Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 08, 1862, Image 2

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WulnMtlivy Moininq Jan 8, 1802,
' '
lV If i In1 ' Ini i in Mint) t ni ret. nni I fim
r. mi., r,l il. ill. r ii. tii n m i.nn. 1 r the
ii inioc l trfukuii- i y m hiu i iii'j 01 nm
T I'ifc'lil i mi it lin'liiir.' llit'in viithmil it
iiinl. Tim A'liiiinixliutiiin utill cdiitiii'
ni:ig iU unholy o:iiiit'li !') nitttiii n'i
i .ipi churiu tlioin n itli criuii'P, bill f-
I I . I r I
iiT a .vl ilo ri'loi'o liinui nniii , If iIu'Vi
irt guilty nf llm criniM cluiiril -iinl
ilicni I hoy liotii pun'.iln'il, il' I In-'
rro iiiiuvont K't lln'in ulonp.
vvo 1101(1 ll to no inoniiiy wionif unu
ii. i
I I IlillH l,
t. ickcd, in nny OoviinnnL'til In imjiciu'li ',.0,.i 0f imiuii-y n'lioi U'il lo i- ur t-niii t
rs citizen with nny crinn' lml.vr, ii.v'ti;il him, limine leiini Im ilo:iinii'leil iu
Tnenncei nnd Ir.tiPii'loiv, nml tchibe sui'h I
j otic an oiii")! Uiiniy to vin'icuic li in or.
.icr chiiractpr, Tho coiifiiiiit niresl
r ortliprn raon, itnd incurei'i'
'King liiein in ;
.oim Yen -r .riion hy the (iove-nment
.no fnviilo,,,,, ,,',,,, r.Khr.l, ,,o 1,11
.mill liinui, ii vi ,i iu ui: .iunuuiii.i'ii Bum- ,.,(,,,. (,t the imrlu s lor ivlioni lie iis-kk iiniy in in: lunn, mui us ior nn va'iie ami
; nnd oil: eoiul.s won Iii sn treat it. 1 1 Ihh heinf neeoKMiry to ii ii. due ili'ii i.m'. It I imliiiiiito niinorn liiat pii'Vade ihr c.llii'.
i-in Imd tmle for Ihe "ovei nmeiit to do in plain l hat so soon a- en oimiMn noes will j they s"i vo only to 1','cd the momentary
,, , , , ,i -i i- i,(.-niit (lie ol his w it ne:ses i du ire f or exciU'inenl. No utatea ino
self.f.r which .1 would an mil.-, trji1 wi,, uU, lla,c gnin.ine, save in e,ora!',U,s, can be mar-
i iiluiil fur doing tin' same thing -Slander ,.,.. ut 1N KlN1, , KV l)Uti lV 00 ,OVo f tlu. Hiu'iny in:,;.
;uc ins neiKMUor. i
iVli.m Klovd A Co.. lobhod the Govern-
.... ,i ... . . .i. ,i. i
. :.i..n their I'lioimX l.ut tlioe now enga, : i" .em.iin at r.eMonUug, Ky, and af.
. . , . . lor tliroiwng up rediul.u and placing
,;nd in tlm sainu buMi.ers under tameionilu.n,oll Ulll(,ni'.Si W1l in ireii to vanK
V Co., m soon a Ihey are found out put j Maytvillo and the Ohio nier. lie ex-
Irait for I'urope, lo mingle with those ' peels lr.llllil icint'oreemenl.s immediately,
r. it'll l inev ion i r l i lis himi "ni
. n,,,,, i,,ii,,,,.i,. ti ; l,
. ver.tliat Cum inings and his hand of forty !C(j twu of the Tweiity-M'cond Ken
n liieves ttio only going oil' to 'recuperate." tuckv, to command the brigade now at
t :uur neUth, this may bo the tact, but
t::eir robberies have been laid bare ,y '.idy over to -ouisj. at. . e. ns,i g
.. if i i .i t ive lull 1'cgiineiit.s ( I lnlantiy, n eijuaiJron
i.ieir own iiolitieidfi .ends, and they f of cavalry and two batteries of ariilh-ry,
I.KtU-r utoy wilh tlnm. und receive their!,,,,,! ,0 n,JVe the biig.idc forward to nmeti
i iiiBolalion in th. ir ..nfc hhul Mute of
j cjiltb. 1
.'-..I. :n .!.-- i) !
vji icoutio "iii ii'Lijiiuci inat jcno-
u:tl Arnold, a. to went to huroj.c to "rc-;as
t upernio Jiii iieaun, niter no uttempieii
. . . . . . .
i i betrnv his count rv, ar.d there spent his
i.lgottcn gains. Arnold's a.'t wns iicaom-
ii i , ,
I amed by pomo bhrewd riiaiiuvreK, and
, . . . , ., , , . ,
-nring deeds, while Ihe treachery of Alee.
'ummiiis, and his eoinjieai s, is treason !
.u a two fold thiiructer-robbing llie gov-;
.. .. . r i i.i
. rnmont in the guise of a riend, and then
e ' it too. Arnold did nol rob tho
j'romury of his country, ho look his gold
Vrom those ho ended his days with, his
onsciencc feeding upon the thoughts of
i vagabond.
fcifSeereUiy Chase lias directed Ihe
ollcclor at the Port ol" N. Y. to eolhet
tlio new tarill i ales imposed by th late
4ict, oi i.ongrei-s, upon conee, Jei, Migar
and Molassce, that, wero in bond at the : .mil fired, the i-hell striking inlhetmif
iuicof the passago of the act, and upon'lotha right of the battery ; leaving the
till such gooda that have boon withdrawn of " Zl'Vll
p Alabama out, vvhon another Miot came
fiuce forconsumiuion. whistling towards us, and struck in the
This net of Ihe Secretary has cnu.'ed ivater astern of us, just where we had been
Igrtat e.cileietit among imporler of ! '.vi'-g -i lew minutes before ; but although
,1,.,. 1. ,, . . ... unlink, (inn nil. ji'i'ii-ai, ikn I ii ? I, ;
jmying the duty, alleging that it was nu
nr contemplated by tho net. We pre-'day
sume Unit tho dealers had better "dry
.... t . .... . -.1, '
up, m8 . gover ,.. em neccsuy com-
tl.a cl.rn.v.l n,.,nlfi, In r,..A,l
i - .j.-v. j iv
tins metnod 01 raising ihe "wind," in or-
ler (o foed th yotfni nniont ro1, wlm1
Mi.. . ,i . ,
mi wtuuii luiuei ei. one, nns urrtusi' ( l ommodore LioidsUOl Ougll, w no is iu
the funds nra getting a I it t lo "shoit." oomin.ind tl e nt.vul portion of (ien. iHirns
., ., ,, 7 , , Uide's expedition, has arrived at Annapo-
BIhe Secreiary of the Irensury has , ,iS) and 'j-, busy inspecling the traiispori
notified Congress that unless they pro-'licet. Probably all of the vessels ordered
vido money speedily tho "imiohino" will! to rendezvous at Unit place are now there,
stop. Jt is now proposed to increase ilic!"d ",ost ol' lhe:n u" ia f"0 l0. SiU.1
, '. . , , j I lie legimcnts a.o also ready to embark,
duty on iron, hj.ioch, termented liquors, , b)lt whethol. u,c or,iev will bo issued this
tobacco wnl oilier luxuries in order tose-:0r next is dilKcult to tell.-A'. J'.
cureahisis to secure loan of $150,000,-i J'ot.
1)00, in the mean time Ihe Secretary will ! T1IE WAR IV "is.'ot-itt.
issue aniiihcr batch of Treasury Shinpias-! .Sf. Jyub, Jan. 2. IHspatfthes have been
ten to l'.-ep tho robbers enr.ioyed ur til '. received ul headqunrters, announcing the
i,.-., , ,1 ,i r ,, capture of the nototious .J oil. Ovens, Col.
4ir tun 'fcii uiciu soiuei il l hi; uu.iei.
I he S-crelniy may be a very wiso man, ! ,uiir M.irtinsl.urg, A.Iraio county, by Jen.
but wo tale it, that if he continues to in-' Schofield. comtnandcr of the Stute mil..
.,.....,) ,;..) ,'lia. ami that tl..? various "uerilU battds a -
.... v,,,..:. ,., v..
conHumplion, as ho has on Ton, CotleO and
SuKiirs that ins'ead of increasing tho rev -
..ugnis, ui. it install oi iniit.dkiie uio icy
. . i ii . ii i ,
on-jc, he will most assuredly decrease it.
Cv2TA cotemporary growls considerably
about llio Washington ouieials re.aiin,
themselves at ii.irties nnd Imlls ns ilimn'l,
, ' , : ,"e"'"
I ba l.lliri I fH ll'.iu I, l-i . .1 . f ....! I t .... I ...J.. , L'Ui'kU I'HOT tr It. I T l 1,1'tlAVT Illlll'ltllVI'
iiiv voiiuiii hi a 1 4 i ik; ii i. mi 1 1 I1UIHI IV
lui't. Wehopo our Iriend will keep
cool, ho mu'l recollect that we have fallen
Upon evil limes. Jho nulhoiilie. thcr3
,. .,r. 1 .,,1 ii.;. ..,,! . : .1
bavo 11 prtcedcnl tor tlmr conduct, m the
case of the celebrated
ero. Who hdd led
when Homo was on lire, nnd iibv mi-lit.
not our ollicials enjoy themselves dur -
ing the present ''arlificial" cxritemeiU
waIIm.Mi- Vn.A
wo.lfin - ilOio.
- "
JP-i'-We wonder what relation tho He -
I't.blican County Standing Committee of
this county sustains to the "1 copies ' par
ty State Central Committ?.
that the latter lias issued a
C'i nvenliou. There .mist
Harding somewhere-- but
rviT-It used to bo the boas
icat. citizen thr.t weconld "lick the world
in arnu" against un. This hihfelutiii
Las beeti "ktiockoil in tha liPHd" by Mr.
! in delivering up tho rebel Minis -
le.i to ".lohn Hull," in doing so head- " i had.ieun." iweniy doilirs jit-ortt on a tvrannv Ins h,.nmn .f . .1 r. T. llnp-rty,
mi. s we cannot even lick Kngland. ' rill-d carbine which com. two dollar and lY' 'lo ' . 1.71 7 J"8- C' hennvr'
Mr. Seward ba, indeed aimed a le.Hl. fifty cent, make, a be.terBpeculation than j K.v tJn i L "? I "l" a'T" V"1"'
blow .H .,,ulVae,d pride, if not at our bui.din, railroads "in wood,"' or casting Sualaiiarh h g tChTt ieSX
national honor. Urave Malesiuat)! "hot for a "oucHhot war."- -S-mbnry Dm. fng chai of ,jralll)vfc Xfa"?f; . Clc.rtWd. Pec. 2s, lM.t
t . iii in Hi" 1 1
1 1 fi it 1 1 I "M
M I "I ' ' I i
l ' l;'il up li 't
.Hi' nl ri
I'll.' I I till-.- I
, . h i i
I I i li, p
w,ll I.'
1 1-mi iii li' 1 1 , n li n u' Hi" I - 'l mi I " n v'ii,
llniriiii link l,n killnl Mr, llnnir, il
It mhi 'Il l'i, "iiiii yi li mile.-,
j lu ll. Mil li'li m' li n i'l't H tinn-n lin;J
I li Minn I'l I rtn dm s 'ii-1 ul hi' iei I' 'I'
,, M all h holing i in imi c I that
lif will iluulllnn be mil ni HH ,"" 1,1
in 1
the C.HIi'lU levct0iy i
l tales.
i,,n in ,t ir in i' i'i "' ."
. . I . . . , - 1 . II... -v.,
t ho Nr
imiliiirnt that hi tin '. Iini'". nni.minii
lion. KuriH, ele., u rii Itiim slni'l nt
l,it,ill ivitll Kii'lt I'M'l'l'l.V- 1 In' nx ii" in
lion ivill Ini rriuly d mr.vo in l'i'' iI.ivh,
In.1. iUo 'l I'l'i".'lixi li', lln HiMU.
'naiioit ii kr' n ,rilounl nrriil.
Vi ni'liK'lK'inl llml llio utiiii'iniMii linn
In lii,.,r.. n.iiiiist tiiMii'i'.i 11,'iiliaiii liav j
I II.: I....1 l. ll, l',ii,i
uoen vh inaiiY ' umi" "J
i.,,t., i .,, Ti,,. 1
ni-r ni't. nru li liiM.V in irnn. i ni'
. . ,, . ', '
itnei neeensary to Ini i
iuoui'leiisi', llio
.'uttonihineei.r mm.y c.llic. i noiv K-rv in;? 1
uml. r tii'imiMl H.iell in Kentucky, whoso 1
iiii'.icnee thero nl this jiinetliio euniml !
,o., he ili.enM.l iviih, exeept !
' injur) lo llieul.iio inieie.-t. Heii.e
iionolh" trial, iiiileni denying liini Uiu ill-
,. . ........ i i ,,;,,';i!,. : i 1 . nit. 1
'ro:n a let lei dated l.oiiiM'ilie, ii'hh ult
. ii,Uil. I'ulloiviiiL' :
I , 1 ... I 1 1 1 .i i 1 1 o m nl i r,. i' M iir.sloill
o n i n. -r
wiuciiwui .swin mi loium.oiu i
i 17 (Kid ii'oo-. lien. Jhicll has o:dor
tieorgc i'Iihk aii'i iii.-ii mun-.i ". V'
Marshall with all di.-'.aleli. I ol. Oai hehl i
tolegiai'lied for transportation, i-upplies,
i !.' all of w Inch weic sent lo him. IK'
. , ,1,
I was to advance Sundav or Mondav, and
,jis kl.e u ,,..Mr)y t.;,,la to Mai Jhall's,;
,,0 i,,obabiliiie.s are lavoi'.ible !or an nil .
.1 . ... . , . . .
uiedialc battle between these two ai uncj
H is declared that. Marshall wnl i.ot re-
treat. Lot beinc in a no od oumliuon lor a
,. ... , eM ,,..,
liht will not vield until idler a Ui;spei ite
M;Ui,gic al;a deiea',. Siirrmt: news from
lCastcrn Kentucky may be expected dur-
i"g the present week.
Anolher coi rwiiondenl, willing ol un
' , . ,, ,ir i-i,.n
...,. .l,i,,.iA ,ii , l. he t ip. mp.'i net s lilen-
. .'I ". !'!' .....v -
villi; and Alabama, says :
"On I7lh we ran down to Fernandina.
lo have a look into the harbor, anil, it' pos
sible, drjw the lire of liio fortilications
thutwero known to exiut near its en
trance, so tut to ascertain their preciso lo
cality and range ; but as wo were shnvly
steaming in a battery on the left hand
side suddenly opened upon us and let Hy
nit that fell about two-thirds of theIis-
, oUr i.ivot gun was
then Irained !
wo U1U not, wasio any more, iiiiiuiuni.ioii
, UH m)til ;.e w;., Coiit of sight. The next
the Ulenvillo anchored there, nnd,
doubtless, imagining! hat she was dgrjund,
iitii-ef. rl ,pl stcaniei-s camo cut to attack
m.nt, iiiui inev p. nil lined n irni" nv i
. , . iii .
-- - awUw ,0,
l,,l,l . " . . , i . 1
,jve (hem battle, they turned mm nurrieuison s regiment mm ciicouincrcii n niperi
hack at u double quick."
.,,k i,,nvui,.v i-vptiiiTiflv.
! , .'.'iii , . .
, , , r,. r. i l l :
.lones tind fill of toe r liridje-bu: nins nan:r,
un- ,,,c,N;7lh Missouri railroad have
1 V." l,S . ,"0.1"11,Iy) Sl;,.,u1',"l
JJccent developments disclose Hit lact
., , i ' i ,
that enihli-in.'n.s have occurred , tlie
tly c ! !' :tm' ! n! . "";""""S "!
ll T U': , ?'l l'1 " "J Zl'
. ,., I i, ...i, r, ,.i' t-
i uui i .1 1. ia'.m . i' . 1 1 . i 1 hm .iiu.w
foil ai tivk oi-kbations.
.V'"' 1 nrt, Jan. 3.- Advices from Tort
."J'al indicates that Commodore DuponL
o preparing lor a new naval iliinum.tra-
, ' 4 ,;'',..,..,. .. , 1
.. lar, mimW .,( n.l U,,.w.l.
nracticiiiL' in the work of nssisiim- in t!,o
. .. .. . "
i ol' troops. Alnul ten thousand'
Jops rouW be .parel from Hilton Head, j
,R addition tot. en. Stevens' iSrisadc lo;
operate nuaiiHl Charleston. Savannah, or:
' the rebel lorco at Coosawatchie on tbo
Charleston nnd Savannah raihead.
was until recently employed in hi? uncle's
law ollice. This transaction proves him
to be ar good representative nnd faithful
' but progressiva undent of
v Xepiieiv ok TiuoiiKi-s.-Tlie Simon Stc-' i0f,ton Hn-'or, I here arc no- no prison next, aprecoi.y to ti,0 Aet ,. Awemhly of Mr.-h . M,TTFt, ,f ,,, , .,, .,,, ,p
? Weobservfi vens of rennsylvania, who nourishes so .or remaining in Lafayette, wo can (iisii- ,"f IntoxU-ktini liuuors-Ae rS ' 1 Mil", Pp-neer. of the cuods
call for a Slate extensively in Iho sa.o of I lall s rilled car , buso their mi tids by the information Unit TAViiltN firFVr , nd ehnttelf, lands nnd lemnnenti c.f JJanunb
, . , ' t'l'ies, vviiicii he iiurchased Jor 00 each, ,i, ,i. ... ,i r v i . . mn. or rpeneer. Aim mi iuai Accuinit nl
bea misunder nn,j sfi,i lo .'rt.niorit for ,', "iileich i ii : "p month or November nlone; .lame, Bloom. Hlooii tp. ! Mile. S. Spencer, ,J,it,iatrntor uf Nuary .-peu-
whocares. 0,heW of the Hon. Tha'ddus Stct'ens. . ITJV,0?" V"" ,hrow" r'VltuX KlL !Tr' , A?Al"'!1, ' in
, rii i Ik ninou nl,i;ii,.n,oi .f I . i i ' ' " ..'ii'io oi-, r.i i'i v nay men am " ,, umi'i,' nnuoin-oninr, n ai no neia nt ine
t ol the Amor- to pious nDol'ltonist ol Jinciisler. and .i,,.-,,,.., , - ... . i x.c hum. ci.rfl.i.i ir k.r., i ... T.. . ...u o:....
' I 1 '
' I .1
il '
i l I 1 1 till in:.', li' i iiij mi i
mi! II in i m , in il i i i
,1 I ,1,1
I !' I
' II i ,
II il , tip' M '! l li'i 111 : 1 1
I' II in M. Illlil In II ' ll'H I l mi
i' 1 ' '
lull l
1 K '"
I III! 1. 1 ru in i' n! fi'l I lli ilniMl I i i' -I
I'llv nl tin- nil II 1 Hi. I ill. i lli,
lilll. I, Villi" li'ill liilli- u t hi' I'll ik'it 1''
on I'm ' 1 1; cirimii! lii't, I i.,Iip.i u.Ih u in
in ill- mi iillot'l;ii) i'i iiii'!i In ru. ) 1 1 ni 1 1 nl .
I III! I ii'lli't'lil ).'in'1 In Soul I IhioIiiih to fill'
In" i iihialilo iiml t'tlii'ii ht
M l vim Id lil
iniliio Si.uo.
'I Ii sunn' m iter ivdils llm fullow iiifl.
I lid (-IVillcsl ilillirully Iim lieii Uil'iI'O
rili"i in re'inl lo 'i,'un iiij; luilmiyln.
.o b.iiuiur cdui i u nciiro I.mvj ol iiI'm'Iii o
uve in ci-p nt' Mil; iu's". This Iip.h lu-i'ti
ciiii-i'u inini mo iiiiiiiiiieiicn ut u li-ui,
wlii It ho Mini lo cxM daiv.
"it ion ,
irr.ii., n in. ,n, . f ('.,,,.,,..'
I .1 , i ... i .1 ,i,i ,. i. , ...
imiiunni'i in.u nin'i uir. 'i ui iii'i'imihhm
l(i,.,mn,l llmt .iIIhi- ll, '.'Il ,.r li ,1,..,'
thy ilillii'iilty will lm ohvi iU il, uml llmt
tlio-c Who li-s ro e,m visit home lor a tlwri
'.line, son,e iwi'iuy uiij s, : i,.,;ii n. llioin-i
lei ence I ileiluco i.oiu this leniciicy is ,
(hat no lijJiin'il i cx'i'i:leil lo tnUo jiliiec-
Iioie, fiom ami alter Ihealorsaiil date, uc-
till sjjiin. One van KC.troo yrasi, nnythiiif.' 1
iniiiianint em.u-li on which lo i.reaieaU- j
know nol ore nioiiient what lh, next!
IVn-lialo the nnst scienlilie.tllv laid
In n word, iiiaiiimivei in ai aiies j
enes arc s nonvmoiu.
The Kuoxvilio Hegisterol' the --d mys:
We have positive infot million that the
Iiineolnites ma.le aii'itlier incursion irto
Scott county, Tennessee, a few d i v s nro
Wo are informed that lliey penelrali'il n
I'.ir ns the head waters of the New Jfiver
1 1 i k of Cumberland rivor, in Scott county,
near '.ho Anderson county lino. They
killed Robert I'.Kterson, I ,ivid Shopman,
if apt' UH.son,
.ind a Mr. J.ow. all good
. , , v f , .
A k ;c' dl " " lollt' U' loUl u''-' 10
'!' l'eteibburg hxpre.vs, says :'.ain parties were arree.l nl I hi: na- ,
vy-yanl on JloiKlav, with candies, match,
us, and other iullaiiiinable and eombusli-
i.i -.,
ble niaterials upon their persons, with m-
U-ut, as is i.uionally supposed, to lire the
, yuiu, or, u: asi, tno lug s-iiiji lernniii
'"'I'l .... I . 1 , I :
i'i..,. i.... .. , .....ii,,,;, , n. i. ,...,i ;r
i i" i ' i i ' . ' . V J .V . 1
,'iirii iii'u u not f;ei nei ini n uns nine, ,
. t . I . .. 1 i i , . ". .. .r
inuu iei an iinv, u o, 'ici , an i j-uce, ro 10
ihe d gs ; j
'I'he Memphis Appeal of the 21th nit. '
On MoniLir niiihlol la it week r succc
ful little movement occurred on the Cum-
berlahd river, lie u- Pad'.icah, which goes
lo show thai fi ii'iids in that region" are
alert und aclivc. It bccms that Ivv.jiily-
eiidit mounted Fed era'.i lull Smilhlaud on
a scouting oxpidition, and during the o-
veiling they hapitened upon a 'corn, shuck
ing." Thinking lo haiv a good time, they
picketed their horses, slacked their arr.-.s,
and "pitched in." One of our ft jemls ijtn
r 1 1 v slipcd :i:vav and gave the al.inu to
ll'iiiit. Vilcox, who, with fjrleen of h',
' ' l l ' '"" 1 " " 1,1 "-"
i nit ii, pioeeeiii ii u ini- unnu yi uit'i 1 1 -ma-
liing, quietly, pos-iossiou ol llie Horses
und arms, and then captured the wh ile
party, except the c. .plain. The, latter en'
deivorod to c. , ape, when he nns tlmt.
Tho jifiioncrs und npoils were ciirru d to
Hopkinsville. dipt. W. ii now in a con
dition to treat I jr the reb.a-e of a l').v of
nis men, including a licutenanl, rvho wore
captured a hhort lime liuce,
Tho .lournul of Tuesday, ?ays :
Dispatches were received in this city
and Frankford yesterday ttalinir thai ;i
mr of fCQuU f(Qm Cu, ,,,un(,s s i(a(,k
i : I ...1 .. I
or rebel lorce near .Sacramento, in McJ.ran
...,l lv'nln...-v H'llllrin I II. ..I
! the result was n loss of five i ecerals k
ed nml twenty prisoners. Thero is no ;
statement made in the i,;spalchcs ns toi
the loss on the part of Ihe rebels, and we
infer that the scouting puty from Colonel j
Jackson's cavalry were surprised, and the
rebels escaped unhurt w ith their prisoners
IV,..., i i.-. I, !. ...ll ... . r..: i
.. i.pni ........ i.,..i uu, f'liii.ii, iiieiiu,
CapHiin Albert (i. Huron, of lVat.kl'ort, is
among the slam Capl. Bacon was the!
commander of I he unfortunate scouting j
party, and of course le'd at the brad of his'
mon- J
"iMl'OliTANT il' Tltt'E."' '
A Southern tmner. in alludins lo Hishnii:
-.innnn I, hrnr h,.,.
' a
I t7 , i',',. ,,'.. , ,
! . , i'J ' " , 'Tr, k; ? n1 i'1
i ,',,..S?!,U . "' .Arohbisl.op Hughes,
' .cw loi K, nan i cen sent -o i.iiroiie ior
t1el,u,.I10M, ofa.lvannn the intnivtsol
' the Lincoln hy u.-ing his i
,,.,,, ,,, , ,,, ' - , ,. lo co te act the re nrese uta ions
o, (h( rommic.i(11,(,,.s ,,,u ,-.,
But the. Siauntm: Spectator expresses its'
! Ratification , t lea, ning. frm a MitislaCo-
J . ..v, ...... ,1,1, 111,.'.,,.,, 1,,,,
ilraiy purpose.
. . 1 1
oin ti prie-t of ! R
1 l HUM 11 HI
1 ,,,-,,1, r
cliurcli ol winch Arc i nslion In Thf", w
the head in this ccuntiy, and who lives
beyond the limits ol Ihe .Southern Con
I Icileracv. the Speclator learns that llie
; Archtiisho) has he. 'ti deputed by 11 conn-
1 ,-il f lb,, .'ru. I, i.- .' , ... ......
his inlbienen to seeoi n I... i ! .,..,, ,.r
I foreii-n Lowers in behalf of ..en,..-, nn.l
. ' . . 1
recognition of llm independence of the,
Southern Confederacy. :
,, , - - !
tT' auy do Mill imagine that, siii'-e
'tbo Toi t Lafayette political pi isoners
j hnvo been removed to Fort Warn ., in
, warrant or
and v.ithout a reasonable
U, -ii, ,
nas, indeed, become such
" " " "iiu I'l IIMI.l, U Jlllli IV
big Uncle . " IU - . "."fc'i.m.e u. ..-
coinii nn nn.op i i,ii ,.i n.. nni .i
j'iiiib un ii iti iiiiti nf'iii f'Miv rint mail i nn
i . i
' I I
I 'I' I ill
I, f. l I 1' ' I
II' . I-
nnil i
II I nil"
n i
I I I Hi;
' 1 I
, Il l
ir.l. i'l Si "'ih
ili'll I i n l, I i'l'
I I'l
, I
" ( 'M'" 1 ' "' '' ' "" 1 "'" 1 '-''"i in nr ni nil,
Il i t ui ii'tiuiuilf llial llmilii'r iiui'ii ini: i'i it
nil In iii Ilium. Tliii Van W vi k t'liiiiiiiil'i'" in
il u ntil 11 i' 1 i'l ill, In V Ili'll tlli'l il 'i'llll i' lli;,t no
"ImJ no pilii'lill :n-i nil 1 1, 1 1, i, c i nitli Iniiln-H ill
Ni-w in I,," mill notiii'l n n ii iliuiil Fntiri'iiii ih'ii
llnil bulHOi'ii tl,c II (iiii, I In' Iti ill mil tlu1 ili'ill,
i, i,,,. i,,.,.,. umin li- nunnl in r-iututiu. II i.ul
in pocket. Sunliy 7Vni, i ,';.(.
Wo mo t n-rs ,tnl ! y .i . imi.n t ml rtith Mr.
l.'il!Hll)iliv', illlil lilidiv ( tho Tr.iu.wn:.
r ... ., . ,
ii'ii1 f 1 1 -1 ini il ills li',' lie ii' i i :i v
J i J
1 tl, rue linifi :i ilny ; mi l will indulge' iu
'Aj0 n-lt.r hll, Jtnmilv : ilelivcr a 'J'mii- I
. . . . ,
1 1 ''"' " i"i- '-',
'-lingua.: .associuuhi; in .no nveiunj:, nil j
in tho niiilst of nil th isu i'ii''fypinetits ha '
,,,1,1,. ,h0 (Sovernnicut ifJ3C0,(KKl in '
bo ricoi locled that Prohi-'
nt Liiii-
iln's llii'lit faun HmrMiurg to:
ir jV.nn
ist . inti-r, was , ? xninit I f. 1
' A iv g at our cllio'.v,)
tin' hi' i ,'f (lie i'-,'il!-'li Lion
'guer kcare, not only iviu Ihe1
',l 1,'g i '''H e.'
Ur-g."S!." I'll!'.
Uudlii i ii a !'
' '
lent M'ai'o l thin liini', bill Lin whole.
I '.ibil.i-t was teared will
:m, an
.1 while.
the hcaro was on them, llify allowed the,
rohel ministers to .,cape f'om Fort Wars'
' The New Voi k YV;,:i.; has gonei
into tho brasH pen and pencil busiucsji, lo
build up the "decline and f-ill of Mh-mi
Horace sees the hand writing en tho
null vnur d:ivs lire nuiiibci e i.iiI omi
generations will learn tohiss and M om at
lln mention of your name, you will be
charge.! in future hiitory as one nt t he
auliiois of tlie disflolulion ofthe American
I'nicn an American Jacobin.
'S'l clxt SUbcrtiscmcnts.
LJ 'I'A'I'KM IIN'T ii f tlm CI.VJAKFIlibl) COU.N
11 1
ANK, for tho month crniin Due.
;. i-'iji
?1l,fl73 00
l'';;1" ilirounu-.l
I'l'iinsvlMiimi State Stock
-'S, lt.' h7
,sl,H'll) -
:..r.i ro !
.1.13.", At ; fid i
;,::ur, P2 1
15:? 10 i
2liH -l i
7fil 7. ,
linn I nun i-tliiT'
j I!k Nutcs of other Unnki
, l""''
' .!v' r i. ' ' '
r,vl,t.11!(l, f ii:U() eugrnvniK. Ao
' .ns nri Kxpensi.
$7r,,oni oi
1 1 A in 1 . 1 T i fr .
Cnt.itnl fiti.rk pniil in - SJS.njd 00
Nol t 1 in ciri'iilotinn
Piio i'ii)iiitiir
Uvo Imlivi Junl,
22.0..0 on
i,.'i-'.' :n
:t.iis7 rj
,".,.s:m r.r,
i lutoren mm r.xi'ftnnge
- $7il.C01, PI i
.AS. II. 1 1 n A 1 1 A M , fiublrr.
nrfi. M. I'a., hoc. HI, Isf.l.
f I 1 1 l-i tm scribi r nfl'ors fur mb' the fiii m nf 'iii I
I nrri'S, twn m lies ninth w tt nf ll.i i!n'C, J
know n m ihr Win. Knll.'rti.n pin v : i n which is
mi pxrrllont nnw riviiilcnci", i'.ii burn an l other I
oiilbnil'.liii-, I'lirtbiT with ? i!ii? t n u-T"? ,.f It'
on tbc rivr bnilnm, niulr '.nd jm-i nnd ri ii j
li'tieo :i l.-o nl,, nit 14 ihti's iiliiiretl nf ii l:in l. j
ll.o I'lrntieii i.i f.iviirnblo innl terii!S c,-,y, if no,
mibl by Miui h l;itb, 't',2. it nuiv be b ust I. j
Cb'i'irliubl. Dec. Jj-'fil ::t. W.M. b, ..; i.' 1 1 1. 7i. !
f :
01' Abb KIXli-.
'.M l.i'.fl.NS IIIHI I'l'Ml BUI IC IllVOn on
n i
count, in th highest inniki'l prire bv
VT ORAHAMTON One who can enmo w,-ll
re,iininoii 'l,nl f..r SOT, It I IM V nml INM'S-
Xutip other ni'i',1 tily
A fwr. with :
,., ,,.. i.iiM-s ,. Tin; 1. i.- sKTTS ,.f .
tuOI.s'. with il,,s,-, ihink'n', stl'l. L- will
bo mite.! fur eno your, orh r,'er, if faiitluotinn is!
runilerH tn tbo rimtiiimTs nml myself. j
Jan. 1, "02 JAM Kt Jl t'.RAHA.M.
I A'l'KS r Ol'KNIN'i At SMITH'S!'
-i .
MKN'S M Al' I) SUA WLS ; ,
. C .11 I Til
' I I ! I 1 1 .1 , I V 1 ' . 1 V- I- - . f T- V 1 T T -
1 1 1 1 , i ' ii i . . i i.i. r,i i.i.m i 1 1 r. ,n 1 1 1 . r.
r' T1KS! 'M'K.liH A1MIC1.I; LA-
A K T I I' I. K LA ) 1 KS ''.LOt'IlK
t'liii.ns' m i'umiik zi riivn noons !
This day we will open als's a new lot nf
Ladici I s and il's BALMORAL HOOTS,
with a lame lot of N I'lilAS.nt our usually
1 OW 1'IMCl '' ilec'Ti II V S .KI,,
. el A
DMIMs l " VTOIl'S Mil I C' I.otten
.,; 1.... ;,.i. i.u:
iinv to tin- mi.tersinefl on tho estate ol N.A. Me-!
' .. . . "v . ,, 1 . ,,iuu I HIS
ii.tiMvbi, late ol r leartield Co., ileccimeil, all
norioin. in.lel.te,l to ,ai,l estate nr. reone... I m
ni" Kc immeumi im.i iuer.t,
n '"""''""'" i'i'.l'rni mem inly
mil lent ii'iitetl lor Rett.eiinini.
i.saav 1.. .ii,.'i i.i.'."-iv r. 1 ,
p., 1'ce. Ii, n. Adin'r.
TCI'V'Jr VdTlrl' T, f ,i,:., ,
' '-'
-J l'"on? hnvo filed in the Oiline on
I a i,,... r.i...i ;.V. An .. r., ' , ZIC
--"! '' ' " nil- ..iiiui- in ni" on.
ftlio ( lerk '
tm t V. thl'T
Ko.i'ins '
Wesley Novlinc.
finlich tp.
e .... .: '
'" n i""ii ,ir-
a Kane Iticketn
Urndy tp.
Itecearia tp,
Covington tp.
Morri tp.
C!e rfield bor
iirnr d tup.
Hera, of Q. 8
, I i
1 I
: ' '
-.i'i 'Mil':: ! . 'i.i I
i . . I I I w I i ,. c, i t " , I ; ; ,
p !ni! -' i i ii-. i i , .
'" ' " ' ; l : ! ; ' i : . i t
i ; ii i. i ." , . i; . r.'-..i in , ,
I "V , u .ii I ! 1 I 11 . a , ii,
.iki'I i i vi i I ir: l I 'M 4 ." i ' :i " I ii. ; ,
li"'l"i' I 7u I 1".'i,.' ! . ."I. j I ;., ! I T '
liMli'i"! II.' I ' ' , ;nl il ' l-l'i :;-ii'ii I : i,ii I vn
'lull ! I l i.i .ui.',:. i.t ; 4.'.-T 2..IHI : y;:. ;n
1 1 I I I ,i IT 7 H I .' T '.' is I -h'T 1 H
Jur.lnn IT.i 1 Isilin; i J I :i I -l ; . -r, ' ;,n
Kuril, inn ij , j ; . I .i;i 1 : :,7 I i;il
Knox IC. J 1 r, .m 1 :i If I ' ::t M us y,
l.uuilii i' lily , js i,-ii 1 1 1 -1 I.i. a I mi . ii-,
Miirrii I ;'ii;, ;h;, ' .".) ; , l- ,. , .n 11 I j '(i hi
N. WiifMngliinj ('.'( I S"'.i.' ; : 1 1. 1., I ;:u .,u ini
I'l'nn ' , 1 J '. I MJ.'n li..:.: ' 4 1. 'I ', .",17 , :il :o
; i'i,.-.. j ,",7H'ii i I Kit) :i::i sn
I'niun ; ' ! J.i.'.s',) '.'.''.'S I I
Woodwiiril KJ ; K.'.,U 1I0M ! 2'i3i , j j
TOTAL. ! Ji2V ! T7I672 ! i-iS'.'ti . I-'M2 I Wi Kill.'. ! I0IJ
VMiiuiiico i,f il,.i'"i." .( Mub.'f, 'j,v:ij nr ii(.ii, $is.2'.in orouw, ;i; "s;
CLKAKFIKLD COUNTY SS: Yr.nnlly njiKinrc! In-fore me 'u ,isti,., f
tho PiiK-e in umi fi r c -i I I'liiiiilt, u f:iiii:i.t mii'i.. c. Tii.m i'.,i n nl j irvm ki vr Comuiii
iouvri for llie otnmtv ol ' I'lvar Oel-I. umi iluly iiiiiliti,'. il..lh ,iiniK.j nn.l .iy llmt (In, nl,OVo lull,
mrnt ii a corr.ict,ilslinn I'n.'ii tlm n.m! .if 1-ifiJ, n rultirinj.l t, this ullioe l,v (!, as-
nrf to tlie Vimt of t'nii' know Ii'iIri .
Simrn nml milneribcd btluro nie t it Jul il ly uf Ja.iiu y, l. n, IMJ. nn. I'iiitih j r
I'ttt VM. MK.r.IUll.i,, V '
V'h.H. r.iiAM F.Y.Clfrli. S. t'. TIHlMI'SON 1 ,,.,
.lAt.'oll Kb'XTZ, ' j
In ncrorilan.'c with lbs Art nf AmciiiIiIv n-KulHling Trivnniiil A ,i-.i nonl s ninl j 1 1 s t i u t i ft
loi,r,l nf revision tlie r "j nnn i k.-i ti of Oi'.rlh'lil pmniiy lirn-witli n 111 t llioth,, l,v,. -tin,.,,",., .,
ln.wiiiK ''-c "Kf'r'Kale vlu ,unl a.-ifsMinfiilii iiiiulu bv oiiili uf-,M,r in tin. muntv l',,r sr,-j ,,'
TOirily InxiiLlo bv In" ; nml lu-ivf llli - imln'u llnil the 2slh ilny nf Jiiuiiur.v, A. i. Isil'j
the "fimmii''i,er"ji In f li-n i-li cNI it l'ii"l by b"in ,,r lir.all.v l I r m i u i ri v; tt'li'tluT nn nl "il
Diua vuluatinni nf hsnn'r. hai i- lnn'a niv, In'l'iit n jni ml,', unit allpii'tlin hit t.-hui I will u
notiop that njijieul in-ir bs in i'l,' ln-i i'u Ibis Uaei an I tint il iv, bat th it nl'Mr h ii ,1 ,v ,, Wlj'
If nllowcl. U'.M. M Kit H KI,,' i
AttiU - S. V. TIIOMItSON. . (,
M'n.S TiMi'trv. I'lutk. JAi'nll Kl'N'TZ, I
0 ninihi'i"riir'h nfticr, 'i'i-l;"lil, T.-inu u Sili, 1 - (. 2 .
J.' JJ J ' 'J' J j.'
K OO A! S.
r.i-fi'fcilu'Iy unn uinn i
j,llVl. i. u i io, l ,-ir i
it iiiry ;
I'." vw '
.A'arki't i
: fiiriiitm ij wnie-i'O'i
t.ti:": in !l
I.ot nnd nvnrly n.,o.-i:n tie i ,,i,v' liiie-u.
Cnbinut nml.ins will '" ''.tni"'! in "I'
for stuiy nf llie mine buii'br in nil it
7 i k r i: k v, nt v r .i n c ii i:.-'.
All kinik of f.iruilun i:l bi' k j I ron.'tan'iv
.'on liii'l tnd cuhl flioap fjr cn or fxmn?
' I.,... ,T,,.,i,,i .,! ii. i,.;
. ; ii'i . vuiio i vui'v . i ' - - ..... . .
PARI.OK. J?(.m'K1Ni;, AND
T:nT.on iVo'.-i, i ':.v y.v;,
' mid, ni:is;.
EXTEXSI'iX J- niil'M
T A H J. FV.
S 0 F A
i.t a: l
ItCREAt'S, SIl'i: liOAUD
nv.Kc.r3 WAr.pitoi.KS. 'o.
UltlU-l'QST rOTTAiU:,
inxxcn rosr., &.
Hnir, Hair t" Cotton If p,
nml Corn Iliifk, i f tho bfft n,ntii ini.
I.CClKINU GI.AS5i:S of all jr-,rn nnd Mien,
Alio, OIsjiicj for old rruinrf.
AIfo. Ton-pnyj, M'hnt-notn, Wiulwtnni'iF,
Wiirk-stanils, Hnt-raohF, it o,
MaHo to order on thort notice, nml
hearse furnished.
Poplar, Chorry, nnd Llnwoml Lumhtr,-taken
,n exchange f..r work.
ClcnrueM, October 2.1, lStil. ly.
RXIXUTOIfS NOITCP.. -Notic,. is here
by given that Letters Ti'stmni'iittirv, on the
eMnto nfHAMl'Kb V. SMITH, Into iif (Julirli
township, Heeen.rl, luvo ben giMtito.l to the
! nUri?e'l.. l-'mons inil,l.t... to mm! n-
j 'me rc reqntren 10 mano pnyiuent,
I nnd those bsvinc eluiins a-'ain-t llie miiiiu iiill
! l'r,!"'u' "'em 'liny nutlienneateu lor iietllo mcnt.
'. ' r.rr. '.".". i-.x r
UlCnuilA SMITH, l'.r'x
Dee. I, 1 SO I fit.pd.
nro re.iiieptcil to Tll Y.- Cnme lo the promise, of the mih
r.d t.iefe hav!n J5 s-ri,er l n Pike tp.. on or about the 1! Ith day
; .o.N'ov Isf.l. n .(J,-r..i .Mrvre. with
Fmnii white
i . . .1. - . 1. , 1 , . 1 . .1. .... 1 t
,ni,r. nl,1 nml liltonl ktrl'.i'n ll.imli. Ili'-b. Tlin fin
: n,.r j, miiuo.-ti'l to wn.. f ,rw ir l, imne prooer
' , ... .I,...,. .,,,1 1 n. ....r !.. ..ill
r I (i- o ,' .
' li.-l"H"lol ne.-oimie; to imv.
l',.nt,- Ilr. i,.AI t,,l. I I ,;il :I.-,,I
..... . i -- . ..........
Auditor's Notice.
day tho 11th day of January, ISC, where nil
iirtie tmerosteo, una allend.
ISRAKL TEST, Au-iitor.
; Cle-arfiol.l, Jan. 1, lr2 pd
1 t n t k iTTa "i.iT kVxdsoF73 RA 1 X
1 1 TillWlnkoninpajuientorDEnTS PUE
ME far which the highest market pricei will be
, Clrtleld, Pee. U, I86t,
I . i
1 1 i i
i .-I
" 7
.' :r, -,,
I ' Ii',
i' ,
I In.,
'.''.' I
I., "I
I .;.',(
''''.' Is
III f,
T.-'THl iiii,lxl
Price wilh. jr n:nl l;!i,,'r,
S3o 00.
lib 0WAr.
Stitching. Heinuiltiij and Feili:' wilii
a Studio fhroai.
i It f irau n flit, even, und ,'-ijl'i' .i;aiii, ni.ii.:,
j U W A UKN l'l' l' not- 1 1 rip in tit, vvi-ii il Hi,,
, foiin is cut nt In' 'in.-n I ini , . in. I aU . ui,,tr
1 1 eip'tuiut in'"s "Tn el iivivk l i.i; w i.ii-ics "
i A I'.iLuiiled 'I'.'vii'j nl ;r ..i! ti.ili'.r ! i k'arj. i ,
frevenis the p ,"si'iilily of th nin:li.n. ben.;
I run in tte Krni dir,'tioa, ui me In ihils itlm.1
i wenntij n s ili'i'M.
I Anotie'r Ifiiiure whii'li di'.Jure li" ulnr at
i ten Una is
; rl'ns Vii.cox 1'ATfsT Nf.i::)I,k iasxit u
rr iv:i,iii.
'1'it i taoiii:iii'l jtititlie, or two yar.U "i i'.
, oin. In iloac ia one iuinut wilho'it ilri''iiu a
' stittili.
X lie. io in i 'Yin.!.', ) k'unple and .wiinue :u
i their c nisi, iio. ion, ip n jii'le toe use ol l ie nhic
i lie ; nnd with m tti.vitil prmljee ail t.i4.' ir..:a
I i a', resalta of tiin t'V.i t ii-im 1 inijanu's ; ii'i I
;iD'.-re, for thesj ti ll lviiunnt li.i-tiu.and hem ,lio
jfinc't in n si : ii ivithuut paokeriaj.
I Although at nhiiut half til.) prii'e uf tho etli.i
! first clnss ni,ii'hini's, they wi'.l aceonijili.-li d iiile
' e thv .ion nij; in u en time
I "it is eiiiplinUiiiily the (jDod. li.w-prii'i'J Kmii-
ily Iswoing .iliu hine thut liic puoho liava loii'
, beet waiting f .r." liostun f raiueript.
j "It is indeed ll ivu.idcrfi.l piMjin'lmii, an a f
fsmily use Ofpo.'inlly, n , otacr will heiir any
eompar.snii wit u il. V- 1 'l,il:ule!plini .eiuiig
J o li l r. a ! .
"A nieoha-nical wonder." Sc'nulifio Ameii-
'Air.on? the llct nnd most fervieenl.le Kcwin;
Machines, bight und el.'K.intly linihlied, ii"'"
so simple in it cm - truet ion Unit it n'l'ins .-
inns, iiiipn.i-fihlo fur it to get out of repair. -
rittshai I'hriniicle.
j "Jlus coniliiiie.l with it.-' own peculiar merits
; all the really viiluahla iinprovemeiits ol tlie liign-
i or priced inuchini,." IYiinsylvaniun.
! "Xhis iniii'liiiie. in iho opinion nl Iho eonuuit-
tee, fills muro m iiily tho reijuiictnciiln ol u per-
itecl lainilv iniiiliino than any on vxiiihiiuiii.
l'rnnklin lMtitnlc Kxhiliition llepori ol Is.i1.
j "Taking into consideration simplicity, ehi'iia
! neiis, diirnliilitv. und dnini! "II work, the enainnt-
' teo were 111111111111011 fly in Invur ol llie Wih-nvrf'
tiihlisasu finjflo thread nnichine." l'eniuylv
nia 8tuto Aurieultnrnl Society's Kepoit.
' "Wo must, in iiiftieo. cxiiro our I'l iifilcnii
in tho merits ol ihe Wilcox & tJihln Sewing M-
ehine. Wo consider tlmt a great iU'.i'l'.'Mi""
hn been mlnnlio.l hv it. ill limvill". I11.I"1"'
11 - -j .
uouht, tlmt two threads are not. as wa.'
ed, lieeessarv tun '-iiiui instrn nent." t'lirutni"
AllvOCHtn nml .1 ,,n rni.l . .InnA ''I. lM'iO.
"Wi. I, ,,,,,., ,,r,h... ,,,,. I, in,. in u-e, and
think moro hi.-hly of it than of any of the
ber we have tried." Itiehni ind Whi.
The iindersiirned, Mission.irv to INms Uiuin)
pie, has examined moro than twenty Miller nil
kinds of Ppwinz Machines, and niter nuceicnt.
woikn experience wilh Wilcox if-Ijilihs' 1'aUli
ho has pnichased one of tlicm, ns Iho het ulii.el
ted to llie wants ol Ins turn ily, and lis llio cnl
liu Mo to ri-iniro repair. OblVKR CHAXK.
Huston, July :i, isr,n.
The in, dci signed, d '.rinjr cinhteeu nioiilln lu
had in nlnmst c. instant n.-e, in his lannlvlVil
cnx k (iibhs Pewlnff Miii hine. upon l iiliiin
been made the clothes of his larjre lftm ily, from
muslin to pilot cloth includinc the clnthinc rt
ui.-eu ior nis sevrrnl noys : and in no cane
.n , . I.n .. ... . f.. 1 l.l .1.1 U . 1
"' "- r' " li.iieu, iiiiiiuiikii in niirn
,'rvii'P. Hi"
muchino nuiv in u-o in loi finally
Im. r.'.nliri'il
no repair, and ia in nil resneetn. well iim.iiiiiii'J,
elficient and dnrahle.
jAcan ( iucxkih-v;, l'""
JTD-Svinl for a ('irci'
J.-OU- UII.COV, .Manutarlurrr.
No. ,"i Itror ihiay, Xriv Vrk,
rtppoiHo P. NLrhoVis Hold.
Udoher 2.1, lsf.l. If-
fUTK'K Tt) ,l'MI)i;it.lK..-Ali i''fi"i""rf
liiiihcr, with dillcrcnl niaiks, loo njin'T""'
to inentinn. ns taken up by the -iili-.'ii'"'' '"
jiA LT bit K bAM'.Nti iluinu; the hi-i fl..o.l.
The owners ef siiid limbi rtre rc'ii'lol t cnme
fnrivB",l nml remove liu same liftt','11 it'll'
'from this notice, olherw se it will be li-pi""'l f
iceotding to law. ISAAC C. MeCL'.'Shfc'
Pall Lick, Heccnibcr I'Jih, lsll, ;it.
ONE IIORjJE FU'liillS for
sale hy
Ueo. 2..'C1.
! 1
sr- -f-"'" ;
1 fr-