Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 25, 1861, Image 2

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3 H
: i. r
! t
Jje Ctarficfo tpublitair,
Wednesday Morning Tec 25
"Am sd Coaroar." 1 1 is now being
demonstrated that no one individual in
the loyal States Lm furnished ns much aid
and comfort to the rebtl;, as Mr. Secreta
ry Cameron has in his report to Coiu'ress.
it has been that .Jeff. Iavis
i Co,, baye procured a copy of Mr. Came
ron's Report as publihliod in the New
Yoik Trilum; and has had it published
for generul circuliitiou through the South
em States, especially in the loyal sections
of North Caroliuia, Teiinersee, Kentucky
and Missouri, in order to convinc j the
Union-loving portion cf tlio citizens in
thofe States, that tlio object of the War is
' the emancipation of the tlaves, which
4hey well know must result in insurrec
tion. The circulation of this document
among tlio seceded States will have more
elFvct in changing the minds of the peo
ple thre, than all the reports and proc
Imnutiuiis issued by the Confederate uu
thoritie!', and is being circulated for thit
purpose. Another bit cf '"uid and com
fort" fur Suces.siondom, is found in the
fact I tat Congress has refused to re-adopt
the Crittenden res-olulion psed by that Lhed Hopes were eterlined that Ueu.
Ibody in July last. So damaging U the ! p,.ic0 wouia Mltack Cien. Pope, in which
effect of this refusal that the present leg. 'cus0 it WiW , nought the eon federates would
astatiireof Maryland, elected under the ' bo COmpletelv whipped out la Missouri.
Auspices of the present Nttional Admin-1 A light occurred somo days since nar
wtrution, bids fair lo lecomeas disloyal a" 'Mm-fonl.ville, in Kentucky, in which the
its immediate predecessor, which wasdis- Confederates were leporied to have been
i.ersed by military nuthoi ity-the House dL.;.llteii. We have not seen the details,
having already adopted resolutions in fa- . ((n yty litt ft brisk engagement look
vor of tuo Crittenden resolutions with but place t Druinsville, Va., between n de
one disienting voice. taehment of Gen. McCall's Division, and
Jiut, it more were needed
ll) Lle tlUl
ind comfort to the cause of disunion, it
ts abundantly furnished in the Prcclamu
ion of Gen. Phelp", nt Ship Island.niouth
of the Mississippi, to tho people of the
south west, in wkich Iio dots not only
ay that "ull the Slave Stale admitted in
to tho Union, since the formation of the
Constitution, wero admitted in
of that instrument," but Unit
''all tho
originul States that failed to uliolish slave
ry violated their honor ;" together with
column or (wo ol similar fanaticism.
A Recantation.
We find tho following l"Ue.r published
in ttxe Pine and rMm, a paper devolwl lo
Orionis-alion, and of which Mr. Rednatl.
is principal editor. In linn
milking ft
clean breast of it, the reader will not fail
o observe that all tho outrages which the itil' h,!'t's l,avlnl? b,uc, kllltJ-, . ,
T)mrrrii i,.,, . i ,i . . , The legiineiit ol ntles behaved hnely.
I cmocrats charged on the A'.oht.onists ' uaU c Kmo KM wou,f.
ot Kansas are ful.y ncknowledgod. Wo ted, but is mill in tho field. 1 have col
.nsk no stronger vindication of the correct ' lected ihe dead und wounded, and inn
icsj of the policy of the Democratic party
in that memorable struggle.
"A I iitrAK ATonr Woni). Having be
come sinoerelv cotivirieed tlmi.
the political doctrines that Ibave ad vocal-'
d in my -writings nro dangerous and ab-
horrent totho higher insight; the murder-1
i-surmtion; -,v.vhich ( have ureed repent-
'dly nnd witu terribly mistaken zeal 1
wish lo announce herj ihai I shall retire
..v... un, iiiu:i jiiimn III llirt lwiliri.Mi
i iiiiu-geiiiein, oi inn journal, excepting
for the purpose of retracing past errors,
until such time as I feel that I have r.t
tamed n dearer and more humane nnd
Christian vi w of tho i
fin-n to (he enslaved.
duti-s of tho fico-
'1 shall conhiii myself exclusively
hoediti..gof the outside pages of this
naiinr. Inn .mum ri.n : i;...l
' - - i,i mi- ui'iiiiii eiui'ir
will be duly announced. Tl, n..i, l.
signed with an asteriik () woro mine ; ilm'r 24 hours thereafter. Why is this ?
of these I will retract tnany j mv nccia'les1 Is it because tho editor of tho Telegraph U
?ie'!.,i?ni",,,,.l.b n 'T,'"'C"Ve .WUSU: h I rohtmaster at Harrisburg ? We hope not.
(.! i nnd by tho marks f. J. and!.. , ,, ,, r
5. are alone responsible for their thoughts 1 ,ult therc ,'""''t be n c""" for '''
iS'l'r1' 1 rrlntdia't '' ,c,,,r l'tr.nt yi.oi.r.sALKSri.r-CoM.MiXATioN.-Tl.e N.
rCl7' U'M IlKUI'vnl- j V. Trd.urc makes the singular confession
-i'Hiu was tha regular Kansas
corrcspoti'letit of the New York
durini; lb,. uiiforiumiU irm.l.L..r iii7.u :
He ilso tho author of tho lifo of oldV"'f ' "'r .T'k h ''"'i . ,l0r" '
T . ,, i ... . in" ui oni fources ol (he South, and deriding the i
oonn Moan, nnd if his conversion isger.- dea of its daring lo break loose from the
tune, there is some hope thee misguid. I L'nion, with its energies palsied by such
ed fanatic.i may vet do some cood thon.d. !nn element of wenkness as Ihe institution
.. .... V fe .iiiji.ii . ti,, i,,,, .,
uiey wi t nave to bo ve-y active if they
. ,i . . .
uimo me wrongs they have oiin.nit-
ted against their country.
Contributions to Volunteers.
All person w ishing to make crntribu.
tiona to tbo members of tho "WHshin"ton ' JSo')0,,y "'o blame. Tho prens which
Cadets," r.ow in Virginia-wliich may wVl l..t the ubellion was n more
i ,a . n . .i r , . J iconiimiaiion of the rystem-vf bullyipc by
tend to edd to their comfort or relievo whidi the South hud always won its vie
their w ains-are informed lhat a regular j tot ion, and Ihe statesmen who fancied it
Depot for such articles has been estuL-'cm,11 l'fl quelled by patiently waiting
lished al tho residence of. Toll ri McPher- ' I'1'1'1''' s,ixt'' or "ni:'y dliV equally
. r-. t . , .,, , . honest, but have been proved euuallv mis-
son &q.t where spcc.alcaro w .11 bo taken tnklln.' Air.ons tlle m8t pernicious bmn
of them, and from whence they will b ! ders which have embarraased our warlike
forwarded at regular intervals the first
consignment to bo mado on (he lin.t of
Januaiy next.
Persons wishing to send articles In their
friends in other comnnnics in front of , BMVAyi!!!e 11 1 r-enioorncy were con
w t , j " , . . islanlly le ine I he Kepublicon abolition-
Xrl8t0n S Uir0Ugh ,hC ram M Ui calamines lo which their section
cnr.nuol. 1 .i- ... .,t.i i. .r ... , .
IlrThe imports nt New York for 1 ST.n
amounted to ?21G,P41,000, while for ihr,!8"0 f;er
mo period of 1881 they
uiiiuiiiiicu iu
f 115,00 3.000, showing
1.005,000, showing a decrease of over Sliders" to be good Union n en or ti !
hundred million, of dollars. Thi. is I M t for the Union, ho Cins itu'tion and
.in, more than a (air index of the!!'- !-". " - -
whole buainess of the country for the last
nine monl lis, and which is still netting
ri .i -
won..', v. course, ine rovenueamust .utter
correipondinrf decline. j
The advices from Englnnd ore to the 8th
iiiRt. Tim kut snirit wai kept up the
i)ia nAnnln lieini? very
wbimiinit .Hie a - ,
Similar lO UliU in lue i nucu omm uu i"w
.. .1 . 11 t1...!,- , IKn
news of the bombardment of Fort Sumter,
Several of the most formidable JSritUh war
vessels were getting ready to sail for the
Biitish North American nation.
Notbine of on oflieiul character has jet
... .... w. u .1 .l
British Minister at Washington, aDTaraa
is publicly known though it is believed
ihattcveral inloi nml intcrvieaa hav? ta
ken place between them on the subject.
Kumors continue to vary as lo the proba
ble result of negotiations on the Trent
atl'air some representing it a certain to
terminate amicably, ami others as equally
ceituin lo result in war. One story hus it
that Mason and Slidcll will be delivered
up. if nothing lcs will sutiitfy the British
demands: and t he next, that no sujli de
mand will be made, and that notlrn wi
bo asked that our Uoverui-ient cannot
grant without in any degree compromising
liui' honor. The uteatiier Africa sailed
from New York on Friday last with dis
patches from tho British Minister to his
(Jovernment, and also Irom our
ment to our Minister in London. A tint
ibii vessel a iso saueu iro- n c i oi a. .sum ,
. . . . 1. T t - . ' . I.
ins iui.iii.-s iiuiii hid . iiiiu '"":,,.,,,, ..Hlfll I ll ,n ll.. II II IVIMV
Washington lo Admiral Milne, in com
maud of the British fleet iti Bermuda
one correspondent representing that this,bo o( eompetitiou with blacks,
lispatch requires the Admiral lo repair to
Boston liuiLor with his entire fleet uf 45
vessels and demand the unconditional sur
render of Mason and Slidell. Of course
th a is mere gotsip.
from Missouri we nave accounts oi ig
mil success on the part of Gen. Popo, who
succeeded in cutting off several rebel sup
ply '.ruins, arid a large number of recruits
one report making the number as high
as two thousand with but little blood
tliren l'Pirim,til nf rehf.1 inriilltrv lllltl (Hill
of cavalry, in which the Peousylvanians!
acted with signal energy and bravery
completely routing tho eneiry and dri
ving them from the field of action with
severe loss.. The following is Gen. Me-
Call's ollicial announcement of the ufl'air:
DrainsViu.k, life. 2'. General Ords'
brigade, with the First Uegimeutof Penn-
sy,v:ilua lines aim r.aston s buttery ot nr
tlllery, bud a brit It ulluir with tho enemy,
consisting of lour regiments und a battery
of artillery, near this place at tw elve M. to.
I t firrivfil iliirim' I li a net inn . nrul Kin ' for
General Reynolds, who Wiis left nt Ditli-
cult Run. The en smy was defeated, ucd
lleJ ,,elore tie- Reynolds arrived.
I Wo 'i'V'0 ,'ou,h1 '''ilv ki"f 1 ,f l.h e"0.;
iiij mm iui iuuiiiii.i un ,.io uriu. .rm
lo,.u jj two Uillod and I lirna .vouu JJ. V'i
havo taken l .vo caissons, with the harness-
ut 10 '"ove l'i-ck to camp
Geo. A. MiCali.,
Brig. Gen. Comiuandiug.
The "rifles" above mentioned were the
"Buck-tails" commanded by Col. Kane. to
which the Paftmen ltanytrt are attached,
Utlir reports . tiller as to the amount of
i " e,ch M,Jc somc m"k,n8 ' los
'on ol"' 8','t' killed and 15 wounded, and
las biyh as 250 killed and wounded on the
i..r,t .!..
,l. III 1 III- W-E 11,, . Jllltl lllll?
report states
that two of the Rangers were wounded
a Mr. Glenn, and a Mr. Burnett.
Ynr is it? The Harrisburg Patriot
Vi:i:i and the Harrisburg Telegraph are
both published about the same hour every
Tho hitler gets hero tho even-
. t .i , .
'nB of tiie ' "
printed, and Ihe fur'
I that its whole course for the last
course lor the last ten
years has been u "pernicious blunder," as
'"r that length of time it has devoted it-
v. i.iiivi-1,,. .mi, nun lb leu'llMe siaverv
, until it if abolished, as "in element of iio-
uitil A find InrrWAn Bfl-nni-lli ".mil mi'. .
, '"Iho history of this war, on tho part of
Loth government and people, is little
, more liiun a record of iho discovetvof
' mistakes and the rectification of blunder,
operations, his been the blunder ofun
derrating Hi.? strength of tho rebles. As
rt inatlnM nrr...yv l.... a ... I -I .
st.cneth of the loval Slates."
iiiimiii i'iiii. ..-un, Him .in- niiicii ivo were
called lliion-iSii-rr. Ilnnks. GiddinL'S. nnd
jeiin " 'niv I. nil tia hnninr..;n f
fSnvera" hn er nn nuAe In I nn..:
8T&.A slight fall of .now has put music
fA.i i .
weigu oni, ami rastly improved ,
the narigation.
a,We cbccifully comply with the
of , be following ccre.rcantl
wishes of the following correspondent, k
' far as to eud him our paper, and insert
I Ii in Mnimimirillan Rill aA rnnnnt "rrit
' 111. f . 1 - !.: J
iciae 11, lor lue ituiuu tusiv it uctruo iivuv.
The humanity thai w.
any rational state of ciroumatanccs.
.1 &
any Christum government iliould tenrfroni
their mother LremU over hulfa million
of iiif..uli annually, aud ship ihetu off!
t - ... - .-.-..a- :.. :i
in perfect harmony with the whelo system
of Ab'j!i'.ioni.iiii. Our friend's argument
admits t.f no olJiti logical dectuclion; am
i'urouli, it he tiuw polluted the in:th with
Lis bloody pinco, would hit head,1
in kbaiuu at Hie very tnouijui
For th Republic!
Messrs. Editors : Enoloied jou will find
one dollar, lor which 1
'.T 1 me the lltpMlran. I
II .ii .i... ,.i :,.
ail I1T7 V '.II IXMI3 l III
mat i am not, mat Kinu oi a uigoi tuai
.. . I . . I . i , i. . ... .1
would attempt to suppress Hie expression will utmost ei-riaiiiiy excludo tl 'in irom 1Bur8 ti,aa iKuhioii-iihilii of tlia old ttjrlc, ami
of senlinienis contrary to my own. ' I aNjthe army. Tha iiiuount claimed for the I nothing but our wuudorfully lursi) circulutiuu
low al! rcdii the freedom of thuulit ami hirins, inc ud'liL' Ihe special umunitio::, is icnnblos into give them. Oilier insKuiinvs enn
... ... . ' T ,.. 1 ..' .1- ..i o...
IT Htiiiwi' 1 lltl.l ,.iltil I linr. riirh r. lOVWiil r
Uovern-lri.,...,.(ol.e llermit me to m iko a lew criti-
.... '.: r ..:...
ioni) expresKlH ; your illst pal,er. Vou
y. . 4 ...w.j. ,
lllllQ 1TA M i:.Dl 11 III J"UI 111.11 Jill.l. m Vl j
will fli)od !he Northern Stile with no-
l.fCmm ft'lli..!. i." I I I lIl'll'A m I tl lll'l l. Illtlll
and conseuuenlly to a reduction of wages,
iThis, lo tome people, tuny appear tjuite lo-1 hy Genvrnl Fre.Tioiii by the experi
! gieal, but 'lis not so lo me. 1 contend that, j eueed ordinance o.'rioer at New York.
j if slavery was abolished in the South, the i The iinnvdiate necessity fur arms can
! neeroes theio would not only Ksv there. ! soreelv h i;niisi(lereil as fin iiisliiiiL' nn
;tjUt ttmse in the Iree Mates would migratu
South to seek homes. J he costs you men-
lion to i oe contrary are not ( lie eiieci 01
abolition, but the terrible effects of civil
fliere are no morn negroes in the South
now than are needed to carry on tSe agri
culture of that vast region. This you wiil
certainly admit. Then, if sUtery was abol
ished those negroes llut are now held as
slaves would be retained as hired laborers ;
the same interest that would indueo man
to buy ft negro, would induce him to hire
one. Tho eauses which compel negroes to
rush by thousand to the Northern Stale,
are these : they ure fleeing Irom ulaveiy to
freedom. b'sluMish frnedom in 1'ie South
and this negro stampede will ceuse, bcousti
there wiil be nothing lo migrale for. Jiml
'as water ceases to now when :thnls its lev
el, so will migration cease when its causa
I i. n.mnvail A t.s lit .nlni.i.if in.i n(' lliu
negroes, I am.pretty conlident of its leas
Un. ity. toil, however, think that it our
whole naval lorce was employed vo could
only remove tho increase, rossihiy you
may be very near correct j but even if that
should be the ultimatum of ouretlorts, wo
would bo gaining upon them rapidly, for
if their increase wero removed for the
space of thirty three years the whole negro
race I hat now treads the soil of America
would bo buried within its bosom, and our
selves us a generation along with them,
and our posterity would timl the land
cleared of all kind of rubbish.
Again, you appear seriously opposed to
the abolition ol slavery usa means of crip-
pling the cause ol acees-ion. Now, Mfr.
editors, I hope you are more of philono-
phers than to attempt to remove the evil
of disunion, without removing it cause,
We should accustom ourselves to deal withlfiftv cents each, and after a sliirht altera-
iiui i. ill. iiiiiuua. ylvi-y i.t tlio
cause of this war, und I am in favor of re
moving it. ' Let us take the bull bv the
iioiiis ineev inc iuesuon acpireiy, ami
drive Ihe. cause of civil war from theland
I If ...l. l. .!!.
then pence will of its own accord r?turn.
We tiou Id not attempt to tttublith pe tcc vpon the
very basis that has proved itself viable to per pel
ate it. The kind of policy which you seem
lo npprovo reminds me or a lal le 1 once I liese srmiej seem Li hive been sold
read in an old itory-book 'iwasau oricn- privately, and without Inviting any -com-tal
legend and ran as follows: "A being ' petition'; and sold, loo, for an almost
whom tlio orientals called Oinrrpoler.t! nominal price. Tho sale was made by or
Omniscient, Ac, created Vwo mortals tnc! 'der of the Secretary of war, on recominen.
placed ibem ir. an abode of pure delight ; Idation of the Ordinance f.ure. No aov-
but nn evil genii, by deceit and 1'ilseh'iod,
induced (hem to violato the law ol their itself with such improvidence in the man
aulhor for which violation they are pun-: ageinent of its Affairs. One agent of the
ished, and their decker permitted U go' government sells thee arms at threo dol
uncliastized, although ho was the real I lain and fll'ty cents each in the midst of a
cause of (he transgression. But in th.isto. I pressing demand for arms, and a few weeks
ry proceed?, the posterity of those mortal j afterwards, nnd without any increase in
wero permitted lo multiply for iges, ami that demand, thn tunic arms, slightly nl
from their former experience in error bo-jtercd, are resold to the government
came more and more sinful, insonuch that I through another nzent, f,r twenty -two
their kind and benevolent an hor w is ! dollars each, tlio government losing in so
compelled to annihilate the while race, j small a transaction, if permitted lobe
only retaining enough to iwrpetuaio the 'consummated, over niiity tlioasand dol
species. But tin's stupendous measure, un. jlars, or. inasmuch as all the Lull carbines
merciful and sweeping ns it win, a insu''-'owned by Ihe government wom sold to
licient to clean io tho race; for the k-scon-1 Faslman, nnd of course embraced tho eev
dents of those saved became, by contact en hundred and ninety bought of Mr. Al-
wi.ii uiu ever present genu, as wickki anu
sintui ns lormeuy, until tneir ereairr, as a
last sad necessity, v'ui at last compo led to
descend from his exalted abode an I give
himself a sacrifice for the tr.ingressons cf
hia creature. .St ranee nnd inconsistent ns
this fable is, yet it is believed by thoisands
r . 1.. : i
wi pnipie ii. me i.iim, iu hip (iirsen uiiys
But the moral which wo wish to draw from
it is this : if the Omnipotent being lad an
nihilated Ihe evil genii, as being tha real
ciuise of Ihe transgression, the whcln race
ol mortals would have been saved tho do
moralising n.uuence oi 1119 presence, with
all its consequent misery, and their lulhor
would have enjoyed tho cor.sciei'ciout.
happiness of having produced beings wor
thy of his great name. So, Messrs. editors,
let us not imitate this short-sighted ex
amplebut annihilate the cause of disun
ion, that our posterity may enjoy the bles
sings ot peace and prosperity forevtr.
I liese nro a lew thought of ono ol the is truly a public loss. Few men have en
hard fisted yeomanry of Clearfield, which J joyed in a lareer decree the confidence.
if you innerl iiiyourpnper and ortticisejand warm regard of their fellow men, and!
you will oblige VM. 'CAlt'.C. .with Mr. Kneas this was eminently tucr. !
Liberty Hill, Dec. 14, ISC. 1 . ited, for his life wnsone of singular purity I
.i,-r":r.7T- p., !"nd uprightness. As a citizen he was
rr. iwiuNi,,, ... 1.1s miter m incipul, cn.irilw .andll zealous ro.Worbe..
17th int. evidently from the pen of J '
W. r orney very clearly foreshsdows tho
f I Ap f 1 1, f 1 1 I r. tl fl P ilia A 1 1 . I m I Pel 4 1 rt i t
ee,l tn .!, .l.m.,i. r I'n.l .n v.n ,J
u vi iiikiitirt viu iw
the delivering up of Messrs. Mason nnd
Slidell, rather than go to war with her.
"Let us crush out rebellion first." says Mr
.- ,. . . ,. , .
Forney, 'then turn ou.- disoiplined.v.cto I
nous and educated army of five hundred 1
t llOU san il herroa Ii)nii0 nrifiii t'lraat. P.rli
am. e object to this. If qui ouarrets
-X;i; Ziir.rr r"-:::
porhap. "Dixie" will be disposed to return ,
.tr.rl.itvanrl Kahuna Km.anir irn fTn,lA.
1 -Z7:'A. -.""V ul" , " w".Ju
!. hnalk ' "r"" UU"'
V-,,, v" i ,7, .!K,,own ' m V
' ,"d'.t h T . Z T ' " UA ' rr,i0" f
'rLe ? M
Fraud, upon the Government-Eepub- j fc Jkj.ffyiB -FirStsmiSli '
wMI.i"" (rnm ,.,L olM,v.s .7 r0R 16C,!
We publish bolow an extract from t'";
.n Wyck Inventing Committee, df
i Van
. . .Anl- ...:.,,.,- p-ruinmv.
ft -"" . J I
inc. n liiriri-I mum", ". i.hy
s . .
i to purpose m tl.o pint if nlmoat
lo ..,l.0 lmu , , i,, out
ibe emergenci. - if the cnu nt i ;
the iinprovn.ence ami re. -k le,j extrav.
;gaiioo 01 Uei.. ! i reun ni iii .imi in 111
.vi u,.(. t(lll..,,i,,e,l pn upeculalion hm!
sent o thi, c,u,,7 in view of the extra-
ordinary demand lur arms. Iheuim, m
Iho condition in which it was rtircnaseti,
will cei ininlv nevei l e usei by our army,
I i ii i' I T.e iini,! i .-in of bu ins ' ; . " .""V" , " . ,Twt. Sh.wlii. Un.lsr lw....V ..'''.U,
condemned A- sirinn ruisK. ts w ill sutlu-e ' otriliM -....vrinhu-d. nU cminot bs ob-, 1 la9 ,'imu :;Ulr":.,,3rr", c'''. ClmktM rH
for esH,v I.-. Twenu-fne ilmusand f ,ai.iU ece,,t in -utajy." vu, JiniM .., t il. Lulf HCJ. 7'
1 them win- i.i.r.-lniM 'I in i'I.h ii'l ; Inei Our .SVW iiirui'ii. All etli.rti lo rivm us
i.. .. i ' . .1 1,.. ' In il.l. n.,.....A ui.H m miw .liui.l aluua In V. i , I . "f ? a !
.HIllllil II I" .1 i 1 IS II HUM i II- 1 ii.m UlU . "" v.-, -- - - - H.
1 i... i i ,. i,i , il,.. ViiOi imi thii cU'imrtuiont, rivinz, a w do, uiuiir mora Coffee. Tras. Muksi.. St TTi. .
oloied jou Will hml will ceiiinnly nevei le usel iy our army,
I want you to send ' and when alicn d, a proposed, it inferl-
do not approve ol'ori:y to Ihe anus vhieh are rapidly nceu -
ediloM, vei 1 liust ! in n fa ting, together with the almost u 1 1 i-
versiil prejudice n soiuiein toaio-rcu arius,
i- i II- . I ..
nluiiit XllitilHHI i n I iitnfllllliui lll'rt fll
the . minion that tho arm will never bo f,l
' ... ,i l .;n
.......... . ..... . ,
never bo uod except in some ease of i;n
nil, i.vl
leirseen ami exl-iioi'Iinary emergency
The lmivhase of the in in was un net of'..l I 1 .1 I I fl . I" I I 1 .1 1 1 1. I llllfl ill,, IllkU MV.
) cii'sabie because I he arm had been disnp-
.roved ol oen at it less price than that
excure, lor the arm was practically use
less until altered, and to elleet that delay
was inevitable, and the purchase was
made without any examination as to the
( nraetibility of improvement by alteration
The Coiuniilleo found a lar"e number
of these tti insat Cairo, and, notwithstand
ing the urgent necessity of nrras at that
point, whol rcvimetits, even on the eve
of tho battle ot Pelinont, were almost des
titute of arms. These arms wero lelt in
the boxes in which they wero shipped
from ihe arsenal at St. Louis.
Improvidence and disregard f-f reasona
bis economy on Ihe part of the Govern
ment on the one hand, and a spir t ol
rulhleis peculation on the other, have
made this d.n'ract, and it is a question of
pnblic juitice how fur it shall lie carried
into ellect. Tho committee deem it their
duty to present Ihe HwlJ for the consider
ution of tho Home, without any special
Another transaction in the purchase of
arms, to winen t ne attention oi ine com
mittee has been dircr'ed. is the purchase
of five thousand of Hall's carbines by Gen
Fremont, through Simon SU vens, of Peiin-
xyivania. This transaction is, in tome
respects, of the same character with the
purchase of iho A'.i-trian muskets, but
tn'ich more remarkable in illustrating the
improvidence of gentlemen prominently
connected with the public trvice, the
corrupt system of brokerage by which the
Treipurv has been plundered, and the
; r.rostitmion of public contideneo to pup
poses of individual aggrandisement,
In the month of June last, Arthur M.
Kastman.of Manchester, N. Unpurchased
nt the Ordnance Bureau five thousand four
j hundred Hall's rt. bines, at three dollars
tion lit lloi l His, ul l. r.ofii of frni,! uiontv
tivt cents to Olio ClollHr nnd twcntystive
cents on eacli arm, So. liv thousnnd of
ri ,
; mem 10 Mnion Mevcn lor tw tlollara
nnd fifty cents each, who immediately
i . ,,. ... m . ...
sold the entire lot to Gen Fremont prob
ably laboring under some misapprehen
sion as to ihe nutaie of the pu:ch:i;Oof tho
ernment that has ever existed can sustain
ex. uinimings, as lliu agent ot the War
Department, for fifteen dollars euch, the
case as to these would stand thus : They
are coiHiemueu and sold l.y (lie governs
ment nt a merely nominal price ; ne'er-!
wards, in April last, an ngent of tho War!
Depart ment purchased them for the eov
. l.m. . ,, . .
prnment at niieen dollars each, niici in
June they are sold by Faslmnn by the
War Department for three dollars nnd fif
ty cenls each, nnd in August Ihey are
purchased by General Fremont for tho
government at twenty-two dollars each
Death of Horn E. Kneass.
V it tt the most profound sorrow we ore
ag.iin called on to place on the sad record
the announcement or the death of anoth
er emi'ientaud excellent citizen of rhila
delr hia. Horn R. Knenss. Km., died iliin
'morning, after a painful illness, at his res
idence in West l'hiladelnhin. Iti ,l.i,itl,
in every laudable undertaking, while in
", prorossion ne was Uietinguishcd for his
fidelity to every trust, a:id bis frank nian-i
hness and a cnscit.ous appreciation of
AUMp.. . .. . n acurtr in.u mn Af ifn .
was generous, confiding and truthful, and
' those who knew him intimately will feel
i'",1.1', 1,16 os of true-hearted nn4
sen sacrificing menu, aim a man poseens.
fd of everv rnbno,ini; quftlity of nnd
heart. Philade'iihia Journal. ) 1?
Mr. Kneasi was well and favorably
known lo a number of lh eit.iiei.a nfmn.
"tend the principles cf!
0dJ 'ollowship, and was .evcral times
bonnred will. ( I. A Licrhebl AA&ir in.i. b nnu-n
T- . a " -T 1 . . "
. V . .1. j09 'T "lrMt I0,S bUt
J, J
- VnfSt vnara iWa
tU VnlteU Cixu, the bot Udy'f Msgftiiua In.
1 ilia World
. Wuri.1. nd tl. Cheapeft.
ln n(1IlfMi Mmbel .ubiciiboM for th.
no in luget, il w bav tuina tliat wrilo lur(
In oilier Mu'miui',
?.".d 'i'1'"' be.,u'r wgravlngi tbua
"VK. F JH.
! ContuiiiiiiB from five to toven lull Ungtli Culo.--
i: I I :.. .. .1 ...I I,
'Cl FhkIhudi en eaob plute. Ottiar Jlttaaimeigiva
'only two.
only two.
j '' ahmd of
j i"v . iVel"
i' (ir art'tia oj any ju-nnn in tii', vi
i i in tin) only urK in luo worm lutii
iiuiurnso j.lnU'f, and .hey nro tucn at
ana tney are tucn n
tlio wondiT efpublnhera and Ibe
ul- T!, nublionlion of
tbcia cost $10,0.0
nor. II Kiru ll. o nil Vl r 'm. '""i" "mv.i ...
public can bo Wuvlitnd. Tl.c.o fl..oni u.ny be
IrcliiM ou. into mnv be made nticnuuiu, nsJ
. in uj i,nbiuleu to rtuii'iilo. a
would be tbecate t te visiud tho lurgo ciliev
drenod after tbo ty le of tbe plates sien in
isouio of our fo-called fiuhion niiiaxiue.
Our H'ooJ E graviniji, of w hicli we jive two
or three times as many as any other mojjmine,
! are often mistaken for meet. Tboy are to fai
jsH erior to auy other.
Imiln inn.. liowaro of tkem. Remember that
! tho Lndy'a I!ook is tbe orijfiunl publientoin and
iho chciipont. iryuu taKe uoiiey, you wuni no
other umviiinc. Kverytliing tbal i( u.oful or
oinaincntiil in ukouiocun bo found in Uuder.
DiHU-iny .emoiif. No other inajaiina jlfei
them, ami we havo given enough to fill aeveral
lurge volumea.
Oar l.'rc'ipttiu t such as can bo fuusd nowharo
clo. Conking iu all it ruriety Confectionary
tho Nursery tho Toilet the Laundry or tbo
Kitchen. Iteeeipis upon all aulijects are to be
in tbo piif;ei of the Lady's liuok. We original
ly stiirti'il tbiJ dopartmeiit, and buvo peculiar fa
cilities fur making It mofl perfect. This d
piirtment ulona is worth tho price of tbo Hook.
.ii'' ll'ori Table. Ibii departraint com
prisef eiii;ruvinK and duccriptions of every arti
cle a holy ncara.
ilmtel Cuitaje: No olbcr inajailne h-t thia
J-1 ii r I in i ii t .
On copy oueyear, t3. Two copies one year,'
ti. Three copies ono year, $1. Four cupieione
yea-, $7. Fivo copii. oiieyeor.iiinlun extra copy to
the pel. on Ri'tliax up the club, $10, LiRtil cop
ies one year ami und an extra copy as the per
ann tending tbo "club, $15. Eleven copies one
year, and an extra copy to tho peron tending
iboclub, $20. Tho om.t nniRazine that ran be
introduced into tbo above cluba in plaro of the
Lady's llnnk is Arlhnr't Homo Mngutine.
ei'F.CIALCl.trillil.N'd Willi OTHEll MAG
AZiNKUt tjodey 'a Ludy'i Hook nnd Arthur't llnmf
.M ii 'iui ii o both no year for (S JO tiodcy't La
dy's Ilonk and ILtrper't Mu-ar.ino, bulb ono y,r.
for $1 40. Oodoy, Harper, nn.! Arthur will all
throo hi tent ono yenr for $H 00.. Treasury
Notet aaJ Notes ef all tolvent banks taken at
par, lie careful and pay tha piutap e on your
letter. Address
L. A. 00 DEV.
nov-8 .'23 Chestnut St.. Phil's., Fa.
llctpeetfully annnuac to the public that they
hn-o completed and are new oetupyiag tbpir new
I lurniiurs ware-room, iroauai
lb Market
Lot and n.arlv otinotite lbs Court Haute.
I -
Cabinet makiag will be carried on in tka up
per ttory of tbe tame bulldiag inall ttt
All klndt of fiirnilnr will h kepi eonatnolly
oa haodt and told elieap for eatU or axehanga
far country ra.-deo, or Lumber I to it tat lu
nete 1
s o7a S-
Uutr, Hair top, Cotton lop,
and Corn Ilutk, ef tha bet t material.
L00KLV0-0LASSE8 of all lorti and tliet,
Alto, Glastet far old Frauiet.
Alto, Tea port, What-nots, Wath aland.,
Work-standt, llnt--acki, ie,
Mad. v. eHer
on tbort notlre, and
Por' Br- Cherry, and Llowood Lumber,
In eichawge for work.
Clearfield, October 23, 1861. ly.
Justice of the Peace.
Tnr D"CATl'
lu-ZT o Add, 'ViT.
T ki
entruated lo
tiu;uk.l.. tim
Aug. lilt 1S81
Il.HCHANT, and dealer ia Boardt sail
Bhln.U.: Grain and Prodnc. FROKt r ,
ib'vi h. Aesd.B, CUM.U r...
Tl. if....', im u ..i.iti..i itnii wniiui fiiin za ' ---- , - ""., it.nutia i
. . . . mm I nrfr i.iiHfa. ifrii f nit .
TV 1 7" ATtt )
" UUUfc H
' JiH rvCClVed it..... .
I I I V I -Jl III fiC!
I D,l,,-...i.rKy.yO.
fj';' ?." ' '. ' V. CVi'Jrot,,,i
Kh. -r, " Clok.
CL o r IIVG ,
fi, ii... t,. i. .;, -aiu.
I'lour. linen, Syrup, l.nudiM, ltir Sn'lc..
lof Coffee, l'ulrtriied HKr. fclck it. a.
I ... .. . V .. -I'lttl. Wm.
i,i. 7 ", Win.
... . ' ?r" ii.m, vratktnj
1-Ub. '
liar die arc $ Queen-suave
N 111 If
PjiikM, FoikJ, Ppadsi, Sbovali, Sell.
, Planes, Aiaa, AuKtri. flmooihia. lJm'
, .,.. ..,,, Knive. t f,,rk. "V.
i .: . iBO Ktiiv... Rirlr.,.i.
!, ,hh,. ' ' U,
Turret r.lihbei.
Nubian, Hood", tilovei. Hosiery, Coilari.Doob
Skirtii, Uiilinoml Skirti, Itorineu, Ribbon rW
,. . -i.'v.'
; ....l . ". ui,
,. - i "", JnB.
u.inir, c
U A lb
0 I L S ,
11 L IND's,
S I- I K E,
Ull clutu, l.urKvtt, rroimis, Lmbrellai. lint
eta, Suhool Itnokt, Wall Paper, Kafliog Ron.,
ConcU Varnish, Mom, Curled Hair, Coach Trim!
imjs, elvet, I'lush, lotion, Tape, Coal-Oil
Lmseru-uil, epemi-oil, Ulaji, ae.
All uf wkii.h will ba Kiltl nn tlm irml
I Liu torint for Cah, or approved coautrv n.
ClearCelJ, Not. 17, 1S61
TIM KM IX I'll 1 1. A DEI,
IA 7rmeniiM.t Axcirmrfif emono .1
.loet !.' EXCITING FOOT HACK bctwn,
Ike Philadelphia P-lito and the notoriout for
Rcr and counterfeiter, Ja ret Iluthatian Croti
Croft Ilecnptured ! !! ! It teems to be the ttnn.
al opinion in ('learfield, lhat if Crou bad worm
pair of Frank 8h nrt's F'rench-calf llooti, Ih.lki
would not be la' en yet. However, Fhortjlt
uei iiiucu pin out at uiissiuk lm cu.Ui m ; bui
would aniinunce to nil Jlrtckinrilte, Jhuahi,
hinrnln and Hell rur.i, and women and children
in Clearfield, and Sinnemabonin; in particular,
that r.e It prepared to furnitu them with Eooli
Shoot and Unitert of any ttvle or pattern, ititci.
ad, towed or pegod, (and as he it a abort ftl
low) nn short notice.
ah kiu is oi country pronuce taken in ci
change, and cash not ri fu.ed. Hopniring doat
in tho neatest manner and charet moderate, it
the f-hort oboe Shnp on Second Street, oppoiin
Reod, WeavurA Co'tatore. FHAXK SHOUT.
N. Ii, Fiiidint for sale Sept. 1t, 1 S00-
riHE undortigncd rctpcclfsllj
X Informs bit cuiitomrrt and tba
public generally, thai Le baijuil
reecireil from tbe East, and o. it.
ed at hit ostablishmcut in GtAIAM'S HQV
Clearfield, l'.i., a fino nttortinent of
Watciik., and Jewm.hy of difl.'renl ualiii,
from a tingle piece lo a full sett, which ht till
tell nt the inntt reasonable prictt for caib, or it
exchnnire for old gold and eilver.
CLOCKS of every variety on hand, attbt suit
reatonahla prices.
ALL kinds ef Clocks. tYatebca and Jewelry,
oarefully repaired and H'orrniilc..
A continuance uf patronage it tolii-iti"!,
Sept. 19, 1860. II. F. NAl'ULE.
Artificial ffiaotih!
-r'tlAVr; - cniiiiu in nil. ariini
. -ilV.-C-?.,:;W as a tubiiilult br
-X .m.-, ii '? ...
h (i'V .nuny pcr.on. nu
bare tried a!l kiodi
of Metullio Pasei thit. M
those c;it ahert il
i applicable U will undoubtedly ktcorae s ub-
llliila fur rlnhl. Kilireror l'lalilia.
Itt chief advantaRCS ro chenpnesj, lightntn
and perfect adaptability to the mouth, il .Tlt1.
a toll and Bothy leel to the pant won -
comet in conflict.
A. M. HILLS itrrenaredtoi.utnp teeth o
lbs Vulcanite line with lloodvenr't FateDtGunii
which is the only reliable preparation tndwhiclii
can only ba had thmugb their regular agenci"!
Dr. 11 il 1 -t will always be in bit outre on m
davt and .Saturdnrt. uulest notice to thtoontrtr;
appears ia the publie papers on tha pravUvuaj
nor-SOlh ISCl-lf.
Jl. W. SMITH & CO.
MEK CHANTS, and dealers In Urrt
Goods. Oroceriet, Hardware, Qacentwtre, in
even thin usuully keyt by the trade. Store onf
SECOND Stract, bolow Judge Leonard't, arr'
tita tho I'ref byteriun Church, Clearfield Fa.
Deo. 4, 1861.
riiyslrian and urs;coii, ht peruissestj
located at Lecnntet Mills, Girard towniaip. J
fen hit profattiooal tervioet to the turroBed'nl
community. May.8, ''
Attorney at Law.
OITlce on Market street, onnotite Motion's Ktcr
I Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly W ColM
etions Bale of Landt, A. dotiIS
a. A meetlnffnftha Clenrfield County Asricul
tural Society will bs held at the Court KouM inj
t lcarflold on Tuetday, tha l lth day or Janutrj
next, nt t o'clock P. M.
It ia desirable (hat a full be hid.M
tba election nf nrTicera ftir lha en.uinff year n"
! thea be held. ELMS IRVIS,
1 doc-4th.'Cl-te. Prctident
T 0(TT1, ln.1 nr mitlaid,
I i Prnmi.nrv Not ilnlml .111 Ilecember, lCli
calling for f.lft; tigned Jacob Maurer, Jno. i'i"
I payable to the ariler cT John Curiey. nn r"
! tont are rautioned ncnintt neirntinting laid ncte.
andatuitable reward will beKiT"n to anyp""1"!
JOHN Cl'l'iLEr.
i-mi iihir iu. tame io me
CnvllUllnK In Tmm 1 'al
I " e-i -""
11 T A VT fl 11 T L'TVhQ nW UK All
V will be taken In payment of DEBTS VIA
ME fot which the bichest market price! will hi
Clearfield, Dec. It, 1SC1.
linwu horth of
I fU araVrTer red for County Orden W
rTw. 4, i. si.
Deo. 4.