Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 08, 1862, Image 1

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    J If rf k
nin riri.Ls. mt in n.
CI.KAlll IKI.D, 1V. Wi:)M!)Y, J..N il, ,,f,.
TIT MS ti C'i
.11. Vnl
. II -,i
T o t ii : niiicMi or t m k " n v. v i tti ' a n
JAM'AIIY, 1st,
-r lime past fully i" ii tha',
When the fini; -f "Ol-I J "
WiiM waved in tritimj li o'er the Ship of Mali
V... i,.;i'.. h.,il. ..,,w.., I ,.- f ,,ie i.l' hrit hreu n i i "I ""I'K i I h,. i, ,. ,,r
.lyinii nn uv iiiiui iiniA-t ........... v
I w ' i" i iiiuni y it i ; n d (
.itl I I.'! I-NI HI III.- I,. ,v 1 ,,( l I,,..
i;,'h1 morning ' 1 greet you with humblest how,
-,,r a year I've been waiting, your quarters to get,
.Mow, the time n upon you, the J' dl's tojxnj
.Although you've been praying and hoping nA yd.
Vu ie I devil incarnate well might your limbs tremble, -Hut
a poor printer's devil could scarce scare an owl !
v:t yuni quarters I'm after, with the eagle well branded,
u I'm fond cf'lhe fight of the silvery fowl.
last I addressed you our glorious Country
Leaved to and fro on the billows of war
Cuisine brother and brother to meet in the fray,
4 nd the heart of mankind tlie sight to abhor.
tiriir. vis:iired war or. r land o'erruns,
Stern, unrelenting, calling her sons
The fl:t ir of their fathers to cherish, protect
, call not unheeded one they would not neglect.
,.n..t, I, came rampant, hurried to arms
5v attacking Fort Sumter and causing ;.larms
Tot'lie''.ov Chariestoiiinns, there viewing the scene
Of lieauregard's prowess and Beauregard's spleen.
Altl.iui-h there successful, their triumph was brief
The sons of Columbia to their Country's relief
Rushed forward at once without hesitation,
J.eari'.g proudly aloft the flag of the nation.
We have unfurled that standard
Thai cheered our hearts of old,
The - luriuiis flag of victory
We now again unfold !
Our steadfast hiils reverberate
The rolling of the drum,
And springing to the battle call
The sons oftriumph come.
The North has heard the summons,
And rouses in its might
Where falls upon its highest hills
The earliest rays of light !
And all along the Northern lakes
The arms (,f freemen shine,
Y hile far amid the mighty west
Extends the bannered line.
O, v;.inlv would the traitors
Assume our naine and brand.
His burrowed plumage will be shorn
By McClelhm's gallant bund.
The mocking-bird will cease to pour
Its stimulated cry
AVheii the lierce e,t,jU spreads its wing
In triumph on the sky.
The fields of fair Virginia's soil
.Run red with human gore:
The 'On to Richmond'' tells the tale
A tale I hope to hear no more.
Fur while secesh disturbs ourland;
A cause it had for its creation,
The cause is this ; 'lis Abolition
The curse of this once happy nation.
Rase Abolition ! thou filthy thing !
More deadly than the'Adder's sting!
Tongue nor pen thy crimes can tell
Such record's only kept in h 1 !
Thou didst suppose thy work was done
AVhen "I'ncle AV reached Washington
To strike the chains from slavery.
(Jive thanks 1 Rejoice with loud acclaim
The negro worship's put to shame
Their Chief elect now spurns their treachery.
Although complaints of purses short my
Ears have often greeted 1 "tho timber's low,
And time are hard, still will our
County prosper. Although a Thorn's been
In her side, it was a thorn that
Festered not; but such an one as
Reared within our town a temple
Wherein JibTiCK rdiall poise her scales
To litigants, thus atl'ordiug room ample.
And opportunity sufficient t" pty the hnryers.
My tale is almost o'er
Yet I must not refrain
To call to your attention
The closing of my previous strain.
In language, then deemed croaking,
I spoke of war's alarm ;
Rut hoped the (Jod of nations
Would protect our land from l.avin :
" Thus to UK; the dying year did say,
"As on the midnight gale it passed away,
"Foretelling dark and direst ills tocouu
" Of bloodshed, death, wiihin the happy home
"Of horrors dread and fiercest civil war,
" Of cruel devastation's dreadful car,
"And all attendant ills that in their train,
" Concur the peoples' bravest blood to drain,
" My young pea the task attempts in vain
" Of writing all that swelled the mournful .strain.
" It is enough that we may ere long behold
"All the dire misfortunes therein foretold ;
" May Heaven in time avert tho fearful blow,
" And spare the land this dreadful scene of woe !
" I would long ere this have quit this gloomy theme,
"Or treated it as a passing, idle dream,
" But my pen the heart's foreboding thu'ts would guide,
" Altho' to change their current I in vain have tried."
AVhen next my annual greeting comes
Ma- peace and Union bless our homes.
'' is !'!'i-'l ' Mil Him U o'
"lown tier i4i
I'i'ii in lln
il- .f '7'',. hi,!
of il,,.
el'i"inv w-
lli" nun " il,,. j;,,v
ill" ;illi"t Wo-hi ii (
1 1, . no h in,-, i..,. ,;
Tl."i" I,,, v in ,,. (,.Vi.linioi:
l,ev df liol, (mil MitUi,, iin.l l,,,,,,!,,
i-j li-il- hni . wlm VoiiM in ,t .(.,, in.- tt.,i.
, i, ilei' i!i ruck aii.l ''ii.'ci c,,i,i,,uiicl.-,l
tllll liOJS W'llO ,,l,., with Mil I M III f.1 T. IT
ntwl lol'W iiii,.,,iiiIIi', in tlifnnnyU nf
, u mil, en In- ihe iii,.,i-r-,l(iii." of "Old
'I'liii o i n." and had lin y t lit-ic just lo-i'i t,
, tlie I riuliiot star in A i m i ieaV eoiis'.ella
lion, cud lln. idc-l s!iiie in her lnniel
i ::itiv-s. w ould be uc I ical cd to ll,e Jl. s
of '70."
I. el in sil -i I r an invliinrp : Il was in lln
car I77li. l'hila, lelplna was in I lie Ii. oid
iU I,,we and ii!-. i n lili ilia n sohiicy. while
I he lii'll "I Ui ;ilil V " lh" !:ivo I :i(' Allien
ai, i"(iil" nil ewleii'v il lir li-i, l.iiiii in.
ilv. 'l ln- iiiiia'utioiis nf l',-iiii- Iviirn.i an !
li-lawaic well' lit lh" ni, Try nl lli"ir f''.
Iiiinis ul II : s-l in iii-a'iiniis- senile I lln
vieinUv ot !'hi!;eiel,lii i i u i ! iiiniind,
and eoniniiltfd ,i"W which won, i ili-j!i'Ufe
a Vaiid.d.
On i in. evening of a de'ijji! ful antuiim
day a pimp of hoys, I any m; in ae from
twelve lo M't eiilien fars, wt re iialheied
loellier on (In- step- of a l.-inuit l.-s-e.otehou-..'
in the little viilaf oi' Neaaik.
Ilclaw.ue. The t'HMi s,.i-ni"d l'ii"ly, ami
Willi llie -e,''tio of ihe liKlid ".eli'll".! lo
not u huliian l.i'inL.' in a I Ine cse. All lh"
nit n e,i j.alil of I . 1 1 ! 1 1 ann had lell
tlie.r Ii .nut-? In j'in I lie ai my ol VYa-hoiL!-Ion
on ihe S.'huy Ikill. A joulli ol six
e.Ti yea i-m iii'UJir.t'd on a h.uiel, w.i 'iv-
iii( mi iii : Mill ol uie (l .(. i-1 roil- name oi
l',iandv me. James Wil-on, ihe or.ilo:,
wasaloldhoy, ciilhii-ia-!ie in his love
for the American cairn-, and j.o,(.sed ol
no litllt- iii!eiliL.'eii"e. Ills hrih'. blue
t-ye ami llaxi-n hair jmvo Ii id an
o iical mice, hut h"iie,illi that pla'n
hoinespu i ja dit t thldhhed a heart tint
never fin anii hefoie any obst vie. ill
lalherivas the coiilii amler al the l)"la
uaie tioops. and l is .T.oth'T ; ch-a l
Tl e hoy concliidtd his narrative ami wa?
1. 1 men 1 1 Hi! ! i a i ne c Hi, I noi join i nt; arm
"I atn t , i) t ohl eii 'ii;:!!," said ht
had I a !.i.l nrislut I u,i,iM not slunJ
idle here with lov lun l-i U-ele.-s hy my
'l o-i !, ill t.-il, ,,, -
",si or i ui-. mi I I wii!
.I "i
fveli Ihiii''. join,
liil I' ll i he Iiimi .,. here 'V ai ho o e r. i.h ii
hele lal i.:i I .tin i i v and M i r Kriid" Mi:..
loll"." ,
ii no i ne : c.i, ,i in,,-..
' I l ui't kn nv 1'i iii leed," (-a i i
V,I a: , I', i.
nrmy Ol i.te.
1 1, 1 II, t il - ' -
I i i i ,i ! il iii ' '.. i 1
-!' i:..!aw ' ' n . I
liii'.'A him -finr 'el a I
"I Voi k I own, ii'id i , 'in i
In. I ill ! lil.i ale I
I with '.he ev r to
,n hi- I-.,- . ! 1
lieoLr,.. Vllll'
" I ell !'' tin eale tied Ft urk. e. e
"lie is th. rujitaiu of tho Yotkkliire w ed-
dl II ."II. lis." ( C .;'
1 h'.- Line f-vea of ,Jn1i'-s elisleiie I w ilh 1 T'.n liln:.-" of Neivui 1' t n
joy, and he so in piiine-l trimi the t ' has h'-enni" n Im n ol ,"n.- e 1. . ..
son a revelation w hieh s'.m, i"d hU her 'l ie- - c ue ol t o dof ol t In; I'.: I. i
il tl uilor of I he inosi nj,, ailing i-harae'er the hiiv p ii i e U is .-ti.l 'inld . !i , a
I le ili.stovered I hat old l.ivins'oii tmt 1 1 a saricl n: it. ill nin.'il4 I'Ne. i .
only kept up u e rre.e.ideiieej wiili Ilia . Such, rea'ler, weie r ...-14 of iho b
I 1 1! i?h com maiidei-, hulthiit 11 - had mi of '"ii . inn! t h.iuy ii I :.ey I i.e il ,..o.,
plotted in Ins iriutorovis design that the ' menial pile i jnt'-'Tie tl.tir i,i,'i i":i
I IP le v il.ii-.-e of .Newark mis to be binned; liny l:ein h',.-i nds : " ; .i"U "i
lo ashes, and its woin' tl and children left i i here tliev w iii ei-t w h.-n l-;-!o- I
i, !
: xpo-e, Ii) the
'In- old torv heen swept inio o!,.s i.d'
(Mil- 111"'
' . . , , ' , .. , I .... 1 .... 1 .
was lo receive us liH reivaol tlie luml : :iry men leleem !i "!il u.n Ktie.-s inet,e".i
hereon the villa-."' Ktcod and an utiiiual j ol A mei ie.ili youths, .ind whde they i c
peiisioii fro, ii the liiilis.'i ili in nun t. U-oant llie aeiiievemeiiH ol our ;.--. u
)' il, ,.i ;ir than ml, the plot was to ' lionruy pull i jts, ht t hem r.'it for el UO
ilniiiaieO ell llie Very nijjlil ine uoy heroes.
HI had heel!
i , e to;
captured, wi.l.e lie Lo-'fr oVa'kmik.s li' I.sLAs.: Tl.e pr-?-
' as .'oin-.' on an ei ram. I" neighbor, vu!,,c 0. ,j,ease u, 1( or h'-.-f co-
houl two miles UiMaiit. 1 lie lili!" baiul ,.,,.,,.,..,,..,,,,,. . f" .-Kl to a
Willi tl;.-! (l,jVC"imienb
h!o decree wi.h tno
s com lu-ive! . hut
lee amoni'st in ni.l s
ol heroes leal neil, loo, llial li e IjI lllrh dmm., c.lei,t
troops had secured tlieir liorsea Jii J-iv, t..of,,lS .,.,, (, ., t.-t
. ii.... i i ... i ... i ......... i I . ' .'
illusion .s,e, ail'. iiut.-ii'ii.-.a iu lic ' " -' i ( 'on itif. provi
iiue oj.ii. ineitc nt'iu
Ine ereeli lh a lai '.) ).it
twenty of Iheui besides their ea,laiu.
ijajor 1'n adsioiie, llie leader of ihe bind,
was hi temper and heail, a ihui !, de
nioa, ami M-rupb-.i mil in bis eiujliy ti
uesiiuy tlie tlunibei iny infant or tlie sick
iii le. Mot it le in Ui it! baud
u emblsd fvr u i-iow eil mother or a do
lub ufi ii been said ; limt thu soldier li.
luoi e to lei i- Ironi ihis n-tni ni ueeitna
1 1 m nrinie, than from thy arn' Id" bo
has ui encounter, a- a "em-ral tloni:. At
n lime w! , f l la.:': nf W..I iilti,, ')io-ei
ale iipl to crowd tJ'etiier, Willi a laeli ot
voi'ilatiiui in tnar.v cibP?, we wi;-i!d call
tlie a! lenlion o! nil concernea 10 a lew
b' sisit-r. .Soma wt re for tlepari i Uf.' ohs,.rV;aiotis w e havo fallen in wish re
iiiiuiediatelv. but, James Wilson, ::il re-
laiiun" liisra-p ui, lir: tory'e sun. ui-J.-i
eU ad lo be client. I'.ie ir, "-is tied
mind and lool.u Ibick i.andkel oil ivl bojnd
oi e.- iii.s in uilli piew-nt iiim Iron) call
liiji for a.s.,saiiee, an I a stout eoid last
ened lo in bie 1st and u o.ili l ah iu I a I,
i Ail i.t'jie o; t-se.ipe io'. o.nv Li.-oige Living-
.-ion. i.ruii iiiolloned bl. i.ll.e band le
, lohoiv Iii in. at, 'J in a low ino.ii'-ii Is th.
.stood on Ine a li 1 1 1 1 1 1 t n! a iiic'li pieelo.eo
w iiioh oi t-i lm.ic bii-iay eieeii.
I "M. w, no..-, -aid Vi,.sjn, "the nari'.a
! t.i'e wliiult w e I'ii. e just heard i irue, and
)Ut , as 11" lia. e no inUshfij oi aaiiiiaio.ion,
i I we inu-t nidke Lie host ol llie ocou.on.- -
l'uo iW ili.-ii Hand mil l'it I-1'' 111
ll, , :r bonis, iind ;i w o naie. an hour to
're t'lere -o ,' ofanv desc-iptior. ' '''k,Ut u, bu-y oar-eKc- u. io...i.S some
in the villa," ?" ke l a listening youth -1 h,ree MkKS U Lie ete ,., the
None," 1 hive H-ent uculy a w eek 1" -ipioe, a,,d , hen t he ...en ml I ,a ,
Iryint'lo lii.done. I,. "iv "ll u l, hale i-a., Ucw-v, lei u Bll.K lueut lo .tue kit
been of Ivl i'.vail. 1 slioie'ly suspect that o-- . , .
l.:n:il Uliv llllliii-u.-i.t i. c.. .
the old toi v l.ii ;n;-l(ni has several in his
Captain Charles Wilkes, the Captain of the .an Jacinto
at the time when the oyerhauled the Trent, is a native !'
New York, of which State he is a citizen, and from which
: Slate he was appointed to the navy. He was born about
I the year 10 j, and at the early age of thirteen entered the
' " . . i l..,o;,. I.,..,,.!,,., ,l il .hoi. i . ., .-. . . i .
1 naval service, his orii uai eim mei cm ew., ... ....v a, Ul ini.ui.Mn.
! , it. ....... j. hist n.-ii-i- list. ! "il ihere -ioe any tlii'-e boys in t!n
. Uai V 1, iclc. ite Menus .hwiuiii -
1 No.'ol on the list of eaj'tairis, his present commission bear-
' in-r date September 14, l85o. His sea service under his , wnlin- to jr.., just u-p ionva
t.resent eommission has heen of short duration, his ,
I . , i . . i r.s t. ... Ki
"i sereiee iienii.' i a h i ten vear. m; n 's "
Iio'im-. hot as he allow-, l.o one lo !l.
on his land, 1 am unable to miv po.-i'iVe-
' Why nil t de a j ai I v and soi-ch his
dw t ilui ':'' Miid l-'ia-.k llo-.vaid. II..' his
no one lo :!-!-! him but his ov.vatdly son
h-ol :'", ami I cm 1 In ish hnnas eisy us
ihat." and the boy mapped his lingers !o
announce llie readiness with wh'eh he
could tiouiici old Liviiij-'-ton's eow.i: d!i
lames Wdson', eyes -piukled with j iy
'jl til!;
is '.I .." ins.-.'s"-. J v-.
lill:ii roei, eycu .'mil a .ul" ' 1 ot ihe A
ie e i "I ine g.a.u ,i
w eie balanced upon
piccpioe. nils j-uilll Has
not inoio lliau lnoiiiy Uet iveie and vjs -( j,.,,,.,,
liileelly olt laiilij; b.v li.n IU e ol ue,o on r- j',,,. ,ji.a.e.' S i.
Which our helo-.-j Mood ll I lib Jl. ill.-h ! ,p (. ,,., J ri ll ..ll I 1 em
eentlv. Wc quote :
"! 'lirin? the oi np'i',!."is i.i Mexico tlie
total number of d. iniis atnor.j. our iro.ipa
ft. "all i-.n.i . nt he sr-.t "r war, -vus
lJ.s.ii.', while U.'J more '.v-i.i 11.-0''.'''
on a .. ...aril ' f di-a'.'liitv. As ir..;ii'. of
lh' lei- viird, died, -oi.'.e on way
home, and oli. -r after then un Ai.l tllre,
we can sea: eel v Tcc.ion llie "i. liiv ..irfui
IV oi'our uru-iv in the Mexiuaa war at less
In!) Ii mi i:.iU'J to lS.lJlM. Oflr.! ii-'. n
ber lh. r.- weie kided in bait!" nv.d -lipdcf
wou'i'ls only l..r4 1. 1 u filhor words,
a-e ce-u-oyod ,i ti as; aa tfco
.veap'.ni of war.'
"The c',,i, f cause of lh!-- !r! -htfe'. l.-.f-Mlity
is a simple one tic ,.- f ';''.' -'I'he
ci'iwdinir of soblii rs in iU. i fers. I n
rack -, w i.den hup, ami bimly i c-i.ti,..t -t
Ic-pita s. : iiib.hltU foiio-ved by "-
bleak of cont '.io is dl.-e".se. In la U'.t
ish C.n-ieao arniv 'ilo cliiof destroyer vi'fts
typhus.-ver. lM. Uau-ioi. , .S'jrs- on i-
Cn. el' nl ihe i'l. n 'Ii iriiiv . in a I'V r writ
.lo-ny ff Mediemo, i'u:-:-. 't -
t ivnr, niMniin-'iii-'.": his 1
I l-v oro-V t,n:' .111 i v. nt. r-il o
, .1 ..
pi oils, o'- on iru
. he "' i" "'
.-cd at ill. Aui'
"IH' ten from ( 'orisb. mil. oplc to llie I'.i
de.-oeiiaed lot; cre K Iney w otod ee. lain.y ., is. . y;. f;. . r .., . ,' p
l.a-s lliis Mint : i.i.d ll lli'l ,'-;"d 11 a . n ...'. y,,, ;i , Tn,i i 1 .a-
was liiv.r ceila.ii .'aie. in ,ii.'..ul an l""ii j -i.-i.t ;-ause oi this ami many ouitr futnl
the .anoa e.u o. j.hih-' Ci.-.o ueie.t-l . ,l,s..,ise. i nii.v i ery where ..'..."::.!' i
the nieaauie. i beat ol niuh-e. o.n s. '. he most enliiiti :n'"l pu -ici.C' - 1 '- " ' '
"1 la i ai e coming, ' he iii-p-if 1, "lei ( ; e,il ii : n :.' of !li" air of c'.-.-, inivei. ' :l i ! j
Ii i one .nop h.o lotiv ui.lll 1 jiae th r,,,ns loaded w .1 h 1 h-i foul dee jiti;.o-.u;r
ti-oud who will I.e. p me, 1 will ceiirch oi.l w ol d, and tneii ail a. oiioe. ! .-olid and :bii 1 unniill li.ane., '
l.l-.ini slouV iii.u-e litis lii-nl. All iii..; it .i a a Leau 1 1 till ulo'i l to ivi eck a woi k I di-c'rii ged lioni the '.MU arel sdt.'u
ilhiee.l1' ue.ilu. ine neaiens oic pj'unjiet. j e.l'-ll liuni'io lio'ly. ii'.'fOl'vl.;' 'J in-
i nun hiiiuiiieiable .slais, and ever) uojecl I Ki'iiitlaril ifitiionli.M. t. Oie a no r.l'. '
1 .1 , . .1 ........ I I ... . I. I ... , 1 14 , ,1.1 I I. I I, I.l .SI .., I
l.vo.vo". i:i i iir i i. 3..,'.'... .v.-."i. - -
,-iil i, "tii.,.,i,.,,i's l.eil:i' ion. I.ones' k.o.l villi! u aliielV I .i.llaiice.
twenty l'ou.
o.ser and
mod lOluh.-l.s and
nn.l Other duty ah ut twenty ceven years, ami has been ; ,,v .,, j,,,,!, 0f l'.unker Hill. I ii..; hearts oi the boy patriot k-.h uai
will seiilel, eld I. Illusion s House, 111011:11 nnii.i: "a"
ileal h s-o.nds in il V I .nth." r iV.i.ii:- eauliou-ly over
Willi n linn Head, and with the utmost ' VYil-oii saw Hie loiy
silence, llie V.iung lieiws tooK U Iheir I.V apprt.aetiliij:. An o.'.i 'ol sio i i on ihe
imooh lor old l.iinijl-lon's. bivnestt:,, boa- -.I'lmji '.ue n by hiso.Ueis,
been bUspeeled of li.ub.nin- and Ine epaulet "is mi iuiol-i, to.u
ol his toriner I.l- tnat he w.iS Iho Ueml, .'lajoi
pi nji a 1" inJsioiie.
I . . I I . .. . , . !, I I I . I'll.,
..I...,...!!,!..,!... II 1.11 IIII l.l lls,, . v..--,. .... -
I os. t. .remit I'vnlorer and navitrator, liaviliJ, 111 Colise- , .,ii ,...,u. j,e was i.-n ' Hr-.m w ni-i ei ed ii osoii.
tiuemi'loyed about seven years, thus making his w lio.e ser
vice und?r the Government of the United Stales about fif
ty four years. Previous to his present service, his last du
ty at sea was in June, Uil. His principle employment
from that time till ordered upon the San .Jacinto was upon
Rieeial duty at Washington. Captain Wilkes is also noted had reported that
1 a ... ! re '.ilar coi 'e.-i.ondenee u
nad loiiL
Jl l.lsli pje.
t he eliils, J .is.
,.it tilowiv but Mire-
the order, of his well tested scientific ability, been appointed ..-rally r.-iiaided by the a a dat.-cr-
1 iet l oiisin ,'! 1 1 is In 'Use w ,,s t-ii u.ded a sum t
by the Government upon the command the naval oxj.iui--a.,.t.Wii.0 u,,ni Wh.iecUy c.-ek, on u,e
tion 'otten no for the l.urpose of exploring thu count; ios 'Md-.. ol a steep hill, s,,., on. .led on ail
, , ti.l- i bides hv lull tree?. It was pist Mich a
bordering on the Pacific anJ Southern At this j -im i(, ,UUhlc
time hiseommand consisteil of a bri;r two war sloops and j ,, ,.url oi plotii.ig treason.
, ,i .i i ir:ii. . i.., At llie l une ) .ones U dson and his little
two smaller vessels, as tenders, Charles A ihver, bin mg a a,,,, ,e 1 ,., U1
-a- . ..1. 1., i , . .
charge of the whole. Mafsing lroni -ew iuin, pm-u i.i,,,. ,,: .,svai k, du-.i had liu .-n
sued his route, via Cape Horn, towards Australia and the, to ih,- d uk
. . ... . r "vv
iifi'diboring iblands. Jle viMted Singapore, i.ornco,
Our party's Hag. the tlag of old Democracy,
Which kissed tho dust, and lowered its folds,
When Lincoln's r tUtint "Wide-A wakes'ippcarctl ,
Vpon the scene of action, again has reared
Aloft, our country's honor to Hiistain.
Though there defeated, it well vas known
That truth crushed to earth will rise again
The eternal years nf God are herH
"While error, wounded, writhes in pain,
And dies amid her worshipers."'
The "ipse dixit" of the KcyMone State
lias calmly, plainly, branded as a lie
The charge that Abolition, or base corruption
Within her borders shall longer have n home.
I tho Sandwich Islands, and the upper part of Ore-
ol nijih : ill
the new lijoon wa- :
! Iu-'lIi' lv ihii'i'li t fit' cloud-, in.. l
object was perl
Uiii-ii III,' ,,Lout liveive led
Iron, the i-.. k, Uie boy .cider K'il -eeim-
ly behind his flolie deloii-e und iiuutc.l:
' iVho jioes there .''
In il uioniclil llie oauiiiBli ceased low's
in and ji iz..-1 witn ii.-toiiishiuelU above
the'ii. Ihe i.npcius which .he bo.t iiad
ae.j iiied, ci'i-ed it lo dull slowly be
ne.oii ine lot k, .aid junl as it ivao ianiy
bel.ov eaiut li'llu l"e loud iliuuioi
.i , , i , i
a. at I'.ose iii the haine of Liberty 1"
L.ioii b 'V pusia-,1 his lock at Inal .lislalit
i gon, and other places, and returned to New York dur
l;,r Mm vniiplsl-. Thin extiidilion lasted four years, hav-
"s '"s j ---i
in" been commenced in l.". For the interesting discov
eries made by the explorer, the learned Geographical Soci
etv of London iiresented him with a gold medal as a me
i ...
I has published several works on geographical search, the
one on Western America being very valuable as a volume
' for referense, the statistics maps and drawings being of the
highest order. Captain Wilkes has by his present action
added another triuniphtu the list of glories.
boys iValke,
a sole. nil sll
th? bank o!
liriuly tor v.n d. i i.nni.i , im
Mice. At b i.'l h lio-y (.'am,-
tli" creek ami
l,o a- ll w il h one impulse, i..e
iiila; sione.s
led. A loud Miii ek lro,n tue
i,-i . t ,ld how ell liie pl.u. had
i.h. nit tluee pounds k". cry
An Oddity of the last r. ..: r.:-
'Ihe ediii. r "la i .out cidi u ' I. ; 1 "V-u-iley Mont i.'', . '- LeiS-.-r- ';
! ih.- billow ii!' account -i; ill f. u i ' i
jr.'ke, mi o.. lily o, a Inind.-.-i .o r, . -.-
Marn injr for ll,,.- thrd l.'c : a: . -,.-i.--five,
it" lll.lulaiiieii si',, l -jo'irr l-e 0' ':
w : ' ,., w ! 1 1 . in o iit-r pp'.p'" i 'i ! . i .1
1 ai 1 1 ve. I ill llie ye ll's ui -J T. tioi1. .ll,
i'illi-i!: to takt' cat e " bel "I i o.
le ive lo i-i' ;r. mi eveirn.' I'-i: nt-ver
liny iiecoiui'., stay out a muiule li'er ii...
len o'cl iek. his -u;-.,'r h i ,i'. H-h ny1''
i Ii0'.ivir. "he siay.-d id! pa-l twelve, li
.declined s'lppuiu'. teliinj! nl- -! ..
C'.uid ri I be lea o chic:, :.s their lady .v .
llol OMIli- ll'iill". Wir'-ll a. I.'-. - . : .' ,
in a loiiibl.) fright, and ',-.' u .n ikhn
lliousaiid apol""ies. "!-. d"." sail h
very coolly, ''you I r nil b r a -. - .
is but. just ten; your watch, I eee, goes to
,, ill d -0 does m:h(; ; w m.i-i u u - I,,
i iun to morro v to set I'i'ii . i 'i
' ni". in while let us en lo cupper."
Ills example on unit In-r o.-.afc;"n. niii
he w o; l ii toil..) - ltir. I l" :.1I. 1 lie .M. 1,; in.
:OVs Cilal ll-'.l.' 1 'II iii- !, ', I ,., '
To this result the pineclad hills, and
Hemlock vales of our own cherished
Clearfield, tlieir little mite contributed.
The lengthened lace, and darkened brow
Of faithful Ju'pubheans, seekers after
Honors and emoluments of office
Plainly indicated that the eight of wool
Or smell of "contraband" our hardy
eomaury could not appreciate.
Such, 1 hope, may over he the casf ,
k "ai Pol -' laws eual.l
' n i. 1st i i-oemi-toi v was. that ;miv servant ve
low IV lo,l , , d ed, and ui Hie e.uiiani ooi s ar.ini looe.i '-.t dr ink should b ni-i.i ,' , ,
the w im! n,.- path, soon came lo a hi '.le , over tne rocks no.iiin as seen nui u cliaii;" 1. mi pardon printed, no extt!
l;i iilc-e w ineii cros-eil a shadow rivulet, ' b-.v pices ol wood. hil be-h li.,eu"d lo. Yet nii'ild lo titlaii, wi
leailmj. into Waileelay, and Janes order I burst lo pnf O.-, and the oeco;..inU found l uved wi.'n him in inv
,'(! iheui lo liail. i j, ciine at ;ue oo.ioiu o, uiiriav. s,,n)..t itnes in,iil.'e in u f.t of ;i'p cxti.
I.ei rank owi.rd ami mi self recoil- 1 ci i ni vieloi imii nuiii mi' j.iuw ii:,s truslm' to Ihewillfo) 1, im
inento of their appreciation of his labors. Captain Wilkes 0iui toe i n-tniscs Iii -i in i-i wli.-ilier'of th youtut'ul paiiiois, and u was echos llS!.'jine. n-iieli onvenietit. On?:
I , , , 1 . ll , I. .. . I.. ...I,..i.,t ir,..,.,ll.ii, i . .t , .
unv danj.'er may vc app: euemie.i. .1 n me en hil m o, f.. . ini . nv cien tins c'.ui'i n..i : van. A ii htaud lieie'uulil .'.eieliuu. Make no -.Vow lor our pi isoners !" cried Frank oioed the hall. I .iin !,-). .ncl in I.
noise and keep a,in watch." ilowind. l.ouinln.) um-an ; bul ivhal nm vi"'V : J'..t rulher tipsV.oi
James ami i'lank s.lenlly dt parted, and the asio'.ish ineiit ol the buys to Iind Ihat 0 J, h'H (lend drunk, and uniil-.;,.
were B.ion lost iu the thick woods ihi ouj;h ii; h l- ellorts lo L'et free, Ueorjio L, v illusion J,,,rd 1'" nhroke went up to bin:
whi 'lilh i'atli ran. N..U e. Iy had they inel be'-n caught by the filial en d and .,n ,. h ilo.v, wh it ails you .' uiu
or.e Iron ti.eir compai.i oris, when the 1 eh ie 1 to death. lli"iewasn. ti:nel',r .lieadl'iilly il! h t inn !'... 1 y n,r ' j.i.
ic'r lar of W ilsou delecled a noise. re-nnm ; tlie traitor ar.'i his son nad met ii, bu-,. u. Ik; is iii ii i i.'iii.- I
B.If you have great talents, industry will improve
them ; if moderate abilities, industry will supply their de
fieieuces. .Nothing is denied to well directed labor ; noth
ing is ever to be attained without it.
j The mind of a man of genius is a focus which eonceii-
jtrates into one burning beam the languid lights and tires
! of ten thousand surrounding minds.
i in 1 1.- .::-LM!;
Hist !" sai 1 he lo Frank, us lie pulled i their deserved doom, and there Was no him to bed di
i eel lv, i in
'.) I f-r the
otli"c.iry.'' l lie iipi.tliei cary Tune, not
he ( iultcd, b'l- his loi d-hip Wis i
ak one ivoi'l, whi-p red his cap
tor ' ami I'll io-s you into llie cieek.''
The lory's son, struck dumb -itli fright,
found hllu-eif in 'he liudst of the whole
'nrnui'of boy heri-ies. null tlie vice lik-.
i p ... .; i i.-. , t i
j;l lisp l I a limes a 1 1(1 1 l ail lv on t l i I per ,11 III.
nw," und J-itnt s, "answer me pi ompt-b-
und trulv. or I'll make vojr iiosition
Time i like .1 creditor who allows ample spaceto make , u'iK(,iufoit'ibie. Do yorhear? Who me
1 iu our lat her house a I tins mohioi.t ;
I "I I cunuol lell mtmufced the hull
i up accounts, but is inexplorable at hut.
i liafThe strength of one horse is the strength of five men. IdevU'oy
him behind a ejcantic iicecll tree, t res- one to innuru men i"si.
entlv beoiu Li viiij.'.' on came in eight, i "Such 1 e the en 1 of Ameiica's foes for
Jcinei ilson darteu Ironi his cjv ei t and . ever . s.nd .Jas. n n.-on. (t.nn j,,.ncr,il in h n o.i u l.iiniiy, but t iob,
nehllv li.asped Ihe boy by the nek. The U!d Liviiijiston's house was tearelied ,,,,1 , . : m bleed tho- c- ,-. .i-i
cowardly youth tremble. I like a reed. and to the. of every one, not cni n lm;i. pl.i-'fi- mi ln i, r,;. I i
inereiy nuns, but Ihrce Inass lie, d -piece-, hi in a pov ei lui .!- cl phy-io. A.ter
several bar: els of powder, und an nbuu- f..w bavs ot Ibis 1 1 en1 iinn', : In n li.e i-
dance of ha. Is, w ei e e. uioia.eJ in the to- l,,,v emerged, i-e.k an 1 "an as In.--, ,
ly's cellar. 'J'iie iioiitaiy sioie 1'i.uinl ,-. iline-s co il l h ue 1 : i.nn " ' ,,
hereweie yucii ever lo the Auieiieioi honesi .John,"' cue 1 m nii-ior ,
Hoops, mid lound a jovous welcome lit 1 1 u lv glad I .. see 1 1 cc a , n e : , i 1 . I,
llieir l.eati,pi:-.l It is. Ilcdni.t the Lnlih n iv ,ud -. lal -' ' Ic'V1.' li'i I u -hi
pitly been so signally Oefealeil n.oim Ihe l,e tl.iuik'ui. v-. Hi I) 1 1 1 ! . 1 n, j, i i ! . .
hank cf the Win 1 1 i . ihe tow n j New- ljlMl. ,t h i-l i.u an- I I'V ..i d ,.., i
ai k, and t he w hole i oil hem pin of li.e ,,i..u eie .u, i'l Wojid in
Mute of would have oceii ovei- been dead bel ue iif. I ut,J,,n, .,'oi,i.
inu by predatory bands of British soldier. (I'f'.iriiJ hi Hugei,) "no mjro of tiuxec.i,