so rort scnrrcE. 12 regiments of infantry, 13,0112 1 do " cavalry, l.Uifl 1 do " artillery, MJ77 COMPANIES PRCPARIITO FOR SERVICE. 15,305 1 companj of cavalry, 4 suuipauiea of artillery, 109 Mi 733 18.0.IS In lerTice, - (iS,.'j77 Preparing fur service, - - 10, "28 Pennsylvania's contribution, IOH.GIj Excluiive of 21',". 74 three uiontbs iiion now tin- i bun 'led. I Tho regiments preparing for service are ' ineomph'te. Those that may not br fill ed by the loih instunt will be ccr.solidut-' ed and sent forward. Of '.he regiments in service, the 1 ltli and 15th regiments of i Infantry are at Aunapoln ; theCSih. Jth, 2 1st, 00th, O'.ttli, 71t, 72d and lUOtii rgi , merits and one compf-ny of Infantry are in tne commuiru oi ;unior vienerai M Ranks; the 4'th, 50th, SjiIi, 70th nnd 1001 li regiments of In antry are in South olim; the lSth Inlariry are at Ilatteo' Inlet; the 108th Infantry nnd llih C'avaliy ure at Fortress Monroo ; the 77th,; ifcth and i 'Jlh inlantry, the atiand J tlx Cavalry, one troop of horse, ono squadron of cavalry, two Latnllions of artillery ni o I." . .1. .. . . t. . l I . I. 1 1 I A I. in iveniucay ; t nu -tin mi' i i iui u eiwu- 1 u "re now in Western Virginia, uro also three companies of inlaiiiry, four ico.l Ktniesui ua-,;iiij, t;vo companies ot Muni ai'tiUiTV i tne pom i p. i a n t ry are ni ' .. . . . s Cocksryavillo, in Maryland; one company 1 ! are at Eort Delaware ; all the 0f remainder ot tne voiuiueers ureal or near Washington, ipwurus oi oiw voiun'.eers from reunsy lvnula are now prssonei-, bul as arrangements have been nnde for the exchange of prisoners it may bo expected that liny will soon be released. In compliance with thejoii; t resolutions of the lOt'v of May last, I have procured regimental flags for the Pennsylvania vol unteers, and have presented them to most of the regiments. In other cases, the re gimcnts being on or near the Potomac, I have requested Mr. Cowan, Senator, and Messis. Grow and Wright, members of ...-ii .rn , i u:e iiouse oi nej resen iiuives n oin i ttin syivanir, io present ineiu in iuc nauio oi the Commonwealth The Generil Government requested that the States would abstain from pur chasing arms, as their competition was found injurious in the market, and in view of ihe largo expenditures of money in arming nd equipping the volunteer force of the State, pioviucd for Iho de fence of tho National Government, 1 did not purchase eny us authorized by Iho 28th section of tae act of the 1 "th of May, 1j1, 1 ho Mate has now quite as many arms as are necessary to arm all her io arm a.i ner voi ... unteer organi.itions in existence ; but in fluenced by the threatening aspect of our relations with foreign governments, I have directed the Adjutant General to procure arms as soon as it can bo done oil reasonable terms and without injurious competition with the Nationul Govern men'.. Anns have been distributed umong the border counties to 'ill the or ganizalions that have been formed to re ceive them. P.I30 nrms have been thus distributed. 1 have lso addressed a let ter to the commissioners of nil the border counties, oll'ering arms to them us soon us military organizations shull be f.. trued '.o receive them. Resides thus complying with tho requirements of tho 57lh section of the Act of 15th May last, 1 have deeui Lj jt udont to oiler five thousand arms! to such military organizations as may be formed in Philadelphia on a plan to he ! ,..., i, nl , I'onimiinder-in Chief. . c . . -. t. iijivo gone wii'iuiii-' """'""i" : ann anoyance, llie um ol ;0u0 . . ... I, . .. . ... ..I. . . . - in.m i ue i nr er'u.i..ni. ".. i.n ,vnlli(i , arm0ll nt Washington or other I i,u.r 'ti lled nuinls. and th.il their niiinodiate tiepuriure was requiieci. it I ses at tending tho on: mix ition on 1 su i wa? thought wise in these rases Hot to in- i j.ort of 'ho Reserve 'Corps, may' not l sit on the nrms being sent before the 1 provided for by any existing n.:t cf Cor. regimrnts marched, us this would have'gress. A ihe-n oxoensd wero inrurre'.' imposed on the government nr. unneces-a- by the State for tl.o benefit of tho Geutrr.. exper.se in freight, und would have been ; Government, nnd have been productive r . r.rodt been roductP'e of delays whieli might nave; cai-i,,iwtv rlrt riineislal to the Pubi'l aerviee. Fortystwo pieces of arr.,iery wiih limbers, caissons, forges, KUirr.uni tion wagons, harness and all I bo necessa ry implements nnd equipments wero fur. nished by the State to the Artillery regi ment (if the Reserve Corps. Ten of these weie purchased by the Stftto, nnd their . 1. . I r ; 1 v... il. T-:....i - j , i-urfc iiaa ..veil inilllurtl vy l..u v. 1 1 u e 'J S(u(e!i miglfnx ,m, becj used in inU lecling arms throughout the State and repairing und altering them in tho most approved manner. The Ftats has now 82 rhen of artillery, of which 17 no.l repairs i 2S.70-1 mu?k, ani r.fls, snrue of which ar in the hands of insehaoioi b iiig repatrej ; l,tf 10 ar in th handi of volun. ter corps tlirt.ughout ths Slats 1,9 CO in the poMSMion if ooa nty I'ommitsionsrs auJ 1,000 with ths redf rr corj a of Pbil llihia. ln addttiin lo thu hi city of I,hi!a'phia hai h. ! Mi- lit 1. j1 I i-U , V . tin linu ll o li'V i' f Tlii'ii.' r i i I, pin:. i I l n Intra it 'i in ll. nr lsruo nt:'i, .Dl uf in c.nrr. ti iiili.' Ii ii'h mil i ,:.. t ' tor Hr.i.l. ry n ml hiki!1 i.i'u;. I Tie; tljuluiii (Jci.e.al is ftci'r '.fi. ii.V ' i-1." IU roll.ii nn urai t ' i r . n ; I. ... 1 1 !. . ex.prtcl tlnil thj ihuhIi. r i..,vo lurely incrcnlfil. Pr.l.;it,lv, utl '0, llll'l li'il t ui i.(t , ..... acts nuil rill's nrl mi vend will Mill be c.'llocti i. I'k'tc; tf lul.i', 'j TIk care whieli t.m liocn ni-.iweii pun tlm contort tf tl:o v.itiiiilwrii, i; -id !'::,.- ,, ul u!lii:ii'iiey of Ii. eir S'..,i;cs uCnll l,in..j. .:. i s:cl!int I'.rnuiii.i'htf . I" t ; , . ,r. ., 4J, ;. ,, r , un.l'ir t!.a , -n r-.l n' Hu: nn (,. ..-( j, ,,-v Si;..ill., urn provt"! by t!. f.n ! r T. n i n. i'. - .'.V I III) lut) i have been lor vici.mf. pn,t-.-!"v .1 l".'U'i(ls ut Cnmp Cunin r,m . 1 1 1 - Mh .f A ). . 1 1 I.. , JunJ t',.,1 Oown to tlio lit o! .Inii;...iy it, .'ii:.:. - jiii'M i.ui .oriy-iiiiR. men ni I.i.,t " in ) ty-four t'rei'i .icl;iio--, two (l.-li...), inenta Irum i i.;..r ,-i.itt s ) :,., I t.l J' (in nn I. r.n .11, iwo aicioVril I O'jrtin n nil ouo fhnt in lu.r I.W.I (. I '!. To iacillaie tho in;.':ii:e ,1 e.ll 1 thuir pay by our vuhnt'' - in . ' r: . . ll e ! . T i lor 1 1.0 support of thou- !:,) . , l l 'joinied ill)!). Ivljr,,,. (',nv R. l'lanklin n?:d ,'. C. Jf'iic-fi. i. niissioi:-i-s to visit 0 ca.'1'.j..S ( I' I on and south ol ihn i'.ii.Min.-, i James r.u k ,'iini M. V ",c!i:'.!i, :,. . coiiitnisiioners to v i - j t I ho-e in Jl and elsewhere irr the western ( call tl.o attention of ih tn,.,;., t tem ol uil'itnu'-ut and to enc .i-ric tl in u'J.iting a practical plan it into rdiect. The several reporls r,f thr loners are higl.sy antifaetrv. or cl SO Cu ' 'USs- I or detain on the seveml u', :;'t ron neoted wiih dm n.ililaiv fr.M j'j. c mis Male. 1 le.er to r . n ,,. t.- r tK. i Adjutant Generul, Suryf on C'er.n.'l. ; tei Master General, C'oniri,is-.;.i'y Vj.-m-lrd und 1'.- ymusier lroner.il which asc-iiiV this Mcssao. Tho duties imposed on mi wercpTOu- rrous lhat I found it necpsjary to ir. !'.. tho temporary assistance of g 'l'.tlernca i.ir my stall to aid ma to perform t'l"-1 f . , ' ' i n inn c i.acily, l.'ols. i hotua i A f ' --' f Gideon.). R.tll nd Jolin A. Vii--!t, tribiited their Valuable servirt v !'r,-;i t iuki. lie ol Anrii until (hev tv,....,. .-., I way by other duties. CU-.ro-iH iea; irii until he brc.imn eonncelp I I, i ,,. War Department. Coi. Rill n-Tiit;,. tin' oi June und Col. right, uotil il;r- ,,l .,f July, for I h I imp I h.i-it i u;e io i. ;e r;' i Ice ol the Sluto they have rcftr-.oi? to re ceive any coinpfiis.ition. Cols, .lo.-eph I). Potts, A. L. nfli, .7. l!ro n Parker und Craig Riddlo v. p:' ii-' service up l. ihe oijtli of lh-( mber- Tin Depnituicnt of Telegnipli und 'I'j nr.-nni i Dtion wm under the exclusive '-or, I:,'.,' oi" Col Tutts. The tyslein (.lid economy oi its management show how faithfully and well ho fullilled his ollice. It is but just lo all these gcr.tlemcn thr.t , ...... ' ".'""in "ear lenimoriv Io l ie ii .-itn . - zeal and lidciity Willi which tueir d it: were perlornied . ..v 'uuiau, me oiiuo iiaving neon mor- than fillfd, and her military Voice organ ized, 1 was enabled o;i the twentieth oi December lust, to dispi-nso with a perso ih! stilf, nnd the tempoinry nrlangelle;,, which had been mado for i s employment was then closed. '11. . w, ........ c I. . C?. i . 1 . ry the l.jih section of 15th of Mav. 1801. I was the Ait of Hi unthorlzod to drn v my warrunis on the sum not exceediiv $20,000 f rea-ury tor n or .".Cimnensa- lion to nuch persons ns mi it bn ivon :rrd . ... me i;,iuniry in amintiry cap,,ci;v. Ac. Of this lund I have dr.iwi from the 'iie.istiry jS,5U0, out of which I paid the compensation of 'ry porfonal M;i!i; h!st other exf.enses of the military depart ment, and Ihe actual exponses of per.on ; employed on temporary servicu, none o! whom received any fnrthor coniper.s.V.ion. nnd expenses of the commissions appoint ed to investigate alh-g,.. irii'id.. ic., am1, tho expenses of ef tn 1I i -liin jr military pa trols on the Maryland line an I five bun died dollars on secret service. My ac count is settled in tho of.ice of Ihe Audi tar Generul up to the 1st of Drvomber On thutday 1 had expended ?0.4i 0. a.-.! except some inconsiderable payment made since, tho balance remaics ill my hands. Tno report of Iho Auditor General wi.i exhi1 it the ilems of the account. An account of military expenditures li the Stale on behalt'of the Unifd Sla(. far ii3 thesun.e had liien been u-ortaine ' and fettled by tho accounting depart ments here, was made up tj th Jlst dsv.1" Septf.mber.lt'Ol.tirid ne-.:ne.i n 'he 12 of Ilia, ir ti t li at the Treasure I".-ii. ..,... r .! .. t':. it-.. . J . .i - . 1 . -.ivii u.t li.h'i ,:uilt'J I'll - ...in .... .... 'i 'i 1 1 if l. ;,(' i .-unes p.. -e tlei;icr oJ, Ir.- j ueen rec.dvea lioni liie ireu.siii-y Dcn.ir!- tiKiii on in n by ti p General Gnv r.miM.i r.l . l"i"v I'll i(i-ll. nuruu. I. , n -,-,,v niev .. -----'-.... . I- l. 1-7,1- rt.su moH !M..0,.,a:)l l0 ,10 Weirarft nn:; even safety cf the coun'ry, it would t -light that an act of Congress should b . pa-ted providing c.-piessiy fur their re pavmcnt. It lies wiih the Regislaluro I adopt tho proper means for duocing th" u'lenliori of Congress lo this fu'.ijHCt. Assurances have been received from th' Treasury I)epni tment liiat tho examina tion of tho niilitury accounts of the Stat will bo proceeded in nithout dely, so thu' the State niny receive a credit fur tho b".l anco duo, in time to apply the sanio to wards ihe payment ot her quota of the direct tax for this year, a saving of fifteen per cent wi'l nocrue to her, and no pre ent increase of her taxation will bo -tiecc- sary. Whether this credit bo given or not, 1 recommend Ihnt the payment cf the J. ret tax o aniumed by the State, !' i ifCi'H of iiHid i. r t x 1 1 ry, nml ruiu Tho cluto jns ill ,r i:i 0:(- hrcnti I, !li ii o u ! i unit "t it., .nn' I.S j 1,' V 'I t I I