Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 08, 1862, Image 4

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    I AllltlMMIMIOVl.l) T 1,1 11,1
iimi til r 1 1- n,
'.u: nt:. .....
'I lit I'l ll.. I I f I I"' I I I
It :
Till- "III Tl T.l.tnN."
M K W u uis" M A 1 1 7. N 1',
A l i i 1 1 n . i IImui
Iipii tnr tl r n'!i. ll' !
MWi II ni I il' 'I I.
!V. lilltllT. I' ' II 1
.) ll.Mll.lil ti I" "I I I
nr r rr hi !e 'i"i',
'I )ir wiiil. in mum rie i,
Unl ll'V
1 1 1 n loilnii 'niillii in I. n !(,
r. l.i . i. I h ..I ii in 1 1,. n urn i In i ii I. in. ii. .,ii. ..
Why inn ( the n.iwci die ,
1'' I I In lie
.n t nc coi i tcum, iii'tiiic! or ipats or rum.
O doublitij; heart
They only e.i below
The soft while ermine ni,
While winter iiiillnll hljw,
To breathe ami smile njion you soon ngaiu.
The tun has hi J i t -t rnv
These runny days ;
Will dreary hours never leave the enrthr
0 doubling heurl !
TheMorniy cloudi on high
Vuil the sumo miiiiiv .ky
'ihatsixin (foi np'-inji in nigh)
Shall wake the summer into golden rnirlh.
Fair hojio is le:nl, nn'l liht
Is quenched in nigM.
What sound eiui br'k the silence of despair?
I) doubling heart !
TS. sky is ovi rcit,
Yet star shull rise ntlast,
Iliii'liter for darkness, past,
And angel's silver voices stir the air.
Adelaide Anne i'roe"tor.
Providence. If yon want to see confu
sion nppnrcntly worse confoundea, go in.
to a generrl post olllce. Buchels of le -
.ers are uimuieu arouna ti,e great center nn. I er of letters from l e.loial holmers.
table. The nimble hnndsof ll.emenraleh (ohiellv of ISakei's California Kegiment.)
them up faster than you or 1 enn follow .10 avo 11S ,.;,..,., ,y ,ie ,.(Suels at
them, and every letter is turned the right nic!imonil. These letters give an imei
vay. After going through certain pro- Ps,in? tlv?omit Qf the prisoiieis and the
co lhpy n,e tliro"n inl IfUher bgs treatment they receive,
(hat ore scattered all about the room, ne. j j.ieutenunt Wm. C Harris, a member
wording to their respective destinations, of Company II. in theCaliforni u'egiment,
Th rooming comes, und the mails go writes lo Kilwood Miteholl, of Phil.idol
out, and each one of that enormous pile vim ul).v ll)0 fl!ink of his fellow prison
that seemed so tangled and confused hav. fV, Congressman Ely, as follows :
ing a special message and direction, takes -My prison n-oeiaUM are g-nilemen
:sown course. Though it seemed impos- Horn ..early ever;' Slate in the North and
Mble that they could the places for West, whose h. el's or he.i.h could not pre
Inch they were inlended, to north, and vein them from being captured nL Hull
i-outh.tiii.Icast.iin.lwobt.lliroughstrL.uuw ltun, Hill's lilulf, etc.. etc. Thrown lo
jndover radroads, undone is d.opped gelher as we are, many nre th.Mvsources
n this hamlet, unotLer In tht village, ,e have Tor abstracting amusement from
.nd another m sj.ue otlmr phce, till they Hlft monotony of pri,on life. As I sit now all properly distributed. A n.iliion at Mor m.-s' table, I cast u glance around
letters go forth from this single point, und at then, und photograph the following
:ot one lads to reach the person to whom pici jie:
it is uddresse J. I . . . , ...
On mv right, wahin reaching dir i.mce,
W the world i God's great silently engro-d in canN, 'a captain
lice, where everything is turmoil n.,d up, from IVnns, Uania a lieutenant each fro..,
l.arenj disorder ; but there is a distribu-' M.,in. Wisconsin, M.acliusettsar.,! Ohio
.ve hand of Providence by wluch all Ku. ther on, twj a, ,nv chaplains are uuiet
ih.ngs are d, .entangled. The issues nod ly discussing the past, pies-nt ahd
resultA show that in the ruidslof this tu-eligious conditio,, ol the world in mner
inult and d.sorder there is a guiding pow.l, ;wul fr whl kllo., tl .V'
rr. u hen ii mm r.v.11.. I,j;a. .i..., :. 1 r . .... .'
ca, lL
a wonderful comfort lo him u l.;t..
"- i"--"- iew more sieps io me nglilanu we Iiuti
ing through tho varied experiences of hu-1 Lieutenant I'eucock.or the steamer Fanny,
,n'1'1 .' ?' Raptured by the Confederates at Chici-
Kelig.on comes lo teach us thai above j muocmico. He is Burroundod by a colo-cy-y
man's wisdom there is a divine Trov, cl, a .piartermaster and n doctor, whose
dence; that men are in this life not un- 'attention he is engro.-sing by an anim .ted
v-atched nor uncare I for, but under a '.elation of the Kunny's surprise and cap
I'athe. a eye and protection; that they ate1 ture. His description isgrVnc, an I
provided for by a Providence that takes sometimes illumed -ith touches of humor
account even of tho very hairs of their ' that convulse his audience. More of him
f'1 ' 'anon ; for ho is the bright particular star
Take Hold or mv Hand. ''Take hold of our 'confederacy.' Looking straight
of my bund," says the little one, when ; ueloro tno I see Congressmen Ely bending
she reaches slippery place, or when some. !v'r 'mess' table seemingly buried in
thing frightens her. With the fingers ' the mass of documents .rou-id him. Ev
dasped tightly around the parent's hand, fry day, for hours, he is occupied with his
she steps cheerfully and bravely nlong, pen, assistod by young Hale, of the navy,
clinging a lillla closer when the way is ' (a nephew of Gideon Welles, .Secretary of
difficult, nud happy in tho beautiful ' the Navy,) who has volunteered as his
strength of childish faith. j secretary. Ely is u tnun of fine social
"Take hold of my hrnd," says tho MUHl'liesi. popular and gentlemanly, And
young convert, trembling with the eager- j lia3 the distinguished honor of being
ness of his love. Full well he knows that, President of tho Richmond Prison Asso'
ifhorely on any strength of his own he nation. To his left may he seen tho fine
will stumble and fall ; hut. if the Master,' ,l,!l"'y form ol Col. Coggswell, of the reg-
leut-u loiui nis nana lie may walk with
unwearied foot, even on tiioriestej wave.
The waters of strife or nf sorrow shall not.
overwhelm him, if he but keep fast huhl
of the .Saviour.
"Take hold of my hand," falters the
mother feeliiiu that she is all to weak- for
the great ro.-pnri:.iLi)ilies that throii" ir.
lier f.a4 h
Where shall she learn the
greatness ol Mie mission the importanro
of the field that lias been assigned t her? fcc1'1' fonvvisuiion with two visitors,
And leirnin it, how id all be fulfill ii, one of whom, J hear is the Episcopal
if she have not the sustaining, constant JilinP ol' Virginia ; Ihe other n divine of
presence of One who lovos bis people? , note ftoui the same Stale. Colonel Lee
'Take hold of my hand," whispers the a H'annlh and earnestness of manner
aged one, tottering on through the shadi i wliieli endears him not only lo his brolh
ows und sno.vs of ninny years. As the er fillers, but interesls nil who come
lights of ;ar tli prow (iininier in the dis- within sound of li s genial voice. He is
lance, and as the darkeninej eye looks fr. beloved bv the junior ollieers of Ins com
wfircl to see if he can discern the first mand. four ol wnom are prisoners here,
glimmer of the heavenly home, the p eary preferring lo share his late rather than
pilgrim cries out even as the child beside "csert him whe-n our hard fought Latde
its mother, for Ihe Savior's hand. ! ""as over."
0 Jesus! Friend and elder, Eieut. W. II Kerns writes under tW J
weary, when the eye? are dim, "take !
hold of our hand." Christian Treasury, j
The Minister. Sotne would make the '
minister a student ; some a visiting pastcv; i
soiiii a public speaker. Undoubledly,thei0
same rule cannot be applied lo all. l iller-
ctit nicdes of labor are appropriate lo dif-'
feteiit men, nr.d io dill'erent conditions of i
society. Still, the great idea of the Cliris.. i
liar, minister i. plain. No in tobe a leuch.
er ; and in order that he may teach, he!
must learn, llm Peculiar woik is tol
. .ci.u.iiii; i.ii .1,1. iiiii.iii.i, un.i i.irivpii here
quicken tho coiuiiu.nily by iLe promul'jabout 'J o'clock on Thursday uiornin"
.. . ... .. i-. . i' i .. fr
gation of exalting truth. Jhe acquisition
of i his tiiith, and the clear, powerful ex
pressions of it, nre, then, his chief labors;
and these imply much solitary thought,
lie is to be a thinker. Ti this severe
toil his life is lo be mainly given. Chan
lli i in I air ii'l li -U , i n tl " v i
' i i t '
I i i ""i" 'I '"' ' '
t i . mi V H It I in 1 W In. I V . " I' 1 1
l,.,.U ..III M,UH, Hill
I i I V W i i ' I H l 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 , H 1 1 ll W 1 1 i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' V lull 'til
Vlil IM.I.Ii.illU. lli.V. Ho'l, tin I
1 . .
puii l.iici' tli il ilvM II in lln in Mi l mi
lln ii nil o in kliiilU.'il i that lull t
i i . i 1 1 '
.iminnm'... v i. . i n i e t ti ' i u i . i "'",
1 1 ! e bug buttle, j.mi how il might ; i imw
ended, with tunny wound or with d-ver ; ,
.... II
iiiov lmr tircii riTaiie I 1mm
11 linn nit"
onre haih iiiri 'iiL' Im'tle Ciflil b.iberiiin
.. ...... : :. l I
I r,'i"i..iu.., ...... I
rr 1 ield of (iod. Out ly le.
Utility or Kf.vkhsks. Long nlllict ion
V. ill mui'li set nil' t ho glory ot Heaven.
The longer the storm, tho neetcr the
culm ; Ihe longer the winter night', the
eweeter the winter day. Tho new ivineul
Chi it's kingdom is iiiiu-t sweet to those
who havo long been dunking gill nud
vinegar, 'l'he higher tho nuuintiiin, glad
der we ahull ho w hen w-' pet lo the lop ot
it. 'J'be longer oi;rj'iiii ney i, tlie sweet
er will he our end ; and the longer our
(in-sage is, the mure dosirubie n ill the ha
ven be.
The Condition of the A'c hrnl Pritoifr.i
in 1ht' hciiiii-i of thxj A'ii 'my The
JIuttd J' ., it V.
Tlie riiihidelphiu I ntjuii or publishes a
enl tinlortunate condition in narlieu ar. '.
. 1
"". " no is pacing io una tro in i
study. Upon liini ilevel.).ed the
commaniJ, after lien- P.aker's ejalh ut the !
kittle ol' B ill's I'.lutl". He is reserved, but '
is possessed ol many qualities w hich com- i
niilnd re peel and esteum from bis prison
associates. Near me, on the loll, inav be
8t'p" slight, yet aile fiouro of Colonel
I'", of ,h. Twc.Uieth M.
ken al llal1 8 mull) who is eaniistly eu-i
' I was taken pi isoner ut tho ba'lle of
I-eesburg. I am well and as contented as
!l l"'i0"l'r of war can be. VU
..... .. li
tire wel ,
"H'ilt0,1 nlK' lllive everything wo wish ex
' ll,,t',l.v"
1'ieu'- Hooper says
' I here were from five to six hundred I
"f us ,ak,'n prisoner. and jonveved to'
lAVsbl"'t?- w'lid' P'ce we left for Manas-I
,,,u ",,,,,e n,g"1 o-clock. ar
,;.,;., il. ,... vv. . i i .
.'V, D , "y morning aoouti
Z . .r7' v . . . "T r11"
" v Ble qi'aneren inn nirga loi.aeeo
nouse, in re nn- in isuners iiiKen ai IHlll
Run ar quartered. The accommodations
re not equal to those of the,
but they might be much worse than they
are. We ore furnished wild rations of
hi end and fresh meat daily, both of which
are exceedingly good."
1 M m t t -iih' i I H'lii.ii,
T' . l,l ,k '.m. . "t i
I ii'. I hi. I h .i' ii "
II Mil ",
I il,
1 M
1ll.ltl llllll-llli(.
.lv...i.. 1-'lMil lnl ll.iyt.1irM,
at II. f lullim i in urn:
One (i.imf, I M life,) Ml
t tJ
I Ml
J i.
H inn t.
tl .HI
ti 00
A Oil
in Oil
12 AO
:o no
X An.
1 1 tin
J mi
i Mi
1 2 Hi"
i; hi
III I'll
12 t'H
1 I I'll
ts (in
n: or
I ii .iini',. I ?"Iiiii,.)
I in
,..., I.I..-..1 I A
I . ..
A .nmilln
'J"" s'l'"r". 1
Two .lil.arn, I I I
II 12 Ml
I I 4 im
I : 5 I II
: : A (HI
I : A till
: : 14 nil
ri,rr .,ii..r.s, I
Four s niarcs, s i
" " '""'""n,
One mli.Miii, I
(horlhrpn werln nn.l li' limn llimo innlhi.2C
ilpnlK plT Hll!l" fill IHh illMTtiilll.
li t?' rot c tnt toeniln klinci nre In-
rlnl f ir H A Tr.
A lv.'riliimiilii ii r t ncrk I wi'tiiSe niinilier of
B"f -tl' n ii"iri'il, p'.ll b rrnllnusJ iinlll ft.rl'id
ii.. I -Imrxf.l nc cording to Uriim,
An extensive stork of .lobl.inu mtoi in
Minbles the lublihbcr of the " luiul.lieaii'
lo iinnont ee t:5 tl.P ul lij that he is juepii
red ti d 5 11 .lind" of
I'os'rr.ii ", I Akrxrxi., Trimja.i vmks,
I'.t.AN'ts, Favia Eooia, CincruRS,
b.ii.iii.s, 'Cm Ticm:, 1 iniuiii.i.s,
ntiievdv tni cf in ling usually done
in n roimlryi oh oi!L'e.
Ail oniers wiil be executed with noal
ness and ilespa'.eh.
(I. It. fl(V)T)MN"Pr:n .f- CO.
Time of llolcllngf C'oiii t.
Pciiinl Mm, ! iv nt' .Innuurv,
Thir.l M Mi l ..'nf Miir.-li, '
Tiiir.l Mmiibiy nT .1 11:1',
I'.iurih Monlny or rfi'iii.'iiilinr,
In curb y i' 11 r, 11ml continue two ncil9 in)
('.unity Olllrcrs.
I'res't .tiiilo.lliin. Hiiiiiunl l.inii. Ili'llcfiinte.
As'io Imlyc.i, lion ,1. l).TIi"inison,(.'iinvonsvillo.
1 bin. Jinniv I'.Uuiiii, K iro.t.
;!i.r,IT, Fnvl'k li. .Mill.r Ck'iirlioM
I'ri.tliNiintury, '"hu b. Cnttlu, "
ltog. A lice, .bum's V. iliy, "
Distrii't Att'y .1. Wallace,
Ti'iiiiu'cr, (i. 1!. liiniilliiinliT, "
m;. Surveyor, II, It. Wriglit, tilcn Ilnpo
C mi 1 1 1 i .-
a rt, w in. .Vortcl
S. ., T'loinpsun,
Jiu'.'b Knnt.
, I'.. f. I'.mvmun,
.1. II. Shaw,
('. S. Wnri-e l,
.1. '.V. 1','ter,
Jesse I!rt):nil,
M'.n i-ilnlo
N. Vas!)iiirtnn
Ia'c.iiIi'.i Mills
n j lurn sv iilu.
(.'.). Supi,
List of Post f Hiiro
T 'ICiltrhijtl.
b ".' .' ll ill,
E lli,
.Viiw. i uf J'. 0.
(ilea llupc,
I'lenrlit'ld I'.riije,
JeJlersoii Lir.j),
.N'miira ttf '. J
.. W. i'tthvol
T. A. M (ihee
I.uwi.t '-iiii
1'. II. .Miller
It. II. Moors.
(' f. Sloppy,
Jiuill ileijcl'ling
Jaa. Ill, mm
P, or'a,
je.v n iisning.ui( ' 1 uininin,"!
M. I rani;.
1'. A. (l.iulin.
J F W '.'huerr
iVauiuol Way
Ontie cnunty
Ed in. William
ricarlit'ld, Cleiiilicbl,
Cm in'tnii, Frenchville,
CiirwcnfviUe, urweiisville,
j Uecntcr,
riilli.i. bur;,
r cruuson,
Man on,
Helen Post nffice, Elk county, l'a
bccounlo's Mills, C. .MiL'imt
Jt.'ll.l ilills,
William Cnrr
Uoshen, h'hawM'ille, A. II. Shaw
(irahaiu, (j rahunitun, T. II. I'urcee.
Uulich initlis Mills, J.A. lUnurty
Madeira, C. .1. l'tiscy.
Ilust.n, Tyler. bavi l Tyler
" Pciinliol l. II. Woi.ri.vard
Tor.lan, Alison' ille, ( ha-e
Karihaus, alt ImU, li. Ilci'l.iidorn
Knox, New Millport, I). K. M,,k,d
bawtenee, lireekvni idj;e, J, W. Thi.mps'n
Morris, Kyhrtown, .las, Thompson
" M'iri'isiNle, J. .McClelliin.1
l'onn, Lumber t'ity.t 11. W. Spencer,
" (irainpian Hills, A. C. Mnore,
I'ike, Curweiisville, Samurl Wny
" '.ltiiiiiiiiin'villo, Mii linel Wisp,
t'nijn, ltockton, W. F. Johnson
Woiiilwanl, Ji'll'rie", T. Hcntlurson
j! This Post Office w ill do for Chest township
f Will answer lor Ferguson toiimhip.
$35 00
P Y3 the entire cost lor TUITION in the
most popular and successful CO.M.M EHCI A L
m'IIOOL in the couiilrv. I' pwnrds of
lli'Miiuai young men, from twkntv kiuiit dillor-
ent Stales, have been educate. I for business here
within iho past thrco years, some of whom hnvn
bl'on employed us ROOlv-KEEPEltS ul salaries
$2000 00
immediately rpon Kiaduatin);, who knew nothing
iot ,,'''u,'l,.wl'1'." ""'J' e""'rr!1 "'e Colioge
review when
tll(!V without extra charge
. li'-'i''' f'1- '''" rill-burgh, l'a.
u. m. M'cri.i.oi'c;ii,
f'l.riiiiiKi.i". Va.
Oilier in (irahuin's llrirk Iluildin.
Jub .'Id. ISO I tf.
Spring Sl Summer Goods
I nm just rocoiving nnd opening a carefully
"" of -"S "J"1 Euimner good,
'a".1"1 ' V'M"10"'
A tiuniiulul iissorluieni of Print and lircss
goods, of the newest nud la'.cst styles. Also a
great variety of useful notions.
b . ...:,.,. ... x-...,.,..-. .
i'u m .I..) ..i. ii .iwiHi.i.i.
lluiiiii'ls, gliawls,
Hats nml (,'aps.
Hoots and Shoes, ft large quantity,
Hardware, Qi ecusware,
Ilrugs and Madicines,
Oil and Pain Is,
Carpet A Oil Cloths.
(J 11 () C E R IKS,
risn, mean and nour,
Mackerel in j J and f barrels.
"n,!e '' -l""11 1,1 "f ,li, h wi" -J '
tho lowest cash or ready pav prices.
My old friends nnd the public, generally, are
respectfully invited t call.
TfT-N. R AH kinds oftf.M.Vand approved
CUUXTIl Y I'ltODUCE taken in exchange ol
CloarBeld, Jane 2fl 1861. WM, F, IRWIN.
R0RKR r J. WALLACE, ttTuTat Law
ClearBeld, Pa., Cffioo in EUw'i Row. on-
osite th Journal office.
do. 1, lin.-K.
l HlCh'S FN O .If HO S70
Tho llDl'liOlll f-EWlXU M Al'lll.N'K, nn in-
urnvliii nf hlch l In'rn r"r eatM. t u-l, lma now
tmcoino rim)iiicil fuvorilo wherevor it'
ih. Imcn ii trotluceil, ft k1 Ik, lu-ynlij iiuenlioii,
ilic tival, u i'H llm hiudi'ini't, low-priccJ
SowinK iMiic.hin no lieforo the public.
No. 1 V iiniill ami very neut Machine for ,
Fu in ily imn. I
Nn 2. A Inr-e Mneliine fur quilting heavy
work nnil for l'liiiitnliiin u.-c. i
T Miit'liine i niiich ii linirml fur ils xiniplici-1
tv. nml lor it-i ri liitbiliiy nn.l durability it is un
..inm.n 'l. A chil'l twelve veins inn run it wilh . ; nntl yet it will net from the c.onisit cloth .
to the lineal Suit-.". There is in. troubb of re- I
wimlitiK the threiiil, us il is tnkmi from the spools.
II bus Mi I.u'.ts to 'ivi. trouble, nml wiil run
bin i.wai Jis ns well lis forwnrilii. ui'.d mtill sews
riiiall.v I'H'i't'.l, ii il without tinnier of breaking
ni'i'illt s. lt runs I y friction, unit by cloaiii); the I
box ovel il, it in thrown out, of cenr. In fact,
wo hnvo no lieaiiutioB in recoiiniit'ii'lin it ns the
best Inn ily Sewing Machine ill use.
Thf Mhwifi l'iemlttm.1 AwarJi'U the alooc
Miit'hine :
At the Fair of tho Frank'in Institute, 1S5S,
tho First Premium.
At the Pennsylvania State Fair, nt Phitiidel
phin, September 21, lS.'.U, tho First Premium a
At the Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Wyo
ming, IM',11 ii Silver Medal.
For Hie best Double Thread Machine, nt Lan
caster County Fair, held Octobur, ISo!) a Silver
j At the Maryland Slate Fuir, held nl tho Mar?
jliind Iusii'ute, r.altimore, M'L, October. 18all,
'under ftron competition, a Silver Medal wu
j awiirded to this Miichine,
At the New Castle County Fair, held nt Wil
mington. Delaware, Oftoler, IS;U a Diplouia.
I Tlie hIiuic Mat hiiiesjirc inr.nufnctured by
y iliiiiligtoli, Del.
i s a i. i; s KOO.MS.
I No. TOO And. Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
No. SOI Street, Wilmington, t'eb
S. I). I'.AKKIt.
iiiai 1.". ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
,7-Pn'stitm wishing lo ctt the nliovo Machine
in operation, can do so by calling nt the rcsi
iKni u of I). W. Moore, iu Clearfield borough.
Wti(! t"E! Whe up!
BI.AC1.M'T1!!(.. THE subscriber rca
n -i In ; I v informs his friends nud the public
L'i'iierallv. that ho is now well ablishcd in his
NEWsilOPon Pine street, o posite the Town
Hall, in tho bnrniih of flearliciil, nntl upon hi
own hook, mi l where ho is prepir ed to do nil
wink in his line in tho very best style, and on
the shorie.-t noliee. His old ciistoi' ers arc res
pectfully iis'ied not to forget him, and any num
ber nf new ones are respectfully invited to give
him a trial.
KDii K TOOLS. Hij reputation as a Maker
and licpairer of Edge tools should of ilselfsceure
him a liberal patronage. "
April 24,
G I.
K N - T' C Ii O
Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in
v A it ! r. il Mis, )) it 1; c; t; 1; T s
Oil. r.07V, MA TTlXtiS, .f c,
Wareliotise. .No. itl'.l Chestnut. .Streel,
(Ojiposite Stulo lioiise.)
nprli'SI -ly P111t.AnKi.rHiA.
$ h a lb m it r-t tn tt a 11
Ll J 11 1: use I R G,
WILLIAM HKKI), Proprietor.
july 10, l.Hnl. ly.
TUSTICU of the pence
Luthersburg, Clearfield Co, Pa.,
will attend promptly to all business entrusted
to ro.h.i 'ii March 1 lSrttl. y, pd.
"IVfhoIesalc nud lletail Merrliants. Also
11 extensive dealer in timber, sawtid lumd
ber nnil shingles. Also, dealers in hour au
grain, which w ill bo fold cheap for cash.
Oct. 14, ISaS).
nitoxt: CITY HOTEL
Col. A. P. OWEN'S. riiorKiETon,
He?pi.ctfully announces to the travelling public
tl:rt ho has now taken charge of this large and
well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a
miuincr as will render excellent comfort nnd for,
satisfaction to nil who may favor liini with a
call. nov"-ly
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will nttend promptly
nnd faithfully to all legal business entrusted to
hi cine, in the several Courts of t'loni fieid and
adji.inlr.g counties.
Olb'i t'.e one formerly oecupicri by 0. R.
Oct. 2fth, 186U jr
I be opened for Ihe roccptio of pupils (mules
.Hid female) ou .Monday Sept. 2d, IStil.
I t i in. per Si-Kvion of I'.levrn W eeks:
Orth.grnphy, Heading, Writing, Primary
Aiithmotie nnd (ieogruphy, (2 SO
Higher Arithmetic, English (Jrauimnr,
Oeogr.i.hy nn.l History, 3 00
Algebra, (leometry, Niiturnl Philosuphy,
and Rook Kc-ping, 4 00
Lilt in nnd Urcek Languages, fi (10
To students ilcsirons of acquiring thorough
English Eiliication, and who wish to qualify
themselves tor Tcuchors, this Institution ollori
ile-irable advantages.
No pupil received for lesa than half a session,
nnd no deduction tiinlo except for protracted
Tuition to be paid nt the close of the term.
C, Ii. SAXr-FOUD, J'nueijjal,
Clearfield, Aug. 7, 1st I. ly.
X? '
r roi' or irr n'rvric I
, LI (J I Oli. S Oh ALL VI A AS, ;
giy-For fale very ehenp for Cash, hy
In hasemenl of Merrcll i liig!er' Slore,
Clearfield, Ta.
I) W. HAYS, Justice of th Panee, will atten
. pro-iptly to eolle'tions and other matter
eft In his charge. Addre Krsey, Lit co,,Pt!
Oot. 3d 18tl. ly.
t M.-MtHil, )
1 IIK MilMtl Itull IsrVlr W,
(I...) )
.1 T II K Nnltlll Mtllt-ll HKVIIW,
( Vf 1'ln.r. t. )
4 .Till: w l:TMINMI:tt M.VIKW,
n-M.ACKWO0I) A KtilMH 11011 M V'lAIIM'
T i: it M s .
Fr An) unenftln 'mir lii . inwi,
K'.r nny l i.rtli" fmir ltrli w,
l'or any llin e "f ih four Keriuw,
Knr nil f.'iir nf llm Ketienn,
Kor lllni k woiiil'n M ii pi.T i n r ,
Kor 1'ilin I. ttoml nml uiie Iteview,
Kor llliirkwoiiil Hil l Inn Itrvirw,
For bl.u k wiinil ami tlni. licvicn",
For llliiokwoml nml the four Korirw.
M'f umi.ini.
N. II. The price in drent I'.riluin for th fir
Pcioliinli ntiove-iiiinieO ii $11 per annum,
It-..bll.-lic J l.y
inarl.t-Bin i I (lot J .Street, New York,
" "WWKCAM 'VA k'"
Ilurinjr the .n.t yi nr wo luivo introilurcl to
he Ri'lir of the mi dii'itl iruftf-ioii of this coun
try tho Pur C'rj'lulitcd Chlvriiie nf t'rnjiilnmiiit
as A
itr.Mr.DY von Kiir.r.M.Tisi:
' nml hnvinj; received from
ninny sources, both
I from physicinns of llm hilinst ftnndinj; an
from patients, the
Most Ih.ttcrlng' TestimnululNorita real value
n tho treiitment of this painful and obsti
nate, disease, wo aro induced to present it lo the
public in a form READY F ill IMMEDIATE
1SE, which we hope will commend il.-olf tn those
who are nuMcring with this nfllictin couipl tint,
and to the medical practitioner who may feel
disposed to tost the .o .vt)i s of this valuable rem
edy. ELIXnt PROPYLAMINE, in the f-rm ubov:
upoken of. bur recently been extensively oxprri
lueiilctl with in the
nndwitii MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear
from tl a published accounts in the medical Jour,
.i'TIt is carefully put up ready for immedi
ate use, with full directions, mid can be obtained
from nil the druggist at 75 cents per buttle, nn J
at wholo.ttle of HILLOCK 4 CRENSHAW,
DrupKists and Manufacturing Chemists,
J O II x
I'll il 11 Jelphia.
o D 1; li,,
Located at A. II. SIitc's Mill, one mile ImsI
if L'learticU Lwnvjh,
Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield
and adjoining counties, tluit he is nt ail times
prepared to manufacture, nt the shortest notice.
Ibiir, Husk, and Siraw .Mattresses of nl!
kinds and sizes, one of winch is n folding Mat
tress, suitable for CABINS ON' RAFTS, which
can be folded in small compass, and emptied uinl
refilled at pleasure; and very cheap. He nlsu
trims Cai riages, mtkes repairs to nil kinds cl
Carriage Trimming and Upholstery, nml n tikes
Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick
uess or length.
i.-iCouiitrv Produce, Com Husks, or Cash
taken in K (change for work.
.rtT-All orders left with any of the Merchats
L'loarlield borough will bt promptlv attended
,0- 'dcel'fi
QllAIliS ifciIAIRS! ! !
The undersigned lias now on hand, at his Fur
niture Rooms on Market St., ClearlieM, Pa., a
short distunco west of Litz's Foundry, n larga
slunk of
manufactured out of tho b;st malnrinlr, finished
n a very superior manner, and which he will sell
LOW I'Oli CASH, His long experience in the
business makes hiinWecl confident that his chairs
arc made in a substantial and workmanlike man
ner, ami will stand tho test of trial. Persons
wishing t purchnse chiiirs should cnil at once
and got them while they can be had at tho lowest
rates. J:ilX TR0UT.MAX.
Mar. 27-lSSl-tf.
OW illll A' S'U IATION, PlIll.AI.F.M'IIIA. A .Yll.
rrtilrnt liiulihiliun rntnhtiiinl Im ; m( A'ii-
(Iwmnit, fr ihr U:lirf of Ihr Sii k uinl DiHlrrttnl,
njllictiil rilh Viuhnl (in. fj .,' JHnnmiM, ltd
ln inlli fur the Vine of IHtrimc nf the
( In1 a.
Mf.iucal Aiivick given grntis. by tho Acting
Yai.imiii.e nrronTR on Spcm -ntnrrliren, nnd
other diseases of the Sexual Oi guns, snd on the
new nnMr.iurs eini. loved in the llisperisiuy, sent
in sealed letter cnvcli. pes, free of charge.' Two
or thrco S-anips f ir postage acecpli.llo. Addrc.-s
Hit. .1. Skii lin Hoi iiinoN, llowaid Assoeiiitiun.
No. 2. S. Ninth tt., PhiLnJelphip. 2!i,y ly.
P. A.
A. C.
i;uihinn anb (ToIIrction Mut
C 1. K A U F I I, I).
JUII.I.8 01, I XrilANGK, K0TI-S AKD Hit A FTH piaroMfTK j
i lNssn ii:ci;ivi:I),
HoUeiilions wiic'c ami vruecrth frnwi rc milled
I'xclianc on the Cities i-nnstniitly
on I. a lid.
t??0Dice on Pcccnd St., nearly opposile the
coui.t nousi:.
LEV Ell FliEGAl,,
Justice of I lie peace
Luthersburg, Clenrfield Co, Pa., will
attend roiuptly to ull business entrusted to his
care. April 4, I8CI.
ja. n. i.AnniMKR.
T AKKIMIW TI:sT. Attorney, nt haw
J J Clearfield, Pa., will attohd promptly to Col
tinn, Eahd Ajcncies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield
Centre and Klkronhtics. July U.-y
" & 11 .1 I rttfllii l' It.
all kii
tiftW I.T-MI'l-n :llllv,l ........
Ll'MI'KR. ORAIN.and country pro-
on HEC0ND Street, Clearlilid Pa.
iduce. ctlore
1 Den. 4, ISfil
1"lrVsmlth, Wagons, Uuggiei, Ac., Ac, ironed
J) cn short n( tie and the very rsest style, at hu
li rtand In tS botourb nf Curwenvlll,
Vf .29, Mm,
ion rvimYiMUHE
A. I i n,
(' t ' Hit I't H,, f ,! , - , , ,
K I . Im ii ii il x. .
!. 'I . .111.1. , Si
f II 1 f tl ft-
I-......... .'...I... . ....... I'
I . It I ,
IIIh.ii, nil ...!. I'
O..I nr.. i..
1 V, Ann A I'
'Ill .I'l',..
V.i V.. ' In. 1 .,!
1 1 . ' in ii. Ii 1 1 1 i I t
Il "Ml ll l.i t ' l l . ,
I' ll III I I-', i l
I I I ' I ..... H
' ... " I1 I'l !( ' 'I' I
Hit I ll.t- I , i ,
1 f l
...MI,. .1
!.t .1
I It ti il n. mi. lib !t
i. I i
I"', a. i.l .
, i. ill", I i.l , .
I i I, ll.i ih-..iili-i i.
I . i.'ii, I hi lit.-).. I
nl. nil.-) 11 1 . I Shi . i-
.it n l.'ii' l In in ,1,,, lh,
u.m . At It i.yll,
Mim ni r lli.ii ,..ii m,i
.iii.i i . i . i
........ .. . n in n .1 i.ii, . ,
"I I
i. on ii. ii miv ii.iiii; .nil n.i.HH Im uiuhI. 1
( lit. lltiiHiliii.,1 if, II, im, iim, nil II I- ,,.
II, hi ..ul .th-, in pi. in II, ni, ,,. a . . , t
li.' lilli. nwil hImi...i ll ..illl.i, ,.w i
mil hu hi in t .mi iin.l, r ll, p m:li, i,,
Klllle f. II I'll M) kI.iii In .." , .r, nn, ,h.v
frlllll." Hull IIih iliM it.i. ,1,11, i, Mll) I(IV H,.i,
I ran ml; I" ie- I I... I . m tl I ,,i h.i'im. 'u
' yntl. lint. I lit' in .' '. it ulii' i I Ihi' .ibU'
: ii
' aim il'iu.uii qui i..ii-aiii). . him,
j A Ul-II I.II I). Tl!
I M. A ndio.iy'H I'll r. Itosr or Ki'vhI
'I I . Il l- II ii. I Suit l Ili um, H, ,i,
1 lOltRtVOIIlli Mot' )., 1)111H).
i III'. IliiliiTt V. 1'lrlil.l rtilfl fmill Cull-Ill, N
Pl't., is. .ll, Iimi lit' In iiiir.l mi jm..i .i,. , ...
Vinii, uliifli lliii' In I. iiiiiiiiilo i.u.iiiv.
ii.T.ev.'MllK na,' "I niir Siti.ii;.rillii. uinl him, 4 u,, i,
MilUfiniinl io;h- is In lull.'.. ili.t-H nf lli hum ,
lit. riiivt Hit. t.'oiiuiu'li trit)ttt.ns liy u ron-liiiitl..
Kruiirliorrlc, (ioltr or Sv lliil x ...
l.inii. ii Sli'im "f I'lifiift t, 'I'.-xiin, .vni.. : "'ii,,..,. ,r
Ilea of your Sill Hipm illu en let) in" limn u l.'.i'rr h lt
eon Wfllin. on tliti iiti'li, wliuli I lmU Mulkitil iWh1
ovor two yttars."
Lrucori licrn or I. II r, Ovn rlnn Tnmor.
I'lnrliie t ii-vrnl Iii.i, l'ViiiHlr llUciiife,
lir. J. II. S. (iiiiiniiii. nf N.'w Ynilt I n. , wntm ; t
must clii'"i I'iiIIv omit I v .villi lln' leu ii'"-i nf . ..iir ii,-, ni'ti,
BJ.VIIIC 1 llllvi. imiiiil vtilir Mil -ltiiirillit M Hi.. t.1 i'y.,'..i.(
1 eltt-niiivu In tin. iiiiuhti.hs t i.nini I i ,
i eni,ioy unfit ii inii-nv. inn cs,'i.,. u.v in "u-.i: i( , ,a
I nf Hit- St i .liil.ini i!i:iili-".l'. 1 lint" i ii't -l ihiiiiv im. i,c.
I H'l' I'llM'H ul l.t'lll-i'l I lillM I'V It. I.ll'l -".III' . Il.'l I- (
I On i ii 1 ivris eiu-sii hy .' .finti . l I lie ti, r . 'i nl.,.,.
Hiii n It-ell wits .iinii i tin il, Nniloiiir within in ia."v,.
1'tJe ennuis ll ,,r llit -e l in. lie i. liini-' TlK'.."-.'1
I.ilwnttl S. Mio i.,v. i,f New hiir v, Alti.. .titt,,j, .
KTl-nas lmm,r on one l It' . ,..'. i ,.;', '
wlii. li ili ll.'.l nil lln- rc''s we ,,, 1 ,s
t li-IIUlll In Cl'lli.. telj r 11 ,'eil l,v VI, ill- J. v 1 1 ;., t iil'v ,
iiniiillii. inn ,liyi, i.ui tlen-lit' iietlili," li.i .m,,,' ,'
Iimi coiiM nll'itnl relief, Imi . ,,,,., t;,ei,M,t ,,'.
Hui.iiaiilla as the l,i-t i.-w. ,i r I,.. I,,,, entLiit.,
inn..,l .n.-clllul. After t,lliill.- l.'lii' .U i i,., W(,k,
Uu so:ptnn ( the ill., ;ei. , lii.tilis,'1
S.lIMi niul Jlcri uilul DNrnse.
Nkw Otii,t:iMs. 'JMh Alien. t. 1-;..
Tin. ,T C. Avca: Sir, 1 ehei i tully n,iii,lv tuili tl,
qii' -t nf jintr iiL.-"nt. uinl lenui I vim sniue ul Hie t ll'its
1 lei.e li'nll.eil .1 ill yniir H. i -u, in Illu.
I lime i in. , .'in, ji IM MV p in, tie,., mint i.f i,. ,.,.,.
pi Mil's ti-r.tlii'li it jN te, Ulllllietl leil. nml lent' f..ini,
I'll its trul) u,,l, . ilnl j,, the en,,. I', ,,,, ,;,,.
curinl ),....,. One t.fttiv .niieiil h el s y,, iln ir nl, ..n
III 1ns tlnout, u liieli neie e.uiMiiliiiii.' his '.ii Oe nt, I Hu
top of hi nmiilli. Vi.ur i.ri-if.n! ill;, stemlilv i.,l,. ...
cured liim iu live ueeU. Ao,,tl r iitl.u !,,.,! ,t
omlary Bymptt'ius in In. m,. the i,l , in:,,,.; ,j
cnteii r.wiiy a .-oii-.j-lerulilt) mi l c it. sn Unit 1 In h. ,. 11,4
ellsi'iilei MiiuiJ soon teiult hi.-. Imoti uinl l.ill hint. I ,; ,
ielili'il to niv i.tlitiiiiistti.liiin ol' your Ci.i'su..ii ii,,i ; nm
lilt'els lit-Hltil. ittttl he is Well tiitili. mil tit i'..!;)... iwi,,,
soiiii' ilistiiiniiit.n in In. l'.iee. A woman i.ii., jn,,; ,.U
Iteiiteil ha the. sHine ths.ii.ler l-y inen ury w.,., M,ti, ,,,,,,, Ibis i' is,ill ill hel h.'lies. 'I hev I.ii l' l.i -i . in.
slll.e In Ihe welllhi'l Ihi.t no II .tump (ley -h si, II. u -,l ex
CI Ufinllou i;till ill h.'f J.'illlH Ille I h.,..'n. She. I. ii v ; 1
emeU etilnely l.yy.lli' Sill sll iu illu in ;,(. ,. ,
k.H.W I'lOIII IIS til 1. 1 1 1 1 ft . Whl, V 111 llehl eiite ,,t
tins 1' I .- 'ill ill . .11 In, in your mill. i -1 I,., :, ,,.,
lemeily ; (Mliseiillenll.v, tin sn tiuly lelinii i,,,'
With it hau. nut Fill . i is- tl me.
1 inlet null .nuts, !, V. I. .Mil Mill!. M. I).
Rheumatism,, I-lvcr 'm;iliilnt.
I.NIiHTMON.t:, I'l. -Iiiii 1,.., ll.. I 1 1, .lull. . ,, .
I.R. J. ('. Sir, I Inn,, he. a nlllirteil v.m, ,, .,.
fill chri'liic fe w n, .(...i ,,t n 1,,1'j, ,n; ,, ,!,
Skillet iliysii'i:ni Itlal sill. I, t e ill J ,'. i,i thL.
leoi.'i.'i. s I Ci.i.l'l, until I ni.,1 n n, fa, .,,utin. li,e
lii.tlle ruieil inn in ln mrU, uinl rc-l-icd'niv c-im i iI
health so nm li Unit 1 nm t: t I ..-1 1 r llnin I., i i- I v. m
ull.'tt keel. 1 UilliK il a . nil. I Ini in. .!i i hi.. J. 1 .
.lilies Y. (it'li liell. nf SI. bmiis. Will,"! "1 lime ! n
iillln leil fur veins with an Hjlirtmu n tl,r .mi.wl,,!,
tl, slim, ,1 m.v heiillh. 1 ttii-l every thiiii;. nml eifiy ii,ii;
I'.iile.l In lelle.e nil-; mill I lime been I. I.n.l;. n .I...H mini
f -r F.'ine y Hi s fimii tin i Iher cans.. Ilnm i.u ,,. I ,'f
tilt Lirrr. .My hehoell ,-l,,r. till' III V. I'r I -..'. l-H
me to try jmnrSusapaiiiiii. l..-.-u.iw l.e .al.l In i,i . ., ,
and i.ov tl i iiilt .von mu le tns nm th 1 1 ,t in,-, r. tl.,.
it; nt Oni I il In.s . nn il me. nml I ins sn ,i.i iln il my l.l.iil
us to make u new innii n me. J f.el yuuiii; :,nnt. 'Iln
h t that can he s.iitl of .vuil is lint hull . i -I,."'fiikiri- Tumors, l-'.nln ri nu nf,
1 lit in I Ion, C in le nail Kxloliultoii f
tlie ilonra.
A pleat Vlll lely nf esse linve been rep.l-f.-.l I" t. It here
roi t-s nf tln-Me r,.riniilul.e i i,ni,tiiiiits In." i. In, in
Ilie use ol I lis lemeily, I ut en I e lei e . ll! n 't itilniit
Iht lll. JS- liie .,f t lit Hi Ilia y be fulili I in nnt Alli -Ii- ,u
Alln.niac, wliieli lh.. nt. nts belnw DiillieJ are nleav.-.l to
furnish Kl llli" In nil w lln mil ,,r them.
Dyi )it.ln. Iliiii t ninn.s, nt. Iiltip.
, Jill luii. In ly , . nn, l-.n
Many reimiihiibie ,ni,.K ti,, .,. , ti a ,..v I .-n
noi'le by ihe nli.,, (,..., , t mi, .,, i,. n .i,.,,,,.
lutes the vital tnmtii ns inlii i-i n-ns net i, i,, i,n,i ti n,
(I.ClTt. Hies lIl.llllletH Win , it. , ln I .- llj .p, ..... I I, .t..!i,l IN
re, tell. Sin It a II- ly bus 1, lie I,, ,.,, ,, , I I , ll,, i,
cessities nl Ihe ie, .e. nml w,. ;,. , nl, ,J, i, tul llils U..I
(I.) I'.r lilt Ul nil that liiniicn.e l ull iln.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral,
ron thi; liArin rt nn cf
C'onclia, Cnlfln, 1llliii7r. Ilitni"-'1,
t ioup, III oni till U. Im ipii nt on
iiui.i H ton, nml for tin- I'llit'
of ('mi tun pt i v I'ulleniii
ill a .1 ii l.i-ell Mnpen
of the Ilisinst.
Tbl I a rewietly so iini.eis.illv l.tintvn to siiif ... ... v
Othel fur lite title nf Ihteitl ami llinir .'' Hi1' I'l 1:.' '.
Is useless lli'te In I 1 1 1 1 1 -1 . Ihe jil. nci; i I its Mitins. I
utiriviillwl exit lleiii'i' I,, i enutlis nml inkis. in .. i I i.;.
wini. lettul lines i.f j.tilinntiiirv ilisi.-oe. liu.e iint'li- it
known tbrtiiiL'li'tiit Ihe fiviliz..-,! iiniiniis nt ilie e.Mi.
Few tire tbe en lolnlinllii'S. nr even Inttith' s. nti;: in! I' :r"
who have lint some n-i sutml expel it lit e nf itstln.:
fl. nif litiiii; tr.ipby in Ih.-ir iniil-f nl it. vetnty lA'i U-.j
snl. lie .1 nn;.., ..ns, rs of I be I In,,, t nnd leu.',.
A all kill,..' the llleinlflll lillnlitv I I Ihese ,, I-, .. .,
s lliev kimw, Inn. Ihe elleetsnf this W" m I I i
do ninre Ihiili In uslirs Ihem that it has new n'l ll.t t"
tiles thnt it ilnl bsve when Ilinl:itl(r III ' riiref win. Ii biivi
w.'ii so strongly iijn.u (lie cnnlij. nee ol liiniil.iii.1.
Prepared ly Dr. J.C. AYB &-C0.. Lowoii, SI. ...
X1 .Said by C. 1). Wulson, Cleni Eel 1. E, A
Irwin, Curwcinvilh' : F. Arnold, I.ulher.-I.ur;'.
Mimtgoini ry A Co., New pniftit : J.C Krcnner.
Morristlule, C. I!. I'nsler, I'liilipsburg ; nnil Klisa
Chase, Anstun ille ; anil by dealers i-vi n w hue.
r LEAF 1 1 II ll STIE URE riiTTICy.
Thniilifiii for i -t favors uinl solicitiot.s . f fu-
i turo pairiii.iige. Iwnul'l ri'Spi-ctlully ni.i ' ' i" e
I 'I'ot I bin e on Inn d imain, nnd will cim-liii l',y
keep nt lint I'oltery in this borough, on ll e cor
ner a short distance ea.-l ot Ihe Methodist Chen h,
a la rijc stin k of Crock eiy . such as Crea in erot 1. -,
milk pans, Churns. .Iit;'S, .Tors, ."-l. vc f . i .f ccsing
dc. He.; nml also an extensive ttsxirlti'i'i't nf
dilicrcnt sizes nnd patl.rns of Inncliels aid
rosi ties lor C'.rriii e on houses, uinl other moul
dings. Any inoii'ilings not on linntt will be trade to
older on abort notice. Abo fire brick ma le
nntl kept for sale.
r'1-A liberal reduction on prices mine ti
wlinlcalc dealers. F. I.EITZI Nt : E I! .
Clear, eld, 111 J. V 2:i, 1 r. 1 . ly.
Cabinet. Chair Making.
T OIIN (i I,K 11, of the borough of Cl.tiilii lii.
tl Pu., will be prepared at nil tunes lo attend t"
to any business in tin) nbove lino on short
notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His j. In re
of business is at Ihe old shop on the north sidecf
Market street, 3d door east of Third St., n tirly
opposite tho old Jeislore ; where he will ksip
constantly on ham) a largo assort men of Va
bogony and Cane Ilottom Chnirs, nnil Cabinet
Waro of every duscriplion, which he will ili- "S0
of on ns reasonable terms as the same arlieiit
can be bail elsewhere in tho cotintv.
j His stock of Cabinet Wore now nn hand, cen-
sises ill liare 1.1 eniui., nn-i "..m im,-"-.
Fofas. Sowme and Washinir Ptands, llosks 1 lid
Pofas, S-w ing and Washinc Ptands, Kosks 1 ml
li"ok c'"""' Kre""h "'' r"M J'"1" i"'1"" "'.1".
Ilinn.g, liraakfast, Centre. ( nrd nnd Pier Ta-
he's, Ac. Cttlliiii inanuluctureel nnd delivered at
anv place desired.
iobruary , lSjt). no. 4, Tol. iv.
II(J,l'()RS for Medicinal purpose Ilrandy
j port nnd Sherry Wina, Vectnr Whiskey i ai
HM'urid din at