!!VESDAY 3. DEC. 1801. Y !,- tar lime at Tyrone. ,.., arrangement of th. Fenn.ylv.nla In. wlo.C V r" .,,, j.h of No v.. will be a. aWI. ..iVISO EASTWARD, 10.S0 F.M. 12,19 P.M. : MInUB-..;a ...aTlXsl WMTWJUD. ? . 7.4S A.M-! piiscuger .1.11 P.M.. llnun 6,25 P.M. boards ft M. I . t Concrc hH . or prohibit- lKr. .itfii thereof: " AllltilK.- ?. thsfrel '''f01 "".77.. ..II s.li llSO ,:,,, i.-sSj orlh. right of th. people C t V"' SuH"- . AHKUi -SCT,.S T.-Tb.t the piling .ball frce U ",r,1 cr'0D "U ,Unr- Z frc.fo,muuniotionof tbougbl.1,.,dop1n.o.,i I"" . ..: i..i.i. ritiinol man : end ovorv i .n ni.. freely pek. write and print on any 'uun.B 7..-"l ..... !.,n.ille for the alm.e of that ..bjeci, u" f. lllffl ouhlieation of 'inveaiisatinu the official conduct of offi- It: 'Tor nun in fhlia eapaelty, or wuure ... m i.i: 1...1 i. ron,.r for uublio liifornia-1 I truth thereof may be given iu evidence; ( u!btn ..lictineut. for libel.', the jury .ball w. Tii-'ht to determine the law and the facta, jl'r the direction of the court, ai ir other ca.ei. c,i;iHtiunv l't mIiqh.u. I i - TjV() NEW i;ilo by ilK. 25. 'CI. REED. WEAVER A Co. ' ' "WANTELt.-TlielVinte!. want WOOD: mJ COAL, to Pnll.lxr WHEAT. COlIN, ll fc, BL CK V 0AiS. and MLAI. n ntid ote for .tirvBlion, lnd tt little UIA Mb "'xpu , .ith them, ta onaUc u o Duy ciouien tor our ciiflJren. sff-0n. P.itton will please accept our thanki (,, acupy of the Ilepirt of thi MUitary Coinnili (ita to Europe by V ijor Mordie. Awrit Succutmk. TLo grnta an I iquaala ttat daily alute our lara, indieatfl a torrikle kntcherr amonc the p;rciua tribo. Wo learn from WenJ that the amouut of pirlc killed iu ,r "little borough" the pre.ent loalon amount., to botnecn eighteen and iweniy iota, r u:r cuauce for ' bueUtaaat cakoa and hog gravy." Thi CxDXRORofMD Sailroad. Th. tueomo i,mi upon this road, which run tnrough a portion ofourcouuty are somewhat remarkable in their capacity. They can haul a half d asen niggors,' Hack as the 'ace of apados, and 'greasy pound of pork ni.nni n rfiffioultv when the pounaoipe,., , v.loutbiiildiaga, together with so.uo ten acres of it .ontr.land.ar.e.c.piog from their majters, bu.t ()n lll8 rh?,r b.Tltotn, i.nd:r good post and rail tare not motive power .utncieui to nam one juvi- ,l(guod nafjred Locoroco wncn ne wisnrs iu vis.. Cl'isrusld. Our Abolition friends should be rea 4y, at all times, to accommodate all claasea of psissngeri. lnia -ucaei agin iuifioP. jutltr itock, or the eouipany may diseharge kim. tTTtmb ruutic. "When a man thinkuth La itandoth, Uthim tikihsed lest be fall," it a lentiment nevaunore f.rfiblj illustrated thau in our owu cas. L:ist tsk we explained to our render! tho grounds apon which Tb Caucasia waa admitted tc the mill aud expreaacd our confident belbf that n further trouble need be anticipated. This week, k.rrr. our busiuess ha. been again sud ienly Mlnneapeoedly arrested by au urder fram the Pull Oflice Uepaunie.il pruuiiiu.s . . . ...... .v lli. mni!. I'h Caucai With our pa- II" lrom circuiiiiu.ft ... ... in nnd tbe bred waiting, we dotennin. idlhii liaio to proceed lo Washington und gaii. kT personal investigation th. reatoii.. if possible, fr so strange a prucecdmg. We huvo the grali tntion to slate that there i. no charge that we lar. twisted tho teruii of our letter tu ll.o Posl in New York, or that we have not acted in ,ir euud faith in the mutter. And mote, there j no charge that we havo oppos.vl lliu war that i bav. advocatod socossiou er laid ours dvca tl. to any churgo of disloyalty, unlcn it be dis Jovsl to oppoiw negro freedom. Our only, our ioi. eauie of ufleodiug, o lar a. we can loarn is, Out we have advocated (Ae auloi-a'Miati'oii of tkt mro to ( "kin man as tho normal order of Am srican society. n(l eontended that the relation of tlieracei, aa it has como down to us from the fcunderi of our government, is i vjkl. This bi Ing limply a question of political opinion, we had oo Ittilicioii that its advocacy could fall under the Ua of the Administration. It is simply Ihe idea t basil of tin dcctiine that this is "white man's prernnicnt," as piuclaimed by Seustor DougKs Chief Justice Taney, and uiuny of tbe most prom inent northern Democrats. 'Iko strik.ng down Till DaucasIAM, therefore, haa deeper signifi es! c. than ni.T previom act of interference wilh tbspross. It ia -imply refusal to allow ui to de find the deci.ion of tho Supreme Court of the lind This, toe. after w. nud relied upon the por ail, ion of ihe Department that The Caucasian liould be lent through iha ia;iil, and expanded a lug. sum of money, which is now ail lost, in Lie t.i i.nt il atnrted. M.l llll-l.f,.------ " . , . , Fually, rather than have our busmosi broken ip oureftnblishmtnt idlo, our hands thrown out Jim,.lvnnnt instatthe beginning of winter, we .renoied to publish rrr merely containing lb. news of the day, and ex:r..et. from othorjour ' .v. r. allowed to circulate in tho mails ind without iy opinions of our own ou li. Our lubicribers, wo tnuugni, uuk"i "t" leranornrv expedient, but nstouuding to relate, A an fiilai trn rrfti&tll! It would be uselen fur ns to try lo End language toxnrei to our rcaderi tho bitter, burning dis iriDointment we feel over this last unparalleled r Tl, lo..nf inonev. which we could ill allord, it badenough, but the senso of injustice, of wrong, of cruelly, which must be fell lo be appreciated, It almi.it itnnmliirnlilA. hnwevor, "What will ;ou do now r Do you intend Id give up V Wo KO I Tli. urincinle Hint wc are ooniond- ing for ia the vital element of our very national Miatmce. It i. the doctrine of multitudes of Diinociats in the North, and with unuouniiou eonfidenco iu the grand truth that this it a gov. mmtnl of ukitt mm, and none oiners. w u niver forsako it, ns loi.g ns here are people enough left who will support it. The Caucasian will bo toiKinued for the proscnt, nt all events, and can U ordered through news ngenis. There ia po ob jeclion to our eontinuance of the paper, but ouly thsl our subscribers shall not have the privilege of receiving thoir paper, by mail, Wa Tm.1 nnffiiine that this subject rill not bo a'dnwnl in rest here. The matter we have reason I lobeli.ve, will oon he brought boforo Congress, and we trust that the exclusion of The Caucasian ! from the mails will bo only lempunry. At all I evsnti, we ask our subscribers to have patience, nd they may re'y that every tffurt wo can use Via.ll b made to rsmove tbe difficulties that now surround us. VAN F.SHE, II0RT0S CO., Editors a id Proprietor! of Tbb Caccaiu". i. H. Va Evma, R. 9. Huiitom, T. B. Case, New York, December 7th, ISC1. SUIIIO Mlliliure or iVPiuutny iinnn-.. ImouslyiW relation. staining tl.o policy Ol the UremJont, ltil nquemngine rrttidcnt to diijHniif with &crc'.d)y Cameron, , ' .OurCVrior deaires Ufc to lay thai hewill addfss bis patron at au curly ' hotirtm New Ywtr'i worclng. I i Died In riiUnKl hia, on (hol9ib, Win. Freeg ' tou, aoncf John II., und Martha A. K, Bradley, agod 2 years, 3 months and 2 daya. Clearfield Markets. formr-teH itll liv J. P. Zvrat.er. tleiilt.r jn Foreign A Domestic Dry Goods, Piovision., dN Apples, Urj) f Bu. Apple., (green) W Eu 7J 411 60 . 1,00 IS ($S T..I0 68 ,00 12 T.M) 1.00 Ac Barley per Ha. Buckwheit Bu. V ? Bull" V B UNI It IB iioveraeeu ;i uu. F'KK V ..I1 " flour ll bid. liax-.eea pirim. - Ili.U nr IS Hop. l . '"' I i ot. tic. . - rf " to pe Bu. . - on i 2 $37.00 1,24 ' . . 40 1 1,25 JUto Sbbtrtistmtnts. A I P.O J. UrJ',.MiNU AT O.il 1111 S I . " MEN'S MAUD SHAWLS! HI I LI1? ENS' EI.EOANT C11EN1LI.E Tlks, SLTI'.UB AliTlOI.F. I. A- i)IKS kf.DCIIOsSI.INESHAWLS! "TTI'ir 11 ADt'K'fi? i aiiiiv mvii luANKKl SHAW LSI SUI'Elil! A It T I CLE . A 1) I E S 11HOCI1 E SHAWLS! SUPERIOR ULACK GOODS! CHILD' fcfPEBion zkpiiyu hoods! This iluy wo will ot.eti nln a new l.t of i.ndlC4. 4. nn j 3.. luLMOIJAL BOOTS. w - it t, lar ,a lot 0f NUBlAS.nl ouruwunlly LOW I'lilCES. dec.20. H. W. S. & Oo., AN API'IUI. friu Hie valuations of L'n aeuled Lands will be held at the Coniinis rioners' Office on Thursday, the 2nd day of Jan., HO 2, at which time all perrons intereeted laust attend, 111 110 appeal can he tnken after that duto. I'.y ordor of tho limird of Ciuiiiui.ioneis. Cloarlield, Dec l'j.L't W. 8. IJKAtu.Kr, Cl'k. 1 PROPOSALS. ThoCounty Cominiafioners will recvive liroiiodala for lurnisliinir C:il atd I wood fur Ibe ensuing year, for the Juiland Court tne fir;t Jdliy '..r JlllluIirVi ,,sr,2, Proposals to s!ae the price per bushel fur COAL, ai.d per curd for WOOD. By order of the Board, W. S. BRADLEY Cluui field, Becember 25th, It, Clerk ron salFor rent. fpiH". iu icriber offera for sale tho Una of W 1 acres, two milos south-w at of thia place, known m the Win. EulUrton placo; on which is an excellent new residence, Willi tiaru anu oilier fnMai,0 about l't acres ulonred of upland. Ike locatiuu is favorablo and terms easy if sold by Mn roll 15th, '02. it may be leased. Clearfield, Dofl. 2j-'6l.3i, WM, L. MOORE. ST 11 AY. Caroe to tho premises of the sub scriber in Piko tp.. ou or abont the 21th day of Nor lSfil, a sorrol Marc, with a small white star on the forehead, supposed to bo about 11 yean old and uboul sixteen hinds high, fin ow ner is reiiucstod to como forward, prove proper ty, pay charges and tako her away, or she will be disposed of according ti law. Pike tp. Dec, 2J.3t.pd. J. B. UAUUISON. V" """iisiIMSTKATOW'X NOTICH. Letters of Administration h'riig been grunted this fay to the nudersigned on the estate of N.A. Mc CL9SKKY. late t CUr-U Co, dHceascd. all person, iniiebtad to said estate are requested to male iininediate payment, and thoso having claims against tbo aaaie will present fieiu duly authenticated for lettleiuent LSAA'J C McCLOSKEY, Kailhaui ip., Dec. 25, Ol. Adiu'r. "VT0T1CE T0 LUMBERMEN. A lot of f.iinr. limber, with different marks, too numerous to mention, was taken up by the subscriber at SALT LICK L'.NDINU during the last flood. The owners ef ami timber r.re requested to come forwurl and remove tin some within fifteen days from thi. notice, utherw'se it will be disposed uf aeeor ding to law. ISAAC O. MoCLOriiiEY Kalt Lick, December 25th, ISfil, 3L V Ufa niamcil l.ersons have Died in the 0:hco uf the Clerk ol the (Juvvtor Se'sions of CL-nrlield county, their petitions for liconii at the JANUARY sessions next, agreeably to tho Act of Assembly of March 2Mb, UiS. entitled "an Act to regulate tu sale of Intoxlcutiug Liquors" Ac. TAVERN LICENSES. James Bloom, Hlouai tp. Peter Bloom, Jordan tp. T. F. RoaVich, Decatur tp. (loo. N.Colburn, Clearrlold bor. Wesley N.vling, (lulicli tp. Geo. Knarr, jr. Brady tp. Isaac Rickctt. ueccana tp. MERCANTILE LICENSE P. T. Hag.rty. Covington tp. Jos. C. lienncr, Morris rw. Mcrrell .1 Dig'.cr, Clearfield bor. L. CUTTLE, Clcnrfiuld, Dec.-25, ISfll.to Clerk of Q. S. rcVriLII - - Di;itH I'ROPTJSALti WILL BE I received bv tho School Diroctors id Psnn township, antil'SHtiirdav the 4th day of January 1862, f..r building a SCHOOL HOUSE nt or noar Duilcy'a Ciess Roads Contractor, t. find ail inateriiils. Plan and specifications may bo .con at W. ?. Torter's, up to thai time. Doc.ll-lSCl-tf. W. 8. PORTER, Seo- BALMORAL BOOTS ! TiijI nt,. n.l n snnerinr article of ladies anil nilsse. heavy soled walking Boots. The very latest of tlio'lnte fashion', llosur. ynu ask for Balmoral lloota. H. W. SMITH A CO. Dec. 4, 1861. STRAY MAHI-iCarao t. the premises of the subscriber in Knrthnus Ip. .about the 1 1 til Doeemb.r. a Dnrk IRON CRAY MARE blind, about 10 bands high nnd supposod lo he about 8 years old. The owner Is desired tocmna forward, prove properly, it c, ulberwiso she w ill lie dispel ed f according to law. IV'M. II. MICHAELS. Kiirtham tp., Dec. 13, '61. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Any person wUhing to give aholiday present .i.nl.,i 0 o Smith A Co'i, and purchase ieT fncy Slecvos and Cuffs, which irs lower (llan ftny others in the cnunfy.and nf tuperior em- broidery, and the most desirablo an 1 useful article Ibat could be presented lo the tender lex. FROM 50 CM. TO $1,25 PEE SET. Don't fail to call and so. Ihem. We will alM open a superior lot of Brnehe Shawls, this woek, which will be lold at lb. low. est Cash pi Ices. Dee. 18, 1881. -XF.ClfTOR'S OITCU. Nntic. I. her.- list by given that Letter! Ten amenta ry, on th. nfSAMITEI. W. SMfTH. lat. of Oulioh ..." ,,,, ,K. I re.uirofj , mnke iuimediuto payment, and those having nluimi eguinit the same will preicnt thorn duly authenticated for sottl. menu , . JERSK QOS3. Kx'r DEB0RA SMITH, Zt't Pee. 4 MM 6tp4. BIAL LIST FOR JANUARY fRFK!f PAJfTH. 'IE KM, 1SC2. Pl.AIXTlFrj. Julin II. ihiiuney C. C. Mil. hull -I Abel S. Dickinson Ann. Mulaon. Fiinngli r A Patterson. Buinucl lluakey. Buiu'l A J. Bboff. ! Chat. Bliinchard.et. al. John Wolf. I Albert A Bro. I J. R.. Read. j H.Lorain i lieu. I). Alorguu l'1"" Potter, et. .1 1 UV'Uiar uniniuu Hubert Herd 1 Co. John It. Juhtmton II, Erokcnhoff Thompson Heed R. I!. C. Ch Ininc Scofiold , Julin Mel'lmrrln A. Clurki AJin"r i I'bilip Swinoford John 1'ntuhin Tboiniif .Smith' vi Joa. Shaw A Z. Ogden. vi Isaac Iluiuea, et al. ti David Tyler. vi Martin Hockenbery. L, Buiith Adm'x of II. B, ti. m Jobn Tliuinpnon. vi Jobn Killinn. Jiimea Mullen v r'rod. G. Miller. V. Pencil uneofJ.Boat ra J.M.Chaef J. McKt. I fleorgo Dixcm I i .. .1 , 1 V. ti Frnncii lVarco, ...... 'ir; ' - A. J. FiUli, J. Uuynton.et ul va Abiu. Uuiii, Ben. Tbuma Laivmnn va Win. l.ewii. I W. II. ItohfiriHun va Slueev W. Thomcfon. Jot, Cascl.i'cr va (')ins. Huyrk (- J. Miilliolliind. Ira l'ini;liaui A S. Hood va L. W. Weld. Jacob if- 0. A. Hinder va Clayton A ll.Allon,t al. Jacob A 0. A. Biuder va do t dj (Jen. Mason vs A. l'all, Humbiirgcr,etal 0. w. Owen a Adm r vi J. i, P. Illoom. Win. L. SchnRi-r vi Win. I-e ia. Ueo. IS, 1801. J. L. CL'TfLK, TrotU';'. RAM) Ji;iM)HS, FOR JANUARY TKlt.M. Ihti2 liradfurd. Tboina. Rose, Panli l Orn'..ain. linnl. Henry Yoaa, John Cur lilo, Elijah Smi ley, Henry Uoodlauiler. Ilurnside. Elliott King. Clcuihold. I'. W. Buy dor. Dr. Jeff. I.iti, J. II. Ililhu-n. Cbust. Samuel Str. w. Cui wensvillv. J no. MeXnul. Covington. Suniurl Brndford. De-ntur. Daniel Kephart, Jobn Uuughuian. I'ergusiin. Jacob Oibaon. tiimrd. Alex. Murray. Oulieb. R. 0. Orahuin, tUo. ll.gurty. Kurtliaus. Win. Whiio. Knox. Price A. Rowlea, Oeotge Erhard, Murria. Jno. E. llockenberry Jamea Putter. TRAVIS JURORS. lierearin. Amaen J. "milh, Juhn Lit.. ' Bell. Michael Sunderlin. Bogga. Prank I, Cninphell, John Beiah. Praillurd. Duvid Holt, .los. Winnery. Brady. W.I, Porter. Dr. tiio. Wiljun, J. M. Arniagast, Divid Mi Kinney, S. H. Lobuugh, bliaa Long. Pred. llollopeter. BurnaM. Wnnh. (iarner, Jobn Miles, Juhn fUddlc, John Suiiderli-i. Clearfield. Edwin Conper, Curaiuivillo bera. Henry Saltsbaugh.Duniol Cham- Covington. K. P. Coutriet, Jchn Ruter. Deratur, Juhn thaw, David Uom l'crgusou. Josi Henry, A. J. Jamison. Girard. Jas. Mut'lellnn, Abram Kyler, J. B. Bronwell. Oiilich, M'ir.. Xevling, 'anmel Fullerson. li rah Hill, lifiuiul Wilhelm. Huston, Josiah Wn.ilil.urn. J. S. Apksr. Jordan. Eneeh Wiso. Robt. Hunter. Lawrence. Taylor Howies. Juhn Mooro. Lumber City Anthony lli'.os. Morris. O. It. Dillca. New Washington. Jueoh A. Broth, J Byers. Penn. Miles 8. Spencer, James Clark. Pike. Johnson Hidden, J. R. Caldwell. Dec. 13, 1S61. II COURT PR0CAMATI0N. VtfHEREAS, Hun. SAMUEL LINN, Esq. 7 T P resident Judgo of tho Court of Common Picas of the tffenty -fifth Judicial District, com losou of the counties f Clearfield, tentieiiii Clinton and the Hon. J AS. 1IL0OM and Hon. J. D. IIIOMPSOX.Aaaocute Jndgus of Clearfield county ; huvo issued their precept, to mo Hired- ed, for the holding of a Court ol Common Pleas, Oiphan's Court. Court of Quarter Seasons. Court of Oyer and Terminer, nnd Court of (leneral Jail Delivery, nt Clearfiold, iu and for the county of Clearfield, on tho 2 rt .lomy i'lori i.i.v) fif January n:rt, in the ( curt lloiae. MOTICK lsj, tliererore. Hereby kIv.mi, Iu ll,. T Coroner, Justices of th. Pence, and Constables, I (.iken in .g.,.,,,,, MU,i t0 1,0 ,U1J us the propcrtv iu mid lor said eoiii.tr of Cloarlield, to appear in,, i.i,Tvi,,- tlieir proper persons, wnu lueir nuns, iieeoinr, fn.uiisitions. l.xaniinstions and other I.emoin. brnnces, tu do those things which to their officers, nod in their hehulf, pertain to bo done. 11 IV EN under my hand ut Clearfield, this llth Hay of Doc, in the year of our Lord, une thous and oight hundred and sixty-ono. F. 11. MILLER, .Sheriff. l'",;STl'.lt'.S M)l'K:r..-Xotice, ishere- l.v .riven that tho following accounts have been examined nnd passed by me. and remain tiled of record in this office for tho inspection of heira, legatees, creditors.iind all others in any other way interested, and will bo presented to the nexl'Orpbun'i Court of Clearfield county, lo be buhl at the CoMrt House, iu the borough of Clenrfield, commencing on tho 2d Monday of Xuy y 18112, for confirmation und allowance: The account of John McKoe and Joseph JlcKce Executors of the last will nnd Tcs'inncHt of Thoniua McK'ec of lluruside Township Cicur fuild ronntv deceased. Tbe account (if George Erhard nnd Lewis Erhnrd Administrators o( all and singular, the goods' vpnrM.pt full V Cflllctl tO tllC follow and chattels, rights und credit, which w-ri ot,11"! 11 - . J I f .l.T,...kl.!i,of 1,'nii. i.in.u Mi,..,. ... .i IU Hie l.OUUiy Ol lirainn .to. ti.r.--. . jA.Mr.? .win. Mil, Dec. II. 18ol Register. I i ,v riven that l etters Testninenliny, on tho estate ol JACOB (JOSS, lulo ol Deiatur town-. I ship, deceased, have keen granted to the under- signed. All persons incoMod lo saul esiaie aro required lo maae linmcuiuie rnjuuiu, ...... ......o hlZ,nit ..i-i..,, ,eii,st the ninio will pres.ut iheui duly aulhcnticnteil lor setuemeiii, ....vile ,.. i ABRAM flOSS, r,xr Dec. ll.'OT.Ct TTdTICIl-A MEETISa OF THE STOCK- l holders of the Philipsbui g and Watcrfordj I. ,. i I ma ,1 I'li.nlinnv HI 11 be held nt the oflice of the Secretary in tho Borough of Clearfield, nu tii. 2nd Monday nf January 182; for the purpose of decline one President and twelve Directors t lerve for the ensuing year. Attest, . U. BARRETT, Prc.id.nl. L. J. CRASS, Booretury. Dec. 11,'CI. PUICES KEUUCED! j in VI. 1 fO VI.l M. C0.NLEY nnnounrss , j that ho has reduced tho price of bis superi- i or COAL to suit the times, and will henceforth furnish it nt THREE AND A HALF cants p , bushel at the Bank, nnd FIVE AND A HALF cents delivered. Will be delivered by Mr. las. Lcavy. M CJNLE1. Clearfield, Dec. H, lBfil. ! i ii 1).II MUTH A TOR'S NOTK'li-Letten 1 - - " -- 1,1 f"". n,i . ..r i..... . IIOCIIL'V inftrn. llnlir.rll " U. n ll V M , II. io in uvr.-..ft..- ship, Clearfiold county, deceased, all persons In dnl.i.d tn said estate aro rcniinstcd to make Im mediate payment, nnd those havlngelulma against the same will present ihetn duly authenticated for ' .i . tl .' I l' U Ull I W I settlement. .haih nr..-. . nov.20-Ct. WM. L. SHAW, i IXI-ICUTOK'S N'OTIt l Notice is here- ll.hy given lhaf Letter. Teatnmcntury. n th. eitato of CATHARINE CUBLEY lute of Coving, ton township, deo'd, have been grunled to the un- dersigned. All persona lndebtod to said csiat. ftr0 required to tnuk. iminedicte payment, a: d n,,,.. havini claims against th. aam. will pr.ient v:i j..,. ',.., i,j rr ..nl.ment. joN CURLET Dco. i. 1M. , Execntor. County Orders. TT W. (IMITIT A COT," want liebiag. XI gie f wtOOO worth. J SHERIFFS SALES. IIY virtue of tundry wrinof Venditioni JJ tint, Urued out of the Court of Common Piela of Clearfield countv. and to me directed w'" he eipoaed to public sale, at tho Court Houae, n the Borough of Clctrfioid, on Monday the l.iili day of January next, A. I). 1862 at 1 o'clock, V.M. the following deacribed Real Katnte, viz : A certain tract ol land situate in Covington tp., Clearfield county Pennsylvania, beginning at a white t ine tho aouih-eaat corner of wanant No. IW, thence wtat 395 percboa to a atone oorner, theneo north 157 and loveu teuth perches to a post .corner, tnenei east bvj percuei to a poat cuiuer, thence loulh S3 and tuven-lcnth percliel to hite pine corner, thence oa.n 4C.9 perches to white ouk corner, tlienos sou b 2i)2 perubea to pos .inone.raai.iu. perrnes 10 a post, luence south 228 pirchea to a post corner, tbeiico west 61 perches to a cbeMnut and birch corner, tboue. north G4 porcties to a post, tliuiice w f t-1 107 perch ca to a post, a corner, (hence ncrlli 62 and two tenth perches to a corner, thence not 40 perches, tnenre south 2i degrees west 127 and twj tenth liarehes tu a rost corner, theueo nurth 2 aud 1 df. grces eaat 253 and leven tint1- uercbes to a post, theucesuuth by west J.il J perch. j to a white pino, a corner, thence north 50 perckes tu pino and pluco of beginning, contuiuing 1.200 acres, being parts of tracts No. lsyl, Ib'J.' and 1HUI), having 3( acres cleared, anil an old baw .Mill, llouio and Barn tliercnn erected. Suited and taken in exe cution and to bo aold as the property of Alphuuse T.eniili. iliici.i.aed. Also. certain lot of grouud situate in the town of Lutheraburg, Clearfield county, heginning at the south-west corner of lot of H. r.. Carlilosea- tnte, on the Erie turnpike, tlienco 51 degrooa west a ung suld tuinn.k. feet to lands of U. 11. (ioo ilnnder, thence north 3a degrees cast 12 i; perches to n pt, tlienco south 71 degrees east 120 ; perches to a post on lot of Carlilv's estate, thence 10 degrees east along said estate I feet tu the place of beginning with largo two story Fraiuo ILuiee erected thereon. Seized and taken exeeu tiod and to be sold as the property of Bentou P. rUcbbins and lluxana Stebhius, niw iulei married will. 1 1,.rr,v I Also, a eertuiu tract of land aituate in .Morrii lownahip, Clearfield county, bounded as loll.ms:: beginning nt a post cornor, tlicnoe by lands ol Michael lUii.a south 8, east A2 and aix-aevonth purehes to post and stones, thonco by lauds of Edward (initi et. al., souih 1) west 1 12 percbos to post, thence by tract in name of Win. D. Kerwin north 88j west 02 and six-aeventh perches to a post, and thence byother lands of Daniel Liltlo north 1) east 112 pcrcheito puat and p'uco nf be-1 ginning, nud contuiuing 1 1 acres, im re or loss,' ...... ... ..... , I with about S or U aeros cleared thereon. Seized 1 and 'akcu in ixeeutioii uud to be su.d aUho prop- i 'll'a'certainact nf land situate iu Kurtliaus town. hip, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of, I Win. II. .Michaels. Edward Mctlarvey and tho! Susnuvhanna river, con'.iining ! ai res, more or j . ... . .ft l I 1 . ......II iV.l.i.. . less, with about !i acres cleared and a small LuUmi llouso erecie'i inereon. dijiaoo u.iu wi---" ... i i ceution and to bo sold a. tho property of Johu A. j Wykoh. . Alan, a certain tract l lanu suuiiie in .uorria town. hio. Clearfield countv.eontaining 1'iOaercs, hounded bv lands of Win." Meirell, Robert Elder nd HUneliard. with 80 ajres cleared thereon, with a Log House. nd Log Bum erected thereon.' Seized and taken in oxociiliun and to bo sold r.s j the properly of Thomas Kylar, Ueorgc It. Dillon and Jas. M. Leonard. ALSO, bv sundry wriis of .rnn'o fiieim, is- sued out uf tho suiiio Court, and to n o ilii ected, will be exposed to public sale nt the same time und place, tho following described Ileal EiUto viz : A certnin tract ot taint situaie paru n. i.cceu riaaud partly in Chest townships, Clearfield cj., bogiuning uta boocli tree, which is also n corner of land surveyed to John Cook and Johu MiUer, j ihcnce by tract in nntuo of John Miller nur h 4:1 .lui.reea rl 2:10 lierellOS to U POst, tllCnCO lllirtll 12 ilei'rocs west 3 JO perches lo a ost, ihence by w i "hi i - i I I ,..l, ltt .U;n,, west 230 1 1 nrcli. In a nost. theueo south 42 cast to placo of JIIIl luc.lllirosoil r lain. "n , u . r ... ..II. ...., beginning, cuntainin; aaa i.ci.. . """"" ""7 ""V . . . i 7 , led to I on warrant uuieu iu si"""-" v""" " 1 urutj; mini f r-" Angus (U.ll, and tho lot or piece pi imu or curv.s - i ',,'.., , .i,i buildinc. Sid ond ajro nniiur.eiif.nc n i.i.o . F, O. MILLER, .Sheriff. ClcarCalJ.Pa., Doc. IS, ISO I. BRILLIAKT OPENING or Fall Fashions ail1 rais ' New Cash Store II. W. SMITH riicattciiticn of the latlica IS alA lt-t Wl 1 nur 110IICC, II1.U U U'iu J":"- '"l ppivni and onencu. uic crv 1.1- - i ' test and most of fashionable styles Nubias, Wool Hoods, Wool Pcarfs, Zephyrs, Wool Shawls large nnd small. Heavy double Alt IVool Shawls, Chcui'.e Shawls, i Cloth Cloakl. A , t T,rioti Clt f.r.ii.r-, wrv- A superior article of C.aunllct Ki.I (Hovea ' " Lisle " ' Buck " " Cashuiero " ' Berlin Wuol " Oauntlel of Zephyr Wool, Childrurj. Cashnicra (ilorel " Lisle " and a good asiurtuimtuf .' Ladies, Children, and Infants Hosiery. Elegant workod Setts ti " Collars. i ' Skirts. All Wool Delaines, Flannels, and most varie- ltf 0f drc.g goods, ' -X7" 11 1 l llll l)ll)Cr HIHL , -.. window shauiimv Wa hare Just received from Howell A Bro., of, Chestnut Street, two choice ityles of ( PAPER, a T.SO WINDOW SHADING. PLAIN AND FIGURED. Hours of bo.lnei from T A. M , t P. V. 4. for. 1, X"l. tf. John Stugart by deed dated 5th July, lsil to-1 Its action being entirely mechanical puliah gethcrwilh the appurtenances. Seized nnd takon , ig without wearing tho camel, in exi-cution and lo be suld ua th. property of John Stugart, deceased. 'J)r. Will. lllirUS lOOtll t'OWflCl' Al.-o, nil that two story Ilnuso situate i Brad- j furd township, Clearfield county, btunded by , is rccommniided by all Liuiuonl Doulisti. Pre John Urnlinni and Francis Gruliain, and lanoi of part.,l t l)r. llurd'a Deufcil oSe c, No. "7 Feurlli ,J)R. WILLA1AM U. HUKD'S MOUTH WASH, A EIRE H1..V1DY JOH A BAD EKEAT1I, SOK 2 MOUTHS, CANKER, T.tsp cim it VFT)I Vfl P.T'M NURSING SOKE MOLTir, And the bvat apecirlc now in use for ANY di ,cd coudilicn of themouh. benefioiu! to porsoni wearing It is particularly AKriFICiALTEKTH, comrletelv destroying every taint of tho iiiuulh aluorbing and removing a'l iu purities. iuiriug A SWEET IirEATII to all who maka use of it. NO T0UNG I.ADV or V0UNQ GENTLEMEN ho Is afflicted with a bad BitEArii. ahculd delay applying this r.medy, fcr it is u rl.iu -ure. and is anbroved and reennim,H.,l by every physiciau under whose noiico it bus L brought " BAD BREATH ui) tffcnci fur Lah there is no excuse nhi;. DH. 1VM. 11. Ill 1I'4 MOUTU WASn, n i procur.H. Many person, carry with thia, a bad breath ' ... B"atly to the nunoyun-eand ufieu to the 4;. gust of those with n'joui they como in contact, without being coutcious of tho fact. To relieve 8t.,f f ,, f r,,,-nlil ' '.g USE Dr. WJf. IIUKD'S MOUTH WASH, lennliiiesi of the mouth is ofgrcut Importance to the general Health, winch is ofleu affected, ami uol ufr;,iuntj. lcriu,v impaired, througl -t t proper attention to this .ubjecu Wy. UUKD'S MOUTH WASH Prepared at Dr. Hur l's Deulal office, No. 7! I.' .1. . 1 1.1... ... T. lourtu Mrcct. trouklyu, 1'. Price 37 Cents Per Bottle j A liberal discount uiado to dealer', 1 ADDRESS PRINCIPAL OFFICE. TP ICC XI' p, II ,lil Yi:j. v.i. SPRUCE ST. M'.W YfiHK by lawel., M'.ck rf Co., Fifth Avci uc Hotel ; J. ( I. Cuddingtun, 71 5 Broadway j D. s jjarnci, 202 Bro.-ilsrny, a ml by ull Drugijists. j)K. WILLIAM J. HUKD'S TOOTH POWDER, This powder poi&ctsci tho CA UDOXIC WITHOUT THE AW 7.7 : U't I'lTIV Wm' 'If I loin II 'and is frso from ullacids or nlkartci llmt can In U-O least injure tho teeth t . nr,)uK,J.,,) u Price 25 Cents per Box. A liberal discuuut mado lo lieaiera. Adilrcb.s l'l'im-i ij.al Oilice, Tribuiio IhiilJinw, .. 1 f l- . -V' a- i Sold also by Caswell, Mack A Co. ilh-AreiiMe! Hotel ; J. A I. Coddivgto i, "25 Broadway j D. S. 1 Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by nil Dru.'gists. ' i I , . . . ., .,,T11I-vc,:"-U"i-it;'fwi-ngdirectio;., or the bfciiec WILIsIAM IJ. lILUDSlwean.iff.ila.lys.lr.ss. TIP run Tin: cl ul of O O T It A C II K . T prediiced by exposed nerves. Ills particularly adapted to ullcasrscf chil dren allllctcd with T O O T II c ii r. . parents cm r.lio-o themselves of (hat .lit ire. weariness caused by m i.m-.u. and their children from grent suffering, bv koepiug a b jttlo of 'Dr. IIUKirSTOOTlIACIIH DROPS - about the house, Prejiiued at Dr. liuid'a Den tal Office, Nu. 77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Trice, only 1 2 Cents per Dottle, ' A liberal discount luado to dealers. : Address Piindpi'd Oilice, Tril)., UnilJ ! inyst, No. 1, Si.riu't? St. Xew York J Sold nlsoby Cuswcll, Muck .f-Co , .''ill Aveiiuo ', Hotel; J. A I. (VUington, 715 Hrua !r,-.iy , D.S, ! Barnes, 202 Broa-lw.y, nh l by all Druggists. WILLIAM 15. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS i K O II Til I CURE OP ! 1' i-: u it a IjG i a orTtolhacbo produced by colds. L O C A Ii X K U R A L O I J is immediately cured by their application. ' I They act like a charm nnd are per.VrUy harm 'less in thoir nnturo; do not produce u bli.tor.an ; leave o unpleasant rcsulti, ! J)r. Win. 15. JIurd's Neuralgiii Plasters never fail to give satisfaction to all who test their virtue. Prepared at Dr. Hard'. Dental I Oflice, Fourth Sir jet, Brooklyn E. D. Price, only 15 CVnti eucli. A liberal discount mad. to dealers. Address Principal Oflice. Trib., 13 nil J v 1 V Vneb ino-s, No. 1, Nintcc ht. -N.101!.. " ' ' 1 Sold also by Caswell, Mack A Co., 5th Avenu. Hoteli J. L Coddiugtoc, 715 Broadwny ; D, 9 Barnes, 202 Broadwsr, and hy all Druggist. ooT-n-'rn-fy. T II S Weekly "Patriot & Va ioi, n THE CUEAPE.n' PAPER PITTISIIED IS P2NYLVA-IA! . A.vn i 11 K t.XLY PEMOCUATIC FAITH ITBLT.I. ku At thi: sr.r liuVrR.s.v.rN t'.l FOKTY-FOL'li COLUMNw OT It HAD I N ti M A T T K 11 EACH week: at niF. kow rni vi-: or c.u; voit.n r.i!.: . bt HKCIll ii rD TUW IN 'I.IM:S OF MT than- tlx com::; too:;i: ..r ! ' The pni'.i forv.l.i. h ii:tv of "ur f or-ci'Vi t Lave I'uol lor their inner b-in on tl." eve i '."e. , piriiij.'. we take the libert" of iMlill tl'ii nmici', ( rCllllllU. ItlClU Oi Oil' t'O. V n wiuv, ...... tuny UENKW Til KIU (M.r'-.'v Wo shall also take it ns i n emeeiiil favor if our present suhscribcia wiil iii',"0 ir'i'ii Iher neighbors tho fict that thePniHor : I'.mon is ll.e oi.Iv I'c'iiioeriitc i i."-r ri'ited iu f..i:r:i burg, and considering t!u rarge ainoni:. ot ioa.l ing iintlcr, embraci.ij; nil tbo cuirctt news of tho dny, an 1 TEUMRAVUIC lslslWrCJlM From oniyw hei e uo U the moment lUo "icr goiis to ptoss, pbiillcaL i,iiceU.vK,-U''. Rftu-ral and local n s, n inl et rooils, '! 'cid"il:v tV.o CHEAl'liS'l' NEWSI'AIT.U l'l'L-EISH-F.D IN THE S'l'ATF.l Thers is scircolv a v'llugc or tow u in tlic?(atu in which a club cuuiiul be iai.-0'l if the h ;,.ci exertion be niudc, i.i.d suielj tiieicaio fe.v ; !a- aes In which olio or moro eiifi getio lo n cMi'iut bo f-'Utid whoure in fevor of tie oi; icin .lion of nmo I iliuiiriiii tjiui,r'. ii r .i' 1 iu willing to maku the cilort to iu.-u a liou. DKMOCHATS OV TinrrNTFiiUH. ! Let us hear fio:n vci. Hie ei tir. wrr. ntnl the apiironchin to-tioin f Comvi''"' ": '' J" stale Legislature, aic n:ce.-!'"i wu'i nr.. ',c;.i in terest, and every Lu.n sliould 'nave '.hj ncwa t i: it 31 DAILY PATRIOT AND UM0N. ?ing!e cory tor oni e:ir. in advance- - - - 01 00 do. do. JmiMf loo stsMjti of tho Legistatuio - WEEKLY PATitlOT AND UNION. J'ubliikct cor.ni TS'ii jiAy. 1 00 irglo co;'y cno year, i i a lvum a - -Ten copies lo cue uddresa - - - - 3 f,: Kuhi ripti ..si may couimei c i.' r.i ti.'it. lty uto.' to rJi rK v.. Any p-'is ut :i::ri : iciub if iil'iy .-"l.sciibei'S t-j the '. h':;n 1' entitled tu a cupy for his p' t vi -c-. !.o , r: o i ,i low that wo c.irnot utter iriealei i -m u. 'ii.. ..! i I ha ii this;. Add.tion' ni'iy he ii.ida.it . ! " e'.ob c cril.'.'is i,y reiii'itlii g ?! I'.-r en 1 '. 1: L. ir t i.e-e.-i'i v t i s-r.d i-s a l '.il'i i:al in :lni name i,l iho-o ftOiisti.n'.io;- u d a '! cannot uu leruko to "'i.ii'e.-.j e.i'.'j ;j . lo v'u subscriber.' sepi..atc!y. :"'.f.eijir .: c. ; i.- of t'.o tt'cul.iv will bo But ti a,l v' u iiuir.) i'. O, BARRETT A CO,, Il. rrls'.nr-, Pa, .0 V 4: l1 rice with Ilcinmcr a I't'ilcl', 835 00. THIS MACHINE HAS A POIKX 0? b U tiii'.lOhiXY J-i-C LiXiAitL i iic rt'JL-r stitehiuT, ncinmiair. 'and with w s: .i . n 1. .. .1 , UKANTIIO not to rip in wear.' o,".i if lha .eain Is cut at Irequcnl ii '.crvuls, nnd a. so under all eircur.r laio-es ! o n-uvivr-tim: v, a i, -i i A l'ai-iiicl Ui i!C" ot grc.:t clmty I l.'ar 'c.m, T, r. 11 I .... ;.r.. 1 . .i.tie senri 'i 1 r.vciiu uio posjiuiiiiy n iuu iu:uni.io i Another lciilu.ru aich Ueaorvo partKi.iar u.- ten ion ii f-Tui: Wilcox Patent Ni:r.Di.c c.s::tf tu BCV WIIONU. 'lwo thoiisan l stitches, or two juuis cf .-jr! enn bu duto iu tjno u.inulo irllhout uriji'.i;; "i siitch. Thcsa macliiiics, ro t'.uiplo und accurate. In thoir construction, auperf eJo ti: use i.f ll.e sliu' tlo J ucd with one llucad produ.'j nil lie.' ;(' tul r.Miills of tho II. read much li.i 4 ; i--i inere, for thcj full wilh nut l.vi.'iiiig,ai.d hem t..' finest, mu-liii without puikoriu. Allhout'li at abou t hiiif th p'ioo of tho uil ': fir.-t class uiaehiiiea, they will accomplish, uou'j le the sew ing In l given time "it is viiipli.iticuily tho good, I .w-prlced fam ily hweing Miu.'liiiio tbnl liio public huvo k.".g beeu wailing for." ll"efoii Tran nii't. 'Tt is iudced a wu.id.-.rful i roduelion. nnd I . raniily uso cp"ciully, 110 other wiii biur ary cimpariiun wi!U iu"r-Pliiladu!pbiA Evei m Journal. 'A u.cchaiii.-iil oiidei.''---'.i:fi:".; Au..'rl c in, "Among the best and most si rvlcenijle ?ovrl:i.r Mio.l.i'ies. l.ip.ht and e'.-.gar.tly f.ni.-!ikl, and so simple in ils cui.-liiiLlioU that il aevini . 1- ; iu is; iiupus.-ib:i' for it to pel out of rej a'.r." -Pitt-hurg Chronic ic. "lias combined w ith ils owu peculiar i.icri'.s ull the really valuable iuipr.'VoiueitJs oi'l'io hig'' cr pi iced ma' liio. s." F.'uiitylvuiiiuu. ' "This tone!. inc. in tho opinion of do cirr.tiiit teo, tills more mr.-ly the reqoi: .'ineii's of 11 p r teet f 11 1 1 1 i i - 111a -b':ie than any on cr.iitoitioi;." '. Fraiiklin iH.iltutc Exhibition 1 i.-r: . f l.:4. "Taking into ciisiiieraliuii tiinplicl'y, cbf a;i nesi, diTibilily, aai i doing all "i k, the ? i.im-,;. leu w ore unanimously in lavor of tho Wilcox it bibb" ns a finjle tiiruud iiii.oli'n'.'.' Pclil.J,,'.; a iiia S'ato Arieuliural Soeicly's Hei oil. '.. e n,n-t, 111 'iit:ioi, expie:- eur colli i"e'j ; in tbo merits of the Wilcx A OiLljsj .-'crtiiii! Ma hine. V.'e coiisidur that a great liesidi ra'cui has l;een piipplic 1 by it, in , ruling, beyin.d doubt, tl.ftt two threads aro not, Bi v'us li.rpos. d, iiucesary to a good ini r'l i.ent." C'nriili '.n Advocaio and Joiirnul, June 21, U'CO. "Wo havo l::c of thc.c tcachires in use, r.nd thin): i.ioro hi;;hly of it than of pry cf ttia tju. her wc have filed. ' I'iehnion 1 Wli'i, The niidcrsigiicd. lliisLor.iry to C t.-t 't' Ji a. pic, has ex uni.uol moro Uiun tir-i,ly d l! :r six kin Is of Sewing Machine', ir.id Mi T soi.;. ;t, w.-k exi "ici.co Willi Wilcox A- ll'.bbs l';.d . 1 , has puiclnscd one nf ll leui, n." tin bcrt i!e,,: . te l to ihe wan'.i of h'u family, and tu ti c 11 1 l;ulilc to require rcpnir. OLIVER (.' '.') Boston. July J, lir.O. The undersigned, d;rin eifrhlcen iiinn''..s I had in alinott constant use. in l is fen i j W.' cox A Oiuhs SoiTing M ici.inc, ion w'.ig" ps been mado the clothes of bis lurga f.Hu'.'.-. In in muslin to pilot cloth ii. eluding the clothing n-qitii-ed for his svrral boys ; nnd in silif) have the teams failed, although in hnr I rrviii. 'J l.h uiachine now in use in l.'S family l isr.cu'icl n repair, and is in all inspects, wo!l eppoint d( - tlKciout nnd durable JACOB C!IlCKni'.i:-:o, Toston. , ' .'f-.Seud fur a Cncuhir.o;3 JAM KM t I I.t'OX. Matnifac'arcr. ' No. fiOS llrotdway, New York .'. Opjoslt. St. KUho'as Tut'I. ( Oetobsr 2S, 1161. tf. t